#Nik x Finn
sunflowertwin-22 · 2 years
This little, tiny, tiny thing has been bothering me for a while now ......
Why in HELL.....is there no, absolutely nada, content on Finnik bloody Mikaelson!!??? I mean he's the only other Mikaelson kid apart from Hope and he comes from like a powerful witch bloodline and is also a werewolf. Sooooo like.......
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Finnik Mikaelson:)
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fandoms--fluff · 6 months
Hello i know that i resquest so much but I love your work so can you do more of little Mikaelson baby sister with Hayley where yn is with her and baby hope Hayley treats yn like other daughters because she love her so much that she is sad when yn cry
If I Were Your Mother
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Baby Mikaelson sister reader x Hayley Marshall (and everyone else)
Warnings: Mikael being an ass, death?
A/n: This is set during later season 2, we're gonna forget about Jackson and Hayley together. We're gonna pretend that everyone is happy and Klaus and Hayley don't fight about what's best for Hope or try to take her away from each other every other episode and are actually good together.
Mikael is back. Davina brought him back from the other side almost a year ago. You've seen Kol and Finn in their new bodies and were completely freaked out by Finn. He had tried to kill you. You wouldn't leave your brothers or Hayley's side no longer than five minutes for almost two weeks.
Mikael had boomed into the abattoir, white oak stake in his hand, ready to kill. He laid his eyes on you the moment you ran into the room where you heard a familiar man's voice yelling. You regretted it as soon as you saw your father. The same father who had been tracking you and your siblings down for the past millennia.
You had thought Nik had already killed him, he told you he had. Did he lie?
Mikael went straight to you. You loudly screamed and tried to vamp speed out of the way, but he was too fast for you. He had caught you in his arms and pressed the stake right at your tiny chest.
As soon as your loud scream pierced the walls of the old building, the room was immediately full of your older siblings; Bekah, Nik, and Lijah, as well as Marcel and Hayley, whom you'd grown really close with since she was pregnant in the early months.
"LET HER GO" Klaus bellowed, his eyes flash a striking amber. His anger is through the roof, no one touches his baby sister and lives, no one. He starts to stalk his way over, followed by Elijah.
"Don't come any closer, boys" Mikael spat at them. You whimpered loudly as tears ran down your reddened cheeks. All you want is your big brothers.
"No" You hit your father's shoulder and tried to pull away from him. All that does is make his grip on you tighten to a painful extent. Even with your vampire healing, it hurts tremendously.
Veins appear under Hayley's eyes, enraged at Mikael for even going near the poor little girl. She uses her hybrid strength and lunges at him. She knocks the white oak stake out of his hands and bites him on the shoulder opposite you. She takes you into her arms and quickly vamps you back over to Marcel before returning to Mikael, along with Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah.
Your big sister grabbed the stake into her hand and vamped towards where Elijah and Klaus were pinning Mikael down each on one side and Hayley's arm was wrapped tightly around his neck. She shoved the stake right through Mikael's heart. Flames blaze across Mikael's body and clothing. His screams echoed through the whole compound.
They all backed away from the burning corpse of the vampire who hunts vampires, watching as he burned from the inside out.
Marcel had you tucked against his chest, hand on the back of your head so you didn't have to watch the fight going down. You sobbed into his shirt, scared out of your mind. You want, you want Hayley.
She was the one who took you from Mikael. You pull away once Marcel's grip slackens a bit after Mikael burns.
You outstretch your arms towards the hybrid. Hayley quickly comes over to you and brings you into her arms gently. She turns back around to the other three originals, Klaus has a hurt look on his face, clearly wishing you had wanted him.
Hayley feels guilty, mouthing 'I'm sorry' to him. Elijah nods in response to her before looking at his younger brother and Rebekah places a hand on his shoulder.
"She has no means to hurt you, Nik. Don't think about it too much. She loves all of us" Rebekah whispers to him. Klaus takes a deep breath before nodding in response to her. He knows he shouldn't hold it against you, you may be over 1000 years old, but you're 2 years old, with a mind and thoughts that come with it, even as a vampire. And he knows you love him, he shouldn't hold it against you.
He nods to Hayley, a smile twitching at his lips, before turning to the burnt to a crisp corpse.
"Well, we should tend to the trash, shall we, sister?" Klaus smirks towards Rebekah. "We shall" She smirks back to him.
Klaus walks over to your tiny, shaking body in Hayley's arms and places a hand on the back of your head before kissing your forehead. He then goes over to their father, putting his arms behind his back as he brainstorms what to do next.
Rebekah walks over to the two of you next and places a kiss on the crown of your head. "I love you, sweetie" She runs her hand through your soft hair before going over to where Nik and Elijah are.
Hayley walks towards the stairs, nodding at Marcel, to which he nods back before walking off to the room he was in before Mikael showed up.
She bounces you in her arms, trying to soothe and calm you down. "Oh, It's okay, Baby. He's gone. He's gone now" She holds you close. you lean into her warmth and grip your pudgy hands on her shirt.
"No need to cry no more," She says, starting to tear up herself. She walks into her room and opens the door to the nursery. She goes over to the crib where a baby Hope lays, eyes open, looking up at the mobile. And now her eyes land on her Mama and you.
You hear the tiny mewling sounds from Hope, and look up from Hayley's chest to the baby. you let go of her shirt with one hand and reach to Hope.
Hope sits up from where she was lying down, looking up at you. She has loved you from the start, even though she can't talk yet, but knows that love is returned back from you
"You want some time with Hope?" Hayley asks you. You've been obsessed with the baby girl since before she was born, you love her just as much as Hayley and Klaus. You immediately nod your head, "Hopey" you say and let out a grin even with the tear tracks on your face.
Hayley lowers you into the crib with her daughter and watches how you immediately get into a silent conversation with her. You both giggle and play together with the small toys scattered in the crib.
She watches as you both play, a smile on her face. If she could adopt you as her own daughter as well, she would have no second thoughts and do it in one fell swoop. But she knows that your family loves you a great deal.
If she were to be your mother, she would love you so much. She would give you the childhood and life you deserve. She would care for you as a mother like she has been for over a year. There's no way she can express just how much she loves you.
"I love you both so much," She tells you both, watching as you cuddle with each other into the soft blanket. Hope has two pacifiers in her hands. She hands one over to you the best she can and you take it in your tiny from her just as tiny hand.
Hope puts the other in her mouth, just as you put the one she handed you into yours. You both suck on the pacifiers, tiny suckling noises filling the room.
Hayley tries not to physically aww at the action. Both of her babies sucking on soothers. She knows you're older than a normal age of a 'baby', but you're just as a baby as Hope is in her eyes. And the same goes for the eyes of your big siblings.
Klaus walks into the bedroom not long after you and Hope doze off, curled into one another. He looks around the room, "Where's my baby sister?" He asks, worried about you after the event of earlier in the day.
"Shh" she holds a finger up to her lips before nodding down at the dark wooden crib.
He follows her instructions and looks down at the crib, his face softening right away. He watches as his two baby girls sleep, sucking on the pacifiers.
Hayley pulls him into the other room, closing the door so she doesn't wake you two up.
"Is Mikael dealt with? Gone for good?" She asks him. "Yes, he shall not return, never again. the look on her face, I- I froze, he was going to kill her. And it was my fault" His voice wavers.
"Hey, it's not your fault, and nothing happened. That asshole deserves what he got and everything that's coming his way in hell. You're her big brother, Y/n loves you so much" Hayley pulls the elder into a hug.
Klaus stiffens at first before melting into her arms, breathing in her scent. After ten more seconds, he backs away, looking into her eyes, vulnerability shining through them. He covers it back up before his eyebrows scrunch together and a glint in his eyes.
"Was Y/n using a pacifier?" a smile plays on his lips. "Yeah, our daughter thought she would want one and gave one to her.,. Obviously, she was right. I have a feeling they're not going to allow us to separate them for a while" Hayley chuckles lightly.
"I assume that's the same for you with her as well" He crosses his arms, eyebrow raised in amusement.
"Fair enough" Hayley smirks back to him.
You don't leave Hayley and Hope's side for a little while. You love it when you're all having a cuddle session with Hayley or Klaus, or both of them. The pacifier also is starting to seem like a constant. The only one to have a bad word against it is Elijah, saying that you don't need to develop a bad habit of always wanting one. But that's quickly stopped when Rebekah dragged him out of the room and nicely explained how their baby sister using a soother is at the bottom of the list of their concerns.
You love Hayley, Hope, and your siblings to the moon and back.
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Can I request an elijah mikaelson x reader fic where she’s Bella swan’s older sister by several years who moved to New Orleans, got married to Elijah, and became a vampire? They go to forks for Bella’s wedding and the mikaelsons are recognized by some of the cold ones?
P.s. love your work :)
I had just finished rewatching the Twilight movies. Also I hinted at a possible part two.
Warnings: Fluff, Protective!Mikaelsons, Klaus being Klaus, Cute sister bonding
It was a surprise to you when you got a call from your father that Bella was getting married. Followed by a wedding invitation and it struck a cord in you. Which was how Elijah found you, his beautiful wife, sitting on the bedroom floor teary eyed.
"Love? Are you alright?" Elijah asked worried getting down next to you. You looked at Elijah with teary eyes showing him the invitation.
"My baby sister is growing up.....she is getting married." You say softly and Elijah smiled gently wrapping you up in his arms.
"My love, Isabella was going to grow up sooner or later. It'll be okay." Elijah says trying to lighten the mood. Elijah knew how much you loved your sister, being married to you for five years had taught him that much.
"But she is just a baby!" You said looking up at your husband who was trying hard to not laugh.
"'Lijah why is Y/N crying? What have you done?"
"Nothing Niklaus. Isabella is getting married." Elijah says handing the invitation to Klaus. The hybrid raised an eyebrow reading it over before smirking.
"Shall we go and welcome the boy into the family? Threaten him to be sure he never harms Isabella?" Klaus asked and before Elijah could say a word you perked up.
"I would like to know who this Edward Cullen is."
"My older sister is coming to the wedding." Bella tells Edward a bit worried. Carlisle smiled putting down his book. The family was a gathered around to help plan the wedding while Bella sat worried just who be coming.
"It'll be nice to meet the woman you talk so highly of." Carlisle says noticing the worried look on her face.
