#he does so much and still feels like itll never be enough
odysseys-blood · 4 months
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literally how i feel any time i read this line. absolutely NOT
i think he's a great mirror type character for the mc depending on how much you draw on the default ra-on and their characterization, but more specifically their feeling of inferiority to solomon (which i take for my mc loyal). both the mc and bael are stuck filling in for a role for a king that neither feels they're well equipped for or were even born to hold and the fact that bael's so used to taking the fall that he's automatically ready to do it for you too is just. man. orz
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mxdotpng · 5 months
the zestiria anime fixes and also messes up many things at the exact same time its actually kind of impressive i have to salute them for it
#.text#zestiria#i mentioned this elsewhere but i really really loved sorey and mikleos argument in the game.#like i love it so much.#mikleo is angry because sorey wont let him fight for the sake of protecting sorey - and. to be honest. himself. he is much less#in danger of succumbing to malevolence as a sublord - and sorey is angry that mikleo doesnt understand that he doesnt want#him to be put into danger especially for the sake of. Sorey. of all people. he wants mikleo to be safe. much like how#mikleo wants sorey to be safe#and i wish mikleo had been more fussy abt sorey being so. like. 'willing' isnt extreme enough of a word really.#but how he was so willing to make alisha his squire at the sake of his own health and his own life#whereas he outright refused mikleo wanting to be his sublord at every chance. because. well if i were mikleo thatd piss me off so. much#mikleo never blew his casket though even though he wouldve been in the right so u know maybe hes better than me#but i also do genuinely love how mikleo realizes hes lost. Without all of that. and it isnt entirely because of sorey either#i think mikleo does suffer a lot from. hilariously. having a character too ingrained into sorey. much like woman love interests go figure..#so him realizing that his entire life has been with and For sorey and now that he has this destiny & they stand on diverging paths#mikleo doesnt know what his life is supposed to be or what kind of person hes supposed to become. is good. thats good.#and i like it a lot#but oh my god i MISS that argument it like. said so much about sorey and mikleos characters#it pretty much set the stage for soreys self sacrificial tendancies and how he has little regard for his own safety#and mikleos devotion and loyalty. as well as his fear of losing too early the one thing in his life he knows he wont have for long#does this make any sense im just saying words now#idk im still watching maybe itll happen in the next episode!! if it does then DISREGARD EVERYTHING IVE SAID#tho the anime DOES mess up a lot of things -- im not fond of the way the bersy section played out#it isnt bad that its different however some choices feel ... absurd ? to me#ok back to my hw bye!
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lady-dragon-rider · 23 days
The Bloody Raven and the Mad Witch. Pt.1
Davos/Benjicot Blackwood x Reader
When a trail ride goes wrong Reader finds that they have stumbled into the worst world possible. The universe of ASoIaF.
The young Raventree heir stumbles upon a crazy lady in the heart of their godswood while out on patrol.
Cotains: Bookworm!Reader, Realm travel/Isekai (outlander style), 'witchy' powers, cannon divergence, superstitious men.
Featuring: protective birb friends (ravens become fond of Reader), theatre kid!Reader
You dont remember how you ended up in this situation. How a simple trail ride, on a horse who youve had since childhood and has never once dropped you, go so wrong?
It was a trail you had taken thousands of times before, just outside your grandparents farm. Both of you knew it like the back of your hand. And even though it had rained a little the night before you were more than confidence in you and Roach - your horse. "Itll be fine grandma, thr rain wasnt that heavy and its more than dry now" you assured the older lady, gripping her hands tightly in comfort "ill be back before you know it."
But that was before your dear equine friend unknowingly stepped on loose earth, soft from the previous wet weather. Roach had stumbled, and paniced a little, but had ultimately recovered from the incident. You however, werent quick enough. You barely miss the reigns as you fall in what feels like slow motion.
You tumble down the slope, rocks and branches snagging themselves on your clothes and skin. Bright light bursts behind your eyelids as make heavy contact with a tree which knocks the wind out of you. When you finally stop rolling, huff out heaved gasps and mentally take stock.
No broken bones... at least, that i can tell... but everything seriously hurts.... im just gonna lay here for a bit...
"Oi... is that a girl?" You hear shifting and shuffling from out in the darkness where you lay.
The shuffling gets closer and you can hear the voice of three, maybe four boys. "Yeah thats definitely a girl! She seems badly injured, quickly, check if shes alive!" One of the boys, you assume their leader, command. A hurried pair of steps approaches you. You bite back a groan as he turns you over, keeping your eyes closed as you stayed as limp and still as possible.
Fingers feel around your throat for a pulse. Which, given that you are very much still alove and breathing, the young man finds almost instantly.
"She's Alive Benji! What do you want to do? Wont we get in trouble if we tried to bring her back to Raventree?"
Wait.... Benji? Raventree?... Oh no... that would mean im in the universe of a song of ice and fire! Crap thats not good, but its fine youve read the books you know what will happen... maybe we can can use this to our advantage.. you think. A thousand different options running through you head.
"Well we cant leave her here either. Not only is it getting dark, she was found in our godswood and needs to be sharply questioned as to who she is." Benji says in a cool tone, getting onto his horse. "She will ride with me. To ensure no funny business, now lets go"
The guy beside you nods and lifts you up, causing pain to shoot through your aching limbs. You hiss and groan as you are jostled and manhandled unto Benjicots mount; a beautiful dark brown horse. Try as you might to move your body does not seem to listen. Leaving you in the arms of your Blackwood captor. "Behave miss, and i promise no harm shall come to you."
You mumble incoherently as pain and fatigue take your muscles into the world of dreams.
The next time you wake up is upon your arrival at Raventree. You dont remember much of the ride, but the ache in your muscle's has certainly lessened. You're eased off the horse and then immediately bound and lead to where you assume the main hall area is.
"You dont have to be so rough you know, its not like i can fight or anything..." you grumble loudly, gaining the stink-eye from a couple of the surrounding men. The double doors open and before you is a lavish grand hall, two long tables line the east and west wall and an even grander one stands at the head of the room. At the head table several older men are sat, grim looks dorne their faces. You are able to take in much else as your roughly shoved before them, tripping and just barely managing to catch yourself. You turn and glare at the one who did it, and he seemingly flinches under your white hot gaze.
"Benjicot. What is the meaning on this? Who is this girl and why is she here? And in a state like this no less, i sincerely hope this wasnt any of your doing" a bearded man murmurs, a scolding tone on his lips
"Of course not Uncle. The boy and i were pratolling near the godwood when we heard some shuffling in the undergrowth followed by some sort of light. We thought it may have been some Brackens trying to hurt the godswood but discovered her instead" He explains as he motions to you "it looked like she had attacked or something and thought it would be best to bring her here for questioning."
Another man, more closely resembling benjicot give you an appraising look "Step forward girl. Let me look at you"
"A please would be nice" you hiss as you do as your told. Stepping forward and giving a slow spin to give him a full look. "I can assure you. I am no Bracken. I am a nobody."
"Then what were you doing in our woods?"
You straighten at the tension that fills the room with that single sentence. You cant very well tell them the truth, they would think you crazy and cut your head off or something. So, in times of crisis you know to do one thing; improvise. "Collecting herbs, but you son was right, i was attacked. I ended up dropping my things in my haste to get away and ended up in your... 'godswood'" you say feigning innocence.
"My lords, may i remind you that witches and other such characters would be the only one lurking around the woods at night." A greying man says knowingly "we should turn this wench away lest we call ill omens upon our house"
"I would advise against that my lords" you counter quickly "that may have the opposite affect. And while im not in the habit of curse the family that has helped me, that may be the case if you turn me away after your dear son has travelled all this way to see my wounds are tended to"
"Is that a threat witch?!" The elderly man shouts now standing and slaming his hand on the table "i will have your head"
"The opposite my lords." You snap "i only wish to be of use to the young lord who helped me. And if i my be emboldened to ask you a few questions, it would appear that the fright from me attack has rendered me a little dazed." You bat your eyelashes and the faces of whom you recognise as Benjicot's father and uncle seem to soften.
