admxans · 2 months
Восстановление Ni-Cd аккумулятора после падения
Есть у отца садовые фонарики с аккумуляторами формата АА 1.2в 300 мА Ni-Cd. Довольно старые - лет 12 или больше. Большая часть работает, а парочку пришлось восстановить. Пришло время их отдавать, и когда нёс - один аккумулятор выпал из рук и упал с высоты 1 метр на пол из ламината. И хорошо, что я решил проверить его перед отдачей - аккумулятор был мёрт, полное КЗ. Подписал RIP и закинул в шкаф. Тут недавно вспомнил про него и решил поэкспериментировать. Мультиметр показывал менее 45 Ом сопротивление и 0 вольт. Тогда я решил немного постучать аккумулятор об стол. Внезапно появилось напряжение 0.2 вольта, но быстро падало. Рядом валялся заряженный lion 18650. У меня появилась идея пережечь замыкание. Соединил параллельно оба акб - минус к минусу, плюс к плюсу. Соединял на пару секунд пару раз. Ток при этом достигал почти 3А. После этого на испытуемом аккумуляторе появилось номинальное напряжение. Я поставил его на зарядку. Первый заряд происходил долго 560 мА влезло! Разряд дал примерно 230-270 мА (забыл, но примерно как у всех остальных). Повторный заряд прошёл значительно быстрее. Аккумулятор напряжение держит. Во всяком случае на пару суток хватает. А больше и не нужно - фонарики повторяют цикл заряд/разряд каждые сутки.
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beatriceportinari · 2 months
i'm so glad "what if some weird rude teenage girl was immortal" is somewhat of a genre
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odysseys-blood · 4 months
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literally how i feel any time i read this line. absolutely NOT
i think he's a great mirror type character for the mc depending on how much you draw on the default ra-on and their characterization, but more specifically their feeling of inferiority to solomon (which i take for my mc loyal). both the mc and bael are stuck filling in for a role for a king that neither feels they're well equipped for or were even born to hold and the fact that bael's so used to taking the fall that he's automatically ready to do it for you too is just. man. orz
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aurora-nebbins · 1 year
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doinggreat · 3 months
that clip will be overused sooo much. every jude bdor “truther” wont shut up about it. just a minute away from calling him the goat
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actuallysaiyan · 4 months
Mov safron burgerdy geen.
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You are amazing thank you for coming into my life
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pieces-of-memories · 1 year
ESH, do you miss POM's creator?
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the-one-that-weeps · 1 month
when u have the time hoc can u tell me more about ospreys :o i think we have some by where i live but i dont know very much ab them
*rubs hands* if you wish...
Ospreys are the only (living) member of the family Pandionidae and genus Pandion. The etymological origins of "osprey" remain obscure, but they're often referred to as "Pandion haliaetus", haliaetus being a mix of the greek roots for sea and eagle.
Which is basically what they are! They're the only hawks that eat fish (they can eat other prey too. Actually there are recorded mentions of ospreys eating a deer because they were hungry). But that alone has made them evolve in such interesting ways they can't really compare. They have closable nostrils. They have reversible toes (only owls can do that). They have a 70% range of success (other hawks can have ONE IN TWELVE success rate, for comparison). There is also this thing which I just learnt but I find it funny.
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They also migrate. Seeing you're from the US you have haliaetus carolinensis in your area, those migrate to South America (unless you're in California or Florida because the climate is Just Right for them there and they can't be bothered to leave). Other than that they're creatures of habit- there are osprey nests that are still being used that have over 60 years. Nobody bothers trying to find a new one if you have one right here from dead great great uncle Bill right next to you lol.
They also mate for life! But as with most hawks there are instances of switching mates and even multiple mates. It happens rarely though, which has lead to multiple cultures, such as the Chinese, to see them as a symbol of fidelity.
They're actually one of the most difficult birds to train according to most falconers. Which is ironic because they're also absolute failures and the #1 natural reason for osprey death is them DROWNING before catching the fish.
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Have this image from my favourite falconry book of all time. This was the exact moment when little hoc suddenly fell in love with ospreys
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coffinbutch · 9 months
Finished another cross stitch project! I haven't decided what to do with this yet, maybe a patch for my backpack or the back pocket of some pants
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spiderwebd · 7 months
i wanted to thank you for all ur nice words on my posts aaaa! i rly wish i could directly reply to ur tags but i don't wanna be annoying lol <:] ur seriously wonderful
Its 1 am right now thank you thank uou thank you slash gen
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feyd-meowtha · 1 month
me scrolling AO3 Clegan tag: oh the fic is called Born Slippy? Like Born Slippy Nuxx? That’s kind of obscure? Is it? Huh. Neat.
me scrolls for half a second literally to the summary: …oh. Yeah, that makes sense.
Hehehehehehehehehehe 👽
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kabutoden · 9 months
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hate drawing backgrounds. totally stuck on this one : ( BUMMER
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justapalspal · 6 months
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I did it!!!!!! Everything!!!! Everything is painted!!!!!!!!!! Now to dry and then iron the paint tomorrow to set it
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videostak · 6 months
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i didnt splurge today you splurged today.. all over me sheets too just after i washed them whats ur problem
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filthy-rat · 7 months
trying to find a boyfriend
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calypsolemon · 1 year
enjoying owl house without giving a singular solid shit about shipping is rly funny from the looks of the tags
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