"I'm sure. But Y/N's husband and his brothers are a bit overly protective and I hadn't had the time to tell her I was dating."
"Don't worry Bella. It'll all be just fine." Alice says skipping over to Bella with a smile. The human smiled still worried but if the Cullen's were calm about it then so would she.
It was the day of the wedding and Bella was happy to see you again. Was a long while since she last saw you. So when she saw you next to Elijah who was holding Hope. She felt happy and moved to greet you and to see Hope again but Edward stopped her.
"Bella, who is that?" Edward asked her staring at Elijah and you.
"That is Y/N, my sister and our niece."
"How does she know an ancient one?" Edward asked as Carlisle walked over having noticed you and Elijah.
"Elijah? That is her husband, why are you being weird about it?" Bella asked looking at her now husband with a raised eyebrow. Carlisle watched Elijah introduce you and Hope to the Denali coven and he wondered how the Denalis knew Elijah.
"Elijah and his family are the first vampires." Carlisle answered Bella who looked at you and Elijah surprised.
"What? What do you mean?" Bella asked watching Carmen touch your bumb with Eleazar. Elijah smiling as Hope babbled to Tanya and Kate.
"They are the first. From my understanding a witch did a spell on a vampire from one of their bloodlines, mutating the vampire venom. Making us, as they call us cold ones."
"And how does the Volturi feel about them?" Bella asked as it seemed you were fitting in very well with Denali coven.
"They fear us." Bella jumped hearing Klaus's voice behind her. The hybrid smirked hugging Bella before narrowing his eyes at Edward.
"Nik! Thank you for coming." Bella says holding her brother-in-law's hand smiling.
"Of course sweet Isabella. Rebekah and Kol sends their love both still enjoying their honeymoon bliss."
"Well knowing them, they'll send wedding gifts." Bella says as Finn came walking up also staring Edward down. Both Mikaelson men made Edward nervous even more when Elijah joined the group.
"Isabella, why don't you go see Y/N and Hope?" Elijah says smiling and Bella was unaware of the tension that was building, she nodded heading over to you.
"So young Edward what is your intention with our dear Isabella?" Elijah asked as Carlisle stepped in his eyes flickered over at Jasper and Emmett, both ready to step in also. Edward swallowed, he had already faced Charlie's shovel talk but to get one from the oldest vampires alive? Made Edward die a little inside.
You smiled at Bella who had Hope in her lap listening to the four year old talk. You had gotten to know the Cullen women who surprised that you were a vampire and pregnant.
"So how did you and Elijah meet?" Rosalie asked making Bella pause when you froze. It was never talked about how you met Elijah, the only people that knew was Bella and the Originals.
"Oh you know, a cute moment of meeting at a party." Was the lie you told everyone not wanting to tell what really happened. Rosalie and Alice stared knowing you lied but didn't push it as Esme smiled softly.
"And how are you?" Esme asked looking at your bumb and you brighten up.
"Elijah's older sister is a witch and help us have a baby. Since Hope came into our lives, he wanted a baby of his own."
"When are you due?" Alice asked watching you wipe Hope's mouth. There was a sudden air of motherly love around you when you also began to help Bella take her vail off.
"Some time in winter. By the way, I noticed that Jacob isn't here." You said looking around seeing Billy and Seth but no Jacob.
"He....he was busy." Bella tells you making you narrow your eyes as Elijah joined your little ladies group. Hope whined for her uncle who happily lifted her up gently cleaning the cake from her cheek.
"How was your shovel talk?" You teased Elijah as he leaned down kissing your cheek.
"Niklaus threatened to tear the boy's spine out and paint with young Edward's blood if he ever hurts Isabella." Elijah says looking at the Cullen women seeing their shocked faces. Bella sighed looking Elijah while you were fixing her hair.
"There was no need. Edward would never hurt me." Bella says getting Elijah's attention. Elijah smiled rubbing Bella's shoulder before sitting down.
"We are well aware dear Isabella but you know Niklaus is protective of family. He was angry when we learned the boy put you in the Volturi's path."
"How?" Alice asked watching Elijah smirk.
"Your false Kings should be careful on who enters their home." Elijah says feeding Hope some more cake as the Cullens stared while you weren't surprised. Elijah had planted a few little spies in the Volturi since it was away to keep an eye the Kings.
"How do you know the Denali coven?" Rosalie asked noticing Finn speaking to the Denalis.
"Finn and I met them from when we both were in Alaska." Elijah says as Hope grabbed his attention pointing to her father.
"Excuse us, it seems Hope wants her father." Elijah says standing up and Finn took Elijah's spot next to you. And the Cullen women watch Bella happily talk to Finn and you, excited for the baby.
"The Volturi want Edward to turn me." Bella says as you sat with her eating some cake. It was just the two of you sitting on the deck watching the party guest. Since you were pregnant and Bella in a gorgeous wedding dress so you both couldn't climb a tree. Both of you just having a sister moment just like you used to before you got married and Bella living with your mother.
"Do you want to be turned?" You asked her taking a bite out of the cake. Bella looked down swinging her feet.
"No....but I have no choice...."
"No you do Bella. The Volturi can not force Edward to turn you or else they will suffer the wrath of the Original family."
"Did you wanted to turn?" Bella asked you, not knowing the Cullens were listening in. The Cullens had been curious about you since meeting you.
"Elijah had no choice to turn me. It was that or I die, Celeste made Elijah choose between me or his family. Obviously he chose me."
"If there was choice....would you turn?" Bella asked you and you looked down at Elijah seeing him dancing with a sleepy Hope.
"I would....look I won't tell you what to do Bells. But if you really love Edward then do it but don't let the Volturi influence your decision."
"Okay. Thanks sis." Bella says laying her head on your shoulder and you kissed her head. You laced your fingers with Bella's.
"They really won't let the Volturi force Edward to turn me?" Bella asked and your answer terrified the Cullens.
"If it came down to it, they'll slaughter all of Volterra for you. I know they will never let you be harmed. That is a promise of Always and Forever." You tell Bella enjoying your time together before she had to leave for her honeymoon. Both of unaware of the soon to be mess that was to come.
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rekaning · 1 year
The Housekeeper | Part 2 | Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Additional tags: Human!Mikaelsons, Modern!AU, Housekeeper!Reader, no use of Y/N Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader, The Originals x Reader (Platonic) Summary: Elijah and you have a moment of connection.
Previously: Part 1
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"Do let me know if you grow tired of spending time with my hum-drum of a brother, darling. I could certainly use your services in my own home." Kol smirked slyly as he kissed the back of your hand.
You could hear said "hum-drum" scoff behind you as you playfully rolled your eyes and patted the younger Mikaelson's cheek, "I don't think that will be any time soon, Kol. But thank you for the offer."
Finn patted your shoulder, grabbing your attention as he brought you into a side hug, "Honestly, you're dodging a bullet. Kol's quite the neglectful caretaker, you'd be cleaning that place for a full year and not be halfway done."
You chuckled heartily as Kol let out an indignant cry. Finn stepped away, going over to Elijah to say his good-bye's while Freya embraced you. "I'll text you pictures of the site and any more items we dig up. It was so good to talk shop with someone who isn't Kol or Finn."
You giggled and hugged her back tightly, "My ear is always open if they ever drive you up the wall."
While you said your farewells to Freya, Finn stepped away from Elijah, he glanced back at you before turning knowingly to his little brother, "We all approve, you know?"
Elijah, having seen him look back at you, blinked in surprise before sighing, throwing you a quick glance to make sure you weren't paying their conversation any mind, and cut back to his brother, "Was I that forthcoming with my interest?"
Finn chuckled softly, "Rebekah took notice first and went about hinting to us that you were pining."
Elijah looked affronted, "Of course she did, and I do not pine."
Finn smiled sympathetically, patting his shoulder in a show of comfort, "You do, brother."
His little brother huffed and looked away, unknowingly trailing his eyes to you, still talking with Freya and Kol, who'd stepped into the conversation.
Elijah cleared his throat and focused back on Finn, his eyes slightly wary, "Do you all truly approve?"
The elder Mikaelson brother grinned, "We really do, Elijah. Even Henrik. And before you ask," he mentioned quickly when he saw Elijah open his mouth to question, "Nik was the one to blab."
Elijah shook his head, a look of affection crossing his face at the mention of his youngest brother.
Finn took another look back and saw that your conversation with Freya and Kol was coming to an end. He turned to Elijah one last time, another hearty pat to his younger brothers shoulder, his eyes warm as he said softly, "You deserve happiness too, Elijah. We all think so. She's not like them."
A familiar sinking feeling formed in the pit of his stomach. Elijah sighed, "You can say their names, Finn. I will not shatter like some fragile, porcelain doll."
"I know," Finn acknowledged softly.
"Finn, come along, you bore!" Kol called obnoxiously from the car.
With a roll of his eyes, Finn stepped away from his little brother and as he passed you, he gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze. He quickly leaned down and whispered, "Take care of him, will you?"
You looked up and smiled brightly at the eldest brother's request, "For as long as he needs me."
Finn's smile widened, heading to the car without another word.
You heard Elijah step forward behind you, both watching the car drive away. Once the car was out of sight, you turned around, seeing Elijah's eyes already on you, a small, somewhat forlorn smile on his face, "Not many people can get into Kol's good graces. Especially in such a short amount of time."
You two began to make your way back inside the estate. You chuckled sheepishly at the subtle compliment, "I've dealt with Kol's type before. Mainly with middle children, they feel the most isolated of their siblings. It's usually because they feel the most deeply, at least I think so. And they try to hide it behind jokes and aloofness. But my mother would always say, 'You see a lot more when you're in our position'."
Elijah opened the door for you with a questioning look, "Our position?"
You inclined your head in gratitude of his gesture and hummed at his question, "Mmhm. Those in the service industry. We see a lot of things that people don't intend to show, but nobody really notices us. We're seen, but we're not seen, y'know?"
Understanding came over him, "I see. A valuable skill she passed to you, it seems."
You beamed at the compliment and Elijah's heart leaped at the joy displayed so plainly on your face.
"Was she the one to inspire you into pursuing this career?" He asked, moving over to seat himself at the plush couch in the living area.
