#habeas speaks
habeascorpseus · 2 days
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truly the menlikers won today
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plasticsurgeon9 · 1 year
عملية رفع وشد الثدي
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interviewing for jobs and absolutely fucking killing it left and right EXCEPT for the ones i actually really want 🤪
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the-au-thor · 3 months
Owkay here me out please!
Now that I know jealous!reader felt uncomfortable around kids, but Spencer made her change her mind about it, I PHYSICALLY NEED to know what he did to make it possible. Like pleaseeeee I'm throwing up and shaking and crying and dheudueu please
Love you!
okay, this was so interesting! Thanks for your request. I'll try my best to tell this story.
The Lady Knight | Spencer Reid BFF BAU!Reader.
Author's note: this is a story connected to this request, hope you like it!
Word: 1.3k
You walked through your home garden with a watering can in hand, sprinkling small droplets over your succulent planter. Barefoot on the grass, you enjoyed the soothing jazz music from a neighbor's place when suddenly your work phone rang. It was an unusual call on a Saturday, your day off.
"Spencer? Is everything okay?"
"We're at the hospital. J.J was attacked by an inmate while doin an interview for a separate case Derek asked her to assist with," he sounded shaken and scared.
"Oh no," you quickly put on your shoes and grabbed your bag, "What do you need me to do?"
"I'm with Will and the kids at the hospital, while Derek and Hotchner are at the prison. Rossi is out of reach, Emily is at a conference. Hotch he's gonna send you some information, so you can help with papers. Now that we now what this guy's capable of, we need invalidate his habeas corpus petition. And the kids can't stay here, Penelope is traveling back from New York, and I'll stay with Will. Can you...?" he stuttered, "Can you come pick them up and take them with you? I'll get them when I know Jennifer is out of danger."
"No problem. Send me the address, and I'll head there."
Your heart raced, but you managed to drive to the hospital in your old beetle. Reid was waiting on the first floor, looking agitated and the kids beside him confused. When you approached, you could finally speak.
"What happened?"
Spencer glanced at the kids and handed them some money, instructing them to get candy from a vending machine a few meters away.
"We don't know exactly. It's difficult with J.J unconscious and Derek busy with Hotchner at prison"
"How is she?"
"In surgery," he quickly replied. You saw his eyes filled with concern, and his already dark circles deepened. "It's not the first time she's been through this, and Will and the kids..."
You looked at them approaching with a pack of M&M's. You tried to smile, knowing it wouldn't help much.
"Hi, kids," you calmly introduced yourself, "I work with your mom," you explained, but the kids couldn't even manage a greeting.
Spencer crouched down, imitating you, and looked at the kids."Guys, she'll take you to the office while Dad and I wait for Mom to wake up, okay?"
"We don't want to leave," was Henry's immediate response.
Spencer seemed uncomfortable with their answer.
"Henry," you interrupted Spencer with a smile, then looked at Mike, "Michael, do you know why your mom is here?"
"A man stabbed Mom," Henry answered with a furrowed brow.
For you, it was hard to hear that from a child, but you nodded in agreement.
"That's true. And we need to help with this case. That's why I have to go to the office, and I can't leave until you agree to come with me. You're not going to play; you need to help me catch the bad guy, okay?"
The kids looked at each other, silently reaching an agreement. Then, they looked at Spencer, waiting for his approval.
"You can go with her, guys. She's a friend."
Finally, they nodded, easing your worries. You smiled at Spencer. He returned it, and it lasted for a few seconds.
"We'll be okay. J.J will be okay," you reassured him in a whisper, bidding farewell with a gesture and walking with the kids towards your car.
You hated driving, along with saccharin tea, overly salty Chinese food, and alcohol. Still, you got your driver's license when your parents forced you at 17, saying, "Someday you'll have to take someone to the hospital, and you'll thank us." This was a bit ironic, but you did secretly appreciate it. On the way to Quantico, neither you nor the kids spoke much—actually, not at all. You were terrible with kids, a trait that made you a perfect babysitter when you started working as a teenager because you were disciplined enough to make them eat their vegetables and go to bed early. Kids could smell fear from miles away, and you knew it because, as a child, you could smell it too.
"Okay, you can sit on the couch while I do my work right here," you said as you sat at your desk in the Quantico office, and the kids refused to sit on the couch as you asked. Frustrated, you sighed, "What's wrong, guys?"
"You said we would help catch him," Mike protested.You were silent for a few seconds, then nodded uncomfortably.
"Of course, that's what I said," you nodded, opening your computer and handing them some papers. "All right. So, here's what we need to do: the man who attacked Mom is bad, and we need to convince everyone else of that. We also need to speak highly of Mom. So, take these pencils," you pointed while the kids followed your instructions, "and don't get close to my computer. That's the rule. Mike, you help Henry, and he'll write why Mom is good at her job. Ready?"
The three worked on their tasks. As you received information from Derek and Hotchner, you wrote a detailed report for the trbunl in charge of this case and the Bureau, which would likely be questioning the team's efficiency. Lately, they had been breathing down all of your necks.
"I hope Mom is proud of what we're doing," Henry frowned.
You smiled. The job wasn't life or death, but it made them feel useful, and you could shake off the frustration of being the most hated adult of the year. You made them work on other trivial things that freed you to do your job. In a couple of hours, you had completed two reports and a persuasive letter that you hoped would be enough. Derek called to inform about the situation. Now, by harming her, the inmate had forfeited the freedom he was pursuing by pleading for his case. It was a very stupid decision to harm a federal agent when all you want is being free from jail.
"Do we win?" Mike tried to peek from behind, and you covered the screen with your hands.
"Hey! What did I say?" The kids laughed, and you smirked, "No one has respect for anything anymore."
