#Mr Enter
weaselbeaselpants · 8 months
If I were a cartoon review youtuber, some of my videos would definitely be:
Underrated Animated films you should see vol. 1 - ongoing
Complete look at Skunk Fu! and all it's episodes
What's ACTUALLY wrong with Illumination films (spoiler: it's not the designs). And that video would probably have a sequel ironically unironically accusing Chris Meladandri of being a White Walker who rips out movies' souls.
Disturbing Animated Film Iceberg.
A calming, sweet short retrospective on The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends.
Killing off the idea of "endgame". Tho, tbf, I'm definitely going to be writing that thesis statement down someday. I guess in video format it'd be a big "did this series REALLY fall off cuz the creator catered to fans?" breakdown of a few shows.
A video about 9. Because of course I'd make something about 9.
Politically heavy (but not horror) animated films.
An essay explaining the difference between what I want to see in a story vs what's actually good in a story; and likewise the difference between what I personally do/don't find offensive and what's objectively offensive as a viewer.
The dichotomy and standards between different talking animal films.
A review about Mary and Max and why I like it but it's okay if other autists don't. which would be a broader video about how to listen to the opinions of demographics and minorities and not to treat any one as a hivemind.
Movies that I dislike but aren't actually bad.
Movies I love that aren't really all that good.
A deeper dive on my take that Steven Universe was always deeply flawed but having an otherwise working ending; where Star vs was a well-written show that utterly biffed it on the ending.
The Swan Princess is secret conservative propaganda.
The 31 dumbest things in Oogies Revenge.
Zero's Journey is the only good TNBC continuation.
13 Horror animated Feature Films. For Halloween, of course...
My issue with Dreamworks' stans and why I dislike How to Train You Dragon 2.
My issues with Anti v Proshipping. Def would be a multi part series explaining why I think most of the problem is just people really aggresively bulling one another -AND THEN, getting into heinous fandom shit that no one talks about and the ethics of children online and freedom of expression.
Prolly then would make an exclusive (cuz it's dirty) review abt the rights of r34 and adult artists and what they had to/have to put up with both from peers and websites banning explicit material.
What absolutely doesn't work about Pocahontas and Anastasia.
I'd do a series called "Spitball Re-haul" wherein I go through a revisioned show's premise and then explain all the reasons for the changes. I'd make:
How I'd rewrite The Owl House season 3.
How I'd rewrite Star vs the Forces of Evil "Cleaved".
How I'd rewrite Strange Magic.
How I'd rewrite Raya and the Last Dragon.
How I'd rewrite Seasons 4-8 of Friendship is Magic.
My tinfoil hat video on Disney trying to profit so much off of fans is hurting their bases.
Mapping out and analyzing different types of crossover fiction, their merits and their issues with story-keeping.
Mythological and cultural animated films.
and finally, for when I'd muster up the strength:
an HBomberGuy-type callout/deepdive into MysteriousMrEnter and Lily Orchard and how they've made cartoon reviews worse.
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jcalexandrewrites · 4 days
Mr. Enter > Lily Orchard
There. I said it.
Yes, Mr. Enter has made a lot of bad takes and decisions, from instigating harassment against SpongeBob writers, to criticizing Turning Red for not mentioning 9/11.
But, to his credit, at least he's improved as a reviewer and person.
At least he acknowledged his old Turning Red review was terrible and even uploaded a newer, more nuanced review.
At least he owned up to his bad political views and even apologized for having them. (He even apologized about citing an alt-right blog site in one video upon being informed it was an alt-right blog site.)
At least he walked back on his cringier views and takes. At least he's mellowed out in his newer videos. At least he even gave up on creating "Animated Atrocities" videos with a greater focus on positive reviews.
Mr. Enter, for all his faults, has improved as a person.
I cannot say the same for Lily Orchard.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
Mr. Enter started reviewing books for some reason, and got mass dogpiled by the internet again because he said The Hobbit sucks.