You hesitated for a moment, never expecting to talk so personally with him but moved to take a seat at the other end of the couch, "She was, yes. She'd take me with her to work on days I didn't have school. She would bring coloring books and toys from home to keep me occupied but I always liked to watch her work."
Elijah smiled warmly at the thought of a child version of you sitting at a table of a stranger's home and being fascinated by your mother's work ethic.
"She was always so dedicated, it didn't matter who's house it was. I wanted to be like her. She dedicated her life to bringing others happiness by being of service to them. When I did my first meaningful act of service, it was such an unforgettable experience. It was..."
You tried to find the word before Elijah finished for you, "Euphoric."
You blinked in surprise, your eyes on him, as if you were seeing him for the first time. Breathlessly, you nodded, "Yes, exactly."
Elijah smiled wryly, "I am no stranger to that feeling. I have spent nearly my whole life in the service of my family. For their safety, comfort, and well-being, there is nothing I wouldn't do for them."
Your eyes shined with new-found respect for your employer.
"You've had to give up a lot, haven't you," you whispered, almost afraid to voice out the statement.
His eyes softened as they trailed to a point behind you, melancholy apparent on his face, "A few things, yes."
You ached to wipe away that look on his face. You stared down at your lap, hands gripping each other so that you didn't impulsively reach out and touch him. You looked over to where his gaze had moved to and it hit you.
Turning back to him, you bobbed your head toward the object in the other room, "Do you still play at all?"
He sighed, "Not at all. Too busy."
You grinned and stood from the couch and with courage you didn't know you possessed, you grabbed hold of the well dressed Mikaelson's sleeve, pulling him up from his seat and dragged him over to the grand piano in the drawing room.
"Well, you seem to have some free time right now, so," you pulled out the piano bench and gestured for him to sit.
He chuckled at your firmness, but seated himself in front of the instrument. You sat down beside him, hands in your lap and your knees grazing each other. Elijah perhaps should have fought a little more, he had a meeting in 15 minutes, but the eagerness on your face had him rooted to his seat.
"You are oddly persuasive. Very well, any requests?" He lifted the fallboard and placed his hands over the keys, ready for whatever piece you might voice.
You thought for a moment before settling on the piece, a favorite of your mother's.
Elijah nodded, inhaled, and played.
The piece began slowly, his fingers tenderly pressing down on the keys, the sound sweet and soft before it built up, louder and louder, with more emotion. His fingers were gliding across the keys, hands moving higher on the board, then scaling down toward the lower notes. His fingers moved so pointedly, so rapidly, it looked like he was simply tickling the keys.
The music swelled and you closed your eyes, feeling yourself moved with the melody. And all you could think about was your mother. Your moments with her, moments that weren't significant by any means, just times when you and her would go out to the park and walk around, the moments you would help her cook in the kitchen, the time you helped her set up a few light bulbs around her home, the times when you two just sat at her couch and watched a movie together or read in the living room.
And soon enough, you opened your eyes, the last of the notes fading away. Elijah looked over at you and he felt his chest tighten. Your eyes were swimming with emotion, tears threatening to spill over. But your smile was as radiant as moonlight. Your eyes stared up at him, overflowing with an emotion he couldn't place.
"Thank you," came your chocked whisper.
His hand lifted without a second thought, and wiped a finger across your cheek where a tear had broken free and raced down your face.
He looked at you in a way you couldn't fathom at the moment, an emotion you couldn't—or perhaps, wouldn't—name.
Your entranced gaze was cut short at the sound of a blaring tone coming from within his jacket pocket.
The both of you blinked and moved away. When had you even scooted closer to him?
He reached into his jacket and extracted his phone, noting the time—6 minutes late for his meeting—and stood, an apologetic look thrown your way. You smiled back and shook your head, a clear sign saying, 'don't worry'.
He walked away in the direction of his office as he answered the call.
Your body deflated dramatically the moment he was out of sight.
Did that just happen? What exactly happened?
You placed a hand over your racing heart before shaking your head and rising from the bench. You carefully closed the fallboard and pushed the bench so that it was under the piano.
Brushing off non-existent dirt from your clothes, you pushed the incident away from your mind, for now.
You had bed sheets that needed changing.
Author's note: A shorter part but its the spark needed to jump-start this whole thing into gear!
Part 3
All the Mikaelson siblings already shipping you and Elijah together lmao
Also the piano piece I listened to was the main theme from Interstellar, particularly this arrangement.
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eludin-realm · 11 months
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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devilsanddarlings · 1 year
@astormymind {Kol for Finn, Continued from X.}
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"Finn, Finn, Finn..." Kol tutted. "I'm your only not dead youngest brother. Though if you think I'm going to do anything other than thoroughly enjoy myself at a bloody bar, you clearly have never met me." "Now, what are we drinking, hm? I was here to escape having to deal with the fallout of Nik's latest tantrum and enjoy a beverage or six instead, but finding you like this is quite the...unexpected bonus. Far be it from me to waste it."
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Maybe you are too late(part 2)
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader, Damon Salvatore x Reader
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When I woke up Damon wasn't next to me, maybe he regretted staying after all. I got dressed up, opened my phones and what I saw surprised me quite a lot, Damon sent me a message saying that he left because Stefan needed his help but he had a really good time last night and he would love to hang out soon, I was so happy he didn't regret it.
I'm better today even though Klaus hurt me yesterday he made me understand that I had some feelings for Damon as well, I am still in love with Klaus but I don't want to be anymore. I guess this is a start.
I walked in to the living room where all of the Mikaelson siblings except from Finn were and greeted them. Kol looked like he wanted to say something but was holding back " Kol, is there something you want to tell me?" I asked him " Well actually there is something, this morning I saw Damon Salvatore walking out of your room" he said while smirking. I was blushing like an idiot "Well I asked him to stay the night with me yesterday" I said and my eyes trailed to Klaus he looked like he hadn't slept much last night.
"You never ask anyone other that us to stay the night" Klaus said looking at me "Don't worry Klaus I won't be asking you specifically to stay, plus I don't see where this concerns you, he was in my room" his heart arched when you called him Klaus and not Nik, "it concerns me because it is my house and I don't like you bringing guys over" I glared at him "fine then I will be going to his house if it bothers you so much" "You shou-" "So you are seeing him again, I think someone has a little crush" Kol interrupted Klaus "well maybe I do like him just a little bit" Klaus seemed to sadden when he heard me say that.
Suddenly my phone vibrated meaning I had a new message, it was Damon
- wanna go to the Grill tonight?
-be there at 7, see you soon babygirl ❤
-see you Damon😘
(End of messages)
And there I was smiling like an idiot yet again, Bexs looked at me with a smile " it's him isn't it?" "Yes it is" she smirked "What does he want?"she asked me " To hang out at the Grill" i said smiling "Well we have to figure out what you will be wearing, come on". I got up with Bexs and left for my room, I could feel Klaus' eyes burning holes in my back." Have fun, but not too much fun" Kol shouted and I heard Klaus growl,weird why is he acting like this?
She is going out with him again, usually she comes to me first when she wakes up she asks me what I need or my schedule for the day, but not today. Today she looked different, she looked distant but only to me. She didn't smile at me today but she was smiling at his texts. Have I really lost her?
Her and Rebekah have finished and now she is heading to the Grill, I should talk to her make things right, i grabbed her wrist "Y/N, can we talk?" she looked at me with a cold expression "I can't I'm going out with Damon" I sighed and let her go.
Half an hour has passed since she left and I can't seem to do anything else other than thinking of her, the way she used to smile at me, her beautiful e/c(eye colour), her laugh, I could have her all for me, I had her and I threw it away. I gave Damon a chance, a gave him the chance to be the one to cuddle her to sleep to be with her right now.
I think I'm in love with her, I can't just let him take her away from me she's mine and mine only. I have to go and get her. I got out if the mansion and drove to the the Grill.
I entered and saw her sitting with Damon, eating pancakes and laughing, I should be the one to make her laugh. It's my turn now Damon.
I walk over to her "mind if I cut in" I glared at Damon "actually we do so please leave" Y/N said, she never said no to me before. "Come on Y/N we need to talk" Damon got up "She doesn't want to talk to you, so leave" I flashed my hybrid face "How dare you tell me what to do" I drove my hand in Damon's chest ready to rip his heart out, but Y/N slapped me. "Can't you let me be happy for once, are really that selfish" she turned to Damon helped him up and left not looking back at me once.
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pinkyberet · 1 year
Nicky AUs/Versions ~ Bad Apple
Corrupted!Nicky (Hello Bloodness): Yarui Munegi
Nightmare!Nicky (Hello Nightmares): Jorgeloid
Mystery!Nicky: Lacan Giga
Swap!Nicky: Cerif Genderswap: Vy1
Vampire!Nicky: Takara Asune
Lust!Nicky : Soune Renzi
Survivor!Nicky (Hello Monster): Akuma Yuko
Hakama!Nicky: Finn Barington
Medieval!Nicky: Rioki Skyzure
Waste!Nicky: Kiyone Kai
Hello Neighbor Corrupted: Yukimura Nori
Teenager: Aido Feirune
HN x Cookie Run: Gakupo Kamui
Hello Roommate (Josh): Matsudappoiyo
Reaper!Nicky: Yang
Ink!Nicky: Alejo
Anit-Glitch!Nicky: Gakupo V4
Inkling!Nicky: ZOLA Project Yuu
Error!Nicky: Samuel Katsune
Nickyette: Akita Neru
Doki Doki!Nicky: Fuzzy
H E L L O N E I G H B O R: Dem-03
Nik (Pow Nicky): Kaito
Player.exe: Sonic.exe
Frisk!Nicky: Equinox
Fell!Frisk!Nicky: Kai Kim Liminal!Nicky: HamanoKUN
Neko!Nicky (Hello Conde): 强い音 0701
Concept Art 1: Kasane Ted
Concept Art 2: CRINA Bitter
Concept Art 3: Tai Suki
Psychopath!Nicky (Hello Psychopath/Hello Kiler 2): Takara Asune Re:Act
Flower!Nicky (Hello Flower): Maksune Eku
Angel!Nicky (Hello Angel): Shining Dragon
Story Mode!Nicky (Hello Neighbor Story Mode): Hatsune Mikuo
Sweet & Sour (Andrew): DAR
@askkassandragf-v-2 @hello-neighbor-three-aus @hello-conde @hello-psychopath-hn-au @vanetheglitchfox @mochi-chan-2006 @mujin-draws @mujin-made-hn-au @abrilk
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elejahmybeloved · 10 months
Rebekah's doppelganger
Rebekah Mikaelson x Petrova Doppelgänger
Rebekah watched the doppelgänger twirl on stage and curled her lips in disgust. God she was spitting image of Katerina, and how Bekah had despised that retched wench. She had warned her brothers of her duplicitous nature, but they had dismissed her. Nik had underestimated her cunning, and Elijah had overestimated her feelings for him; and none of them had listened to their sister, as always. Katerina had been cruel to Rebekah, even before knowing about the sacrifice. She was all honeyed words and fluttering eyelashes around her brothers, and cutting barbs when it was just them girls. Now Rebekah didn’t consider herself a particularly nice person, but she wasn’t nearly as cruel as the doppelgänger had been. She had deeply hated her the day she made her cry. No one had made Rebekah cry in over two centuries, but that bitch had, and she couldn’t eve, retaliate because Nik needed her alive. So all she had done was cry herself to sleep like the pathetic human she most decidedly was not. And to add insult to injury, Katerina was the reason Rebekah lost Elijah for a full century. That was literally the worst century of her life. Worse than the 11th century when they all had to grapple with Finn’s suicidal tendencies, worse than the 12th one when Nik killed The Five and spent half of it suffering under the Hunter’s Curse, worse even than the 14th one when Kol had angered a coven of witches enough for them to summon Mikael on them.