"What would you wish to know child" Samwell asked calmly
"There isnt a subtle way to say this.... but isthe king dead yet?" You say. Commotion erupts almost immediately.
"How dare you!-"
"To spew such treason!"
"Take her head she is cursing the king!"
"SLIENCE!" Samwell shouted "Girl. Explain. NOW"
"Fire licks that heels of familys green and black, and soon the drums a war will beat a tune that makes the dragons dance." You say vaugely "to put simply, everything will change and your family and all you love will burn. I wish to prevent that, to honor the service your son has brought upon me" you glance at benjicot.
A beat of silence before Samwell answers "Yes, he still lives as i am aware. But his health has declined in recent months..." he says grimly.
A relieved smile comes across your face.
"Good...that means i may be able to stop this.... if youll excuse me" you say, before you bolt out of the room.
You do your best to pay no mind to the men clamour as they begin to chase after you.
Now where is it....
Frantic, you search for your prey - the weirdwood tree. "Come on.... come onnn... There!" At breakneck speed you rush to the tree placing your hands on it you rant quietly. "Please. You know im not from here, you brought me here for a reason please let it be this. Use me as your vessel, i am an empty cup with no ties to this world. Let me protect the young dragons and keep the peace and balance. Please if youre real and can hear me... please dont make me look stupid for doing this before i die."
"There! Stop her!"
Panic and fear grip you as you desperately plea for something to happen. Suddenly, a strange powerful surge of energy course through your veins making the hairs on the back of neck stand up. You then find yourself in darkness.
Several scenes wisk past you, Rhaenyra at Dragonstone; alone at the painted table on the verge of falling asleep. Helaena by the windowsill of the childrens quarters at kings landing; embroidering and looking somber. Aegon in his bedchambers drinking to drown another day away. And little prince luke, tossing and turning in a fevered sweat.
Your mind wanders to Aegon, how he doesnt want to be king, and how this night will be the last he has before it all goes to shit. Youre then in the room with him. It startles him, having a random woman appear before him his half empty cup hits the floor as he stands "wha- who are you?! How did you get in here?!"
"Sshhhh my prince please, im at your mercy! Im only hear as a messager. I need you to listen my beloved prince" you plead, surging forward and and taking his hands gently in yours "something terrible will happen this night. Your father will succumb to his sickness and pass away in his sleep."
"What...? He will..." the revelation seems to knock the wind out of his sails and he sits back down. His hands tremble as they grab back at yours "how do you know? Why are you telling me this?" His voice breaks
"Because. I know you, and know you do not wish to be king. Your mother will have you crowned in the next coming days after his passing, claiming that he whispered your name before he passed. But it is a lie, she misheard him as he lay dreaming within his sleep." You say fudging the truth just a little "if you truly have no wish for the throne. Take your children. Take your wife, and fly swiftly to your sister at dragonstone and bend the knee. She would never harm you, you are her blood."
"But my mother said-"
"She is a mother and will always worrt about her childrens well-being. But she has been manipulated by people who wish to year your family apart. I promise i will explain everything when we meet. There is not enough time to explain it here" you reason, moving your hand to place it on this his cheek. He leans into your touch before you stand and back away. "Go swiftly my sweet prince"
"Please tell me your name!" He cries
The scene changes and you stand before Helaena, who unlike Aegon is not surpirsed by your presence. "Aegon is coming to collect you. I can assume you know why?"
"Hand turns loom; spool of green spool of black, dragon of flesh weave dragons of thread" she says knowingly. You nod.
"I wish to save you from the fallout of what may happen. You will be happier not being queen." She acknowledges you with a slight smile. "Dear Helaena, prepare the children. We shall meet soon."
By the third change you begin to get the hang of the power, gliding with the flow of power rather than forcing it. A hand on the black queens shoulder startles her awake. But you silence her.
"Something terrible will happen this night my queen, your father will pass tonight due to his illness and in his wife Alicent will try and crown Aegon as king."
"What?!" She says standing and stumbling as the chair hits the floor. Her breathing become panicked as she stares at you with wild eyes "who are you, how are you here and why are you telling me this?!" She stresses anger flaring her nostrils "tell me now!"
"I am but a servant of your my queen. Here to warn. To help. I wish to see you take your rightful place. I have taken steps to bring Aegon and Helaena to you along with their children. They will swear to you and help protect your claim" you soothe, falling to your knees and staring at her. "Aegon does not wish to be king. He will be here on the morrow i swear it."
"And if he is not?" She asks, calm be very clearly skeptical
"Then my name is (Name) and i am at Raventree Hall. You can come collect my head for this slander, and i shall expect the punishment with gladness." You say with confidence "and one more thing, if Aegon does not make it and does become king. Ravens are safer than Dragons. And a mother should always protect her brood. For children alway suffer the worst in war."
This time when the scene changes, you are back in darkness. It begins to morph into a dream, and into a scene you are all to familiar with; the night Aemond lost his eye.
Oh Luke... you must feel terrible about it....
A whimper seems to cut through the screaming and the blood. You walk through the dreamscape, the people swirling and rippling like water as you pass them. You come to Luke, curled into a corner and holding his knees.
"He attacked Baela and Rhaena, he was gonna hurt Jace... i didnt have a choice.... im sorry i didnt want to hurt anyone..." he says softly
"My dear little prince" you say sweetly, crouching next to him.
"You are in control of this dream. If this is something you do not wish to see. Then there is only one thing to do, simply change it." You grab his hand and get him to stand. "What do you want this dream to be hmm?"
The young prince concentrates and the the room dissolves. It reforms and you see two young boys and sitting on chairs and a man, Laenor, tells them stories while he was at sea. Luke seems to brighten and relax. He looks at you with awe and wonder "who are you?"
"A friend." You smile "however my young prince i do wish to warn you, moreover advise you, a storm may be approaching. And if your tasked with flying your dragon into it, feel no shame if you wish to turn tail and run. Green is an ugly colour of jealousy and envy. Such monsters are the most dangerous when provoked."
"What do you mean?"
"If your mum sends you to storms end my dear princeling.... and if vhagar is there... i wish for you to return. And i can assure you your mother will not be mad." You ruffle his head and stand straight. "But enough of omens and ill tidings. Sleep is for good dreams. Be well, and we shall meet soon"
--- Meanwhile at Raventree ---
"Stop her!"
Gaurds rushed to the sacred weirwood tree, ready to strike and kill the witch that had dared spew foul lies and lay defiled hands on their precious totem. But before they could get close a wild wind all by blew them back.
The leaves rustled beneath their feet as it whipped around the base of the tree and around the girl, who was now laying prone; eyes a milky eyes.
"What is she doing?! She must be casting a spell of some kind! Kill her now before she uses her power to destory the tree!" Someone shouts.
A brave or maybe stupid knight take the plunge. Cautious in his approach, unsure if this helpless form was just a ruse. He raises his sword to strike. But a flurry of feathers beats him to the punch. Several of the ravens, who at this point had remained still, had swooped to attack him. The surprise sends him sprawling to the ground, sword forgotten. Another select few gently perch themselves around and on her, feathers puffed up in threatening gestures as they caw angrily.
"Father... ive never seen them act like this... what is happening?" Benjicot mumbles concern etched into his tone, however his gaze did not move from the scene to see his fathers reaction.
"Maybe this is a sign of new beginnings, maybe this apparant 'witch' you have found my dear boy will be of some help after all..."
"I dont know what this means.... but she must somehow be connected to the old gods, to have had such a reaction touching our tree... especially in the state that it is in..." wonder and curiosity filled him. Ever since the great tree had been poisoned by the cursed Brackens, it had filled the hall with a somber air whenever the Blackwood house would look upon it.
"Until she awakens none are to disturb her ritual, this is no spell, but a clear sign that the gods put faith in her, that she may heal our tree and our connection to them" Samwell adresses the crowd.
"But my lord, how do you know?" A vassal questions.
"Our tree was poisoned by the Brackens. No leaves have grown on it is years and it has begun to rot. And yet it has drawn her to it, not only this but the ravens sense this connection. They are protecting her. Against us. How can that not be a sign that she is meant to be here. Connected to this tree." He say sternly.
