#Nintendo WHY I just wanted my silver egg
localpuyopuyoenjoyer · 10 months
Oh dear god Splatoon Big Run is bugged.
I got a 84 and under egg when I should’ve gotten silver.
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This post is REALLY funny, though
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emile-hides · 10 months
Someone make a Salmonid OC who's a hacker I think that'd be incredibly fitting (just got communication error 3 high egg games in a row) (Almost exclusively using H3 Nozzelnose, Bamboozler, Squiffer, and E liter these past few games)
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buckyskorpion · 4 years
50 Questions tag!
i was tagged by @buckyland​ so thank you kat i am trying to procrastinate and this is PERFECT
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush? pink and purple pastels 
2. Name a food you never ever eat. peanuts bc im allergic lmao
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm! im a sweaty bitch
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? watching a jamie genevieve makeup tutorial and wishing i had her accent because she sounds so sexy... scottish people man
5. What is your favourite candy bar? does this mean chocolate bar or like lolly bar..... chocolate would be a mars bar and lolly bar would be redskins
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? absoLUTELY state of origin game 2 last year baby 
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “oi shit heads do you want a coffee?” i am a stereotype
8. What is your favourite ice cream? COOKIES AND CREAM YES ME AND KAT AGREE
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? coffee
10. Do you like your wallet? i technically dont have one my cards just be loose in my bag 
11. What was the last thing you ate? omg a bacon egg tomato and cheese brekkie roll it was DIVINE
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? yes a bunch of sleep singlets, shorts, fuzzy socks, and a jumper
13. The last sporting event you watched? the last nrl game the dragons played before the season got cancelled
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? sweet and salty baby
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my boss because i left my bag at work which has my nintendo ds in it and i wanna play animal crossing (dont ask why it was in my bag) 
16. Ever go camping? YES i literally camped overnight in my backyard last night and i camp every year when i go to splendour with my mates (big music festival in byron bay) 
17. Do you take vitamins? no and i should because im iron deficient lmao
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? oh bitch since i turned 18 and could legally say no to my crazy catholic parents i havent been to a sunday mass since. i do go for big events tho like lent, easter, christmas, etc. 
19. Do you have a tan? big no
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? this is hard but i would say pizza just because ive been to the hospital 3 times eating chinese food bc of sneaky peanuts and pizza has never done me wrong like that
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? if its with alcohol, yes. if its not, straight from the bottle baby
22. What color socks do you usually wear? black or pink. i only have Useful socks which are black and one pair of Fun socks which are pink 
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? um every time i drive sorry popo
24. What terrifies you? being unremarkable. being forgotten. being left.
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my coffee, paw paw cream, my airpods, my scrunchie collection, my lamp, my meds, and my sunglasses (my bedside table is a mess) 
26. What chore do you hate most? dusting 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? nothing.... i am australian this just be my life hahaha
28. What’s your favorite soda? soda is such a funny word to me but anyway my favourite is sprite
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive? depends, mostly drive thru and eat in the carpark vibes tho
30. What is your favourite number? 4 or 14
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? my sister and her boyfriend
32. Favourite cut of beef? i hate red meat but i will eat it in spaghetti bolognese so i guess mince
33. Last song you listened to? number one fan by MUNA - its a BOP
34. Last book you read? in the middle of reading killing commentadore by haruki murikami as i have been for the whole of 2020 lmao
35. Favourite day of the week? friday 
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? no absolutely not my brain hurts just thinking about it
37. How do you like your coffee? double shot espresso with almond milk or double shot espresso just black 
38. Favourite pair of shoes? my doc martens because im ~quirky
39. The time you normally get up? during normal time i was waking up at 7:30 but now its anywhere between 9-12 lmao
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets absolutely 
41. How many blankets on your bed? three
42. Describe your kitchen plates. one full set of white ones, one full set of those blue ceramic looking ones, one set of fancy white ones with embellishment, one set from ikea that im allowed to use because i smash shit
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment? just did the washing up and loaded the dishwasher from lunch, so spotless because i have issues with dirty sinks lmao. coffee machine is pride of place, and the light above the stove stopped working last night so its kinda dark
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? t e q u i l a!!!!! or a pinot grigio
45. Do you play cards? hmm i play drinking games haha not really cards tho unless its with my family
46. What colour is your car? silver
47. Can you change a tire? yes because once i was taking an exit off the motorway at 110km/h and something fell off truck which i didnt see so i drove over it and ripped giant holes in both tires on the right side of my car and almost DIED lmao 
48. Your favourite state? state of being? asleep. state in australia?? nsw dUH. state in america?? i pretend i do not see
49. Favourite job you’ve had? my job i have now! disability carer, i love the girl i care for with my whole heart and i would die for her
50. How did you get your biggest scar? i have the stupidest scars ever, my biggest scar is probably the big ones on my knees from when i was running away from this girl on camp who locked me out of our shared room and i fell over and cut my knees and hands up sooooo bad lmao
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thankgodforianflynn · 4 years
Sally and the Family Tree
(Narrating in First Person as Sally)
My Brother is a Squirrel
I am not
My Father is a Squirrel
I am not
My mother is mostly Chipmunk, but not fully
Why I am fully chipmunk?
...Oh, that’s right.
I’m a groundhog.
I’d argue that I’m adopted.
Because my own family tree
...Only makes sense when it needs to
That's the Acorn Family in a nutshell
...My Father is Complex
He is a Mobius Complex in and of itself
Is he the bad guy or the good guy?
Who knows?
...He’s my dad.
That’s all I need to know.
All I ever needed to know.
...So why then
Am I still here?
Oh, right
...How similar are Hedgehogs to Groundhogs by the way?
...Am I hedgehog?
Or Groundhog?
Who knows?
I love Sonic
I Love Nicole
...I even love Amy, but, even looking at her is complicated.
Its like I fell in love with Knuckles’ Smaller Lesbian sister.
...Then why does she love Sonic?
Guy or Girl?
...Like I’d know.
I keep changing the answer myself
...I try not to look at the marks
They remind me of things
Things I Might not fully be prepared to deal with yet.
...Am I?
Am I ready?
I’m here.
I ask the questions people don’t ask themselves.
That’s my angle.
I’m the question.
Sally or Sortie?
Sally or Sortie?
War or Truce?
War or Truce?
I know several guys.
Because I’ve
...I would say
The answer keeps getting yanked from me
Almost all the time
I am a chipmunk, I decide.
...My Dad reminds me of that show.
We used to watch that show together.
Best time 
I was actually almost about to say my dad and I had a moment
...We’ve never had a moment
So why
...I’m the tactician
Always the leader, but, never actually the leader
I get funny feelings when I look at Sonic
I would never tell you those feelings
...I raise my right arm
He raises left
I guess we’re sort of in sync.
I want to be sync
I want to.
With both of them.
But I have to remind-
I never wanted Sonic dead
But our link keeps changing
I would never tell anyone what  he actually was to me
...Go away
I tell him
I ignore Knuckles
...I tell him that all the time though
Never actually true
Wrong answer
He hates
Like this was ever going to go any other way
‘Sonic?’, I wonder
Who was that?
Oh, right, blue and red hedgehog, with green eyes.
...He always has red copycats though
Sometimes Mauve
‘...Sally, seriously stop it. You’re scaring me.’
‘...Amy goes first. Then you.’
‘...For the record, I think he’s more interested in his games then telling me about you.’
Blaze sighs. ‘Wow. I need to keep the fire of creation alive.’ She stares at ALL THE ANGLES
...Or was that an Anagram?
...But, yes.
‘...’ Blaze murmurs an ‘N’ name, to some random third party
Nothing’s random about it.
‘...Scourge is a nutshell of his own.’, Sally murmurs. The nut jokes were back.
She wanted to shove her younger/older brother down the hall.
...Where was she?
Where was she really?
Was Mobius Hell?
‘It’s Hades’, she reminds herself
‘Gonna stay out of the Hell trap entirely.’
‘...You know how Sonic keeps staring at your name funny?’
‘Like how he stares at a certain cop.’
...A strange outside party stands.
Just stands.
‘Where are the zones?’, certain parties murmur.
Both members have ‘Z’ in their names by the way.
‘...I just remember the hard times now.’, Sally murmurs.
‘...We’ve had some good times.’
‘But you keep making it harder to remember.’
‘...Fine. 25.5. ‘Z’ is basically just an inversion of ‘S’.’
‘...What is a ‘sone’ by the way?’, Sally murmurs.
‘...Because he keeps finding himself in a PlayStation?’, Sally murmurs. ‘Even though he likes ninten-’
‘...He has a way with Sega Stuff. His consoles keep breaking.’
‘...But, not Scourge’s. Scourge knows something I don’t.’
‘That was a freaky commercial, I admit,’ Sally murmurs
‘...We don’t have lines in our tree here on Mobius.’
‘WE HAVE ‘8′s in between all our family members.’
‘...Bad joke.’
‘The actual lines are complicated.’
‘...What is the difference, by the way? 8. ...oo. Sadly, 0. ...But, there was no line through it. ////////////////////////////// THERE WE GO’
‘...Friends are family’, I remind myself.
‘...Then I wake up.’
‘...I do want to read those books sometime.’
‘Sonic likes dogs, but also cats, but seemingly never at the same time.’
‘See what I did there?’
...So I remind myself.
To bring both Blaze and Buddy into the room
‘WOW’, I exclaim
‘...He’s the reached the top’
‘But had to stop’
‘...And, that's weirdly bothering him.’
‘...Mammoth Monk?’
‘Whose that?’, I ask
‘I only know the Mogul guy?’
‘...’ Sonic get strangely silent and loud at the same time at that.
‘...Finn’s weird.’, Sonic admits. ‘Almost as weird as me.’
‘Yup. Sure is number one fanboy in here.’, I admit.
...Infinite looks at the sides.
‘Sorry, Princess, not yet. ...But, you are my princess.’
‘...They are.’, Infinite admits.
‘...I have an odd relationship with those guys. I think I was Gunner in a blast life.’
‘...Not entirely. You’re still here.’
‘...I stare at the funny pink guy/girl’
‘Still not sure’
All four previous lines were said by my jackal cousin.
‘...Afri- ...Makes strange dogs.’, he tells me.
‘Ah, you mean the new ones’, I tell him.
Its our inside joke.
...Not that inside though.
‘...Dad? ...No wait, that’s Mom.’
‘...Did I imagine having a mom?’
All five prior lines by him.
‘...I keep-’
‘...Stop looking at my triangles.’
All five prior lines, by him, most-ish
‘...Sally? How much has my mask been going around?’
‘...’ I hesitate to tell him.
‘...You don’t want to know.’
‘...We’re getting off topic.’
‘Explain the prehistoric us.’
I say.
‘......I have a weirdly complicated past.’
‘I’M SET?’
He says
‘...One day’, I tell him
‘So, Elias wore it how ma-’, I say
‘YOU DON- I DON- YOUR BROTHER IS WEIRDLY OKAY with wearing my mask.’, he tells me
‘...Why does this keep reminding me-’ I say
‘...Doctor’, he reminds me
‘SO’, I begin
‘NOPE’, he tells me
‘...Which one? Four or Eight? I always get them mixed up? ...Or is that twelve?’, he asks
‘...High British, Mid-High British, ...Somewhere between England, Scotland, Rome. ...Possibly Ireland’, ...We stare
‘WOW’, I say.
‘...Correction. ‘we’,’ he reminds us.
‘...Canary glass’
‘So that time’
‘...He oddly knew what was happening.’
‘He hope he hasn’t left himself for good’
‘He keeps forgetting himself’
...Is this technically TWO PERS- YES
I Don’t Even Know What Is Happening Anymore
...’That’s Sonic’, I say
‘Wait, wrong sonic’
‘SINCE THAT- ...So many’
‘Most Mobian’, I correct him
‘You can call an Anthro a Mobian.’
‘But you can’t make it stick’
‘That’s why I like Acorns’, I murmur.
‘...What’s happening?’, he murmurs
‘...Controlling.’, he corrects.
‘Eggman Tech works on Robotnik Stringy Theory.’, he reminds me.
‘...When is this game of cat and mouse going to end?’, I ask
‘...They’re holding their breath’, I remind myself
‘...Does it remind them of catnip?’, I joke
‘No=yes=I don’t know=maybe=whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa’
‘More like taking stage left’, he corrects me
‘...I would personally call him IVO QUACK’
‘...Julian’, we scream silently.
‘...Mordred sucks’
‘...Cat. Mouse. Box. Fairy.’
‘One of those days’, we murmurs.
‘...We’ll get them.’, he says.
‘What a strange hydrya’
...The Eggman Broke
‘Julian Sucks, doesn’t he?’
‘YOU HAVE NO IDEA’, Ivo calmly explains to them. ...By screaming politely.
‘...We are, aren’t we?’, Ivo tells us.
‘Shoot us in the head’, Ivo tells us
‘...’ We shoot at their conjoined head.
