#Nick Jerry Jonas
maxwell-grant · 1 year
Could I hear more of your thoughts on Doc Savage and the archetype he created? How does it relate to modern superheroes more specifically Reed Richards? (I know that you dislike Doc Savage, so sorry if this bothers you.)
Sorta like this, if we take a look at how Doc's archetype was formed and consolidated, and how that affected the Superheroes and Reed Richards specifically. (also please don't apologize, you all can ask me questions about whatever, seriously)
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"Doc Savage" is recognizable in lots of other characters but there is a difference between specific pastiches or tributes or parodies of Doc (Doc Samson, Edison Rex, Jonas Venture), and characters who are evoking Doc Savage as his own archetype to draw initial inspiration from (Tom Strong, Bane, Clark Kent), and if we pull at Doc's roots we're gonna get to prior characters like Tarzan and Sherlock who were the ones to introduce or codify much of what are now commonplace superhero traits or the ones to introduce much of what Doc was originally pulling from.
I wanna draw some lines in the sand separating what is it that these characters brought to the table, in the road to get to Reed Richards and what exactly is it that Reed and Doc have in common vs things they have that are mainly taken from characters before them/grandfathered in their respective mediums. So let's go over the Archetypes here:
The Sci-Fi Superman: Coined by Peter Coogan. Through some strange birth or scientific intervention, these characters have superhuman powers and abilities that set them irrevocably apart from humanity, nearly forcing them to usually fall into the roles of saviors, rulers, destroyers, or ostracized/self-imposed hermits. Unless they find a purpose requiring said abilites, they cannot be permitted to exist and usually meet a tragic demise or is stripped of said power. Formative example is The Creature from Frankenstein (Mary Shelley), and others include Hugo Danner from Gladiator (Phillip Wylie) and Bill Dunn from The Reign of The Superman (Jerry Siegel). Coogan considers John Carter the first wholly positive and heroic SF superman, which is disputable, but more on Carter later.
Pulp Ubermensch: The Great Man turned do-gooding adventurer with a prosocial agenda. A human who is physically, mentally, and/or morally superior to those around him as a result of training/upbringing, skilled at everything the story requires him to, who applies his talents and abilities near-exclusively to fight evil. Formative example is Nick Carter (created by John R. Coryell and penned by Frederick Van Rensselaer Dey), who established much of what would eventually become pulp hero and superhero convention consequently.
The Great Adventurer: I'm naming these as a counterpoint to The Great Detective, the fantastical globetrotting adventurer/explorer hero who can go anywhere and do anything, who takes to the world as the detective takes to the city. The idea of a wealthy, offbeat, yet good-natured pulp hero who goes around righting wrongs with like-minded assistants. Formative example here is Rocambole (Ponson du Terrail), in most ways a definitive early Pulp Ubermensch, and arguably the first proto-superhero to assemble a gang of odd companions with a variety of talents and backgrounds to aid him, which is what both the Fabulous Five and the Fantastic Four can trace roots back to.
Pulp Supermen: Offshoots of the Sci-Fi Superman as adventure protagonists in serialized stories, where their superhuman natures and status are alleviated and redirected by the need of their capabilities somewhere or in service of something, and thus they get around the ruler/savior/destroyer fate by being heroes with a social calling akin to the Pulp Ubermensch, dedicated to use their powers near-exclusively to fight injustice without rocking the boat of society by their presence (or if necessary, assert dominion ONLY in a setting outside of human society, such as the jungle or Martian civilization). Distinguished from the Pulp Ubermensch by their greater larger-than-life explicitly superhuman abilities, that they don't need to be morally/mentally superior to the extent of a Pulp Ubermensch, and by the fantastical settings and tone of their adventures. Formative examples are John Carter of Mars and Tarzan of the Apes (both created by Edgar Rice Burroughs), with Tarzan quoted by Lester Dent as a specific influence on Doc (there are others but we're skipping most of those not relevant here)
The Science Adventurer: A frequently-used name to describe Doc Savage and Doc Savage-alikes. Doc Savage can be described, in archetype word salad terms, as a Pulp Superman who calls upon the Pulp Ubermensch's great man-ness and urban social calling, and who combines a Sci-Fi Superman origin and physical traits with The Great Adventurer's explorer disposition, righteousness and band of companions. The main thing that sets him apart from the characters listed prior is his focus on scientific prowess, technology, reasoning and polymathic skills, the importance of the "Doc" part of his name as it where.
The Superhero: you already know what these are and how they relate to the above. I've written a couple of things about the differences between pulp heroes and superheroes and it's a subject I'm of constantly mixed opinions on even regarding stuff I wrote, so I'm linking these two written a year apart if you want an idea of where those differences are.
