#No heat no electricity no water in near future what then??!
reasonsforhope · 16 hours
Masterpost: Reasons I firmly believe we will beat climate change
Posts are in reverse chronological order (by post date, not article date), mostly taken from my "climate change tag," which I went through all the way back to the literal beginning of my blog. Will update periodically.
Especially big deal articles/posts are in bold.
Big picture:
Mature trees offer hope in world of rising emissions (x)
Spying from space: How satellites can help identify and rein in a potent climate pollutant (x)
Good news: Tiny urban green spaces can cool cities and save lives (x)
Conservation and economic development go hand in hand, more often than expected (x)
The exponential growth of solar power will change the world (x)
Sun Machines: Solar, an energy that gets cheaper and cheaper, is going to be huge (x)
Wealthy nations finally deliver promised climate aid, as calls for more equitable funding for poor countries grow (x)
For Earth Day 2024, experts are spreading optimism – not doom. Here's why. (x)
Opinion: I’m a Climate Scientist. I’m Not Screaming Into the Void Anymore. (x)
The World’s Forests Are Doing Much Better Than We Think (x)
‘Staggering’ green growth gives hope for 1.5C, says global energy chief (x)
Beyond Catastrophe: A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View (x)
Young Forests Capture Carbon Quicker than Previously Thought (x)
Yes, climate change can be beaten by 2050. Here's how. (x)
Soil improvements could keep planet within 1.5C heating target, research shows (x)
The global treaty to save the ozone layer has also slowed Arctic ice melt (x)
The doomers are wrong about humanity’s future — and its past (x)
Scientists Find Methane is Actually Offsetting 30% of its Own Heating Effect on Planet (x)
Are debt-for-climate swaps finally taking off? (x)
High seas treaty: historic deal to protect international waters finally reached at UN (x)
How Could Positive ‘Tipping Points’ Accelerate Climate Action? (x)
Specific examples:
Environmental Campaigners Celebrate As Labour Ends Tory Ban On New Onshore Wind Projects (x)
Private firms are driving a revolution in solar power in Africa (x)
How the small Pacific island nation of Vanuatu drastically cut plastic pollution (x)
Rewilding sites have seen 400% increase in jobs since 2008, research finds [Scotland] (x)
The American Climate Corps take flight, with most jobs based in the West (x)
Waste Heat Generated from Electronics to Warm Finnish City in Winter Thanks to Groundbreaking Thermal Energy Project (x)
Climate protection is now a human right — and lawsuits will follow [European Union] (x)
A new EU ecocide law ‘marks the end of impunity for environmental criminals’ (x)
Solar hits a renewable energy milestone not seen since WWII [United States] (x)
These are the climate grannies. They’ll do whatever it takes to protect their grandchildren. [United States and Native American Nations] (x)
Century of Tree Planting Stalls the Warming Effects in the Eastern United States, Says Study (x)
Chart: Wind and solar are closing in on fossil fuels in the EU (x)
UK use of gas and coal for electricity at lowest since 1957, figures show (x)
Countries That Generate 100% Renewable Energy Electricity (x)
Indigenous advocacy leads to largest dam removal project in US history [United States and Native American Nations] (x)
India’s clean energy transition is rapidly underway, benefiting the entire world (x)
China is set to shatter its wind and solar target five years early, new report finds (x)
‘Game changing’: spate of US lawsuits calls big oil to account for climate crisis (x)
Largest-ever data set collection shows how coral reefs can survive climate change (x)
The Biggest Climate Bill of Your Life - But What Does It DO? [United States] (x)
Good Climate News: Headline Roundup April 1st through April 15th, 2023 (x)
How agroforestry can restore degraded lands and provide income in the Amazon (x) [Brazil]
Loss of Climate-Crucial Mangrove Forests Has Slowed to Near-Negligable Amount Worldwide, Report Hails (x)
Agroecology schools help communities restore degraded land in Guatemala (x)
Climate adaptation:
Solar-powered generators pull clean drinking water 'from thin air,' aiding communities in need: 'It transforms lives' (x)
‘Sponge’ Cities Combat Urban Flooding by Letting Nature Do the Work [China] (x)
Indian Engineers Tackle Water Shortages with Star Wars Tech in Kerala (x)
A green roof or rooftop solar? You can combine them in a biosolar roof — boosting both biodiversity and power output (x)
Global death tolls from natural disasters have actually plummeted over the last century (x)
Los Angeles Just Proved How Spongy a City Can Be (x)
This city turns sewage into drinking water in 24 hours. The concept is catching on [Namibia] (x)
Plants teach their offspring how to adapt to climate change, scientists find (x)
Resurrecting Climate-Resilient Rice in India (x)
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a-silent-observer · 5 months
Everything is so bad ngl. Except for the weather. The weather is good
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roughribo · 4 months
How to do waxwriting play:
I've always loved waxplay, as a sadist I get a lot of joy out of watching my partner squirm in pain. But as a writer I've always had lots of fun playing around with the idea of bodywriting kink and using my partner's body as my writing canvas. One day several years ago I decided to combine my interests in waxplay and bodywriting and not only were the results stunning, but it was surprisingly easy to do. I've searched for it online, I've been to kink events, but I've never seen anyone mention it. It kind of feels like I just invented a new kink in a way.
The result is what I call "waxwriting," an activity that combines the fun of writing on someone with the sadomasochism of hot wax.
The supplies:
Waxplay candles (soy preferred, paraffin not recommended)
A set of kid's watercolor paint brushes
Electric wax warmer (or way to heat and control temperature of the wax without an open flame)
Towel/paper towels for brush cleanup
Safety rant:
The most important thing about this is having a way to have a sustained small pool of melted wax at a SAFE and controlled temperature. I achieved this by using soy waxplay candles and a wax warmer that I normally used to make my home smell good.
However, this is a big important point I want to make, do NOT assume that a wax warmer will heat your wax to a safe temperature. While most warmers fall in that range, please take temperature measurements by using water and a thermometer in the saucer of the wax warmer and practice the actual technique with caution before ever trying this on a live person.
Temperatures near and above 150 Fahrenheit (65 Celsius) are unsafe and are likely to blister and burn the skin but even before that point, some people find temperature play above 130 Fahrenheit (54 Celsius) to be a hard limit, so have a talk with your sub about preferences or run a "sexperiment", a nonsexual play session dedicated to playing out a high risk scene ahead of time to figure out the logistics of the scene and the limits of the people playing in the scene. Being able to do a dry run of a scene beforehand can give you invaluable information for how to conduct future play. And no it doesn't lessen the magic of the actual scene late on.
Some logistics:
Okay safety tangent over. For now. Since soy wax has a lower melting point of roughly 113-127 degrees Fahrenheit (45-54 degrees Celsius), it sits firmly in the middle of the temperature range that most commercially available home wax warmers tend to heat up to of 100-150 degrees Fahrenheit (38-65 degrees Celsius). For reference, my wax warmer averaged 130 Fahrenheit (54 Celsius)
I had less luck with paraffin wax candles because they had a higher melting point of around 115-142 degrees Fahrenheit (46-61 degrees Celsius) but also tended to cool quicker making them unsuitable for transferring to the skin via the paintbrush because the paraffin wax would just harden on the brush before I could write with it.
Soy wax actually retained heat long enough for me to write strokes across my skin while still being that sadistic pleasurable temperature. Because the thermal conduction of paraffin wax is greater than that of soy wax I recommend using soy wax candles for this activity, as the retention of heat is crucial for actually writing on your submissive.
