#Natalie's drivel
animentality · 9 months
How many times are y'all gonna fawn and gush and fall for Disney dragging yet another actor back to the franchise in a desperate attempt to keep people subscribed to their streaming service?
Hayden Christiansen was even already on a new Star Wars show.
What next, they drag on Alex Guinness's corpse?
Are you going to piss yourselves with ecstasy when they pull back Natalie Portman for a five second cameo that she filmed on her phone?
Are you going to cut off your fingers and toes and mail them to Bob Iger when Carrie Fisher's corpse is tied to strings and danced like a marionette in the newest episode of The Return of the Death Star Star Death: Returning Actor of the Week: Anthony Daniels?
It's always been eye roll inducing but now it's just sad.
How many times can they do this, and still have you weirdos clapping and screaming and frothing at the mouth?
I normally just don't care about other people's entertainment choices, because God knows you have the right to be a fucking idiot, but I really wonder how long Star Wars and Marvel can continue to parade corpses before a rapt-eyed slack jawed audience of buffoons who love a little necrophilia.
I also despise what Marvel and Star Wars have done to entertainment. Multiverses as an excuse to shoehorn in old actors and dead actors and overdose you on memberberries. Endless cameos that rely entirely on older, more original stories that have already been told before. Interconnected universes with none of the narrative consistency that could make them interesting, used primarily so that you can ooh and ahh as you see actors from the 90s reprising roles, for the sole purpose of nostalgia baiting.
I'm so sick of Disney. I'm so sick of star wars products. I'm so sick of marvel drivel.
I'm so sick of blockbusters like Indiana Jones 6 and Transformers Rise of Beasts and endless sequels and remakes and retools.
Make. New. Fucking. Things.
Ahsoka was already bad enough for existing purely to satisfy Dave Filoni's fetish for his own character. Giving her a solo show was banking entirely on your love for the clone wars.
Bring back Hayden...how bad was ahsoka doing?
Book of Boba Fett must've been doing far worse, because that random episode of the mandalorian plopped inside of it was Disney desperately trying to backpedal and bring back its audience.
Maybe if the ratings don't improve they'll bring back Jango Fett or something so you can go make your gifs and your tiktoks and your gushing posts about how exciting it was for you.
And before you even ask or start drafting something, no.
I was not soliciting opinions on this.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Rinse and Repeat-Finding Feelings Not Freedom
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here wishing a lovely Sunday to all. In our never ending efforts to understand the driven Harkles and group, I looked up Dey Street Books wondering why they would want to invest in deep drivel with Finding Freedom take 2? Here is a quick peek at their business profile.
1. Formerly It Books with a reputation for celebrity memoirs, it is part of William Morrow Group at HarperCollins which is located on the corner of Broadway and Dey Street, NYC. 2. The refreshed imprint will publish fiction and nonfiction "through innovative marketing and publicity efforts"...Hmmm what does this mean? 3. Books include Live Wire by Kelly Ripa; Pairs Hilton by Paris; Pamela Anderson titled Love, Pamela; and this one-Percersion of Justice, The Jeffrey Epstein Story; Little Sister by Lana Wood-about Natalie's death, defines their inventory. 4. Carrie Thornton was mentioned as heading up this project. She is the VP/Editorial Director and worked on the "international blockbuster Finding Freedom by royal reporters Omid Scobie & Carolyn Durand" who specilizes in "non-fiction publishing with a focus on personality driven titles in the areas of memoir, lifestyle, humor and music." I would guess more like fictional feelings, and subjective statements filling the pages VS non-fiction facts by honest authors.
PS...HarperCollins is owned by News Corp which is Rupert Murdoch's media conglomerate.
Over and out from a steamy Cape Cod...Long live the queen!
Thank you so much Pilgrim……what a very informative post!🙂❤️
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heauxplesslydevoted · 3 years
Hey hey hey! I'm being super annoying and asking people newlywed questions about their Ethan x MC pairings. The things is, you have to answer as them :D
If you're up for it:
For both:
What is your partner's favorite breakfast food?
Who's the most organized?
Who is kinkier (NSFW sorry!)
Your favorite physical feature of them
Who is funnier?
For Naomi
Fill in the blank, My husband is the world’s worst ___________.
What is the most endearing quirk of his?
Describe the best 10 minutes you've ever had by his side.
What do you think Ethan remembered the most about you after he first met you?
Something Ethan is determined to change your mind about. Will it work?
For Ethan
Which of her relatives would you say liked you the most? Why?
Fill in the blank, My wife is the world’s best ___________.
If Naomi had a catchphrase, what would it be?
Describe Naomi using the lyrics of a song.
What is something she's done or said in the past 24 hours that reminds you exactly why you fell in love with her?
Okay Bree, I love this so much!!
...Wait, do I literally have to answer as them? Oi. Okay wish me luck, lol
For Both:
Partner’s favorite breakfast food?
Ethan: Waffles.
Naomi: Only because he has an aversion to pancakes.
Ethan: I do not have an aversion to—pancakes are fine, I just can’t cook them.
Naomi: But to answer the question he loves omelettes.
Most organized?
Ethan: Surprisingly Naomi. She’s incredibly meticulous, she’s constantly buying calendars and notebooks from Ross–
Naomi: First of all, I wouldn’t be caught dead in Ross. I’m a TJ Maxx girl, thank you very much! Anyway, yes, I am the more organized one, when he gets busy, he spirals and his office becomes a mess.
Who is kinkier?
Ethan: Naomi
Naomi: *snorts* okay, you exhibitionist
Ethan: You want to start off with the praise kink or what I’m starting to think is one for pain?
Naomi: I don't have a pain kink.
Ethan: Okay tell that lie to the claw marks on my back.
Naomi: Ethan, you have a riding crop. Case closed.
*they debate on this for a long time before conceding to a draw. Truth be told, they’re down to do it all (within reason and only with each other).
Favorite physical feature.
Naomi: Those big ole baby blues.
Ethan: Her hair, especially when it’s curly.
Who is funnier?
Naomi: Me, and it's not even up for debate.
*Ethan agrees
For Naomi:
My husband is the world’s worst ___?
Naomi: Liar. I can read him like a book and he doesn’t have a good poker face.
His most endearing quirk?
Naomi: When he’s had a bad day, he'll come home and put his hand on my chest until our heart rates are in sync. He needs skin-to-skin contact like a newborn.
Describe the best 10 minutes by his side
Naomi: Those first 10 minutes after our wedding ceremony. He went from crying like a baby to finding the nearest flat surface to bend me over.
Ethan: I wasn’t crying like a baby, but yes I did shed a few tears during the ceremony.
Naomi: You sobbed.
What do you think Ethan remembers most about your first meeting?
Naomi: How amazing I was as a doctor.
*Now it’s Ethan’s turn to snort
Ethan: I remember her smart mouth. She was the first intern to ever speak to me like so brazenly. And the last.
Naomi: He’s been whipped from the start.
Something Ethan is determined to change your mind about? Will it work?
Naomi: He hates that I’m into astrology and horoscopes. And no, he’ll never get me to stop believing in it.
Ethan: You’re a brilliant physician, you cannot possibly believe in that pseudoscientific drivel.
Naomi: We work so well together because our zodiac signs are compatible.