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And so we get to Reed, who I'm naming a Science-Adventurer Superhero as a merger of the last two. Both Stan Lee and Jack Kirby mentioned several times that they read Doc Savage aplenty during the Depression and it shows in elements such as the Baxter Building (an expansion of Doc's headquarters in the Empire State Building - instead of just the 86th floor, The Four get the entire skyscraper), the specialized aircraft and vehicles, the fights and antagonism between the cantankerous and anti-social Ben Grimm and the smart-mouthed Johnny Storm mirroring the bickering spats between the bestial Monk and the silver-tongued Ham, and of course Beast from X-Men being more closeled modeled on Monk's ape-ish traits and scientific expertise (there's a fairly large argument to be made, that I think accounts for some of why Beast is, like that, in recent comics, that Ben Grimm and Hank McCoy both divided Monk Mayfair's every trait between themselves and ultimately flipped the script in the long run before taking it to the farthest extremes possible as polarized opposites of each other, with Ben initially getting most of the bad parts and making them the best ones, and Hank initially getting all the good ones and making them into the worst ones)
As far as I know, Reed Richards was not consciously modeled after Doc Savage (although Jack Kirby and Joe Simon's Private Strong used the origin story of a professor raising his son in a lab to be perfect in total isolation of other humans, which Lester likely may have pulled from Phillip Wylie's The Savage Gentleman to begin with), although it's commonly said that the direct precursors of the Four, the Challengers of the Unknown, were modeled after Doc Savage and the Fabulous Five's make-up. The members of the Fantastic Four are all based on 50s sci-fi archetypes, with Reed as the quintessential scientist, the grey-templed pipe-smoking patriarch frontman of the expeditions, and some creators over the years seem to have drawn upon Doc Savage as a model Reed. I'm thinking specifically of Mark Waid here, who openly named Doc Savage in his pitch bible:
The eternal problem with Scientifically Inclined Genius Adventures, the reason they don't ring true, is because in real life scientists spend all their damn time in the lab. Not Reed.
F'r pete's sake, we know he undertook all sorts of Indiana Jones missions as a younger man, we've seen that he actively enlisted in a war, and oh yeah, he stole a rocketship and tried to take it to the moon."
Tommy B put his finger on it when he suggested I stop thinking of Reed as the Professor from Gilligan's Island and instead think of him more like Doc Savage. When Reed encounters mental or logistic obstacles in his quest for knowledge, he thinks through them.
Doc Savage, of course, isn't the perfect model - he's a little more blood-and-gristle than Reed, more invested in the search for justice than for knowledge, and a little more "in the moment" as a general rule. Reed's more like Peter Weller as Buckaroo Banzai, they have the same aloof, detached nature. Unless active danger is staring him right in the face, Reed often seems a bit distant and not completely here because his mind is ten minutes in the future.
That addresses the Science-Adventurer aspect, which leaves us with the Superhero side of the equation.
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With Doc Savage you of course have one of the, if not the, main archetypal pulp heroes, a character that both Superman and Batman would take a great deal from, and "pulp hero" in itself is a term that exists to define these characters more so in relation to superheroes than what they were actually like in their own stories, time periods and mediums. The superhero as a concept is founded on Superman and Batman and their dychotomy. Costumed Avenger vs Ubermensch, mortal and immortal, light and dark, Dayman and Nightman (AHH-ahhh-AAHHHHH!), and that dynamic is specifically a result of Superman and Batman being direct descendants from Doc Savage and The Shadow respectively, who were Street & Smith's (and by extension the American pulps) Big Two, the top dogs of 1930s hero pulps, and direct opposites to each other.
Doc Savage was created in response to The Phantom Detective (who was the first successful Shadow imitator and thus defined it as the thing everyone was gonna have to do or respond to) and was in many ways a modernized revamp-almost-copy of Street & Smith's Nick Carter during his heyday, in origin and first case and super strength and omnicapable skills and general Great Man-ness and gadgetry and mission statement and so on. Doc was co-created by the editor of Nick Carter Magazine, John Nanovic, and the first response to the Phantom Detective that S&S planned was a reboot of Nick Carter as a generic hardboiled detective, published on March 1933, the same month as Doc's debut, and obviously Doc would go on to achieve much greater success and thus would popularize those traits again with himself as the figurehead archetype of them (not unlike what Superman and Batman would later do).
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Unlike The Shadow, Doc Savage does not operate under a secret identity or mask. He is not the hidden master of the city and has no division between his alter egos, and because he performs in broad daylight as a celebrity, is theorically held to social scrutiny, and is fully sanctioned and approved by law enforcement and works with the authorities with public transparency (minus the crime college but let's just, not, for now), it greatly upends and affects the approach he takes to fighting crime. He only has one identity, the greatest man of all time as the stories will remind you at every turn, by his author's own words he "manifests Christliness", and while not much separates Doc Savage's skills from Nick Carter's, he is explicitly and textually framed as superhuman (even a "superman", that term was deployed a few times), and he operates in a contemporary, urban setting that most Pulp Supermen cannot touch without veering into Sci-Fi Superman territory.
Within the hero pulp format that S&S started with Nick Carter and renewed with The Shadow, with the scientific explorer angle, you could argue Doc Savage, in almost exactly the same way as he does in his stories, worked out the solution to an unfixable problem: Turns out you can be as over-the-top super as you want, so long as you have a procession of equivalent super menaces to fight, don't upset society (and if you do it, not where the public where can see, keep it a secret that you can be blackmailed over by crooks you will inevitably silence okay look I'll stop now), have whatever incredible miracle cures and achievements and charity you do work on take place off screen where you never have to deal with them too seriously, and know how to pick your fights.
His service to others resolves the ruler/savior/destroyer conundrum. Savage aids individuals who face problems beyond their control, does great work in advancing medicine and science, and alleviates suffering through charity work, but he leaves the institutions of society in place.
He faces a never-ending succession of villains threatening society, an eternal frontier of gangsters and super-scientific menaces who play the role that Indians take in frontier narratives. The unresolvable nature of crime makes this frontier eternal, so Savage can place his superiority in service to the community and never risk turning into a ruler, savior, or destroyer because he can find challenges sufficient to absorb his energies.
The Savage solution—the hero position would be adopted by the creators of other prosocial supermen to come, including Superman, although only the adventures of Superman would be set in contemporary America.
