#New York Jets Rumors
modernelites-if · 1 year
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Modern Elites is a 18+ raunchy slice-of-life IF that follows you, a young royal, navigating the world of the obscenely rich and immensely famous while trying to keep your elite, royal family together in the midst of drama and tabloids.
Setting: modern times, fictional tiny country of Selusa, New York, Paris and more.
Genre: slice-of-life, drama, romance
Celebrity. Pop Culture Icon. Heir.
As the heir to the Selusan throne, you're known by many names. Growing under the spotlight hasn't been easy, especially since it seems the vultures all want a piece of your elusive family. Country clubs, yachts, parties, private jets, elite schools, you've had it all.
But is there something missing?
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Customize your heir from appearance to gender identity to personality. Dictate what kind of person they are: rebellious, dutiful. Do they care about the royal line or are parties more on their mind? Will you keep a squeaky clean rep or ruin the family name?
Customize Salusa and cater the country to your taste.
Dictate what kind of leader you want to be, and how others percieve you.
Experience the life of the hidden .01% and the drama of the ultra wealthy.
Engage in fiery, dramatic romances that could either uplift or ruin you and your family.
and more to come.
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Imogen/Ian Lancaster [f/m]- your family's advisor and publicist. I has cleaned up every mess, every leak, every scandal and at this point, there are no secrets between your family and them. Coming from a well-off family themselves, they know exactly how this world works...and they navigate it with a steel will and a cold, detached demeanor. I has you handled like an adult with a child, trying (and probably failing) to keep you in line. Anything you do will go through them, so it's better to think twice.
Everett/Eva St. Clare [m/f] - the eldest of one of the most influential businessmen on your side of the world, black sheep, and a source of gossip in polite society, there have been talks of a betrothal between you two since the partnership started. Because of that, you two are forced into a fake romance for the cameras. E is an arrogant and brash casanova, sex-obsessed, and is proudly noncommital with string of rumors that follow them like their own entourage. Unfortunately for you, E's exploits can damage the carefully constructed facade you two have built. Of course, E doesn't give a damn.
Vince/Vivian De Grasso [m/f] - (secretly) fresh out of jail and newly reformed (not) V's politician of a mother has asked in a favor from your family: to reform them and stifle their rebellious ways by adding them to your security detail. Your father having a soft spot for the kid, brings them in as one of your guards. Hopefully V keeps in line...or not.
Cordelia/Corden Bowen [f/m]- an employee at the country club you frequent, someone less polite would call them a 'nobody.' C has a bit of an attitude, but that's expected from someone who is used to getting berated by rich people all day. There's not much else to say about them...or maybe there is?
Romi Marshall [m/f]- a famed journalist with contempt for royalty and elitism. Their newsletters frequently slam you and your family's every move, and they don't like you one bit. You can confidently say they're your biggest hater.
Oliver/Olivia Ames-Astor [m/f]- a fellow prince/princess from another country and your best friend, who is still hung up on their ex. Forced to betroth someone else, O has so many problems you can hardly sort through them. Still, they're kind and as polite as you'd expect from a person who has had etiquette lessons drilled into them since childhood. They're also your best friend, so there's that.
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suhnshinehaos · 1 year
growing pains : act three, part four (2/2)
series synopsis : people say that you’ll experience three kinds of love in your lifetime. the first is an idealistic love, the kind that feels straight out of a fairy tale. the second is the hard love, the kind that will leave you with lessons about yourself and the love you want and need to experience. finally, the love you never see coming. this is the story of your three loves. pairing : svt 97 line x gn!reader genre/s : non-idol au, coming of age, angst, fluff, my attempts at humor act three, part four wc : ~1.9k
act three : the unexpected love  ➤  part 4 : moving in and moving on
after years studying and working abroad, yn is finally back home to a new job and new faces. all they want now is to focus on nothing else but their career and one of their coworker’s friends, minghao, makes it all the more interesting. 
previous  ➤  act three, part four (1/2) next  ➤  act three, part five growing pains ➤  masterlist 
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the car ride with mingyu back to your new apartment brought you a comfort that you didn’t quite expect. you had known each other for years at this point, but given the last time you had been alone with him, you were expecting several awkward silences to fill the air.
but it never does.
from the moment he walked past your front door and engulfed you in a hug, and you feel yourself freezing and eventually melting into his arms, you knew it was a foolish thing to expect. this is mingyu, one of your dearest friends, and had it not been for the vagueness of your relationship — or lack thereof — the past couple of years, you would have stayed in his embrace just a while longer.
your walls are still ever so slightly up, and though you receive his words warmly, laugh at his jokes, make little comments in between the stories he tells. you don’t steal longing little glances at him, as you would have done so before, and a small surge of pride courses through your veins.  
“how long are you staying again?” you ask, watching the several buildings go by from the passenger seat window.
mingyu turns the familiar corner the street of your apartment building. “about a month. i have a lot of projects lined up.”
“hm.” you nod, not realizing how long you both would actually be in the same time zone. you never had him with you for more than a week after you finished your studies. “i hope you leave some gaps in your schedule for us.”
although he recognizes the joking tone in your voice, mingyu answers you earnestly. “of course, i will. i know i’d regret it if i don’t- you know, make an effort.”
you turn to look at him, but he’s already looking back. you hold his gaze for only a couple of seconds before staring back ahead. “we appreciate it… did you ever consider being based here instead? i mean- you’ve got friends, family here. don’t you think it’s time to put down some roots?”
mingyu parks the car in front of your apartment building. he lets out a breath before turning to you with a smile and a shrug. “i’m in no rush. i mean, yeah, the constant jet lag isn’t great, the endless rumors are terrible… but, i really do like what i do. we’re young, we’ve got time.”
“no, yeah- i know what you mean. it’s just-” you pause, biting your bottom lip and choosing your next words as carefully as you can. “we do miss you. me, jeonghan, soonyoung, hansol.. not being in uni anymore kind of gave us less excuses to really hang out. and we’re all here, but you-”
“i know too.” mingyu sighs. “are you putting down roots already?”
you shake your head. “i’m not looking too far into the future, and i’m still taking things a day at a time. i also feel like i have so much to accomplish with my career-”
“so not much has changed with you since new york?”
“not exactly. being here gave me stability.. but not in the way that’s unchanging. the kind that makes me feel like i’m on firm footing, and i could move with confidence that i couldn’t before and i don’t have to-” you stop in your tracks, the words you need seeming to escape you. your lips are left parted and you try to catch a breath.
mingyu reaches out a hand and holds yours. his touch is familiar, comforting, but not as much as it used to be. “i get it. you have a constant stream of projects here thanks to referrals from your company, instead of being freelance… and well, i wasn’t exactly the most constant or reliable of partners.”
it’s the first time he’s ever acknowledged whatever it was the two of you had as anything other than a friendship. there’s a sense of understanding that envelops the two of you, and nothing more needs to be said. he knew what he lacked. you know what you need. it is enough.
he retracts his hand, and once again a small space is present between you. 
everything is okay. this is enough. love is there, and unlike seokmin’s where it’s transformed to a kind that’s different but just as powerful, this one slowly fades and mellows out to a more gentle affinity. 
“well, thanks for accompanying me.”
“thanks for insisting on paying for dinner.” mingyu chuckles before nudging his head in the direction of the backseat, where several grocery bags were waiting. “you need any help with those?”
“i’m good.” 
with one quick goodbye, you grab your groceries and head inside the building. the exhaustion from the day finally takes over your body, your shoulders slumping. with all the catching up with mingyu, you never quite noticed how much you had on your mind. 
you were on the latter half of the moving process and most of the things you need were now in your new apartment. you walk in a daze to the elevator, thinking about how minghao was yet to reply to your email on your photos you selected for his approval.
a giant tired breath escapes your lips as you watch the elevator doors close shut.
“wait up!”
you hear someone call and almost immediately your instincts take over and you move to push the button that opens the doors. what you didn’t expect is to be greeted with none other than the presence of xu minghao himself.
you try your best not to let your shock show through as he steps inside, standing just a couple of feet away from you. since you’re much closer to the buttons, you wait for him to tell you what floor he’s on.
“i’m on the eight floor as well.”
the doors shut and you begin to feel the elevator’s gentle upward movement. given your exhaustion and the weight of your groceries, you wobble ever so slightly. minghao reaches a hand to your arm, steadying you, and moves the other to hover behind your back just in case. 
“you okay?”
“i’m fine.” you attempt to say as calmly as you could, moving the arm that he’s holding. minghao immediately lets go, his arms falling to his sides. 
he subtly cranes his head to glance at you. his gaze scans your face and body to examine for any signs of fatigue, which he quite easily finds. minghao didn’t need to know you for very long to notice the bags under your eyes, or the invisible creases between your brows. he points to the bags in your hands. “need any help with those?”
the elevator doors open with bright sounding ding.
“i can handle it. thank you.” your grip is tighter as you move past the doors and walk down the hallway to your new place. you don’t know if it’s a point of pride that made you deny his help, but it was too late to turn back now.
even through the carpeted flooring, you hear his footsteps following from behind you. 
“i guess you’re my new neighbor. if i-“ he pauses, clearing his throat as you both reach the two units on the farthest end of the hallway. you’re both standing in front of your respective front doors, bodies turned to face each other’s. “if i had known someone new was moving in, i would have prepared some sort of gift- like a housewarming gift. but i was away for a few days and-”
“it’s fine, minghao.” you cut him off with a weak smile, shaking your head. “i’ve barely moved in so you haven’t reached the limit of no-housewarming-gift-rudeness.”
you say it blankly, without much trace of emotion, but he still lets out a quiet, dry chuckle. minghao briefly looks down at his feet before looking back up at you. “do you drink tea?”
“um, i-” you tilt your head to the side, confused at the suddenness of the question.
“you should. it’s good for you.”
“i’ll keep that in mind. thanks.” you nod, placing your bags down so you could unlock your door. you turn the doorknob and just as you are about to cross the threshold, you speak out. “it would be great if you could respond to my email, by the way. not that i’m rushing you or anything, it’s just that jun and the rest of the team are waiting.”
“i didn’t receive any email from you.” minghao furrows his brows, a look of pure confusion plastered on his features. “and i check my emails almost every hour, even when i was away these past few days.”
you take a step back, both in shock and slight resentment. “i definitely sent you one.”
“i promise you i did not receive one, yn.”
a string of annoyance within you just snaps when he says your name. whatever disdain you thought you could push down since you’re not exactly in a working environment starts bubbling up from the pit of your stomach. no, you’re sure you sent that email. you even distinctly remember sending a follow up just this morning.
you gently drop the rest of your bags and feel around your pockets for your phone. taking the few steps it takes to walk towards him, you open your email app and scroll through your inbox to find the ones you’ve sent him.    
you hand him your phone and you watch as his lips purse and his eyes move back and forth. after a minute of tense silence, he finally hands you your phone back.
“you misspelled my name in my email address.” 
minghao tries his best to inform you of your mistake as gently and as calmly as he can, keeping in mind how exhausted you already seem to me. however, it doesn’t quite register with you as all you wanted in that moment was the ground to come up and swallow you whole.
it takes everything in you to not run towards your apartment and drop the conversation entirely. your knees buckle as you eventually speak, “oh my, i- i’m so sorry.”
“it’s fine.” minghao raises both his hands. “an honest mistake, really.”
“i’ll send it as soon as i get inside.” you quickly turn on your heel and walk back towards your apartment. “sorry again, i’ll see you around.” 
“i’m sure i can get back to you quickly.” minghao’s voice stops you in your tracks just before you’re about to fully enter and leave his line of sight. “i trust your judgement.”
your eyes narrow, trying to decide if he truly means his words or just trying to make you feel better. if it was the latter, you don’t have it in you to protest from all the embarrassment that’s currently surging through body. instead, your lips simply press into a thin line.
“i’ll be waiting then. good night, yn.”
“good night.”
you enter your apartment and rest your back on the front door the second you close it. letting out another heavy breath, you can’t help but wonder what the rest of your days would look like with minghao as your neighbor.   
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from reese, with love <3
ooooh- this one was a lot... genuinely, i did not expect this part to be this long.... but i hope you don't mind,,,,, but anyway- the neighbors arc officially begins and if you can't tell this is quite a slow burn.. i'd love to know what you think :> i appreciate all the asks/rbs/replies and it genuinely keeps my spirits up while writing! thank you for reading, i hope you are doing well and taking care !
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My Top 10 list
Favorite Daddy Sex Scandals: Part III
Whether rumored or proven fact, these are a few of my favorite Daddy Sex Scandals.
10. Rex Ryan Foot Fetish
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Back in 2010 with the New York Jets are on the verge of making the playoffs, but the focus was off the field as coach Rex Ryan is being asked whether his wife, Michelle, posted foot-fetish videos on the Internet. Ryan never denied report that shows a number of videos of a woman who looks very much like his wife showing off her feet while a cameraman -- who sounds like Ryan -- talks to the woman. Years later, he would admit his love of feet.
Sure, this is mild compared to others on this list, but I like Rex. And I can respect a man who loves his wife… and feet.
9. Tampongate
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If there’s a scandal you think of in association with Charles, it’s probably this one. This situation involved Charles, a six-minute phone call and some racy banter between the then Prince of Wales and his mistress, in which he expressed a desire to be reincarnated as Camilla’s Tampax. While Charles was newly separated from Princess Diana at the time the story was published in 1992, the call was recorded five years earlier when he was still very much married, and Camilla was still Mrs. Andrew Parker Bowles. Tampongate tanked Charles’ popularity and Camilla a target for scathing press attention. It’s also thought to have accelerated his divorce.
This proves my theory, no matter what you say about Camilla's looks, her pussy is grrreat.
8. Seventh-term U.S. Congressman Caught Cheating
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Republican U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan said he will not run for an eighth term in his solidly Republican South Carolina district. Probably because his reputation for conservative family values was diminished last year when his wife filed for divorce, saying the congressman left her and was having a sexual relationship with a lobbyist. She said he had been unfaithful before during their 35-year marriage. Apparently, Duncan plans to marry said DC DC lobbyist with whom he's currently living with. SCANDALOUS.
Well… he did look like he would/could be into fuckery.
I just wish it was with me.
7. Sweden’s Carl XVI Gustaf
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In 2010, a book on King Carl XVI Gustaf’s private life alleged he was a philanderer and a regular at sex clubs hosted by infamous Mafia boss, Mille Markovic in the earlier years of his reign having had numerous affairs with younger women. He had a secret love affair in the 1990s with Camilla Henemark, a Nigerian-Swedish pop singer and he visited exclusive strip clubs during foreign visits; in Atlanta during the 1996 Olympics (spending two hours in a room alone with a stripper) and in Slovakia in 2008. And after one big dinner ­celebrating a successful elk hunt, he is said to have enjoyed sex with two women at the same time. Claims he never denied.
OK, now I want to fuck him more.
6. Ex-Senator Accused of Sexual Misconduct
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David Boren was a governor, a three term United States Senator and the president of the University of Oklahoma. He resigned from his last post after a sexual-misconduct investigation. Even more accusations spanning decades, through Boren's time as a US Senator and Governor which describe he allegedly sexually harassed male aides during his time in Washington. During his campaign for Senate in 1978, he was accused of being gay. Boren denied this, swearing on a family Bible at a news conference that he was not gay or bisexual. He's married. But… where there's smoke, there's fire.
Now sexually harassing people is wrong, but if Boren was sexually harassing me. I’d think I’d hit the jackpot. What? I had a thing for him back when he was a senator. Don’t judge me.
5. Bobby Petrino Motorcycle Scandal
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Back in in 2011, the then-51-year-old, Arkansas Razorbacks head coach, Bobby Petrino, a married father of four, had maintained an inappropriate relationship with Dorrell, who was 25 years old at the time, for a "significant" period of time. At one point, Long said, Petrino had given Dorrell a $20,000 gift. All this came out after his now-infamous motorcycle crash in 2011, amid the scandal that led to his firing as the Razorbacks’ head coach. Sadly, the only way I’d catch his interest is if I was woman, blonde, a former volleyball player and into riding motorcycles.
Wait a minute, I can dye my hair, I did play volleyball recreationally and I did ride a motorcycle a few times. Now lets see if I can get him to like dick.
WHAT. I can dream.
4. The Prince and The Sex Offender
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Accusations including the association with convicted sex offenders Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, the groping of a woman’s breast and underage sex with a then 17 year old Virginia Giuffre. Throw in he’s an entitled, arrogant asshole and the 72 teddy bears on the bed thing. He had to be stripped of his military and royal titles, resigned from public duties and is living in recluse with his ex Fergie. Andrew has denied any wrongdoing, including in his settlement with Giuffre in 2022. It was a fall from grace for the 64-year-old, who was once second in line to the throne.
3. Bonneville Pegged
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Downton Abbey star Hugh Bonneville allegedly hired renowned prostitute and ex-Big Brother star Helen Wood and took out a court injunction to keep it a secret. But Wood broke the cardinal rule of prostitution when she outed Bonneville back in 2012. She also said he was an was a disgusting kisser. He kissed like a virgin and told how she asked the man if he wanted her to use a sex toy on him and that he “eagerly agreed”.
After hearing this, I'll never look at Hugh or his ass in the same way again.
