#Naloxone Training
bavariansugarcookie · 2 years
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These tweets inspired me to get my Naloxone (aka Narcan) training certificate today! One of my childhood friends passed away from an overdose a few years ago, and she deserved love, life, and medical care, just like Kevin Nye said.
I did the Bystander training at the Get Naloxone Now website for free in less than an hour! (They do ask for a $10 donation if you want a copy of the certificate.) They also have a training for first responders, as well as resources to get Naloxone in your area. There’s a Narcan shortage right now, so you might have to wait a few weeks, but it’s really easy and it’s a nice feeling to know what to do in case of an emergency!
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No One Else Has To Die
I got an email today from an excellent website that I joined last September known as PROPELLER. It is like social media for social activism! I will share more about PROPELLER a little later in this post… but first- A LIFE SAVING MESSAGE… Please join me in support of movements across the nation to END OVERDOSE… You can purchase this sticker on the EndOverdose website I do not personally…
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on-this-day-btvs · 10 months
November 30, 1999
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Hero aired for ATS season 1, episode 9. This was the last appearance of Doyle, whose full name is Allen Francis Doyle. Doyle is an Irishman who receives prophetic visions. Doyle is played by Glenn Quinn. Doyle is in nine episodes of ATS, all in season 1. (Later appearances used archived footage.)
Glenn Quinn's full name is Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn. Quinn was allowed to use his native Irish accent for Doyle and said: "I've been hiding it for so long that it's amazing to have some freedom. It was like putting on an old pair of shoes. It's bringing my soul back to life." Doyle advised Angel and after Cordelia joined them, the three formed Angel Investigations.
PSA: Glenn Quinn died of an accidental heroin overdose in 2002. Opioids include heroin, fentanyl, OxyContin, and others. Narcan - generic name Naloxone - can be given to people in opioid overdose through injection or nasal spray. Narcan / Naloxone is FDA approved and available over-the-counter.
(image credit to buffyversefans) (Glenn Quinn quote via wikipedia) (narcan / naloxone - more information)
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skippingdown16 · 1 year
these episodes also had so many medical things that I'm very aware of in 2023 and wouldn't have ever heard of in 2008
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vaspider · 6 months
Measure 110, or the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
So if y'all aren't local to Oregon, you may not have heard that the Oregon state legislature just voted to -- essentially -- gut Measure 110, the ballot measure which decriminalized all drug possession and use in the state. It turned all drug use into a citation instead, and the citation and fine could be waived by completing a health screening. The entire point of Measure 110 was replacing jail with health care and services to help people instead, and while I could probably write a very long side post on the imperfections of that approach, it was at the very least a move in the right direction after decades of the pathetic failure and absolutely racist mess that is the "War on Drugs."
You may hear this pointed to in coming years as a reason why we have to just throw people into jail for using drugs, because Measure 110 failed. And like... it did fail, kinda. Sorta. It failed in that it did not manage to fix everything immediately, and it created some new issues while also exposing older issues more sharply.
It also saved the state $40 million in court costs prosecuting low-level drug offenses, kept thousands of people whose literal only crime was putting a substance into the body of a consenting adult (themselves) out of jail, put at least one addiction services center in every county in the state, invested $300 million in addiction services, and an awful lot more. See the end of this post for more reading.
But where it failed, it failed because it wasn't supported. Police and advocacy groups both asked for specific tickets for this new class of offenses which had the phone number to call to go through the health screening and the information about how going through that health screening would make the ticket go away printed on it prominently - lawmakers declined to fund this. Governor Kotek budgeted $50K to train officers on how to handle these new citations and how to direct people to the treatment and housing supports, but lawmakers thought that training officers on this new law at all was a waste of money. Money moved extremely slowly out to the supports that were supposed to come into play to help people obtain treatment or get access to harm-reduction strategies. People freaked the fuck out about clean-needle outreach, fentanyl testing strip distribution, Narcan training, and other harm-reduction strategies.
And at the end of the day, Measure 110 gets called a failure because it wasn't a silver bullet. Never mind that thousands of people are not sitting in jail right now for basically no fucking reason. Never mind that people have gotten treatment, harm has been reduced, overdoses have been prevented...
So, yeah. You'll probably start hearing this trotted out as proof that, well, we triiiied decriminalizing drugs, but look what happened in Portland! Well, what happened in Oregon is that we got set up to fail, and still didn't fail, just didn't totally succeed.
Measure 110 highlights, quoted directly from Prison Policy Initiative:
The Oregon Health Authority reported a 298% increase in people seeking screening for substance use disorders.
More than 370,000 naloxone doses have been distributed since 2022, and community organizations report more than 7,500 opioid overdose reversals since 2020.
Although overdose rates have increased around the country as more fentanyl has entered the drug supply, Oregon’s increase in overdoses has been similar to other states’ and actually less than neighboring Washington’s. A peer-reviewed study comparing overdose rates in Oregon with the rest of the country after the law went into effect found no link between Measure 110 and increased overdose rates.
There is no evidence that drug use rates in Oregon have increased. A cross-sectional survey of people who use drugs across eight counties in Oregon found that most had been using drugs for years; only 1.5% reported having started after Measure 110 went into effect.
There has been no increase in 911 calls in Oregon cities after Measure 110.
Measure 110 saves Oregonians millions. Oregon is expected to save $37 million between 2023-2025 if Measure 110 continues. This is because it costs up to $35,217 to arrest, adjudicate, incarcerate, and supervise a person taken into custody for a drug misdemeanor — and upwards of $60,000 for a felony. In contrast, treatment costs an average of $9,000 per person. The money saved by Measure 110 goes directly to state funding for addiction and recovery services.
There is no evidence that Measure 110 was associated with a rise in crime. In fact, crime in Oregon was 14% lower in 2023 than it was in 2020.
Further reading/sources:
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ratedfleur · 8 months
burn it all up.
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a series of murders have been planned and accomplished in that very building, only for a group to find out remains of bodies. Now, who will solve these series of mysteries left behind?
zb1  &  y/n   8.4k  word count   genre  ୭  mystery
🏷️ : dark content = murders, arson, cursing (and a lot of that), knives, guns, blood, stabbing, corpses, use of morphine & naloxone, y/n is deadass crazy but everyone is crazy in their own ways.
🗒️: as always, likes / reblogs / comments are very appreciated! happy reading! 🗡️
🎼 : the blue danube, Op. 314 (i suggest playing this when you see a 🎼 later :) )
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Zero University was an odd school, it was miles away from the city, nearly 3 hours away from the city if you took the train. The students themselves were odd, always drowning in the blood red colored uniform, eyes always had themselves fixated on the new students, finding the new faces odd and nearly disgusting. 
You and these 9 men you called friends were people who you chose to bond with after they practically adopted you after you looked like a poor puppy dropped by the dumpster when you were forced to study in Zero University by your narcissistic parents who only cared about themselves.
“Do we really have to go in there?” Yujin whined as they step foot in front of the old shed that was now mysteriously left unlocked after it had been always locked with a huge padlock and chain even years before.
“Aw baby, you scared already?” You teased as he whined once more from beside you, pulling you close to him while Gunwook was scowling behind you and the youngest, bitter that stole his girlfriend away from him.
With Gyuvin and Ricky leading the way, the two opened the old door to the shed only to see nothing but rusty shelves, gardening tools, a few bags of dirt, and a pallet of wood in the far corner.
“Well so much for an adventure.” Jiwoong says as he’s looking around, fumbling with the gardening tools before Gunwook called out to him.
“Woongie hyung, Mattchu hyung, help me with this.” Gunwook said and called out to the two as he stood up straight after trying to lift up the pallet of wood.
The two come at his calling with Jiwoong holding onto one corner of the wood while Matthew was doing the other corner whilst Gunwook was in the middle, lifting up the pallet with the two’s help.
