#Nikki SIxx fan fic
thesmokingguns · 2 years
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Make it Hurt
Minors DNI 18+
Nikki locked the door, pausing in the entryway to hear any sounds to see if you were awake. When he was greeted with silence he sighed, licking off his boots and trying to keep his disappointment in check. He could use one of your hugs right now. The way you’d throw yourself at him, saying his name with that shrill of excitement that never seemed fake. But he was the one who was late.
A flight from New York that had been delayed because of a snow storm. Originally you had planned to meet him at LAX after a week and a half apart, you were excited to be reunited but when he called you from the pay phone to say that he wouldn’t be home until maybe tomorrow you had agreed to stay home. Nikki didn’t know that you had cried when he hung up, touch starved and desperate to be with him. It wasn’t just him that could use a hug.
As a kindergarten teacher you didn't share the same exciting rockstar life as your boyfriend did but that didn’t mean you didn’t have your share of drama. Where his was splashed on the cover of Cream magazine yours showed up in different ways. The mom at drop off reminding you again that her son was special and needed the extra attention when in reality he needed more at home support to help him catch up or Cindy who opened her lunchbox and closed if just as fast when she realized that it wasn’t full. You had given her your sandwich and reminded yourself to start packing extras. There was Kevin witb the chipped front tooth that you had thought happened from an accident but after meeting his parents at Tuesday’s meet the teacher night you had called in the school social worker realizing it was not.
Nikki had been stressed about the album, mixing a record and you had been stressed about how parents could forget about their kids.
He climbed the stairs, pushing open the bedroom door, where he saw you laying on top of the sheets. Still in a pair of dark denim jeans and a button down plaid shirt, he knew you must have spent your Saturday at the school working on your classroom for the week. He admired your dedication for your job but he also worried that carrying the lives of so many children around was breaking your heart. You were a damn good teacher, loved your kids but he worried That you loved them more than you should, cared about them and Carried them around so it was too heavy for you.
Seeing you now, passed out from exhaustion in the clothes you had worn all day made Nikki feel like he needed to have you take a break before you got hurt.
He made his way over to you, hands going to the buttons of your jeans and tugging the buttons through holes. You muttered sleepily, turning slightly as he moved with you, tugging your jeans down. Your eyes flashing open as you felt his hands on your feet tugging them off.
“Nikki.” He couldn’t help but smile as you said his name, tossing your jeans towards the hamper as he laid on you, loving how your arms reached for him to pull him into you.
He had needed this.
The way your lips pressed against his in a deep, long kiss, arms and legs wrapping around him as he let himself bask in your presence. This was what it was like to be loved and wanted. The way you clung to him, not letting him go as he pressed you into the bed, both of you seeming to be in sync as you thought more.
“I’m here.” He was stroking your face as you tugged his t-shirt over his head, silver chains rattling as they fell back against his chest, “No need to rush, angel. I’m not going anywhere.” But your eyes were raising up, meeting his in a frenzied want.
“I just need you to be closer. I just need all of you, now.” The soft desperation in your voice had him groaning, moving with you as he slid the buttons through holes and pushed your shirt apart.
His hands skimmed your stomach, up your breasts and down as they pulled the nylon of your bra down. Hands cupping and mouth lowering to kiss the skin. He wanted to ravish you, make love to you until the pair of you were so tangled and lost in each other that where one of you began and the other ended was so confusing That you two were just considered one being.
Your shoulders shrugged, the shirt and bra coming off as your hands moved to his head, fingers tangling with the dyed black hair as you fisted the locks, watching the way he looked up, eyes on yours as he playfully nipped at the bar in your belly.
“Tell me what you want.” He expected you to push his head down as he teased, maybe to see the soft blush of your cheeks as you asked him to make love to you but that was not what Nikki got.
“I want you to fuck me until the only part of me that hurts is the spot between my legs.” He froze at this, pushing himself up to search your eyes for an explanation but you weren’t looking for an argument, you wanted results, “please, Nikki. It’s been so hard here and I just need to not have to think of anything. Just take away the thoughts, please.” The desperation and begging, giving him a job only he could do fueled Nikki.
You needed him and he needed you.
Maybe he should have talked to you more, found a solution to the ache and stress but he was sliding your panties off, fisting his cock as he guided it towards you. He wasn’t moving as quick as you wanted and you reassured him by sliding forward, hips twisting so he was flat on his back and you were on top of him, pushing him girth inside of you with a push of your hips.
His mouth opened,Hands going to your sides as he watched you, hands on his stomach as you adjusted your thighs on each side of his torso and rolled yourself. Usually you took your time and let Nikki help you and guide you but tonight you were too desperate fo wait. Upu we’re riding him, Hard and fast, pussy squelching as he watched you with fascination. It was like you were possessed. Trying to lose all the stress and pain of the week on top of his cock.
“Angel, slow down or I’m not going to last.” He was wanting you but your hair was thrown back, fingers twisting with the locks as you bounced. Nikki grinding his teeth as he swiped his thumb over your clit. There was no way you were going to slow down for him if you were in this mood.
He could feel your pussy, already squeezing as you bounced and rode him. You needed to cum to, have that blackout feeling. Nikki rolled, surprising you as you hit the mattress. He pressed your legs up and apart, bending you like a pretzels as he went so deep you saw stars, fucking you how you desiered to be fucked.
“Please.” You were so close and he knew you would explode. The sweat was as coming down his neck as he held your waist, fucking you, balls slapping at your ass as you laid splayed onthe bed for him.
“That’s my girl. Cum for me.” You nodded, reaching to pull his lips against yours, kissing him as you exploded, body warming and contracting as you arched up and into his arms, letting Nikki hold you as you came. His cum mixing with yours as he laid the pair of you down, the sheets around you as you’d both gasped for needed breath.