Thus instead of marking an end to the bourgeois domination of society, as Nietzsche foresaw, the superman serves to protect that domination through myth-narratives. - Superhero: The Secret Origin of a Genre, by Peter Coogan
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Reed Richards, in turn, is defined (INCORRECTLY, I say, feeling a plasma crackle barely miss my skull) as the smartest man on the planet, a mental superhuman who operates on a level above and beyond that of everyone around him, and a freak accident during a space travel grants him physical superhumanity to match, with his body able to morph and bend under his will. He alleviates the ruler/savior/destroyer conundrum Coogan described in much of the exact same way described above, kept busy with an endless procession of strange dimensions and aliens and supervillain challenges, and Mark Waid's famous confession scene in Fantastic Four #489 addresses the fate that looms over the Sci-Fi Superman directly, with the "very arrogant man who did something very stupid" pointificating to his toddler child just how necessary it was to ensure that the world would not fear and destroy the people he'd irreversibly mutated as a result of hubris, what is even the point of his grandstanding title and colorful outfit and public adventures and all that.
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The life of superpowered adventurer celebrities was a necessity, and his superhero persona, Mr Fantastic, is a tabloid-catching act of penitence to mask his ultimate shame and to compensate the people he loves most. He lives for science, he craves discovery above all, but as far back as the Lee/Kirby stories, he still drags the team into awful intrusive press conferences none of them want to go but must, he sits through meetings with hardass generals to buy his team more leeway and trust, he takes the time to stretch across the city to visit sick children in hospitals and say hello to passing helicopters, he has to be the stick-in-the-mud dad who stretches himself thin to keep Johnny and Ben from ditching the team or seriously hurting each other (those first Johnny and Ben spats get way more violent than you'd expect), and he has to make difficult and even manipulative and harsh decisions even then to save the most lives he can. He carries a responsability to his family and loved ones first and foremost, and fashioning himself and them into superheroes is how he lives up to that responsability. It's what allows them to exist and thrive in-universe as much as out of it.
(We're not gonna play catch-up to the "why doesn't Reed Richards cure cancer" conversation but even that, in itself, is an extension of a thread that we can trace back to Doc and the Sci-Fi Supermen before him, when seams in the fantasy start showing with the introduction of consequence, a trend that particularly catches up to these scientist superhero characters who followed in Doc Savage's wake, and obviously caught up to Doc himself several times by now, for reasons @artbyblastweave describes as "a consequence of contemporary writers being Allowed To Notice And Unpack Things" and elaborates on very neatly here)
As a superhero, Reed Richards exists in conversation with Superman and Batman, same as every other character within the superhero "genre", which means he also exists in conversation with those traits borrowed from Doc Savage, and The Shadow, and all these other guys listed who were crucial in their development and a lot of others I'm leaving out of the conversation for now. A crucial part of that conversation and where the Fantastic Four figure into it is the fact that they were designed to not be traditional superheroes but to flip most if not all the conventions established on it's head, a part of that being their initial lack of uniforms (and when they did get uniforms they were just that, uniforms, rather than costumes), the lack of a secret identity, and the fact that the Four are scientists and explorers first, and crimefighting superheroes a distant second they're forced to frequently make a close second or first priority. Marvel made it's big defining pop culture splash with the Fantastic Four by turning superhero convention on it's head and doing as much as they could to do the opposite of what Brand Echh was doing.
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And that's kinda the main reason they end up inviting similarities with Doc Savage and other pulp heroes, because they're going out of their way to imitate and subvert traits and tropes that Superman and Batman were already imitating and subverting from those guys in the first place, that they in turn were imitating and subverting from guys that came before them, and etc.
Archetypes are breakthroughs, and no breakthrough happens in a vacuum. In the end, a lot of these strands and connections between these characters are less specifically the result of writers consciously following in the footsteps of Doc Savage and those that came before or alongside him, and more so with the fact that there's only so many left turns you can take before you just end up in a circle, or reinventing the wheel as it were.
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ocs-with-no-home · 4 months
Lip Davenport
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Last Updated: May 23, 2024
Early Life
Lip was born to Charlotte and Philip Davenport who named him Philip Fredric Davenport III, after both of their fathers. Charlotte often claimed that their family goes back to the Mayflower, though there is no evidence that they can trace back to anyone on the ship. Though both of his parents families come from old money. The nickname of Lip was bestowed on him by his older sister, Cordelia - who he lovingly calls Cordy. He hates when people call him Phil or Philip and prefers going by Lip outside of professional settings. His father was often absent in his life, missing milestones and a few birthdays "because of work". Growing up in Greenwich, CT in a wealthy family, he learned horseback riding after being gifted a horse he named Jerry from his grandfather.
Teen Years
Lip attended an all-boys private high school. Known for being the life of the party, he always managed to throw the party of the year with Cordy, whenever their parents were away. He quickly realized he was bisexual as a teenager, taking a liking to a few of his classmates. Coming out to his sister first before his parents, out of fear that they wouldn't be supportive of him, however, his parents took it better than either of their children expected. His family being part of various country and social clubs, he found himself popular among his mother's friends. While vacationing with his family in the Hamptons at 16, he lost his virginity to one of Charlotte's friends.
Life at University
After graduating high school, he attended Yale University as a fourth generation legacy student. Studying business law and psychology as a double major, he was on the path to take a job at his father's company, Davenport & Sons. He joined a fraternity on campus and was known for hosting the biggest raggers, continuing his legacy from high school. He got a job as a tutor during his semesters and did internships over the summer. Despite being known for his colorful social life and packed schedule, he managed to graduate with a 4.0 GPA, and was the first pick as his graduating class's Valedictorian. However, he turned it down stating, "People hear enough from legacy graduates who were born with a silver spoon. There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said,".