Ethan: You and I are together because we love each other and we choose to make it work. Me being born in January and you being born in a certain day in July have no bearing on that.
*she secretly swoons at his words, but they don’t do much in swaying her opinion
For Ethan:
Which of her relatives would you say liked you the most? Why?
Ethan: Her grandmother (mom’s mom) loves me. I converse with her in French, and she cooks me amazing food whenever we’re around each other. Besides, we’ve been married for almost a year now, and I’m not entirely convinced her parents likes me.
Naomi: They like you, trust me. You’d know it if you were on the receiving end of Dorinda and Steven Valentine’s wrath.
Fill in the blank, My wife is the world’s best ____
Ethan: I’ve never seen someone so good at charming people. Naomi could talk her way out of a prison sentence if given the opportunity.
If Naomi had a catchphrase, what would it be?
Ethan: I don’t know if I’ve ever heard her use a catchphrase, but I guess hers would be something about being the most stubborn person on the planet.
Naomi: It ain’t over until the fat lady sings!
Ethan: Yes, something to that effect.
Describe Naomi using the lyrics of a song.
Ethan: You brought a lot of a sunshine in to my life. You filled me with happiness I never knew, You gave me more joy then I ever dreamed of, and no one, no one can take the place of you.
This Will Be An Everlasting Love by Natalie Cole, it’s one of the first songs we danced to at our wedding.
What is something she's done or said in the past 24 hours that reminds you exactly why you fell in love with her?
Ethan: I found her in the free clinic yesterday, reading a book to a little boy while he was getting a cast set on his leg. Her love for people and her commitment to their care, no matter how old they are or their station in life has always been her most shining trait. Plus, I love watching her with children and cannot wait to make her a mom.
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dirty-urie · 3 years
Second Person
Brendon x Female Reader
Unspecified Era
Smut Oneshot
3.2k Words
Warnings in order of appearance: RPF, language throughout, not pre-discussed roleplay scene, medical roleplay and language, sex
Author's Notes:
So, basically, I was re-watching Grey's Anatomy, and I was like, "What if Brendon was here?" and then this was born. I have no idea if someone who's never watched Grey's Anatomy would understand or appreciate this, but basically what I think you need to know is that Derek Shepherd and Mark Sloan are sexy manwhores (in the earier seasons), and a common recurring joke in the earlier seasons of the show is putting "Mc" in front of adjectives to describe love interests. The fic is supposed to be more silly than sexy, but maybe it's sexy too, I don't really know.
"Wait, what about those two?" He asks, and you sigh exasperatedly.
"Brendon, just assume that all of the doctors on the Doctor Sex Show have slept together. That's the whole point."
He groans and slumps back in his chair, "Remind me why we have to watch this overdramatic doctor smut in the theater? The theater should be a sacred space for Disney movies or action movies with boobies and explosions, not 'ohhhh does McCreamy only like Natalie because she hooked up with Appendectomy?.'"
"It's my week on laundry duty, and whoever's folding laundry gets to watch whatever they want wherever they want. That's the rules, but you can go watch something in the living room or on your computer or on your phone if you don't like it," you offer, trying to get rid of him. You love Brendon, you love him so much, but sometimes you need to sit in the dark and fold laundry with no other noises except your soapy little doctor show.
"Fine. The men of the house are going to go watch something manly, don't bother us. Come on, Bogart!"
Brendon's little Jack Russell turns to look at you as if asking to stay, but you pat his back and send him off to go snuggle with his dad. You don't think you could handle Brendon's betrayed gasps if you let Bogart finish the episode with you. You and Penny will be fine ogling at Patrick Dempsey while file-folding Brendon's 68 pairs of gray and black sweatpants alone. Brendon kisses your cheek before he leaves. "Have fun with the boobs and explosions, babe," you tell him on his way out of the room.
"Oh, you know I will!"
Two weeks later, it's your turn to fold laundry again, and you're back to watching Grey's, this time in the living room. The dogs are sitting next to you, eyes glued to the screen. Brendon's also in the room, bitching about "introducing this drivel into our home," but you're ignoring him because you don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
He finally quiets down, and you appreciate the five minutes of peace. Until… "Are you unsatisfied with our sex life?" He asks out of the blue.
You're taken completely aback for a second before you scramble to pause the tv. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, what? Where did this come from?" you ask him. What the fuck? Is he unsatisfied with your sex life?
"Well, we haven't had sex in weeks practically." Three days actually. It's been three days, but you don't interrupt him. "And you keep watching this sexy doctor show, so I don't know, maybe you're feeling like a bored housewife," Brendon explains.
You laugh at him, and he looks offended. "You're overthinking it, baby boy. It's just a show! Sure, the sexual tension between the entire hospital and Mark Sloan is spicy and exciting, but I'm not trying to compensate for anything lacking in my life. If anything, all that spice just translates into better sex for both of us. Okay?"
He looks very skeptical. "Hm, sure. I totally believe you."
You don't necessarily think you properly got your point across to him, but Meredith just made another bad decision, and you need to see how it pans out. "Okay, great, now go watch a manly show with Bogs in our room if you're going to keep whining."
Brendon does not, in fact, go into your room to watch a manly show on his laptop. Instead, he and Bogart start watching season 1 of Grey's Anatomy, immediately getting highly invested in the lives of the ambitious-yet-messy surgical interns. He's trying to figure out what exactly appeals to you about the show.
It's his turn to fold the clothes, and he's doing it wrong, but you're resisting the urge to do it for him because you're a feminist, damnit. He's still letting you watch Grey's Anatomy because he's a doll (and you don't know this, but he's also become a bit of a fan.)
"Do you think I'm more a Mark Sloan or a Derek Shepherd?" He asks.
You scoff, "You're a George."
"I am not! I'm way sexier than George!"
"You're just jealous because I'm an Addison."
"Pshh, you're a Bailey. You wanna know how I know?" He asks.
"Fine. Tell me." You give in.
"You desperately want to correct my laundry technique."
"Meet me in the on-call room in five," Brendon whispers against the back of your neck while you're drying the dishes from dinner. What is this man doing? "Meet you where?" You ask, but he's already walked away. You're not sure whether to actually wait the five minutes or just try to go find him.
You give him three minutes before going to the bedroom. You honestly don't know what you were expecting, but it wasn't Brendon laying on his side in the middle of your bed, shirtless under a white coat. He has on a pair of navy blue scrub pants that aren't particularly flattering, but they still look nice on him.
"Explain to me what's happening here, homie," you tell him.
"I'm being sexy for you! So sexy! I'm Dr. Brendon "McKinky" Urie, I'm a general surgery attending, but my real specialty is pleasure."
You visibly cringe for him. "You're a McDoofus, and your real specialty is probably malpractice."
He pouts. "Play along. Come on. Please? Be Dr. Y/N Sexy."
You roll your eyes. "Why do you get your real last name, but I'm Dr. Sexy?"
"Because we're not married in this fantasy! We're both cheating on our spouses but not in a tragic way, in a sexy way! Come on! Let yourself have fun," he pleads.
You feel yourself start to cave. "Fine, I'll play along, but I'm stopping this the minute I feel weird, okay?"
"Of course. And, babe, if you don't want to do this, you absolutely do not have to," he says, serious now.
"No, no, Brendon. I'm down for this. I think you're a total goof for doing it, but I trust you."
