#NYC estate planning
taxadvisorblog · 1 year
Tax Preparation vs. Tax Planning
Planning and preparation are important factors in most complex projects, and they both play a role in getting your taxes ready to file. What can be confusing, however, is the difference between tax preparation and tax planning. Are they the same thing? What are the differences? Below is a short guide to help demystify the differences between tax preparation and tax planning:
Tax Preparation
Tax preparation is the process of gathering together all of your tax documents and filling out all forms necessary to create your annual tax filing. This can be done at home for most people, but others may require the services of a tax preparer. It’s usually a good idea to work with a local tax preparation services provider since laws differ from state to state regarding taxes.
New Yorkers can look for services that offer local individual tax preparation New York residents trust for guidance. You can search online service providers that offer individual tax preparation New York residents recommend, or you can work with experts in individual tax preparation that are available from software providers like TurboTax and H&R Block.
Tax Planning
Tax planning is the process of analyzing your tax situation to see if there are ways to optimize your withholdings and tax status. In most cases, people with high incomes or many taxable assets will work with a tax planning professional to help them reduce tax debt. Individuals who have high incomes or high-value assets and accounts are often taxed at a higher rate, so tax planning helps them to reduce or eliminate tax debt.
Although some accountants provide tax planning advice, most people who are serious about saving on taxes will want to work with a wealth planner. These professionals can often provide a full financial review of your accounts and assets to create a customized wealth plan that takes into account tax planning strategies. This becomes even more important for business owners and individuals with high-value assets that may be heavily taxed.
Visit this website for expert Brooklyn tax preparation services today!
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frankbrunolaw25 · 2 days
Legal Estate Planning
Legal estate planning ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes while minimizing taxes and legal complications. It involves creating wills, trusts, and powers of attorney to protect your family’s future. A well-crafted estate plan provides peace of mind, ensuring your loved ones are cared for, and your legacy is preserved. Consult a legal expert to safeguard your estate.
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Steps to Creating an Estate Plan
In the eyes of the law, your estate is defined as all of your belongings and accounts, including credits and debts, that are left behind after you die. Upon your passing, the executor of your estate will need to process your will to ensure that your estate is settled. This means transferring assets and accounts to the entities you’ve chosen and paying debts and collecting credits as needed.
Before your passing, you can engage in estate planning to help those left behind. Estate planning is the process of laying out how you want your assets and accounts to be distributed after death. The goal of estate planning is to make the execution of your will easy and efficient so that you can rest assured that your wishes will be carried out.
Below are the steps needed to create an estate plan:
1. Take an Inventory
The first step in estate planning is to take an inventory of all your assets and accounts. These can include real properties, bank accounts and investments.
2. Decide How You Wish to Distribute Assets
You can then decide how you wish to have your assets and accounts distributed after you pass. You will need to create official documentation for your wishes to be recognized by the legal system in your state. You may also want to establish trusts for certain assets since trusts can provide unique advantages when it comes to transferring ownership of assets.
3. Work With an Attorney
Although you can draft estate planning documents yourself, most legal experts agree that it’s best to work with a local estate planning attorney instead. The reason you want to look for a local attorney is that laws regarding estate settlement differ from state to state.
If, for example, you live in Albany, you would want to look at a New York estate planning law firm for guidance. A New York estate planning law firm will be able to help you navigate the laws about estates and wills in New York, whereas an attorney in another state may not be able to provide the same level of service.
Read a similar article about New York City estate administration attorney here at this page.
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This has to be the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. An architecture firm has formally drafted renderings for the unusual concept of a building hanging over Manhattan — because it drapes down over the city from outer space.
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The firm, Clouds Architecture Office, has fully imagined a particularly pie-in-the-sky development plan, namely to hang a skyscraper upside-down from an asteroid so that it hovers over New York City. 
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So, there's your apt. building up there. How the hell do you get home? Residents would access it by drone after moving between space and New York City via an electromagnetic elevator. What? No.
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The idea is not yet physically buildable. (Ya think?) Whether or not science allows it to physically become a reality, there’s still market-value. It wouldn't be the first unbuilt real estate to sell in the city. 
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tessa-liam · 7 months
Marabelle Series
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The Game of Kings 
Chapter 10
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement) 
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Marabelle Series Masterlist 
Main Pairing – Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor 
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F! OC Melanie Smithson 
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios 
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language & innuendo. 
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement 
Words: 2483 
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The Game of Kings – Chapter 10 
Chapter Summary – Liam and Sophie practice for the charity polo match. Leo is on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean where he meets a woman. Speaking with his father, Leo abdicates the throne. Liam sends Sophie a Valentine’s Day gift. 
Music Inspiration: Everything Has Changed, Taylor Swift (feat Ed Sheeren) 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events. 
A/N3: My submission for Choices Flashfics @choicesflashfics, Week #72, prompt 2 - “I wasn’t the one to walk away. You were....” 
A/N4: My submission for Choices Holidays Valentine’s Day Prompts 2024 - Be my valentine/I love you @choicesprompts, @choicesholidays
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.......All I know since yesterday 
Is that everything changed....... 
The Cordonian Royal Polo Club 
After adjusting the strap on Marabelle's harness, Sophie accepted the polo mallet from an attendant. She was in her element today; any time spent riding her horse was a joy but spending time with Liam, on top of that ...this was a dream come true. 
When Liam invited her to join his polo team, she was over the moon. To be personally invited to join him was extremely flattering. Her heartbeat raced and butterflies danced inside anytime and every time she thought of him. 
‘Remembering that beautiful Sunday afternoon while working on a paper for class on the terrace of the Beaumont estate, Sophie looked up, pleasantly surprised to see Liam and Maxwell come into view.  
“Good afternoon, Sophie.” Liam smiled warmly as he walked up to her table. “Hard at work as always, I see.” 
“Oh, hello, Liam. Maxwell.” Sophie stood, moving her laptop to the side. 
Liam bent down to kiss her cheek and waited for her to sit back down before he took a seat himself at the glass patio table. 
“Yes, just trying to get this paper finished before the deadline.” 
Maxwell, grinning mischievously, “Ah, the diligent scholar. Little blossom, take a break for a moment. Liam has something he would like to ask you.” 
“Oh?” Sophie smiled, curiously looking at Liam. 
Clearing his throat, a hint of nervousness in his demeanor, “well, I know your love and passion for horses. And as you know, there is a fundraising event planned for flooding relief in Portavira on Valentine’s Day. 
Sophie nods sadly, “Yes, I have heard of that tragedy; It is heartbreaking.” 
Taking a breath, Liam continued. “Indeed...I was wondering if you would consider joining my polo team. Your skills would be invaluable, and I can assure you, we would make quite the formidable duo on the field.” 
Clearly taken aback, but flattered, “Oh, Liam, I ... I don’t know what to say.” 
“Say yes, Soph! It’ll be a fantastic experience, and I can personally vouch for Liam’s team being a lot of fun. ‘Ya know, cuz I am on it.” Maxwell chuckled. 
Sophie smiled, touched by their enthusiasm, “well, how can I refuse such a charming invitation? I'd be honored to join your team, Liam.” 
Liam, grinning widely, “wonderful! I knew I could count on you, Sophie. This event is going to be legendary, mark my words. Thank you, love.”’ 
Practicing today for the Portavira Charity Polo match, Sophie, along with Liam, Drake, Melanie and Maxwell were in the field taking turns with knock-ins. 
She looked over to the sideline and spotted Liam watching her intently. He gave her a small wave and she waved back with a smile.  
"Let's go, girl," Sophie urged her horse. 
Marabelle broke into a gallop, Sophie leaning forward and keeping pace. 
Liam watched as Sophie rode toward the goal, her posture perfect, her movements smooth and confident. 