First Nik had taken his fury out on Elijah by delivering him to a pack of werewolves. She could never forget Elijah’s screams and hallucinations from all that venom coursing through his veins. Then he had daggered Elijah and spelled his coffin away so Rebekah wouldn’t free him without his permission. Then he had awoken Kol, which had afforded her a decade of reprieve while the two of them partied like there was no tomorrow, though she did resent being excluded from their little boys’ club, again. But then Kol had pulled his disappearing act, as always, the little weasel. One minute he was sharing a drink and a redhead with Nik, the next he was gone in the wind. That was when Nik’s abandonment issues had reared their ugly head. Rebekah couldn’t take a step without her brother shadowing her, snarling at anyone who got too close to her. And while she loved her brother deeply, it had gotten too frustrating too fast. And when her temper had risen, she found herself daggered for a couple years. And they repeated that cycle for almost a century before Kol almost got himself killed in Spain and Nik finally undaggered Elijah so he could help them fight off Mikael and take off with Kol’s body secured in a coffin.
Rebekah glowered at the face responsible for all her sorrows. She looked down at the program and scoffed. The illustration looked nothing like the dancer; it made her look plain, tame, boring. The doppelgänger was something else entirely. She had the same doe eyes as the others, the same thick wavy hair that was struggling to escape the strict bun that contained it, the same tall and dainty silhouette. She had more grace than the others though, jumping from pirouette to pirouette, never missing a beat, twirling a dizzy around the other dancers. She shone so bright even the spotlight looked pale in comparison. By the time the show was over, the entire theatre was standing up to lavish her with applause and flowers.
Rebekah ignored the wave of spectators leaving and slipped backstage instead. Nik had already lost his chance once. If she brought him his second chance, she was sure she could convince him to give up her dagger to her. And all it would take would be to snatch the human doppelgänger and run back to Italy with her. Easy. She sneaked around the makeup stations and changing rooms, looking for a glimpse of her.
“Look girls, we have an admirer,” said a deep sultry voice on her left and Rebekah turned to see dancers part, letting the object of her search come into view.
They were the same height. And this close, Rebekah could count each of her long lashes. She could see the blush on her olive skin, starting on her cheeks and spreading down her long neck. She could smell her sweet jasmine perfume mixed with tangy sweat from a demanding performance transforming into a unique scent that was all hers. She had already freed her hair and it cascaded down her shoulders, framing her face and her heaving glistening cleavage. Her pink lips were pulled in a pouty smirk. Rebekah’s reply got stuck in her throat.
“Have we made you tongue-tied?” she chuckled. Even her raspy laugh was sensual.
Rebekah bit her tongue to keep herself from acquiescing. She was 700 years old for god’s sake, she didn’t get flustered anymore. She forcefully pushed her shoulders back and lifted her chin.
“What’s your name?” she asked her in her most imperious tone.
“Nastya,” she answered and it irritated Rebekah to no end how everything she said held a slightly amused tone, as if the entire world were a joke only she knew about. “What’s yours?”
“Well, Bekah,” the way she wrapped her mouth around her name should be forbidden, “you’ve come just in time.”
“In time for what?”
“We have this tradition…”
“– calling it a tradition doesn’t make it fancy –“ another dancer interrupted.
“– we do it every day, that makes it a tradition –“
“– it makes it alcoholism –“
“– will you let me speak? God!”
Rebekah watched the exchange with a deep fascination, the way irritation bled into her tone and made her sound younger, the way she rolled her eyes at her friend before turning back to her, the way she tried to make her voice breathier when she addressed the vampire. Rebekah thought herself the only one affected; she could sigh from relief seeing it wasn’t the case
“Anyway, there’s this ladies club we go to after our performance. The owner always has the best table put aside for us, and the champagne is to die for.”
“For god's sake, Anastasya, be honest! The champagne tastes like piss but it does the job,” her friend cut her off again and the other dancers’ laugh echoed around them.
“Do you always lie so much?” Rebekah scoffed.
“Only when I want to impress pretty girls,” Nastya teased back despite the blush spreading from her chest to her neck. “Is it working?”
“Not in the slightest,” Rebekah replied haughtily.
Her answer was quickly proven wrong though when they spent the next three days joined at the hips, then at the lips, then at the hips and lips. Nastya’s fellow dancers had to literally drag her out of bed for their next performance.
Pretty soon, Rebekah found herself travelling with the ballerinas from city to city. She spent her days touring the towns and sceneries with Nastya. She spent her evenings admiring her lover entrance everyone with her stage presence. She spent her nights showing her exactly just how much of an effect she had on her.
When one of her spies brought her news of Nik’s and Elijah’s visit, she was grateful for her centuries old paranoia. Rebekah stormed Nastya’s changing room and knocked the comb from her hands.
“I need you listen to me very carefully,” she put her hands around her face and bored her eyes into hers, “I need you to pack as light a bag as you can, and get out of this town as fast as you can.”
“What?” Nastya laughed and gently removed Bekah’s hands. “Sweetheart, I have to dance for my supper.”
“I’ll give you all the money you need but you need to leave.”
Nastya got up and steeled her face. “If I wanted to be a kept woman, I would have accepted any of those fools’ propositions over the years. I enjoy your company Bekah, but do not make me choose between dancing and you.”
“That’s not what I… ugh,” Rebekah pulled her hair at the roots. “You are in grave danger. I am not exaggerating when I say that your mortal enemy will be in attendance tonight and you cannot let him get even a glimpse of you.”
Nastya’s jaw hung open. “My mortal enemy?” she scoffed. “Do you even hear yourself? I’m not some tragic heroine in a story, for god’s sake. My life is utterly boring and the biggest antagonist in my story is the humidity that destroys my coiffures.”
“I am dead serious.”
Hesitation washed over Nastya’s face. “You truly believe that, don’t you?” Her eyes roamed Rebekah’s face and whatever she saw made her pale. She sat back down and braced her head on her hands. “Oh my god, what is wrong with me? The first woman I fall in love with, and she’s completely crazy?”
Rebekah froze. She listened to Nastya’s heartbeat, but it didn’t betray any lie on her part. She approached her slowly, and crouched in front of her. She slowly pried her hands from her face and looked her in the eyes.
“I love you, more than I ever thought I could love anyone in my life.” More than my own freedom, she thought, you have no idea what this conversation could cost me. “I am not trying to destroy your life; I am trying to save it.” She took a fortifying breath. “I hope what you’re about to see won’t change your feelings for me.” Rebekah closed her eyes and let her fangs fall down. When she opened them, she knew there would be red irises surrounded by black and purple veins. She expected fear, even disgust. She didn’t expect Nastya’s fingers to reach for her fangs and trace them reverently. Her thumb snagged on one, and a drop of blood bubbled on the skin. Rebekah’s eyes were transfixed on the perfect pearl of red. She guided it to her tongue, and her eyes closed at the contact. A low moan escapes her. When she opened her eyes again, Nastya’s were just as heavy lidded as hers felt. She swirled her tongue around the finger one last time, and Nastya’s breath hitched.
Rebekah reached a hand and cupped her face. “There are things in this world I can’t explain, not right now, not in this short time. But I want to the chance to do that. And for that, you need to leave. Go East, and then South, to Khabarovsk Village. Look for Lubov, she’s a witch I trust. Tell her I sent you and I need her to cloak you. Then keep going east. Don’t tell anyone where you’re going.  Hide your face. I will find you.”
“A witch, wait a minute…” Nastya’s eyes fluttered, her hand that was still trapped in Rebekah’s shaking.
“I wish I could break this to you softer, my love, I truly do. But time is not on our side. You need to leave and follow my instructions to the letter. I will do everything to protect you on my side.”
“I don’t understand. Why won’t you come with me?”
Bekah shook her head. “They know I’m here. If I disappear they’ll come looking for us, and they’ll find you and I can’t let that happen. You go. I’ll stay here and lose them. And once it’s safe, I will find you.” She repeats it like a mantra, a prayer to any existing deity that might be listening.
“Is that a promise?” Nastya grabbed Bekah’s wrist.
“It’s a vow.” She sealed with a searing kiss. She pushed her away before either of them was ready to break it but time was of the essence.
While Nastya made her escape, Rebekah compelled everyone who had ever seen her face to forget it. She couldn’t bring herself to make them forget her existence, but she could make them forget just what her face looked like exactly. She then compelled them to believe she had run off with some random officer. Even the hypothetical idea made her blood boil with jealousy. Then came the hardest part. She chose one of the dancers, Irina, who had similar build and colouring to her Nastya, and compelled her to believe she had been the one having a months long affair with Bekah. She then compelled the others to corroborate her story.