Your eyes on his as you tucked a piece of hair behind his ear, smiling as he held your open thigh over his, reaching patterns on the skin as he sucked in the cool night air.
“I’ve missed you.” You admitted, smiling as he kissed your shoulder blade.
“I missed you too, Angel. But I’m here now and I’m ready to make up for lost time.”
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robocoplesb · 11 months
warnings: reader being mean to tommy, tommy and reader have a love-hate relationship, reader smoking, reader & nikki drinking, blood, reader is 17 (this is not mentioned).
author’s note: i'm not fluent in english, so, if there are any mistakes, let me know. I promise the next chapters will be better. good read<3
chapter two. chapter three.
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chapter one
“— that’s nikki fucking sixx.”
tommy's words get tangled up in my head while i do what i do best for the last twenty minutes. that includes: sit, wait for the waitress to bring my whiskey, continue reading my book and pretend i'm listening to my brother daydream about the last band we saw. after spending two hours in a bar with my brother, watching some bands i only knew from the pictures on his bedroom walls, since our mother doesn't allow tommy to go out without me, here i was. drinking and reading more and more, which was just a test to find out what managed to make me unconscious of tommy's voice first. i almost felt the alcohol start to work on me, but then, tommy again.
he "whispered" a little too loudly after throwing a sachet of ketchup at me to get my attention. i almost yelled at him for the red drop that stained my book page, but i thought the couple next to us staring like we were crazy was enough.
“— who?”
i said, visibly irritated. i didn't know who nikki sixx was and wanted to stay like that, but i also knew that the only way to stop that bastard was to let him remind me who that nikki was.
"— from the band we just saw.”
when he turned back, i followed his gaze to the familiar black-haired man we'd saw earlier. when he looks at me again it feels like he's in the same room as god. i laugh at his reaction and take another sip of my drink, not believing his excitement at seeing that guy.
“— should i go talk to him?” — he asks me, extremely nervous. before i can tell him to go, he has another idea. “— yn, we should talk to him!” — i know there's no helping it when he starts pulling me across the diner to the bassist with his bloody nose.
“— nah, nah, nah, tommy! don't do this! i don't want- you fucking brat!-” — are the only things i can mutter as i try to protest. it doesn't work out, since we got to the guy pretty quickly anyway.
nikki doesn't notice us, then tommy starts (in the worst way possible).
“— yo, that was badass, dude.”
i felt shame burn in my bones when he looked up, confusion in his eyes, like he was trying to remember us somewhere in his life. he looked at tommy first, his long messed up hair and the ridiculous leopard leggins he stole from athena earlier. then, he looks at me. i was wearing a tommy jacket that was twice my size, my makeup still hadn't completely melted and i was starting to get drunk. nikki had a long hair and deep green eyes that stayed in mine longer than I expected.
“—...the show, not the nose — he almost stuttered as he realized how strange what he said was. “— but.. the nose is pretty badass too.”
i look down as i cover my face with one of my hands, definitely cursing tommy for keep trying to fix what he said. i say something in a low tone, so only me and the two men can hear. “— shut up, thomas”
“— the singer is an asshole.” - is all he says before he stops staring at me. he seems upset and unwilling to start a conversation, what makes me wonder why we're still here. before awkwardness becomes present between us, tommy smiles at him.
“— i know! we saw the whole thing. but, hey, fuck him, though. he deserved it!”
the words didn't seem to comfort him much, who just ignored it and continued reading the newspaper in front of him. then, in a desperate attempt to get any attention from him, my brother spouts the dumbest line i've ever heard him say.
"— i got your poster on my bedroom wall.” again, he realizes reality automatically and the regret is visible in the way he avoids eye contact with the bassist. there is an eerie silence after he says this. a silence i break before he adds another idiocy.
“— i can't believe you just said that. - i felt tommy stare at me like he was screaming "you are not helping". i look at him, then at nikki. “— sorry, man. i'm yn, this is my brother, tommy. he still hasn't learned much about socialization.”
and he smiled, an act so quick i almost missed the way he looked at me before the waitress stopped beside us again. “— anything else i can get you, kids?” — before she could finish her sentence, tommy had already sat down in the chair across from nikki, and i just followed him.
nikki turned for her. “— could you get me a jack and coke?”
she nodded and wrote down what he asked. “— and for you?” — she asked tommy, who wasn't really hungry, but asked for something to continue the conversation.
“blueberry pancakes, please.”
then she looked at me, waiting for me to say something. “— a shot of strawberry liqueur” — her first reaction was to try to hide her laughter, the second was to ask for my id. in fact, i understood why. i really wasn't old enough to legally consume alcohol, and being between two guys who were noticeably older than me just made me look younger. i showed her my (clearly fake) id. obviously, she didn't believe i was 28, as it said there. no sane person would believe that, but she just walked away and said nothing.
“— my new band is gonna be something nobody’s ever fucking seen before.” — nikki tells us. he has such a dreamy bright ligh in his eyes, that for one moment, makes me think he could light up the whole city very easily. tommy also seemed enlightened at the idea of being able to be part of this future band.
nikki reads something in his paper and then circle with a red pen. I don't pay attention to what's written, but my brother is quick to pull one of his drumsticks from his belt and point to the circled text. “— that dude looks pretty cool.” — he says.
nikki smiles, looking a little frustrated. “— do you carry this with you everywhere?” — he points to the drumstick twirling between tommy's fingers.
“— yeah, he thinks he'll get the girls with this” — i say after looking at Tommy and seeing how he didn't know the best answer to that question.