The group went up to them, watching as they put away the pallet to the side before Jiwoong pulled off the old fabric that was lying on the ground– only to reveal a dirt made staircase. “The fuck?” Jiwoong said as he turned his flashlight on from his phone, studying where the dirt staircase led to.
“What the fuck indeed.” You commented before walking right up to them with your flashlight on, heading down confidently to figure out what the staircase of dirt would lead to.
“Noona, wait for me!” Yujin called out to you as you kept descending down the stairs, unbothered by the ants and worms on the dirt. You stopped walking to wait for Yujin who linked his arms into yours while the others followed, you stepped to the side before letting today’s leader lead the way – Ricky and Gyuvin.
“Dude, stop pushing and shoving.” Gyuvin groaned when Ricky was pushing him as they lead the way down the dirt stairs. “That’s why you need to hurry the fuck up, scaredy cat.” Ricky snickered when Gyuvin’s steps started picking up the pace as he led them all down the stairs. Gyuvin’s steps came to a halt when they reached a metal door after what seemed like countless of steps. 
“It’s just a door..” Gyuvin says while turning around to face the rest, flashing them in the face with his phone’s flashlight.
“And what do we do with a door, just look at it? Gyubin-ah, you’re so cute.” Ricky cooed as Gyuvin rolled his eyes at him.
The two kept arguing before Jiwoong descended down from where he was, stopping the fight between the two by reaching for the rusty door knob, rattling it a few times before he took a few steps back before abruptly slamming his shoulder on the wooden door, repeating it a few more times before the door staggers, merely releasing dust into the air.
“Wook-ah, give me a hand. Everyone, back up,” Jiwoong says as the younger comes down, Gunwook takes a few steps back like what Jiwoong was doing before they slammed their shoulders on the door, repeating it a few times before the upper part of the door breaks open, making the two take the bottom part by stomping on it.
“Aw look at you two, so cool.” Gyuvin says as he bravely stepped inside what it seemed like an old bunker.
Gyuvin immediately grimaces before he gags, covering his mouth and nose as he lead the way.
The rest quickly follow in, faces scrunching up at the stench as they walked further into the dark bunker. It was dark inside, no light could get into the bunker as they were deep into the ground. The bunker was not fully replenished with what it should have, instead, it was a simple dark room that reeked of something that they couldn’t figure out.
“Should we really be in here? I mean, there’s nothing to see.” Yujin said with you linking your arm around his as the group kept walking further into the huge bunker.
Nobody responded, instead, they kept walking and flashing their flashlights around to see whatever they could amidst the darkness.
The group was filled with banter as they kept walking, not until Matthew called out to the rest who stood behind him. The hand that held up his phone shook, flashlight shaking as he pointed it to the ground.
“What the fuck is that..” Matthew’s voice trembled as he bent down to further look at what he saw lying on the ground.
He could feel his heart thumping against his chest as he came into view with what he saw.
A severed hand.
Matthew gags as he stand up straight, stumbling away from the group as they called out to him. He gags before spitting on the ground before he looks up in horror, only for his flashlight to land on another severed hand.
“Metyu-yah, are you okay?” Jiwoong called out to him, holding up the flashlight to look at a pale Matthew, he holds onto the younger’s shoulders, helping the man stand up on stable feet. 
“Hyung, it’s just a petty prop. Pretty cool huh?” Gunwook laughed as he held it up, waving at the rest who chuckled at the man’s antics.
Matthew doesn’t say anything but instead he stays by Jiwoong’s side.
They were joking around, saying how it looked like a realistic prop for a play. “Maybe we could get props for the drama club in here, maybe there’s a dead body too.” Gunwook joked as they kept walking not until they saw a pile of rotting bodies.
The rotting bodies were being swarmed with flies, maggots were squirming around on the bodies’ open wounds, liquids were pooling on the ground they were laying on.
“What the fuck–” Matthew curses before he stumbles out of Jiwoong’s hold, gagging as he covered his mouth after he saw the horrid sight.
“Holy shit, that’s fucking disgusting.” You said as you flashed your flashlight to look at the bodies.
The rest were stunned upon seeing rotting flesh right in front of them, piles and piles of bodies just placed right next to each other. Some were fairly new, barely any rotting to begin with, whilst some were full on rotting with flies and worms moving on the rotten flesh.
“Y-yah, let’s go–” Matthew says before he gags once more, backing away from the group.
“Matthew-yah!” Hanbin called out to Matthew who didn’t turn back when he went up the stairs, gagging as he kept running up. He turns to face the group, “I’ll go after Matthew, you shouldn’t stay down here.” Hanbin says before he left them, chasing after Matthew.
Gyuvin, being the curious one of the group, he creeped up towards one of the bodies, kneeling down beside it with a hand covering his mouth and nose whilst studying the body. He poked at it with a random metal stick on the ground, touching and moving the skin.
He studied it whilst the rest conversed behind him, “This body is new..” he suddenly said before he stood up, facing the rest of them. 
“Huh? How did you know that?” Taerae asked him as he tried to look at the body, “It’s not rotting yet, if it was buried down here for a while, it would’ve been rotting like the rest.” Gyuvin answers like he just pointed out the obvious.
“And that’s what you get for watching way too many medical dramas.” Ricky says before Gyuvin lunged at him, poking at his shoulder.
“But that doesn’t answer the question, who killed and brought them here?” Gunwook asks before he shivers at the thought of a killer just roaming around the halls of their very school.
Whilst the group kept conversing about the bodies and how they were possibly killed, Gunwook on the otherhand was spacing out from what he was hearing amidst his friends’ voices.
Help me.. They killed me.. He shot and brought me here.. They are monsters, murderers even.. Please, help us..
The voices said as Gunwook’s eyes roamed around the space before they landed on the poor bodies right beside them. His heart thumped when the voices suddenly screamed, making Gunwook flinch.
“Hyung, you okay?” Yujin asked as he reached for Gunwook’s shoulder, pulling him out of his reverie. The older nodded, making Yujin smile at him.
“Yeah, we should just go.” Gunwook says.
Gyuvin chuckles before he teased the younger, “Why? You afraid already?”
Gunwook rolled his eyes at him and flashed his middle finger at him, making the latter laugh.
“Don’t you want to solve this? I mean, a bunker full of bodies near our school that’s practially miles away from the city..” Taerae commented whilst looking over at the others who looked like they were deep in thought.
You stayed silent, watching as they were actually visibly thinking about what Taerae said.
The school was known for being miles away from the city, the people who founded the school believed that it was better to be far away from distractions. That was the sole reason why the university was far away from the rest, the only place beside it was the school’s dormitory and nothing else. If one wanted to buy something from the establishments like a mall or even dine out, you had to take a train for 3 hours.
“I mean, don’t we have to report this to the police too? There must be at least one near us..” Yujin questioned with his voice decreasing in volume at the end, seeming like he was unsure with his own words.
Gunwook nodded, agreeing with the youngest. 
“And then? Risk the potential of us finding out who killed these people? Don’t you want to be awarded for something like that?” Taerae asked the group innocently, looking right at Gunwook and Yujin.
The two youngest eyed each other before Yujin saw how Gunwook visibly shivered once more, “It work hurt, right hyung?” Yujin asked with his doe eyes which has Gunwook actually thinking if he should join this potentially mind boggling mission.
“Wook-ah, we’ll be fine. We’ll just get justice for these losers.” Gyuvin poked the closest one’s shoulder with his foot.
With the others convincing him, Gunwook finally agreed and nodded at them. “Fine, no trouble or else, I’m out.” he says with intent in his words as the rest nodded, “Now help me turn some of them over, we need names.” Hao said before he went over to one of the bodies that were flipped over, face flat on the dirt.
