remy2fang · 4 months
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I know this may seem ooc considering the relationship dynamic between A.K.I. and F.A.N.G, but let me explain myself. I had some thoughts about A.K.I.’s name when I drew this little doodle. I know the story on how she got it, but I don’t know exactly why she’s named that way.
How A.K.I. got her name (from F.A.N.G):
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A.K.I.’s name in Chinese characters:
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After surviving her 1st poison training, Phantom (鬼) became A.K.I. (阿鬼). In kanji it means Ghost-chan.
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In Chinese, 阿 (a) is used as an endearment for someone who’s close, especially within family.
F.A.N.G gave A.K.I. this name. But I thought emotional attachments are forbidden? Why did F.A.N.G gave her a name so cute and endearing?! Was he that proud of her on the day when she passed her first poison training? 💜🥺💜🥺. I honestly don’t know. F.A.N.G naming A.K.I. with 阿 shows a sign of an emotional bond. It’s almost as if he unconsciously raised A.K.I. as his own daughter 🥺🥺
Maybe sometimes F.A.N.G is not aware of his own actions? Based on how he interacts with the avatar in World Tour Mode, perhaps he acts similarly towards A.K.I.? F.A.N.G is reserved at first. If the avatar does a specific emote, F.A.N.G would laugh and dance until he stops himself from being too friendly. Maybe this is how A.K.I. learned her perfect win pose? I mean, that was obviously F.A.N.G’s from SFV. He gotta slip sometimes and A.K.I. would catch it 🤭🤭.
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As for their acronyms, we all know what F.A.N.G’s is: Fantastic Asian Notorious Gang.
A.K.I.’s…well it doesn’t really mean anything canonically. Director Takayuki Nakayama said her name has a meaning in only Kanji or Chinese…which is Ghost-chan. It doesn’t have a real meaning in English. So no, it’s not Acute Kidney Injury lol.
All members of the Nguuhao have acronyms names. T.U.S.K (left) and T.A.I.L (right) from F.A.N.G’s SFV story mode. I don’t know the meaning behind their names lol.
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More about them here: https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/column/131363
Thanks for baring with my thoughts lol.
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crossovergeek · 9 months
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(vía Marvel vs Capcom. Gwenpool vs A.K.I by CrossoverGeekDA on DeviantArt)
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saikyo-rat · 2 years
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New au
Nguuhao! Remy
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artful-lee · 6 years
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Here are two other Nguuhao Boys...I wish they stayed around in canon. Fang needs a Squad, and the other two subordinate Heavenly Kings don't seem to like him so much...just my feeling though!
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O/////O En dos minutos, lo acabe en dos minutos.
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What Once Was
“Who is he?” A new Nguuhao member named Achara asks the nineteen-year-old that brought him in.
Fifteen-year-old Achara is asking about a too tall, too thin man seated at the head of the head table. It is clear the man is of high standing within the cartel.
“The F.A.N.G of the Nguuhao. He started running our group two years ago,” says Chalermchai, the nineteen-year-old that brought Achara in.
“What can you tell me about him?” Achara asks.
“All I can say is he has earned his rank. It is rumored that he killed off most of the members that were brought in with him when he entered the Nguuhao. It may be a combination of that and the poison slowly killed most of them off over time or it could just the poison and bad luck on their part. By the time he was nineteen, he had already earned a high position within the cartel but at a price. He was already hardened by life but losing his lover, Udon, only made it worse. That’s what pushed him even further to succeed. He hasn’t loved since,” Chalermchai says. “He brought it upon himself though by falling in love. We can’t love.”
“But why?”
“It is not for a Nguuhao to want. It is not for a Nguuhao to feel. A Nguuhao is an artist of the assassin world. We stalk, we kill. We entertain, whatever is needed. The rest is shadows, the rest is secret,” Chalermchai explains.
Achara watches as F.A.N.G, T.U.S.K, and T.A.I.L get up from the table. He is surprised by the sheer height of F.A.N.G. He notices the gaunt face, the dark brown, almond-shaped eyes that seem to take in every detail, but most of all, he notices the odd, almost Geisha-like grace that F.A.N.G has when he walks. As the three men walk past, F.A.N.G’s gaze flickers to Achara for a few seconds.