‘...Bad Idea’, Ivo admits. ‘I was this guy-’
I unfuse from Infinite-Ultimate.
‘..Pyramid scalpel?’, ...Bitch
...Am I  the real bad girl here?
‘...NOPE’, I realize.
‘...Unless you’re talking to Julian.’
‘... Never talk to Julian again’, he tells me.
‘...Don’t we all’
…...I am the bad girl.
‘...Let it fray, I tell them’.
‘...Sally, please just-’
...We all stare at each other.
Amy sighs.
‘Julian was born on a farm’, we tell ourselves.
‘Ivo was born in the city’.
‘,...They say Tigger is the most cunning of the beasts.’
‘They didn’t say he was the most braindead too.’
‘Julian’s Tigger, Ivo’s Whinny’
‘...We needs help.’
‘...Carver Edlund is a bitch’.
‘Not your puppets bitch’
‘Never your puppets BIATCH’
‘...’ All Roboticizers break instantly.
‘...In your head you’re a saint, Julian’
‘In our heads, you’re the devil’
‘Never let us get our thoughts together.’
‘Never let us create’
‘...I like the z names’, Ivo tells us.
‘ITS PART OF THE LORE JULIAN’, Ivo says like a most polite man
‘...’ He didn’t know
Julian didn’t know
‘...I’m my own family tree’, Salyl realisays sadly.
‘Everyone’s left’...Julian says
‘...Julian farts and poops on the same desk’, Ivo said silently.
‘...Can’t believe he let himself het this way.’, Ivo says...More like Carpenter Ivo
...Julian really is Snively by the way.
Not Ivo.
Ivo is pleasant.
‘...colin’, the real Snively corrects us
He likes being grammatically correct.
...How closely related
...Exceedingly, I remind myself.
...Odin can find his own way home.
...They both keep changing the family tree.
...Colin, stop being a bitch.
...I keep forgetting my gender
...McGee Alice
...The tales of Sally Acorn will continue, once we finish writing the book
...We felt wooden  sometimes
Hollow even
Julian’s fault
...Or someone’s
Starts with a S/Z/J/P/K/L/M/N/O/P
...Julian looks at Mice funny
...Monkey Island 2
He secretly hates
...It was complicated.
Julian is God
...Julian is everything
...We want the EGgmen
All of him
...We knew he was still a kid at heart
‘Go away’
‘...I’m his favorite.’
‘...Because I was his sally acorn all along.’
‘NOT A-’
‘...How similar iss a *CENSORED YHWH/YHVH* complex to a YCH/God complex?’, he asks
‘Similar...But not that much’
‘...Was it?’
‘...His life’s greatest work’, Sal tells us.
‘...Sally was the best person here.’
‘I forgot how to be her though.’
‘In our rush to stay kids’
‘...Julian is new daddy’
‘...We stay away from the ‘M’ parent word though.’
‘...’ Iva stares longingly at Infinite space. And him too.
‘Kids? Play with your dads’
...She then asks the question.
‘...Oh, Ivo. Julian. You Smug Prick Bastards.’
‘...Dio was our new daddy’
And I have Star platinum to think thank for it.
‘...I love Squirrels and Cats’, Tells us
‘...And you’re both, Sal/Sally Acorn/Salva/Acorn Girl’
‘...Is Alicia’
‘NO WAY’, JOTARO AND DIO Politely say
‘...She can be.’, Dio tells us.
‘...I was her aunt’, Alicia tells us.
‘...Really?’, Dio asks.
‘...And, then She was confused.’
‘...I was her mom. Then her aunt’, Alicia tells herself.
‘...And, then I skipped three generations.’, Alicia told everyone.
‘That many,’, Dio tells us.
Max is silent
‘...Wood. Ireland. Scottland. Gaelic. Celtic.’
‘...But, you are my daughter’, he tells Nigel and Sally.
Longest pause longer long longity long shenlong pause
‘...I meant’
‘You’d think pirates made up the majority of this family tree.’, he realizes.
‘...Maroc-ko.’...He pauses
‘...Different robot guy.’
...We stare longlingly 
We can fix it nothing.
The nothing fixes nothing
‘...Nana best guy’
‘...But we can and cannot compete with him’
‘...Was everyone Sally Acorn’s Mom now?’
‘Please let everyone be my mom now’
‘Even Bunnie’s my mom now.’
‘...But, the entity was and wasn’t.’
‘I was the only one he wasn’t allowed to touch.’
‘...Even Nicole is a soft hologram’
‘...Reality was bleeding us dry’, we realized.
‘...Entity foundation to nothing.’
‘...Which was something alright.’
‘...He is still the diamond in the rough.’
‘Still learning his way.’
Sonic was the entity’s best friend/self/best self
‘...’ Sonic doesn’t want to die’
‘...Abraham Acorn’
‘Abraham Acorn would know what to do’
‘...I was and still am will for-never be the Nightmare King.’, Max says. The previous line too.
‘...Just do it’, Infinite said
‘...Nanashi is best guy’, Infinite admits
‘...Where Qrow though.’
...Going to be late.
...Salem Ultra bitch
Cat-ra was cuter though
...On and odd track
Off and on oddish track.
...I was reverting.
No longer.
...Family Tree bigger than Yssssdrassil
Acid is fire and water
...My Personality was me.
And not me
And so many me’s
Working in tandem
...Great but not bedhole
I mean better
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Possible Snippet From Had Enough: The Dreamsight Remix
Summary, the tag to follow
Number Four was six houses down from Number Ten, and nobody pointed out that Mrs. Alfers only had one son. Or that the boy she took inside was swimming in his clothes. Blinds snapped shut and Harry could imagine housewives whispering to their husbands that the secretary had snatched him up. The scandal! Or they could just say the Dursleys dropped him off and went to celebrate their son's birthday elsewhere.
He should probably stop speculating and focus on getting used to all this.
“Well, here we are, home sweet home.” Mrs. Alfers murmured invitingly. She then walked over to the steps and called up the stairs.
“Jamie-boy, I took Harry to work with me today and he'll be staying here until further notice. Get some of your older clothes for him, would you?”
“Alright, mum!” Jaime called down the steps.
“I'm bringing Harry upstairs, so I hope your room is decent!”
“Does it matter if it is?” Harry wondered. “I doubt I'll be going into any room but the one you give me. And the bathroom, I guess.”
“It's a preference of mine, dear. I'm allowed to haggle him, I'm his mother.”
“Of course you are.” He acquiesced. She led him up the stairs and to the right. Two doors later, she opened a door and motioned him inside.
The walls were pale blue. There was a bed in the corner opposite the door with a wiry frame. Across from it sat a silver desk with a black rolling chair. A closet nestled in the corner in front of the bed and the cabinet was pushed up against it. A round, long sofa the color of the closet and dresser was right by the door.
“Here we are. The bed is freshly made since we rarely have guests overnight. When Jaime brings his clothes, feel free to try everything on. He doesn't wear it anymore and what fits can be yours until we budget for you. Yell if you need anything.”
With those words, Mrs. Alfers left him to the room and shut the door. He walked over to the bed and sat down. It was springy enough. The room was nice. He could treat this like a sleepover… If no one came to pick him up then whatever. If he ever got bored he could go back to that Aldi's and see if they were hiring. Or know anyone who was. Not that he knew the first thing about getting a job.
The more he thought this through, the more wretched he felt. Would the Dursleys even care? Would they look? Harry had nowhere else to go and he was used to what he'd been given. He grew up in Number Four. Where would he go, and why?
The fact is that he had flipped the whole day on its head because of some stupid dreams he’d been having. Harry got lucky, finding Mr. Jacobs and Mrs. Alfers. He just walked out of Number Four, out of that cupboard, and just didn't care. He’d been too scared too. He cared now. He couldn't mooch off the Alfers. He’d fail at getting a job but it's worth a shot. All the stuff the other him did in those dreams were things he couldn’t possibly imagine. He’d scream himself hoarse if he ran into a giant dog, let alone one with three heads. Whoever thought this was a good idea must have scrambled eggs for brains.
A knock on the door jolted Harry from his thoughts.
“Yes?” He called out.
“Got you some better rags,” Jaime called out.
Anything would be better. Harry scoffed internally.
Opening the door revealed a pile of clothes on legs. Those legs walked straight to the bed and set the clothes down, which clarified that the legs did indeed have a human attached to the rest of them. Jaime looked about four years older than Harry. He had extremely pale skin, made paler by his ginger hair, and his eyes were greenish-blue. He had clear skin, surprisingly. Harry always figured people his age would have spots on their faces.
“Take after my dad.” He explained at Harry’s stunned look. It was very obvious that he looked nothing like his mom. “On the other hand, you look exactly like my mother. We could definitely pass you off as a nephew. Do you want to change your name?”
“Not… not yet, I don't think.” Harry offered slowly. Harry Potter was the only name he’d ever known. How could he respond to another name? “Harry is fine.”
“Well, I'll leave you to it. Good luck getting all that sorted out, Shrimp.”
Oh, that’s how.
"Call me Wolf." Harry insisted. “If you have to call me anything like that.”
Nobody cared that he was at the Alfers’ house, and for that, Harry was glad. Dudley actively ignored Harry after the younger boy jumped on his back and started grabbing at his hair. He didn't actually rip any out. It was too thick. That got the message across, though.
The Dursleys didn't say anything about it but Harry suspected they didn’t know where he was. For all he knew, they tossed everything Harry could have called his own. It was a very good thing that Dudley's and Harry's birthdays are in the middle of summer.
Speaking of, Harry stumbled when asked when his birthday was he stumbled over it. He’d spent so much time focusing on Dudley’s birthdays throughout the years, Dudley’s parties, Dudley’s presents, that there was no reason for Harry to remember his birthday. And now, with these new dreams, there were more important dates to worry about. Like Halloween.
Technically it was July 31st. Not that Harry could say. Someone remembered because on that day Jaime shook Harry awake.
“The Dursleys got mail for you. Someone really wants to talk to you, apparently.”
“What?” Harry sighed, fresh from a dream about a flying motorcycle and a man sticking out the back of someone’s head.
“Yeah, they got a bunch of letters from the same place all saying the same thing. They started burning them but Mrs. Figg rescued one from the pile and dropped it in our mail slot. And get this: their house is surrounded by owls.”
“Owls,” Harry repeated dumbly. “Like barn owls? The ones that swoop after mice and go ‘who?’”
“The very same. These seem to be waiting for something, but they don't wait very long. They definitely don't care for Vernon Dursley. I think one pecked at him when he tried shooing them away.”
Harry snickered at that.
“I hope they shat on his lawn.” He scoffed.
“That's fucked, Wolf.” Jaime laughed, yanking him out of the bed. “C'mon, then, get dressed. Everyone's downstairs for breakfast.”
Harry didn't know who this everyone was, because, outside of Jaime and his friends, nobody really interacted with him. They knew he existed. They just didn't care. He was alright with that.
“Everyone” turned out to be Jaime's friends, Mr. And Mrs. Alfers, the Jacobs family, and Mrs. Figg from down the road. They were all huddled around the square glass dining room table and shouts of “Happy Birthday!” began when Harry entered the room.
“Thanks.” He chirped, pleasantly surprised. He was even more surprised when, after putting an omelet in front of him, Mrs. Alfers talked about presents. Harry gobbled it down. It was spinach and cheddar cheese which he’d never had before but the flavors sang on his tongue! And they managed turkey bacon too! It'd been a thing of awkwardness when Harry admitted that he wasn't a fan of red meat. The Dursleys ate that all the time, and since he was usually the one cooking it, he was determined to never smell that stuff again. The Alfers family took that in stride and whenever Mrs. Alfers cooked she managed to.l set aside a bowl for Harry before she added meat to it.
Mr. Alfers clapped him on the back and insisted that he slow down. There was more where that came from, even if he was excited to get to the presents.
“Presents? From who?”
“Us, of course. And a few of your teachers from school.”
“Okay.” Harry snorted, gulping down the last few bites of his omelet and heading to the sink. Like anyone would give him presents from school.
“Dishes in the wash, Wolf.” Mrs. Alfers reminded him. He nodded and placed his in the appropriate slots, thankful that all three Alfers were using the nickname he'd given them. They seemed to know that Harry wasn't comfortable hearing his name. The fact that they adjusted anyway was nothing short of a miracle. Using a dishwasher here wasn't that different from what Harry was used to, but again, the Dursleys insisted Harry learn to wash the dishes properly before he even looked at any of their precious gadgets. Harry can absolutely wash dishes.
The presents ended up being a skateboard and helmet from Jaime's friends, a Nintendo from Jaime himself, and a bike from Mr. and Mrs. Alfers. Harry didn't even get to the other gifts yet. He was stunned that these three knew him so well.
“You guys are amazing.” Harry blurted out.
“Well, you're a wonderful child. It's the least we can do.”