Gunwook walked with heavy steps, still feeling unsure with what they were doing. Nonetheless, he still helped Hao flip the bodies over with a frown on his face. He could feel himself get sick when he saw that one of the bodies had a hollow face, already sunken into the skull. 
After that, he stayed a few steps behind them as Taerae and Gyuvin studied the bodies as Gyuvin was well knowledged about bodies since he came from a family of doctors. Gunwook simply listened to Gyuvin tell the group about the injuries and possible deaths these people experienced as Jiwoong assisted him in lifting one of the newer bodies, examining them for injuries.
2 hours later, the group declared that they were all people who came from the school: the old principal, Seokhee who was one of the students who tormented Yujin and a few juniors, Jinyoung who was one of the jocks who practically everyone hated, Hwayoung the queen bee, Chaerin and Haein who were her minions. 
And these were people who were announced as people who left school with no question, simply choosing to leave and expel themselves. 
“Damn, she deserved that.” Gyuvin commented whilst Jiwoong clicked his tongue, “Have some respect, Gyuvin-ah.” the eldest commented as they were all climbing up the stairs after leaving the bunker after they deemed that they examined the bodies just enough for the day.
They went back into the building after leaving the bunker and the shed, conversing ever so often about what they saw. By the time that night hit, Gunwook was left in bed thinking about all the events that happened that very day.
How could it go from normally going to school, roaming around the university ground before they discover a hidden bunker under the school with dead people in them? Gunwook himself couldn’t answer his own questions, let alone the questions in his head about the voices he heard in the bunker.
Gunwook knew spirits could talk to him, he knew that since he was practically a child who was playing with his toy cars not until a child like voice asked from beside him, “Hi, can I play too?”
Gunwook brushed it off, trying not to think about that day’s events before he went off to dreamland, leaving behind all of the troubles he’ll meet with in the morning.
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“He’s just a little gullible guy, huh?” One says.
“It’s all this kid’s doing, praise him.” The other says as he ruffles said person’s hair.
“Now that we’ve begun, don’t fuck up or else I’ll will not hesitate to kill you myself.” One says before leaving the group who murmured at their words.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
“I found out more about the university, the school was founded by Lee Jimin. Yes, thee Lim Jimin who was a murderer in South Korea. What the media didn’t release is that all of the murders were done on the very ground that the university stands on. But nearly a decade later, another murder was done by a student named Park, the media didn’t release his full name because apparently the family paid them not to. They said he was going crazy over a student they hid by the name of Y because she didn’t like him back, that’s the sole reason why he killed her here and buried her on the campus grounds.” Hao says to the group once they were huddled together in Jiwoong’s dorm, the biggest dorm of all because he was a senior.
“All because she didn’t like him back? That’s tragic..” Yujin muttered from his seat, the rest nodded.
“Anyway, what else did you find? Did you find any information about those in the bunker?” you asked, swiftly switching the topic before Hao nodded, “Taerae and Gyuvin did.” he says while looking up from the laptop.
“Well I dug around with the school files and Principal Kim, Seokhee, Jinyoung, Hwayoung, Chaerin, and Haein were all marked under voluntary leave which is rather unusual since the school prohibits that even with the staff.” Taerae said as he pulled out his ipad, showing the pdf copies to the group.
“Okay, that’s weird.. Did the papers mark when they left?” Matthew asked.
Taerae shook his head, “They were blank which is unusual too, all records of leaving the premises should be written down if they were permitted to do so which is probably hard to do so.” he adds.
The group is left in question as they were deciphering whether what happened to those very bodies. They then decided that they would be working in pairs to find out more about those people, whilst you, Taerae, and Hao worked together to find out more about the bunker.
“Okay but then if it went over to the left–” “Just get an overview of the school’s grounds with the shed.” “That shit wouldn’t work, Y/N. I tried it earlier.” “Jesus, let me do it.” 
Hao broke off you and taerae’s argument before he took over the laptop, pressing in directions before the system scanned the school’s location – and finally, this included the shed.
He smiles triumphantly before he showed you and taerae who were in awe as the screen showed an x-ray version of the building along with whatever is underground. “Okay, but what separates the school and the bunker? There should be something that lies between those two..” you muttered before typing on the laptop, trying to figure out what material separated the two.
Meanwhile the rest were dreading the fact that they couldn’t find anything else about the people other than they just vanished into thin air, no warning or even letters left behind even for their family members.
“So these people are practically nobodies out of the school..” Matthew commented as he sat beside Jiwoong who stayed still, watching each and everyone’s facial expressions.
You hummed, standing up from your seat while pacing back and forth, visibly thinking about what to do next. Gunwook calls out to you, making you look at him once you stopped walking, he ushers you to sit beside him, wrapping his arm around you once you sat.
“Ease your mind, hmm? Let’s think about this together.” he whispers to you, making you nod as you leaned into his embrace. “What about we burn the building down?” You suddenly say, making 9 heads look over to you at a snap.
“What?” “Are you crazy?” “This is absurd!” “Noona, I don’t think that’s a good idea..” and another series of sentences came right at you. 
“Okay look. If we burn the building down, people won’t know about the bodies or the bunker. If the staff or students find out that we are the only ones who know about that bunker and whatever is inside that bunker, we’re going to be framed for murder.” You said to them in a calm manner, telling them about your thoughts.
“And arson is a less of a crime?” Hanbin says to you, making you deadpan.
“I hate this building, I hate this school, I hate those who roam in it as if the school isn’t some fucked up organization. Don’t you feel the same?” You asked back, making Hanbin look away from you, ignoring those eyes of yours that knew his answer.
You looked over at the rest who looked away from your questioning eyes, including Gunwook. Sighing, you stood up and slid your boyfriend’s arm off of your shoulder as you went back to pacing back and forth.
Gunwook watched as you paced silently, feeling concerned that you were really into bringing this mystery murder down. He stands up and walks up to you, grabbing you by the shoulders, stopping you from pacing any further.
“Okay, I’m in. Just no dying or killing each other, okay?” Gunwook told you as he comfortably rubbed your shoulders, making you purse your lips together before you saw him smile gently at you.
“Okay, I’m not killing you, no worries.” You chuckle when Gunwook laughs.
“But how do we execute what you’re planning?” Hao asked, making you turn to look at him. 
“Well, we do know that the bunker and building is separated by a thin piece of barrier, which if things go wrong up here, it could burn down and crumble, crushing the bodies and hiding whatever happened in the bunker.” Taerae answers for you, making you nod in agreement. 
“And the people and staff?” Matthew asks.
“We kill them too, easy.” Jiwoong replies, shrugging as if it was a normal answer. 
“I know you hate the people in here too, Metyu-yah.” The eldest adds, knowing that the rest of you fully agree with him because the people in the school are insufferable. 
“Okay so that’s settled, we hate this place and the people in it. So how are we going to burn this place down?” Matthew asks everyone, watching as everyone simultaneously pursed their lips together.
Hanbin claps his hands together, catching everyone’s attention. “So I was thinking–” He said as he opened his ipad up, opening the drawing app before he started telling everyone about his plan.
One night later, the plan is complete. Things were settled that to burn the building down, fuel cans would be subtly hid on all floors and at every end of the hallways, heavy duty lighters would be bought, knives and guns would be purchased by Jiwoong, and then it was settled that the plan would be executed on accomplishment day, a day wherein students aren’t allowed to exit the premises because they need to accomplish their school requirements for the year.
“I already bought the fuel, it’s arriving on saturday.” Ricky told the group as he was in charge of purchasing the fuel, meanwhile the group were looking at the school calendar to plan which day they would execute their plan. The current month was already filled with events, except for the 4 days, the completion of requirements.
“Well, the 17th, 20th, 23rd, and 26th are all available.” Hanbin recalls as he was a part of the student council which was an advantage to the group.
