devilatelier · 11 months
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"You will be ripped open and laid bare." "hehe and then what"
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k-d-t-art · 2 months
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Pet da dogy 🐶
Tried to see if I could draw these two from memory… verdict: kinda
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clown-cult · 1 year
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@inuyashapridemonth …I literally do not know what the deal with these two is and I don’t know what the deal with me and my obsession with them is either.
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lets-wreak-havoc · 10 months
(3/3) one concept i thought was fascinating is how naraku is an entity of his own, and wants to form his own identity outside of onigumo. mirroring kagome's struggle to define herself beyond kikyo. so he is repulsed by onigumo's feelings for kikyo (even though onigumo shares a mind and body with him). but the idea of sesshomaru (who shares some similarities with kikyo) being naraku's first attempt at love, fucking it up immensely, but at the very end being affirmed to having existed as a person by the man he very much still loves, would probably get a laugh and then some bitter tears from him LOL.
Hehe dont worry sesskagu is also one of my fave sesshomaru ships and they have their own messy verse.
FORGIVE ME HOW LONG THIS HAS BEEN. i just wanted to brainworm about ideas IUGSDIYGYSDHEHEHEHE
Sorry about the wait, I'm always so tired after work.
You're right about Naraku and Kagome struggling with identity and wanting to be separate individuals from their past selves. I'd never thought about it before and its very interesting. While kagome dislikes being constantly compared to kikyo and is held to high standards/exceptions previously set by kikyo (with no training might I add), naraku wants to rid himself completely from onigumo just bc he views his feelings as a weakness and liability. It's quick the foil.
And your ending for sessnara is so bittersweet. Imagine the joy of finally have your feelings affirmed and shared by your loved one, but not being to experience the joy of finally being together bc you're fading away. It's so heart wrenching 😭🤧
And I can definitely see naraku taking it ironically and sniggering through bitter tears as he dies.
And poor sesshomaru 😰 I know he found love and comfort with rin and inuyasha, but I know it secretly pains him in the inside and there's a hole in his heart from losing naraku. It gets better with time, but still, the emptiness remains...
I'm so happy to hear you love sesskagu too! They're my fav canon iy ship and yes, they're just as messy and tragic. I most have a thing for angsty ships... slown burns too.
And do not apologize! I love hearing it! Please send your hcs 💗
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inuyah · 3 years
What your favorite Inuyasha ship says about you.
Inuyasha x Kagome: You love soulmate/red string au’s and use to watch “Everytime we touch” amvs.
Miroku x Sango: You like the Perverted guy x Fisty girl trope and make a lot of dirty jokes.
Sango x Kagome: “Gals over pals.”
Inuyasha x Miroku: “Bros over hoes.”
Sesshomaru x Kagome: You are a slut for angsty slow burn romances and read a lot of fanfics.
Inuyasha x Kikyo: You prefer the original over reboot.
Naraku x Kikyo: You watched “I hate everything about you” amvs and love drama.
Sesshomaru x Rin: You’re uninteresting and weird.
Inuyasha x Sesshomaru: You grossly fedish incest and mlm.
Kagome x Koga: You just want Koga or Kagome ( Or both ) to be happy.
Inuyasha x Koga: “Canine boyfriends so cool.” You also like their dynamic.
Sesshomaru x Kagura: You believe in Himbo x Bimbo supremacy and are unbothered by canon.
Kikyo x Kagome: You would be down to make out with your future self.
Inuyasha x Sango: You prefer underrated pairs or just like the idea of the colors red and pink together.
Miroku x Kagome: You like the Pervert guy x Innocent girl trope or probably just ship Inusan and don’t want Miroku and Kagome to be alone.
Sesshomaru x Jaken: You use to think Sherk x Shadow memes were hilarious.
Sesshomaru x Kikyo: You have a lot of potential but people never recognize it and you also love kids.
Kohaku x Rin: You enjoy puppy love and also wanted to see them get together.
Kagome x Hojo: You’re basic but harmless.
Sesshomaru x Naraku: You probably crush on fictional villains or dilfs.
Kikyo x Kagura: You’re a bad bitch but always the first one to die in video games.
Sesshomaru x Koga: Sesshomaru and Koga are your favorite characters.
Koga x Ayame: You didn’t read the manga.
Sesshomaru x Sango: You love a couple that can kick ass.
Sesshomaru x Miroku: You think they would be an entertaining pair and want them to interact so bad.
Inuyasha x Naraku: You have issues.
Naraku x Kagome: You have issues and hate Inuyasha.
Inuyasha x Noodles: You love ramen and anime.
Yes, I know there are more ships but gosh I am so tired and just wanted to make this for fun. I hope you enjoyed this.
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Hello Inuyasha fandom!
This blog was created to make a week to celebrate the fandom's love for Sesshomaru. Since a certain group of this fandom has a tendency to push back on every other ship.
