#Naoki Yamanaka
sugutoad · 1 year
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A little gift for @hellcifrogs ✨✨ Kenshi Uzamaki in the fourth shinobi war seeing his teammates agains! My babies deserve a break from the shinobi world
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okamirayne · 8 months
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Inoichi & Naoki 💔💔💔
Song inspo for them: Let You Down by NF
BtB OC storyline feels…because pain needs an outlet… 😭 Inoichi grieving seemed to do it…
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Yes indeed, Mr Cash…❤️‍🩹…
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tsukiqumi · 1 year
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sunlightrays · 11 months
Disclaimer: Naruto and its characters were created by and belong to Masashi Kishimoto. Yamanaka Naoki is the Original Character and property of Okami Rayne. This fanfiction is based in the Naruto fanfiction universe of the “Break to Breathe” series by Okami Rayne. ( @okamirayne )
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The Canvas Of A Life
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Not every night can be lit up by stars. Lives fade, years pass by and some nights the sky is covered in clouds.
Looking at the north star of his life, an illuminated window, Genma thinks that maybe the lights he has left could help him chase away the darkness on the birthday of a person that’s left this world too soon.
Song to this fanfic: Rain – Sleep Token
"And just like the rain / you cast the dust into nothing / and wash out the salt from my hands"
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The sky looked just about as dark as Genma felt. The bags under his eyes were as deep as the clouds looming over him.
He huffed a weak laugh, breathy and tinged with bitterness.
Way to be dramatic, Shiranui.
Ah, but dramatic seemed to be the theme for this day.
Standing outside, he took in a deep breath of the cool air, felt it on its path down his constricting throat and heavy chest, filling his lungs. He hadn’t exactly meant to come here. Not tonight…
Hadn’t intended to stand outside of Kakashi’s apartment building. Really, he’d planned to just go to sleep, close his eyes and forget about today and what it meant.
But he hadn’t slept. Not tonight and not the night before…
Because he hadn’t been picking Kakashi’s lock and claiming his bed like he belonged there. The copy-nin had been away on a three day mission and while Genma was a self-proclaimed freeloader he preferred having witnesses to it. Made it more satisfying.
Around noon Kakashi had returned, safe and without noteworthy wounds, according to Kotetsu and Izumo.
And according to the light in his window, he was awake.
Shifting his weight from one foot to the other and grinding his teeth on cold steel, he looked up for a few more seconds before passing a hand over his face. His eyes stung. He turned to the door of the apartment complex, picked the lock and made his way up to the front door.
Quiet, quick, avoiding the steps he knew would creak.
Quick was also the work he made of the lock to Kakashi’s apartment.
Got enough practice in, hmn?
Indeed… Over the past few weeks, he’d been here more often than not.
Honestly wasn’t sure why Kakashi even bothered locking his door.
Most of his nights were spent at Kakashi’s side, pressed close on the small bed. Sometimes the air was thick with the smell of sweat, sex and shared breaths. Sometimes they were both too exhausted to do anything but sleep.
He didn’t show up every night… Missions called them away. Every so often, they crossed paths in the Jonin station, Kakashi telling him about his evening plans with his team or Gai. Some nights Genma spent on Raidō’s couch, still refusing the spare bed. Others he sat in his bedroom, pieces of paper and earrings in his hands.
But practice wasn’t the only thing he’d get if he wasn’t careful. A chakra charged fist coupled with a healthy dose of electricity wasn’t exactly what he came here for.
Kakashi should be used to Genma letting himself in by this point, Kami knows he’d done it often enough… but missions fuck with you, put you on edge. Genma knew that just as well as any shinobi.
Not wanting to startle the other ninja, he made a point of opening the door slowly, senbon tucked back between his lips. He let it catch the light of the lamp as he stepped in.
Several pairs of eyes turned to look at Genma.
Really, it only should’ve been one. One eyeball, not a pair.  A single, pretty grey one.
As it was, though, he had the full attention of eight ninken with their ears perked up and fur bristled.
A low, warning woof came from one of the ninken, laying on the floor between Kakashi’s desk and bed, canines flashing.  The copy-nin made a sharp “Shh.” and the dog’s light-brown head dropped back down onto his paws, watching Genma’s every move.
The silver-haired leader of the pack was on his bed, propped up on his elbows, mask on, eyebrows raised in askance. He didn’t seem tense, just tired, curious and a little startled.
After having closed the door behind himself, Genma leaned his back against it and gave Kakashi the once-over, gaze lingering more than necessary. He did indeed look fine.
Shit, he always looks fine.
His black sleeveless top exposed the strong arms and tattooed shoulder, the mask pulled over the face that Genma knew was pretty and the disheveled hair made it hard to look away.
But he wasn’t the only one staring. The dogs regarded him with an animal wariness, not used to his sudden intrusion.
A silver dog with spiked fur at the top of his head was stationed right at the foot of the bed, paws crossed, and head raised.
Although, at second glance… not all of them seemed too bothered by his presence.
Curled up on the left side of Kakashi’s bed was a big black bulldog, huffing a quiet sigh before dropping his head on the sheets again, heavy eyelids closing slowly. An odd feeling of jealousy washed over Genma at the sight, the senbon between his lips tipping down.
Pakkun regarded him with a skeptical look from the left side of Kakashi’s pillow, looking over bulldog’s massive head.
“Huh. Didn’t expect canine company”, Genma drawled.
He’d sort of expected to get the copy-nin alone. Not for any ulterior motives… though usually he wouldn’t pass up the chance. But he felt too raw, too tired, too real to hide what was going on beneath the surface.