The courtyard falls into silence as they stare at the ravens, cawing protectively over there new friend. A few begin preening the leaves out of her hair. They coo softly.
"When she awakens she will be taken to a guest room and will be provided for. She will also be questioned about what she has seen. Pray to the gods that she is will bless us with good news."
The crowd begins to dispurse but Benji seems to linger. Why had he been so adamant in bringing her here? They still did not know her name or house or why she had been in the godswood in the first place.
Just who was this mad witch?
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crooked-wasteland · 1 month
i feel like that clip gets worse the more i think about it. like;
1. why does charlie treat baxter like a replacement for sir pentious? why is she treating one of the only patrons she had a connection to (at least a hell of a lot more of a connection then she has with angel,) as if hes easily replaceable? like, i know its supposed to be funny because they roughly fit the same trope of "wacky evil guy who makes evil stuff", and it IS funny.. when i dont actually think of the implication of how charlie is treating sir pentious in memory through the way she talks about him after he was killed right in front of her. its like they thought about how funny the joke would be before they thought about charlie and sir pentious's relationship in s1, and just went with that so they wouldn't have to write charlie acting any different. which sucks, because charlie legitimately mourning him would be a GREAT conflict for the main character to have in s2. tbh they still might do that so they can have their cake and eat it too, but i dont know if itll feel sincere after that scene with her and baxter.
2. does she know sir pentious is alive in heaven? how could she know? nothing about the way she speaks in the clip makes me think so, but at least if she knew he was actually okay and redeemed, you'd resolve the issue of her trying to replace some guy who died defending HER hotel with his life, and the issue of her having no reason to redeem sinners after learning heaven is corrupt and seemingly wont let in even the sinners in that deserve redemption. because replacing someone in a cast whos technically still living in heaven isnt nearly as bad, and his existence alone would probably be proof enough alone to motivate charlie to keep trying to redeem sinners, which would be especially satisfying after her faith in heaven would understandably be broken after the trial and the extermination coming right to her hotels front door. so knowing that, this is probably whats NOT going to happen
3. why is she specifically even trying to replace sir pentious anyway? is it a coping mechanism after her loss of him? its obviously comedic so we're not supposed to take it seriously, which means the writers probably wanted to make a joke about how obviously baxter is going to be the replacement for sir pentious's role at the hotel, god i wish we had seen them interact together at a voxtech con in a competition like in vivs old post pilot series pitch in 2019 but i'd argue its a joke at the expense of charlies character development. the way she acts in that clip is something i'd expect from s1 charlie, but not s2 after everything that happened to her.
i think s1 had the issue in general of making things funny or fun over making them make sense for the characters in context, so its not surprising to see that issue happen again. it's just slightly more infuriating when you remember hazbin was supposed to be the serious show compared to helluva, but now hazbin has way too many mean spirited or dumb jokes at the expense of its own characters youre supposed to automatically care about, just for comedys sake, and helluva became the soap drama nobody asked for.
Absolutely! I side stepped my own opinions as I genuinely wanted to see what others had to say, and @tommycorriander pretty much hit that nail on the head for my interpretation of the narrative. The biggest issue is how the first season elected to prioritize things happening over their characters and their relationships. We never actually see the cast grow close over the season, we are simply told that's what happened.
But by mixing together Pentious and Baxter, my first inclination was that, yes, outside of superficial characteristics, Charlie cannot connect to sinners. They are all the same to her, and based on her character being so broad and general in her appraisal of Sinners, it definitely feels like she doesn't see them as individuals.
And the travesty is that if the show actually went in that direction, I would eagerly welcome it. I would love to see some self-awareness from the writers and a character with a legitimate flaw of personality; not just "she made a mistake, but her heart is in the right place" contrivances that have riddled all of Medrano's work. I would love to see that story of Charlie being forced to change as a person, and I would probably love Charlie as a character as well if the show went this route. Instead, good characters just do bad things but with good intentions. Instead of good people actually being complicated creatures with some genuine flaws of character that they are always working to mitigate and be better.
Characters who are working to be good people feel like good people. Those that just act good with no effort feel conniving or disconnected and apathetic. They feel fake and vapid. Having it be a genuine effort would do so much in giving Charlie some ounce of depth.
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urapunk · 12 days
(TW; mentions of self harm and vomiting.)
A Gary Smith writing that I made, and'll probably make more of.
People Dont Consider Me a Tradgedy And I Wish They Did
It's funny how alike he is to Petey. He's no different, he gnaws his nails quietly in class and listens to conversations around him because its embarrassing to start a conversation other than being the one spoken to. But thats a lie. He's just nervous and it tastes bittersweet and disgusting in his mouth like straight syrup.
But he cant even get better. He just cant. And so in the back of the ambulance with his snapped arm and new cuts from glass, he found himself crying. Crying for once. He's going to be fixed up and.. And well.. Sent away. Three months they said. Thats an entire summer. A summer in a looneyhouse and then its right back to the hell of bullworth if his grandpa decides to offer enough money. Those same faces. Those same, disgustingly familiar faces that he knows are staring. They're always looking, looking and looking and looking.
The EMT can see the cuts lacing his arms up and down until they get to his upper arm, because they feel even worse there and he doesnt hate himself so much as to make it sting even worse.
But he still does it. Theres atleast 12 cuts on his upper arm and they were all from really bad times. Times he's repressed and forgotten, times that make him want to rip his arm off and grow a new one, times that make him vomit from the anxiety of them happening again.
The lights are so bright in the roof of this death van. They hurt his eyes so bad, and he's sure his ankle is broken or wrist is shattered. He doesnt even know its his arm yet. Why didnt he just get Jimmy kicked out instead? Did he have to take over bullworth? Couldnt he just... Couldnt he just talk.
But he doesnt know how. He babbles like a small child when it comes to his stupid emotions because what are they. They all feel the same, his heart races, his face contorts, and thats it. Thats only how it feels and it will never feel different, and thats only the literal sense. They can either make him feel like hes driving a bumpy road or they can feel like his guts are spilling out so disgustingly in his lap.
It doesnt stop, and when they give him a therapist in happy volts itll still be the same. His therapist would ask him questions, like 'what caused this for you,' or 'why'd you do it?'...
'Why'd you do it?'
'Why'd you do it gary!'
And thats when he let out a loud, frustrated groan of pain.... He couldnt hear the sirens. Where had the sirens gone? Why couldnt he hesr the ambulance that he was in-?
He noticed he was wrong. He wasnt in it. He was now in a hospital bed, light beaming through the curtains and illuminated the cast on his right arm.
The cast. The cast that would restrict him. He was restricted now. Restriction is a bitter word. He doesn't like it because it specifically restricts him. Restrict, restrict, restrict.
It hit him that he had just woken up. He disnt remember falling asleep, maybe they out him out because he was writhing too much or- crying. Did he cry? Was he crying? He shouldnt have been crying. But nevermind that. He had obviously woken up from something frustrating him and he had no clue what it was. Maybe its best he doesnt remember.
It wasnt much longer in the day when he was checked into happy volts. He felt sluggish, and he quickly recognized the disgusting, stomach churning 'calm' of medication. His therapists all said the same things throughout those 3 months. Each time he was first meeting them he'd do a survey; with one question that stumped him every time, not matter how many times it was explained. 'Are panic attacks frequent? On a scale of one to 10, how bad do your attacks get?'
What is a panic attack. His therapists all just gave him the same answer, but he was searching for one that really set it up in him. He underatood it, a little, but it was like the knowledge of the ocean. It has fish and is very deep; it's emotional and very scary.
The thin mattress he slept on was annoying, and he couldnt tell if it made his slouch better or worse. He didnt have to wear one of those stupid gowns, they gave him a nice blue sweatshirt and white sweatpants with...
Grippy socks.
It made him want to die the amount of times he tried to slide down the hall only to remember, these arent normal socks. They have GRIP to them. He'd nearly fallen a less than safe amount of times. He couldnt even be childish, he had to be reduced to a 'calm' medicated zombie that felt sick all the time.