Sophie raised her mallet and struck the ball, sending it sailing through the air. 
"Nice shot," Liam called out. 
“Yes!” Sophie cried out as she turned back down the field to where Liam was standing. 
"You're a natural out there!"
"Thanks," Sophie replied, blushing. Liam offered his hand as she dismounted Marabelle. "I love riding.” 
"So, are you looking forward to the match tomorrow?" 
"I am," Sophie said. "I'm a little nervous, too. It's my first time playing in front of a crowd." 
"You'll be great," Liam assured her. "And we'll be a great team." 
“Will the entire team meet today?” 
“Yes, you will meet Rashad and Tariq this afternoon.” 
“Are we interrupting?” Drake asked hesitantly as he and Melanie walked over. 
"Hey guys ... of course not," Liam answered. 
"How's practice going?" Melanie asked. 
"Great," Liam and Sophie replied in unison, both grinning, sharing coy smiles. 
"Looks like you've got a winning team, Liam." Melanie grinned, noticing Sophie move closer to his side.
"Thanks," Liam replied, a wide grin on his face. 
“I think so, too,” Liam winked at Sophie, who smiled softly in return. 
“We only have 7 players though. Leo flew out of Cordonia last night.” Drake shot Liam a concerned look, making a mental note of asking Liam about his brother’s absence after practice. 
"We're gonna have so much fun," Drake grinned. 
"You're playing, too?" Sophie asked, surprised. 
"Of course. You didn't think Liam would let me miss the opportunity to beat him, did you?" 
"We'll see about that," Liam smirked. 
"Oh, it's on," Drake replied, a competitive glint in his eyes. 
"Don't worry, we'll kick their asses," Melanie said to Sophie. 
"Yes, we will," Sophie agreed, laughing. 
As Drake and Melanie left to finish their rounds, Liam and Sophie continued practicing. Their easy banter and playfulness made it clear to anyone watching that there was a definite attraction between them.
... And the way Liam looked at her when their eyes met, his gaze filled with admiration and affection...it made Sophie's heart race. 
She could only imagine how good it would feel to be in his arms again, his lips on hers. 
The thought made her blush, and she tried to push it aside, focusing on the game. But the feeling remained, simmering beneath the surface as they walked their horses to the stable. 
"You're incredible," Liam murmured as they left the field. 
"Thank you," Sophie replied, grinning. "You weren't so bad yourself." 
"High praise coming from you," he teased. 
"I mean it," Sophie said, her tone serious. Liam reached over and took her hand in his as the stable hands led the horses to their stalls. 
With a gentle smile, “high praise indeed, Sophie. And I assure you, I mean it. Your talent with Marabelle is unmatched.” 
Their hands remained clasped as they walked to the clubhouse. 
Azamara Cruise Ship, off the Italian coast, Mediterranean Sea 
As the luxury ship cruised through the Mediterranean Sea, the sun was setting in a vibrant display of reds and oranges. 
Leo stood on the deck, admiring the view, lost in thought. 
"Beautiful, isn't it?"  
He turned to see a young woman standing beside him, her blond hair blowing in the breeze. 
"It is," he agreed, turning his attention back to the sunset. 
"I'm Katie, by the way." 
"Nice to meet you," Katie said, offering her hand. 
"Likewise," Leo replied, shaking her hand. 
"So, Leo, what brings you out here? On a pleasure cruise?" 
"Just needed to get away for a bit." 
"Yeah, me too," Katie replied. 
"It's been a tough week," Leo confided. 
"Really, how so?" Katie asked. 
"I had to make a decision that changed the course of my life." 
"That's heavy," Katie replied. "Do you want to talk about it?" 
"Not really," Leo admitted. "I'd rather just try to forget about it for a while." 
"Fair enough," Katie replied. "So, tell me, Leo, what do you do for fun?" 
Leo laughed. "Honestly? Not much." 
"Seriously?" Katie challenged.
"Yeah. I have a pretty serious job, and I'm usually focused on that.” 
"Well, that's no good," Katie replied. "You need to have some fun, too.” 
"What do you do for fun, Katie?" 
"Everything!" she exclaimed. "I love exploring new places, trying new things, meeting new people." 
"Sounds exciting.” Leo chuckled, turning his body towards her. 
"It is," she went on. "And it's made me a lot more open-minded and adventurous.” 
"Adventurous, huh?" Leo asked, intrigued by her temerity. 
"Yeah," Katie said, grinning. 
"Well, I could use a little adventure in my life." 
"Then come with me," she said, holding out her hand. 
Leo hesitated for a moment, then took her hand. 
Katie led him down to the pool area, where several people were lounging and enjoying the warm evening air. 
"Come on," she said, tugging him along. 
"Where are we going?" 
"To the hot tub," she replied. 
Leo followed her to the hot tub and watched as she slipped out of her cover-up, revealing a white bikini underneath. 
She stepped into the hot tub and turned to look at him. 
"Well, are you coming?" Her eyebrow raised.
Leo could not resist her invitation. He quickly removed his clothes down to his boxers and joined her in the hot tub. 
"Ahhh, this is nice," he sighed, sinking into the warm water. 
"Isn't it?" Katie agreed, her body glistening in the soft light. 
"So, what do you do for fun, Leo?" 
"I'm a crown prince," Leo said. "So, my life is pretty much dedicated to duty." 
"That doesn't sound very fun," Katie said, frowning. 
"It's not," Leo admitted, noting her non-chalance of his mention of his title. 
"Well, I'm sure we can find something fun for you to do," she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
"I'm sure we can," he agreed, his heart beginning to race. 
"How long are you on the cruise for?" Katie asked. 
"The rest of the week," Leo replied. 
"Perfect," Katie said. "We have plenty of time to get into some trouble." 
"Trouble, huh?" 
"Don't worry," she said, laughing. "I won't get you in too much trouble. 
"I'm counting on it," Leo replied, his gaze locked on hers. 
"You are a flirt, Leo." 
"I can't help it," he said, his voice low. This woman was everything that Madeleine wasn't.
"You're very flirtable." 
Katie laughed. "I'm sure that's not a word, but I'll take the compliment." 
"Good," he said, smiling. 
"So, what's your story, Katie?" 
"My story?" 
"Yeah. What brings you out here? On a pleasure cruise?" 
"Same thing as you," Katie replied. 
"An escape..."
Beaumont Estate, Ramsford, Cordonia 
Sophie woke to the sound of knocking on her door. Groggily, she pulled herself out of bed and stumbled across the room. She opened the door to see Daniel standing there, a huge grin on his face and a bouquet of long-stemmed red roses in his hands. 
"Good morning, Squirrel," he chirped. 
"Morning, Dan. What are you doing here so early?" 
"I wanted to bring these to you before you left for the polo match." 
"Wow, they're beautiful," Sophie said, accepting the bouquet. "Thank you." 
"They're not from me, silly. They're from your prince..." 
"Oh," Sophie blushed. 
"Here's the note," Daniel said, handing her a small envelope. 
"Be my Valentine," Sophie read, her heart racing. 
"Aww, that's so sweet," Daniel smiled. "He's really smitten with you." 
"I guess so," Sophie replied, still a bit stunned. 
"So, are you excited about the game today?" 
"Yeah, I am," Sophie said. "I just hope I don't mess up." 
"You'll be fine," Daniel assured her. "I have complete faith in you." 
"Thanks, Dan," Sophie said, giving him a hug. 
"You're welcome, Squirrel." 
Sophie spent the rest of the morning getting ready for the polo match, her heart fluttering every time she lookrd at her roses. She couldn't believe he had sent her such a romantic gift, and she was eager to see him... to thank him personally.
Cordonian Royal Palace 
The morning of the charity polo match, King Constantine was getting dressed when his attendant informed him of an incoming international call.  