You didn't want to say the job was easy. With two moderately depressed kids you barely knew and a good colleague being attacked in prison, it was certainly challenging. However, half of the work—the more physically demanding part—had been taken care of by the rest of the team. Even after finishing your work and taking the kids to your house, there was still no news about J.J, and the kids were already starting to switch from being happy and satisfied to being sad and worried again. You preferred them happy; a happy child was much easier than a sad one, let alone two.
"Hey," you looked at them sitting on the couch in your living room, M&M's sugar plummeting, and exhaustion in their eyelids. More than sitting, they were slouched, "What's going on, guys? We did a great job today. You should be happy."
You stopped in front of them, but none of them looked at you.
"Yeah, but Mom can't know. She can't know we helped"
Yes, she had lost a lot of blood, she was still unconscious.
You looked up at the ceiling. You didn't blame them, but what age was it for a child to realize that the world wasn't as safe and pleasant as depicted in fairy tales?
"When will we see Mom?" Mike asked, looking at you with sad eyes, and you couldn't help but feel as miserable as they did.Normally, it took a couple of internet searches to find answers, but this was unexpected.
"Hey, kids..." you sat in between them on the couch and looked at them, You witnessed Henry's tears coming out, his little nose reddening, and knew you had to prevent the tears, especially a guilty cry. Children often blame themselves for adults' actions, as if they come with empathy switched on from birth.
"She's going to open her eyes, I know it."
"You can't know that," Henry argued negatively. "Not even Uncle Spence can, and he's a genius."
You tried to take it more as a fact than an attempted insult. So, you nodded silently and settled into the armchair.
"Is Mom not going to wake up?"
That was the question you wanted to avoid, prompted by none other than little Mike. You sighed heavily, wrapped your arms around them, something you had never done before, and pulled them close. You took off your shoes, and the kids imitated you. When they stayed silent for too long, you playfully patted their legs.
"Have you heard of Lady Knight?"
"Is it a character or...?" Henry used a disappointed tone, making a face of annoyance.
"A story. Inspired by real life, and you can't interrupt me; I've never told this story before."
"Fine," Henry responded mockingly but accepted your request, and you began to narrate the story.
"A long time ago..." Henry grumbled. "What's with the grumbling?"
"All stories start with 'Once upon a time..." or "lomg time ago in a land far away'," the boy complained, making you genuinely laugh.
"So... In what year do we place it?"
"1001," Michael replied enthusiastically.
"Alright, so this story begins in 1001 when girls wore long skirts and men wore coats, armor, or pompous suits." Unconsciously, you began to comb the kids' red hair as you told the story. "It was a different world back then. If there were boys, parents expected them to join the cavalry, and if there were girls, they expected them to marry and have children in a good home."
"Why?" Henry asked with a disgusted expression.
"Mmm," you nodded. "Good question; because people used to assign tasks based on silly things like your gender or how much money you had. But that's exactly what's important because this story is about a girl who decided she wanted to be a knight."
Mike laughed.
"A girl knight?"
You smiled.
"Yes. And she was beautiful, with long blond hair and precious emerald green eyes," you described. "Her parents believed that someday the prince would fall in love with her, and she would become the Queen. But she didn't want that. She was sure that if given the chance, she would be an amazing warrior. So, behind her father's back, and not to embarrass him, every night this girl went to the stables in her brother's old clothes and practiced every physical skill of a knight. There was a time when she couldn't even hide it; she was her father's best rider and the fastest runner. Even in a dress," you laughed. "And she was a perfect swordsman. All of that served her well. Because when she turned 18, and the palace opened registrations for knights, all the well-born men came to the place, forming lines to present themselves in front of the king and his advisors. Our girl went; with her hair tucked under her armor, one she had bought with every penny saved since she was a child. When they said her name loud and clear, an alias she had created so that no one would discover her."
"What was her alias?" Mike asked curiously.
"I don't know," you shrugged and looked at Henry. "What do you think she was called?"
Henry made a thoughtful pout.
You smiled.
"Yes. J.J didn't like to lie; it was part of who she was, so an alias that masked her name didn't exactly qualify as a lie, you know?"
"And how did she do with the king?" Mike asked.
"Excellent. She surpassed all tests and defeated even the most experienced knights of the king. There was only one test she couldn't pass; her unveiling. When the King asked her to kneel and take off her helmet. She initially refused, but the King was a known lover of protocol and insisted until she couldn't say no."
"And did she take off the helmet?"
"Of course, a knight is loyal to his king; so she took off her helmet," you replied. "And when she did, the entire court gasped in surprise. The ladies-in-waiting hid abruptly behind their handkerchiefs; the courtiers' cheeks flushed with shame and anger. The queen almost fainted, and the knights watching were so horrified live never before. Not even with dragons and trolls."
"There are no dragons or trolls."
You rolled your eyes.
"Yes, in other universes. Henry, use your imagination."
Henry laughed for the first time.
"Alright. So, what did the king do?"
"The king fell on his butt because of the surprise. If the throne hadn't been right behind him, he would have fallen directo the cold floor. There was so much silence around the kingdom at that very moment that everyone thought the king had died. But it wasn't so. He looked at J.J in astonishment and after waiting, he made a decision; he would go to the dungeon and patiently await the court's decision."
"But that's unfair!" Mike complained. "She wasn't doing anything wrong."
"I know. But don't worry. While she was in the dungeon, one of the knights; the most respected of all, decided that a single punishment would be unfair. So, he made her go through nine different tests; each more difficult than the other, and J.J did phenomenally. She passed each of the punishments, and that left the King even more bewildered, for she seemed more attached to her shining armor. At the end of her stay in the dungeon, the King asked the knight, 'What will we do with her if she hasn't learned the lesson? She doesn't want to be separated from her armor!' And do you know what he answered?"
"What did he say?" Henry asked with interest and vigor.
