sunshines-child · 3 days
kinda wanna fuck with a dark solangelo concept where nico's all "i run because i seek the chase" and will's all "i will crush your wings so you cannot fly, break your legs so you cannot run, crack your arms so you cannot crawl. you will always stay by my side". Or something.
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seagull9111 · 20 days
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as a fandom we need to talk about how funny this scene was
romans: *nervous*
nico: *enjoying himself*
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catcacophony · 5 months
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whoa buddy
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poppitron360 · 28 days
Anyone else notice a trend of Book 3 in every Riordanverse series always being a big tragedy? Case in point-
The Titans Curse- “You promised you’d protect her! You promised! You lied to me!”
Mark of Athena- “We’re staying together. You’re not getting away from me. Never again.”
The Burning Maze- “Where’s Jason?”
Am I wrong?
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I still love the idea that Nico is aware of modern things, he just pretends to not know to mess with people.
Like, imagine him and Will playing Mortal Kombat or something. Will is like “Okay, these are the controls-“ while in his head he is thinking “lmfaoo I’m totally gonna crush him”
Nico is over here all innocent like “oh uh.. whats jump again??” Then its like;
Nico does the finishing move and Will is completely stunned and dumbfounded. When he asks Nico what the hell just happened he’s like “it’s actually pretty similar to Mythomagic.” and then doesn’t explain any further.
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th3sun-4nd-th3st4r · 9 days
Percy Jackson fandom, we need to have a talk.
tw: for mentions of pdf-files
Ive been noticing a rapid normalization of very much illegal ships, especially ones including Nico Di Angelo.
The first point I want to bring up, YOU SHOULD NOT BE SHIPPING ANY OF THE CHARACTERS WHO ARE MINORS WITH THE GODS‼️‼️‼️ Ships like Nico x Cupid, Nico x Zephyrus, Nico x Poseidon, Nico x Triton, Perpollo, Percy x Triton, ect., These are all disgusting ships, and Apollo said himself in the books that the gods do not date minors.
Secondly, ships like Percico (14-15 x 17-18 IS WEIRD AS MINORS), Lukercy (12-16 x 20 something) Lukico, Lukethan, and many other ships like that ARE WEIRD AND GLORIFY PREDATORY BEHAVIOUR‼️‼️ Percico is a hot topic in this fandom, but as of tsats, a canon book wither you like it or not, Nico is assumed to be at least 15, landing Percy at 18 and in college presumably, making shipping it weird. An argument I often see for both Percico and Lukercy is “Well Percy/Nico had a crush on Luke/Percy” and I would like to remind you that one sided crushes do exist. Percy was 12 when he met Luke, and Nico was 10 when he met Percy, those feelings would never of been reciprocated because thats weird.
This is getting out of hand, at this point it’s getting almost as bad as a 2020 anime fandom, this behaviour anf glorification of toxic relationships, pedophilia, and at times even incest needs to stop. Using your fucking brains you weirdos.
Thank you for listening and please don’t send hate or threats to people who do ship anything mentioned in this post.
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sevsalio · 1 month
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Nico di Angelo / Will Solace fanart! :D
I was going to draw something silly but thats okay too.(İ guess?)
Now im going to draw percabeth and study math! :p
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pain-is-too-tired · 6 months
I'm thinking about the Apollo Cabin and crying again y'all fdhdg
Just thinking about Little Will struggling to find a talent that fits with his other siblings, watching them ace Archery and Music no problem, and feeling really self-conscious about it.
Lee making the decision to have him shadow Michael in the infirmary and Michael immediately being taking him under his wing.
First time Will's healing abilities show up Will's confused as to what had just happened but Michael is pumped. Lee practically could see him glowing when they meet back for dinner Michael's so proud.
Anytime anyone even tries to talk down to Will about his lack of Archery or Music expertise like his siblings Michael has to be held back from throwing hands. Especially cause he knows Will takes it to heart.
After BoM, Will's self confidence plummets due to losing his biggest support system and having to take care of so many lives on his own. It doesn't really start to build back up until Nico starts noticing and helps him through it.
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rispen · 4 months
Will Solace and Solangelo sketch dump
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is it just me or do i wanna see nico coming to terms to the real world as an adult. after being trapped in his youth for 100 years. learning to do taxes and earn money with a job. when he learns that he is not young anymore. when he realises he doesn't even know what stream of careers he wants to go through. when he realises that he can't keep running back to the dead like he did when he was young.
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sunshines-child · 6 months
solangelo fans. Dude. We need to stop making Will the pretty boy and Nico the insane bitch in the relationship. We need to switch the fucking roles. Will is TEXAN.
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seagull9111 · 3 days
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how are we ignoring how suicidal nico was at age eleven
someone get this boy some help I AM BEGGING
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catcacophony · 5 months
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made a bunch of these
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poppitron360 · 2 months
"Nico is the deranged one!" "Will is the insane one bc he's Texan!!"
Okay but have you considered the fact that they are BOTH unhinged?
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beep-boop-beep-boop · 9 months
I feel like the pjo fandom often ignores this fun little fact about actual Greek mythology, which is that Hades is meant to basically be the perfect parallel to Zeus. I feel like this can open so much angst for Nico and Jason but it's all but ignored though the subtext is there.
Jason is all but immediately trusted as everyone realizes he's Jupiters son. The world is put on his shoulder while he's basically one of the youngest among the demigods (he's only like 15? Maybe 16?). He doesn't seem to have much interest in actually holding power but is forced into the position and takes it as his duty for saving his people. He's beloved and everyone is interested in him one way or another.
Nico one the other hand, was immediately seen as an enemy when people learned he was Hades son. One little mistake was seen as proof that he was terrible and should be shoved away. Despite Nico being smart and helping save the world multiple times, no one ever really treats him with respect and always go back to insisting he hides in the shadows. He's dark and creepy. Even Percy, meant to be the good guy who trusts too easily, can't find it to help Nico and doesn't hesitate to immediately kill Nico when given a small bit of proof that Nico was evil.
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elliosfuego1 · 7 months
Will : Just calm down, it could've been worse, right?
Nico : No, it couldn't have. WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO OPTIMISTIC?! The world. isn't all sunshine and rainbows, Will!
Will : You want me to be negative?
Will : Fine! I'm sick and tired of you yelling at me all the time! I just want to help you! I just want you to be happy and safe but whenever you get upset you just direct it all at me! UGH.
Nico : *stares wide eyed at Will*
Will : *gasps* I'm sorry, that was so mean
Nico : *continues to stare*
Nico : Are you kidding? That was AWESOME!!!!
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