This ship week will be the week before Hanyo no Yashahime season 2 premieres [the official date hasnt been announced, but in sometime the fall]. I decided to announce it now to give people a long time to prepare!
So the week will be:
Day 1: Sesshomaru x women
Day 2: Sesshomaru x men
Day 3: Poly Sesshomaru!
Day 4: LGBTQIA+ Sesshomaru (gotta show some love for ace/aro sess, and for those who don't ship sess with anyone)
Day 5: Sesshomaru x OC
Day 6: Sesshomaru x reader
Day 7: Sesshomaru and family! (sesshomaru and the importance of platonic relationships)
Because this is really just a ship week, as plenty of people love sesshomaru as a single dude, or just love his character in general!
Details will be announced closer to the date, and all of this may be subject to change. Thank ahead of time if you want to participate!
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histskins · 4 years
speaking of Them please read my super highly intellectual shower thoughts
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kagkik · 6 years
when is someone gonna write or draw that inuyasha shrek au i dream about
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vixeria · 3 years
So, I realized I've become someone who accepts most ships in the Inuyasha fandom and can respect each individuals preference.
My main ship will probably forever be Sesshomaru x Kagome, and that's totally okay. There are people out there who ship InuSess, SessRin, and NaraSess out there, and that's totally okay, too! Hell, there are hundreds of ships out there, and probably still not enough to satisfy!
Tell me what YOUR ship is! This should be a judgement-free post, but I'm sure there will always be that ONE. X3
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saltyyashahime · 3 years
You know what Im tired of reading, people coming at Antis with the same tired ass excuses that have been debunked over and over again.
I have a whole blog full of the answers you want to know.
Starting from the favorite of “its historically accuracte (also as a history major... you sound so fucking stupid when you say this shippers. Stop watching Game of Thrones and do some research) (also also that theory has been debunked, and that is on my blog). And to end with “but he wasn’t a dad to Rin.”
Im tired and dont have the energy to argue but my fellow antis who are much more read and have more time to write their thoughts down have done this work for me. Like can ya’s just acknowledge that its problematic and shut the fuck up? Most of us don’t care what you personally ship we care about what’s canon. Plenty of problematic ships happen. This isn’t against you personally, but against a potential canonization of a problematic ship. Grow up, have a civil discourse, stop targetting anti blogs and posts.
Most of you dont want to have a civil discourse. You want to scream canon, repeat the same tired arguments like they’re fucking “gotcha” moments and go off on anon like your big fucking badasses. Sit down child. You’re embarassing yourself.
If you’re a Sessrinner who actually minds their business and are embarassed by your compatriots, I apologize on their behalf, and for any Anti who act out in the same manner. 🤷🏻‍♀️
We can not like something. That is still okay. We can still call out problematic shit. It doesn’t mean we need to go after on another. I see a shipper post, I roll my eyes and make my own. I do not engage. You see the Inucest shippers? The NaraSess shippers? Be like them. Be better.
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devilatelier · 1 year
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kagome ally
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bakusaigaa · 3 years
Or self insert in an older charcter, like i selfinserted in kagura, i liked her attitude, and she reminded me of my fav disney girl,megara. She was pretty and sassy. Other friends of mine who shipped sesskag, selfinserted in kagome. And of course there is always the OCs...but Rin? Dude she was a baby. *Jouheki-chan*
kagura definitley gives off megara vibes!!🖤 i self-inserted kagura too.
in high school i had an OC i shipped with sessh who was 2 years older than kagome. she ended up being able to go through the well bc her ancestor was this lich type sorcerer dude from feudal japan who had sealed his powers away in his phylactery or w/e. his phylactery broke but his powers carried on into my oc. i also wrote a fanfic about a self-insert that was over 200 pages in a word doc...definitley didn’t need to remind myself about that angsty mess lmao
i don’t get why ppl go with rin. ocs are great and fun, go with kagura or some other character in the show...kagura always made sense to me later on, just because she was interested in him and she seemed like she could throw his bs right back at him lol. recently i’ve been on a sessan and narasess kick. but yeah i just don’t get why out of all the options, in-series and fan-made, ppl ship him with rin. it’s creepy, it’s gross, and it’s depressing.
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clown-cult · 1 year
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Rounding out the last day of free week and @inuyashapridemonth in general with one more SessNara piece bc they really are my favourite, still.
Thank you to the admins behind this event for all the work you guys put in and thank you to everyone who was kind enough to take the time to view and share my work. It really means a lot.
Reblogs > likes.
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histskins · 3 years
when will rt & sunrise stop playing games & just tell us divorced narasess having a custody battle over the twins is canon 🙄
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gayswingbabies · 9 years
If you post:
-Inuyasha art -Inucest -Narasess
Please like/reblog this, and I’ll check out your blog!
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devilatelier · 11 months
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plotting for the downfall of our enemy (homoerotic)
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