"He said, 'Hasn't the king understood? These tests weren't for her to learn a lesson; it was for the king to do so,'" you paused for a moment, seeing the children's confused faces, and laughed. "Before the King asked, the knight continued, 'She has proven to be the best knight; the tests have only shown you, my King, that what makes a knight shine isn't their armor, but their qualities, and anyone can have them. Valor, defense, faith, humility, justice, temperance, generosity, loyalty, and nobility. She has demonstrated them, so you can keep giving her tests, and she will keep overcoming them.'"
"And what did the King say?" Mike asked.
"After a long discussion, the King took the knight's opinion into account and named the first woman knight of the kingdom."
"And didn't she get married?"You shrugged again.
"Probably she did. But the story isn't about that."
"And what is it about?"
"That she accepted the tests with strength; while everyone gave importance to her exterior, it was in her interior where she possessed what was needed to face everything with true bravery," you explained, "Who does she resemble?"
"Mom," Mike spoke without hesitation, and you nodded.
"Yes, exactly. Mom has worked very hard and has accepted every obstacle of her tests with all the qualities of Lady Knight. And whatever is happening now, I know that his mother is fighting bravely and with a lot of strength. And what do you think we'll do in the meantime?" You asked.
"Do the same," Henry nodded and then rested his head on your shoulder, sighing. "You Tell good stories. I wish Mom could hear it"
"We can tell her when she wakes up." You were silent for a few moments, and you nodded, "We can do that," you got up and finally grabbed one of your notebooks, "So, Henry and I will write, and Mike will do the drawings."
"It's unfair," Mike protested with teary eyes, "You and Henry are a team."
While kneeling on the floor in front of a small table next to Henry, you put more pencils in front of him.
"What are you talking about? We're all going to work as a team. Come here," you patted your thighs.
Mike sat on them and took a pencil from the case,
"Why do you have so many pencils?" Henry asked.
"Because I collect them. I also collect keys and toy cars."
"Can I see them? The cars, I mean," Henry said with interest."
"Of course, someday," you promised, "So, what will you draw, Mike?"
"Mom in armor and on a horse."
"Sensational. Where do we start to tell the story, Henry?"
"At the beginning."
"Of course," you laughed, "Good idea."
At that moment, Spencer knocked on your door and entered with bags of Chinese food, smiling.
"Hello, kids."
The kids immediately stood up and ran to hug him. Spencer bent down to hug them back, and the scene seemed like a long-awaited reunion. It was as if they hadn't seen him in a long time.
"Uncle Spencer," Henry murmured affectionately, looking up at him, "And Mom?"
"Mom is still asleep, but she's okay. If we're lucky, we'll see her soon. What are you guys doing?"
Mike took Spencer's hand and pulled him to the table, where you hadn't moved a muscle.
" We're making a story for Mom. It's called Miss Knight, and it's about a girl who wants to be a knight. She and Henry are writing it, and I'm drawing. Do you want to draw with me?" Michael almost didn't breathe, dragging Spencer next to him but sitting on your lap just as he did before, "Can you draw?"
"Of course," a big smile appeared on his face, and you acknowledged he looked handsome and younger with it. He looked at you and returned the same gesture, "I hope you like Chinese food."
"Great," you responded with a nod.
"So, a long time ago, in 1001?" Henry sought your attention.
"1001, historically accurate for the medieval age!" Spencer exclaimed enthusiastically.
"Yes, only our story is in another universe, Uncle Spence," Mike corrected, painting the first strokes of his horse.
"Oh," Spencer raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Sure, of course."
Spencer watched you write the story with Henry, making occasional comments that made him laugh. Spencer knew he was asking a lot when he asked you to take care of the kids. He sensed that even you didn't know how good you were at it.
What he didn't sense, however, was how ruined he would be by you from that day on.
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Speech goes via the body and, in return, it affects the body that emits it… It affects it in the form of phenomena of resonance and echo. The resonance and echo of speech in the body are the real, both of what Freud called the ‘unconscious’ and the ‘drive’. In this sense, the unconscious and the speaking body are one and the same real.
Speech goes via the body and, in return, it affects the body that emits it. In what way and in what form does speech affect the body that is its emitter? It affects it in the form of phenomena of resonance and echo. The resonance and echo of speech in the body are the real, both of what Freud called the ‘unconscious’ and the ‘drive’. In this sense, the unconscious and the speaking body are one and the same real. I’m going to say it again so that this essential punctuation doesn’t elude us. There is equivalence between the unconscious and the drive insofar as both terms have a common origin which is the effect of speech in the body, the somatic affects of language, of lalingua.
Henceforth, the unconscious at issue is not an unconscious of pure logic but, so to speak, an unconscious of pure jouissance. To designate this new unconscious, Lacan forged a new word, a neologism that is starting to repeat, the parlêtre, which is altogether distinct from the Freudian unconscious that belongs to the ontological and ethical order, as we have seen. On the contrary, the parlêtre is an ontic entity, because this entity necessarily has a body, since there is no jouissance without a body. The concept of parlêtre hinges – this is what I am putting forward – on the originary equivalence between unconscious and drive.
Jacques-Alain Miller - Habeas Corpus. World Association of Psychoanalysis Congress 2018. Translated by A. R. Price.
