#Nathan Bridger
oceangirl24 · 1 year
5 Comfort Characters
Thanks so much for the tag @mrsmungus
Simple enough, list 5 of your comfort characters, and tag 5 people to play too.
@violetrose-art @justanotherpersonwhowrites @axolotlsupremacyowo @winterlovesong1 @alonelyturtle
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Can't chose. Won't chose.
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summersnow82 · 1 year
Late Night Conversations - Part 7
Summary: A late night conversation in the laundry room leads to interesting confessions.
Author’s Notes: I had to fight Tim for a happy ending to this chapter. I swear, the man overthinks, over analyzes, and basically is just determined to be difficult. He’s lucky I adore him.
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The damage to the SeaQuest was far more severe than Bridger or Wendy alluded to; it wasn’t until they were dry docked Annabelle got the whole story. An experimental war vessel had attacked them, and no one had taken responsibility for the attack. It had been enough to rattle some nerves at the UEO, and the SeaQuest crew members were still seeing ghosts in the water.
It was perhaps because of that sense of fear or caution that Wendy insisted Annabelle visit the military base hospital before finally clearing her for light duty. “It’s just a concussion, Wendy,” Annabelle had stressed. “I’m fine.”
“Humor us,” Bridger said, giving her a wry smile. It reminded her of her father when he was being overprotective, and thought she didn’t notice. “Most of the crew is getting shore leave or time off. Light duty isn’t such a bad thing.”
Annabelle sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing, which is how she found herself in the laundry room at eleven o’clock on a Friday night. Bridger wasn’t kidding – the SeaQuest was practically deserted. She’d finished her assignments early that afternoon, and now she was taking care of a necessary evil.
“Can’t sleep either?” She jumped at Tim’s voice, a hand fluttering to her heart.
“This place is too quiet, too empty,” she complained, catching his broad smile and chuckle at her expense. He leaned against the door jamb, arms crossed over his chest.
“Yeah, well, unfortunately they’re having to pull in specialists for some of the repairs. Some of it’s even too sophisticated for Lonnie, if you can believe that.”
“I can’t,” Annabelle said, picking up her laundry basket. “You look nice,” she said, nodding at his blue button down. “Did you go out with the guys?”
Tim pursed his lips, nodding slowly. “Yeah, yeah, I did. I just,” he paused, smiling at a thought, “I realized there was somewhere I’d rather be.”
“Oh yeah?” Annabelle flashed him a smile as she unloaded the dryer. “And where’s that?” She asked, moving to the table in the middle of the room.
“Here,” he replied softly.
Her brow furrowed and her tone conveyed her disbelief. “Here? On the SeaQuest? What’s here?” She paused her pursuit of pairing socks, and looked up because Tim hadn’t answered her yet. He was looking at her that same way he had when she’d talked about the second-hand bookstore, a small smile curling his lips, and it made her breath catch.
She loved that smile.
“You are,” he replied simply, that same sweet smile gracing his features. “It’s the funniest thing,” he said, pushing away from the door jamb, and moving to face her across from the laundry room table. “I just realized you’re where I want to be, and once I realized that I didn’t want to waste any more time.”
Annabelle’s mouth opened, but she couldn’t think of an intelligent reply. All she could manage was a soft, “Tim.”
This was the first time since her stay in Med Bay they’d been alone, and the air was palpable with possibilities. After she’d woken up, he’d come to visit, or read to her, and talk when he was off shift. There was the occasional touch – a brush of their hands, him pushing her hair back off her forehead, or a gentle swipe of her knuckles, similar to the chaste kiss he’d left when she’d first woken.
And of course, there were his smiles; Annabelle loved them all. The cocky, almost arrogant grin when he was feeling confident or snarky; his sweet, innocent smile when he was feeling hesitant or hopeful; the sudden, surprised smile always accompanied with a laugh, and a twinkle to his eyes. Her favorite, though, was the one he was giving her right now: genuine, soft, charmed.
“Tim,” she repeated, turning to face him as he moved around the table towards her. She wondered if he could see her trembling; she placed a hand on the table to steady herself, and tried to calm her breathing.
“We never talked about what happened in the Mag Lev,” he said softly, sliding his hand across the table, brushing the tips of her fingers with his own. “And if you want to forget it…,” he trailed off, but his dark eyes never left hers.
She shook her hair, loose tendrils from her ponytail framing her face. “I don’t want to forget it. I think about it all the time.” Her voice sounded breathy to her ears, and she would’ve felt pathetic if it weren’t for the way he was staring at her right that moment.