The clothes were comfortable though, the bed was.. Okay, but the showers were awful. He didnt feel clean. It never got hot enough to help him feel soft and fuzzy.
And it reminded him that he'd never wipe away the punches thrown at him over the years.
But that was for his therapist to hear, only because she was paid to. He's talk to his grandpa when he got home, but.. His grandpa wouldnt want to hear that. He wouldnt want to hear about how his grandson fought more than he should. That his grandsontried to take over the school and broke his arm in the process, that he fought ontop of bulworth academy and his last name would be slandered now. They shared nothing but the word Smith sometimes.
When he finally got out his grandpa had brought him clothes to change unto before leaving, a soft white tshirt and black cargo jeans, and a dark green jacket. He loved that jacket so much. It was like the perfect shade, the color that was the embodiment of gary! When he finally settled in the car he noticed his grandfather gripped the wheel angrily.
"So why'd you do it Fish?"
'Why'd you do it?'
That made him wanna hurl. He couldnt stop thinking of Jimmy when anyone asked, but hearing it from his grandpa was sickening. Especially with the nickname he had aince a boy. He always loved aquariums and fish and all to do with fishing, so papa called him Fish, or just... Gary.
His grandpa was met with silence... And it did worry him. A little bit. But there wasnt room for worrying about gary now.
"Fish, tell me." He wasnt spitting venom out alongside his words, but more like a bittersweet syrupy medicine thats overly sweetened, the kind you'd take as a child and wanna throw up after.
"I dont know."
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baby-xemnas · 2 months
🐯🐻‍❄️ big big love (sort of a draft i want to make into a comic but itll take so long im scared)
pre rship lawbepo - the thought that the boys could suggest law gets into a relationship - ofc while joking that theyd be sad to share captains time with a woman, but it cant be helped! - bepo overhearing and getting upset....ofc law dismisses it, but it still hurts
does captain need a romantic relationship? would it make him happier, does he feel incomplete? its awfully selfish to not want it to happen then ..but where does that leave HIM - bepo chan spiraling into those thoughts... he knew that maybe one day his friendship wont be enough but he couldn't prepare for such a day to come
it would be cute if he didn't even consider himself as a viable sexual partner. they are different races, captain is not gay etc...maybe he rubbed off to a thought of what it would be like to be a cute girl being fucked by law 😳 oh bepo...his thought going there because of logic - okay im a human, and captain is a man, so he would be into a human female, what would that be like? and getting SO embarrassed so quickly because while he knows little about human romance he does know how things work (and how women act around their love interests in literature) so projecting onto that making his head explode. bepo doesnt have time to analyze how he feels he just panics, overwhelmed by the idea and after surprise subsides getting real upset that he is not in fact a human woman...
little did he know that not only its possible but law wants him BADLY. bepo darling he thinks about bending you over and spreading those furry cheeks So Much that if you'd know you would die of embarrassment.
physically it makes no sense cuz hes so big but i love light weight bepo - maybe its the lack of exposure cuz he drinks rarely. but imagine him confessing awkwardly like "haha if i was a human girl i could date captain and never let any other girls near him! 😖" much to 😦😦😦 from the other 3
penshachi: gtg bye (theyll later come back to not find neither law nor bepo cuz theyve gotten back to polar tang to make out in laws cabin. under the guise of "bepo you drank too much we have to go" and when law grabs his hand bepo cant do anything
law is so excited he can barely think straight cuz he only said he doesn't care much for women or human women, trying not to foam at the mouth at the chance with bepo that fell into his lap.
But its an uphill battle how to delicately explain to Bepo that not only Law wants him as he is (male and mink and all) he is the ONLY person he wants. imagine the pressure and fear that he simply misunderstood bepo.
imagine their walk back to the ship from the bar - bepo still tipsy but sobering up from fear because atmosphere got real weird once he said what he said ...and the boys left so they cant even get captain distracted. its just him.
bepo walks behind silent law and anxiety keeps bubbling up to the point bepo starts tearing up because hes not sober so emotions are extra hard to contain and he is so afraid that he ruined everything and what he said will break their relationship now that law knows how he feels. he made it weird and now law hates him 😭
law turning around after he hears bepo sniffle and ofc he puts two and two together
-bepo im not mad or grossed out
-whuh?? 🥺😭
-you dont need to be a girl to keep women away from me you know
-huh??? (at that point bepo is so drowned in worry he forgot what he said)
-you....[sigh] bepo calm down
-if you were a girl you would be my lover?
-dont say it like that captain im sorry its stupid i shouldn't have said it!! 😭😭
-but cant you do it now?
-do what?
-be that
-what, a girl??
-(law closing his eyes in frustration not wanting to call bepo stupid even tho he's being VERY stupid right now) my lover, bepo, it would make me happy if you were my lover now, as you are, you dont need to be a human woman for that
[cue bepo's whole would breaking to the point he almost faints]
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foogadooga · 2 months
Things SaMS sun fans need to understand
If this gets enough support ill make some for the other characters!!
sure, Suns been through a lot, but his actions STILL effect those around him. I feel like the show doesnt really show how Suns actions effect the other characters. Most characters forget and move on, for example, when Lunar came back, he just forgave Sun for the way he treated him before he died, while if any other character does something like that itll probably be a big thing their their relationship would be tarnished, and i feel like the fandom needs to understand, yes maybe something happened because of trauma, but it doesnt mean sun was in the right.
The show is called the Sun and Moon show, not the sun show. Now they treat Sun as the main character and Moon as a side character, which to be fair it was kind of the opposite back at the beginning when things were simpler and Moon was doing a lot of awesome stuff and Sun was goofy side character, but even then the argument would stand. the shows about two characters, not one.
this is kind of a hot topic, but while yes, moon had his problems so did sun. the reason moon took the "smarter" role of the two is because back then suns ideas of how to fix problems was to disregard everyones safety other then theirs. he guilt tripped moon for stuff moon couldnt control (example: the pain sun felt when moon was in control). he hides things from moon, as much as sun was the victim in their fight video, they both acted up, and moon apologised (saying this cautiously because that doesnt make it better) while sun didnt. he uses moons fear against him (referring to the gaming video where he made moon play a bunch of games with mannequins). they both have treated each other poorly, but the fandom only talks about what moon does, never what sun does.
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
Swap AU:
Val wasn't too slow, he didn't come at all to Vox's distress call. He thought Vox could handle it. He spends the first 4 years as Alastor's thrall dead, as do most of the soul that Val owns. (Angel included.) Killing Valentino and the souls he owns gets old, however and sinners are getting tired of the same old pornos, so Valentino gets to go back to work, but thanks to their multiple horrible deaths, Valentino and his contracted souls are alot closer. They even have a discord server dedicated to bitching about Alastor. Now that Vox is back, they've added a sever dedicated to getting pictures of Vox for Valentino so they all don't die horrible deaths--and also, Valentino rewards everyone with every new picture with a raise of 50 dollars, so it's nice incentive.
Alastor on the other hand beside killing Valentino and his contracted souls for the first 4 years, made a shrine with Vox's heads--except for the very first one. That one he slept with. That one remain's in his (formerly Vox's) bed everyday, waiting for Alastor's return everynight so he can curl around it and murmur the words he never got to say to his beloved Vox one last time.
When Vox returns, Sir Pentious joins the hotel because Vox has always been his favorite of his favorite of the Vees, and if he's joined another Overlord and started something else, the Sir Pentious will try it out!
Angel Dust is there because he doesn't want to go through the absolute HELL the first 4 years under Alastor was, he wants no repeats. No one Valentino included DOES!
Husker actually loves working with Vox, and loves sending smirks at the very pissed off shadow Alastor (not knowing Alastor is watching from the Shadow's eyes.) and the side hugs, the cuddles, Yeah, they might piss off the Shadow and Alastor even even more but he deserves it--Vox still has nightmares about his near death.