“Sir, your son, Leo, is on line one."
Constantine was surprised and concerned, and at once picked up the phone. 
"Son, what's wrong? Where are you?" 
"Father, I had to get away. I had to think." 
"What's there to think about, Leo? Your duty is clear. Your kingdom needs you." 
"But I don't want this," Leo said, his voice thick with emotion. "I never wanted this." 
"Son, I know it's not easy, but we all have to do things we don't want to. It's part of being royalty." 
"... that's the burden we bear." 
"I can't do it," Leo said. "I won't."
"You must," Constantine said, his tone firm. 
"No, I won't. I would rather give up my title than marry Madeleine."
"I'm sorry, son, but you don't have a choice."
"Then I'll abdicate," Leo said, his voice shaking. 
"Leo, where are you now? Are you somewhere safe?" 
"I'm on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean." 
"You are, what?! You are the Crown Prince. You need to return home right away." 
"I won't," Leo replied somberly.
"Leo, listen to me. Your place is here, in Cordonia. You just can’t walk away."
“I have. Liam will be a better King," Leo insisted. 
"Leo! You ...."
“Father," Leo interrupted.
"When have you ever put me or Liam first?” 
“I wasn’t the one to walk away. You were....”, Constantine admonished.
Leo remained quiet, steadfast in his decision.
"Leo, please," Constantine replied, his voice pleading. 
"Goodbye, Father," Leo said, and then he hung up the phone. 
Constantine stood there, stunned. 
.......All I know since yesterday 
Is that everything changed....... 
Thanks for reading
Perma-tags: @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @charlotteg234
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics @choicesprompts @choicesholidays
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rad2025 · 1 month
Politics = Poly (many) + ticks (blood sucking insects)
I still don’t understand. I have spent a good amount of my past 43 years trying to understand why people think as they do. Im not a psychologist, nor do i have plans to be one. However, i have many intelligent friends that honestly seem to believe the DJT may well be the best president ever.
i have spent more than a little time considering this possibility. Let us consider some subjective research.
1. DJT was in the news repeatedly in the 1980s and 1990s for not paying his workers/contractors/filing for bankruptcy protection.
2. DJT wrote a book that i enjoyed, The Art of the Deal. He discussed his numerous purchases of NYC real estate when others were not buying, but selling somewhat low, and creating buzz about luxurious properties in order to ultimately gain a profit.
3. I enjoyed the first wildly successful season of The Apprentice on TV. So much so, that I interviewed for the second season in Seattle, WA.
4. Atlantic City, for better or for worse, was recreated by DJT.
5. DJT has had, prior to 2016, a lot to say about then current leadership of US Government.
6. DJT seems to enjoy coal, fossil fuels, and non-environmental friendly energy production in order to further increase oil and gas industry profits.
7. Revenge appears to be DJTs language of late. 8. I enjoyed reading Dr. Mary Trump’s book, Too Much, and Never Enough, about her Uncle. In summary, DJT Seems a Narcissist, and lies whenever possible to get ahead.
9. I have watched several PBS Frontline episodes about DJT’s time in office, and his fruitless and inaccurate allegations of voter fraud.
10. After obtaining my dual major in Business and Economics from a well known SUNY college, my Series 7, 66, Life and Health insurance licenses, Certified Financial Planner Designation, CEPA designation, and being the president of multiple for profit and non-profit, entities i feel i am in a decent position to honestly evaluate DJT’s business, financial and leadership qualities. He appears to have exceptionally few skills in 2024:
1. Bullheadedness
2. Unwavering convictions that he is always right.
3. Excellent presenter/public speaker.
4. Incredible persistence
5. Disinterest in others problems if he can claw above them to advance his agenda.
This begs the question: What’s to like here? That he is a Republican? Dont most republicans believe in the rule of law and the constitution? He certainly doesnt. Fake news, fake courts, fake allegations, fake ballots, nothing seems real to DJT. 11. He has been convicted in multiple courts for sexual misconduct, paying a pornography actress hush money to prevent political backlash prior to the 2016 election, and much more.
12. He sided with Putin instead of the CIA, in public, regarding allegations of voter interference.
13. He failed at many business ventures over and over again.
14. Without Fred Trump’s incredible success's in real estate, political influence, and business savvy, DJT would have been dead in the water decades ago.
Ps. First time Tumblr user/post ever here.
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 months
yn is a real estate agent, helping billionaire ceo harry to find his new home in nyc, she's been showing him the most perfect places but none of them were the right and of course, they've been spending time together so they are also getting closer. then harry finally admits what's been his issue with every place she showed him, they didn't feel like home, he couldn't imagine himself living in them so yn plans out something different: they move into one of the places for a weekend so she can show him just how homey it could get once living there, but ofc, spending a weekend together leads to different territories as well 👀
Oh goshhhhhh this is so amazing!! Can't wait for it!!
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Those Economics/Architecture Videos I've Been Bingeing
But eating less bandwidth than the previous version of this post.
This post has 100 links, because that's how many tumblr lets me add before it refuses to save the post anymore. (Legacy editor allows up to 250, but then I would have the colors.)
A lot of these are about NYC, because that's my personal main focus, but there are a few others. Also, I have absolutely no training in this field and only started watching these a few days ago but Ya Girl Is Bingeing and Really Loves Edutainment. All the descriptions are my own, btw. I'm not looking to gain clicks or references, I want you guys to know what you're getting into.
I was not involved in creating any of these videos, but it did take me over a week to watch them all and decide which ones to include, how to organize, and how to describe the contents.
I cannot speak to a lot of the deeper issues touched on, and do not agree with all the political or economic points brought up in these videos (as this is a wide range of people and topics), but they are by and large a good look at much of an industry that most people, myself included, don't know enough about, considering how crucial it is to our lives.
I'm open to channel/video recs but there are a few I ran into that seem well-done but have an audio quality I can't work with, so that's... unfortunate.
Stewart Hicks - Chicago-based, professor of architecture at the University of Illinois
Why Skyscrapers Are Losing Their Tops - Stewart Hicks - The general history of architectural styles for skyscrapers from the 1930s to the near future.
Why Do Architects Insist on Using Flat Roofs? - Stewart Hicks - Compares and contrasts the strengths and weaknesses of flat vs gabled roofs.
How Buildings Changed After the Eiffel Tower - Stewart Hicks - Thirteen minutes of history on structural engineering in bridges and skyscrapers.
The Bewildering Architecture of Indoor Cities - Stewart Hicks - Goes into the planned and unplanned variants of this phenomenon, which ranges from giant buildings intended to act as an entire community, to the unplanned network of underground tunnels or overstreet enclosed walkways that let people cross blocks upon blocks of a city without having to step outside.
How This Tower Barely Touches the Ground - Stewart Hicks - Addresses the engineering behind 150 N. Riverside in Chicago, and the zoning laws that caused its rather unique Y-shaped base in the first place, along with the requirements causing things like custom giant I-beams and necessitating a barge to host the crane since they had nowhere to anchor one on the ground.
How Chicago is Being Unbuilt: Back to Nature - Stewart Hicks - Explores the ways in which Chicago is undoing prior urbanization, and implementing some new eco-friendly infrastructure and various projects.
Why We Should Live in Our Office Buildings - Stewart Hicks - More and more office buildings are standing empty. With movements towards more mixed zoning and the return to walkable city models, some of those office buildings are getting retrofitted to be livable spaces and mixed-use locations.
How Architects Design for Less Lonely Living - Stewart Hicks - In a lot of places, like the US, the way we interact or avoid other people is impacted heavily by the organization of the buildings we live in.
House Sizes Are Getting Absurd - Stewart Hicks - Just a fun romp comparing the range of sizes (from the bare minimum of capsule hotels to the absurd mass of some modern estates) for various dwellings. Lots of very deliberate visualization.
