#Nekophy B-Day
eeveeseikatsu-blog · 8 years
Here’s a W.I.P. meme with lil’ Goth! -u-
Wanted to finish it for @nekophy for her b-day buuuuuut i think im too late to finish it in time ^^; Anyways happy birthday! I’ll show chu when i’m finished if chu want shenpai >u< Waaa I suk *is sad, runs away* (lol I’m having anxiety from trying to post this cuz im so nervous! >.<)
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ichigosatsuki · 2 years
Today is my silly crackship tro kiddos b-day again!
This time I wanted to do art with the whole fam and I give thanks for Vallouh on DeviantArt for inspiring what to draw with their many 'draw the group' bases!
So huuggee thanks to them!!
So here is le art!
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Here are a few close-ups!
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Here is Goth with the cake he so caringly prepared!
Not gonna lie I'm pretty proud of this cake compared to last years XD
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Here is Palette, the little gremlin, eager to eat his kids' cake
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Poor PJ is getting trampled on by their kids but they don't seem to mind it. Since it is their kiddos special day after all!
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WanderStruck speedily zooming over for dat cake!
Also for those wondering why one eye looks more faded compared to the other, it's because he's partially blind/weak in that eye.
Usually Wander would use his eyeglass to help him see better but tends to take it off when at home.
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And here we got Obsidian using their parental as a springboard to get to the cake~
PaperJam belongs to 7GoodAngel
Goth belongs to Nekophy
Palette belongs to Angeutblogo
Obsidian and WanderStruck belong to me
The designs used here for PJ, Goth, and Palette belong to me and are used to differentiate from the originals!
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astra-y-skelepal · 5 years
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I'm very late but there is! Happy B-day Gothy boi ♥ Goth - @nekophy Palette - @angexci
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viralay · 4 years
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Happy B-Day Gothyyy <3 <3 <3 Goth belong to @nekophy 
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faemytho · 5 years
Hi! I haven't looked much at utmv based aus at this point, but I do have a *loose* idea of who rouge is, and I've seen some of their works floating around. Some of the stuff I've seen has given me off vibes, but I haven't seen enough to know what's going on and I don't know much about their stuff or who they are. If you don't mind telling me, what exactly did they do/make that's bad? If this qualifies as an irrelevant ask, I apologize-
mentions of rape, incest, pedophilia, suicide, bestiality, ect. ahead - these topics are mentioned due to being romanticized in fiction and in poor taste to a literal shitton of minors.
anyways, no worries! i dont mind explaining, but this is a topic i feel kinda. very strongly about, so, forewarning, im not gonna sugarcoat anything, and its probably gonna end up being a huge ramble
rouge kinda sucked. i mean, yeah sure she was a cool person, cool adult, i recall she told off a bunch of her fans for attacking someone else who was self shipping with paperjam over shipping freshpaper, but a lot of what she did in her storytelling and how she told her stories was HIGHLY shitty.
in early fandom days, (i dont know about now since i havent been following her stuff), rouge was damn popular, like, i remember fifty thousand+ people following her at one point. she was really into sanscest - and so were a lot of the younger people in this fandom, the 13-14-15 year olds. i was 15 myself when i followed her. she had a very distinctive, anime-esque sort of style, which was very attractive to younger people, u know?
rouge posted uncensored, untagged ns-fw content on her blog, but thats not even the worst of what she did, so let me get to that - gotta do some explaining.
rouge liked sanscest, and the ships she liked and favored most of all were errink, poth, and freshpaper. which like, cool, like what you like, i dont care, but in the context of what she did, this is kinda important.
(if you're not sure, freshpaper is the ship between fresh and paperjam, a combination character turned shipkid of error and ink by @/7goodangel, (who isn't actually bad, we love angel), but thanks to rouge, a lot of people see and treat paperjam like a young child. he's canonically 21, while rouge tended to treat/characterize/age him down to like 14-15.)
(the sin of poth is somewhat forgivable, since not a lot of people realize that goth (afterdeath shipkid, and a young immortal) is 21, and palette (dream/ink shipkid) is 12. yeah you read that right. nekophy, goth's creator, and the person who created palette who's name i forgot, didn't ever reveal their creations ages until people were already shipping them. when asked, the answers given were.,,, so different than what the fandom expected. i dont think either of them coordinated that fhsjgidk)
rouge came up with a ton of stories, a ton of AUs on a multiversal scale, that featured errink, poth, and freshpaper. a lot of the settings of her stories, while extremely interesting and having a ton of potential if done correctly, were literally only made for shipping. (i know, that's bad. when you're world building, don't just focus on the ships,, come on. thats not what i'm getting at tho lmao)
she made, iirc, NAJ ("Nerd And Jock"), VampireVerse, LJH ("Little Jammy Hood"), PJ's daycare, Jammy's Love, and i think there was another, but i cant recall it if there was.