The actual tutorial:
The actual technique is fairly simple. Put your wax into the wax warmer now that you have established the wax warmer heats to a safe temperature (I had to cut the candle with a butterknife and remove the wick). Heat your wax using your wax warmer and let it become liquid. Grab a smaller brush from your kit, I found that flat brushes with a width of 4mm to 6mm produced the best results, but you could go bigger if you wanted, there are just certain downsides I will discuss later.
Dip your paintbrush in the liquid wax and get it thoroughly soaked in wax. The next part is the simplest part to understand but hardest to master. The moment you remove your brush from the wax, it will start to cool, so it's important that the distance between your wax warmer and the body you're writing on is close and you must get a feel for the timing between soaking the paintbrush and applying it to the submissive that gives your submissive that "almost too warm" sensation and not be too hot or too cold. For me in my experiments, this was roughly a second.
Do not press into the skin, or else you will deposit all of the wax at once. Run the head of the brush over the skin and the wax will come off naturally before it starts to get too cool to apply to the skin, or roughly 3-4 seconds, in my experience. Depending on how fast you write this could be roughly anywhere from 2-5 letters per dip of the brush.
Which brings me to my first con of this activity. Unlike just dripping or pouring wax over someone's body, waxwriting has these frequent pauses while reapplying wax to the brush. I personally am not bothered by this, but know that it may be inconvenient for others.
The next con is this: the wider the brush the more dipping you need to do and your wax gets used up quicker because of the size of the lettering you need to do. Keeping your brushes and letters smaller tended to let me write more efficiently with letters roughly an inch in size. But if you want to write "SLUT" in huge broad strokes to embarrass your sub, by all means, grab a larger brush, just keep an eye on the wax you have available so you don't wind up with just "SLU" before you run out of wax.
The third con is that you may need to take breaks to heat up more wax. As I only had the one wax warmer I occasionally needed to stop to heat more wax. I found when using the smaller flat brushes the wax will actually last for a while. The smaller the brush you go, the longer you can write on someone for before needing to refill.
The final con is cleanup because it's very clear these paintbrushes will not last forever, and wax is even harder to clean out of the bristles than paint. Running it under hot water and taking a paper towel to them helped, however, somebody could always butt in and tell me I'm doing this wrong and there's an easier way to remove wax from bristles I'm just not familiar with.
Public Service Sub Announcement:
Has your sub drank water today? Make them. More news at 11.
In conclusion:
Be safe and happy waxwriting. Feel free to share any results in a reblog or tag. It's a fun way to introduce pain into bodywriting kink that feels very intimate and has the added bonus of being very photogenic.
I've been wanting to share this knowledge for a while ever since I discovered it years and years ago. I recently came across my documentation for the initial experiments and decided to present everything here on tumblr and share my findings. It's definitely a niche activity but I think it has so much potential for a BDSM date night, a kinky photoshoot, or maybe even as an activity at your local dungeon.
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sahisan · 10 months
it's rlly about time i understood that nobody cares about ukraine anymore after these 9 (2 for non-ukrainians) years.
like, i mean
20 percent of ukraine's territory is occupied by russia for almost two years of the full-scale war already.
mariupol - a city in south - does not exist anymore, thousands of people died there, thanks to russia. russian aviation dropped a bomb on a drama theater which had a large inscription "KIDS" near the building. in the theater there were not azov military, but people, families, children and newborn kids. all of them died under the rubble. mariupol - even as a "city" under russian occupation - does not exist.
nova kakhovka dam was blown up in summer 2023, resulting in one of kherson's banks being completely flooded, with dnipro river's water reaching the private houses' roofs; resulting in corpses of people and animals floating in the stream of this very water for kilometres away from kherson.
russia keeps bombing every single thing they can fucking reach, be it hospitals, schools, kindergartens, clubs, apartment buildings with people in there. they do not care about anything but destroying ukraine and killing ukrainians.
russia is planning on bombing ukraine's power stations in winter to cause blackouts for the whole country like it was in winter 2022-23. they want us to suffer without light, electricity, mobile connection and heat, that's why they're planning it on winter - they want ukrainians to freeze to death.
russia threatened to blow up the nova kakhovka dam. they did it. now russia is threatening to blow up the currently occupied zaporizhzhia npp, which is a threat to every single country in not only europe, but in the whole world. it will be a catastrophic event if it happens - remember chernobyl?
russia is not only putin. russia is every russian - every russian who is killing ukrainians at the war, every russian who supports putin, every russian who lives in russia.
and what i've listed isn't even a 2% of what russians have done.
there is no such thing as "a good russian". because a good russian is a dead russian.
have a good day and support ukraine. donate. don't be silent.
World Central Kitchen.
Voices of Children.
Humanity & Inclusion.
Future For Ukraine.
The UN Refugee Agency.
Community Organized Relief Effort.
Come Back Alive.
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byte-the-bullet · 6 months
A slacker’s philosophy
Page 1-Motivation and Yue
Don’t do anything more than you’re told to-you might have extra pressure put on you.
Never say no, but only do what you’re asked to-do not take initiative.
Live comfortably and relax, who needs stress when you’re doing just fine as a doormat?
Do the bare minimum. Never turn things in early and make sure everything is done to the minimum standard.
All play, no work-find a way to escape responsibilities at all costs. No matter who you see, are they really happy? The overachievers, who try everything to their fullest.
The advanced, being told they’re gifted.
The talented, worshiped by those beneath them.
The famous, with lives of sparkling gold.
But the slacker? The failure? Those who are called lazy, and ignorant?
Ignore them, we are told. 
They are useless scum, we are assured.
But then we see those people who have told us these things.
The overachievers, who will soon meet failure-tears streaming down their faces.
The advanced, thrown away and exhausted-told they are broken and needy.
The talented, crumbling at jealousy and dwindling skill-dropping dead at a hint of criticism.
The famous, surrounded by controversy and lies-brought blood by those who once loved them.
See, the slacker who spends all day in blissful rest.
See, the failure who has no worries about their future.
See, the ignorant who are unaware of the things others think. 
They all share in common these things, they do not fear death, they live life without regret, they exist not to be great-but to be happy. ‘Slacker’ is a compliment, to be a failure is to be happy.
