#Neros Mr Enter
lostuntothisworld · 6 months
Okay so I think it's time for another spaghetti theory:
Lilamoth isn't collecting moms. She's collecting sisters (or siblings)
Let me explain my thought process here. So a big complaint the fandom has is that we don't have a proper rogue gallery for villains. It's just the butterfly, and nothing else. It worked for early seasons, but things might be getting stale for some folks.
Enter new characters connected to Lilamoth somehow.
So she has 3 moms so far (that we know about.) All but one have something in common: dark hair and blue eyes.
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From left to right we have Mrs. Rossi (red), Mrs. Bianca (white), and her third mother who is deaf could possibly be Mrs. Verdi (green).
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Then we have this fourth lady that we see Lilamoth watching on her phone in the season 5 finale. I would NOT be surprised if Odille is going to be her 4th mom. Dark hair and blue eyes, and she is also disabled, just like her third mom.
(And I would not be surprised if we find out her surname is Nero (black), or Viola (violet). More on that aspect of this crack theory in a bit...)
Anyway, back to the concept of a rogues gallery. In the finale we see Lila in a disguise that 's VERY reminiscent of one of her moms:
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Certainly she can't expect to disguise herself as a woman in her 30's-40's, and especially not with glasses and bangs. But she can pass reasonably as a teenage girl with a dark bob and glasses. You know, a sister.
So we know a certain main character whose name is in the title and wears red with black polkadots has dark hair and blue eyes. We don't know Lilamoth's motivations and and end goal, but we can surmise that she wants to take the place of Marinette.
(And I KNOW I've seen at least one other person theorize this, and I cannot find the post(s) so if you can find it please let me know so I can link it here!)
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The pictures we see is one of Marinette with her classmates on the Liberty where Zoe is accepted in the friend group, Marinette with her parents, 3 pictures of Marinette with Kagami, and one picture of Marinette with Luka.
It's interesting to note that there isn't a picture of Marinette and Adrien together shown to the audience. You'd think they'd emphasize that, but no, it's mostly Kagami. I know it's because it's because the episode focuses on Kagami, but still. Other than her, it's just Marinette's parents, Zoe and Luka (Luka! Marinette's ex!) showcased in the closeup screenshot.
I got sidetracked! Anyway, I think other than similar coloring (and color-themed surnames haha) Lilamoth is trying to find other teenagers who are willing to join forces with her. She probably will get her hands on some Miraculous for them, somehow. But I don't think the new jewels will be from the Chinese box.
Here's where things start REALLY going off the rails with this theory:
All of Lilamoth's rogue gallery of villains are her adopted sisters (or siblings) and they are all Luka's exes. He's got a type for Italians with dark hair and blue eyes...
Going back to the surnames, all the surnames have something in common: they share the colors of all of Adrien's various transformations over the course of the series so far:
Rossi: Mister Bug
Bianca: Chat Blanc
Verdi: Aspik
We're just missing Chat Noir (could possibly will be the surname Nero, as it's Italian)
and Ephemeral (it's interesting to note that the surname Lee in Chinese can mean plum, which of course, is purple)
So naturally, my crack theory circles back to Lukadrien is endgame.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
{{{{{{Edit as of April 3, 2024.}}}}}
I will NOT be surprised if this girl with black hair in an extremely recognizable style is a disguise of another sister.
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Is Lilamoth collecting blackmail to manipulate them later? She's very obviously walking disguised in areas where there would be lots of cameras (The inside of the Agreste mansion, and the hotel).
(Edit as of April 27, 2024!)
Now we know the synopsis of the London Special, I believe the disguises are to hide Lilamoth's tracks because she knows Maribug's identity. Bonus points if these girls were previous Ladybugs in past time lines that Lilamoth stole the identities of...
[[[Edit: May 4, 2024]]]
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I think I found the names of the previous Ladybugs: Marina, Shone, and Mio. (Please enjoy a silly extremely rough draft of where I'd personally go with the show)
As for the rest of the spray paint on the walls, this mural is an actual feature of the Paris Catacombs:
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And while I think that most of the other tags on the wall are functionally meaningless and just there for ambiance, I do find the 777-777 tag to be of note. 7 Ladybugs till Lilamoth's goal? What's the deal with the arrows and the floating away 3 7's? Are 3 already "gone"??? Fascinating stuff! My mind is reeling!
[Edit for May 6, 2024]
Possibly figured out the source of the lightning in the season 5 finale. For whatever reason it's not showing up in the tags lmfao tungle is a functional website
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sl33py-day · 2 years
Nothing lasts forever
Warning: Gore, child death, Death, wrongful convictions, tell me if I missed anything!
A/n: wrote this cause I’m trying to get better at Agnst. Also can be for Genshin Impact but is more TBHK.
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It was a snowy morning of December 13, 1880 as children ran through the streets of the tiny town. Many people were doing there daily work wearing either another layer of clothing or a blanket to keep warm from the cold. The small children would play outside in the snow while their parents would work. It was a normal day as usual for the town.
A boy with H/c walked along the snow covered roads that headed towards the town. He wore his usual white like hood that had gold patterns along the white fabric with tiny black flowers on the bottom. He had to go to the next town over for a few things and he’s coming back after weeks of being away.
When he entered the gates of the town many of the nearby children rushed towards the male. All the kids were very happy to see M/n and where saying hello. The children of the town viewed M/n as an older brother. All the adults trusted him and would ask him if they needed anything or needed help. As he walked people waved hello with a smile.
“Mr. M/n, are you going back home?” A little boy the age of 6 asked as you headed up the road. You nodded at the boy who looked saddened by the news. After a few seconds his face lit up in hope as he looked at the taller male.
“Will you come back to town tomorrow? I wanna go to the river with you!” The boys voice held hope and excitement as he looked up at M/n. Standing for a moment thinking about if you could come back to town tomorrow before nodding your head.
The boys baby blue eyes sparkled in happiness before he jumped onto m/n. He smiled up at the older male with his eyes closed. You smiled back at him as you giggled.
“You have to ask you parents if you could go to the river tomorrow. But if not I’m still here.” You told the boy as you bent down to his level. Ruffling his hair slightly before bidding goodbye and farewell to the people of the town.
The boy you talked to was Nero Hayashi a lovely boy who loves to go on adventures with you. He always had a smile on his face along with a hello when meeting him. He had curly black hair that would always get tangled and baby blue eyes that would sparkle whenever he was happy.
His father was currently ill and was not able to get out of bed. Leaving his mother to be the one to do the work but she’s didn’t really mind that much. Although his parents did fight sometimes and when that happens he try’s to find M/n. He lived in the red house towards the entrance of the town, no one can miss it.
The next day came quickly as you traveled down the road to the town. On a snow covered rock sat Nero who was swinging his legs back a forth while waiting. The snow on the ground made a crunchy sound alerting the black haired boy.
“Mr. M/n! My parents said I can go to the river with you! But I have to be back home around lunch time..” He called out as you walked closer to him. His gaze was on the floor as he grabbed your hand. He was sad that he couldn’t get more time to stay at the river.
“It’s ok Nero. We can still be able to do a lot of things.” You told him while you walked to the center of the town. To get to the river you had to go down the path that lead to the gates of the town. Passed the gates a mile away laid flowers of many different kinds. The way the flowers are arranged it makes it seem like it makes a path. Follow the path and it will lead you to a gentle river where many kids go to play and clean clothes.
Along the way more kids came with you to the river. It was a nice walk as you all decided to play hide and seek. You where the one to count as the kids went to hid behind trees or bushes. Some thought laying in the water would hid them, it only made them more cold.
Once you where done counting you went to look for the children. Running from tree to tree as you caught the one’s hidden behind them. It was only after you realized that you haven’t found Nero yet. So all the children and you looked for him.
“Nero! The games over! You can come out now!” No response no matter how loud you where. You kept looking for hours though after some time you had to stop. The sun was going down and you still had children to take home. You just thought he went home like he said he would.
Many days passed and there was no word of where Nero went. His mother didn’t leave her house after that trip to the river. Everyone thought it was because of the news of her child’s disappearance so they left her alone.
Deciding that you should go and look one last time for Nero at the river. Though that would end in a devastating mistake.
You walked down the path like flowers towards the river. The weather has become more harsh over the days. Winds being slightly more intense causing it to be deadly cold. Snow falling heavily making walking difficult. You knew the chances of finding Nero was slim to none but you needed to try. It’s the best thing you could do.
Looking around every tree, shouting his name every so often when needed to, but still no results. That was until you found the hat he was wearing covered in snow on the ground. Your gaze went from the hat to the ground around it.
Tiny specks of red covered the surface. Was he alive? The snowfall would have made it near to impossible to see the blood. Still you followed the specks as it led you back to the river. Your eyes followed towards the end of the red specks as your eyes widen in fear and shock.
Right there, at the edge of the river, laid Nero. His body was covered in the now falling snow but you could see as clear as day the red puddle around him. It went into the water of the river making the clear glass like river turn into a crimson blood red. His body was face down as his head was in the water.
Seeing this had given you two thoughts. One, he was killed by someone recently as the woman of the town went to clean their clothes yesterday. Secondly, something’s up with his parents.
You ran back towards the town and to Nero’s house. Everyone looked confused and worried about what’s going on. Running to the door before opening it roughly. Multiple people yelled at you to stop and many questions what’s happening.
When you ran through the house no one was in sight. That was until you passed a room that lead to the back of the house. It was dim but the light from outside was enough to see 2 figures laying on the floor.
The father laid on his futon with blood all around him. The mother laid not to fair as a knife was sticking from her head. It was a gruesome sight to see, blood filled each corner and stained the white sheets of the futon.
Everything you feared came true yet the nightmare wasn’t even over. The Hayashi family was killed. First was Nero, second was the parents.
Everyone became panicked when they heard about what happened, which took a day. Parents wouldn’t let there kids outside at night and kept a close eye on them during the day.
Yet, everyone became suspicious of the h/c boy. He was the last on that saw Nero and was the only one checking on his parents. Even though the kids of the town told them that you where playing with them and had no idea that Nero was taken. No one believed them and kept them away from the boy.
After a while everyone thought they knew who did it. They believed that M/n L/n killed the family. No one knows who came up with the rumor of him going to the family’s house late at night. But they believed it and now it cost his life.
“I didn’t do it! Please! I’m telling the truth!” Screaming out in fear and pain as people of the town tied his hands behind his back. Tears fell from his face as they told him what’s going to happen.
“You are hereby guilty due to the murder of the Hayashi family. Therefore you are going to be hanged as punishment.” A person yelled out. All the color and hope drained away from your face. Your E/c filed with tears making it hard to see. Screams and yells of the town was all that you could hear.
All the kids under 10 where scared and terrified because M/n did nothing. He didn’t do it yet people won’t listen cause they’re kids. The people who aren’t gathered around in the crowed asked each other the same question.
“Are you going to the hanging tree?”
“Please listen! I didn’t kill them!!” You yelled one more time in your last hope that they listened. It was a failed attempt as they dragged you along the snowy path towards the tree.
Fear was all that you feel. Your dying for something you didn’t even do. No one will listen, no one will try to listen. All you could do was get it over with.
The two people who where dragging you pulled you up as another person wrapped the rope around you.
“Any last words before you die?” The person asked as you blinked the tears and nodded Taking a deep breath before you glared at the adults in the crowd. Fear was still there but was slowly being replaced with seething rage and anger. They decided to punish you due to another persons false witness. They didn’t listen to the children that was with you.
“Rot. In. Hell. You mother fuckers.” You yelled out making everyone gasp in shock. The person in front of you looked at both the men holding you up before nodding their head.
“Drop him.” Was all they said as the people kicked the stool under you. All you was felt the rope around your neck tighten as it cut your airway off.
Out of instinct you tried to take the rope off even though your hands are tied behind your back. After minutes of struggling everything went black.
Everything seemed to be fine after a while. Everything was black so you just come to the conclusion your dead. That was until a ball of glowing bright light showed up out of nowhere. Reaching out to touch it as it blasted in a blinding bright light.