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once-was-muses · 3 months
Muses' Speaking and Singing Voiceclaims
[ Because while most are their faceclaims, some are not ]
Antonio da Vinci
Speaking: his faceclaim (Riccardo Scamarcio)
Singing: ditto
The Artist
Speaking: Daniela Vega
Singing: ditto
The Blight
Speaking: his faceclaim (Ewan McGregor, but accent is thicker lol)
Singing: ditto
Speaking: his faceclaim (Anthony Rapp)
Singing: ditto
Speaking: his faceclaim (Tony Todd)
Singing: Guy Davis
Claudette Morel
Speaking: her faceclaim (Mouna Traoré)
Singing: Etta James
The Doctor
Speaking: Screamin' Jay Hawkins
Singing: ditto
The Dredge
Speaking: Satan from The Adventures of Mark Twain
Singing: The Civil Wars (both of them)
Speaking: his faceclaim (Peter Cushing)
Singing: ditto
Habeas Corpus
Speaking: Aurelio Voltaire
Singing: ditto
The Ichor
Speaking: Nikos Vertis
Singing: ditto
March Harriet
Speaking: her faceclaim (Kate McKinnon)
Singing: ditto
Speaking: his faceclaim (Jackie Earle Haley)
Singing: older Leonard Cohen
Saint Walker
Speaking: his faceclaim (Doug Jones)
Singing: ditto
Speaking: his faceclaim (Ben Daniels)
Singing: Ian McCulloch
Speaking: his faceclaim (Cillian Murphy)
Singing: a mix between David Lamb and Brett Sparks
The Spirit
Speaking: her faceclaim (Tao Okamoto)
Singing: ditto
Speaking: their faceclaim (Stromae, without the accent)
Singing: ditto
The Wraith
Speaking: Brymo (volume warning for the intro)
Singing: ditto
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Profits Over Patients: Brazil Shows How Not to Regulate Medical Cannabis
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There is a song by Brazilian band O Rappa that describes the illegal cannabis market, how profitable it is, and the diverse clientele that the business attracts, including actors, socialites and playboys. Some of the verses go like this: “I am selling herbs that heal and soothe (…) The clientele is vast, I know, because normal remedies do not always relieve the tension”. This anecdotal song translates a widespread acknowledgement of cannabis as a popular medicine in Brazil. Expressions like “fumar um de remedio” (“smoke a spliff for medicine”) and “nao tenho maconha nem pra remedio” (“I have no weed, not even for medicine”) also speak about the long popular tradition of using cannabis as a medicine in Brazil despite its prohibition. 
Since 2015, Brazilians can legally access medical cannabis products. It has become a big business, with large fairs and startups set up, and serious financial investments becoming increasingly normalised in an industry with a burgeoning entrepreneurial sector. Prohibition Partners, an international cannabis market research firm, have tracked how Brazilian cannabis imports have boomed in the past few years, with an increase in 40% of imported products from 2020 to 2021.
However, as Brazil’s medical cannabis industry thrives, its success comes at the expense of patients who remain burdened by exorbitant costs and overwhelming bureaucratic hurdles should they want or need to cultivate their own medicine. While the industry is projected to generate massive profits of nearly £1.2 billion per year after regulation, medical cannabis patients are left grappling with a broken system that only legally offers expensive medicine, subjecting patients to exhausting judicial processes. Currently, a patient must petition for and receive a habeas corpus from a judge to provide them with legal protection to avoid arrest for home cultivation.
Continue reading.
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ladysophy · 1 year
Lincoln Should Be Ashamed of Himself
*Very Long and controversial post ahead. You may have some cognitive dissonance while reading this post.*
I’m nearly done with reading The Real Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo and it’s an eye opener. We (both Americans and non-Americans alike) have been lied to about this tyrant and his administration (aka his cronies) and the amount of damage they have inflicted upon America in the rest of the world by dictators and power hungry politicians following their lead.
Despite popular belief, it was not the American founding fathers’ (Washington, Jefferson, Madison etc.) intention to have a centralized government that America has now. They only wanted a limited and decentralized government and saw that the states were sovereign and had the right to secede. Lincoln blatantly disregarded this once he became President and was the originator of the myth that it was treason for the states to secede. He figuratively tore the American Constitution in half when the War Between the States (aka “American Civil War”).
According to DiLorenzo, Lincoln had a certain economic agenda. He wanted to create a 19th century version of a corporation where only a select few have money and completely disregarding the rest of the population. Lincoln was a corporate railroad lawyer before he became invested in politics and eventually the American presidency. He also had backing by some Northern bankers too (This is where is all about the money when domestic and international conflicts come to play).
Not only Lincoln viciously disregarded the American Constitution, but he also viciously disregarded international law when it came to wars. According to international (European) law at that time, it was considered a war crime if the army plundered, pillaged, raped and killed defenseless civilians that had nothing to do with the war at hand. Lincoln had his favorite generals, Sherman and Sheridan, tazed countless Southern cities to the ground where the majority of the population were women, children and men too old or sick to fight. There are countless primary sources that speak of these horrific crimes (murders, rapes, and destroying items) done to these poor civilians both white and black.
So why did Lincoln didn’t want the South to secede even though they had the right to do so? Simple, he was greedy. He and his cronies in Washington DC didn’t want to lose extra income from the South.
Lincoln inspired a lot of dictators including Hitler. To quash down any form of opposition in the North, his right hand man, Seward, established a form of a secret police to arrest anyone who said anything against Lincoln, his policies and the war, no matter how small or subtle. Seward had the audacity to brag to a British ambassador that he can put anyone away in the North and he was more powerful than Queen Victoria of Great Britain!
If this sounds very familiar, it is. It’s alleged that some of the American bankers helped the Bolsheviks in power with President Wilson’s blessing. Slightly off topic, but when the Russian Revolution was in full swing and the murders of the Romanovs and other Russian aristocrats were taking place over 70 years later after Lincoln’s reign of terror, Grand Duchess Maria Georgievna of Russia (née Princess Marie of Greece and Denmark) pleaded with Wilson on her family’s behalf when they were in France, but Wilson basically shoo her away.
Back to Lincoln, a preacher was even arrested for not praying for him in church where his administration made it mandatory to do so!
Not surprisingly, the people in the North who were arrested didn’t have no trials nor legal representations. They were immediately sent off to prison for the reminder of Lincoln’s presidency. Lincoln overturned the habeas corpus that made people have these legal rights.