Shopping Malls are Getting Desperate - Stewart Hicks - Discusses the decline of shopping malls, and the 'tricks' they employ to try to keep people happy and coming by.
The Architecture of Curb Appeal - Stewart Hicks - There's a lot that goes into making a house look good in a way that gets it sold. A lot of people hate it.
The Controversy Over Accessory Dwelling Units - Stewart Hicks - In many places, it's illegal to build a smaller livable space in your backyard. You know, places you put an adult child who wants their own space, or your mother-in-law, or just rent out to college students for the next ten months. But, at least in a few places, it's not going to be illegal much longer.
Toilets Need to Change - Stewart Hicks - Plumbing is such an important part of our daily lives, and it's still evolving!
The Hidden Meaning and Logistics of Fountains - Stewart Hicks - This one is just fun. 😊
The Genius of 2x4 Framing - Stewart Hicks - So apparently the US is a bit odd in how much of our architectural/construction industry uses light wood framing as a standard.
The B1M - Hosted by Fred Mills (British), more generally about construction, rather than just architecture
Why America Is Tearing Down Its Highways - The B1M - Explores the history of the interstate highway system, and how much of it was used for redlining and general segregation, along with the challenges faced by the plans to tear those highways down.
The $1.2 Trillion Plan to Rebuild America - The B1M - NGL I'm like. Ludicrously excited about this one. There's a lot going on! I hope it works out!
Why a Billionaire Tried to Stop This Bridge - The B1M - There's a new bridge being built between Detroit, MI and Windsor, ON. This bridge is going to help with the ongoing trade between the US and Canada; these two cities are already a major hub for one of the largest trading partnerships in the world (the largest where one side is not the European Union), so building another bridge is a reasonable undertaking. However, the new bridge will be just a few miles down from an existing bridge that is currently owned by a billionaire who makes a killing over his control of a major portion of this bottleneck of the trade route. (Also, more engineering challenges!)
The Statue of Liberty: Building an Icon - The B1M - Someone actually asked me about this recently and anyway you should all go learn about how the Statue of Liberty happened, she's a gem.
Why New York’s Billionaires’ Row Is Half Empty - The B1M- The usage of NYC luxury housing as a semi-liquid asset used as investment by the megarich, along with the rights acquisitions that led to their building in the first place, the gentrification they contribute to, and the tax write-offs they get for it.
Why Our Cities Are So Expensive - The B1M - How infrastructure investment by governments can and does frequently lead to gentrification. Focuses on London's Battersea Power Station revitalization plan.
Why New York's Skyscrapers Keep Changing Shape - The B1M - This is actually an exploration of more than just New York, covering much of the same topics as the above 'history of skyscraper design' video, with a great focus on the Chrysler building.
Why No One Wants This New York Skyscraper - The B1M - Investigates the ways in which the development of Two World Trade Center has been delayed over the past decade and change, along with a handful of other projects in the area.
The Wild Story of New York’s Abandoned Skyscraper - The B1M - There's a half-finished skyscraper on the western shore of Manhattan, and due to the errors in laying the foundation, there's an 8cm tilt in it. The parties involved in construction are duking it out in court about who's at fault, and until they're done, that thing is just... sitting there.
New York's Latest $3BN Skyscraper Explained - The B1M - Another stupidly tall skyscraper for midtown. You know. Because we need another one.
The $7BN Plan to Save New York's Most Hated Train Station - The B1M - Explores the history, current state, and planned upgrades to Penn Station of NYC.
New York's Most Hated Highway is Falling Apart - The B1M - The issues hitting the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, and the difficulties in repairing it.
The Secret Subway That Could Save New York - The B1M - Hey do you want to hear about how we might finally be getting that Queens-Brooklyn line that doesn't need to pass through Manhattan first?
The Tunnel That's Failing New York City - The B1M - The tunnel that handles a massive amount of the human traffic between NJ and NYC is starting to break down due to age. This one included a line that actually gave me feelings: "Look, it's a 110-year-old system, you know, it's done its job. Like, we really can't ask any more of it." It did its best! For a long time! Thank you!
The US Government Wants to Destroy These Towers - The B1M - The federal government just wants to demolish some Historic Skyscrapers in Chicago, no biggie.
The Secret $4BN Tunnel Network Under Chicago - The B1M - Since the 1970s, Chicago has been building an absolutely massive set of tunnels hundreds of feet under the surface to handle regular flooding from storms and the climate crisis.
The Fight to Fix the Tilting Millennium Tower - The B1M - There's this skyscraper in San Francisco that's leaning a few centimeters to the side, which doesn't sound like a lot, until you learn that just a few more will mean the plumbing and elevators stop working.
The £100BN Railway Dividing a Nation - The B1M - Goes over the political, economic, and environmental arguments and concerns behind the highspeed rail intended to connect London to the North of England.
Inside London's £19BN New Railway (and its Nightmare Station) - The B1M - Genuinely fascinated at the number of Train Problems that England seems to be having.
Why Europe Doesn't Build Skyscrapers - The B1M - Explains the historical and modern reasons that limit the addition of supertall buildings across most of Europe.
The Insane Scale of Europe's New Mega-Tunnel - The B1M - Explores the engineering and environmental challenges of the Fehmarntunnel, a passage from Germany to Denmark of terrifying size.
Why Europe is Building a 57KM Tunnel Through a Mountain - The B1M - No, a different one. This one is between Italy and France.
We Went Inside the Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor - The B1M - It's in France, there are over 35 countries involved, and it's just a Lot.
Inside The Lab That Tests Elevator Free-Falls - The B1M - There's this active mine in Finland where they test elevators for safety and it's pretty cool.
Finland Might Have Solved Nuclear Power’s Biggest Problem - The B1M - Finland has a new way of storing nuclear waste.
Nord Stream 2: The $11BN Megaproject That's Dividing - The B1M - It's an oil pipeline and it is causing problems for Everyone.
Why Russia is Building an Arctic Silk Road - The B1M - Russia is taking advantage of the melting ice caps to set up a new trade route through the arctic so shipping can go up through the north instead of down around South Asia and through the Suez Canal.
The $10BN Railway in the Jungle - The B1M - Mexico is building a new, very long high-speed rail line, and it's incredibly controversial.
Hong Kong's $11BN Underwater Railway Explained - The B1M - Hong Kong is putting in a new underwater tunnel (as part of a larger network expansion) for its subway system, and it's. Difficult.
China's Skyscraper Boom is Officially Over - The B1M - Just learned that China is outlawing most skyscrapers. There are a few cases where you can still maybe make one happen, if you can convince the government it's needed, but in most cases... nah. They're cutting you off.
The Unstoppable Growth of China's High-Speed Rail Network - The B1M - [insert gif screaming about trains here]
The Insane Engineering of Tokyo's First Supertall Skyscraper - The B1M - While the focus is ostensibly Main Tower, the video covers a lot of ground regarding earthquakes and the necessary engineering to resist the incredibly frequent occurrence. (Warning: Came out shortly after the Feb. 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake, and contains references to the event, urging people contribute what they could to help. The video was already almost finished when the Turkey-Syria earthquake happened, and rather than delay it for fear of it being in bad taste, they decided to use it to encourage people to help the victims.)
Japan’s $64BN Gamble on Levitating Bullet Trains Explained - The B1M - Let's talk about maglev, pros and cons.
Is This Asia's Next Financial Capital? - The B1M - Malaysia is building a lot, and it might herald a new financial superpower for the continent and the world.
Why India Doesn’t Build Skyscrapers - The B1M - The short answer is 'zoning laws that didn't achieve what the legislators hoped,' but it's changing.
The $4BN Railway Reshaping Delhi - The B1M - What it says on the tin.
