skeelly · 4 months
name your top 5 mutals and tell me why you love them
hi anon. ty i've been wanting to do this but this is hard ah
im excluding @moonlightt444 again cause ik her irl
@mqstermindswift you are literally the best person ever. i love you very mucchhh!! thank you for literally existing. i can't imagine tumblr without you, infact i can't imagine life with you. I'm proud of you in everything you do. ilyy. and omg quason, literally, if you feel that no one in the world is proud of you, always remember i am. i support you in everything (especially your delusions :3) you do as long as you lead with passion and kindness. i love you quason. im so happy to have you in my life
@reminiscentreader hi jas!! ilysmm! youre so cool and such an honest, kind and comforting person. i genuinely appreciate all your nice words and thank you for being so understanding lol. plus, the way we can talk about taylor and i know i won't be am imposition (or am i?) makes me feel appreciated. ily jasss!! #theworldneedsmorepeoplelikejas
@nqds NADS. ilyy! you're so funny, you make my day a little brighter everytime. thank you so much for being a lovely friend and mutual. i love everything you say lol. you're so funny. girl please never stop saying jokes and being you. and im genuinely so lucky to have you as my friend. oh and you're so incredibly talented wkjdowjs. i wanna be more like you. ilyy
@urbanflorals emmmmm! first of all, literally thank you for making me your maid of honor. omg. i love you. walker is so lucky to have youu. you're such an understanding person and you're so fun to talk to. thank you for being you. your stories make me happy lol. and can we talk about how absolutely talented you are?!?! omg. you're good at everything. i look up to you lol. ily!!
@sophiesonlinediary SOPHIEEE. hi sophieee. walker is also extremely lucky to have you like- i can't. i really hope you move on from walkers-look-alike cause.. walkers better. anyways, thank you for everything sophie! your kind words, trust in me, and literally just the fact that you understand me makes me feel so amazing and a little better whenever im feeling down oh and thank you for being honest. honest friends is a must and I'm glad you're my honest friend. LOVE YOU TO BITS and i need to get you a nickname
@myster3y I LOVE YOU SM. please remember i always have your back no matter what and you can ABSOLUTELY talk to me about anything. thank you for being comfortable around me. i appreciate it! you're such a nice friend btw and those "bully's" know nothing. don't let them affect you and your well being. ily!! <3
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seatawinan · 1 year
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i swear i tried all combos of earth and/or mix during atots then i got sadge @geminifourth traded pondphuwin so i tried a lot of urls and was shocked earthpirapat was free 🥰🥰🌍🌍 it's really abt trying all the names you can think of
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maggotnursery · 10 months
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selfie dump
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morathicain · 1 year
Khunchai first
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loooreleii · 2 years
not a stupid thing to say. it's rather very serious. I want to confess </3 what if i want to nomnomnom you Laura? what then? :(
Well, I do have very squishy cheeks and would allow you to nom nom on them every day, for as long as you want my beloved 💛
*Packing my bags right now to come and make it happen*
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taeminie · 2 years
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thanks for listening
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fandompeepsgoburrrr · 2 years
So o dont know how many of y'all have ever listened to Paul Shapera, but here is the New Albion trilogy characters as my Golden Deer playthrough peeps. Le shrug
(Since its musicals/operas some characters are reused as bg characters move along)
Dolls of New Albion
Kate - Hilda
Annabell - Lysthia
Edgar - Casper
Fey - Byleth
Byron - Claude
Amelia - Marianne
Jasper - Sylvain
Pricilla - Ferdinand
Soldier 8127 - Lorenz
Gambler - Ralphael
Monk - Ignatz
Vps - Leonie, Lysthia, Ignatz
Soldiers - Casper, Claude, Ralpheal
The New Albion Radio Hour
Lloyd - Claude
John - Sylvain
Constance - Hilda
Thomas - Lorenz
Jaquline - Byleth
Blood Red Dogs Leader - Casper
Blood Red Dogs - Leonie, Ralph
Vodopunks - Lysthia, Marianne
Government Guy/Soldier - Ferdinand
Dance Partner/Vp Techs - Ignatz
The New Albion Guide to Analogue Consciousness
Mascot 3000 - Ferdinand
Rachel - Sylvain
Conner - Lorenz
Adrian -  Hilda
Lee - Claude
Yasolof - Caspar
Chorus - Ralph, Leonie, Lysthia
Lloyd - Ignatz
Narrator - Marianne
The Room Beneath
Alice - Ferdinand
Alexander - Sylvain
Narrator - Byleth
Angels - Claude,
Mobsters - Leonie, Lorenz, Casper, Ralpheal
Tribe - Marianne, Hilda, Ignatz, Lysthia
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snuffbomb-awareness · 2 years
Got a DM asking who Nadzarki was.