Blinking a few times to clear your vision only to see that your still at the tree. Confused and tired you started to walk towards the village. Everyone was walking around but they all had a gloomy expression.
The cold air was blowing as leaves flew all around the place. The snow was gone. How long has it been? ‘I’m a ghost aren’t I?’ You thought as you walked back to the tree. Only then you noticed a gravestone sitting by the truck.
————- M/n L/n 1865-1880 A wonderful human that’s life went horribly wrong —————
‘Ha, there saying it like they weren’t the ones that decided to kill me.’ You thought as you bent down to pick up the flowers and the notes by the gravestone.
‘We’re sorry, We tried to do everything to stop them. Yet they yelled at us saying that we’re just kids so we don’t know what happened. I hope your doing well. Bye Mr. M/n’
All of the notes said something similar. All of them where written by the children of the village as if they knew you you would read it.
You leaned against the tree and looked up at the sky. The clouds moved softly as the winds picked up. You have a soft smile and closed your eyes.
‘I wonder what’s going to happen next….’
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zenkor123 · 8 days
Peeta's journal-the Den continued
October 4th 75 ADD
The machines he introduced included the Morphling cooker,Morphling grinder,Morphling garden Morphling fermenter, Morphling dryer and Oven. He showed me the basics of using all these machines. The next to Introduce himself was the Goosling, Michael Nuka. He began describing the fermentation machines in more detail. Fermented morphling becomes hard like a raddish. Once this occurs it can be ground up into powder and later into a fluid. The result is the Morphling used in the hospitals. It is even more powerful then the morphling that is used recreationally becuase the sugars and carbohydrates rise like yeast in bread. It also has more "ions" like lemons. It is alot of science and its interesting. Nuka has curly hair and is a chemist for the hospital. His last name rhymes with Nuke.
Mrs Stocksbridge is just as shy as her husband but shows a computer taken from the hospital, it she handles the records for our cell. The records are in Morse code. When a sale is made she instructs me to put the time,date, product sold and customer. This information is written on a chip, you slip the paper into the chip and it is put into the computer which converts it into Morse code. She tells me that this is how miners store data on their daily finds in the lower levels of 13, and that she and Arlo began design of these machines for the hospital and for morphling.
Samanthan Nuka, the leafling(a type of stick insect mutt) cleans the den, and keeps everything organized, she is also a librarian and likewise organizes the den like library. She also checks the safety of the morphling for usage. She told me my shoes were dirty and had me clean my shoes cleaned as I entered the den. Everyone just rolled their eyes like they were used to it at this point. She also praised the pure scent of morphling and said she would discuss the history of Morphling. She begins by its creation by the mutation by the capital of a district 13 mushroom. The capital hoarded the morphling but in act of rebellion that this district is proudly known several morphling user Stone Dollar spread the spores of dry morphling into the forest and morphling returned to 13 its rightful owner. The foresters illegally harvested it in the ancient andirondacks. It was legalized by Galerius Nero who led the war against the capital during the dark days. It's medical applications were realized by the rebels who built centers of morphling production in district 6 for distribution in the front lines. Following our defeat in this war morphling gave hope in the dark bunkers of 13. The president who succeeded Nero banned all capitalist enterprises and crushed the enterprises that produced morphling but coin another tyrant who isnt a builder like the Jr Nero legalized our work. Her legacy shall be decided in this war the preparations for which were started by her predecessor in the 50s. We keep a low profile and she encourages and buys our morphling though she isn't a heavy morphling like us. I think to myself if morphling can bring hope to the damned survivors of 13 can it bring hope to me? I will not merely be a rebelous criminal but I will also preserve an item created by rebellion. I wouldn't have been able to work without the morphling treatments prior to Coin's resource allocations. The next to speak is Galena's husband tells of the history of our cell the forester enterprises rebuilt slowly after the purges the victors cell started as a minor 2 person operation but young foresters wanted to rebuild this industry so it would be ready once the surface was rebuilt. This project recieved the consent of the new President of 13, the iron lady alma coin. First the Nukas, then the stones,then Helena Kennedy and her boyfriend, Arlo, and finally the Browns. They didn't begin recruiting until Johanna volunteered. The next to speak is Harold Nuka, the Squirrel hog, a gardener who thanks me for saving his life by warning 13 of the capital bombardment. Harold was not untouched by capital bombardment, he sustained injuries as a AA gun operator. He shows the garden we have in the den, the garden is filled with mushrooms of different colors. I ask if morphling makes a great die for paint. He and Velma answer yes and that the morphling bottles use morphling die. Harold opens a shaft that goes the hospital greenhouse. He informs me that all siphoning is done with the consent of the hospital and that the cell pays the hospital for its morphling, written on a yellow card. He says this becuase Helena forgot to mention this important information. So he takes me to the hospital greenhouse and the plants have so many different colors, the air feels so good. I feel myself get used to the sweet smell of morphling, I used to think it smelled like urine but seeing so much colors that it's associated with and my exposure to it makes me want to smell it all the time. Katniss begins feeling quesey at the thought of that smell but she lived in the seam and in 13 so she was used to all sorts of smells she has learned to ignore such smells like dead bodies, coal and metal. She can't imagine actually liking the smell of morphling. But Thom she recalls likes the smell of coal. Katniss when Peeta went smashing Jacker hives learned what Jacker venom smells like: like metal smoke, with a hint of goat cheese. This is what Peeta smelled like when he choked her. This was also the smell of the Jackers from the 1st games. Katniss misses the smell of Peeta though.
Katniss thinks to herself, so Johanna wasn't stealing anything, the hospital gave my morphling to her! When Katniss found out that Johanna was in the cartel, she resolved that if she was injured Jo would recieve none of her morphling.
Katniss rolls her eyes and indignantly thinks :" wow even the smartest in 13 treat a harmful drug like it's something precious. "
Prim she wants to talk to me I haven't seen her since the resource allocations of coin, she never left my side,and helped recover memores I otherwise would not have had. Prim was doomed in every reality either the capital kills her along with Mrs Everdeen,reaps her for the 3rd quarter quell. But she is more then the innocent lamb that she is portrayed as she is a warrior who survived the death of Mr everdeen, with her dignity intact. It was her sister that took the hit when she sold herself to cray. Though the fake romance that took place with Peeta and Katniss saved both our lives I did stuff to her sister afterwards rather then accept that it was a con. I also in accordance with my design as a mutt attacked her sister. Yet she is 12 perhaps she is innocent and does not know. But after all that Prim did for me I can't close her off. Her sister hates me so why does she want to meet with me? Is it charity from a 12 YEAR OLD! Yet she deserves respect, it isn't just about what she did for me, I've seen her in the hospital with many patients and she is brave and is mature for her age and is super smart. Does she want to find what she believes was the old Peeta. I won't go through what I did with Delly again never again! What happens with delly represents everything wrong with Peeta Mellark. Just as I was silent to myrna for false safety, begging her for food, I yearned for any tether to old Peeta and any human connection, and like all false realities Peeta constructed they were lies. I would rather be alone then suffer that again.That she did all this for a lie hurts. But I want to protect her as best as she can so the world does not take Prim's nobility away. I want friends who want to take to me for me not old peeta. Stand guard Peeta, Stand guard! Well howabout this: we see if she wants to be friends with the mutt that strangled her sister but who escaped the capitals evil will or if she merely pities me. I am going to tell her how Peeta died in the capital and exactly how I am trying to rebuild. I will also hint in a way appropriate to a 12 year old that things with Katniss were never what they were. Prim unlocks an openness from the respect I have for her almost like a little sister and I can't lie to her. But I am going to start light first to see if I should even go there. This nonsense of Prim being like my sister is all in my head. I was her patient she was determined becuase it was her first assignment and she thought it would help her sister
Katniss remembers how she found the den, Peeta despite working disappeared, my brain kept asking “Where’s Peeetaa!!!” I kept repeating to it “it’s not Peeta it’s a mutt” but then it kept saying “Wheeeres Peeta.” I kept repeating "there is no Peeta, snow took him from me! But it would not shut up! Before Coin’s resource allocations I knew where Peeta was at all times, I also received updates on his progress. When that stopped because as Coin said “Peeta does not have an intimate relationship with the Mockingjay.” My heart sank, it was like he was really gone, When I kissed the Pearl I had no idea where Peeta was. I sometimes watched Peeta in the hallways, afraid he would kill me, and the fear that Peeta would hunt me down was real. But then he no longer traveled the hallways. When he appeared at lunch it was like went from thin air then returned to the thin air. I stared at Peeta and saw him leaving, he opened a small hatch and crawled into it. I stared at the hatch but had to go to training. While I went to sleep first I saw Peeta stare at me and I sometimes heard a noise that could only belong to the mutt that Snow replaced Peeta with. I sometimes was in training but then I would hear the loud noise of Peeta in the pipes and I would be totally distracted, He was vanished I knew about Peeta’s whereabouts as much as any stranger but now I could find out what Peeta was doing in the pipes and perhaps get Coin to resume treatment of Peeta. I saw Peeta and Johanna enter the pipes the following day, So I found the hatch in the cafeteria skipped training and followed after them. I quietly watched Peeta and Johanna like I would an animal I was tracking in the forest. I lost track of them but was surprised by the scale of these tunnels. I sometimes followed Peeta around in the tunnels so I would be prepared if he tried to kill me in my sleep. I saw Peeta with Morphling and reported him to coin but coin laughed at me and told me to mind my own business. Johanna, and Peeta’s friends from the cartel sometimes gave me dirty looks followed by strange looks. Later I saw Peeta Johanna, and several residents of 13 enter a hatch and I slowly and carefully followed them. I saw a room that smelled like Morphling and Peeta was in that room it had Color and showed a waterfall and looked almost like a room in the capital. I found a hatch that went one way but overlooked the ceiling of the room. Now I could watch the Morphling cartel without being discovered. They gave me the same looks and Peeta gave me a vacant stare. Later one of the foresters as I overhead them call themselves called to see if I wanted any Morphling I ran away. Then I came back 5 minutes later. And that is how I discovered the Den.
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robotstrategy · 5 months
Recalled • Part 7 • 49 - Registration
Previous • Series Masterlist • Part 7 Masterlist • Next
Roland enters the apartment after coming back home from Christmas break. He wears a nice crocheted shawl delivered from his grandmother in Spain. He walks over to Nero who sits at the table, she chews on the end of a pen whilst looking over paperwork.
She looks up at him, smiling. “That looks nice.” 
“Thanks, I got it from my abuela.”
“So you met her then?”
Roland shakes his head. “No, but her card to me was so heartfelt that I thought she was there,” He looked down at the paperwork. “What’s that?” 
“Oh, the doctor at the ward gave me these, they’re for Recall rehabilitation, it’s mostly chances to do voluntary work.” 
Roland sits down with her. “I see, so do you just go to their website to sign up for it.” 
“No, we'd have to go to the community hall to see what things are still open,” She looks up at him. “I was just wondering if you’d like to give it a chance since you don’t have the best self-image. No offence.” 
Roland shakes his head again. “None taken, I just think that right now isn’t the best time to be doing volunteer work.” He looks outside at all the snow. 
Nero waves him off. “None of them are for this time of the year. They’re mostly summer camps.”
Roland scratches the back of his head. “Well, I guess that could be fun.” 
Nero looks outside at the snow. “The snow is supposed to settle in the afternoon, would you like to go check things out then?” 
“Sure, why not?” 
Around twelve Nero and Roland walk into a city bus. They find spots in the back, Roland is squished in as Nero ingulphs him in shadow. 
“Why are you doing this?” He groans.
“Because Trevor uses this bus and I want you to be safe.” She responds.
“I’d be safer if I had some breathing room.”
Nero grunts moving to the side and putting her legs together to give him more room. “Y’know sometimes my legs will fly open ‘cause, y’know.” 
Roland smirks. “He still thinks he’s got balls?” 
They arrive at the community hall, walking up to the door Roland opens it for Nero. 
“Oh, how nice of you.” 
“Well, a pretty lady like you should have the door opened for her.” Roland teases.
Nero laughs. “I have been leaning more into my feminine side lately.” She admits. 