“— where’d you learn to do that?” — nikki asks.
tommy's stick almost hits the floor when he notices the bassist's sudden interest. “— school marching band” — he answers. “— hey, but he rock’s too” — i add, trying to help him get along with nikki
the waitress arrives with our orders. nikki took the cap off the bottle and took the whole bottle. it wasn't actually a big bottle, but still tommy was impressed with what he made.
nikki smiled again, with a different aura.
“— are you from the city?”
“— yes, we are always around”
“— good to know.”
i watched tommy argue with a officer across the street, since our car had been fined. with every scream i heard from them, it was like hearing my parents' future screams at me. i took the cigarette that was tucked behind my ear and put it to my lips, hoping to find a lighter between my bag’s mess. i didn't find it. i dropped the bag from my hands, thinking that there was no way this shit could get any worse. we left the diner as soon as we finished our conversation with nikki. i had been standing here for over 10 minutes and i felt like i would soon be the next one to explode.
“— hey, yn, right?” — i heard someone say right after putting a hand on my shoulder. i turned around, and there was the bassist again. he analyzed my brother's situation for a few seconds before looking at me again. “— are you ok?”
i took the cigarette from my lips and forced a smile “— yeah, just… he still hasn’t got his driver’s license either”
“— you can say that.” — and despite how i was at that moment, i laughed. it was a good feeling. almost as i could forget what was really going on across the street. “— well, can i get your number? he's in, but we need to talk about the band.”
“— can you get me a lighter?” — i was going to pass the number for him anyway, i saw how excited tommy was about it.
nikki took a lighter out of her pocket and lit it, placing it closer to me. i held the cigarette between my lips again and leaned in, until the smell of nicotine invades my nostrils.
"- thaanks” — i said as i picked up my bag from the floor and started looking for something again. i took out a slightly crumpled cigarette and handed it to him, seeing the confusion on his face again. “— turn it.” — he obeyed, the same way i obeyed my mother a few months ago when she told me to write down our new number, so i wouldn't forget. i wrote it on a cigarette because it was the first thing i saw in front of me.
he stuffs the cigarette in his jacket pocket, along with the lighter, then turns to me again. “— i will need your brother to come to my house tomorrow. you can come too.”
“—ownt, thank you for the permission, sir.” — i laugh as i drag the cigarette again, and then crossed the street.
[ ★ ]
“ look at you kids, you know you're the coolest
the world is yours and you can't refuse it
seen so much, you could get the blues
but that don't mean that you should abuse it. ”
— love, lana del rey.
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unknownperson246 · 1 month
guys I haven’t gotten any Motley Crue fic requests yet 😔
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I’ve been working on this recently. It’s from the POV of a muse. Who knows if it will go anywhere, but I wanted to share a bit.
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 5 months
Mötley Crüe Fics
The Dirt (Your Version) - Completed
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Summary: Meeting Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee was a coincidence. Being friends was a choice. But falling in love with them both was beyond your control.
A rewrite of The Dirt with all the highs and lows of Mötley Crüe from your perspective.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Reader, Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee x Reader
Warnings: Past child abuse, cancer, miscarriage, language, and of course, excessive alcohol and substance abuse.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 / Chapter 16 / Chapter 17 / Chapter 18 / Chapter 19 / Chapter 20 / Chapter 21
Idiotic Hero (In Progress)
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Summary: Nikki Sixx chooses a random fan from the crowd to come on stage and it happens to be you. But what happens when a person with a knife pushes through security and runs straight towards you both?
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Mötley Crüe & Reader
Warnings- language, blood, serious injury, mentions of past drug & alcohol abuse
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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teddypickerry · 1 year
Hey please can I request a Nikki Sixx x reader! Just a bit of jealous! Nikki, something along the lines of that there either at a music awards or some red carpet and the boys are off performing, and whilst waiting with the other s/os reader gets hit on by someone, and she plays into it, until the boys return and all hell breaks loose because no one flirts with Nikkis girl
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pairings! 2000s nikki x younger gf
warnings! age gap couple (not specified age), i think that’s it
word count! 900
a/n! hi mfs. alive & thriving w another nikki fic. i didn’t specify his exact age or the readers. but it is hot 2000s nikki bc he is my bf (real). so. DEAL WITH ITTTT.
AS IF BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP with a rockstar wasn't enough pressure from the public eye and his many (envious) female fans, music awards were pure stress. although your boyfriend, nikki, grew out of his phase of attending every spectacular event, you were still in attendance of a few of them. while nikki loved showing you off and having you there for support, you didn't quite enjoy it as much as you wished. although the thought of fangirling over your favorite musicians sufficed — you also had to deal with the overwhelming flood of hate directed at your relationship on social media the next morning.
it was always the same headlines. "nikki's downgraded to another twenty-year old" "y/n is hardly enough for a rockstar" "he's probably off cheating on her as per usual" or "i prefer nikki and his ex" it's just pure judgment of a relationship they haven't even witnessed. they don't see the love you share or how well the man treats you.
but the headlines truly didn't matter as much as supporting your boyfriend and his career, his passion. so, you found yourself sat at the rock 'n' roll hall of fame inductory evening. although mötley had yet to be awarded for their one of a kindness in the rock industry, they were still being honored tonight in the form of performing. which excited all four of them because whether or not they liked it, they would be performing infront of the most iconic and talented musicians. mick couldn't stop talking about jeff beck on the car ride over. he didn't want to fuck up in the god's presence.
but so far he'd done excellently during the beginning and chorus of 'kickstart my heart' which was a song having the crowd losing their shit. and quite honestly, so were you. you hadn't seen nikki perform too many times due to busy schedules and god was it hot. but as the hit came to the end, you noticed a man inching closer to you in his chair. he was only a few down from you but since the band was up on stage, they left you, their empty chairs, and tommy's girlfriend. you shot her an odd look as she glanced in the man's direction, shrugging it off. you decided to do the same until he filled your boyfriend's position beside you. which only made you ultimately uncomfortable.