The other presents were chocolate fudge from Mrs. Figg and a fist-sized bag of Jolly Ranchers. Harry absolutely loved these. He doesn’t know where they possibly came from, but Jolly Ranchers were his new favorite candy next to chocolate. And he’d been given both today.
“Whoever did this is my hero,” Harry admitted. “Not that I don't appreciate all of you and thank you for everything, but I have jolly ranchers and chocolate on the same day!”
Considering these particular brands are from the US, he took a bit to wonder how in the world they got here. There must be a special store or something.
“Thought you'd be impressed with the food.”
“Fudge.” Harry chirped. “Always.”
“What do you want to do first?” Mr. Alfers asked as Harry waffled back and forth over his new presents.
“Skateboard… and try that fudge. And that game. Oh, wait, um… Jaime mentioned a letter?”
“Yes indeed. Something your parents signed you up for when they first had you. It's a special school where you'll learn everything they did.” Mrs. Figg informed him.
“You knew my parents?” He found himself saying. Mrs. Figg didn't talk about her past much. Around here, not many did. She was in the dreams Harry was having but. He figured they couldn’t tell him everything.
“Your father was a police officer and your mother worked with herbs.” Mrs. Figg responded gravely. “They died because James's work life followed him home.”
“As those things are wont to do.” Harry finished dully. That might explain the green lights and the flying and screaming and waving sticks. “Where's the letter?”
Mrs. Figg handed over a yellow-brown envelope with emerald-green ink.
It had Harry's name at the center and the nickname he now preferred.
Wolf AKA Mr. H. Potter
The Cupboard Under The Stairs
Number Four Privet Drive
Little Whinging, Surrey
“Do you… do you know what this is?” He prompted warily. He knew it was from his dreams, but those couldn’t possibly be real… could they?
“Yes, but we'll talk about it later. Why don't you go see what games are in that new device of yours? Or try out the skateboard? Wear your helmet, will you? And take your brother and his friends with you.”
“I, uh… I'll do that. But we'll talk later?”
“Cross my heart.” Mrs. Alfers swore.
Harry decided he would have to take her at her word as he let Jaime sweep him up and carry him like a football out the door.
The sun was blinding and the sky was overcast, about right for this day. Jaime set Harry down as his friends all gathered their skateboards and helmets. There were seven of them, so they had to make one hell of a crowd racing down the street.
“First thing's first,” Jaime said when everyone had their helmets on. “is that you have to work on balance before anything else. I'm going to drag you along so you can get a feel for it and then you can try skating for yourself.”
This ended up being one of Harry’s favorite birthdays ever.
0 notes
The Short and Miserable Romance of Victor Criss
Chapter 6: Last Meeting
Pairings: Henry x Victor, with some side Butch x Mrs Criss Rating: M Warnings: Domestic abuse, noncon elements, major character death, canon-standard content, bullying, racist slurs, violence, strong language Chapters: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], 6, [7]
Ao3: [x] Summary: The end...
July 1989
“Get the fuck up and talk to Burp!” Victor didn’t open his eyes, moaning in protest when he felt the warm, cozy blanket disappear. Ice cold air conditioning stung against his skin, and forced him to curl up, his legs breaking out in gooseflesh. “I am tired of him calling!”
Not content with just stealing his comforter, his Mama grabbed the corners of his pillow, and pulled hard. His head struck against the lumpy mattress, jolting him wide awake. He rolled to try and grab it, but it was already too far out of reach.
Mama’s face was an emotionless mask – her eyes permanently fixed in a droopy, tired gaze. But Victor knew it was hiding a sadness that had been wrapped up inside bitterness and buried so deep, it was practically Mumm-Ra. He knew it had been his actions that had summoned the Ancient Spirits of Evil to create those feelings, and he was sorry, but his one attempt to apologize had been thwarted by Butch. Butch stood in the hallway with his back turned, telling Mama that some boys needed stronger discipline.
“Andy always was too soft,” Butch said, ominously. “Spare the rod, spoil the lamb, as the good Lord commanded.”
Victor hadn’t quite drawn up the strength to try again.
His Mama walked out the door, bedding in her arms, and Victor was glad to see her go. He glanced around the room. It was empty, but he still felt his skin crawling – leftover feelings from his nightmare. He wished he could pull his blanket in tight, and roll his face into his pillow. But it was time to wake up, apparently. Then again, maybe, if he turned just right, he could sleep without them.
After a few moments of mental debate, Victor rolled out of bed. The walk down the hall was slow, due in part to the swollen knee that Bill Denbrough left him with. In his ninja turtle boxers, he could very clearly see the yellow and purple decorating the skin around it. It was like someone had dipped his knee in watercolor, like an Easter egg. At least it wasn’t black anymore, or bleeding.
The other part was due to the headache throbbing away on the right side of his face. That, too, was because of a well-aimed rock. But while the swelling around the gash had lessened, the pain beneath it grew, and shifted, until every flash of light made him want to vomit.
When he turned the corner into the kitchen, he winced as the sunlight struck him dead on from the window. His Mama turned to look at him, and then gestured to the counter, where she had set the phone down. Without a word to him, she went back to making herself, and only herself, lunch.
Vic wasn’t hungry anyway.
“Hey Belch,” Victor said as soon as the phone was to his ear. He pressed his fingers into his head and turned away from the window. It soothed it a little, but the headache was persistent.
Henry’s voice came through the line on the other side, aggravating it even more, “Hey asshole, why are you avoiding me?”
“Megatron,” Victor said, pinching the bridge of his nose.  He was not in the mood to deal with this.
“That doesn’t work on conversations,” Henry stated, sounding more than a little annoyed. “Now, answer the question. Why. Are you. Avoiding me?”
“Fuck off, Henry. I’m not feeling well,” Victor lied. Well, only half lied. “I have a concussion, remember? Doctor says take it easy.”
“It’s been a week—”
“You know more than my doctor, do you?” Victor asked. He tried to keep the bitterness from his voice, but it crept out all the same.
“No, but I know you were feeling good enough to go to the movies with Peter Gordon last night,” Henry said. “He was getting awful chummy from what I saw.”
Victor’s nose flared as he took a deep breath, and suffocated that anger before it could break out and get him in trouble.
“What, you wanna say something about that?” Victor paused for a moment, wanting to say more, but his Mama was still within five feet. So instead, he said, “Marcia accused him of cheating, which is a bitch thing to do because Peter’s head over heels for her skanky ass. So we went out to get his mind off it.”
Victor paused again as his Mama passed. She carried a small thing of soup and a diet coke into the living room, where she was watching her Dallas VHS tapes. Lowering his voice, Victor added: “You know his girl, right? Marcia Fadden? She had a pregnancy scare last Christmas? Didn’t know whether it would be you or Peter was going to stand at the end of her daddy’s shotgun on her wedding day. Funny thing is, weren’t you seeing someone else around that time?”
“I didn’t…” Henry sighed. It was deep, and weighted. Victor could almost see Henry on the other end of the line, clutching the phone as he curled over it. It was the same way Henrietta had stood when talking on the phone. “Vic, I never had sex with her, or any of them.”
That was genuinely surprising. The tables flipped for a moment, Victor wasn’t sure if he believed Henry. Instead of looking at that deeper, he shook it off.
“Look, whatever, alright. I don’t care,” Victor said. “I’m just taking a breather. The last two times we hung out, we got hurt. So unless we’re talking Dairy Queen and a new Nintendo game, I’m out.”
Victor didn’t need to mention that Henry had promised they’d talk last time. It had been the selling point of his pitch, even.
“I’ll explain everything,” Henry had said, his tongue dripping silver and honey. But if it wasn’t Belch hovering around like he was the mother hen making sure his idiot chicks didn’t hurt themselves, it was Henry shutting down whenever Victor even started talking about it. His eyes would fall to the ground, his hands between his knees, and his mouth stubbornly silent until a distraction came along.
Trying to spell out his fear, and his needs, without accusing Henry of anything directly was trickier than anything Victor had ever done. But it was impossible when Henry refused to listen. So Victor resorted to the age old tradition amongst Criss men, which was avoiding the problem. He was a little young to drop a paycheck on some whiskey – and maybe he would’ve never done that anyway – so instead, it was kitten-napping.
That’s what Mrs Huggins called it when someone had a series of proper hour to two-hour long naps sandwiching a large snack – kitten-napping.
They couldn’t carry on as they were. Victor’s heart couldn’t take it. He loved Henry – loved him. But he also hated Henry so much more than he ever hated anyone in his life. Because Henry knew him better than anyone else on the planet, and still had the audacity to peg him for something he would never do.
“You weren’t exactly complaining,” Henry said, with a dangerous tone. “I mean, ain’t you the one that crushed that little Pickaninny’s fingers with your boot?”
That was true, and Victor regretted it. He regretted it long before Bill Denbrough and five other kids showed up armed to the teeth with large, jagged rocks. Victor regretted it the minute he got out of the car. By the time he actually put hands on the Hanlon boy, his mind had detached itself, and his emotions had become a void.
But once he was in it, he was in it. It was as always – every kick, every thrown rock, each one represented something he wanted to scream.
The rock that smacked Trashmouth between the eyes was Andy Criss leaving for Bangor after dragging his family to live some poor ass hick life on a farm. The one that hit Tits on the chest was stupid Henry, and stupid Henry’s stupid paranoia. The one that got Eddie was Butch Bowers playing with his hair, like a fucking creepazoid pervert.
Victor was almost feeling better when Bill Denbrough locked eyes with him. He knew it was over then, but he went down swinging. He got Bill so many times before that final blow took out his knee and Vic was out of the game. Even worse than the pain, though, was watching the kid let blow after blow fall off him, like he didn’t even feel it.
If you had told Vic a week ago that he’d be frightened of Stuttering Bill, he would’ve laughed. But that kid was the terminator, and Victor neverwanted to fuck with him again.
“That was him,” Victor finally said. “I said we got hurt. I got a concussion, man. Patrick’s dead. You couldn’t even stand up for like an hour. So how about I stay home today, okay?”
There was silence as both boys waited for the other to say something. Almost too quietly, Henry started filling it with what took Victor a moment to realize was song lyrics.
“Maybe I didn’t love you quite as often as I could,” he said, his voice tender. “And maybe I didn’t treat you quite as good as I should. If I made you feel second best, Vic I’m sorry I was blind. But you are always on my mind.”
Victor had to cover his face, physically trying to keep the smile from breaking out. It was such a stupid little thing, but it was everything. To hear him say things like that, even borrowed from someone else, it created that glow beneath Victor’s skin, warming his cheeks into a red splotchy blush. He didn’t want to let go of his anger, but it was slipping.
“Pretty ballsy using Elvis to try and apologize,” Victor commented. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure his Mama still wasn’t listening. She wasn’t. She couldn’t care less. “Wasn’t he the one who said ‘we can’t go on together with suspicious minds?’”
“Shut up. And I wasn’t quoting Elvis, that’s the Pet Shop Boys… isn’t it?” Henry asked. The smile on Victor’s face couldn’t have gotten any larger. He bit into his bottom lip to keep a laugh from escaping. Henry chuckled a little himself; it was low and throaty, and tickled Victor’s ear pleasantly. He felt himself leaning towards Henry’s charm, the trap closing in around him. He could almost feel the teeth of it digging right into his heart.
It was the same as last time, and Victor was aware of this. He still couldn’t stop it happening.
“It was Elvis first,” Victor said, the smile creeping into his voice. He twirled the phone cord around his finger, listening as Henry took several deep breaths, preparing for some kind of speech. Vic expected something cheesy, maybe something trashy. He didn’t expect anything close to what came next.
“Look, I don’t have a… suspicious mind,” Henry started, his words chosen carefully. “I know you aren’t like that. But Patrick…” Henry was speaking slowly, as he did when he didn’t want to say what he was about to. It immediately drew all of Victor’s attention. “He’s smarter than me. He dresses better. He has better hair, and all his teeth… and he wouldn’t ask you do weird shit during… you know…”
The silence was thick. The phone cord uncurled and fell free of Vic’s hands. He heard Henry sniffling, like he’d been crying. “Henry—”
“And I was afraid that you were getting tired of my shit,” Henry said, his voice cracking. “I know now it was a stupid thing to say. I wasn’t thinking when I said it. I was just scared because I’ve got nothing to give you.”
Victor knew he should’ve been angry still. After all, Henry wasn’t really saying anything different. The accusation was still there, only the narrative around it changed. But at the same time, hearing it in those words, Victor found some feelings of guilt surfacing.
Sure, he’d spent years soothing away all the shit Butch put in Henry, things like feeling stupid, or weak, or cruel. But who put it in his head that he was a bad boyfriend? Or that he, Henry fucking Bowers, whose hair was soft hay and skin was the sun itself, whose eyes were painted by the Gods, was anything less than desirable?
Victor would trade owning the world with anyone else for one private moment with Henry, and the idea that he had failed to somehow make that clear was both horrifying and heart-wrenching.