Achara is taken with the weirdness of the Nguuhao leader’s grace and presence. He was torn away from his family, he was torn away from his friends and everything he knew and loved and he was thrown into this life of poison and assassination. He felt that F.A.N.G was a kindred spirit. Achara becomes soon becomes a fixture in F.A.N.G’s life. It is F.A.N.G that teaches him the ways of the Poison Hand and the art of moving quickly and quietly. F.A.N.G was a harsh but effective teacher. He expected the best of his cartel.
F.A.N.G’s talent for organization rubbed off on Achara. It was something that Achara came to appreciate and utilize in his everyday life. In time, Achara becomes F.A.N.G’s Golden Child. With that tile came great responsibility. Everyone watched him, watched his every move but he also a certain amount of privilege with that title tacked to his name.
When the Nguuhao was sent out to kill Bison, F.A.N.G took T.U.S.K and T.A.I.L. with him. F.A.N.G made Achara stay behind. He told Achara to start over with a new life if something happened to the cartel. When the Nguuhao folded, it was rumored that all of them had died.
There was, in fact, two that had survived. One went on to lead a normal life. The other went on to become the second most powerful man in Shadaloo. Achara often wondered if F.A.N.G’s death was quick and painless. As far as he knew, F.A.N.G was gone. F.A.N.G’S thoughts often wondered to how Achara was doing in his new life, if Achara went on to have a normal life or if he stayed in a life of crime and how he was doing in whatever life he chose to lead.
Achara wound up living a reasonably normal life. He went and finished school and went on to college. He then managed to find a job in weapons. It was in this job that he witnesses a weapons deal going sour and a too tall, too thin Chinese man with a purple, silk changshan, black hair, sunglasses, black Chinese capris, black shoes, and red long socks. It could not be… It could not be F.A.N.G, he was almost certain it was. He watched as a long, slender, taloned, purple-tinged hand swiped at a guard. The nails hit their mark and killed the guard.
“F.A.N.G!” Achara calls out as the too tall, too thin man and his four cohorts run into the night.
F.A.N.G pauses ever so briefly at hearing his name called.
“Achara,” he thinks as he continues to run. He does not bother to stop, slow down or even acknowledge the call. He keeps running. He is happy that one Nguuhao member has a chance of normalcy. Achara is happy and content that F.A.N.G has possibly survived the attack against the Nguuao cartel. Achara thinks about what F.A.N.G once said.
“I shall and will be on the side that kills… I will not be on the side that is killed.”
Those words have been etched in Achara’s mind ever since and always will.
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fedorasaurus · 6 years
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Fun fact: if you’re my friend and I find out that I just missed your birthday, I’ll spontaneously draw a character that I think you like as a gift. (I’m also very forgetful about birthdays and sometimes need to be reminded about them, so please tell me when y’all were born so that you too can have an eye-strainy picture of your fave when the time comes)
Sometimes I also use it as an excuse to experiment with colors and filters.
Anyway, enjoy a chocolate strawberry F.A.N.G, Fumi!
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vurnett · 7 years
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Nguuhao Soldiers. Info gathering, market research, various negotiations.
The Nguuhao is one of the largest cartels in Asia. It is infamous for kidnapping children to train and use them as assassins who wield weaponized poisons. F.A.N.G was a member of the organization before joining Shadaloo.
Nguuhao pretended to make an alliance with Shadaloo, but one month later they attempted to murder M. Bison. Except for F.A.N.G, all members present in the attack were killed. F.A.N.G, impressed with M. Bison’s strength, decided to become his loyal follower.
As a rule of the organization, Nguuhao’s members cannot expose their true names nor can they reveal the techniques they learn. All members start off by learning the basic use of poisons, before beginning to hone their own personal techniques.