“So do I,” he murmured, reaching up to push a lock of hair behind her ear. Her eyelids fluttered closed, and she let out a shaky sigh, unintentionally nuzzling against his hand. “Belle,” he breathed the word out like a sigh, his breath tickling her lips.
Annabelle had wanted to kiss Tim O’Neill since she landed on top of him, flying out of a time wormhole. She knew his face – she’d seen it before in other men, other men she cared for, perhaps even loved, and she found each of them desperately handsome. But something was different with the Lieutenant. They meshed in a way she never had with the others; their values aligned, they challenged one another, and over time a deep friendship had developed which made her feelings for the linguist more intense. It was overwhelming, terrifying, and elating.
“Truth or dare, Annabelle,” he murmured, his lips so close to her own she could feel them move. His hand remained on the side of her face, cupping her cheek, and she was certain he could hear her heart pounding in her ears.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
The sound of their Captain’s voice had the two of them rocketing away from the other, turning wide eyed to face him standing in the laundry room door. Annabelle’s face burned with embarrassment, and a quick glance to Tim indicated the same. Both officers stood stock still, beet red in the face while their commanding officer looked on with bemusement.
Nathan Bridger chuckled, shaking his head. “At ease, you two.” Neither Annabelle nor Tim relaxed, and Bridger took the same position Tim previously had in the door jamb. “I’ve been wondering how long it would take for the two of you to get together.”
“Sir?” Tim asked, and he and Annabelle both exchanged curious looks before returning their eyes back to their Captain.
“I thought it was obvious. Was I wrong?” Annabelle chewed on her lip, and Tim remained silent. “How long has this been going on?” He asked, motioning between the two of them with a finger. Again, the two exchanged a questioning look with each other before turning back to look at Nathan. “You two are together, right?” He asked, his brow furrowing as if he’d misread the scene he’d walked in on.
“Ummm….,” Annabelle said unintelligently, still chewing her bottom lip.
“We’re uh… not officially together, sir,” Tim replied. He glanced over at Annabelle nervously before continuing, “But I was hoping to change that.”
Annabelle blinked, stunned. “You were?” She asked, turning to him with big eyes. She couldn’t stop the smile tugging at her lips.
Tim blushed, glancing back at Captain Bridger before turning to face Annabelle. “Well...I mean, yeah,” he said, that nervous grin gracing his features. “Unless… unless you…,” he hesitated, his smile faltering.
Her grin spread. “No, I… I’d love that. I mean, if you’re sure that’s what you want.” Her words offered doubt, but her grin remained intact.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything,” he said softly. His smile had disappeared, and the look on his face was one of deep conviction. She’d seen it before, and she knew he meant exactly what he said.
Nathan averted his eyes, ducking his head to hide his growing smile. He and Wendy Smith had debated the whens and ifs of Harris and O’Neill getting together for quite some time now, and while they both knew the risks an on-board romance entailed they also believed the two officers could make it work. He cleared his throat, jarring them out of their intense stare, and bringing the attention back to himself. “Two bridge officers in a relationship isn’t against any Naval or UEO policy, but it should be handled with care and discretion. I trust both of you are capable of that.”
It wasn’t a question, but a statement, and Annabelle and Tim both nodding with an affirming, “Yes, sir.”
Nathan nodded, moving to leave, then thought better of it, and turned back once again. “Maybe don’t make out in the laundry room. Regardless of the time.” Tim blushed a deep red, and Annabelle ducked her head to hide her smile. “Oh, and Ensign? You’re on shore leave effective immediately.”
“Thank you, sir,” Annabelle said, offering her captain a broad smile.
“Good night, you two.”
Annabelle and Tim stood frozen in place, listening to Bridger’s retreating steps. After a few minutes of straining to hear him, they turned to each other, exhaling loudly. Annabelle dissolved into giggles, while Tim raked a hand through his dark hair. “Well, that was humiliating,” he complained.
“It’s like being caught by your dad,” she laughed, struggling to compose herself.
“Did you mean what you said?” He asked, his nervous tone sobering her up quickly. “About being… with me?” Annabelle blinked up at him. How one man could go from certain and self-assured to anxious and insecure astonished her. Tim O’Neill knew his capabilities in the field, but in his personal life he often seemed to waiver in his confidence.