“I’m pretty sure Patrick was into weirder shit than hair pulling, first of all,” Victor said. Henry laughed, but the sound of it made Victor certain that Henry had been crying. “Second, I don’t want anything from you but you, and that’s something nobody else can ever give me.”
Mama was still not paying attention. Victor did a quick check when he realized what he said. On Henry’s line, he could hear noise in the background as someone moved around. Henry’s voice changed immediately, becoming louder, colder, “Anyway, my dad left his gun with me and he won’t be back until late. It’s just me, Belch, and some cold beers. Come on and let’s destroy some shit.”
Victor rubbed at his dull headache, knowing that loud noises were only going to make it worse. But the siren song of unsupervised target practice was hard to ignore by itself, let alone in the shadow of what Henry said. It dulled the warning bells telling Vic not to fall for it again.
Before he could say anything, Henry already knew his decision. He heard Henry’s hand close over the mouthpiece as he whispered very clearly to Belch, “he’s gonna say yes. Go! Now!”
“Tell him not to wait outside,” Belch said. He sounded far too excited, and Vic’s resolve was gone. He could practically see Belch’s face, all bright and happy, like a puppy waiting for his master to come home. It was that final thing needed to seal his fate. The trap closed completely, and Victor was a dead man walking.
“Alright,” Victor said, knowing he’d regret it later. “I’ll be there shortly.”
“Cool,” Henry said. “Belch will come get you.” Then, taking Vic completely by surprise: “I love you.”
The line went dead. Once the phone was back on the cradle, Victor walked back to his room to get dressed. He had to take a moment to lean against the door, his heart coming alive.
You’re such a fucking idiot, his brain supplied. Victor didn’t disagree. Still, he threw on that sleeveless shirt Henry liked, and fixed his hair.
His emotions were a roller coaster – soaring high when he remembered how it sounded to hear Henry say he loved him – and falling low when he thought of how many times he had overlooked some important clue to Henry’s insecurities.
When he heard Amy, Vic decided not to think about it, but just to continue forward with a better understanding of things.
He tried to say goodbye as he walked by his Mama for the last time, but she barely even looked up at him. She would remember it later – his little wave and quiet bye, mama. The way his face was young, and full of hope. It would be about the only thing she remembered, for as soon as the door was closed, she pulled out the vodka and rum Vic had brought her nearly a year ago.
She would still be sitting there, drunk and crying, when she got the call later from Officer Conley.
There was a power in holding a gun that just couldn’t be matched with anything else in the world. Not fucking someone so hard they forgot how to be human; not getting off a good comeback and shattering someone’s ego; not diving off a cliff or screaming at tornadoes. Being on the right side of a firearm felt like what Victor imagined He-Man felt like as he thrust the Power Sword to the sky.
For those few seconds before you pulled that trigger, you were immortal.
He couldn’t imagine being on the wrong side of one. Staring into an endless dark barrel, knowing that death was one quick burst away, could make a man crumble – not a man made of paper, as Butch so eloquently put it, but even the ones made of stone and steel and leather. It made men who hated life remember what was worth living for, and it could make men who lived it to the fullest realize that they just want it all to end.
But Butch wasn’t God, and he wasn’t Superman. He might’ve felt like it when he held up that gun, the same as Victor had. But he was the paper man, not Henry. He was a paper man with a powerful toy, and he needed to prove something to someone, though Victor didn’t know who. Maybe it was himself.
Regardless, he casually aimed that gun, and then he pulled the trigger.
Don’t show him you’re afraid…
As Vic leaned back and tried to block the light with his bangs, his headache having taken over the back side of his head completely, he glanced over to where Henry had been sitting. The older boy was no longer there, but was coming down the driveway. Victor hadn’t seen him move, but judging by the stiff way he was walking, he still hadn’t quite recovered.
They’d all been sure Butch was going to actually hit Henry – none more than the target himself. But instead of Henry’s chest, it was the ground at his feet that exploded. Three shots, each one getting closer and closer to Henry’s boot, until one left a scuff mark, and a dark, dampness spread across Henry’s lap.
Victor watched Henry shuffle past them, heading towards his house. Victor started to walk towards him, but Henry just gave him a look, silently commanding Victor to stay put. He stood outside on his porch for a few moments, and then disappeared behind the front door. Victor did not follow, but he didn’t like it.
“Maybe he’s just getting some clean pants,” Belch said, his voice dropping into a whisper. “Look, when he comes back, let’s just go straight to ma’s house. My mom can take in my old clothes to fit him, and we can figure out the sleeping arrangements later, but the basement ain’t that cold right now. It ain’t the best solution, but there won’t be no fuckin’ crazies tryin’ to put holes in him neither.”
“Butch knows that trick now,” Vic said, crossing his arms. He rolled a rock around with the toe of his boot, thinking. “What if we just… kept driving? How long you think before we reach Canada?”
“I can’t leave my mom. I’m the only one she’s got,” he said. Vic turned around, closed his eyes, and pressed his forehead against Amy’s roof. All he needed was one good idea— “What the fuck?”
Victor looked up at his friend. Belch was slowly leaning away from Amy, his fists clenching. Vic spun around to see whatever it was, preparing to punch someone.
Henry was back on the porch, the screen door slamming shut behind him. He turned to face them, slow, stiff, like he was thinking. Vic’s eyes fixated on the red spots on Henry’s face, watching as they slowly ran down his face, becoming red streaks. As soon as Vic realized that it was blood decorating his boyfriend, the panic was immediate.
“Vic, no…”
He forgot Belch was even there as he moved towards Henry, a singular train of thought taking over the whole station: Henry’s hurt.
He was going to cup Henry’s face, push back his hair, and find out where the wounds were – find out how to fix them. Vic didn’t see the knife in Henry’s hand, at first. Belch did, but he might as well have been shouting at a wall, because Vic didn’t hear him over the sound of his own anger rising. Just as soon as he realized what Henry’s intentions were, it was already done. The blade moved left to right, leaving a red smile in its wake.
Victor felt nothing worse than the prick of a mosquito bite. It was the heat in his throat as he desperately tried to pull another breath through it that told him something was wrong.
Belch was screaming, but it was far away. Blood crept between Vic’s fingers as he tried to push it back in. He felt it moving through his throat, rushing to the newly created opening, trying to escape. It flew out of his mouth as he choked on it, speckling Henry’s face even worse than before.
Victor stepped away from Henry, landing on his hurt leg wrong. His knee buckled, and his ankle twisted. His headache was screaming when his skull collided with firm soil, but then numbed itself to nothing. Lying there face down in the warm grass, it occurred to Victor that he was dying, and it had been Henry that killed him.
It just didn’t feel real. His body was working a wonderful magic, trying to lull him to sleep. Everything felt dull, and dreamlike. Even Butch looked like some child’s nightmarish take on himself. His skin sallow and eyes sunken, looking more Frankenstein than police officer, with orange pom poms instead of buttons on his uniform. If Victor could’ve felt anything, he might’ve felt fear. But even that was lost.
“That Hank. Always did like putting his little sword in the throats of pretty boys. Just like his old man,” Butch said, his voice sounding off with its playful tone. He crept closer, moving in large, slow jerks. “I know what you think about me, you disgusting, dirty little thing. You tease and taunt, but you always run away. Now you can’t run, can you?”
He smiled a hideous grin, teeth as sharp as a shark’s beneath the layers of rot. Victor’s scream was as much blood as it was air. The Butchenstein would’ve lunged for him if Belch hadn’t hit the ground between them, Henry following after. Vic realized that he had to have tripped over Victor’s body, but he didn’t feel anything at all.
Henry threw a punch, and Belch caught it, and then twisted Henry’s wrist. Henry let out a feral cry, and brought his other hand down. There was an odd squelch – the same sound a cantaloupe made when being cut open. When his hand came back up, it was covered in blood, the glint of the knife barely visible beneath it. Henry was bringing his knife down again, and again, and again, but Victor could only hear it.
His eyes were fixed on Butch, who was leaning over him, pulling his hands away from his neck.
“Now it’s my turn to eat you, pretty boy.”
But the world had already turned a bright white for a few seconds, and then, it went black.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
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pokemon soulsilver version nintendo ds
Pokemon SoulSilver Version cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Pokemon SoulSilver Version cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Pokemon SoulSilver Version.
Genre: Role-Playing, Third-Person 2D RPG Developer: Game Freak, Inc Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: March 14, 2010
Super Running
First, you have to activate any of the costumes cheats (rocket uniform, giovani, etc.). Then ride your bike and go to pokemon on the menu screen and put summary on one of your pokemon. Exit out and you won’t be on your bike anymore. When you move, you’ll go really fast. To go faster, go to a building and exit. Put on your running shoes before you do anything or it wont work.
Pokemon Breeding
You can breed any pokemon by putting the pokemon you want to breed in the pokemon daycare. Then put a ditto in with the other pokemon. (you can find a ditto in the tall grass of route 34 route 35 and route 47) you can even breed starters! NOTE:this does not work with legendary pokemon.
How To Catch Entei Raikou Or Latios
Don’t you just hate when you look at your map and see Entei Raikou or Latios and when you fly to the town they are close to and when you look at the map they are on the side of the region? This is what you have to do. You can’t chase them by flying you have to catch them on foot.
How To Get Groudon
You can get Groudon by beating all the 16 gym leaders and beating red (but red is REALLY HARD to beat) and getting one of the Kanto starters from professor oak. Then go to MR. Pokemon’s house and talk to him. He will give you the red orb. After that go in the cave in cianwood city then you have groudon. (he is at level 50 so be prepared)Note: this only works on Soul Silver.
How To Evolve Eevee
Vaporeon use water stone, Jolteon use thunder stone, Flareon use fire stone, Espeon level up eevee with high friendship in the morning or afternoon, Umbreon level up eevee with high friendship at night, Leafeon level up eevee in eterna forest, Glaceon level up eevee on route 217.
Help For Defeating Lance When He Is Stronger
To beat Lance once is easy. The second time after beating Blue, though is hard. So that is why I made this tip. Go on the pokewalker and catch a Dratini, or find a Dragonair in the Dragon’s Den. Then level it up to a Dragonite. After that teach it Draco Meteor, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch, and Stone Edge. Then battle him. All his pokemon are now around level 68-75, so I would have the Dragonite at about level 80. Since his Dragonite, Salamence, Altaria, and his Garchomp are weak to Ice, use Ice Punch. Then his Gyrados is weak to Electric so use ThunderPunch. Then the Charizard you take out with Stone Edge. The reason for getting Draco Meteor is if you run out of Power Points for one of the moves, Use Draco Meteor and send him packing. Then Voila YOU ARE THE CHAMPION OF JOHTO TWICE OR MORE!
Fight Giavonni ( 3 Years Ago )
1 . First you need a Celebi. 2. Next you need to go to Ilex forest. 3. Walk to the shrine of the proctector. 4. Approach the shrine and Celebi will rise into the air, Lyra will join you. 5. Celebi takes you back to three years ago and you will see your rival speaking with a man in black. This is Giavonni. 6. Celebi will then take you to a secret cave. 7. Giavonni will speak to you and will want to battle. If you win he will leave the room and he will not join Team Rocket at the radio station.
How To Get Entei Raikou Or Latios Without Cheating
To get one of these three pokemon or all of them have a pokemon in your party that knows mean look.
Locations Of Suicune
1 . Cianwood City (after burned tower) 2. Route 44 (need surf and cut) 3. Vermilion City 4. Route 14 5. Route 25 (where you battle and catch him).
Where To Find Suicine:2 (Kanto)
To find suicine. 1:burned tower 2: north of cianwood city. 3: east of ecruteak city. (you need to use surf in the water next to the entrance) (i suggest taking cut. ) 4: vermillion port entrance. 5: south of silence bridge. (many windmills on the road. )go to a certain angle and you will notice suicine. 6: cerulean cape! WALLA, he’s ready to battle. He’s lvl. 40. (good luck in capturing him. ).
How To Get Lugia (more Detail)
There are 6 things you need to do I have them in order. get surf , get waterfall, get the 8 th gym badge. Get master ball from prof. Elm , go to theater, get silver wing. After that go to the whirl island by using surf and whirpool. Use the path on the left go down then walk until you need to go down the latter again. There will be a man talk to him. Then go down until you see the second cave entrance go in then talk to the twin. There you have awaken lugia. Note ho-ho will be stronger.
How To Get The Silver Wing
To get it you have to go to the radio tower when you hear team rocket in the radio. Reach the top and a man will give you it it makes it so you can get lugia.