The World's Most Extreme Construction Site - The B1M - Antarctica!!!
Egypt Built a Supertall Skyscraper in the Desert - The B1M - Egypt is straight up building an entire city in the middle of nowhere, primarily as a new seat of government, because Cairo is overcrowded... and a frequent site of protests.
Top 10 Projects Completing in 2023 - The B1M - Some impressive, expensive, and possibly unnecessary projects that are happening.
Tomorrow's Build is a second channel under The B1M, also hosted by Fred Mills. It's more focused on hypothetical, future projects than ongoing ones.
Barcelona’s Car-Free Superblocks Explained - Tomorrow's Build - Barcelona is planning to block off entire parts of the city from most car usage, excepting local delivery, mass transit, and emergency services.
The Hidden Crisis With Renewable Energy - Tomorrow's Build - Storage of energy from renewable sources that are not consistently available (e.g. solar is only available when the sun is out) is difficult, so here are a few options.
This Nuclear Plant is Built in 3 Months - Tomorrow's Build - Mail-order nuclear power is going to be a thing.
Greece is Turning its Olympic Ruins into a Casino - Tomorrow's Build - [good for them dot gif]
This Could Stop Construction Everywhere - Tomorrow's Build - So it turns out we're running out of sand. Which is important, because we need sand for concrete, and the easiest stuff to get (desert sand), doesn't work for that, which is why Dubai has to import sand for construction. So uh. Kind of a crisis. Sand pirates are a whole thing.
Architectural Digest - channel for the architectural magazine that dates back to 1920
Architect Breaks Down 5 of the Most Common New York Apartments - Architectural Digest - Just what it says on the tin! An architect explains brownstones, classics, railroad apartments, and loft/studio apartments. Lots of history, specifically that of the late 19th century tenement buildings and the art community and subsequent gentrification of SoHo.
Architect Breaks Down 6 Luxury Apartments from Billions, Gossip Girl & More - Architectural Digest - On the other end of NYC housing, we got the Rich People Places.
Architect Breaks Down Secret Details Of The Chrysler Building - Architectural Digest - An exploration of the external details of the Chrysler, with commentary on the historical context of art deco and related art movements.
Architect Breaks Down 3 Demolished New York Landmarks - Architectural Digest - Goes over the original Penn Station, Madison Square Garden,and the New York Herald building.
Architect Breaks Down The Evolving Skyscrapers Of New - Architectural Digest - I'm... not going to pretend I'm less than obsessed with NYC videos. Sorry! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Covers setback/wedding cake tiered, glass curtain wall, plaza towers, expressed structures, and the (hated) supertall.
Architect Breaks Down NYC Subway Stations (Oldest & Newest) - Architectural Digest - And we continue on NYC infrastructure history because I am insatiable.
Architect Explores New York City's Greenwich Village | Walking Tour - Architectural Digest - What a beautiful and inconvenient neighborhood, full of so many dead bodies.
Top Luxury - Despite the name, is about construction in general, including critique of megearich projects, so don't go in expecting it to be About The Luxury
World's Most Useless Megaprojects - Top Luxury - Did you know there are entire cities lying around empty? I already knew that, but there are just. So many giant projects that never got finished, ate up a lot of money, and are just kind of sitting around now.
5 Skyscrapers that Never Existed - Top Luxury - Some of these never got past the concept stage, and some ran out of funding, and at least one got turned into a fish farm by locals after it was abandoned.
Biggest Megaprojects in the World - Top Luxury - Exactly what it says on the tin! Guys, there are so many giant projects happening, and so many of them are controversial As Heck.
Why these Megacities are Still Empty - Top Luxury - Not entirely empty, but yeah, there are some megacities designed for one purpose or another that are more Ghost Town than Bustling Metropolis. Other than Naypyidaw, though, most of them are expected to gain larger populations soon, particularly Nusantara (which is being built specifically due to the sinking of Jakarta).
The Most Terrifying Bridges in the World - Top Luxury - Like half of these are in a specific region of China that just has. So many mountains.
Most Expensive Construction Mistakes in the World (Part 3) - Top Luxury - Have you ever fucked up so incredibly that it cost six billion USD to fix?
Not Just Bikes - Canadian living in Europe; city planning with focus on N. American car-centric zoning
Why City Design is Important (and Why I Hate Houston) - Not Just Bikes - Do you want more ammo to show people when they try to argue with you about walkable cities?
America Always Gets This Wrong (when building transit) - Not Just Bikes - How zoning and city planning needs to adjust in order for mass transit to actually work for people.
Suburbs that don't Suck - Streetcar Suburbs (Riverdale, Toronto) - Not Just Bikes - So there actually are good suburbs in the US and Canada, we just can't build them anymore because zoning laws make it impossible.
Stroads are Ugly, Expensive, and Dangerous (and they're everywhere) - Not Just Bikes - So there's this really popular and horrible form of street/road in the US and Canada that is bad at its job.
Would You Fall for It? - Not Just Bikes - 1950s pro-highway propaganda (which is referenced in many other videos from this channel), and the ways in which it was misleading and effective.
These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us - Not Just Bikes - This video actually did numbers on tumblr a few months ago. You know those stupidly big SUVs and Pick-ups? Yeah! They suck!
Cities Aren't Loud: Cars Are Loud - Not Just Bikes - With a few small changes, you too could live in a city that doesn't make you want to wear noise-cancelling headphones every moment of the day.
IT'S HISTORY - Various historic places... mostly NYC
Why can't you visit the Statue of Liberty's Torch? - IT'S HISTORY - Has some confusing image choices (photos from the early 20th century while talking about events from the 18th), but delivers on a fun history of the Statue of Liberty (and includes some facts that the other Lady Liberty video didn't get around to).
What's Left of New York's Lost Reservoir? - IT'S HISTORY - Apparently it turned into Bryant Park.
When Chicago built the Tallest Building in the World | The story of Sears Tower - IT'S HISTORY - Just what it says on the tin.. Big building, big history!
The Secret Tunnels Beneath New York - IT'S HISTORY - NYC has lost so many tunnels? Lost track of, forgotten, rediscovered... it's ridiculous. Half of these are for TRAINS. Those are HUGE. Led to me making this post (which contains a meme or two, but also a very important trigger warning).
The lost neighborhood under New York's Central Park - Vox - Explains the history of Seneca Village: a primarily-black community of newly wealthy, often first-generation-freed peoples that was destroyed to make way for Central Park.
The Rise and Fall of American Malls - Bloomberg Originals - Covers the factors that led to malls becoming so common, and the many things that are contributing to the move away from them.
Megastructures: Building the Burj Al Arab | Dubai Engineering - Reel Truth Science Documentaries - This is fifty minutes of engineering and architecture, and really well done/presented. Mostly steers clear of the larger political controversy in favor of focusing on the math, though it can't entirely avoid the political and economic conflicts due to direct influence on the design by a the Crown Prince.
Why Venice is Europe’s Worst Placed City - Real Life Lore - We all know Venice is sinking, but this explains why and how (it's not just global climate change).
Why Wyoming is VASTLY Emptier Than Colorado - Real Life Lore - More of a general history lesson than architecture, but still fun.
Why Engineers Can't Control Rivers - Practical Engineering - I've had a few classes touch on this topic, but it was mostly back in high school. This video has some really good visualization on the main elements, and addresses that there are some places working on actual fixes!
Why Construction Projects Always Go Over Budget - Practical Engineering - Goes over the process by which costs are estimated, the limitations of those processes, and the risks that inevitably force the budget higher.
Czechia's Incredible 1960s Supervillain-Lair Hotel (And Why Its Architect Got Banned By The Regime) - The Tim Traveller - There's this really cool hotel that recently got refurbished.