You nod before walking over to the calendar plastered on the wall, you looked and browsed over to the dates Hanbin mentioned before you took out the marker in your pocket and encircled 26th.
“26th, that’s final. Let’s burn this shit down.” You say before smirking as you turned around to face them, making the rest cheer.
Dawn on the 26th soon came, everything was all set – fuel cans were installed, security cameras and speakers were hacked, the metal doors were set to lock by the time the clock striked 11:30, the tent with all the devices were set right by the shed just hiding in plain sight, guns and knives were distributed and the plan was set.
A few handful of the staff and students were forming an idea due to the group’s sudden absences especially during attendance in the dorms, a daily routine when everyone is set to stay in the dorms when the clock strikes 7.
With everyone busy accomplishing their requirements, everyone except the group were in the classrooms along with staffs and professors monitoring their moves, though they failed because there were 10 who aren’t in their respective classrooms.
Now seated at the tent with Hanbin and Taerae, you let the 7 formulate their own plans on how to move around the school once the clock strikes 11 with lights shut down to a dim with doors automatically locked to keep everyone in their rooms before the school is burnt down.
“Okay, let’s get things straight. Taerae, Hanbin, and I are staying at the tent to monitor your moves through the system, we’ll assist you if some things happen.” You said through the earpieces, monitoring their body heat through the scanners that’s interconnected through the outdoor camera pointed towards the school.
The group nods, “Meanwhile Jiwoong and Matthew are monitoring the halls along with Gyuvin who’d come along later on.” You add, seeing how they nodded through the heat scanners.
“For now, stay clear from their eyes. We don’t want them to know who is the mastermind behind all this, are we clear?” You said but you heard no reply, you called out to them whilst watching them through the monitor, switching camera views only to have the camera covered by a cloth, one of the tactics since the school might’ve caught onto the group.
Meanwhile Yujin, Gunwook, Hao, Ricky, and Gyuvin were talking amidst each other, temporarily closing their connection from their in-ears because they mistakenly left a window open, letting an administrator peek through the windows, studying their faces before Yujin, being the closest one, shut the curtains.
“Shit, they saw us right?” Yujin asked as he shut the curtains closed, eyes shaking as he turned around to face the rest. 
Hao wasn’t able to continue what he was saying when suddenly the door knob started rattling, as if someone was in a hurry to open the door and barge right in.
Yujin stood frozen in his spot when suddenly, someone was pounding on the door, asking for help on whoever was inside the room.
“Please! I need help, someone was chasing me with a knife and then–” The voice cried out from behind the door, sounds of desperate crying were heard as the group were quietly eyeing each other, not knowing what to do before suddenly a blood curdling scream interrupted her own words.
They stayed silent not until they heard bubbling right outside the door, seeming like someone was being strangled right outside. What Gunwook didn’t know is that the very person behind the door was Jiwoong and Matthew strangling a girl who got in the way of their purge.
“Shut the fuck up.” Jiwoong mutters as he cuts the girl’s arm, giving her a warning to shut her mouth before Matthew picked her up over his shoulder, letting the blood from her head’s injury drip on the floor as he kept walking towards a room they left vacant as a storage to keep those who got in their way after they severely injured them.
“Now what?” Matthew asked once he dropped the body down on the floor, not listening to her cries.
“We kill.” Jiwoong says as he and Matthew left the room, letting the younger lock up the room with a chain and a series of locks.
The two walked along the halls, eyes digging into those who attempted to leave the classrooms where they were forced to stay in the moment that the sun set. Their eyes were sharp, immediately catching those to attempted to escape, Jiwoong killed by firing his gun whilst Matthew kicked them down onto the ground before cutting them – a mere warning if they attempted to escape once more, to which they did, resulting to dying from another gunshot from Jiwoong’s gun.
Matthew and Jiwoong then separated ways upon Taerae’s message through the in-ears they all have, making sure to communicate with each other for the night to go well.
Jiwoong went out of the building to be with you, Taerae, and Hanbin to monitor everyone’s positions and locations in the building, making sure to precisely tell anyone to go to whatever place they need to be.
“Now hyung, you do know what to do right?” Hanbin asked through the in ears as he was sitting right across Taerae and you who controlled the in-ears while monitoring them through the x-ray system with trackers in their in-ears.
Hao nods as he’s walking through the halls as if people weren’t crying out to him from the locked classroom doors. “Yep, burst the fuel cans up and light it up when i’m in the middle.” He says as he’s fiddling with the lighter, whistling as he’s crazily waving at those who cried in front of the classroom windows.
He was just walking casually not until the in-ears started to release static noises before sounds of calling were heard.
“Wait… Hao hyung.. Hao hyung, get out!” Taerae said through the earpiece, multiple alarmed voices blasting through Hao’s earpiece. 
“What? But I haven’t even—“ “Forget the plan, burn the place up when you get out!” Jiwoong now said through his earpiece, making Hao curse as he ran through the halls, hand reaching into his pocket for the lighter. 
Multiple voices were panicking in his earpiece, making Hao panic as he kept running through the halls. 
“I swear to fucking god, you have got to get out of there!” Ricky cursed in chinese as he himself was running down the staircase, frantically running as he hurriedly tried to escape the building. 
“I know— Fuck, just hold on!” Hao replied to Ricky in chinese as he dodged the falling pieces of the crumbling ceilings, he passed by bloody bodies on the ground being burned by the small lit fires, smelling vile as he ran pass them.
“Hyung, turn right into the corner and run down the stairs.” “Copy.” Taerae and Hao conversed as the older hurriedly ran into the corner and down the stairs as instructed, letting out a sound of pain when his skin touches a slither of metal. 
“Fuck!” Hao cursed as he held onto his bleeding scratch, steps coming into a halt when he reaches three different hallways down the staircase. 
“Taerae-yah, which one? Hurry!” Hao said as he frantically tried to look into the hallways, only for his eyes to land on burning and crumbling ceilings. 
Hao reached up to touch his earpiece when he hears nothing, he calls out to them. “Taerae yah? Jiwoong hyung? Ricky! Oh shit!” Hao cursed once more when a piece of the ceiling dropped behind him, making him stumble a few steps before he randomly chose a hallway. 
Hao kept running through what it seemed like an endless hallway, finally reaching a exit that the group isn’t aware about. He had no choice but to exit this way, already knowing what his fate would be if he went back and tried to exit through their planned exit.
Hao stumbled right outside, falling onto the pavement as another piece fell behind him. His hands were scratched up as he tried to get on his feet, only for him to sit down as he watched pieces of the building crumble to the ground.
“Ricky? Ricky, fucking answer me! Where are you!” Hao’s hands trembled as he pressed onto his earpiece, only to hear a series of static sounds before multiple voices cracking up were heard. 
“Gunwook— Yujin ah? Yujin-ah? Yujin, where’s Ricky!” hao screamed when he got a stable signal, only to hear uneven breathing. 
“H-hyung, he’s still inside. I c-couldn’t!” The youngest cried into the earpiece whilst Gunwook’s faint voice was heard, comforting the youngest.
 “We couldn't get to him, he was way too deep into the fire.” Gunwook spoke into the earpiece, making Hao curse in frustration as he angrily cursed into the wind.
“i’m going back in—“ Hao says. 
“Hao, don’t even try to!” Hanbin says to him, sounds of typing heard. 
“I’m getting Ricky whether you like it or not.” Hao says firmly as he stood up, running back into the burning building.
“Hao no!” was the last thing he heard. 
“No, what the fuck hyung!” Hanbin frustratedly said before standing up, taking the headset off before running off, not listening to you, Taerae, or Jiwoong calling out to him.
“We can’t just let him go, Oppa..” You said before standing up, slipping off your headset, meanwhile Taerae and Jiwoong looked at you with a hesitant look on their faces. 
