#Noelle tremblay
lumosinlove · 1 month
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💛 Noelle & Thomas 💛
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fruitcoops · 4 months
49. Talkmas.
(49) “Well this is awkward…”
All characters belong to @lumosinlove :)
It's not that Thomas was an idiot. Far from it; leaps and bounds, in fact. How many times had Noelle looked at him like that, trailed kisses across his forehead and temples like that, all while whispering the most incredible things?
Brilliant, mon amour. Ma cher, trop mignon, extraordinaire.
Her hands were around his waist this morning, her head on the back of his shoulder. She was humming along to the music in her early-voice, the one that rasped the same as the fireplace crackling low in the living room. December had brought heavy snow in the night. Thomas had told her he had never seen a Christmas without it, and she had laughed and kissed him and agreed, curling into his side to fall asleep in soft flannel sheets from her mother's linen cabinet.
The Tremblay house, like its owners, was all kinds of warm.
And Thomas wasn't an idiot, far from it, brilliant and extraordinary, so he had not forgotten the youngest inhabitant (cats not included).
It appeared he may have been an outlier in that sense.
Heavy footsteps creaked on the stairs. "Nolly!"
Noelle made a drowsy noise of acknowledgement against Thomas' bicep as it flexed to bring his coffee cup to his mouth. A burst of French, faster and more smooth than Thomas was accustomed to, followed.
And cut short.
Green eyes flared wide, flicked down to Noelle's arms, and narrowed to slits. Bedhead and the general sleepy comfort of someone home for the holidays greatly diminished any possibility of intimidation, but Thomas didn't think Logan would appreciate it if he started laughing.
Pain flared along the inside of Thomas' cheek where his teeth dug in to force down a grin. Something told him a well-placed well, this is awkward would not be well-received either.
Logan let out a breath through his nose, still silently examining them with quick darts of his gaze. Thomas felt it like an itch, but it was quickly soothed by a nudge of Noelle's forehead on his shoulder and the pass of her thumb along his rib where she held him from behind.
"Did you--" Logan silenced himself with another slow exhale. His thumb tapped the banister knob.
Thomas took another sip of coffee.
Logan's hip bumped the banister. He tilted his head, not unlike the fluffy cat that had peered out at Thomas from behind the couch when he arrived, and nodded.
Slowly, but nodded all the same.
"D'accord," Logan muttered under his breath, turning abruptly to beeline for the hot chocolate cupboard with the familiarity Thomas had so admired in Noelle an hour prior.
He couldn't pass up this opportunity. He just couldn't.
"Merry Christmas!"
The disgruntled whine Logan let out was well worth a playful swat to his hip.
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marmarifer · 2 years
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A quick Noelle Tremblay sketch because I love her
Character belongs to @lumosinlove
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achliegh · 2 years
The Major League
TW: Tattoo, making out, smut, piercing, if there is anything else just let me know :)
Baseball Boys meeting and falling in Love
What could go wrong… ;)
Beta: @punkkkkboi
Most Characters belong to: @lumosinlovelove
Chapter 15
Fizzing Whizbees Apartments, 2020
This was a familiar thing, Logan sitting on Leo’s lap as they tongue punched each other's faces on the couch while Tortilla sprawled out next to them grooming herself. They would stop a few times just to look at each other and giggle. Logan was moving unintentionally on Leo’s lap. Making him suffer more than Logan realized. Leo wasn’t hard yet so they didn’t stop but he was getting there. 
Logan could tell because his lover was getting a bit turned on by just how red his face was. They got home about a week ago from the Ravenclaw tournament and Leo having been so busy with school they haven’t had a chance for them to just hang out one on one. That left Logan with an important question on his tongue. He has been thinking about asking Leo to move in for a while, he basically lives there anyway so he didn’t see the issue, except the apartment he lives in now is closer to his school. Yeah, it's only like a couple blocks closer but Leo doesn’t have a car or anything and Logan is gone in the morning’s a lot because he goes to lift at the stadium. 
Leo pulls away and flops his head back over the back of the couch, panting and so so red. Logan smiles and leans forward, fitting his nose into the crook of Leo’s neck and leaving little wispy kisses. Leo lifts his hands from Logan’s hips up to his hair and takes it out of the bun he threw it up in earlier. His hair falls down and Leo just runs his fingers through the bottom half of his hair detangling it as gently as he can. 
“You didn’t get hard this time.” Logan smiles and Leo can feel it on his neck. 
“Too stressed.” 
“Mhm, happens to the best of us.” Leo sighs and rests his cheek on Logan’s head. Logan feels so warm and smiley, he wishes they could stay like this forever. Then he remembers a promise Leo made in an elevator. Sitting up and placing his forearms on either side of Leo’s head and looking down at him. His eyes are closed and those light lashes are resting on his cheeks so softly, he notices how there are some lashes a lot lighter than the others. Reminds him of that weird white spot on his temple that has white hair. 
“Can I see your tattoo?” 
“You’ll have to sit up so I can take my shirt off.” Logan whines a bit annoyed. He didn’t want to move! He was comfy! 
“Can’t you just roll up your sleeve?” Leo smiles and shakes his head, Logan gorans and sits up a bit. “Can I take off your shirt?” Leo opens an eye and nods, lifting his arms up. Logan flutters his fingers under the hem of Leo’s shirt and he feels him flex. 
“You’re tickling me.” Logan laughs lightly and starts lifting up the shirt. He takes it all the way off and just stares at Leo’s arm. This tattoo was huge and creepy. “You look scared.” 
“It’s just more creepy than I was expecting with all the… organs.” 
“Yeah I can see that. Let me explain it.” Logan couldn't take his eyes off the ink, it had like hundreds of words in different languages in neat even rows going from his shoulder down to his wrist, there were spaces where two vertical pairs of eyes on the inside of his arm are. Two in the middle of his bicep and two in the middle of his forearm. “All the words are actually phrases, they are positive things I have said to myself over the years. Starting in Swedish, then the phrase is in Finnish, then Norwegian, then Icelandic, then Danish, then English, German, French, and finally Russian. That's why there are so many words. It's stuff like ‘I’m proud of you’ or ‘You’re okay’ stuff like that. The eyes represent how there have always been eyes on me since I was a baby. Whether it was caseworkers or baseball scouts. I’ve always been watched. Then if you look here.” Leo lifts his arm straight up and Logan sees on the back of his arm are still the words but also an anatomically correct heart on his upper arm and a correct brain on the back of his forearm. Logan noticed that the body parts were outlined in red as well as black, he can't remember if the eyes had it too. “Basically the heart and brain are there because my own feelings and thoughts have a tendency to contradict. Like too much. But I never knew which one to trust. Still don’t.” Leo puts his arm down and Logan reaches out to touch. The skin is still as soft as any forearm is but it's weird to watch his fingers run over what looks like ancient script on someone else's skin. 