He brightens, "Great! Now it's time for your examination." He waggles his eyebrows, climbing off the bed and gesturing for you to take his place.
"Exam? Am I a patient? Why am I in the on-call room if I'm a patient?" You ask.
"Doctors need exams too, y'know. We're both doctors, but I don't know, you need a routine exam for like moles or something. Take your clothes off." He says, and you take a split-second to be grateful that Brendon got discovered for his musical talents and will therefore never be an actual doctor.
You stifle back your laughter and strip down to your underwear, lying on your back on top of the white sheet he put over the comforter to protect the bed from any potential messes. He stands over you next to the bed, and you're happy that you at least get to stare at his body during this little experiment. The whole "doctor" thing may not be driving you wild on its own, but your half-naked husband always will.
"Thank you for coming to this appointment, Dr. Y/N Sexy," he says. Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, you chant in your head. "First," he says, making his voice husky, "I need to test your reflexes." Something tells you he won't be using one of those little hammers. He bends down and breathes against your neck. You shiver, and goosebumps appear on your arms. You're glad you wore your front clasp bra when he unclips it and has immediate access to your breasts. He circles around your nipple with his finger, and they harden quickly. "Mmm, good reflexes indeed. Very responsive," he purrs. "I don't think your test results are conclusive yet. You should keep going," you encourage. He rubs your scalp, and your head rolls back. You're worried that you'll start drooling.
Brendon smirks at you a little, and his smugness is slightly infuriating. Yes, you like him touching you, but that hardly proves that his weird roleplaying was a good idea. "Just like I observed, fantastic reflexes. But I now must move on to the chest exam." He rests his head on your chest, and you're beginning to suspect that this whole thing was just a ploy to touch your boobs a lot. "Is your heart rate always this fast or just when your hot coworker is touching you?"
"Normally only my husband, also named Brendon… for some reason, can get me so worked up, but now I'm thinking of leaving him for you, McCrinkly."
"It's McKinky, and your husband sounds gorgeous and super smart. You should keep him around," he says, climbing onto you and groping your breasts. "In my professional opinion, these are nice tits."
You have to bite your lip to resist the urge to laugh again. You wouldn't quite say you're aroused, but you are having fun at least. "Okay, okay, doc. Enough of the preliminary exam; I need five and a half inches, stat."
"You couldn't round up to six while we're playing!?"
"Oh, come on, you're lucky I rounded up to five and a half!"
"Rude! So rude!"
You kiss him to shut him up. "Sorry, baby, I won't bully you anymore. Now, how about a cervical exam?" You suggest, craving his thickness inside you.
That cheers him up. Brendon resumes his doctor roleplay. "First, let me complete the dermatological examination. If you could remove your undergarments, please."
You throw your bra on the floor and take off your underwear.
He admires the small amount of newly-exposed skin. "So many marks on your breasts and pubic region. Did your hot husband leave these too, or should I investigate for a skin condition?" He asks, ducking between your thighs to add some more.
"Yeah, he left them there. My sexy husband is kind of the best, but enough about him," you say.
New dark spots pop up after he finally moves his mouth from the sensitive skin of your thighs. "Oops, I think I just burst a couple of capillaries."
Well, someone did some light googling. "Do you think I'll make it?" You ask, faking drama.
"Yes, but you'll need someone to pay lots of attention to the area between your thighs."
He never mastered the art of subtly, did he? "I don't think that will be an issue. My husband will be thrilled."
"Great, that's taken care of. Shall we commence with the cervical exam then?" He asks, rolling off you to tug off his scrubs and underwear. He keeps his dumb coat on, which is more goofy than sexy without clothes underneath, but you don't tell him that. "And we can test your motor skills at the same time. Hands and knees, please."
You obey, and he moves behind you to enter you. He pushes into you quickly and hard, just like you like it. "God, there's so much blood in my, hm, um corpus cavernosum… I think," he says.
"Your what? Are you trying to cast a Harry Potter spell? because that's a whole different roleplay," You crane your neck back to see him, and your eyes widen. "Brendon, are you," you need to pause to choke back your laughter, "are you reading from a flashcard? While inside me?"
He's on his knees behind you, squinting at a white notecard. He flips the card over and reads from it, "the corpus cavernosum is, um, the main erectile tissue in the genitals. So, uh, I was trying to say that I'm hard for you."
That's it, you can't contain your laughter. You can't even bear to look at Brendon without cracking up. Tears are streaming down your face. He hisses, and you think it's because you've upset him, but you turn back to look at him, and he's biting his lip, his head tilted back.
"Are you good, B?" You ask, a little worried.
He's breathing hard. "Yeah, just your laughing caused contractions around my cock, and I was not prepared. Felt good, just unexpected." He pulls almost all the way out and then jerks back in, not quite slamming but gearing up to it.
"Faster, please. Careful still, but faster," you request.
He speeds up perfectly, finally filling you up and relieving the ache inside you. You relish each time his hips meet your body, feeling close to him, even if the position isn't as intimate as he usually likes. You suppose successful Dr. Kinky, notorious womanizer, wouldn't necessarily want to make loving, passionate eye contact with all of his conquests.
"So, Dr. Kinky-"
"No, it's doctor Urie, McKinky."
Jesus, you need a script. "So, Dr. Urie, do you have enough energy after all those lobotomies or whatever to rub a girl's clit? I bet my husband, the other Brendon, would touch me."
"Well, I would never even bother to compete with such a stellar man, but I can still try to get you off." His hands move between your thighs to touch your cunt. "Oh no, so much excess fluid here. I hope nothing's wrong." He puts a finger on your throbbing clit and feigns a sigh of relief, "Good, I've found a pulse." His touch is feather-light as he slowly strokes you. The contrast between his fast, hard thrusts and delicate strokes somehow enhances both of his actions.
"Oh, that's nice," you moan.
"You mind if I have you roll over? I still have to test your flexibility, and I'd love to do that with your legs on my shoulders."
"Fuck yeah."
He pulls out, and you get on your back; he gets you ready by situating the pillows underneath you. You rest a leg on either shoulder, and he thrusts in again. You don't want to admit it to him, but you feel like you'll need to come soon. The spikes of pleasure pulsing between your legs have been getting stronger and closer together, and now that you can see what you do to him, rather than just hearing his occasional grunts, you feel even closer to crossing that finish line.
"I'm observing some rapid contractions, Sexy. Should I note in your chart how close you are to coming all over me? Because it seems to me that you're failing your stamina and endurance evaluation," Dr. Urie teases.
You close your eyes to try to eliminate a source of the arousal, but you still feel painfully close to the edge.
Brendon inadvertently shifts a bit, and that does it. Your arousal peaks intensely, and you try to restrain your reactions on the off chance he doesn't notice. However, you're pretty sure he does notice your orgasm when his movements slow to a stop, and that's confirmed when he outright says it. "You just came," he states. It's not a question.
You nod, not bothering to deny it.
He pulls out, and you finally get to see his still-hard cock soaked with your wetness. "Well I suppose, we can run… further tests to reach a full diagnosis," he practically croons, pulling his scrub pants back on, and a wave of lust spreads from your stomach. Fine, the doctor thing is a little hot. "It's up to you though, I defer to your professional opinion."