And he is happy. This ‘Slacker’ is named Yue Lynne, a young man with the gift of being completely, and utterly, useless. Yue is the very definition of a slacker-he sits around all day, every day. A middle school dropout who used to be a prodigy, now going around living in a run-down tiny house without heating and without electricity or water, not old enough to drink, and without a driver’s license. He works part time at a call center, and just kind of… Exists. Yue doesn’t worry, he doesn’t stress, he just casually exits. Well… Today is just another day, Yue is just lounging around in the break room at his work, taking his sweet time falling asleep in the not-so-comfortable plastic chairs, looking at the peeling light gray walls and the dust-packed vents, the refrigerator he’s stolen food from so many times before, and the stupidly heavy metal door. Yue stands up, yawning and walking over to the dirty white refrigerator-he only stood up because he had to eat something-and so he pulled open the refrigerator door, eyeing up someone else’s lunch and quickly snatching it, making sure to avoid the unidentified rotting substance near his hand. He popped the food in the microwave for about a minute, then proceeded to eat it without even bothering to read the label on the container or check what kind of food it was. He didn’t even take a second to taste the food, instead wolfing it down until there was nothing left-only to come to the realization that there was another man watching him eat. “Yue.” And that other man looked very upset. “That was my lunch, you bastard…” Yue, however, completely ignored this-responding with a quick-“Oh? Okay, I won’t do it again.” Of course this was a lie, but the other man simply shook his head and walked off with a sigh. By now it was about time to leave, it’s not like Yue ever stuck around for the full work day-especially not when he knew that he was getting paid to do nothing; he’d disconnected his company phone and computer years ago on his first day. And of course everyone knew; and everyone wondered how Yue was getting away with it… Maybe he’d somehow cornered the company, or maybe their boss just liked Yue? No, Yue hadn’t done anything like that-he’d be too lazy to come up with some elaborate plot. But there he was. Four years of doing absolutely jack shit, hired at 18, turning 21 in September, with a cozy life of daydreaming and sleep ahead of him. He was the definition of a slacker, an eternal laze without wants or needs, someone unbothered by the world and people around him… He could go wherever he wanted on foot, do whatever he wanted with a hundred in his pocket, and exist in peace forever. On a whim, he decided to go to a nearby church, peering inside he couldn’t help but laugh to himself-so many people all putting in such an effort when a good 70% don’t even believe all of it. He shook his head and kept walking, stopping dead in his tracks as he looked over at a poster-a new art gallery? Here? In this flavorless city? He had to see it, so for once in his life he made an effort to get there.
Kicking trash out of the sidewalk and putting it in dustbins as he walked, collecting the occasional old coin or ripped paper bill, all the way until he made it to the gallery-an art museum he’d been to many times before just to laugh at the people dissecting a paint splatter on the floor. At one point he glued a shoe to the ceiling and watched stuck-up critics praise the ‘creativity’ and ‘excellence’-only for Yue to be unable to hold in his laughter. This time however, he was greeted by a stunning ceramic sculpture of some kind of ancient dragon ten feet tall, an impossible feat to be sure. He stood there for a good thirty minutes, just staring at it, taking in the sight. His human, pale green eyes locked on the dragon’s light blue eyes, his pale skin shimmering like the beautiful sculpture’s cold white scales, his hand reached out to graze the sculpture- to trail over it’s carefully crafted teal ceramic fur, despite the twenty or so ‘DO NOT TOUCH’ signs pasted around it. He was awestruck, only to be pulled away by one very confused looking woman. “Are you alright sir?” Yue ignored her, completely enamored with the sculpture until he was smacked on the head. “Snap outta it, I get that it’s pretty but it’s just a sculpture.” The woman was now crass, rolling her eyes. “You art geeks sure are a weird ass bunch.” She proceeded to walk off, leaving Yue significantly confused and now slightly concussed. After taking one last look at the dragon, Yue had to remind himself-“Just… Just a sculpture. Nothing more.” And he began walking to observe the other new exhibits. Each piece was intricate, all forming something incredible-he now stood in front of a clay landscape of deep China blue and cold white, detailing a heaven that was far too beautiful for him to avert his gaze from, each ceramic animal was so detailed, gazing over a lake of mirror, and a waterfall stopped in time made of stunning silver glass-each and every leaf or blade of grass was delicately sculpted and polished-and Yue just… He couldn’t look away. But again he was interrupted, this time by a young man his age-“Do you like it?” The young man’s head tilted, and Yue responded quickly this time-“Yes, I-I… It’s beautiful.” The young man gave a slight giggle, “Oh, you do? Then tell me why you think it’s beautiful.” Yue didn’t spare a moment before again responding-“Because it must’ve been ridiculously stressful.” The man’s eyes narrowed a little bit in confusion, and he quietly responded-“Well… That’s certainly a… ‘Unique’ view..? Why do you think it’d be stressful..?”
Yue again responded instantly, “Nobody would put that much effort into something without a reason to, so it’s safe to assume that the reason was some kind of pressure.” Now thoroughly baffled, the young man responds-“Well… I guess that makes sense..?” Yue looks at the younger man fully now, he’s around the same height as Yue with pale freckled skin and doe like hazel and green eyes, thin eyebrows and a rather tiny frame too. The young man’s bitten down nails are attached to soft looking hands grasping a studio camera, and his relaxed shoulders carry a small leather messenger’s bag. His hair is a rusted umber color, held in a short ponytail and accompanied by sideswiped bangs. “Are you some kind of photographer? Do you work for the museum?” Yue stepped back, and the other man now stepped forward with a smile. “Yes! I’m a photographer, I mean- I don’t work for the museum but- I do work for a few arts magazines! My name is Leo Mux!” Yue hadn’t heard his name before, other than the occasional mention from the magazine’s his mom had kept, but he attempted to meet the enthusiastic reply-“Oh, my name is Yue Lynne, I think I’ve heard of you…” Leo immediately lit up even more, now directly invading Yue’s personal space. “Really?! That’s great! I had no idea that anyone all the way out here would know about me!” Leo seemed all too excited, and was now only half a foot away from Yue-who not only didn’t mind, but enjoyed being able to talk to someone so energetic. “I’ve seen your name on a few magazines, yeah.” Yue responded, and Leo happily nodded and backed away-this time Yue was the one to close the gap and get closer to Leo. “Wow… I had no idea..!” Leo’s response was a bit too enthusiastic for Yue, but he tolerated it well and kept talking to him. “So… Leo, what do you like taking pictures of?” Leo finally quit moving around so much, seeming a lot calmer. “Just about anything I can get pa-“ Yue cut him off with-“No, what do you like taking photos of?” And Leo paused, a little stunned, then responded with a bright smile, “Everything! Sometimes I just run around with my old cheap camera and take pictures of everything in sight…” ‘He’s like a little kid.’ Yue couldn’t help but think, before getting an idea. “Oh? Everything? Then if I took you around the city, you’d end up with a bunch of photos at the end of the day, right?” Yue’s idea was simple-and just about the most effort he’d ever put into anything; take Leo, and drag him around the city, post the photos on the city hall’s webpage (and a few social media sites) and hopefully get one or two new faces into the dreary ass place. Yue didn’t really understand why he was exerting so much effort, but he had the time, and the energy, and now… “Yeah! That’d be amazing-thanks for offering!” He had Leo’s response. And so Yue went home after securing Leo’s number, and spent the rest of the day doing absolutely nothing.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Pioneering the future of materials extraction
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/pioneering-the-future-of-materials-extraction/
Pioneering the future of materials extraction
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The next time you cook pasta, imagine that you are cooking spaghetti, rigatoni, and seven other varieties all together, and they need to be separated onto 10 different plates before serving. A colander can remove the water — but you still have a mound of unsorted noodles.   Now imagine that this had to be done for thousands of tons of pasta a day. That gives you an idea of the scale of the problem facing Brendan Smith PhD ’18, co-founder and CEO of SiTration, a startup formed out of MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE) in 2020.   SiTration, which raised $11.8 million in seed capital led by venture capital firm 2150 earlier this month, is revolutionizing the extraction and refining of copper, cobalt, nickel, lithium, precious metals, and other materials critical to manufacturing clean-energy technologies such as electric motors, wind turbines, and batteries. Its initial target applications are recovering the materials from complex mining feed streams, spent lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles, and various metals refining processes.   The company’s breakthrough lies in a new silicon membrane technology that can be adjusted to efficiently recover disparate materials, providing a more sustainable and economically viable alternative to conventional, chemically intensive processes. Think of a colander with adjustable pores to strain different types of pasta. SiTration’s technology has garnered interest from industry players, including mining giant Rio Tinto.   Some observers may question whether targeting such different industries could cause the company to lose focus. “But when you dig into these markets, you discover there is actually a significant overlap in how all of these materials are recovered, making it possible for a single solution to have impact across verticals,” Smith says.