Why Egypt Is Building a New Capital City - neo - Another video on the new city in Egypt, but with more in-depth exploration of the specific planning choices (where certain buildings are, especially).
The Forgotten Story of Modulex: LEGO's Lost Cousin - Peter Dibble - LEGO had a brand called Modulex that was used for architecture and city planning for a few decades. These days they mostly do signage.
Why Airplanes Are Still Worth Millions After They Stop Flying - CNBC - The various ways planes are broken down, sold for parts, and otherwise recycled.
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racefortheironthrone · 8 months
Isn't Gotham City all about alleys which isn't a very NYC thing, no?
Most of Manhattan doesn’t have alleys because the Commissioners’ Plan of 1811 eliminated them to maximize the number of sellable real estate lots), but lower Manhattan, which was already built-up in 1811 (indicated by the region in bold on the map) does. Hence why Gotham is usually compared to lower Manhattan by creators.
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brostateexam · 2 years
In other words, New York City — which in the first pandemic summer had been declared “dead forever” — was back! As long as you had not personally been ejected from your home, you might have even found it inspiring.
There was only one problem: None of it made any sense.
In late 2021 and early 2022, when demand for apartments was supposedly accelerating from trickle to geyser, New York was still besieged with COVID-related troubles. Return-to-office plans had been quashed by the Delta variant, then Omicron. Tourism was way down, and unemployment was twice the national rate. Crime was reportedly surging — people were getting shoved onto subway tracks — and outdoor dining had emboldened rats to live freely and openly among humans. Had all of the people who had presumably moved to escape these very concerns really come flooding back?
With every rise in the city’s median gross rents, my skepticism grew. I had lived happily in New York for more than two decades, through many disasters and rebounds, and I wanted to believe the story of its glorious post-COVID recovery. But why did it seem like all of the people telling it were also trying to lease me overpriced apartments?
I began to pick up faint dispatches from a distant, numbers-based reality, where a more plausible counternarrative was taking shape. “Manhattan Lost 6.9% of Its Population in 2021, the Most of Any Major U.S. County,” said a March 2022 headline. “NYC’s Population Plummeted During Peak COVID —  And It’s Still Likely Shrinking,” said another from a couple months later. According to these stories, New Yorkers hadn’t come flooding back at all. In fact, they were probably still leaking out.
If that was the case, then the city’s rental frenzy defied not just laws of supply and demand but also conservation of mass. All of the people who fled the city over the past three years should have left behind a surplus of empty, habitable apartments. What happened to them? And why is it so difficult and expensive to lease one now?
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frankbrunolaw25 · 4 days
Legal Estate Planning
Legal estate planning ensures your assets are properly managed and distributed according to your wishes. It involves creating wills, trusts, and other legal documents to protect your family and minimize taxes. With professional guidance, you can secure your legacy and provide peace of mind for your loved ones. Make informed decisions with expert estate planning services.
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doulayogimama · 1 year
It's times like these when I'm very grateful for my families "Schitt's Creek" like financial downfall. We lost everything... and we had a lot. My life did a real 180 turn really fast. One year I was shopping for range rovers that my dad would buy me for my 16th bday (true story, barf, lolol) and the next I was living with my grandparents and my parents were on the cusp of divorce.
Instead of getting a job at 16, I started selling all of my expensive designer belongings on eBay. I started selling things for other people too and taking 10% of the sales. Did that through college until I started babysitting.
My family has also embraced the Marie Kondo philosophies before that lady was even born, lmao. Object brings no joy or is of no use? Yay, charity! Or maybe a garbage pile. Either way, no clutter allowed. Clutter = anxiety.
Did I think in a million years we would be in this situation, selling our gorgeous condo not even 1.5 years into buying it? Nope! But c'est la vie. Sometimes you end up with neighbors who are toxic and I can either stay because it's my right or I can sell all my shit and go because I deserve better and life is too short.
We both wholeheartedly chose plan B after realizing this wasn't going to change. I'm really grateful to have a partner that is willing to do that with me, that sees material objects the same way I do. My home is not meant to collect "things" it's meant to be a safe place. And this place where we are now.... definitely not a safe feeling place. Can we afford to buy in the real estate markets we want to live in (nyc/miami)? Nope. But we're jumping anyway and choosing adventure, uncertainty, and joy.
Kevin's mom is very much a lover of things and she doesn't throw anything away and has lived in the same house for 30 years. Sky's room is really pretty, her toys are new and high quality, and she just said "it's such a shame that all of those toys are going to go to waste." I just chuckled at our differences. I'm not going to stay in a toxic place over nice toys or a couch???? Those things don't mean anything.... they are replaceable. S gets so much more joy playing with other kids at the beach or the playground than she does with her toys. No toy has ever captured her attention for more than a week or two. So, who cares??
I don't know, I'm just grateful. My family and I went through a lot of hardship in 2008 but the resilience it instilled in me, the knowing that true everlasting joy never ever comes from things, but from people and your environment. Having a purse or shoe collection brings me no joy. Knowing I can walk away from a bad situation with dignity, despite what I may be losing materially, that does. My husband has never experienced anything like what I have but he still understands and more than that, he's excited to jump with me. He's not attached to anything but his family.
Being run out of town by racist angry neighbors is no ones idea of a good time, but I am fucking strong. My family is strong and we are moving on up. We are blessed and we will leave this place with joy in our hearts despite not having much in the material sense very soon.
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applecoreart · 8 months
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+BST Project: I designed the abandoned apartment Crane is hiding out in using references pulled from properties in NYC via real estate sites. I mashed together apartment layouts I liked and made a blueprint. Still, it’s difficult to grasp scale and proportion in a flat blueprint, especially when drawing backgrounds, so I made a rough 3D blueprint in CSP using primitives and a character model scaled to Crane’s 6'4" height as reference.
It's really helpful to see the whole setting like this and quickly test out camera positions. I’m excited to build more of these for other locations in the future– I had a lot of fun and they’re really satisfying to build and look at :)
Posting just some WIP teaser images for now so people can see what I’ve been up to. At some point I plan to use this model to paint an above shot blueprint with all the textures, features, and furniture as a reference for painting backgrounds.
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tessa-liam · 1 year
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The Snake in the Garden
Chapter 6  
Choices – The Royal Romance, an alternate universe 
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Catch Up on previous chapters – Marabelle Masterlist 
Main Pairing – Liam Rys x F!OC Sophia (Sophie) Taylor  
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson 
Most characters belong to Pixelberry. 
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language & innuendo. 
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff. 
Words – 2480
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The Snake in the Garden, Chapter 6 
Chapter Summary – Sophie joins the ladies of the court at the palace for the garden tea party hosted by Madeleine (the Queen in waiting). At the palace, secrets are revealed. 
Music Inspiration - Tongue-Tied, Samantha Gibb, Love Me Like You Do, Jonah Baker, I Surrender, Claire Richards 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events. 
A/N3: My submission for Choices Flashfics @choicesflashfics, Week #45, Prompt 2 - “Just leave. You’re good at that.” & Prompt 3 - “I advise you to choose your next words very carefully.” 
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Marabelle trotted at an effortless pace alongside the glistening water of the shoreline as Sophie sang along to a song playing through her ear buds. 
‘I’d surrender everything’ 
‘To feel the chance to live again’ 
‘I reach to you’ 
‘I know you can feel it too’ 
Sophie softly touched her cheek remembering the birthday kiss from Prince Liam on the dance floor at the Beaumont Bash. To say she was delighted would be an understatement. Sophie was smitten. The attention the charming prince showered on her made her ‘weak in the knees’ and wanting more.
 It was a beautiful and warm summer morning. The sun shone brightly, and the water glistened; it was going to be a sweltering day. Starting to feel the heat, she lifted her long hair off her shoulders to clip into a ponytail and decided to return to the estate for a shower. 