“Why does it sound like it surprises you?” She asked, careful to keep her tone low and even. Annabelle knew Tim tended to overthink, and if he started now he might torpedo their relationship before it even began.
Tim motioned in her direction. “Look at you, and look at me.” There it was – that flicker of self-doubt in his eyes. Bridger’s interruption had given Tim too much time to think. She needed to get him back to his confident, flirtatious self.
“I am looking at you, Tim,” she assured him, taking a step forward. “And I like what I see.”
“But you’re…,” he trailed off as she slowly, but confidently closed the distance between them, placing a gentle finger to his lips. His eyes widened a touch, and she smiled.
“If you’re not ready for this I will wait. Happily. But I want this,” she said softly, reaching for one of his hands, and drawing it between them. She withdrew her finger, cupping his hand with her two. “I know it’s risky and scary, but I want this. I want you.” Tim’s eyes were locked on her, but he’d lost that conviction she’d seen earlier. She could see him mentally asking a hundred questions as he gulped nervously. Annabelle lowered her eyes, trying to subdue her sigh. She really didn’t know how she could be any clearer with him. Her grip on his hand relaxed, and she began to pull away when she felt both his large hands grasp her own. She looked up, surprised, and saw his jaw set and his eyes steady.
“I want you, too,” he said softly but firmly, “and I don’t want to waste anymore time.” A mischievous smirk curled his lips, and he lowered his voice, repeating the earlier question, “Truth or dare, Annabelle?”
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worstalfie · 2 years
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seaquest dsv x tumblr 1/?  inspired by @thespianwtch
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temporary--void · 1 year
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seaquest doodles
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spenglerslime · 2 years
To everyone that likes SeaQuest, I made a Discord Server.
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kivrin · 6 months
I think Carol Bridger died eighteen months before the pilot - that makes Bridger's ignorance of the Livingston Trench aftermath make sense.
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prophetkristy · 2 years
This ship is SAIIIIILING
— Dr. Kristy (@prophetkristy) October 5, 2018
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Bo Burnham has been found...at the premiere of Kate in Los Angeles! 👀
Not a huge surprise since he's the director of Kate Berlant's one-woman play, but at least now the death rumors can be put to rest. And it seems he was there with Phoebe Bridgers per the article.
Bo lives, people—no bomberanian mishaps! 🙌
In other news, that list of celebrities in attendance is wild! I've got some photos that will help explain their friendships/connections with Kate and/or Bo:
Molly Shannon was in Promising Young Woman with Bo
Olivia Wilde and Bo did an interview together and were at the same red carpet events during his Eighth Grade era. Also Kate was the always-pregnant neighbor in Don't Worry Darling.
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Kumail Nanjiani and Bo are good friends, dating back to Kroll Show and the Meltdown. And of course they are both in The Big Sick!
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Nathan Fielder and Kate did an interview together and were photographed at the GQ Men of the Year party
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Abbi Jacobson obviously knows Kate from A League of Their Own (RIP...such a wonderful show, and neurotic Shirley was the BEST)
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Reggie Watts and Bo go way back, and Bo cited him as one of his favorite comedians in his 2010 list (which I will eventually finish analyzing lol). And of course Kate and Reggie have done improv together for years, even including Kate appearing with Rory Scovel in Reggie's comedy special Spatial!
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Chelsea Peretti and Bo are friends and her Largo show was one of the only live events he has done since Inside
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Here's hoping we get some new photos of the celebs in attendance! 🤞🏼
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mollymmusing · 5 months
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this is my personality update :)
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sidsthekid · 1 year
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boburnhamhistorian · 2 years
A new Bo pic just popped up!
It's Bo with his good friend Phoebe Bridgers at the GQ Men of the Year party 👀
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If you haven't watched Bo listening to Phoebe (and the crowd) singing That Funny Feeling, then you are in for a treat! ✌🏼
Update: A few new pics have appeared as well! 🤯
First, Bo took off his jacket and had his signature white t-shirt underneath while sitting next to Jerrod Carmichael and Ayo Edebiri.
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Also, Kate Berlant was photographed with Nathan Fielder at the party!
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summersnow82 · 2 years
Regrettable Actions
Fanfiction _ SeaQuest
Fictober 2022/ Prompt #3: “That was not my intention.”
Author's Note: I've always loved Krieg and Crocker, and I wanted to highlight them in this little fic. (Hitchcock/ Krieg ship forever!)