He needed smart-ass remarks from a grouchy pug about as much as a kick to the shin.
“They were with me on the mission… They deserved the rest.”
Or you needed the company…
Genma shot a pointed look at Bull, occupying the side of the bed closest to the wall, forcing a smirk. “I see you replaced me already.”
Kakashi raised an brow at that. “Believe it or not, he snores less than you.”
A slow smirk. “Didn’t know big and wrinkly was your type. Could’ve told me sooner.”
Familiar humor. It eased Genma’s mind and tension a little. Hearing the breathy chuckle of the other man filled him with a warm feeling.
But one in the room didn’t seem as amused by his jokes: Pakkun huffed a deep sound that seemed suspiciously close to distaste. Granted, Genma didn’t claim to be an animal expert by any stretch - just yesterday Waif had gotten pissed off at fuck knows what and in consequence, shredded a nice new sweater. Shame, really, he liked that sweater.
Watching the man on the bed, Genma sat down on an empty spot on the bed, the mattress dipping. Shiba observed him from the floor, raising his head to sniff the air around him.
Genma drummed his fingers against the sheets, eyes focusing on a white dog hair shining in the artificial light.
“How was the mission, Hatake? All good?”
“Nothing noteworthy. Though you might be delighted to hear that I did have a rather intimate meeting with a thorny bush.”
Genma grabbed his chest in fake exasperation, but his movements felt sluggish, lacking his usual energy. “You cheat on me with bushes and replace me with dogs.” He sucked in a breath through his teeth for dramatic effect, resting his elbows on his knee, hands dangling between. Leaning forwards, he cocked his head.
“I bet I could lick you just as well.” A cheap replica of his signature scandalizing smile and velvet murmur. “And give you a few scratches too…”
Kakashi humored him with a small chuckle but not before long, a quiet settled in between them, only the sighing of Bull’s breath audible. Something was off and Kakashi seemed to notice.
Around them, a palpable tension… emotion, a sense of wariness, the question of why Genma was here and acting like this.
The grey orb studying his form in a slow drift made Genma’s skin itch, tension skittering across, closely followed by the warmth of arousal that gaze tended to inspire.
Over the last few weeks, the intimacy between them had grown stronger, displays of affection more frequent, their connection deepening… They’d found purchase on shaky ground, navigating the new terrain.
But today, Genma had felt his foundation shake, the opening of a sinkhole he tried his hardest not to fall into, seeking out the man that steadied him.
Lost in the landscape of thought, his senbon flicked up and down between his lips and he damn near nicked his tongue with it. Jolting on the spot he cursed himself for his tic – one he’d have easily avoided any other time – and saw Kakashi’s brows draw together in a mixture of concern and confusion.
“Genma. What is going on with you today?”
Fuck it. One animal to another, he figured. Kakashi could read him… Knew him long enough, well enough. Genma knew his defenses were down, hard to keep up around other people, harder still around this man.
Still, finding the words was equally hard.
Almost hesitant, he met Kakashi’s mismatched gaze under shuttered lids, trying to hide his feelings behind a smile. He knew it came out wrong by the way the crease between Kakashi’s brows deepened.
"Take a walk with me?”
At the mention of the word ‘walk’, ears turned to him, animal eyes lit up with excitement and the dull thud-thud-thud of a hesitantly wagging tail broke the silence. Genma’s lip kicked up at the corners as he saw Biscuit looking at him, at Kakashi and back to him in what seemed like a request for permission.
Kakashi hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on Genma, searching…
Then he surveyed the room, studied the reactions of his ninken for a few moments before tilting his head with a mock-defeated look and shrugged his shoulders. “Looks like I’ve been outvoted.” A signature crinkle around his eyes, Genma’s heart fluttering at the sight.
Kakashi didn’t ask any questions.
He was glad for it.
Only Pakkun regarded Genma sceptically under his droopy lids. “You’ve looked at the time, pup? You woke me up for a walk?”, he rumbled, grouchy as ever.
Kakashi shot him a silencing look. “He woke me up for a walk. You can stay here, if you’re so inclined, Pakkun.”
The pug grumbled, pondered this for a moment.
Genma rose off the bed, felt restless and antsy.
As soon as Kakashi peeled the sheets back and stood, the majority of his pack got to their feet as well.
Loyal…, Genma thought. Unquestioningly. Not giving him the privacy he wanted though.
Shiba and Biscuit positioned themselves at the door, anticipation clear in their body language.
Only Bull took his time, yawning and slowly heaving his body off the – seemingly very comfortable – bed and dropping down with a heavy sound.
Pakkun stayed on the bed for a few moments longer, a disgruntled look edged into the wrinkly face.
After reaching for his hitai-ate and pulling it over his red eye, Kakashi grabbed his Jōnin vest that laid draped over the chair.
“Where do you want to go?”, he asked.
Genma shook his head. He didn’t know. Just knew he needed to walk. Knew he needed to not be alone.
His silence seemed to give him away. Kakashi crossed the room, Shiba and Biscuit making space for him, before opening the door. The ninken waited until both men had stepped out of the room. As he walked through the door, Kakashi turned off the lightswitch.
He held the door open, waited as even Bull joined them in the corridor. Waited a little more… cocked his hip against the wood, arms crossed, looking back into his now dark apartment.
Waited, waited on…
...the fast clicking of tiny nails on the floorboards, the patter of paws and a pug with head held high strutting through the door like royalty.
A royal pain in the ass., Genma thought without scorn.
Together they made their way out into the cold, cloudy night.
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Luck was a bitch; fate was a whore and grief…
Grief was a fucking sewer rat.