"I think my exam is complete, actually, but I know you've been complaining of some pain in this region," you give his crotch a quick squeeze. "Do you mind stripping so I can investigate?"
He immediately takes off his coat, obviously excited, and gives it to you, so you put it on. "So, can you describe the pain?" You ask, putting a hand on his thigh.
"Kind of an ache, I guess?"
You squeeze his thigh, "And you'd say the pain is mainly here?"
"No, uh, um, to the right."
You squeeze his other thigh, "Oh, I see, right here?"
"No, not, um, my thigh."
"Sorry, I understand." You lay your hand flat on his stomach, still carefully avoiding his cock. "Your stomach must be hurting."
"Still not quite."
You clench your jaw in fake frustration. "Well, could you just show me where you need my attention, Doctor Urie?"
He shoves down his pants and grasps his leaking cock, groaning in relief when he starts to tentatively touch himself.
"Yes, very good, thank you. Would you say the ache subsides with stimulation?" You ask professionally.
Brendon nods and smirks a bit, "Yeah, you could say that."
"Well, I think you just need to achieve ejaculation," you diagnose.
"Is that, ah, covered under my insurance?" He asks cheekily, still jerking himself.
You laugh, going to dig the lubricant out, "Okay," you nudge his hand away, "leave this to the professionals." You pour the clear lube into your hand. "This may be a bit cold," you warn. He doesn't really need the lube, he's both leaking profusely and still slick from being inside you, but you want to keep up the "doctor vibes." You grasp him firmly and stroke quickly, trying to get him off as soon as you can. You kind of want to use your mouth, but you can't think of a good reason to within the roleplay. That's mostly fine, though, because you can tell he's about to come.
He comes all over your hand without warning a minute or so later. He shudders and groans, spurting twice more. You didn’t realize how worked up he was. Of course, you saw how hard he was, but to come this much from just jerking him off means he was really turned on. "Outstanding sperm production, sir," you say, crudely wiping him up with a tissue.
"Okay, no more doctor talk. My brain is too mushy," he groans.
You take off the coat and get into bed, cuddling against him. "If your brain is mushy, you probably should see a doctor."
He giggles. "So, would you do this again?"
You think for a second. "Well, I'd roleplay with you again, but you have to warn me next time. And probably not the doctor thing again. It was hot playing with you, but thinking about actual medical procedures is not my thing."
He yawns, "Noted about the warning you next time, and that's too bad. I was really looking forward to the oral exam. How big is your mouth? How's your swallow technique?" He says, half-jokingly.
"Hey, don't push it, or we're doing a prostate exam, and due to budget cuts to the hospital, we're going to be low on lubricant."
He cringes, "Point taken. I don't need a doctor roleplay; the next time I want a blowjob, I'll just ask."
You get out of bed and put on your pajamas. "Well, if it's in the next 45 minutes, your request is getting denied because Penny Lane, Bogart, and I are watching the real Grey's Anatomy in the theater while you're still too weak to complain about it. And this is a good time to tell you that my character is not actually a medical doctor. I have a PHD in film studies. I’m a fraud.”
His mouth drops open, "You're telling me that wasn't an official medical handjob?!"
"I trust that you'll get over this. Love you, babe."
He scowls but still mutters a quiet, “I love you too.”
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halycondaze · 4 years
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@ambitionsrelic​ said: “Natalie, what do you think of Edelgard?” Lorenz sips at his tea politely, but keeps his eyes trained on the table full of Black Eagle house members. “I have entertained the thought of transferring to that class now and then – Ferdinand does beg me so and he can be quite convincing – but I am not so sure. You were in that class for a moment, what say you?”
     natalie finds herself grabbing a pastry, almost shoving it in her mouth, right as lorenz mentions edelgard.  it always confuses her - it didn’t matter how many years she’d lived as natalie, no matter how long she’s been the pirate’s daughter, edelgard still thinks of herself as such.  were she to allow herself to talk off the top of her head she might respond, what do i think of myself? 
    but, she stops herself, and swallows as he finishes his question.  lorenz, in the black eagles?  it almost sounds like something she’d believe, but she’s somewhat sickened.  she’d been doing her best to convince those already there to leave.  at best, this edelgard was just a body double, a useful puppet being paid to whatever end the agarthans wanted, and at worse, she was another one of them. 
     “i spend quite a lot of time with the other black eagles,”  is how natalie answers,  “and their company is good - bernadetta is a kind girl, caspar’s boundless energy can brighten any mood, petra’s a near genius, really.”  she could list all of their positive attributes, but there’s no point, for she clears her throat.
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      “irregardless, even if ferdinand himself wishes for you to join, the princess is a poisonous woman.  she treats those ‘round her like toys.”  she clutches her hands together, knuckles white, voice vehement,  “if you want my honest opinion, you’re better off joining the blue lions and listening to sylvain’s drivel than you are falling into her fold.”  unlike lorenz, natalie refuses to look over, for fear one of them might look at her with more scrutiny. 
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nicole-lynne · 5 years
Worlds Colliding - Chapter Thirteen
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I hope you guys enjoy the next chapter! Only a couple more chapters left!! 
Also side note, I just discovered that my posts won’t be shown in the tags they’re tagged in if I have links to my other posts. So if you want to catch up on the story, the link to my master list is in my bio! Enjoy, like, follow, and let me know if you’d like to be tagged!!!
Relationships: Dean x OC, Sam, Stiles x OC, Scott
Warnings: slight swearing, kidnapping, violence
Description: Natalie comes face to face with the demon
A small whimper escaped her lips as her mind came back to consciousness. She lifted her head up off her shoulder but immediately dropped it back down as a pain radiated into her. Natalie’s arms were killing her, she kept feeling an urging ache in all of her joints like her limbs were begging to move, but her mind was still so hazy and she couldn’t comprehend why she wasn’t able to.
“Ahh you’re awake. Hello, little one.” A eerie voice rang out in the room. Natalie’s instinct was to look around for it, but she couldn’t quite get her body to respond, realizing her arms and legs were strapped to the chair she was sitting in.
She let out a pathetic whine in response.
“Don’t get so excited to see me.” The voice tittered sarcastically.
A man slithered out of the shadows and came towards Natalie. He looked down at her broken body with disgust. She looked so pitiful and useless. In anger, he kicked the leg of her chair and slammed his hands down on the chair arms.
Natalie groaned at the impact and slowly lifted her gaze up to the man in front of her. He stared at her, waiting for any type of recognition to peek through, but her green eyes were smoked with ignorance.
“Am I supposed to recognize your ugly mug?” Her face contorting into a sneer.
He let out a roar of laughter, turning to face away from her. “You’re spunky, little one.” He then returned to his previous position, his nose mere inches away from hers. “We’ll just have to break that, now won’t we.”
A slap cracked across her face in one quick moment, his rings stinging harshly against her face. Her head snapped to the side, a small shriek escaping her. Natalie inhaled a deep breath. The taste of blood began to form on her tongue. She spit out the blood with outrage and put her eyes, darkened with ferocity, back on the man in front of her.
The man was the largest man she had ever seen, his black hair was cascading down his back, but his chocolate eyes were harsh and unrelenting. A gold watch donned his wrist, complementing the tan suit he was wearing. Natalie tried to look at the time, see how long she had been unconscious, but a glare was obstructing the view.
“Who are you?” The question wavered in the air.
