#Noël 2023
o-link · 6 months
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Paulina Porizkova
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praline1968 · 6 months
Joyeux Noël à vous tous 🎄⛄️
Merry Christmas to everyone 🧑🏻‍🎄 🎁
Source : Facebook
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jeanfrancoisrey · 6 months
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Avenue Montaigne…
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minikim · 6 months
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Bonjour ! Pour patienter jusqu’à Noël je vous propose chaque lundi une histoire de Bulle « à suivre » ! Voici la 2ème partie où l’on découvre une Bulle plutôt coquette ☆ Pour comprendre pourquoi il y des étoiles qui flottent au-dessus du lit de Bulle, je vous invite à lire l’histoire « Veilleuse » que vous retrouverez facilement en consultant les posts précédents ! RDV lundi prochain pour la suite !! --- Et pour recevoir des BD de Bulle avant tout le monde, je vous invite à découvrir La Lettre Dessinée, une infolettre illustrée que j'envoie chaque trimestre à mes lecteurs les + fidèles ♡ Pour en savoir + sur cette newsletter, vous pouvez suivre ce lien : https://www.minikim.net/la-lettre-dessinee/ - C'est gratuit !
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letsmae23stuff · 6 months
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Les illuminations sont en place, ailleurs les marchés de Noël s'activent et les Pères Noël font leur show un peu partout dans les grands magasins. Pas de doute, la dernière ligne droite est lancée jusqu'à Noël. Oubliez un peu les cadeaux, et pensez plutôt à réserver un voyage bien au chaud, sous le soleil des Caraïbes, des Canaries ou de l'océan Indien. Séjour à Punta Cana, randonnée à Tenerife, croisière aux Seychelles... et si vous viviez un Noël différent cette année 2023
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l-ours · 6 months
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Bonnes fêtes de la part de l'équipe et des vignerons de Vi Natural !
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hecatt · 6 months
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Bûche glacée
Un de mes passes temps 🍰
Pour Noël, avec ma grande sœur, à l’occasion du repas du réveillon, on se partage les tâches « je prépare les salades et toi le plateau fromage », « ok, je prends le saumon et toi les huîtres »…
Mais c’est vrai qu’on aime bien faire chacune une bûche!! Et cette année, j’ai tenté la bûche glacée entremet
Une mousse vanille, insert mangue/passion, biscuit génoise, craquant au coulis de mangue et pour la déco une chantilly chocolat !!
Je suis plutôt fière du résultat et encore plus de lors de la coupe avec l’insert coulant …
J’espère que vous avez passé un beau Noël et que bien sûr vous avez été gâté !!
Joyeux Noël 🎄
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4nuttyaddict · 6 months
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Joyeux Noël !
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alaingrafcolson · 6 months
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メリークリスマス 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢 𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐮 𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐮𝐱 𝐍𝐨𝐞̈𝐥
En cette fin d'année,
Je vous souhaite de belles fêtes,
Réunies en famille ou entre amis,
Dans la joie et la bonne humeur.
Que Noël vous apporte le meilleur
Tout ce que vous souhaitez,
Du bonheur, de la santé,
Et de la réussite dans vos projets.
Que cette magie de Noël
Envahisse votre cœur,
Et vous donne des étoiles
Dans les yeux pour toute l'année.
メリークリスマス 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐮 𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐮𝐱 𝐍𝐨𝐞̈𝐥
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o-link · 6 months
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praline1968 · 6 months
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ulenos-secret-corner · 7 months
COMMANDES DIRECTES : contactez nous par MP ! 
Pour Noël, cette année nous proposons à la ventes nos premières poupées de feutrine !!! <3
Celles des photos sont à l'effigie des personnages de la (génialissime) série télévisée Good Omens, Aziraphale et Crowley, réalisées d'après le patron de Pepeluiv (www.etsy.com/shop/pepeluiv)! 
Nous vous vous donnons non seulement l'opportunité d'obtenir vos propres poupées de feutrine Good Omens, mais vous proposons également de réaliser des POUPÉES PERSONNALISÉES (représentant des personnes de votre entourage, des personnages de fiction de votre choix, des divinités...).
Ces poupées mesurent 13 cm et sont faites à la main par nos soins, nous n'accepterons donc qu'une quantité très limitée de commandes pour les fêtes afin d'être sûr.e.s de pouvoir honorer nos engagements et vous faire parvenir les produits fini dans les temps pour Noël !
Nous vendons les poupées Good Omens à 35€ pièce, 65€ le lot de deux poupées. Les poupées personnalisées sont à 50€ pièce et nécessitent que vous nous envoyiez des références visuelles (photos, images...). Les frais de ports éventuels sont estimés entre 1,66€ et 2,82€ en lettre suivie (en France).
#feltdolls #aziraphale #crowley #ineffablehusbands #christmaspresents #craft #giftideas
#craft #couture #LilPersephone #feltdoll #felt #feutrine #noel #noel2023 #ideecadeau #commande #commission #commandepersonnalisée #pelucheenfeutrine #poupée #poupeefeutrine #pepeluiv #feltdoll #ineffable #neilgaiman #goodomensfan #peluches #poupeeenfeutrine #craft #craftoftheday #sewing
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ryuryuryuyurboat · 6 months
cookies and tea
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synopsis: what happens when you bake too many cookies? you give them away, of course!
genre: fluff
characters: zhongli x gn! reader, neighbour! zhongli
warnings: reader is referred to in 2nd pov, errrm not proofread
a/n: hehe happy christmas<3 this is also a work for écrin de litterature's christmas event🤩 likes, reblogs and comments highly appreciated!!