“Why get such a big tattoo if you are just going to hide it?” 
“I got it for myself, I didn’t get it for everyone else.” Logan keeps running his hand all over Leo’s arm, like he doesn’t believe it's a real thing. Then he suddenly stops, looks into those pale eyes and finally asks the question. 
“Will you move in with me?” Leo doesn’t even pause before he answers.
They worked things out with Leo’s schedule, he would stay at Remus’ during the week and Logan’s during the weekends. It just worked the best that way. It took a few weeks for it all to fall into a good rhythm but they eventually got it. Remus would even stop by on friday nights and stay for dinner. Which was whatever Leo felt like making. Guy was a wizard in the kitchen but apparently made Remus cook for him all the time.
Leo has always wanted to go to a haunted house and pumpkin patch. He wanted to go into a corn maze and prove they were easy to get out of. He wanted to eat a fresh caramel apple and see if it was really as good as everyone said it was. He wasn’t a big fan of the flavor of pumpkin in sweets, he preferred carrot, but he was willing to try because he knows Logan loves sweet things. 
Whether it was drinks or snacks, Logan loved sweets. He also loved scary shit, he and Noelle always bond over their love of horror movies and just Halloween in general. Having hashed out plans to get away from slasher characters on their living room floor when they were younger. Logan is driving to a pumpkin patch that has an orchard and a haunted house, he was taking Leo there as a surprise. This patch is one of the places Finn took him in his rookie year and he's gone back a few times a year, every year. 
Leo has been exhausted lately and studying like crazy. He was currently asleep in the passenger seat with his well used notebook in his lap. He would wake up a bit whenever they would hit a bump in the road and fall right back asleep. Logan pulls up to a parking spot in the grass next to a big fuck off pick up truck and turns off the car. He unbuckles and shakes Leo’s shoulder. 
“Leo, we are here.” Leo lifts up his head and blinks a few times sniffling and rolling his shoulders before looking at Logan. 
“Where is here?” Leo’s accent was really thick because he was still sleepy and stretched his arms back over the headrest of his seat. 
“Well, you mentioned wanting to go to a pumpkin patch so we are at one.” Logan smiles when Leo does and grabs his phone off the stand on the dash. “Let's go, I want to go to the haunted house first.” Leo nods and they get out of the car. They link hands and walk towards the small house separating the pumpkins and the apple trees. 
The house was not scary in the slightest, Leo saw everything coming before it jumped out at them but he did love how Logan wouldn’t pay attention and get scared so he would cling to him. Leo fucking loved that so much. They exit the house and Logan is still wrapped around Leo’s arm. 
“Still spooked?” 
“I just need an excuse to be all cuddled up to you in public.” Logan looks up at him and smiles. 
“Why do you need an excuse?” Leo squeezes his hand and looks down smiling just a little because he couldn’t help it. 
“Well, we aren’t public and we never talked about it either.” 
“How about we don’t worry about the media and just be a couple, hm?” Leo leans down and kisses Logan’s forehead. 
“I… like that idea.” Logan cuddles up to him more and rubs his cheek on Leo’s arm. They walk over to a food stand that has everything to do with apples, getting cups of apple cider and Leo’s apple he wanted. It was wrapped in plastic and just plain caramel. Logan drags him over to the pumpkin stand and gets a pumpkin bar. They sit down at a picnic table and Logan just stares at the bar with frosting on it flexing his hands because he wasn’t given a fork. He hates, hates,  sticky stuff on his hands. Leo meanwhile is focused on unwrapping his apple and taking a bite. It strings soft caramel when he takes it away from his face. It was pretty fucking good, setting it down on the plastic he takes a drink of his cider and frowns. 
He did not like it. It was like hot cinnamon water and it was not enjoyable. He looks up at Logan who is just opening and closing his hands as he looks at his treat. 
“What's wrong?” 
“It’s going to make my hands sticky because I don't have a fork.” 
“You don’t like that?” Logan shakes his head, Leo thinks for a moment. 
“When Finn and I used to go get pretzels at the mall back in Harvard he would hold them and I would eat them so I didn’t get stuff on my hands.” 
“Want me to do that? I don’t mind.” Logan looks up at his boyfriend and sees the soft smile with a bit of caramel on the corner of his mouth. Logan would wipe it off but… sticky. 
“You would do that for me?” Logan just feels a warm feeling bloom in his chest and he puts his hands in his lap. That warm travels to his cheeks and he knows they are red but he could care less at this moment. 
“Of course! Come here.” Leo pats his side of the table and Logan gets up and moves to the same side of the table. He puts a hand on Leo’s thigh and opens when Leo holds the bar up to his face taking a bite. Leo sets the bar down to take a bite of his apple again. 
They continue this until their food is gone and Logan scarf down both their cups of apple cider. They go to pick apples, only getting a small bag full because Leo wants to make recipes with them. They go to pick out two pumpkins to carve and one to cook with. Leo picks out two smaller pumpkins and watches Logan pick the biggest fucking pumpkin and struggle to take it over to the til. Leo offered to carry it but Logan refused. Carrying it to the car and setting it on the trunk huffing. 
“Don’t you lift like everyday?” 
“Shut upppp!” Leo laughs and they put everything into the back of the car. They get into the vehicle to drive home and share a sweet kiss before they get buckled and start driving. 
It was a good week. 
Deathly Hallow Apartments, 2020
Before the door is even completely closed Kuny is against the wall with both of their bags at their feet. They are kissing frantically, hands grabbing wherever they can. Nado is basically trying to climb up his body. So, Kuny gives him what he wants and picks him up. 