2. The Kraft Day Spa Scandal
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In February 2019, Robert Kraft, the billionaire owner of the New England Patriots was charged with soliciting a prostitute. Kraft proves a theory of mine that if a man who was married for a long time (over 45 years) and loses his wife by divorce or in this case, death. Would go crazy for some new strange. He’s fucking a twenty something model/wanna be actress, getting hand jobs at cheap massage parlors and hanging around rappers. Strippers/groupies anyone. And included in all that, I bet he experimenting in man on man sex. You can’t tell me he hasn’t had his dick sucked by a man. By now he's settled down in his marriage to new wife, 32 years his junior.
I ain't mad at him. I'm just mad they didn't release the tape of him in the massage parlors.
1. The King and The Servant
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Not to be confused with 'Cash for Titles' scandals, but both involve His Majesty and his former palace valet, Michael Fawcett, one of his closest advisers. Charles has been dogged by gay rumors for decades ever since his marriage to Princess Diana hit the rocks. It’s well known that throughout his 15-year marriage to Di, Charles was carrying on with the wife of one of his close friends, Camilla Parker-Bowles, whom he ultimately wed in 2005. But allegedly, a former palace servant claimed to have seen then Prince Charles and Fawcett having sex when he brought the monarch his breakfast. Hell, even Di had her doubts about the Prince’s sexuality when she heard about the allegations.
Looks like all the proof to these claims has disappeared (lost tape recording of these claims) or died (the servant and Diana ). Do I think it's true. Lets just say, Charles looks the type to experiment.
Why is it #1? It has spawned many a fanfiction featuring His Majesty.
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kwyw · 11 months
I don’t get the concept here where this fandom thinks Taylor is not in charge of her own PR or why she is getting in her jet to fly to KC . She is rich beyond anyone’s dreams and ppl want to believe she is doing this for money?
I don’t get the concept here where that fandom thinks Taylor is solely in charge of her own PR or why it’s news she is getting in her jet to fly to KC. She is rich beyond anyone’s dreams and people have to believe she’s a specific way that appeases them so she can make money and be successful.
If Taylor were solely in charge of her own PR, then why exactly does Tree Paine have a job? Public relations is literally the job of her publicist. Taylor is her boss, yes, but Tree is responsible for how she appeals and relates to the public.
We typically don’t exactly know why she is in her jet flying anywhere unless it’s for a tour stop because that’s already public knowledge. However, we can assume if it’s Florida, it’s to see her father. If it’s Nashville, it’s to see her mother or maybe even Abigail. If it’s New York or LA, she’s going to her own house or working. However, every time we’ve seen an article that she flew to KC, these websites by default attach it to Travis.
And we literally see an article every single time she goes to Kansas City. Every day there’s a new detail of this “relationship” we didn’t ask for.
That’s your first example of PR here.
I need you and others to grasp the concept that PR isn’t always based around money. PR is mainly for image reasons. If a celebrity has a scandal come about, you almost always see how People or ET for example will say they reached out to that celebrity’s team and they either didn’t respond or did not offer comment.
Travis JUST signed to CAA in May for off the field representation. He is building an expanded brand for when he retires from football. He’s 34. That’s “old” for his position in the NFL. So ask yourself—why does a 2 time Super Bowl champion (his last championship being won this past February)
Did you even watch Miss Americana? Where her Dad and another person on her team tried to gaslight her by using a potential decrease in ticket sales to stop her from talking about politics? Guess why—because PR has taught you that Taylor Swift™️ does not talk about politics.
PR taught you for 6 years that she was “extremely private” with Joe, but you always got an article before one of their projects released, right? Either the day of, or the day before Midnights was released, what picture just so happened to be released?
Taylor and Joe in NYC furniture shopping.
Remember how it was dead silent before CWF was released but a month or so before, engagement rumors popped up? Because PR had to make him seem interesting enough during his promo for the show.
Before the Reputation Tour arrived on Netflix—PR gave you pictures of Taylor and Joe with his friends in NYC on NYE.
PR is what got you the pictures of them on the balcony in Nashville before the rep tour started when paparazzi don’t camp in Nashville. Which you know because most country artists live in Nashville and you never see them unless they’re papped in LA or NYC.
PR relationships have always existed, but for some reason, y’all seem to think it’s beneath Taylor to engage in them.
So yes, she is “rich beyond anyone’s dreams”, but at what cost? Because PR is why y’all can’t fathom that she could possibly be queer—because to most people, she doesn’t “look” queer.
Not to mention, given all PR has taught us about her for the past 17 years, you have to question why this Travis situation is so odd and sloppy. No one really who Travis is outside of football—but now they know him as “Taylor Swift’s boyfriend” and now everyone wants to capitalize, right?
This 👆👆👆
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Chiefs President Says Travis Kelce 'Can Handle' Attention from Rumored Taylor Swift Romance (Exclusive)
Speaking to PEOPLE at MetLife Stadium before the matchup between the Kansas City Chiefs and New York Jets, Donovan says his team isn't worried about the media frenzy surrounding Kelce, 33, and Taylor Swift's rumored relationship, and if it might become a distraction for the team.
"Travis is a smart team player," says Donovan of the Chiefs tight end. "He can handle it and has been very professional."
And while NFL players dating celebrities isn't a new phenomenon, Donovan thinks Kelce is especially prepared to handle the pressure. When asked if there's anyone who can handle the pressure of Swift-level attention, "Travis can," he says.
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sassyfrassboss · 9 months
Ahaaa. Yes I Googled him & he knows a lot of the international jet-set, like Santo Domingo etc. like seems to be very good friends with a lot of them like Tatiana Santa Domingo, Nicky Hilton etc. Tatiana Santa Domingo is married into the Monaco Royal family too & Nicky Hilton is married Into the Rothschild family. Ya! That’s exactly the old-money crowd with a Capital O, that MM aspires to befriend!!
Weren’t there rumours initially that the Harkles were planning to move to NYC?
Well this is what a prominent NYC society writer had to say about her 2 years ago- “Meanwhile, New-York based writer George Wayne, who Tatler notes is 'known for publishing an annual list of zeitgeisty-y New Yorkers' claimed: 'There is no one that I know, or care to know, who is a fan of the calculating, mousy subterfuge of Meghan.'
There were rumors they were going to get an apartment there so they could work from NYC part of the time and be closer to London. However, they can't afford an apartment in NYC.
I think she would like to live there from time to time but I get the impression she hates cold weather.
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Into the Rift (spiderverse!pacific rim au)
so going into more detail because the actual drawings are coming along really slowly xD (i love drawing robots but coming up with original robot design hard)
The story would be essentially the same as the movies where a mysterious rift opens up in the bottom of the Pacific ocean releasing giant monsters. To combat them, the world governments join together for the good of humanity and create the Jaegers. Those are giant robots piloted by two people through a process called a 'drift'.
The only thing that changes is the characters and the story developed from that idea.
this post has been sitting in my drafts for like a month now oml
(loooooong wordvomit under the cut)
So the jaeger program is basically a stand in for the spider society and all the spiderfolk are pilots or staff. Everyone is also aged up 2 or 3 years to cover international military requirements and such.
and for the sake of the story having a 'pilot shortage' in which only the lucky few being able to actually pilot a jaeger, drifting is much harder and rarer. this leads to the program accepting younger applicants than they normally would. (eg. miles, pav, peni etc)
(character list in order of rank or.. something)
Miguel (34-35) is the stand in for the marshal. I'm not totally sure if he *is* the marshal or not? because he could absolutely just be the pilot manager or the mission overseer. but for now we shall stick with marshal. He primarily serves as the head of the department and representative for the pilot body. He also doubles as a pilot of a gen 1 jaeger (Blue Revenge*) with Peter B Parker, previously Jessica Drew.
Jessica (34-35) is Miguel's ex copilot. She served for two years and during a faux time of inactivity from the rift, she and her husband decided to try for a child. She was called back during the next attack but in the post-fight medical checks, she was ordered to go on maternity leave. She did, for a couple months, but very quickly felt frustrated that she wasn't helping. She moved back into the military base and instead took up a leadership position in combat training. I think her rank would be lieutenant but I don't know enough about the military to make that official.
Peter B Parker (42-43) is a retired pilot. He served as a pilot up until the gen 3 jaegers went into production and was sent home when he got a major back injury. During his time off he started a family in his old New York home and began to forget about the jaegers and the war. He chose to live in ignorant bliss until it all came back when he was summoned back. He brought his entire family, despite the many warnings, and has rather enjoyed his grand return. Currently copilots with Miguel in the Revenge*. Previously piloted the Crimson Core*.
Ben Reilly (24-25) is a jet pilot. Previously a jaeger pilot of the Scarlet Gutter that was decommissioned after it suffered extreme damage in a fight he took solo with a class 2 kaiju. His twin brother was his copilot and died early on in the fight. He currently pilots a fighter jet as backup. The impact of that fight still haunt him and everyone knows to leave him be.
LEGO Spiderman (24-25) and Peter Parkedcar (25-26) are two unrelated pilots that are drift compatible. LEGO Spiderman (Lee Godwin aka LE-GO for short) has a chronic condition with locking joints and Peter Parkedcar is a selective mute. They pilot the Titanium Wall that is essentially just an immovable object to the kaiju's unstoppable force. Yes this is a meme lineup. Laugh.
Peter Porker (31-32) is the head of research. He's john mulaney in all aspects except for occupation. He is more of the morale backbone of the entire operation and spends more time out of the lab making sure to bring a smile to everyone's faces. He wears a cute pig beanie when out and about. He always has candy on him and is famous in the kitchen for hot dogs. No one knows where he gets the hot dogs from, since those are rarely stocked. There's a rumor going around that it's kaiju meat, not beef. Absolutely fascinated kaiju and a biology fanatic.
Margo Kess (20-21) is the head of technology. She's the surveillance guy who takes orders directly from Miguel and is in charge of relaying commands and judging actions on the battlefield. She's a young college graduate- more accurately a child prodigy- and took the first opportunity she had to put her skills to the test. She's very friendly and will always get to know the pilots personally. Drift compatible but has avoided training to not have people learn about her strained home life.
Peni Parker (17-19) is the daughter of the head of engineering. She is just under the required age to actually assume the position but has the most knowledge on jaeger design of anyone else in the program aside from her father. Her father was killed when one of the outposts was destroyed in a kaiju attack. Parentless, the organization arranged for her to stay at the main base, waiting for her 21st birthday so she can acquire an actual rank. Had a personalized jaeger her father had been slowly building, fit for one person, that she's slowly been working on to one day pilot in combat.
Peter Benjamin Parker (Benji or Ben for short) (22-23) was hired as the strategy lead after his impressive work as a police/military investigator. Had a lot of experience with international crime networks and hand picked by Peter B. He was enthusiastically handed over to the Jaeger program after he got just a bit too close to some apocalypse-profiting corruption. No one really knows why, but he's taken more of a liking to pilot training and has shied away from Miguel's leadership team and more towards Jessica and the recruits. He has a good eye for cadets with amazing potential and even applied to be a pilot himself, stepping away almost entirely from any kind of leadership role. Pilots Silver Noir with Hobie(**).
Hobie Brown (20-22) is a pilot. He was recruited early on as one of Britain's undesirables and turned out drift compatible. He was assigned a jaeger that was built and sponsored by the British Government named the Union Jack. Disgusted, he refused to respond to that name and instead calls his jaeger the Stark Screamer. The name has been adopted by command and no one has bothered to correct it. His pilot quit for unknown reasons after only a year on the field and the Screamer was retired until they can find another pilot to partner with him. Has been paired with Benji for the time being.
Gwen Stacy (18-19) is the youngest pilot to date but more than capable of jaeger combat. She was brought in by Jess, despite her father's refusal, and skipped all cadet training except for the essentials and given a jaeger assignment almost immediately. She was picked out when her father, a military rep instead of a cop, was visiting one of the bases that Jess happened to be in. She showed incredible potential in [insert event that im not 100% sure about yet] and was incredibly interested. Originally paired with Hobie because of their similarity in hobby and age. They were drift compatible but she didn't like the Screamer's kit or fighting style and requested a new assignment. She's still best bros with Hobie though. She marks the beginning of the youth recruitment.
Pavitr Prabhakar (17-18) is a cadet in training. He volunteered along with a large number of Indian civilians to chase the fame and glory that surrounded the now-martyred jaegers. Of the hundreds, he and a handful of his peers were selected and he was sent to his specific branch to complete training. He is drift compatible with almost anyone. Having no sense of fear or darkness in his past or his present, he's an incredible asset- if not a little naive. He and Hobie became best friends as soon as they met and has been promised to pilot the Screamer when he completes his training.
Miles Gonzalo Morales (17-18) is a new cadet starting training. He was supposed to be one in a pair but his twin was stuck in Spain with a travel complication. Miles could wait a couple months though and eagerly started training. He was selected because he had an identical twin- which are usually assumed to be drift compatible- but ended up being paired and drift compatible with Gwen. Despite him not having clearance, Gwen and many others think he shows enough potential to pilot a jaeger within the first month of his stay. He is currently assigned to a new jaeger in production: a gen 4 titan named the Clawed Viper***
Mateo Davis Morales (17-18) is a future cadet. He and his twin were split up before highschool for [insert reason i haven't figured out yet here] and he moved to Spain to finish his highschool education and eventually enlist in the jaeger program. However, due to transportation delays and possibly finances, when he and his twin were drafted, Mateo was stuck in Spain until nearly three months later. Just in time for . . . well, the drama (tm).
*Blue Revenge is not final. i don't know if i like it or not but the other option was the blue panther, for the shits and giggles. pretty sure i want to keep the blue but idk. Crimson Core is also a placeholder, but it does sound cooler
**Silver Noir is not final. I want to work in Noir somewhere and make a matte black jaeger but not a lot of words go with 'Noir'
***Clawed Viper is not final. Viper is final, but again, not a lot of words go with 'Viper'
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mayashesfly · 5 months
Human Vox Headcanons
His old name was Vincent Wilhelm Oxley. He was born in New York within a family of German descent who immigrated to America during the 1850s.
His family is rather rich despite some difficulties. And they own their own studio, so Vox became a child star.
He was born with beautiful blonde hair and complete heterochromia eyes (right brown, left blue)
Due to his mismatched eyes, there were rumors that he was secretly mixed during a time interracial relationships were heavily frowned upon. So he and his parents tried their best to hide his mismatched eyes by using tinted glasses and having bangs on that side of his head.
He failed spectacularly at being a child actor since he wasn't able to convey subtle emotions easily enough unlike over the top personalities. (Not that you should expect much from a child acting mind you)
The industry of child acting during his time didn't help matters much because it was rather fucked up.
His parents, particularly his father, only praises him and gives him attention and affection whenever he did a good job at acting. He would even get toys for a job well done. His mother wasn't as emotionally present in his life either, only providing his basic needs and then ignoring him the entire day to go back to her room. He didn't really understand why, but he swears he heard something like hiccuping behind the door to her room.
After his father and the producers realized his personality was more fitted to be a host, they jumped at the chance of making him a child host on tv. He was able to flourish more in the scene but there wasn't really as much demand for child hosts during his time. Not to mention, he still had to hide his mismatched eyes which limited the amount of appearances he could take without outing himself as "someone who's mixed"
His career as a child wasn't improving much. Which led to him getting more neglected by his father who was always busy.
But thankfully he has a dog he named "Vark" after mispronouncing the bark his new dog made towards him.
And a certain radio show in New Orleans kept him company in his home. As a smooth voice talked and played soothing jazz music well into the night. (Sometimes he would write him fan letters. Written under a shy little Vincent until he grew old and embarrassed. And soon, that certain radio host went missing)
Cut to a few years later and Vincent reinvented himself as "Victor" a TV host just like his younger self but much more experienced and confident.
He dyed his hair a jet-black since it was in style. And wear blue contact lenses almost 24/7 to hide his mismatched eyes.
He has to regularly make eye drop breaks because of how much his contact lenses irritated his eyes from prolonged use, way over the maximum recommended usage, just so he could keep his persona up and keep his secret.
His career sky rocketed. But at this point he hardly cares if his parents give him the time of day anymore. And Vark had unfortunately died, he was a dog after all. And dogs don't have long lifespans compared to humans.
Being so charming and popular due to his success, he was able to find himself a wife and even have a child with her he lovingly named "Victoria"
But he was by no means a good husband. He was busy with keeping up his career. And finds his wife rather boring ever since they stopped having meaningful conversations together unlike before. She used to be so charming and witty. But now she was just like the rest of the boring meek women that stained his circles.
A man would be more mentally stimulating. But all of his "friends" are merely collegues and business partners he can't afford to lose nor even dare to think about confiding his feelings to. (Platonic feelings. Because surely he doesn't feel anything else towards men his age)
The only thing that woman is good for is keeping his little Victoria happy, safe and well-fed while he's not around. And oh, how he's so happy when he can come home and embrace his little girl, spending quality time with her. Looking at him like he was her entire world. Truly a charming little princess he has himself!
He didn't dare to think about making his little Victoria enter the acting scene so young however. No no no, he couldn't bare letting her experience such embarrassment. (An embarrassment on his career. On his life)
She can stay at home, completely safe from harm.
He would never let anything happen to her.