As Sophie and Marabelle got closer to the estate, alongside the entrance to the stable, Sophie spotted Drake chatting with Maxwell and Daniel. She knew that Drake was at the estate for his weekly maintenance check on the stable and to set the weekly directions for the stable hands. 
Maxwell and Daniel were enjoying their newfound friendship. Sophie shook her head with a smile knowing that the pair could eventually develop that friendship into something more. She was thrilled for them, knowing that their personalities would complement the others' well. Daniel’s laid-back ways will be a calming presence for Max, who she knew was searching for a life partner of his own. 
The question was whether Daniel would ever plan a move from New York to Cordonia. She knew, like herself, he did not have family in the US and he had no commitments to hold him back. Sophie had felt guilty for leaving her dear friend behind and alone. He just needed a reason to join her. And he found it! 
She was elated to see the relationship between Max and Daniel ignite at the Bash. Daniel, being such a sweet guy, deserved the attention of a well-meaning partner; a partner he could not find in New York. In her opinion, Max would fill that role perfectly. 
Everything was going well with Sophie’s move. Settling into her new home easily, she was looking forward to a future in Cordonia. Her extended family was doing everything possible to make her feel comfortable and secure at the estate. In September, when she begins her studies at the university in the Capital, she will have Maxwell with her to show her around and be a guide as well. 
Now that she was 18 and ‘legal’, Max had promised to take her into the Capital to a nightclub. She knew, however, that while Max’s intentions were well-meaning, his focus is shifted now to her best friend, Daniel. Sophie did not mind though, because in all honesty, her focus was now on a certain prince. 
“Good morning, Squirrel!” Daniel sauntered over to greet her as Marabelle slowed to a stop. 
“Hey Daniel, you are up and about early this morning.” Sophie dismounted and moved to give her best friend a hug. 
Maxwell joined the pair, “’Squirrel’...I wish I would have thought of that nickname. It’s perfect for you!” 
“Hi Max,” Sophie grinned. “Oh no, not you, too!” 
“Beaumont, what is it with you? What is wrong with calling her Sophie?” Drake raised his brow and smirked at the look on Max’s face. 
“Just because you do not have the gift of humor doesn’t mean I have to be silenced.” Maxwell replied back. 
“You do realize you are calling your cousin a ‘bushy-tailed rodent’,” Drake countered. 
“Ookay... this conversation is going sideways.” Sophie shook her head, reaching for Marabelle’s reins. 
“Come on girl, let's get you a snack,” leading her horse towards the stable. 
“That’s my cue. Wait up, Sophie, I will walk with you.” 
Drake followed, first chuckling and mock punching Max’s arm. 
Sophie and Drake walked together towards the stable, an awkward air of uncertainty between them. 
After a few minutes, the chime of Drake’s phone broke the silence.  
“You must be in demand today,” Sophie quipped. 
“Yes, well, I am being called back to the palace.” Drake sighed slipping his phone back into his back pocket. 
Sophie smiled softly, “duty calls.” 
“I wanted to check up on the horses here before it gets too hot out today.” 
Drake patted the side of Marabelle’s face, “how are we feeling, girl?” 
“I am taking her back to her stall to give her some shade and treats,” Sophie grinned at her horse. 
“I have to say that I am impressed. Marabelle settled in here at the estate quickly. I can tell she likes you.” Drake smiled, looking at Marabelle. 
Sophie looked over at Drake, beaming, “awe, thank you.”  
With Marabelle now in her stall, Sophie closed the gate, securing a bucket of apples and watermelon to the inside railing. 
“I wish I could spend more time with you today, girl.” Sophie stroked the horse's nose as Marabelle happily munched on an apple piece. 
Drake took off his hat and wiped his brow with a handkerchief.  
“It is so hot out here. I would love nothing more than to jump in the lake. But I can’t.” 
“Yes, and I need to jump in the shower and get ready. I am expected at the palace at 1 p.m. for the garden party.”  
“A word of advice?” Drake looked at Sophie expectantly. 
“Beware the ladies of the court. Do not trust any of them...they are a den of snakes.” 
Maxwell snickered as he walked up, “Do not mind Drake, my cynical friend. They are not all particularly bad.”  
“Well, what do I know?” Drake said with defiance. 
“What my sister had to tolerate from those women, everything that I was afraid of happening, happened.”  
“Will Savannah be at the garden party, Drake?” Sophie asked. 
Drake laughed sarcastically, “not on your life.” 
“But they are not like you, Squirrel.” Maxwell interjected. 
Sophie looked between the pair. The garden party would be the first time she would be interacting ‘one on one’ with these same women today.  
 “Thank you for the vote of confidence, Max. I think?”  
Cordonian Royal Palace Courtyard 
Queen-in-waiting Countess Madeleine Amaranth, stood beside Queen mother Regina under the trellis personally greeting the ladies of the Royal court and invited guests to her inaugural garden tea party. Not sparing any expense, Madeleine was in her element, feeling superior in station and was not shy in showing it. 
Sipping lemonade, Sophie sat with her Aunt Bethany, Duchess Adelaide and Princess Beatrice of Belgium.  If anything, it was entertaining watching the interactions between the guests. 
“Sophia, you are a delightful addition to court.” Adelaide was very inquisitive, noticing that Prince Liam had been paying a lot of attention to her the night of the Beaumont Bash. 
Sophie politely smiled but stayed silent as Adelaide continued to drone on about nothing in particular. 
“Well, I can tell you one thing, my dear. When I was young and beautiful, men always wanted me. No matter what. But now? It’s like I’m just invisible to them. And it's so infuriating!” 
“Oh, I understand,” Princess Beatrice said, rolling her eyes. 
“Adelaide, how is your husband, Godfrey? I have not seen him in the Capital for quite some time.” 
Bethany inquired, raising her eyebrow. 
At that, Sophie stood from the table, “please excuse me a moment. Auntie Beth, I am going to stretch my legs.”  
As she travelled towards the terrace outside the palace, Sophie paused when she overheard her name being mentioned on the other side of the tall hedge. 
“Pour qui se prend-elle? Pensant que le prince s’intèresserait à elle.” 
(Who does she think she is? Thinking that the prince would be interested in her.) 
Sophie peered through the branches and noticed Lady Kiara standing beside Lady Penelope next to a dessert table. 
Penelope nodded her head in agreement and whispered loudly, “exactly! The nerve of that American.” 
Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Sophie turned to her left. 
“Lady Sophia, you look lost.” Olivia grinned at Sophie’s expression of surprise. 
“Why are you acting so surprised, Sophie? You should have expected this from Kiara and Penelope.” 
Sophie frowned and responded, “What’s that supposed to mean, Duchess?” 
“Oh, you will learn quickly on how to play their game,” Olivia replied with a mischievous smile. 
Olivia, herself, was in the process of finding out information on the newest member of the court. Especially since she had also noticed that she had caught the eye of Prince Liam. 
Sophie could only sigh in response. Although she had been included into the circle of ladies of the court, she still had to find her place in the court. To do that, she had a lot of information to discover. 
After the awkward conversation, Sophie excused herself to enter the palace to freshen up and to temporarily escape from the hot Mediterranean sun. 
Entering the sitting room, Sophie sat down on a sofa and pulled out her phone. 
The leggy strawberry blonde opened the large ornate door to the Crown Prince’s private quarters. After spending the previous evening with Leo, she left her lover to leave the palace to return to her apartment in the Capital. 
Veronica was bound by a Cordonian Arrangement, and a non-disclosure agreement, and spent several nights a week with Leo. Madeleine was well aware of his mistress and when she passed the future queen, she made no eye contact but held her head up high and smirked.
Madeleine stalked into the Royal suite in search of her betrothed. When she found him sipping his coffee on the veranda, she did not hold back her rage. 