Once she was done, she joined her brothers for dinner. Elijah was in a good mood, he always liked Russia. Niklaus was on edge. He didn’t like being separated from her for too long. In fact, the three months she just spent away from her siblings were a record. Sometimes, she resented Kol for his ability to disappear for decades on end without anyone caring. She knew he resented her for holding so much of Nik’s love, but he had no idea how suffocating that could be. After dinner, they went to her usual seat to watch the ballet, as Nik already knew she did from his own spies.
Rebekah only relaxed when the show started and Nastya’s understudy showed up on stage. On her right, Elijah was just as enraptured as she had been the first time. On her left, Nik got bored after five minutes. He held the program in his hands and casually thumbed through it.
“That’s not Anastasiya, is it?”
Rebekah froze. “What?”
He showed her the second page of the program where an illustration of Nastya ate up most of the space, he needlessly pointed at the face she knew far too well. “Anastasiya, isn’t she supposed to be the big star? This dancer looks nothing like her.” Indeed the short blonde understudy looked nothing like devastating brunette the illustration depicted.
Elijah reached over Rebekah to look at it and hummed. “No, she does not, does she? I must say, that is a disappointment. I had heard so much about the lovely Anastasiya. Her replacement leaves much to be desired.”
“Bekah, you’ve been shacking up with the troop,” Nik teased. “You must have all the scoops. Tell us every sordid detail,” he nudged her shoulder with his. “Did her understudy break her leg in a bid to win the spotlight?”
“It’s all very boring I’m afraid,” Rebekah drawled, “yet another dancer running away with a lowly officer. I heard there might be a pregnancy involved, though that could just be a nasty rumour. Either way, it’s a shame. She could have become something.”
“And what about your dancer?” asked Nik, his program forgotten. “What was her name again?”
“Irina,” she ground out. “What of her?”
“I’m just curious. Should I worry about you turning her without my permission? You do get attached so easily.”
“Niklaus,” Elijah admonished, “let our sister be happy.”
“Are you happy, sister dear?”
Rebekah looked at him and schooled her face. The more enthusiasm Nik could see, the more ammunition he had to use against her.
“I’m having fun, Nik,” she drawled. “Is that allowed in your book?”
He flashed his dimples at her.
“Just don’t have too much fun. I’d rather not have to kill an entire troop of dancers. Or, better yet, come home with us, where I can keep a better eye on you.”
“I’m not bored yet,” she shrugged. “When I am, trust I’ll be on the first ride out of here.”
Nik huffed in displeasure but he didn’t argue. He picked up the program again.
“Elijah,” he called, ignoring the displeased tsks of the other spectators. “Does she remind you of anyone?” he thrust the program over Rebekah’s lap and into Elijah’s hands.
Elijah examined Nastya’s face, and Rebekah held her breath. She always thought that illustration didn’t do her justice, but she couldn’t underestimate her brothers’ obsession with the doppelgänger’s face.
“Perhaps around the eyes,” he mused.
Nik reached over Rebekah to snatch the program back and she finally lost her temper and slapped his arm away.
“Will you stop embarrassing me and let me enjoy the show?” she hissed.
He ignored her and examined the illustration again.
“Could she be..?”
“No,” Elijah answered, his voice leaving no room for argument. “I thought so too at first, those eyes are uncanny. But no, she isn’t. I would recognize her anywhere.”
“Yes, you would, wouldn’t you?” Nik sneered and Elijah pursed his lips.
Rebekah exhaled discreetly and focused back on the unfortunate understudy. She really was lacklustre.
Her brothers stayed in town for a full month, trying to coax her into joining them in Italy. She managed to convince them to give her a few weeks to say goodbye.
As soon as they left, she went in search of Nastya. She travelled East, and then South. She looked for her everywhere. Her witch contact had disappeared. She hired witches to put a location spell on both the witch and Nastya, to no avail. She spent six months looking for her. It was already double the time they spent together and she couldn’t even find a trace of her. She curved her body into a ball on her bed and cried every tear in her body. Then she just stayed there. She fell into a deep depression that left her stuck in bed for weeks that soon bled into months. She couldn’t eat, or sleep. She didn’t even feed. By the time her brothers found her, she had started desiccating. Nik sighed as he crouched to look at her and gently brushed her dirty hair away from her gaunt face.
“What is it this time?” he asked, his voice soft.
“She left me,” she croaked. Her words scratched at her dehydrated vocal cords like sandpaper.
“I will kill her and everyone she’s ever met,” Nik promised. “Tell me who she is.”
She couldn’t talk anymore, her throat was paralyzed. Nik bit into his wrist and brought it up to her mouth but she ignored him. His blood ran down her chin and stained the already dirty sheets. Not even the smell of it made her react. Her survival instincts were gone. Nik stormed out, instructing Elijah to stay by her side. He came back two days later with tales of how he flayed Irina open and slaughtered the entire dancing troop. Rebekah didn’t react. She couldn’t find it in her to feel neither guilt nor pity.
She heard Nik and Elijah confer with each other in hushed tones. Nik sounded scared, Elijah worried. She didn’t care about either. Elijah tried to coax her into a sitting position, to no avail. Nik brought her soup mixed with warm blood; she let it get cold on the nightstand. They spent days trying to bring her back to life. Elijah with his kind words and gentle touches, Nik with his taunts and temptations, none of them succeeded. If she could feel anything, she might have felt pity for them, or sorrow for herself, or anger at Nastya, or guilt for the lives fallen on her behalf, or even shame for her weakness. She felt nothing. They conferred again and this time, they sounded like they agreed.
Elijah held her face and kissed her forehead. “I am sorry, Rebekah,” he whispered, “I wish I could spare you this pain.”
Nik held the dagger to her chest. For the first time, he looked apologetic while he did. “You’ve left me no choice, sister. It’s for your own good.” He pushed the dagger and she finally went to sleep.
They woke her again weeks later, after they had finished making arrangements for their move to New Orleans. The weather, the food, and the music there were so different from Russia it seemed to bring her back to life. She let the southern sun warm her frozen heart and the Mississippi drown out thoughts of Nastya. And months later, she even found herself wishing her the best, wherever she was. She hoped she’d never see her again, for both of their sakes.
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darknights04 · 2 years
Savior: Part two
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x oc
Summary: Klaus Mikaelson has been know as ruthless and evil, but he’s always had a soft spot for lost souls. But before he found Marcellus, he found a young girl. What happens when the family takes this girl into their care and watch her grow into a young woman?
Warnings: This story contains themes relating to sexual assault, child abuse, drug/alcohol addiction, and murder. If any of these related themes bother you then do not read further.
Part One
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♣ 1811 - New Orleans ♣
Evangeline woke up with a smile on her face. It was her nineteenth birthday. Birthdays with the Mikaelson family were never dull. After she got to know them, they've been like her second family. Well, more accurately they have been like her first family seeing as her real family was never much of a family at all. The girl jumped up out of her bed and headed down to the parlor, slipping her silk robe over her shoulders. She happily ran down the stairs with a smile on her face.
Once she reached the parlor she saw Niklaus and Elijah lounging on the couches. Nik reading a book and Elijah reading the newspaper.
Evangeline smiled wider and leaned over the back of the couch, tapping Elijah on the shoulder.
"Ah, Evangeline," he said simply. "You're up early. Are you ready for your lessons today then?"
The girl chuckled. "I thought you said there wouldn't be any more lessons starting today."
"I said you would be through with your lessons once you turned nineteen."
"And as it just so happens I am nineteen, Elijah."
He looked up confused. "What? Already?" he turned to look at Nik. "Niklaus today couldn't be her birthday could it?"
"Absolutely not!" he scoffed jokingly. "Her eighteenth birthday had just passed. She can't be nineteen already!"
"You boys are such dimwits," Rebekah sighed as she entered the room, holding a red velvet box. "Happy birthday, Evangeline," she smiled, handing it to her.
The girl smiled and untied the bow on the top of the box. Once it was opened it revealed a blood red gown.
"I want you to wear it tonight," she instructed.
"We've finally arranged your coming out party," Nik proudly stated.
"You what?"
"Every young girl has a ball to present them to society and start having suitors line up," Rebekah explained. "Traditionally they're held when the girl is sixteen years old but seeing as we're not a traditional family we thought we'd have it now."
"Oh," she mumbled.
"Are you alright?" Elijah asked her.
"Of course," she smiled weakly. "Let me go set this in my room and get dressed. I'll be back in a moment."
Evangeline gathered the box in her arms and started to walk to her room.
Truth was, she didn't want a big party to be introduced to society. She liked her life the way it was. She liked their small family and all of them spending time together. Maybe eventually she'd get to meet the other Mikaelson siblings, Kol and Finn. But other them she didn't want to branch out to other people. She didn't need to. She didn’t want to be courted and married, she just want to live her life.
Evangeline being the clumsy girl that she was, she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking. Right as she was about to reach the last step on the stairs, she placed her foot down wrong and felt herself start to tumble down the staircase. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as she watched the stairs zooming past as she went flying down the stairs. There was nothing she could do to stop it. Once she hit the bottom, a pain shot up from her wrist as she laid there on the floor.
"Eva!" Rebekah called out. 
She couldn't call back. All she could do was lay there in pain holding her wrist to her chest. She held her eyes shut as she felt them start to fill with tears. She heard one of the three siblings biting into their skin and could smell the rustic scent of blood in front of her. 
"You have to drink," Elijah instructed. "Evangeline. Drink."
The girl parted her lips slightly and felt him press his wrist against her mouth. She wanted to gag at the metallic flavor taking over her taste buds. As the blood trickled down her throat she could feel all the pain in her body dissolving. 
"My God!" Rebekah exclaimed, helping the girl up. "There are easier ways to get out of a party than throwing yourself down the stairs."
"Does that mean we don't have to have the party?" she asked Rebekah, hopefully. 
"You nearly got yourself killed and that's what you're worried about?" Elijah amazed. 
"And we're having this party," Nik added. "I've already invited the governor and his son to attend. And the decorations have been set up. We're not saying you must get married tonight, Eva. Just branch out. Meet some other people your age."
"I'm almost the same age as you lot."
"Evangeline we have nearly eight hundred years on you," Elijah chuckled. 
"You know what she mean!"
"What's so bad about a party? When I  was still a young girl I loved throwing and attending parties. It'll be fun, you'll see. Go upstairs. Change into the dress I gave you. We'll call you down when everything is ready."