in my opinion, the worst of these was her NAJ au, which was set in "high school". she's passed it off to someone else, but before she did that, she created a lot of content for it.
the main focus of the NAJ au, unsurprisingly, was freshpaper, but surprisingly with a flipped dynamic from how she usually did freshpaper - fresh being the "uncool nerd", paperjam being the "cool, sexy suave jock". (the sub and dom, if you will, though i despise those terms being used in the context of shipping. those,,,, are b/d/s/m, sexual terms,,,). there were a ton of side characters in this au, and of course, errink were there as teachers in a relationship.
poth were there as,,,, im not even sure if they were students or teachers or faculty, but goth was the librarian and palette was the cheer squad leader or something. anyways, goth ended up raping palette due to "repressed romantic feelings towards him". palette was all unforgiving until goth tried to commit suicide, and then proceeded to say that goth raping him was okay because "i liked it anyways". yeah. uh. they ended up dating after that.
there was also an extremely problematic character who's main goal was, and i quote, "to fuck everyone in the school". one of the characters this character fucked also made an AIDs joke in reference to this in extremely poor taste. unrelated to this character, there was also a single ace character who was repeatedly sexualized by their romantic interest (AND by rouge's followers and askers).
i feel like NAJ only existed so rouge could make p*rn of it - censoring some words bc i dont want dear ol tumblr to fuck my post up. like, okay yeah, fiction is fiction, but rouge's audience was largely minors in their early teens, and she made a lot of art in this AU that sexualized these minors.
the sins of PJ's daycare and Little Jammy Hood weren't as bad as NAJ, but they were just,,, creepy.
the premise of PJ's daycare was largely that an adult Paperjam (20s, i think 25) ran a daycare for 1-6 year olds with the help of young teenagers (12-13, 15-16) goth, palette, bluescreen, and gradient. goth also tried to commit suicide in this one after believing palette rejected his advancements - no rape occurred here, i think palette just didn't respond after goth confessed romantic feelings for him.
the kids in PJ's daycare included a young error, ink, fresh, lust, fell sans, and swap sans. lust's attitude, demeanor, and personality had not changed, despite him being 3 years old, so we have a sexually provocative 3-year-old in this au! fun.
fresh, i believe was either 3, 4, or 5, and was constantly hitting on/flirting with the adult Paperjam, and even stalked him outside the daycare - i dont even remember what happened when fresh found out paperjam was romantically involved with someone else, but i dont remember it being pretty.
bluescreen (an errorberry combination character by @/7goodangel and @/askinfresh), and gradient (an errink combination character by @/askcomboclub) were transformed by rouge into shipkids of their respective combos. which made them half brothers. who were then shipped together.
look, again, i dont care what you ship as long as you are treating it correctly and not shoving it in other people's faces, incest or otherwise, but as a result of this, a ton of minors in this fandom are now desensitized to these sorts of ships.
it's not that shipping it was a problem on rouge's part, it's that she romanticized it. like she romanticized NAJ's rape scene and the aftereffects of it? that's what im talking about. (for the record, incest ships make me HIGHLY uncomfortable, but honestly, i dont care if you ship it, just do it away from me, you know?)
Little Jammy Hood wasn't as bad, but it,,, did have several sexual assault scenes, and it did involve bestiality with a young Paperjam and a wolf Fresh, uh, "in heat". uh. yeah. there was also a sexual assault scene initiated by the wolf version of this au's swap sans with the fresh wolf as well.
Jammy's love involved paperfresh a 15 year old Paperjam, and his adult (20s) uncle Fresh, Error's brother. im not gonna go into it much, but uh. yeah there was p*rn in this too.
ACTUALLY I JUST REMEMBERED, in Jammy's love, there was even a scene where fresh and paperjam were out in public being romantic?? and all the bystanders looked at them and started like?? calling fresh a pedophile (because he WAS in this au, dating rouge's 15 year old paperjam), and like??? fresh started crying over it, and paperjam told off all these people for "being bad people" and god it was just a mess of manipulation and pedophilia passed off as romantic
vampireverse, which is the idea of hers that i kinda snatched and made my own, wasn't nearly as bad as the rest. the main focus was errink, but there was also a side of freshpaper as well. error (a vampire named fallacy) ended up kidnapping ink (uh,,, a,, french,, artist? named encre) and invoking stockholm syndrome in him, which isn't a bad trope but like. it was so highly romanticized, it kinda sucked.
the freshpaper wasn't actually that bad, compared to everything else. the worst thing i can remember happening is paperjam (also a vampire, error's son but not ink's, named jasper) trying to get fresh (some peasant servant of error's, named suave) drunk so he could fuck him with no consent on fresh's part.
rouge stopped making content for it after a while.
