#Nexus trainers
Silver: I wonder if the time gears can help or if another Diagla can also reverse the effects. Ben does know a song that controls time as well, perhaps it could help?
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“Or at least… everything I can think of to try, or am able to get to.”
[ @wolfdragon88 ]
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popfizzles · 2 years
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You know, there's something so incredibly fascinating about the idea of Pokemon being turned into data and stored in PCs.
Could they be corrupted? Could they be downloaded remotely? Could they be held hostage with threat of a powerful malicious power surge completely wiping them from existence?
Just makes you think.
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moth-boi-lycan · 1 year
"Behind Closed Doors"
(Cw: blood+injuries)
Sometimes things that happen behind your friends backs should stay there... after all, it's just a... violent... guilty pleasure hobby, where's the harm in hiding it?
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daedelweiss · 2 years
To LM! Raph, happy birthday!! Enjoy your day & make the greatest memories!! 🤍
Also, what did your family gave you presents on your birthday?
And had you made a friend when you were apart from your family?
i didn't really want a lot of gifts so i told them to give me just one. they got me a snorlax bean bag!! ❤️
and, no. i was pretty isolated before i found my family. before i became a battle nexus champion, i was big mama's biggest secret. only a few of her most trusted staff knew about me. somethin' about my debut being the biggest one yet. the doctors and trainers i had were... okay. they were just doin' their job, anyway.
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hunterscyarika · 4 months
Introducing the 526th
I've finally decided to post about my original Clones. I'm always a little anxious about posting stuff and I can't draw to save my life, but I found a picrew that I liked. Putting this under a read more because I've got quite a few boys!
Stadust Squad
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He is the leader of the squad. He takes good care of his brothers. He is a stargazer and a bit of a dreamer. If you need anyone to give an inspiring speech, he's your guy.He has a tattoo of a star on his left shoulder and the right side of his back.
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He is a sweetie, even if he's a bit quiet at times. He loves all creatures great and small. His Mandalorian trainer is the one who inspired him to take an interest in the many creatures of the galaxy. He has a scratch from an angry Tooka on his left arm and teeth marks from a young Nexu on his right arm. He has a paw tattoo on his wrist and chest.
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He is the most loyal trooper in the GAR. Some may call him "clingy" but he just loves to be around his brothers. He's the medic. He feels he has a Duty of care. If any of his brothers does something he considers reckless on the battlefield he'll give them a good talking to.
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He's prepared for ANYTHING! He's read every manual and learned every skill he could. He knows his weapons, battle strategies, and he's read up on the seppies too. He's the glue that holds the squad together. He's very protective of his younger brother, Kid.
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He's super hyper with a penchant for trouble. But that doesn't mean he isn't a good soldier. He's happiest when he's blasting clankers and joking with his brothers. Out of all his brothers he is the closest to their Jedi Commander.
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Upcoming/unreleased areas and characters
Here's a full list of what is to be come in the New World
Amber Archipelago
A very luscious "Prehistoric" land filled with a very rich "Prehistoric" biodiversity abundance of dinosaurs of every kind are present in this area. Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores exist. With the people living in harmony with the less threatening dinosaurs, but they always defend themselves from the more dangerous dinosaurs and they live in cave/stone houses. Also, an abundance of amber with some animals and insects trapped exists as well.
Located in Nexis Point North
Free City
(Based around the book 1984)
A totalitarianism area where the government uses it’s power to heavily influence and to discourage any traveling outside the area, everyone else in the New World is aware of the area and doesn’t want to travel there at all. They discourage traveling by showing them clips from The Balloon hunter's attacks from their blimps and leaving, They show this as their propaganda to make people obey the government no matter what. This City is filled with buildings with no space undetectable for the government to see.
Located in the Technological side
One of the places that exist in The Network, containing various stuff that can be found in the Multiverse that also isn't found in the New World. This Area is located in the North Nexus on The Network point and the place can add more stuff all by itself depending on the different Fandoms that the citizens live.
Located in North Nexus Point in The Network
The most notorious blimp of all of existence. Big enough to be able consider an area. Instead of the area being in one place, it migrates all around the New world with it's ruler being the main commander and main pilot of the blimp itself and everyone lives in the blimp as well.
Constantly migrates all around the New World and has no one set location.
Oxintis Kingdom
No set description of this area officially but to make it a volcanic region in the Magical side of the New World. Mentioned in Tibout's info in The Class of 99's info
Murata Masaki
First name means: "A tree that blossoms." : Japanese Name Generator • The ULTIMATE Bank of 50,000+ Names (reedsy.com)
A peace, calming area. Strangely enough, this area is close to The Network where the influence from another reality affected their culture and their area as well. It's culture in perspective from our world is a mix of ancient and modern Japanese culture. Honor is important in some parts where anime themed building is also important in the other parts as well.
Torch Trail Pursuit
Located almost close to the Technological Area in the North Nexus Point and The Network. With the influence of The Network from that other reality, this area has gotten inspiration from the other reality's sport competition the Olympics. Another thing it took from the other reality is the brands and sponsorship concept. Every "Season" which happens 4 times a year. People all over the New World come here to compete for the gold medal in a variety of sports. While not in its competition season, this area also serves as it's training ground.
Heaven area in the North Nexus Point
Two areas that existed before the other areas lorewise one on the technological side and one on the magical side.
Unknown Areas:
Currently have Luminara's Unknown Areas working on and will have more of these including Unknown areas for Amber Archipelago, Free City and Oxintis Kingdom. it is unlikely for Zephyria to have Unknown Areas.
Area ideas:
Casino Area
Mermaid Kingdom
Area where it is barely in orbit from the New World. (Futuristic city)
Existing Characters:
The following The Class of 99 characters are not implemented into the New World yet.
Sheldon Simmons: Ultimate Scammer
Tibout: Ultimate King
Red A. Ketchum: Ultimate Pokemon Trainer
Andrew Carver: Ultimate Boxer
Nathan Carver: Ultimate Martial Artist
Nakata Seiichi: Ultimate Ninja
Dame Isotta, Lilly, Lucas, Alice, Helira, Zaelnar, and Emily have existed in some sort of way and need to be implemented into the new world, one area or another.