Moving to New York
After graduation, he received several job offers on top of the guaranteed position at his Davenport & Sons. He moved to Brooklyn, New York with the money he earned while working in college, not wanting to rely on his family name or wealth. He wanted to make a name for himself. Which meant turning down the position at Davenport & Sons, and taking a financial analyst position for Dream World Financial. He eventually left his studio apartment in Brooklyn for a lush, beautifully furnished apartment in Manhattan where he currently resides.
Romantic and Social Life
Lip's romantic and sexual flings are just that: flings. He's never had a relationship last longer than six months. Charlotte has a tendency to get a little too involved in his dating life, often chasing people away she deems "beneath him". Known for his charm and as a flirt, he doesn't find it hard to go home with someone. Always known as the life of the party, he has a solid group of friends he's collected through the years from high school, to college, to the professional world. However, he considers Cordy to be his best friend. He prefers people get to know Lip, not Philip Davenport III.
Random Facts About Lip:
He only ever drinks Dunk's coffee - his coffee order is black with two sugars,
His style is always polished. He rarely if ever wears jeans. His fits are well thought out and he does have a tailor. You will never catch him dead in a thrift store.
He considers his ass his best asset. He's worked hard on it.
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FC: Nick Jonas | Color: #344464 | Font: Gistesy
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
ALWAYS, ok just a fun little question, I need to know why you’re so drawn to Eddie, JUST GO HAM AND GUSH ABOUT IT BABE
Boy am I glad I fixed (i think) the read more thing because I’ll give you everything I got:
I gotta start this off by saying i had no intentions and no interest in watching stranger things 4 when it premiered. The wait between season 3 and 4 was pretty long, especially because of covid and while i had attempted to keep the interest up, there wasn’t a whole lot of the fandom active until a little before st4 dropped, but the last time i was here, it was dead as hell. And so i left, not ever expecting to come back. then one day, after st4 had started streaming i was just scrolling through twitter and i saw a picture of Eddie. He piqued my interest immediately, the only thing i could equate it to is like when you were in high school, catching sight of someone you never really noticed before and being completely smitten at first sight. I wanted to know more about him, needed to. So i finally started the new season.
One thing that’s important to know before i detail exactly why i became so interested in Eddie is a little background information that i wont go too deep into detail about, but i lost my dad in early 2021. We were very close, he also liked Stranger Things (both of my parents did but we’re not gonna talk about my mom’s favs rn) and our bond only deepened during my late teenage years because of how into 70s and 80s music i was (am, but you’d think I was a 70s girl if you saw me)—like everyone else who was a teenager through st1-3, IT, and watched all the 80s tv shows that aired on like nick at night, tbs, tvland, etc.—and those were my dad’s golden years, he’d been in several bands and a DJ. He played the guitar (left me with so many guitars and a ton of amps) and he could absolutely SHRED it. He appreciated all genres—really, he just loved any song with a good guitar solo—but he loved rock and heavy metal, for obvious reasons (the guitar shredding). He was definitely a metal head, though he didn’t look the part (he’s black, heavily resembled Wesley Snipes especially back then, and you wont ever see a whole lot of aesthetics of black metal heads of the 80s for obvious reasons, and he was rocking the jerry curl lol, but it was a mullet). He was a pretty intimidating looking dude, that never stopped him from singing along to R5 with me and the Jonas brothers, one direction, Kelly clarkson, he’d encourage my love for music in whatever form/genre I liked. He got so excited when I also finally started appreciating the same type of music he did, but that wasn’t til around 2 or 3 years before he passed. And then when he did, i didn’t have any to talk to about it.
And here came Eddie, to the rescue (he and the rest of the Hawkins gang also popped up when I was being iced out of my only friend group at the time and I was really depressed). I liked Eddie, not only because I was INSTANTLY attracted to him, I also liked his style, I liked his hair, his pretty brown eyes (what they do to me should be illegal), how adaptable he was (stern when the hellfire boys needed it, gentle around people he could tell were shaken) and how he encouraged people to maintain their individuality (namely Dustin, while Eddie was really hot in the cafeteria scene, I wasn’t too fond of how he was ragging on people for what they liked, because they weren’t like him—when they weren’t even harassing or bothering him and I didn’t care for how he was unwilling to see Lucas—one of his little sheepies who was finding his way—play in one of the most important games to him but we got more Erica out of it so I’ll forgive him). His voice is also surprisingly comforting to me, I can’t explain why. AND HIS THEATRICS! My god, I could imagine watching him goof around, letting himself collapse onto the floor because of trivial things and just being dramatic and funny, all day long. The best part about him, is that he’s the most real feeling boy out of the “core three” (Steve, Jonathan and Eddie, I don’t count Billy for me because I don’t like him for obvious reasons) to me. See, I’ve been interested in all three of those boys. Jonathan first, then Steve (and still kind of) but my loyalty is to Eddie. Jonathan was first because it was Jonathan VS Steve, you know? The quiet underdog from the wrong side of the tracks, the good boy. it’s a character trope but a good one. And then Steve, former mean rich boy with a heart of gold. Another excellent character trope. Both of those boys are picture perfect Teenage Dreams. Then you have Eddie, who—I can’t explain how I know, I just do—would bark at someone who was bothering him until they were freaked out enough to go away. He’s considered trailer trash, a metal head with messy hair who deals drugs, becomes a friend to freshmen who no one else wants to associate with, starts arguments with the ‘popular’ crowd—that boy is NOT a victim, if Chrissy hadn’t died in that trailer he would have been harassing Jason and his crew more than the other way around lol—talks in weird voices, has weird gimmicks all while comforting sad girls, being chivalrous enough to help them into boats and holding Robin during the quakes in the Upside Down. In my opinion he’s far from a bad boy and difficult to stick into one character trope box. And out of all the boys, he’s the most realistic Teenage Dream. He’s one of a kind but it also feels like I could find him somewhere out in the world.