It wasn’t the most graceful thing in the world. They were mid-walk as he picked Nado up, causing him to stumble a bit, basically pinning the other man into the frame of his bedroom door. They pull away from their energetic smooching to laugh. Pressing their foreheads together Kuny adjusts his grip. Taking his friend over to the bed he tosses him onto it. Watching Nado bounce a bit while still laughing. Kuny climbs between his legs and feels Nado’s hands scramble to try and take his clothes off but Kuny grabs his wrists and just holds them for a moment. 
“What’s wrong?” Nado is looking at him with those deep dark green eyes and a little bit of a flush on his cheeks, making his tan all that more glowy. There wasn’t anything wrong, he just liked to look. He also wanted to take things a bit slower, he didn’t want to hurt Nado and this was something completely new to him. 
“Nothing. I just want to take my time with you. I don’t want to rush this.” He reaches over and lifts’s Nado’s shirt off him with ease. Tracing over all the wild ink and color. He was soft but also bumpy along his chest and shoulders but it reminded Kuny that Nado was indeed a human and not a god. 
“Kunnnnnyyyyyy! You promised to fuck the life out of me!” Nado was tugging on his shirt and Kuny let him take it off him. He rolls his eyes and yanks Nado’s pants and underwear off before standing up and taking off the rest of his own clothes. He returns to his spot between those long legs. “Uns!” 
“Sh! We need to do this right or else I’ll hurt you because… well.” Jackson watches Kuny gesture to his groin and rolls his eyes. 
“Because of your massive cock, yes, I get it. But hurrrrryyyyy! I’m horny!” 
“I can tell.” Kuny jokes and puts his arm up as a pillow from the massive pile behind them comes flying at his face. Hitting it to the side and laughing he leans down and kisses Nado, pulling away before they get to into the heat of the moment. He lets his eyes rake over Nado once more and stops when he notices a tattoo he has never seen before. He runs his hand in the crease of Nado’s thigh and pushes his left leg open. “Do you have a tattoo… near your dick?” Kuny just looks at the tattoo so confused, imagining the pain that comes from getting a tattoo in the crease of your thigh. 
“Yeah, it’s a slug.”
“I thought he was cute! His name is Stanley.” Nado smiles up at him with pride and Kuny can’t help but let out an amused huff. 
“You’re cute.” Kuny says and rummages around under the pillows on either side of the laughing man. He finds what he is looking for but loses his grip on it when he moves down Nado’s body. While Nado has his eyes closed from laughing he decides to give Nado a taste of his own medicine and swallow him down while he isn’t paying attention.
“UNS! FUCK! A LITTLE WARNING!” Jackson grips Kuny’s hair tightly, it was probably painful but he could care less at this very moment. Feeling his eyes unintentionally cross, he feels a heavy arm patting the bed next to him. He forces himself to focus and sees the hand trying to grab the lube that Kuny must have found under his pillow mountain earlier. Jackson picks it up, grabs Kuny’s hand and slaps the bottle in that large palm.  When did Kuny even learn how to suck dick!?
Jackson can hear himself letting out breathy moans but he isn’t really paying attention to anything other than the man between his legs. He once again feels Kuny moving and Jackson helps him out, lifting his legs to rest over Kuny’s broad shoulders. He relaxes, stretching out completely with his hands stretched out over his head. Then he is less relaxed. He feel’s fingers around just where he wants them and feels a loud moan fall from his mouth as two thick fingers push into him. 
Kuny was in heaven. He was listening to Nado moaning, for the first time not through their bedroom walls and it was from himself making Nado feel good. He used two fingers because he remembers talking to Nado about it one night when they were just watching shit TV on a sunday. Casual conversation, of course. Nado was crushing his head between his thighs and it was a wonderful feeling. He could feel his muscles tensing around his ears and fuck, was it addictive. 
“Kuny, I’m gonna cum if you don’t-” Jackson was not a person who came easily but he hasn’t had sex in what felt like forever. When in reality it was about three months. He feels that magical mouth pull off his dick and he whines unintentionally. He feels those fingers keep moving at a steady and light rhythm. 
“I’m doing four fingers.” Kuny looks up to see a confused look on Nado’s face. 
“Now!?” Jackson did not realize there were more fingers added, was he really that far gone already? 
“No,” Kuny chuckles and gives his inner thigh a small kiss. “ But that's what I will work up to because I really really don’t want to hurt you. Okay?” 
“No, it's going to take forever!” He chokes on his words when he feels pressure on his prostate making his legs jerk in different directions and his back arch off the bed. “OKAY! Okay! Take your time.” He takes a deep breath and keeps up the pattern of deep breaths to keep himself from finding the edge too soon. Just trying to figure out how Kuny knows what he's doing.
Kuny worked him open for a few minutes, they were both sweating and Nado was twitching, gripping the sheets as his knuckles turned white. Kuny slides in another finger and Nado looks like he was about to have a stroke. So he completely stopped moving his fingers all together. 
“KUNY! What the hell!?” 
“I want to watch you move.” Kuny lifts himself up so he is resting most of his weight in his forearm that is placed just above Nado’s shoulder. He sees the other man turn bright red and flop his arm over his eyes. Grumbling as he slowly starts to move his hips. “Nado, look at me.” 
It feels like Kuny is taunting him, so he lets out a huff and moves his arm from across his eyes to over his head, only to see those beautiful light brown eyes right in front of him. 
They kiss and he feels himself turn into a melted ice cream puddle. 
Kuny pushes in another finger knowing that Nado was ready for it a long time ago but he has been enjoying watching the other man just fall apart. Nado breaks their kiss to moan brokenly. Loving that sound he starts kissing up the taunt tattooed neck. 
“Just like that.” Kuny mumbles into the sweaty skin as Nado keeps his hips moving on their own. Kuny takes over once again but is only able to move his fingers in and out once before Nado is grabbing his wrist making him stop moving. “You okay?” The concern in his voice makes Nado smile. He cares about him and it makes him so happy.
“Y-yeah, I just don’t want to cum when you aren’t in me.” 
“... I’m literally inside you!”