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spiritguides · 2 days
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❛            ❄️          𝐢. morena   baccarin   ,   forty5   ,   cis   woman   ,   she/hers        𐫱        ›        hey   ,   isn’t   that   snow   haddad   ?   i’ve   heard   that   they’ve   lived   in   bearhold   for   twenty   years.   rumor   has   it   that   they   can   be   rather   impetuous   and   defensive   ,   but   hey   ,   that’s   just   in   their   nature   as   a   psychic.   they   totally   make   up   for   it   by   being   comely   and   resolute.   if   you’re   looking   for   them   ,   you   can   probably   find   them   at   their   work   as   a   city   manager   at   bearhold   town   hall.
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◎      ִ         𝗮𝗰𝘁    ★     𝗼𝗻𝗲       ──      statistics.
━     basic   information.
birthname   :   sonya haddad
nickname   (   s   )   :   snow
date   of   birth,   age    :   12   /   18    /   1979, fifty-five
place    of    birth    :    new york city, new york
nationality    :    american
ethnicity   :    lebanese, portuguese, brazilian
gender,    pronouns   :    cis   woman,   she/hers
orientation    :    bisexual
religion    :    n/a
languages    spoken    :    english, arabic, spanish
━     physicality.   
faceclaim   :   morena baccarin
hair   color   :   jet black
eye    color   :   brown
height    :   five   feet    four   inches
piercings    :    (   left   )   five   lobe,   conch,   cartilage.   (   right   )   three   lobe,   helix.
━     other.
label   :    the badass boast
positives   :   magnetic,   career-driven,    level-headed,   honest
negatives   :   apathetic,   brazen,   fussy,   pessimistic   
hobbies    :    yoga, gardening
zodiac,   western   :   sagittarius
zodiac,   chinese   :   the goat
mbti   :   infp, the mediator
element    :   wind
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◎      ִ         𝗮𝗰𝘁    ★     𝘁𝘄𝗼       ──      background.
 ━          the   haddad   family   is   known   for   their   considerable   influence   by   strategically   investing   their   wealth   in   various   business   ventures.   their   most   notable   acquisition   is   owning   various hotels/resorts,   which   has   become   the   cornerstone   of   their   prosperity.
 ━            snow,   the   only   daughter   in   the   haddad   lineage,   from a young age she excelled in academics.   however,   her   journey   was   marked   by   the   patriarch's   preference   for   her   brothers   in   matters   of   preparing   them   for   the   family   business.   despite   her   exceptional   academic   prowess,   snow   was   not   included   in   her   family's   entrepreneurial   endeavors.
 ━            as   she   navigated   the   intricate   dynamics   within   her   family,   it   became   evident   that   her   father   harbored   reservations   about   her   assuming   a   leadership   role,   deeming   his   daughter   "too   emotional"   for   such   responsibilities.   undeterred   by   his   biases,   snow   channeled   her   determination   into   excelling   academically,   becoming   a   paragon   in   her   studies.   the   tension   within   the   family   deepened   as   each   sibling,   except   snow,   was   gradually   introduced   to   the   family's   extensive   business   ventures.
 ━            snow's   pursuit   of   parental   approval   manifested   through   her   outstanding   academic   achievements.   however,   as   time   unfolded,   the   disparity   in   treatment   among   the   siblings   became   increasingly   apparent.   despite   her   intellectual   superiority,   she   faced   a   barrier   in   her   quest   to   be   recognized   as   a   potential   successor   to   the   family   legacy.   over   the   years,   snow's   once   unwavering   respect   for   her   father   gradually   eroded   as   she   peeled   back   the   layers   of   the   façade   he   meticulously   maintained.
 ━            her   tumultuous   familial   dynamic   extended   beyond   her   relationship   with   her   father,   as   her   mother   played   a   pivotal   role   in   shaping   her   narrative.   constant   meddling   by   her   mother   sowed   seeds   of   discord,   creating   rifts   between   snow   and   her   brothers.   her   mother’s   selfishness   was   offset   by   a   social   cunning   that   allowed   her   to   forge   genuine   friendships.   despite   this,   she   presented   snow   to   others   as   if   she   were   a   trophy,   admiring   her   daughter’s   unmatched   beauty   and   viewing   it   as   a   valuable   asset   —   a   bargaining   chip   to   secure   a   beneficial   arranged   marriage.   this   attempt   to   mold   snow   into   a   pawn   in   the   intricate   game   of   familial   politics   was   met   with   vehement   disdain.
 ━            snow   married   young.   she   and   her   husband   were   tasked   with   relocating   to   bearhold,   in   an   effort   to   take   advantage   of   the   lush   landscapes   and   establish   a   resort.   at   the   time,   the   couple   were   well-regarded   in   the   town   for   their   affluent   nature.   they   resembled   something   you'd   find   atop   a   wedding   cake.   but   as   time   progressed,   their   pristine   reputation   began   to   falter   when   snow's   husband   was   caught   cheating   on   her.
 ━           it   all   came   natural   to   rosie   who   promised   to   provide   her   children   with   affection   she   never   had.   she   wanted   to   achieve   her   goal   with   a   present   father-figure   in   a   familiar   town.   she   managed   to   convince   russell   to   quit   the   fbi   and   move   to   glen   ellen.
 ━            since   then,   snow   has   attempted   to   rebuild   her   reputation   in   town   as   city manager,   striving   to   overcome   the   shadow   cast   by   her   husband's   betrayal   and   regain   the   respect   she   once   commanded.      
 ━         snow's   parents   were   aware   of   her   spiritual   sensitivity   early   on ,   with   her   mother   hailing   from   a   long   line   of   psychics.   however   ,   the   gift   had   skipped   a   generation   ,   and   snow’s   abilities   remained   largely   unexplored   ,   leaving   her   in   a   uncomfortable   space   within   her   family.
 ━            her   mother   was   the   first   to   notice   her   power   but   chose   to   remain   silent.   her   mother   was   fearful   of   the   consequences   of   acknowledging   it   in   a   family   already   driven   by   appearances   and   status.   rather   than   fostering   her   daughter’s   gift   ,   she   opted   to   shield   snow   from   the   scrutiny   and   potential   backlash   that   often   came   with   being   a   psychic.    
 ━            in   the   meantime   ,   her   brothers   were   groomed   for   business   and   leadership   ,   snow’s   intuitive   nature   was   dismissed   as   emotional   instability.   this   ,   coupled   with   her   father’s   overt   favoritism   towards   her   brothers   ,   only   deepened   the   sense   of   ostracization   she   felt. 
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◎      ִ         𝗮𝗰𝘁    ★     𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲       ──      personality.
 ━         snow's   personality   is   shaped   by   the   challenges   within   her   family.   she   is   determined   and   driven,   excelling   academically   despite   being   overlooked   by   her   father   in   favor   of   her   brothers.   her   sense   of   ambition   is   strong,   but   it’s   tempered   by   a   deep-seated   desire   for   approval.
 ━         snow   is   very   emotionally   guarded   after   facing   limitations in her youth and her husband's infidelity.   her   mother's   attempts   to   use   her   beauty   as   a   tool   for   manipulation   and   marriage   further   fuel   her   disdain   for   being   seen   as   an   object.   despite   the   betrayals   she's   faced,   snow   channels   her   frustrations   into   her   work,   showing   that   she   not   only   resourceful   but   pragmatic.   snow   is   determined   to   rebuild   herself   after   her   husband’s   infidelity !
 ━         snow   can   seem   cold   and   distant.   she   remains   focused   on   proving   her   worth,   particularly   in   the   public   sphere,   as   she   takes   on   the   role   of   city manager   to   restore   her   reputation.
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◎      ִ         𝗮𝗰𝘁    ★     𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿       ──      connections.
━     tbd.
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vivlopez · 4 months
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[ SOFIA CARSON,  30,  CIS WOMAN,  SHE/HER  ]  and  now  walking  on  the  red  carpet  is VIVIANA  LOPEZ,  we’re  honored  to  be  in  the  presents  of  a  world  class  FASHION DESIGNER.  they  say  that  they’re  the  embodiment  of  STRUT  by  CHEETAH GIRLS,  we  can’t  argue  with  that  one  !  rumor  has  it  that  they’re  FRIVOLOUS  and  PASSIONATE.  we often  hear  fans  online  compare  them  to THE LATEST ISSUE OF VOGUE, SKETCHES SCATTERED OVER MARBLE COUNTERTOP, ICE COFFEE IN A WINE GLASS, & JETTING TO FASHION WEEK IN MILIAN we  heard  that  there’s  this  one  thing  they  don’t  wish  anybody  to  know; SHE SLEPT WITH THE EDITOR OF VOGUE TO GET HER DESIGNS IN THE NEXT ISSUE,  let’s  hope  it’s  not  true  ! ]
❥ basics.
full name: viviana isobela lopez nickname(s):  viv, vivi, princesa age:   thirty  birthday: december twenty-second gender: ciswoman sexuality: bisexual  relationship status: single star sign: capricorn place of birth:  , colombia current residence:  london, england occupation:  fashion designer & creator of her own line languages:  english & spanish
❥ reflection.
looks like: sofia carson hair color: currently raven black eye color: deep brown height: five foot, four inches   body type: slender, but can’t live without her empanadas   tattoos: delicate, white butterfly on her ankle in honor of her late abuella piercings: ears    hair style: pin straight and long or tied back in a sleek bun with a deep side part to the right side
❥ family.
father: arturo lopez mother:  carolina lopez siblings: younger sister (planning to put in a wc for her) pets:  none atm
❥ personality.
characteristics:  passionate, loyal, frivolous, gaudy, dedicated, dramatic, particular, outgoing, innovative, blunt,  fears:  small spaces and off the rack couture  passions/hobbies: designing clothes especially luxurious gowns and lingerie, dancing salsa and cumbia, watching classic films especially ones starring rita moreno. drugs/ alcohol/ smoking: not opposed/ in moderation / cigarettes socially   colors: golds, jewel tones, deep purples, & black aesthetics: power suits with golden accents, imported issues of vogue, stilettos clacking, fur lined dressing gowns, sketches scattered over a marble countertop, sips of limoncello, a generous spritz of chanel no. 5, summers in amalfi, homemade vino, tear stained satin pillowcases, fashion week in milan.  character inspo: carolina herrara, hilary banks (fresh prince), charolette york (satc) blair waldorf (gossip girl), miranda priestly ish (the devil wears prada)
❥ biography.
tw: drug dealing implied
Viviana was just a child when her father uprooted his family from Barranquilla, Colombia to New York City to join her grandfather in the family business he would eventually run. Growing up, she was the princesa, and apple of her kingpin father’s eye. Though she was surrounded by the family business, daddy’s little girl was always thought to be just that and young Viviana was kept as in the dark as much as possible when it came to his dirty work, deemed by her father a man’s business. 
It was a challenge that made his endeavors all the more intriguing to her. While her mother urged her to help her with dinner, little Vivi found herself sneaking off to get into trouble with the neighborhood kids. She was sharp, intuitive, and business savvy taking after her father more than mother. Quickly, she learned the ways of the streets. Eager to prove herself, Viviana used her cleverness to hustle kids and make a pretty penny. Her efforts only disappointed her parents, and the more Viviana was kept away the more she began to rebel.
By the time Viviana was 16, she was shipped back to the motherland in hopes of straightening her out and keeping her away from the threats that came with being a kingpin’s daughter. She lived with her Tia Carmen outside of Barranquilla learning the ways of the old country. Her seamstress Tia taught her not only the secrets behind the family recipes, how to dance, tend a garden, but shared with her niece her craft. Viviana learned the ins and outs of clothing making. She was taught how to sew, take in a dress, lower a hem, and practiced countless hours with her aunt. 
After living in Colombia for five years, Viviana returned to New York City not only with renewed sense of clarity, but a hunger to pursue a degree in fashion merchandising. She was inspired by her Tia Carmen and all the sights and colors of her family’s homeland, determined to integrate its beauty into her designs. In return, her father gifted her a boutique in the heart of Manhattan, not only as a reward for a job well done but also as another distraction in hopes she would be too busy with the boutique to concern herself with business dealings. 
But Viviana not only wanted to just run a small shop, she wanted to make a name for herself. She wanted her designs to go international, and to dress the most famous names in the world. And so, Viviana started small, networking and collaborating with other people in the industry and getting her designs pictured on D list celebrities. She attended fashion events, trade shows, and workshops where she met editors, journalists, stylists, photographers, models, and influencers peddling her designs to anyone who would listen. 
One editor from Vogue (wanted connection), took a special liking towards her and Viviana seized the opportunity to use this person for their connections. A couple dates here, a couple nights together there and eventually she was being mentioned to dress some of the top celebrities. She was even offered a spread in Vogue as one of the industry's new up and coming talents to keep an eye on. 
Now at age 30, Viviana is continuing to find her way in the cut throat world of fashion, determined to keep the momentum going. Since her debut, she has opened other storefronts in some of the major fashion capitals ( Milian, London, and Paris) and is willing to do just about anything to prove that she too has what it takes to become one of fashion’s greatest icons.
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thepigeonking25 · 8 months
{Juno R Reed and the blood red amulet}
(Original story with my OCs😀👍
Drawing of Arthur and Juno)
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Chapter 1: “the idiot that believes in things that go bump in the night”
Some people call New York City the city of dreams ,but everyone that lives here can tell you otherwise. Yeah it screams fame and glamor, but if you look past the smoke and mirrors that illusion quickly fades. My job is to look past those exact smoke and mirrors, my name is Juno R Reed, I'm a private eye and there is so much smoke in this city that it can be hard to know where to look for a good case.
It's been a slow couple of months for me to get hired to solve a case and I was starting to get a bit impatient. I was having a smoke as I looked out of my window watching the quiet empty streets below. I glanced at the small clock on the wall and grabbed a small brown bottle from my desk. I take out two small white pills and place them in my mouth. I then took a sip of the now room temperature whisky that was sitting on my desk. All of the sudden my assistant Jessica bursts into my office holding a yellow file folder. I was so caught off guard and I started to choke on that same whisky I was drinking.
“What the hell Jessica?! God I swear if a random lowlife doesn't kill me, you will.”
“I'm sorry Mr Reed, I just have a surprise for you.” she said with a grin. Jessica Gold,...She's probably the only person in the world that can tolerate me, I still haven't figured out if that’s a good thing. She’s tall and has jet black hair that's put up in a neat ponytail. She’s wearing a simple white blouse with a long black skirt.
“What is it? I'm busy” I responded with an annoyed tone.
“Sulking around and being all gloomy isn’t ‘being busy’ just hear me out!”
“Ugh fine, tell me what this ‘surprise’ is. ”
“Well , I know you told me not to make any help wanted flyers ,but I couldn't help myself , so I made a few. Beyond all odds, someone actually responded!” Jessica said with an ecstatic tone as she held the yellow file folder.
“What? Well tell them no we don't need help, we are fine on our own”
“Look I love helping you on cases, you know I do sir ,but unlike you I actually have a sense of self preservation and I don't enjoy getting shot at. So I think it's wise to get someone that is also skilled in this profession like you”I hate it when Jessica is right, unfortunately for me she usually is. I sigh and reach my hand out for the folder. Jessica had a proud smile as she handed it over. I look through it as she continues to talk
“His name is Arthur Steel. He is 29 years old and he has a military background. And he has some…skills that can help us in this interesting case I found. It has a few odd murders in it and I just know how much you enjoy those type of cases”
I look up from the file at her as I raise an eyebrow
“How exactly are these murders odd?”
She gives me a smug grin. She knows exactly how to get my attention.
“Well all the victims had their throats ripped out with two deep holes in their necks. Some people are saying that they were attacked by a vampire”
“Absolutely not, Jessica, you know that I don't believe in that nonsense. We solve real cases, not some rumors that a bunch of people came up with in a panic.”
I threw the folder on my desk, not even bothering to look through the other pages. If this ‘Arthur Steel’ can ‘help’ in any way in this ridiculous excuse for a case, I don't even want to meet the idiot that believes in things that go bump in the night.
“Tell him don't even bother, we don't need his help and we will not be taking this case”
Jessica did a nervous laugh. I saw that look on her face and instantly knew that something was wrong.I rubbed my eyebrows in frustration.
“Jessica…don't tell me you already invited him to the office without telling me’
“well…I may have told him to…come down to the office today”
“What?!?! When will he be here?!”
She looks at the clock on the wall and nervously chuckles “Any second now haha…”
As soon as she said that, a loud car raced down the street and stopped in front of the building’s door. I ran out of my office with Jessica right behind me. I looked at the front door and saw a man with short light brown hair, fern colored eyes and an annoying smug smile. Everything about him screams irresponsible and unprofessional. He hasn't even said a single word and he already irritates me.
“Jessy hello!”
Arthur goes up to Jessica and hugs her. They both act like they've known each other for years.
“Mr Reed this is Arthur Steel, Arthur this is Juno R Reed” Jessica introduces us to each other.
“Juno R Reed, Jass here told me so many things about you. All good things I assure you haha. I hope that we can grow to become close friends,junebug ” Arthur winks as he holds his hand out to me trying to shake my hand. Of course I didn't take his hand and I just glared at him. God I hate that stupid smug smile.
“What did you just call me?”
“Junebug. It sounds like Juno. I give all my friends nicknames haha’”
“oh…Well It's…a pleasure to meet you Mr Steel but unfortunately my assistant made a mistake and we are not looking for help, sorry for the inconvenience and don't call me that.”
I tried to keep up the impression that I wasn't annoyed and waiting for Arthur to go back to whatever slum he crawled out of .
“Come on, I would be a perfect fit for this job. I assume you looked through my resume?”