Lincoln’s legacy after his assassination was just as deadly. After his assassination, there was a 12 year period called the Reconstruction. During this period, the South had militaristic dictatorships in thanks to the Republicans who held Lincoln to a high regard. The Republicans used blacks as political pawns by giving them the right to vote, but they could only vote Republican. The Republicans didn’t want the blacks to improve their living situations and education (many were illiterate), they wanted them to vote for them! The Southern white male voters couldn’t vote during this period. Not surprisingly sadly, this caused a lot of resentment with the white male voters and caused the souring of race relations that is unfortunately well known today.
And before anyone says that the South deserve what they got because they were evil slave holding racists, uh the North was actually more racist in the years prior to the war than the South believe it or not. There were black codes established in the North and many Northerners didn’t want to be near blacks, including some of the Northern abolitionists. Many wanted to remove all the blacks from America like Lincoln did. The many, but not all Northerners’ politicians blatant disrespectful talk about blacks in House of Representatives offended the future CSA President Davis. So much so that he wrote a letter to his wife about it. I’m not kidding. I was actually shocked when I found this out recently.
In the South, many whites and blacks were used to each other’s presence. They even greeted one another and the white women even trusted some of their black women servants or slaves to care for their children. There are countless photos of black women holding white children to back this up. The majority of the blacks who were in General Lee’s, CSA President Davis’, and CSA Vice President Stephens’ households had a lot of very good things to say about these so called evil hateful men (and no it isn’t because of Stockholm syndrome). Davis adopted a little black or biracial boy depending on what source you read and Stephens taught his slaves to read and write (which was against Georgia law at that time). Lincoln and his cronies would strongly balk and be horrified at this! And many American politicians and historians had the gall to say Lincoln cared about blacks which he clearly didn’t.
While there were some unfortunate cases of brutality in the South against slaves and free blacks, it wasn’t as widespread as some warmongering and imperialistic Americans want you to believe. In fact, the Confederate army contained blacks (!!!), Native Americans, and some Mexicans along with Southern white men.
And slavery was on its way out. Lincoln could have ended slavery peacefully like other countries, but this despot didn’t! So I am not defending slavery at all! I find it horrible. I am black American and some of my ancestors were slaves.
In closing, always remember that the victor writes history. The American civil war is of no exception.
P.S. Davis and Stephens had their issues too. Both men didn’t get along with each other well. Davis had a prickly personality which his chronic painful condition didn’t help and it has been alleged that Stephens believed in some of that psuedoscience crap that stated blacks were not extremely smart. If so, then why did he taught his slaves to read and write then?
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Nico Character Report – Ryunosuke Fischer This learned lookin' man here's name is Ryunosuke Fischer. He introduces himself as Fischer and that's what we're gonna do here cuz fuck typin' out all that. Don't let his professional appearance fool you, he may be an amicus curiae by day, but by night, he's a bonafide demon hunter! A damn good one at that, he's been doin' this for 20 and more years! You wouldn't expect it from him with that pretty face of his. Like Trish, he's Dante's partner in the business. What would that be called? Amicus diaboli? Amicus venatoris?Regardless, he's been there since the beginning of it all and his skills prove it. But uh...don't tell him, this, but that blood thing he's got goin' on? Kinda gives me the creeps, bein' able to control his blood like that. He swears up and down he's human, but I dunno if I want to believe that one. And even his blood seems to be sentient! It can't talk or nothin, but I swear it mocks me whenever it just turns into somethin' I could just easily whip up. The little shit. Creepy or not, though, I really wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that rapier of his. Despite his skills at being a zippy little thing, that demon king still rocked his world. Just what in the world CAN beat that thing? Nico Character Report – Devil Knight Fischer Now this is a form that can whip even the biggest and baddest of demons into shape! It's like his blood crystallizes into armor or somethin', not just turning into weapons! He's even got horns to intimidate those little bastards further. Gotta admit, I'm a little jealous he can just whip that out willy nilly. Or at least when he starts gettin' his shit kicked in. You could say he pulls this trick out of his briefcase when the goin' gets tough and I do not blame him. It looks like he hits harder in this mode to boot—AND I REITERATE: I do not want to be on the receiving end of that rapier of his when he gets this serious. Now, the drawback of this fancy suit of crystallized armor is the fact: this is his damn blood! He can't keep this form up for long or consistently or else he drops like a fly immediately after! And yet here he is, just usin' it willy nilly like it's no big thang and he acts surprised when he drops to the floor once he's all done. I don't know how Dante deals with it, but Lady sure seems to give him an earful whenever he recovers. And I know just how heated she can get. Honestly, you'd think he'd be okay with being en banc when he gets beat up, but here he is, just using his blood as armor like he's some kinda knight...hold on. Nico Character Report – Azazel So this is what's goin' on with Fischer's blood! This little number is called 'Azazel', apparently He was a demon used by the cult Vetus Sanguis as a way to rid themselves of their sins. Pretty much, He and a host were scapegoats just because of some superstition. And that host happened to be Fischer. Now, I don't know how either of them escaped that cult, I've never even heard of them...But they've got friends in Nero and I. Hell, I bet even Kyrie would befriend the thing. From what I understand, Fischer and Azazel weren't very close and more or less thought of one another as a means to an end at first. But the way he just talks to himself sometimes nowadays, that's friendship. They learned to like each other despite both just being a habeas corpus to their asshole cult and boy does it show in how they fight. Acquaintances wouldn't be able to work as insync as those two do. Hell, Nero won't even treat my babies as good as these two treat one another! He should learn a thing or two from them. Despite their clear symbiotic relationship, it appears Azazel still takes too much fill of Fischer's blood, leaving him with chronic anemia. I'm sure the thing would cut back if He understood how much of  a drain he was on him, but I guess there's nothing better than some fresh blood for a demon to chew on. He can't even speak or convey complete thoughts, so it's not like any of us could tell Him he's being a little bitch. They've both survived for this long, though, so they must be doing somethin' right.