A glint flashed in his eyes. “My name is Orobas.”
Confusion enveloped her face. “So what do you want with me? I’m just-”
“Just human? We both know that’s a lie. So don’t disrespect me with that drivel.”
He turned towards the table sitting against the wall, giving Natalie time to check out her surroundings.
She was in a concrete basement, the windows at the top of the walls were all dusty and a few had cracks running through them. There were puddles of water all over the floor and it smelled like mold. Her nose crinkled as she looked around.
“Here’s the thing, Natalie. You are very important. Only one of your kind, you know.” A glint of a knife flashed as he picked it up off the table. “And you are going to help me change the future.”
“Are you nuts? I couldn’t help you even if I wanted to.” Natalie shifted and yanked her arms up hastily, the chains digging deeper into her wrists.
“You won’t be able to break free.” Orobas perched himself on the edge of the table, leaning backwards on his arm, observing the girl in front of him. She was definitely feisty and he liked a challenge.
Natalie growled in irritation. “Look here, you freak, my powers got sucked out of me when I was a teenager. I don’t have my abilities anymore. Plus, I never learned how to control them, so I wouldn’t be much help even if I did.”
“Everyone can be taught. It’s simple.” He retorted.
Natalie struggled again, pulling in all different directions, hoping for something to give. But nothing did. Tears pricked in her eyes, “What are you going to do to me?”
“Let me tell you a story, little one.” He was twirling the knife around on the table. “My name is Orobas, and my mighty Father is the king of hell.”
Natalie’s head snapped up. “What the hell?”
Orobas ignored her. “My Father gave me watch over 20 legions of spirits. He also gave me power of all knowledge of past, present, and future. I’m really a nice guy, little one.” Natalie rolled her eyes in disgust. “You see, I grant people...wishes...let’s call them, and I can make their wildest dreams come true by giving them wealth and power.”
“Let’s get to the punchline, Spooky.”
The knife launched through the air and stabbed into Natalie’s left shoulder, causing her to cry out in pain. “Do not interrupt me again, you insolent brat.” He hissed at her.  
“Now, where was I? Oh yes, so I’m going about my business one day, when I see this big oaf bumbling his way out of a bar, his name is Angakok. And I think to myself, this is the perfect idiot to inhabit. So I do exactly that.”
Natalie is grunting in pain, her breaths come in short spurts.
“The moment I take over his body, guess what I am overwhelmed with? The thoughts of a young girl with unimaginable powers. A girl that he had destroyed, dismantled her soul. You.”
Orobas hopped off the table gleefully, moving closer to Natalie. “You see, this man also had great abilities. Connection with the spirits. However, from the day he ruined you, he had angered the spirits so much that he lost that connection. They punished him for his crime against nature. Ever since that day, he has been stumbling lost in this world, in pain.”
With each word, he was stepping closer and closer to her. “So I guess it’s a good thing I find him, because here’s the thing, I really am a good guy, Natalie.” With that, he gripped the handle of the knife and twisted it maliciously. A gargled cry tumbled out of her mouth.
“What does that mean?” She asked through gritted teeth.
“Well I can help him, of course. And you’re going to help me.” He bent forward and whispered, “we’re going to get your powers back.”
“H-how?” Natalie mumbled, pain dripping off the word.
Orobas snickered, tickled at the doubt in her voice. “I’m me, duh. I know things.” He twisted the knife again. “Now, let’s get started.” And with that, his eyes flashed a dark black color, an evil chuckle echoed in the room.
Stiles slammed his hands down on the metal table, “Where the hell is she?” He screamed out. Everyone in the room recoiled at his volume. His whole body was shaking with terror mixed with fury.
“Man, just take a breath. We’ll find her. But you were in an accident and you need to take care of yourself.” With a scoff, Stiles shrugged Scott’s hand off his shoulder. The tension in the room was ticking like a tomb bomb.
Dean was sitting in a waiting room chair, his head in his hands. He hadn’t said a single word the entire time they had talked to the cops and paramedics, and every since they had gotten to Deaton’s office, he had perched in the chair, lost in his own thoughts.
“I don’t really give a shit about myself, Scott. And clearly I’m the only one who cares about Natalie, so I’m gonna make damn sure that I find her.” His gaze darted back to Dean.
Scott angled his body to the side and murmured to Stiles, “He’s just in shock, dude. I can smell the grief on him, I just don’t think he knows what to do about this.”
“I don’t really care what he thinks, Scott! He’s the one who caused all of this, and I should have known better than letting him back into her life!”  
At those words, Dean jumped up and took a menacing step forward, his green eyes filled with pure hatred. His fists clenched tight at his sides and his knuckles turned pure white at the strain. The words dripped out of his mouth with malice. “How dare you, you weak, pathetic, bastard. I should beat the shit outta you.”
“Come over here then, you big dumb gorilla. All I’m hearing is a lot of talk, which is apparently all you can do.” Stiles shouted over Scott’s shoulder as Scott held him back.
Deaton stepped into the room swiftly and smoothly, putting a hand on Dean’s chest. “You both need to calm down. This isn’t going to help Natalie, and she’s going to need both of you. Both of you are going to struggle with this, but we need to move past our own petty problems.”
Both the men looked at each other, the anger was so intense that it almost seemed as if steam was billowing out of them. Scott place his hand on Stiles’ shoulder with compassion, trying to level his emotions. He led him to a chair and sat him down, his hand acting as an anchor for the man.
A sob slipped into the air and tears started to spill out of his chocolate eyes. “I just don’t know what I’ll do if something happens to her. She’s... she’s... I love her, Scott.” Scott sat down next to Stiles, not knowing how to make his best friend feel better.
They all sat in silence for a minute, trying to gain some stability. The hush was like a heavy blanket laying over them all, lulling them into sadness and anxiety. For a moment, they allowed themselves to feel hopeless, but only for a moment.
Panicked footsteps running towards the door pricked at Scott’s sensitive ears and he jumped to his feet protectively. Sam burst through the door, looking around frantically for Dean. The moment his wild eyes landed on Dean, he was standing in front of him and pulling him into a hug.
“We’ll find her, Dean, don’t worry.” Sam said immediately.
Dean broke down at those words, the tears trickled down his cheeks and splattered on Sam’s white t-shirt like paint. “I don’t know what happened, Sammie. She was there one moment and then... I couldn’t even stop it.”
Sam squeezed Dean, gripping his ripped black shirt in his hands, mumbling to him that it would be okay.
Stiles heart panged with despair. He had forgotten that he wasn’t the only person to lose Natalie. It dawned on him that he had been incredibly selfish during the situation. He cleared his throat, brushed the tears off his cheeks, and stood up swiftly. He turned to Sam and Dean with an urgency.
“It’ll be alright... Scott and I, we’ve seen worse, and we’ve lost people before. But we always get them back and we always make it through the bad times. We’ll find her and we’ll get her to safety.” Stiles’ voice trailed off like a dying battery.
Dean turned to look at Stiles for a moment, a moment that felt like a lifetime. Stiles’ hand absentmindedly reached up and scratched the back of his head, his mind reeling with the possibilities of what would happen next. His heart was beating like a clock, and with each tick, it felt like precious moments were being wasted away.