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the-uncanny-dag · 10 months
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Hey Siri, define "desperation"
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lily-orchard-archives · 5 months
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June 27th, 2017
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beepinout · 2 years
A Mr. Enter joke
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sardonic-saccharide · 2 years
I wish I weren’t such a morbidly curious person. I wish it didn’t bring some twisted sense of catharsis to keep picking at the things that made me miserable. I’ll watch a show or read a book or find a YouTube channel that’ll fill me with vitriolic hatred, and that anger can be cultivated for years. I wish I understood why I did it. That vitriolic basis is where my form of media analysis stems from. My mind was rotted out my ‘media critics’, and even though it’s been years, it feels like that framework has been instilled so deep into me and how I look at art. I want to be an uncritical person. I resent people like Lily Orchard and Mr Enter for so deeply breeding vitriol in their audiences with no outlet for enjoying things.
Unfortunately, I am a critical person, so I’ll try and make the best of it.
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hyperrockforte · 6 months
PSA: Rebeccah is someone who's said and done adhorrent things, from being a bad boss and not paying her staff to allowing creeps in her server 3 TIMES! once with Nek0Pan then with Sean Sohr(KoopaEquality) and lastly with Brandon The Brony Pony, thats ontop of other shit like getting a person she called a friend recount her trauma of being molested by her father. this is amongst a whole host of other issues, i urge those who see this post to watch the video in full.
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mrenterhistory · 1 year
An Unhealthy Childhood Begets an Unhealthy Life (Mr. Enter: The Unauthorized Biography)
Content warnings for this part: pedophilia, drug abuse, child abuse, and bullying
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Pictured: Keith Rauh and Jennifer Rozanski, c.1992
Sometime in 1991, then-18-year-old Keith Rauh was smoking marijuana with his friends in Chicopee Memorial State Park, enjoying the day's good weather, when they were approached by a group of girls from their high school. The group included a girl named Jennifer Rozanski, who was 15 at the time. Keith reciprocated her advances, and what followed was an unhealthy and illegal relationship.
Despite this, Keith would remember this relationship as a positive time in his life. Decades later, he would muse about it in Soul Bond, his autobiography and memoir:
We were young, and I remember her telling us, we had to be quiet, or her parents would hear, and they would get in trouble! (...) We had a whirl wind romance from the very start, and we both fell deeply in love. We were almost in separable at first. Little did I know then, this relationship, would effect me, my entire life. (...) I thought at the time, we were high school sweethearts, destined to be together forever. We had a lot of good times together! - Soul Bond (Life, Love, and the Paranormal), Keith Rauh
It was Keith who introduced Jennifer to addictions she would retain for the rest of her life, including alcohol, tobacco, and opiates. It was Keith who got Jennifer pregnant with her first child in late 1991. It was Keith who chose to leave the relationship soon after.
We were young, and she got pregnant. At this point, things had gotten rough, and we were arguing a lot, like a reaction, of two young star-crossed lovers, having to grow up, way too fast. (...) I don't know why, still to this day, but something inside me, said runaway, and run like hell. This was right before, my first son was born, and I was gone with the wind. - Soul Bond (Life, Love, and the Paranormal), Keith Rauh
Keith stayed in Chicopee until he graduated from high school in 1993, at age 20. He moved to another city soon after. Eventually, he was arrested for drug possession and spent several years in jail. It would be over a decade before Jennifer would hear from him again.
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Pictured: Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA
Jonathan Joseph Rozanski was born at Baystate Medical Center on July 21, 1992. Because of Keith's abandonment, Jennifer decided to give the boy her own last name. Jennifer spent the next three years raising Jonathan with the aid of her parents. While Enter credits them as being a positive force in his childhood, they were insistent that Jennifer got married after she turned 18, because the family was Catholic.
That pressure might have been the catalyst for Jennifer's sudden engagement to Brian Plourde in 1995. The two met when Jennifer was 19 and Brian was 21, and Jennifer was soon pregnant with Brian's child. Because they were both Catholic, and because of pressure from Jennifer's parents, they married almost immediately.
Brian decided to keep his last name, while Jennifer decided to hyphenate, changing her name to Jennifer Rozanski-Plourde. Brandon Plourde, John's half-brother, was born in January 1996. Over the next 4 years, they had 2 more kids, girls named Ashley and Emily.