New Characters:
Free City's citizens need to be written up.
Amber Archipelago, Zephyria, Oxintis Kingdom, Torch Trial Persuit, Murata Masaki: These citizens from these areas need to be designed and written up as well.
New oc's from cannon fandoms haven't been implemented
Second Class: Another set of 16 ultimates with Aleandro Sinner and Eileen Sinner being in that group as outliers age wise (Meaning that they are way older than everyone else there)
Lucy Bourgeois coming back
Starlight also coming back with a redesign for her.
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Dr Wily's World Domination FINALE: Part 0
//transcript of a Discord RP with a lot of people. List:
@rogue-nebula (Quasar), @freeroaming-curiosity (Oppy), @mechanical-hearth (Clara), @ripper-the-indoraptor ("Ripper"), @that-one-poison-trainer (Viper), @averagedualies (Dualie and Byte)
@still-capricious (GaMzEe (WiTh QuIrK)),@mirror-buster-pkmn (Enker, Ballade, and Mega Man), @the-poke-virus (Virus (no quirk)) @beepboopstarman (Vasilyev)
@moonlit-faller (Kaladin, Sylphrena), @shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi), @mercury-retrogay (Mercury), @rock-bird-go-brr (Notos) @nebula-incursionists-official (Baron Twyst Von Jokewyld)
(dear arc that's a lot hope I got everyone)
With all the Robot Masters defeated, The Incursionists began formulating a plan of attack on Wily's stronghold. They knew they'd need numbers, so they reached out to those they had worked with before, and those who had been affected by the Robot Masters' attacks. Eventually they had gathered a little band, and guided them to meet in Incursionist Alley in the Dimensional Nexus, through whatever teleport was closest (Ballonlea, Slateport, or Nimbasa). Quasar has set up a table with several different things around it, each pertinent to planning the attack on Wily's fortress. He was just finishing setting up when he heard people coming in. Courier 6 was first, the Courier looked over the table, yeah, he can definitely handle this, especially since they're doing this as a group. Ripper only kinda understands what's happening, but otherwise shares the Courier's confidence in its capabilities. Viper and Virus both appear holding each other's hands. Viper looks a lot more distressed than Virus.
"how do you do that without getting a headache?"
Enker and Ballade were already there, the purple robot taking up easily twice as much space as Enker.
"Who else are we waiting on?"
Viper notices the war table and realizes "oh this is like serious serious. Notos appears, looking more than a little disoriented. Oppy appears after them
Yeah sorry teleports can get wonky >.<
The Baron then teleports in, dropping Mercury from the Alley ceiling. (Thank Arceus for roommates with wings,) Mercury thinks as they drop directly onto the floor.
"Hello everyone, apologies for being late. Or at the very least, on time."
They brush themselves off and adjust their coat.
You didn't specify what height you wanted me to drop you off at, how can I be blamed for that?
Kaladin, the giant that he was, had to sit for this meeting. His Rosharan blood didn't exactly help him in these rooms not made for his height. Next to him, though, was a small, blue person.
"We've taken out all of their commanders. They're not surrendering yet?"
Nope... Guess this guy wants to fight to the last
Dualie and Byte scrambled in, fashionably late “Sorry! Agh- got held up with something” Byte just quietly waved, wandering over to where the others were
"Hi, welcome to Chili's."
so looks like we have quite the rouge's gallery here today!
VIRUS! I'm so sorry about her she basically has no filter
Wrong! I used to have a child lock filter but not fucking anymore
I mEaN, iT wOrKs. I'd SaY wE'rE pReTtY rOgUiSh
heh. yeah
alright then. So I'm assuming we're all here today to find a way to defeat that Dr. Wily character?
That we are. We still have a few more we're waiting on, but we can catch them up later. he wheels out a whiteboard and grabs a marker Thank you all for joining us in he uncaps the marker, only for it to let out an ear-piercing scream, fly out of Quasar's hand, draw a mustache and glasses on his face, and fly into the Baron's suit For arc's sake- Notos peeks back out from behind the chair they’d dived behind when the marker screamed, then valiantly attempts to stifle their laughter. WOW that was not a good sensory experience for our resident autistic Viper. She placed her hands to her ears in an intense grip. Once the screaming stopped she recomposed herself and hoped no one saw that. Dualie visibly winced at the screech, his ears pulled back
"Why are we letting the Baron here, exactly?"
The sprite asked. She didn't seem angry, moreso just... confused.
oooooooooooooh Drama? (゚∀゚)
“mrrg, yeah not to be rude but- I’m with them on this”
Trust me, if it were up to me, they wouldn't be, but they do technically own this place, so
Dualie waved to Sylphrena “Also, hi! I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Dualie”
hello dualie! i dont actually think i’ve met any of you before, my name’s notos! they/them pronouns please!
"Ayyyy. Same pronouns. Very cool."
The tiny sprite waved, a smile on her face.
"I'm Syl! Nice to meet all of you. I'm Kaladin's Spren!"
I'm Viper and that gremlin beside me is Virus. she/her
[SHE/HER] you seem familiar [DUALIE]? Were you in [WONDERLAND.COM] by chance?
”I don’t think I was? Then again, my memory is kinda bad so. Also, he/him for me”
”Byte. She/he”
Oppy! She/her or they/them! ^u^
Quasar. He/him. And yes, I was in Wonderland
yes I remember that stupid hat anywhere
be nice or I'm telling your Dads
what do they care they're out of town!
Back on topic he grabs a different marker, and begins writing on the board Thank you all for coming to Incursion: Doctor Dethroned
you're welcome
”Can’t believe I agreed to this”
”I can’t believe you let me agree to this”
Quasar focuses a camera on the table so even the people at the back can see a map of the Hoenn Battle Frontier, only now it has Wily's skull motif all over it
This is the Hoenn Battle Frontier currently. As you can see, it's not a good look
i assume the skulls weren’t there before a certain mad doctor took over?
(I get that skulls and bones evoke danger, but... this is a bit much.)
literally every image of the guy on Groovile had some kinda skull motif going on, I guess it's his calling card?
