#Nico Terol
misanocircuit · 2 months
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Marc Márquez being the smallest on the podium: a thread🧵.
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42bakery · 4 months
Nico is taking his son David to a karting track in Italy, and Alonso is promising chaos. He also says he might have to be declared fit for the Italian GP.
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certifiedbi · 5 months
Watching Nico Terol go from respected team boss to first time dad to two teenage boys overnight has been so fun
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waru-chan8 · 11 months
Nothing broken in case of Izan Guevara according to Nico Terol
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leocuccittini · 2 years
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IZAN GUEVARA AND NICO TEROL — 2022, Australian Grand Prix
©Glenn Nicholls
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saraw4ters · 7 months
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raulfernandez · 10 months
Is David performing a ritual to get Nico Terol to legally adopt him or has that already happened?
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diarioelpepazo · 10 months
Jorge Martín se accdentó. Pecco ganó la carrera y Jorge se cayó con Marc Márquez JAIME MARTÍN Cheste Pecco Bagnaia logró la victoria en la carrera de MotoGP en Valencia y, de paso, se proclamó campeón del mundo en 2024. El segundo seguido, con lo que es bicampeón de la clase reina y tricampeón sumando el de Moto2 de 2018. Amargo final para Jorge Martín, que no acabó por accidente. Álex Rins volvió para correr por última vez con el LCR Honda. Miguel Oliveira fue baja y le suplió el probador de Aprilia, Lorenzo Savadori. Joan Mir tampoco corrió por sus problemas cervicales. Maverick Viñales recibió una penalización de tres posiciones en parrilla, porque en el 'warm up' rompió un motor, vio la bandera de detenerse y no lo hizo. Así, la pole la heredó Pecco Bagnaia. Las condiciones eran buenas, con sol y algo más de frío que en los días anteriores: 18 grados en el ambiente y 21 en el asfalto reasfaltado. Había un llenazo espectacular con 93.000 espectadores. Los dos aspirantes salían con goma dura delantera y media trasera. En la salida, Bagnaia aguantaba el puesto de privilegio. Martín se lanzó y en dos curvas ya se puso segundo tras estar sexto en parrilla. Superó a las KTM, Maverick y Zarco. Marco Bezzecchi se accidentaba. Mal final para el tercero del Mundial. Los Márquez se peleaban por la séptima plaza tras Viñales. Los comisarios investigaron la caída de 'Bez', pues Marc estuvo en el lance, pero no apreciaron nada punible. Martinator intentó superar a Bagnaia en el primer ángulo, pero casi se cae. Le absorbió el rebufo. Tuvo que irse por la escapatoria. Volvió, pero ya en octava posición, delante de Aleix, pero a 2.4 segundos del liderato. Martín empezaba su remontada salvaje. Adelantó a Álex Márquez desatado. No le quedaba otra. Después de varios intentos resistidos por Viñales, Jorge superó a Maverick. Todo acabó a falta de 22 vueltas. Martinator intentó rebasar a Marc Márquez, pero tocó por detrás al ilerdense y ambos se fueron al suelo. El octocampeón tuvo un susto en la curva 4, la llamada Nico Terol, se abrió algo y al volver a la trayectoria Jorge le golpeó. Horrible final al Mundial. El de Cervera era llevado al centro médico, pues voló en un 'highside' (salió por orejas). Justo en ese momento, Binder adelantaba a Bagnaia. Al pasar por la recta, en Ducati le informaban a Pecco de que Martín estaba fuera y era campeón. El madrileño llegaba a su box con el casco puesto para que no se le vieran las lágrimas. Todos le aplaudían y abrazaban. Incluyendo Gigi Dall'Igna o Carmelo Ezpeleta. Tocaba reconocer su enorme temporada. El sueño debe esperar. Ya daba igual lo que pasara en la pista, pues aunque no terminara Bagnaia ya era el gran triunfador. El de Chivasso se lo tomaba con más calma y Miller le pasaba. Enea Bastianini tenía un incidente a final de recta. El del Ducati oficial era décimo. Al poco era Augusto el que besaba el asfalto en la curva 7. Marc también volvía a su box sano. No fue la despedida soñada del Repsol Honda. Brad Binder tenía la carrera en su mano, pero se fue largo en la curva 11 y volvió por la zona de la 'Long Lap'. Pasaba de primero a sexto. Vaya error del sudafricano. El de KTM, luego, fue agresivo y pasó al límite a Álex Márquez. Le tocó y sacó algo fuera. El bicampeón le hizo una peineta quejándose. Di Giannantonio aprovechó para superar a su compañero en el Gresini. Binder era castigado con ceder una posición por su lance con Álex Márquez. Se lo marcaban en la pizarra, pero él adelantaba a Viñales en la recta. Brad lo vio y se dejó pasar por Maverick. Los comisarios dieron por bueno esto, aunque parecía que tendría que haberse dejado rebasar por 'Diggia'. El sudafricano, ya liberado, podía con Viñales, otra vez. Di Giannantonio también dejaba atrás al de Roses. El drama seguía para KTM: A falta de ocho vueltas, Miller se caía. También tenía el triunfo en su mano y sólo le seguía Bagnaia, que no tenía que forzar. Al momento, se accidentaba Álex Rins, en un final malo con la HRC.