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Pictured: Brian with either Jonathan or Brandon, c.1998-2002 (from a profile picture, highest quality available)
At 2 years old, John saw The Lion King at the movie theater - his first movie, and one of his earliest memories. He was spellbound by the experience, and it most likely played a significant role toward his developing interest in animation. Meanwhile at home, he would watch The Lion King and Aladdin on repeat for days at a time without getting tired of them.
This might have been an early sign of him being on the Autism spectrum, which he wouldn't discover until he was an adult. As a child, he also had several sensory and social issues, many of which persist into adulthood. Some of these included:
A sensitivity to the texture of scotch tape, receipts, and newspaper
A dislike for ketchup, describing it as spicy
A sensitivity to the taste of mint, to the extent that he refused to brush his teeth because of it
Difficulty engaging with other children, and inability to make eye contact.
Jennifer's parents soon bought a separate house for the family to live in. Enter would talk about Brian's role in the family years later.
I don't measure my success in money, most likely because my step-father always measured his success in money. And nothing about that man was successful. Literally pregnancy-trapped into a marriage with three kids he had no qualms with saying that he did not want in a house owned by his wife's parents. - Today I learned that Pluto is a Planet, John Enter
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Pictured: Our Lady of Hope Catholic School
In 1997, John started school. He attended Our Lady of Hope, a K-8 Catholic school in Springfield, MA. Shy and focused on his own interests, he hated the time he spent there even as early as kindergarten.
Some subjects, like reading, he excelled at - later claiming that he learned to read before he even started school, and that he read dictionaries for fun. Others, like math, were such a struggle for his teachers that he was forced to teach himself. Enter later confessed he would cheat on, and rush through, assignments.
While attending kindergarten I learned that I got to go to the play area when I was finished with my work. I learned to cheat at the race, cutting corners hoping that I wouldn't be seen. - Today I learned that Pluto is a Planet, John Enter
John also faced what he believed was unfair treatment from his teachers. He also talked about this later in life.
Kindergarten teachers learn from Marx. The best way to teach sharing is not taking a toy away from someone who is content and give it to the other kid who just looked at longingly. - 30 Things I Learned in School, John Enter
That same year, John joined his school soccer team at the insistence of his parents, where he played goalie. He got a participation trophy at the end of the season, which he keeps to this day as a memento of the now-closed school.
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Pictured: Jonathan's participation trophy, in 2018
The trophy also serves as a memento of Jonathan's birth name. Soon after, his name was changed to Johnathan with an 'h'. This might have been John's decision, since he took pride in his name going forward, believing that it was clearly the correct way to spell a name which shortened to John.
John spent his early years of school socially isolated, in part because of his shyness and social difficulties caused by ASD. This led to him developing some odd habits, including talking to himself in class and singing on the bus. This might have played a role in the bullying his faced as he went into second and third grade.
John was verbally abused for his odd behavior. That included a time when he blurted out the Kim Possible theme song on the bus, and another time when, though the exact details aren't clear, he was mocked for having a crush on an imaginary friend. The verbal bullying slowly escalated to physical abuse, like an incident when he was stuck with a "kick me" sign. When he complained to his parents, they told him to ignore the bullies, and that they would stop if he did.
One day during recess, a frequent bully approached John and started making fun of him. When he refused to respond, the bully assaulted John with pepper spray he brought from home. John cried and ran to tell a recess monitor, but because of either misunderstanding or disbelief, she ignored him.
He never told his parents what happened, and when his school found out about it days later, their solution was making John repeat third grade to separate him from his bullies. He was left with trauma he'd keep for years, pointing to that day as the start of his disillusionment.
I repeated the third grade to get away from the bullies that had plagued me from the start after an incident where my bully decided to pepper spray me in the face. My eyes were watering and I told the teacher watching the schoolyard, and I was ignored. And I saw how the world worked. - Today I learned that Pluto is a Planet, John Enter
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Pictured: John, Brandon, and one of his sisters, c.2002-2004 (from a profile picture, highest quality available)
While John's school life didn't improve much after that, he found comfort in his siblings, and in entertainment like cartoons, books, and video games. John loved the Wayside series of books by Louis Sachar, and read them to his brother and sisters. They quickly became comfort books for the four. John was also a fan of the Goosebumps series.
