#Nero Padilla
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Sons of Anarchy + Business and Services
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thisreadswhatever · 1 year
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Anything For The Club: Part Six
Will you betray Jax to protect The Club?
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[description]: jax teller x female reader, reader x oc characters
[wordcount]: 3.2k+
[series cw]: 18+, female reader, swearing, sexual harassment/assault (non-canon characters), alcohol use, mix of fluff, smut and angst throughout, p in v sex, teasing, violence, gun use, mentions of blood, murder, blackmail
[authors note]: and that’s the end! hope you enjoyed this as much as i did writing it :)
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“Assume you’re used to riding shotgun”, The President asked as he handed you a black helmet. 
You put it on and straddled yourself along the back of his bike. “Not usually in heels.” 
Realisation of the betrayal you were committing was crushing you. Here you were, sat on another man’s bike, about to ride off into nowhere so he could do god knows what to you. The guilt weighed on your chest as you gripped The President's waist from behind. You reminded yourself the reason you were doing this, Protect The Club. Protect Jax. 
“First time for everything, sweetheart.”
He kicked the bike alive, it roaring fiercely as he rode out of the parking lot. 
The journey was short. He pulled into a motel lot two blocks up the road. It was a quiet and dingy motel, known for its drug hookups and escorts. The exact kind of place you used to work before you had agreed with Jax to run Diosa. Jax didn’t like sharing, you were his and that was vital to him. You’d agreed that you’d both be entirely faithful to one another there on out, and you knew after this, he’d never forgive you. 
“Classy.” You muttered as you pulled the helmet off your head. 
“Ain’t gonna matter where you are once I’m inside you, sweetheart.” 
“Yeah, sure.��� 
He placed the bike on its kickstand, and you followed as he made his way across the car park, up a flight of stairs and to room numbered 208. The curtains were already closed on the outside. He grabbed a yellow key card out from his back pocket, unlocking the door. 
You stalked your way inside the room, hearing the bolt echo behind you as he secured the latch on the door. 
The room was a simple, one large crimson bed centered between wooden side tables, home to two outdated lamps and a dusty bible. The President wandered straight to the mattress, sitting along the edge. He placed the manilla envelope on the side table closest to him before he pulled his cutte off. He slapped the mattress, coaxing you to sit beside him. Across from the front door was a bathroom that you immediately streamlined for. “I’m just gonna freshen up.” 
He laid back falling flat across the bed, “don’t leave me waitin’.” 
You closed the door behind you, sighing of relief for the brief moment alone. You looked at yourself in the mirror above the sink. It was cracked slightly along the edge, distorting the image in front of you. You turned the tap, letting the water run. The sound of the streaming fossett was soothing, and you closed your eyes with your hands clutching the sink, trying to overcome the sickness you felt burning through your stomach. You wanted to vomit. You took your jacket off, thrusting it to the floor, trying to breathe as you struggled for air. You’d never had a panic attack before but you imagined this is what it felt like. 
He’s got you right where he wanted, you told yourself. Alone in a motel and not a soul knows you’re here. You searched your jacket for your phone, before remembering you left it in the car at the diner. Calling for help was out of the equation. Your chest was tight, the sound of your heart thudding engulfing your ears as you tried to gasp for air. 
You didn’t have a phone, but you did have the gun. You could go out there and shoot him, take the envelope and run for the hills. And potentially start a gang war by killing The President of another crew, one that’s associated with the Mexican cartels. Dumb idea. 
Your last option, just give him what he wants, get the photos, and be done. You’d already made it this far. The guy was hardly the worst looking man on the planet. He was monstrous and crass but it would be a sacrifice of a moment compared to the loss of everything Jax knew. 
You let the water run through your fingers before you turned it off. You pulled your hair to the side of your neck, the cold water on your hands dripping down your skin. You can do this, you tried to convince yourself. Protect The Club. Protect Jax. You were going to have to break his heart, to save his club.
You heard a knock on the door at the same time it abruptly opened, not giving you any chance to respond. 
“I said don’t keep me waitin’, little lady.” 
“Just had to pull myself together.”
He crept towards you, and you instinctively turned into him, your back pressing into the sink behind you. 
“I can help you out.” 
His hands found your hair, clutching at the root as he pulled your head back. Your hands were grasping the edges of the porcelain, as he brought himself against your body, pressing his lower half into you. You were unable to move. He held you there, watching your face, taking in the sight of you completely at his disposal. 
Tears welled in your eyes, unable to be forced back this time, and they began to stream from your face. You realised at this moment that you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t force yourself to want this man. He placed a hand on your cheek, wiping away the drops with his thumb. 
“You look so pretty when you cry.” 
He pressed his face into yours, kissing you viciously. His tongue tangled against your lips as it searched for entry, but failed as you kept your mouth forced shut. He pulled your head back again by your hair, staring into your eyes. His eyebrows raised as he watched you sobbing, furious from your apprehension.
“I’m not gonna fuck a corpse. You better give me something back.” 
His hand released from your hair as he brought them down to your waist, pulling you from the sink. You stumbled against him, trying to find your balance. You wanted more time, a chance to think or just pause this from happening, to try and find a way out. 
You forced yourself to find his lips, kissing him back. You entwined your fingers through his hair, hoping you could sell the facade that you wanted him too. A smile formed at the corner of his mouth while yours did all the work. 
He seemed to relax before you pulled away, “should we go to the bed?” 
“Fuck the bed. I want you here.” 
He dragged the hem of your dress to expose your underwear, pulling you tight to his body by your ass. You squirmed at the feel of his hands on you this way, but tried to play calm to control the situation. 
Your heel tangled into your jacket beneath you, and you could feel your gun was right under your feet. You kissed him again while he palmed at your backside, dragging his fingers under the fabric of your panties. You lowered your hands down his frame, leading them to his jeans, rubbing against his erection. You crouched down to your knees, your eyes never leaving his. 
He groaned aloud as he watched you undo his belt buckle, your face parallel with his dick. “I knew you wanted this, little slut.” 
You ignored his degradation, and carried on feeling him with your hands. His head fell backwards, and just as his eyes left yours, you began to press your mouth against his cock, gnawing at the hard membrane covered in denim. Your mouth continued to distract him, as you searched the floor with your free hand, desperate to find the gun in your jacket pocket. 
Just as your hand reached the metal piece, your fingers twisting along the handle, The President looked down at you. 
“The fuck you think you’re doing?” 
You pulled the piece from the jacket, aiming it up at his chest. “Back the fuck up. Now.”
He chuckled at your advance, looking at the gun point towards him as he slowly stepped backwards. 
“Maybe you ain’t so smart.”
He backed through the doorway as you stood, continuing to aim the gun. He reached the bed, sitting upright on the edge, his jeans draped around his thighs. He smirked at you, looking directly down the barrel. “We had a deal, little lady.” 
You gripped the gun tighter, “I’m not your fucking lady.” 
A chuckle escaped his teeth, “You really do need my dick in that dirty mouth of yours.” You paced towards the side table, holding your aim on him as you walked. You kept your focus on his face as you reached for the envelope. “You got any idea what you're starting?” 