"what's a beautiful girl like you doing here alone tonight? looking for eligible bachelors?" the man whispered towards you ear while the crowd roared in cheers for the notorious rock band. you simply rubbed your lips together without turning in his direction. your eyes locked on your boyfriend exiting the stage and heading backstage. "eligible bachelors?" you scoffed, simply annoyed with the toying of flirtation.
"yeah, some rich rocker... but you seem like a self-made typa woman," he quipped as his eyes travelled your tight fitting dress. your eyes finally caught a glimpse of him — recognizing him as some drummer in a rock band not so popular. but you knew him from your brother's crippling obsession with underground bands. "what does that even mean?"
"you've got a mouth on you..." he smirked while running a hand through his short dark hair as if he was all that. which only got on your nerves even more as you messed with your up-do, watching them announce commercial break upon the stage. but this guy wasn't letting go. "so are you an artist, producer, manager, a plus one, perhaps?"
"plus one." you responded with a glare as the man attempted to scoot closer to you. your thighs brushed for a moment before you shoved over to the next chair — visibly uncomfortable. "will you leave her alone?" tommy's girlfriend asked as she viewed the situation. the man furrowed his eyebrows before shooting a charming smile. "just making conversation."
you crossed your arms defensively as tommy's girlfriend shot you a sympathetic look. "so who're you with then, doll?" the drummer asked daringly. which only made you hold back an eye roll. "just saw him onstage."
"one of the old guys, cmon." he rolled his eyes as if it were nonsense. even though he couldn't be much younger than nikki himself. it was when nikki's death glare caught his attention that his eyes slightly widened. "old guys? will you get the fuck out of my chair before i deck you in the fucking face." sixx warned as the man stood up quickly and made his way towards the aisle and as far from the group as possible. slash laughed from the row behind. "jesus christ," you mumbled as nikki took a seat beside you. you scooted into him, back into your old seat. the rest of the band followed behind him and questioned the man practically drooling over you.
nikki wrapped an arm around you as you placed a kiss to his cheek. "thanks for saving me, rockstar." you whispered which made him smile slightly before going back to his 'hardcore rockstar' look. "yeah well, no one messes with nikki's girl."
"dumbass," tommy mumbled beside the in love nikki. all while the bassist was planning the ways he was going to fuck up the guy hitting on you after the show.
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buckysimp101 · 2 years
Nikki Sixx Masterlist
BuckySimp101 Main Masterlist
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Fics with Sixx (current!Nikki Sixx x F!Reader; warnings: age gap (35 years); hints at smut but no actual smut on page)
Summary: You and Brittany have been hanging out a lot during the Stadium Tour. Following your husbands, keeping up with fan posts on social media, and making TikToks in your free time for the hell of it. But what happens when you two discover that the world of fanfiction has grown? 
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Wait a Damn Minute (80s!Nikki Sixx x F!Reader; warnings: language)
Summary: Nikki’s been sneaking out every night. Finally, he decides to introduce the Crüe to the reason for his late nights.
Part 1 / Part 2
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To the Moon and Back (90s!Nikki Sixx x F!Reader; warnings: language)
Summary: You’re pregnant with your first child with Nikki Sixx. Over the course of your pregnancy you and Nikki both keep journals to document the changes to come. These are a few snippets.
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Just Friends (18+) (80s!Nikki Sixx x F!Reader; warnings: smut, angst, language, alcohol and drug usage)
Summary:  Nikki Sixx is a cockblock. A good for nothing friend who has decided to make it his life mission for you to be a virgin the rest of your life...or so it seems. 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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Home Sweet Home (current!Nikki Sixx x F!Reader; warnings: none, fluff)
Summary: You’re on The Stadium Tour with Nikki and the Crüe, the first tour since the birth of your daughter, Maci. When she gets sick you miss out on one of the shows, the first since the tour began. As soon as the show ends, Nikki’s on his way Home Sweet Home.
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vincess-princess · 10 months
in darkness shall you be reborn
Chapter 12.
Word count: 1938 Warnings: nothing out of the ordinary for this fic A/N: nobody could see this coming, especially not me. this one is small but i'm done with exams (and i entered the masters program i wanted!) so i hope you'll see more of this fic soonish
Vince woke up to the sound of waves crushing against the hull of the ship. They were in the sea – again, after only a day on solid land. The day they came to Port Royal Vince could still see his ship in the fog behind the Shout – but when he and Nikki returned at night, it was already gone as if it never existed. The captives too, and Shout soaked in their fear like it did with hundreds of others, and nothing now reminded of their existence anymore. Nothing except Vince. He was the last remaining link between the pirates and his ship and crew.
Vince wondered why Nikki was so keen on leaving Port Royal so quickly, giving his tired crew only a day on firm land – was he afraid of being tracked? did he have problems with Port Royal authorities? - but by this time Mick noticed he wasn’t sleeping anymore.
“Mornin’, blondie,” he promptly handed Vince a pile of plates to fill with porridge, ignoring him wincing at another stupid nickname. “Now that I can see that, at least. How the hell did you manage to persuade Sixx to stop by a bathhouse? He ain’t a big fan of grooming.”
“Talked a slaver into a good deal.” Vince shrugged and carefully placed the pile onto the counter. Too many plates had already suffered a poor fate from his clumsy hands.
“You?” Mick snorted. “You ain’t got a hint of diplomatic talent in you. You speak before you think. You can just tell the slaver liked your looks. It’s fine.”
“You think I’m lying?” Vince flared up. “I may be not the smoothest talker – that’s true – but I’m not just a trophy, even if Nikki thinks otherwise. The man paid me no mind until I spoke. He liked my attitude.”