Vasilyev walks in, mech stomping lightly
Ah, hello; sorry if I’m a bit late. Nicolas Vasilyev, he/him. Ah… this guy.
"Greetings. Come, sit, judge the Doctor's design choices with us. ... And also plot to dethrone him."
His troops definitely seem… fanatical. Hope it’s not due to a Shackle, though it’s probably got something like that. I even mentioned to one of em that the big corp was probably gonna betray their boss and they took it as insulting him
Oh yeah... Wily's working behind the scenes with an inter-dimensional megacorp who has certifiably the worst ethics record in the multiverse
”Okay so if that includes some of the corporations from my universe, that’s bad”
yeah, i came across my guy literally tearing the akala jungle to shreds, i doubt he’s even somewhat morally sound
alright so the guy's evil and he's fucking with my dimension, how do we kick his ass out?
Apparently, he has some sort of Dimension Gate at the top of that tower there. The only issue is, the whole island's positively alive with hostiles, and even though his shield might be down, he still has weapons batteries that prevent an up-front assault
The guy he sent after me wanted to take over the mine I was working in; bit tricky but I also suspect the troops he sent out weren’t exactly his fanciest tech. I think he might have gotten the dimension gate from that corporation - or at least that they’ve got better tech than him in that regard.
”mm, so are we going after the corp too?”
Ideally, we kick them both out. Between the two, I'd say the corp's more of a threat, but given how closely they've been working get rid of either and the other will leave too
I had my Garbodor Buttercup use Poison Spikes on my guy and he just disappeared instantly, what if we just cover the ground in poison spikes
that plan sucks
It sucks because we have 1 person here with insider knowledge and the spikes would make it so he couldn't help us, and to be frank, he might be our only shot at winning this
alright, Spikes are off the table
Speaking of, he also has our way in and around the Frontier. Ballade, floor's yours
Ballade nodded, though to be honest he hadn’t been paying much attention. Enker already briefed him on what he’d need to say, so he had been spending most of his time sizing up everyone in the room. Damn humans. They all looked strong, but he couldn’t fight any of them. He nodded to Enker, who took a small holographic projector out that showed the map. He pointed to a small opening near the dock.
“Alright. There’s a cave right here. Looks small, but it’s a lot bigger now. We can get through there, and from there it’s smooth sailing into the main island.”
and then we beat up all the bad guys o(`ω´ )o
"Then we beat up all the bad guys."
Not entirely... There's still a lot of enemy presence on the island, so it'd be smarter to favor a route that would avoid most of the major patrols. That or.........
......................or we use a distraction. But I'm not doing that. I value all of you and I don't believe in using tactics that cause unnecessary risk to even one of you
I've always wanted to be a distraction...
no you haven't
“…Perhaps I could help with the distraction?”
Like I said we're not doing that
oh hey Shallahi
“Hey Viper.”
”Oh hey Shallahi!”
“Dualie! Mrrp!”
Mechanical footsteps sounded down the Alley. They were soft, but it was difficult to mask the sound of metal against stone. The readings were here, and there were signs of life near them. That was... definitely odd, considering there weren't any enemies down this way. If two Robot Masters were here, why was there basically nothing else? The door opened, and a boy stepped through. Clad in cerulean armor, his appearance seemed that of a child playing soldier, but his eyes betrayed his appearance. Two Hunters. Civillians around them, including at least one child, but none of them seemed distressed. Still, the Mega Man Killers weren't usually known for playing nice around humans, the robot thought. The group turned to face the newcomer, and were very surprised to see Mega Man himself
"Is everyone okay? What are you two doing here?"
holy shit it's Mega Man
notos blinks at the new arrival, curious (and a little concerned) about this (apparent) child in combat armor.
“Wait, how old is this kid?”
Every circuit in Enker's body was screaming at him to fight, but he fought the urge. He looked to Ballade, who was having a much harder time keeping himself from jumping the table. He put a hand on the purple robot's arm. Ballade sighed, sitting down. He wasn't happy, and he was showing that.
"You'll have your chance another time, Ballade. Everyone... This is Mega Man. I was wondering where he was with Wily here."
"Sorry, it took a while to get a signal from here. I might have ended up halfway to Russia before getting here."
“wait what the fuck is russia”
no fucking clue
NiCe To SeE yA rOcK. wE wAs JuSt TaLkIn WhO wE'd ThRoW aT wIlY aS a DiStRaCtIoN
Gamzee I said I'm not doing that!
"Wait, what? No, absolutely not, I'm not letting you do that." He shook his head immediately. "The danger is too high. I ca--"
"I tried telling them that. They've already taken down all of Wily's Robot Masters before you got here. The only one I took down was Ballade here. They're refusing to back down, and to be honest it would be more dangerous to try to force them than to let them help."
Ballade huffed, rolling his eyes. He still should have won that fight. He had every advantage. Mega Man couldn't argue with Enker, though he didn't know him to be so… Soft spoken. Something was weird about this one.
... Alright, but you all better fall back the moment things get hairy. I've fought Wily for years, I can handle him alone. You all could die from this, and I can't let that happen.
...alright Megaman [the thought of death freaked her out but the fact that it was megaman saying this made it a little hard to take seriously]
............Rock........... I hate to ask this of anyone, but............ would you be willing to distract Wily's forces in the front while we take a safer route through his stronghold?
"I can do that. Just get me the coordinates, and I can get there. Enker said you all defeated Robot Masters, right? Do you know where they are? I think I can still copy Weapon Data from them after this long."
Way ahead of you. We actually already got their weapons. You should still be able to copy them. Everyone bring out the weapons you got from the RMs
Everyone there brings out the weapons they had gained - Slash Claw, Gemini Laser, Quick Boomerang, Spread Drill, Power Stone, Star Crash, Water Balloon, Air Shooter, Charge Kick, and Time Stopper, then Gamzee brings others duplicated from those found by people not in attendance - Leaf Shield, Crash Bomber, and Scorch Wheel. The Mega Man Killers then offered their weapons - Mirror Buster and Ballade Cracker. Mega Man touched each weapon, his arm flashing as he did so, same with Ballade and Enker's arms. He did a system check and sure enough, all 16 weapons were there.