You placed the envelope under your arm, grasping the gun with both hands again, edging yourself further from the bed, until you were backed against the far wall of the room. 
“Nothing I’m not prepared to finish.” 
He held his arms out wide, taunting you. “I got a long list of enemies who would do anything for the shot you got right now.”
“I don’t want to kill you, asshole.
I want to leave this room, and pretend I never met you. I want you to leave my Club the fuck alone. I want to go back to my life before you existed.”
He closed his arms, and stood up slowly, pulling up his jeans and clasping his belt buckle back together. “Then I guess you better kill me.”
You readjusted the gun in front of you, “sit back down!” 
He ignored you, continuing to pace forward, step by step. “I can see why he picked you as his old lady. Got looks and balls.” 
“I said I don’t want to kill you, asshole. Not that I won’t.” 
He grinned, reaching for you, extending his arms out. “Don’t be like that, baby.” 
He was inches from you again, his chest now pressed against the barrel. You pushed it into him further, “I fucking mean it. Back the fuck up!” 
He didn’t waiver. “Drop the gun, sweetheart.” 
You pulled the trigger. 
The sound of the gun jamming rang through your ears, and you stared at him wide eyed. He slammed the gun from your hand, the metal flinging across the room. He grabbed your wrists, pinning them to the wall behind you, the envelope under your arms falling to the ground, images of The Club spreading across the carpet beneath your feet. He pushed you with force against the wall, crushing your wrists in his grasp. 
He spoke low into your ear, “No more choices.”
You tried to retreat, but the weight from his body engulfed you, making it impossible for you to move. The stubble of his beard scraped against your skin as his mouth moved against your neck. You screamed for him to stop, but the pleas fell on deaf ears, seeming to entice him further. His body was entrapping you against the wall so harshly that his hands could move freely, creeping their way under your dress as he tore at the seams, ripping it open. You recalled how it felt to be trapped by this man that first night you met at Diosa, and you knew now that had the eyes of the entire lobby not been present, this would’ve been your fate then. You closed your eyes, giving up the fight. 
Suddenly he stopped, interrupted by a repeated banging on the door.
“Jax! Jax! I’m in-”, his hand slapped against your mouth. You bit the skin as hard as you could, but he didn’t release. Instead he plowed your body into the ground, laying over you as you crumbled to the floor, crushing you into the gap between the wall and bed.
He stared into your eyes as he held your mouth shut, whispering to you through his clenched teeth.
“Shut the fuck up or I’ll kill you with my bare hands.” 
Tears streamed as your muffled screams paused. You clutched his hand against your mouth, trying to pry it from your face. You could only listen as Jax repeatedly thrust his entire weight against the wood of the door, the metal latch bulking under the pressure. The bolt gave in, and the door flew open. 
“Jesus-” Jax was armed and reeling as he looked around the room. Your jacket, the gun and the images strung out across the motel room. 
Your mouth was released from his grip as he pulled you by your hair. You winced at the pain, trying to find your footing as you stood up. He held you there like a prize, showing off your exposed and broken frame, tears pouring down your face. Jax’s core was stiff, glaring at The President with a look you hadn’t ever seen from him before. 
His jaw flexed as he put his gun back into his cutte, speaking slowly through his gritted teeth. 
“Get your hands off her.”
Your blackmailer smiled, his hands twisting further into your hair. “We were only just getting started.” His hands never left you, taunting Jax further. He looked at you up and down, licking his lips before turning back to Jax. “You got a good one here, Pres.”
“You got one more chance. Then I’m done talking.”
He pulled your hair back further, and you swayed as your balance was rocked.
“Oh, relax. Only wanted to try out the slut for myself.” 
That was it, Jax lunged for him. Any restriction of his fury was completely unleashed, as he stormed across the room, grabbing The President by the head, slamming it against the wall. You were finally released from his grasp, and threw yourself across the bed, rolling onto the other side of the room. 
You watched as they fought against the motel floor, Jax on top of him, repeatedly smashing his head into the carpet with all his strength. The bangs against the upstairs floor rocked the supports beneath it, thudding as Jax gasped from the repeated exertion. The President heaved his elbow into Jax’s stomach, and he fell backwards sitting upright, his back slamming against the side table. The table lamp crashed to the floor as Jax launched himself back into the President, crumbling him again. Jax was on top of the President, pounding his fists into his face repeatedly. He smiled at Jax, showing his bloody teeth as he took the beating. 
But he didn’t let up, he continued to crush into him, his elbow dropping against his flesh, further forcing his face further into the carpet. Jax’s fists rammed into his face, for what felt like eternity, as blood poured from The President’s nose and mouth. 
The President reached beneath him, grabbing a knife from the sheath that hung from his jeans. He sliced into Jax’s leg, and he screamed out in agony, making you flinch. Jax dropped his knee onto The President’s hand, crushing the knife out of his grasp. 
His leg was bleeding through his jeans, but he didn’t stop. You watched as he endlessly beat the President into nothing, pure rage fueling his hands forward. Blood sprayed from the open wounds of his face onto the wall beside the bed frame, covering the floor and Jax too. Only once The President stopped moving, the groans from his mouth silencing, did Jax stop. 
He was on top of him when he glanced at you, hiding in the corner of the room, your dress tore to shreds and tears streaming down your face. 
He crawled off of The President’s lifeless body, crouching towards you. He wrapped you in his arms, and the relief of feeling Jax holding you again turned your tears into sobs. 
“You okay?”
“I’m so- sorry-”
“Shhh. Darlin’ you got nothing to be sorry for.”
He cupped your face in his bloody hands, his rings glistening red from the liquid. His eyes matched yours, water pooling at the lids. 
“Did he hurt you?”
You shook your head. “A few minutes later and he-”, you couldn’t continue as the sobs poured from your chest. He didn’t need you to say anymore. He hugged you tight against him as he stroked your hair, soothing your wimpers into submission. You looked up at him as he wiped the tears from your face.
“I had no choice- he was going to rat- he had proof-”
“I know, darlin’. Nero told me everything.”
“He did? But how did you find me?”
“Your car was still at the diner but you weren’t there. I didn’t know what to think-” he flinched at the memory. “I just kept riding, then I saw the bike parked outside the motel. I was checking rooms and then I heard you scream-” You kissed him before he could continue. His hands stroked the back of your head, “I’m here now, darlin. It’s okay.” 
“He’s the President of another club.” You wanted to look at the carnage but you couldn’t bring yourself away from Jax’s face. 
He took a deep breath, looking up from you to the body laying in a pool of blood across the motel floor. His body tensed as anger filled him again, his tongue pressing against the bottom of his mouth as it straightened into a hard line. “He’s nothing now.” 
You sat up from Jax’s arms, watching him as he stared at The President, his eyes shifting from care and sorrow and  morphing into pure rage once again. “They’re all done. Nobody is ever gonna hurt you again. You’re mine and anyone who touches you- they’re as dead as that guy and everyone that’s ever associated with him.” 