#Nguuhao Soldier  
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remy2fang · 3 months
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I remember back in January, atgrbread mentioned that F.A.N.G forbids A.K.I. for calling him “Shifu” in the Japanese version of the game. This word is spelled differently depending on the context in Chinese, but the spelling in question is 師父, which has a “fatherly” connotation. Deep down, A.K.I. wanted to call F.A.N.G Shifu (fatherly master) because that’s how much she loves him 💜💜. Sadly, F.A.N.G forbids it because the term has an emotional attachment to it. So A.K.I. opted for “Xiansheng”(先生), which means teacher/sensei/sir/Mr…and secretly in her mind “husband.” Tbf, she already formed a crush on him when she first met him as a kid. It’s F.A.N.G’s fault for not settling for Shifu lol 😂😅😂😅
But then that got me thinking even further. Perhaps F.A.N.G doesn’t want to be called “father” because it would remind him of the time when his “brothers” called him their “brother.” He was very close to them, like family. And then he was tasked by the Nguuhao organization to kill all of them in order to become the ultimate poison master. It’s either him or them. And that’s the day where he swore off from having emotional attachments towards anyone in his line of work. I can imagine that being called “father” would bring back painful memories to F.A.N.G, and that’s probably why he doesn’t want A.K.I. calling him that. Maybe also perhaps F.A.N.G doesn’t want A.K.I. to go through the same emotional turmoil like he went through in his past. That’s probably why he makes a point that she shouldn’t get too attached to him, especially if there may come a time when they are pitted against each other. Although A.K.I. understands this, she secretly disobeyed because she loves him that much. She can’t change her feelings, even if F.A.N.G would disapprove.
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Fanart of F.A.N.G and 3 of his “brothers.”
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F.A.N.G’s first professional job.
I can see why I often find cute F.A.N.G & A.K.I. fanart by mostly artists from Japan and China. The Shifu “fatherly master” part is mentioned in these languages, thus it sends out more emotional impact. I wish the localization didn’t omit this detail. We’re definitely missing out on something that’s very poignant.
Happy Father’s Day, F.A.N.G 🥲🥲
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saikyo-rat · 4 years
Neco drop poison tongue except he’s Nguuhao
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Dear Shanghai (Pt 2)
The young woman is introduced as Ada. Over the span of three months, F.A.N.G takes note of her organizational skills and streak of curiosity. Her knack for curiosity could also be her down fall. He brings this up to her as she settles down across from him with two cups of tea.
“You do know that curiosity killed the cat,” he muses as she slides one of the cups to him with care.
“Yes, but satisfaction brought it back,” She says with a hint of a grin.
“三思而后行,”He tells her.
“Always. Think before you leap and live every day like it’s your last,” she says.
F.A.N.G looks a bit impressed. For once, he isn’t wearing his sunglasses. Ada smiles softly.
“You’ve rubbed off on me… and on Phantom,” Ada admits.
She studies long, slender gloved hands as she and F.A.N.G both take a drink out of their respective cups. She knows exactly what those hands are capable of. She has heard war stories of the people with the poison hands from her grandfather.
During World War 2, her grandfather had met a Chinese woman with hands coated in purple poison. They had fallen in love and had an affair during his time in China. After he’d left, he received only one letter from her roughly ten months later saying she had given birth to their son. Her grandfather had kept this secret up until he was on his death bed. Could F.A.N.G be a half cousin?
She remembers the woman’s name and quietly asks F.A.N.G about it. He seems genuinely shocked by this. He stares at her for what feels like an eternity.
“How do you know that name?”
“My grandfather… He fought in World War 2. He had an affair and a son with her,” Ada says.
F.A.N.G stands and goes to a bookshelf. He brings out a large book filled with notes. He carefully opens it and carefully goes through the pages before stopping. The writing is in Japanese.
“My kind was made by Unit 731 during the war. At least the first generation was. The woman in question was killed by them in 1945 along with her son at the end of the war. After the war they tried to destroy as many notes and Nguuhao members as possible. Some of the members fled and hid and took some of the notes with them,” He admits.
He gives exact dates. F.A.N.G also tells Ada of his own ties to Unit 731 and how one of the leaders was a great grandfather. Of how he made use of the surviving notes in his own experiments. Ada also learns of his familial ties to Chairman Mao and his fourth wife. He swears Ada to secrecy. She promises her loyalty to him. She is as loyal to F.A.N.G as F.A.N.G was to M. Bison.