“Well, you certainly have enough of that,” Mick sighed. “Too much for your own good, really. And how the hell did you stain the shirt again – just a day later? Don’t even hope to wring another out of me, I have no more spare ones.”
“I wasn’t going to,” Vince huffed and turned away, grimacing in disappointment when Mick wasn’t looking. Damn it. That was exactly what he wanted to do.
They carried the pot with porridge and the tray with the plates to the deck. Despite it being early morning, the air had already begun to warm up. Mick raised his eyebrows when they saw almost all of the crew already up – that was probably not the norm after a day off – but then Vince spotted a familiar mane of black hair, or, rather, two of them. Both the captain and the first mate were on deck, sitting with the crewmates, talking quietly to each other while Nikki was polishing a sword positioned between his legs. Vince recognized it instantly – simple but deadly, next to his rapier like a knight in full armor next to an agile archer. It didn’t mean, of course, that the former always outperformed the latter; it were surroundings and skill that determined the outcome of a fight, after all. A sharp ache pierced through the injured shoulder. Vince winced.
“Breakfast, lads!” Mick announced, plopping the pit with porridge onto the deck. “Oh, good morning, captain. Nice to see you’ve decided to come down to us mortals.”
Nikki dragged the grindstone down the blade of his sword with an ear-grating sound. Whether that was intentional or not, Vince could imagine Nikki wasn’t exactly thrilled with such an audacity. However, for some reason Mick always got away with it unscathed.
“You’ve seen the captain’s cabin on the brig. Can you blame me for indulging myself a bit? It’s all gone now anyway. I’m back to my cave.”
Right. With Vince’s ship sunk in the warm waters of the Atlantic ocean, Sixx had to return to the cabin on the Shout. He didn’t appear too enthusiastic about it, so it was probably way less comfortable. Still, it was more than whatever anyone on the ship had, and probably much better than anything the galley had to offer.
“I’m not blaming you, captain,” Mick laughed. “I’d do the same if I was you. Porridge?”
“Yes, please.” Nikki sheathed the sword and accepted a plate from Vince’s hands, not-so-coincidentally brushing his fingers against his hands and winking to him. Vince forced himself to twist the corners of his mouth into a smile. He was just pretending to submit, he reminded himself. Pretending.
Tommy yanked a plate out of Vince’s hands when his turn came and began gobbling it down. Yesterday’s night out treated neither him nor Nikki kindly, but the captain seemed somewhat more cheerful, more so than the rest of the crew. Vince imagined he himself didn’t look too chipper, but the bathhouse visit did freshen him up quite a bit. Either that, or way more looks coming his way were because of the collar. Vince preferred to think it was the former, though that made him a bit uneasy at the thought.
He was the last to get a plate, as usual, and the porridge on the bottom was always the clumpiest and burnt in places. Vince stared at it dolefully, trying to convince himself to get some of it inside him. Really, one could think that once they stocked up on supplies the food would get better… But shitty food only made one nauseous until it was in their stomach. Hunger, though, was relentless once it arose, and Vince could never predict when the next fuck-up that would leave him without dinner was going to happen.
Vince was just about to settle down on the deck with his plate when Nikki caught his gaze and beckoned him with a sly smile. Vince reluctantly approached him. The bench was too short to fit him. Was Nikki again going to force him onto his lap? How would he eat then?
“Sit here,” Nikki pointed at the deck before his feet. Vince suddenly realized that maybe he wasn’t that hungry – Nikki’s smug face just begged for his porridge to be smudged all over it.
“I’ve got to be by the pot in case anyone wants a second,” he came up with an excuse hastily. It didn’t convince Nikki one bit, though.
“Mick’s there for a reason. And if he gets overwhelmed, it’s not a long way from here.”
“It will still be better if I-“
“Sit. Here.” Nikki interrupted him, narrowing his eyes. “I didn’t ask for a slave’s opinion.”
Vince inhaled sharply, the collar tightening around his neck. Oh God, how good would porridge look on this face. But a few seconds of satisfaction were not worth the consequences. They would throw his plans out the window – in his case, overboard – and they were the only thing holding him together. It wasn’t worth it. It wasn’t. It wasn’t. It wasn’t…
“Fine,” he said coarsely, walked to Nikki and slowly lowered himself onto the deck at his feet. Was that a suppression tactics or was he specifically getting off on Vince’s humiliation? Or maybe both?
Vince stared down his plate - all his appetite was gone, but he didn’t want to know how many sneers he would get this time. At least Nikki didn’t grope him in public again. He didn’t have to now, though – the collar conveyed the message just as well.
When Nikki’s palm patted his shoulder, Vince flinched.
“See?” Nikki said quietly. “Not that hard. No need to cause a fuss every time.”
“You have no idea,” Vince whispered back.
“Of what?”
“How close I was to smearing that porridge all over your face.”
Nikki raised an eyebrow. “Oh, I know. You’re real bad at controlling your facial expressions.” His fingers caressed Vince’s cheek, tugged gently at the collar. “Good thing you didn’t do it, though. You wouldn’t like what’d come next. Eat your porridge now, breakfast is almost over.”
“I’ll pass. Still toying with that idea.”
Nikki snickered. “If you wish. I ain’t gonna force-feed you. Not porridge, at least.”
One look at Nikki’s sleazy grin made it clear what he would force-feed him. Vince grimaced, turned away and put his plate aside. He had already lost all his appetite, but now he was outright nauseous.
“You sure, man? It’s a long day,” Tommy asked him, finishing off a plate. He was devouring his portion the way one would a meat pie. Vince recalled his dumpster stories. Well, he probably saw little difference between those then.
“Yes,” Vince said listlessly. “Not hungry.”