OHH okay okay i see. that clarification. Actually made things 1000x worse for me actually im gonna throw up. this val trusting in voxs abilities to the point where it made him lose one of his best friends for years vs show val jumping to vox the moment that it became clear the other couldnt hold his own..... so sickening what the hell. the guilt that val must feel in specific for voxs disappearance and presumed death- honestly hes probably glad for dying so much those first four years because it took his mind off the fact that it was HIS fault all this happened to vox and him and vel. i just want an oddly tear filled reunion scene with the two vees where vox is like "i thought you guys just didnt think i was important enough to come help" and voxvel start actually bawling bc theyve missed him so much and theyre so glad he's back and *safe*. also the discord server inclusion is hilarious as hell thank you for that mental image nonny
oh my GODD thats actually so sweet im gonna be sick. i just know those former heads are kept clean and swept everyday both by niffty and alastor himself, and the one in his bed is probably propped up by all the most comfortable pillows while alastor himself just goes without a pillow.... WHAT WORDS. what FUCKING words if it was i love you ill actually just implode on the spot nonny ill get raptured and itll be all your fault /lh
+ pentious finally gets an audience with his idol! aww this is so sweet im gonna get cavities. hopefully he doesnt get hit with the kys this time but oh well if he does cause i support my wife committing crimes
Also. Vox having nightmares about the time he nearly died.... do you think that he has like ptsd flashbacks or something everytime he sees a radio. im gonna be SICK fuck oh my god. do tou think ohe day he just . meets al again and immediately tries to run away or something while the other hotel members go to his defense because they know the shit hes been dealing with from al....
p.s. nonny are you planning on turning this into a fic or something anytime soon? because if not.... can i write one based off these ideas 🥹
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chaoxfix · 2 years
Prompt knuckles learns sonic is more competent at living ina jungle than he first imagined
edited the crap out of this one today lol itll look different now
When Knuckles wakes up, he feels one degree away from being boiled alive. 
It’s an exaggeration, but only barely. The only reason he knows he’s not in a pot being boiled echidna stew is the amount of fluff around him. It can only mean that he’s being cuddled by something soft, with an awful lot of poofy fur. Ugh. Did feral animals find the Master Emerald shrine again? Just because he’s warm does not mean he’s free real estate-! 
Knuckles is about to get up and shoo the animals off when he finally blinks his eyes open and finds his vision full of yellow ears, the color only muted by the darkness around him. 
And realizes, suddenly, that he recognizes this kid. Kid as in kit, kit as in fox kit. What the hell is Tails doing out here, and why are they cuddling, and most importantly, how is Tails so heavy? 
Knuckles clumsily reaches up to shake the kid awake, but his hand gets snatched away before it can connect. 
That only makes him more confused – but less so, when tired green eyes blink down at him, half glowing in the dark.
Sonic holds tightly to Knuckles’s wrist, keeping him from shaking Tails awake. ��Whoa, where's the fire, pal? No need to wake him. What's wrong?"
Knuckles wants to reply that it's hot enough to be a fire in here, but his tongue feels oddly heavy. He scrunches his face up; all he wants is to know where he is and what's going on.
Sonic gives him an odd look. "Chatty. Alright, Knucklehead. We’re sleeping in shifts, and it’s Tails’s turn to sleep, so don't wake him, 'kay?” he says, and Knuckles just stares. “Welcome back, by the way. You were knocked out so hard I thought you'd never wake up.” 
Knuckles squints at him. 
“Why’s it so hot?” Knuckles finally asks, and it comes out wrong from his mouth, clumsy and dry. 
Sonic frowns at him, brows angling oddly. He reaches for Knuckles’s head, where it feels strangely tender. “Well,” he says, saying nothing about Knuckles’s injury, “We’re cuddling for warmth, so I’d argue that’s a good thing.” 
“Says you. You’re on the top – meanwhile I’m echidna flambee.” 
“Hi, echidna flambee, I’m Sonic the Hedgehog,” Sonic says. Knuckles groans, even though it hurts his throat. “And FYI, it’s actually pretty chilly up here, you just got lucky to be so insulated with the ground.” 
Knuckles blinks slowly. “Insulated?”
“We made most of a burrow. It’s a little too airy for my tastes, but there’s three of us, so it had to be pretty big, and I couldn’t totally curl up, so-” 
Knuckles realizes that his head is actually killing him, now that Sonic’s talking. He decides once and for all that he actually hates his friend’s voice and every single pitch he reaches, even at this quiet, nighttime hush. Knuckles squeezes his eyes shut, but it doesn’t block out the sound. He suddenly misses when Sonic wasn't so chatty, back when they were kids.
“Uh,” Sonic says, oblivious. “You okay? Something hurt?” 
Knuckles grunts. Pretends his head doesn’t feel like it’s about to split open. “You two are lying on top of me, and Tails’s elbow is digging into my ribs. I wouldn’t call myself hurt, but you’re not exactly comfortable.” 
“Oh, good, I thought something was actually wrong-” 
“I want out from under here.”
Sonic huffs. “In a bit, okay? Tails is still asleep, and I’m on guard. We’ve got to stay warm, but I can try to add another air channel for you to get a bit more of a breeze-”
“Trust me, staying warm is not the issue here. Just switch with me if you’re so cold,” Knuckles snaps. “I can be on guard instead.” 
“Uh, no,” Sonic says. “No way.”
“No.” Sonic, grudgingly, takes on a more honest tone. “Listen, okay? You got hurt. You haven’t stayed awake and aware for long. And if you move much more, you’re going to wake Tails. I’m doing a good job protecting you guys right now, and I don’t need to sleep yet. So close your eyes, think cool, breezy thoughts, and go back to sleep. Unless something’s bleeding again, you’re just gonna have to deal.” 
Knuckles growls. But Sonic puts a finger over his mouth, then pulls it away and tsks.
“Come off it. Be mad at me, whatever, but do it quieter. It’s not Tails’s fault, so don't wake him up over this." When Knuckles looks unmoved, Sonic rolls his eyes. "Don’t tell me there’s never been a way-too-hot day in Angel Island that you didn’t just choose to sleep through in the shade,” Sonic says. “So just do that. The dangerous stuff will be gone soon, and then we can try to move again.” 
Knuckles narrows his eyes. Then, reluctantly asks, “...What dangerous stuff?”
“We’re in the jungle,” Sonic says. “All the nocturnal stuff out here wants a snack. So the best way we can stay safe is burrowing, and making sure the only airflow is coming from the top.” 
“...And what’s stopping them from finding us and digging us out-?”
“Spikes.” Sonic grins. “Why do you think I’m on top, knucklehead?” 
Knuckles clicks his tongue at the nickname. “Jerk.” 
“Bigger jerk,”  Sonic says. He grins down at Knuckles, meeting purple eyes in the dark. Both sets glow just a little in the limited reflected light, both originating from nocturnal species – though the shine on their eyes is nothing to Tails. Then, finally, Sonic relents. “...If you’re really that hot, you might just be thirsty. There’s some water in the bag by Tails’s hip.” 
Knuckles nods his head, just a little. Then, awkwardly roots around for it, finally finding a small satchel with some water bottles. 
“Might take some teamwork,” Sonic says. “You up for a challenge? I can help-” 
“Go to hell,” Knuckles says. But when he can’t quite get the cap off with one hand, Sonic holds it steady, and doesn’t even tease him that much – not until Knuckles needs help waterfalling it into his mouth. They manage to avoid Tails’s head, but not much else. 
“Save some for Tails,” Sonic says, when Knuckles doesn’t stop halfway. “We’ll find more fresh water as soon as dawn hits and we can get outta here, but he might get thirsty before that.” 
“And you?” 
“Can’t really drink from this angle,” Sonic says – the only one of them facing downward. He smiles like it’s no big thing. “Relax. I’ve gone wayyy longer without water. I won’t be thirsty for a long while.” 
Knuckles finds that hard to believe – but upon further review, not as hard as he thinks. Sonic very rarely has to drink much water, even after lengthy runs. Huh. The only exceptions are after exploring hot places for too long, but even then, Sonic only looks annoyed – not panting as bad as Tails does, or fanning himself like Amy. Sonic probably makes up for not carrying around water by always having some at meals, Knuckles thinks. 