Pecco se veía primero casi sin hacer nada, sólo tirando de sangre fría y beneficiándose de los errores del resto. El peligro para él estaba en Zarco. Viñales sufría y se veía rebasado por Álex Márquez, Raúl Fernández y Aleix Espargaró. Maverick pagaba haber montado una goma blanda. Di Giannantonio superaba a Binder para ponerse tercero. Menudo final de temporada de Fabio. Pol Espargaró tenía un accidente en su despedida de MotoGP. Perdía el equilibrio mientras rodaba 11º. En 2024 será reserva y probador de KTM/GasGas. 'Diggia' venía muy fuerte. No tardó en adelantar a Zarco, que no había metido rueda a Pecco. El romano superó limpio en la curva 4. Iba a haber emoción, porque Fabio se pegó a Bagnaia buscando un hueco en la última vuelta. El turinés resistió a lo grande para ganar. Campeón venciendo la carrera. Final soñado para el '1'. Luego, lo celebró a lo grande: con mate en una canasta de baloncesto y poniéndose tres anillos, cada uno por un título. CLASIFICACIÓN CARRERA MOTOGP VALENCIA Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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Hace un año de este viaje relámpago @manucalguer , y cada vez que veo el vídeo, me descojono😂🤣‼️ por muchos ratos de estos, que sólo nosotros sabemos vivir❤️‼️🙌🙌
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42bakery · 7 months
Nico Terol has been on the medical centre and has visited Jake. He's conscious, but dazed and in pain. Further test are going to be done.
Jake's wife is there with him
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baellerin · 4 years
The last hour of Le Mans is not on tv. Why Eurosport why?
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
wait tell me the dirt... why don't you like lucio? and the other team principals
I don't think you need a reason to dislike some people, sometimes you just don't vibe with them. I also tend to ignore team principals because they are just the face of the team and they do and act as they are told/the best way to protect the team's interest. Having said that, I do have a reason to dislike each one of them, even if they seem childish to other people.
Lucio Cecchinello: I just see his face and I want to punch him. It's mostly that when he is interviewed by DAZN Spain, and he told one thing, but like 10 minutes later he and the team were doing the opposite. Also, at the start of the pandemic Crutchlow made some racist comments (something about the pandemic having started because a Chinese wanted to eat a bat or not wanting to shake hands with fans from Asian countries because "they were carrying/spreading COVID" but shaking hands with other fans) and he defended him. I think people started to pull older stuff where Crutchlow had said/done other racist stuff.
Alberto Puig: you see, when I first heard about MotoGP was back in 2003-2005 and back then, Dani and Puig were tight and Puig did everything to protect Dani. I came back in 2020 just to see Dani having retired and Puig having taken over Honda and dragging Dani thought the mud. It was implied that Dani's biggest mistake was to cut ties with Alberto and that's what made Dani big, a legend and a World Champion (in 125cc and 250cc) was Alberto. Also, I don't like him because as Cecchinello, when he tells the journalist something in the middle of a session he then does the opposite. And he always seems mad and wanting to punch someone. Not everything about Puig is bad, he also let Lorenzo retired even if he had 1 more year with Honda, and he has never put pressure on the riders. And when riders have had a bad crash, and they feel like they are not at their best and will be dangerous on track despite being declared fit by the medical team, he let them not take part. He does understand riders and shields them as much as he can, but that doesn't make me like him.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with Boscoscuro and Gelete Nieto. They are Moto2 team principal of the SpeedUp and the Yamaha VR46 MasterCamp team respectively.
Luca Boscoscuro: in the 2020 season, he had Yari Montella and Jorge Navarro as his riders. Montella wasn't delivering the result he wanted, so he replaced him with Fermín Aldeguer. At first, it was said it was due to an injury/give time to recover from an injury after a bad crash, but when Fermín could not replace him, brought back Yari to push him away the next race. Technically, it was a mid-season (? more like the last 1/3) swap. He did the same with Fenati and Alonso, and apparently he had done the same in the past. If that's not enough, he gloats that his current line-up is under a tight contract for 3 years (not sure if it started last year or it's from this season onwards) and Alonso knew for like 2 races before it happened that he had a shot at the Moto2 seat because Fenati could be fired. And now, he is so proud of Alonso and it's shaming Fermín, but in Americas, after Alonso rode with leathers that were too small and caused pain/lost of sensibility on his forearms, he was praising Fermín and called Alonso stupid. Basically I don't like 2 face people, I prefer them to be mean face-to-face than do what he does.
Gelete Nieto: last year one of his riders had a pretty nasty crash and when he was asked the next day about the crash, his first reaction was to talk about the cost and the extensive work the mechanics had to repair the bike. Later he talked about the rider, but I didn't like his first instinct was to talk about the damage the team had instead of the rider. He was a rider, so I thought he would understand and be concerned about another rider. Another point is that he has no voice on whom are the riders on his team, it's all on Yamaha (not even Vale), and he shows preferences and implied that riders coming from Asia take more time and are worse than Spanish riders. He has put Manu on a pedestal, and he refuses to see past it.