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mariacallous · 2 years
In addition to the Indian Child Welfare Act cases, you've also got:
Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency, No. 21-454 [Arg: 10.3.2022]
Issue(s): Whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit set forth the proper test for determining whether wetlands are "waters of the United States" under the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1362(7).
Merrill v. Milligan, No. 21-1086 [Arg: 10.4.2022]
Issue(s): Whether the state of Alabama’s 2021 redistricting plan for its seven seats in the United States House of Representatives violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.
Reed v. Goertz, No. 21-442 [Arg: 10.11.2022]
Issue(s): Whether the statute of limitations for a 42 U.S.C. § 1983 claim seeking DNA testing of crime-scene evidence begins to run at the end of state-court litigation denying DNA testing, including any appeals (as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit has held), or whether it begins to run at the moment the state trial court denies DNA testing, despite any subsequent appeal (as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, joining the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, held below).
Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina, No. 21-707
Issue(s): (1) Whether the Supreme Court should overrule Grutter v. Bollinger and hold that institutions of higher education cannot use race as a factor in admissions; and (2) whether a university can reject a race-neutral alternative because it would change the composition of the student body, without proving that the alternative would cause a dramatic sacrifice in academic quality or the educational benefits of overall student-body diversity.
Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College, No. 20-1199
Issue(s): (1) Whether the Supreme Court should overrule Grutter v. Bollinger and hold that institutions of higher education cannot use race as a factor in admissions; and (2) whether Harvard College is violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act by penalizing Asian American applicants, engaging in racial balancing, overemphasizing race and rejecting workable race-neutral alternatives.
Axon Enterprise v. Federal Trade Commission, No. 21-86
Issue(s): Whether Congress impliedly stripped federal district courts of jurisdiction over constitutional challenges to the Federal Trade Commission’s structure, procedures, and existence by granting the courts of appeals jurisdiction to “affirm, enforce, modify, or set aside” the commission’s cease-and-desist orders.
303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, No. 21-476
Issue(s): Whether applying a public-accommodation law to compel an artist to speak or stay silent violates the free speech clause of the First Amendment.
Jones v. Hendrix, No. 21-857
Issue(s): Whether federal inmates who did not — because established circuit precedent stood firmly against them — challenge their convictions on the ground that the statute of conviction did not criminalize their activity may apply for habeas relief under 28 U.S.C § 2241 after the Supreme Court later makes clear in a retroactively applicable decision that the circuit precedent was wrong and that they are legally innocent of the crime of conviction.
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habeascorpseus · 1 year
this week:
kevin defunctland: while making this video, i feared that me giving a name to this man who influenced our childhoods so much through only 4 notes would taint his legacy and prevent him from being recognized as the talented and creative man that he was, which is why this entire video's soundtrack is scored by one of his albums. i hope I've done his memory justice
also this week:
hbomberguy: tommy tallarico, if youre watching this, just know, i brought you into mainstream relevance, and i can take you out of it just as easily
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plasticsurgeon9 · 1 year
حقن الدهون
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Beauland Bill of Rights 2022
An Act for the Protection of Inherent Human Rights and Freedoms, Recognized by the Nation of Beauland, Inherent to all of Humanity Upon Birth and Until Death
The Governing Body of Beauland, affirming that the Nation of Beauland is founded upon principles that acknowledge the dignity and worth of all Humans, regardless of ethnicity, age, religion, spirituality, sex, class, education, gender identity, country of origin, disability, and/or sexuality in a society of free Humans and free Institutions;
Affirming also that Humans and Institutions remain free only when freedom is founded upon respect for moral values and the rule of law;
And being desirous of enshrining these principles and the Human Rights and fundamental freedoms derived from them, in a Bill of Rights which shall reflect the respect of the Governing Body of Beauland for its constitutional authority and which shall ensure the protection of these rights and freedoms of Beauland:
Therefore His Royal President and King, by and with the advice and consent of the Governing Body of Beauland, enacts as follows:
Part 1
Recognition and declaration of rights and freedoms
It is hereby recognized and declared that of Beauland there have existed and shall continue to exist without discrimination the following human rights and fundamental freedoms, namely,
• (a) the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property, and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law;
• (b) the right of the individual to water, food, shelter, basic income, healthcare, and full bodily autonomy so that they cannot be forced into slavery or indentured servitude or have a choice affecting their own body decided by a governing body;
• (c) the right of the individual to equality before the law and the protection of the law;
• (d) freedom of religion (without intent to harm or incite violence);
• (e) freedom of speech (without intent to harm or incite violence);
• (f) freedom of assembly and association (without intent to harm or incite violence); and
• (g) freedom of the press (without intent to cause harm or incite violence)
Construction of law
Every law of Beauland shall be so construed and applied as not to abrogate, abridge or infringe or to authorize the abrogation, abridgment or infringement of any of the rights or freedoms herein recognized and declared, and in particular, no law of Beauland shall be construed or applied so as to
• (a) authorize or effect the arbitrary detention, imprisonment, servitude, or exile of any person;
• (b) impose or authorize the imposition of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment;
• (c) deprive a person who has been arrested or detained:
• (i) of the right to be informed promptly of the reason for his arrest or detention,
• (ii) of the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay, or
• (iii) of the remedy by way of habeas corpus for the determination of the validity of his detention and for his release if the detention is not lawful;
• (d) authorize a court, tribunal, commission, board or other authority to compel a person to give evidence if he is denied counsel, protection against self crimination or other constitutional safeguards;
• (e) deprive a person of the right to a fair hearing in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice for the determination of his rights and obligations;
• (f) deprive a person charged with a criminal offence of the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, or of the right to reasonable bail without just cause; or
• (g) deprive a person of the right to the assistance of an interpreter in any proceedings in which he is involved or in which he is a party or a witness, before a court, commission, board or other tribunal, if he does not understand or speak the language in which such proceedings are conducted.