John and Brandon played video games together, with some of their favorites being Spyro The Dragon, Sonic The Hedgehog, Goof Troop, Twisted Metal 4, and Halo: Combat Evolved. John also played the game My Little Pony: Friendship Gardens - his first experience with the franchise. The four also watched cartoons together, like Courage The Cowardly Dog, KaBlam!, and SpongeBob SquarePants.
It was around this time that John's interest in writing and video game design started. He wrote out narratives and ideas based on video games he played, including Spyro The Dragon and Baldur's Gate, and eventually decided he wanted to be a video game designer. When he told his school and parents about it, they told him it was unrealistic as a job, and encouraged him to go to college for something more sustainable.
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John's relationship with his parents was strained to say the least. Jennifer struggled with addiction during this time, and sometimes fell asleep with a cigarette in her hand while under the effects of Oxycodone, relying on John to wake her up. In one specific incident, she left the gas stove on, and John only noticed because he got up to use the bathroom.
Jennifer allegedly made John work a paper route only to pocket his money for her habits, claiming she was saving it for college or his birthday. The amount stolen added up to hundreds of dollars. John developed a habit of spending money immediately because of that.
Brian, meanwhile, was abusive toward John and unappreciative of his other kids, talking openly about how he didn't want them. He sometimes gave John tasks he didn't know how to do, then mocked him when he did something wrong. Whether he did it intentionally or candidly is unclear.
Brian allegedly beat John with a leather belt when his grades were low or when he refused to do his homework, to the extent that John became traumatized by the sight of them. But it was a verbal incident that traumatized John the most.
The regret was pierced into my soul and my psyche one hapless day. I remember a lot about it, and I don't remember much at all. I remember it started at five in the evening with dinner. I was asked why my grades were terrible. I was asked again and again, and no answer would suffice. My step-father, a well-built man with an intimidating stature. He slammed on the table until this boy was lost in buckets of tears. This boy who was so socially insecure he couldn't tell his family that the house was on fire. This boy who was recently bullied by children and still bullied by adults. They took the food and drink sooner or later, and the boy gave many answers—from "I don't understand the material" (which was an unsatisfactory answer) to "I don't care." The only satisfactory answer was "because I'm lazy." That answer came about at 8 PM and the food was returned, cold and salvaged by flies. - Today I learned that Pluto is a Planet, John Enter
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Pictured: Various photos of Patrick, 2000s
In early 2004, John had a pivotal experience when he and his family visited an animal shelter to adopt a dog he could call his own. The family already had a lot of pets crowded in a fairly small house, which included at least three Chihuahuas, two rabbits, a ferret, and a dog that belonged to Brandon. The care they could provide for them in those conditions was questionable. But the Newfoundland mix John chose quickly developed a bond with the boy, and he cared for the dog the best he could.
John's puppy was energetic from the start. His favorite treats were apples, and he loved roughhousing with John. Almost immediately, the family noticed his tendency for stupid habits, like how he'd run in circles until he accidentally bumped into a wall. That's why John and his family eventually decided to name him Patrick, in reference to Patrick Star from SpongeBob SquarePants. Patrick soon became John's best friend, and one of the most important pieces of his life.
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Even from this early age, Johnathan was heavily influenced by the media he consumed, which gave him a strong creative drive that he would spend much of the future exploring. His retreat into fiction, though, might have been more of an escape from his difficulties at home and in school. What happened in the next few years would prove to be equally reflective of the man John would grow up to be.
next part coming soon...
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monkey-network · 2 years
My Issues/Problems/Disgusts Resolved(?)