Genma was sure of it.
It snuck up on you, silently, gnawed with sharp and tiny teeth; chewed holes in the walls, the masks and the fragile beating muscle hidden behind. Grief tunneled through mind and memories, flesh and feelings…
It wasn’t suffering. Genma was well acquainted with that hellpit-demon.
Suffering took larger chunks, tore and ripped, leaving destruction and devastation in its wake.
Grief nibbled… nibbled on the edges of memories, left them frayed. Little reminders of what once had been. Sometimes it’d skitter off, hide somewhere deep and only come out when it felt safe…
When he felt safe.
They were sitting on a fallen tree, thighs touching, looking out to an open clearing where the pack sniffed, ran and played.
I’m even starting to think like you, hn?
Yeah, he was thinking alright. Thinking… and remembering. Starlit nights spent with a different man, in a different time, in a different life...
Pretty sure love did this to him. Bright and beautiful shades stealing in again with every smile and every kiss. Making him feel, think… wax lyrical shit.
Things he thought long buried under the wreckage of his life.
But life had changed its artistry after he’d stopped trying to burn down the canvas. It painted in every color available in the goddamn palette: brilliant, happy, gloomy, dark, every stroke evoking emotions too long denied; the colors dulled by maturity, now that he was older, wiser, more experienced.
And he was glad for it. Glad that he hadn’t burnt the entirety of his synapses and bridges. Glad that people stuck with him, even when he was at his worst…
I didn’t deserve it.
A sigh left his lips, loud into the chilly night.
Kakashi gave him a sidelong glance, grey eye piercing almost as intensely as his bright-red one.
He gave the other man a tight lipped smile, avoiding his gaze, wasn’t sure he could stand what was written in those eyes with his own walls laying crumbled at this feet.
Kakashi’s soft looks had a way of reminding him of a time where people, lovers, had left and he’d stayed behind.
That's in the past…
Not the first time that thought had crossed his mind. Likely not the last either.
He wasn’t living in it anymore but he’d been marked by it.
Marked by all the memories he had made… God, the memories.
How many could he even recall?
So many were hidden, blurry behind a chemical haze, pink pills and shōchū burning in a different way now… Leaving him mourning more than lost lovers.
Few moments were clear in his mind. One of them was the night he and Kakashi had shared their first kiss and a lot more than that…
That kiss… That fucking kiss. It had framed and hung itself on the walls of his inner mind. All by itself, that damn thing had a life on its own. Must have hands too by the way it had his heart in a deathgrip. Maybe it’d taken some inspiration from him, moving in and refusing to pay rent.
That kiss and the words that had accompanied it rang through Genma’s mind.
“You’re not that man… and I’ll tell you why. Cause I’d never do this with Kaika.”
Not that man…
Yeah. He felt different now, seeing those fragile moments of memory, illuminated in the light of the present.
A time where names were carved in stone, spintops had lost their momentum and the minutes still ticked by. Floated away like the dark clouds above their heads, taking away the days, years…
A rustling startled him out of his thoughts.
His eyes narrowed in the direction.
Out of the shrubs trotted an auburn-colored dog – Ūhei, as Genma had learned at some point – carrying a stick that was about as long as the animal itself.
Genma turned his head to Kakashi, an amused quirk to his lips. “Looks like it’s time for fetch.”
“Looks like it.” Kakashi nodded his head in the direction of the dog and as Genma looked back to it, the canine dropped the stick unceremoniously in front of his feet.
“Have fun.”
Genma stared at the dog and his slowly wagging tail.
The animal touched his nose to the stick, looked at Genma again, dark eyes shiny and pleading. Genma raised his brows in a 'not happening'-look.
Either the dog couldn’t tell or simply didn’t give a shit because he didn’t budge.
At that, Genma turned to Kakashi, figured the dog was his responsibility after all.
Sensing his look, the copy-nin hummed, made to grab the stick which Ūhei promptly snatched away from Kakashi’s reaching hands. “See?”
“Stubborn…”, Genma murmured, tipping his senbon to the side, leaning down and holding his hand out.
“He can do this all night.”
“I’d rather do something else all night and it sure as hell doesn’t include dogs…”
“You were the one wanting to take a walk.”
Genma couldn’t argue that. Didn’t attempt to, either.
Ūhei dropped the stick in Genma’s hand, providing a welcome distraction from the conversation. Tail wagging, he made a half turn, body tilted to the front, eyes fixed on the wood.
Genma feigned a throw, watching the dog twitch on the spot.
He lifted the stick and chucked it, smiled faintly as the auburn colored ninken sprinted and caught it mid-air.
Trotting back proudly, Ūhei dropped the saliva-covered stick in front of Genma’s feet like a well-trained lapdog, expecting another throw.
Obliging, Genma repeated the game a few times to the same effect until he noticed Kakashi looking at him from the corner of his eye.
Head resting in his palm, elbow propped on his leg, Kakashi smiled at the two of them, grey eye warm with affection.
Their gazes held, one second, two.
Kakashi said nothing and Genma’s eyes dropped to the movement just below, Kakashi’s hand stroking out and over the dog’s head. He leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. “He likes you, Genma.”
Genma had to snort at that, but it came out too soft, the tiredness eating into his voice. “And they say dogs are good judges of character.”
A soft look and silence again; Kakashi proceeded with the game of fetch, throwing the branch into the treeline, much to Ūhei’s delight.
“For the record”, came a grumbling from off to the side. Pakkun. “Don’t let it get to your head, pup. If you throw a stick, you get into Ūhei’s good books.”