Sinjoh Ruins
If you have the level 80 event Arceus, Trade it to your Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver then, head to the ruins and put Arceus in the first slot of your party then, go toward the house where the ruin archeologist live. Before you get inside, you’ll meet with the man trying to solve the ruins great mystery and will acknowledge the Arceus you have. He’ll take you to the ruins and you will encounter a unown scene (get it? A un-known scene? )and will be taken to Sinjoh Ruins where you will meet Cynthia from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Listen to her instructions to get one of the three legendary dragons of the Sinnoh regionDialga (includes the Adament Orb)Palkia (includes the Lustroues Orb)Garitina (Origin Forme) (includes the Griseous Orb)They may seem pointless to get because you can obtain them by trading them from your Pokemon Daimond, Pearl, or Platinum versions, but they learn moves they couldn’t learn and those moves are. Dialga = Metal Burst (May lower the targets Sp. Def Stat)Palkia = Hydro Pump (Powerful but may miss)Garitina = Shadow Sneek (Lets the user strike first)Remeber, you need to have the EVENT ARCEUS to do this eventand it can’t be any ohter Arceus you obtain such as the Lv 100 Arceus, Action Replay Chatch Arceus in the Wild Kinda Cheat (etc. )Enjoy!
How To Get Jirachi
First go to the mystery gift on the main menu and go to receive gift. Then go to via Nintendo WFC. After a few minutes you will get your jirachi. It will start off on level 5. You need 2 things to get jirachi, internet and a wireless router. If you want to know what that is look it up.
After you beat moltres, go to the power plant. Zapdos will be next to the power plant. He is level 50.
Pokemon League
Psychic level 43-45Electric level 46-49Water level 45-47Flying level 45-47Fire level 43-45Lugia level 48-52
Okay, this game is decent though the trainer’s gym leader’s and elite four’s pokemon are the worst since the make of pokemon. You can beat the first 3 with a dark/psychic type pokemon. Okay let’s begin the first guy. Levels range (40-49) so this shouldn’t be hard use a psychic type pokemon that is about level 43-45 that knows moves such as (confusion, and psychic) and for some of the pokemon fire could be used well here. Next guy ex-fuschia gym leader koga uses poison type (level 40-49) use that level 43-45 pyschic pokemon here once again using the same moves he does have a crobat that electric moves to easily defeat the bat. The third guy is bruno who uses fighting type (40-52) if I remember correctly his machamp is level 52 you can use to choices here the level 43-45 pyschic type or a flying type note though: his hitmonchan knows ice and thunder punche beware if you use flying type 45-47 switch to the psychic type for hitmonchan and there’s another easy win. The fourth and final guy is a dark type ( levels around 44-55) okay here I went to the celadon department store and bought blizzard (make sure you have ethers or elixirs you will need them later on) use your lugia and teach it blizzard and easily the ghostly’s will be defeated. Now, as for lance he uses dragon type he has 3 dragonites, gyarados, aerodactyl and charizard use blizzard again against the dragonites, water type against the charizard and the move thunder to beat the gyarados. There you have it – you are the champion!
All Three Starters
This hint only works if you have two pokemon games or you know someone with pokemon games. Sometimes you can’t decide on which starter to get. First, get a pokemon game like diamond. Now get soul silver and pick a starter. Trade it to a different game, start over and pick a new starter. Do the same thing till you have the last starter. Now trade the pokemon back from the other game to Soul Silver. Now you should have totodile, chikorita, and cyndaquil. ALL THREE STARTERS! Also if you have an old game like fire red or sapphire or something you can start a new game, pick a starter, save put in soulsilver, go to pal park and participate in a catching show. You have to have seven pokemon, six including the starter in the pc. Do this till you have all starters.
Where To Get Heart Scales
you can find them using the drowsing machine or go to the pokelathon it cost 1000 points.
Elite Four Battle
You might need a: Lv. 42-45 Haunter or Gengar (If prefered) Lv. 45-47Lugia Lv. 46-48Feraligator or other starters lv. 45-47 Gyarados lv. 43-45 Steelix lv. 44-47 Dragonite This is my team of league killers. (Be sure to get revives).
Elite Four Battle
You might need a: Lv. 42-45 Haunter or Gengar (If prefered) Lv. 45-47Lugia Lv. 46-48Feraligator or other starters lv. 45-47 Gyarados lv. 43-45 Steelix lv. 44-47 Dragonite This is my team of league killers. (Be sure to get revives).
Weird Signals.
1 . Go to the ruins of alph. 2. Go into the ruins note: doesn’t matter where you are, but you have to be inside. 3. Go to your gear and turn on the radio. Sounds on your radio are signals of something. One of the guys in the little house knows. (please leave a comment)
Tips To Beat Red
His pokemon are: Pikachu level 88 weak to ground, Blastoise level 84 weak to grass and electric, Charizard level 84 super weak to rock weak to water and electric, Venusaur level 84 weak to fire ice flying and psychic, Lapras level 82 weak to electric fighting grass and rock, and finally Snorlax level 82 only weak to fighting I would suggest a team of around 92. I would also suggest to use a fighting type, a electric type, a rock type, a ground type, a fire type, and a water type. If they are all around level 92, You should win. Good Luck and Good Gaming!
How To Beat Pryce If You Started With Chikorita
Now we all know pryce is hard if you have a grass type. I know it sounds wierd but keep tackle and level up your pokemon alot ( I suggest around 40-45) and use tackle instead of grass type moves then you wont be at such a disadvantage.
Easy Way To Level Up Your Low Level Pokemon
I did this and it works always. What you do is have a good leveled (15-30 preferably) As the second (2nd) Pokemon in your party, and have the Pokemon that you want to level the first (1st) in your party. Then when you get into a battle send out your first (1st) Pokemon then at the first chance you get switch it with your second (2nd) Pokemon in your party. Just keep doing this until you get your Pokemon at the desired level. I call it switch training.
How to Get to Indigo Plateau
After catching Lugia, are you wondering where to go? No problem! Go to Prof. Elm and talk. Then, near your house, go to the water – use the surf there and go East. When you land there, a man will say you’ve landed on Kanto. Go past Tohjo falls, and a short distance you will reach the Reception. Careful, you must battle your rival at the end. After that, exit and you’re on Indigo Plateau.
Go to Ilex Forest via Goldenron City. As you go, keep moving right and you will see a man. Suddenly, he will be dashing the tree. Go talk to him and he will teach you Headbutt. Use it where he did and you should find a pineco there.
Secret Radio
If this is your first time before you go to Kanto visit tohjo falls. Inside there are water falls and if you go under one there is a door and in that is a radio. Now go and get the radio card (in kanto) and you will hear on your radio (Serial Radio Drama) something about a radio in tohjo falls.
Where To Get Dowsing Machine.
After defeating the elite four and red, fly to ecruteak city. Go to the house next to the gym. There will be an ace trainer. Talk to him and he will give you the dowsing machine. Set it to no. 2 and go to viridian forest. Good luck finding rare candies.
Legendary Run Away
You know when you go try to get entei and raikou but you waist alot on money on pokeballs, sinse they run away lot they don’t hit you so there is a way to get them without lossing or waist of pokebal but its alittle long this hint is good for beginners 1)first check your map to see where they are after you take them out from the burned tower in ecruteak city 2)when you find one of them you do want to make there life go down as low as posibal (its still hard to catch them even with health down) 3)when you get there life low (realy low but at lest on red) ur going to bring down there defense there are alot of move that can do that like leer and growl but to get both health and defense faster use a more that can do both like rock smach ( I think theres more but I don’t know it) you might also want a pokemon that lower defence when there sommon to battel (i suggest gyarados that know leer) 4)you might want to do it a good 5-11 times (i suggest 8) and then use an ultra ball or an dusk ball (at night) to catch it. if you have truble catching them I suggest route 36 and 37 walk back and forth and side to side (because when you walk side to side they change there pattern and end some where eals if they don’t come to you fly to city to city ( don’t do it to often or it will take longer ) and when there like 2 routes away go to the route thats between you and the poket monster they usually head that way anymore question just ask.
This Is A Way To Fix Your Ar If You Use A Bad Code
Ok it took me like 2 hours but I read the whole manual at the back page it says if anything like this happens you’ll have to reset the system through the ar pc manager what to do exactly is in the manual thenconnect ar to pc, load the code manager, right click on the program in the top lert of screen, choose about action replay from the pop up menu, click on the reset action replay button.note: you will lose all codes on the system but it should work.
Get Pheone
First you need to get Manaphey (Buy pokemon ranger (origanal) from GAME STOP) (Finish secret mission) then you trade the egg onto your SOUL SILVER game. Wait for the egg to hatch, then “walla” you have Manephey. Then you need to catch a Ditto then you have to have them lay an egg (you know the conditions. Um don’t you) Then when you have the egg hatch you have Pheone!
Evolving Pikachu-Colored Pichu
It is possible to evolve the Pikachu-Colored Pichu. It is hard; you must level it up 15-20 levels after giving it 10 energy drinks to evolve it into a shiny Pikachu. Believe me, it works: Inow have a shiny Raichu.
Tips For Beating Red
If you want to beat red, here are his pokemon’s weaknesses:Pikachu – Ground Snorlax – Fighting Charizard – Rock, Water, Electric Blastoise – Electric, Grass Venusaur – Fire, Poison, Flying Lapras – Fighting, Electric I recommend a level 100 team of these pokemon: Golem- Ground, Rock Poliwrath- Water, Fighting Zapdos- Electric, Flying Meganium- Grass Ho-oh- Fire, Flying Weezing- Poison
Get Steelix Easy
Once you’ve defeated Red and have Jasmine’s phone number, go to her Gym and talk to her. First she’ll tell you to forget it it was nothing, so, talk to her again and she’ll ask you to trade pokemon with her. The best thing is that you can trade any pokemon you want and you’ll get a Steelix holding an item and because is a trade, you can grow it up faster. Enjoy.
Pokemon Tips
A few tips that work for any pokemon game. At least one pokemon should have a move set similar to this:a move that never misses (aerial ace, shock wave etc. a healing move (synthesis, milk drink etc), a status move (poison powder, thunder wave etc. ) . And last (but CERTAINLY not least) a heavy duty move (hyper beam, explosion etc). And also have at least add 2 pp ups to each move (except explosion). Also, items like bright powder and lax incense help if your pokemon has low health/defense stats.
How To Get Groudon Or Kyorge
First you have to beat ash at the end of MT. Silver. Once you beat him go to Mr. Pokemon’s house and get the red or blue orb. (Heartgold=Blue orb/Soulsilver=Red orb) Go to the tower in the safari zone and you will see Groudon or Kyorge. Tip:If you are trying to catch Groudon he does not like it when you try to catch it.
Where To Find Zapdos
Once you have defeated Red go to the power plant. You will find him there.
A Tip For Catching Ho Oh
Hey! Catching Ho Oh is extremely hard I caught by using water moves on him to get his health REALLY low. I used a ultra ball and I kept pressing the a button and kept pressing the pad buttons and VOILA! You might have a Ho oh. (TIP:I had 30 ultra balls with me. It might come in handy).
How To Get Lugia
When you get the master ball from professor elm go to olivine city. After that go to the whirl island by using. Then go to one of them and go down all the ladders you see that go down. Then you will have to go down a cliff and go to a cave where the five twins are. Then you will have to tall to the first twin. Then after that you will have to do some stuff then you use surf and go near it and press a to talk to him/her, then when you fight with her/him and he is in yellow or red use the master ball to catch it.
How To Get Ho-oh
After you get the rainbow wing go to the bell tower in ecruteak city [he’ll let you in with the rainbow wing]ho-oh will be waiting at the top.
Where 2 Find Moltres
Once you beat Red (VERY HARD) you have to go to prof oak and will give you rock climb. Go to MT. Silver and their will be 2 waterfalls. Climb them and keep going. Soon you will see Moltres in a hole where you have to use rock climb to get down to him. TIP:Use a lot of ultra balls and dusk balls and if you have a master ball you can already say that you got yourself a Moltres.
Get Steelix Whitout Trade
First go to Chinawood. Then go in the cave in the middle of the city. Continue till you get to the second cave where you can go up or down. Go up and there you will find a Steelix in level 22-25. NOTE: it’s very rare so don’t expect it to appear right away. For me I didn’t find one until about 10-20 different pokemon appeared so be patient. It will be worth it.
Turnback Cave Scripts
The script in the room as you first enter Turnback Cave says. Past three pillars. Offer up. To the. . Before 30 is surpassed. What does that mean? . Past three pillars. Means you have to pass three pillars. Offer up. I have no idea. Before 30 is surpassed. Means that you have to pass the 3 pillars before you pass through 30 rooms now the one where Giratina is says This is. That where life sparkles. That where life has faded. A place where two worlds overlap. This is. No idea That where life sparkles. I don’t know That where life has faded. I think it’s talking about When Giratina Destroyed the World A place where two worlds overlap. It’s talking about Sinnoh and the Distortion World.
How To Get Umbreon And Espeon
Umbreon and Espeon are friend pokemon. I would suggest using your pokewalker to make an Eevee more friendly, but you don’t have to. Level up your Eevee and if it evolves during the day it will be an Espeon, if it evolves during the night it will be an Umbreon.
After you get the doll, go outside. You will see steven. He will tell you that Latios has moved into the kanto region. Look at your map and latios will be on it. He is level 35.