Lemme just say that question alone is a good sign. Never let this person try to wiggle back to any fandom. To OVERLY under play what this did. -Used their brother's DA account to at first just try and boost their popularity. See example's below. (First picture on top Left featuring Jason, Jason was getting very popular so she 100% took advantage of this and made that "New age of Pasta" all under this old Davink account.)
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-She begun catfishing on said brothers account. Such things as Jasdavink "All the girls in my school stalk me, its so bad I even have fanfictions written by them on wattpad." "he" legit showed a screenshot of what we now know as a celeberty from their part of the world. -Nadzarki once threated this (keep in mind they are all sock puppet accounts too) one fangirl who was an embodiment of a meangirl leader, that she would "drive the 2 hours away to see Jasdavink and keep him safe." Thus stating they didn't know one another or were related when in fact the account she hijacked from her brother...well was her brothers. -CandyPout, another catchfish account. First made to act like she was this defensive fangirl from Japan (not the same country as Nadz and Jasink) who eventually was shipped between each other. Again BROTHERS ACCOUNT. (there was also a rumor by the people investigating that Candy was also the nickname for her little sister so gross.) -Nadzarki Game ends the Candypout account, after Jasink account falls in love with a none sock puppet account. Claims that Candypout had cancer and that she passed away. a note her friends send to Jasink account which then gets shared by the other effected people.
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-Jasink account starts dating someone, and to keep this simple to a extreme degree. This account once used to just get Nadzarki popular was now a FULL CATFISH! Started Dating a person who I will keep unnamed as they've been through a lot already, so gaslight, gatekeep, and abuse was on full swing. Nadzarki Legit start getting feelings for this person and even (using Jasink account) asked people what to do about "Nadzarki's feelings toward my GF" This all changed thanks to THE EVENT: -Nadzarki Almost gets caught using Jasink account (now named Davink) with how similar the artstyles are. SUDDENLY 15 minutes later Davink died. Another catfish account KOd off, but now it dragged the whole community at the time. Talking about the big creators too like ghostfacenikol, Bleedingheartworks, Ivydarkrose, etc . His death had SUCH a huge inpat that, one as you can imagine someone in love, the person dating this catfish was so distort over the sudden news they nearly game ended themselves over the heartbreak. (This is why catfishing can be so so so Deadly)
So Now you have the fandom mourning this young creator (did I mention these catfishes were 14-16 years old, being done by a 20 year old woman at the time. ) With this mourning you can even seeing artwork dedicated to this young teen. -Nadzarki no longer had the catfish accounts, You'd think she'd stop but NOPE!!!! MADE TWO NEW ACCOUNTS!!! TO PRETEND TO.BE.JAPINK. IRL FREINDS. Used this accounts to "help" Jasink's lover mourn through this. ONE of these accounts slowly started saying possessive and s*xually hassassing things to this grieving person (this over the course of months, but still disturbing) And that is where Nadzarki would then fake bad events so much so that, that people were catching on (except the major victims, such as the ex catfish lover and the too nice for their own good, creators.) And of course, she was called out. To why we know all this. SO YES! PLEASE NEVER CATFISH. TLDR: Nadzarki= Creepshowart of the Creepypasta community. Nearly got others game ended with the faked catfishes, and emotionally, mentally, and s*xually abused others through those sock puppet accounts.
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sucka99 · 4 months
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skeelly · 1 day
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runningbirdsworld · 6 months
26 November 2023 - Dalam jangka waktu setahun lebih sedikit, 2 streamer game favorite ku meninggal.
Sejak tahun 2021 awal kalau tidak salah, aku punya hobi baru, yaitu streaming GTA V Roleplay.