Lieutenant Benjamin Krieg stood at attention before Captain Nathan Bridger, Chief Crocker, and Commander Jonathan Ford in the Briefing Room.
“You wanna tell me just what the hell you were thinking, Lieutenant?” Bridger shouted. He was mad, madder than Krieg had ever seen him. Ben bit his tongue hard to keep his typical smart-alack remark from escaping. It had truly been an innocent prank – just a little something to lighten the mood. Now Ben worried he might be facing a court marshal, or worse.
“I apologize, sir. My efforts were to lift the crew’s spirits. I didn’t mean,” he paused, wincing at the memory. “I never intended for anything disrespectful to take place. Truly.”
Ford scoffed, crossing his arms and shaking his head. “Commander Hitchcock has gone to bat for you more times than I can count, Lieutenant, and this is how you repay her?”
Ben winced visibly. He’d done a lot of sketchy things in his past, some better than others, but he always thought of Katie as one of his bright spots. He knew he was marrying out of his league, and when he thought back on their whirlwind romance and short-lived marriage all he could see were his failures.
He was surprised it had lasted as long as it had.
“I have,” his voice cracked, and he swallowed hard to regain his composure. “I have nothing but the utmost respect for Ka – for Commander Hitchcock. I know you may not believe me,” he said, catching Ford’s expression, “but it’s the truth.” He looked up, meeting Bridger and Crocker’s gaze. “I would never hurt her.”
Crocker heaved a heavy sigh, shaking his head, and looking down at his shoes. Ford’s opinion of Ben was unfavorable, and well-known. But the Captain…
“I had doubts about keeping a divorced couple aboard when I first arrived, Lieutenant, but the two of you seemed capable of handling it.” He looked pensive, drawing his lips into a tight line. “I’ve had other vessels try to poach Commander Hitchcock, but she’s incredibly valuable to this crew. In light of this deep embarrassment, however,” he paused, and Ben couldn’t stop himself as the words tumbled out of him.
“Sir, please don’t send her away. I’ll do anything. Send me instead, but not her. She is valuable – she’s the most valuable person on this ship. She… she doesn’t deserve to be exiled for a stupid stunt on my part. She was never the target, and if I could go back and change it, I would. Katie deserves the best, and SeaQuest is the best. Please.” Ben had never been one to beg, but he was begging now. He’d always hoped one day they could rekindle what they once had, partially because he knew he had her trust, if not her affection. But after today he knew he’d destroyed that, as well.
Ben felt hot tears prick his eyes, and he hated himself for it. He wasn’t crying for himself; he was crying because he’d had a chance at something beautiful and amazing with someone he held dearer than anybody else on this earth, and he’d done what he did best: screwed it up.
He hated himself for it every damn day.
He knew his superior officers could see him struggling to compose himself, but he couldn’t bring himself to feel ashamed. Every fiber of his being was directing that at what he’d done to his ex-wife. “I…,” he tried, shook his head, and wiped his face. He opened his mouth to start again, but Bridger held his hand up, silencing him.
“That’s enough, Ben.” Bridger sighed, looking at Crocker, shaking his head.
“You still love her,” Ford breathed, a look of wonder on his face at the revelation. “Why the hell would you ever divorce her if you still loved her?”
Ben looked up showing his red eyes and tear-stained face. “It’s what she wanted. She wasn’t happy, and nothing I did was helping, so…,” he gestured helplessly. “If you love someone you want them to be happy. Even if it isn’t with you.” He dropped his gaze, swallowing hard.
Bridger nodded, sinking into a chair. “That’ll be all, Commander. The Chief and I can take it from here.” Ford nodded, shutting the door behind him, and Ben waited for the ax to fall. It was coming – he just knew it.
Instead, Crocker moved across the room, wrapping the younger man in a strong hug, clapping him on the back reassuringly. “It’s all right, son,” he said, even though Ben knew it wasn’t. “We’ll figure it out. It’ll be all right.”
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worstalfie · 2 years
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seaquest x tumblr 3/? in a recent development i have run out of tumblr posts. recommendations?  insp. by @thespianwtch
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i knew the first episode of ted lasso s3 would give us a lot of things, but i did NOT expect it to give me a very soulcrushing heartbreaking nate edit idea. me post s2 finale would FLIP. OUT!