Genma raised a brow at the slightly condescending pet name but before he could retort, Ūhei had already pounced on Pakkun, dragging his tongue over the wrinkly face, stick dropped beside him.
That works.
Was probably more annoying and humiliating for Pakkun than anything Genma could’ve done.
They sat in silence, after that. Genma watched the dark clouds pass by, catching glimpses of the stars behind them.
The cold breeze rustled the leaves, the dogs had settled down near them, Pakkun using Bull’s paws as a pillow, Ūhei chewing his stick, the rest in differing states of awake.
Genma leaned forwards, resting his elbows on his legs, gazing onto the clearing and the trees. The scene looked like painting material…
Too bad his artistic skills were about as good as animal handling ones.
“He was an artist. Drawings, poems… Stuff like that”, he spoke, softly.
Charcoal sketches came to mind, stashed away in the safety of his apartment. Ink on paper and on Karibi’s skin, soft strokes of watercolor capturing fragile petals, words turning empty pages to artworks.
“He’d… find beauty in fucking everything”, he went on. “Rainy days, random flowers… Shit, he even drew me sharpening kunais.”
Kakashi kept silent, palm stroking over Bulls pelt, observing the way Genma was staring off into the middle-distance, into the past.
“I never really understood, you know? How he saw the world. How he saw me.” The words seemed to just pour out now… poured like summer rain, every drop filled with warmth and melancholy, falling into the quiet night. “But I loved him for it. And then he left and I thought I’d never find peace… I thought I’d…”, his voice broke. “Never get out… But you were there and I got to see him, talk to him one last time…”
He took a deep breath in, dropping his head and passing his hands through his hair to restore his composure that had crumbled under the weight of emotion.
A sad smile as he met Kakashi’s eyes. Then, quietly… “He would’ve turned 34 today.”
Kakashi’s gaze gentled, grey eye softening with empathy and compassion. He reached out a hand, placed it on Genma’s leg, thumb kneading soothing circles. The warmth of that gesture sent a comforting wave through him, an unspoken “I’m here”. And really, that’s all Genma needed tonight.
Next to him, a grey dog settled down, sensing the mood but seemingly wanting to be close.
Genma found himself stroking the spiked fur on his head, felt the soft strands between his fingers.
Karibi would’ve liked you…
Liked? Bullshit. She would’ve fucking loved the mohawk on this thing. Probably would’ve tried to steal him, too. He chuckled at the thought of Kakashi running after the woman in an attempt to get his ninken back.
“Who’s this one?”, he asked, scratching behind an ear. The dog was leaning into his touch… so trusting… Stupid decision, really, but somehow he ended up receiving trust anyway. Raidō, Kakashi… Waif on occasion.
“His name’s Shiba… You met him before…”, Kakashi murmured, a bit reserved, an odd edge to his tone.
“I have?”
“After I let you in again… When we fought. When I told you that Naoki wasn’t…”, he trailed off there, the words and silence hanging.
A flicker of memory, senbons buried in fur.
“One dog down. One more to go.”
His own voice, ice-cold… as cold as the wave of regret that washed over him…
Well fuck.
Genma stared at his lethal hand, still resting on the dog’s head, stomach tightening. A hand that had hurt the dog in front and the man beside him.
He pulled it back, startling Shiba with the motion, curled it into a fist and pressed it against his mouth, teeth grinding on the senbon.
Fragments of that time skirted around his mind. Shit, he barely remembered. Had been too far gone. On pain, on drugs, on a red-mist rage. Fuck. Just who hadn’t he hurt?
“I-…”, he choked out, swallowing hard, the rest of the words dying in his throat.
Kakashi let out an audible breath, looking at his ninken…
Forgiveness. It came in the form of heavy head on top of his thigh. Genma flinched at the sudden warmth but Shiba just rested his head against him, unphased, unconditional.
“You don’t smell like the entire chemical lab anymore, pup”, Pakkun chirped up. “You’d be dumb to think we didn’t notice the change.”
He straightened, passed a hand across Shiba’s head.
The change… Getting better, getting clean, getting closer to Kakashi… Of course, they had noticed. His scent was plastered all over the copy-nin with the amount of sex they had.
It’s more than that…
“You feel for him in a way you haven’t felt for anyone in a long time.”
Remembering those words, that voice, that face... It’d never stop hurting. Genma knew, knew it just as well as he knew that Naoki hadn’t been wrong. His words had always hit, always had possessed the power to reach him in vital spots and they struck true often.
But the memories remained... They lived on inside him, inside his soul. Just like the will-o'-the-wisp lights guiding him out of whatever dark places he found himself in. Out of addiction, out of punishment, out of pain and penalty.
“Ghostly lights, the spirits of the dead... those aren’t the kind of lights that just go out.”
“Never. I’ll always burn for you. But now you have to live. Really live. No more seven times down bullshit. No half-life. No half-love. Promise me.”
And Genma had. God, he had. And with all the things Genma broke... objects, bones, trust... hearts... He would never break this promise.
He looked across at the silver-haired man beside him, felt the warmth radiating from him and let his hand drop back down from his mouth.
Another light.
Another love.
A guide out Tanzaku-flames and crippling addiction.
“Hatake”, he said quietly, a gentle smile on his face.
Kakashi turned his head to him at the sound of his name and hummed in question, brows raised.
Genma put his right hand on top of the copy-nins that sat on his thigh, linking their fingers.
Their gazes locked again, such a soft, affectionate look on the other man’s face and Genma could do nothing but marvel. That look… The one that had made everything so damn complicated between them. But right now, there was something else between them.