“...yes. I definitely did” obviously I didn't but he doesn't need to know that. But unfortunately you can tell that I was lying just by looking at my face.
“...you know Mr Reed for a detective you're really bad at lying”
“Yes Jessica thank you for informing me” I said in a sarcastic tone
“And this is why we need Arthur, he is really good at lying. You would know if you actually read his folder instead of throwing a tantrum about the case. Hell if the whole vampire thing isn't real there is still a crazy mad cannibal ripping people's throats out…we need this case Juno.”
She's right. There is still a madman killing mostly innocent people and we know that the police are gonna do jack about it. I sigh as I scratch the back of my neck.
“All right…fine, Arthur you're only going to help us on this one case. got that?” I glared at him with a stern look. I really don't like this man but based on the info I glance at in his folder, he can be of some assistance in this case. Arthur nodded in agreement and said with a cocky tone.
“ Don't worry Junebug, I won't let you down. Matter of fact I already have a leed. There is a recent victim that has been attacked a few days ago and I've gained access to look at the crime scene.”
“How exactly have you gained access?” I asked if he was some desperate detective looking for any P.I with half the brain to let him help on a case. I doubt that he has much experience on the field , let alone having any contacts that allows him to waltz in any crime scene as if it's nothing.
“ Don't worry about how I got access. Just focus on the fact that I got access in the first place”
He bribed them. He probably thinks that I have no idea what he did but I've worked with people like him when I worked at the NYPD. I glance at the clock on the wall, it's 12pm. I sighed and grabbed my coat, “alright, if you have a leed lets get this case over with. Jessica, can you find information on the other victims?”
“You know I can Mr. Reed” She had a determined look on her face
“That's settled, come on let's go Junebug we have a vampire to catch ” Arthur excitedly walked out of the office leaving Jessica and me alone. Jessica looks at me with a little smile
“So what do you think”
“...I really don't like him…”
She chuckles as she patted my back.
“Oh I'm sure you’ll warm up to him.” I rolled my eyes, I highly doubt that me and that man would ever be close enough to be considered friends. I walked out of the office and saw Arthur leaning against this beat up 1945 black Ford coupe that obviously had had work done. He looks like he's ready to fight the world with some blind confidence. He says with a bit of a teasing tone.
“Hurry up, the crime scene isn't gonna stay fresh for long”
I took a deep breath, I just knew this was going to be hell.
Chapter 2: “You're glowing!”
The Blood moon hotel, it's a hot spot for stuck up rich people that use daddy’s money to get what they want and where very powerful people go to hide from the public to show their true nasty colors behind closed doors. So I'm not surprised that someone got killed here , it's quite fitting considering the name of this fancy hellhole.
When Arthur and I arrived, we stuck out like a pair of sore thumbs. I wasn't surprised that the hotel was still taking in customers. As we headed to the doors of the hotel I could see customers scoff at Arthur’s sloppy outfit and scuffed shoes, my worn out coat and unkempt hair that obviously hasn't seen a barber in a few months. I tried to keep a low profile and sneaked past the other cops in an effort to not get recognized. A customer mistook Arthur for a poor lobby boy. Arthur was about to accept a cheap tip ,but I had to drag him away by the shirt collar. When we walked in,we were almost blinded by the big glowing chandelier in the middle of the room.
“Wow, have you been to a place like this before, Junebug?”
“Arthur, I'm a P.I. that rarely gets cases and I need my assistant to pay for my bail everytime I get arrested for trespassing. What do you think?” I hiss back.
We headed to the elevator, the receptionist tried to stop us but I just pulled out my old NYPD badge and continued to walk without answering any further questions. We entered the elevator to go up to the floor where the victim resides.
“I didn't know that you have a fake badge” Arthur had a pleasantly surprised grin on his face.
“It's not fake, I used to work in the NYPD before… I was let go. I just took the badge out of spite” I shouldn't have told him that. Now he's looking at me with an interested look.
“Why were you let go?”
“Why should I tell you?”
“Come on Junebug, if we're gonna be partners we can't keep secrets from each other, it can affect our field performance” Arthur said as he playfully shoved my shoulder.
“We aren't partners, I'm just using you to catch a madman. That is all.” I said with a stern tone. I don't have to explain myself to him. After a few more seconds of awkward silence we made it to the 9th floor. There were two cops blocking the room that we needed to go into, room 217. I sighed in annoyance, unfortunately for me I knew both of those cops, they were just rookies when I left but now they have turned into bribe taking douchebags, great.
Of course Arthur walked in front of me and greeted them with open arms. I tried to stay hidden behind him,but it didn't work because I towered over Arthur.
“Hello gentlemen, how are you two doing on this fine evening?”
Both of the cops turned to Arthur, their expressions didn't sour when they talked to Arthur. I’ll give it to him. He is really good at talking to people, he knows the right tone to use while talking to a specific person. The right mannerisms to use, He has it down to a science. It's impressive .As I was analyzing Arthur a voice snapped me back to reality.
“Hey Keppler, is that Juno?”
One of the cops says as he crosses his arms. The other one says with a cocky tone.
“Yeah it is, wow Reed by the look of you, life has been nothing but cruel after you got fired” Keppler said as Jacobi chuckled. Arthur looked at me with a bit of a sympathetic glance. I didn’t blame him, he didn't know my history with them but I could tell that he was still curious about what happened.
“I would say it was a pleasure to see you two but I would be lying, We don't have time to deal with you two, now get out of our we have a job to do.” I said trying to keep my cool.
“Sure whatever you say Reed…Hey Arthur, Jacobi and I are going to lunch. Don't mess up the crime scene or else” Keppler said. I knew that was an empty thought so I paid no mind to it. As I headed in the room, Kelppler shouldered me as I entered. I tried to ignore it. Arthur followed suit and then closed the door behind him.
“Im sorry Juno, I didn't know that you had a bad past with them, if you want to talk about it-”
“Drop it, Steel. Let's just look at the crime scene” I knew that Arthur meant well but personal problems and grudges can't interfere with the case.
The room looked neat and perfect, besides the rotting corpse in the middle of the floor in a pool of his own blood, staining the once pure white carpet underneath. The victim's neck looked like a wild animal shredded it and left two deep gouges behind. His face looked completely drained from color, blue veins marking his body. And finally his gouged out eyes. Looks as if they were brutally ripped out of his skull. It was gruesome and gory, enough to make a rookie gag and consider quitting right there on the spot.
“The victim is Nathaniel Goldsmith, he was a popular jazz singer, he was notorious for going to night clubs and to gamble, A lot. Everyone liked him, if he didn't owe them money. What a shame, he had one hell of a voice. I liked a few of his songs, '' Arthur said as I examined the corpse. This was brutal but there weren't any signs of struggle. It looked like he did this willingly. Odd. Nathaniel was wearing a blood stained white button up with a untied tie and the three top buttons are undone, one button has fallen off. His shoes were haphazardly kicked to the other side of the room, near a small antique glass table that had two glasses with Romanée-Conti wine on top of it. One of the glasses was mostly empty compared to the other one, by the smell of alcohol on Nathaniel’s body it was obvious that he was drunk when he died.
As Arthur looked at the body I walked towards the table, inspecting the two glasses, Nathaniel was with someone, even if he was drunk when he was murdered there would still be signs of struggle. Suddenly a shiny blood red amulet that was on the floor next to the leg of the table caught my eye. I assumed that this amulet could belong to the murderer, for some reason there was a strange force pulling me towards this piece of jewelry. Without thinking I was reaching for it, as soon as I touched it I was hit with a sense of vertigo , I fell to the ground as a slight ringing appeared in my ears. I could faintly hear Arthur call my name. I felt calm, as if nothing could hurt me, then I felt a hand on my chest and I suddenly felt like I was free falling back to reality. I quickly sat up, gasping for air then I looked around but everything looked gray. As if the world got drained of its color. As my eyes began to focus and the ringing subsided, I could hear Arthut call out my name in a panicky tone.
“Juno! Are you alright? What the hell happened? Did you pass out?! Juno buddy answer me damn it!” I Looked at Arthur and like the rest of the room he was absent of any color except the fact that there was a glowing orb in his chest.
“You’re glowing!” I exclaimed
“What?... Junebug, i'm flattered but seriously are you ok?
“No No you're actually glowing, you look drained of any color and there’s a glowing orb in your chest!” I tried my best to explain to Arthur what I saw but I could sense that I was just making him more confused.
“Just touch this” I grabbed a handkerchief from my back pocket and picked the amulet then handed it to Arthur, Arthur grabbed it but nothing happened.
“Junebug, what is supposed to happen?..”
“You're supposed to feel dizzy and then you feel this falling sensation and boom, everything looks gray” The more I talk the more I begin to spiral. I had a sudden realization that I might be hallucinating. What if this wasn't real? I started to think what if Arthur wasn’t real, what if I was still in my office slowly losing my mind.
“No-…no I was getting better. No no no not again. I was better” I muttered under my breath as I was starting to panic. I looked through my coat pockets with my trembling hands for my medication to down the whole bottle. Suddenly in the corner of my eye I saw a figure crouched in the corner. It looks like a man. I look in the direction of this stranger and say with a trembling voice.
“Who are you?”
“Juno, who are you talking to?”
“Steel…Please tell me you see that man in the corner of the room?”
Arthur turns to look in the direction that I'm looking at.
“Juno, tell me what you see. Be specific”
He turns back and grabs my shoulders to make me look at him. This is the first time I've seen him this serious. I nodded and looked back at the creature.
“Well…it's hunched over. It looks like it is holding its neck with its hand. Its skin is ghastly white but with a dark red liquid dripping from its neck. Its spine is so defined that it looks like it could break the skin. ” The more I look at the thing in front of me I realize that it looks familiar. I glanced at the body of Nathaniel and then back up at the being.
“Good god it looks like a crude doppelganger of Nathaniel!”
As the words left my mouth the lights began to flicker violently and the room became frigid. The grotesque version of Nathaniel violently snapped its neck to face us. I stared into its empty eye sockets with a deep red blood dripping down its face for what felt like an eternity, waiting for the other to make the first move. The next thing I knew Arthur was dragging me to the corner of the room and quickly pulled out what appeared to be a piece of white chalk. The distorted version of Nathaniel charged at us, screeching as if it was trying to form words, but the more failed attempts it made the more red liquid poured out of its ripped out throat. I didn't know what to do, I was trapped in the corner of the room with Arthur who seemed to be drawing a symbol on the floor.
“Steel, what the hell are you doing!?’ I yelled out
“Just trust me!” Arthur continued to scribble what seemed to be nonsense on the wooden floor
“Trust you?! I barely even know you!”
It kept getting closer, so I reached for my gun, as I grabbed it, the monster
was inches away from us ,but suddenly it ran into an invisible wall that happened to be right in front of the random markings that Arthur made. It kept screaming and black tar splattering on the forcefield from its mouth. I tried to catch my breath as the thing kept banging against the shield that was keeping us from getting torn to shreds.
“There…ha…see I told you to trust me” Arthur said with a proud smirk on his face. I still tried to collect myself.
“I drew a few protection sigils . It's pretty sturdy so it's gonna hold up against our friend here”
“...so you can see that thing?” I looked at him with the small hope that i'm not the only one that can see that monstrosity
“Unfortunately no, but god I wish I could. it would make things much easier haha…but you can see it can you , Junebug?” He had a bit of an excited glint in his eyes that made me nervous.
“ Yes…I can see it…Thank god I'm not crazy…” I said in a bit of a whisper. “What the hell is that thing?!”
“It's a spirit, a vengeful one specifically. Normal ghosts are pretty calm and shy, it makes sense that Nathaniel’s spirit turned vengeful and violent based on the way he died.”
“...You're acting as if this is an average Friday night for you?!”
Arthur responds with a bit of a teasing tone.
“I'm a hunter, I deal with the paranormal and get rid of them. If you actually read my folder-”
“Yeah yeah I know, if I read your damn folder I would know that you can kill Casper the not so friendly ghost” I said with a hint of sarcasm.
“So what are we going to do with this…thing?”
“Don’t worry junebug I got this under control” Arthur pulls out a gun. It was a revolver with sigils carved into the handle. Before I could ask what on earth a bullet is gonna do to a ghost he already shot it right in between its eyes. Nathaniel’s vengeful spirit fell to its knees and then to the ground. It turned into a pile of smoke and ash as soon as it made contact. Arthur looked completely unfazed by everything that just happened. He turned to me and could see the blatant confusion on my face.
“The bullets are filled with gun powder and salt. Anything paranormal hates the stuff, it has the same effect as holy water” Arthur walked out of the sigils and turned to me expecting me to do the same. I started to head out of the corner but I bumped into that same forcefield that was supposed to be protecting me. My heart sank as the realization hit me. I placed my hands on it, a light blue glow appeared under my hand.
“I knew it!”
“Knew what?!?!” I yelled with a shaky tone.
“ you're a medium! Haha i can't believe i did the tracking spell right”
“...Tracking spell?”
Arthur pulled out a small white crystal on a string from his pocket. As soon as it got out it glowed white and it pointed to me. I could barely wrap my mind about the fact that a ghost almost killed us and now I was finding out that I am one of those people that can see the dead.
“I'm like that thing that tried to kill us?”
“Oh no, You aren't exactly like it but you both are paranormal beings. Hmm think about it as if you're just a superhero and one of your powers it to see the undead”
Arthur said it as if it was a good thing and it turned my fear into anger.
“Just get me out of here, Steel…NOW!”
“I will geez no need to yell” Arthur bends down and rubs the chalk off of the floor. I stepped out and shoved Arthur.
“The whole time you knew. THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME!”
“Hey calm down Junebug! In my defense I thought you already knew.” Arthur said. He didn't expect me to push him. Hell he didn't expect me to be mad. Arthur wasn't the one I was mad at. I was mad that my whole life I was completely sane. I never needed those damn pills and all those years of being in and out of psychiatric institutions for hallucinations was for nothing. I knew that Arthur could see that. He got up and gave me an understanding look.
“I have an idea of what you’re going through…” He took a deep breath. “Back in the war when I was overseas, a wraith attacked me. It almost killed me but my lieutenant saved my ass and then he told me that there are beings not like us…you’re taking this pretty well when I found out I was a complete mess, I was balling my eyes out and everything... Just know that you’re not alone.” He rested his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. I took a deep breath and a step back trying to calm myself. I didn't know what to say. I was taken aback by the look on Arthur’s face, people have looked at me with pity or down right disgust. But no one has ever gazed at me like that, with such empathy. It scared me when I realized the effect this man had on me, I was tearing up for god sake. I secretly tried to wipe the forming tears away. I suppose he's right. He's the only person I know that has a glimpse of what I'm going through. I pent up all the emotions that were riling up in me and attempted to act just like how I did before I entered this damn hotel.
“I guess I may have overreacted a bit. I'm sorry for pushing you”
“It's ok, Junebug ...If you don't mind me asking why did you take so long to realize that you're a medium? What I hear that most powers develop in childhood”
I should have known that he would ask more questions, I sighed and tried to remember back when I was younger.
“Fine i'll tell you, but you must promise me that you'll never tell anyone. Not even Jessica…”
“Don't worry, Junebug. I won't tell a soul”
“When I was born my mother started to lose it, on my 6th birthday she had a psychotic break. She was screaming about people with disfigured faces, my father had no other choice but to send her to an asylum. It was obvious that it broke his heart ,so when I started to tell him that I could see the monsters in the closet he instantly feared that whatever was wrong with my mother got passed on to me…the next thing I knew I was given pills and talking to doctors. After a while I stopped seeing things. Most of my childhood memories are pretty blurry now because of the medication”
“Jesus…I'm sorry you had to go through that Juno” I hate it when people say that. I wanted to change the topic before I got that same old pitty filled look. “It's not a big deal, now enough being sappy we need to focus on the reason why we're here in the first place. Is there anything else that you know about the victim?”
“umm..Sure Junebug. Nathaniel would regularly perform at a nightclub named The Last Drop nightclub. According to some witnesses they said that was the last time he was seen alive.”
“Well I guess we will be headed there next”
I turned to the door but Arthur called my name. I faced him.
‘What is it, Arthur?”
“Here you have to touch the amulet again”
Arthur said. I was so confused on why I had too.
“There is no way i'm touching that thing again with my bare hand”
“Trust me Junebug. Just touch it. Or do you still want to see the world in black and white?” he beamed. I just rolled my eyes and with a bit of a trembling hand I grabbed the amulet. I was hit with that familiar sense of vertigo and got a bit of a headache. The color quickly returned to my vision.
“Am I still glowing?” He with a teasing tone.
“...You knew what this thing did, didnt you?”
“Maybe haha. I knew that this type of amulet has some supernatural abilities because of the sigil on the back of it.” As Arthur explained it I turned the piece of jewelry over and saw the marking.
“I didn't know that it would have that effect on you. I just had a hunch that if you touched it again you would go back to normal” As I put the amulet in my coat pocket, I felt my pill bottle in there. I took it out and looked at it. I sighed and threw it in the trash can that was in the room. I turned to Arthur.
“Ok, let's go.”
“Yeah lets. You know I'm glad that you're back to normal but it's a bit of a shame, your eyes were a really pretty shade of purple” Arthur said with a smug smile on his face as he walked out of the room.
“What?...My eyes turned purple?!” I asked as I followed him.
Chapter 3: “Who the hell is making a ruckus at my nightclub?”