"... Wow, that's a lot more than I was expecting. Think this is the most I've had at once."
There was a few more, but they aren't in physical form at the moment, and rebuilding them would take a while
"That's fine, these should be more than enough."
He briefly cycled through them. Ballade Cracker admittedly was one that was easier to use than most, but he didn't want to damage the island. He eventually went back to his Mega Buster, and nodded.
There were 20 Robot Masters on this world, 19 were destroyed, and Wily thus far was only able to rebuild one, Shadow Man. ...there is one other Robot Master, but he's-
Right here
Top Man?! What are you doing here?! I thought you were safe in Orre!
I gotta help you guys fight Wily! I feel like I won't ever be free of him unless I'm part of the team that takes him out!
"... Weren't you decommissioned? Years ago?"
Mega Man's tone was one of sheer disbelief. It was like he was revived before his eyes. He wasn't upset, far from it, but it was still surprising.
Wily stole me. He stole a bunch of his old RMs. But no, I'm not with him anymore. Long story
"... I'd like to hear that some time, if at all possible. But we've got work to do, and I'm glad you're with us this time."
Oh, and Mega Man, I managed to get my hands on the schematics for a bunch of Wily's old projects. To include Bass's power copying. So I gave myself an upgrade
Top Man cycles through several colors before returning to his original ones. Mega Man's eyes widened, shaking his head to make sure he was seeing straight. Were his optical receptors not working? ... How else would he be wearing those colors?
"... Well then, that's. A surprise. Good choice though."
So, Atomic Fire, Remote Mine, Search Snake, Metal Blade, Gravity Hold, Screw Crusher, and Top Spin. All yours
"Oh boy... Getting dizzy again. This should be fun."
Mine doesn't do that actually. Quasar found the glitch Wily couldn't fix and fixed it
It actually wasn't all that hard, just needed someone to actually care about it
"Yours was a glitch? Dr Light did that on purpose for me."
Huh. Weird
Anyway, moving on: We don't know exactly what we'll be up against, but with Ballade's intel, I've plotted a route for us to take, which I've adjusted now to bear in mind Mega Man acting as a distraction.
Lines appear on the map
The green line is us, the blue line is Mega Man's distraction route The place with the heaviest resistance is the walkway leading up to the tower, and the part on the left, where Wily's main robot factory and the main VarmilineCorp barracks is. So banking to the right will mean we'll dodge most of the thickest concentration of hostiles.
And with Mega Man distracting them on the main route we could get to the tower basically scot free
Granted we don't know exactly where the cave ends, but this should be close enough
ok so we're going through the cave, taking out some robots, and saving the battle frontier. Pretty straightforward
“I vote that we split up. If the worst were to happen, that would keep our chances up. I can take a few of us directly to the tower.”
That's... risky given the size and power of the robots Wily usually has guarding his fortress
But if we get the chance, let's go for it! ^u^
"That's understandable. That being said, why aren't we just taking the shorter route, or that path to the left?"
"Wily's fortresses almost always have incredible firepower on their side. Even flying in is next to impossible unless it's the only way in. Not to mention the other buildings act as bases for reinforcements. You take out the boss there, and they can't send forces at your tail."
What Mega Man said. The path on the left is Wily's main robot factory and VermilineCorp's main barracks. Resistance there will be too thick. As for the shorter route, that's guarded heavily, so Mega Man will be taking that route and drawing the majority of the opposition toward him and away from us
How do we know Wily's gonna go for just Mega Man?
The dude lives in his head rent-free 24/7. I wouldn't be surprised if he orders all his forces to target just Mega Man
you ever heard of Mario? They got like a Mario and Bowser type of thing going on
More like a Sonic and Eggman but yeah. This. Anyway, once we're in the tower, from there it's straightforward: Defeat Wily and VermilineCorp and use Wily's Dimension Gate to remove their presence from this world. As for how we're gonna do that... not 100% sure. Ballade's intel gets foggy at that point
"Blow it up. That's how it works every time."
True... the issue is making sure Wily and V-Corp are on the other side before we do that
So we'd have to throw him through first before we blow it
Would destroying it have some kinda… backlash effect on either side? My only previous exposure to this kinda stuff didn’t end well…
Yeah... I cant say for sure, but hopefully it'll work better. It's also lucky that only the hostiles will be going through the gate ideally
Admittedly this is something specifically designed for dimensional travel, rather than an… unexpected side effect from what I’ve heard
So... anyone have any ideas on how to get Wily through the portal before taking it out? Before you start, I'm NOT ok with a sacrifice
"Use Nine as a sacrifice"
It was a joke, but with how he deadpanned it you really can't tell
a sonic burst move? boomburst is basically a compressed wave of air. it’s got some pretty insane knockback, and it can be fired from a range.
That sounds cool! ^u^ So we sick that on Wily!
How… tough would Wily be in a fight? We could just tie him up and throw him through I’d think.
He's usually in these frag-huge machines so unless you somehow get him out of that it'll be hard to do that
hm. Would that knockback even work on something that big?
“The Wily Machines are powerhouses. The only way to get him out of them is destroying the machine.”
So once you destroy the Wily Machine, then you can throw Wily through the gate! Right?
"That's the plan. Unless he has an escape, which I can't say is impossible. I don't know these people he's working with, so I can't make a judgement on that."
Looks like we have a plan. It's late, so we'll move out next week. That gives us 1 week to prepare
alright, gives us time to mentally prepare
have fun (╹◡╹)/
you're my ride remember
Let's do it! ^u^
//OOC note: Not 1:1 as I had to trim a bunch of stuff to make things fit better bc my hardware was acting up
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Silver: hey nexus is there a way for me or my friends can help? I hate to see you unable to be unable to call out your pokemon.
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“I’ve tried just about everything I can to get the locks off of my pokeballs. I have a whole team of six that I can’t call from their pokeballs.”