Gently, slowly, Kakashi leaned in, reached up with his free hand and plucked the senbon from Genma’s lips, set it aside and kissed Genma, lips nudging gently. Genma melted into the touch, into the softness, the safety of it, tension leaving his body with a soft sigh.
Crazy how this man made him feel. His pulse tripped as their tongues touched, a kiss so breathtakingly slow that, for a moment, the entire universe focused only on them.
He felt the warm breath of the other man on his face, felt his lips ghosting over his eyelids. Genma lowered his head slightly and Kakashi pressed a kiss to his temple.
When Genma opened his eyes again, he felt a little more balanced, a little more steady than he did before. The dreaded day had come and passed, his internal clock telling him it must be shortly after midnight.
But Kami, he was tired… the exhaustion and sleep deprivation had caught up to him, turning his bones to lead. He felt like he’d run for hours and in some way, he had…
The way he felt must 've been written on his face judging by Kakashi’s next comment. “Time to go home?”, he said, raising his hand and cupping Genma’s cheek, stroking his thumb over the dark skin under Genma’s eye.
Genma turned his face into the touch, drew a deep breath before nodding against Kakashi’s hand. “Yeah. Feels like I could doze off right here…”
Kakashi smiled faintly, a small crinkle around his eyes. He stood, stretching out a hand to Genma.
A brown brow sketched up at the offering to help him up. “Ass”, he chuckled, without bite. “Next you’re gonna carry me?”
“Oh, if you insist. I’ve done it to Gai. As part of a challenge, of course. I won.”
“Mhm…” Genma stood, stretching his arms to ward off the drowsiness for a little longer.
They made their way back to Kakashi’s apartment, the pack following quietly. As Kakashi opened the door with the keys, Genma watched, an amused quirk to his lips at the rare sight.
Kakashi opened the door, husked a stern “Wait.” as Biscuit tried to squeeze past him. He stepped inside first, laid the keys on his desk. Genma squeezed past the pack waiting before the threshold, impressed with their obedience and slightly annoyed by their unwillingness to move out of his way.
After Kakashi had given them their command to come in, they wasted no time settling down on the bed and the floor around it.
“So… they’re gonna stay here, huh”, Genma questioned, although he was sure of the answer already.
“Yes, they are.”
“What was that about the taxidermist you mentioned a while ago?”
Pakkun, having settled on the right side of Kakahshi’s pillow, shot him a glare from underneath wrinkled brows.
“That was solved without having to resort to violence.”
“Right… Well. As long as I get to sleep without having to resort to violence…”
Kakashi chuckled at that. “We’ll figure it out.” And with that, he proceeded to strip off his vest and Jōnin slacks, removed his gloves and hitai-ate, setting them over his chair.
Genma followed suit, but stopped his motions as Kakashi took off his mask. Just to look… just for a few seconds before proceeding to undress to his boxer briefs. Something about the dogs being in the room made him not want to be entirely naked.
Some might call it embarrassment, Genma called it prevention of getting his balls chewed off by some canine craving a midnight snack.
Kakashi climbed into bed; the dogs had left a spot just big enough for him to fit. Training or respect, Genma didn’t know but he sure knew there was not enough space for him. He stood at the edge of the bed, eyebrows raised at the copy-nin who returned the look, propped up on his elbow, a coy look on his face.
Smug bastard.
Genma didn’t find it in him to be angry for any amount of time. Instead, he smirked, let his gaze drift over the sight on the bed. He kneeled onto the bed and, with a little athleticism, laid down on his side close to Kakashi, head in hand.
He shot a look at Pakkun, who occupied a good half of the pillow. “Care to move?”
“Is this your home?”, was the grumpy retort.
Kakashi lifted his hand, cupped the back of Genma’s head and drew him close to his chest, causing him to brace his arm against the mattress.
“Yes, it is.”
A little startled, Genma stiffened before relaxing against firm muscle and warm skin covered in the soft fabric of the turtleneck. He could feel the steady and strong heartbeat against the side of his face, felt Kakashi’s fingers gently massage his scalp.
Silently, he counted the heartbeats, comforted by the gentle rise and fall of the other ninjas chest with every breath and fell in a deep and dreamless sleep.
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primroselegends · 2 years
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Eternal Boys!
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animemakeblog · 2 years
“Eternal Boys” The Second Promo
The second promotional video, themes, and visual novel were all unveiled on Saturday on the official website for the original television anime Eternal Boys. On October 11 at 2:20 a.m. on Fuji TV, the animation is set to make its debut. Animax and BS Fuji will air afterward.
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I watched EP1 of Eternal Boys and ranked each member as an expert of Hot Old Men
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In conclusion: Unless middle-aged is a mistranslation of the description or means a younger age group in Japan than America, the creators of this show do not know what middle-aged is and I am offended as president of the Old Man Lovers Club
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
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Meet the two generations of OC teams! (Kenshi finally has a job!)
-> Aburame Shinichi with Uchiha Sho, Inuzuka Ashi and Shumaru and Uzumaki Kenshi.
-> Uzumaki Kenshi with Yamanaka Naoki, Kagerou Kaen and Hyuuga Miyu.
Sunshine boy Naoki and Pretty princess Miyu are @sakuraazharuno 's characters!
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kudouusagi · 1 year
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@endlessdelirium allow me to answer this question more fully lol.
So, it's possible he naturalized. But in his flashback episode he was introducing himself as "Nicolai Asakura" to his classmates so maybe that was always his name? Did he just change it as he told the story? I'm not sure lol. I'm really not sure why he has a Japanese surname.