Nero walks up to the counter with Roland following her. She clears her throat at the busy receptionist. 
“Just a moment,” She types a little more on the computer, then turns around. “What can I do for you today?” 
Nero slides the papers over to her. “I was given these by my guidance doctor. My friend and I were wondering if there were any spots left?” 
The receptionist takes the papers filing through them and sets some aside. She gives back a few to Nero. “I’ll have you head down to the office to the right. Wait for him to let you in.” 
Both Roland and Nero head down, they stand in front of a frosted glass door before a man with a friendly smile opens the door. His smile vanishes and he gasps in horror at the sight of Nero.
“It’s been a long time since someone’s done that,” Nero recalls. 
The man shakes it off, returning to his smile. “My apologies, I hope I didn’t offend you.” 
“No, you didn’t, I got used to it before I was even let outside.” 
The man shakes their hands before inviting them to sit down. “My name is Mr. Lamar, and yours?” 
“Roland McMary.”
“Nero A.” 
Mr. Lamar looks up from a paper. “How do you spell your last name Nero?” 
“Oh no A. stands for Aidoneus, it’s my middle name, I don’t have a last name.” 
“Ah, right, you’re a Rewind, I’ll just put down Ward for now.”
Nero seems a little uncomfortable about that, but she tells herself it will be fine for now. 
Mr. Lamar takes the papers from Nero and goes to his computer.
“So, are you two more interested in summer camps? A lot of them are available for pre-registry.”
Nero looks at Roland, and he shrugs, indicating that he’s fine with anything. Nero looks back at Mr. Lamar. “Summer camp is good, preferably something at the end of summer would be nice.” She suggests, it would be something to get Sam off her mind 24/7 once he goes off to Molokai. 
Mr Lamar nods. “Think we’ve got one open in Canada.” He turns to Roland. “You’re Modified, correct?” 
“Yes sir.” 
“Good, if you want to go overseas, we wouldn’t want you unwound. I hear there’s already been a few accidents.” 
Roland gulps, that’s unpleasant. 
“Here it is, Jack’s Canadian Camp! I’ve always wondered why it’s been called that.” He drifts off onto another monitor. “Hmm, oh they originated from America, and their original building was hit by a clapper attack, how sad.” 
Roland starts to worry, he hasn’t thought about clappers in a long time, he’d almost forgotten about them until they were brought up.
Mr. Lamar peeks at him. “Oh don’t worry, Canada is very good at cracking down on clappers, you’ll be safer there than over here.” 
He looks back at the website, “Now, they’re offering jobs as a lifeguard, counsellor, and nurse, does any of that interest you?” 
“I did lifeguarding as a summer job,” Roland says. “And don’t you already work as a nurse, Nero?” 
Nero tilts her head back and forth. “So-so.”
“That’s perfect then, I’ll set you up in their system, I’ll call you later to tell you if they’ve accepted or declined my request.” 
Nero gets up, she bows her head. “Thank you.”  
They both head to the door when Mr. Lamar speaks up again. “Nero, are you religious by any chance? It was just a question asked in the form I’m filling out.”
Nero turns to him. “No, not that I know of.” She tells him.
He gives her a funny look but accepts the answer anyway.
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she-daemon · 1 year
Office worker AU - Nero x Fem Reader - Chapter 2
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Previous chapter here
Nero answers the phone, they go on a date, yeah End of this chapter gets spicy
Okay okay so I haven't written anything in months (sorry for not posting in like 3 months) but I'm finally back!!! Since its been a while my writing should hopefully be a little better, or at least the smut should be (I have done a lot of uhh *research* lately)
Slight nsfw at the end!! You have been warned!!
After briefly listening to the dial tone, you heard someone pick up.
"Office of Nero Sparda, state your business please..." Its a woman's voice. You're disappointed it wasn't Nero, but its normal for someone like him to have a secretary.
"Hello, this is Y/N of _____ corporation, I was hoping to schedule a progress report meeting with Mr. Sparda ... possibly tomorrow?" Good, you said everything correctly.
"Just a moment please..." You heard her receiver brush against something, and you assumed she was checking Nero's schedule. Hmm. Nero's secretary. Jealous thoughts started to intrude into your mind. You waved them away, but the thought of being his secretary instead of her persisted. Imagine being so close to him ... being in his company all day ... all the things the two of you could get away with. Your thoughts were interrupted by her:
"Sorry, but it seems Mr. Sparda will be busy all day tomorrow. In fact, he doesn't have any available time slots for the rest of the - " Something interrupted her, and she got off the phone again. Was he busy for the rest of the month? Week? You listened closely. Suddenly, you heard a man's voice in the background:
"Who is it?" You heard her say your name, and then shuffling on the other end. Someone spoke.
"Hello? Is this Y/N?" It was Nero. Just hearing his voice talking to you made your heart leap.
"Yes, its me. Your secretary said you'd be busy, so I was wondering when we could arrange a meeting to discuss the progress report?" You knew it was far too early for Nero's team to have made any real progress on the project. Hopefully, he'd get the message.
"Well, I am busy the entire day tomorrow. But maybe I could take overtime and meet you for dinner. How's that sound?"
"Wonderful. I'll see you at Dorsia's." you gleefully replied, "Do you think you could manage 6?"
"Hmm, maybe 7?"
"Oh, okay, sure. I'm free the whole evening to be honest. The whole weekend, even." You cringed a little from how desperate you sounded, but you swore you could hear Nero's lips curl into a smile at those words.
"Guess I'll have to take a look at my plans and maybe take you up on that offer." Thank god he took that with a stride. And after a brief silence, he said:
"See ya then." And hung up. You processed that call, thinking over your brief interaction with him. If you weren't feeling all these stupid, fluffy emotions, you would've been worried about flirting over the work phone, and eavesdroppers. But Nero had you dumbly smitten with him and you were just paranoid anyway - right?.
It was still around midday, so you couldn't get off work just yet. Your mind drifted back to the secretary fantasy. You knew it was impossible to be his secretary because you were busy working for your father. And that was just temporary, until you took over the company anyway. And Nero's company was just an affiliate, you couldn't be transferred even if you wanted to. But still, damn if that wasn't a hot fantasy.
*~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ The next day around 7 *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~
Wearing your nicest (and possibly most alluring) clothes, you entered the familiar high end restaurant. You've been here before for past meetings, but this day was special. 
Looking around, you're almost afraid you won't find Nero. But there he is, dressed in a nicer suit than the one he wears for work, a dark shade of navy, almost black, and a matching light greyish-blue tie. You meet eyes with him and he waves to you, signaling you to join him at a booth.
"Hey, glad to see you here, I just got off work." Nero looks so happy to see you, it fills your heart with joy. You make sure to greet him and let him know you feel the same. You talk about the "progress" of the project for about a solid five minutes until the waiter showed up to take your orders. For yourself, you decided to play it safe and order a Caesar salad with a medium rare steak. Simple, yes, but hopefully still dignified. You didn't have to worry about that for long, because Nero ordered pasta - plain spaghetti and meatballs - and you nearly choked on your water. As if it would save face, the both of you decided to share a bottle of wine, courtesy of Nero (but you were definitely going to pursue Nero for his food choices later).
The two of you were illuminated by the warm yellow lighting of the restaurant. You took a sip of your wine and leaned in toward Nero.
"So, Nero, I saw  you have the same last name as the CEO of your company - Vergil Sparda. Are the two of you related? His nephew maybe?" Nero gave you a questioning look, before responding.
"Ah, you caught me. Vergil's my dad." He surveyed your face for a reaction, and he saw your eyes widen as you connected the dots. The two of you were in the same position, your lives were essentially the same. Trying to build your own career in the shadow of your parents, shunned for who your family was. "Oh, that makes sense. Guess we're in the same spot then. Small world." You could barely contain your excitement, you had so much to talk to him about.
"Haha, as much as I hate it, nepotism really does rule the world." You wanted to know more about Nero - so you asked:
"So how has that affected you or your life? Or... what do you think of it?"
And the two of you fell into a deep conversation about your lives, your pasts, and relating to each other. You really did have a lot in common with Nero. His father had also brought him up to take over the company some day, he also hated his business classes for being too easy (he had graduated a year earlier), and most importantly, the both of you had felt the same loneliness and isolation as a result of being next in line. But now it was clear you had each other, whatever that might imply.
Finally, the waiter returned with the long awaited food. As promised, he handed you a beautifully plated salad beside a tender steak, with various garnishes and sides, and for Nero, a heap of saucy spaghetti and meatballs. They actually made it for him! It still shook you. As a businessman of his level, you never would have expected Nero to order simple pasta and meatballs. Sure, this is an Italian restaurant so it's a valid choice, but still. Not only that, but as he was eating, Nero got sauce all over his mouth, his chin, even a little on his cheeks. Honestly, it was the most adorable things you've ever seen. Besides puppies. But he was kind of a puppy too. Hearing you giggle, Nero stops just as he was scooping another round of pasta and looks up at you.
"What?" he asked cluelessly. 
You didn't say anything, just looked at him, smirking, amused. But he really had no idea.
"C'mon, seriously." Now he was grinning too. It was infectious.
"... you have pasta sauce all over your face." And for a moment he froze, genuinely surprised.  Laughing, you reached for a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth, like a little kid. It was too much for your heart.  Doing this you froze, with your eyes locked on Nero's, noticing how much you had leaned toward him, how close you were. Nero's cheeks burned a little red, and he averted your gaze. You quickly moved your hand away and blurted out: "Oh! S-sorry about that, I don't know why I did that. It just seemed natural."
"No, no its fine, that one's on me." But there was still an uncomfortable, bashful, silence. "Is there a story behind the spaghetti and meatballs?" You interjected, cutting the silence short. It was almost like you flipped a switch, because Nero's face lit up enthusiastically and he began to explain how it was his favorite food, how he'd been eating it since childhood, how Kyrie used to cook it for him... Wait, Kyrie? *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ A few hours later *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~
The two of you decided to head to a bar, after the restaurant nearly kicked you out for sitting there so long.
Nero was a bit of a lightweight, you had noticed, and you could see he definitely had his share of alcohol for the night. So did you.  "I think we've both had enough for tonight. " "Mmmyeah." Nero slurred. Unlike you, it seemed like he had a nice buzz going. Lucky him, because you only felt woozy. The two of you hailed a taxi, and it quickly became clear that you were going to end up escorting Nero to his home. The two of you entered the taxi cab, and as Nero barely managed to tell his address to the driver, you worried that this whole thing was too forward, but it was too late to turn back. That, and Nero was glued to you.
"Aww, you were gone for so long~" Nero crooned into your neck, half tipsy, half asleep. "I missed you~..." The warm breath tickled your neck, and you had to suppress a little squeak from escaping your lips when you felt his mouth just barely graze your skin. That was new, and it was nice.
You kept looking at his chest, his tie coming more and more undone with every drunken sway of his, seemingly shifting with the movements of the car. It was so ... distracting. The looseness of his suit exposed his chest, and when you tried to straighten his collar, Nero pulled you in for a hug. Nero gets clingy under the influence - noted. And it was getting to you. You could feel Nero's warm, shapely body, and the sleek fabric that outfitted and outlined it in the most delicious way. Not to mention you hadn't been hugged in years. Damn if it didn't feel good - almost too good, a blush spread to your face and you couldn't think of anything to say. Not that you needed to, since Nero occupied himself with saying strings of gibberish that faintly sounded like praise. You could only pick up words like "nice" and "warm" in his purring, until you felt Nero's weight shift onto you. He had fallen asleep. He left you there, frying your brain for the rest of the ride until the cab pulled up to a large apartment complex. You woke Nero up, much to his dissatisfaction, and paid the driver. You led Nero out of the car and into the complex, sternly holding him by the arm to support him. After a few steps though, he was flush against you, and it was almost like he was enjoying this - not that you secretly were too. Maybe his whole "tipsy" thing was just an act.
Walking him to the elevator, it seemed like Nero had sobered up a little from the fresh air, recognizing his surroundings and selecting his floor once the two of you were inside the elevator. 