Powering up materials recovery
Conventional methods of extracting critical materials in mining, refining, and recycling lithium-ion batteries involve heavy use of chemicals and heat, which harm the environment. Typically, raw ore from mines or spent batteries are ground into fine particles before being dissolved in acid or incinerated in a furnace. Afterward, they undergo intensive chemical processing to separate and purify the valuable materials.   “It requires as much as 10 tons of chemical input to produce one ton of critical material recovered from the mining or battery recycling feedstock,” says Smith. Operators can then sell the recaptured materials back into the supply chain, but suffer from wide swings in profitability due to uncertain market prices. Lithium prices have been the most volatile, having surged more than 400 percent before tumbling back to near-original levels in the past two years. Despite their poor economics and negative environmental impact, these processes remain the state of the art today.   By contrast, SiTration is electrifying the critical-materials recovery process, improving efficiency, producing less chemical waste, and reducing the use of chemicals and heat. What’s more, the company’s processing technology is built to be highly adaptable, so it can handle all kinds of materials.   The core technology is based on work done at MIT to develop a novel type of membrane made from silicon, which is durable enough to withstand harsh chemicals and high temperatures while conducting electricity. It’s also highly tunable, meaning it can be modified or adjusted to suit different conditions or target specific materials.   SiTration’s technology also incorporates electro-extraction, a technique that uses electrochemistry to further isolate and extract specific target materials. This powerful combination of methods in a single system makes it more efficient and effective at isolating and recovering valuable materials, Smith says. So depending on what needs to be separated or extracted, the filtration and electro-extraction processes are adjusted accordingly.   “We can produce membranes with pore sizes from the molecular scale up to the size of a human hair in diameter, and everything in between. Combined with the ability to electrify the membrane and separate based on a material’s electrochemical properties, this tunability allows us to target a vast array of different operations and separation applications across industrial fields,” says Smith.   Efficient access to materials like lithium, cobalt, and copper — and precious metals like platinum, gold, silver, palladium, and rare-earth elements — is key to unlocking innovation in business and sustainability as the world moves toward electrification and away from fossil fuels.
“This is an era when new materials are critical,” says Professor Jeffrey Grossman, co-founder and chief scientist of SiTration and the Morton and Claire Goulder and Family Professor in Environmental Systems at DMSE. “For so many technologies, they’re both the bottleneck and the opportunity, offering tremendous potential for non-incremental advances. And the role they’re having in commercialization and in entrepreneurship cannot be overstated.”
SiTration’s commercial frontier
Smith became interested in separation technology in 2013 as a PhD student in Grossman’s DMSE research group, which has focused on the design of new membrane materials for a range of applications. The two shared a curiosity about separation of critical materials and a hunger to advance the technology. After years of study under Grossman’s mentorship, and with support from several MIT incubators and foundations including the Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation, the Kavanaugh Fellowship, MIT Sandbox, and Venture Mentoring Service, Smith was ready to officially form SiTration in 2020. Grossman has a seat on the board and plays an active role as a strategic and technical advisor.   Grossman is involved in several MIT spinoffs and embraces the different imperatives of research versus commercialization. “At SiTration, we’re driving this technology to work at scale. There’s something super exciting about that goal,” he says. “The challenges that come with scaling are very different than the challenges that come in a university lab.” At the same time, although not every research breakthrough becomes a commercial product, open-ended, curiosity-driven knowledge pursuit holds its own crucial value, he adds.
It has been rewarding for Grossman to see his technically gifted student and colleague develop a host of other skills the role of CEO demands. Getting out to the market and talking about the technology with potential partners, putting together a dynamic team, discovering the challenges facing industry, drumming up support, early on — those became the most pressing activities on Smith’s agenda.   “What’s most fun to me about being a CEO of an early-stage startup is that there are 100 different factors, most people-oriented, that you have to navigate every day. Each stakeholder has different motivations and objectives. And you basically try to fit that all together, to create value for our partners and customers, the company, and for society,” says Smith. “You start with just an idea, and you have to keep leveraging that to form a more and more tangible product, to multiply and progress commercial relationships, and do it all at an ever-expanding scale.”   MIT DNA runs deep in the nine-person company, with DMSE grad and former Grossman student Jatin Patil as director of product; Ahmed Helal, from MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, as vice president of research and development; Daniel Bregante, from the Department of Chemistry, as VP of technology; and Sarah Melvin, from the departments of Physics and Political Science, as VP of strategy and operations. Melvin is the first hire devoted to business development. Smith plans to continue expanding the team following the closing of the company’s seed round.  
Strategic alliances
Being a good communicator was important when it came to securing funding, Smith says. SiTration received $2.35 million in pre-seed funding in 2022 led by Azolla Ventures, which reserves its $239 million in investment capital for startups that would not otherwise easily obtain funding. “We invest only in solution areas that can achieve gigaton-scale climate impact by 2050,” says Matthew Nordan, a general partner at Azolla and now SiTration board member. The MIT-affiliated E14 Fund also contributed to the pre-seed round; Azolla and E14 both participated in the recent seed funding round.   “Brendan demonstrated an extraordinary ability to go from being a thoughtful scientist to a business leader and thinker who has punched way above his weight in engaging with customers and recruiting a well-balanced team and navigating tricky markets,” says Nordan.   One of SiTration’s first partnerships is with Rio Tinto, one of the largest mining companies in the world. As SiTration evaluated various uses cases in its early days, identifying critical materials as its target market, Rio Tinto was looking for partners to recover valuable metals such as cobalt and copper from the wastewater generated at mines. These metals were typically trapped in the water, creating harmful waste and resulting in lost revenue.   “We thought this was a great innovation challenge and posted it on our website to scout for companies to partner with who can help us solve this water challenge,” said Nick Gurieff, principal advisor for mine closure, in an interview with MIT’s Industrial Liaison Program in 2023.   At SiTration, mining was not yet a market focus, but Smith couldn’t help noticing that Rio Tinto’s needs were in alignment with what his young company offered. SiTration submitted its proposal in August 2022.   Gurieff said SiTration’s tunable membrane set it apart. The companies formed a business partnership in June 2023, with SiTration adjusting its membrane to handle mine wastewater and incorporating Rio Tinto feedback to refine the technology. After running tests with water from mine sites, SiTration will begin building a small-scale critical-materials recovery unit, followed by larger-scale systems processing up to 100 cubic meters of water an hour.
SiTration’s focused technology development with Rio Tinto puts it in a good position for future market growth, Smith says. “Every ounce of effort and resource we put into developing our product is geared towards creating real-world value. Having an industry-leading partner constantly validating our progress is a tremendous advantage.”
It’s a long time from the days when Smith began tinkering with tiny holes in silicon in Grossman’s DMSE lab. Now, they work together as business partners who are scaling up technology to meet a global need. Their joint passion for applying materials innovation to tough problems has served them well. “Materials science and engineering is an engine for a lot of the innovation that is happening today,” Grossman says. “When you look at all of the challenges we face to make the transition to a more sustainable planet, you realize how many of these are materials challenges.”
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hitechhotwater · 3 months
Time to Replace Your Hot Water System? Here's What to Do Next
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As the backbone of your household's comfort, your hot water system plays a crucial role in daily activities, from showers to washing dishes.