We had to drive to the other side of the city to get to the nightclub, the sun was starting to set and the city lights lit up the road. We didn’t know when this vampire would strike again so time wasn’t on our side. The Last Drop nightclub was where people forget about the hardship of life and indulge in the supposed ‘finer things’ like insanely strong alcohol that could make you throw up after the second shot and drugs that could convince you that you're about to enter a different dimension. I had a bit of knowledge of that place. It was considered dead for years after the owner named Mr Bouchard stopped appearing in public until recent years it has started to boom in popularity.
We got out of Arthur’s rundown car and headed to the entrance. There was a tall rugged man guarding the main door. Before Arthur and I could enter the building the bouncer blocked the door, I reached for my old badge but before I could show it to the man he said.
“No cops allowed in the nightclub without a permit.”
I quickly put away my badge. “Well…technically I’m not a cop”
Arthur quickly came to the rescue and stepped in in an effort to make up for my horrible lying.
“Hey, we're not cops, we're just here to enjoy ourselves with some good drinks and jazz , that is all” Arthur said with that same charming smile.
“I said you can't enter without a permit” The man was not budging. I could tell that Arthur was trying to think of a way to sweet talk our way in.
“Come on, I know the owner just let us in.”
Arthur took a step forward but the bouncer shoved Arthur back.
“Get lost.” I may not be the best at talking things out but I'm sure as hell good at resolving my problems with violence . I got in between Arthur and the bouncer. “Don't you dare lay your hands on my partner. We just want to ask a few- '' I hissed back but in a flash The bouncer punched me in the gut knocking the wind out of me for a second. Then we started to argue and yell at each other. Tensions were running high. I could tell that he was gonna strake another blow and I wasn't having it.
“That’s fucking it” I pulled out my gun and pointed at the bounser and he proceed to do the same. A few of the people outside waiting to get into the nightclub screamed. Arthur tried to calm me down but there was no way I was going to let this man talk to us like that. A voice broke through the chaos.
“Who the hell is making a ruckus at my nightclub?” Everyone got quiet and I quickly put away my gun. The voice came from a tall person with short curly hair and messy makeup. They were also wearing a slip dress with a big fur coat while holding a theater cigarette holder with smoke coming out of it.
“...your nightclub?...You're Mr bouchard?” I asked then Arthur gently shoved me as if telling me to be quiet.
“Not anymore sweetheart, Now what the hell is happening?" The bouncer whispered to them all about what just happened. They nodded a bit then took a long smoke of their cigar. “So why do you want to talk to my girls?” They asked me as they blew smoke into my face. I noticed all the other people looking at us. “Look can we talk about this somewhere more-”
“Arthur darling is that you?” before I could finish my sentence they cut me off. They rushed over and gave Arthur a hug which Arthur reciprocated with a smile.
“I was waiting for you to notice me, Mercury haha I was starting to think you forgot about me”
“Oh how could I forget someone with such a handsome face like yours” They purred as they gently grabbed Arthur’s face, almost examining it. I rolled my eyes out of annoyance.
“Can we please discuss this inside?” I tried my best to not sound irritated. “Oh of course, let's go boys come inside” They headed inside as Arthur and I followed. The nightclub was dim and dark with the only well lit areas being the bar and the stage with a band playing sweet jazz. There were patrons sitting at tables surrounding the stage enjoying themselves. Waitresses wearing slip dresses and having neat hair serving the customers' drinks. At the corners of the room were large tables where powerful people would usually ‘talk business’. It looked like your standard New York nightclub. Mercury was leading the way through the dark. I whispered to Arthur.
“How the hell do you know the owner of this place?” Arthur chuckled and responded. “They needed help getting rid of the ghost of their mother in law from an old vanity that they took. It was surprisingly really hard, she was a very stubborn woman” I nodded my head a bit but I could still see that same old dumb smirk on Arthur’s face. I just had to give in and ask. “What is it?”
“You called me ‘your partner’ earlier when you were arguing with the bouncer. I thought we weren't partners, Junebug” He teased
“We’re not, it just slipped out of my tongue. Don't dwell on it too much, don't want you to get a bigger ego.” Arthur laughed then gently nudged me. “Are you sure I'm not growing on you? I think we're becoming friends”
“absolutely not keep dreaming Steel”
“Oh Junebug, you have wounded me with your cruel words” Arthur said with a playful dramatic tone. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit and crack a small smile.
“Did you just smile? Wow Junebug i dont think ive ever seen you laugh let alone smile. I didn't know you could even do that. Im probably the first person to make you smile”
“Don't flatter yourself i'm just laughing at how stupid you look right now”
Arthur was about to respond with a witty comment but Mercury chimed in.
“Here, sit boys” They led us to one of those big tables located near the back of the nightclub. Out of everyone's sight, except for Mercury’s bodyguards. I knew that they were just a safety precaution, not because of Arthur of course but me. That was understandable so I didn't make a big deal out of it. Mercury obviously trusted Arthur more so I let him take the reins on this.
“So what do you boys need from me”
“Well Mercury, where here just to ask a few questions that's all”
“Hmm, Questions about what? You know I'm not involved with any “deals” that happen in my establishment” Mercury gave me a wary glance. Arthur looked at me asking if he should tell them everything about the case. I nodded, there was no point in lying to them.
“You know about the recent murders, Juno and I have reason to believe that a vampire is responsible for them, as you are aware there are supernatural beings that live among us so this isn't much of a surprise. The recent victim was Nathaniel Goldsmith, he was last seen alive here, we just need to question some of your staff to see who Nathaniel was last seen with” Mercury sat in silence for a second taking another long smoke. “That's a shame, It really is…All right. You two can go backstage and ask my girls and the performers all the questions you want. If there is a small chance that a vampire is still here I dont want it to hurt them.”
“Yes thank you, I promise that we will handle that monster…can we ask you some questions please” Arthur asked with a sweet smile. They nodded their head.
“You know everyone that works here, what was Nathaniel's relationship with the people here? Is there someone that might have wanted to harm him?”
“Hmm well my girls weren't very fond of him. He always pestered them, practically begging one of them to go out with him. And don't get me started on that man’s drinking problem. Of course the man had talent but his character was god awful. I couldn't stand to be in the same room with him. Some of the performers tolerated him, I have no idea how they would have handled it with the man’s ego…” So basically anyone was a suspect. An Arrogant alcoholic that would regularly harass the female staff then got murdered in a hotel room with two glasses of alcohol and the man was in the process of getting undressed. Our vampier is most likely a woman that works here or regularly visits. I glanced at all the waitresses, any of them could be the one we’re looking for.
“Can you give us the names of the people that would regularly interact with Nathaniel?” I questioned
“Well he hung out a lot with the band, Simon, Mick and Eiffel. They usually got drinks together after a gig. Catherine Crimson. She's an absolute doll, she has the voice of an angel I tell you. Those two usually do a lot of duets together. And finally Sasha and Melanie, Those two would get him ready for performances, you know like doing his hair and stuff. I would always hear them laughing and cracking jokes with each other ”
“Ok thank you Mercury for this information, where can we enter backstage?”I asked
“Just enter the doors that are next to the stage, Good luck boys”
Arthur and I left Mercury at the table as we headed to interrogate some of the staff members. Arthur asked “So has your detective brain narrowed down the suspects, Junebug?”
“I think so, The suspect is most likely a woman that had close ties to the victim, so the band is out of the question.” We entered backstage. It was a completely different atmosphere compared to the calmness of the outside. There was this controlled chaotic feeling in the air, some people speed walking to places they needed to go, others in costumes looking for the finishing piece for their outfit. If you didn't know where you were supposed to go, you would most definitely get trampled. Arthur and I stood there for what felt like hours just finding the right time to walk through this mess. As I was looking over this sea of people there was a short lady standing on a stool with a clipboard in hand yelling at people to hurry up. She's probably our best bet to find out where our suspects are. I took Arthur’s hand and guided him through the river of performers as we headed toward the woman.
“Hello madam I have a few questions about-”
“What?! What do you want, kid? Can you see I'm busy?! Come on spit it out I don't have all day” She snapped back, Arthur and I were a bit taken aback by this.
“Do you know where Sasha, Melanie and Catherine might be?”
“That’s all?! What do I look like to you? Do you think I know where everyone is every second of the night?!...Well you would be right. Little miss Catherine is in her dressing room getting all dolled up and the other two girls are in the costume room helping our onstage girls to get ready. Take a right and there's Catherine’s dressing room and down the hall is the costume room. Is that all you two bugged me for?”
“Yes madam, we appreciate your help” Arthur beamed. We took the lady’s direction and headed to the closest room that happened to be Catherine's dressing room. We stood in front of her door, I began to knock on it to get her attention. A few seconds passed before a short woman with long flowy dark red hair. She was wearing a nice pretty red dress.
“Can I help you gentleman?” Catherine said with a sweet voice.
“Hello Miss Catherine, we just wanted to ask you a few questions about your duet partner Nathaniel,” Arthur said.
“Oh dear what happened?”She gasped as she covered her mouth with her hand.
“Unfortunately he was murdered, we want to find out who was the last person he spoke with”
“That's terrible, just terrible…Alright I’ll try to be of much help”
“Thank you, When was the last time you saw Nathaniel alive?” I stepped into the conversation. She nodded and replied.
“The last time I saw him was last week, We just finished singing a duet like always. He asked me if I wanted to get a drink with him but I nicely declined his advances. I could tell that he didn't take that well and stormed off to the costume room to drink his bottle of wine that was left in there. After that I went into my dressing room. That's all I know” She didn't go with Nathaniel to the hotel, He might have asked Sasha or Melanie to go with him.
“That's okay, we appreciate any information you can give us. Well we’ll be off to question the other staff.” I asked as she nodded a bit.
“I really wish you two luck,” She closed her door. There is only one more place we need to go to get all the pieces to finish this puzzle. As we walked down the hall to head to the costume room I put my hand in my coat pocket feeling the chain of the powerful amulet. I pulled it out and looked at it. What if I could see who the vampire is with its help? In the corner of my eye I could see that Arthur had the same idea. I touched the ruby colored stone with my hand.That same familiar feeling washed over me, I leaned against Arthur a bit trying to push through the feeling. As I opened my eyes the world looked dead like the last time this happened.
“Junebug are you okay?”
“Yeah…don’t worry, Arthur” I looked at the people passing the hall and they all had that similar glowing orb in their chest like Arthur has. Suddenly a waitress quickly passed through the people to head to the exit door at the other side of the hallway. as I glimpsed at her I noticed that her orb was pitch black.
“What?! Who???” Without a second thought I grabbed Arther’s hand once again and tried to push through. She noticed that we spotted her and now she's on the run.
“Her! The girl with the short black bobbed hair that's headed for the fucking exit”
Arthur looked for the target I was referring to. He got on the same page as me and we both started the chase. I pushed the exit door wide open and was met with the crisp cold air on my face. The vampire quickly took a sharp turn into an alleyway.
“Junebug, wait!”
I completely ignored Arthur’s warning and was completely blind sided. All I could think about was that I needed to catch that vampire. I followed her. I made it into the alleyway but she wasn't there, as if she disappeared.
“I know what you are! Come out!!” I yelled, my voice echoing off of the walls. Arthur quickly followed and placed his hand on my shoulder “Juno stop, how do you plan on taking down a vampire in the first place!? We don't even have a stake to kill it with” He was right, I hated that he was right.I walked deeper into the narrow alleyway and stood there for what felt like forever. I sighed then turned to face Arthur, before a word could come out of my mouth I felt something fall on top of me and slammed my head against the cold floor. That same ringing in my ears came back, the already gray world turned hazy and I could feel something dripping on my face. The next thing I knew I was pinned to the floor with the vampire’s hand on the back of my neck. I accidentally dropped the amulet on the floor. The marking on the back of it was showing.
“WHY DO YOU HAVE THE BLOOD STONE?!” She screeched loud enough for it to overcome the ringing sound. She recognized the amulet but she didn't know it was missing? She wasn't the one that killed Nathaniel. She didnt work alone. I tried to think about who could be tied to this stone but the pain in my chest was too much. She was stronger than she looked, I could feel the pressure of her weight on my ribs. I was convinced that one of them was at least bruised. I could feel her sharp claws pirsing my skin, not deep enough to kill but just enough to draw blood. I could feel her squeezing down on my neck out of nowhere, Arthur grabbed a random broom that was on the floor and hit her with it. The broom snapped in half as it made contact with her face. She grabbed the end of the broom that Arthur was holding and hissed at him. I could see the rows of sharp teeth in her mouth, Almost appearing like the inside of a leech’s mouth but with two big prominent fangs sticking out. In a second she swung to the right, throwing Arthur into a brick wall. The vampire knocked the wind out of me as she jumped off of me and lunged at Arthur, quickly pinning him to the wall and stabbing his chest with her claws. Slowly moving her hand down drenching Arthur’s white button up with his own blood. Arthur tried to hold back his screams. He tried to stab her with the piece of the broom he had but she disarmed him easily. She opened her mouth and was getting ready to bite Arthur’s neck. As the world stopped spinning and I managed to catch my breath, with a trembling hand I got up and grabbed the other piece of the broom and while she was distracted I plunged it to her heart. She shrieked in pain as she got off of Arthur. Falling to the ground while holding her chest muttering
“No no no no no, One day you humans will feel the end of days, soon, SOON, the Ancilles of the crimson Hiereiai will rule!” steaming black tar was pouring out the wound and from her mouth. Her skin began to wrinkle and decay, in a matter of seconds she was nothing but a sack of bones. I quickly put pressure on Arthur's injuries to stop the bleeding, I couldn't stop staring at it and felt immense guilt. He told me to wait, to stop but I was just so caught up in my own desires to realize the danger I was putting us in. As I was in my thoughts I felt Arthur hand lightly brush against my bleeding head, I winced at the touch.
“I'm fine Arthur, I need to get you back to the office. I have a aid kit there”
“You most likely have a concussion and not to mention your neck is still bleeding…I'll drive us back don't worry Junebug '' Even now that we're both badly hurt in some dingy alleyway Arthur still managed to give me that dumb smirk. I hesitated for a moment then nodded my head in agreement. I took off my coat and tied it around Arhtur’s gashes to keep pressure on it. Before we left I picked up the amulet and in an instant the color returned. I held Arthur close to help him get to the car. On the drive back all I could think about was two things, who are the Ancilles of the crimson Hiereiai? And that I need to keep Arthur safe.
Chapter 4: “I am not a vessel for your good intent!”
As soon as we entered the office Jessica was there at her desk with piles of papers and news clippings. She glanced up at us as she was talking, she didn't expect us to be this hurt. “Hey guys how was- MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?!” She quickly got out from behind her desk and headed to the storage room. “I’ll get the first aid kit!” I helped Arthur to the couch that was in the corner of the room. I took off his shirt, he had 5 deep gashes starting at his chest and ending at his stomach. It was still bleeding a bit. His body had a few bad scars here and there, I assume that he got them during his time in the war, it was obvious this isn't Arthur’s first time getting this hurt.
“You think the scar is gonna look cool?” Arthur joked a bit, I know he was just trying to lighten the mood but I couldn't help but feel responsible for all of this. I whispered and said under my breath.
“...I'm sorry..” Arthur couldn't quite hear what I muttered and before he could ask me to repeat myself Jessica came in with the med kit and started to take out all the things we needed.
“Mr Reed what the hell did the two of you even do?!” Jessica interrogated me as I started to clean Arthur’s wounds.
“A vampire attacked us. I guess you were right…”
She gave me a look as if telling me ‘I told you so’. She got a wet rag and started to clean the cuts on my neck. I hissed in pain and moved away.
“I’m fine”
“Bullshit, Stay still Mr’Reed” I huffed and just let her fix me up. I couldn't help but think about who the Ancilles of the crimson Hiereiai were as I started to bandage Arthur up. “The vampire recognized the amulet, She's definitely not working alone. There’s probably more vampires at the nightclub so tomorrow I should head back alone”
“No.” Arthur said with a stern tone which confused me.
“What do you mean no? We’re so close I can feel it. You're too hurt to go with me and there's no chance in hell i'm taking Jessica ”
“We could barely take one vampire, what makes you think that you could manage to kill one by yourself!? Junebug we’re both hurt, I can go with you. The cuts aren't that bad, i've had worse”
“No, you're staying here and that's final, I don't need your help Steel!”
At this point I could tell that Jessica was starting to get enough of us yelling at each other “Shut up! You two aren't gonna do shit, take a break. You two are way too stubborn and reckless for your own good” She said as she finished wrapping my head and neck with bandages, then grabbed the used towels that are soaked in blood and headed to the bathroom to get clean ones, leaving Arthur and I alone.
“I just want to help, I don't want to see my friend get torn to shreds by vampires ”
Why does he care so much? He only has known me for a day, That's it. It was my fault that he almost got killed. I can't let someone die on my watch, not again.
“We aren't friends, How many times ive had to tell you that! I've never needed friends and I sure as hell don't need some now!”
“God why can't you just allow yourself to let others help you!? Juno please. I know we've only known each other for a short period of time but I feel like you're the only person that just gets me, that has to deal with all of this . Just let me fucking help you!”
“ You don't know who the hell I am!” I snapped back but I could tell that Arthur wasn't going to back down.