[ @wolfdragon88 ]
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flarebean · 7 months
au where ghost, freshly ascended and bulldozed back in time to The Sealing just... picks up and yeets tpk and radiance over the dimensional horizon in different directions
tpk lands in pokemon and is immediately mistaken for a wurmple. the trainer in question doesn't have a pokedex, that's only for regional professor associates.
radiance lands in undertale and is immediately accosted by the local DETERMINATION nexus thinking that she oughta be friend shaped (this is a threat). also, you can't throw a stone without hitting someone who can cast spells, so she isn't even all that special down there.
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pluagemask042 · 7 months
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Ben 10 AU - Omnitronix
Universal Reality Code (URC) : NEXU-NP-99-4
Divergence Index Class: Type 5, Clear differences detected.
Nanotrons, Advanced robotic lifeforms that can bond with humans that allows the Nanos to evolve with their trainer into unique forms. Nanotrons tend to love battling other Nanotrons as a show of strength and as a method of learning new battle data to improve.
Nanotron Trainers uses Linkdecks, small watch like devices, to both communicate and issue commands to their Nanos in battle, and to scan Datacards to augment and modify the Nano mid battle.
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yeeters-muse-archive · 5 months
WiiFat Gainer
Weight: 369lbs (167.4)
Bio: It appears that with her cousin, Ringfit Trainer, taken the limelight of fitness gaming, WiiFit Trainer decided to pivot to something that secretly has been gnawing away at her for a while now, getting fat! Once she found out that she truly enjoyed it, she decided to teach how to maximize a person’s potential in gaining weight through fat in similar ways she did back then for yoga and fitness. In fact, she could still do yoga as it helped plenty for someone who desires to get fatter.
Art by VeeHS3 on DA
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Image here
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ : This is for @nexus-of-heavies a muse blog that requires viewers to be of the US legal age for marriage or higher. If you wish to reblog this bio for one of my muses due to the artwork, please take this into account.
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percyaugod · 10 months
Art of War AU
AU where Donnie and Venus are raised by Big Mama.
Big Mama finds Donnie and Venus when trying to get Lou back. She ends up finding the remains of Draxum's lab and his experiment. All of the terrifying creatures were crushed under rubble or burnt to a crisp. A shame, they would have been wonderful for her arena.
Surprisingly two were found alive. Two turtles, far too small to be any real threat but the one with purple markings was giving it their best! Hiss and biting at anyone that guy close to them and their sibling. How ferocious~
Though with their small size maybe they could grow into something much more formidable for her arena? Even if they didn't, the two could be quite the rare pets.
Big Mama, being a yokai of culture, decided to name her new pets after famous art pieces. The sea turtle became Venus de Milo and the softshell David
Her new pets were smarter than she thought they'd be. Quickly learning that she was their source of food and shelter and to not bite the hand that feeds them. Her little purple turtle was so much cuter when he decided to play nice. Meanwhile, her little blue turtle always had a permanent little glare on her face.
However she was still quite surprised when her pets started standing, walking, and her softshell even talking. Big Mama getting them tutors and trainers to see just how far their skills can go.
Venus became a skilled fighter. Easily mastering technique after technique. Able to take out any opponent with deadly accuracy.
David became a major part of the hotel and its workings. Installing security, creating weapons for the arena, gathering information and blackmail, and handling some of the meetings with business partners. By the time Big Mama realized what he was doing it was too late.
David had already made himself an integral part of the hotel and battle nexus. Should she get bored and get rid of him, as she's done with others, he'll take down her entire empire with him. If he wasn't using it against her she'd be proud.
He hasn't deluded himself to what's really going on here. She may give them praise and validation, but it's all empty. No matter how much she may try to pretend Big Mama never stopped seeing them as anything but her pets.
It's still a pretty great place to live and he refuses to give up the money and resources. So they can all play nice and everyone gets what they want. He just wanted the insurance for him and his sister. So David put on a fake smile like Mama taught him and acted like he didn't want to rip her legs off.
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rikki-roses · 1 year
For reference, this is a Nexu:
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Once the yearling had finished its meal, it trotted back to Setra, chasing off the cub. To Setra’s complete surprise and amazement, it thoroughly sniffed her and her satchel before plopping down next to her legs. Slowly, agonizingly, she reached out a hand and touched its back. The Nexu meowed at her, scrambling up to sniff her hand. Tentatively, Setra reached out toward the yearling through the Force. It seemed to sense her, licking her hand and demanding a head scratch before settling back down next to her, resting its head on her knee.
Setra’s heart melted.
I’m going to do something stupid, aren’t I?
Qyzen had said that Setra would benefit from a hunting animal because of how petite (and new to hunting) she was (while her connection to the Force gave her a huge advantage when hunting, it didn’t solve everything). And she had been told that the Nexu packs on Tython were invasive and had once been domesticated – she wasn’t taking a random wild animal away from its native habitat.
Despite that, the Jedi Code was very clear on attachments – including to animals and objects. While she agreed with Qyzen’s assessment regarding her hunting skills, she would be very close to breaking her Codes if she brought the Nexu yearling back to the Temple; while it wasn’t unheard of for Jedi to take on animal companions, there was a whole process to it – she had to file an application for an animal companion, fill out a veritable mountain of paperwork, a pre-approved list of animals she could pick from, specific breeders and trainers that the Jedi Order worked with…
Setra closed her eyes and sighed deeply. While her heart wanted to throw caution to the wind and sneak the Nexu into the Temple, it would not be the responsible thing to do. She would get into all sorts of trouble if caught, as would Master Yuon, by extension. They might even put a stop to her training with Qyzen. Dismissing the idea from her mind and smoothing her emotions, Setra settled back in.
Setra sat in her observation spot for several hours until she started to doze off. The Nexu yearling had stayed at her side for a good while, trying to chew on her toes and chasing things that she threw before finally getting bored and wandering off. Setra stretched and stood up, dusting herself off. She then collected her belongings and started the walk back to the Temple.
Setra made it about fifty feet before she heard something behind her – soft footfalls and the crunching of leaves. However, when she turned around, she saw nothing.
Setra dismissed it as a figment of her imagination in her tired state and kept walking.