But my favorite thing about Eddie is the fact that I know I’d be gushing all about my love for him to my dad if he were alive. And my dad wouldn’t mind because he’d be his favorite character, too, with all of their shared interests and how Eddie is kind of the epitome for the crowd he used to be a part of. Sometimes, I entertain the idea it’d feel an awful lot like telling my dad about a boyfriend and him finally like him, my dad hated all my boyfriends and refused to let me tell him ANYTHING about them. Like everyone else who loves Eddie, I wish he was real, but mostly for that reason. Honestly, I’d barely be able to be friends with Eddie. My crush on him would be way too intense for me to like operate as a normal human being around him and with him, I can tell I’d regress to my high school self and love/admire from afar because of my shyness. Those high school crushes were pretty magical for me, though nothing ever came from them (I didn’t start my maneater ways until after high school when I got hot and started doing drugs) and yeah, that’s the type of teenage dream he is for me. My love for him is intense enough to have me not only reading fanfiction—which isn’t all that surprising because I’ve been doing it since elementary school—but freaking WRITING it!!! I can count the amount of times I’d done so in the past on one hand (most of which I deleted a long ass time ago) and still have fingers available. Now, i can’t stop. I just can’t. And it’s all because of him. Everything i write is like my way of writing a love letter to Eddie. Even if I did stop writing, I wouldn’t ever stop being drawn to him.
So, all of that is why I’m so drawn to him, why I really do love him, and why I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let him go. And you might notice a lot of that also reflects in my writing.
So, all of that is why I’m so drawn to him, why I really do love him, and why I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let him go. And you might notice a lot of that also reflects in my writing.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
hiiii today's reminder is Winwin met Nick Jonas??? wtf??????
I SAW!!!! NCT is always seen with the most random of people. Jeno and Dove Cameron, Johnny and Lil Nas X, Ten and Coi Leray probs the least random since she has a song with TXT but still. And Now Winwin and Nick Jonas?! Winwin and the love of my life since I was 12. That Nick Jonas?! Which Nick and Priyanka if you need a third I would like to apply for this position. I'll even carry any future babies for you. I'm in this more for Priyanka than Nick honestly he's just extra. I would happily live my life as a beautiful couples toy. Anyway
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This doesn't even look real. Like that's Winwin with Nicholas Jerry Jonas. What next Yangyang's going to meet Sarah Michelle Geller and Melissa Joan Hart?! Jisung will be reunited with his mother Taylor Allison Swift?
We're not going to talk about how I know Nick and Taylor's middle names from memory. They were my life in middle school.
Speaking of, Taylor and Selena if you both would like to live on a farm with a shared girlfriend (me) I would like for that to be my life.
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2 4 5 18!
2) Album of the year?
The cast album for the '95 revival of How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying - the story and songs are dated in much the way you'd expect a 1960s musical about office politics would be, but the orchestrations for this revival are INCREDIBLE and so up my alley. The brass is tight, punchy, big, and so much more in your face than the original cast album or the '68 movie version (not Nelson Riddle's fault, I believe he was contractually barred from significantly altering the arrangements?). The Daniel Radcliffe and Nick Jonas recordings sound downright puny in comparison. Like THIS is how the orchestra for a splashy Broadway musical should sound imo. It sounds like an orchestra, not a tiny pit band (though that works for some shows, but I have a preference for the former). And it's well recorded/mixed. I remember one of my professors years ago told me of a renegotiation with the musician's union that happened in the early 2000s allowing producers smaller orchestras than originally called for in revivals. Also the change in vocal style - I frankly find the current prevailing vocal style on Broadway annoying and have for some time (too forward, too chewey, too contrived, the R's are so hard and nerdy and annoying). Anyway but yeah it's very fun and I've listened to it a lot in the past few months.
4) Movie of the year?
Probs The Slender Thread (1965). It was the 1st movie I saw at the TCM FF this year and it was just as good as I was hoping it would be, if not better! Sidney Poitier and Anne Bancroft were great. Sydney Pollack's direction is stylish, dramatic, and sensitive. Though in some ways it's very dated, it's exploration of someone in a mental health crisis is still very relevant and has imo aged better than you'd expect a movie from the mid-60s to. That movie's stuck in my brain more than perhaps anything else I watched this year, and just become a little part of my life. Also Quincy Jones' score is very good and this track from it was my wakeup alarm most of the year.
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5) TV show of the year?
Hmm, probably Mad About You (1992-9)! I started watching it I wanna say last year with my mom when I was living back home for a while, but It's something I've watched a lot on my own this year. There are so many sitcoms about nuclear families or perpetually-single adults, it's nice to see one about a newlywed couple with a fundamentally loving and healthy relationship who aren't awful human beings (looking at you, Jerry). The writing's witty and warm, and also it kinda brings to mind what things might have been like for my parents being childless newlyweds in the 90s. Also the older I get the more accurate I find these sitcom 'I'm adult and my parents are insane' interactions. Aaaand Paul Resier's chest hair and silliness make me feel things...
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18) A memorable meal this year?
@sailor-freddie-mercury and I went to a nice restaurant called Yamashiro up on a hill above Hollywood blvd. Gorgeous views, great food, great atmosphere, it's kind of expensive but worth it for a splurge.
Send me more End of the Year asks !