He shifted onto his knee as he stood up, taking off his cutte. He removed the black SAMCRO t-shirt he had on and handed it to you, before putting his hoodie and cutte back on himself again. You placed the t-shirt over your ripped dress, and stood up alongside him. Jax walked over towards The President’s body, collecting the printed photographs that surrounded him on the floor. He flicked through the pictures, scoffing at the evidence.
“This prick’s been trailing us for weeks. These are from a run two months ago.” He carried the stack into the bathroom as he examined the images, before igniting the corners with his lighter, leaving them to burn in the sink. He watched as the flames turned the paper into ash. “Are there more of these?” 
You shrugged your shoulders, “he said this was all he had.” 
Jax picked your jacket off the bathroom floor. He walked back to you, draping it over your shoulders. “Doesn’t even matter. His crew is good as dust.” 
You kneeled to the ground, reaching under the bed for the jammed gun. Jax looked at the weapon in your hands, “Did you try to use it?” 
You handed the metal piece to him, “piece of shit jammed.” 
He hugged you again, wrapping his arms around you. “That’s my girl. Least I got to pummel the cunt to death myself.” He placed the gun into his holder. “Let’s get you home.” Jax held your waist as you both headed for the door. 
He looked down at you, “you okay darlin’?” 
Your eyes peered back at the bloodied mess that had unfolded on the motel room floor.
“Maybe we should call that cleanup guy you know.” 
Jax smiled, kissing you reassuringly on the side of your head as you walked together. “I’m on it.”  
find my masterlist here
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
FX Masterlist
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The Bear Masterlist
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Mayans M.C Masterlist
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Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
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samcrosfaith · 5 months
Sons of Anarchy 🥀
just a random SOA post about my favorite characters because why not? I so miss this show.
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garbinge · 4 months
Snow Angel
Wendy Case & F!Reader Nero Padilla & F!Reader Jax Teller x F!Reader 30 Day Fic Challenge
Word Count: 3.5k words A/N: This is a really heavy fic. Inspired by the song Snow Angel by Renee Rapp
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. MENTIONS OF SUICIDE, DEPRESSION, ADDICTION, ABUSE, SELF HARM, DRUGS, ALCOHOL, MAIN CHARACTER DEATH, INSINUATES READER DEATH, this is an extremely heavy fic, like probably the darkest, heaviest fic I’ve ever written. This is everything not to do when coping and grieving.
SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics (have been a bit inactive on tumblr so this might not be up to date, if you'd like to be added to my SOA taglist please shoot me a message!)
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After Jax’s funeral you left California. You were sure that there were whispers around Charming about you, that you were running away, not facing your destiny, not stepping up. But none of that mattered to you. The entire state weighed too much on you, the memories, his memory, it was like a feeling that hit you when you entered state lines. When you left, you thought the feeling would fade, that maybe you could go back to normal, back to who you were two years ago before you met Jax, before you fell in love with him. Unfortunately for you, that wasn’t the case. You were 3,000 miles away but shortly after your first week back out east, you realized that even though Jax’s memory was littered all over California, he was here with you too. Most people kept that thought close to their hearts, it offered comfort to most who were mourning, the idea that no matter what someone is always with you in your heart, but with where you were at in the grieving process, you wanted nothing to do with the memory of Jax Teller. 
That was the first month. 
The second month was the opposite. You searched for anything that reminded you of him. The regret of leaving the one place where you’d be able to find him anywhere, where you’d be surrounded by so many opportunities to reminisce was drowning you. It pained you so much that you made a memorial for him in your backyard. It wasn’t much, a small 12x6 stone with his name, birthday, and death day engraved on it. It was placed in the dirt right in front of the only tree in your yard, it allowed for flowers to be placed along with any other mementos you wanted. You visited it everyday, you sat in your yard while the leaves turned orange, and even though the days blended together, you made sure to fill each day with a phone call to Wendy, Nero, and the kids, a backyard chat with Jax’s memorial, or making your home feel more like home with pictures from your time in Charming. 
The third month was…different from the ones prior. The leaves had left the trees completely and everything felt empty. You were barely home, out with people you barely knew, using alcohol as a suppressant. You stopped returning most of your calls, only answering Wendy’s on occasion to talk with Abel, but truthfully, every time her’s or Nero’s name popped up on your phone, your heart dropped, you felt it in your gut every time. You were never fully coherent when the calls came so you weren’t sure if your gut sinking feeling was the heaviness of being reminded of your past, what you knew would be disappointment from them of your current actions and state, or because deep down in your drunken subconscious you thought it’d be Jax every time you felt your phone go off. 
The fourth month was a combination of all the months before it. The trees were still just as bare, the air was a bit more chill. You hated Charming just as much as you missed it. On your walk to work, you’d see Harleys on the street and smile despite knowing none of them would ever be the one biker you wished. After work, you’d go to happy hours with your coworkers, now it seemed that small talk and two strong martinis could numb a lot of the emotion. On your way home from it all, you’d talk to Wendy, the kids. But never Nero, you knew he’d bring you back to a reality that you just couldn’t face currently. The other thing you avoided was the memorial. Like clockwork, you wrapped up your call with Wendy as you walked up your back steps and made sure your eyesight never fell on the stone, never fell on the single oak tree. 
The fifth month, this one felt like the month where it was unacceptable to feel anything anymore. All your new friends who never experienced loss the way you had were probably tired of being around someone that carried a cloud with them. Wendy had invited you to one of her family’s parties close to where you lived. You knew she had family out east, but when she had shared the invitation with you, it was shocking to see just how close. It’d be your first time seeing everyone, and to your surprise, you were looking forward to going, to be around people who understood your grief. What’s misery without company, right? You were the first to arrive, the only others being there were those who were living or staying in the house, Wendy being one of them. Despite her smile and embrace making you feel better for just a millisecond, it was quickly washed away when you saw how normal everyone was acting. Sure, half of Wendy’s family wasn’t neck-deep in depression over the man they never met, but Wendy was, well, she was thriving. There were no signs of drugs, she was drinking ginger ale all night, not a drop of alcohol, her laughs were echoing in your head. You tried to mimic it as you stood in the same conversation as her but you felt your breath hitch in your gut and nothing was coming out. It was a strange feeling to be happy for someone while also being insanely jealous of them as well. But despite any of that, you were still the last to leave the party. 
After hugging Wendy goodbye, you grabbed your coat, ready to leave. As you skipped down the steps of her aunt’s building, you stepped on the sidewalk, hands in your pocket as the cold shivered down your spine. Looking up, you saw how the sky looked dark but light at the same time, a sign that snow was coming, and you were right. A few flurries fell and it was followed by more heavy ones. They’d make a great addition to the snow that was already on the ground, but that silent 2AM snowfall was the real hero of the night. It was peaceful, calming, after being in a room where it was hard to breathe, the crisp, cold air filling your lungs in the silence of the winter night was everything you needed. 
