#New Caledonia 🇳🇨
xtruss · 4 months
Several Dead, Hundreds Injured in Pro-Independence Rallies in New Caledonia
Pro-independence protesters say France's new constitutional reform will dilute the share of the vote held by Kanaks, the Indigenous group that makes up about 41 percent of the population.
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“World’s Most Wanted Criminal, Fascist, Extremist, Terrorist and the Butcher of Gujrat Indian Prime Minister Modi” urges Indians to focus on national development without making Pakistan a reference point. Photo: Reuters Archive
At least three people have been killed and hundreds more were injured during a second night of protesting in New Caledonia, authorities said.
Wednesday was the third day of demonstrations against a constitutional reform pushed by Paris that has roiled the archipelago, which has long sought independence.
Despite heavily armed security forces fanning out across the capital Noumea and the ordering of a nighttime curfew, protesting continued until overnight Tuesday virtually unabated.
The reform — which must still be approved by a joint sitting of both houses of the French parliament — would give a vote to people who have lived in New Caledonia for 10 years.
Pro-independence forces say it would dilute the share of the vote held by Kanaks, the Indigenous group that makes up about 41 percent of the population and the major force in the pro-independence movement.
In Noumea and the commune of Paita on Wednesday, there were reports of several exchanges of fire between civil defence groups and protesters.
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Security forces regained control of Noumea's penitentiary, which holds about 50 inmates, after an uprising and escape attempt by prisoners, it said in a statement.
Police have arrested more than 130 people since Monday night, with dozens placed in detention to face court hearings, the commission said. About 60 police have been injured, it said.
A nighttime curfew was extended, along with bans on gatherings, the carrying of weapons and the sale of alcohol.
The territory's La Tontouta International Airport remained closed to commercial flights and people were urged to restrict any travel during the day, the high commission said.
Pacific Rivalry
Macron said French lawmakers would vote to definitively adopt the constitutional change by the end of June unless New Caledonia's opposing sides agree on a new text that "takes into account the progress made and everyone's aspirations".
In the Noumea Accord of 1998, France vowed to gradually give more political power to the Pacific island territory of nearly 300,000 people.
As part of the agreement, New Caledonia has held three referendums over its ties with France, all rejecting independence.
As part of the agreement, New Caledonia has held three referendums over its ties with France, all rejecting independence. But the independence movement retains support, particularly among the Indigenous Kanak people.
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A New Caledonia pro-independence leader, Daniel Goa, asked people to "go home", and condemned the looting.
But "the unrest of the last 24 hours reveals the determination of our young people to no longer let France take control of them," he added.
France's Minister for Interior and Overseas Gerald Darmanin attends a debate on the constitutional bill aimed at enlarging the electorate of the overseas French territory of New Caledonia, at the French National Assembly in Paris
Source: TRT World 🌎 And Agencies
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justarandomllamacorn · 3 months
Update on what's going on in Kanaky New Caledonia🇳🇨
So after the Assemblée Nationale was dismantled by the president (after the elections of European Deputies) and the announcement that the law project pertaining to the unfreezing of the electoral college for the provincial elections in KNC was put on hold, the tensions diminished a little.
Except, a few days after, several members of the CCAT were arrested and promptly sent to France (16.741,84 km away from KNC by flight), in detention, until their trial.
"Fair enough" said many Caledonians, "I guess it depends on the charges. They will probably arrest Sonia Backes, Nicolas Metzdorf, Gilles Brial, Phillipes Blaise and members of the militia soon too"
But they did not? No repercussions, not one of them put under arrest despite the explicit proofs of their involvement in violent beatings of young kanak people, or the way they incitated hate.
"This is unfair!" cried the youth.
"Where are our children? ", repeated the families of the countless young people who simply vanished. To this day we suppose they were sent to prison in France too, as was the case for 23 other youths sent at the same time as the CCAT members. But no family was told they were sent abroad, they don't have anything with them but the clothes on their back.