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nickjnas · 7 days
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nicholas jerry "nick" jonas is a thirty two year old musician & actor, born on september 16th, 1992. he is heterosexual, currently single and available to all the connections below + more.
ride or die : jenna ortega
best girl friend : zendaya
hookup turned friend
bromance : austin butler & joe burrow
party buddy
close friends
fast friends : jamie campbell bower
role model
good influence
bad influences
industry buddy : sabrina carpenter
gym buddy : drew starkey
music mentor to : madison beer
divorce buddies : hailey baldwin
acting mentor
sibling like : olivia rodrigo & hailee steinfeld
friends who hooked up
new friends
platonic soulmate
exes on good terms : selena gomez
exes on bad terms
friendly exes
one night stand : madelyn cline
went on a date : cindy kimberly & ella purnell
hooked up once : sabrina carpenter
casual hookup
friend with benefits
drunken mistake
sexual tension
pr relationship
mutual dislike
professional competition
suspicious of : bill skarsgård
mutuals on social media
matched on a dating app
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sunsetblvdhq · 23 days
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You have arrived on Sunset Boulevard, NICK JONAS! Will you follow in the glamorous footsteps of the stars who came before you, or forge your own path to stardom?
Welcome to Sunset Boulevard HQ, STACIE We’re so happy to have you and can’t wait for you to join in on the fun with us! Please make sure to check off the following:
Send us your account within 24 hours of acceptance!
Follow everyone on the blogroll!
Follow our tracked tags, which you can find here!
OPTIONAL: Message us for the link to the OOC blog!
Nicholas Jerry Jonas
September 16, 1992. (31).
Musician, Actor, Business Man, Diabetes Advocate.
Anyone Nick has worked with over the years from Camp Rock, movies, television, and theater.
I play Kendall Jenner and Camila Mendes. I will be bringing Nick in divorced and sharing custody of his daughter Malti Marie with Priyanka Chopra.  
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
In the adorably different town of Uglyville, weirdness is celebrated, strangeness is special and beauty is embraced as more than meets the eye. After traveling to the other side of a mountain, Moxy and her UglyDoll friends discover Perfection — a town where more conventional dolls receive training before entering the real world to find the love of a child. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Moxy (voice): Kelly Clarkson Lou (voice): Nick Jonas Mandy (voice): Janelle Monáe Ox (voice): Blake Shelton Lucky Bat (voice): Leehom Wang Ugly Dog (voice): Pitbull Wage (voice): Wanda Sykes Babo (voice): Gabriel Iglesias Wedgehead (voice): Emma Roberts Tuesday (voice): Bebe Rexha Kitty (voice): Charli XCX Lydia (voice): Lizzo Peggy (voice): Ice-T Jumbotron (voice): Laura Nicole Harrison Scanner / Electronic Female Voice (voice): Jane Lynch Gibberish Cat / Oliver / Chef / Buttons (voice): Kelly Asbury Meghan (voice): Natalie Martinez Michael (voice): Stephen Zimpel Nolan (voice): Enrique García Santos Exposition Robot (voice): Rob Riggle New Arrival (voice): Steven Schweickart Tray (voice): Afi Ekulona Sporko (voice): Jacques Colimon Various Voices (voice): Poonam Basu Various Voices (voice): Keith Harrison Various Voices (voice): Laura Schein Wedgehead (uncredited): Susana Raposo Film Crew: Executive Producer: Jason Grode Characters: David Horvath Story: Robert Rodriguez Director: Kelly Asbury Screenplay: Alison Peck Producer: Oren Aviv Executive Producer: Gabriela Bloch Steinmann Executive Producer: Luyuan Fan Executive Producer: Adam Fogelson Executive Producer: Fu Ruoqing Producer: Jane Hartwell Executive Producer: Shujin Lan-Shuster Executive Producer: Jerry Li Executive Producer: Drew Matilsky Executive Producer: Mingyu Peng Executive Producer: Pitbull Executive Producer: Robert Simonds Executive Producer: Huixia Zhang Editor: Julie Rogers Editor: Nolan Southerland Casting: Ruth Lambert Casting: Robert McGee Production Design: Shannon Jeffries Art Direction: Ravinder Kundi Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Joel Dougherty Characters: Sun-min Kim Original Music Composer: Christopher Lennertz Songs: Glenn Slater Additional Writing: Liu Guoqing Additional Writing: Vivian Wang Production Design: Andrew Woodhouse Associate Producer: Andrea McCarthy Paul Songs: Keith Harrison Songs: Anitta Screenplay: Blaise Hemingway Movie Reviews:
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the-invisible-queer · 3 months
I know none of my Tumblr followers read my blog post about Nick because no one sent me an ask about me calling him a genius 🤣
It's fine!