“Okay fine.” Taerae sighed as he slipped his own headset off, running off with you and Jiwoong to run after Hanbin who ran straight into the burning building without looking back.
Hanbin desperately ran and called out to Hao, looking for the older who was looking for Ricky in the dark halls that were soon going to be swallowed up by the flames.
“Hao hyung! Fuck, where are you!” Hanbin called out to him, running into the flames despite some of his clothing getting caught in them. 
Gunwook, now alone after Yujin said he’d look after Ricky too before he went on his own ways. Gunwook then walked towards a different hallway, looking around with his flashlight in hand, calling out to Ricky ever so often.
He runs into a few people, all bloody from their stabs. The people desperately went up to him, touching his hands as they asked him for help. Gunwook touches their shoulders to keep them off of him, pushing them away before he spoke to them.
“Run into that corridor, you’ll find help.” He says while pointing them at that direction whilst they ran, running towards their deaths when they reached a dead end with flames. 
He continues walking straight ahead of him, still calling out to Ricky.
Gunwook turns into a corner, strides getting slower because of the unstable floors that looked like it was going to fall underneath him. He kept walking, not until he could hear voices from afar.
“Hey, you shouldn’t be in here.” He said, looking around for bodies who’s voices they belonged to. Seeing nothing, he kept walking ahead of him not until he saw a group of people standing in the middle of the hallway with clown masks on.
He stood still for a moment, hiding behind a pillar as he listened to them speak. Gunwook couldn’t recognize these voices, these people had voice changers in them, making Gunwook think that the killers are in the building – something they didn’t expect to happen or plan about.
Gunwook quickly touches his ear piece, “People are here in the hallway, they’re wearing masks with like voice changers in them. Guys? Taerae? Y/n?” he says before standing flat against the wall with his back placed against it.
He listens a few more times before he creeps in closer before he stood right in the middle, clutching his gun and knife in its straps against his body.
Gunwook could tell the group were arguing, practically screaming at each other, nearly ripping each other’s heads off if they could.
“You should back the fuck off before I get my hands on you, I swear to god! I will fucking kill you, we nearly lost him because of your fucking stupidity!” 
“For your fucking information, it was his fault we nearly fucked up!”
“No! You fucked this up, Ricky-yah!” Gyuvin said to Ricky who looked at him with sharp eyes.
“I didn’t do shit, Gyuvin. I was supposed to run and kill them not until the fucking building started crumbling down–” Ricky defended himself before Matthew cut him off. “Yeah and then it all went bloody wrong because someone put the fuel and set fire at the wrong floor.” Matthew says before he looked over at a guilty Hanbin.
“In my defense, everything was going wrong the moment Hao decided to run back in–” Hanbin defended himself before you stopped them from arguing even more. 
“Everyone shut the fuck up! You all fucked this shit up, you were supposed to follow the plan just until we corner Gunwook to burn down–” You said before you heard a sound behind you, immediately whipping your head only to meet eyes with Gunwook.
His eyes were confused, trying to decipher who you were. He stayed silent as he was looking over at you before they shifted to look behind you, looking at the other guys.
You turned your head to look back at the group, cursing them through your eyes. Through their own clown masks, you could easily tell how their eyes avoided your piercing ones. Turning around swiftly, you faced the very love of your life – or rather the very bane of your existence.
“Hello, my love.” You smiled through the mask, hands fiddling with the knife you had that was dripping with blood. 
You could see how his eyes were visibly confused, eyes shifting from every pair of eyes that he could slowly recognize through the silicone clown masks. 
Then reality struck him, Gunwook was being fooled by everyone else, including you, his girlfriend.
“Baby wait no.. Y/N, you were the killer all along?” Gunwook asked as he stood right in front of you, hands all red from all of the bloody bodies that he touched as they begged him for help.
“Why baby? Is there something wrong? I’m just like you are, Gunwook. Or rather, you are just like your older brother. ” You smiled at him as the 10 of you all stood in a burning hallway before a group of students ran frantically past you all, screaming and crying as they hurriedly ran towards the exits. 
“In fact, we are all the same. Brutal murderers who are hiding in plain sight.” Jiwoong said as he stood right next to you.
“W-wait.. My brother? What did Gunhoo hyung do with me and these killings?” Gunwook cluelessly asked as he flinched when he saw someone stumble right beside him, all bloody as she crawled on the ground, heading towards the exit.
“Your fucking brother killed my sister right here just because she didn’t like him back!” You spat angrily at him with fury burning in your eyes just like the fires in the building.
“And you are going to fucking pay for that.” You said as you handed Gunwook a sparkwheel lighter forcefully, shoving it in his hand. Gunwook twisted and turned the lighter in his hand as he looked at it, still unsure about what he was going to do.
“Do not, under any circumstance, try to run away from me, Gunwook-ah. I will not hesitate to kill you with my own hands just like how your brother killed my sister.” You warned him as you came close to him, a glint of anger flashing in your eyes as you showed him the bloody knife, blade shining on the blinking ceiling lights.
Gunwook nodded with a shake in his eyes, hand enveloping the lighter as he let you led the way out of the burning school. You walked confidently right in front of him as the rest of the boys walked behind him, practically guarding Gunwook from running away.
“What happened to your sister?” Gunwook quietly asked from behind you, making you turn your head to look at him before chuckling, “It started when your brother chased after her desperately, trying to get her on a date. Things were normal not until he went crazy, killing her in that fucking bunker.” you spat.
“Why can’t you love me back?” Gunhoo questioned your sister as she lied flat on the ground as Gunhoo kneeled above her body, keeping her down. 
She whimpers when he takes out a knife, the blade shines under the white light of the bunker he took her to. She visibly shakes when Gunhoo presses the knife’s blade against her neck, just pressing right at her skin.
“I just wanted poor you to love me but then you didn’t do what you’re supposed to. I’m assuming you wouldn’t want me to put an end to your agony, huh?” He questioned once more before he took the knife away from her neck, throwing it on the dirt beside him.
“Just one vile of this and I’ll let you die a sweet and short one.” Gunhoo smiles with a glint in his eyes as he waves the vial of morphine right in front of her eyes.
“All i wanted was for you to love me, that was it.” He says whilst taking the cap off of the syringe before he flicked his middle finger against it, taking the bubbles out of the syringe before he slipped the needle into her skin, making her whimper against the fabric in her mouth, she wails loudly when Gunhoo takes it out of her, throwing it aside just like his knife.
“P-please.. I don’t want to die, I don’t want to leave my sister– a-alone..” She choked on her own saliva as she cried.
“Oh no baby, you won’t die just yet. Just 9 more minutes before you succumb to your death.”  Gunhoo smiles before he sat himself down beside her, watching as she cried and sobbed, begging for him to stop and let her live instead.
Just a few minutes later, she was convulsing on the ground as she seizured right beside Gunhoo who simply watched as the love of his life took her last few breaths before he left the bunker, leaving her to rot before he lived his life – living freely before he got caught after a year. 
“I didn’t know, I swear. If I knew then–” Gunwook said before he flinched at you abruptly pushing the exit wide open, doors slamming against the wall.
“Then what, Gunwook? Would you have brought my sister to life? No, so shut the fuck up.” You told him coldly before you walked right out of the building with the rest following suit, leaving Gunwook slightly behind them before he followed, steps hesitant as he could smell wood burning.
Walking right out of the building, you and the rest took your masks off, face tainted with blood and cuts from those who struggled in your hands as they mercilessly died.
“Since the fuckers fucked the plan up, we’ll go straight for the end. Gunwook, burn this shit down. Burn everything down that includes all of the pain my sister went through because of your dumb fuck of a brother.” You said with a stoic look on your face as you stared right in front of you, staring at the school building, watching as flames ate up the inside as screams and smoke came out from the opened windows.