So the tensions are "up" again.
Then last week our right to protest was partially taken away since now protesting via barriers on the road (one of the main ways to protest in KNC) is now forbidden and lead to people being put under arrest.
The police/GIGN/gendarmeries come with flash ball and other such equipment then fire on the people in the barricades.
Were these civilians violent first? No.
Were they still shot at? Yes.
Did they defend themselves by throwing rocks? Yes.
Anyway on Sunday the first round of the elections for new deputies at the Assemblée Nationale was held and the mobilization was huge ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
Who was selected for the second round?
1st circonscription (I'll explain it in the next post) : by order of who got the most votes
Nicolas Metzdorf, part of those who call themselves the Loyalists. Against independence.
Omaya Naisseline, part of those called Indepentists. For independence.
2nd circonscription: by order of who got the most votes
Emmanuel Tjibaou, Independentist.
Alcide Ponga, Loyalist. His political party has an alliance with that of Nicolas Metzdorf.
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ash-tea · 4 months
I am a 100% with the people of New Caledonia. Get your independance my brothers and sisters. Get these french colonizers out and take your Land back. Just like my people did in Algeria against the french colonizers. LET'S GOOO 🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨
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nando161mando · 4 months
Another colonist country trying to keep native people oppressed
🇳🇨 Free Kanuk
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elea-mar · 4 months
Free New Caledonia 🇳🇨 , Free West Papua
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
realistically speaking, do you think if the uk and spain's monarchy ended soon (pls god🙏), would it automatically mean independence for wales/scotland/basque country/catalonia/etc? or do you think the us would try and stop their collapse? (also consider that most pro-independence basques/galicians/etc are against nato and american bases in spain, and that nato and spain and the us are besties)
Dont know a ton abt the concrete conditions w Spain (id guess their fate is more tied w the broader EU), but the UK seems much more susceptible to independence struggles largely due to it failing even nominal success post-brexit...tho that's not like an inherent good, particularly as Scottland is a sorta sub-imperial republic itself & it could in theory turn itself into a meaningful financier of extractive finance projects itself (cough south sea bubble cough) once unburdened from lumbering incompetent Windsor rule....tho that also assumes that the whole structure of extractive financial capital can itself subsist beyond the next ~decade, bc extractive finance capital relies not only on contemporaneous underdevelopment in the global south - but specifically *chronic* underdevelopment, in addition to a monopoly on high-value-added production. If those superprofits are terminally threatened (ie by the global south not only developing, but also building capacities for high-value-added production), then the entire western imperialist model is under threat - inwhichcase "scottish independence for the sake of weakening the empire" sorta becomes a moot point anyway IMO, seeing as you can't rly have a labor aristocracy domestically anyway if you no longer have a source of superprofits....rly the biggest worry in that case is global war waged in the death throes of empire....to ur direct question, id predict independence (particularly Irish, maybe Scottish, dunno re: Wales) would precede the formal establishment of a republican UK/Britain, and rly I think the biggest belweather for that is in the French "collectivity" (coughcolonycough) of New Caledonia 🇳🇨 - if the Kanak/others there can organize to force independence, then that will likely herald a new era of decolonization, and the sunset of the western capitalist-imperialist model as a whole...
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burgerking-official · 3 months
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fromjasonxp · 4 months
France imposes state of emergency, bans TikTok in riot-hit New Caledonia:
The unrest flared after French lawmakers approved a bill extending voting rights in provincial elections to residents arriving from mainland France – a change critics fear could marginalise Indigenous people and benefit pro-France politicians. 