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scuderlia · 5 months
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Deer Theory
WORDS: ‘The Deer’ by Terrance Hayes / ‘I’m Not Calling You a Liar’ (Florence + the Machine) / Aaron O’Hanlon /  The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017) dir. Yorgos Lanthimos / ‘The Stag and the Quiver’ by Richard Siken / mine / ‘Salvage’ by Hedgie Choi / ‘A Letter to My Mother That She Will Never Read’ by Ocean Vuong / ‘Little Deer’ (SPELLLING) / ‘Grendel’ by Roger Reeves / ‘Herd of ‘panicked’ deer filmed jumping to their deaths from motorway’ by Tanveer Mann (Metro UK) / ‘Kinder Than Man’ by Althea Davis / ‘Anecdote of the Pig’ by T. Adkisson / ‘Ferrari Drivers Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz Are Racing Back to the Top of F1’ by Tom Lamont (GQ Sports) / Deuteronomy 12:23 / ‘‘It’s a kind of religion’ - Ferrari’s popularity and following in Italy dissected’ by Akshat Kabra (Sportskeeda) / ‘Abstract (Psychopomp)’ (Hozier) / ‘Not Strong Enough’ (boygenius) / The Favourite (2018) dir. Yorgos Lanthimos / Enzo Ferrari / ‘Killer’ (Phoebe Bridgers) / CL for ‘Charles Leclerc talks about his “Red Passion”’ by Roberto Croci (L’Officiel Ibiza) / ‘The fragility of a predestined | FormulaPassion.it’ by admin_l6ma5gus (Pledge Times) / ‘Kinder Than Man’ by Althea Davis / Carmen Maria Machado, In the Dream House / ‘Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)’ (Florence + the Machine) / ‘Ferrari Needs to Sign Charles Leclerc for the 2018 Formula One Season’ by Gabriel Loewenberg (The Drive) IMAGERY: Styrian GP (2020) / ? (antlers) / ? (crown of thorns) / Scuderia Ferrari Press Office (2023) / @velvetbambi (x) / Saint Maud (2019) dir. Rose Glass / white-tailed buck shedding its antlers (via Deer & Deer Hunting) / Azerbaijan GP (Baku, 2019) / post-French GP (2022) / Jules Bianchi (via F1 TV) / George Shiras III for National Geographic (1906) / ? (young CL) / ‘Driver-Deer Collisions On The Rise: State Farm’ (WSLM RADIO) / Male Red Deer (antlers) / post-Bahrain GP (2019) (CL looking up from hands) / ‘roadkill’ by Loso (via Flickr) (x) / Saturn Devouring His Son (1819-23) Francisco Goya / post-Belgian GP (Spa, 2019) (CL pointing upwards) / The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) dir. Martin McDonagh / Italian GP (Monza, 2020) / Nathan Sandwell @cuchulainn-4 (x) / ? (camcorder) / ‘Deer Caught Gnawing on Human Bones’ by Jason Daley (Smithsonian Magazine) / A Fragment of Ourselves Returning (2018) Beatrice Wanjiku / @nightcorp-archive (x) / Brazilian GP (2023) (CL figure walking) / Singapore GP (2022) / post-Qatar GP (2021) / The Deer Hunter (1978) dir. Michael Cimino / ? (dogmouth doe) / Brazilian GP (2023) / French GP (2022)
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Why I Associate Nathan Prescott (and Grahamscott) with Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers
* Okay so this one is just more of an interpretation of Nathan.
* I think of it as Nathan trying to move past everything with Jefferson and he’s realizing he likes Warren.
* “I’ll wait for the next time you want me,” He doesn’t want to make himself a problem or burden because that’s how Jefferson made him feel; so now he won’t make the first move.
* “It’s [my birthday] nautical themed” HE LOVES WHALES AND THOSE ARE IN THE OCEAN THIS NAUTICAL
* As the song progresses he finds himself reflecting the relationship he had with Jefferson and finally realizing how god awful it actually was.
* “And if I could give you the moon,” - “And you might be dying,” all refers to Jefferson and how Nathan would’ve done anything for him despite all the red flags.
* “But you’re holding me like water in your hands,” - end is about Warren.
* Warren is trying to hold onto Nathan but Nathan is still reeling from all his still unprocessed trauma.
* “When you saw the dead little bird you started crying,” Repeating dog and bird imagery from before. Nathan is both. Warren sees him as the bird but Nathan sees himself as the dog. Nathan has finally opened up to Warren.
* “But you know the killer doesn’t understand,” Nathan STILL doesn’t understand the gravity of what happened to him. He sees himself as the killer.
I initially made this at 3 am about two months ago
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