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When you have issues, troubles, or disgusts with anything, the hardest but relieving thing to do coming to terms with them. A couple of years ago, I made a trilogy of posts exploring three people I found ranging from repugnant to devious. It came at a time when frustrations might as well have come out and frankly they were just about people everyone was more than aware of online. Enough time has passed and while this isn't just gonna be me apologizing or being remorseful for what I said, I want to I guess truly bury the hatchet and resolve these stuck-around feelings as somebody that has... been humbled a lot over these years (make of that what you will). This is coming from somebody that knows a lot about staying in your own head. So yeah, let's talk.
Lily Orchard [OP Link]
Gotta say that... nothing's really changed only in that it's all less with anger now. Put this first because it'll be short. To be as sincere as I can, she's just an unlikable person. Regardless of her out there opinions and ideas of media literacy, or her choices in fictional tastes, I won't be the guy that will throw every evil label and the kitchen sink onto her. Calling the spade a spade, even as a former fan I saw that within reason it was seeing a very insatiable and arrogant media "critic" with negative social skills. Hell, the mentions you see of her on Tumblr or Twitter especially are just the open secret that most people don't like her. For me, that resentment has become passive chagrin.
I won't convince anybody of who she can really be, how bad she can be at being both original and derivative, or what she is potentially. I wouldn't say a lost cause, but there's nothing complicated about this anymore. She's just a massive asshole. Not because of any human characteristic of hers, her opinions, or what was known about her in the past. Take away any personal semantics or bias, I remain only puzzled about how her circle is able to tolerate her presence because she's just an unlikable person and that's all on her.
Butch Hartman {OP Link}
2020 basically was the year where a man responsible for one of the most popular cartoons on Nickelodeon finished swan-diving his reputation just as fast as the likes of John K and Justin Roiland. From scheming a streaming service that still isn't out of early access yet to making a Christian flash cartoon that looks 20 years too late. It's a classic story of pride coming before the fall, culminating in his Youtube channel being a wasteland aside from sketch tiktoks that barely make the thousands in views despite his huge follower count. As much as LSMark looked to make good-faith conversation with him recently, Butch basically became a ghost now after all the controversies died down.
Now despite what I said initially, Butch's fall in reputation is definitely not comparable to Kricfalusi or Roiland's; we've heard nothing of him physically taking advantage of anybody in or out the industry. The worse he's done is take advantage of his legacy for either financial or supportive gains. This is not as bad as domestic or sexual assault of course, but it spoke wonders of how the ego of big time creators can kill any goodwill and faith when they're not actually considerate of the following that respect them. A quick search of his name on Youtube is more about the people discussing his controversies than anything he worked on. People still discuss Danny Phantom and Fairly Oddparents, hell the Cosmo mpreg episode is a meme to this day, but with the detachment towards Butch as the creator.
I'm fine with this predicament, but it's sad to believe this was all on him. It wasn't just about Oaxis being a scam or him saying "he created your childhood" or heaven forbid his attempts of promoting religious healing, it was about seeing a creator of some things you liked reveal himself as someone in a bubble that you lose any idea in looking up to. It's not exactly "Don't Meet Your Heroes," more "Don't glue on rose-tinted glasses". I won't force or insult what remains of Butch's "fanbase" for sticking with him, but this definitely woke me up in terms of how I view the creators I love. Humility is the special word in all this, where some creators can have some disapproving moments but you can still have respect for their craft. With Butch, it wasn't even him entirely that made his shows look great. As of now, he's making poorly illustrated kid's bible stories with Fairly Oddparents getting a live-action show that Nickelodeon regretted making immediately after releasing to the point of erasing it all not even a full year after it was first announced. Even when things are probably fine now, the guy fell off as hard as I expected originally. I can seriously put this behind knowing I was factually right on the money the first time and that does put a smile on my face.
Also... Butt Shartman. That's all, let's move on.
Mysterious Mr. Enter (OP Link)
I'll say this was the reason why I made this post. Lily and Hartman I say speak of an absence of change and reflecting on that absence. Mr. Enter is different and, cut to the chase, it has to do with this recent video.