to be clear, i dont consider anything she shipped condemnable. i dont care what anyone ships, i dont really care, because its fiction and its not real. romanticizing all of these things, though? to a bunch of minors and people who have no idea how to navigate the world yet?
when you romanticize these concepts, you leave the impression on your audience (ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE 13-15 YR OLD MINORS) that rape is okay, that incest is okay, that pedophilia is okay, that suicide is okay, that bestiality is okay - and it's not, not in real life, and the stories with these concepts should reflect that. most young people, usually young but a ton of older people as well, don't know how to make the distinction between the fictional head space and reality. i didnt either, not until i was seventeen!!
i honestly believe that rouge's stories had potential to be dark, to be sick, and to revel in it, like darkfiction stuff which is hella fun to explore, not gonna lie. darkfiction is good, it's a fun place to explore these sorts of concepts without hurting real people, but she romanticized all of it to her young, impressionable audience, and that's when it went sour. that's when it became not okay.
rouge isn't necessarily a bad person, but she had literally no idea what she was doing and ended up creating a lot of bad shit and impressing that on a shitton of minors/people who logically wouldn't have known better.
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justshiloh · 5 years
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w a a    his day succed n now he hears Goth  is working till late :((( he lookin’ like he gon sob on the counter- MC Donald b o i - @krispyfryburner Goth belongs to nekophy Pallio there belongs to me (heeeeeee gonna cry)
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cr0wl · 6 years
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Just a lil' gift for one of mah favourites artist ;w; Happeh late B-day @nekophy !! >w<)/ Keep doing the amazing art that you have pwp)9 <3  -Goth belongs to @nekophy
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kittytoonsbr-blog · 6 years
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Hi,guys! I’m Isabelly (you can call me Isa or Kitty ^^”), I’m a girl who love to make some fanarts and cute drawings :3 
I have a another account but for some reason I wanted to me a another one :v 
You know this person?
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Well, I’m Her! But if you don’t know she is the person who made this drawing for the b-day of Nekophy 
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But, I hope I can restart a new Tumblr Account (Also,when Nekophy had repost this drawing i was soo happy >w<). I hope u all liked my new account  :3
I gonna Post more soon :3
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mepibo · 7 years
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Happy b-day goth!!!!
Sorry for not coloring, I'm short on time. I hope you like it . with fondness melody <3
art : me 
goth : @nekophy
palette: @angexci
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flower-angel · 6 years
Endless Madness part 3
Characters will be refer as is below:
Fell! Reaper= Grim
Fell! Goth= Cupcake or Lotus
Dark Tempest= Tempest or DT.
Fell!Goth belongs to @nekophy
Fell!Reaper belongs to @nateeew
Dark Tempest belongs to @flower-angel/@lovephantomsnow
Original Reaper belongs to @renrink
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3 (here)
Before they could finish their pleading, they were silent by a swing of a scythe.
“Well done Tempest, but your swing was sloppy there.” Grim commented.
“Yours will be too, if you were carrying Cupcake.” Dark Tempest pointed to a sleeping Lotus, who was attach to her by a baby carrier sling.
“Excuses, excuses~. Anyway, we need about 20 more souls and then we’re done.” Grim said as he started to walk to their next victim.
“I’ll like to see you do your flawless moves well carrying a baby! And what the hell did you do to him? He should be screaming our hearing out, not sleeping like a perfect angel!” She finally snapped that her father.
She was about to give her father a piece of her mind, only to halt. Grim was looking at her with a blank expression. That blank expression meant one of three things; she’s going to have a B A D  T I M E, she’s going to die today, or she’s going to spend some time in purgatory.
Just thinking about either punishment, brought her to tear. She forgot about her surrounding, as memories started to resurface. Memories she wish she could forget.
                                                   -Flash back-
“Okay Tempest, I want you to reap that human right there.” Grim pointed to a massive monkey who looks like they could snap her in half, without effort.
“Dad…can I have that one…the one his going to kill next?...” Dark Tempest begged her father, as she observed her original target. She tried not to flinch as they butcher a smaller human male without mercy.
“Nonsense. Your 7-years-old and you have total control of your powers now.” Grim said.
“Dad, as much as I want to have my first reaping…don’t you think that this is a bit too advance for me? Maybe I could reap the victim’s souls…to get an idea of how it feels and stuff?” Dark Tempest was starting to lose her composure, as fear was slowly starting to take over.
“Mm…Well this is your actual first reaping…Ah, what the hell, reap all their souls.” Grim patted her head before he pushed her to the damn souls that needed reaping.
She was nerves at first, but as she got close to the suffering souls, she got over it. The psychopath’s victim’s soul practically run up to her and begged her to give them peace. She summoned her scythe and gave them peace, one by one. All that was left was the murder himself. His time was running out, as it looks like his last victim will be the one to kill him.