The same thing happened three more times by the time she got back to the Temple. She’d hear someone (or something) walking and plants rustling behind her but wouldn’t actually see anything. She tried to reach out through the Force, but all she felt was the flora and fauna that she had grown used to. The sounds stopped once she reached the steps leading up to the Temple.
She made it back to her quarters with no further incident and quickly changed into her pajamas (a oversized shirt with the logo of her favorite Huttball team, the FrogDogs, on it and purple plaid pajama pants) and put away her belongings. She opened the window before climbing into bed; while she welcomed the warmth of her room, she would welcome the air flow more.  She was asleep within seconds of her head hitting her pillow.
As had become her custom over the years, Setra was awake just before dawn. She had just started to wake up and stretch when she realized that there was another presence in her room. She wasn’t alone.
Setra shot up into a sitting position and looked around in a panic before her eyes settled on the opposite end of her bed. There, curled up in a ball and completely asleep, was the Nexu yearling. Setra realized that it must have been the Nexu that she had heard following her the night before; it must have jumped in through her window.
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m0ckest · 2 years
NPC Spawn Types on Lots
A list of the types of NPCs that spawn on different lots. This is copied from a Sims Forum post. I haven't verified all of these but it's a good general guide.
By the way, I highly recommend the Home Regions mod by kuttoe which keeps sims in their respective worlds.
Residential/Tiny Home - Mailperson, Roommate, Roommate's Boy/Girlfriend, Roommate's Friend, (Hired) Service NPC's
Arts Center - Bartender, Children, Painters
Bar - Bartender, (events) Aliens, Bears, Ghosts, Knights, (Unknown if the event causes more of said NPC category to spawn) Singles, Women, Men
Café - Barista
Community Garden/Space/Maker Space/Marketplace - Children, Sales Table Vendors, Stall Vendors, Maker Mentors (maker space)
Generic - N/A
Gym - Gym trainer
Karaoke Bar - Bartender
Library - Librarian
Lounge - Bartender, (mostly) Elders, Entertainer
Museum - N/A
National Park - N/A
Nightclub - Bartender, DJ
Onsen Bathhouse - N/A
Park - Children, Erratic sims, Teens (night)
Pool - N/A
Rental - N/A
Restaurant - Bartender, Chefs, Host, Waiters
Retail - Employees
Spa - Masseuses, Reflexologists
University Commons - Professors(?), University Students, Vendor
University Housing - Roommates, Roommate's Girl/Boyfriend, Roommate's Friend
Vet Clinic - Vets
Sad Clown Painting - Sad Clown
Yoga Instructor Mat - Yoga Instructor
Lot Traits:
Cat/Dog Friendly - Owned cats/dogs
Cat/Dog Hangout - Stray cats/dogs
Hottest Spot In Town - Bouncer, Celebrities (especially during Starlight Accolades), Fans, Paparazzi
Reduce and Recycle - Waste Manager, Eco Inspector (Hire)
Spooky - A ghost (per night)
Teen Neighbourhood - Teens
University Student Hangout - University Students
Up-and-Coming Hotspot - Bouncer, Celebrities, Fans, Paparazzi
Vampire Nexus - Vampires
Chalet Gardens - Von Haunt ghosts (Bernard and Mimsy)
Hospital - Hospital staff, Patients
Island Bluffs - (event only) Bartender, DJ
Police Dept. - Law officers, Inmates
Science Lab - Scientists, Aliens, Tourists
Studio - Set workers, Actors
Sixam - Aliens
Beach - Lifeguard
Bowling Alley - Bartender
Gym - Massage worker(?), yoga teacher(?)
Onsen - Maid(?)
From KyreRoen on The Sim Forums, April 2022 [credit]
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fallershipping · 1 year
Which Pokémon types do you associate the most with Looker and Anabel?
Oh that's a hard question... A very, very hard question.
Well, when I draw them as Pokémon, Looker tends to lean into being an Arcanine and Anabel an Alolan-Ninetales. So Fire for Looker is kinda fitting since he's so warm and impassioned, and Ice for Anabel since she can be a bit cold but introspective.
Fighting is also a good type for Looker in general, since it's a type associated with Heroic/Justice character design sometimes. Some 'mons like that include Cobalion and its posse of justice, alongside Gallade and Lucario. I kind of wish his Croagunk leaned towards Fighting in Masters or had a fighting type move because he doesn't seem like someone who'd be Poison, which is associated with Ninjas, Punks, and Grunt trainer classes. Otherwise, one final typing would be Steel but I have less reasons for that one than the others.
Normal type is a new one that I am very much loving to associate with Anabel. Normal might seem, well, far too normal for her, but some of the craziest Pokémon like Arceus, Silvally, Porygon, and Ditto have been that typing. It's a nexus, something that branches out into all the other colors of the spectrum. It's something Anabel knows to be much more capable than others deem it as. I'd also consider Electric because of Raikou and when I draconify her, she breaths purple lightning.
While I agree that Psychic type has a fitting characteristic of 'brains over brawn,' usage of barriers, purple-ish color, and I have used it before when I made a fakemon based on Anabel, it was mostly for the alien/space/cosmic aesthetic as some Psychic type 'mons are simply extraterrestrial. The anime is a fucking shitbag for what it did to Anabel, and because Gameverse Anabel specifically reps general types and is certifiably not psychic, stated herself, I avoid this typing as much as possible.