“Of all days, you must flaunt your trollip while I am hosting my garden party?"
“Oh, it's you? Why are you not at your party?” Leo sneered, daring Madeleine to respond. 
Madeleine did not back down and scowled, “It is your duty to attend the party, as the future King, in the address to the court. Instead, you are fucking your whore! Some King you will make!” 
Immediately standing, Leo slammed his cup against the table, smashing it. 
“I advise you to choose your next words very carefully.” Leo seethed, slowly walking inside. 
“I am Royal by birth, Countess. You do not presume anything!” 
Leo continued to walk past Madeleine to enter his chamber and slammed the door behind him. 
“Just leave. You’re good at that.” Madeleine shouted in response and stormed out of the Royal suite, incensed, to return to the garden party. 
Entering the powder room next to the sitting room by the palace courtyard, Madeleine broke down. “You cannot do this to me Leo! You cannot embarrass me with your whore!” 
“I should have known that you would flaunt your lovers, but I do not have to see it!” 
Sitting down at the vanity, she wiped her tears, cursing herself for forgetting that her make-up bag was up in her room. 
After over-hearing a commotion of angry words, Sophie stood and entered the powder room. She froze in place at the undeniable sound of a woman sobbing and crying out. 
Madeleine stood up, hearing the door open behind her. 
“You heard that?” she says aghast, looking at Sophie. 
“Well, you know now, don’t you. I am the worst of fools.” 
“Did I really just hear you say that?” Sophie asks, blinking. 
“Oh Sophie, do not pretend to be shocked," Madeleine says, brushing back her hair with a trembling hand. 
“To be involved with a Rys, means they hold all the cards. It is their birthright.” 
“I will be Queen. That is what the Cordonian arrangement is for.” 
To say that Sophie was overwhelmed would be an understatement. There was a mix of emotions affecting her in a perfect storm; stunned, terrified, puzzled, and doubt were combining to make her question her place in the court and her self-confidence. 
Planning to rejoin the garden party, Sophie appeared from behind the column and walked swiftly away from the sitting room.
Still in the palace, Sophie turned and feeling flustered, she ran face first into a man’s broad chest. 
"Whoa, whoa ...hey Sophie". Liam chuckled, holding her arms to slow her impact. 
Looking up she was met with his kind, crystal blue eyes, but could not formulate a response. She was truly tongue-tied. 
He released her, his hands lingering before pulling away. Sophie could feel her heartbeats pick up, her throat tighten.
As if he sensed her uneasiness Liam spoke first.
"Sophie, I uh... I wanted to ask if you would have time to meet with me and talk after the garden party. I want to get to know you better, and I can tell you've had a rough day."
He cleared his throat.
Sophie spoke quickly, "I would love to get to know you Liam, yes!"
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destinyc1020 · 9 months
If this blind is true, it states that Zendaya alone bought a place near her home town. Of course Tom will stay with her in this place, but if this was something they were buying together to build for the future, it would have been a joint purchase. When we hear that they have purchased a house together, I will do back flips and conga lines because that will be a tangible sign that a wedding is near. Right now this house would be no different than Tom's house in London . A house she is not really involved with since Tom's mother chose it and was involved in the remodeling plans more than Zendaya. Eventually if the get married, Zendaya is going to want her agency and they will have a place in London/elsewhere in a location and house that they decide together.
I mean, you can still be married and not purchase a house jointly. Just saying.... 🤷🏾‍♀️
But I thought it was pretty obvious that Z has been doing some real estate purchases over the past few years.....
Might even be business-related for all we know.
She has the one in NYC, the one in Encino, and now, apparently, according to DM, the one in the bay area. 😊
We don't even know if what DM posted is even true, but if it is, it might not be a home for her personally. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Gov. Kathy Hochul is pushing a New York City tax hike to replace the $15 congestion pricing tolls she indefinitely postponed — a last-minute funding Hail Mary that drew fierce opposition Thursday.
Lawmakers and business groups slammed the prospect of a tax increase, especially after Hochul scuttled congestion pricing Wednesday because it would “break the budget” for the working class.
“Proposing another tax is an insulting joke that will only exacerbate the affordability crisis that Gov. Hochul pointed to as her reason for killing congestion pricing,” Assemblyman Matt Slater (R-Putnam) told The Post.
“The combination of corporate income, payroll and other taxes on New York City businesses already has them paying some of the highest effective rates in the nation,” noted Ken Girardin, director of research at the Empire Center for Public Policy.
Bigwigs and politicos who already felt burned by Hochul’s flip-flop on congestion pricing said the tax proposal shows she had no real Plan B to make up for the $1 billion a year Manhattan tolls would have raised for the flailing transit agency — and they’re not likely to throw her a lifeline.
“I think it does not have support,” state Sen. Liz Krueger (D-Manhattan) said about a vote on the tax.
“No new taxes,” added Assemblyman Brian Cunningham (D-Brooklyn).
The governor’s shock announcement also created turmoil at the MTA’s highest levels.
MTA Chair and CEO Janno Lieber, along with Hochul’s board appointees, have threatened to resign, a state Senate source told The Post.
Complicating matters is the fact Albany lawmakers are poised to skip town Friday as the legislative session ends — a deadline that could leave major MTA projects in limbo as officials scramble to replace the $15 billion promised by congestion pricing.
Legislative opponents of congestion pricing hailed Hochul’s move as a victory for everyday New Yorkers, but offered no firm solutions for the last-minute funding problem it created.
State Assemblyman Member David Weprin (D-Queens) said hiking the mobility tax is a possibility, along with other vague “proposals” that he wouldn’t elaborate upon when pressed by The Post.
“You’ll find out within a week,” he said. “We’re committed to find a billion dollars.”
The payroll mobility tax is leveled on businesses and self-employed workers in New York City and the surrounding region to help fund the MTA.
Hochul and lawmakers just last year raised the tax on the city’s largest businesses to raise $1.1 billion annually.
The governor, besides a potential mobility tax hike, has floated tapping into state reserves as a replacement, insiders said.
Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella, a co-plaintiff in one of the lawsuits to block congestion pricing, said tax hikes can’t always be the answer.
“We have $300 billion combined between the state and city budget,” said Fossella, suggesting efficiencies can be found elsewhere to fund transit.
“Raising taxes will just hurt businesses more. I just don’t understand it,” he said.
Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who supports congestion pricing, also blasted a New York City-focused tax increase.
“Our transit system serves twelve New York counties and two other states,” he tweeted. “It’s completely unacceptable for the burden of yet another payroll tax increase to be raised on NYC small businesses to fund regional transit projects.”
The legislators weren’t alone in their opposition.
Prominent business groups – including some that stuck their necks out in support of congestion pricing, such as The Real Estate Board of New York – have criticized Hochul’s reversal and funding replacement proposals.
“Unquestionably, there is a cost of living and affordability crisis in New York, which is also deeply felt by small business owners,” said Ashley Ranslow, the New York director for the National Federation of Independent Business.
“Increasing the MTA payroll tax will only exacerbate this crisis and worsen New York’s dismal business climate and lagging economic growth post-pandemic.”
Kathryn Wylde, president and CEO of the prominent Partnership for NYC, told NY1 Thursday that she personally expressed her “frustration and disappointment” to Hochul.
Her group later that day issued a statement opposing any increase in the payroll mobility tax to replace the $1 billion. 
Business and real estate taxes already account for 44% of MTA revenues, followed by rider fares at 27% and 13% for vehicle tolls – an unfair share that congestion pricing would have corrected, the statement contended.
“Congestion pricing spread the MTA funding burden equitably across all the constituencies that benefit from the mass transit system that supports the tri-state regional economy,” the statement reads.
“The PMT burden is entirely on New York City, which is already the most highly taxed city in the country.”
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