You watched cruelly as you caught sight of a student staring directly at you, desperately calling and asking you for help.
Gunwook gulps when Matthew bumps his shoulder with his, “Hurry or else, you’re going to die along with them.” the older says before he sits himself by Gunwook’s feet who stayed frozen on the grass.
Jiwoong on the otherhand was watching Gunwook hesitate and fumble around with the lighter, looking back and forth from you and the school. “Y/n, I can’t– please.” Gunwook called out to you, making your head whip back to look at him with your furious eyes.
“Do it or else I’m bringing you into the building myself before burning it down.” You say while you walked towards him, pulling onto his collar as he resisted. “Fine fine, fuck! I’ll do it!” Gunwook exclaimed before you let go of his collar, pushing him a few steps towards the building.
Gunwook shakily held up the lighter in his hand before he walked a few steps towards the building’s entrance that you left open, not until he suddenly backtracked and sighed as he faced you.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t..” Gunwook’s voice quivered as he spoke, making you scream in frustration as you kept rambling and cursing at him. “One. Fucking. Job. Gunwook-ah, you just need to fucking burn this shit down! Fuck! I could kill you myself, Park Gunwook!” You cursed and screamed at him, looking like a maniac with blood staining your skin.
His eyes shook as he looked at you, throwing the lighter down at the ground which causes you to become even more furious. He watches as you screamed once more before abruptly grabbing something in your pocket before you threw something at the ground. You turn your head slightly to meet eyes with Jiwoong and Matthew before they walked right up to Gunwook, grabbing the younger by his shoulders, forcing him to lie on his back on the ground.
“W-wait, I’ll do it! Fuck– I told you I’ll do it! I’ll burn it down!” Gunwook struggled in the two older men’s hold as he was forcefully put on the ground whilst you walked up to him with a full syringe in hand.
You shook your head at him, getting on your knees as you crawled your way on top of Gunwook’s torso. Clicking your tongue, Jiwoong held down Gunwook’s arm flat on the ground before you leaned down with a smile as you looked at Gunwook who kept trashing around.
“Decide and I won’t kill you.” You said as you forcefully pulled up Gunwook’s sleeve before pressing the syringe into his arm, making Gunwook groan and trash around despite having a needle in him that put morphine in his system.
“Y/N.” Hao warned you, making you whip your head to look back at the older with furious eyes. 
“Don’t start.” his eyes say to you, making you roll your eyes before you turned to face Gunwook who kept thrashing underneath you, Jiwoong, and Matthew.
“So? Have you decided?” You tutted as an evil smile was forming on your face as Gunwook kept thrashing around, making him nod as you asked him a question.
“Yes! I’ll– I’ll help you!” Gunwook shouted before you smiled, “Good boy. Hao oppa, naloxone please.” You said before a little bottle and a sterile syringe was handed over to you, precisely getting the exact amount to kill the morphine in Gunwook’s body.
You get off of Gunwook, letting the two men let go of him whilst he was catching his breath, eyes filled with whatever emotion he was feeling. You honestly couldn’t tell, all you could think off was how badly you wanted this damn of a school to burn down along with your sister’s horrid memories.
Paying no mind to Gunwook who hurriedly sat up, getting up on shaky legs as he looked for the lighter you gave him a few moments prior that he threw down on the ground. His hand is shaky when he fumbles around with it, thumb flicking the cap open before watching the flame light up before shutting the cap.
Keeping your eyes on Gunwook, you signal Jiwoong and Matthew to stay guard behind him, ready to tackle him down if he doesn’t do his job well. You kept the idea in your mind that if Gunwook doesn’t burn the school down, you’re injecting him with morphine before throwing him into the pits of fire, letting him die a tragic one.
Jiwoong and Matthew stay guard, knives in hand to slit Gunwook’s skin if he backs out. Meanwhile the group were watching everything unveil – the school slowly burning and crumbling from the inside and out, you having your eyes fixated on Gunwook and him only, and Jiwoong and Matthew behind him.
Gunwook walks up to the entrance with his shaky steps, he stays a few steps back from the entrance of podium before he flicks the lighter open, watching the flame quiver and shake in the air before he took a deep breath and a few steps back before he threw the lighter onto the fuel can by the entrance door before it exploded, making him flinch as he stumbled onto the ground, crawling backwards as the school started to fully burn up.
“See? It wasn’t so bad.” You smiled as you watched the outer side of the building get eaten up by the flames, the screams and cries getting louder as the fire led to the inside. You crazily played The Blue Danube through the school’s speakers where they play the morning announcements, you smiled as you sat down on the grass, watching as the higher parts of the building started crumbling down, crushing the two floors underneath it.
With the flame eating the building up, the red and orange colors illuminated the night, flames coming out through the windows, shards exploding on the ground. 
With the smile etched on your face, Gunwook no longer recognized you from the woman he loved, you turned crazy within a span of minutes. He watched as you watched and laughed as parts of the building started crumbling down to the ground, screams and cries dying down from the inside of the building.
Meanwhile the rest were now staying a few steps back from you and Gunwook, eyes fixated on the building. For once, they felt triumphant in their lives as the place they hated most died right in front of them. 
Jiwoong and Matthew were standing alongside each other, smiling at the other when they meet eyes. Hanbin, Hao, and Yujin were standing in a line as they had their arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders. Ricky and Gyuvin triumphantly laughed and celebrated when the building now crumbled down, only having the lower half before it fell and covered the bunker up. Meanwhile Taerae simply had his eyes fixated on the building with no emotions present on his face.
You looked back at the group, smiling at them when they looked down at you. 
“So? Now what?” Taerae suddenly spoke, making you look over at him before you got on your feet, facing them.
Meeting eyes with gunwook, he looked at you like you were a stranger, just how you liked it. He had a frown on his face as he stared at you, not liking how you looked to him.
“Come with us and I will spare your life.” You told Gunwook with your mask in hand, handing it over to him as if it was an invitation. He looked at you bitterly before his eyes shifted down to your bloodied hand and mask.
“And if I don’t?” He asks.
“We’ll force you to or you can choose to die, your pick.” Taerae comments from behind Gunwook, making the younger briefly turn his head to look at him before looking back at you who still had the mask out for him to take.
“What will I get in return–” “Jesus fucking christ, you get your life!” You exclaim, dropping the mask on the ground after you got frustrated with his antics.
“Do you really want to die because I could kill you—” You said, stomping right over to Gunwook before you held his collar tightly before Jiwoong went over and pulled you off of Gunwook. “I’m going to fucking kill you instead, get it together.” The eldest said to you as you struggled in his hold, trashing around and screaming at him to let you go.
Gunwook watched as you cursed and trashed around, trying to get Jiwoong to let go of you. “Fuck, let go of me! I’m not going to kill him!” You screamed and scratched Jiwoong’s arm that he had wrapped around you, making him wince as he let go of you.
“If I can’t kill him, I’ll kill you instead.” You told Jiwoong as you took your knife out of its casing on your thigh, taking it out and pointing it at Jiwoong who deadpanned at you before putting his hands up, surrendering.
“Don’t, I’ll join you..” Gunwook suddenly commented, making you turn to face him with the knife still in hand. You smiled crazily while walking over to him, twisting and turning the knife in your hand.
“Then welcome to hell, my love.” You say and smile at Gunwook.
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day 16
so instead of a drawing todays art is Babys First Embroidery
it will eventually be a patch for my Cool Patch Jacket once i get the border all filled in
it is in reference to the fact that i recently found out my state has a program that provides free naloxone to anybody who wants to carry it, no prescription necessary.
if you aren’t familiar, naloxone (brand name Narcan) is a medication that can be used to reverse an opioid overdose almost instantaneously in an emergency. in my state it is provided in the form of a nasal spray, but similar programs in other areas might offer auto-injectors, or other subcutaneous delivery methods.