Part 2
• (1) Nothing in Part I shall be construed to abrogate or abridge any Human Right or Freedom not enumerated therein that may have existed of Beauland at the commencement of this Act.
• Marginal note: "Law of Beauland" defined
(2) The expression "Law of Beauland" in Part I means an Act of the Governing Body of Beauland enacted before or after the coming into force of this Act, any order, rule or regulation thereunder, and any law in force of Beauland or of any part of Beauland at the commencement of this Act that is subject to be repealed, abolished or altered by the Governing Body of Beauland
(3) The provisions of Part I shall be construed as extending only to matters coming within the legislative authority of the Governing Body of Beauland
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tigermike · 2 years
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Standing Bear was a Ponca American Indian chief who successfully argued in U.S. District Court in 1879 in Omaha that Native Americans are “persons within the meaning of the law” and have the right of habeas corpus. His wife Susette Primeau was also a signatory on the 1879 writ that initiated the famous court case.
In 1875, the Ponca paramount chief White Eagle, Standing Bear, and other Ponca leaders met with US Indian Agent A. J. Carrier and signed a document allowing removal to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma).
White Eagle and other Ponca leaders later claimed that because of a mistranslation, he had understood that they were to move to the Omaha Reservation, not to the Indian Territory. In April 1877, some Ponca people went to live South to the Quapaw Reservation near present-day Peoria, Oklahoma. In May 1877, the US Army forced the removal of the rest of the tribe to go to the Quapaw Reservation, including Standing Bear and his family.
The Ponca arrived in Oklahoma too late to plant crops that year, and the government failed to provide them with the farming equipment it had promised as part of the deal (for a change…).
By spring 1878, nearly a third of the tribe had died due to starvation, malaria and related causes. Standing Bear’s eldest son, Bear Shield, was among the dead. Standing Bear had promised to bury him in the Niobrara River valley homeland, so he left to travel north, with 65 followers.
When they reached at the Omaha Reservation in Nebraska, they were welcomed as relatives. Word of their arrival in Nebraska soon reached the government. Under orders from the Secretary of the Interior, Carl Schurz, who also directed the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Brigadier General George Crook had the Ponca arrested for having left the reservation in Indian Territory.
Although the official orders were to return them immediately to Indian Territory, Crook was sympathetic to the Ponca and appalled to learn of the conditions they had left.
Crook told the Ponca story to Thomas Tibbles, an editor of the Omaha Daily Herald, who publicized it widely. The attorney John L. Webster offered his services pro bono and was joined by Andrew J. Poppleton, chief attorney of the Union Pacific Railroad.
They aided Standing Bear, who in April 1879 sued for a writ of habeas corpus in U.S. District Court in Omaha, Nebraska. Acting as interpreter for Standing Bear was Susette LaFlesche, an accomplished and educated, bilingual Omaha of mixed-race background. The case is called United States ex rel. Standing Bear v. Crook. General Crook was named as the formal defendant because he was holding the Ponca under color of law.
As the trial drew to a close, Judge Dundy announced that Chief Standing Bear would be allowed to make a speech in his own behalf. Raising his right hand, Standing Bear proceeded to speak. Among his words were, “That hand is not the color of yours, but if I prick it, the blood will flow, and I shall feel pain,” said Standing Bear. “The blood is of the same color as yours. God made me, and I am a man.” Judge Dundy stated that the federal government had failed to show a basis under law for the Poncas’ arrest and captivity.
It was a landmark case, recognizing that an American Indian is a “person” under the law and entitled to its rights and protection. “The right of expatriation is a natural, inherent and inalienable right and extends to the American Indian as well as to the more fortunate white race,” the judge concluded.
The Army immediately freed Standing Bear and his followers. The case gained the attention of the Hayes administration, which provided authority for Standing Bear and some of the tribe to return permanently to the Niobrara valley in Nebraska.
Between October 1879 and 1883, Standing Bear traveled in the eastern United States and Europe, speaking about Indian rights in forums sponsored by Indian advocate and former abolitionist Wendell Phillips. Susette (Bright Eyes) LaFlesche (by then married to Thomas Tibbles) and her brother Francis, who later became an ethnologist with the Smithsonian Institution, accompanied Standing Bear on the speaking tour. The LaFlesche siblings took turns acting as his translator. Tibbles also was part of the party. During his lecture tour, Standing Bear won the support of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and other prominent Americans.
Standing Bear died in 1908 and was buried on a hill overlooking the site of his birth. Today the federal government recognizes two tribes of the people: the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska and the Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma.
The 63-acre Standing Bear Park in Ponca City, Oklahoma was named in his honor. In addition to the annual pow-wow, it is the site of the Standing Bear Museum and Education Center, as well as a 22-foot-high bronze statue of the chief.
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bllsbailey · 10 days
Wednesday Morning Minute
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Good morning, and welcome to RedState's "Morning Minute" — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 
Let's Compare Thoughts on Bodegas: The Wild Welcome for Trump vs. Jill Biden's Take
It's not even close.
Sportscaster Stephen A. Smith Brings Some Hard Truth to Dems—Trump Trial Just Shows They're 'Scared'
Smith calls himself a moderate unaffiliated with either major political party, and I don’t imagine he’s going to suddenly become a vocal Trump supporter. But at least he’s willing to tell leftists the truth.
SO GOOD: During Oral Arguments, Justice Gorsuch Goes There on January 6th Defendants and Jamaal Bowman
I expect Fischer to emerge victorious this summer and for the entire January 6th prosecution apparatus to be thrown into turmoil.
Today on Capitol Hill...