When it starts to fail, the signs can range from lukewarm water to outright leaks, signaling that it's time for a hot water system replacement. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process and ensure you make the best choice for your home.
Signs You Need a New Hot Water System
Understanding when to replace your hot water system is key to avoiding unexpected breakdowns. Common indicators include:
Inconsistent Water Temperature: If your water is no longer consistently hot, it could mean your system is struggling to function efficiently. Leaks and Rust: Visible leaks around the unit or rusty water coming from your taps are clear signs that you need a hot water tank replacement. Age of the System: Most hot water units have a lifespan of about 10-15 years. If your system is nearing this age, it's wise to start considering replace hot water system before it fails completely.
Future-Proofing Your Home with a Hot Water Setup Replacement
Investing in a hot water unit replacement is not just about addressing immediate needs but also about future-proofing your home.
As technology evolves, newer hot water units offer advanced features and greater energy efficiency, which can significantly reduce your utility bills and environmental footprint.
Moreover, a timely hot water unit replacement ensures you avoid the inconvenience of sudden breakdowns and costly repairs. By choosing a modern, efficient system, you’re making a smart investment that enhances the comfort and sustainability of your home for years to come.
Types of Hot Water Systems
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When it comes to hot water system replacement, you have several options to consider:
Traditional Storage Tank Water Heaters: These are the most common and store a large amount of heated water. They are reliable but can be less energy-efficient. Tankless Water Heaters: These provide hot water on demand without storing it, which can save energy and space. However, they might require a higher upfront investment. Heat Pump Water Heaters: These systems are highly efficient, using electricity to move heat from the air to heat water, making them a sustainable option. Solar Water Heaters: Utilizing solar panels, these systems are eco-friendly and can significantly reduce energy bills, though they depend on the amount of sunlight your area receives.
To learn more about "Time to Replace Your Hot Water System? Here's What to Do Next" Click Here.
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fitjourneydaily · 8 months
The Ultimate OFF-GRID Solution: Achieving Reliable Electricity Generation, Energy Independence, and Green Living
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In an era where climate change and sustainability are at the forefront of global concerns, many individuals are seeking alternative ways to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve energy independence. One of the most effective solutions for both rural and urban areas is the concept of going "off-grid". This comprehensive guide will explore the ultimate off-grid solution - a reliable electricity generation system that promotes energy independence and green living. Read on to discover the key components and benefits of this sustainable lifestyle choice. Section 1: What is Off-Grid Living? Off-grid living refers to relying on self-generated energy sources rather than traditional centralized utilities. When adopting an off-grid lifestyle, individuals become self-sufficient by harnessing renewable energy sources to generate their electricity, heat, and water. This empowering choice allows them to break free from the limitations and constraints of the conventional power grid. Section 2: Benefits of Off-Grid Living 2.1 Energy Independence The primary advantage of off-grid living is the ability to achieve energy independence. With a well-designed off-grid system in place, individuals are no longer subject to utility companies' rising costs or the instability of power grids. Instead, they have complete control over their energy production and consumption. 2.2 Reliable Electricity Generation The ultimate off-grid solution ensures reliable electricity generation, even in remote areas. By utilizing a combination of renewable energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbines, and micro-hydropower systems, individuals can generate a steady supply of electricity. This helps eliminate power outages, which are particularly common in regions with unreliable or inadequate power infrastructure. 2.3 Environmental Sustainability Off-grid living contributes significantly to environmental sustainability. By harnessing renewable energy sources, individuals reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and, consequently, their carbon footprint. This green approach to energy generation helps combat climate change while preserving natural resources for future generations. 2.4 Cost Savings While the initial cost of setting up an off-grid system may be higher compared to traditional power connections, the long-term savings are substantial. By generating their electricity, individuals can eliminate monthly utility bills, making off-grid living a financially rewarding choice in the long run. Section 3: Components of the Ultimate Off-Grid Solution 3.1 Solar Panels Solar panels are a crucial component of any off-grid system. They convert sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells and store excess energy in batteries for nighttime or cloudy days. Solar panels are both efficient and low maintenance, making them an ideal choice for generating clean energy. 3.2 Wind Turbines Wind turbines are another reliable source of renewable energy. They harness the power of the wind to generate electricity, complementing solar panels and ensuring a consistent energy supply. Wind turbines are particularly useful in areas with consistent wind speeds. 3.3 Micro-Hydropower Systems If you have access to a nearby water source, a micro-hydropower system can be integrated into your off-grid solution. Water flow is used to spin turbines, generating electricity in a sustainable manner. Micro-hydropower systems are ideal for locations near rivers, streams, or even small waterfalls. 3.4 Efficient Battery Storage To ensure a steady supply of electricity, a reliable battery storage system is essential. This component stores excess energy generated during peak production periods, ensuring continuous power availability even when solar panels or wind turbines are not producing. Discover how SEPTIFIX transforms your septic tank concerns, saving you a significant sum each year. Uncover the secret to resolving septic tank issues effectively and enjoying substantial yearly savings. Our scientifically formulated solution harnesses the power of natural ingredients renowned for their septic system benefits. Ideal for those seeking to maintain a trouble-free septic tank, reduce annual expenses, or find a cost-effective septic tank remedy, our product offers a comprehensive solution. Experience the effectiveness of nature's finest ingredients, carefully selected for their profound impact on septic tank maintenance. Step into a world where septic tank problems are a thing of the past, and witness the financial change with each use. Start your journey to a septic tank-friendly and budget-conscious lifestyle today. Learn more about how SEPTIFIX can revolutionize your approach to septic tank care. Visit the SEPTIFIX Product Page. Experience true energy independence with 'The Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator.' Our state-of-the-art system, equipped with advanced solar panels and battery technology, ensures you have a reliable and sustainable power source, even in remote locations. Say goodbye to grid dependency and hello to uninterrupted electricity. Take control of your energy needs with our innovative solution. Discover more about 'The Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator' and use the code 'OFFGRID15' to get a 15 discount today! Visit the Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator Product Page. Revolutionize your energy consumption with the innovative Ground Power Generator System, expertly engineered with 10 Key Efficiency Enhancers. Discover the secret to dramatically reducing your electricity bills and boosting your energy efficiency. Our system is a scientific marvel, combining the potency of natural, high-efficiency components known for their energy-saving capabilities. Ideal for those seeking to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle, cut down on energy costs, or explore an eco-friendly energy solution, our product offers a holistic approach. Experience the efficiency of earth's finest energy solutions, meticulously selected for their significant impact on reducing power consumption. Step into a world where sustainable energy is not just a concept, but a tangible reality, and observe the transformation with each utilization. Embark on your journey towards a greener, more cost-effective home today. Discover how these 10 Key Efficiency Enhancers can redefine your approach to energy use. Visit the Ground Power Generator Product Page. Visit the Ground Power Generator System Product Page. Transform your energy solutions with 'The Ultimate Energizer Guide,' meticulously crafted with 10 Key Efficiency Innovations. Uncover the secret to significantly reducing your electricity bills and enhancing your energy independence. Our scientifically developed guide harnesses the power of innovative, sustainable technologies celebrated for their effectiveness in energy generation. Ideal for those seeking to create a self-sufficient home, lower energy expenses, or embrace a more eco-friendly lifestyle, this guide offers a complete blueprint. Experience the efficiency of breakthrough energy solutions, carefully selected for their impactful role in sustainable living. Step into a world where self-reliance in energy is not just a possibility, but a practical reality, and see the transformation with each step you implement. Begin your journey towards a more energy-efficient, eco-conscious life today. Discover how these 10 Key Efficiency Innovations can redefine your energy use. Visit the Ultimate Energizer Guide Product Page. Visit the The Ultimate Energizer Guide Product Page. Transform your energy experience with our cutting-edge Infinite Energy System, ingeniously developed with 10 Key Sustainability Enhancers. Discover the secret to substantially reducing your energy costs and maximizing your energy efficiency. Our scientifically formulated system capitalizes on the power of innovative, natural technologies known for their exceptional energy production capabilities. Ideal for anyone seeking to achieve a sustainable living environment, decrease their carbon footprint, or explore renewable energy solutions, our product offers an all-encompassing answer. Experience the strength of the most efficient, carefully selected elements known for their significant impact on energy sustainability. Enter a world where unlimited energy is not just an aspiration, but a tangible reality, and observe the difference with every application. Embark on your journey to a more sustainable, energy-efficient future today. Learn more about how these 10 Key Sustainability Enhancers can transform your approach to energy consumption. Visit the Infinite Energy System Product Page. Visit the Infinite Energy System Product Page. Read the full article
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catlady-life · 11 months
I'm simply posting this to get my thoughts out
I've had a rough month, and the months before weren't much better. I'm at home as the caregiver of my husband, and we live off of his Pension only. The problem is the rent was raised, electricity and heating, phone and internet increased as well and the food prices are just continuously going higher. It's really the food prices that pushed us to the absolute limit now.