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fedorasaurus · 5 years
For the questions about the character, could you do Nash, fang, and bison? Sorry if it’s too much, but thank you in advance
No problem! I enjoy discussing characters that I’m fond of.
favorite thing about them - I really, really like that they put a “face” to the “dead best friend” that Guile’s whole motivation revolves around in Street Fighter II. Making Charlie Nash a playable character in Street Fighter Alpha gives a whole other level to the lore beyond a vague relation to one man who would eventually avenge his murder. Both of them being real, lovable characters makes me appreciate them that much more, and puts that much greater of an emotional impact on Charlie’s death and resurrection.
least favorite thing about them - (THIS ANSWER CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE GENERAL STORY OF STREET FIGHTER V) It disappoints me that Charlie gets killed off in multiple games and other media. The first time is fine, but was it really necessary to bring him back in SFV, only to have him sacrifice himself at the end, to no avail? I understand that the plot is maybe going for a theme of the futility of seeking vengeance above all else, but it gets complicated when you consider that Charlie was pushed along as hard as he was by Kolin pressuring him to accomplish HER goals. I’d have preferred if they let him, you know, reunite properly with Guile and team up to fight Bison together, rather than him feeling obligated to take the challenge on alone. Let Nash live for once, eh, Capcom? There’s more to him than “dead best friend!”
favorite line - Shameful, but his “you nervous?” taunt gives me the shivers, bigtime.
brOTP - Hands down, his interactions with Rashid are so pure. A little one-sided due to Nash’s coldness during the story, but seriously, the way Rashid is so open and friendly to him despite having just met this grumpy undead man, it makes me want to see the two of them hanging out more. He’s good for his mental health!
OTP - GUILE GUILE GUILE GUILE I’ve been shipping GuileNash since I first ever got into the SF series with Street Fighter Alpha a million years ago. I love them so much, you wouldn’t believe. My heart melts over best friends in love!
nOTP - Charlie/Bison isn’t really my jam.
random headcanon - Nash and Guile have a lot of stupid inside jokes between them. When they reunited during the storyline of SFV, it was a reference to one of the jokes that made Charlie smile again for the first time in years.
unpopular opinion - I don’t know if this is unpopular or not, but I prefer his young, pretty look over his SFV zombie look with the greenish parts stitched on. I get it, he’s been resurrected, no need to drive the point home THAT hard with “Frankenstein’s monster” aesthetics! But, that said, his new look has grown on me quite a bit!
song i associate with them - Maybe Monster, by Starset, if we’re talking Street Fighter V era.
favorite picture of them - I commissioned this artwork of Captain Commando Nash from AirSlasher on Twitter a while back, and it turned out so damned good, I’ve used it as the background image on my tablet ever since:
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(This post is getting long, so the others are going under a pagebreak!)
favorite thing about them - His whole… over-the-top 90′s villain shtick. His high-energy personality and screechy voice not unlike a squawking bird, it slays me!
least favorite thing about them - As much as he cracks me up, I got real uncomfortable when he started threatening the kid characters. Even if it was empty threats, come on, dude. You don’t threaten kids.
favorite line - “LORD BISON WAIT FOR MEEEEE!”
brOTP - I love his banter with the other Shadaloo bosses. Both Vega and Balrog have that fantastic family/rival dynamic going on with him.
OTP - F.A.N.G / M. Bison is really, really good, man. I have… fanfics.
nOTP - I’ve seen F.A.N.G / Rashid, and I understand that people started shipping them before there was actual story context to make it… bad… but yeah… I’m uncomfortable with that ship. I mean, I guess Rashid is a kind and forgiving dude, but it would take a lot in my eyes for that ship to be good for me. Rashid deserves someone who doesn’t gloat about hurting people he cares about.
random headcanon - The reason M. Bison is a sexy silver fox in SFV is because that’s F.A.N.G’s type. If he’s responsible for bringing the boss man back, he’s gotta have him looking his BEST.
unpopular opinion - M. Bison is technically the “big bad,” but honestly? F.A.N.G is the main antagonist of Street Fighter V.
song i associate with them - Nnnghh stupid and obvious answer, but Poison, by Alice Cooper (also the cover by Groove Coverage which is more my music style preference than the original, as great as AC is!)
favorite picture of them - No picture in particular, but I really like his Nguuhao outfit. He was cute when he was young and had long hair!
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M. Bison
favorite thing about them - Sexy silver fox.
least favorite thing about them - He killed my favorite Street Fighter character at least once, so I can only enjoy him but so much!
favorite line - Not a specific line, but the time in SFA3 when he called Sodom a piece of trash and then suddenly became interested in fighting him when he said he wanted to show him his special moves was pretty great. It’s such a M. Bison thing to give a person the time of day when they offer to show him their strength, even if that person is a big goofy weeaboo who maybe isn’t entirely prepared to fight a supervillain, but who has a hell of a lot of heart.
brOTP - Depending on the continuity, I could definitely see him being bros with Zangief and/or Sagat!