Evangeline nodded. "Okay."
She sighed as she walked back up the stairs.
"Carefully, please!" Elijah called after her with a smile on his face. She turned around and glared at him. He put his hands up in surrender as the three of them made their way back to the parlor. 
Evangeline looked at herself in the mirror as Rebekah came into her room, holding another box. 
"You look stunning!" she fawned. 
The girl smiled at her and turned to look at the dress again. It was a beautiful dress but it was more Rebekah's style than hers. It didn't suit Evangeline as well as it would her. The dress was a deep, scarlet red with black lace trim. It fell to the floor and billowed out from her waist. 
"Is the party ready then?" Evangeline asked her. 
"Not quite."
"Then what are you doing up here?" 
She shook the small box in her hand. "Elijah asked me to give this to you before you came down. It is still your birthday after all."
"What is it?"
"To be fairly honest I'm not quite sure. He just handed me the box asked me to deliver it to you."
Evangeline took the box from her hand and opened it. Inside sat a beautiful oval, golden locket with a pink rose on the center. It seemed there were small diamonds bordering the flower, making it gleam beautifully in the light. 
"That absolute wanker," Rebekah groaned. 
"I beg your pardon?"
"My brother just has to get the better gift every year doesn't he? In any case, finish getting ready, we'll send for you in about ten minutes."
The girl nodded to Rebekah as she left, slipping the locket around her neck. The cold metal fell just a couple of inches above her breasts. Curiosity got the better of her as she clicked it open to see if anything was inside. Once it fell open, a small piece of paper fluttered onto the ground that was tucked inside. She knelt down to pick it up and unfolded it carefully.
Have a look inside your closet before you come downstairs.
Evangeline furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she made her way to the closet that stood in the corner of her room. She opened the doors and standing inside was a gorgeous gown that was way more her style than the one Rebekah had given her. The dress was a light blue with pink detailing about the top. The bodice laced with white strings of pearls criss-crossing across each other.  It was still regal, but innocently so. The gown dragged more on the floor with a more subtle shaping. It was gorgeous.
The girl smiled to herself as she slipped off Rebekah's dress and put on the new one. Just in time as she heard a knock on the door. 
"Now she know that's not the dress my sister provided you with," Nik chuckled.
"Found it in her closet. I felt this one speaks to me a bit more."
"It perfectly suits you. Now, usually, it would be the young girl's father who would present her to society, but I hope I can be a decent substitute."
Evangeline’s smile grew as she linked their arms together. "You're no substitute, Nik."
"Oh, I know. I just wanted to hear you say it."
They both laughed as he led Evangeline down to where the party was being held.
The night was hardly halfway over and yet Evangeline was exhausted. There were dozens of men lined up waiting for a dance and the shoes she was given to wear weren't helping. The boy she was currently dancing with was especially quite dimwitted. She had been dancing with him for almost ten minutes and every time she made an attempt to flee he would always start to talk again. Whether about his family, his future plans, his status, whatever. He just wouldn't stop talking. Elijah must've seen the distress on her face because soon he came to save her. 
"May I cut in?" he asked the boy politely.
"I don't see why not. I shall meet you later m'lady." He took her hand and placed a kiss on it. Not a sweet gentle kiss but it was as if he pressed his lips to her hand with all his force, probably leaving some saliva behind. 
The girl made a face of disgust when he turned away and wiped her hand on her dress. 
"Thank you," she sighed as Elijah and her began to dance. "If I had to hear one more time about how 'brave and heroic' one must be to be in the trading business I think I would've killed someone."
Elijah chuckled. "Yes, you didn't seem to be taking much of a liking to that young man so I thought I'd step in before you had to murder anyone here." They both laughed and continued their way across the floor gracefully. "You liked your present then?" he asked after a moment. 
"Yes, I do. It's gorgeous. However, because of how it hangs on my neck 
I cannot tell if some of the men here were simply admiring the locket or looking someplace else."
"For the sake of them keeping their lives, if Niklaus asks, let's tell him it was the locket."
They both laughed again before a young man cleared his throat behind them. "Pardon me," he started. "But as it would seem I must be leaving soon and haven't had the chance to introduce herself. Might I cut in?"
"Of course," Elijah smiled. "Evangeline," he said in farewell, picking up her hand and bowing down to leave an exaggerated kiss on it. She chuckled. He was obviously making fun of the man he previously dismissed. 
"Evangeline, was it?" the mystery man asked. 
"Please, call me Eva. And what might they call you?" 
"William. William Bates."
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bates."
"William, please. And you as well."
She smiled at him as they continued to dance together. 
"If  may be so bold," he started after a moment of silence. "Would you like to join me for a walk outside?"
"I don't see why not. I've been needing to get some air anyway."
He offered his arm to the girl and led her outside the compound to the garden in the back. 
"I want to apologize," he said after a minute or two of walking. 
"Apologize? For what?"
"You do seem like a nice girl and all but-"
"But what?"
"The others are invincible. You're their weakness."
"I don't underst-"
She was cut off by a sharp pain in her stomach. She looked down and saw a knife plunged into her chest. 
"I really am sorry," he said again before running away from the girl as she collapsed to the ground. 
The last thing she heard before the darkness clouded her vision were the Mikaelsons screaming her name.
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Crossover prompt fic ideas
So when klaus broke his curse to unlock his werewolf side he decided to undagger his siblings and apologise to them before he left to find his own Redemption and get therapy by supernatural therapist to work through 1000 years of issues, when he travelled to bacon Hill randomly, there he met Derek Hale, klaus and Derek hit it off immediately, Klaus explained he would have to leave one day because he's in hiding from his siblings and told him his true name, Derek explained how his family died, both of them to decided to get married after year together and decided to move to Italy together.
Mikealson siblings are still looking for their brother because they're heard he got married but after a while they decided to live their own life happily
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Title: A new Christmas love
Pairing: Haylijah, One-sided! Elijah M. x Original!Reader,Bruce W. x Original!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Hints of smut, Jealous!Elijah, Cute Reader and Bruce moments
A/N: wanted to do a two part Christmas fic also Happy Holidays 😊
You sighed watching Hayley and Elijah as they danced leaving you in heartache which Klaus noticed and quickly was at yourside. You were an Original Heretic, the first wife to Klaus when you both were human.
And you were deeply in love with Elijah and had only married Klaus because the hybrid wanted to protect you from your abusive father. Once you became vampires, Klaus and you split up since you both were just close friends. Klaus knew of your feelings for Elijah but the noble vampire loved Tatia and now Hayley.
"You alright, love?" Klaus asked taking your hand worry shining in the blue eyes you adored for him since you had confessed to Elijah on Christmas of 1913. You still remember the words Elijah spoke to you.
'It wouldn't be right of me to take my brother's ex wife on as a lover.' Elijah had told you yet it was alright for him to sleep with the mother of Klaus's child.
"Yes Niklaus....I'll be okay." You said softly to Klaus who frowned looking to Elijah and Hayley, anger bubbling in Klaus's chest. When you were human, Klaus admired how strong you were but now it just angered Klaus.
"My brother is an fool. He knows the truth of our marriage yet keeps his stupid sense of what is noble and sleeps with Hayley." Klaus mutters lacing his fingers with yours and kissing the spot where your wedding band once was.
"I will move on....it is clear Elijah loves me not. Now go see that cute bartender. Her name is Camille, is it not?" You teased your ex husband who flushed looking away then kissed your forehead before going over to Camille. You sighed heading over to the bar to get a drink.
"Is this seat taken?" You heard a smooth voice asked making you look seeing a handsome man. Dressed in a good suit, the man clean shaven, black hair slicked back with beautiful blue eyes. Your heart fluttered looking at the man as your cheeks warmed.
"No. I'm Y/N Mikaelson." You say holding your hand out to the man who smiled kissing your knuckles making your heart jump.
"Bruce Wayne, a pleasure Mrs. Mikaelson." Bruce says sitting next to you with a smile.
"It's just Y/N, Mr. Wayne. Nik is my ex husband." You said grabbed your wine as Bruce smiled leaning close.
"Then just called me, Bruce." Bruce says smiling at you and you felt like a little school school talking to the most handsome boy in school.
"Looks like mama got someone's attention." Hope commented making Rebekah blink looking to where the 12 year old was pointing. The blonde grabbed Finn's and Kol's arms, biting her lip to keep from squealing.
And her brothers looked surprised to see you swaying with Bruce. You were giggly and your cheeks were flushed clearly enjoying the attention from Bruce.
"Yes and it seems Elijah had noticed." Kol says pointing out Elijah who stopped watching you with Bruce.
The siblings watched noticing how Elijah seemed jealous as the vampire watching you while talking to Hayley.
You giggled again when Bruce whispered in your ear again, your heart fluttered feeling Bruce's lips lightly brush along your skin.
"Shame I'll have to fly back to Gotham in the morning." Bruce says looking at you when you pulled away just a bit.
"I could give you my number. And maybe fly up to see you for dates....if you want." You said looking away as Bruce smiled.
"I would like that." Bruce says making you look up at Bruce seeing his smile and you smiled at him. By the end of the night Elijah found hisself watching you lead Bruce up to your bedroom as jealousy sat in his chest.
"Elijah? You okay?" Hayley asked seeing Elijah give her a tight lip smile hearing your bedroom door close.
"Just fine my love." Elijah says following Hayley upstairs while the others gave each other knowing looks.
You snuggled closer to the warm body in your bed making you jolt awake and saw it was Bruce. You smiled gently touching his cheek rubbing it as memories of last night since Bruce had gave a world of pleasure more than your past lovers. You were startled feeling Bruce kissing your palm and saw a playful glint in his blue eyes.
"Goodmorning beautiful." Bruce said his voice husky from sleep getting you to rub your thighs together. Bruce had gotten you to feel things that you thought you only flet for Elijah....yet here was Bruce lighting your heart on fire with desire.
"Goodmorning. Didn't you have a flight?" You asked wrapping your arms around Bruce's neck. The human smirked cupping your cheek kissing you deeply as his other hand gripped your thigh rolling you both over.
"I can always fly out later. Right now I really want to enjoy you." Bruce says leaving more marks on your neck as you flushed. You noticed how small you were under Bruce making you shiver with excitement.
"Very smooth there Bruce." You giggled leaning up kissing Bruce and he kissed back with his hands gripping your hips.