“You’re right, kid.” Dean stepped close and slapped a hand down on Stiles’ shoulder. Stiles flinched at the movement but then relaxed when he realized that he wasn’t going to get hit. “I’m sorry about what I said.”
They shared a sympathetic smile. “Yeah, I’m sorry too, Dean. I’m just...I want to find her.”
Jumping into action, Dean nodded tightly and said, “Okay, Sam, what do we know about this thing?”
Sam rushed forward, his hand brushing back the hair from his face. “Okay, the demon’s name is Orobas. I found a book that mentioned him. It said he grants people their wishes of power and money.” He paused. “The book also said that he has the ability to see the past, present, and future.”
“So what does he want with Natalie? What could she possibly do for him as a human?” Dean questioned.
A soft sigh came Sam, he leaned forward and placed the weight on his palms. “I’m not really sure, to be honest.”
Deaton shared a look with the rest of the group, “I don’t think he’s going to keep her human. I think he’s going to force her to use her powers. To alter the future to bend to his will.” Stiles leaned back against the wall, his head banging over and over. The words rattling around his mind but not sinking in.
“How is he going to do that? Ang blocked her powers, she...she can’t do any magic.” Dean’s brows furrowed, his tone filled with exasperation.
Sam’s eyes locked with Dean’s, “I’m not sure, Dean. But he’s pretty old, maybe he knows some way to get her powers back. I don’t really know,” He paused, “but I think I know where they are.”
Tags: @multifandomdisappointment @music-magic-mayhem @ghostaccio @screamxqueenx94 @rissyrapp20 @dark-night-sky-99 @pissoffghost-korg @lettersofwrittencollective
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reviewsbyryan · 6 years
The Top 10 Films of 2018 (so far)
A mid-year list of top films is nearly pointless in today’s industry, because all of the really good stuff (or, at least, what gets Oscar nominations) comes out much later in the year. I’m not saying that films who get those nominations are the best ones, but pretty much all of my favorite films last year hit theaters between November and January, inclusive. I have still enjoyed a great many movies in 2018, and I produce this list so that you may be aware of them (you likely already are) and aware of their likability (judging by some of their box office numbers, you likely are not). 
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#10: American Animals dir. Bart Layton
Equipped with a distorted view of the American dream and what it takes to attain it, four friends embark on a fool-hardy mission to steal millions of dollars worth of books from their university library. A spiced-up telling of a true story, director Bart Layton shows that it’s more about the journey than the destination. We know the heist is unsuccessful from the very beginning, but to watch the young men’s unpreparedness and naive overconfidence unfold before us is a thrilling adventure. 
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#9: First Reformed dir. Paul Schrader
The aging Rev. Ernst Toller of the historic First Reformed Church receives a wake-up call from the world when he is asked to counsel the husband of one of his congregation, a man with a history of arrests and potential for violence stemming from his radical environmentalism. Writer/Director Paul Schrader pens an entrancing and unexpected screenplay around his troubled main character, portrayed masterfully by Ethan Hawke. Shades of Schrader’s masterwork Taxi Driver (1976) are abundant, as Toller transitions quickly from isolated pastor to staunch idealist, antagonized by growing religious commercialism and an unavoidably deteriorating world. 
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#8: The Party dir. Sally Potter
A 70-minute-long single-set comedy shot entirely in black and white, the strength of Sally Potter’s screenplay comes from the amusement one gets watching privileged folk become more and more perturbed as they learn that their fellow elites are really only in it for themselves, and that what they wield in political power they lack in real, valuable relationships. Ending abruptly on perhaps the best plot twist I have seen this year, The Party is a petty, star-studded affair that justifies its existence with the entertaining evolution of the tumultuous associations of its characters. 
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#7: Beast dir. Michael Pearce
A young woman over-protected by her mother and eclipsed by her younger sister finds love in a mysterious rural-dweller, only to learn he’s been suspected of being the perpetrator of a series of brutal murders, primarily of other young women. Both she and the audience are left in the dark regarding the real truth, and his refusal to be open about his life only serves to arouse suspicions. Beautifully shot and skillfully executed, writer/director Michael Pearce takes us on quite a ride, and lead actress Jessie Buckley gives a marvelous performance as her character is unceasingly torn apart by conflicting feelings of love and fear.  
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#6: Thoroughbreds dir. Cory Finley
It is fun and amusing to say that Thoroughbreds’ most important lesson is that you should never trust a horse girl, but there’s admittedly more to it than that. The impressive directorial debut of Cory Finley is an exquisite dark comedy complete with sadistic performances from Olivia Cooke and Anya Taylor-Joy (who is also amazing in The Witch, which you should watch if you haven’t yet). The two formerly-estranged friends rebuild their relationship as they plan the murder of Lily’s (Taylor-Joy) stepfather, a highly wealthy man who gives Lily everything she could want save for love and respect. Erik Friedlander’s string and percussion-heavy score is a lovely, quirky complement to the film as well. 
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#5: Upgrade dir. Leigh Whannell
Perhaps the most out-of-place film on this list, Upgrade is more of a Netflix-original-type B-movie as opposed to the typical arthouse fare that comprises the majority of the top spots. Most films of this form lack severely in interesting storytelling or technical execution, but I’m pleased to say this film has both. While the acting performances aren’t there, writer/director Leigh Whannell’s carefully-crafted sci-fi tale about a paraplegic widower who experiences newfound strength and intelligence with the help of a robotic spinal implant is surprising and so much fun. The action sequences are exciting and gory and over-the-top, and the camerawork is ingeniously complimentary to the rigid nature of the protagonist’s movements while under control of the mysteriously potent AI inside him. 
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#4: Hereditary dir. Ari Aster
A24 studios continue to have a good eye for modern horror films. After they picked up the critically-acclaimed Killing of a Sacred Deer last year, they found new success with another family-centered psychological scare in Ari Aster’s Hereditary. Toni Collette gives a terrifying performance as the mother in a family long-plagued by mental problems and supernatural possession. Aster makes clever use of framing in order to deliver the biggest fright to the audience, and does so without utilizing a single jumpscare, an approach of which I am a huge fan. The film’s accessibility is also a huge asset; it’s wide release provided many a welcome break from the unimaginative drivel that gets rolled out every time a Friday, the 13th rolls around. 
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#3: Annihilation dir. Alex Garland
Wow, it’s really cool that no one went to see this...
It wasn’t long ago that the Ghostbusters 2016 people were talking about how we never have female scientists in movies, only to make some crappy movie where the actresses just improvise a lot and make poop jokes. Here’s a fantastic sci-fi/horror film from the director of Ex-Machina (2014) with an all-female lead cast where all the characters are smart and possess a variety of knowledge and skills. The sound design is excellent, the premise is intriguing, and the final act is legitimately terrifying. Natalie Portman is great, too. But instead this got sent straight to Netflix in most places and failed to turn a decent profit. Stupid.
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#2: You Were Never Really Here dir. Lynne Ramsay
Lynne Ramsay’s stylistic, radical deconstruction of the action genre turns You Were Never Really Here into a fascinating and unnerving character study. It’s also another film on this list that’s a lot like Taxi Driver (1976). Joaquin Phoenix portrays a psychologically wounded war veteran who works as a private enforcer, hunting down and mercilessly killing criminals who traffic and exploit children. Meanwhile, his character is constantly at war within his own head, making him unpredictable and worthy of our sympathy. Beautiful cinematography and Johnny Greenwood’s dissonant score enrich the experience two-fold. 