Different lands, same fight. 🇳🇨 🇵🇸 🇵🇷 🇮🇪 🇭🇹 🇨🇩
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anna-el-le · 5 months
On the other side of the world, seeking peace within myself, hello New Caledonia, you’re already warming my heart.
mes p’tits cœurs de beurre miss you already but don’t worry, mama will come back home stronger than ever. 🌟
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xtruss · 2 years
Fossilized Remains of 340-Pound Giant Penguin Found in New Zealand
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(Sputnik, Wednesday February 08, 2023) —There are 17 to 19 species of penguins living today, most in the Southern Hemisphere. Also found in New Zealand and parts of Zealandia, are other flightless birds - like an ancestor to New Zealand’s beloved Kiwi and a giant “elephant bird” that also lived in Madagascar as recently as 800 years ago.
Fossilized remains of the largest penguin known to science were recently discovered in New Zealand, shocking researchers who determined the massive bird weighed hundreds of pounds.
Named Kumimanu Fordycei, Paleontologists believe the species could have weighed up to 340 pounds. By comparison, the average adult Male Western Lowland Gorilla Weighs about 300 pounds.
The fossil was discovered in a 57-million-year-old boulder that had been cracked open with the tides. Along with it they also found the remains of several individual specimens of another large but not quite as big previously undiscovered ancient penguin named Petradyptes stonehousei and fragments of two smaller yet-unnamed species of ancient penguins.
Scientists estimate the newly-discovered penguins lived around 60 million years ago. Petradyptes, they estimate, weighed around 110 pounds, far smaller than the Kumimanu, but still large for a penguin. The emperor penguin, the largest penguin on Earth today, can weigh up to just 88 pounds.
The fossils were discovered by Alan Tennyson, a paleontologist at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa in 2017, but were described and named on Wednesday in the Journal of Paleontology.
Most of what scientists know about the Kumimanu fordycei came from a humerus bone, which was nine and a half inches long - about twice the length of those in the emperor penguin.
Paleontologists have been unable to determine the height of the ancient giant penguin but one estimated that it probably stood about 5 feet 2 inches. That gives the giant penguin a stocky build - the average aforementioned Western Lowland Gorilla 🦍 stands at about 6 feet while being roughly 40 pounds lighter.
Coming from an older branch of the tree of the penguin evolutionary tree, both the Kumimanu and Petradyptes differed in appearance from modern day penguins in more ways than just their size. Paleontologists say they had primitive flippers that resembled flying and diving birds like puffins. Their leg structure was also angled forward, unlike modern penguins whose legs are shaped like an upside down “L” coming out of their spine.
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Scientists Discover New Penguin Colony in Antarctica Using Satellite Imagery (January 20, 2023)! “This is an exciting discovery. The new satellite images of Antarctica's coastline have enabled us to find many new colonies. And whilst this is good news, like many of the recently discovered sites, this colony is small and in a region badly affected by recent sea ice loss,” the British Antarctic Survey's Dr Peter Fretwell said.
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'Human-Sized Penguin' Uncovered by New Zealand Schoolchildren Reveals Ancient Species (09/17/202)!
Mike Safely, president of the Hamilton Junior Naturalist Club, says this is an experience that the children involved will remember for the rest of their lives. “It was a rare privilege for the kids in our club to have the opportunity to discover and rescue this enormous fossil penguin.”
Dr. Daniel Thomas, a senior lecturer in zoology from Massey’s School of Natural and Computational Sciences, determined that the fossil was between 27.3 million and 34.6 million years old. Thomas compared the identified species to the Kairaku penguins that were first described from Otago, but with much longer legs.
"Longer legs would have made the penguin much taller than other Kairuku species while it was walking on land; perhaps around 1.4m tall, and may have influenced how fast it could swim or how deep it could dive."
New Zealand has been a hot spot for finding ancient penguin fossils. In 2017, a closely related Kumimanu biceae was described as living just a few million years after the fordycei and weighed 220 pounds. The slightly slimmer giant penguin had a sharp “stork-like” beak that researchers think may have been used to stab prey. The beak of the Kuminmanu fordycei has not yet been discovered.