Elijah narrowed his eyes when you finally came down stairs with Bruce. Elijah noticed you had a slight limp, you had freshly showered and was showing Bruce out. The family watched Bruce leaned down to kiss you softly and listened to you and Bruce.
"So I'll see next weekend?" You asked as Bruce smiled kissing your hand.
"I would love that. I shall fly out, is alright to call you when I get home?" Bruce asked brushing a few strands of hair from your face. You nodded smiling up at Bruce feeling like that you could be with Bruce.
"Had a good night, love?" Teased Klaus as you flushed pouring a cup of tea when you joined the family. Elijah watched you closely feeling jealousy creep back up when you sat down.
"Yes. Oh Bruce is just wonderful, he is a gentleman and so sweet." You gushed eyes twinkling with such joy that Klaus hadn't seen in a long time.
"Are you going to see him again?" Elijah asked staring at you making you stop noticing the tone Elijah used.
"Yes, Bruce and I are making plans to spend Christmas together." You said wondering why Elijah was seemly jealous. Elijah narrowed his eyes cutting into his omelet as the siblings blinked.
"Making plans with someone and not spend it with family." Elijah said making you flush feeling bad but Klaus moved in to save the day.
"Or Bruce and his family could join us. After all brother you should be happy that our dear Y/N seeing someone for the first time in a century."
"Yes, of course Niklaus." Elijah said giving a tight smile watching you talk to Rebekah about last night. Elijah pushed down the jealousy and tried to be happy for you and hoped he could get though Christmas.
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l-r-christian · 2 years
Title: 'Tied to one' part seven
Pairing: Poly!Mikaelsons x Witch!Black!Reader, mostly Klaus
Warnings: Fluff just Fluff, Spicy, Klaus being soft
A/N: I finally returned to this series after a spark of inspiration
A few days after the Strix party both Aiden and Kaine stayed to get to know their baby sister's soulmates as Y/N sat on the floor of her bedroom with things to make jewelry spread out. Y/N wanted to make her soulmates a gift and decided on doing protective charms that were simple pendents of their family crest. Y/N spent the day getting cute little animal charms and gem stones that matched her soulmates soulmates's strings colors.
Y/N sat working on Rebekah's first since she was more tougher to do. It was sterling silver chain with a tiger charm hanging off the chram as the gem stones matching the sapphire, ivory and royal purple colored as the gems were place around the family crest that was a pendant as Y/N work she noticed a fourth color on each of the strings.
'A fourth color is a color you share with your soulmates. It means you have a strong bond.' Y/N smiled remembering what her grandmother told her as she looked at Rebekah's string seeing a fiery rose color mixing with the pastels and Rebekah's colors.
Y/N shared a gorgeous turquoise with Kol, with Klaus she shared a silvery blue, Elijah and her shared a champagne color and Finn shared royal lilac with Y/N. The witch smiled just watching the colors mixing and glowing softly.
"I didn't know we shared such pretty colors." Y/N said gently touching the strings unaware that her soulmates were somewhere feeling a shiver of pleasure go down their backs as the strings glowed brighter.
Y/N smiled finishing up her gifts going to Rebekah first and got peppered with kisses then headed to Finn smiled kissing Y/N softly taking the gift. Kol had spent a good hour holding their little witch after accepting the gift before she could see Elijah who happily took the gift giving her a soft kiss.
"Nik, are you busy?" Y/N asked as the hybrid was sitting in front of a blank canvas as he told her no. Y/N smiled moving next to the hybrid feeling him pull her into his lap nuzzling her neck.
"No ideas?"
"No. I missed you, my love." Klaus muttered against Y/N's neck when he felt cool metal around his neck looking at the pendent that was next the wolf charm. Klaus smiled seeing the gem stones matching his soul strings finding her work just gorgeous.
Y/N squealed when she was suddenly on her back on top of a bed that was in the studio and Klaus kissing her deeply. Klaus gripped her thighs groaning against her mouth when Y/N grinding her hips his. Y/N gripped the back of Klaus's shirt whining as Klaus's kisses got rougher and Y/N's hand gripped his hair.
"Nik...please." Y/N breathed as Klaus was leaving dark marks on her neck and pulled away undressing her and moved to her thighs enjoying the moans he was pulling her. Klaus moved to to her abdomen leaving marks there then an idea entered Klaus's mind. Y/N moaned loudly as pleasure shot though her body when Klaus touched their soul string.
"Can't speak love?" Klaus teased watching Y/N writhing under the hybrid as his fingers moved along the string watching her with dark eyes.
"Nik....more." Y/N whimpered as Klaus growled gripping her thighs as he made her arch off the bed when his mouth came down on her soaked core. Klaus groaned against Y/N when she pulled his hair as his tongue found her clit.
"You taste divine love, I want more."
Finn was looking for Y/N and wasn't surprised to find her in Klaus's art studio where she layed on her belly in the bed with Klaus in only pants. Klaus was painting their soulmate in her soul colors, Finn found the painting just beautiful and looked at Y/N seeing the sunlight hit her giving her bronze skin a glow. Finn got Klaus's attention when he stepped into the studio.
"Came looking for our beloved?"
"I have. I see you had some fun with her." Finn says stepping over to the bed tracing the tattoo on her back as Klaus finished the painting as Finn moved to see it smiling as Klaus's talents had only grown.
"I see you have managed to capture her beauty Niklaus." Elijah says having stepped into the studio also looking for Y/N. Elijah smiled seeing Y/N nuzzle one of the pillows as Klaus and Finn looked her over.
"You three are being creepy."
"Sorry beloved." Finn says leaning over kissing Y/N's cheek and Elijah moved over lifting her up sheet and all making her giggle as the three men brighten at the sound as the strings glowed brightly. Klaus let Elijah and Finn take Y/N without a fight as both vampires wanted to take their soulmate out for dinner.
"Don't be out too late."
"We won't Nik." Y/N teased back making Elijah chuckle carrying her out as Finn and Klaus laughed.
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ambrosealcina · 3 years
The Littlest Mikealson
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Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Parring Mikealson Family X Brother! Reader
Summary: Elijah and Damon undagger you and your siblings and you go off on Klaus and surprise happens
Warnings ⚠️: [None]
When Damon and Elijah are sent off to retrieve the coffins of the Mikaelson family they undagger you and your siblings and explain the plan.
"So we're gonna just leave..?" you ask "Yup and you can get out of my hair" the black haired vampire said codly "What if he comes after us and daggers us again?" you ask again "Don't worry dear brother that what this supposed 'Secret weapon' will take care" Kol said "Okay..?" you said suspiciously "Alright let's go everyone" Elijah said.
Now waiting for Kol,Rebekah,and Finn to finish there attack against Klaus you speed in and grab your dagger "M-M/N wait!" before he could stall any longer you stab him hard in the leg and speed next to your family "Your free to leave" Elijah said to the two Salvatore's standing to the corner "This is family business" and with that they speed out.
"I like what you've done with the new place Nik" Rebekah says snarkly before throwing a vase at a painting knocking it down "I wanted it to be for all of us.." he said quietly "a place we could call home a place we could all be a family.." he said sadly "None of use would have to be alone again..".
"Well your right none of use will be" Elijah says "Your staying behind" Finn says with a grin "We're leaving you Nik right after I kill that doppelganger wench then you will be alone.." Rebekah says "Always and forever..." you said in a hushed way "If you run I will hunt all of you down.." he says getting angry " and then you'll become everything you hate...our father" Elijah says back "I'M THE HYBRID!" he screams "I CANT BE KILLED" he screams louder "I have nothing to fear from any of you.." he says fully mad "you will when we have that coffin.." Elijah threatens.
You all sit in silence for a moment untill you hear the front door to the manor open when the person comes in you all are shocked "Mother..." you and Rebekah both say sadly you all move out of the way and let her walk toward Klaus.
Once she was infront of him she spoke "Look at me." she says sternly with that Klaus slowly looks up at her "Do you know why I'm here..?" "Y-your here to kill me.." "Nicklaus you are my son." she said "And I am here to forgive you.." she said surprising you and your siblings your mother now turned around says "I want us to be a family again" and after she finishes her speach and sends everyone to their room in the manor
/A/N• Okay I hope you enjoyed this sorry this is short My posting schedule is all weird But I watch kids from to 2 to 8 in the afternoon and clean so it's hard to post in the day time but anyway I hope you enjoyed see you next time
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deepdonutkid · 3 years
Love ain’t fair
Pair: Tommy x male Oc
Requested: yes, by unicorn
Request: here
Summary: Tommy is losing his mind because of the vendetta. The Italians are around every corner and he can’t leave Small Heath, but during this time he find a connection to a man he thought he had lost. Nikolas was in his unit during the war. Together they were in the tunnels and it was a tragic experience for both of them. Neither of them came home the same, but Nik had it even worse, because his spine got fractured, when one of the tunnels crashed, leaving him in pain over years. After the war Nik left Birmingham to heal his wounds, but he came back because even after all those years, he couldn’t stop thinking about Tommy. They shared a deeper connection than they would admit.
Warning: hurt/comfort, swear words, canon typical violence, old injuries
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Tommy was back in Small Heath and back in Business, so everything should be just as usual, but it wasn’t… for several reasons. First, it wasn’t his own choice to come back here. It was a safety measurement and not a nostalgia trip to his not so happy childhood.
Then and while he was here, he reconnected with an old friend. Well, that was generally speaking, because they have always been more than friends, but Tommy wouldn’t elaborate on the nature of their relationship. Both of them knew, what they shared and it should have been enough. It wasn’t.
All the time, when he was with Nik- his old friend- he was trying to focus just on him, but Tommy couldn’t. Business was on his mind, like always. Every time they were kissing, tommy thought about Luca Changretta. Not in sexual way, of course, but he couldn’t ignore the threats the Italian made towards him and his siblings. One of his brothers was already dead and Tommy started to worry about Arthur and Finn, Charlie and also about Nik. Everybody he loved, was in potential danger and he couldn’t just push it away.
More than once Nik tried to take to him about it, but calming Tommy’s nerves was a tough job and even Nikolas got tired of it after a while. Talking wouldn’t change anything, as Tommy kept arguing. He had to act, he had to fight back and if it meant to kill every Italian assassin roaming around Birmingham, then so be it.