As you approached your house, your hand moved to unlatch the gate to enter your backyard. It was like muscle memory, just an automated movement of coming home late in the night, head down in your thoughts before making it up the steps to your backdoor. But something about this night was different, maybe it was the silence of the night that moved to your head, it wasn’t consumed in thoughts which is why your muscle memory failed you. Your eyesight moved over to that one tall oak tree in your yard, and something deep red–almost brown below it. If it had been 20 minutes later the snow would have made it impossible to see, but it caught your eye. With a deep breath, you took a step down and made your way over to the memorial. As you got closer, you realized what caught your eye was a bouquet of dead roses, realizing that a lot of time had passed since you had stood here in front of the stone you put here to remember Jax. 
Squatting down, your hand extended out and brushed the snow off to read the words etched into the stone. Aside from his name and the dates, you forgot that you had etched in one of the things he had said to you, and likely written down in one of his many journals a year before he took his life. 
Find your own truth. It will lead you to the things you love. 
Reading it, it took you a minute to hear it in his voice, and truthfully that broke you a little bit. There was a time where you heard Jax’s voice in your head everyday, but somewhere along the way you stopped talking to him, stopping looking for him in your thoughts, in your day, and apparently that meant you had startecd to forget his voice. But when it suddenly filled your mind, you smiled and moved to sit down in the snow. Despite the smile, and the irony that you were quite literally sitting on ice, you felt the cold bring the rawness of your grief to the surface, thawing out after all these months of hiding it away. 
You went from squatting to completely laying in the snow now, sprawled out staring at the sky next to the memorial. 
“Been a minute.” You spoke up, talking to the sky. But it felt off, obviously you weren’t going to get a response but looking for him there just felt… empty. Your head turned to look at the memorial and your mind suddenly just pictured him there, laying next to you. 
“Still pretty as ever, darlin’.” His voice wasn’t the only thing filling your head, your imagination or maybe the couple drinks you had, were letting you visualize that trouble-making smile and baby blue eyes you could drown in. 
“What truth did I find?” You asked him, knowing that something had to have happened when you read the words on the stone. Something lead you to him. 
“That you can’t run from it.” He answered almost immediately. 
“You did.” Instictually, your eyes moved back to the sky, avoiding wanting to look him when you said those words. 
He didn’t answer right away, but when he did, he was changing the topic. 
“How’s the east coast treatin’ you?” You could hear the smile in his voice, like he knew that you probably hated it. 
“You know I fuckin’ hate it.” Your head snapped to look at him and the smile filled your face immediately as you saw him staring at you with a grin. 
“And yet, you’re lying here in the snow.” His eyebrows raised and his shoulders shrugged. 
You both knew why you were doing it. Why you were suffering through the pain just for a small moment of content with him. 
“I’ll make it through the winter if it kills me.” You said it more as a motivation, like you needed to hear the words to convince yourself of it. 
“Finding things that make you happy shouldn’t be hard.” His voice was serious, and it was the one you had come to know very well in the years of knowing him. That light and comedic personality was one that was rare and unfamiliar to you. It was what you tried to hold on to in these moments but it never stayed long. 
“I have things that make me happy.” Another statement where you were trying to convince yourself. 
“Drinking doesn’t count.” The smirk was back on his face. 
You were going to argue, tell him he wasn’t in the position to call the shots but instead you laughed. Because laughing made you happy. 
“Look, I’m trying.” With the sigh came the visible exhale of your breath and with it, the image of Jax in your head began to fade. 
“I know, darlin’.” His hand was extending out but then the memory of him faded in your head. 
Without giving it another second, you stood up, brushed the snow of of your back and forced herself inside. It took everything in you to go because with the overflow of emotion you were feeling, you knew what you had to do. It began with taking down most of the photos around your house, memories from Charming, pictures of you and Jax, pictures of you in the clubhouse, with the kids. You left some, a couple of photos of the past would seem acceptable, something to pass small talk over when new friends would come over. “Oh yea, that’s when I used to live in California, seems like a lifetime ago!” You knew you’d never mention that your ex-boyfriend was dead, that he drove his bike into a semi-truck on the 580 just like his late father. That really tended to put a damper on small talk, just like the abundance of reminders you had of this life in this house. 
You were rushing to clean it all up, if you sped through this maybe the healing would come just as quick. But that never worked. Speeding up the grief never did anyone any good, and maybe there was a piece of you that knew that, but there was another part of you, the part that tended to take over, that was hopeful, that was grasping at whatever you could to try and feel normal again. It was obvious you weren’t okay, if the tossing of memories into the depths of your closet in trash bags wasn’t enough of a sign, the washing down of your anti-depressants with a bottle of Jack was. But you were trying, wasn’t that enough to ask of you?
You woke up the next day on the couch, not sure if the sun or the headache was what woke you up so early but one thing was sure, you needed coffee. You trudged to the kitchen and poured what was left over in the pot into a mug and took a sip. Immediately you made a face and stuck your tongue out, moving to dump the mug and pot into the sink and put on something fresh. 
As you moved to put on a fresh pot and try and get the disgusting taste of stale, cold, coffee out of your mouth, there was a knock at your back door. Any other day you probably would have been a little more aware, look through the window to see who it was, hide and pretend no one was home, but instead you just added opening the back door to your many movements of swinging around the kitchen. 
As the door swang open, the person on the other side just stood on your back step as they watched you move around the kitchen. He wasn’t the type of person to just walk in without an invitation so he just stood there. 
“Early bird gets the worm, huh?” The sound of the man’s voice caused you to freeze. 
After what felt like eternity you turned to see Nero standing at your wide open back door, his arm perched on the frame as he waited patiently. 
He looked inside, down the hallway-like kitchen you lived in, his way of asking to be let in. 
“Uhm, hi, come in.” You moved to the side and waved him in. 
“Wasn’t able to make it to the party last night, I told Wendy I’d stay with the boys while she saw her family but I wanted to stop by and see you before we headed back home.” He didn’t make the move to hug you as he walked by, just let his hand sit on your shoulder for a few seconds before taking a seat at your kitchen table. 
“You want coffee? I just put on a fresh pot.” At the mention of the kids you wanted to scream. You just worked hard to push this part of your life away and here it was banging on your door. Okay exaggeration, knocking, knocking on your door. 
“Yea coffee’s good.” Nero nodded, looking completely comfortable in your kitchen like this was a common event. 
The pot was still brewing so you just stood there watching the coffee drip into the pot. 
“How’d you like it?”
“How are you?” 
You both spoke at the same time. Nero thought it was funny while you stood there feeling sick to your stomach. 
“However you make it is fine.” He smiled. 
“I put a shit ton of sugar in mine.” You reached to grab it from the counter above the machine. 
“That’s fine.” He lifted his hands up nonchalantly. 
“So, how are you?” 
“I’m good, got this job downtown, I go to meetings and happy hours, put data in powerpoints.” You normally would speak this so sarcastically because you hated every second of it but you wanted to be convincing to Nero and that meant smiling and brushing off his questions of concern.