“I want to know! I want to be there by your side!” Arthur pleaded as he put his hand on my shoulder, I couldn't look him in the eyes. This was for his own good. Everyone that ends up being close to me always gets hurt, so I must push Arthur away no matter how much it pains me to do so. I pushed his hand off of my shoulder and stood up “I know you mean so well…but I am not a vessel for your good intent, Steel!”
“Don't say that, you're a good person deep down, behind that heartless detective facade you always put up. No matter how hard you try to push me away I'll always come back!”
“Then you're a complete and utter idiot with a death wish!!” I turned and headed for the door, Arthur stood up from the couch holding his bandaged chest.
“Juno Stop, you're gonna get yourself killed!”
“That would be better than staying another second here with you!!”
After I said that I slammed the door. It started to drizzle outside…Great. I walked down the dark lonely sidewalk waiting for the opportunity to flag down a cab. A few minutes of walking and I managed to catch one, I opened the car’s yellow door and went in.
“Where are you headed, sir?”
“The Last Drop Nightclub…” When I finally arrived back I just walked in and headed backstage. I'm assuming at this point the other vampire noticed the dead body at the back of the building so most likely will be trying to keep a low profile. I'll start where I left off, on my way to the costume room I bumped in with Catherine.
“My dear what happened” She gasped, I sighed and tried to act as if I was fine. “I'm alright, Miss, trust me” She shook her head no and gently took my hand “Oh no, no come with me, in my dressing room I have something that can sooth the pain” She smiled softly as she led me to her room. I tried to protest but I just didn't have the willpower to do so. As we went in she sat me down on a chair in front of her vintage vanity. “Here darling have a seat…poor thing, you really took a beating” She opened a drawer and searched for the medication. “So where is your partner? Arthur was his name right ? I hope he's ok”
“He's…fine, I decided that it would be better if he stayed behind this time” I kept looking at my reflection, studying all my features, noticing the white streak in my hair and eyebrow how it blended with my black hair. How tired I looked with my deep eyebags. I sat there for what felt like hours,an endless loop of being stuck in my own mind, just spiraling. It all felt so surreal, I could hear Catherine speaking to me but it was all hazy then it hit me…We never told her our names…
“Ah, here they are.” In her hand she had my anti hallucinogenic medication that I threw away back at the hotel. My mind started to race. I tried to reach my hand out to take the bottle but I couldn't move. My breathing quickened and my heartbeat elevated.
“What’s wrong Juno? You look like you've seen a ghost”
“How…how did you get that?...How do you know my name?” I muttered, she gently tapped my forehead with her finger and I felt a rush of fervor overwhelm me. I wanted to scream, yell, do something but my body wasn't my own, at least my mind was still whole. She looked at me with a sense of curiosity, as if she was expecting something else to happen.
“ Juno, What do you desire the most?” Her voice echoed in the walls of my mind, feeling as if a hand was reaching into my subconscious pulling out feelings and thoughts I didn't know I even possessed. I couldn't even speak, She peered into my eyes as if she was reading my thoughts. She chuckled a bit.
“How interesting…not what I expected but I can work with that” she delicately grabbed my chin and smiled. “You're very powerful, you know that? A normal human mind would turn into putty just by looking into my eyes but you, you're still completely aware. Surprisingly I have to actually try to keep you from breaking free…now this new information requires me to add a few…modifications to my plan but that's alright, you're too perfect to let go” She sounded so nice and sweet as he said that. I tried to move but all I could do was to make my hands tremble.
“Oh don't worry darling, I'm not gonna hold you forever…just long enough until it's too late to…well I don't want to ruin the surprise haha” She patted my cheek and then walked to the door.
“See you soon Juno” She winked at me then closed the door behind her. I continued struggling to move any part of my body but I failed miserably. It felt like I was trapped on that chair for hours but looking at the clock on the wall only 20 minutes passed. My arms were feeling sore then I realized I could slowly push out the amulet from my pocket and touch it with my forearm. I moved my arm inch by inch trying to move it upwards,after a long 10 minutes I managed to make it so that half of the red jewel was poking out. I touched it and as predicted I was free, I fell out of the chair landing on my hands and knees gasping for air. I touched it again so that my eyes would stop having a purple hue to them. I had to tell the others. I rushed out of the Nightclub and into the now pouring cold rain. There was too much traffic to call for a cab so my only option was to run back to the office. The ice cold rain felt as if it was tearing my skin but I didn't care, all that was on my mind was to make it to Arthur and Jessica. When I arrived at the door of the office I was completely out of breath, I went to turn the knob of the door but I hesitated. Remembering all the things I said to Arhthur kept rushing through my brain. I took a deep breath and prayed that he wouldn't punch me as soon as I opened the door. My heart dropped at the sight of the office , it looked as if a fight broke out, paper and blood on the floor, a bookshelf broken and Jessica with a blindfold over her eyes as she's tied to a chair.
“Who’s that?! Get away! I don't know where he is!” She cried out. I rushed over to her and took off her blindfold.
“Jessica it's me!” I quickly reassured, My hands were trembling and she could hear the panic in my voice.
“Yes, Its me…Jessica what happened, Where is Arthur”
“They took him! The vampires broke in and Arthur and I tried to fight them off…They told us that they kidnapped you and they said that if Arthur came willingly they wouldn't kill you!” Her voice shook as she spoke. Of course he would do something that stupid and reckless to save me.
“Damn it Arthur…Do you know where they are?”
Jessica nodded. “You know that creepy abandoned mansion in the outskirts of town? They took Arthur there, I'm pretty sure it's a trap!”
“Oh it's definitely a trap…It's fine I'll save that idiot…even if it kills me” I grabbed my coat and a silver knife from Jessica's knife collection and headed for the door. “Mr. Reed, where are you going?! aren't you gonna free me!?” Jessica shouted at me. “I'm not gonna risk losing another friend to those damn vampires …I'm sorry Jessica”
“What!? Mr.Reed!! Damnit Juno!!! Come back here and free me!!!” She yelled as I took Arthur’s car keys that he left on the desk and walked out of the office.
Chapter 5: “It's a pleasure for you to join us darling”
I got into Arthur’s god awful car and drove to the vampire's den. When I arrived it was midnight. I tried to plan out how I would handle this, they knew that I was coming so sneaking in would be difficult, not to mention I was playing on their turf. They probably knew the grounds like the back of their hands. Also I don't know how many of them are in there, obviously the chances of me getting out of this alive was slim. Good thing I'm used to those odds. My main goal was to save my partner and get out without dying, Simple enough. The amulet is the only thing that could protect me from the vampire's mind control. I touched it one last time to activate my powers then I left it in a compartment in the car because there's no way I would let them get this amulet back.
I got out and made my way to the ominous building. I found an open window in the side of the mansion, the lights were off so sneaking in there is probably my best bet. The air was colder from the inside, as I walked around I could hear my footsteps echoing, It sounded as if the room was pretty big. I kept walking for what felt like a while.
“It's a pleasure for you to join us darling” That familiar voice scared me to my core. As soon as the words were spoken all the candles in the room set alight revealing that I was standing in the middle of a giant ballroom with a giant table in front of a wall covered with what seemed like hundreds of deer mounts on it with a big one above a lit fireplace. The table had a feast of food on it, the more I looked at it the more I realized that the food was made of human meat. Finally there were vampires sitting at the table looking at me with hungry eyes while Catherine stood in the middle. I quickly pulled out the silver knife and pointed it at her.
“Where the hell is my partner?!” I shouted but all she did was give me this condescending look.
“Aww ain't that sweet, You care so much for a man you just met. unfortunately dear you're a little too late”
“What the hell do you mean?” I tried my best trying to keep my emotions at bay.
“Dont worry dear, he was a lot of help! Without him we wouldn't have had this feast before us tonight” My heart sank as I glanced back at the food…that's Arthur. I felt sick to my stomach as I noticed that my hands began to tremble. “Hmmm do you smell that my loves, the fear and sorrow radiating off of our little sacrifice here”
This heartsick feeling turned into rage.
“YOU SICK MONSTERS!!” I screamed with tears in my eyes as I tried to stab Catherine but two vampires that appeared behind me held my arms making me drop the silver knife. “NO NO NO DAMMIT LET ME GO YOU BASTARDS!!!” Catherine just looked amused at the sight of me struggling. “That's no way to treat someone that has opened her home to you, that's not how your mother taught you” She's been in my head. She knows everything, absolutely everything. I started to tremble as I spoke out. ��STOP…SHUT YOUR MOUTH, DO NOT MENTION MY MOTHER!!!”
“All the pain and suffering in your soul is absolutely delicious, I’m sure our god would love to devour you…I’m truly sorry..I know you didn't want to lose another partner, who was that bright eyed rookie you got paired up with when you were still with the NYPD? Ah yes Cecil Warren right, such a shame what happened to him. Thank you for being the key to the new world” I wasn't even listening to what she was saying at that point. She was right. All this is my fault, I was the one that got Cecil killed, I got Arthur killed and now I'm gonna bring the end of all days. I knew it was useless but I still tried to get out of the vampire's grasp.
“What? You don't have anything to say? All that fire in your eyes and you can't even utter a single word. What a shame, ladies can you please be a dear and hook him up on the altar ” She ordered, the two vampires nodded their heads and did what she asked. There was this wall of stone with two leather straps to hold my arms down. On the edges of the stone were markings engraved in it. On the floor were 6 bowls and a big sigil drawn with charcoal around the whole thing. The vampires tied me down as Catherine had a pleased smile on her face.
“What the hell are you going to do to me!?” I yelled and that just made her chuckle.
“Well if you must know we’re gonna drain your blood and draw a summoning sigil with it, then cut you open and put all of your organs in those bowls there and finally feed your soul to our god so that they can have enough power to crossover to us and bring the end of all…but we can't do that…not yet” She patted my cheek then grabbed my face digging her claws into it while looking at me with that sweet smile. “Where is the amulet Juno?...I know you have it, your eyes are a dead giveaway”
“I threw it away” I knew that the amulet was important, I couldn't let them know that it's right outside of the mansion. She looked a bit annoyed at my response. “Come on Juno I know you're an idiot but you're not brainless to do something like that. Tell me where it is..Or do I need to ask that cute assistent of yours”
“Don't you dare hurt her!!...I don't know where it is and neither does she I swear!!” She lets go of my face and thinks for a second. Catherine snaps her fingers and one of the vampires that was sitting at the table runs at her side, Catherine whispers something in her ear. The vampire nods her head and takes two other vampires with her then leaves the ballroom.
“Sooner or later the ritual will continue and the end will arrive and we-” unexpectedly a loud explosion sound could be heard in the west side of the mansion. All the vampires went silent and gave nervous glances to each other. They all waited for Catherine to give them orders.
“Don't be alarmed my loves, I assure you it's nothing” She ordered a small group of vampires to go investigate what caused the sound. As soon as the group of vampires left another explosion could be heard this time in the south side of the mansion. The vampires became more fearful. Catherine looked at me and hissed.
“What is this?”
“You think I have something to do with this?!” I snapped back, She ordered two vampires to watch me as she took the rest of the vampires to see what's going on.“Why is this guy so special?” the shorter vampire asked as she got right in my face studying me. “He's like a powerful medium or something” The other vampire responded. The smaller one smirked and said with an excited tone.
“What if we messed with him a bit! Please Jane, it would be fun!” The taller vampire sighed and nodded her head. The other one squealed happily and ran back to the table and picked up what seemed like a heart. My blood went cold as I began to wonder what she was gonna do with that. When she came back, she got close to me and held Arther’s heart closer to my face.
“Open wide! Don't you wanna have a tased of your partner’s heart haha”
Before it got too close a sound could be heard outside of the main entrance of the ballroom. We all froze for a second and waited for something to happen.
“Jane go see what it is…please”
“Abigail…you’re 200 years old and you're still scared of loud sounds…fine i'll go look at it, it's probably just a mouse or something” Jane goes out of the ballroom. Abigail returned her attention to me and giggled “So where were we? Ahh yes you were about to take a bite of this yummy heart haha” I quickly shut my mouth and looked away. She grabbed my face. “Come on, it's not that bad” she teased as she pressed the heart onto my cheek, I kept my eyes and mouth closed, out of the blue I heard a loud gasp and then gagging sounds. I quickly opened my eyes and saw black goo pouring out of Abigail's mouth. She fell on her side with a piece of wood in her back. I quickly looked back up and I couldn't believe who I saw.
“...Arthur?...” I said with a shaky voice
“Hey Junebug” he gave me that familiar dumb smirk I missed so much. I couldn't help but smile as he started to get rid of the restraints on my wrists.
“I thought that they killed you, How are you even alive!?”
“They just kept me in a cage, that's all” Arthur had a bunch of bruises and cuts all over his body, he had a piece of fabric on his bloody neck and arm. Once I got one hand free and gently touched Arthur’s face. “I'm sorry” Arthur smiled a bit then chuckled. “No, you save that sorry for when we get out of here alive, then you say all the sorrys you want over a couple rounds of beer” Arthur joked which made me laugh a bit. He was right, this is no place to start feeling self pity. Arthur was almost done freeing my other hand as a voice thundered through the ballroom.
“YOU, This was YOUR doing!” Catherine dropped her sweet act and was completely infuriated. She started to run towards us. Unexpectedly Someone threw a silver knife at Catherine’s face, hitting her in the eye causing her to screech in pain . I looked up at the balcony and saw Jessica.
“JESSICA?!?!” I yelled as Arthur finally freed me and then took my hand, we ran towards the main entrance. We locked the door behind us and then Jessica came down the stairs to meet Arthir and I. Before I could get a word in, Jessica shoved me.
“How could you just leave me behind like that?! I had to break my favorite chair to free myself, Juno!” Then she pulled me into a hug. Like Arthur she was also pretty beat up. “I'm glad you're ok…” Then a loud banging can be heard from the otherside of the ballroom door.
“I'M GONNA RIP YOUR EYES OUT AND FEED THEM TO YOU!!!!” The three of us jumped back and decided that we should get out. We ran around the mansion to look for the main entrance but the more we ran the more it became harder to breathe. The halls started to get filled up with smoke. We did have to fight one or two vampires on our way, once we arrived the whole area was blocked off by a wall of fire.
“Great who’s idea was to set up two bombs to blow up an OLD mansion mostly made out of WOOD” I looked at Arthur and Jessica but they both looked guilty. I sighed and thought about other ways we could get out of this mess.
“We could get out of a window,” Arthur suggested. Jessica and I agreed but to our surprise most of the windows were completely boarded up or were completely inaccessible due to the structure of the old mansion falling apart. The fire kept spreading and we were running out of places to go. Most of the vampires died in the fire or they just rushed past us in an effort to save themselves. It was getting harder to breathe and too hot to even think straight. “...When I was in the upstairs of the ballroom there was a balcony and right outside was a big lake! We could jump into the lake!” Jessica gasped trying not to inhale the smoke.
“It's risky but it's our only way out…I'm in” Arthur agreed, I nodded my head
“Then it's settled…lets go” We ran back towards the ballroom and headed upstairs. Jessica opened the big glass doors of the balcony taking a deep breath of the cold fresh air. She looked back at us with a bit of nervousness in her eyes. “ok…Here I go…” She stood on the railing as she looked down, She closed her eyes then jumped off. Arthur and I healed our breath hoping that Jessica was alright. A splash echoed, Arthur ran up to the railing and looked down to see if she was ok. Jessica appeared from the water with a gasp. “WOOOO ITS OK!!! COME DOWN!!!” Jessica exclaimed happily. Arthur Laughed then turned to me. “She actually made it! I guess it's my turn” He chuckles. I took a few steps closer to Arthr but in the blink of an eye something tackled me and knocked me off of the second floor and onto the support beams of the ballroom.
“ JUNO!!” Arthur yelled as he ran back into the mansion and leaned against the railing of the second floor. I opened my eyes and saw Catherine pinning me against an old wooden support beam that's right above the table full of human meat. She held me down by my throat, Her left eye was gouged out with black liquid dripping from it. Her hair and dress was a complete mess, ripped and covered in soot and ash. The fire finally touched the ballroom and it was spreading to the second floor. She bared her teeth as she screamed at me.
“YOU'VE RUINED CENTURIES OF PLANNING FOR WHAT?!?! YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS MANAGED TO SLITHER OUT OF MY GRASP MEANS THAT IT'S ALL OVER!? OHH NO I'M NOT GONNA REST UNTIL-” A loud bang cut her off, I looked at Arthur and he had his gun pointed at her. She quickly snapped to face Arthur and growled.
“WHY YOU WORTHLESS WASTE OF SPACE!!” She glared at Arthur in the eyes and said with a calm tone. “Shoot yourself in the head… '' Arthur's expression changed from furious to an uneasy calmness in a matter of seconds. He looked down at his gun then slowly proceeded to point it at his head.
“NOO ARTHUR SNAP OUT OF IT!” I screamed out of fear, I noticed that she was distracted so I kicked her leg making her lose her balance then pushed her off of the piece of wood that we were on. She tried to pull me down with her ,but I grabbed onto the beam at the last second and kicked her off. She landed on the big deer mount above the fireplace, Stabbing her in the heart. She shrieked in pain and fury as that black tar flowed out of all the stab wounds. I was still there hanging on for dear life. Suddenly I felt a hand on mine, I gasped and looked up.
“Let's go, the building is falling apart!” Arthur pulled me up and we ran back to the balcony as the fire surrounded us . As we were standing on the railing I felt Arthur’s hand on mine and looked at me with a reassuring smile. I nodded and took a deep breath.