©2023 ryuryuryuyurboat. do not repost, translate, plagiarise, or modify in any way, shape or form.
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regret. that was the word that could best describe your current predicament, having baked one too many batches of cookies. and with all the friends in your vicinity out of town, the only thing you could do in order not to have the past three hours of hard work in the kitchen go to waste was to make that treacherous first trip down the street to your neighbour’s house with a box of gingerbread cookies as a holiday greeting.
the regret started to subside, however, the second your neighbour opened his door, and a pair of curious amber eyes peered down at you. 
“hello, how may i help you?” his smooth voice rumbled– your brain blanked. it took a moment before you realised you were staring– at which you cleared your throat in embarrassment.
“ah– hi, i’m from, uh, next door,” you gestured lamely, “i made too many gingerbread cookies for christmas, and i was wondering if you’d like to have them?” you mentally pat yourself on the back for not stuttering and making a fool of yourself in front of someone so handsome– what?
your neighbour smiles. “nice to meet you, neighbour, and that sounds like a delightful offer. i was just wondering where the rich aroma came from– it appears to be from that box. those are the cookies, then, i assume?”
“mhm!” first try! SCORE! you grin, holding out the box to him. “take it as a festive greeting– merry christmas!”
he gracefully accepts the box. “thank you very much– ah, it seems like a lot, and i’ll be honest, i don’t think i’ll be able to finish it… would you like to come in and share it together? i’ve just finished brewing some osmanthus tea– we could savour these treats over tea. ah! my apologies, where are my manners?” he holds a hand out to you, “my name is zhongli, it is an honour to make your acquaintance, dear neighbour.”
regret was a word you no longer knew– not when you were faced with a visage like his and that gentle smile that made your knees weak.
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taglist: @yinyinggie @lynyluvr @kazemiya @mhiieee (send ask to be added to taglist!)
if you liked this, do consider dropping me a follow for more :>
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rosalie-starfall · 7 months
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Avis DeVoto
Julia - Bûche De Noël
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Ecrin De Literature Holiday Gift
A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I do hope you enjoy this gift of mine.
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Layla leaned against you as the fire crackled and your heartbeat soothed her frayed nerves.
Finally… She was on winter break…
A respite from the constant grind on her mind and body that was her work.
Now, she can have some small bits of Rest and Relaxation.
She had everything she needed for it.
A nice soothing sound, a warm room, blankets, and her favorite meal in her belly.
Layla yawned, the many factors she had just listed and her own overworked mind and body leading her to become more and more drowsy with each passing second.
“Hey…” Layla muttered.
“Yeah?” you quietly responded.
“Can we stay home tomorrow… just… doing this? Just, staying like this?” Layla asked.
“Of course we can, I would love nothing more than to do so.” You responded to her, placing your hand on her head and running it through her hair.
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Furina watched you intently from her seat across from you at the dinner table.
Or it would be more accurate she watched you as if she was a cat and you were the most interesting thing in the world.
This is how she looked at you all day, every day.
Furina knew that she was completely infatuated with you.
And tomorrow, on the last day of the holidays, would be when she sprung her plan.
A plan involving the little black box in her dresser.
However, she needed this to be perfect, so she needed to be smooth about it.
“Hey, you want to go out to see the marriage courts with me tomorrow?” Furina asked.
In response to this, Furina berated herself by yelling “Smooth as goddamned sandpaper!!!” in her head.
You swallowed the last of your food before speaking.
“Sure, I would love to go out with you. Also, Yes, I will marry you.”
Furina lost all sense of composure at this, and began a weak attempt to cover up her plan which seemed to have been instantly figured out.
“Furina, my lovely, lovely, wife. We share a dresser, a room, and a house. Do you really think that you could hide an engagement ring box under my clothes and I wouldn’t notice?” You asked Furina, calling her wife as naturally as if you were breathing air.
This, of course, made Furina even more of a mess.
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Kokomi felt antsy.
She had been forced to take a day off.
True, it was a day off with you but the lady Sangonomiya had grown accustomed to the war time workload.
Stacks of paper to the roof, couriers running into her office, reports being sent for her to read, and the writing of speeches to boost morale.
“Kokomi, relax.” you told her as you hung the decorations.
“Wha- I am relaxed!” Kokomi stated with a pout, lying through her teeth.
“Love, I can hear the gears turning in your head. You are more tense than that Kujou General right now.” you stated in response to her atrocious lie.
“I- I- *Sigh* I can’t hide anything from you can I?” Kokomi asked as she allowed her shoulders to slouch.
“No, you can not. Also, can you come here real quick?” you asked of the great priestess of Watatsumi who quickly complied.
“What is it that you require?” Kokomi asked as she walked next to you.
“Would you please look upwards?” you asked your love.
And above your heads, was a single sprig of mistletoe.
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