Yet another busy day on the Hill Wednesday. Hearings galore: 
Senate Appropriations — Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2024 for the Department of Justice
House Committee on House Administration — “Three Years Later: D.C. National Guard Whistleblowers Speak Out on January 6 Delay”
House Appropriations — Budget Hearing – Fiscal Year 2025 Request for the Department of Defense
House Energy and Commerce — Legislative Solutions to Protect Kids Online and Ensure Americans’ Data Privacy Rights
House Oversight and Accountability — “Defending America from the Chinese Communist Party’s Political Warfare, Part I”
House Education and the Workforce — "Columbia in Crisis: Columbia University's Response to Antisemitism"
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs — Hearings to examine Boeing's broken safety culture, focusing on firsthand accounts
House Homeland Security — "Silent Weapons: Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans in the Homeland"
House Foreign Affairs — The Reign of Brutal Gangs in the Western Hemisphere
House Foreign Affairs — The Despotic Duo: Russo-Iranian Cooperation and Threats to U.S. Interests
Senate Intelligence (Select) — Hearings to examine an update on foreign threats to the 2024 elections
And some of those titles are...something. Wonder who comes up with them? 
Also, the Mayorkas Articles of Impeachment have been delivered to the Senate. Now what? 
House Republicans Walk Two Articles of Impeachment Against Mayorkas to Senate
White House What's Up
After spending Tuesday night in his beloved (yet forgettable) hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, President Joe Biden travels to Pittsburgh to visit with the United Steelworkers Union before returning to the White House Wednesday evening. 
Full Court Press...
Former President Donald Trump will have a day off from court in Manhattan on Wednesday (pursuant to the court's schedule). 
The Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Thornell v. Jones, a tragic case involving the murders of Robert Weaver and his 7-year-old daughter, Tisha, over 30 years ago. Defendant Danny Lee Jones was convicted of the murders and sentenced to death. At issue is whether the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals violated the Supreme Court's precedents "by employing a flawed methodology for assessing Strickland prejudice when it disregarded the district court's factual and credibility findings and excluded evidence in aggravation and the State's rebuttal when it reversed the district court and granted habeas relief?"
Look, I'm not going to try and claim that he reads the Morning Minute, but all I'm saying is...
Speaking of Trump, I think I've figured out a winning campaign strategy for him: Visit popular fast-food restaurants in battleground states. Buy the folks some milkshakes, shoot the breeze, and pose for lots of selfies.
Okay. It was a bodega, not a fast-food restaurant. And New York isn't a battleground state. Still, he's in his element here. He should keep capitalizing on that.
Wouldn't you love to know the story behind this? 
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seemabhatnagar · 17 days
Custody Case: Court Upholds Child's Wishes Over Mother's Habeas Corpus Petition
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Dr.  Athulya Asok v. The State Police Chief & 7 others
WP (Criminal) 163/2024
Subject Custody of Child
Before High Court of Kerala at Ernakulum
Heard by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Anil K Narendran J & Hon’ble Mr. Justice G Girish J
Order: The Habeas Corpus Petition of the mother for the custody of the child aged 13 years and having exceptional maturity was dismissed as the child in unequivocal terms said he did not want to go with the mother and wanted to go with his aunt, uncle, and cousin.
The petition was dismissed on April 4, 2024
The petitioner is the mother having filed writ of habeas corpus seeking production of the detenue boy aged 13 years before the Court. The petitioner mother after the dissolution of her marriage with the father of the detenue, re-married and had a daughter from her second marriage.
The alleged detenue was living with his father at Dubai where he was working and detenue was studying at Sharjah. The father of the detenue died in October 2023 of Cancer. After the death of the father of the detenue, the detenue was shifted to Dubai and he was got admitted in the same school where he was studying under the care and protection of the sisters and brother-in-law of the deceased.
Upon direction the detenue was produced before the Court but the boy was reluctant to go with the mother.
Interaction was made with the mother and the boy individually and collectively in the Chamber of Hon’ble Judges and Consultant Psychologist at the Counselling Centre also interacted with the boy.
During the interaction with the Hon’ble Judges the boy made it clear that he was not willing to go along with his mother. The reason he stated is the mental pain suffered by him by the act of his mother, who had no reservations in speaking bad about his father, who had left for his heavenly abode.
The boy who was having emotional attachment of a high grade with his father, felt it extremely hard to hear verbal abuse and ill-will uttered by the petitioner against her former husband
The detenu even tried to show the Judges his mobile phone, where the petitioner has sent abusive chats about his father.
The boy clearly and in a calm demeanor told the Judges that he is comfortable with his aunt, uncle and cousin and he gets pleasant atmosphere at home and at school and he will not be able to adjust with his mother, step sister and step father.
Observation of the Court
The petitioner was not able to establish that the act of the respondent’s uncle and aunty keeping the custody of the detenu with them, and taking care of his affairs including education and grooming up, is in violation of any law applicable to the parties.
The court rejected the contention of the counsel of the petitioner that being mother Petitioner stands on a better footing for the custody of the boy than his uncle and aunty.
As the boy who is having mental maturity far beyond his age, has conveyed to the Court in unequivocal terms that he will not be able to live along with his mother who often ventured to hurt him by saying bad words about his deceased father with whom he was having deep affectionate bondage.
In the writ of habeas corpus relating to the custody of children, the paramount consideration should be the welfare of the children.
If an order directing the custody of a child with a parent is likely to be detrimental to the interest of that child, especially when the child is of advanced age, and having considerable maturity in mind to decide his future course of action, it is not possible for the Court to pass an order compelling that child to live with such parent who is totally unacceptable to him.
We understand from the interaction with the detenu separately and jointly with the petitioner, that he is likely to suffer emotional trauma leading to disruption of his studies and peace of mind if he is compelled to live with the petitioner.
In view of the child’s clear disinterest to go with the petitioner, the request of the petitioner to have custody of the detenu cannot be entertained in this petition for a writ of habeas corpus.
Seema Bhatnagar
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