“Not your fingers! Your cock!” Nado laughs a bit as Kuny chuckles into his neck. This pause has given him a bit of time to calm down and get away from the edge. Shivering as Kuny pulls his fingers out. He twists a bit to pop his hips and sighs as Kuny reaches into the side table to grab a condom and puts it on after throwing the wrapper over his shoulder. Kuny lubes himself up and wraps Nado’s legs around his waist, feeling him pull him closer. Obviously in a hurry to get fucked. 
Jackson was trying to hurry Kuny the fuck up without words and instead is bracketed in with Kuny putting his hands one either side of his head and looking down on him with this expression of cockiness. Which he has never seen from Kuny before. It was sexy as hell.
“I’m taking my time with you for a reason. But once you get comfortable, you better hold on.” Kuny pushes in about a quarter of the way and watches Nado’s face contrast from surprise to eyes-rolled back in pleasure as his mouth falls open. He slowly starts rocking only a bit of the way in and out as he lets Nado get used to him. Rough hands wrap around his wrists and Nado is just panting under him. Kuny pushes a bit more in and Nado chokes again. 
“Deep breaths, tell me when you’re ready.” Kuny keeps his slow pace using one of his hands to brush the hair off Nado’s forehead. “You’re beautiful” 
“You’re a fucking sap.” Jackson groans, looking up at Kuny who is staring back at him with the most loving look. That just makes him want to spill out those three words without hesitation… but he doesn’t. “Kuny-please!”
“Be patient” Kuny feel Nado’s heels digging into his booty trying to push him in more to bring him closer. So he gives Nado what he wants, how could he resist with a face like that. Kuny pushes in half way, leaning down to give Nado a sweet sweet kiss. 
“Is that all of you?” 
“Oh thank GOD!” Jackson pushes his hips up and moans, wrapping his arms around Kuny’s neck pulling him in for more kisses. Laughing into the kisses, he makes the bigger man laugh as well, having a little giggle fit in the middle of them doing the horizontal tango. Seemed about right. Kuny pulls away and brushes the hair out of his face again because the mess-of-a-bun it's in has been flopping all over. His hands are sweaty so the hair gets a bit stuck to it and ends up pulling it a bit. 
“Sorry my hands are-”
“Do it again.” Kuny shakes his head a bit surprised and wants to say something but he doesn’t even know what to say. He just tugs lightly on that hair he loves so much, lacing his fingers in the bun. He pulls on his hair and pushes all the way in, with his hand pulling the hair holding Nado’s head back so his neck is completely exposed and he just goes to town sucking on those tattoos. 
“ILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOU-OHFUCK!” Kuny was pounding into him for a good few minutes until Jackson’s head got the best of him and he spurted out those words he wanted to save for a special occasion. But now that he thinks about it, this is a special occasion. Kuny just stops moving when the words sink in around them and it annoys the hell out of Jackson. “Kuny! Please move!” 
Kuny does just that, pressing his face into Nado’s neck once again and just fucking the life out of him without stopping. No breaks, no pauses, nothing. He was going to show Nado that he loved him too even if he couldn’t get the words out at this very moment. Kuny feels Nado’s arm slide off from around him and go between them. His hips don’t slow down in the slightest. He was so close and he could feel it in his navel. 
Jackson reached between them, he really wanted to try and cum untouched but with how Kuny was starting to sloppily move he realized the teddy bear wasn’t going to last long enough for that. Guess they would have to do this again. He smiles to himself at the thought and starts jerking himself off quickly, his moans were getting higher pitched. He throws his head back and grips Kuny’s shoulder with his free hand as Kuny thrust a few more times incredibly hard just the way he likes it. 
They both cum around the same time and Kuny just puts all his weight on Nado, flopping his arms out. 
“I’m hot.” 
“Yes, you are. We should go again.” Jackson panted out not wanting this night to end.
“You’ll be too sore to do anything tomorrow.” Kuny mumbles behind his ear and kisses lightly. 
“Only thing I’m doing tomorrow is getting my tiddies pierced, oh and my tongue.” Jackson shifts a bit to get his arms out from between them, resting them above his head to cool down.
“You still have to sit.” 
“Maybe a little.” They both let out little amused breaths laying together in comfortable and sleepy silence. 
The next morning Jackson is sitting on the piercing chair, he went a couple hours early to chat with Marlene as she tattoos some guys thigh, then makes his way over to Mary who is stenciling up a new tattoo for a client who texted her an idea, and finally Andy who was just eating a granola bar and was happy to talk to him. Ink came in late and she is his normal piercer. She looked like shit if he was being honest. Pale, sweaty and tired. 
“Hi, sorry I’m late. It’s been a rough week. I had treatment a few days ago and just feel like shit.” She puts on her gloves and has him take off his shirt. 
“Treatment? Are you sick? Is everything okay?” She shakes her head and starts disinfecting his chest working quickly before sitting down on her swivel chair and scoots next to him. 
“No, June and I have been trying to have a baby for… a long time. It hasn’t been working.” She just looks so sad and he doesn’t really know how to respond and it appears she doesn’t want him to because she just gives him the rundown of after care for his new jewels. Then pierces him once he's ready. 
And that was that. 
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aondaneedles · 2 years
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under-theweirwood · 1 year
o'knutzy week day two!
a little angst, a little tremblay sibling bonding, a little emotional hurt/comfort. @oknutzyweek2023 && @lumosinlove cred4ever
(note: vaincre spoilers! set sometime after logan's move)
Sydney wasn’t Logan’s first choice sister for emotional support. She was his first choice sister for lake days and horror movies and practicing shootouts but not usually affairs of the heart. Noelle was better at that, or even Aubrey. Sydney was maybe a bit too much like Logan. 
But she was the one in Manhattan, the one who had called him, interrupted his usual pastime of laying in his empty apartment being sad, telling him that she was in town for one night because a game got rescheduled and she wanted to check on her little brother. The little brother in question might have gotten choked up a little just hearing her familiar accent, the slight nasal in her voice, the clack of her nails when she put the phone on speaker and typed in his address.
And then she was there after practice, like they were kids and they’d just finished up practice on the same rink.
“Lolo,” she’d yelled, sounding the same she’d always sounded, waiting outside for him to finish getting changed. She was so much the way she always was that it almost made Logan cry again. He stayed choked up even while he shushed her, gave her a tight hug, and knocked her beanie askew just to make her scowl. 