The only requirement for a "Japanese name" when you naturalize is that it's in Japanese characters, so his name being ニコライ in katakana would be allowed. He wouldn't have needed to change his surname to be "Japanese" either.
But the big thing, and probably the reason they used it, is that everyone at Manpuku are named after famous people from the sengoku era.
Sanada Kentarou = Sanada Yukimura
Ishida Naoki = Ishida Mitsunari
Asai Haru = Asai Nagamasa
Kakizaki Makoto = Kakizaki Kageie
Yamanaka Daisuke = Yamanaka Yukimori
Imagawa Tsuyoshi = Imagawa Yoshimoto
Nicolai Asakura = Asakura Yoshikage
Manda Fukuko = Mitsuta Yasutoshi (no English page), Mitsuta has the same kanji (満田) but a different reading.
Ukita Ren = Ukita Hideie
There might be something going on with the Twilight characters as well but it was less easy for me to figure out where their names came from.
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cocotome · 2 years
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^Sanada Kentarou c.v. Hirakawa Daisuke^
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^Ishida Naoki c.v. Konishi Katsuyuki^
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^Asai Haru c.v. Fukuyama Jun^
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^Imagawa Tsuyoshi c.v. Namikawa Daisuke^
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^Yamanaka Daisuke c.v. Morikawa Toshiyuki^
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^Kakizaki Makoto c.v. Sasaki Nozomu^
The artwork for Eternal Boys anime is looking great so far! I love the drunken, blushy faces~
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sugutoad · 11 months
Naoki - Daisuke Namikawa Kaen - Kugimiya Rie Homura - Kimura Ryouhei Miyu - Yui Ishikawa Kenshi - Kazuya Nakai Sho - Sakamoto Maaya Ashi - Ai Fairouz Shinichi - Shinichiro Miki Chiha - Saito Chiwa Akihiko - Yuki Kaji
These are their voice claims! They took forever 🥲
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okamirayne · 7 months
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You Slipped Away…
HHU still twanging away on my heartstrings. 🫠😓
Song inspo: Slipped Away by Avril Lavigne
POV: Ino, naturally 😢
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jinsei-pika-pika · 11 months
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山中雪乃、添田奈那、米澤柊、yak yakによる展示「play A」。一人遊びのように展開される探索的な制作のなかで、作家たちは自他の、あるいは虚実の入り混じった存在に出会う。表現を通じて浮かび上がるさまざまな存在者の兆しを感じながら、それぞれの作品や背景にある文脈、展示全体のコンセプトについて話を聞いた。
Text:Seshimo Shota
All Photo: Naoki Takehisa
ー まず、それぞれの自己紹介から始めたいと思います。自身の制作のスタイルや、今回展示する作品について簡単に語っていただけますか。
yak yak(以下、yak):yak yakです。主にサウンドアートを制作しています。自分ではポケモン系サウンドアートと呼んでいるのですが、インターネットやサイバー空間に漂う「音の生物」を研究するっていう感じで作品を作っています。よろしくお願いします。
ー みなさん、よろしくお願いします。
ー では、それぞれの作品について伺いたいと思います。山中さんからお願いします。
山中:私は学部生の頃から人物画を描いています。ただ、描き方はいろいろ変わってきています。 前は手や足をバラバラの位置に配置した構図で、今よりも写実的描いていました。去年の夏頃に研究を結構して、抽象性と具象性がどちらも入いるような状態を作るにはどうしたらいいか考えるようになりました。 最近はさらに変化していて、人間のオーラというか、皮膚よりも外側の部分を図形っぽく印象的に描いて、それ以外の中核的な存在に感じられる目などのパーツを強調し、それ以外の空間は流し たりぼかしたりして、ふわっと印象っぽく描くようになりました。
ー 縦方向に液体が流れ、垂れているような表現がありますね。
ー 空白のある箇所も印象的です。
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「dumbfounded」Yukino Yamanaka
ー かの絵についてはどうでしょうか。同じモデルの絵と、そうでない絵がありますよね。
山中:先ほどの絵ともう1枚は同じモデルを描いていて、ほかの3枚は自分自身を描いています。今回の私の作品群は、自分から見た自分と、自分から見た他者という対比になっているんです。 絵画としては、影をくっきり描くか描かないか、人間らしく見えるように描くかそうでないかという感じで描き分けています。筆の量も多いものと少ないものと両方を展示のなかで見せたいと考えて、あっさりめに描いて止めた作品もあれば、重ために描いた作品もあります。
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「いっしょ」Shu Yonezawa
─ 米澤さんの作品はいかがでしょうか。一見しただけでは、ちょっとわからないですね。
米澤:私の作品は、薄いビニールにはんだごてで図像を焼き付けたもので、アニメーションが通り抜けたあとの燃えカスをイメージしています。これらの物体そのものはアニメーションではないけれど、そこを通過する空気によってかたどられて、アニメになるわけです。恐竜の足跡の化石のようなものですかね。 最近参加した『惑星ザムザ』という展示でも、アニメーションの意味を拡張するような作品を出しています。そこでは視覚情報も聴覚情報もない暗闇のなかで、かたどることそのものをアニメとして提示しました。
─ 作品ひとつひとつを見ると、形がはっきりとわかるものもあれば、そうでないものもありますね。また、ビニールが重なっているものもあります。