We jumped. The freezing water stinged as I made contact with it. A few seconds passed as I stayed under the water, there was this pure calmness surrounding me. As I went back to the surface I gasped for air. Arthur was laughing then playfully splashed water on my face.
“We're alive!!! Junebug we made it haha!!!” I Laughed then splashed him back, Arthur stopped and looked a bit nervous as he held his bandaged up neck. “Hey, I need to tell you-” Jessica cut Arthur off and yelled at us from the pond’s shore.
“Hey, what took you two so long? I was getting worried!” Arthur and I swam towards Jessica. “That vampire you stabbed in the eye attacked Junebug…but he took care of it” Arthur patted me on the back. I chuckled a bit.
“Oh my god…Did you just laugh!? Arthur, how did you manage to do that?” Jessica teased as I just rolled my eyes.
“It wasn't that hard, you can still teach old dogs new tricks”
“I'm only 2 years older than you asshole” I said as I playfully shoved Arthur.
“Ok ok calm down boys I've had enough fighting for the day..god I need a drink.” Jessica sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck.
“Ok let's get a round of drinks…my treat” I said as Arthur and Jessica celebrated a bit. We headed to Arthur’s absolutely horrific excuse for a car. We drove away as the abandoned mansion burned to the ground with all of the vampires in it. There was this sense of calmness during the drive. As if a weight has been lifted, but I have a feeling that this won't be the last time we'll encounter things not quite of the norm…I'm sure together we’ll be able to handle it.
The End
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selecia-garris · 1 year
a C.B fanfic (I was bored 🤷🏻‍♀️ so why not also this story doesn’t have a name so if you wanna help me name it comment some name ideas 🫶🏻)
Selecia’s pov
“Jade we should go to New York!!!” I say to my best friend jade, i met her when I moved out here we live in the same apartment complex and there’s a rumor there’s a celebrity staying here but no one has ever seen them, and I heard her talking about it one day I asked her about it and we kinda clicked.
J- why?
S- uh I just seen on sams story that him and Colby are in New York!!!
J- so you want to fly alllllllll the way to New York even though you’re afraid of heights to meet Sam and Colby?!
S- yes!!!!!
J- there is something wrong with you!
S- yea I know start packing
J- ughhhh
S- plus we can walk around Times Square it’s so fucking pretty, and I believe there’s a few musicals there right now, we could go to a broadway show, see jade and I also bonded because we’re theater kids, I was in theater in high school and so was she and when I told her that, that’s when she declared us best friends.
J- you’re so right?! Oh my god
Jade gets up and sprints to her apartment which is only like 2 doors down from me, now to come to thing of it I never see my neighbor or neighbors, what if oh my god?! Maybe we live next door to the mystery celebrity?!! ( what the fuck am gonna go all like Fucking fbi for some shit Lmfaooooo 😭, anyways back to the story)
Jade returns a few minutes later with her suitcase packed and passport in hand, i laugh watching her struggle with her suitcase.
J- this isn’t funny?!
S- yes it is *laughs*
J- I hate you
S- you love me *laughs* especially since I just paid for a private jet to take us to New York!!!!
J- what?! No way?!
S- yup and apparently there’s gonna be only one other person on the plane because they booked it first and it was the only one they had *laughs*
J- ouuu mystery personnnnn
S- yea *laughs* speaking of do you ever seen person next door to us or people I don’t know
J- no why, oh my god I know what your thinking and I like it
S- oh my god I’m so glad you get it *laughs*
J- but how would we figure it out *laughs*
S- I don’t know *laughs* but keep it down
J- right *laughs*
S- I can’t with you now help me finish packing, we leave soon
J- okay
She puts on music and she helps me finish packing and once we’re done, I change into something a little more comfortable and put my hair in a messy bun.
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J- you look so cuteee
S- thanks *smiles*
J- alright is the Uber here yet?
S- uh yes, he just arrived *smiles*
J- alright lets goooo New York City here we come
S- yesssss
J- I’m gonna be hungover, I’m gonna be hungover
S- I’m gonna drink a bunch of different drinks and I’m gonna hungover
Jade and I sing walk out of our apartment, we laugh and get on the elevator and it takes us to lobby and we walk outside and head to our Uber which take us to the private jet airport.
We get to the airport and walk over to the jet that’s when I notice a black suv parked off to the side behind us almost, the guys steps out and as soon as I see his face I drop to the ground and sob.
J- dude are you okay?
S- code mendes
J- what?! Where?!
Sh- right here *laughs*
J- holy shit she loves you
S- jeez thanks Jade *laughs*
J- I panicked *laughs*
S- yea me too *laughs*
Sh- it’s nice to meet you guys well I know jades name but I don’t know yours
S- it’s selecia
Sh- why does that sound familiar?!
S- you followed me on twitter the night when you’re gone came out
Sh- oh my god that’s where I remember you from, I love you so much
S- I should be saying that to you *sniffles*
Sh- why are you guys going to New York?
Shawn asks as we walk towards the plane
S- we’re tracking down our favorite YouTubers Sam and Colby they are somewhere in New York right now and we’re gonna find them
Sh- and what are you gonna tell them when you find them and they ask you why you’re in New York
J- girls trip duh
S- exactly
Sh- wow you guys are strange but I like it *laughs*
J- we get that a lot
Sh- do guys smoke?
S- like weed?
Sh- yea?
S- yea I do she does sometimes why?
Shawn doesn’t say anything he just pulls out s joint and shows it to me.
S- where did you get that?
Sh- I rolled it *laughs*
S- wow a joint rolled by Shawn mendes,that weed doesn’t know how lucky it is *laughs*
Sh- *laughs*
S- you don’t look like the type to smoke than I seen those paparazzi pictures on twitter and I was like huh he looks good as a stoner *laughs*
Sh- *laughs* I literally told everybody in a song, I should call my friends and go get higghhhhh
S- oh my god wow it was right there in front of us and we didn’t even see it *laughs* I’m kidding I know and I’m not that surprised but I’m a little surprised
Sh- *laughs* you’re hilarious I love you
S- awe thanks I love you too Shawn
We’re standing by the plane and waiting for the pilot to let us on, a few seconds later the doors over and steps come out and we get on and they put our luggage a wake except for our purses.
S- wow this jet is niceeee
Sh- yea it is
S- ouuu lookkkk it’s got champagne
J- oh yes thank you Jesus
We sit down and I pull one my favorite books at the moment, I just bought it it’s called girls like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko, I open to wear I left off and I start reading, halfway through my 3rd or 4th page I look up to see Shawn sitting in front of me.
S- hey what’s up, why are just sitting there
Sh- I like watching you read it’s fascinating
S- you’re weird, how is it fascinating?
Sh- I don’t know it just is *laughs*
S- whatever
I roll my eyes and go back to the book.
Sh- what are you reading?
S- girls like girls by Hayley Kiyoko
Sh- oh I have a copy of that book she sent it to me
S- that’s really cool have you read it yet?
Sh- no is it good?
S- yea this is like my 3rd or 4th time reading it.
Sh- wow that good huh
S- yea *laughs*
Sh- maybe I’ll have to read it then
S- maybe you should *laughs*
Sh- alright I will
S- okay
I advert my attention back to the book and pick up where I left off and continue reading.
S- okay can you please stop watching me read it’s so weird *laughs*
Sh- *laughs* but I like watching you read
S- it’s creeping me out dude
Sh- my bad *laughs*
S- it’s cool
He goes on his phone and he periodically looks up at me and back at his phone
S- you are such a smartass mendes
Sh- what?!
S- I know what you’re doing
Sh- and what is that exactly?
S- I asked you to stop staring at me reading so you go on your phone and periodically look up at me
Sh- I did no such think?!
S- we made eye contact
Sh- pffttt I don’t remember that
S- of course you don’t
J- you two fight like fucking children shut up I’m trying to take a nap
S- ouuuu you woke Jade up
Sh- it was you actually
S- nope it was you
J- it was both of you, and didn’t i tell y’all to shut up?
Sh- yea selecia shut up
S- i was quietly over here minding my own business reading and you came over here and bugged me
Sh- you are so aggravating
S- *laughs* Jade says that too
Sh- well I agree with Jade
J- ugghhhhh both of you separate from each other now
S- bye Shawn
Sh- why do I gotta move?
S- I was here first
Sh- fineeee
He gets up and moves and I go back to my book
J- thank you now I’m gonna take a nap now you two do not speak to each other at all
S- got it
Sh- fine, I’ll miss you bestie
S- oh my god Shawn *laughs* I’ll miss you too
He laughs but doesn’t say anything else and I continue you reading then once I’m done reading i look out the window and and listen to music.
The plane finally lands and we get off and we Uber to the hotel and once we get there I decide to walk to the gas station we passed on the way here and get us snacks and drinks, I put my headphones in and grab my wallet and I head out the door.
I’m walking to the store and listening to music and singing along, when I notice two guys and a girl heading in the direction as me but on the other side of the street, I recognize them instantly oh my god?! It’s Sam, Kat and Colby!!!!
They are all laughing and talking and when they are about to cross the road Colby runs across the road screaming “oh goodddddd dontttt hittttt meeeeeeee” and it causes me to laugh and I guess he heard me cause he turned his head and smiled
C- you seen that?
S- yea *laughs*
C- awh man i embarrassed myself in front of a pretty girl damn *laughs*
S- i thought it was funny, I even have a video i sent it my friend Jade, she’s so pissed she stayed at the hotel *laughs*
C- *laughs* why did she stay?
S- she didn’t want to walk and I didn’t want to pay for an Uber, I’m just walking to the gas station to get us drinks and snacks
C- did you guys just get here?
S- yea, we just checked into our hotel room *laughs* we’re having a nyc girls trip
C- hmmm some how I find that hard to believe
S- what’s that supposed to mean?
C- I can tell in your eyes that your not here for a girls trip
S- my eyes how?
C- it’s hard to explain but basically when you’re lying your pupils get bigger when your telling the truth they stay the same size.
S- wow you’re good, and you caught us we where to see we could find you guys and well mission accomplished for one of us *laughs*
C- I knew it *laughs*
S- shut up *laughs*
My phone starts ringing I look and it’s Jade.
S- hello?
J- where are you?
S- I’m at the gas station
J- okay what are you doing at the gas station smartass?
S- uh talking to Colby Brock
J- still?!
S- yea *laughs*
J- just make out and come home jeez
S- oh my god Jade you’re weird dude *laughs*
J- I know but hurry up I want my snacks bitch
S- alright im coming give me 5 minutes *laughs*
J- okay
S- 10 cause Shawn just walked in
J- ughhhh I hate men *laughs*
S- *laughs* bye
J- bye
I hang up and walk over to Shawn.
S- ayeeee mendes what’s up!?
Sh- your strange garris
S- I know *laughs* but that’s why you love me
Sh- is it though?
S- *laughs* what’s the reason then?
Sh- I don’t know *laughs*
S- exactly *laughs* what are you doing in ny anyway?
Sh- celebrity shit *laughs*
S- what the fuck is celebrity shit?! *laughs*
Sh- meetings and stuff *laugh*
S- then just say that Jesus *laughs*
C- hey I thought you left *laughs*
S- hey Colby, Colby this is Shawn mendes, Shawn mendes this colby Brock, don’t say a word mendes I swear to god I’ll stab you
Sh- ohhhh so this is the dude you came allllll the to New York to find?! He hot you go girl *laughs*
S- mendes you better fucking run I swear if you don’t you will die
Sh- shit bye Colby nice meeting you say nice things about at my funeral
He takes off and I run after him and I loose him in the crowd of people that and he’s fast as fuck wow Manz can run.
C- I’m guessing you lost him
S- Manz is fast as fuck dude?! Like wow
C- *laughs*
S- he runner he a track star *laughs*
C- *laughs* you think he’s gonna come back?
S- no he’s not that stupid *laughs*
C- you right *laughs*
I get Jade and I snacks and say bye to Colby and I watch as he meets back up with Sam and Kat and I walk back to the hotel.
S-every time I look at you,I’m lookin at a star it’s the way you light up the room just by being who you are I sing with Justin as I wait to cross the road, I can’t help but think of Colby when I hear that part, I smile at the thought and I look up and see Colby smiling at me, I wave and cross the road and I just know Colby’s checking me out. I eventually make it back to the hotel and head to our room I get there slide the card through the card slot and open the door.
J- it’s about time you got back
S- sorry dude *laughs*
J- so is Colby hotter in person
S- yes oh my god it’s like how’s it feel to be gods favorite sir *laughs*
J- right? *laughs*
S- anyways he’s super for fucking sweet dude oh my and his Fucking smile I melted
J- girl you like him!!!
S- girl I just met him!!!
J- so love at first sight *laughs*
S- true but still anyways I’m gonna go to bed I’m tried
J- or your gonna go text colbyyyyy or should I say Colbae *laughs*
S- oh my fucking god *laughs*
J- I knew, wyd beautiful, nothing much laying in bed
S- oh my lord I can’t even with you bro *laughs*
J- *laughs*
I lay down and go to twitter that’s when I see that I have a couple notifications and I check them. It’s an off guard photo of me and Colby tweeted it with the caption “it was a pleasure to meet you😌🥰” I smile and like it and quote tweet it and caption it “dude it was a fucking pleasure meeting you thank you so much for everything you do for me and the fandom we fucking love you, colby is so fucking sweet” I smile and post it and a few seconds later Colby likes my quote tweet and I smile, I exist twitter and I put my headphones in and listen to handwritten and go to sleep.
That’s so long for no reason 😭😂🤷🏻‍♀️ but anyways enjoy lmk if I should do a part 2!
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moncherrie · 2 years
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✼  ʾ          𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠 .
cierra ramirez.     she/her.     cis female.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   cherrie velasquez   ,   most   likely   listening   to   maneater  by  nelly  furtado   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty-eight  year  old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -deceitful   yet   +calculating   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   your  signature  stained  in  gold  cherry  accessories ,   the  adrenaline  rush  after  performing  for  thousands  of  people ,   flashing  lights  blinding  you  from  the  harshness  of  reality ,   the  scent  of  citrus  lingering  on  your  skin  with  a  hint  of  hennessey  and  cigarette  smoke  mixed  in-between   ,   followed   by   candy  kiss  by  prada   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   money  can  buy  talent  after  all ;   cherrie  v.  accused  of  being  an  industry  plant  after  rumors  of  her  grammy  being  brought  by  her  mother  circles  on  the  internet ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .
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✼  ʾ          ────       𝑎𝑒𝑠𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 .
a  glimmer  of  hope  in  eyes  who  previously  lost  all  faith ;  gold  cherry  accessories  adoring  your  skin ;  award-winning  smiles ;  flashing  lights  blinding  you  from  the  harshness  of  reality ;  oldies  r&b  plays  throughout  the  house  as  you  sip  on  tea  on  your  balcony ;  your  voice  booming  throughout  an  empty  arena ;  blown  kisses ;  vintage  fur  coats ;  popping  your  lips  after  applying  lipgloss ;  eating  cherries  from  the  stem  as  you  unwind  in  a  bubble  bath  whilst  drinking  chardonnay ;  the  never-ending  excitement  when  hearing  thousands  of  people  call  your  name ;  popping  bottles  in  the  vip  section  of  a  nightclub  with  other  socialites  you  barely  know ;  serving  face  when  having  your  mugshot  taken ;  cheek  kissing  as  a  greeting ;  swirling  your  drink  around  as  you  overlook  a  room  full  of  people ;  achievements  you  never  made  on  your  own  staining  your  office  wall ;  the  scent  of  citrus  lingering  on  your  skin  with  a  hint  of  hennessey  and  cigarette  smoke  mixed  in-between .
✼  ʾ          ────       𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 .
 FULL  NAME :   carnella  marianna  velasquez  .    ALIAS  /  NICKNAME :   cherrie,   cher,   nella  (  close  friends  +  family  )  .     DATE  OF  BIRTH :   july  4th  .   ASTROLOGY :   cancer  sun,   gemini  moon,   pisces  rising  .   GENDER :   cis  female  .   PRONOUNS :   she / her / hers  .   ORIENTATION :   biromantic,   bisexual  with  a   feminine  lean  .   BIRTHPLACE :   upper  east  side,   manhattan,  new  york  city,  new  york  .   RESIDENCY :    a  condo  on  5th  avenue  in   manhattan  (  x  )  .   OCCUPATION :   musician  (  primary  ) ,  model ,  actress  .
HAIR :   jet  black ,  usually  straightened  .   EYES :   doe  shaped,  dark  brown  .   HEIGHT :   five  foot  one  .   PIERCINGS :   lobes  x2,  conch  x2,  belly  button  .   TATTOOS :   a  rose  on  the  right  hip  (  x  ) ,  a  heart  on  the  front  left  shoulder  (  x  ) ,  the  quote  “ let  it  be ”  on  the  right  back  shoulder  .   DOMINANT  HAND :   ambidextrous ,  defaults  to  her  left  hand  .   STYLE :   y2k  vintage  chic  .   long  fur  coats  ;  mini  skirts  with  thigh  high  boots  ;  designer  sunglasses  ;  graphic  tee  tank  tops ;  denim  matching  sets  ;  low  rise  jeans ;  ribbed  tied  front  tops  with  fur  .