He was drained, from practice and from not sleeping and missing Finn and Leo every second of the day. She was tired too, her season just as much underway back in Canada as his was. And Logan knew she didn’t really need to come into town, could have gone up a day early for her next game. She came to check on him because she loved him, because he could try not to call his boys but he couldn’t ever hold back from calling his sisters.
They got coffee from the place just around the corner from Logan’s apartment, ordering the same drink that Finn had been calling sugar-water for years. Two iced mochas with cinnamon, almond milk. Lo and Syd, same as always. 
Logan even thought he had done a good job playing host, even just showing her the blue walls of the Rangers facility and the few restaurants and cafes the team had shown him. It wasn’t like it was her first time in the city, but still, it felt good to show her his little life there. To prove, maybe, that he was hanging in there. 
It got harder to keep his spirits up later in the day. By dinnertime, Logan’s phone had blinked up a few notifications from the boys, wrenching his heart a little each time. Outside the city was lit up but inside felt cold as ever. It felt silly to hang things on the walls of the apartment that was so not home, but that didn’t mean it felt good looking at all the blank, anonymous walls, the way that the space still looked exactly like it had when he toured. Dirty shoes and some duffels by the door, ready for practice, but that was about it. 
“Ouais, Lo, I’m making dinner.” Sydney clapped her hands, interrupting his moping, sliding into the open plan kitchen on her socked feet. “I know you must have something in this fancy apartment of yours.” 
Logan pulled himself off the couch and slid across the room to stand next to her by the cabinets. 
“I can make soup- for sure, I can make you some tomato soup.” Sydney pulled out the can, and turned to the fridge to see what else there was. Logan was almost sure there was some cheese, maybe some veggies. He planned to go to the store after practice the day before-- or two days earlier? But it was so easy just to order in, pick something up on the way home. And that was if he was hungry anyway. Sometimes his stomach just hurt too much in his empty apartment, and he just made tea and got into bed and tried to sleep. 
“Lolo, you really don’t have much here do you?” Sydney’s voice was soft when she looked over. The fridge was empty, just some condiments and half a burger growing mold in its styrofoam to-go container. 
Logan’s chest felt tight. There was his sister and his empty fridge and he couldn’t even make it to the grocery store to pick up some essentials. He was an adult and he didn’t even have milk on the shelf. 
“Your big boy NHL paycheck and you don’t even get some fruit?” Sydney was teasing him in her familiar way, but she must have been able to tell that something was suddenly wrong because her voice was soft, and then she was moving across the kitchen to wrap her arms around him. 
Logan tried to answer but all he got out was a kind of whimper. Sydney tightened her arms, shushing him gently. “I know, leaving Gryff has been hard on you, I know.” She was the same height as him- which Logan would deny, of course-- but just then he felt tiny, tucked into her side like a little kid. “Lolo, c’mon, it’s okay.” she shushed him gently, running her hands through his hair. 
He tried to breath slowly, calmly, but all he got out was another little sob. Logan didn’t know when he’d started crying, only that he felt suddenly unmoored, totally adrift. What was he doing in New York City, playing at being okay on his own? He wished he was in Gryff, of course, sandwiched between Finn and Leo on their couch, or even at home in the house he’d grown up in where nothing was ever more wrong than Sydney taking the last biscuit or running late to a practice.  
Sydney rubbed his back back comfortingly, one hand still in his hair as she guided him over to the couch and pulled him down so he was curled against her. “They shouldn’t have made you come here,” she said finally, when Logan finally caught his breath. 
“Ouais,” Logan sniffled. “They shouldn’t have, we were so good together.” He wasn’t sure if the ‘we’ was the lions, or Finn and Leo, or the Dumais kids clambering over him. It was all so good. 
Sydney understood, of course: Hockey was hockey, and they were lucky enough to have beaten the odds to play the game as a career. That meant giving up some security, though, accepting that a call could come from way up and change everything. 
Sydney paused in stroking hair hair, the way she did sometimes when she was deciding what to say. “You know,” she said slowly, “we never talked about it but I had to- when I got traded to Toronto Amber was still in Montréal. It was... a year, I think? Maybe two?” 
Logan sniffled, distracted for a second by what he thought Syd might be trying to tell him. 
“Amber your? Your friend from college?” He remembered Amber, he thought- all his sisters had been popular, bringing back friends for weeks in the summer and ski trips in the winter. Amber stood out, Sydney’s closest friend. She was taller than Logan and even more muscular that Sydney, with short hair and smooth dark skin. 
Sydney snorted out a laugh. “Lolo, my... friend? My friend from college?” She pulled away to raise both her eyebrows at him, speaking slowly like he was a toddler. 
Logan was confused. “You missed her when you played in different cities?” That made sense, it was always hard to go from sharing lines to facing someone across the ice. Logan hadn’t even really needed to do it until this, until now, but it loomed over the season. 
“Lo, you are so smart sometimes but also so dumb...” Sydney massaged the corners of her forehead, cracking up as she shook her head. “Amber my girlfriend? My girlfriend who I also had to do hockey long-distance with?” 
Logan blinked back at her. “You’re gay?” 
Sydney sighed exaggeratedly and flopped backwards on the couch. “Yes I am gay Logan I thought that when I brought my girlfriend of multiple years to our house for holidays that made it clear? Maybe when we lived together in Montréal? Maybe now that we literally own a house together I thought you would realize?” 
Logan sat back, considering. Parsed out like that, it did seem a little silly that he didn’t realize. But living together? He’d thought they were roommates, and he hadn’t actually spent more than a few hours in that apartment when he was visiting. And the house that they bought? That was harder to understand, but Logan had assumed it was like, a townhouse? Something with multiple apartments that they co-owned? Everyone talked about the high cost of housing, sharing didn’t seem too crazy. Once, he and Finn had talked about buying some house under the stars on a lake they could skate on. He and Finn... Logan sighed. It was coming together. 
“I guess I just assumed you were like me and Finn, really close friends?” Logan chewed his lip thoughtfully. 
Sydney threw her hands in the air. “Yes, Logan,” she said still speaking slowly. “Just like you and Finn. For example, together!” 