“Alright then. Can I take your serving?” Tommy finished off his portion by licking the plate clean. His appetite really didn’t match his slender build. 
“Great, thanks!” Tommy scooped up his plate from the deck and finished it in the same hungry fashion. Vince watched him upend the plate above his head and deftly catch all the drops with his tongue. His shirt hiked up to his chest, exposing the outlines of ribs under the skin – the guy was all muscle and bone. Where did it all even go?
“Don’t overeat, T-bone,” Nikki said. “You don’t want to be all sluggish come training.”
“It’ll go through fast,” Tommy waved his hand. “And I’m gonna need energy.”
“What training?” Vince couldn’t help but ask. The two pirates simultaneously turned their heads towards him. The synchronicity of their movements rubbed Vince the wrong way now more than ever. Only people who have spent years in each other’s company behave like that. Siblings, for example.
“None that concerns you, doll,” Nikki cut him down, no cheek in his voice anymore. “The only training you need you will get in my cabin. God knows you need it.”
“C’mon, Sixx. Don’t debase him like that. You like his greenness and you know it.” Tommy prodded him with an elbow.
“Maybe, for now,” Nikki slapped his arm away. “But it gets old quickly. He has to be ready for that. Hey, where do you think you’re going, brat?”
Vince couldn’t hold back a yelp as he was caught, dragged back and forced onto the floor again. This time Nikki’s hand stayed on his shoulder, fingers digging into his skin, making him wince. Thankfully, it also killed the conversation.
He didn’t have to suffer much longer – Mick once again came to his rescue, sending him to the galley with a pile of plates. They swayed ominously, but Vince didn’t have to stop and balance them this time. Nikki could say all he wanted, but at least Mick’s training was surely paying off.
He diligently washed the dishes as he was told, but the clean pile grew and Mick was nowhere in sight, which meant no further instructions. When Vince was done, he still hadn’t shown up, and Vince used the opportunity to plop down onto his blanket and relax. Mick’s bunk, so soft, so clean, beckoned, but Vince knew he wouldn’t have enough time to dart back to his place without arousing suspicion. And were Mick to catch him there, he would surely get walloped.
Vince didn’t sleep well last night, awoken regularly with a racing heart and a sweaty brow, so he jumped at the rare chance of catching a break during the day and curled up in his place, closing his eyes with a pleased sigh. He didn’t get to enjoy his rest, though: soon strange stomping and clatter from above pulled him out of his doze, and even covering his ears didn’t help: he was still feeling the vibrations. That was probably the training Nikki didn’t want him to know about. Too bad for him: Vince had nothing else to do anyway.
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meikadonnelly · 9 months
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hii, i'm mimi, i'm 16, from australia and i write fan-fiction one shots, head cannons and multi part stories. my favourite bands are motley crue and guns n roses. my favourite members are nikki sixx and izzy stradlin if you couldn't already tell.
{who i write for}
motley crue
^nikki sixx * ^tommy lee * ^mick mars ^vince neil
guns n roses
^izzy stradlin * ^duff mckagen ^slash
^james hetfield ^kirk hammett
top gun / top gun maverick
^bradley bradshaw | rooster * ^pete mitchell | maverick ^nick bradshaw | goose ^tom kazansky | iceman ^jake seresin | hangman
+if a story has any mature themes, they will be named with a trigger warning for reader safety.
+i know much more about certain people which means their chapters will most likely be more detailed, and this is why for some bands/movies, i do not write for all members. this doesn't mean they won't be included in other member's chapters. (people who i believe i will be better at writing for will have a star next to their name)
+as said before^, certain people will have a stronger storyline to others, however, this doesn't mean that I will only put effort into some and not others.
+the more detail in the requests, the better, as i want to create a clear and accurate piece.
+i write all types of fan-fiction, whether it is angst, fluff etc. keep in mind that i may turn some requests down if i am not comfortable writing it for you.
+i do not write male x male or female x female. this is not because i’m against it in any way. it’s purely because i have no idea how to write it 🤷‍♀️
+i also have preferences on what i do and don’t write. i will not include r&pe. i will not write a fic where the reader is under 18 and the other person is over.
things i will not write:
r&pe kinks
ins£st kinks
pain kinks
p!ss/sh!t kinks
a fic where the chosen person dies.
a fic where the chosen person purposely assu&lts the reader or anyone.
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marvelobsessed134 · 10 months
I think we need more dark!current!nikki sixx content :>
We definitely do! I’m a huge fan of writing/reading dark fics so that would be amazing! Taking requests for this!
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thesmokingguns · 1 year
Good Vibrations
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MINORS DNI 18+ mentions of sx toys, masturbation and sex
Nikki couldn’t find you anywhere. He had gotten in from the studio and thought for sure you would be in the kitchen or in bed reading or maybe even by the pool trying to catch the last few streams of sunlight but it was 2PM and instead of being in any of the places he expected he found you curled up, fast asleep on the couch. At first he was surprised to find you napping there but then he thought about how you had been dealing with a deadline for a script you were writing, working crazy hours and not taking care of yourself like he wanted you too. He was thankful seeing you get some rest and moved to sit on the couch so that he could be there when you woke up.
As Nikki sat down something buzzed under him, waking you up and making him jump up as your vibrator raced from under the pillow. You reached out, sleepily trying to grab it but Nikki was quicker, picking it off the couch and holding teh buzzing sex toy in his hand as he looked at you, shaking his head with a smirk on his face.
“Here I was, thinking you were so tired from all the work you had been doing but no, you were taking your post orgasm nap. You knew I’d be home early and couldn’t even wait for me?” he was teasing you, not really caring as you stretched out, yawning and lying flat on the couch as you looked up at him.