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Dr Wily's World Domination FINALE: Part 1
//transcript of a Discord RP with a lot of people. List:
@rogue-nebula (Quasar), @freeroaming-curiosity (Oppy), @ripper-the-indoraptor ("Ripper" and Courier), @that-one-poison-trainer (Viper), @averagedualies (Dualie and Byte)
@mirror-buster-pkmn (Enker, Ballade, and Mega Man), @the-poke-virus (Virus) @beepboopstarman (Vasilyev)
@moonlit-faller (Kaladin, Sylphrena), @shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi), @mercury-retrogay (Mercury), @rock-bird-go-brr (Notos) @nebula-incursionists-official (Baron Twyst Von Jokewyld)
(dear arc that's a lot hope I got everyone)
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After 1 week of training, practicing, and going over the plan, at last the Incursionists were ready to attack the Hoenn Battle Frontier! It was fortunate that Quasar had given his team a week to prepare, because on day 6 of said week he found exactly the Nexus Door he was looking for: at 14 deep, 37 right, and 1 down, the Door led to an outcropping of land right in front of the cave Ballade had pointed out. So, for those who couldn't otherwise access the island he led them to that Door Ripper and the Courier follow immediately behind Quasar, knowing he'd know where to go. A brisk ocean wind greets the Incursionists as they step onto the outcropping that leads to the cave. Viper and Virus then arrive. Viper is dragged out of seemingly nowhere by Virus, looking dazed and confused
I can't stand that
it's cheeper than [DELTA AIRLINES]
notos approaches on the back of battery, their vikavolt. it’s glowing slightly. Dualie and Byte run in, fashionably late as usual. Notos holds up a gauntleted hand in greeting
“Sorry! Got uh- held up by something”
alright so now what?
Like we said, this cave leads to the main island, we just don't know exactly where
And there will be some light resistance, but nothing major if intel is to be believed
So let's get going!
the cave is fairly straightforward, and to everyone's relief, there aren't any Wily bots here. after a while it turns, and slopes up fairly quickly. It's a huge hill, but aside from a few depowered mining bots no hostile forces
oh arceus we're gonna have to climb that
”Eugh. That’s- yikes. Is there another route?”
unless we wanna get spotted, probably not
Byte grumbled something under his breath, stepping towards the hill. Vasilyev slowly steps up to the hill as well, attempting to be as quiet as possible.
‘Pologies for any delay.
if anyone needs help getting up, battery should be able to carry someone
I'm fine
you sure? I can carry you (-w-)
You're gonna need that strength for when we get jumpscared by spooky robots or something
Hm... Top Man do you know if Wily has any like minecarts or construction pulleys in his bases usually?
Sometimes... if there is one it'll be around here. Look around a bit
Well, as it happens, I found something He points to what looks like a horizontal elevator with a power box next to it. Now a question: If we want to use this thing, we'll have to power it, which might power everything else in here as well
oh, then no elevator
Not necessarily. We can use it, we just might also have to be ready for Wily bots to come at us
a bright flash of light shines put of Virus' pocket and lands on the generator. It's Popcorn the Joltik here to ruin everything by shocking the generator and turning it on
the room comes alive as lights turn on, and a few bat-like robots on the walls activate and fly towards them. Notos grumbles, ready to attack the bats. Ballade shot a Ballade Cracker at the group of bats, exploding on contact.
Everyone onto the elevator! With the room active we might as well use it!
Notos slashes the air in front of them, firing a beam at the bat that tried to swoop at them and backing towards the elevator. Viper and Virus run onto the elevator, but not before Virus returns Popcorn to his pokeball. With everyone on the elevator Top Man hits the button, only to rapidly discover 2 things: 1. the elevator is a lot faster than it looks. 2. The elevator is wheeled and not attached to anything beyond the first dock - it appeared to have just been launched from its dock and is flying up the passage in an uncontrolled ascent. Notos proceeds to hit the fucking deck. whether this is of their own volition or the sudden increase of gravity is unclear. Kaladin flew next to the minecart, deciding that getting on that deathtrap was a bad idea. Vasilyev braces, flipping some switches on his mech and powering up a large pack attached to the back. Viper is scared shitless and is really trying to hide that
"Yeah, this is par for the course for Wily's defenses." weeeee Don’t stand too close to me - not sure how hard a fall would be and this thing’s heavy.
As Quasar scrambles to find any way to stop this thing, Shield Attackers fly past, Mets blast at them, and Moles (little drill robots) drop on them. None of these do major damage, but they are a distracting shock
the elevator in its uncontrolled ascent careens off an edge at the end of the room, falling and splashing down into ominous green liquid. As for the Incursionists, Quasar brought out Vizier, and the Magnezone magnetized everyone with metal on their person to them, and those without metal were grabbed by the people with (or Kaladin, who was flying and so was not flung) and hovered up to safety. Virus in an uncharacteristic act of selflessness grabbed onto Viper and saved her life
yah well I wouldn't hear the end of it from [DAD] if I let you die so whatever (−_−;)
Oppy sent out Genesis and put some people on the Red Gyarados's back (Gyarados can fly I'm pretty sure) then shifted wings herself and took a few more, making Vizier's job easier. They then came to land on some (secure, thankfully) metal scaffolding nearby
…is everyone ok?
"All systems functional." "Can we do it again? That was probably the best thing Wily's made in a while."
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Anyway... looks like the only way forward now is gonna be up those ladders on the ends of the scaffolds. We'll have to be careful since there's a few Mets and Shield Attackers
Then let's get moving. I don't like how that liquid down there looks
"I'll take point against the Mets. Ballade can handle the Shield Attackers." "We're probably the best suited for those specific ones."
Enker held his spear, and Ballade patted his arm cannon. as they climb, Notos looks down and... that's odd. They could've sworn that green liquid was lower when they came in here, so it should be getting smaller as it gets farther, not bigger... right? They blink. stop moving. yEP OKAY THATS DEFINITELY RISING
they eventually make it to a room with a floor below them and Quasar helps the last few stragglers into the room. Kaladin flew a few of the slower people up the ladder, resting on the top floor once everything was alright. Looking around the room, it looks like they're in the Battle Pike, only gutted of the teleports and with a can Dr. Wily evil paint thrown on everything.
I saw this place on TV, the frontier brain mostly uses serpentine pokemon
My ace is a Serperior so I bet I would've loved this place without all the... Wily everything everywhere
yah I can say the same as a Serperior owner myself
”Wait, didn’t someone have Search Snake? Wily, the theming needs some work, this is where you put Snake Man.”
Oh yeah! The og got kinda wrecked, but Top Man built his own copy and gave it to me! ^u^
With the goop a safe distance beneath them, Notos fishes a pen out of their pocket and drops it in the goop. for science. It dissolves like a fizzy tablet in water, hissing and steaming. Yep that is acid. Very strong acid.