“Guess that’s why I haven’t talked to you in a while, you’re busy living the American Dream.” He teased. 
“Yea sorry, life just been so crazy, I try to call the boys once a week.” The pot was finally done and you started to pour the liquid into two mugs. 
Truthfully, you stopped talking to him because it’s easier to lie when you don’t have to say anything. You continued to bullshit your way through this conversation with him.
It was your average boring catch up conversation, until he said the words that caused you to snap. 
“Jax wouldn’t want you living this way.” 
The words echoed in your head, they bounced against your brain just like his voice from last night. “Finding things that make you happy shouldn’t be hard.”
“Well maybe he shouldn’t have killed himself if he wanted me to consider his opinion.” You snapped at Nero. 
Nero didn’t speak so you continued. 
“I’m trying, so hard, I left Charming, I’m eons away from where I was when I first got here. You have no idea, I was a wreck, I’m functioning now.” You started naming off all the things you’ve worked through. “And you know, you have no room to come here, to my home and tell me Jax wouldn’t want me living this way. You have no idea what it’s like to meet someone who broke your heart. I blame him because it’s easier that way, but I still fucking look for him in everything, I look for him in myself.” Your finger slammed into your chest as you pointed to yourself. “Despite my desire and wish for things to be the way they were, I can’t even think about it without hating it. What I used to love, I hate now. Motorcycles. Charming. Care-free living. Do you know what it’s like to look in the mirror and not even recognize yourself?” The tears were flowing from your face as you screamed. It wasn’t really meant for Nero but he was on the receiving end of it all. 
Your head buzzed from the yelling that abruptly stopped as you just stared at Nero. Your voice was a whisper now. “Some days I wish I went a different way, a life where I never met him, never loved him, never lost him, or maybe even had an opportunity to change it, right, but I know if I got the chance I’d do it all the same. I know I’d never been able to stop him, no matter what I did.” 
Nero stood up and reached out to you and much to your surprise, you let him. The embrace was something in those few seconds that he was making his way over to you that you looked forward to, one that you felt was going to provide just a bit of comfort, but when he wrapped his arms around you the feeling fell short. Because it wasn’t him. The one thing that would help you was impossible to obtain. 
“I’m okay.” The coldness washed over you, the feeling of just letting so much off your chest and sobbing so much just to be left numb was like a veil falling over you. 
“I’m okay, um, we should get dinner later tonight. I promise I won’t yell.” 
Nero let out a laugh. “It’s good to get out, figured you weren’t talking about it much when you stopped answering my calls.” 
“Pick me up later?” You asked and he agreed, moving to the backdoor. 
“You sure you’re good?” His hand was on the knob as he stood back on the step before shutting the door. 
“Yea, I promise, I’m good.” A smile forced its way on your face. 
Nero nodded and left which led you to bring yourself to the bathroom to clean yourself up. Staring in the mirror at your red, swollen eyes. 
“I’ll make it through the winter if it kills me.” The words were said at such a whisper as you stared at yourself, convincing yourself to push through the pain. Your mind wondering why despite all your hurried effort time passing went so slow.
You barely recognized yourself as you stared in the mirror. It was one thing to feel it, so disconnected from who you thought you were, but right now you felt like you could see it. It made you wonder if you really took the time to look at yourself over the last 5 months, and despite every hardworking effort, not only could you not see yourself, but you couldn’t see Jax anymore either. 
So you let your eyes go dark and imagined the one thing that maybe would bring you closer to him. 
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
★《SoA Drabble Event》★
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz
♥︎ If you want to be added or removed from this taglist comment or message me ♥︎
SoA Masterlist ★ main masterlist
⚠️!! Event closed scroll down to read completed requests!!⚠️
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★ Send me one mood, a prompt & a character from the lists below.
☆ Be following me.
♥︎ These gifts are only for my followers ♥︎
★ MUST like, comment, and reblog or submission for future requests will be denied and drabble may be deleted.
☆ Only submissions sent as an ask will be accepted.
★ One request at a time, please.
♥︎ As soon as it's done & you reblog, you can send in another one ♥︎
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□ fluff
□ angst
□ suggestive
□ goofy
□ Random
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Characters to choose from:
● Happy Lowman
○ Juice Ortiz
● Tig Trager
○ Jax Teller
● Chibs Telford
○ Opie Winston
● David Hale
○ Nero Padilla
● Marcus Alvarez
○ Half-Sack
● Bobby Munson
○ Clay Morrow
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Prompt list:
♡ 1. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?"
♥︎ 2. "Darling, it's beautiful, thank you!"
♡ 3. "Whatever you're going to ask, the answer is no!"
♥︎ 4. "Try focussing more on your life and less on mine!"
♡ 5. "I want that woman out of my house!"
♥︎ 6. "Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?"
♡ 7. "Am I supposed to be scared now?"
♥︎ 8. "For some reason, I'm attracted to you."
♡ 9. "You make me feel like I'm not good enough."
♥︎ 10. "I miss moments like this more than anything."
♡ 11. "What's in that bag and why are you hiding it here?"
♥︎ 12. "Well? What happened? I want all the details!"
♡ 13. "I'm ready to try again, if you are?"
♥︎ 14. "Quick, hide behind the sofa!"
♡ 15. "I did a pregnancy test."
♥︎ 16. "The way you flirt is shameful."
♡ 17. "Why would you want to put yourself through something like that?"
♥︎ 18. "Sweetheart, what did you bury in the garden?"
♡ 19. "My toaster was definitely talking to me this morning."
♥︎ 20. "We could get arrested for this."
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Completed requests:
◇ fluffy, Happy Lowman, prompt 7
◇ goofy, Juice Ortiz, prompt 18
◇ fluffy, Happy Lowman, prompt 8
◇ random, Chibs Telford, Prompt 3
◇ fluffy, Juice Ortiz, prompt 14
◇ random, Opie Winston, prompt 8
◇ goofy, Chibs Telford, prompt 8
◇ random, Half-Sack, prompt 16
◇ angst, Opie Winston, prompt 9
◇ random, Tig Trager, prompt 19
◇ fluffy, Opie Winston, prompt 17
◇ random, Jax Teller, prompt 17
◇ suggestive, Tig Trager, prompt 13
◇ fluffy, David Hale, prompt 3
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zahlibeth · 8 months
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Sons of Anarchy 5x13
Nero Padilla and Marcus Alvarez
bonus Alvarez swagger
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happy birthday @rewritetheending <3
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If you post about any of the following:
Sons of Anarchy
Jax Teller
Juice Ortiz
Opie Winston
Nero Padilla
Damian Priest
Jey Uso
Matthew Gray Gubler/Spencer Reid
Criminal Minds
And I don't already follow your blog, like or reblog this cuz I need new blogs to follow! :)
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purplerain85 · 2 years
Tell me I was Dreaming
Pairing: Happy x Reader
Summary: You received that horrible voicemail from Jax about Happy and you take the start of your anger out on the house. 