(And never drinking dehydrants, like coffee – though that’s probably more that Sonic would vibrate out of this plane of existence if he had caffeine.)
“Take it easy on the wilderness-explorer stuff,” Knuckles finally says. “You’ve got nothing to prove. It’s not like you’re feral.” 
“What, a guy’s gotta be feral to know how to survive out in the elements?" He smirks. "What does that make you, up in your island?” 
Knuckles glowers. “An actual wilderness explorer expert. Unlike you.” 
“Unlike me?” 
“Yeah. You’re such a city boy,” Knuckles says. “A million billboards have your face on them down in Station Square.” 
“I don’t even have a house. And you think I’m a city boy?” There’s actual offense in his tone – surprised offense, like Knuckles has said something truly off-the-wall. “Good to know. What'd you think, I was just some kid who ran away from home to fight Eggman?” 
Knuckles, admittedly, had never thought about it much. 
“Yeah,” he says. “Sure. Why not. Why wouldn’t you be?” 
Sonic stares at him, expression totally blank. “So I’m just- some guy?” 
“Yeah?” Knuckles shrugs. “Duh. Of course you’re just some guy.” 
For some reason, that phrase seems to break Sonic. He blinks at Knuckles for a very long time – clearly surprised, and a little put off. Then, out of nowhere, he laughs. Then, he punches Knuckles’s shoulder. “Yeah, alright. You got me. I’m just some guy. Ran away from home and never looked back, that’s me.” 
Knuckles gets the feeling that this is somehow untrue. Sonic’s grin tells him enough.
But it also tells him that Sonic doesn’t mind him getting it wrong. 
Knuckles punches his arm right back. “Don’t think you’re special, city boy. The only one with a magical destiny is me. Anything you know about surviving in the wild-”
“Yup. Learned it in a book,” Sonic chirps. 
Knuckles huffs. “You read wilderness survival books?” Because the image of Sonic curled up somewhere with a book is… Not entirely unbelievable, Knuckles realizes. But not one he would’ve immediately associated with Sonic. Which he thinks – maybe that’s the point? 
“Audio books,” Sonic says, not allowing him to confirm that little mental picture. Instead of a stationary, still Sonic – one that no one has ever been able to reconcile with the real deal – it lets him paint a picture of Sonic racing through the world with a story keeping pace with him.  “You know. For when I’m running.” 
Whatever fiction Sonic is building – or not building, because maybe there are grains of truth here, since he’s certainly seen Sonic with headphones in while running – Knuckles decides to feed into it. To believe it until there’s a reason not to. 
Because if there is something bigger at play with Sonic’s history– 
Well. If Sonic wanted anyone to know, he’d have told them. And that’s enough for Knuckles to decide not to pry. 
For the same reason, Knuckles thinks, that Sonic isn’t prying about where Knuckles learned all his wilderness survival skills. Maybe for Sonic, the answer isn’t ‘parents who died when he was young, but still old enough to learn how to keep himself safe.’ But Knuckles doesn’t really need to know the answer. Doesn’t think Sonic wants to share something that might change how others look at him. 
“Like you listen to anything but rock,” Knuckles says. 
Sonic grins. “Sure, sure – but you haven’t lived until you’ve listened to the Chaotix try a podcast.” 
“...What’s a podcast?” 
“Oh, buddy. When we get outta this burrow, just you wait.” Sonic laughs again, then punches his shoulder. “You should go back to sleep though, dawn’s not for another few hours – and if I have to describe the last episode and how Vector tried to explain NFTs to Mighty and Ray, who’ve been off the grid for the last four years–” 
Sonic chokes on a laugh. “–Like I was saying. If I had to explain it, I’d laugh too hard and wake Tails.” 
Tails, for his part, grumpily elbows Sonic in the stomach. 
“Heh. Whoops. Sorry, buddy,” Sonic says, and lightly rubs the little fox’s ears, right in that sweet spot all canines have. “Go back to sleep.” 
“Great, you’re putting him back to sleep,” Knuckles gripes, though not quietly enough to force Tails to wake. “Stop that. We were supposed to switch places if he woke up.”  
“Nope, I told you not to wake him and that I had things handled up here.”
"I never agreed to that. And after all that fuss, your laughter was what woke him anyway. If we switch places I'll be a much more responsible guard, if you're so worried about him sleeping.” 
“Nah, he's fine,” Sonic says, and there’s an unabashedly fond look on his face as he continues putting the little fox back to sleep. “Now seriously, close your eyes and take a nap. We’re fine here, it’s just another few hours til dawn.” 
Knuckles grumbles under his breath. But his head still hurts, and it’s hot, but not so unpleasantly hot now that he’s had some cool water – and fine, he’ll admit it. It feels strangely safe to sleep here, underground, with a friend watching over him. He wonders if the Master Emerald feels this safe when he watches over it. 
Wonders for a second how common this was for Sonic and Tails on their adventures. Wonders, just for a moment, if the little fox might have more insight on where Sonic came from, if he’s not a city boy. 
Then he falls asleep, and doesn’t bother with that line of thinking when he wakes up. 
His friends are his friends – what matters more than refilling their water in the morning and finishing their adventure? What matters more than trashing Eggman’s base and high-fiving at the end? 
(Knuckles thinks he might be hanging around Sonic too much with that last one, but he minds a surprisingly little amount.)
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lilxsturniolo1xx · 5 months
Its what i do.
pairing: Matt x Reader
Ive been ignoring matt for a few days now, not because hes done anything wrong or im annoyed at him, its actually the complete opposite. i found myself falling for him, but he cant know that, itll ruin him. ill ruin him. He doesnt deserve that, hence why ive ignored him, im pushing him away. Since i was a child i grew up in a rough household, one of which no one knew how to communicate, ending in screaming matches to get your point across. From a young age i have been degraded by my own family.
"no one wants you, not even us!" My dad used to say, his stone-cold eyes peircing deep into my soul as the venom of his words seep into my brain. replaying over and over again.
"your just not good enough." My mother would say, shrugging her shoulders and flicking the ash from her cigarette into my dads empty beer can.
After hearing that day in, day out, on repeat it does something to you. Well, it did something to me. It made me hate myself. Whenever someone tried to get close to me id shut them down, thinking it was a sick joke, as my mother said ' im just not good enough'.
So when i found out i had feelings for matt, i locked myself away. Scared of me slipping up infront of him just for him to tell me what ive been hearing my whole life, because with matt it felt different. I felt safe. So hearing them words come out of his mouth would've broke me. This is how i made sure i would never have to hear them.
Ive been hearing my phone go crazy all day, every time i check it, i see matts message popping up on my screen, i then shut my phone off to ignore him, somewhat scared of messaging him. until i finally have the courage to open the messages, and by this time, ive had 13 notifications. All from him.
Tumblr media
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!
Hes coming here, now! what do i do. panicked, i rushed and put some half-decent clothes on, and a slight bit of makeup to make me look less dead. As i sat on my bed, thoughts rushing through my brain as i twiddled my thumbs somewhat scared of even going on my phone, i heard three knocks on my front door. Matts here. Frozen, i just sat there and ignored the door hoping hed give up and go away. Then i remembered, hes got a fucking key!
i hear the twist of my lock and footsteps coming into my house, followed by my name being called. Once again, i ignore him.
Maybe he'll think no ones home and leave. i thought to myself, asif i didnt know Matt Sturniolo like the back of my hand.