“You mean- this whole time, you’ve been gay?” Logan couldn’t believe it. He’d felt so alone, so broken, for so long. Even telling Noelle, telling his sisters about how he felt, it was a dark secret, a burden to be shared. Never did he think that he could have another queer sibling. 
“This whole time, Lolo,” Sydney rolled her eyes. “You were just too worried about your boy to think about it I guess. You think you all are the only queers in hockey?” 
“Sorry about that...” Logan felt bad as she said it. Of course he hadn’t noticed anything, he did spend all of college and most of his first year in the NHL obsessing over Finn, or obsessing over how to stop it.
“Oh, shh,” Sydney laughed, slouching against him as she pulled out her phone. “Aubrey and I were betting on if you had noticed anything last summer. She owes me a favor, I knew you weren’t paying any attention.” 
“Ugh,” Logan sighed. “I can’t believe you guys placed bets.” He’d been thoroughly distracted from his feelings by Sydney’s revelation, and now he felt embarrassed to be such a baby, not to mention for being clueless. Also, hungry. “So, dinner?” He imagined Leo, what Finn and him were no doubt sitting down to eat at home. It didn’t hurt as much as it would have an hour earlier, though, not with his sister splayed out on the couch next to him, making fun of him. 
“How about we order dinner, what about that?” Sydney was already scrolling through options on her phone. “Neither of us is really a cook, huh.” 
That made Logan snort out a laugh, even if he still had tears drying around his eyes. They’d burnt plenty of toast (and soup, and pasta, and...)  together growing up. 
“There’s good sushi here,” he said, leaning over to tap Sydney's screen when she scrolled past. 
“Bet,” she said, making him laugh with her exaggerated American accent. 
“Bet,” he parroted, “Ouais, let’s order, I’m hungry.” 
Later, they would talk about everything. About first crushes and first kisses, glances in locker rooms and hands held on busses to roadies, about feeling alone and then the magic of feeling alone together with someone special. Eventually, over the course of years, they would talk about what it meant to be queer kids growing up in hockey, about the women’s league and how things were different from the NHL and how things were the same. 
That night, though, they ate sushi, and slept side by side on Logan’s bed, curled around his laptop playing French cartoons from when they were kids.  For the first time since he moved in, Logan fell asleep easily, the familiar sound of his sisters breathing reminding him that he wasn’t alone. 
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wincheirs · 1 year
important. muse list under the cut. all children of canon characters (sam & dean) will require dynamic chatting & plotting for other muns to interact. <3 liking is not required, but feel free to give this a like if you’ve read this whole thing.
current muse count: 22, as of post series / post s15:
Lisdean’s children ( @nephi1ims / Lis Drake-Winchester & @wastedbloodshed / Dean Winchester ):
Nathaniel “Nate”/“Nathan” Bobby (older) & Harper Rose Winchester-Drake (twins. oldest set of children)
Nathan FC: Rudy Pankow.
Harper FC: Virginia Gardner.
Bailey Alana Winchester-Drake. FC: Lily James.
Henry Alexander (older) & Tyler Jacob Winchester-Drake.
Henry FC: Alexander Ludwig.
Tyler FC: Alexander Ludwig.
Sambree's children ( @nephi1ims / Bree Drake-Winchester & @freedsatan / Sam Winchester. )
Chase Johnathan Winchester-Drake (oldest). FC: Charlie Gillespie.
Hazel Jude Winchester-Drake. FC: Danielle Rose Russell.
Noah Xavier Winchester-Drake. FC: Alex Fitzalan.
Madeleine Violet Winchester-Drake. FC: Natalie Dyer.
Samandriel/Adam/Elena’s (poly relationship) kids ( @ragerots / Samandriel , @freedcage / Adam Milligan-Winchester & @nephi1ims / Elena Drake-Winchester (through marriage) ):
Kathryn “Katie” Noelle Milligan-Winchester-Drake (Adam = Dad. Oldest. Born some time in S10.). FC: Natalie Alyn Lind.
Hannah Charlotte Milligan-Winchester-Drake (Adam = Dad). FC: Sabrina Carpenter.
Adrian Emmett (older) & Avery William Milligan-Winchester-Drake (twins. Samandriel = Dad)
Adrian FC: Dylan Sprouse.
Avery FC: Dylan Sprouse.
Isabel Milligan-Winchester-Drake (Samandriel = Dad). FC: Josefine Frida Pettersen.
Charicmelia’s (poly relationship; Charlie Dawson, Icarus Soot-Pantazis & Eumelia / Emma Pantazis-Soot over at @ragerots . Note: All three adults + their kids are immortal, & the kids are born pre-series. ) kids:
Vasilios (older) & Ourania Pantazis-Soot. (twins; oldest children)
Vasilios FC: Logan Lerman.
Ourania FC: Willa Holland.
Nicolai (older) & Ophelia Pantazis-Soot. Father = Icarus.
Nicolai FC: Noah Schnapp.
Ophelia FC: Millie Bobby Brown.
Phoibe Pantazis-Soot. (Father = Charlie.)
Phoibe FC: Kristine Froseth.
Theo R.aeken’s ( @chimeracorpse ) chimera kids:
Shane (older) & Haley Raeken. (twins)
Shane FC: Jacob Tremblay.
Haley FC: Willow Shields.
last updated: 6/6/23.
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STUDIO CITY, CA – February 24, 2023 – Erica Durance (“Color My World with Love,” “We Need a Little Christmas”), Michael Rady (“Magnum P.I.,” “Chicago Med”) and Erica Tremblay (“Helstrom”) star in “Unexpected Grace,” a new original premiering Sunday, March 12 (7 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.
When Grace (Tremblay) finds a message tied to a balloon written by a girl named Toni (Sophia Powers, “Son of a Critch”) who was looking for a friend, she eagerly responds as she’s new in town and has been trying to find her place there. Toni’s mother Noelle (Durance), receives Grace’s note and is touched by it but when she responds, she can’t find it in her to share that her daughter suddenly passed away two years prior. Noelle and Grace’s correspondence eventually leads to an in-person meeting, where Noelle then meets her father Jack (Rady). As the three of them spend time with each other, the friendship between Noelle and Grace leads them on an unexpected journey.