It's enough to pay the rent and bills, but after these are paid, there's hardly anything left to last the whole month. Last week I had to decide between getting migraine tablets or food. I decided on the food.
I'm not eating much anymore, because I'd simply not possible. I only make absolutely sure that my cats are cared for properly and my husband.
On Saturday, I had to leave some bread behind at the checkout, because I had a few cents missing. I must have misread the prices. I felt horrible. And embarrassed.
I did start a fundraiser a couple of weeks ago, to help us raise money to move to a more affordable apartment, but I'm not getting anywhere with it, because I don't have enough exposure, that a post of mine would be seen widely. Besides, I had a hard time to get myself to post it on twitter. I just felt horrible and I was worried to anger people.
But despite all of that, I'm not unhappy and I'm thankful. Because at least I have a home, I'm not cold, I have water and my wonderful cats who are all fed and warm and my husband.
I also have hope for the future. I'm sure that I'll earn at least a little from monetization later on, once I have enough followers/subscribers on my accounts. I might even get tips from people who like our content and live streams. If I'm able to earn 200€ (212 USD) or even 300€ (319 USD) a month, it would make a huge difference in our life.
I'm thankful that I am finally able to try this, since my daily migraines were reduced to just a few attacks a month thanks to the pill, which I got for PMS. Unexpectedly, it also took away these near daily migraines I was having for years. Of course there are triggers that will bring them on instantly, like stress, panic, or physical activity. Now I'm able to actually spend time on my laptop or phone to create and to interact with others.
I love sharing our life in my posts. I always loved doing it. I enjoy it so much. If I'm able to get my own income from it, even if it's little, it would change my life in a big way. Not just financially, but emotionally. I would finally have money that I earned myself again.
I am going to improve our lives, and will work hard on it, while also enjoying what I'm doing.
Sorry for the wall of text, but this is the only place where I felt comfortable to write about it.
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articledude · 1 year
Emergency A/C Repairs: What to Do When Your A/C Breaks Down
When the scorching summer heat is in full swing, there's nothing more frustrating than experiencing an unexpected breakdown of your air conditioning system. It can leave you sweating, uncomfortable, and desperately seeking a solution. In such dire moments, it's essential to know what steps to take for emergency A/C repairs. This guide will walk you through the process, ensuring you can regain your cool quickly and efficiently.
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Assess the Situation
Before you panic or call a technician, take a moment to assess the situation. Understanding the problem can help you communicate effectively with the repair professionals when they arrive. Here are some critical aspects to consider:
Check the Thermostat: Ensure that your thermostat is set to "cool" and at the desired temperature. Sometimes, the issue is as simple as an incorrect setting.
Inspect the Circuit Breaker: If your A/C isn't turning on, head to your electrical panel and check if the circuit breaker for your air conditioner has tripped. Reset it if necessary.
Examine the Air Filter: A clogged or dirty air filter can restrict airflow and cause your A/C to malfunction. If it's dirty, replace it.
Listen for Strange Noises: Unusual sounds, like banging or grinding, can indicate mechanical issues. Take note of any such noises.
Turn Off the System
If you've assessed the situation and your A/C isn't functioning correctly, it's a good idea to turn off the system to prevent further damage. Here's how to do it:
Locate the Power Switch: Typically, air conditioning units have an external power disconnect near the condenser unit. Find and turn off this switch to cut power to the A/C.
Shut Off the Thermostat: Set your thermostat to the "off" position to ensure it doesn't signal the A/C to turn on while it's malfunctioning.
Call a Professional
Now that you've determined that your A/C needs expert attention, it's time to call a professional HVAC technician. When choosing a technician, look for the following qualities:
Licensed and Insured: Ensure the technician is licensed and carries insurance. This guarantees that they have the necessary expertise and coverage in case of accidents.
Reputable: Read reviews and ask for referrals to find a reputable technician. A trustworthy professional is essential for quality repairs.
Emergency Services: Opt for a service provider that offers emergency A/C repairs. Quick response time can make all the difference in sweltering conditions.
Transparent Pricing: Request a detailed estimate before any work begins. This prevents unexpected costs from adding to your stress.
Stay Safe While You Wait
While you wait for the technician to arrive, it's crucial to stay cool and safe. Here are some tips:
Close Curtains and Blinds: Block out the sun's heat by closing curtains and blinds in your home.
Use Fans: Utilize fans to circulate air and create a cooling effect. Ceiling fans should rotate counterclockwise in the summer for maximum cooling.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to avoid heat exhaustion or dehydration.
Preventative Maintenance for the Future
To minimize the chances of another A/C breakdown, consider regular maintenance. Here are some steps to keep your air conditioning system in top shape:
Change Air Filters: Replace air filters every one to three months to ensure optimal airflow.
Clean Condenser Coils: Keep the outdoor condenser unit clean and free of debris to maintain efficiency.
Schedule Professional Maintenance: Arrange for an annual A/C maintenance service. Technicians can identify and address potential issues before they become emergencies.
Invest in a Programmable Thermostat: A programmable thermostat allows you to adjust temperatures efficiently, reducing strain on your A/C.
Visit: a/c repair service
In conclusion, when your A/C breaks down, it's essential to stay calm and follow the steps mentioned above. Remember, quick action, the right technician, and regular maintenance can help you stay cool and comfortable during the hottest months of the year. Don't let a breakdown disrupt your summer; take control and enjoy the cool comfort of your home.
Read More: A/C Repairs 101: Understanding the Basics of HVAC Systems
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sunsolarcompanyau · 1 year
Battery Backup Nerang - What You Need to Know
Backup batteries come in many sizes based on their peak power capacity. This metric indicates how quickly a battery can discharge to power energy-intensive equipment like your sump pump or HVAC system.
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
UPS sytems keep power levels consistent to protect electrical equipment from short-term spikes, surges and outages. They’re essential for data centers and industrial / manufacturing processes, where even the shortest interruptions can be costly or dangerous.