POSITIVE  TRAITS :   sociable,  organized,  calculating.   NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  deceitful,  irrational,  stubborn  .   MBTI :  entj-t  (  the  commander  )  .   MORAL  ALIGNMENT :  chaotic  neutral  .   LABEL :   the  dolled-up  snake  .   CAREER  CLAIM :   dua  lipa  .   MANNERISMS :  tapping  your  nails  against  a  surface  /  against  your  glass ;  rubbing  your  temple  when  you’re  frustrated ; dragging  your  tongue  over  your  teeth ;  answering  the  phone  on  the  2nd  ring ; giving  half-assed  smiles  unintentionally ; pinching  the  bridge  of  her  nose  .   DRUG  HISTORY :  occasionally  smokes  marijuana  but  only  if  she’s  around  other  people  as  she  doesn’t  like  to  get  high  alone  .   ALCOHOL  TOLERANCE :  pretty  decent,  still  likes  getting  tipsy  at  least  but  usually  mixes  her  drinks  with  coke  or  fruit  juice  to  stop  herself  from  becoming  embarrassingly  drunk  .  ALCOHOL  PREFERENCE :  prefers  brown  liquor  over  white  but  if  it’s  being  offered,  she’ll  have  some  .   go-to  drink  is  hennessey  with  coke  and  ice  but  will  sometimes  order  a  fruity  martini  or  a  white  russian  depending  on  her  mood  .  DRUNKEN  BEHAVIOR :  she’s  a  mixture  of  an  angry  drunk  and  an  emotional  drunk  .  very  argumentative  and  stubborn  but  will  trauma  dump  lowkey  if  given  the  opportunity  .   really  only  gets  like  this  if  she  drinks  her  liquor  straight  which  is  never  a  good  sign  .
BIRTH  FATHER :  emiliana  velasquez  (  alive,  distant  relations  ;  real  estate  agent  for  the  upper  class  )  .   BIRTH  MOTHER :  valentina  guerro  (  alive,  strained  relations  ;  award-winning  actress  +  daytime  television  host  )  .   STEP  FATHER :   andres  verda  (  alive,  decent  relations  ;  grammy  winning  producer  +  ceo  of  record  high  music  )  .   EXTENDED  FAMILY :  maribel  martinez  (  cousin  )  .   ADDITIONAL  MEMBERS :  a  french  bullbog  named  coco  &&.  a  pomeranian  named  kelly  .  only  coco  lives  with  her  as  kelly  is  her  mother’s  dog  but  it’s  very  clear  who’d  she  rather  be  with  whenever  cherrie  visits  .
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✼  ʾ          ────       𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑡 .   /  #5
muse  K  and  muse  L  were  best  friends  since  diapers  .   at  least  until  middle  school  .  once  they  started  growing  up,  muse  L  always  thought  of  muse  K  as  their  best  friend  while  muse  K  started  to  feel  like  they  were  living  in  muse  L’s  shadow  .   sometimes  it  even  felt  as  if  their  own  mother  loved  muse  L  more  .   so  for  muse  K,  everything  became  a  competition  and  it  became  their  goal  to  be  better  than  muse  L  in  anything  .   so  when  muse  L  had  to  leave  for  full  two  months  of  summer  to  a  foreign  country,  muse  K  bloomed  .   they  were  main  attention  focus  yet  again  .  made  their  new  friends  circle  who  follows  them  as�� lost  puppies  and  has  been  spotted  with  muse  M  in  intimate  situations,  who  happens  to  be  muse  L’s  ex  significant  other  .   but  muse  L’s  comeback  bursted  the  bubble  muse  K  lived  in  for  the  entire  summer  and  right  now,  the  real  question  is  whether  muse  K  will  go  back  to  living  in  muse  L’s  shadow  or  will  they  go  against  their  years  of  friendship  ?  and  let’s  not  forget  muse  M  in  the  picture  .   is  the  upper  east  side  getting  their  own  love  trio  ?
as  muse  K  :   cherrie  velasquez  .
as  muse  L  :   paris  jeong  . 
as  muse  M  :   nika  siriphon  chaiyakan  .
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✼  ʾ          ────       𝘩𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦
born  as  a  (  manipulation  tactic  )  miracle  baby  in  the  midst  of  a  messy  divorce,  cherrie  was  destined  to  have  a  bit  of  a  crazy  life  .   it  was  evident  early  on  that  her  mother  only  saw  her  as  her  most  prized  possession  in  terms  of  another  thing  to  brag  about  .   meanwhile  her  father  was  in  awe  of  his  little  princess  yet  with  him  moving  to  california  pretty  early  in  her  life,  he  wasn’t  as  present  as  both  he  and  herself  would’ve  wanted  .  because  of  this,  her  mother  immediately  began  molding  her  daughter  into  becoming  her  clone,  her  own  prodigy  .   she  began  acting  at  the  age  of  six  on  disney  channel  and  starred  mainly  in  films  with  an  occasional  guest  starring  role  on  a  show  .   being  apart  of  the  network  was  how  she  got  exposed  to  the  music  industry  with  it  soon  becoming  a  main  focus  later  on  in  her  life  .
at  some  point  she  was  burned  out  from  acting  around  her  starting  middle  school  .  thankfully  she  sustained  an  injury  that  allowed  her  to  sit  out  of  it  during  middle  school  which  was  where  a  lot  of  things  changed  .   her  closest  friend  was  a  booming  model  already  at  such  a  young  age  -  which  wasn’t  a  bad  thing,  at  least  not  in  the  beginning  .   she  adored  asking  the  other  about  their  schedules  and  recent  shoots  but  it  was  her  mother  who  began  comparing  the  two  of  them  that  ignited  an  insecurity  in  cherrie  that  she  will  never  get  over  once  getting  older  .   it  got  worse  when  small  jokes  like  calling  the  other  her  favorite  child  seemed  a  bit  more  serious  than  normal  .  the  day  she  sorta  snapped  was  when  her  told  her  friend  that  she  wished  she  was  her  daughter  instead  .  cherrie  spent  hours  that  night  crying  and  cutting  up  photos  of  them  together  before  deciding  that  she  had  to  do  something  about  this  .
so  cherrie  started  moving  in  silence  .   she  became  more  attentive  than  normal,  mentally  noting  (  sometimes  physically  noting  )  the  moves  her  best  friend  started  making  as  they  got  older  .   meanwhile  she  began  crafting  a  path  of  her  own  in  music  but  covered  it  up  with  modeling  .  she  was  too  short  for  the  runway  but  she  had  the  face  fit  for  a  commercial  and  for  billboards  scattered  across  ny  .   it  began  with  cosmetics  then  jewelry,  eventually  leading  up  to  her  advertising  for  designer  brands  all  while  keeping  up  her  acting  career  despite  absolutely  hating  the  industry  .  sitting  front  row  at  fashion  shows  and  wearing  exclusively  tailored  gowns  on  red  carpets,  increased  followings  -  it  was  what  she  deserved  after  waiting  so  long  .  yet  everything  truly  fell  into  place  during  a  faithful  summer  where  she  truly  shined  .  those  two  months  were  used  to  launch  her  music  career,  releasing  her  first  single  where  it  quickly  blew  up  faster  than  anyone  suspected  it  to  .   this  was  it !   everything  was  falling  right  into  place  .  no  more  comparisons,  no  more  taunting  from  her  mother,  no  more  -
oh   . . .   right  .   her  friend  had  to  come  back  .   cherrie  almost  forgot  about  that  .  too  caught  up  in  her  little  reality,  she  had  to  bring  herself  back  down  to  earth  to  keep  up  her  usual  persona  of  the  best  friend  .  but  she  didn’t  feel  threatened,  oh  no  !  cherrie  managed  to  build  up  her  own  empire  and  there  was  nothing  anyone  could  do  to  make  her  falter  .  that  would  be  true  if  she  wasn’t  doing  the  complete  opposite  behind  closed  doors  ;  drinking  herself  into  an  angry  frenzy  just  to  crash  in  her  walk-in  closet  next  to  her  christian  louboutin  heels  .   this  period  of  time  sparked  the  “  unhinged  ”  era  for  her  as  she  excessively  partied  to  her  hearts  content,  wrecked  an  ex’s  car,  and  was  even  spotted  doing  something  shifty  with  her  best  friend’s  ex  .   truly  it  was  a  time  of  her  life  no  one  could  forget  .
soon  she  managed  to  sober  herself  up  and  went  about  her  life  liked  none  of  that  ever  happened .   her  music  consistently  grew  more  and  more  popular  which  eventually  led  her  to  winning  a  grammy  for  best  new  artist  that  many  people  were  very  skeptical  about  since  she  was  still  considered  a  fresh  new  singer  .   this  sparked  many  accusations  and  conspiracy  theorists  coming  out  about  how  fast  cherrie’s  career  been  growing  since  her  first  release,  with  some  fans  of  other  artists  calling  out  her  step  father  for  being  behind  everything  as  he  had  insane  ties  to  the  music  industry  .  but  no  one  will  ever  know  the  truth   . . .   but  time  will  tell  .
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✼  ʾ          ────       𝘩𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠 .
it’s  heavily  implied  within  the  media  that  the  cause  of  her  parents’  divorce  was  because  her  mother  was  having  an  affair  with  andres  even  before  they  split  up  .  she  believes  it  but  won’t  address  that  publicly  .
on  the  topic  of  andres,  i  definitely  picture  him  to  be  a  very  well-respected  producer  &&.  writer  for  big  name  artists  .  think  dark  child,  pharrell,  timberland  but  like  . . .  if  they  were  super  villain  coded  .  basically  he’s  widely  known  for  down  playing  smaller  artists  &&.  cockblocking  them  on  radios  on  whatnot  .  definitely  not  a  good  guy  .
her  mother  truly  started  to  turn  on  her  because  she  had  brought  cherrie  the  lead  spot  on  a  children’s  movie  when  she  was  younger  and  they  argued  over  it  for  a  while  .  magically  days  later,  she  gets  injured  and  can’t  participate  in  the  filming  anymore  which  really  pissed  her  off  because  she  thinks  she  did  it  on  purpose  .
cherrie  doesn’t  really  act  anymore  .  it’s  more  of  a  side  quest  than  a  priority  like  it  was  at  some  point  .  genuinely  do  not  bring  up  her  acting  career,  she  itches  even  thinking  about  it  .  she  does  however,  like  voice  acting  for  some  strange  reason  .
goes  to  therapy  !  she’s  been  seeing  her  therapist  for  a  year  now  and  thinks  she’s  making  progress  .  no  one  knows  this  btw  .
believe  it  or  not,  she’s  always  in  a  plotting  mood  .  if  you  see  her  swirling  her  straw  around  in  her  drink  just  staring  at  everybody,  just  know  her  brain’s  on  the  move  .
really  fucking  untrustworthy  like  i  mean  it  .  your  dark  secrets  just  might  be  exposed  through  her  but  it  can  never  be  traced  back  unless  she’s  like  . . .  the  only  person  who  knew  but  she’s  typically  very  careful  about  that  kind  of  stuff  .  it’s  never  out  of  malicious  intent,  either  .  she  just  enjoys  seeing  herself  climb  up  the  social  ranks  a  bit  quicker  due  to  someone’s  stupidity  .
very  good  at  hiding  her  true  intentions !!  she’ll  be  on  your  side  through  thick  and  thin  and  will  never  really  let  you  in  on  her  full  picture  unless  she  trusts  you  (  rare !!  )  but  do  not  fall  for  her  tricks  .  she’s  playing  a  pick  me  !!  she’s  an  actress  !!  she  can  act  !!
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you’ve  reached  the  end  of  her  bio !  all  connections  can  be  found  here .  if  you  wish  to  plot,  you  can  im  me  or  find  me  on  discord  @  too hot to cool off#3818  .  i  am  really  invested  in  her  &&.  hope  you  guys  like  her  just  as  much  as  i  do  !!
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kwyw · 1 year
My thing is... what summer do swifties think Taylor was talking about in Cruel Summer? It makes no zero sense for her last few boyfriends, right?
Dated Calvin publically while she was on tour in the summer of 2015 (no sneaking) after getting together in the spring that year.
She then drops Calvin at the start of summer to date Tom Hiddleston. Again, it is a VERY publically and jet setting across the world (no sneaking)
She then drips Tom in the summer of 2016 to start date Joe in the fall. She kept him like a vendetta for 6 years (private-no sneaking in garden gates)
She tours in 2018 all summer, then in 2019, Lover the album drops.
So... again, what summer was Taylor MOST likely available to "sneak in garden gates", that she had to put a song about it on Lover, her very first owened album.
2014 was that summer!
Lover the album was New York, Sunshine, West Village, butterflies, daisies, and summertime. Plus, Lover the single was released 13 days after KK's birthday, and the remix was released on 11/13—the VSFS official meeting anniversary.
Cruel Summer is for Kaylor and Kaylor only—no matter how much HETERO washed shit Taylor throws at us.
I really hope the rumor is true. It's Era's Tour season. She can do what she wants! We need this video!
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Hoes before bros.
Taylor Swift had a girls’ night out in NYC with some of her most famous pals on Saturday, while rumored boyfriend Travis Kelce had his own outing in the Big Apple.
The “Cruel Summer” singer dined with Blake Lively, Sophie Turner and new pal Brittany Mahomes at Emilio’s Ballato in Soho.
Meanwhile, the NFL pro enjoyed a meal at Meduza Mediterrania inside the Gansevoort hotel in the Meatpacking district, Page Six has exclusively learned.
Kelce, 33, showed up at the new hot spot at around 9:30 p.m. with a few pals, an eyewitness tells us.
The tight end — who arrived in town earlier Saturday ahead of the Kansas City Chiefs’ game against the New York Jets on Sunday evening — wore sneakers, pinstripe pants, a black baseball cap and a graphic tee that read, “I’m not doing shit today.”
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demonangelgirl134 · 2 years
Dragon Dude
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(Design inspiration by @konzaarts)
Name: Dragon Dude
Real name: Crispian
Age: 13
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual (but demiromantic)
Location: New York city
Place of birth: Arizona
Occupation: Superhero
Favorite color: orange
Nationality: American
Species: Lung dragon/element dragon
Character trait: Good
Distrustful to new people
Cinnamon roll (inside)
Eventually gives in to his soft side
Powers and abilities:
Fire breathing
Water jet spitting
Water manipulation
Ice breath
Earth manipulation
Plant manipulation
Super strength
Super strong breath
Super speed
Heat ray vision
Utility belt
Iron tail club
Physical characteristics:
Looks like a fire dragon but is actually an element dragon
Has all the powers of elements
Walks on four feet but can also walk on his hind legs
About 2 feet tall (4 feet standing on hind legs)
Has horrible self-esteem issues under his massive ego
Crime fighting
Messing with his teammates
Spending time with his friends
Pranking his teammates
Video games
Rock music
Playing guitar
Winning fights both physical and arguments (mostly arguments)
Doing things his own way
Protecting his friends
Comic books
Losing arguments
Losing fights
New people
Crying in front of anyone
When people try to back him into the emotional corner
When people try to get him to talk about his feelings
Working outside of crime fighting
When something reminds him of his past
When people call him weak
Is arrogant
Is dishonest
Doesn't like to accept help
Likes to do things his own way
Is overly obsessed with proving he's a tough, independent hero when he's still just a rookie
Is impulsive
Is short tempered
People thinking he's weak and pathetic
Losing his only friends
Wonder Girl (Penelope Prince)
Voidz (Adrian Wayne)
Electrodog (Volts)
Elastabird (Crimson)
Dr. Vortex (Victor Wayne)
Black Knight (Vanessa Luthor)
Any villain
Many other dragons
Relationship status: single
Family members:
Saurin (father)
Eclipse (mother)
Cirrus (older brother)
Cavern (older sister)
Saguaro (uncle)
Darter (younger sister)
Delta (aunt)
Crispian grew up in a dragon cave in South Arizona with his mother, father, brother, two sisters, aunt, and uncle. He was somehow born with all the element powers dragons have and was apparently the first-ever dragon to have that happen to him because there's never before been a dragon to even hold two elements at once let alone all of them. Because of this, all the other dragons rejected him and made fun of him for being an avatar, even his own family who would constantly call him a disappointment (especially his father Saurin) or at least that's what it felt like for him in his young mind. He was also quite the emotional type and the other dragons made fun of that too. Whenever he did make friends, they would either find out about his element powers and turn on him or the other dragons who made fun of him would spread rumors about him to his friends about his element powers and make them leave him, so he eventually stopped making friends and trusting people altogether because he knew they would just backstab him and turn on him as all the others would. One day, he ran away from home all the way to New York City to be alone, where he saw some of the dragons from his neighborhood attacking the city and Wonder Girl and her team were fighting them. He was so amazed by them that he wanted to be a superhero like them so he could prove his worth and show that his powers weren't just a mistake. He approached them and asked to become a superhero like them, and they accepted him into their team. He thus became Dragon Dude and tried his hardest to prove he was a tough hero and hold back all his tears no matter what, but he usually tried too hard, and Voidz, Electrodog, and Elastabird started to hate him for his arrogance and sass, and almost tried to kick him out. mostly because he never said anything to them about his past and they thought he was just a selfish jerk, and they almost got him to quit if Wonder Girl hadn't gotten him to tell the rest of the team why he was the way he was and assured him he didn't have to prove anything and they cared about him. The fact that someone really cared about him got Dragon Dude to give up on trying so hard to prove his worth and started fighting crime out of the kindness of his heart. He even made up with his family
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