Warnings: Angst, anger, crying, screaming, swearing. Illusions to a threesome but no details 
A/N: this was kind of what I was trying to write yesterday 🫣 but that wasn’t how it went. I got the inspiration from“Tell Me I Was Dreaming” by Travis Tritt
Tag 🏷️ @withmyteeth @darklydeliciousdesires @jvalentinesworld-cokes-hyna @yourwonkywriter @darqchilddaydreamz @reyeswritesmc @chibsytelford @twistnet @nestorsgirlfriend @nessamc @saltyunicorn079 @challengeahellcat @indefiniteimagines @raewritesfiction @lady-telford @marvelous-slut @samcro-saint99 @marvelcriminalhoe @redwood-orginals @redpoodlern
Three weeks it’s been three weeks since Happy was taken by the Chinese and you have been so restless, on edge to the point your boss put you on paid leave. You could barely keep it together at home having to deal with stupid people asking stupid insignificant questions about things. 
You could feel your past self trying to scratch herself to out. You met Happy 5 years ago and although it wasn’t normal by any means but he loves you for you psycho bitch and all. He was the only man who has been able to handle you and wasn’t afraid to say no to you. If there was a true definition of a Dominant it would describe Happy to a T. He could handle you anywhere any time even though you gave him a run for his money, he kept you grounded. 
Flashback to 2.5 years ago
 The night he told you that his brothers knew about your past he had come home and dropped to his knees in front of you, you went stiff because you thought he cheated on you and you were thinking you were how you were going to murder the crow eater who was brave enough to fuck around with you. Then he said “they all know about your past because Tig made a comment about you and I spilled the beans, because I was just so angry at him. But I don’t know if I scared the hell out of him or if wants the bang the fuck out you even more” Happy says sadly 
You just burst out laughing, laughing so hard that you were crying. Happy looks up you with the most confused face. “I thought I was going to have to torture a bitch because you cheated on me” you say through your laughs “Only to find out that Tig got under your skin. As for him being scared of me I doubt it that man is the King of Walking Kink of Everything!” You continue and then make side comment “You could always ask if he wants to join us one night” “on a more serious note are you going to tell Jax? About me?” 
Turns out Jax just took Happy’s word that you had a past and didn’t think too much of it. “We all have one brother”
Three weeks ago
Happy was packing his bag for the job he was doing on his own and you felt uneasy about it and was a ball of nerves. “I will be fine woman, you know I will be I will be back in five days and then I will fuck you mindless again!” Happy say smiling at you putting has hand on your stomach “maybe we can try for a baby again?” He says “I don’t think the world is ever going to ready for a little one of us” you say giggling. He laughs and says “maybe they will come out normal” he hugs and kisses you “I love you Y/N Goodbye” and out the door he went. All you could think was “Goodbye?? You never say Goodbye” 
You are walking up to the house with your groceries and noticed you had a missed call and noticed it was from Jax and that there was a voicemail. “Hey Siri play my voicemail” then the message started playing “Hey Y/N we got Happy back but not how we wanted…. Umm I am sorry” end of message. 
You stood there frozen and asked Siri to play the message again and again and again and then you dropped crying and screaming “no, no, no, no, NOOOOO!!!!!” At the realization that he is gone that you were left here crying, never to hear “I love you” anymore. You are in a complete state of confusion you just want to believe he is going to come home that your imagination is just telling you lies. That he really didn’t say Goodbye that day. 
Next thing you knew you were smashing lights, breaking windows, TVs taking the safety bat to anything that you could. You ripped the couches and chairs apart you destroyed the kitchen and made your way to your shared bedroom broke everything all the mirrors around the bed opened the closet you were going to burn everything but then you got a whiff of Happy’s scent and you just fall to the ground around his clothes. And cry and cry and cry and cry until there is nothing left to cry you are beyond exhausted and beyond dehydrated. 
You are still sitting there when Nero comes by you hear him call but you don’t answer you know he will find you sooner or later. When he does he squats down in front of you “What happened to the house Y/N?” Nero asked as he came closer to you. Nero is by far the sweetest kind hearted person you have ever had the pleas of meeting, you have no idea how the hell Gemma ever got him, she never deserved a man like it. 
Your voice was hoarse “he couldn’t even be a man and tell me to my face! He pulled a cowardly move and left a voicemail and FUCKING VOICEMAIL NERO!” “I cannot even begin to even know where to start.” Nero gives you the saddest look you have ever seen and know there will be more. “Nero I just wanna be alone. I am not going to do anything stupid” you hand him a little white stick and say “I never got the chance to tell him Nero, it’s all he wanted and he will….. never….. know” you get a fresh batch of tears. Nero does what you ask and leaves. 
You hear him talking to Jax and you hear he is at his house with everyone and they are just waiting on Tara to get back from work. 
If there is one this Happy and you always agreed on was revenge, eye for an eye, payback whatever you wanna call it. You were going to make sure Jax remembered not to lie to you not to make Broken Promises to you and above all to fear you like the rest did. You don’t even think when you pull out your phone “Tara I need you to meet me at the clubhouse please” 
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thisreadswhatever · 1 year
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Anything For The Club: Part Three
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series masterlist
[description]: jax teller x female reader, reader x oc characters
[wordcount]: 1.8k+
[summary]: You continue to struggle with the discovery from Diosa, while you find comfort from Jax in the best way he knows how.
[series cw]: 18+ minors do not interact! female reader, swearing, sexual harassment/assault (non-canon characters), alcohol use, mix of fluff, smut and angst throughout, p in v sex, teasing, violence, gun use, mentions of blood, murder, blackmail
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Nothing else seemed unordinary about your day after the letter debacle. You finished counting up the stock and finalised the bar order with Mandy, then got to setting up for opening. She had asked you a few more times about the letter, but you just tried to shrug her off as best you could. You knew she would demand an explanation later, despite the fact you had none.
The doors opened at Diosa and business began as usual. Saturdays we’re always touch and go, though this one seemed to be picking up well. The Club had made an appearance, with most of the crew crowding the lobby and talking to their favourite girls. The clients were all on their best behaviour with the Club there. Jax had arrived with them, drinking a beer at the bar and chatting with Nero who sat beside him. You knew you could trust Nero not spill on what happened last night, and he figured if you were really upset about it then you would have told Jax yourself. You carried on as normal, schmoozing the clients and helping serve drinks with Mandy and the other girls.
“Things got pretty heavy down there, I don’t think it’s sustainable long term anymore. Got me thinking of expanding further up North.” Jax sipped his beer as he spoke to Nero.
“There’s a reason why there’s no heat up there. Not much goes on up North. Nowhere to push.”
“Maybe that’s what we need. Less pushing.”
Nero placed his hand on Jax’s shoulder, pulling in closer to him as he spoke, “I know you’ll figure it out, son. There’s a way to handle your business without blood. Just gotta find that balance.”
Jax gripped his hand back, nodding his head.
“Nice to have the SONS in here instead of those other assholes”, Mandy was putting a tray down on the bar as she muttered to Nero.
“What assholes?” Jax asked, overhearing. Mandy looked at Nero, unsure if she should’ve kept her mouth shut. “Just some drunk handsy pricks from further South”, Nero replied nonchalantly.