OTP - F.A.N.G / Bison is still amazing, t-trust me guys.
nOTP - Bison/Nash, Bison/Guile, but also I really don’t ship Bison/Rolento at all anymore. I know I was big on that for a while, but man, I’m way more inclined nowadays to want the villains hook up with a loyal villain in their own faction, you know?
random headcanon - After possessing Rose’s body, M. Bison held onto some of her traits, such as a sense of fashion and a love of taking baths. Considering that they share a soul, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have overlapping interests despite being on opposite sides of moral alignment! (Anyway, he’d look amazing in her sort of fancy clothes, and also that stink man is in need of a bath, if you ask me)
unpopular opinion - I don’t want Tumblr’s rules to get on me about this, but let’s just say I see him as being the ah… submissive type, if you know what I mean!
song i associate with them - Uhhh maybe Telepathic by Starset? I’ve been listening to a lot of Starset lately. The songs that come to mind are usually from their albums!
favorite picture of them - Did you mean “the best M. Bison alt costume in the entire series?” We got ourselves a sexy silver fox in a low-cut leather suit with his tiddy out and everything. Does it get better than this?
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Honorable mention: this part in the Street Fighter Animated Series:
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remy2fang · 1 year
The Parallels of F.A.N.G and A.K.I.’s Story
I wrote about this back in June 17, 2022. Basically at a time when no one knew anything about AKI. Her nationality, name, and purple-tipped claws had F.A.N.G mains and lore enthusiasts point to FANG’s apprentice, Phantom. Anyway, I’ll share what I wrote on that day here:
I just recently noticed that the introduction stories to both F.A.N.G and A.K.I (presumably Phantom) parallel each other.
FANG and the Nguuhao laid a trap for M. Bison in order to kill him. Plan failed. AKI and her “older brother” laid a trap on FANG so that they could blackmail him. Plan failed.
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To avoid death, FANG swore allegiance to Bison, but Bison saw strength within FANG and had him join Shadaloo. FANG eventually became one of the Four Heavenly Kings.
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Both FANG and AKI experienced poverty for most of their lives. FANG was kidnapped at a young age by the Nguuhao and was trained as an assassin of the poison arts as well as the use of weapons and technology. Everyday he had to survive and try not to get killed in the process.
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For AKI, nothing much is known about her except she lived in poverty for her whole life and couldn’t read because she never went to school. She plays as an amateur prostitute, perhaps per direction from her “older brother,” to get by in life. From the sounds of it, she was probably not even a real prostitute because FANG noted that her expressions and presentation was off, and she was merely pulling him in for a trap. He wasn’t interested in her in a sexual manner, but was more curious because he saw strength in her and was reminded of himself and his past struggle with life. Also noted that AKI is actually older than she looks and only pretends to be younger than she is in order to draw in clients.
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The way the two learned poison is that FANG had no choice when he learned the poison arts because it was a kill or be killed situation for him.
I like how AKI was given a choice and decided to go with FANG in hopes of improving her life. FANG on the other hand, had no choice when he learned the poison arts because he was kidnapped by Nguuhao as a child, and was forced to learn it alongside with many other children, and so many died because of it.
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But AKI is different because FANG sensed how strong she was and knew she could handle the ordeal.
From the sounds of it, what AKI has that FANG doesn’t is courage. FANG has a fear of dying while AKI was ready to face the challenge ahead of her, no matter how dangerous it is. She’s not afraid to die—anywhere and anything would be better than her current predicament in poverty.
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As said earlier, FANG was forced to learn the poison arts in order to avoid getting killed by his superiors as a child. AKI on the other hand was naturally drawn to the poison powers coming from the dagger.
———. END
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remy2fang · 8 months
More indications for F.A.N.G’s possibility to return playable for Street Fighter 6
In other words, let me spew my thoughts like every other hopeful fan…and also a lot of things I said in the past end up becoming true one way or another. Let me try my luck even further lol.