He began walking up the stairs and i was still sat there, like a statue. I dont even know why i didnt just tell him to go away or something, my body wasnt moving despite how much i tried, i was stuck In some sort of trance, that was until i heard a rattle of my bedroom door handle.
a/n: Hey! sorry leaving you on a cliffhanger like this but it was getting way too long but pt2 will be out soon, i hope you like this one anyway😊xx
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Part 6 really cements the theory for me. Instead of beomgyu liking her this entire time and oc actually being the on friendzoning, i think its more like he caught feelings on top of the strong love and care he already has for oc. i dont think he can top ocs love for him but he definitely loves her imo definitely (reasonably) stronger than what yeonjuns giving oc. also this whole never being satisfied with yeonjun makes me feel uneasy for him, a relationship like this would make anyone feel like shit and its clear he knows she still has feelings (i guess because shes starting to choose him over beomgyu he didnt drill her more about it during the breakfast scene?) . idk any sane person who would get into a relationship with someone clearly in love with someone else, which also makes me wonder his motives? like is he doing this just for the experience lol or does he genuinely like her enough to think this might work? i dont know its confusing to me, or maybe im taking this too seriously and i have to put on my fanfiction glasses 😂
As much as id love for gyu and oc to be together, because im just the biggest sucker for toxicity and a best friends to lovers storyline, phew this really proved to me how ingenious an ending like that would be. It just doesnt make sense no matter how many trials I run in my head of them being in a healthy, happy relationship. Everything leads to them losing their friendship if they started going out romantically which is so so heartbreaking to me 😭😭 I dont exactly know what made this click for me this specific chapter but god, is there even going to be a guy for her 🥲? And even if its Yeonjun, itll be a sad ending for even the yj supporters. Even if she learns to love him, i feel like youd allude to her having some part of her heart still loving gyu 😭
yeah yeonjun seems to be getting the short end of the stick isn't he? but maybe he really does hope she'd choose him? he's not pushing much right now because they've only been going out for a few weeks but who knows how he'll act later on? or maybe it really isn't that deep 😂 i did say that i'm in my wattpad era with this fic so don't expect deepness from me lmao
they could end up together at the end of the fic and break up later 😂😂😂😂 though it feels like they're gonna lose their friendship either way...
oc is so obsessed with gyu right now but you have to remember she lives with the guy. she sees him all the time even if in this chapter she says she hardly sees him, she still lives with him. who's to say in the future if she distances herself from him she won't move on?
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martyrbat · 4 months
8. Is there anything about post-Flashpoint canon you prefer to pre-Flashpoint canon? Be honest.
Be really honest, c'mon. We can take it :D
i answered this once [here] and im unsure if this will fully count but im constantly going back and forth on if i like the changes for elenor lane! lois' father is in the military regardless and is. rough... but her mother changes from someone she constantly bumps heads with as an adult to someone who passed when lois was a child.
in the original canon i love the conflict between lois and her parents! i love the way she openly despises her mother for being "just" a housewife and her fear of being like her mother, of wasting her life away. to me, lois will never want to be a mother. she isnt family based—she takes pride and value in her work and what shes capable of. she loves her independence, she loves getting into trouble, she loves what she does. the idea of becoming just a housewife (or just the girlfriend to superman, always being saved instead of doing anything) is something that terrifies her to her core. and i think her mother hates that. she has expectations on what a womans purpose and value should be, on what a successful and happy life is. shes proud of her daughter but its a 'she'll change her mind' hope. its a 'she doesn't know better/what shes missing and i have to correct her' thing and that conflict of values makes them have tension in a way thats more subtle and repressed than the outwardly way she and sam fights (also i hc lois as fat and the added pressure that'll cause from her mother on what a woman should or shouldn't be, the unsolicited advice for losing weight or what men do or dont like..)
but also the idea of her dying when lois is a child is so fascinating to me!! it makes more sense with how she does end up more family focused and not as resentful towards it because she was raised at such a young age that this is something to hold value in and how important it is and she doesn't have as many years as resenting her mother and the idea of what motherhood will be (OR itll make her hate the idea of raising children more because her entire life shes been responsible for someone and had to make sacrifices for it... i just dont think she'll ever want to be a mom but that's just me so JRIJBFF) but also her raising her younger sister and how much added pressure that was on her since she was young to be perfect. she has to be the ideal soldier to sam (who in older canon (maybe new too?) said he wanted her to be a boy and blamed her mother for not giving him a son). she goes through sam's military hell and training and has to stand her ground against him alone while never being good enough for him because she'll never be that son he wanted. but also having to be the honorary mother, having to fulfill that role as well? having to learn how to cook and having to clean, having to be responsible for the house and little details, having to be responsible for her younger sister and her well-being instead of getting to just play together like sisters do, having these unfair expectations and extra responsibilities placed on her little shoulders and the way it will fester to more complicated feelings as they grow older...
in the original her and lucy arent that close but in the newer canon they sorta are and i think with ella dying when they were younger, it'll make sense for both dynamics to exist. for there to be a little bit of resentment since lucy didnt have to carry the responsibilities of everything and was allowed a childhood, was allowed to grieve, was allowed to be carefree and stumble and fall. but she still loves her. shell still be there to attempt to catch her when she does inevitably fall, just like she always has been—its her responsibility and duty as a sister to cushion the impact despite how it may harm her. it adds more nuances for their relationship and i love complicated, messy family relationships
i think both have very interesting ways it'll impact anything, with both her family dynamics and how she'll place value on things. with how she views motherhood, marriage and children, her work, her core values and what she prioritizes, her relationship between sam and lucy, how she handles things, everything. a major death like that ripples out to and impacts everything she end up doing, it changes her actions and motives and what fuels her decisions in life and how she sees things
so i both like it and hate it depending on my mood and what i want in the story JDKDJ
dc ask game <3
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yumeurl · 7 months
i talked about this with waif already but i want a tom redemption that is barely even a redemption, he just delays things indefinitely by having the chance to be a dada professor and never gets the time to go through his initial plans (for my sanity itll be during the first time he asked for the position with dippet, with dippet making an exception for his age cuz hes proven to be capable, just with a few promises that riddle will still continue learning for the subject)
so he still has the horcrux (significantly lesser amount than when he went off the deep end tho), and he still plans to gather followers by being a dada professor, and he also is still as hyperfixated and obsessed at specific things, but he finds a real home and family by staying in hogwarts. its like despicable me but the kids are slytherin kids. hes able to divert his hyperfixation to something else, maybe smth more healthy for his sake, and he barely even realizes it bc hes keeping himself busy. things change alot more once he meets snape and he becomes his impromptu godfather. after decades of teaching he also becomes slytherins head of house
he finds that despite seeing other people as inferior and worthless he does enjoy teaching, and he usually encourages them to understand magic in of itself, and make up spells of their own. this is also why snape is his favorite student, although he never admits it. all this drives dumbledore crazy cuz he doesnt trust tom (justified cuz tom rly intended to go thru his plans lmfao) and was just waiting for tom to start. fortunately tom doesnt know when too. maybe when he reaches harrys generation hed start to feel remorse (unwillingly) which could make his soul again, since he doesnt have alot of horcruxes this time. maybe tom still has an intense fear of dying, but hes grown to have a semblance of care for others that it doesnt consume him as much
anyways somber stuff aside even at age 60 he still looks pretty sexy, as if he doesnt age. in truth hes gone to secretly use a fuckton of muggle beauty products, because he finds them more effective for longterm use than magic. and he dropped the kind facade since he doesnt need it anymore as a professor, willing to look blank and show his real emotions when in public. funnily enough this makes him look mysterious and does garner him his own fanclub, even tho gathering followers has been a dormant quest now, it makes dumbledore do funny faces tho so he indulges them from time to time
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saddlepunk · 5 months
my problem is that ive spent so much of my life trying not to cause problems for other people or hurt them in any way and i am Bad At That, but at least when i do it its on /accident/ vs this which feels like itd be a very much on purpose hurt. theres no version of me leaving that DOESNT suck entirely. im sure itll be okay long term but the idea of approaching someone i still love very much and going "i care about you but i dont want this anymore" makes me feel like dying. plus again we live together in a place we can really only afford as a couple and hes only got one semi functioning car bc i managed to wreck his truck and i feel AWFUL about that too, so the timing is bad and it feels like id be fucking him over financially and i just cant *do* that.