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#1: Isle of Dogs dir. Wes Anderson
Complete with one of the greatest voice casts the world has ever seen, Wes Anderson’s heartwarming adventure about a Japanese boy who travels to a remote island to find his dog is one of the finest animated features you’ll find anywhere. The set and character design is magnificent, with so much attention to detail; the look of the dogs is especially laudable. Isle of Dogs is also rich with beautiful homages to Japanese culture. The banter between the dogs is funny, the destitute conditions of the titular island are heartbreaking, and Atari’s love and determination in the search for his own “man’s best friend” melted my heart into a puddle. Nothing pleases me more than to be able to, once again, grovel at Wes Anderson’s feet. 
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hyperbolog · 7 years
Oscar Winner Predictions Part 3: The Major Categories
Adapted Screenplay:
Will Win: Moonlight Should Win: Moonlight Should have been Nominated: Loving
The decision to reclassify Moonlight as an adaptation guaranteed that Barry Jenkins would walk away with at least one Academy Award. Fences is pretty much the exact same script as the play, with almost no adapting done, reminiscent of Kenneth Branagh’s inclusion in this category for Hamlet, which is one of the worst noms of all time. Arrival is a worthy inclusion, but, like lesser films Lion and Hidden Figures, it’s going to have be satisfied with multiple nominations, as all of them will end the night empty handed.
Original Screenplay: Will Win: Manchester By the Sea Should Win: Manchester By the Sea Should have been Nominated: Toni Erdmann
This is a two-way race between Manchester and La La Land. Manchester is a far, far better screenplay and Lonergan would be a lock in any other year, but Chazelle’s film is a fucking juggernaut, seemingly unstoppable and poised to break Oscar records. The smart money is on Lonergan, as he will not win Director or Picture, and this is usually an award that goes to the writer/director of a film nominated in those categories, but unlikely to win. However, do not be surprised if Chazelle wins, placing La La Land on a course for at least 10 awards. Ugh. That’s ridiculous.
Best Supporting Actress: Will Win: Viola Davis, Fences Should Win: Viola Davis, Fences Should have been Nominated: Janelle Monae, Hidden Figures
This is a lock for Davis. No one else stands a chance.
Best Supporting Actor: Will Win: Mahershala Ali, Moonlight Should Win: Mahershala Ali, Moonlight Should have been nominated: Hugh Grant, Florence Foster Jenkins
Both Supporting categories seem pretty well set. After Ali’s SAG win, it would be hard to imagine anybody else mustering enough momentum to unseat him. There’s always potential for a this category to become a Lifetime Achievement award a la Jack Palance, Alan Arkin, Christopher Plummer, which bodes nicely for Jeff Bridges, but he’s won in the Lead Actor category, so I don’t think that will happen. Dev Patel has been getting a lot of buzz off of his BAFTA win, with those voters overlapping with members of the Academy but that’s unlikely to carry over to the Oscars. Despite extremely limited screen time, Ali casts a shadow over the entirety of Moonlight, the definition of a great supporting performance. It’s his to lose.
Best Actress: Will win: Emma Stone, La La Land Should win: Natalie Portman, Jackie or Isabelle Huppert, Elle Should have been Nominated: Annette Bening, 20th Century Women
Both lead acting categories are extremely competitive this year, which is a rarity, as recently the winners have been crowned months before the ceremony. Huppert won the Golden Globe, but Stone won the SAG, with puts them ahead of former favourite Portman. Add Portman’s prior win in this category as a reason for voters to prefer casting their ballots for star-on-the-rise Stone and Art-House-Streep Huppert. Personally, I’d love to see Huppert win, as I cannot think of any actor this century to put in consistently outstanding performances in so many challenging roles, with Elle being no exception. While Stone is likable, the role doesn’t really display the emotional depth or range associated with Best Actress. In La La, the music, direction and choreography does most of the heavy lifting dramatically, whereas Huppert “is” Elle. Portman’s incredible portrayal of the grief stricken Jackie O is lightyears ahead of Stone’s doe-eyed ingenue, but this is the year of La La Land, and it would be hard to imagine them not awarding one of the central performances.
Best Actor: Will Win: Denzel Washington, Fences Should Win: Denzel Washington, Fences Should have been Nominated: Joel Edgerton, Loving
This year Best Actor is a three way race, with Garfield and Mortenson “just happy to be there.” Gosling hasn’t really won any major pre-awards, as the Best Comedy/Musical Golden Globe isn’t really a indicator, especially with Affleck taking the Drama category which is a historical better signifier. However, I’ve always believed that this is Washington’s award, and his recent SAG win puts him ahead of the pack. Affleck can’t be ruled out, as he has won a lot of the preliminary awards that tend to add up to an Oscar, but he is shrouded, justifiably, in controversy. Washington is Hollywood royalty, and Fences is certainly a more deserving Actor win for him than Training Day, which many feel was a makeup for Malcolm X and The Hurricane and not indicative of his body of work. It’s a close call, but I think Denzel walks away with his 3rd Oscar.
Best Director: Will Win : Damien Chazelle, La La Land Should Win : Barry Jenkins, Moonlight Should have been Nominated : Robert Eggers, The Witch
Oh, how I wish it were not so. This should be Barry Jenkins win. Moonlight is a film which will echo long after La La Land recedes to the Oscar ash heap, alongside The Artist and other inoffensive but forgettable winners, whose sole saving grace is that they are “Not Crash.” Boo-urns.
Best Picture: Will Win: La La Land Should Win: Moonlight Should have been Nominated: The Witch
Yep, it’s a done deal at this point. The only real suspense is whether La La Land sets the record for most wins with 12. For that to happen, it would have to basically sweep, as it is double nominated in Best Song, leaving only one other category for a loss. If you’re shooting the moon on La La Land, that one loss is going to be for Actor, assuming the film gets Original Screenplay and Sound Editing, the only two races that it is really trailing in. It’s the type of pleasant, forgettable, low-stakes, Oscarbait drivel that cleans up at these things. Moonlight will just have to be content with its future place on critic’s lists of “Best Films of the Decade.”
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enzybunny-blog · 5 years
Contrapoints: A Brief Look at an Emerging Voice
For those unfamiliar, Contrapoints is a YouTube channel hosted by Natalie Wynn, a trans woman with an academic philosophical background and a penchant for argumentation. She also stands out as one of the best voices standing opposite of the driveling Sargon’s of Akkad and smug lipped Ben Shapiros of YouTube fame. She’s a personality, and most importantly she’s a master of breaking down bad arguments and proffering more sound alternatives, and even at her most robust, earlier in her foray into video production and transition, she gets YouTube discourse right.
           What makes her standout as an arguer is her ability to structure her arguments exceptionally well and to fit multiple audience perspectives, and for its robustness I think the best example of this is her first video. Well, not her first, but the first one she has kept around, given that her body of work has drastically changed stylistically and in scope over time, leading her to choose in favor of continuity over completionism. It’s a breakdown of American rape culture, and it remains one of her strongest videos from a purely structural standpoint in my opinion. It’s quick and it isn’t as entertaining as her later work (costumes and mood lighting become a welcome fixture) but it explains everything with succinct sympathy for the multitude of perspectives she may be presenting to. She’s not aiming to preach to the converted the way so many pundits love to do, she’s a professional, she knows what she’s doing and does it right.