The psycho had been enjoying the man’s scream of pain and mercy, until his victim started to sprout some nonsense. One of the comments had sparked something in him, leading to a rant and careless mistake of releasing his victim from his restrain. It all came to an end where the victim had stabbed the derange man with his prize weapon, and ran away.
“Your time to shine sweetie~!” Grim cheered in the background as Dark Tempest walked up to the damned soul.
“Who the hell are you?!”
“…” Dark Tempest didn’t reply. She only lifted her scythe and prepared to reap his soul.
“YOU’RE THE GRIM REAPER?! YOU’RE JUST A FUCKING GIRL!” The man said in disbelieve.
His comment and reaction to the young reaper in training had made Grim laugh hysterically, getting the attention of both his daughter and the human. “YOU’RE MOCKING ME?! AM I NOT WORTH YOUR FUCKING TIME, YOU BASTARD?! I’LL SHOW YOU, I’LL SHOW EVERYONE THAT NO ONE MAKES A FOOL OUT OF ME!” The human then tackled Dark Tempest to the ground and tried to take her scythe away.
She didn’t let go of her scythe and tried to kick him off, the best she could. She got lucky and landed a strong hit on his solar plexus, but the force made her scythe slide to the other side of the building. She ran to retrieve her scythe, but was tackled to the ground. The damned soul no longer had his focus on the scythe, but on the child, who was giving him a decent fight. Eventually, the older male had pin the young reaper to the ground and started to choke her to death.
“How does it feel to be on the receiving end of the stick?! Not so tough now, huh, girl?” The derange man screech.
“Funny, I was just think of the same thing. How did it feel to have someone, inferior to you, end your pathetic life? How embarrassing!” She didn’t mean to add salt to the wound, but she was scared and it was part of her defense mechanism.
She could feel her life slowly draining away. She didn’t want to die, she knew her limits. Thus, coming to a solution, she had to reap the human’s soul by singing or that least hope that it will stop them from choking her.
“Hush, child
The darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep”
The humans grip on her lessening, as he was slowly slipping into a deadly trace.
“Guileless son,
I'll shape your belief
And you'll always know that your father's a thief
And you won't understand the cause of your grief
But you'll always follow the voices beneath
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty,
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me”
He was now under the influence of her song and slowly started to age.
“Guileless son,
Your spirit will hate her
The flower who married my brother the traitor
And you will expose his puppeteer behavior
For you are the proof of how he betrayed her loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty,
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me”
She got out of his hold and went to retrieve her weapon, still singing her deadly song.
“Hush, child
The darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep”
Dark Tempest was now in front of an old man, who looked like he had neglected himself of enjoying life. What with his dead eyes and his hunching form.
“Guileless son,
Each day you grow older
Each moment I'm watching my vengeance unfold
For the child of my body, the flesh of my soul
Will die in returning the birthright he stole
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty,
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me”
Out of nowhere, Dark Tempest felt an unknown rage over take her. She wanted the man to suffer, just like his victims, she wanted revenge.
“Hush, child
The darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep”
With the ending of the song, she brought a rage of hits with the end of her scythe. Screams of pure agony could be hear, until she gave the final fatal slash. Her snow white dress was now covered in a crimson dye, as she tried to regain her breathing and emotions.
“That’s my little girl! However, there were grave mistakes made in your reaping. Let me show you what happens when someone makes those errors.” That was all she hear before she saw her father’s blank expression and was pushed into a portal. Landing in purgatory.
                                            -End of flash back-
Dark Tempest lost touch with reality and started to do slash out at everyone and everything. Only to be stop by a brutal blow to the back of her head.
To be continue…
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firehedgehog · 7 years
Retconned: Chapter Eight
Made sure to wait till Goth’s B-day for this one! happy Birthday Gothy!
I don’t own anything but the fanfic!
Toby Fox owns Undertale, Goth @Nekophy, Palette: @angexci . Error/Geno/fresh @loverofpiggies  Reaper:@renrink Retconned Goth… well i own this version. Underswap!Sans by Popcornp1nce.  Dream by @jokublog Cross!Sans and Cross!Chara by @jakei95​   and killerSans owned by????
“Dance my puppets Dance,” Goth cackled evilly, or rather Retconned Goth said. Behind him Error sighed, wondering what the smaller skeleton was doing.
“Goth.. what are you doing?” Error asked, nibbling on a cookie Goth had given him earlier. Actually, the cookies were probably a bribe to keep away for a bit he realized.
“Ack,” Goth said falling over, hood fluttering off and save lantern landing three feet away.
“When.. when did you get here!” Retconned gulped nervously, ignoring him Error leaned over to see what Retcon had been doing.
“Are you actually using my strings to have a fake kidnapping so original Goth will have Palette Kiss him on his birthday?” Error asked.
“Alright kid, we really need to get you more hobbies when your about... and the cookies don’t count,” Error said picking up Retconned and his save lantern.