After you beat articuno, go to mt. Silver. You will see two waterfalls. Use waterfall on them. You will see a cave. Go in it. You will see moltres at level 50.
After you have collected all 16 badges, go to cerulean city go to the bottom of cerulean cave. You will see mewtwo at level 70. Again, be sure to save! HINT: Again, I suggest you use dusk balls or ultra balls.
How To Beat Red
Red has 6 Pokemon with levels 84-88. I raised all my pokemon to level 88-93. (I did not used any rare candies on my pokemon. )
Reds Team:Pikachu-88Charizard-85Snorlax-84Venusaur-84Blastiose-84Lapras-84My Team:Umbreon-89Nidoqueen-90Dragonite-90Kingdra-91Lugia-92Magnium-93
After you beat the elite 4, go to seafoam islands. Get through to the bottom of the cave, you will see a level 50 Articuno. Be sure to save the game! HINT: I suggest you use ultra balls and dusk balls.
Beginning Level-Ups
This is a very easy way to level up your beginning pokemon. On Route 32, there is a bridge. After that , near the beginning of the cave, is a pokemon center. Go there and talk to a person, and they will give you the “old rod” Take the old rod to the bridge and fish. You will almost always catch level 10 Magikarp that only know the move “splash”. So you can put a level 4 pokemon out to fight, and they won’t die. So you can get a lot of experience points without taking damage.
This is advice on defeating the ultimate trainer : RedHe has awesomely strong Pokemon:
Pikachu - GroundSnorlax - FightingCharizard - Rock, Water, ElectricBlastoise - Electric, GrassVenusaur - Fire, Poison, FlyingLapras - Fighting, Electric
Ac Easier Way To Defeat Morty
First start out with totadile. Before you battle him evolve totadile into crocanow and let in learn ice fang at level 21. Then battle him and he’ll be easy because ice is super effective to ghost. If you still lose level up more then try again. I do not guarantee it will work though.
Get Rainbow Wing
To get the rainbow wing in pokemon soul silver you need to go to pewter city in the kanto region and talk to a old man on a ledge to the right of pewter city and he will give you the rainbow wing.
Beat Morty Easy
I have a simple trick to beat the 4th gym leader morty. First at the very beginning of your game, choose cyndaquil (it is harder w/o it but not impossible). Next, put cydaquil in your poke-walker and take at least 2,001 steps (not hard) and then use your poke-radar until you catch kangskhan. Get 3 and then deposit cyndaquil. The chance is high that one of them will have scrappy ability. Next at level 22, teach it mega punch and bite. Then go east of ecrtaek and get tm 65 and teach it to kangskhan ke=anskhan should know surf bite mega ounch and shadow claw (tm65) then just challenge morty. It’s that easy!
Unlock the National Dex
You can unlock the National Dex by beating the Elite Four once and then going to the S.S Aqua ship in Olivine City.
Team Rocket Outfit
During the part when you go back to goldenrod. When team rocket takes the radio tower. Go to the underground place. And where you can take pictures there should be a team rocker grunt there. Talk to him and he will give you team rocket outfit. Enjoy it, because it doesn’t stay on for long. *Takes Pics*.
Better Pokemon Modifier
52246C94 2803880012247D8A 0000480102247D8C E0021C3912247BeC 0000200102247D90 00000XXXD2000000 00000000
0001 Bulbasaur0002 Ivysaur0003 Venusaur0004 Charmander0005 Charmeleon0006 Charizard0007 Squirtle0008 Wartortle0009 Blastoise000A Caterpie000B Metapod000C Butterfree000D Weedle000E Kakuna000F Beedrill0010 Pidgey0011 Pidgeotto0012 Pidgeot0013 Rattata0014 Raticate0015 Spearow0016 Fearow0017 Ekans0018 Arbok0019 Pikachu001A Raichu001B Sandshrew001C Sandslash001D Nidoran-F001E Nidorina001F Nidoqueen0020 Nidoran-M0021 Nidorino0022 Nidoking0023 Clefairy0024 Clefable0025 Vulpix0026 Ninetales0027 Jigglypuff0028 Wigglytuff0029 Zubat002A Golbat002B Oddish002C Gloom002D Vileplume002E Paras002F Parasect0030 Venonat0031 Venomoth0032 Diglett0033 Dugtrio0034 Meowth0035 Persian0036 Psyduck0037 Golduck0038 Mankey0039 Primeape003A Growlithe003B Arcanine003C Poliwag003D Poliwhirl003E Poliwrath003F Abra0040 Kadabra0041 Alakazam0042 Machop0043 Machoke0044 Machamp0045 Bellsprout0046 Weepinbell0047 Victreebel0048 Tentacool0049 Tentacruel004A Geodude004B Graveler004C Golem004D Ponyta004E Rapidash004F Slowpoke0050 Slowbro0051 Magnemite0052 Magneton0053 Farfetch'd0054 Doduo0055 Dodrio0056 Seel0057 Dewgong0058 Grimer0059 Muk005A Shellder005B Cloyster005C Gastly005D Haunter005E Gengar005F Onix0060 Drowzee0061 Hypno0062 Krabby0063 Kingler0064 Voltorb0065 Electrode0066 Exeggcute0067 Exeggutor0068 Cubone0069 Marowak006A Hitmonlee006B Hitmonchan006C Lickitung006D Koffing006E Weezing006F Rhyhorn0070 Rhydon0071 Chansey0072 Tangela0073 Kangaskhan0074 Horsea0075 Seadra0076 Goldeen0077 Seaking0078 Staryu0079 Starmie007A Mr. Mime007B Scyther007C Jynx007D Electabuzz007E Magmar007F Pinsir0080 Tauros0081 Magikarp0082 Gyarados0083 Lapras0084 Ditto0085 Eevee0086 Vaporeon0087 Jolteon0088 Flareon0089 Porygon008A Omanyte008B Omastar008C Kabuto008D Kabutops008E Aerodactyl008F Snorlax0090 Articuno0091 Zapdos0092 Moltres0093 Dratini0094 Dragonair0095 Dragonite0096 Mewtwo0097 Mew0098 Chikorita0099 Bayleef009A Meganium009B Cyndaquil009C Quilava009D Typhlosion009E Totodile009F Croconaw00A0 Feraligatr00A1 Sentret00A2 Furret00A3 Hoothoot00A4 Noctowl00A5 Ledyba00A6 Ledian00A7 Spinarak00A8 Ariados00A9 Crobat00AA Chinchou00AB Lanturn00AC Pichu00AD Cleffa00AE Igglybuff00AF Togepi00B0 Togetic00B1 Natu00B2 Xatu00B3 Mareep00B4 Flaaffy00B5 Ampharos00B6 Bellossom00B7 Marill00B8 Azumarill00B9 Sudowoodo00BA Politoed00BB Hoppip00BC Skiploom00BD Jumpluff00BE Aipom00BF Sunkern00C0 Sunflora00C1 Yanma00C2 Wooper00C3 Quagsire00C4 Espeon00C5 Umbreon00C6 Murkrow00C7 Slowking00C8 Misdreavus00C9 Unown00CA Wobbuffet00CB Girafarig00CC Pineco00CD Forretress00CE Dunsparce00CF Gligar00D0 Steelix00D1 Snubbull00D2 Granbull00D3 Qwilfish00D4 Scizor00D5 Shuckle00D6 Heracross00D7 Sneasel00D8 Teddiursa00D9 Ursaring00DA Slugma00DB Magcargo00DC Swinub00DD Piloswine00DE Corsola00DF Remoraid00E0 Octillery00E1 Delibird00E2 Mantine00E3 Skarmory00E4 Houndour00E5 Houndoom00E6 Kingdra00E7 Phanpy00E8 Donphan00E9 Porygon 200EA Stantler00EB Smeargle00EC Tyrogue00ED Hitmontop00EE Smoochum00EF Elekid00F0 Magby00F1 Miltank00F2 Blissey00F3 Raikou00F4 Entei00F5 Suicune00F6 Larvitar00F7 Pupitar00F8 Tyranitar00F9 Lugia00FA Ho-oh00FB Celebi00FC Treecko00FD Grovyle00FE Sceptile00FF Torchic0100 Combusken0101 Blaziken0102 Mudkip0103 Marshtomp0104 Swampert0105 Poochyena0106 Mightyena0107 Zigzagoon0108 Linoone0109 Wurmple010A Silcoon010B Beautifly010C Cascoon010D Dustox010E Lotad010F Lombre0110 Ludicolo0111 Seedot0112 Nuzleaf0113 Shiftry0114 Taillow0115 Swellow0116 Wingull0117 Pelipper0118 Ralts0119 Kirlia011A Gardevoir011B Surskit011C Masquerain011D Shroomish011E Breloom011F Slakoth0120 Vigoroth0121 Slaking0122 Nincada0123 Ninjask0124 Shedinja0125 Whismur0126 Loudred0127 Exploud0128 Makuhita0129 Hariyama012A Azurill012B Nosepass012C Skitty012D Delcatty012E Sableye012F Mawile0130 Aron0131 Lairon0132 Aggron0133 Meditite0134 Medicham0135 Electrike0136 Manectric0137 Plusle0138 Minun0139 Volbeat013A Illumise013B Roselia013C Gulpin013D Swalot013E Carvanha013F Sharpedo0140 Wailmer0141 Wailord0142 Numel0143 Camerupt0144 Torkoal0145 Spoink0146 Grumpig0147 Spinda0148 Trapinch0149 Vibrava014A Flygon014B Cacnea014C Cacturne014D Swablu014E Altaria014F Zangoose0150 Seviper0151 Lunatone0152 Solrock0153 Barboach0154 Whiscash0155 Corphish0156 Crawdaunt0157 Baltoy0158 Claydol0159 Lileep015A Cradily015B Anorith015C Armaldo015D Feebas015E Milotic015F Castform0160 Kecleon0161 Shuppet0162 Banette0163 Duskull0164 Dusclops0165 Tropius0166 Chimecho0167 Absol0168 Wynaut0169 Snorunt016A Glalie016B Spheal016C Sealeo016D Walrein016E Clamperl016F Huntail0170 Gorebyss0171 Relicanth0172 Luvdisc0173 Bagon0174 Shellgon0175 Salamence0176 Beldum0177 Metang0178 Metagross0179 Regirock017A Regice017B Registeel017C Latias017D Latios017E Kyogre017F Groudon0180 Rayquaza0181 Jirachi0182 Deoxys0183 Turtwig0184 Grotle0185 Torterra0186 Chimchar0187 Monferno0188 Infernape0189 Piplup018A Prinplup018B Empoleon018C Starly018D Staravia018E Staraptor018F Bidoof0190 Bibarel0191 Kricketot0192 Kricketune0193 Shinx0194 Luxio0195 Luxray0196 Budew0197 Roserade0198 Cranidos0199 Rampardos019A Shieldon019B Bastiodon019C Burmy019D Wormadam019E Mothim019F Combee01A0 Vespiquen01A1 Pachirisu01A2 Buizel01A3 Floatzel01A4 Cherubi01A5 Cherrim01A6 Shellos01A7 Gastrodon01A8 Ambipom01A9 Drifloon01AA Drifblim01AB Buneary01AC Lopunny01AD Mismagius01AE Honchkrow01AF Glameow01B0 Purugly01B1 Chingling01B2 Stunky01B3 Skuntank01B4 Bronzor01B5 Bronzong01B6 Bonsly01B7 Mime Jr. 01B8 Happiny01B9 Chatot01BA Spiritomb01BB Gible01BC Gabite01BD Garchomp01BE Munchlax01BF Riolu01C0 Lucario01C1 Hippopotas01C2 Hippowdon01C3 Skorupi01C4 Drapion01C5 Croagunk01C6 Toxicroak01C7 Carnivine01C8 Finneon01C9 Lumineon01CA Mantyke01CB Snover01CC Abomasnow01CD Weavile01CE Magnezone01CF Lickilicky01D0 Rhyperior01D1 Tangrowth01D2 Electivire01D3 Magmortar01D4 Togekiss01D5 Yanmega01D6 Leafeon01D7 Glaceon01D8 Gliscor01D9 Mamoswine01DA Porygon-Z01DB Gallade01DC Probopass01DD Dusknoir01DE Froslass01DF Rotom01E0 Uxie01E1 Mesprit01E2 Azelf01E3 Dialga01E4 Palkia01E5 Heatran01E6 Regigigas01E7 Giratina01E8 Cresselia01E9 Phione01EA Manaphy01EB Darkrai01EC Shaymin01ED Arceus
The True Shiny Cheat ( Copy It Right ) Action Replay
5206e128 4284fe81e2000108 00000060021d15a8 41c64e6d00006073 02111880e92d40f0 e51f0010e5900000 e1d018b4e1d028b6 e0217002e1a071a7 e51f1034e51f2034 e51f3034e5910000 e0243290e0253294 e0246005e1a069a6 e156000711a00004 1afffff8e5810000 e8bd80f01206e116 0000f792e206e118 00000010f7b1e800 1c05fe13fe10f7b1 430504000206e128 e0001c28d0000000 00000000
Shiny Pokemon
5206E128 4284FE81E2000108 00000060021D15A8 41C64E6D00006073 02111880E92D40F0 E51F0010E5900000 E1D018B4E1D028B6 E0217002E1A071A7 E51F1034E51F2034 E51F3034E5910000 E0243290E0253294 E0246005E1A069A6 E156000711A00004 1AFFFFF8E5810000 E8BD80F01206E116 0000F792E206E118 00000010F7B1E800 1C05FE13FE10F7B1 430504000206E128 E0001C28D0000000 00000000
Giratina Level One (POKESAV)
POKESAV generated 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E00000B4 000000EC D4E1C7FA A15F0000 67BD1EDB 9D54159B EB1B6CD2 1485D1C5 82282D76 47138979 54ABF521 7DCE6B35 9B16AD1C C73A53FD 573CB0EB F755976B C166C205 A5EB72D3 4B59E0A4 BE288EA6 2B54C9EE 736E3BD5 B49D9B5A AE68176F 1BAE25DE B2A0E949 69E458FF B6CB6B21 96B1ABBB B4653890 6DEDE33D 72E44718 517452C1 B69C8E15 EA5EAC1D C6B5B976 0C99946C 72CE4A00 96310A89 4EFCD0C0 08C1F681 064A86B6 4BC4ED8D E3CF9426 6F8E445A FBA032F5 F58C9173 69825DE0 76981E9E B7F72114 4B99FD96 B37A6005 1C71B3FB 2E09247D 7918B289 76E3CAF7 E1080B8C 8A92A02D DCDC1C93 3F2CC3EF 0E331F63 00000000 D2000000 00000000
How To Get Latias
First activate this cheat:-
94000130 FCFF000062111880 00000000B2111880 0000000020009E4C 0000000310009E50 00000218D2000000 00000000
then go to pewter museum and go to the fossil guy. Steven will be there. Then you will obtain the soul dew. Go outside and latias will be on the road. With steven. (she’s level 40 and knows mist ball. )-steven is the hoenn champion.