米澤:そうですね。形が崩れて記号のようになっている段階のものもあるのですが、それも気に入っています。重なっているものは、ビニールを燃やしたものを重ねています。形がよく現れている段階からそうでないもの段階までを重ねることで、そこには時間が発生します。 アニメーションの作画にはこういった構造があります。技術用語で「中割り」って呼ばれるんですけど。
─ 隣のモニターはどうですか。
─ なるほど。アーティストとして作品を作るときの感覚と、アニメーターとしていわゆるアニメーションを描く、動かすときの感覚には違いがありますか。
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Installation View :Shu Yonezawa
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Installation View :Nana Soeda
─ ありがとうございます。続いて、添田さんの作品に移りましょうか。
添田:私は広くアジアで売られているような「チープ」なおもちゃや看板、ガラクタから影響を受けた作品を制作しています。ドラえもんやミッキーの偽物みたいな、独特の雰囲気や情緒を醸し出す存在が好きなんです。 今回はいつも作っている平面作品ではなく、陶芸による立体作品を出しているんですが、そういった感覚を表現したいという点では変わりません。
─ 反対に、平面と立体とでなにか違うところはありますか。
─ 題材としては、犬でしょうか。
─ 共通点もありそうですね。では、この流れでyak yakさんの作品についても伺えればと思います。
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「いのちの作り方」Nana Soeda
[サイバーサウンドスケープから──yak yak]
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─ yak yakさん、お願いします。
─ インターネット上の音声に関心があるということでしょうか。
yak:はい。近年、Clubhouseをはじめとする音声SNSが登場して、人々は日常的に自分の声を録音し、インターネットにアップするようになりましたよね。僕はそれによって、現実のサウンドスケープとは違った、いわばサイバーサウンドスケープができあがりつつあると考えています。 これまで都市のサウンドスケープは、音がクリアに聞こえる度合いに応じて「hi-fi」と「lo-fi」に区別されてきました。僕はそれに対して、インターネット上のサウンドスケープは全て人工的なものでありながら、ある種のオーガニックさを感じていて、そこには「hi-fi」と「lo-fi」、自然と文明の二項対立から逸脱する「hyper lo-fi」な音空間があるのではないかと考えているんです。 そうしたサイバーサウンドスケープは、人々が日常的な録音を通じて作り上げているものであり、いわば人類全体が音のアーカイブを作り続ける〈録音の共同体〉です。
─ そうしたアイデアがあったうえで、今回の作品はどのようなものなんでしょうか。
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[play Aの周辺]
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「Installation View」play A
米澤:アニメを描くきっかけのひとつとして、昔6年以上育てていた金魚が亡くなってしまったことがあります。なんで死んじゃうんだろう、死なない生き物がそばにいたら結構いいんだけどなと思って、魚の動きを抽象化して、泳ぎ続ける作品を作ったこともあります。そういうこともあって、水槽に興味がありまして……。 それで面白かったのが、溝井裕一『水族館の文化史──ひと・動物・モノがおりなす魔術的世界 』です。これは水族館ができあがっていた歴史はもちろん、その空間演出や眺める人間たちについて、さらには演出がないころの水族館の話まで、いろいろ書かれています。
─ 水生生物や水族館そのものだけではなく、水槽にも関心があるんですかね。
─ モニターと水槽のつながりは興味深いですね。ありがとうございます。最後に、yakさんはいかがでしょうか。
yak:僕は中国のサウンドアーティスト「中国声音小组」に影響を受けました。彼らは人にバレないようにこっそり周りの音を録音できる方法を冊子にしてメンバーに配って、中国各地の都市や農村など、いろいろなところに赴いて実地録音をして作品を制作します。それまで西洋でおこなわれていたサウンドアートやサンドスケープの研究は、しばしば自然保護的な傾向がありました。それに対して、彼らは環境だけではなく、そこに暮らす人々の声などさまざまな音環境に着目し、社会的な意味と結びつけるようなアプローチをとっていたのです。僕はその点に強く惹かれました。歴史的に考えると、実際中国では、西洋が二十世紀初頭のイタリア未来派以来100年近く繰り返された音に関する思想と美学の革命の中から誕生した音の文化の歴史とそこから形成された社会のサウンド文化のシステムを、わずか十数年で作り出しています。そういった中国の錯乱したカオスな音風景は、逆にある種の未来性を持っていて、それこそ「hyper lo-fi」の予兆的なものも感じられたかもしれません…
─ 先ほど作品のお話を伺っていて、SF的な感覚があるのかなと思いました。そのあたりはいかがでしょうか。
yak:SF的なもので言うと、〈宇宙ジャズ〉というジャンルのアーティストで、自らを土星人だと主張するサン・ラに影響を受けました。音楽とフィクションを繋げて考えているところがいいですね。ほかにも、アース・ウインド&ファイアのような、いわゆるアフロ・フューチャリズムと呼ばれる黒人の宇宙思想や、そこからKodwo Eshunという研究者が〈Sonic Fiction〉と名付ける方法論にも関心があります。二十世紀の黒人が作った〈Sonic Fiction〉は宇宙を目指すに対して、インターネット時代のハイプな電子音楽が作りだす〈Sonic Fiction〉は軽薄な空想生物やキャラクターのイメージだと考えているんですが、そういった音楽にも影響を受けました…ArcaやPC Musicなどはもちろん、象徴的な例をあげると、上海のsvbkvltレーベルから33EMYBWというアーティストは、節足動物とゴーレムを聴覚体験と結びつけて、有機的なサウンドとSF的コンセプチュアルな作品を作ってて、とても面白かったです…
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「Installation View」play A
─ それぞれの作品やその周辺の文脈まで話を伺うことができました。最後に、改めて今回の展示のコンセプトや経緯を聞いていきたいと思います。
yak:僕の作品にも、なにかを召喚したり、そういう儀式をしたりといったコンセプトは関係していると思います。作品そのものが、まさに〈hui〉を召喚する装置だからです。展示ではǽmbiiənt音楽という架空なジャンルの音楽を流しているんですが、これは〈hui〉を呼ぶためなんですね。もちろん、ǽmbiiənt音楽は現実のアンビエント音楽を弄って作られた造語なんです…アンビエントって、最初は空港のような特定な場所で流れていたもので、ある意味サウンドスケープ・デザイン的なアプローチです。アンビエント音楽が現実の環境のための音楽とすれば、ǽmbiiənt音楽はインターネット環境〈hui〉のための音楽だなと。 ただ、〈hui〉はそうしてわざわざ召喚される存在であると同時に、どこにでもいる存在でもあります。いるんだけれども、人間の耳では感知することができないんです。彼らのサウンドスケープに入っていくためには、AirPodsが必要なんですよ(笑)──ちなみに、2016年はAirPodsが発売されると同時に、Apple Musicというサービスも開始されています、これはサイバーサウンドスケープを考えるうえで重要な事件だと感じています。
米澤:私がアニメーションやキャラクターを描くときは、儀式というよりは、yak君が後半に言っていた「どこにでもいる存在」に近いかもしれません。ただそこにいて、それを掘り起こしたり、観測したり、スケッチしたりする……そんなイメージですね。 昔作った作品なんですけど、大きいディスプレイを囲って生贄のようにして、それを2台の定点カメラで捉えてモニターに表示しました。アニメを生かす場所みたいな感じです。そこになにかが生きているだけ、それを遠くから見るだけといったアンビエント的な状態が好きなんです。
山中:そうして話しているうちに、一人遊びっていうワードはやっぱりいいから「play」という単語はいれたいなと。そして、もともとのお化け屋敷的な要素はもう少し薄めて、自然となにかがそこにいるような感じにして「play A」。
─ 展示のコンセプトからタイトルに込められたニュアンスまで伺うことができました。今日はここで終わりたいと思います。ありがとうございました。
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「Installation View」play A