He was so set on his mind and even with Aberama on his pay roll, Tommy had plans of his own, when he saw one of them sneaking around near one of their pubs. Without hesitation, Tommy shot the Italian in the knee and dragged him back to one of his factories. They were empty now and it was far away from the working hours, so Tommy knew, nobody would interrupt him.
What happened next was sweet delightful torture. Not for the poor fellow, who had crossed paths with Tommy Shelby, but for him, it was freeing. Even though, he wouldn’t get any information from that guy, he enjoyed it, because he was doing something. It gave him the illusion of productivity, which seems to be missing in his life for quite a while now. However, he didn’t enjoy violence. That was the messy part of business, he found no pleasure in.
And while the fella was sobbing and crying in Italian, Tommy was convinced, he was doing something meaningful now. Now there was one less of them running around and threatening his family members.
But the game didn’t last long and Tommy told somebody to got rid of the body… and he walked home covered in blood.
The Watery Lane was almost empty and those people who walked by, made an effort to escape as quickly as possible. Tommy’s whole attitude and face send a certain “Don’t fuck with me”- vibe and everybody around here knew him well enough, to don’t even try it.
With the key already in his hand, he went straight back to the front door of his apartment and unlocked it. He could hear somebody was inside already.
“Ada?”, he asked into the room, believing his sister came over, because his son needed more attention. But this wasn’t the case. Charlie was asleep in his room, as Tommy noticed, when he walked by.
Tommy was actually quite surprised to find Nikolas in the kitchen, obviously waiting for him. “You’re here?”, he asked and sat down at the kitchen table, pulling out a cigarette.
“I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I come over to say hello… problem was… you weren’t here”, explain Nik in the same calm tone, he always had, when they were talking in the middle of the night.
“How did you got in here?”
“Your sister was still here and I told her I had some important information for you.”
The Shelby nodded. He had already thought about that possibility. “Do you?”, he kept digging. A part of him already knew the answer, but he had to hear it from Nikolas as well.
Nik just chuckled and walked over to the stove, to get the kettle with boiling water. “No, I wanted to see you… You are always so busy during the day, I thought I check in on you now. I thought you had to be at home at night… but I was wrong. It’s always the same with you…” He wasn’t trying to fight with Thomas, not after the time they had lost, but Nik had a different sense of humor then the Shelby.
Tommy scoffed and watched his boyfriend tying to lift the kettle himself. The arms of the former veteran were shaking, while he poured the hot water into a tea pot. Certainly, the weight of the kettle was not the problem for Nikolas, but he hissed, when he had to held the kettle this high. This movement was natural for most people, but it brought back old pain for Nik.
It was worrying to see a man like him struggling with such a simple task. Tommy would never get used to this.
“Well, now I’m here”, Tommy added and smiled at him: “Should I help you with the tea pot?”
For this well-meant question he got a frustrated side-eye from his friend. “I’m not a child, my dear”, Nik scolded: “I can do things on my own… Probably more than you would think. Anyways, I made tea for us and we could talk or lay in the bed together.”
A sign left Tommy’s lips. He wasn’t sure, if he was in the mood for talking, but he didn’t want to be alone either. “Bed sounds good”, Tommy grunted and closed his eyes for a second.
Nik sat back down again, stared at Tommy and noted: “There is still a lot of blood on your face” It was the first time, since Tommy had entered the kitchen, when both of them would look into each other’s eyes.
Usually, it eased Tommy’s mind, but right now he knew, Nikolas was trying to get into his head.
“It’s from a wop, don’t mind it”
“I sure do! You could have get in trouble!”, Nik insisted: “Isn’t this the reason why you hired Aberama in the first place… So, somebody else had to do the dirty work?”
While grinding his teeth, Tommy thought about possible answers. He was tempted to lie at Nik, just to avoid the confrontation, while Charlie was in the next room. “I saw him near one of our Pubs, while I was there checking on the gin.”
“The goddam Gin!”
“Yes, that gin, anyway, nothing happened and I just want to clean my face up and go to bed”, Tommy explained and stood up. He left in silence.
Tommy was washing his face with a cloth, when he heard Nik from the kitchen: “The tea is ready… Do you want milk in yours?”
Just as quietly he came back and nodded, almost asleep already. “Milk is good”
Then they sat in silence in the kitchen, drinking their tea.
“I thought about something”, whispered Nik and stared at his cup.
The Shelby was all ears, but didn’t say anything and waited for Nikolas to finish his thoughts.  
Nik cleared his throat and added: “I wouldn’t be so worried about you all the time, if I could help you. Maybe even join the Gang…. Plus, nobody would suspect something then, if we would spend more time together.”
For a whole minute Tommy had to process, what he had heard. No, he thought, no, he wouldn’t let this happen. He had lost Nik for years now and he just got him back. Tommy remembered fondly, those nights, when they were just young boys experimenting, what felt good. And he had a big lump in his throat, when he remembered the day, the tunnel crashed and Nik’s screams. He had a very clear memory, how Freddie and him had to pull Nik out and bring him to the sick bay.
He wouldn’t let this happen again.
Tommy was in this life forever, but Nik made it out and he could be happy, he was still alive.
“No, you’re not joining the gang”, Tommy objected: “And you’re not helping me” Now that he thought about it once again, he had to laugh. It had to be a joke, right? This idea was far too stupid, to even consider it.
Nik blinked and kept staring at him. “I’m serious”, he insisted: “I can help and I can do things.”
“Oh please, no, Nik, I won’t have this discussion with you… You could barely lift the fucking kettle above your shoulders… how could you fire a gun?”
“I can help with other stuff. I just wanna get involved and spend more time with you. In public, not in dark corners and your apartment. I bet you won’t even let me in your fucking mansion.” Nik’s protest was useless, he just didn’t know it yet.
There was no way, Tommy would change his mind on this. “I want you in my house and in my life, but not at work or involving in my business… It’s just too dangerous. Everybody who’s working for me has a target on their back now. I can’t let anything happen to you”
Already on the verge of tears, Nik yelled: “But why? I can’t see you like this… in constant stress… you are barely yourself anymore.”
“This is me, when I’m stressed and you’re not used to this and it doesn’t look nice, but it happens and I’m already trying to solve the problem.”
“But why can’t I help you with it? You don’t have to carry all the weight alone.”
“Yes, I do, Nikolas”, Tommy screamed: “Yes, I do!”
“Because I fucking love you!”
Everything was silent again. No sweeping love declarations or kisses. It wasn’t a warm and heart-felt scene.
The sun was rising again, but she was hiding behind the factories and buildings, which led to a weird grey color filling up the sky. The night was almost gone and the dark deeds too.
“Then… what should I do… according to your opinion?”, Nik asked and rubbing his eyes.
Both of them were too tired for yet another fight.  
Tommy took his hand and stroke it with his thumb. “Just say with me. Stay alive, take your meds and be by my side. I don’t ask for much more than that.”
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Maybe you are too late ( part one)
Pairings: Caroline Forbes x Niklaus Mikaelson, Niklaus Mikaelson x Reader, Damon Salvatore x Reader
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I have been in love with the Original hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson for years, actually I have been in love with him since he saved me and turned me into a vampire 200 years ago. I had always tried to make Nik happy, always stood by his side and never judge him, Nik on the other hand never saw any interest in me as a lover, he always saw me as his best friend.
I wasn't just Niks' best friend I was also Bexs and Kols' I was doing pretty good with Finn and Elijah was my book buddy. Most of the Mikaelson siblings have treated me like their family and for that I am grateful, but I didn't have the one thing I wanted,Nik
I have watched Nik with other women for years, it was never something serious, but now he fancies Caroline Forbes and she does mean a lot to him. My heart broke everything time I saw them together, but can't tell him anything about it he isn't mine to love.
It was the day of the Mikaelson Ball, I had overheard Ester telling Nik to bring a date, I hoped that he would ask me , but that never happened. I went down the stairs, I saw Nik but not alone he was with Caroline, of course he would be with her what was I thinking when I thought that he would ask me.
Soon enough it was time to dance I didn't have a partner and so I thought that i should go back to my room, but before I could go I felt a hand on my shoulder turning around I realized that it was Damon Salvatore, he asked me to dance and how could I refuse, he has been nothing but good to me ever since I got in town.
While me and Damon were dancing I couldn't help but look over at Nik who was dancing with Caroline, Damon noticed " He doesn't deserve you, he doesn't even notice you. You deserve someone who can make you happy" I looked at him shocked he knew of my feelings for Nik " don't look so surprised it's obvious". I signed " I can't help it Damon" and suddenly we changed partners and I was in familiar arms, Niks arms " I see you fancy the enemy" he smirked "Well I was hoping you would ask me to be your date but you didn't" he looked at me with something in his eyes he had never looked at me before ,it was like he was tired of me.
Nik took me out of the crowd and into his room, he looked really angry " You know you have really started to get on my nerves, can't you see that I'm not interested in you. So many years have passes and yet you refuse to move on, you have gotten really tiring and sometimes I just wished I hadn't saved you" after I heard those hurtful words I couldn't help but cry he hates me, the man that I love hates me. I couldn't just stand there and let him see me cry so I left to go outside.
I really needed fresh air, it felt like I couldn't breathe, why does he hate me so much, all I ever did was love him. I was broken out of my thoughts by Damon who hugged me, I told him what happened and he wasn't happy about it he wondered how could someone be so cruel to someone like Y/n, someone so sweet.
Damon took me to my room, runned me a bath, gave me a new pair of PJ and tucked me in bed. He was going to leave but I asked him to stay, I felt safe with him for some odd reason. Damon did stay and we cuddled to sleep, I could say that it was one of the few times I fell asleep feeling so... safe.
I was angry today Caroline keeps judging me but I fancy her and I don't want to take my anger out on her, so I accidentally took it out on y/n. I always do this, but she always comes back, tho she never judged me. I should apologize I was too harsh this time.
So I headed towards her room, but the sight in front of me for some odd reason broke my heart. Y/n was asleep with Damon Salvatore cuddling, while smiling in her sleep, how could she she is supposed to be in love with me, not him.
I went back to my room but I could not sleep, why did it effect me so much that they where sleeping together, why do I want it to be me instead of Damon? I'm not in love with her, I can't be right?
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