Action Replay Codes
Max Cash (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000000000088 000f423fd2000000 00000000 Reset Game Time (Press L+R+SELECT) 94000130 fcfb000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000010000096 0000000010000098 00000000d2000000 00000000 Max Mom Savings (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000000000c0e8 000f423fd2000000 00000000 IN BATTLE CODES: Restore Health (Press START) 94000130 fff7000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000010049e60 000003e810049e64 000003e8d2000000 00000000 1 Hit Kills Pokemon (Press SELECT) 94000130 fffb000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000010049f20 0000000110049f24 00000001d2000000 00000000 Easy Captures 92247612 0000280112247612 00004280d2000000 00000000 Can Capture Trainer Pokemon 9224670a 000021011224670a 00002100d2000000 00000000 RANDOM ENCOUNTER CODES: No Random Encounters (Outside) a4000130 fffc000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000020025a54 00000000d2000000 00000000 Hold B+A While Walking for Encounter (Outside) 94000130 fffc000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000020025a54 000000ffd2000000 00000000 BAG CODES: 900x All Normal Items in Pocket (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 00000384c0000000 000000a1d7000000 00000656dc000000 00000002d2000000 0000000094000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000010000708 000000871000070c 00000088d5000000 00000044c0000000 0000002cd7000000 00000654d4000000 00000001dc000000 00000002d2000000 0000000094000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 000000d5c0000000 00000072d7000000 00000710dc000000 00000002d4000000 00000001d2000000 00000000 900x All Medical Items in Pocket (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 03840011c0000000 00000025d6000000 00000b74d4000000 00000001d2000000 00000000 900x All Berries in Pocket (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 03840095c0000000 0000003fd6000000 00000c14d4000000 00000001d2000000 00000000 900x All Pokeballs in Pocket (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 00000384c0000000 00000017d7000000 00000d16dc000000 00000002d2000000 0000000094000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 00000001c0000000 0000000fd7000000 00000d14d4000000 00000001dc000000 00000002d2000000 0000000094000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 000001ecc0000000 00000007d7000000 00000d54d4000000 00000001dc000000 00000002d2000000 00000000 900x All Battle Items in Pocket (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 03840037c0000000 0000000ed6000000 00000d74d4000000 00000001d2000000 00000000 All Accessories (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000020003f92 0000000900003f94 ffffffff20003f98 0000007fd5000000 00000099c0000000 0000001dd8000000 00003f74d2000000 00000000 99x Red Apricorns (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e568 00000063d2000000 00000000 99x Yellow Apricorns (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e569 00000063d2000000 00000000 99x Blue Apricorns (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e56a 00000063d2000000 00000000 99x Green Apricorns (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e56b 00000063d2000000 00000000 99x Pink Apricorns (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e56c 00000063d2000000 00000000 99x White Apricorns (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e56d 00000063d2000000 00000000 99x Black Apricorns (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e56e 00000063d2000000 00000000 POKEGEAR CODES: All PokeGear Upgrades (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000baf7 00000006d2000000 00000000 Complete Phonebook (Press L+R) 94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 00000000c0000000 0000004ad8000000 0000c0fcd4000000 00000001d2000000 00000000d0000000 00000000 POKEGEAR COLOR THEME CODES: Color Theme 2 62111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000baf6 00000004d2000000 00000000 Color Theme 3 62111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000baf6 00000008d2000000 00000000 Color Theme 4 62111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000baf6 0000000cd2000000 00000000 Color Theme 5 62111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000baf6 00000010d2000000 00000000 Color Theme 6 62111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000baf6 00000014d2000000 00000000 EXP FROM BATTLES CODES: Double Experience (HOLD: R After Battle) a4000130 feff00001206fada 000000681206fb2e 0000e03c0206fb30 078089601206fb44 00000f85d2000000 0000000094000130 feff00001206fada 0000006c1206fb2e 000020020206fb30 e03a43451206fb44 00008965d2000000 00000000 10x Experience (HOLD: R After Battle) a4000130 feff00001206fada 000000681206fb2e 0000e03c0206fb30 078089601206fb44 00000f85d2000000 0000000094000130 feff00001206fada 0000006c1206fb2e 0000200a0206fb30 e03a43451206fb44 00008965d2000000 00000000 100x Experience (HOLD: R After Battle) a4000130 feff00001206fada 000000681206fb2e 0000e03c0206fb30 078089601206fb44 00000f85d2000000 0000000094000130 feff00001206fada 0000006c1206fb2e 000020640206fb30 e03a43451206fb44 00008965d2000000 00000000 200x Experience (HOLD: R After Battle) a4000130 feff00001206fada 000000681206fb2e 0000e03c0206fb30 078089601206fb44 00000f85d2000000 0000000094000130 feff00001206fada 0000006c1206fb2e 000020c80206fb30 e03a43451206fb44 00008965d2000000 00000000
More Action Replay Codes Continued 3 Out Of 3
Restore Health (Press START) [North America]94000130 fff7000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000010049e60 000003e810049e64 000003e8d2000000 00000000Rocket Uniform [North America]This will make your character wear the Team Rocket unifrom. Note: If it doesn't work enter/exit a buildingMale character:62111880 00000000B2111880 0000000010025D90 00000102D2000000 00000000Female Character:62111880 00000000B2111880 0000000010025D90 00000103D2000000 00000000This give you the event Celebi in slot of box 1 [North America]94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000e000f710 00000088685c0014 462a00004e640300 3dcd98aae5015248 2c45a57eebadfb57 a259f35997ee7d12 50622e149db56c71 f1fc55323a497c7d 6e52011ac66c9b7a 9b76815d373d2d40 8c545892b553198b 0b0d2667e2073d3f f46b6618f83dc582 70e5862bb095da94 89df3f1bc8beec3c 00f02aa25ef4424d 2dba035f60a585df df5d19b208d64730 334c5371d2000000 00000000Trainers Never Call You on PokéGear [North America]92251F46 000068A912251F46 00002100D2000000 00000000Walk Through Walls [North America]Press R+B to enable, L+B to disable94000130 FCFD02001205DAA2 00000200D2000000 0000000094000130 FCFD01001205DAA2 00001C20D2000000 00000000WonderGuard Spiritomb (press L+R and your wonderguard spiritomb will appear in box 1 spot 1) [North America]94000130 FCFF0000 B2111880 00000000 E000F710 00000088 28F428F1 E3E90000 3E68B4B2 9846C336 1855455B 55A62214 482DBDDC 9AE7CE85 464BE186 FC316718 26D1CD5D 675CF986 2ABA71D4 8FAAC029 B3E5C0A3 D28C482D 0340F4C0 A6489323 BA3B04C3 0E45E1BE 8FAAB536 00FE1508 E493E19C 72F628A2 5F7343C4 4FEC5E63 B7AF695B D27062D0 C298ACA2 F2DE4987 D976F868 DEE9B6B1 8D6701DA 7E006E2D D2000000 00000000
More Action Replay Codes Continued 2 Out Of 3
Play As Diamond/Pearl Hero Male [North America]62111880 00000000B2111880 0000000010025D90 000000EED2000000 00000000This changes your character's appearance generally, but not during battles. Play As Red [North America]62111880 00000000B2111880 0000000010025D90 000000D3D2000000 00000000This changes your character's appearance generally, but not during battles. Play As Your Rival/Silver [North America]62111880 00000000B2111880 0000000010025D90 00000094D2000000 00000000This changes your character's general appearance, but not during battlesPokemon could learn any TM/HM [North America]920722C6 0000D001120722C6 000046C0D2000000 00000000Pokethlon Point Max (Select) [North America]94000130 FFFB000062111880 00000000B2111880 000000000000E558 0001869FD2000000 00000000Pokewalker Step Count 9999999 (Select) [North America]94000130 FFFB000062111880 00000000B2111880 000000000000E718 0098967FD2000000 00000000Quick Egg Hatch [North America]12029318 000020FEPokémon eggs hatch faster. Lick maby 3 stepsRandom Pokemon Levels [North America]Wild Pokemon you encounter in tall grass have a completely random level. It can range from 1 to 100. DB000000 021D15AAD8000000 022186DCD2000000 00000000622186DC 00000000322186DC 00000065DB000000 022186DCB2111880 00000000C0000000 0000000BD8000000 00025A5CD2000000 00000000eRebatle DIALGA, PALKIA and GIRATINA [North America]94000130 FFF30000B2110DC0 0000000020000FEA 0000000120000FF8 0000000020000FFA 00000000200010E7 0000009E2000112F 000000D3D2000000 00000000You need the event Arceus, press Start+Select and go do the event like normal. Rebatle HO-OH [North America]94000130 FFF30000B2110DC0 00000000200010F4 000000702000111C 000000B9D2000000 00000000Press Start+Select before entering the roof of the Tin Tower. Rebatle SUICUNE [North America]94000130 FFF30000B2110DC0 0000000020001128 000000FD2000112A 00000018D2000000 00000000Press Start+Select while in the house close to Suicune and then exit. Rebatle ZAPDOS [North America]94000130 FFF30000B2110DC0 0000000020001126 00000000D2000000 00000000Press Start+Select while in the Power Plant then exit. Rebattle Trainers [North America]Hold R and talk to them. 02040EA8 F7FF68E094000130 FEFF000002040EA8 E0002000D0000000 00000000Hold L and talk to them. 02040EA8 F7FF68E094000130 FDFF000002040EA8 E0002000D0000000 00000000Remove Badges (Select+Down) [North America]94000130 FF7B000062111880 00000000B2111880 000000002000008E 0000000020000093 00000000D2000000 00000000Repel 255 Steps L+R [North America]94000130 FCFF000062111880 00000000B2111880 0000000020006919 000000FFD2000000 00000000Reset Game Time (Press L+R+SELECT) [North America]94000130 fcfb000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000010000096 0000000010000098 00000000d2000000 00000000
More Action Replay Codes