“You didn’t wait for me in the shower this morning.” Nikki froze at your words. He had thought you were sleeping this morning as he jerked off but apparently his private time hadn’t been as private as he had thought.
He pulled the throw blanket that had been covering you off, seeing now that you were naked on the couch. Instead of trying to cover yourself you watched him, eyeing the vibrator that he was holding in his hand. Glad he had shut it off so that it didn't waste the battery life of your toy.
“I was just getting warmed up for you.” you reached for him, tugging him until he was moving over you, covering you with his body and leaning in for a kiss.
Nikki was a great french kisser. He was passionate, lips wet as he moved his tongue softly, not trying to wrestle but caressing and rolling with yours. He paused to suck your tongue, your lip, nipping as he kissed you and pinned you under him. He was rolling into you, realizing after a moment he was dry humping you as your legs locked behind his back and you moaned into his mouth. He pulled away, seeing the way your lips were puffy from being kissed by him, smirking at the sight.
“Why don’t I use your toy too? We both can play with it.”  you shrugged your shoulders, knowing Nikki knew what he was doing with it. He had been the one to show you new ways to position it or how to use it in rolling circles on your clit to make yourself cum.
Your hands moved to pull off his shirt, running your fingers over tattoos that were freshly finished and the space that was just the tan of his skin. He smirked at you, giving you time to explore his body with your finger tips. He loved when you undressed him, it could be clumsy and less smooth. But it was the sort of intimacy that Nikki craved, the realness of it and the way that you got distracted by him, touching his chest using your nails to scratch the side of his neck down. It turned him on seeing how much you liked to look at him. He pushed up as your hands went to his belt, your eyes lifting to meet him as your fingers worked the belt, pulling it open and moving to the button of his jeans. Nikki smirked as you pulled down his pants, leaving his briefs on as he kicked off the denim.
Your thighs wrapped around him and he knew this was you teasing him, not letting him fuck you yet. But Nikki wasn’t in the mood to be teased and was rolling his briefs down before you could fully wrap yourself around him. He smiled as he watched the way you pouted, his eyes sparkling in devilish delight at the way you looked at him, so cute and so bratty.
“I’m going to make you ride me for trying to be such a tease.” You opened your mouth in protest but Nikki was hushing you before you could speak, kissing your lips as you wiggled against him, “You wanted to be a tease, princess and now you’re going to have to make it up to daddy.” He was rolling you so you were on his lap, looking down at him with pouting lips.
You hated being on top. You hated the way you looked and always said that you couldn’t finish when you were on top. 99% of time time when you rode Nikki it was him lifting and moving your hips for you but he wasn’t raising or guiding your hips like usual but leaving it all up to you. BUt you were mad and wanted to prove to him you could do it. So you raised your hips, one hand on his shoulder and the other was guided to his cock that you held in your hand to help guide into yourself.
Nikki licked his lips as he watched you lower yourself down, the tip of him slipping into your warmth. He could feel the sticky warmth of your pussy engulfing him as you made a soft ‘mhh’ sound of pleasure until you felt his balls against you. You rocked instead of moving up and down, just trying to get used to the feel of him inside of you. Plus you knew NIkki, knew he liked it fast and hard or hard and slow. You’d break his pace and make him have to handle what you were doing. The goal was Nikki would take over and you wouldn’t have to do the work.
Whimpering, you were going to give your daddy a show but Nikki looked composed, shocking you as the buzz of your vibrator brought your attention to the toy again. He smirked, watching you rise and come down, the milky substance slipping down his shaft, wetting his balls and thighs as you started to rise up and come down now, riding him for real. Nikki kept pace as you squeezed around his cock, wondering why he didn’t encourage this more. You were slower, softer than him but you were bouncing and rocking in ways that made him want to empty himself inside of you. He brought the toy in front of you, your ragged breath from the workout of being on top making you whimper and then groan out so loudly Nikki had to look up and check to make sure that you were okay.
He had placed the vibrator against your opening. The vibrations rolling over his shaft and making you grind down at the sensation. He was watching you, pleased as  you rutted helplessly, thighs quaking from riding him and being so close to your orgasm. He was surprised that you hadn’t asked for help yet, ask him to take over. You were so focused on pleasure that the idea of asking him anything but to cum wasn’t there.
“You think theres room for both inside you?” NIkki was holding you hip now, placing the vibrator against his shaft as he lifted you off him. He let you go  knowing you were half exhausted and unable to hold yourself up. You had no choice but to sink down on both sex toy and NIkki’s cock, whimpering and trembling as the stretch of it made you ache and shake.
Nikki held you against his chest, letting you rest against him as he kissed your cheek, pressing himself up and in you, feeling the way you were so spent and over stimulated, making helpless whimpers and moans as he started to fuck you hard and fast. The mix of his motions and the way the vibrator shook inside of you had you clinging to him, trusting him completely now because you didn’t know what else to do, knowing that there was nothing you could do but let him fuck you.
“So good, you’re so fucking good, angel. What can daddy do to make you cum?” You felt fucked out and whimpered as he started to slow down. He knew you needed a break, half exhausted from riding him and now being stretched out. He pulled out of you, taking the toy out and kissing your shoulders as he moved to lay you down against the couch.
Nikki switched so he was between your legs, licking and sucking as you groaned out, knotting your fingers in his hair and riding his face as you started to enjoy the sex more. He was slowly running his tongues between your folds, lapping at your clit like it was an ice cream of his favorite flavor. Nikki loved giving oral, loved the tangy way your pussy tasted. He grabbed teh sexy toy looking up from where he licked at your clit in strong strokes of his tongue and pressed the toy between your lps, watching the way you opened your mouth and accepted it, sucking it like a cock as he pushed it in and out of your lips. He wished it was his cock there instead. Wanted his balls against your chin as you gagged and choked on him.