Waktu itu masih pandemi, jadi less interact sama manusia. Kehidupanku ya di kamar, nugas, jajan, dan takut banget ketemu manusia. Pastilah jenuh. Kemudian aku kenal GTA V RP lewat salah satu selebgram yg dikenalin sama temennya. Pertama kali nonton langsung suka sekali. Game dimana aku bisa melihat bagaimana cara manusia lain saling berinteraksi, bersosialisasi, berdialog, dengan role masing² yang mirip sekali dengan real life. Bahagia banget aku bisa nemu apa yang nggk bisa aku dapatkan selama pandemi di rumah.
Kalau ada yang belum kenal GTA V RP, cari aja. Sekarang banyak server² baru dan peminatnya semakin rame.
Saat itu senengg banget. Kayak akhirnya nemu apa yang selama ini kubutuhkan. Melihat cara manusia bersosialisasi. Jadi hampir setiap malam aku streaming untuk nemenin nugas, atau sekedar pingin dengar suara orang ngobrol, atau ya sekedar interaksi sama stranger saja. Jadi karena hampir tiap malam nonton streaming, aku udah ngerasa deketttt banget sama mereka. Merasa mereka selalu ada buat aku. Walaupun irl nggk pernah ketemu.
Sampai aku punya beberapa streamer favorite. Dulu streamingnya kebanyakan masih di Nimo TV. Sebelum putus kontrak dg GTA Maret/Mei th 2022 gitu ya. Lupa. Nah, semenjak itu, udah jarang banget tuh yg streaming GTA. Pada males pindah Youtube karena yaa terlalu susah atau ketat gitu lah.
Sedih bangettt. Berjalannya waktu ada beberapa streamer yg mau balik live stream di YT. Nah, kebetulan beberapa streamer fav ku balik stream, tapi nggk serajin dulu. Seminggu sekali aja udah jarangg banget. Terus setelah 1/2 bulan, streamer yg paling kusuka ini ngilang dari lane. Tiba² di akhir tahun dapat kabar kalau di meninggal karena sakit. Auto nangis. Sedihhhh bangett. Dia orang yang baikk bangett. Sangat peduli sama temen²nya, selalu mikirin temen²nya, nggk tegaan. Langsung di discord rame pada sedih dan nggk percaya karena cepet banget.
Sampai sekarang kalau kangen aku masih suka rewatch kontennya dia.
Tapi selang berbulan-bulan, udah lah move on karena ada server baru, stremer lama pada kumpul jadi betah lagi.
Nah sampai pada kemarin, aku lihat tiktok, ada yg ngepost kalau orang yang pertama kali ngenalin aku GTA V, atau game² lain, meninggal. Nggk mungkin banget. Temen²nya yg selebgram nggk ada post apa².
Tapi tadi pagi pas buka tiktok kok ada berita lagi kalau dia meninggal. Langsung check ke IG temen² deketnya. Ternyata bener. Dia meninggal. Ya Allah, dia orang yang baikkkk bangettt. Soft hearted bangetngetnget. Setiba-tiba itu. Masih nggk nyangka.
Gapapa dianggap lebay. Tapi ngertikan rasanya orang yang nemenin kamu hampir setiap hari, ngobrol sama kamu berjam-jam, dari malem sampai pagi, nemenin kamu nugas, brainstorming, atau ngapain lah, terus dia nggk ada. Nggk bisa ketemu dan kayak gitu lagi💔🥀
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stuartbedasso · 6 months
New Show - Sandwiches Save Lives
Download the Show Here: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/bedasso/TSBS_November_3_2023.mp3
Don't laugh, sandwiches save lives.  You lawn signs get off my...uh...lawn.  Dave doesn't have a doctor, he has an archeologist.  Amirite?  Check out the movie CODA.  You'll be glad you did.  No, really.  Support us at www.StuartBedasso.com.
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morathicain · 1 year
Khun Chai first
asjdhabskjdbakjsdb XDDDD
No worries! I will watch that one first! Song Gong Ki bleeding and wet is just ... *chef's kiss* but it's not on the top of my list
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MYSHKA THE CAT | Baldur's Gate III (2023)
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softiescully · 9 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS i love youuuu 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🩷🩷
THANK U ANGEL 😌 i love u sm 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💓
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