 "You doing all right there Nero?"  "Hmmm...?" He blinked sleepily, not as buzzed as before - just tired.
He unlocked the door with his key, given a few clumsy tries as he worked his way through the wooziness. You stifled a giggle, and Nero murmured as he opened the door:  "What's so funnyyyy...?"  "You're such a lightweight, Nero." Hearing this, Nero scrunched up his face and swiftly turned away his head, pouting.   "No I'm not."  "Admit it, you were almost wasted after two glasses." You smirked, satisfied from drawing such a reaction from him. You wanted to poke at him a little more, but push far enough and you might find boundaries.   "I. Am not. A lightweight." He huffed, eyebrows furrowed, and it seemed like he was a little hurt. Did you hit a nerve? Okay, despite how cute he was, now you felt bad. You walked up to him, and cupped his pouty face with your hands.  "Okay, okay. You're not a lightweight Nero." You tilted his face so his eyes would meet yours, and you squished his cheeks a little.  "Better?" Just as you were about to pull away, Nero grabbed you by your shoulders, and leaned forward to kiss you on the lips. Shocked at first, you received the kiss, pulling on his lower lip and biting gently. You wondered if you should be doing this at all, but Nero let out a sigh and continued to kiss you - and it felt so good, so right. Nero pulled you close, and you felt your body grow heated, bothered from his hand gripping tightly at your waist. Eventually though, you both pulled away for air. Nero smugly showed you a shit eating grin, his lips a slight pink - thoroughly kissed.   "Now that's better."   "Oh yeah?" You tilted your head. "Are you gonna forgive me for being a bully?" You leaned your face toward him, gazing into his eyes. With a dark look in your eyes, you continued: "And there's really nothing else I have do to make you feel better?" You could see calculations running in Nero's head, and he suddenly picked you up in a princess carry. He took you into the bedroom and the next thing you knew he had put you down on a soft bed. You were sad you weren't in his arms anymore, but only for a moment because he leaned down to kiss you again, one hand sifting through your hair, the other squeezing your hip.  "I think you already know-" He said as he brought his knee to the apex of your thighs, suggestively brushing it, " -what you have to do to make me forgive you." His eyes looked back up toward your face for a reaction, and you noticed his erection pressing against your inner thigh.
There it is! I'll try to get the next chapter done as soon as I can, and the promised smut will be in it ➳➳➳➳ I only managed to proofread once or twice at 1 am so sorry about grammar and inconsistent spacing, yeah
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asoue au (inspired by the six baudelaires au by @unfortunate-stranger-losers) involving book!quagmire triplets and netflix!quagmire triplets existing in the same universe as cousins because book!mr. quagmire and netflix!mrs. quagmire are siblings (book!mr. quagmire is adopted by netflix!mrs.quagmire’ parents). stuff that happens/is consider in this au:
book!quagmire fire happens first. book!quigley is thought to be dead in the fire for a year and a half (the replacement for three semesters, though i think a year and a half is three semesters proper), forcing book!duncan and book!isadora to live without their brother even longer. the twins comments hurt more now, because for almost a year and a half, from an outsider perspective, they do appear as twins, getting it more constantly.
due to the year and a half, book!quigley is more into vfd, being closer to a proper volunteer than he was in canon. book!quigley not reuniting with his siblings and getting an ‘apprenticeship’ was something approved of by the netflix!quagmire parents; by the time they learned of his survival. their family became targets. so it was best for book!quigley to stay separated.
(the revelations of the above has both sets of triplets losing their shit because ‘hey mom and dad/aunt and uncle what the f-’. netflix!quigley loses it the worst upon learning his cousin is alive. because while netflix!quigley is all up and interested in the vfd stuff, he doesn’t trust jacques as much as book!quigley, due to spending three weeks and a half vs. a year and a half.)
regarding the situation of the dorms and orphan shack, netflix!mr.quagmire was ready to sign the slips for both sets of triplets (because it’s time to get them into vfd training due to book!quigley’s situation). but the netflix!quagmire fire destroyed those slips. netflix!isadora -who now has the special interest in handwriting forgery- stole two slips from the office (she took it because she thought it would be important later), forged her dead father’s signature, and complained about how they did have their slips the whole time, but a lack of secretary had nero overlooking it (nero is rather apologetic).
the sack of flour is no more. book!duncan is klaus, netflix!isadora is violet, and book!isadora is sunny (she’s just crawling). netflix!duncan helps the baudelaires for their final exams because this kid is a real avid note taker compare to his sister and cousins. the poor boy cries his eyes out as he watches his sister and cousins get kidnapped at the end of taa.
netflix!isadora kisses klaus on the cheek, because she is bi and has a crush on him. she once had a crush on carmelita, but her personality + bullying got netflix!isadora going ‘NOPE’. book!isadora is a lesbian and never gets a crush on carmelita, and mocks netflix!isadora for it at times because ‘really? HER?’, the tables turn when it’s reveal book!isadora got a crush on violet. i guess i can say here book!quigley gets the romance with violet, while netflix!duncan keeps his minor crush on violet that goes nowhere (and one violet never learns about). book!duncan and netflix!quigley don’t have time for crushes; they have other things to focus on.
netflix!duncan is the first to understand the hansel and gretel reference because his special interest is history/folktales/fairytales (his interests has him needing to be an avid note taker, in his perspective at least). netflix!duncan also stays behind with his sister and cousins down in the shaft, so the quagmires disappearance worries the baudelaires even more.
book!isadora and netflix!duncan are throw out of the truck at the end of tee, because count olaf, esme, and the troupe realize they need one of each triplet set to get the full quagmire fortune. they kept book!duncan because he’s the eldest of his triplet siblings, and netflix!isadora because she’s mistaken for the eldest of her triplet siblings, and the bald man’s creepiness has book!duncan entering protective cousin mode and medical care.
netflix!quigley special interest is photography. astro-photography. the boy took so many photos of the night sky he knows enough about the stars and constellations, that after the two boys escape monty’s burning house, sometimes travel at night.
both sets of triplet cousins upon seeing fernald, jump and try beating the shit out of him. at least the duncans and isadoras. the quigleys are just watching from the sidelines because they don’t have that much beef with the man.
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vischys · 1 year
“𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒅𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔,” The Scion of Sparda tilted his head toward the source of the abashed apology which was Nero's fair maiden, Kyrie, walking side by side with him.
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“Do not be, for it is of my own accord.” He tilted his chin toward the plates and eating utensils alike, filling his arms, a state mirrored by the maiden who flashed him a timid yet genuine smile nonetheless.
The nurturing duo entered the humble dining area, the maiden first at the cambion's urbane dip of head.
“Then I would like to let you know how grateful I am that you are here, Mr. Vergil,” Kyrie remarked as she set her burden over the table. “If it were on my own, we wouldn't get dinner done anytime soon.”
“Consider naught, it is an honor to render you an assistance,” he returned courtly, the while setting the plates and utensils upon the table, side by side with each utensil flanking the plate like his lady mother has shown and since instilled in him.
“In that case, maybe you would like to make this an occasional pastime?” Something in Kyrie's change of tone beckoned him to look up. “Only when it is convenient for you, of course.”
An inspiriting surprise bud in his chest upon comprehending what the maiden bespoke: the invitation to visit and spend time in her and Nero's humble yet cordial household.
At the thought of household howbeit, his eyes stole a surreptitious glance at the rambunctious lot that were the orphans that the heartful couple had in their shared custody.
“I'll make sure they behave,” Kyrie assured with mirth in her soft tone upon following his line of sight. “They adore you though, you must know. Normally they keep their distance from guests.”
“So I have discerned, to quite an extent.” Memory of one of said lot trying to climb onto his lap was still fresh in his mind. It didn't help that his brother and the artisan of arms, Nico, ‒ he summoned her name from his humanity's recollection ‒ evidently took amusement from his fraternal predicament by simply laughing and cooing respectively, until his son, ‒ power bless his tact ‒ took pity on his apparent discomfort and coaxed the child away.
“The children aside, I am sure Nero would appreciate your presence here more often.”
At the mention of his tumultuous offspring, Vergil's gaze flicked toward where the young man was, currently debating with his brother over something undoubtedly trivial.
The thought of knowing his own flesh and blood that he was forced to abandon right after his conception due to circumstances then, elicited a mix of anticipation, curiosity and congeniality within him.
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“Your invitation is heeded with gratitude, Miss Kyrie.”
He bestowed upon his son's maiden a beginning yet sincere hint of smile nonetheless. One that she acknowledged with a gracious nod before the two of them headed back to the kitchen to procure what they had prepared for dinner.
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number-onekidqueen · 2 years
𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 - 𝙺𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚊
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Isadora Quagmire x Klaus Baudelaire
Warnings: none, let me know if you think there are though.
I inhaled a gust of stale air as I surveyed my surroundings and began walking, my footsteps bouncing off walls.
I was back in the V.F.D tunnels, where everything had started. For my parents, my brother, everyone. It felt so, well, intruding to be somewhere so silent.
Even as a V.F.D member, using the tunnels so frequently, every time I entered them, I was still surprised by the smell and the sheer silence of the atmosphere. It was like something I could never adjust to.
Perhaps it was because I hated the tunnels.
My literary mind thrives on motivation, and down in the tunnels I can't get any ideas or jabs of imagination to begin a poem.
All there is is darkness, and it is highly frustrating. Everything seemed so straightforward and ordinary, like nothing could be added to make it more interesting or nothing remarkable could happen in these dusty walls.
But my thoughts proved to be incredibly wrong.
To distract myself from my growing lack of comfort from the dim, flickering lights and dark, ominous stains on walls, I reminded myself of my task. 
I had to sneak into Prufrock Prep and steal the files of the detailed history of V.F.D, for V.F.D itself to gain a better understanding.
Well when I say V.F.D, I specify Quigley, Duncan and I as we are the last known and active field agents. The rest are uncertain, missing or dead. 
I spotted the sign marked Prufrock Prep and began ascending the rust-stained ladder, brainstorming how I could hide and smuggle the files out of Nero's office, or whoever is the Vice-Principal at present. 
As the trapdoor opened with a quiet creak, I rolled back the rug, and after a cautionary scan of the room, I crawled out onto the hard, scratchy carpet. I got to my feet and began walking to the filing cabinet. Rummaging through files, I found the folder I was searching for.
"Bingo." I muttered to myself.
"Of all people, I didn't think I would see you here, Isadora."
I nearly dropped the file, then stood, frozen on the spot, my heart pounding. 
It wasn't the nasal voice of Nero, the voice I expected. It was much different. 
It was a voice that pronounced every syllable correctly, a much softer voice, with a much more familiar tone to it.
The voice of Klaus Baudelaire.
"Klaus?" I said hopefully, turning on my heel.
And there he was, with his knitted sweater, collared shirt, ruffled brown hair, crooked glasses and heartfelt smile.
Just as he always looked. My heart sparkled a bit.
I beamed at him with the entirety of my world of euphoria upon seeing him.
"Klaus!" I yelled, dropping the file and charging for him, tackling him in a tight embrace.
"Issy! Oh, it's been a millennia!" He exclaimed returning the embrace, just as fiercely.
"I agree." I replied.
Finally we parted, and our foreheads creased together. 
"Where have you been?!" We cried at each other in unison.
We both reddened. 
"I was escaping the Great Unknown, then sorting out a few secret missions for V.F.D." I recounted.
"We were getting off the island where the possible creator of V.F.D, Ishmael, dwelled. Then we were completing missions for V.F.D, too. Though, why wouldn't we have crossed paths earlier? Odd." Klaus mused. 
I pondered the thought, frowning.
"That is rather strange." I replied.
Klaus brushed the thought off.
"Are you all safe though? How are Quigley and Duncan?" Klaus asked.
I rolled my eyes at the thought.
"Oh, well, Duncan was partnered with a certain auburn haired girl, we know as Miss Carmelita Spats for a mission. If she even deserves the title miss," I began.
Klaus scoffed.
"How's he coping with that?"
"Brilliantly actually. Last report I heard, Duncan is intent on changing her title to Mrs. Carmelita Quagmire." I said in light disgust.