BUT what i want to get across is that there are A LOT of these programs out there! if you’re curious, just google “free naloxone [your location]” and you might be able to get your hands on free or extremely reduced cost doses of naloxone to carry with you. most programs will train you how to administer the medication, and how to recognize signs of overdose.
harm reduction for drug users is important to me, regardless of who is using them, or for what purpose. and you can be part of that effort in your community SO easily by adding this to your first aid repertoire. it’s a bit like getting cpr certified! only literally so fast and cheap and easy like in my case i was in and out of the pharmacy in 15 minutes!!! you can literally save somebodys life with this, it is so so worth it.
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psychoticallytrans · 1 year
A great harm reduction method for drug use could be to have a teen drug ed program like we have teen sex ed programs. DARE is basically the same thing as abstinence-based sex ed, and works about as well. But a drug education program that was comprehensive and evidence-based could be incredibly helpful. If it has to be restricted to legal drugs such as alcohol, nicotine, and opioids, it can be framed as "Here are some drugs you may encounter in your adult life."
I think that "Some drugs are okay actually" and "It's okay to be an addict" are true statements, but I think it would be a very hard sell to try to get permission to teach that to teenagers, so I'll limit my ideas to what I think would be feasible to get permission for.
Some topics a theoretical evidence-based drug ed program could cover:
-Average starting dose of commonly used drugs, as well as the dose of a regular user. This helps to limit overdoses.
-Honest discussion of drug interactions and what really cannot safely be taken together, so that experimentation is limited to mixes that at least won't kill them.
-For opioids in particular, since a LOT of people are prescribed them after surgery, there should be a chart of what a good taper looks like and information about why you need to taper off of them. Even if they don't ever take them recreationally, it's important knowledge for your adult life.
-Education about how some people (Those with ADHD and/or chronic pain in particular) need to use prescription drugs regularly and how dependence differs from addiction.
-Addiction MUST be framed as morally neutral, with good explanations given of how addictions form and what you can do if you don't want one, as well as resources being freely and nonjudgmentally given for anyone who wants to break an addiction.
-Discussion of what overdose for various drugs look like, as well as a brief training on how to use Naloxone.
-Teaching them to always tell paramedics the truth when drugs are involved in a medical emergency. This includes non-overdose emergencies! If someone has an unrelated medical emergency while taking a drug, the medics need to know so they don't, say, give someone who just took an opioid more opioids because they have a broken leg.
-That it's important to keep track of EXACTLY how much you take if possible.
-The importance of having at least one trusted sober person around in case there's an emergency and you need someone who's not completely zooted, ex. a building fire.
If comprehensive and evidence-based sex ed can lead to teens having later and safer sex, I see absolutely no reason that comprehensive and evidence-based drug education couldn't have a similar effect.
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chronicallycouchbound · 10 months
hi I had a question about your cannabis post
i don’t know much about cannabis so sorry if I misunderstand smth
but I don’t understand what “safe” drug use implies,, how can drugs be safe? what’s safe drug use??
i probably have a very narrow view on this topic, so id like to know more
on a different note id like to thank you for your content, I feel that ive learned a lot from this account :)) thanks!!!
(feel free to ignore this)
It’s important to first recognize that more things are drugs than we normally consider: alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, caffeine, cannabis, are all drugs just as much as opiates, benzos, etc. Any medication is a drug.
Any drugs have the ability to be used properly and safely as well as the potential to be used negatively or harmfully. Drugs are morally neutral. Even addiction is morally neutral.
Alcohol can be used to cut loose with friends on the weekend, but it can also be used to cause poisoning. Tobacco can be used to calm down after an argument, but it can also cause cancer. Opiates can be used to manage severe pain, and can also cause overdose.
People have always used drugs historically, and in order to survive, people often need them. Using substances can also not just be medically or recreational, there are spiritual and cultural reasons as well. Some people need substances to manage their emotional or mental needs (especially without supports otherwise).
Any drug can be safe. It’s all in how it’s used, as well as within context.
Safe use looks different for everyone, but personally, I try to encourage methods that are harm reduction focused.
Harm reduction can look like:
• Safe supply of substances to ensure that people are getting unlaced stuff.
• Education so people know how to avoid accidental consequences of their use.
• Access to unused syringes or works to prevent blood borne infections.
• Having a designated driver or trip sitter.
• Sitting with someone while they use in case they have negative effects.
• Access to naloxone/Narcan to reverse opioid overdoses.
• Starting with a lower dose and going slow with use to ensure you’re getting the intended effects.
And harm reduction is so much more than just about substances, it’s things like seatbelts in cars and condoms and STI testing. It’s the lesser of two evils and a primary focus of harm reduction is that it keeps people alive above all else.
Some people like to say “harm reduction keeps people alive long enough to get sober” but I personally feel like sobriety isn’t always the solution for everyone, nor is it accessible to everyone.
But yeah, safe use exists, and most drugs ARE used safely every day. That’s what a pharmacist’s whole job is for.
I appreciate this ask, I’m always happy to talk about harm reduction. I co-founded a local harm reduction organization and have done a lot of advocacy around this— everything from reversing ODs, speaking on panels, testifying for bills with the ACLU, training communities on how to administer Naloxone, distributing safe use supplies, etc. I have a lot of personal experience with addiction and feel very passionately about this. I was tired of my friends dying and I just want to make the world a safer place.
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milf-lover42 · 1 year
Now that I have collected a few pieces of my heart off the floor after the finale, I can finally speak in a manner intelligible to humans. YJ finale spoilers ahead!
The comparison of young Misty to Adult Misty in a crisis is striking. Young Misty: Ally breaks her leg, she puts pressure on it, it makes it worse. Crystal falls off the cliff, Misty tries CPR but it just makes blood pour from her mouth. Shauna giving birth, Misty was the only one who paid attention in health class but she still panics because this is not something she is trained for at all, and the baby does die (not anyone’s fault). She knows things in theory, but not practice. Most of the knowledge she needs to help is there, but none of the wisdom of experience is there to tell her when NOT to do anything. When enough is enough, and she needs to let go.
Natalie’s death shows just how she has matured and learned. Taissa says, “What do we do?” And Misty’s reply is a defeated, “Nothing, it’s too late.” She isn’t a scared, inexperienced girl in the woods trying her best to save everyone anymore. She is a scared nurse in different woods, with the experience and practical knowledge to know that trying anything would be useless and likely only further Natalie’s pain at this point.
I’ve seen a few posts saying that Naloxone could reverse the effects and Misty would have had some on her just in case, but Naloxone will reverse the effects of opioids, not barbiturates such as phenobarbital. I don’t disagree that Misty would have it on her, but it wouldn’t save Natalie either way. Ironically, if she had used fentanyl as she did on Jessica, Naloxone would have been an acceptable antidote. There is no reversal agent for barbiturates. There was nothing she could do.
And she accepts that.
Her best friend is dying in her arms and she accepts that she cannot do anything but hold her, and more importantly tells the others - who expect her to always have a plan or idea as to what comes next - that there is nothing that can be done.
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rezcowgirl · 2 months
overdose/death cw
I had a really fun day at the dyke march with friends.
Went for supper after. We were driving and we saw someone fall on the ground in the middle of a road so we pulled over. I grabbed my naloxone kit and ran over while Aries stopped traffic. There was blood everywhere because he hit his head.
I was the second on site. Me and a man were scrambling, kneeling in the middle of one of the major city arteries, trying to keep him alive
he went completely blue and non-responsive. I gave him two ampules and he responded to the first and got his colour back but stopped responding to the second.
I couldn't give the third because I was shaking so much. but someone else came and had another kit so there was third dose while someone did CPR someone else was begging the ambulance to hurry up.