“Would an update work?”
“No breaking the forth wall,” Error said.
“Gah, whats are they doing here!” came a loud screech.
The sounds of crashes followed.
“No, my cookies!”
Strangely everyone stopped at the word cookies.
“Goth, why is Dream and his spawn here?” Error growled, tense and ready to attack the other Sans.
“Well... er...” Goth said awkwardly, from where he was saving as many cookies as he could from the oven.
“Er is not an answer,” Error said giving him quite a look.
“A world got Retconned, I pulled them out the last second... I was talking with Palette,” Goth said a small blush on his cheeks.
“I thought you were playing with that artsy form of yours,” Error said.
“Please don’t call it artsy,” Goth said, finally saving the final cookies and trashing a few burnt ones.
“Artsy... form?” Palette asked in interest.
“Nothing.. nothing at all,” Goth said actually blushing a bit, that other self was pretty mush a mini Ink with a soul and hyper as hell. He’s been in that form to redecorate the restored house thankfully.
He was still pissed as Ink and Errors destruction of part of it.
And... he did not want to see Inks reaction to Goths Inky version of himself.. it did not help his Ink self looked five years old.
That timeline had been freaky, as Palette had been a mini Error but still had his normal personality but with an urge to date Goth no matter what... did he really want that timeline back?
Darn it, why did timelines he got together with Palette end up so messed up.
And now none of his timelines exist.
“Goth are you okay?” a voice said, snapping him of his thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Any timeline you’d like to be dropped off later to?” he asked, trying not to be bitter as they had there original families to go back to.
“Ah, Swaptale is usually easiest to pop into,” Dream said.
“Hmm... Blue should be home, I can use his house to hide your arrival,” Goth said frowning, knowing that multiple Sans and kids popping up could cause chaos in multiple timelines.
“Can we have the cookies first?” Palette asked, eyeing the cooking cooling on there racks.
“Sure?” Goth said confused, really what was with the obsession people had with his cookies. They weren’t that good were they, seemed normal enough when he ate them.
Poor Goth, never realized that he’d mastered the power of cookies in baking.
After all, none of the other Goths when they existed had done that.
He stared in disbelief as a battle began over the cookies.
Was he somehow drugging them?
“Thank you for everything,” Dream said as Goth opened a portal to Blue’s home, the small eternal child smiled slightly.
“I can’t say we’ll meet again, but it it was nice meeting you,” Goth said.
“Goth,” Dream said suddenly as he stepped onto the other side.
“Yes?” Goth asked curious.
“I knew you before your Retcon didn’t I. Who were your parents?” Dream asked.
“Goodbye Palette, Dream,” Goth said closing the portal, the last thing Dream saw of the small skeleton was an incredibly bitter smile.
“Your okay!”
Dream and Palette was engulfed into a hug from a frantic Ink, who apparently had remembered to only sip his paint so his reactions weren’t over reactions.
“We’re fine, were home...”
Reaper paused as he placed desert on the table, a frown appearing on his face wondering why he’d made cake.
“Geno... is there something I’m forgetting about today?” he asked as they went to bed that night.
“It’s Feb 2nd, but no holidays or birthdays,” Geno said to his husband.
“But still, I feel like I’m suppose to remember something about today. Its been driving me up the wall all day,” Reaper said unhappily, he rarely forgot anything as it was part of his death god package.
“Relax Reaper, you probably overworked yourself again,” Geno sighed.
“I guess... its nothing,” Reaper said settling into bed.
Goth almost broke into tears when Error produced a cake and presents, as it was he hadn’t realized what day it was till after he’d dropped Dream and Palette off.
“Happy Birthday Brat,” Error said, and then dropped more gifts net to him labelled from other Sans.
“Thank you,” Goth said.
It was the best birthday he’d had in years.
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patkanatkaxd-blog · 7 years
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b Fell!Goth belongs to @nekophy owowoow
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kkactus · 7 years
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I know I’m late af but here’s @nekophy‘s b-day gift, it’s pretty simple I’m sorry :’v
Goth/ Nekophy
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huckleberri · 7 years
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Welp I have no idea if I’m late but
Happy Birth Day @nekophy! 