“Wonder what would make them come all the way to Charming'', Jax asked. Nero shrugged his shoulders as he left the bar heading towards the front desk, “Less pushing.”
Jax chuckled at Nero’s response while he took another swig of his beer. He looked around, and you caught his glance, leaving your client as you followed his eyes. You leaned over the bar to him, “Can I get you another one, darlin?” You smiled as you mocked him. Jax was playfully grinning at you, it wasn’t often you got to serve him a drink.
You passed him a beer and he held onto your hand as you extended it, leading you over as you walked along the bar until you were on the same side as him. He sat you in his lap, with one hand on your thigh, and the other taking a sip from the bottle. You chuckled at him, flutters filling your stomach as you perched on his knee.
“The clients are already intimidated by you enough, babe. Don’t think they need to see the management getting fondled on the bar.”
Jax nuzzled his face into the nape of your neck, biting your flesh. “Let them watch.” You moaned softly, smiling at his bravado. He whispered in your ear, his beard scratching your face as he spoke, “it’s been three days since I got into those jeans, don’t make me wait any longer darlin’.”
The desperation in his voice unwound you, and you needed him too. You got up from his knee, grabbing his hand as he stood from the stool. You led him towards the back, and he pulled at your waist as you walked, prying at the skin under your shirt.
As you made it to the hallway, you were sharply reminded of the events from last night. It was as if Jax sensed your anxiety because the moment the memory had popped into your head, he forced you into the wall, kissing you frantically. You completely forgot why you were anxious in the first place, as his body pressed against yours. His mouth lapped at your lips, and his hands lifted your shirt exposing the skin above your jeans, feeling the cold leather of his kutte crushing into you. You were aware that you still weren’t totally out of view from the lobby, but you didn’t care. You grasped at his hair, pulling him tighter to you, lifting your leg around his back, locking him into place. Jax was greedy for more, pulling at your jeans and squeezing the denim between your thighs. You moved away slightly, wary of clients watching what was occurring in the hallway.
Jax snarled at your apprehension, “I need you, now.”
He lifted your body from its pinned position on the wall, making you gasp as he carried you to your office. His mouth never left yours. He closed the door behind him, finding your desk and shoving the documents to the floor. You heard your laptop crash with them.
“Fuck Jax, that was my laptop!” You wanted to check if it was okay, but it didn’t even matter now as he laid you out across the surface. You were completely numb to anything but him, the President, the letter, your laptop, nothing else but Jax mattered.
He ignored your protest as he hovered above you, finally sliding your jeans off as he continued his assault on your mouth. He trailed his hands above your underwear, leading his fingertips up to your stomach, further up your breasts and stopping at your jaw. He placed his hand there, locking your neck into place with his grasp. His thumb found your mouth between his, caressing your bottom lip. You instinctively opened your mouth further. “That’s my girl. Keep it open.”
His fingers entered next, and you sucked them fervidly. Once they were dripping from your mouth, he led them back down your body to the inside of your panties, spreading the moisture across your mound. You moaned at the feeling as he massaged circles into your clit.
You felt a smile come across his mouth as it pressed into yours, proud of the dripping pool that he was responsible for. “You really did miss me.”
You groaned at the praise, pushing your hips higher into his hand. You gasped between kisses, “I missed you so bad, Jax.”
The pressure of his hand gnawed at your mound, and then suddenly his hand was gone, as it pulled your underwear from your legs. He stood up, watching you as he removed his jeans. You loved when Jax watched you, drinking you in before he ripped you apart. He smiled ear to ear as he dragged your legs to the edge of the desk, “the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”
It didn’t take him much to unravel you, and you were already near the edge as he teased your entrance with his dick. “Please, take me.” The whine in your voice was like ecstacy to him, and he wasn’t going to stop yet.
His hard length lined up with your folds, hovering against you as you moaned in desperation for him to enter.
“You want me to fuck you?”
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, groaning at the taunt. “Fuck me- now.” He moaned at your response, leaning into you to bring his mouth to yours.
He continued to tease you, sliding along your mound as the heat radiated from your legs. He moved his throbbing cock upwards along your clit, skimming your entrance as you squirmed to lead it inside. “You’re so fucking needy for me, baby.”
“Please- take me.”
He chuckled at your plea, leaning his forehead into yours. “You sure you’re ready? I don’t think you’re wet enough”, He chuckled.
You moaned again at the taunt. Only Jax could make you feel like this. “Jackson Teller, shut the fuck up and take me.”
His smile grew as he gave into your begging, pushing himself into your dripping entrance with one swift movement. You gasped at the fullness, feeling instant relief as he repeatedly thrusted into your core. His hands found yours and he pinned them above your head on the desk as he bit the skin below your jawline. It didn’t take long before you were ready to succumb.
“I’m so- close, Jax-”
His head fell back at the sound of your enjoyment. “Already darlin’? You want to cum for me that fast?”
Your fingertips dug into his back, digging into the leather of his kutte. You tried to wait and savor the feeling, but you were too far gone. You felt yourself unravel onto his dick, tightening and squeezing on him as he repeatedly pounded into you.
“Fuck-”, You wanted to put your hands in your mouth to muffle your moans, but it was impossible as they were secured above you. You whimpered at the release as your legs began to shake around him.
“You feel so fucking good. All mine.”
His free hand caressed your breasts, his large hands engulfing them as he continued to push deeper into you. He was relentless with his thrusts, pushing you closer and closer towards your second climax.
“Tell me you’re mine.”
You were desperate to stay quiet, unsure who could hear you behind the door, but you couldn’t contain the level of your voice as you responded. “I’m yours, Jax”, and with that you unraveled him too, as he collapsed into you, finding your final release together.
He laid on top of you for a moment, removing your hands from his grasp, and letting your arms move freely. You wrapped them around him, feeling the rise and fall of his chest as he regained his breath. He pulled himself up, leaning on the edge of the desk, and he found your lips again, kissing you softly this time. He spoke through the kisses, chuckling to himself before he clued you in on the joke, “maybe we should check on your laptop now, babe.”
You looked at the floor beneath your desk, documents spread far and wide on the floor. You giggled back at him, “I think it’s a little late.”
Jax kissed you one last time before he stood up and pulled back on his jeans. You followed his lead, finding your strung out panties across the room as you attempted to regain your decorum. He lit a cigarette before he started to collect the papers off the floor, and piled them on your desk.
“What happened here?” He asked amusingly, cigarette between his lips, as he noticed the large brown patch under your chair.
“I spilled a mug of coffee earlier. That stains there for life.”
Jax looked at you, and he seemed confused. You could tell by his face that he knew it was out of character for you to be so clumsy. You were grateful he didn’t push you on it. “I’ll have someone come out to look at it. I know a guy who specialises in clean ups.”
“That doesn’t surprise me.”