Klaus spluttered repeatedly.
"What? What?! Carmelita? Carmelita?! The girl who sings her name at the end of every irritating and non-rhyming song?! Are you sure?! Really?! My goodness, what has this world come too?" Klaus exclaimed indignantly.
"My response was the same. Only Quigley remained unaffected because he believes everyone deserves a second chance. Utter nonsense. He's never met her." I replied grimly.
Klaus blinked the disbelief and horror out of his face, before changing the subject.
"Shh!" I whispered wheeling around at the sound of footsteps. They were headed towards us. I picked up the file and ran to the rug in the centre of the room.
Tossing the corner up, I unlatched the trap door and scurried down the ladder.
"Come on Klaus!" I whisper-screamed at his awkwardly-positioned silhouette hovering above me.
Quickly he hurried down the ladder, and rolled the rug back over the trap door. The trap door clicked shut just as footsteps began to pound above us.
Panting, we looked at each other and smiled.
"So, how's-"
I don't know what fuelled me to do it. Maybe, being in danger stirred my old feelings. Maybe the way he looked at me with admiration and happiness, just kickstarted my heart. Who knows, maybe I was just being a pubescent teenager. Whatever the reason, something inside me clicked. 
"I've missed you Klaus." I whispered, nearing him.
"Me too." 
Before I knew it, I instinctively threw my arms around him and kissed him. 
As our lips met, static electricity coursed through my veins, making me giddy. I felt starbursts of golden elation, flickers of surprise and tingles of excitement.
When we finally pulled apart I don't know what happened to me either.
Maybe I was confused with my numerous, overwhelming emotions. Maybe my first kiss provided me with weird side affects. Perhaps I just wanted to be humorous.
I guess I'll never find out. Anyway, the moment our lips parted I burst into laughter, alongside Klaus.
We laughed the merriment out of our souls, the joyous sound echoing along the tunnel walls.
It seemed a foreign sound to me at first, but slowly the sound became familiar, until I was only focused on the shaking of my lips and the warm tears of mirth, slipping down my cheeks.
After what seemed a euphoric eternity, our laughter ceased.
I beamed again at Klaus.
Then I felt cold panic rise through me.
Was this the end? Were we going to have to split ways again? Was I going to lose him? I couldn't!
"Oh Klaus, come with me." I whispered longingly to him.
"How could I refuse?" He teased, before he grinned, "I was about to suggest the same."
I beamed as our warm fingers tangled, and we began to walk back to V.F.D headquarters and begin a conversation of all the things we had done since we parted.
 As the lights flickered, we held each other, laughing at jokes we made and smiling and blushing at descriptive compliments we voiced.
And as I enjoyed this moment, I realised something.
How good it was to be "we" again.
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lndslorepuzzler · 22 days
Under Deepspace 02: The First Mission, pt 01-13
01: In UNICORNS: After a night of bad sleep, FMC is given a Draumril by an OTTO-CSE unit. She heads up to the Alpha Team offices where she meets Nero, a man who appears to be extremely knowledgeable about Wanderers.*1 She draws the eye from last night, but he doesn't recognize it. Jenna tells Nero to head back to Data Analytics, and that if he's going to insist on hiding in this office, he should get a transfer. Jenna gives FMC an assignment, and a motorcycle to use to get there (270HM.)
02: Close Encounter:*2 FMC is given a mission to check for Wanderers in the home of Mr. Raymond, the client's (Henry's) employer, who has been exhibiting "abnormal behavior." On the way, she meets Li Shen; his car has broken down, and he was on his way to Raymond's place to check on him as a doctor; Raymond is a former patient with congenital heart disease. Li Shen isn't keen on getting on the motorcycle, but does so. FMC teases him about it the entire time. They arrive at Raymond's house and enter to the sight of an "odd skeleton"*3 in a tank in the center of the room. Li Shen heads up to Raymond's 'collection room.'
03: Powder Keg: FMC finds the skeleton to be suspicious, but there's nothing outstandingly strange about it. She accidentally overhears Li Shen and Raymond talking through the door: it is implied that there is a very known/distinct reason for Raymond's continued improving vital signs. He says that Li Shen's colleague (presumably Carter) praised him, and that Xander Sciences would provide him with the best accommodations, including the best treatment. Li Shen is uninterested in anything he has to say. Li Shen speaks to the FMC, who observes that his hand is covered in faint, countless scars. She teases him and promises to never be late to another appointment, when a ripple of Metaflux disrupts them; its resonance trail leads straight into the collection room, where Raymond is unconscious on the floor. Li Shen and FMC confront the Wanderer.
05: Artsy Dreams: Li Shen calls for immediate evacuation for Raymond. FMC makes note of the Wanderer (Intelligentia, Threat Level B, no protocore) observes the oil painting on the wall: an image of a "brilliantly blue sea with cascading white waves... at the edge of the sea, the water is gradually stained crimson like something is being torn apart, swallowed, and coalescing into a blood clot." She experiences a hallucination of a girl by the shore, her lower body submerged in the water. Li Shen uses a frozen cup to snap her out of it. She suspects that the painting was infused with Metaflux, and may also have been the Wanderer's hiding place. Li Shen goes with Raymond to the hospital, FMC arranges for the painting to be taken back to UNICORNS headquarters for analysis.
06: Next Target: Upon heading back to HQ, FMC finds out that the painting was sold by Thomas from Flux Arts, and that the artist is Qi Yu, whom she has already met ("He's that rambling weirdo with the fish?!") She notes that the photo of him is very different from the person she met. Arrangements are made for her to meet with Thomas; while waiting, she walks around the empty, silent gallery, and is told about Ebb Day/Day of Ebbing by an AI of Qi Yu.
07: Heard About It: The AI leads FMC around the gallery, and is shown a hologram version of the painting Raymond purchased. The AI explains that the inspiration/story for the painting was a dream: "I dreamed I turned into a fish. I swam and swam and swam from the deep sea, seeking a place beyond the water's surface. Only to end up in blood-red seawater. It was the first time I ever saw such a color. Who knows how many years I've spent trying to recreate it. But I never really could get that same shade of red."
FMC meets Thomas; she explains that she's not accusing Qi Yu of anything, but since the Wanderer could have been anywhere between point A (the studio) and point B (Raymond's home,) precautions need to be taken. Thomas notes he had to nag Qi Yu to get him to sell the painting, and that more than a dozen people have been in contact with the painting. It's noted that Qi Yu is exceptionally difficult to work with. FMC notices some coral stones that have faint Metaflux fluctuations, and asks to take one with her when she meets Qi Yu. Thomas tells her where to go ("His memory is nonexistent, so the door's open. You can just walk right in.")
08: Studio Encounter: FMC arrives at Mo Art Studio and meets Qi Yu. He recognizes her, and appears to be alarmed at her presence. There is a quicktime event to see if she catches him, or gets out of his way when he falls off the ladder he's sitting on.
09: Coral Stone Mystery: Qi Yu and FMC converse; she notes he's more talkative than any interviews would lead a person to believe. He points out that she's not there to check on the fish, and that while he heard some strange noises while painting, he didn't see any Wanderers ("I'm not an animal that can use my ears to locate some prey.") He's also annoyed that Thomas sent her, and gave her the coral stone he uses to refine for pigment, and informs her he's only used it for one painting.
10: Fiery Blood: FMC concludes that Qi Yu knew about Raymond's erratic behavior, that it is connected to Qi Yu in some way, and if he's not going to tell the truth, it won't just be her coming to see him next time. Qi Yu is annoyed, and summons his dagger. He cuts his finger, lets a drop of blood fall on the coral stone in her hand, and both of them watch as it conjures an illusion. A Wanderer appears right after. *4
12: Unfair Deal: FMC notes that the Metaflux in the stone is stronger, possibly because of Qi Yu's blood. She asks where he got the coral stone, and he dodges the question, claiming he might have bartered with Sardinian locals or suchlike; explaining that unless she acts as his bodyguard until he finds a replacement for it, he won't give her the little sample book. *5 FMC decides to do it, and Qi Yu says he will let her know the time and place, and that '(his) safety is in her hands.'
13: In Hot Pursuit: On the train, FMC is told that a stele was found at the abandoned base where she met Shen XInghui, despite the fact that the base specialized in researching protocores. A Wanderer attacks the train. At a vending machine nearby, Shen Xinghui waits for an energy drink while getting a directive from Jenna: "Go help out your new teammate. We didn't expect things to escalate so quickly." When she tells him she'll send over his teammates info, Shen Xinghui tells her not to bother, because they've already met before. Jenna tells him to protect her; Shen Xinghui says, "She doesn't need protection."
*1, Think Dr. Newton Geiszler from Pacific Rim; that's the vibe. *2, This event occurs 2 days after her check-in with Li Shen. *3, See post Bouquets and Dirges. *4, It's reasonable to extrapolate that Qi Yu's blood is what caused the Wanderer to appear; see Moonlight Under Sea, pt9. *5, This is the part where he claims he can't lift a paintbrush. With his left hand. When he's shown to be right-handed.
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vals-fanfiction-blog · 5 months
A/N: My silly little fanfiction part 1 of my oc orion who is neros adopted younger sibling.
Dante , dont go near them. Nero hissed as he batted open the door for the small 14 year old child.
"He looks so much like you" dante whispered with a slight chuckle before walking into the kitchen out of sight.
"Orion this is where my work happens"
Said nero touring them round the office.
We have your uncles desk here where he takes calls for jobs.
Orion just nodded slowly in response.
Nero continued to churn up useless facts about devil hunting and orion still nodded but it was slower and their head seemed heavier and they was thinking about more than just the ins and outs of melee attacks.
Of course orion listened to nero but it was only out of one ear. Who was the man nero was talking to earlier, dante right? . He was pretty in a masculinish way and his red coat was really cool better than neros-
"Orion are you even listening to me"
"Good, the devil arms...."
Yet their mind wandered back to the mysterious stranger in red.
"Howd it go kid" asked dante as nero walked into kitchen for a drink with a nonchalant shrug "it went fine"
Dante smiled "if ya say so"
Orion meanwhile was sitting on their brothers bed and staring at the portrait hanging on the wall. Nero with a beautiful girl with rosy cheeks like china and eyes like glittering marbles.
With long brown hair like silk hazelnuts cascading off her shoulders.
Many people i dont know. They thought while they twiddled their fingers round the curls of fluffy white hair.
Nero had told them to stay there and to not talk to dante .at.all.
He was dead serious about that.
So there orion sat while occasionaly lending broken glances around the room they were ledged in.
He heard a soft knock at the door before nero came in.
"Im going out alright, you stay here"
Orion nodded.
Nero smiled awkwardly and shuffled out the room before closing the door.
A good 5 minuets rolled by and orion heard nothing but silence. They were told to stay put , not go anywhere.
Would a little rampant 14 year old listen to such words.
They hopped down each wooden step to enter the office.
A room lined with dusty wooden plates enlaced with weapons pinned lazily upwards. It also held posters of shiny women with bright grins. It was cosy, thats for sure.
They made their way into the kitchen. A lazily cut together patchwork of rubbed materials like a collage.
A very old countertop, edges soft and worn with long scratches like roads on a map.
And on the table itself was the man; dante.
He held a bottle in his fist and was reading a glossy magazine with a grin.
His frame was cloaked in dark red ash in a form of a giant trench coat which barley clutched off his bent over posture.
He had dirty white hair now adged grey like soot. And he had blue steely eyes like candles ablaze.
Orion was transfixed.
As if in a honey glue haze , they lurched forward ever so slightly trembling ever so slightly.
"Hey kiddo" said dante not even looking up.
Orion gulped and felt their cheeks flush .
"Hey mr dante sir er" they tripped over each word and their heart was pounding like an uncalled beat of a song . Leaping into the ribcage that surrounded it like a clasp of two hands.
They could hardly breathe , not when he was staring at him like that , two fragments cloaking years of hard worn down traumas, blood sweat and tears.
"You alright" responded dante after a few beats of silence that seemed to reel out for an eternity .
"Y-yeah" stuttered orion.