“Unexpected Grace” is a Motherly Love Road and Front Street Pictures production. Carla Singer is executive producer and the movie was produced by Charles Cooper. Linda-Lisa Hayter directed from a teleplay by Eugenia Zukerman and Mark Hefti, from a story by Zukerman.
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Quick drawing of the Tremblay siblings from the last chapter of between fifth and you, characters credit to #lumosinlove
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futurebicon · 3 years
Okay, wait.
Alex is dating Kasey and Natalie.
Alex and Finn are brothers.
Finn is dating Leo and Logan.
Logan and Noelle are brother and sister.
Noelle is dating Thomas.
So if they all get married.
Are they all related through marriage?
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lumosinlove · 1 year
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Logan & Noelle.
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fruitcoops · 11 months
May It Never Leave You
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Fic O'Ween Day 11: Monster--or, What You Have, What You Hate (Logan's Version). Everyone's favorite dead horse is back, babey. Kudos to @noots-fic-fests for their hard work and @lumosinlove for these characters (and an outstanding Vaincre update today) .
TW memory loss, hospitals
Sunlight yawned over the horizon. Logan ticked another day in his head. 52 hours. Nearly a new record. The last time he didn’t sleep for two days, he and Finn had just finished playing Yale.
At least the apartment smelled better than their dorm had. Leave it to Leo and Finn’s monthly Target dates to find the best candles.
His head hurt. His chest hurt. Even his fucking eyes hurt, like he had kept them open after diving into the lake. It was a miserable way to feel in an otherwise perfect place—but then again, very little had been perfect recently.
Leo stirred in the curve of his body, not much more than a twitch. He hadn’t been sleeping well, either. Finn was the only one able to keep his eyes closed for longer than an hour (if that) and even he was quiet during the day. Dawn caught their phone screens as it filtered through the sliver of the blinds, all lined up on the nightstand with ringers turned to the highest setting. Just in case.
Logan blinked hard and pressed back into Finn. He needed to feel something solid; needed to feel Finn shift, his arm tightening around Logan’s waist. Something between his lungs throbbed with blunt pain.
“We should visit today.”
Leo’s voice was dull and coarse. Logan nodded into the nape of his neck.
“I want—” He broke off with an audible swallow. “I want to check on him.”
Sirius had woken for nearly twenty minutes the day before. James had been there, and Remus, of course. Logan wasn’t sure they had left yet. Remus certainly hadn’t looked like it. But their excitement was momentary at best when Sirius’ sleepy greetings turned incoherent, and he slipped back under for the rest of the day. Logan shook the whole way home.
“D’accord,” he murmured, tucking his knees into the hollow of Leo’s own. His belly was tense under Logan’s palm; he rubbed slow circles over it and kissed the curve of Leo’s neck. “We’ll go.”
Finn’s alarm went off at eight. They let it ring itself out. Nine minutes passed and it went again, a cheerful jangle that faded into silence. Slender fingers curled up against Logan’s collarbone. Finn’s cheek was flat on his shoulder blade, shaky breaths passing warm air over his skin. He let go for less than a minute. The alarm didn’t ring again.
Leo had the courage to check his email at nine and Logan half-read it over his shoulder, little blue dots disappearing unread into “[Gmail] Trash” under a thumb with the nail chewed down to the quick. He kissed the little-dipper trail of faint freckles up Leo’s shoulder and nudged at his wrist until he set the phone down with a tired smile and allowed Logan to coax him onto his belly, shifting closer. His cheek was pillow-creased when he turned. They looked at each other for a few seconds before Logan passed his thumbpad along Leo’s cheekbone, and blue eyes fell shut.
They didn’t get out of bed until ten o’clock. Breakfast was a quiet affair despite the radio and the sizzle of the stove. “Someone should text Remus,” Leo said as he passed eggs to Logan to crack. “See if he needs anything.”
Logan fought a wince. Sleep. Therapy. For someone to physically remove him from that place. According to James, they had only just managed to make him take a walk around the upper floor of the hospital. He’d been sleeping in a chair. Logan hadn’t pressed for more information, and the guilt gnawed at his ribs. “We can bring…sandwiches. Or something. Maybe books? A change of clothes?”
“Toothbrush,” Leo suggested, prodding at the scrambled eggs. “That might be nice.”
Logan carefully sliced another section of the green onion before speaking. “James brought his toothbrush. And a hoodie, I think. I can ask what they need.”
“Are they letting him stay?”
“Non, only immediate family.”
“I’m so glad they got married.”
Logan turned and saw Leo do the same. Finn was rinsing his fingertips under the faucet, but nothing in his face told Logan he was paying any attention to it. The purple under his eyes was nearly mauve in this light. “Me, too,” Leo said softly.
“Just—can you imagine?” Finn cleared his throat, shutting the water off. “I mean, Loops would be losing it. Immediate family. I wonder if they’d call…y’know.”
Logan wasn’t going to think about that. He had been trying very, very hard not to think about that for nearly three days, now. None of them needed monsters under the bed when the real thing was bad enough on its own.
“Well, they didn’t,” Logan said briskly. The handle of the knife dug into his hand; he forced it into steadiness and moved the next handful of onion over. At the stove, Leo’s shoulders were tight up near his ears. “And we’ll go see him, and it’ll be fine.”
Buddy, can you hear me? It’s James.
Tremz, call the nurse in real quick—hey, keep your eyes open. How are you feeling?
Mmm. Bon. Head hurts. Remus?
I’m here, I’m right here.
Tiny green shreds sprinkled onto their eggs, bright and clean. A ‘thanks, cher’ painted onto his temple by a kiss.
Alright, Mr. Black, let’s take a look at that forehead.
Is it hurting?
Game day. Pick up Reg from practice.
Mr. Black, please try to stay awake.
Baby, just listen—
Gotta pick him up. Reg’s practice.
“You want bacon?”
Logan blinked down at the plates. It all looked beautiful, like his mother’s wax fruit in the living room back home. “Sounds great.” He kissed Leo’s shoulder and dusted the last bit of green onion onto Finn’s portion. “Merci. I’ll get forks.”
A little shiver ran through Leo. He tucked his arms across his body, as if the apartment wasn’t set to seventy-five degrees year-round, but smiled down at Logan all the same. “Thanks.”
“Are you cold?”
“Nah, not really.”