Jax grinned at your response, and took you by your hand, leading you back out into the lobby.
part four
find my masterlist here
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
Yours - Nero Padilla x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond  @lexondeck @redpoodlern @@littleone65 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @yourwinchester @thanossexual @beccabarba @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @keyweegirlie
The Cam Girl - Nero and you come to a mutual agreement.
Shibari (NSFW) - You ask Nero for a favour.
Anything But Decent (NSFW) - Nero helps you make another video.
Day Off - You and Nero spend the day together.
ROI - You have an unusual reaction to Nero's revelation. Companion piece to Day Off
Silk Sheets - Your POV on Nero's revelation. Companion piece to Day Off and ROI
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You don’t expect Nero to be there when you return to collect your equipment from Diosa. After everything that transpired between the two of you, you don’t see the point in dragging things out so you turn up in the early hours of the morning when you’re sure there’s no one you can run into.
When you see the light in the kitchen area you know it’s him. He sits at one of the black glossy tables in pyjama bottoms and a white wife beater, one of his cardigans thrown over his shoulders. His hair is rumpled from the night he’s spent tossing and turning. There’s a cup of chamomile tea in his hand, the steam swirls from it before evaporating into the air. He looks up at you enter, surprise crossing his features as you stand before him.
It hurts to look at him, to see the pain you’ve caused him. You can’t take back the things you’ve said and you’re not sure you want to. You know what love is supposed to look like. You’ve seen it in movies, read it in books but for you it means selling your body for a couple of hundred dollars in a filthy motel. It’s handing over your money at the end of the night so your boyfriend can pay his dealer. It’s a thousand disgusting things you were forced to do because you’d fallen in love with the wrong man.
The way you feel for Nero it’s complicated, it’s tangled up in everything else. It’s hard for you to separate the warm, compassionate person you know with the enigmatic owner of the brothel. Your heart wants to fall for this man, but your mind keeps throwing up red flags. It’s a war you can’t hope to win.
“I’ll be out of your hair in minute.” You say quietly, jerking your thumb at the corridor that leads to your room. “I just need to pick up my equipment.”
“Mami…” He sighs before gesturing to the chair across from him. “Please, just sit.”
It’s not a good idea, but you want to see how this plays out because you aren’t ready to give up on him just yet, there’s still a part of you that wants to believe that he means what he said. You take the seat gingerly, dropping your bag down alongside of it.
“I don’t know what happened yesterday.” He says quietly, shrugging his shoulders. “One minute we were happy and the next…”
“You said you loved me.” You finish for him, toying with the silver rings on your fingers. It’s a nervous habit, one he’s noticed throughout the time you’ve spent together. He hates that he’s the source of it but the two of you need to get your shit out in the open. Stuff like this it tends to fester and if that happens, this thing between the two of you, it’s over.
“I know what trauma looks like.” Nero says, raising his eyes to meet yours. “I didn’t see it before; I was too caught up in everything else that was going on with us but I know…”
He trails off, his mouth set in a grim line because he can taste the bitterness of the words on his tongue. He can’t bring himself to say the rest.
“It’s an age-old story.” You say finally, swallowing hard against the well of emotion that builds in your chest. “Girl goes to college, meets an older boy at a party. Six months later she drops out to turn tricks in a roadside motel because her boyfriend needs money to keep his dealer off his back.”
You suck in a shaky breath before continuing.
“It started with a couple of friends. Joey broke up with his girlfriend, he could do with a little attention. Mateo’s lonely. You know how it plays out after that.”
He does. it’s the same story he’s heard from most of the girls here. He thinks he’s starting to understand why his words had such an affect on you, the things you’ve done in the name of love… That word is ruined for you now.
“How did you get out?” He asks you, cradling the warm mug to his chest.
“I found out about the other girls.” You tell him with a sigh. “I thought I was the only one, but he already had two others turning tricks. It was a wakeup call. The next time he came around I tried to end it and it didn’t go well.”
“The scar on your neck, just under your jaw?” Nero questions, gesturing to the space where the white indentation resides on your skin.
“From a ring he was wearing when he tried to choke me out.”
There’s a fire in Nero’s eyes, his jaw tenses as that rage fills him. He doesn’t know the other man, but he wants to kill him, he wants to wrap his hands around his throat and show him how it feels to have the oxygen slowly wrung from your body.
“I hit him with the lamp. It was one of those ones with a heavy base.” You tell him, mimicking the motion. There’s a distance in your eyes, he knows that you’ve slipped away into the memory. “And then I kept hitting him. He was barely breathing by the time I stopped.”
“You took back your power.” Nero says softly, he reaches out to touch your hand and you jerk at the sensation as it brings you back to the present.
“I promised myself I wouldn’t let anything like that happen to me again.” You say, your fingers entwining with his, his thumb chases along the inside of you hand, caressing it gently.
“He told you he loved you, didn’t he?” Nero says in that quiet way of his. “Every time he took something from you, he told you he loved you and that’s why you can’t bear to hear me say it.”
You look at him and you give him that look, the one that breaks his heart because he can tell you’re trying not to cry.
“I care about you so deeply.” Nero tells you; he places your palm upon the centre of his chest, just over the space where his heart resides. “The way I feel it’s unconditional.”
“I want this Nero.” You say softly as your fingertips trail across his cheek. His palm encloses over yours, holding it in place as his lips brush over your pulse point. “I want this with you so badly.”
“I’m yours Mami.” He whispers as his mouth ghosts over your skin. “From now until the end of time, I’m all yours.”
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rebelwrites · 2 years
Hi love! Let’s do Nero with smile, hug, soft
First one for Nero, enjoy 😘
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The moment you landed at the airport you scanned the arrivals lounge looking for the one person you had missed the most.
A small smile tugged on your lips the moment you saw Nero. You don’t care as you barged through the crowd dragging your suitcase behind you, this trip had been long and horrible and you couldn’t wait to be back in the arms of your man.
As soon as you were close enough he pulled you in for the tightest hug causing you to nuzzle your face into his soft cardigan
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mostfandomimagines · 2 years
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Imagine: Being Wendy���s younger sister and finding out that you’ve been seeing Nero, so she decides to warn that she will kill Nero if he hurts you
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das-flamingo · 1 year
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Rewatching Sons of Anarchy and I always forget that Nero is also Bail Organa 😅
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6666193 · 4 months
kann ich mit dir reden Nero es geht um Jax er hat mich geschlagen und mich verletzt kannst du mir helfen bitte du kannst mich abholen wir können essen gehen holen mich ab bei dir in Diosa ich liebe dich Nero padilla bis später ps dein Freundin
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You know when someone says something seemingly quite innocuous, but it cracks you up so hard, that whenever you think of it, you’re in absolute hysterics? For me, it’s when my darling Cricket referred to Nero Padilla’s cardigan as a “slutty cardigan.” 
Me, every time I remember...
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I mean I legit sit there and howl laughing. It just tickles me so much!!
@withmyteeth​ I love you for many reasons, but your ability to make me cry laugh is right up there! 
Just a random share for a woman with her womb on fire, needing to have a good giggle because she’s damned sore and craving dick and chocolate! ​
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