The door out onto the island's open! ^u^
Isn't there usually a robot or a trap guarding the way forward?
Maybe that acid room was the trap and we're already past it? Think on the bright side friend! ^u^
iiii dont trust this guys. its doctor wiley. he’s gotta have a backup plan also this room looks concerningly like a boss fight arena and i dont like it
erm so where's the boss?
…Should be here somewhere…
Oppy cautiously approaches the exit and nothing happens, so she starts leading her friends through. Right about when about half of the group is through the jaws of the Battle Pike snap shut, trapping the rest inside
the Battle Pike is designed to look like a giant Seviper, and with Wily's modifications, the building comes to life, red eyes glaring at the group below. Inside the snake, 4 lights on the ceiling light up, and robots resembling Snakeys power on beneath them. Evil laughter rings out, and the floor begins to retract, revealing the acid chasm from earlier. Notos already looks like theyre 110% DONE with today
okay. the building’s a massive mech. because why WOULDNT IT BE??
Wily Fortress Boss 1: BATTLE PIKE OF TERROR
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The BPOT immediately starts by firing lasers from its eyes. The eyes look at one peron and glow for a bit before firing, but are still hard to dodge. Inside the BPOT things weren't much better as now the only ground to stand on was the snakeys, and they were moving like snakeys usually do - flailing like mad on the portions across the acid chasm that could be stood on. Back outside, Enker did his best to keep himself in the lasers line of fire, reflecting the attacks back at the eyes with the Mirror Buster. Viper frantically doges out of the way of the Lazers
Ingrid! Help! Fire Spin!
Ingrid the Chandeleur escapes her ball and levitates near Viper, firing off a Fire Spin. While the Fire Spin might not be supereffective (guess fire isn't this thing's weakness) damage is damage. The downside to this is now the snake is targeting Viper. Virus reaches into her hat and pulls out a military gunman shield. Vasilyev whirrs up his mech’s engine, keeping on the move.
Careful, if that thing’s anything like a hullbreaker it’ll hurt!
Viper played enough video games to understand that you need to wait a little bit and then doge to avoid the lasers. Which she surprisingly does successfully. The snake still keeps targeting her, until Oppy whacks it with a shifted mallet arm. It then goes for Oppy, who also dodges around trying not to get hit, but she's nicked a few times trying to protect friends it randomly goes for. It's Virus' turn! She wacks the Serviper with a mallet of her own
"Oppy! Let me take the fire!"
Thanks! she hides behind Enker as it blasts at her before turning to Virus Plus you do that cool thing with your spear that shoots the bullets back
Notos sprints around, looking for a potential weak point. Notos sees one, but hitting it won't be easy - it's the thing's eyes. In order to have its powerful weapons unobstructed shielding on that area is minimal
Most of us do! Those weapons remember?
Ingrid! Ember in their eyes!
Ingrid does just that as Viper straps on her quick boomerang and aims a shot at the Seviper's eyes. Virus pulls out a gun, just a straight up gun, snd shoots the serviper in the eyes. Notos stops running for just a moment to slash at the air again, sending 2 beams directly at the massive snake’s eyes. The Cryogonal's Flash Cannon, and the gun Virus pulled, all do really good damage to the BPOT. Looks like we've found a weakness - Steel type!
so it's weak to steel? Maybe that means it's probably poison type! Ingrid! Psychic!
The Psychic doesn't seem as effective, but still more than the Ember from earlier. Vasilyev winds up both the Power Stone and his mech’s plasma cutter, firing them at the BPOT’s eyes. The Power Stone hits both eyes at once, causing huge damage
meanwhile, inside the BPOT, Quasar had resorted to lifting Top Man with Convetezynce and dropping him onto the Snakeys to Top Spin. This worked a few times, but Quasar stopped doing that after Top almost fell in the acid. The Battle Pike itself being a Wily Bot explained why Megaman was still getting enemy readings despite it being mostly clear. Thankfully, having weapons like Air Shooter and Mirror Buster helped hitting the harder to reach Snakeys. Kaladin had stuck himself to the wall, slashing at snakeys there to avoid the risk of falling into the acid. No longer lifting Top Man, Quasar instead opts to hit the Snakeys with successive Blow Triangles instead. Top Man switches to Noise Crush and opens fire. Shallahi slashes at a few of them with Shard-Snowy in a shortsword form.
Judging by how much damage we're doing with our respective techniques... i think I've figured a weakness for these snakes! Try using Flying-type or Wind-related attacks!
Byte grabbed the thing Dualie threw, using the weapon she’d been tossed to fire off a round of ink-missiles at the dammed thing. The ink gums up one of the Snakey's cannons, leaving Quasar the perfect opening to scrap it. Top Man then junks another one with Noise Crusher, leaving just two, both on their last bolts.
Meanwhile, the others outside had worked out a solid strategy: hit the snake's eyes with Steel-type moves (or similar). Ingrid didn't have any steel type moves so she's just spamming psychic. For Virus's neutral special she wields a gun. Notos was perched on the battery’s back again, the vikavolt firing off flash cannon after flash cannon as the hybrid sent beams into the snake’s eyes. Against the onslaught, the snake's exterior soon overloads and powers down, the eyes erupting into sparks. The snake seems lifeless after that
that's a good thing right?
id sure hope so! …but i wouldnt put it past that old prick to make it self destruct upon being defeated. he seems like the type
Looks like we beat it! But it still hasn't opened its mouth…
“I’ll cut our way out, then.”
Only two Snakeys left... Wind attacks do the most to these
“Don’t think I have any, unfortunately.”
"I do!"
Mega Man swapped to Air Shooter and fired tornadoes at the Snakeys. The Snakeys were on their last anyways, so Rock is quickly able to destroy both. With that done, the floor returns and the snake's mouth opens. Mega Man looked to the others, sighing with relief. Everyone seemed alright.
We're not done yet. Let's press on
We should take at least a moment to regroup, heal our pokemon and such
...yeah. Good call actually.
I brought potions for everyone! ^u^
thanks Oppy
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