In 2021, a 4.5-feet tall penguin with unusually long legs was described after a group of students in a fossil hunting club found fossilized remains on a small peninsula in the Kawhia Harbor during a field trip.
One explanation for why giant penguins thrived at the time is because they evolved shortly after the meteor that killed off the dinosaurs hit Earth. That impact also killed most of the sea-faring reptiles, leaving a niche open for a large amphibious predator to fill their space. Sea-faring mammals, like seals and whales, had not yet evolved. Paleontologists hypothesize that once mammals reentered the sea, the giant penguins were out-competed and only the smaller penguins survived.
It is also worth noting that scientists now believe New Zealand and the Island of New Caledonia are a part of the Earth’s eighth continent, with most of the landmass sitting below the sea. This continent is known as Zealandia, which they believe broke off from the Southern Hemisphere supercontinent of Gondwana about 105 million years ago.
What would become Zealandia then stretched out in a process scientists don’t yet understand. Scientists are still debating if most Zealandia was always submerged, with just small islands poking out, or if it sank at one point. In either case, a sinking continent or a collection of islands make for a natural habitat for penguins. If it did sink, scientists estimate that it would have taken over a hundred million years, meaning the giant penguins could have lived while much of Zealandia was still above sea level.
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justarandomllamacorn · 4 months
So against my better judgement I started watching a French documentary on what's happening in Nouméa, Kanaky New Caledonia and first image:
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For those who don't know, Nouméa is in Kanaky New Caledonia, an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, close to Australia. It is at about 24 000 km away from France and it takes around 24h to go from France to KNC.
KNC is a melting pot, more Pasifika than French and today, in French media it is acceptable to forgo it's name and simply say 'Nouméa, France' as though they don't exist.
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apptworadioapps · 2 years
Radio New Caledonia FM & AM + Radio Online + (Radio Android Application 🇳🇨📻)
 New Caledonia is a French territory located in the Pacific Ocean and is home to a diverse range of radio stations that cater to the unique cultural and linguistic needs of its population. From music and entertainment to news and current affairs, there is a radio station in New Caledonia for every taste and interest.
One of the most popular radio stations in New Caledonia is RRB (Radio Rythme Bleu), which operates out of the capital city of Nouméa. RRB broadcasts a mix of French and English-language music, as well as news and cultural programming. The station is known for its focus on local news and events, as well as its lively music selections.
Another popular radio station in New Caledonia is Radio Djiido, which broadcasts in the Kanak language. Kanak is an indigenous language spoken by the Kanak people of New Caledonia and is an important part of the cultural identity of the territory. Radio Djiido plays traditional Kanak music, as well as news and cultural programming in the Kanak language.
For those interested in news and current affairs, Radio NC1ère is a popular choice. This station is part of the French national broadcaster, and broadcasts news and current affairs programming in French. The station also plays a mix of French and international music.
Other radio stations in New Caledonia include RNC (Radio Nouvelle-Calédonie), which broadcasts news and current affairs programming in French, as well as a mix of French and local music; and RCI (Radio Calédonie Internationale), which broadcasts news and cultural programming in a mix of French and local languages.
In addition to these major radio stations, there are also several community and niche stations operating in New Caledonia. These stations often cater to specific cultural or linguistic groups and play a mix of music and cultural programming.
Overall, the radio landscape in New Caledonia is diverse and vibrant, reflecting the unique cultural and linguistic identity of the territory. Whether you're interested in music, news, or cultural programming, there is sure to be a radio station in New Caledonia that meets your needs. So why not tune in today and discover the sounds of this beautiful Pacific Island paradise?
✔✔ GOOGLE PLAY STORE: ▶ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alexto.radio.caledonia
✔✔ AMAZON APP STORE:  ▶ http://www.amazon.com/gp/mas/dl/android?p=com.alexto.radio.caledonia
✔✔ SAMSUNG GALAXY STORE: ▶ https://galaxystore.samsung.com/detail/com.alexto.radio.caledonia
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livingthelifebased · 2 years
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Cereals From New Caledonia 🇳🇨 !
