#Natural Essences
josephkravis · 7 months
Celestial Essence
Ok, why create wonderful scented creations?
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ohposhers · 2 months
i need to know ur opinion on queen essence eddie, i need to know ur opinions on the funkfam
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Queen Essence you mean the rizz master and only troll on the planet that can make Delta a nervous mess ? yeah im obsessed
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bestjeanistmonster · 2 months
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Oz au- Shadow’s gonna have to fist fight the poppy field btw
Wanted to think of boss fight besides Eggman and Sonic and the thought of Shadow throwing hands with an overgrown plant lizard with sleepy magic was so funny to me
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thatthotwiththemcheeks · 11 months
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milunessence · 4 days
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different noises
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Chloe Bailey -  Essence Black Women in Hollywood 2023
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philosophybits · 1 month
We do not escape from Platonism by saying that "our essence is to have no essence" if we then try to use this insight as the basis for a constructive and systematic attempt to find out further truths about human beings. That is why "existentialism" — and, more generally, edifying philosophy — can be only reactive, why it falls into self-deception whenever it tries to do more than send the conversation off in new directions.
Richard Rorty, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
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theworldisyonces · 3 months
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Beyoncé for Essence Magazine March/April 2024 issue.
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silverjirachi · 1 month
i gotta tell you i am very excited for some if not most changes on testosterone but it is like day 3 and i am already noticing Boy Smell and let me tell you. I Do Not Want That.
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subsequentibis · 4 months
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i'm not feeling my lineart today. you get scribblies
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having real normal ‘god of his own religion/fervently self-imposed values as the machine. the light as a blinding, all-encompassing, conquering terror. the creator and destroyer, hands as divine instruments. metal and flesh as his material. learn the system of the world to its fullest extent, to its tiniest detail and shapes as the core of the machine, the only one functional for such a feat, everything else his tools/herd, until the world resembles its design.’ thoughts
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Poppies: Their Magical Properties, Myth, and Connection to Persephone
Poppies, with their delicate petals and vibrant hues, have fascinated cultures throughout history, not only for their aesthetic beauty but also for their mythical associations and purported magical properties. From ancient mythology to modern folklore, poppies have woven themselves into the fabric of human imagination, often symbolizing both life and death, sleep and awakening.
Mythological Roots:
In Greek mythology, poppies are deeply entwined with the tale of Persephone, the daughter of the harvest goddess Demeter. According to the myth, Persephone was abducted by Hades, the god of the underworld, while she was picking flowers in a meadow. As the story goes, Demeter's grief over her daughter's disappearance plunged the world into a barren winter until Persephone was allowed to return for part of the year, bringing spring and renewal with her.
It's said that during her time in the underworld, Persephone ate pomegranate seeds, binding her to Hades. When she returned to the land of the living, poppies bloomed in the fields where her tears fell, marking the spot of her sorrow and resilience. Since then, poppies have been seen as symbols of both the ephemeral beauty of life and the cycle of death and rebirth.
Magical Properties:
Poppies have long been associated with magic and mystery. In various folk traditions, poppies are believed to possess potent magical properties, including the ability to induce sleep, offer protection, and even grant visions.
One of the most well-known magical properties of poppies is their association with sleep and dreams. In folklore, it's believed that carrying a poppy flower or keeping it beneath one's pillow can induce restful sleep and bring about prophetic dreams. This connection to the realm of dreams has led poppies to be associated with the subconscious and the mysteries of the mind.
Moreover, poppies have been used in various magical rituals and spells for protection and love. Some traditions hold that wearing poppies or carrying them as an amulet can ward off evil spirits and negative energies, while others believe that using poppies in love charms can attract romantic energies and strengthen bonds between lovers.
Poppies, with their rich mythological background, magical properties, and timeless symbolism, hold a unique place in human culture. From their association with the goddess Persephone to their role in folklore and modern symbolism, poppies serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of life, death, and the mysteries that lie beyond. Whether admired for their beauty, used in magical rituals, or worn as a symbol of remembrance, poppies continue to captivate and inspire people around the world.
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cealesti · 7 months
harry's relationship with death is relatively often addressed and explored in tomarrymort.
it's still not addressed and explore enough
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flymmsy · 5 months
Durge and Orin were twins. Only one child was meant to survive, and the temple did not know what to do when Helena birthed two, healthy children.
There was great debate - surely the first born child would be Bhaal’s heir - nay, the quieter babe carries the presence of the god - absurd, the larger child carries the flesh of Bhaal himself. The chorus of shouts came to a deafening halt as they all saw it happen at once - one of the infant’s skin turned milky white, splattered with blood magic.
This was surely Bhaal’s purest child.
Though dissonant whispers remained, however small. And so, the leftover child was sent away - a contingency, a backup, never to be truly needed. To be watched, nothing more.
And then, one unexpected day, came the manifestation of The Dark Urge.
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haru-chi · 10 months
I really love that Natsume little by little is seeing Seiji as "human being" ..
That there's more to him the more he meet him unlike the very first impression he had of him ..
That even he too has many issues and problems to deals with ...
That even if he doesn't agree with him and still wary of him overall, he now little by little realize that he's more than this one part of him that he so hate ...
He saw his unexpected childish side, his family issue, the real burden of being a Matoba leader etc ..
Natsume slowly but surely seeing him as simply "Seiji" more than "Matoba" ...
Which's what Natori failed to do in the past, I mean Natori was stubborn and prideful to admit or face Seiji for who he really is that he simply run away from seeing any part of him that "humanize" him and cling to a certain impression he had for a long time .. not to mention even when Natori tried to see past that and reached out to him, Seiji wasn't very helpful in that regard 😅 (both of them is just killing me uuugh)
Thus I think Natsume unlike Natori won't run away from such facts or something even if he too doesn't agree or trust Seiji at all ... one of Natsume's strength is his ability in being empathetic and kind .. as this helped Natori and many characters whom met him, I love to see how'll that might also helped or changed Seiji too ... actually some changes might've already happened slowly but surely :)
Even the current Natori start wanting to trully face Seiji properly because of Natsume's influnce ..
I could write an essay about all of this because I just love seeing how those relationship develop overtime and how it'll affect the story moving forward ...
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majestativa · 2 months
The artist is haunted, perhaps unknown to himself, by a nostalgic yearning for another age.
— Joris-Karl Huysmans, Against Nature, transl by Robert Baldick, (2003)
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