His fingers slid into you  on his other hand his tongue lapping at you as you wiggled down and moaned around the sex toy. You were so close and NIkki wanted you to finish, wanted to feel you ride his face. He saw your eyes close, the way your lip rose on one side and let go of the sex toy, letting it fall from your lips as his hand pressed against your lower stomach as you bucked up, thighs hugging his face as he felt you start riding out your orgasm on his face. Bucking as he lapped the wetness and had you shivering helplessly against his face. It was loud and needy as you tried shoving fingers in your mouth to stop some of the screams of pleasure that were coming from your lips.
Nikki laid his head against your thigh, kissing softly as he looked at you, his cock aching and ready to cum. You were bleary eyed and exhausted as you looked down, reaching for Nikki’s head. You tugged his head up, making him look at you, seeing how much the orgasm took out of you.
“I want you to fuck me. I need you, Nikki.” He didn’t have to be told twice and was slipping into your still throbbing cunt. He moaned out as you whimpered, feeling the way your pussy already was clenching like it wanted to cum again. He reached for the vibrator again before you could stop him. Turning it on and pressing it against your already sensitive clit. That was where you blacked out from pleasure.
Nikki watched the way you screamed, he rush of wetness as you came again and let himself go, mixing with the mess that was already on the couch as he came against your thighs, watching you writhe in pleasure. He bucked into  his hand, losing himself as he thought about how fucking good you looked right now. And also thinking about how he was going to sit with you in the shower and hold you as he washed you up and took care of you; that was what he needed to do now. He had used you and now he needed to clean up the mess that he made.
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topguncortez · 2 years
Tag Game About You
thank you for the tag @a-reader-and-a-writer
Nickname: G, Gunner, Yung Gun, Stupid Whore (affectionate)
Star sign: Pisces (idk what this means)
Height: 5'7 and 3/4
Last thing I googled: Miles Teller sunscreen
Song Stuck in my head: Chattahoochee by Alan Jackson
# of followers: 1.3k on my main, 3.1k on this one:)
Amount of Sleep: 3-4 hours a night (thank you Uncle Sam)
Dream job: stripper
wearing: boxers and a sports bra
movie/book that summarizes you: Fifty Shades of Grey
Fav Song Currently: C'est La Vie by Yung Gravy
Aesthetic: vinyl, leather, cigarette smoke, Studio 54
Fav Authors: NIKKI SIXX, Jodi Picoult, and Abbi Glines
Random Fun Fact: here's a couple cause I think they are interesting: I did ballet for 15 years of my life, I was almost a D1 swimmer but I tore my labrum my senior year, and I used to write Cameron Dallas fan fic (some of these are still on my wattled)
tagging: @sweetlittlegingy @callsign-phoenix @footprintsinthesxnd @marvelandotherfandomimagines @rhettabbotts @lt-natrace @sebsxphia
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unknownperson246 · 1 month
Fan fic writing
I’m going to start writing fics pls send me any requests for them thanks!!
Bands I will write about:
Guns N’ Roses
Motley Crue
Any rock and roll bands
people I will write about:
Axl rose
duff McKagan
Steven Adler
Izzy stradlin
Nikki sixx
mick Mars
Vince Neil
Tommy Lee
I will write about anything Rock and roll related so the people not on this list I will and can write about 😝
I will write any kinks except the ones I won’t include
Kinks that I won’t write about:
shit kinks
piss kinks
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misswhiskeyheart · 2 years
Dogs are Talking
"I'm cold," I told him. "Then get in the hot tub!" He replied, beckoning me with a crook of his finger. My mind reeled, caught somewhere between logic and pleasure. "Please, sugar?" There was something about his smirk, something in that single plea, that had me under his spell.
MissWhiskey_Heart on AO3.
Nikki tweeted about being in the hot tub in the middle of the snow and naturally my brain would not let my function until I purged this.
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nikki-fucking-sixx · 4 years
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Yowza baby
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Thanks for checking out my work!💕
Love & Leather: Nikki Sixx x O/C
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part sixx
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part eleven
Part twelve
Part thirteen
Part fourteen
Part fifteen
Part sixxteen
Part seventeen
Part eighteen
Part nineteen
Part twenty one
Part twenty two
Part twenty three
Part twenty four
Part twenty five
Part twenty sixx
Part twenty seven
Part twenty eight
Part twenty nine
Part thirty one
Part thirty two
Part thirty three
Part thirty four
Part thirty five
Part thirty sixx
Part thirty seven
Part thirty eight
Part thirty nine
Part forty one
Part forty two
Part forty three
Part forty four
Part forty five
Part forty sixx
Part forty seven
Part forty eight
Part forty nine
Part fifty one
Part fifty two
Part fifty three
Part fifty four
Part fifty five
Part fifty sixx
Part fifty seven
Part fifty eight
Part Fifty nine
Part Sixxty one
Part Sixxty two
Part Sixxty three
Part Sixxty four
Part Sixxty five
Part Sixxty Sixx
Part Sixxty Seven
Part Sixxty Eight
Part Sixxty Nine
Part seventy one
Part Seventy Two
Part Seventy Three
Part Seventy Four
Part Seventy Five
Part Seventy Sixx
Part Seventy Seven
Part Seventy Eight
Part Seventy Nine
Part Eighty One
Part Eighty Two
Part Eighty Three
Part Eighty Four
Part Eighty Five
Part Eighty Sixx
Part Eighty Seven
Part Eighty Eight
Part Eighty Nine
Part Ninety One
Tommy Lee:
Tattoos HC
Nikki Sixx:
Hairy Dye Fiasco HC
Misery Loves Company
Curtain Call
Nicholas ‘Razzle’ Dingley:
You & Me, Always
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