Dante hummed and motioned them a seat . They sat down awkwardly.
"Your brother is a bit of stick in the ass at the moment aint he"
He waited for a response .
"I suppose so"
"Your loyal ay, dont go blabbin about your brother like that"
Orion just nodded
"Thats something I respect"
Another beat of silence...
Dante observed orion, they way they sat , straight and curled as if they wanted to hide in themselves .
He knew that posture...
So he slowly put his hand out onto his shoulder and said in a slow calming voice
"Hey, hey its alright"
Orion almost shrugged him off but then began to melt into his touch .
And they sat in silence , dante rubbing his shoulder.
"You wanna get some pizza?"
"Y-yeah sure"
Dante stood up with a tiny groan and made his way to the phone on his desk.
"Er pizz mhm"
The call briefley ended and dante walked back into the kitchen and patted orion on the shoulder.
"Ya wanna watch a bit of tv till the
pizza arrives"
They walked into the "living room" the front of the office.
Orion landed themselves on the couch and snuggled into the cushion.
Dante followed sitting next to him and picking up the remote.
"What do you wanna watch?"
Orion didnt respond so dante chose .
"This one alright"
They hummed in response.
An hour passed as the movie played and the outside plunged into darkness , the orange soft light piercing through the opaque veil.
The pizza had been delived and dante was wiping his sleeve on the grease of his mouth.
"Good kid?"
Orion smiled weakely and nodded.
"Whens nero back its been over an hour" thought orion "and he wanted me to sit on his bed the entire time"
The movie contiued to play and orion felt dantes arm snake around their shoulders. They didnt say anything but shifted in their seat.
"Your gonna be a proper devil hunter ay, arnt ya" said dante glancing at orion with a half drawn smile.
"Dont speak much, thats fine kid"
"Gonna be like your big brother , strong and protects all the women"
Orion's cheeks flushed red "I-I dont think so"
"Ya got a gilfriend" dante gave him a playful wink.
Dante gave a chuckle"oh thats alright"
"You will find her one day, be a big strong man"
Orion clenched their fists on their lap "how do i tell him"
"I dont even know him that well but it feels like ive been here for years"
Orion looked out the window into the street and it was so peaceful. The wind rustled the trees and rocked the long spindles of twigs .
The lamposts roared with a soft orange hue, burning the shop fronts with a golden light.
"Yeah kid?"
"Im not....a man"
Dante looked surprised and orion held their breath, heart hammering but dante gave a smile.
"Im so sorry"
Orion let out a breath they didnt realise they were holding before they proccessed dantes words and gave a confused and surprised look.
"I would of not said such things if i realised, im really sorry"
The door opened suddenly spurred revealing an out of breath nero.
"W-what on earth?"
Nero strolled towards dante, heavy shopping bag in hand like a mother with 5 kids who had just finished her divorce papers.
"Dante" he mused "what did I tell you about staying away from my brother for the time being?"
And the peaceful atmosphere snapped like a ruler splitering into 2 plastic halves.
"I dunno" dante shrugged nonchalantly.
"I SAID" said nero teething with anger "to NOT go near them"
"Orion just go into the kitchen"
"Me and dante have to have a word"
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braveryhearted · 1 year
More obscure muses ( Introduction ) series.
Fandom: The World Ends With You.
Muse #2- Shoka Sakurane.
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Age 16-20 ( games )
Shoka Sakurane is a Reaper in NEO: The World Ends with You who belongs to the Shinjuku Reapers. She is a low-ranking Reaper whose job is helping new Players become accustomed to the rules of the Reapers' Game and signing them up for the Reaper Networking Service (RNS). Despite her initial hostility towards Rindo and the Wicked Twisters, she later becomes a Player and joins their team as a party member.
Shoka is introduced as a rude, stubborn, blunt and bored young woman who is extremely snarky and sardonic. She can be very abrasive, arrogant, mocking and condescending towards those she disagrees with, such as Rindo and Fret, to the point where she is arguably a bully. She quickly says that she expected Rindo and Fret to get "slaughtered" as soon as they entered the game. She also tells the duo point blank about them being dead and in the afterlife. Other, lesser instances of her bluntness is her calling their initial team name stupid and dubbing the duo as losers. She seems to enjoy teasing the players and likes getting a rise out of people and treats Rindo as if he were a helpless baby, calling him "Rindykins", asking if the missions are too tough for him, and always departing with a "Later, losers."
At one point, having had enough of her negative attitude, Rindo tells Shoka to shut up and get lost, causing her to wander away after saying he's no fun when he's mad. It is hinted that Shoka is not used to people valuing her opinions; at one point, she tells Rindo that he may have luck with his objective at Shibuya Hikarie. Shoka is astonished when Rindo actually takes her advice and she begins to berate him for doing what she suggested, causing him to call her out on what would even satisfy at her at this point and if she would prefer to be ignored entirely instead.
Shoka is less than enthused with her job of monitoring the Players and views it as one would view any other boring job, not caring about climbing up the Reaper corporate hierarchy as it just means more work. She is quick to leave once her shift is done, even if that means leaving new players in the lurch without proper explanation for the game (it is possible she did this to Nagi Usui hence her confusion). Having grown bored of the Reapers' Game in its current state, she not-so-secretly hopes someone will come along and shake things up. She shows considerable annoyance toward Players who are slow to learn the rules, such as when she calls Rindo and Fret "dummies" and "bozos" when they were unaware of the UG. Despite this, she does also provide some helpful information such as informing them of the need to come in first to escape the game and explaining the differences between the Realground and Underground. She even helps more directly while a Reaper. This is usually done in secret or through her Swallow account.
Shoka is an avid fan of Gatto Nero, enough for the Reaper who tasked them with dressing up with the brand from head to toe to instantly regret it, her saying that the task itself is a 'piece of cake' immediately after it is given out. Her smartphone case is themed after Mr. Mew. She describes herself as being directionless until finding Gatto Nero upon arriving in Shibuya.
Prior to this time, Shoka was rather uncaring about life in general, and rarely made her own decisions, instead going along with whatever happened. She claims that she didn't care whether she was erased or not when she first played the game, and she also became a Reaper in large part because she simply saw no reason not to. At first, Shibuya made her uncomfortable because it forced her to make decisions and define herself among the people of the city, but once she found Gatto Nero, she became more enthused with creating her own style and defining herself on her own terms, eventually bringing her to love the city. The fact that she did not care about returning to the RG also greatly suggests her human life was quite lonely and that she never received much love or appreciation when she alive.
Shoka's brash and uncaring exterior hides her true feelings, to a certain extent. While she did genuinely enjoy being a Reaper, she also ends up becoming disillusioned with it when things go too far, putting Shibuya and the Wicked Twisters in jeopardy. Shoka becomes distressed at this, and ultimately chooses to side with the Twisters during week two in order to help save both them and the city she has grown to love.
Being fired from the Reapers and her FanGO accounts being lost causes her to re-evaluate her life priorities, and her smug attitude begins to dissipate once she experiences vulnerability when she is left to fend for herself against a Noise and is almost erased. Rindo's sympathy for Shoka, asking if she has anywhere to go and if she wants to join their team, transforms her personality as she forms friendships with Rindo, Fret, Beat and Nagi, and decides that she doesn't want to lose them to Shiba's plans. She cares deeply for the team even if she is not the best at expressing it, in particular with Rindo, with whom she played FanGo for three years, and who she eventually becomes friends with in real life. She also has strong friendships with many of the Shinjuku Reapers such as Ayano, who she considers a big sister, and even Shiba and Susukichi, though she seems to not want to admit it.
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neros-quake · 6 years
Casting his light upon a dreary and withered man, Neros enlightens the shadiest of content reviewers, -The Mysterious Mr. Enter.
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devilmayfamily · 3 years
Day 29 - Build a Snowman
I'm just imagining 17-year-old V with the hair he is seen with in game but longer. Like maybe an inch or two (or even three) and it's all layered and everything and the long bangs over his eyes. And the glasses! I headcanon teen V has glasses and like, they're just great and like the ones you see get photoshopped on in photo edits of the boys. Mr. Emo boy V, yes!
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It was a nice, clear day for once in Redgrave city. Fresh snow covered the ground, only the footprints of birds scattered here and there. The Sparda family deciding it was a good day to start off their winter, Eva bundled up all her kids and grandkids and set them outside to play.
While you weren't a descendent, you did find a home in the Sparda family. You've always been close to the grandkids of the Sparda family but have found yourself bonded most to the quiet poet of the two.
You and V started dating only two years ago but Eva was certain the two of you had loved each other since you laid eyes on one another at three. She was sure you two would get married on day and love each other forever.
You and V sat outside with the rest of the family, Dante and Nero running around throwing snow at one another, Vergil staying warm by the back door.
"Do you want to build a snowman?", you ask V.
V looked up at you from his book, your own eyes still trained on it's pages. You, V and Vergil were very similar in the way that you kept to yourselves and read most your days away.
You and V had managed to stay out of the snow for a good bit, V expecting that you'd never go out into it.
"You sure?", V asked.
You looked up at him and nodded. V handed his book and glasses to his father, who was also reading, and got up. He pulled you up with him, handing you your heavy coat. Cuddled together on the porch, you were warm but now that you've moved, you really needed that fur coat.
You took V's hand and pulled him over to a clear spot away from the chaos of his brother and uncle. You crouch down, gathering snow together.
V crouched down next to you and helped gather snow. You didn't make a very big snowman, but it was a very cute mini snowman. You look up at V and smile, it quickly turning to shock as a snowball hits him in the face.
V wipes the snow off of his face, grimacing at how cold his face was now. You reach up and get some snow out of his bangs. You smile, V finally opening his eyes. His forest greens light up when they spot you, a softness you've always loved.
V turns to see where the snowball came from, his brother hiding behind their uncle. V rolls his eyes, slowly getting up. He turns back to you and holds out a hand. He pulls you up off the ground, guiding you towards the house.
Before he enters with you, he picks up a big scoop of snow and throws it at both his uncle and brother. It was enough to cover them both, despite Nero being behind Dante.
You both laugh as you walk inside. Vergil looks up, a smile spreading across his own face. He holds back his own laugh as he looks back down to read his book.
You sit on the couch, V sitting on the floor between your legs. You had a comb, combing out the snow from his hair. Once all the snow was out, you braided V's hair back into a small ponytail.
"All done", you say.
V put his glasses back on, looking up at you and smiling. You smiled back, leaning down to spider-man kiss him.
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Chapter 9 of Tower of Nero (contents and summary under the cut)
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Things we have learnt this chapter
Nero has 11 other “adopted” demigod children between the ages of 11 and 18 - “The youngest seemed struck with wonder, fear and hero worship. The slightly older ones looked broken and traumatized, their eyes hollow. The adolescents showed a range of anger, resentment and self-loathing, all bottled up and carefully not directed at Nero. The oldest teens looked like mini-Neros: cynical, hard, cruel junior sociopaths.” Oh freaking gods… by the way, two of them are named Lucius and Aemillia, respectively
A 48-hour ultimatum to CHB to hand over Meg and Apollo or NYC would be destroyed
“The Me cabin” is mentioned again
We see Will shirtless canonically and he has “stylized sun tattoo” on his “left pectoral”, MOVE OVER, DUM-DUMS, GUESS WHO GOT A TATTOO FIRST AMONG THE SILVER COUPLE OF THE FANDOM AND IT’S NOT THE ONE MOST EXPECT!!