Several people were also yelling "he's dead! he's dead!" and freaking out over the blood and his colour but I could still feel a pulse.
idk. I've been present for overdoses but none like this.
I've never seen anyone die. I don't know if he made it. I'm telling myself I did the best I could and I know this is true but I still feel sick from it.
I'm really shaken up and sad.
please get naloxone training and keep it with you.
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Matt Shuham at HuffPost:
Last summer, a candidate for the New Mexico state House showed up on Nathan Jaramillo’s doorstep. Jaramillo, the Bureau of Elections administrator in Bernalillo County, said Peña had previously sent threatening emails to both himself and to others in the county. Jaramillo brushed it off, annoyed at the personal intrusion but unconcerned. Five months later, Peña, a Trump supporter who lost his election and rejected the results, was arrested and charged with organizing a string of brazen drive-by shootings targeting public officials. Jaramillo thought back to five months earlier, when the man had shown up at his doorstep. The severity of the situation “really hit me,” Jaramillo told HuffPost. “In hindsight, it was a lot more scary.” Now, Jaramillo’s office assigns ticket numbers to emails they receive, organizing them by sender and keeping tabs on the office’s responses, in the hopes of anticipating anyone who could escalate their complaints into something more serious.
But the incident with Peña — who has pleaded not guilty, and whose attorney did not respond to a request for comment — is just one scene representative of an increasingly tense era of American politics. Fueled by Trump’s lies about election theft, supporters of his have spent years threatening election workers and the democratic process — and acting upon those threats. Now, as the 2024 presidential campaign charges toward November, election offices are taking steps they’d never dreamed could be necessary. Several election officials HuffPost spoke to laid out laundry lists of upgrades — everything from ballistic windows, doors and walls to new security cameras, electronic access badges and location trackers on ballot boxes. And as the Republican Party continues to push lies about election integrity — a scripted Republican Party call last month falsely claimed there was “massive fraud” in 2020 — election officials are gearing up to protect what promises to be an even more tense presidential contest this year.
[...] Around the country, election officials are working on evacuation and “quick containment” drills for future potential envelope attacks — even just using a bucket to contain a suspicious envelope — and stocking up on masks, gloves and naloxone, just in case, said Jennifer Morrell, a former elections official in Utah and Colorado and co-founder of an election consulting group during a recent call hosted by the National Task Force on Election Crises.
[...] “Prior to 2016, it was a pretty sleepy industry. People trusted their election officials and the process,” she said. Then, Hall said, “everything changed: When you have rhetoric coming from the top, it empowers and activates people all the way down the food chain.”
[...] But election workers’ preparations for 2024 are complicated by the sheer range of security issues that could come up: Since 2020, for example, Trump supporters across the country have tried — sometimes successfully — to copy data from sensitive equipment like voting machines and ballot tabulators. In Michigan, for example, several prominent Republicans, including a former GOP nominee for state attorney general, have been charged with felonies for their roles in an alleged conspiracy to improperly gain access to ballot tabulators. In Colorado, a former county clerk faces felony charges for allegedly allowing a computer technician to get into election machines under false pretenses; information from the machines was subsequently shared at an election fraud conspiracy theory summit. The answer to these growing threats, according to election officials, is a mix of background checks, digital protections like phishing training for staff and multi-factor authentication for accessing databases, in addition to physical measures like electronic badges that allow different levels of access to observers, volunteers, election workers and government employees.
Brain Drain
For veteran election administrators, the Trump era has brought with it a troubling wave of resignations. Workers at all levels have decided they’d rather not participate in a process that, in recent years, has led some of their neighbors to think they’re part of an anti-democratic cabal. What used to be considered sleepy “clerk work” is now heavily scrutinized — and, as the Republican attacks against Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss showed, may make people vulnerable to nationwide defamation campaigns. In North Carolina, there’s been a “huge increase” in directors of elections retiring, Bowens said. And Jaramillo described “individuals that were with our office for 20-plus years [who] made the determination that they weren’t in it for the 2024 ride.” Mast said he’d seen an “incredible” number of election workers retiring or changing fields. Among elected clerks, Mast said the position has gone from one filled largely by career administrators who served lengthy tenures to one with roughly 30% turnover every four years. After the “environmental changes” of 2020, experienced clerks have begun leaving the field more often, he said. “It’s incredible to see.”
Election administration was once a sleepy nonpartisan industry, but with rampant election denialism instigated by Donald Trump and fellow right-wing bad actors, election administrators are looking to make safety upgrades before this fall's election.
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Aux États-Unis en 2021, les overdoses ont tué autant que le diabète et la maladie d'Alzheimer
Selon des données publiées par les autorités sanitaires américaines, le pays a enregistré 107 000 morts par surdose de drogue en 2021, un record. En 2024 le gouvernement américain souhaite notamment mettre l'accent sur les pratiques dites de "réduction des risques", comme la distribution de naloxone un antidote capable de réanimer une personne en train de faire une overdose, des tests permettant de vérifier la présence ou non de fentanyl, ou les programmes d'échanges de seringues usagées par des propres. L'amélioration de l'accès aux traitements tels que la méthadone ou la buprénorphine est également mise en place. According to data published by American health authorities, the country recorded 107,000 drug overdose deaths in 2021, a record. In 2024 the American government wishes in particular to emphasize so-called "risk reduction" practices, such as the distribution of naloxone, an antidote capable of resuscitating a person having an overdose, tests to verify the presence or not of fentanyl, or programs to exchange used syringes for clean ones. Improving access to treatments such as methadone or buprenorphine is also being implemented
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xenosagaepisodeone · 1 year
Ottawa Public Health (OPH) has launched a new online course on its Party Safer web page that dispenses guidance on how to tell if someone is suffering from a drug overdose — and what to do about it. The new course takes around 30 minutes to complete and is designed to prepare people to respond to poisonings and overdoses from a range of common recreational drugs. "We're heading into the event and festival season and want to make sure that everybody is prepared if they are choosing to go to these events and might be using these substances," said Megan Francoeur, a public health nurse who works with the OPH's addictions and substance use health team.
The Canadian Red Cross provides an array of online courses for overdose recognition and response as well. In particular, I recommend their opioid response training course. When the training is complete, they mail you a free naloxone kit you can keep with you for emergencies.
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hi about the person asking for how to find local activism i’ve found getting really into your local diy punk and art scene can really help you make connections with local causes i mean i’m one city over from you and that’s how i found alot of local groups
also prairie harm reduction is based in saskatchewan but they’ve done some stuff with calgary folks before also prairie sage protectors is a great org mostly yeg based but they’ve collaborated with calgary orgs too
plus if you’re willing to travel the camps of folks defending the bc forests and shutting down pipeline construction literally always needs more hands for the cause :)
also go to town halls make your voice heard. politicians are usually concerned about re election and approval ratings more than anything else. make it clear what the community wants and doesn’t want. a little pushback never changes someone but it might make them afraid to show hate so blatantly in the near future. a good platitude places that loudly reject nazis always have less proud nazis
and it’s always good to see if there’s places that provide naloxone training there can never too people doing that
idk tho generally just going to local places and asking where stuffs happening and how to help always works as long as you aren’t a cop lol
okay hope y’all have a real nice day
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omniscientwreck · 2 years
An empassioned plea from your local harm reductionist: PLEASE get free Naloxone training. Any organisation in your area that is looking to help houseless folks should be able to point you to free training and lots of pharmacies offer free Naloxone and the pharmacist can sometimes train you.
In my city we are seeing drugs cut with so much Fentanyl that it takes THIRTY TIMES the regular dose of Naloxone to prevent an overdose. Most Naloxone kits have 2 doses in them.
You having the training and the kit with you can be the first step to saving someone's life and if you use PLEASE test your drugs, even if you've never had a problem before.
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