Instagram: godiscesar
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frauenfootball · 2 years
OFC Women's Nations Cup 2022
Location & Dates: Fiji | 13 - 30 July
Fixtures and Results: OFC Website | Wikipedia
Social Media: Twitter | Instagram
Participating Teams
🇨🇰 Cook Islands
🇫🇯 Fiji
🇳🇨 New Caledonia
🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea
🇼🇸 Samoa
🇸🇧 Solomon Islands
🇵🇫 Tahiti
🇹🇴 Tonga
🇻🇺 Vanuatu
How to Watch
See "How to Watch" page on the OFC website
it has live stream links to every match
you can go back on those links to watch the replay if you didn't catch it live
the streams are available for free, no signup needed (except maybe if there is a commercial broadcaster in your country who has picked up these games--I'm guessing those would be countries in Oceania)
Google Drive Download
I'll put up the match videos on Google Drive (check link and instructions on my pinned post) but please watch through those stream links above or through your local broadcaster if you can.
World Cup Qualification
The winner of this tournament will advance to the inter-confederation play-offs.
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aussieguru · 2 years
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💫Медовый месяц часть 1💫 Всем привет! Не слишком долго думая, я решил рассказать вам о нашей поездке в Новую Каледонию на медовый месяц. Многие видели сториз, но для тех, кто пропустил - сделаю ряд постов! 🤩🇳🇨 Итак, располагайтесь со смартфоном поудобнее - поехали. 🧳🛫🏖 Возможно некоторые из вас смогли наблюдать за нашим путешествием в Новую Каледонию. Я не так давно женился и недавно вернулся из медового месяца. В этом месте я давно мечтал побывать. Но, оказывается, не только я один: моя жена, Карина, как оказалось - тоже. Она также была поражена сказочными пейзажами Новой Каледонии и вот уже несколько лет хотела там оказаться. Последнее время мы интенсивно работали, оба подизмотались порядком. И я к тому же не был в полноценном отпуске уже 7 лет! 😱 Последний раз - на Бали (Саша @shurochkaleo, привет). Поэтому мы оба предвкушали прекрасную поездку на медовый месяц! 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏼 Что из себя представляет Новая Каледония? Это остров к востоку от Австралии, часть подводного континента Зеландия, к которой, кстати, относится и Новая Зеландия. А вместе - это всё остатки древнего суперконтинента Гондвана. 🦖🌏 Немного сухой инфы 📚🤓 Новая Каледония - особое административно-территориальное образование Франции. Представлена крупным одноимённым островом и группой мелких островов в юго-западной части Тихого океана. Граничит на юго-западе с экономической зоной Австралии, на севере — с Вануату, на юго-востоке — с Фиджи. Население — 245 580 человек (2009). Столица — город Нумеа (98 тыс.). Денежная единица — французский тихоокеанский франк. Население представлено коренной народностью "канаки", которые составляют 39,1 %, французами — 27,2 %, увеанцы и футунанцы — 8,2 %, а также потомками смешанных браков — 21 % и прочими малочисленными группами. На острове повсеместно распространён французский язык, а также 33 меланезийских и полинезийских языка и диалекта. Большинство населения христиане (католики — 60 %, протестанты — 30 %, а также традиционные местные верования. На английском никто не говорит. Как вам такая подача? Понравилось? Киньте коммент 👇🏼🙃 #australia #newcaledonia #путевыезаметки #туризм #aussie_guru (at New Caledonia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf509fwPxOx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mxvousaime · 2 years
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Pages from next zine about how to say hello in the Pacific 🌋 Bozu in Drehu language from Lifou island, New Caledonia, my home country 🇳🇨 • • • #island #newcaledonia #illustration #drawing #pacific #zine #edition #print (à Lifou, Nouvelle-Calédonie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcmpJhiLl4t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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