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micomtr · 2 years
Sivrisineklerin Üremesini Engellemek Mümkün Olabilir
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Yaz ayları geldiğinde hepimizin ortak dertlerinden biri sivrisinekler. Özellikle akşamları herhangi bir yerde ışık yaktığımız anda başımıza toplanan sivrisinekler kimsenin hoşuna gitmiyor, bilim insanlarının da öyle. Özellikle de en çok insan ölümüne neden olan canlının sivrisinek olduğunu düşündüğümüzde bu durum oldukça anlaşılabilir. Kaliforniya Üniversitesi'nden bilim insanları, hastalık taşıyan sivrisinekleri ergenliğinde donduracak, üremelerine ya da erişkin hale gelmelerine engel olacak bir yöntem keşfetti. Daha da önemlisi bu yöntem diğer canlıları doğrudan etkilemeyecek. Sivrisineklere özel böcek ilacı Araştırmanın başındaki isim Naoki Yamanaka, 2018 yılında taşıyıcı proteinlerin meyve sineklerinin hücreleri arasında hareket edebilmesini sağlayan önemli bir steroid hormonu keşfetti. Erime hormonu olarak da adlandırılan ekdison adlı bu yapı, sineklerde büyük önem taşıyor. Zira ekdison eksikliğinde sinekler büyüyemiyor ya da üreyemiyor. Her ne kadar ekdison her böceğin yaşam döngüsünde önemli bir role sahip olabilse de, Yamanaka ve ekibinin yaptığı incelemelerde sivrisineklere özel bir durum keşfedildi. Buna göre meyve sineklerinde ve diğer böceklerde bulunan 4 farklı ekdison yapısından yalnızca 3'ü bulunuyor. Bu da ileride geliştirilebilecek olan yeni böcek ilaçlarının doğrudan sivrisineklerleri hedef alabilmesini sağlayacak. Araştırmada incelenen türlere baktığımızda, bu çalışma sonunda geliştirilecek ilaç ile arılar ya da tozlaşmaya, polen taşımaya yardımcı türler zarar görmeyecek. Öte yandan Zika, sarı humma, Dang humması gibi hastalıkları taşıyan sivri sinekler ilaçtan olumsuz etkilenecek. Read the full article
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animemakeblog · 1 year
“Eternal Boys” The Gets New Episode, Recap Movie
Fuji TV revealed that the anime series Eternal Boys would get a new episode and a recap film. A visual for the review (shown above) and a teaser advertisement video for the Eternal Boys Next Stage episode were also made public on the official website. The final show will debut in theatres on June 9, while the recap will debut on May 19 for a two-week run.
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ojisanmansion · 2 years
I know it’s on the article I linked to, but I wanted to put a close up of these guys and their info
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Kentarō Sanada, a 40-year-old former salaryman whose company suddenly went bankrupt
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Naoki Ishida, a 39-year-old former junior high school teacher
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Haru Asai, a 35-year-old former soccer player
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Tsuyoshi Imagawa, a 37-year-old former child actor who became an enka singer
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Daisuke Yamanaka, a 45-year-old former head of management at the Manpuku Geinō Production talent agency
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Makoto Kakizaki, the 41-year-old former no.1 cabaret club host
Going to be honest with you guys I’m rather salty about their designs. We finally get thrown a bone for ossans and we still get denied. This is a rather frequent problem with ojisan characters in anime, manga and japanese games. The ages of the characters just make it so disappointing. Oddly enough I bet good money other older male characters will show up in the show and look it. 
In this case they’re trying to sell the middle aged part, but failed it in terms of trying to apply to the idol part and everything that comes with it. 
But with that being said I’ll still be watching and making content for it
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