i think my only option is gonna be to just... offer to keep paying my half of rent on the place til the lease is up if thats what he wants, and i can send extra for car help and then i can fuck off and do... whatever
ive just never like... lived a life Just For Me where i can move about freely, and i think thats what i want, or as close to that as possible. i dont want Lack of Responsibility or anything, i just want less Restriction. part of me is sure if i just explained all this to him itd be fine and things would change the way i want them to, but the other part of me feels like theres just enough examples of him taking issue w me trying to imply something he does might be Wrong that i think its just... not worth it. do i want to spend the rest of my life fighting a series of incrimental battles to make a good relationship out of a decent one or do i want to just Run. why does doing something that sounds good for me feel so much like a betrayal or a failure somehow. i know realistically- have known the whole time- that my first long term relationship wasnt likely to be my last but actually /doing/ it-
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lunar-fey · 8 months
weight lifted off of my shoulders the problem client is, as it turns out, a problem, and did in fact lie to me about a bunch of shit. and i told my employers what the client told me and they got Big Fucking Mad (at her not me) and said they were already going to her house today anyway and theyre gonna talk to her abt some of the shit she said to me + after this week (or maybe the next bc i feel bad abt having to drop this client So Fast but mornings fuck w me and i was HOPIN itd work out but i really should never have agreed to a morning shift to begin with so i said if fhey cant find anyone to take the shift by the end of this week ill do next week.) but after that for sure ill be free of her 😌
unfortunately this does mean that i will only be scheduled 10hr/week until they have another client that wants caretaking in the afternoon. but it should still be enough to meet my basic needs and pay bills. + the one client id be working at that point is super nice nd doesnt have much work for me to do most days (i only worked one so far and yeah he had nothing to do i just cleaned up dog shit and then watched tv with him for an hour and a half) so itll actual ly be a really nice job at that point. just would like a little more money but What Can You Do
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toothlesshat · 2 years
IM SO IN FOR IT. I dunno what angle you would take, whether itll be super angst or Leo being some sort of calm anger but I LOVE IT EITHER WAY.
Especially after the episode where Leo lets Raph lead the team because he is sick of having to deal with their complaints and he goes home and Splinter basically tells him "It doesn't matter if they complain, you are the leader. You wanted to be the leader. Its a thankless job but you wanted to do it so you HAVE to."
BUT AU LEO CONFRONTING HIM LIKE "No, I'm not doing it. Not anymore. I don't care I can't do it anymore" AND THEN RUNNING AWAY. So much potential for one scene. I can't wait to see what you come up with(whether its a drawing or written out in a fic, idc i'm excited to see it)
ANON I'm going to be honest this ask got me so excited about the idea that I finally started writing the rogue Leo fic lmaoo AND I've decided to drop the first draft of the confrontation here >:) It might change by the time I actually finish the fic, but just know it'll go something like this
“I’m done.”
His words command silence, immediately quieting his family as they cross the threshold into their home. His brothers turn to look at him, confused to hear such a vague statement from their leader who they couldn’t get a word out of as they walked home. Even Splinter, who usually takes no interest in their conversations, has pricked his ears in Leo’s direction, a frown resting on his muzzle. 
They wait for Leo to elaborate, but his heart is pounding too fast to say anything, so Raph speaks up instead. 
“We’re all done,” he says matter-of-factly, crossing his arms, “that’s what the end of a mission means.”
Leo jumps to glare at him, but he stops to look at his family, inspecting them one by one and becoming more disheartened as he goes. Mikey’s ankle is bruised from where Tiger Claw tangled him over the furnace, Raph has a slight limp from the fight and is primarily standing on his left side to hide it, and Splinter’s eye is greatly swollen- who knows when he took that hit. Even his own mask tails are burned from that furnace, and his arm throbs from Tiger Claw scratching at his arm. But it doesn’t matter when these things happened, all that matters is why. Leo is why. He couldn’t stop them, he couldn’t protect them. Every single night he goes out with his brothers never knowing if it could be their last, and the responsibility to protect them lies solely within him. One bad call or wrong move could spell out the end, and it’s all on Leo if it does. He’s so, so tired. 
They look back at him expectantly, and it occurs to him that he could turn back now. He could agree with Raph, tell them he’s going to get some rest and pretend he wasn’t thinking about this. Things would continue as normal, and he’d… he’d still be their leader. 
That thought alone terrifies him enough to snap. “No,” his voice booms through the lair, “I’m done being your leader.”
It takes a second, maybe two for them to process what he’s said, but as soon as they do, the room becomes a mess of chaos.
“What’re you talking about!?” Raph gawks. 
“Leo…?” Mikey whimpers.
“You can’t just quit being leader,” Donnie chimes in. For some reason, that’s the complaint that riles Leo up the most. 
“Why can’t I!?” He demands, silencing them for the second time that night, “you don’t know anything about being the leader! You don’t know how hard it is to- to put your family’s life on the line every night!”
“That,” Splinter begins, drawing all eyes to himself as he walks up to Leo, a patient sort of tenseness in his expression, “is why you must continue as leader, Leonardo. You know the great lengths you must take to protect your family, and you will learn to overcome the fear you feel today as you did with the fear spores.” 
Leo grimaces at the memory of the fear inducing mushrooms he faced only weeks ago. He defeated them, yes, but he also admitted to not being over the experience entirely. Surely Splinter knows that?
“It doesn’t matter that the burden is heavy, it matters that you carry it.”
He’s heard that before, a long time ago on a similar night when Leo let Raph lead the team after a ridiculous fight. He remembers telling Splinter the same things he’s said tonight, that he’s tired of leading, that they don’t know what it’s like to be in his position. He remembers taking back the role because he was told to, he remembers Splinter telling him those exact words and they never spoke about it again.
Fear grips his mind tight as he realizes that this is the exact same conversation as before. This whole thing is rehearsed, just with the addition of his brothers to watch it go down. And, even more terrifying, if something doesn’t change now, it’ll end the same with him being leader and his family’s lives on his shoulders. 
“I don’t want the burden,” he growls. It surprises Splinter, whose eyes go wide in shock.
“No, Sensei, this isn’t your choice to make anymore! I don’t want to lead this team, I don’t care how angry you get, or what you think about me.”
“So you’ll just leave us!?” Raph demands, making their younger brothers flinch at his tone.
Leo glares at him, the memory of his berating over saving Mikey all too fresh in his mind. “You never listen to me anyway! Isn’t this what you’ve been wanting?”
Donnie steps up next, though not as angry. Just confused. “But, then who would lead us?
Mikey frowns from beside him, “Raph wanted to-”
“Nobody,” Splinter firmly cuts in, keeping his gaze locked on Leo, who has returned it in a challenge. “Leonardo is your leader, and he will-”
“Not anymore.”
“Enough!” Their master snaps, somehow shaking the concrete floor with his voice alone. The others cower back, as expected, but Leo forces himself to hold his ground no matter how scared or nervous he feels. “You will do as you are told!”
 And where were you, his mind supplies bitterly, why did I ever fear calling you for help? Why was I so scared of what you’d think of me needing you to rescue us? He doesn’t say these things out loud, knowing it’d only lead into a bigger, much more dramatic fight than he has the energy for, but it’s there in the back of his mind. Why doesn’t his father understand where he’s coming from? Why doesn’t he care how Leo feels about any of this? 
He doesn’t say anything, actually. Instead, he undoes the straps across his chest, unbuckles the belt around his waist and throws them to the ground, his swords and sheath included. There’s a quiet gasp from one of his brothers, he’s not sure who, but he pays it no mind. He keeps his eyes trained on his father, his master, and takes a step back, leaving his weapons in between them. 
“I’m no longer the leader,” he announces. Then he turns around and leaves, not once looking back.
“Leo, come back!” Mikey begs him as he crosses the threshold once more. 
“Come on, we can talk about this!” Donnie adds before he hits the subway tracks. 
“Leo!” Is all Raph can say by the time Leo is out of sight. 
He takes only a second to crumble, stumbling back on his feet as the weight of what he’s done settles over him. All at once he feels sick and relieved, terrified but somehow safe again. It’s a strange feeling, one he wants to unpack further or at the very least try to understand, but he can hear his family begin to fight in the lair. They ask Splinter for guidance, and he offers nothing. It hurts too much to listen any longer, so Leo runs. He runs as fast as his legs will go, ignoring how exhausted they are from the fight just hours before, and heads for the surface. He doesn’t know what he’ll do there, but he decides that doesn’t matter. He’s just going to run.
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