I made posts about this topic, which can be read HERE. I have more that I wrote back in December 2023:
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That third emoji.
When I saw that before any of the SF6 stuff being promoted, I thought it was supposed to depict the illustration where F.A.N.G and Phantom were walking away in the city.
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Now that we know A.K.I.’s character, this emoji could be interpreted on how she feels about F.A.N.G lol.
But after thinking about it, maybe the emoji that was used for the 3rd chapter of Toxicity was supposed to portray F.A.N.G and A.K.I. as complementary characters. Like, not only do they both essentially work as a duo team in their medicine work, but it’s kinda shown with the way they’re played in the SFV (FANG) and SF6 (AKI). AKI excels over FANG when it comes to offense, walk speed, cool set ups, awesome unique new moves, and no charge (lmao), but she does have major weaknesses like slow normals and startups and hurtboxes bigger than they should be. Whereas it’s the opposite for FANG for almost all of them (low damage output, slow walk and jump, but lightning speed normals with good poking range). Also, FANG’s slides are better, his coward crouch is spammable lol, and Ryobenda is better than Orchid imo. I know it’s all just wishful thinking here, but I think it’s possible for FANG to comeback playable in the same game with AKI because both their play styles are foils to each other. They just gotta spice up FANG’s kit for SF6, like how they did for all returning characters. That double-headed emoji had me thinking for a long time, and it looks like Capcom wanted to have 2 poison characters in the game, considering how different FANG and AKI play from each other.
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Another clue is F.A.N.G’s Nguuhao dagger. In Toxicity, the importance of his dagger was frequently mentioned. It holds the secrets of the poison hand and FANG used it to kill his friends as his first assigned job. AKI saw the dagger’s power when she first met FANG and decided to join him. Oddly enough during AKI’s World Tour story, she made no mention about the dagger. In WT when she described the time when she first met FANG, she said she was very interested in learning everything about FANG. But nothing about the dagger. I’m wondering if the dagger will just stay in the Toxicity story? But perhaps Capcom is saving the dagger for later in SF6…maybe for a FANG story to tell. If FANG were to be playable, it would be cool if he utilizes his dagger for his kit. I mean, look at his new design. He lost the sleeves and have a more tight look to him. He has the design that could whip a knife out. It’s even described that he could move quickly and effortlessly in Toxicity. I’d like to see this FANG in action.
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I know FANG is hated in the vast majority of the fandom and that only the truest people of culture appreciated him, but I could tell that Capcom wanted to turn him into a more appealing character for the wider fighting game audience. Why else would they give FANG his own 3-part story that showed a nuance perspective on him, have him alluded in AKI’s Battle Pass, have AKI be loving, supporting, and doing a lot of PR work for him, has a cool new look and personality, and his own story goal to revive Shadaloo? I think they want to make FANG likable in preparation to make him playable again. To some extent, I can see the parallels with how both he and Luke are handled. When Luke came out for SFV, he was HATED by the community. The only people that liked him were people who mained him, the very few fangirls at the time, and myself (I thought his backstory was interesting). People didn’t like how Capcom “pushed” him to become the new face for Street Fighter and made him top tier. Only after SF6 came out and the amount of social media posts Aleks Le made, Luke is not hated anymore from what I’ve seen. In fact, a lot of female players enjoy him along with Jamie haha. I see the same thing for FANG, but on a much smaller scale.
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Those are my thoughts. Whether F.A.N.G becomes playable or not, time will tell. I just know we’ll see more of him in later dlc because of unused audio files and where the SF6 plot is going.
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remy2fang · 1 year
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F.A.N.G and F.A.N.G hanging out at Cammy’s English Manor (Fraserburgh Castle) stage in Street Fighter V.
I took these screenshots while playing around with the Pose Script that’s enabled by Cheat Engine. I thought it was neat and it shows how big and grand these stages are. Despite what people say, I think Street Fighter V is game made with love. Just seeing all the details put into it made me realize this.
Anyway, this was also the time when I made a video tutorial on how to do the free camera and pose script for this game. I happy people actually find it useful. Just one other thing I did right lol
Here’s the tutorial:
Considering that Street Fighter V is coming to a close with SF6 coming up, I just want to say that the Free Cam and Posing tools for that is WAAAAAY EASIER to use than that of SFV lol
Thanks for reading!
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