I've talked my fair share of shit toward Mr. Enter these past few years, reasonably so. At the same time, my vitriol toward him came from some semblance of respect. Many have to this day brought up Mr. Enter calling out the writers of Spongebob for a particular episode they did, but John is right in that that was around the time he barely had a following and just started out with media reviews. Mr. Enter has made bad opinions, I will never deny that and this isn't me defending him, but I see that he can recognize they're bad. He's better than Lily Orchard in that... he can admit being wrong and grow from it. We meme and shit on this dude, but for me, there was still that modicum of respect I had for him being this dedicated. In spite of the harassment or the justified backlash, he's still putting in the effort.
Over the years, I've come to understand that media critics can have different understandings of media. That doesn't mean every critic is always right in their own way, grifters exist for a reason, but I don't see Mr. Enter as a grifter-type critic compared to people who to this day complain about The Last Jedi. He can have some off takes on the types of humor or tropes in a cartoon, but more often than not he's being sincere. That's why I say he still has some respect from me for as long as I've known him. Every bad take aside, I don't take him as somebody who is "ruining media criticism".
I don't agree with everything he says or believes, but John's doing better than I can say for Butch Hartman or Lily Orchard especially. He's doing Admirable Animations again, something I brought up originally, and am intrigued to see that he indirectly took my advice. He can work well with more positive videos. I never felt he was an actively terrible critic, Turning Red meme aside, and I didn't want to just treat him as the bane of online media criticism or the worst thing to ever happen. The dude has his faults but can acknowledge them better than most online personalities I've seen who feel it's weak to admit anything. He's no different from the Nostalgia Critic where the tumultuous attitudes toward them in the past have subsided where yeah, I'm not gonna side with every bad opinion or choice they make but they aren't actively killing any goodwill I would have for them. It's not pity, but making your empathy less black and white compared to people more deserving of scrutiny. Overall I still have hopes Mr. Enter will do better, imperfect as things can get.
I wanna say this post and the former three I made reflected the increased awareness and discourse of the parasocial relationships we can have, especially online. There have been plenty of people that certainly abused their status and paid for it, these three stayed in the mind for how consistently they tracked in soiling their reputation. At the same time, how wary we are about things or the people we followed isn't always cut and dry. That's why the title has the question mark in parentheses, nothing ever ends so I'm not saying these current feelings will just be buried away and forgotten forever. I just know that for this current future, it's better to seriously lay things to rest while subconsciously keeping in mind what can be done differently from now on. To conclude, this is all better than having to care about people like Andrew Tate or Elon Musk living another day.
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ottoog3 · 1 year
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vexenya · 1 year
We, collectively, are SO lucky that Mr Enter never really got into anime
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multi-muse-transect · 2 years
The moment Mr Enter shit talks Cyberpunk Edgerunners or The Owl House (I wouldn’t even be surprised if said review was full of vitriol and homophobia) I’m gonna join raiding his discord server. Anyone with me? There’s free cookies and torches.
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timetofindtheacorn · 2 years
I never understood how aging works in Growing Around and I don't want to
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domono08 · 2 years
My reason of why my life me was bad. This actually wasn't animated in Flash. It was animated with ToonBoom Harmony, a program that mostly animated by manipulating still images on layers(It was literally advertised as animating paper dolls digitally). Also they started making this in 2006 regardless of when it actually aired.
They actually hired a person who is as close to a proper western manga artist as possible (she's been serialized in multiple magazines, has had her own comics internationally published on multiple occasions through TokyoPop and later YenPress, and has created award winning graphic novels) to do character designs and basically everything else besides the actual animation... back when all she had done was a few Doujinshi and a few one page funny paper-esque comics for a fashion magazine. The closest thing to experience she had with animation was that she had a webcomic.
They basically called her in out of nowhere, dropped most of the creative responsibility for the project on her, and then made it clear they needed it to be extremely marketable so they could use things from the show on merchandise. merchandise like folders and stationary and school supplies. They wanted something they could market like Lisa Frank basically. This is literally a merchandise tie in show that came out before it could ride the coattails of the merchandise made to make anyone care about it.
also she was encouraged to put as many stock expressions and manga isms so that the expressions would be recognizable for the merchandise.
please don't blame the artist, most of these corporate decisions and she was just doing her best.
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lily-orchard-archives · 11 months
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April 14, 2017
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