Naomi Solace is mentioned to be kind-hearted, which implies that she is a good mother and might be perfectly fine with her son being mlm
THREE NEW APOLLO KIDS ENTER THE PICTURE!! “Jerry was from London, Gracie from Idaho and Yan from Hong Kong.” MY CITY!! MY PRECIOUS CITY HAS A DEMIGOD CANONICALLY FROM HERE!! (BTW her Chinese name would be either 欣 or 恩 - trust me, I’m a Hongkonger, I know how Cantonese names work, and if anything happens to Yan, I’ll kill everyone in this fandom and then myself)
Apollo being a protective dad towards his demigod kids always has my heart warmed
Nico was “sent into a rage” at Jason’s death (some weeks prior to ToN) and it was canonically triggering to lose someone who meant so much to him 
Nico canonically has PTSD, has flashbacks and waking dreams and likely auditory hallucinations (is that what you call it? The canonical wording is “the voices”…); go home, ableists, you need to be thrown out of a spaceship because news flash, Rick finally acknowledged trauma explicitly in the text with namedropping (Percy and Annabeth were implied to have issues in Blood of Olympus but let us only hope that Rick follows through on this whole trauma thing for the rest of the book, or so help me if Rick mental-illness-baits)
Nico has a therapist, thank the gods for Mr. D, who is helping him work stuff out
He’s also implied to have developed some sort of eating disorder - he “doesn’t eat much these days”… thanks, Rick, give them time to work this schist out
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Thank you.
"Yes. About that. I want you to investigate this man. He has been rumored to have a link to the disappearances of female Italian citizens for the past ten years. He has also recently opened another business in an island not far from here. Coincidentally, a week before he opened his new business, a group of prostitutes from Naples all disappeared in one night. They are yet to be found."
"There is nothing in this world that I and my group could not uncover. With our skills, no secrets would be left unearthed. However, this man,... he is a Capo. One of Diavolo's first and steadfast supporters. He has his hooks deep within Passione, and he has yet to bare his fangs despite his former ally's demise. But seeing this is a direct order, I would dare not question you."
"This Capo. This person who is linked to the disappearances. Who is he?"
"His name,... is Inganno. Sarastro Inganno. He may or may not be connected to Stand Users, and we also don't know if he is one, himself. So, be prepared. I trust in you and your team."
"You've seen him and what he hides! He may be another filth of Passione but, he isn't the man you are looking for!"
"I know what I saw. And I know what he is capable of."
"So, what do you say, huh, partner?"
A few hours earlier,...
And this piqued Risotto Nero's interest,...
For the first time in Risotto Nero's life, he felt so lost, and yet so uncomfortable at the same time. From the moment he entered the massive commercial building, he felt so many eyes trained on him. Like he has become the center of everyone's attention.
The Capo has become so used of hiding in the shadows, that people barely knew he existed. However, this mission that was given to him,... it required him to come out of his hiding place to drag someone out from the shadows.
From the very void he used to dwell at.
And for what price?
His own life? A second chance at it?
"I think the receptionist has a crush on you." Whispered Melone with a wink and a smirk, and it wasn't helping with the situation at all.
Ignoring the smaller man, Risotto whispered, ignoring the enamored looks that were being thrown at him from every direction, "Formaggio, are you ready?"
"Always, boss." Came the man's diminutive answer, as he has been hanging out in the Capo's pocket for quite some time now.
"Whenever you're ready."
"On it."
Risotto felt Formaggio jump out from his pocket. And with it, the mission began.
Finally entering the elevator that directly led to the offices, Risotto gave one last look at Formaggio, who was already making his way towards the casino, expecting the man to get the results he needed. And he assumed that the rest of his team, who was on stand by outside the intimidating building, expected the same of him.
What he found at the office of the CEO a few moments later did not shock him. Hell, it did not even make an eyebrow rise.
It was,... it looked,... so ordinary. As expected of a plain and normal Italian businessman.
However, this only led Risotto to suspect the man even more.
Bowing before the elder Capo, the white - haired man began. "I deeply express my gratitude for having us in your presence, Mr. Inganno."
Sarastro Inganno, an unusually attractive man in his early fifties, smiled and nodded at them.
"Likewise, Mr. Nero!" Boomed the businessman's deep voice. "But, I must say the Procida sunlight really does wonders for your pale skin!"
Clearing his throat, feeling awkward at receiving such compliment, or any type of compliment for that matter, the Capo answered him. "And yours, as well, if you don't mind me saying."
"Oh, hush! It's not the sunlight! I pretty much consider myself a recluse these days. Like a vampire! Ah, anyway, how can I help a fellow Passione Capo?"
His sharp red eyes darting from the curious little trinkets on his table to the gold Passione ring on his finger that bore the insignia of the former boss, Risotto carefully chose his words, not intending to beat around the bushes. "I was sent by the Boss. And I would like to ask some questions, if I may be so blunt."
At the word, Boss, the smile on Sarastro's face was instantly eradicated, as if his sunny world was suddenly invaded by storm clouds. Linking his long, bony fingers together, the older Capo raised a question of his own. "It depends on the question, Mr. Nero. But, by all means, go ahead."
Noticing the look of anxiety and worry on Melone's face, the younger Capo went on. "Have you noticed any strange activity within this area lately, Mr. Inganno?"
"Strange activity, you say?" Raising an eyebrow, Sarastro took one of the trinkets, a metal bobby pin, from his table and pointed it at Risotto. "The only strange activity I noticed here,... is,... " The man leaned forward, not letting Risotto and Melone out of his sight. Then, he,... laughed. Just like that, he laughed, and he's clearly not taking the question seriously. It annoyed the white - haired Capo, and Melone, who instantly became speechless the moment he saw the business tycoon, sensed this. " ... my skyrocketing wealth! Haha!"
"Then, there is no reason for us to prolong our visit." Risotto cut him off, his words as sharp as a blade. "Do forgive us for our impertinence, Mr. Inganno. We will be leaving promptly - "
"Wait!" Sarastro stopped laughing and held out a single hand, the one that still held the bobby pin. "I wanted to share something with you before you leave."
"R - riso - tto,... " A weakened voice brought the Capo back to his awful reality. He opened his eyes just in time to see Formaggio, in his shrunk state, crawling towards him, leaving behind a trail of blood and guts. A metal bobby pin was sticking into his chest like a sword. "H - he g - got me. I c - couldn't fulfill my m - mission,... "
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The screams coming from all over the place brought the Capo back to his senses, and all at once, things had become so difficult for him and his men to deal with.
Not knowing the consequences, he took a few steps towards the Queen, only for more people to fall like dead leaves right in front of her.
"Is that her Stand?" Melone, who was astutely studying the Queen's movements, questioned.
"It appears so."
"Huh? What do you mean?!"
One look at the girl and he knew. Something really bizarre was going on, and it seemed as though something, or someone, provoked the Stand from attacking.
And this Stand,... this waif,... was interfering with his mission.
She and the Stand must be stopped, at all cost.
"She's not in control." Risotto plainly declared as more and more people began panicking.
"Come again?!"
"Something else is in play here." Preparing for the worse, the man walked ever so closer towards the Stand's range, seeing more and more festival goers collapse right before him. "Melone, call everyone and get these people away from here."
"Easy for you to say!" Melone fired back as people began pushing others just to escape the sudden mania.
"Do it now!" Risotto howled his order just as a parade dancer collapsed right on his feet.
"Don't hurt me,... please,... " The man pleaded as he clutched the Capo's leg. "M - mother,... "
Mother? What in the - ?
"Risotto, look out!" He heard Melone's voice. He turned around just in time to avoid a car speeding uncontrollably towards him. He was able to carry the man to safety, however, what he failed to notice was the person standing just a few feet behind him.
The Capo witnessed everything, his eyes wide with disbelief. He saw how the car ran over Melone. Blood and guts splattered everywhere, and Risotto could do nothing but stare at the gruesome scene. His eyesight darting to his team mate's almost severed head, his mind tried its best to tell him that he was only seeing things. That it wasn't Melone who just took the blow instead of him. However, seeing the blood - stained purple hair on the ground made his heart twitch in unmeasurable pain.
Melone was gone. Just like that. And he couldn't save him.
"What are you still doing here?! Have you gone mental?!" Shrieked a familiar voice that seemed to come out of nowhere. Turning around, he saw none other than Ghiaccio, in his White Album suit, trying his very best to carry people out of harm's way. "Get out of here! It's too dangerous!"
He wanted so much to run, to escape this horror but, somehow, his legs refused to cooperate with him. He was overcome with doubt so strong, he was actually beginning to feel fear.
"FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO SAVE YOU, WOMAN?!" Ghiaccio yelled at the screaming lady he was carrying. Apparently, she was pointing at something right behind him. "YOU'RE SO ANNOYING! WHAT ARE YOU SCREECHING ABOUT - ?!"
Risotto Nero wanted so much to scream. To tell Ghiaccio to move, to run away. And again, he was too late. Just as the white - clad man turned around, a set of thick wires that were cut from an electric post came tumbling right on top of him, frying him and the woman alive. The Capo freed himself from the helpless man who was clutching his leg and ran as fast as he could to where Ghiaccio was.
But, he was too late,...
Melone, and now, Ghiaccio,...
What is,... ?
"FRATELLO! FRATELLO, ANSWER ME!" All of a sudden, Risotto heard Pesci's cries not far from where he was. He turned around and saw the man crouched on the ground, a mutilated body in his arms. The Capo had a hard time identifying the body but, the black suit was unmistakable. It was none other than Prosciutto, stuck in his old form, several pieces of glass stuck deep in his face. "I can't - I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"
Risotto's stomach turned when he realized what Pesci was trying to do. A savage roar ripped out from his throat, telling the man to stop what he was doing, however, once again, he was too late. He turned around and closed his eyes shut, his heart twisting in pain, just as he heard Pesci's bones break the moment he wrapped the line of his Beach Boy around his neck.
"Formaggio, it's okay. Go back to your true form,... "
"I'm s - sorry,... " And with those last words, Formaggio fell.
How? How was he unable to save everyone? Melone, Ghiaccio, Pesci, Prosciutto, and now Formaggio,...
Where was his strength when he needed it the most? Where was his courage when his team needed to be saved?
He couldn't do anything. He was useless,...
He might as well die,...
He was about to use his Stand to end his pain, when a strangely alluring scent suddenly assaulted his nostrils. It was so powerful, and yet so gentle, and when he desperately sniffed more of it, as if his entire body was being pulled by it, something truly shocking has revealed itself right before his very own eyes. Everything around him, the vehicles, the buildings, the people, the abandoned booths and floats, the dead bodies, his dead team mates,...
... they all vanished.
Risotto barely had enough time to react as he heard the other Capo's voice breaking the silence, followed by a fist that connected to his face, throwing him away.
The blue sky was suddenly eaten by darkness so frightening and intimidating, that Risotto couldn't believe he was still seeing reality. The scent vanished, and all at once, the gruesome images went back. But, this time, they looked distorted, and even more frightening. And they were playing over and over again like a horror movie stuck in an endless loop.
It was like waking up from a nightmare but, instead of waking up, he found himself stuck on another, more frightening one.
An endless nightmare,...
"Nightmare,... " Risotto murmured as he witnessed the death of his team mates over and over again, playing like a broken record in front him.
That strange scent,... it momentarily brought him out of the nightmare loop. Then, it was gone. However, on those fleeting moments, he has figured out the secret of his enemy. Or at least part of it.
Everything he saw, it was just an awfully realistic illusion made by the enemy to instill fear and hopelessness in him. It was even enough for him to consider taking his own life.
And he knew what he must do in order to escape this living hell.
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Risotto Nero raised his hand and did the unthinkable. He used his Stand to create numerous blades with his own blood, inflicting so much pain in his right arm that it ripped the nightmare right in front of him and finally brought him back.
That's it! Pain was the answer! And damn, it hurt like hell,...
"Ghiaccio, what took you so long?!" He heard Melone's frantic voice on the other side of the street. He turned around and saw him and Ghiaccio working together to rescue the innocent citizens from the menace of the Queen.
"STOP COMPLAINING AND JUST DO YOUR FUCKING JOB, GODDAMNIT!" The bespectacled man in his white suit yelled as he carried three children all at once.
"Where are the others?!"
"Pesci, Prosciutto, and Illusio are on their way! Formaggio is still in that stupid - looking building!"
"Alright! Let's do this!"
With a simple sigh of relief escaping his lips, Risotto turned around,...
... only to see the Queen, now standing mere inches from him, staring directly into his eyes. She took a deep breath and let out an aria so spine - tingling, he lost his concentration. The first few notes of her aria brought him back to the same nightmare.
Fortunately, Risotto would never be swayed again.