           Pairing this sound of an approach with her presentation and background as a trans woman, her productions have a uniquely illuminating quality. I think she is a stellar example of what we should expect out of a social media entertainer and political voice and it’s a shame that she remains hardly visible in the face of so many more rash voices screaming into the void. But her popularity is on the rise, and I’m excited to see what she can inspire.
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gossipnetwork-blog · 6 years
Peter Travers: 'Proud Mary' Shoots Down Its Own Megawatt Star
New Post has been published on http://gossip.network/peter-travers-proud-mary-shoots-down-its-own-megawatt-star/
Peter Travers: 'Proud Mary' Shoots Down Its Own Megawatt Star
Taraji P. Henson is such a firecracker she almost makes you believe Proud Mary might have been a decent crime flick – if she fired the asses of the clueless dudes who wrote and directed it and took on those jobs herself. Surely, the Oscar-nominated actress (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), the one who lights up the screen in Hidden Figures and as Cookie Lyon on TV’s Empire, could have just done an improvisation on this premise and come up with something livelier than this dipshit drivel. As the film’s executive producer, she had the power to do it; now it’s too late for the woulda, shoulda, coulda. Every paying audience member deserves their 12 bucks back.
50 Most Anticipated Movies of 2018
From a solo Black Panther to a young Han Solo, Spielberg going retro to Barry Jenkins doing James Baldwin – the films we can’t wait to see this year
Henson plays Mary, a hired gun working out of Boston who becomes a mother protector to Danny (Jahi Di’Allo Winston), a 13-year-old orphan. That’s the least the hit woman can do since she herself orphaned the kid, who runs his own scam game under the tutelage of a Yiddish-speaking hood (Xander Berkeley). As a teen, Mary was taken under the wing of Benny (a slumming Danny Glover), a crime kingpin who taught her everything she knows about contract killing and watched as she fell for his creepy son, Tom (Billy Brown). The idea here is that Mary can make changes for the youngster and herself by going straight and getting out of the game.
Never mind that the reformed menace trope has been done better by Jean Reno and Natalie Portman in The Professional and by Gena Rowlands in Gloria. Or that Henson is set up like Pam Grier in Foxy Brown or Jackie Brown (take your pick), with the Proud Mary song recalling Tina Turner at her feistiest. John Fogerty, who wrote the lyrics to that classic anthem, has expressed his disapproval over having his song co-opted for a cheap crime story about a hitwoman “killing for the Man every night and day.” Can’t blame him. We’d happily pay to see blaxploitation cred reimagined for a new millennium. But director Babak Najafi (London Has Fallen) connects the dots in the rote script without ever connecting emotionally with its characters. It’s one thing to watch Henson’s Mary shoot her way out of a world of trigger-happy male oppressors. It’s another to watch her continually get shot down by a movie that’s not worth her time – or yours. It should be ashamed of itself.
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readmeri · 7 years
Morning bloggies and happy Monday to you. I woke this morning with two little red spots on my face, either side of my nose near the top. Looks like someone put a bolt through there while I was sleeping and then thought better of it. Whatever they (the dream assault team) were thinking, it looks frankly ridiculous.
So yeah, time to retreat to SL where I’m in full control of how I appear on a day to day basis (aside from those days when my eyebrows fall off for no reason, or my feet refuse to appear) and today, on this basis, I decided to look optimistic – of better weather, that is.
I love this country (England, Britain, the UK – whatever you call it) and I love the green and pleasant land, as William Blake called it. It’s lush and supremely vegetative and it makes me feel safe and happy to see it. However, at no stretch could anybody call it a hot spot for sunbathing. In SL, however, I’m in control of the weather as well as my face, so I can wear whatever I want.
But now I know I’m farty blartfarsting on, without any consideration of you spending your valuable time reading my drivel, so here comes the good stuff.
What to wear in Second Life today?
Visit | Ephemera Pose 1 | Manifeste Model 704 Pose (Manifeste Mainstore) Pose 2 | Manifeste Model 718 Pose (Manifeste Mainstore) Hat/Hair | Clawtooth Adventure Girl Blondes (Clawtooth Mainstore) Glasses | #EMPIRE Cat Glasses, prev Arcade – Thanks Suki! Try (#EMPIRE Mainstore) Boots | [monso] My Western Boots Unrigged (monso Mainstore) Bracelet | **RealEvil** Dark Queen Bracelets (RealEvil Mainstore : RealEvil Marketplace) Lingerie | NEW! Addams Natalie Metal Lingerie [Mait/2Sli/3Bell] (Addams Mainstore : Addams Marketplace) Shorts | NEW! Addams Lady Denim Short [Mait/2Sli/3Bell] (Addams Mainstore : Addams Marketplace)
I want to introduce you to two of Addams new releases at their mainstore. The Addams Lady Denim shorts are available in 40 different colours – yes 40 – and fit all the ‘main’ mesh bodies. They’re a fabulous fit and the first denim shorts of the season. I like the zip side detail in particular.
The Addams Natalie Metal Lingerie comes in 16 colours and comprises a bra top and undies, which you can see below without the shorts. Bit drafty at times, but otherwise, spot on.
Both the Clawtooth hair and [monso] boots are far from new releases, but you know, quality lasts :)
Thank you to my lovely friend Suki who gave me the sunglasses in an effort to help with my cool quotient. Hugs to you <3
And finally, the jigging for the rigging video. I put the shorts back on for the test and then hit the ‘shake it all up’ button :D
Second Life Fashion from ReadMeri | Green, green grass Morning bloggies and happy Monday to you. I woke this morning with two little red spots on my face, either side of my nose near the top.
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seize--redemption · 10 years
Indefinite Hiatus
[ Not that many care about this blog, but I'm putting my PH blogs on indefinite hiatus.
Think what you want of me, by all means. But I am not leaving because of one incident, because of one person, I can guarantee anyone who's reading this that much. My leaving has been something that's built up over a long span of time.
Looking at a fandom is far more different to someone who's been here for two or more years like me and a few other people compared to someone who's been here for only a few months. 
Bye to the friends I've made. Bye to those who I didn't get to know. Bye to even those I've come to dislike. It's been a journey. ]
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tattered-legacy · 10 years
Indefinite Hiatus
[ Bye guys.
I can assure anyone who's reading this-- one incident is not the reason I'm leaving. It's, believe me, a list of them. ]
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seize--redemption · 10 years
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seize--redemption · 10 years
acorn fair, poppy fairy, cherrytree fairy,
Acorn Fairy: Favorite prank you've ever seen/done?
[ Well this is a prank I've heard of-- it's just something my brother and his girlfriend (now wife) did.
When they were in middle school, they'd take locks from lockers (that were unlocked) and they'd collect them all and then lock them all along the stairs' railing. So if someone was missing their lock, they'd just have to try every lock until they could find their's among dozens. ]
Poppy Fairy: Your most important victory?
[ Uhhh... idk, a recent victory is that at my school's music ajudication (in Nashville), we basically a bunch of 1st place awards and we also got overall among all the schools, so yeah, that was nice. ]
Cherrytree Fairy: Something you're very knowledgeable of?
[ History, kind of, not really?????? I don't really know ]
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