The same technology that makes your cell phone work in a power outage can provide critical Battery Backup to businesses and homes. Energy storage also creates valuable efficiencies and capabilities for the grid that lower costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
You can choose a standby UPS based on its runtime, which is typically listed using either volt-amperes (VA) or watts. The best runtime for your business will depend on how much equipment you need to power, and the type of protection required. You may also want to consider models that use a hybrid rotary UPS design. This style uses the inertia of a high-mass flywheel to provide short-term ride-through and offers excellent efficiency ratings.
Surge Protection
Surge protectors are designed to protect your devices from short-term high voltage variations above 110% of nominal. These events can last nanoseconds to microseconds but put a tremendous amount of stress on your electrical devices. A surge protector works by directing the excess voltage to ground, often via MOVs. These are made from a material that is normally a poor conductor, but when the voltage reaches certain levels it ionizes the MOV, which then redirects the excess energy to the ground.
Power surges can destroy internal circuitry, causing them to heat up until they burn out (much like a hose that’s overfilled with water will burst). Surge protection helps prevent this from happening by absorbing and redirecting excess voltage. This surplus energy is then dissipated on the ground, usually through an internal gas discharge arrestor or an avalanche diode.
Surge protection is typically rated in units called joules, with higher ratings indicating the ability to handle a larger surge or multiple smaller ones before your equipment is damaged. However, these devices can wear out over time, so it’s a good idea to replace them periodically.
Energy Storage
A standby UPS allows equipment to operate on utility power until it detects a problem, then switches to solar battery Nerang. This safeguards against power sags, spikes and outages for as long as the batteries last, and helps ensure that critical digital and mechanical equipment can be shut down safely.
Energy storage systems can respond to sudden changes in electricity demand in minutes, rather than the hours required by conventional thermal plants. They can also help stabilize the grid by providing electricity frequency and voltage regulation.
For example, a business with solar + storage can eliminate demand charges and drop its utility bill to near zero. Energy storage also helps ensure the sun is shining or wind is blowing when it's needed, by "firming up" renewable resources. OE's Energy Storage Grand Challenge accelerates bi-directional energy storage technologies as a key component of the future-ready grid. This includes supporting applied materials research to identify safe, low-cost, earth-abundant elements for long-duration storage.
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govindhtech · 1 year
Brand-new NVIDIA HGX H100 systems constructed using the Intel Xeon platform The industry pioneer in high-performance servers, server motherboards, and workstations, Giga Computing, a subsidiary of GIGABYTE, today unveiled two new GPU servers for the 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable CPU and NVIDIA HGXTM H100 4- and 8-GPU platforms. The GIGABYTE G363-SR0 excels at both optimal performance and cooling efficiency by readily supporting processors and GPUs with high TDP requirements. The GIGABYTE G593-SD2 server is aimed at data centers that prefer air-cooled equipment. Both provide the most GPU processing power that can be accommodated by a single server of their respective capacities. The new NVIDIA L40S GPU, which is excellent for multipurpose applications including AI, graphics, and video, will also be qualified by Giga Computing. New workstation-focused NVIDIA Ada Generation GPUs like the NVIDIA RTX A5000, NVIDIA RTX A4500, and NVIDIA RTX 4000 are also eligible. Direct Liquid Cooling, G363-SR0 Greater performance necessitates more creative solutions. The four NVIDIA GPU modules and the Intel Xeon processors are both efficiently and quickly cooled by the G363-SR0's direct liquid cooling (DLC). The 3U G363-SR0 provides optimal computing performance for the majority of AI and HPC workloads at a 1:2 CPU-to-GPU ratio. There are eight 2.5" bays available to accommodate the massive amount of high-speed data access needed. Gen5 NVMe/SATA/SAS drives are supported. There are six PCIe Gen5 low-profile slots available to take use of the best networking technology. Additionally, a 2 + 1 redundant power supply setup using 3000W titanium power supplies is used to power the system. DLC technology was chosen because it has excellent all-around performance and can swiftly dissipate heat from the CPU and four GPUs. When compared to a conventional air-cooled system, this enables the server to function faster while also allowing for higher energy savings. Alternatives to the conventional hot-cold aisle server rooms that exhaust hot air back into the room must be developed in order to counteract this tendency, as data centers will in the near future consume a growing portion of the world's electricity. When using direct liquid cooling, the heat produced can be transmitted to the facility water and then rejected using a cooling tower or another similar equipment outside the data center. As a result, the cost of the accompanying cooling infrastructure can be decreased, which lowers OPEX, TCO, and improves ROI. 8 GPU System, G593-SD2 There has been a ton of interest in our G593 series, which is built for the top tier of GPU-accelerated computing, due to the high demand for AI training and other compute-intensive workloads. The twin Intel Xeon CPUs are housed in the top 1U of the 5U chassis, and the NVIDIA GPUs are housed in the bottom 4U. Without the need of sophisticated cooling techniques, this design guarantees that top-of-the-chart performance will not be throttled in a packed chassis. GIGABYTE is constantly in contact with its cherished partners and consumers, and as a result, frequently makes minor tweaks to give what the market demands. In this instance, a minor but incredibly favored modification to the form factor of several of the expansion slots in the G593 gave rise to the G593-SD2. The G593-SD0, which had room set aside on the back top side for low-profile slots, came before this new server. These slots were eliminated and replaced in the new -SD2 model with the FHHL slots needed for NVIDIA BlueField DPUs. A minor adjustment was performed to enable the G593-SD2 to utilize the numerous BlueField cards to speed up the circulation of data for AI and HPC as well as security isolation. The high level of computations for generative AI or demanding HPC workloads will be provided by both G593 servers. Encouragement of Accelerators This week, NVIDIA expanded its already sizable GPU range for computing or visualization by adding four additional accelerators.
Giga Computing will support the new GPUs by certifying its business solutions. Additionally, these new GPUs will be offered for purchase when paired with our server platforms. The most potent general-purpose GPU for data centers is the NVIDIA L40S GPU, which is based on the NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture and offers ground-breaking multi-workload acceleration for inference and training, graphics, and video applications. The latest NVIDIA RTX Ada Generation GPU workstations are intended for various professional user levels who require high-performance, real-time ray tracing, AI-accelerated computing, and expert graphics rendering. The Ada-based RTX 5000, RTX 4500, and RTX 4000 GPUs are PCIe Gen4 air-cooled cards that enable innovations such NVIDIA GPUDirect Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) for quicker and more effective data transfer to other systems and NVIDIA GPUDirect for video support. As the year continues, more servers with GPU baseboard modules will enable liquid cooling via a kit supplied with the company's servers. Giga Computing has just unveiled more potent solutions for GPUs. Customers will be able to lower energy expenses and greener their data centers by adopting this.
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plumbergilbert3 · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Used Hot Tub or Spa
You’ve searched the classifieds for a used hot tub and found what looks like a great deal. Or maybe a friend has offered to let you buy theirs, or maybe you have even been given a used tub as a freebie. Is it really a good deal? There is no way to tell for sure until you have it installed and running.
Plumbing Gilbert AZ
The first and most important thing is to never buy and pay for any used spa or hot tub that you have not seen in operation and tested completely. Buying a “dry” tub is a disappointment waiting to happen. You might get lucky and everything will work fine, but you also stand the chance of having a budget-busting disaster on your hands.