The Capo winced in pain as a fresh batch of blades went through his skin from his other arm, instantly bringing him back. The Queen saw all this and went on howling her death aria like a banshee, plunging the Capo over and over again into the nightmare, only this time, the illusions were becoming so violent.
The roar escaped his lips, once again bringing him back. However, he could feel his head getting lighter. There were now multiple blades sticking out of his limbs, and he was losing too much blood. He must do something to stop the Queen from attacking him, however, he could not inflict direct damage on her, as it would hurt the girl, who was still on the ground not far from where he was. And he still believed that she was not directly in control of this horrifying Stand.
He must save her. He must do everything he can to, at least, subdue the Queen,...
All of a sudden, the dark Stand stopped singing. Risotto then noticed that the strange and yet alluring scent from before, which helped him wake up from that nightmare, went back and now has complete control over the powerful Queen, putting it in a trance – like state. It wafted through the air like a warm and comforting veil being worn over his tired, injured form, and it somehow also helped relieve some of his pain.
"GO TO HER!" He heard an unknown female voice, possibly from the one who released the scent, slicing through the tensed silence and guiding him on what he must do. "NOW!"
Risotto took this one chance, ignored his injuries, and ran towards the girl, who was now shaking in fear and confusion. And as if by wild instinct, he fell on his knees, which hurt like hell due to the blades that were sticking out of it, and grabbed the girl, engulfing her in what he hoped to be a comforting embrace.
"It's alright, you have nothing to fear." He whispered just as the scent was beginning to vanish. "I'm here. I will save you."
He felt a bit awkward and stupid for what he was doing but, miraculously, it did stop the Queen from attacking. The Capo saw how she slowly diminished like smoke until she was finally gone.
The Queen was finally defeated,... at least for now.
"Please, please, please, leave me alone. Please,... " The girl in his arms pleaded as her body trembled with fear.
He rubbed her back, trying to calm her down, and whispered as gently as he could. "She's gone. She's not going to hurt you anymore."
"She's,... she's gone?"
"B - bruno?"
What? Risotto looked down, meeting her wide - eyed silvery gaze, and saw only confusion in them.
This girl,...
"Y - you're not B – bruno!" She could only whimper as fear began taking hold of her once more.
"Bruno? You're Bucciarati's - ?"
And these servants,... these prisoners,... they were the ones who were missing! The ones Giorno Giovanna was talking about!
A few hours earlier,...
"Wait!" Sarastro stopped laughing and held out a single hand, the one that still held the bobby pin. "I wanted to share something with you before you leave."
The older Capo stood from his chair and walked towards Risotto, putting a firm hand on his shoulder and guiding him towards the large portrait of the old Passione family tree.
Only it wasn't really a large portrait but a door that concealed an elevator,...
... leading to a dark and secret room where Sarastro's biggest secret was being kept.
Women, and some younger men even, dressed, or undressed, in a particularly provoking way, serving some of the wealthiest Italians in more ways than one. And what's more, these poor servants,... they seemed to be,... enjoying the entire spectacle. Not a worry or fear in their eyes, whatsoever, despite them clearly being held hostage.
It was too fast, the only things that Risotto was able to see were Sarastro's flicking hand, and something fast coming out of it like a metallic blur. His eyes followed that direction and what he found there only solidified his suspicions regarding the man.
Sarastro,… was behind those missing persons case, after all!
"I'm sure there are a lot of questions buzzing around in your mind right now, Mr. Nero. But, picture this," Sarastro said as he led him and Melone towards a separate room where three women, two in nothing but leather straps and one in a seemingly out of place evening gown, waited for them. "You and I working together in this booming business of ours. Money coming in your way. Fame, wealth, power, whatever your heart desired." Sarastro lightly pushed Risotto to the sofa, followed by Melone, whose lap was immediately taken by one of the women. "Everything you yearned for yourself and for your team now only within your grasp. You're just gonna have to grab the opportunity and claim it, as I have.
"All I ask is one thing," The businessman watched and licked his upper lip as the other woman in leather straps made herself comfortable in Risotto's lap. "That you renounce your loyalty to that brat Giorno Giovanna and help me become the new Boss. So, what do you say, huh? You're a powerful man, Mr. Nero. You and I, we can bring Passione to its former glory!"
Risotto Nero could only give the man his cold stare. "And what if I refuse?"
And to this answer, Sarastro only smiled. "Well, then, I'm just gonna have to ask again until you agree with me. You're a wise man, I know you would make the right decision." The man's stare was becoming more and more intense, until something from one corner of the room caught his eye.
He,… did something else. Something other than the abduction of innocent people.
Something more,…
"So, what do you say, huh, partner?" Sarastro asked, his deceptively patient eyes gleaming with both amusement and devilry.
That metallic blur that escaped Sarastro's hand? It was that bobby pin he was holding onto.
And that bobby pin somehow got stuck firmly on the wall next to the door, a piece of a familiar - looking orange fabric caught in it.
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The Huntsman's heart pt7
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Warning: consentual sex
The next day you and Risotto returned to your journey. It was estimated that the trip would only take two more days and that you'd be able to rest in a town that wasn't under Diavolo's control.
Unlike the times before you were walking during the day. You still felt horrible for pushing Risotto away. You knew he understood that it steamed from the truma Diavolo had caused but you shouldn't have, he wasn't going to hurt you. After all he loved you in the truest form.
You held his hand and gripped it tightly.
"I'm sorry for pushing you away yesterday" you apologized. He stopped in his tracks and turned to you.
"You don't need to keep beating yourself up, if anything I'm the one at fault" he explained as he held your shoulders.
"But I shouldn't have, I know you wouldn't have hurt me" you explained.
"That's not the point, if you don't want to be touched, you have every right to refuse. Even if you love me" he told you. You saw the love in his ruby eyes.
"I love you too, I love you more then anyone ever could and I don't want to hurt you" you said to him.
"You won't" he told you as he cusped your cheeks and planted a kiss on you lips. He'd never imagined he'd be blessed with an angel like you.
As the sun began to set you'd made your way to the town. However Risotto noticed the knights in white patrolling around.
"Prince Bruno must have an alliance with Diavolo, we should tread carefully as he may be here too" Risotto told you as you walked amongst the crowd.
Risotto's statement was correct, he was also there as this was one of the few areas that was especially hostile towards Diavolo's reign. So it'd be a perfect place to hide.
He swore he saw you on multiple occasions but as soon as he tried to reach you, you'd vanish into the crowd once more. He wondered if it was really you or if his mind was playing tricks on him.
You and Risotto had entered the inn and all eyes were on you both.
"Risotto this a bad idea…" you whispered to him.
"No one here is going to speak out, most of them here have just as much of a reason to avoid the law as we do" he replied as you both made your way to the lady at the desk.
"You really put a red target on that head of yours Mr Nero" the older woman said with disdain in her voice.
"I have no reason to explain myself, just let us stay the night and you'll never see my face again" he told her.
"Not a chance! You've already brought enough attention here" She snarled.
"Please ma'am, we just need one night" you begged.
"And what makes you think I'll change my mind princess? You hold no power here" she told you.
"I know that but can I offer you this?" You asked as you took off the engagement ring Diavolo had given you and placed it on the table.
She quickly snatched up the ring and inspected the emerald in it.
"How can I be sure this is real? You could easily be trying to rip me off" she said.
"Do you think Diavolo would spare any cost on something like this, you can check the inside and look at the engraving for yourself" you replied. She looked and read it for herself and quickly shoved it in her pocket.
"You'll both leave at dawn, not a minute later" she hissed. You both headed upstairs and made your way to the 5th room.
"So what issue does she have with you?" You asked.
"Her husband and I got into a fight a few years back. He paid me for a hit on someone and things were catastrophic." He said, obviously still angered about the situation. He sat on the bed and you sat next to him.
"Everyone seems to forget that I'm a person too, I have my own morals" he said with a sigh. You held his hand between yours.
"I don't think any differently about you, no matter what you're still just as human as everyone else" you told him as you gave him a soft expression.
"I know… and I'm blessed to have you. You treat me better than I deserve" he said.
"You deserve everything Risotto, if it weren't for you I'd still be trapped in Diavolo's clutches" you told him as you wrapped your arms around him.
"I love you so much" you continued before you kissed him. You felt the same spark you did yesterday. The kiss deepened. You straddled his legs and wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled away from you and planted another kiss on your forehead.
"Are you ok if this goes further?" He asked you.
"Of course" you replied as you nuzzled your face into the croon of his neck. 
"Ok, but let me know if you want to stop" Risotto told you before he began to undo the back of your dress. You began to unbutton his coat as you kissed him again. The feeling inside you was intoxicating, you wanted more with every second. Hoping this moment would never end.
Without noticing it your form laid underneath his as he stripped off his coat and shirt. Leaving you to trace your hands across him. You noticed the various faint scars he had littered around his torso, each with a story to tell.
You felt his hands travel over your frame before he slowly pulled down your dress. When your chest was exposed you tried to hide the large scar along your chest but he quickly pulled it away.
"Don't be ashamed, I'll love you no different even with those scars" Risotto told you before he kissed your neck while he removed it, now exposing the scars across your abdomen that spelt Diavolo's name.
One of his hands softly squeezed your tender breast and you gasped out in surprise. His fingers began to work on your erecting nipples, you moaned softly as you felt something blossom in the pit of your stomach.
"Oh Risotto" you mewled his name as you squirmed beneath him. You could feel his erection growing as it pushed against your thighs. He laid to his side before tracing a line down from your torso, making its way lower and lower.
"Are you still ok with me continuing?" He asked you as he stopped just above your groin.
"Yes" you replied.
He began to rub your clit in a circular motion. You softly moaned while gripping the bed sheets.you turned your head and kissed him once more as you felt your body squirm under his touch, feeling your body building up for a release.
"I'm going to cum" you moaned before one of his digits entered your dripping wet pussy. You gasped at the sensation of being stretched. He massaged your inner walls while his mouth latched onto your nipple. You held onto your forehead in your palm as you bit your lower lip.
Your moans became shaky as you felt the metaphoric knot inside you snap.
"Risotto" you cried as you came over his fingers. He pulled away before lapping up your juices on his hand.
"You taste amazing mio angela" he said before sitting up and discarding the last of his clothing, his large cock sprung free and you swallowed the large lump in your throat. He took notice of this and tried to reach out for his clothes.
"No it's fine, it's just rather large" you told him as you felt your face heat up more than it already was. You got onto his lap and kissed him again.
"Are you sure?" He asked as his hands rested on your hips.
"Yes my love, I want you so badly" you replied before wrapping your arms around his neck. You pressed your body against his as he adjusted your position so that his cock could ease into you.
Your fingers dug into his shoulders as you felt the stinging sensation of being stretched as he slowly lowered you onto his dick. You moaned Into his chest as you could feel him borrowing himself deep within you. He lets you rest against him as you adjust to his size.
After a minute or so you look at him with an affirming knod. He lifted you a little before thrusting into you. You cried out in pleasure as you felt the head of his cock press against your cervix.
"Yes, right there" you plead in a shaky tone as he sets a moderate pace. He tried to hold himself back so as to not hurt you but he could keep it for long.
Soon he had you underneath him again as he thrusted into you at an animalistic pace.
"I… I'm going to fill you to the brim mio Cara" he groaned.
"Oh please, I want you to give me a child" you moaned in response with little thought. You felt your body tense as you felt yourself nearing another orgasm.
"So close" he groans out as he can feel how close you are. Your legs wrap around his hips.
"I'm so close my love!" You nearly screamed as you felt yourself unravel in pleasure.
Your vision turned white as a flurry of nonsensical and incoherent sentences became jumbled in your moans.
He felt your walls tighten around him, begging for his release. He thrusted a few more times as he let you ride out your climax before thrusting once more, filling your cunt with his cum. He pulled out and laid beside you once more as he watched you try to catch your breath.
"I apologize If I was a bit rough on you cara" he Apologized.
"You don't have to apologize, it was wonderful" you replied as you rolled to your side and hugged him. He kissed your forehead before you both drifted off to sleep.
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