plz ignore how bad it is :’) 
i swear i put my heart and soul into this
even tho its still B A D
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jynxwriter · 6 years
Lotus and Goth// @nekophy
Take this oneshot owo
   Desolate and cold was what the day had been, but Lotus didn’t seem to mind. He just kept strolling down the sidewalk, keeping his head down and refusing to look at anything else besides the ground and nearby objects like rocks and sticks that occasionally popped up on the concrete. Tripping over those wouldn’t make this state of his any better and the last things he wanted right now was attention being drawn to himself.    Small drops of water had started to hit the sidewalk, leaving small darkened specks on the concrete. The speed had begun to pick up and before Lotus knew it, it was pouring. He had completely forgotten that it was predicted to rain so he hadn’t remembered to bring an umbrella, not like he could anyway. He had never bothered to buy one since Rurik and him had always gone out together so Rurik always took care of that. He tried his best to push that thought away, not wanting to dwell on it any longer than he had did the day prior. As he tried to get his mind off him, he couldn’t focus on where he was going and accidentally bumped into someone.    He felt himself internally scream at himself, feeling immediate anxiety consume him. “Ah! Sorry! I wasn’t paying attention!” The other person apologized quickly. Lotus felt his eyes widen and he looked up, his suspicions having been confirmed. “Goth?” Lotus questioned. He looked to his doppleganger, who seemed to be out of breath. “Were you running?” “Ah...Yeah...I forgot my umbrella today.” Goth replied. “Me too…” Lotus lied, wanting to run away. The last thing he wanted was to end up in a conversation right now. Not when he was at his lowest point. He didn’t need this. “Heh, guess we’re in the same boat here.” Goth laughed softly. He looked at Lotus and frowned. He looked horrible, like he hadn’t slept in weeks. “Hey, Lotus? Are you ok?” He asked, worry suddenly lacing his tone, which made Lotus know he had to get out of here. “I’m fine. I need to go now.” Lotus replied quickly, trying to get away but he felt Goth suddenly grab his wrist. Lotus tried to pull away from him but Goth’s grip was stronger than he thought. “You think I’m gonna fall for that?” Goth laughed lightly, but his smile faltered straight after. “Seriously, what happened?”    “It’s nothing! Let me go!” Lotus snapped, trying to pull his wrist away but Goth wouldn’t let go. “Not until you tell me the truth.” Goth replied. Lotus groaned at how persistent he was being. Goth saw how he kept struggling to get loose, and how upset he seemed. He decided to just hold his hand instead, moving closer to him and also trying to grab his other hand. Lotus felt himself blush softly and looked down, sighing, he might as well get it over with, so Goth would let him go. Frankly, he didn’t enjoy the sudden hand holding, it felt too intimate. “Fine! I had a bit of a messy break up, are you happy?!” He snapped and felt Goth release his hands. He looked a bit saddened which is what compelled Lotus to stay in place. “You did? Oh my gosh, are you ok?” Goth asked quickly, concerned for the other’s wellbeing. Lotus felt confused at his reaction. “I’m f-fine…” Lotus’ voice cracked which made him want to scream at himself. He knew Goth wouldn’t leave him alone now, so he might as well accept his fate. “Clearly you’re not! C’mon back to my place, we’re both going to catch a cold out here.” Lotus realized they were still out in the pouring rain and shivered. He was about to object but he realized two things at the same time. One, that Goth wouldn’t let him leave anyway and two, he knew he’d feel better with at least someone to help him cope. He sighed. “Fine…” He mumbled begrudgingly, feeling Goth grab his wrist again. “Hey! I can just follow you, y’know?” He felt a bit agitated and Goth quickly apologized.
It didn’t take that long for the two to arrive at Goth’s house. When they entered, they were both completely soaked and shivering like mad. Goth coaxed Lotus upstairs to his room, which made Lotus a bit apprehensive for a second but he convinced himself it wasn’t going to go in that direction. “Alright Lotus, I’m gonna let you borrow some clothes for now, ok?” Goth said, going over to his closet and picked out some clothes for himself and ones he thought would suit Lotus. “You can change here, I’ll change in the bathroom and then I’ll make some tea for us both, or do you prefer coffee?” Goth asked, handing the clothes to Lotus. “Tea is fine.” Lotus replied. He saw Goth nod then head out of the room. Lotus looked at the clothes Goth had given him, surprised at how much they fit his style. Goth had picked out a dark purple shirt, a hood hat to match, and some black pants.. He also had given him some brightly colored socks which were violet. He felt himself smile a bit before he started to get undressed. He felt his smile fall as he looked down at his body which was decorated with cluttered scars, he couldn’t even spot his birthmark anymore. He sighed and slipped into the clothes, trying to push the toxic memories of his abuser away. Lotus strode over to Goth’s bed and sat down after he finished getting dressed. He noticed that the blanket was extremely soft. Without thinking, he wrapped it around himself, loving how comforting it was.. He