It's a long post and I wasn't expecting anyone to read it
But y'all missed out on the most complimentary piece I've ever written about Nicholas Jerry Jonas
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leanstooneside · 7 months
Empty bags cannot stand upright (SURREY)
◊ Dakota Fanning's guaranteed fist
◊ Maksim Chmerkovskiy's guaranteed fist
◊ Portia De Rossi's guaranteed fist
◊ Parker Posey's guaranteed fist
◊ Whoopi Goldberg's guaranteed fist
◊ Rita Ora's guaranteed fist
◊ Sacha Baron Cohen's guaranteed fist
◊ Denis Leary's guaranteed fist
◊ Tinsley Mortimer's guaranteed fist
◊ Chad Kroeger's guaranteed fist
◊ Lily Aldridge's guaranteed fist
◊ Jerry Seinfeld's guaranteed fist
◊ Robin Wright Penn's guaranteed fist
◊ Drew Barrymore's guaranteed fist
◊ Nick Lachey's guaranteed fist
◊ Rumer Willis's guaranteed fist
◊ Vinny Guadagnino's guaranteed fist
◊ Chris Colfer's guaranteed fist
◊ Nicki Minaj's guaranteed fist
◊ Lily Collins's guaranteed fist
◊ George Stephanopoulos's guaranteed fist
◊ Alicia Keys's guaranteed fist
◊ Haylie Duff's guaranteed fist
◊ Lisa Snowdon's guaranteed fist
◊ Lorde's guaranteed fist
◊ Joe Jonas's guaranteed fist
◊ Tina Fey's guaranteed fist
◊ Alex Pettyfer's guaranteed fist
◊ Scott Porter's guaranteed fist
◊ Rebecca Gayheart's guaranteed fist
◊ Amy Winehouse's guaranteed fist
◊ Desiree Hartsock's guaranteed fist
◊ Farrah Abraham's guaranteed fist
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carpediem-celebrpg · 10 months
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Demi Lovato switched to Nick Jonas. Continue to follow
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scandaloushq · 10 months
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Please send your account to us within 24 hours. Make sure to follow everyone on the follow list & the tracked tags as well. We can’t wait to have you!
name / age / pronouns: 
Becky, 33, she and her
celebrity you’re applying for / pronouns:
Nicolas Jerry Jonas with he, him, and his pronouns
second choice / pronouns: 
celebrity age:
31 years of age 
blood tw, medical emergency tw, cancer tw.
do you play anyone else in the rp currently?
no, new to group!
anything else? 
Nick has one daughter from his previous marriage, he is divorced from Priyanka Chopra as of early 2023. Daughter name, Malti Jonas born January 15th, 2022. 
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hollywoodfamerp · 1 year
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Send us your account within 24 hours.
Include your FCs full name in their blog bio.
Have the disclaimer that applies to you in your blog bio (found in our rules).
Be sure to have your ask box open.
Message the main to find out about any prior history
OPTIONAL: Message the main to be added into our OOC Blog
OPTIONAL: Create a profile for HFRP CONNECT!
Christopher Whitelaw Pine, 42, August 26, 1980.
Nicholas Jerry Jonas, 30, September 16, 1992.
Male for both.
Actor, Producer, Brand Ambassador, Amateur Photographer for Chris.
Musician, Actor, Business Owner, The Voice Judge,  
Anyone either of the two have worked with over the years. 
Please be sure that your para sample is 2+ paragraphs. It can be from another roleplay and must also be in third person and past tense. (This will be removed before your application is posted.)
Carrie Underwood, Jensen Ackles, Sarah Drew, Shay Mitchell, Tyler Hoechlin, Zoey Deutch.
Seeing that Chris has not been played in a few years I am going to be starting him over.  
I already reserved Chris, yet if Nick is the one picked I would like to play Nick without his daughter.  
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elder-scroller · 2 years
his name is NICK, he voiced jerry from tom and jerry like no other, he lives next to someone who works at NASA, and he’s a JONAS BROTHER.
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S & K
I am what I am Klangnomad Lyrics We have lyrics for 'I am what I am' by these artists: (Chill Out) Above and Beyond pres. Oceanlab I know you've read So many books You keep a breast of… above & beyond (oceanlab) I know you've read So many books You keep a best of… Above & Beyond ft. Oceanlab I know you've read So many books You keep a breast of… Above & Beyond Presents OceanLab Your splendor is boundless And You etch your name in the… Above & Beyond/Oceanlab I know you've read So many books You keep a breast of… Adrian Belew "Friends seen an` unseen...to you that are ridin` along In y… Albatross Something in the air bends around my firm resolve It's hard… Amateur Transplants … B-Luv I'm a champion, I'm a champion Yea Ybs I'm on a whole… Bacharach & David Ghost on the highway Bird with metal wings Ghost on the high… Bassey shirley I am what I am I am my own special creation So… Chubb Rock Here we go, ha ha Thou shalt not have no other… Coniption Fit First time I saw you, I failed to see The lies… Deathbringer Das menschliche Gefühl, das im Grunde genommen* oberflächlic… Deja Voodoo Spells I Am What I Am Free my soul, I wanna be, What I… Doro Some choose to remember Some choose to forget Some fall to… Douglas Hodge I am what I am I am my own Special Creation So come take a l… Duce Duce I am an Artist, a Student, a Street Scholar The son… Emma Muscat Every time I fall down As soon as I hit the… f.Jones I know momma loved me I reckoned that dad thought I… f.Jones/Hannah/Respect I'm not aware of too many things I know what I… George Hearn I am what I am, I am my own special… Gloria Gaynor It takes a lifetime to become the best that we… Greyhound I am what I am, yes, I'm one of the… Hannah Jones I am what I am I am my own special creation So… Hunter & the Bear Well I don't follow any trend I don't sulk for hours… Hunter and The Bear I find it takes some time to realize This life will… I-Roy O yea ,The darkest hours sometimes be the most fun Cause… Janet Glazener I am what I am I don't want praise I don't… Jerry Herman I am what I am I don't want praise I don't… Jerry Lee Lewis I am what I am I am my own special creation So… Jim & Ingrid Croce Perhaps I'll never show this world all I could be I… John Barrowman I am what I am I am my own special creation. So… Jonas Brother I am what I am I can't help myself And… Karen Mulder I am what I am I am my own special creation So… King Von Bow (what?) (Fivi, let's do it) (Von, heavy on it) What? (No… KMFDM Intimal, obsolete I overslept, arrived too late If nothing i… La Cage aux Folles i am what i am i am my own special creation so… La Cage Aux Folles Cast Ensemble: (Prelude, Reprise) We are what we are and… Leslie Uggams I am what I am I don't want praise I don't… LONDON THEATRE ORCHESTRA AND CAST He thinks that man is me He knew him at a… M.P.D. Limited Maybe I've longed for somebody like you Maybe I've longed fo… Mark Owen Looking at me, through the eye of a needle, Is a… Merle Haggard Things I learned in a hobo jungle Were things they never… N.D. Anderson Dancing, where the cloud touches light At dawn that is where… Nick Jonas I want someone to love me For who I am I want… O.B.I. I am the champion (okay) I am the champion (did it… Oceanlab I know you've read, so many books You keep abreast of… Respect Feat. Hannah Jones I am what I am I am my own special creation So… Sammy Davis What kind of fool am I Who never fell in love It… Shirley Bassey I am what I am I am my own special creation So… Since The Flood Every step I take they'll try, try to bring me… Spiritualized I am the tide that pulls the moon I am the… Steve White Intimal, obsolete I overslept, arrived too late If nothing i… Teatro I am what I am I am my own special… The Hotels We're told that we're all special from a very young… The Itals Jah-man, Jah-man, lead I not in aggravation Jah-man, Jah-man… The M.P.D. Limited I'm counting the stars Wherever you are The sky is so calm L… The Silver Stage Orchestra and Cast He thinks that man is me He knew him at a… The Village People I am, I am, what I am, what I am,… Tom Roble Follow your dreams Follow your dreams I am what I am I do… Various Artists Various Artists Europride Paris '97 I Am What I Am GLORIA GA… Village People I am, I am, what I am, what I am,… Zane Williams If I were an astronaut I'd bring you back a moon…
i am obsessed with this and with you what a beautiful poem you wrote me from the universe
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economicinsider01 · 2 years
Nick Jonas | Family | Carrer | Lifestyle
About Nick Jonas
Nicholas Jerry Jonas, Jr. (born September 16, 1992) is an American singer, songwriter and actor. He gained his fame as a member of the pop rock band Jonas Brothers, alongside his brothers Kevin and Joe. When the band began to split up in 2013, Nick started a solo career. He has released three studio albums, including Nick Jonas & The Administration (2013). Last Year Was Complicated (2015) and Last Year Was Complicated: Bonus Tracks (2016). In 2017, he released the album Nick Jonas, and his single “Chains” entered the top five of both the US Hot 100 and Canadian Hot 100.
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Nick Jonas Family:
Father: Kevin Jonas Sr (Real Estate Developer) Mother: Denise M. Jonas (nee’ Miller) (Teacher) Siblings: Joe Jonas and Kevin Jonas Jr. (older brothers) Nick’s family has been involved in the music business for years. His mother, Denise, is a patroness of the arts, while his father was a founding board member of Theatre Under The Stars in Houston, Texas. Nick’s grandfather, Nicholas “Nico” Jonas, Sr., was a Greek immigrant. Nick is the youngest of the Jonas Brothers. He began performing with his brothers in 2007. They achieved mainstream success with the release of their self-titled studio album in 2008, which was followed by a sequel, A Little Bit Longer in 2009. He formed a band called Nick Jonas & The Administration and released his debut studio album under the name Nick Jonas on June 10, 2010. He co-wrote and co-produced the album. His first single was “Tightrope” with the band LMNT. His second single, “Chains”, was released on May 28, 2012. The song entered at number four on the Billboard Hot 100 and peaked at number two. The Jonas Brothers then released their self-titled third album in 2013, later that year Nick announced his departure from the band and his separation from them.
Nick Jonas Carrer:
Nick Jonas made his musical debut in 2007 with his brothers in the Disney Channel television film Camp Rock. Hence The film became a Disney Channel Original Movie, released on June 20, 2008, and starred Jonas as well as Demi Lovato. The film’s popularity led to the creation of a sequel, Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam, which premier on July 20, 2010 as part of ABC Family’s “13 Nights of Halloween.” The TV movie viewed by 12.8 million viewers and garnered generally positive reviews from critics.
Jonas played the role of Nicholas “Nicky” Hoffman, one of the two main characters in the musical. The musical also starred Kevin, Joe and actress Rae Rose. Camp Rock was release on DVD on October 14, 2008 in both a standard version and a special edition which included a 1-hour documentary about the making of the film as well as karaoke versions of songs from the movie. A soundtrack for Camp Rock was release on August 12, 2008. It debuted at No.
Nick Jonas Lifestyle:
Nick Jonas wears a gold-plated Rolex Oyster Perpetual Day-Date watch. A stainless steel Rolex Oyster Perpetual Submariner with a green face is born on the red carpet. The model he wears appears to be from the mid-2000s era and retails for around $6,000 to $8,000 based on current prices. Nick’s most recent luxury watch acquisition was a $15,000 Rolex SkyDweller. In a recent interview with the New York Post, Nick Jonas claims that he is “not materialistic,” despite being worth $35 million. In an interview with My Style Spy, he reveals that things are “all about the experiences” for him. He also likes to collect guitars and sees himself as a modern-day Renaissance man, who plays piano and guitar, writes songs and acts in movies. Jonas is also an avid skateboarder. Saying he begins most mornings with a skate session at his home in Los Angeles. He explains that it helps him with balance and concentration Hence He was sponsore by Element Skateboards from 2008 to 2011 before switching over to Nike SB. In 2013, he released a signature model shoe for the brand. Also Jonas competed in “King of the Road” (a skate competition series) for three seasons before quitting in October 2013 because he felt it negatively impacted his music career.
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