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You have to also keep in mind that simply moving a tub puts a whole new set of stresses on the plumbing, tub shell, and frame. An unnoticable crack in the spa sitting at its original location will likely be made worse by loading it on a truck and moving it. This is especially true if the tub has been repaired sometime in the past. So just because everything was fine when you checked it out, does not mean it will be exactly the same when you finish your move and installation.
Even with a free hot tub you will likely will have some hidden and possibly unexpected expenses:
You have to find a way to move it. Many “portable” hot tubs will not fit in the back of a pickup truck.
You have to hook up the electrical (and unless you are a licensed electrician this is something that should never be attempted by a homeowner). This might involve trenching for the Plumbing Gilbert AZ electrical line and running a 220 volt drop, in addition to the electrical supplies.
Once you get it all set up you have to fix anything you broke moving it, and repair damage or defects that were not apparent when you inspected it.
You will also likely need to buy other supplies (chemicals for the water, a testing kit, a new cartridge filter, and possibly a hot tub cover).
Check the cartridge filter to make sure it is in place and that the filter itself is not torn or just completely worn out.
Does it come with a hot tub cover? If the cover is cracked, torn, discolored, waterlogged, or a spa cover is not included in the deal, then you might be looking at a significant additional expense.
When inspecting the hot tub, be sure and check the following:
Use a thermometer to check the accuracy of the hot tub thermostat. If it is out of calibration that is not necessarily a problem, but is information you need to know to operate the tub safely. If it won’t heat the water to normal operating temperature (usually 104 degrees) that is another issue entirely. There might be a heater problem.
Open up any of the doors that give you access to the equipment or areas underneath the tub. Look for any leaks or signs of water. Check around the pump for any indication that the pump seals are leaking and will need to be replaced.
Listen to the sound of the pump running. It should be a low steady hum. Any other sound should tell you that you might have a pump replacement in your near future.
Turn on the blower and again, listen to the motor. It should sound a lot like a vacuum cleaner and if you hear any knocking, pinging, or scraping this is not normal and means you might be whipping out a credit card soon.
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Any problems that you discover can be used as points for negotiating a lower purchase price. If you point out these issues to the seller, you might get a price concession which will make the deal more attractive for you.
With all this said, there are some great values in used hot tubs. Just do not fail to check things out carefully so you will not regret your decision. Budget for some unexpected expenses, and cross your fingers.
For More Details Click : Plumbing Gilbert AZ
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astrafizik · 1 year
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Hydrogen Car in India
Are you tired of the rising fuel prices in India? Do you want to switch to a more eco-friendly mode of transportation? Well, look no further because hydrogen cars might just be the answer. Hydrogen fuel cell technology is slowly gaining popularity across the globe and it's now making its way into India. In this blog post, we'll delve deeper into what a hydrogen car is, how it works, and why it could potentially revolutionize the Indian automobile industry. So buckle up and get ready for an electrifying ride!
How to do Hydrogen Cars Work?
Hydrogen cars work by using a fuel cell to convert the hydrogen gas into electricity. The electricity is used to power the electric motor, which drives the car. The only emissions from a hydrogen car are water vapor and heat. Hydrogen cars are still in the early stages of development, but they offer a promising alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars. Hydrogen cars are much more efficient than gasoline cars, and they produce zero emissions. In addition, hydrogen is an abundant resource that can be produced from renewable sources of energy, such as solar and wind power.
Advantages of Hydrogen Cars
1. Hydrogen cars are more efficient than petrol or diesel cars. 2. Hydrogen cars produce no emissions, so they are better for the environment. 3. Hydrogen cars have a longer range than electric cars, so they are better for long journeys. 4. Hydrogen is a renewable resource, so hydrogen cars are a sustainable option. 5. Hydrogen cars are becoming more affordable as technology improves.
Hydrogen cars are an exciting new development in the automotive industry, and India is leading the charge. With government initiatives to reduce emissions, hydrogen-powered vehicles promise to provide a clean and affordable alternative for Indian drivers. Although still at an early stage of development, these cars have great potential to revolutionize how we get around India – reducing our dependence on foreign oil and helping us achieve sustainability goals. We look forward to seeing more of these revolutionary automobiles on Indian roads in the near future!
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lanaibrightsblog · 1 year
Discover the Benefits of Lanai Bright's Expertise in Dock Post Lighting
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Are you tired of dull and uninspiring Dock Post Lighting that fails to make your waterfront property shine? Look no further than Lanai Bright, the go-to experts in illuminating docks with unique and high-quality lighting solutions. With a focus on energy efficiency, durability, and aesthetic appeal, Lanai Bright's expertise is unmatched when it comes to transforming any waterfront space into a stunning oasis. Discover the benefits of their innovative approach in this blog post that will leave you itching to upgrade your own dock today!
Introduction to Lanai Bright
If you're looking for an expert in Dock Post Lighting, look no further than Lanai Bright. Bright has over 15 years of experience in the field and has worked with some of the biggest names in the business. She knows what works and what doesn't, and she's always up-to-date on the latest technologies.
Bright is a big believer in LED lighting, and she believes that it's the future of dock post lighting. LEDs are more energy efficient than traditional light bulbs, and they last much longer. They also produce less heat, so they're safer to use around flammable materials like wood.
Bright is passionate about her work, and she wants to help her customers get the most out of their dock post lighting. She offer free consultations to anyone who's interested in learning more about LED lighting. So if you're ready to make the switch to LED, contact Lanai Bright today!
Benefits of Lanai Bright’s Expertise in Dock Post Lighting
If you are looking for a way to improve the look of your dock, consider investing in quality dock post lighting. Lanai Bright is an expert in dock post lighting and can help you choose the right fixtures for your needs. There are many benefits to using Lanai Bright's expertise in dock post lighting, including:
1.Improved safety - Dock post lights can help improve safety around your dock by providing better visibility at night. This is especially important if you have young children or pets who may be playing near the water.
2.Increased curb appeal - Well-lit docks are more inviting and can make your property stand out from the rest. This can be a great selling point if you ever decide to put your home on the market.
3.Added value - Not only will good dock lighting add curb appeal, but it can also increase the value of your home. This is because potential buyers will see that you have made an investment in improving your property.
4.Better enjoyment - Whether you use your dock for fishing, swimming, or just relaxing, having adequate lighting will allow you to enjoy it more after dark. You'll be able to stay out longer and make the most of your time on the water.
If you're ready to take your dock to the next level, contact Lanai Bright today and let us show you what we can do! 
Types of Dock Post Lighting Options
When it comes to choosing dock post lighting, there are a few different options to choose from. Here at Lanai Bright, we have a variety of different options that are sure to meet your needs and budget.
One of the most popular options that we offer is LED lighting. LED lights are incredibly energy efficient, which means that they will save you money on your electric bill. They also last a long time, so you won't have to worry about replacing them often.
Another popular option is solar lighting. Solar lights are powered by the sun, so you'll never have to worry about running out of power. They're also very easy to install and don't require any wiring.
If you're looking for something a little more unique, we also offer metal halide and sodium vapor lights. These lights produce a bright, white light that is perfect for illuminating your dock area.
No matter what type of Dock Post Lighting you're looking for, we can help you find the perfect solution. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services!
We hope this article has helped you understand the benefits of working with Lanai Bright in Dock Post Lighting. With their vast knowledge and experience, they know exactly what it takes to make your outdoor space look beautiful while keeping energy costs low. Whether you’re looking for a single light or an entire system, Lanai Bright is sure to have what you need. Reach out today and see just how much they can do for your outdoor area!
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