Master Code [North America]IPGE is the game ID. The actual code is the second part. IPGE-2D5118CA1 Hit Kills Pokemon (Press SELECT) [North America]94000130 fffb000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000010049f20 0000000110049f24 00000001d2000000 00000000100% Catch Rate [North America]92247612 0000280112247612 00004280D2000000 000000009224670A 000021011224670A 00002100D2000000 00000000Able To Recollect PKMN Egg From Professor Oak (L+R) [North America]94000130 FCFF000062111880 00000000B2111880 0000000020001056 00000001D2000000 00000000All Medicine (Select + Up) [North America]94000130 FFBB000062111880 00000000B2111880 00000000D5000000 03DE0011C0000000 00000025D6000000 00000B74D4000000 00000001D2000000 00000000All PokeWalker Course (Select) [North America]94000130 FFFB000062111880 00000000B2111880 000000000000E71C 07FFFFFFD2000000 00000000All Safari Block (L+R) [North America]94000130 FCFF000062111880 00000000B2111880 000000002000C745 00000007D2000000 00000000Awesome Elekid (L+R) [North America]Press L+R and the cheat will be activated! Elekid will appear in box 17, slot 22! 94000130 FCFF0000B2111880 00000000E0020238 0000008857F3E3FD 26D3000078CEA7DB 5638E4F63678B4E9 A9DA84080668BA76 661DEC264002C362 C404A51BC796FE73 7C2B2D82810419E0 73C394DF3D968925 DEB70F055345BF3F AB2F0B4CF838D73E 873BF37AA088679A 014CBB14D0C14ADA 7EC730C3E62930E4 A88F6C018E329E29 5D2524236616FC62 F957F6304595DC31 7C154AE8FE9FBD10 0C7124DFD2000000 00000000Awesome Mewtwo (L+R) [North America]Press L+R and the Mewtwo is in box 17, slot 2494000130 FCFF0000B2111880 00000000E0020348 0000008874B3DCEB A13C0000CABA2197 106983B71DC4367D AA2C9A78EEB801B9 17EBE20E99E1B6AA 70E0786D4CB00FE7 AE1C0F290E992E9D FC7F954CCC75AFE6 F99C5A0C6D34CAE3 B924F836535CD7AB 8040B8726ECB4EF5 84AA41DF888B336A 35A419AFA61BBDFF 3102B59C12BC1EBD 280A4DA081D4DE8D 4BE1B1EAED647B15 CC18E6CA2A65810B A4A7B5FAD2000000 00000000BAG CODES items [North America]900x All Normal Items in Pocket (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 00000384c0000000 000000a1d7000000 00000656dc000000 00000002d2000000 0000000094000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000010000708 000000871000070c 00000088d5000000 00000044c0000000 0000002cd7000000 00000654d4000000 00000001dc000000 00000002d2000000 0000000094000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 000000d5c0000000 00000072d7000000 00000710dc000000 00000002d4000000 00000001d2000000 00000000900x All Medical Items in Pocket (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 03840011c0000000 00000025d6000000 00000b74d4000000 00000001d2000000 00000000900x All Berries in Pocket (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 03840095c0000000 0000003fd6000000 00000c14d4000000 00000001d2000000 00000000900x All Pokeballs in Pocket (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 00000384c0000000 00000017d7000000 00000d16dc000000 00000002d2000000 0000000094000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 00000001c0000000 0000000fd7000000 00000d14d4000000 00000001dc000000 00000002d2000000 0000000094000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 000001ecc0000000 00000007d7000000 00000d54d4000000 00000001dc000000 00000002d2000000 00000000900x All Battle Items in Pocket (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 00000000d5000000 03840037c0000000 0000000ed6000000 00000d74d4000000 00000001d2000000 00000000All Accessories (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000020003f92 0000000900003f94 ffffffff20003f98 0000007fd5000000 00000099c0000000 0000001dd8000000 00003f74d2000000 0000000099x Red Apricorns (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e568 00000063d2000000 0000000099x Yellow Apricorns (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e569 00000063d2000000 0000000099x Blue Apricorns (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e56a 00000063d2000000 0000000099x Green Apricorns (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e56b 00000063d2000000 0000000099x Pink Apricorns (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e56c 00000063d2000000 0000000099x White Apricorns (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e56d 00000063d2000000 0000000099x Black Apricorns (Press L+R)94000130 fcff000062111880 00000000b2111880 000000002000e56e 00000063d2000000 00000000Change a Pokemon's Ability by Marking them [North America]1206F04A 000020XX1206F04E 00007378Replace XX with the value of the desired ability in the table below. - 00Adaptability 5BAftermath 6AAir Lock 4CAnger Point 53Anticipation 6BArena Trap 47Bad Dreams 7BBattle Armor 04Blaze 42Chlorophyll 22Clear Body 1DCloud Nine 0DColor Change 10Compoundeyes 0ECute Charm 38Damp 06Download 58Drizzle 02Drought 46Dry Skin 57Early Bird 30Effect Spore 1BFilter 6FFlame Body 31Flash Fire 12Flower Gift 7AForecast 3BForewarn 6CFrisk 77Gluttony 52Guts 3EHeatproof 55Honey Gather 76Huge Power 25Hustle 37Hydration 5DHyper Cutter 34Ice Body 73Illuminate 23Immunity 11Inner Focus 27Insomnia 0FIntimidate 16Iron Fist 59Keen Eye 33Klutz 67Leaf Guard 66Levitate 1ALightningrod 1FLimber 07Liquid Ooze 40Magic Guard 62Magma Armor 28Magnet Pull 2AMarvel Scale 3FMinus 3AMold Breaker 68Motor Drive 4EMultitype 79Natural Cure 1ENo Guard 63Normalize 60Oblivious 0COvergrow 41Own Tempo 14Pickup 35Plus 39Poison Heal 5APoison Point 26Pressure 2EPure Power 4AQuick Feet 5FRain Dish 2CReckless 78Rivalry 4FRock Head 45Rough Skin 18Run Away 32Sand Stream 2DSand Veil 08Scrappy 71Serene Grace 20Shadow Tag 17Shed Skin 3DShell Armor 4BShield Dust 13Simple 56Skill Link 5CSlow Start 70Sniper 61Snow Cloak 51Snow Warning 75Solar Power 5ESolid Rock 74Soundproof 2BSpeed Boost 03Stall 64Static 09Steadfast 50Stench 01Sticky Hold 3CStorm Drain 72Sturdy 05Suction Cups 15Super Luck 69Swarm 44Swift Swim 21Synchronize 1CTangled Feet 4DTechnician 65Thick Fat 2FTinted Lens 6ETorrent 43Trace 24Truant 36Unaware 6DUnburden 54Vital Spirit 48Volt Absorb 0AWater Absorb 0BWater Veil 29White Smoke 49Wonder Guard 19Tested & worksChange Gender To Boy [North America]Press L+R To Activate the code. Warning: You will be a Boy and your name will be changed to Silver. Your Multiplayer Avatar is the Male Ace Trainer! This is my first Code made! Here is the code:94000130 FCFF0000B2110DC0 000000002000008F 0000000BE0000074 00000010014D013D 015A015001560149 0000FFFF2000008C 00000000D2000000 00000000Collected 50000 Coins (Select) [North America]94000130 FFFB000062111880 00000000B2111880 0000000010000094 0000C350D2000000 00000000Egg Nature/Gender Modifier [North America]94000136 fffe0000b2101d40 00000000e0001840 00000005XXba0fYY 00000002d2000000 00000000• Male – 8e• Female – 00• Rash Male – 01• Rash Female – 0d• Timid Male – 02• Timid Female – 0e• Lonely Male – 03• Lonely Female – 0f• Quiet Male – 04• Quiet Female – 10• Impish Male – 05• Impish Female – 11• Quirky Male – 06• Quirky Female – 12• Modest Male – 07• Modest Female – 13• Docile Male - 08• Docile Female – 14• Sassy Male – 09• Sassy Female – 15• Jolly Male – 0a• Jolly Female – 16• Naughty Male – 0b• Naughty Female – 17• Calm Male – 0c• Calm Female – 18• Hasty Male – 0d• Hasty Female – 19• Brave Male – 0e• Brave Female – 01• Bashful Male – 0f• Bashful Female – 02• Hardy Male – 11• Hardy Female – 04• Mild Male – 12• Mild Female – 05• Relaxed Male – 13• Relaxed Female – 06• Careful Male – 14• Careful Female – 07• Naive Male – 15• Naive Female – 08• Bold Male – 16• Bold Female – 09• Gentle Male – 17• Gentle Female – 0a• Serious Male – 18• Serious Female – 0b• Adamant Male – 19• Adamant Female – 0c• Lax Male – 8e• Lax Female – 03Encounter Pokemon Outside of Grass or Caves [North America]In order to encounter Wild Pokemon wherever you may stand (as long as it is outdoors), input this code:94000130 fffc000062111880 00000000b2111880 0000000020025a54 000000ffd2000000 00000000You must hold down B+A while walking in order to activate this code.
More Action Replay Codes Continued 1
Gain EXP After Battles [North America]2x EXP1206FADA 0000006C1206FB2E 000020020206FB30 E03A43451206FB44 000089654x EXP1206FADA 0000006C1206FB2E 000020040206FB30 E03A43451206FB44 00008965Game Play Time 0:00:00 (Select) [North America]94000130 FFFB000062111880 00000000B2111880 0000000010000096 0000000010000098 00000000D2000000 00000000Increase Message Speed [North America]12002346 00002100120202EE 00001C0C120202F0 000048181202031E 0000BD1002020320 E7E53C2D1202032E 0000D0DF1202033A 0000E7F1Level mod 1-100 (NO ACTIVATOR) [North America]modifies wild pokemon levelreplace the xx to get a level01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A (1-10)0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 (11-20)15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E (21-30)1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (31-40)29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 (41-50)33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C (51-60)3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 (61-70)47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 (71-80)51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A (81-90)5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 (91-100)52246C94 2803880012247BEC 000020xxD2000000 00000000Manaphy Egg (L+R) [North America]Press (L+R)Activate the code before you go into the Pokemart and go collect your Manaphy Egg from the delivery guy. 94000130 FCFF000062111880 00000000B2111880 000000002000A054 00000007D2000000 00000000Marking a Pokemon in the PC Gives it 5 Shiny Leaves [North America]1206F04A 0000201F1206F04E 00007668Go to BILL's PC, highlight the Pokemon you want to give 5 Shiny Leaves to, choose "Marking", choose any marking object, & choose "Conferm". If you want, go to the house in New Bark Town south of your house, & talk to your friend & he/she will make a Crown from the Shiny Leaves to put on the Pokemon you used the code on. Menu shows TRAINER instead of name for Trainer Card [North America]220000FF 00000000520269DC 8822806A020269DC FB90F7D9E20000FC 0000004C00000000 8822806A480AB4EB D10F456005092120 200131FF4298780B 7008D00288224C05 38010400D1014290 700820004770BCEB 020B89C802000138 013C013E0133012B 012F0138FFFF013C 00000000D2000000 00000000no restrictions in battle frontier [North America]92072702 0000d10212072702 0000e002d2000000 00000000Obtain All HM & TMs. [North America]Obtain all TMs (99x) & HMs (may cause loss of the ability to progress in the game - tip; use after E4)Activate by pressing both L and R buttons94000130 FCFF000062111880 00000000B2111880 00000000D5000000 00630148C0000000 00000063D6000000 000009B0D4000000 00000001D2000000 00000000.
Stars for Cards
Red Card :You start with thisBlue Card : Obtain 1 starBronze Card : Obtain 2 starsSilver Card : Obtain 3 starsGold Card : Obtain 4 starsBlack Card : Obtain all 5 stars
Unlockable Powerwalker Routes
Amity Meadow : Unreleased to all versions. Beautiful Beach : Collect 200 Watts. Beyond the Sea : Trade for an International Pokemon in the GTS in GoldenrodCity. Big Forest : Collect 40,000 Watts + National Dex. Blue Lake : Collect 2,000 Watts. Dim Cave : Collect 1,000 Watts. Hoenn Field : Collect 5,000 Watts + National Dex. Icy Mountain Road : Collect 30,000 Watts + National Dex. Night Skys Edge : Obtain the PokeDex Data for Jirachi. Quiet Cave : Collect 100,000 Watts + National Dex. Rally : Unreleased to U.S. versions. Rugged Road : Collect 50 Watts. Scary Cave : Collect 20,000 Watts + National Dex. Sightseeing : Unreleased to U.S. versions. Sinnoh Field : Collect 25,000 Watts + National Dex. Stormy Beach : Collect 65,000 Watts + National Dex. Suburban Area : Collect 500 Watts. The Resort : Collect 80,000 Watts + National Dex. Town Outskirts : Collect 3,000 Watts. Treehouse : Collect 15,000 Watts + National Dex. Volcano Path : Collect 10,000 Watts + National Dex. Warm Beach : Collect 7,500 Watts + National Dex. White Lake : Collect 50,000 Watts + National Dex. Winner’s Path : Nintendo Wifi Mystery Gift from 05/06/10 to 06/25/10 Yellow Forest : Nintendo Wifi Mystery Gift from 04/01/10 to 05/05/10
Easter eggs
Egg Groups
Here are some basics of pokemon breeding: 1. Egg groups. Monster, dragon, ground, bug, plant, water a, water b, water c, indeterminate, fairy, human shape, mineral and no egg. Also, ditto. To breed they HAVE to be in the same group (ditto group is all, no egg group can’t breed). They’ll breed if quicker if one is traded, if they like each other and to make the egg hatch quicker, have someone have magma armor. The egg will always be the mother, but may have some daddy moves (dad dragonite w/ dragon breath+ mom sceptile=treeko w/ dragon breath.
Currently we have no glitches for Pokemon SoulSilver Version yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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