felt like someone was hugging him. Soon enough, Goth had come back into the room, now with two cups in his hands. Goth had been dressed in a very long shirt, which looked like a dress on him. It was violet in color. Under it he had some dark purple shorts and to top it off, he was wearing a hood hat similar to Lotus’. He sat down next to Lotus. “You like it?” Goth said suddenly, referring to the blanket that Lotus had wrapped around himself. Lotus jumped slightly, surprised. “Ah! I d-didn’t know you were there…” Lotus replied softly. “And, yeah, it’s soft…” Goth smiled and handed Lotus one of the cups of tea. “It might be a bit hot, so be careful.” Goth stated as he gave him the cup and Lotus nodded slowly sipping it. Goth suddenly pulled the blanket back so he could slip under it as well, which surprised Lotus. Goth had pressed his shoulder up against Lotus and took a small sip of his tea. He seemed calm about all of this while Lotus was a bit scared of how close he was. “U-Um Goth?” Lotus stuttered softly. “Hmm?” Goth looked back to Lotus who seemed uneasy. He realized how close he was to him. “Oh! Sorry…” He moved away so they weren’t as close. Lotus seemed a bit relieved and exhaled slowly. “So…” Goth had begun to speak again. “How are you feeling?” He asked. Lotus suddenly remembered why Goth had brought him here in the first place. “Fine?” Lotus replied, taking another sip from his cup. He heard Goth scoff. “Yeah right, you think I can’t tell that your break up is hurting you? C’mon, it's easier for both of us if you just tell me.” Goth was right, he would crack eventually but keeping it hidden wouldn’t do anything but waste time. Lotus sighed. “I’ve just been losing so much sleep because of it, I miss him…” He admitted finally. “Well, why did he break up with you? Did he give you a reason?” Goth asked and Lotus paused for a second. “I was the one who broke up with him, Goth…” Lotus said quietly and Goth’s eyes widened “Then...Why do you miss him?” Goth asked. “He basically took care of me, I feel so lost!” Lotus had started to yell. “Even though basically everything to him came with a price, he was everything to me…” Goth paused looking very concerned. “Lotus? What do you mean by, ‘everything came with a price?’” Goth moved a bit closer to him. Lotus sighed softly before trying his best to respond. “I had to give something to him if I wanted to be taken care of...I-It happened to b-be my body…” Lotus looked away from Goth “He would constantly cut me...and sometimes, he would just…” Lotus trailed off, not wanting to say what had happened “Lotus..? What did he do to you?” Goth asked quietly, not getting that Lotus didn’t want to talk about it. Lotus shakily sighed. “I think he just...saw m-me as a sex toy of s-sorts?” He stuttered. “Sometimes I c-couldn't even f-feel my lower half...I was scared half to death…” Lotus had placed his cup down on a nearby table, suddenly not feeling like drinking it. Goth had felt like something stabbed him in the chest. The thought of Lotus having to endure that to be “taken care of” disgusted Goth. He put his tea down on the table as well. Goth suddenly hugged Lotus, wrapping the blanket around them both even more. “What are you doing?” Lotus asked. “Hugging you. Isn’t it obvious?” Goth said back. “Why though?” Lotus and asked and Goth scoffed. “Right now, I think you need one.” He continued to hug Lotus. To Goth’s surprise, he heard Lotus start to sniffle and before he knew it, he was hugging Goth back. He was now crying into him. “Oh, Lotus…” Goth patted his back “It’s alright, he can’t hurt you any more.” “Why do I-I miss it t-though, Goth?” Lotus said softly. “Why d-do I want to go back?!” “Maybe it's because, you’ve just been so used to it. You’ve lived like that for so long it's normal for you. But in reality, Lotus, it isn’t” Goth petted his head, and Lotus didn’t seem to mind. “M-Maybe… I’m just a b-bit scared.” Lotus whimpered. “I don’t really have anywhere t-to go, Rurik also kept a roof over my head.” Goth felt his heart broke. Lotus had basically lost everything, he had to do something for him. “You could stay here!” Goth offered. Lotus sat on the thought for a moment. “Are you going to ‘take care of me?’” Lotus asked, a bit skeptical. “Look, I’m not gonna ‘take care of you’ like Rurik, you could just stay here until you feel ready to leave..” Goth reassured him, smiling at him. Lotus still was a bit skeptical, but being here would be better than sleeping outside on a bench or something. “Fine… I’ll stay….” Lotus sighed and Goth smiled. Lotus paused for a moment but eventually spoke again. “Thank you…” “You’re welcome, Lotus!” Goth smiled. “Now, should we continue drinking our tea? They’re going to get cold soon.” Lotus nodded and took the cup in his hands. He took a small sip and smiled.
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ayahne · 7 years
Rules: 1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
I’ve been tagged by THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE (SERIOUSLY GUYS) @ravnicawatchwolf : @peanutable AND @adelmortescryche .
Yall mad.
Imma answer all that under a cut !
Adel’s : 
1. What’s the fandom you return to the most often, no matter what?
The Hobbit ! What can i say, it’s an addictive fandom ^^"
2. Most preferred genre in media?
Police. They’re usually stupid enough i can work at the same time, but there’s some really nice shows i really like, like Lie To Me. 