Toto Wolff: I won't talk a lot because people have him on a pedestal, but basically the stress he put Bottas with the 1-year contract and the Monaco 2021 pit-stop saying it was Bottas fault for not pitting on the right spot. The poor decision he and the team took in 2021 during the championship fight. Giving Russell the 2nd Merc seat after punching another rider after a crash. Putting his riders in danger with a bouncing car because he refuses to admit he is wrong. The way he talks, uses and manipulates the media and fans... And basically the way fans adore him and excuses him. Talk about this with someone else changing his name to Horner, Steiner or Brown and people will riot.
Okay, this makes me sound like a hater, and that's not me. I also love some team principal like Aspar (and the combo he had with Borsoi and now with Nico Terol), José Angel Gutierrez Boé (BOÉ Team), Aurora Angelucci (not because she is a woman, it's because she is committed to her dream of having an all-female team on MotoGP and working towards it) and Davide Brivio when he was in MotoGP.
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okalma-dave · 5 years
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Jueves. A veces la visión de un espectáculo como el #amanecer entre montañas nevadas nos hace sentir lo diminutos que somos en comparación con el vasto #universo. En realidad no somos nada, una mota microscópica de polvo interestelar animado… Y si, jueves ya 7 de noviembre fresquito a un paso del viernes liberador… Hoy, pero en 2010, en el circuito Ricardo #Tormo, en #Cheste (#Valencia, España), #España logra un hito en el Campeonato Mundial de Motociclismo de Velocidad al conquistar las 3 coronas mundiales y los 3 subcampeonatos en juego. Los adalides de esta gesta son Marc #Márquez y Nico #Terol en 125 cc., Toni #Elías y Julián #Simón en Moto2 y Jorge #Lorenzo y Daniel #Pedrosa en #MotoGP. En toda la historia del Campeonato ningún país ha logrado conquistar todos los títulos en juego y, mucho menos, hacerlo también en los subcampeonatos. (Hace 9 años). ¿De qué país eres? 😁 ¿A qué quieres que te gane? “En España, el que resiste, gana.” Camilo José Cela (1916-2002) Escritor español. Orgulloso de pertenecer a esta #tierra. 🅾🅺🅰🅻🅼🅰_🅳🅰🆅🅴 #okalma #construccion #obra #iftt #diseño #ingenieria #design #proteccion #maquinaria #ferreteria #rubi #ullastrell #terrassa #santcugat #arquitectura #jardineria https://www.okalma.es https://ift.tt/2JVo2dg
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ahoajofinnishkings · 6 years
Moto E: Moto GP’s new class
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(pic found on google search)
I know it’s unrequested, but I want to write something about moto E.
I Haven’t found any post about this new championship (it’s probably me who doesn’t knows how to find things).
I’m so fucking excited for it; I think I finally found a reson to keep watching Moto Gp even without Dani (jk I love the italian boys and motorbikes competitions too much to stop watching Moto GP & co.)
Anyway, back on the topic, the grid is super interesting:
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I found this pic on the Moto Gp’s site but if you look at the test’s results you can find also other riders (I’m confusion)
There will be a few old champs coming back to racing (some of them are too old for me to remember/know them, I have to admit I never thought there could be riders older than Rossi jk)
My fave is probably Maria Herrera who will have to fight like hell to show to the skeptics that, even though she’s a woman, she can ride that huge bike.
then there’s his teammate Nico Terol (they’ll be the hottest team on the grid if you ask me) whom I missed after he left the moto 2 championship to go I don’t know where (spotted fake fan)
I’ll obviously root for Jeski Raffin (fellow swiss biker eheheh)
i also have to admit I have a soft spot for Josh Hook. The reason is totally irrelevant but I’ll tell it anyway: He participated to the Suzuka 8 hours togheter with Aegerter a few years ago (now the story becomes even more irrelevant), I was a big Aeggi’s fan at the time but now I have almost forgotten his existence (I stopped following him when I thought he was to much of a fuckboy ... I root for the italian academy boys so I guess I don’t really have my priorities straight)
Finally i can’t forget to mention the Ajo team (I love the Ajo family and I will support wichever team they’ll have) and their rider Niki Tuuli (he was the fastest in the first day of testing)
Sadly there will be only five races (six if you count as two the Misano two races event) and due to battery performance limits these races will be pretty short (10 laps each), maybe short races will be more interesting, who knows.
In conclusion I’m really interested in this new category and I look forward knowing more about it!
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angelofberlin2000 · 7 years
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Keanu in Valencia on the Circuit Ricardo Tormo January 15 2018
Circuit Ricardo Tormo‏Verifizierter Account @CircuitValencia
Hui ha passat el dia en el Circuit l'actor #KeanuReeves que ha rodat amb les @Archmoco acompanyat pel nostre campió Nico Terol
January 15 2018
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raulfernandez · 14 days
I keep forgetting that the Torquise "Nico Terol and his children" Aspar is the same team as the "every other worldchampion" Aspar
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