I’d said fantasy, but good fantasy shows (to me) are rare to meet my (too high) quality criterias. Since i search for stupid police shows, i can browse a much broader pool.  I love comedy but i’m incredibly picky about humor. B99 & Psych are my two faves.
3. What’s most likely to turn you off of a ship - canonically or in fandom.
Lack of logic/chemistry. If there’s no reason for it, i’m not gonna be in :/
4. Your favorite game? Of any kind. (athletics, board games, video games, etc.)
I CANT CHOOSE. Probably a tie between WoW (ARTHAS, SYLVANAS !!!!!), Skyrim (DRAGOOOOOON), & AC : Ezio era (DESMOND, LEOOOOOO)...
5. Pet peeve in any creative medium
World of warcraft crossovers. Give me a characters from any other media i’m currently involved in and imma draw em in this year Tier Armor.
6. If there was one thing you could change about your favorite series, what would it be?
7. What’s most likely to get you hooked to a fandom? (source material/ the fics/ the people in it/ etc)
The people in it, and the creators (hrmhrmYuuriOnIce&Adelfrhmrhrmgrm). I usually get exposed to fan content BEFORE the source material (except some obvious cases, like Hobbit, Harry Potter...)
8. Favorite genre of music - or band/singer!
I HAVE NO FAVES BUT I REALLY LIKE ED SHEERAN and BigFlo&Oli. Both have really good texts and music.
9. Are you into cosplaying? Or attending cons?
YEP (even if cons are a new thing)
I did Desmond Miles, my night elf in wow, Zun (@blesstale) and Goth (@nekophy), Chara, and right now i’m preparing Riza Hawkeye !
10. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Being a human TARDIS plz.
11. Dream holiday destination. Could be a real place or something fictional.
I want to go to Silvermoon !!!!!!
Wolfie’s : 
bork 2)favorite au
undertale i guess ? Mine XD 
I have so much fun with it, seriously. I’m done with the scenario, already started the first comic page. Can’t wait to publish it !
But i really like TC’s Endertale ! And Diesel-1997 au is just too pretty for words.
3)favorite charater and why
Desmond Miles because he’s got such a fucking tragic life, is basically not understood by the people in his life, used and reused like an object, and die for people that doesn’t even like him. So much feels. 
(And in UT, Chara. They’re.... there’s so much to be said about them. i love em. and watching trivia videos about them ^^) 4)hobbys?
art, cosplay, music, vg.... when i have the time ^^" 5)sleeping hours?
what is sleep
(5AM-8AM) 6)how have been your day i hope you had a majestic day xD 
I’m in Science History and i have my period i’m dying so majestic IS NOT THE WORD I WOULD USE BUT TY 7) leeeeeeeeroy jeeeeeekins or do it like a rogue?? 
Rogue XD 8)if you had to pick a weapon and a fighting stance what it wound be and why??? Either a tanto or a Bo. I’ve been trained to use them and i’m quite good at it (the Bo more than the Tanto). And a defensive stance, cause i hate to fight. I’ve learned martial arts because i love the philosophy behind it (Aikido is a pacifist martial art. Karate not so much, but is taught me how to take a punch XD) 9)tell me a sercet ((10+point if you get a not at all obvious refence)) THE CAKE IS A LIE 10) favorite drink ((it can be water or beer or tea or anything ))
B L A C K  T E A 11)who you will tag???
No one XD I’m too shy to tag :/
Peanut’s : 
1- What’s your favorite mythical creature?
My patriotism wants to answer the Dahu, my mind wants to say the angels, but my heart is choosing a SHTRIGA.
2- What do you like to cook?
Indian food, atm, and cakes ! 
3- Is there something (like a show, game, book, toy, ect.) you used to like a lot when you were younger but now realize how bad or stupid it was?
a lot of fanfictions, more than books, but i had the entire Tara Duncan collection and... no, just save me.
I’m happy Toby Lolness, and Pierre Bottero’s and Walter Moers’s books stayed as good as i remember them = D
4- Your favorite ice-cream flavour?
Amarena ! 
5- Have you ever traveled in another country?
Switzerland, Spain, Germany only ^^" i can’t count Switzerland as another country, not really tho... imma go to italia soon, but that’s the same basically XD  
6- Any cool or nice dream you made?
Once, i dreamt that all my video game characters (Wow avatars, the Dovahkin, Ezio, Altair & Desmond, all those guys and some others) were waiting for me to play with them and they cried and reprimmended me cause i wasn’t playing with them enough, and i left them in this black emptiness in the meanwhile
7- Who is your favorite Disney princess?
8- If you could time travel, WHEN would you go?
Proooobably visiting Leonardo Da Vinci because the AC games killed me.
9- Is there something that makes you laugh every time?
Some vines, Psych, B99...
10- Do you like horror movies?
Depends. I’m not a fan of jumpscare and gore but i love psychological horror ! 
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