Footsteps padded over and then Finn was there, tugging his sweatshirt off and slipping it over Leo’s head. If nothing else, it got a laugh out of him. Weak—but there. Finn’s glasses sat sideways on his face and Logan poked them back into place with a gentle swipe down the razor-straight bridge of his nose. “I made cocoa,” he said, raspier than Logan was accustomed to this late in the morning. “I’m not really—it’s not a coffee morning, I guess, but if you want some I can—”
His mouth fell quiet against the inside of Leo’s shoulder, muffled by his own hoodie. Logan saw his chest lurch in Leo’s tight hold. He felt a little dumb attempting to wrap his arms around them both and cursed his proportions for the hundredth time, but neither seemed to mind. Leo was still trembling just slightly. Finn was board-stiff; his hand came up and twisted in the pocket of Logan’s pajama pants to draw him close.
It wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair, and Logan was trying so hard to be angry.
Leo gave a light cough. “I’m really fucking scared.”
That first night, Logan had fallen asleep praying he would wake in his bed in Rimouski, buried under the heavy blue duvet he had stolen from Aubrey when she redecorated her room on her 13th birthday. It was old and soft and safe and lightly scented with the lavender soap their grandmother mailed from Nice every month. But his stomach had rioted at the thought of waking alone, the last ten years a dream. As horrible as this was, as sick as he felt, God would have to pry this from his cold dead hands before he gave it up. He wished he knew how to tell them that.
Finn was hot at the nape when Logan leaned against him. “We’ll eat,” he suggested, tracing a loose heart over Leo’s mid-back. “Breakfast looks amazing. We’ll shower. I’ll call James. They’re not going anywhere.”
“…I don’t want to get my hair wet,” Finn said quietly.
“I want to take a bath,” Leo murmured into the top of his head. “You can come with me.”
Finn nodded, then swallowed hard. “I don’t want him to wake up alone.”
“He won’t,” Logan said. When Finn didn’t show a sign of hearing him, he nibbled at the curve of his shoulder; a smile twitched his lips. “Hey. Hey. He’s got half the team there already. We’ll bring sandwiches and be popular, d’accord?”
“You need to be muzzled.”
“That sounds fun.”
Finn snorted, pushing at him without taking his face from the sanctuary of Leo’s chest. “Get outta here.”
“Come eat before the food gets cold.” Disregard that nothing sounded worse than eating right now. They had bigger things to worry about, and none of it would be made better on an empty stomach. But maybe, maybe they’d have a kinder day. And maybe Sirius would wake up for real this time. They just had to take it in stages, one baby step at a time.
One. Leo and Finn took a bath.
Two. Logan scrubbed the breakfast dishes.
Three. He tucked Leo close and tight to himself while they put the lunch order in on the couch.
Four. His kiss to Finn’s cheek lingered before his hand came anywhere close to the passenger side door.
Five. Remus was on the floor.
Sirius’ door was closed, and Remus was on the floor.
Logan pushed the takeout bag into Olli’s hands and broke into a run.
“What happened?” His knees smarted on contact with the tiles. Dumo was slackjawed and Remus was fucking white. “Loops? Is he okay? Did something go wrong?”
He’s gone, he’s gone, we lost him.
Someone was speaking, Leo was speaking, Remus was staring into the void like the world had fallen out from under him. His arm was loose and weak under Logan’s hand; he eased his grip and watched Remus’ throat bob. A breathless gasp broke from him before any words. “He doesn’t love me anymore.”
“No, Remus, that’s not…” Dumo looked exhausted. Sounded exhausted. Logan could feel himself beginning to shake, deep in his core where the fear snapped and burned. Deep brown eyes slid over the group before fixing Logan to the scrap of a planet beneath him. “Sirius is alright,” Dumo said firmly. “He’s awake and Pots is with him right now.”
Then why are we all on the fucking floor? he wanted to shout. The burning raced up Logan’s throat and into his eyes. “I don’t believe you.”
For all that Logan’s terror blinded him, Dumo didn’t look well, either. “We don’t know the full story, but—”
Nonsense bumbled from Remus’ mouth. His eyes had slipped to the pale tile, pupils dilated, a hundred years away. An exhale rattled in him like a sob chained down. “Five percent. They told me five percent.”
Logan swayed. A hand steadied him when he sat back. Dumo hadtold him about the five percent. Five percent had been hooked in the back of his mind for 60 hours and shaken him from half-waking dreams. But five percent was nothing—was practically zero. Five percent was a liability figure told to prevent a lawsuit, nothing more.
Remus was lifted to his feet, barely, and Logan watched him sit hard in one of the stiff chairs. No tears striped his ashen face. Beside him, Dumo was blinking fast. Olli passed him a napkin from the paper bag Logan had picked up not fifteen minutes ago from the place Remus liked because they had soft-serve ice cream. The place Sirius liked because Remus liked it.
He wasn’t sure if he could get up, now. It seemed he had left his knees at the cashier’s counter by mistake.
A funny noise escaped him at pressure on his back.
“Lo, baby, come up with me. Come on.”
Thomas was holding Remus around the shoulders. His mouth turned down at the sides while they spoke in low voices.
Logan couldn’t help himself. “Did we lose him?”
“No,” Finn said immediately, voice dropping hoarse. “God, Logan, no, we didn’t lose him.”
“Five percent chance of severe memory loss.” That first night had been so long and so hard. He had stammered his way through a call with his father, though he couldn’t remember a word they exchanged. He knew he had stayed plastered to Dumo’s side for hours while Sirius went through scan after scan, fast asleep. Finn let him push close, let him pretend he could hide in the hollow of his arm. “We lost him.”
It was audacious to claim any part of his pain alongside whatever Sirius must be feeling—whatever Remus must be feeling. Logan couldn’t help it. The chasm of his belly beat not fair! into his guts. Sirius had done nothing wrong. He didn’t deserve five percent.
“I want to go back to bed,” he mumbled.
Finn’s hand rubbed along his back. “Okay. We can do that. We’ll get up, we’ll go home—”
“I want to wake up right now.”
“Oh. Oh, Lo…”
“This is not supposed to happen.” Tears clumped on his lashes. He refused to let them fall. He had no right. “This is not. He has to be okay.”
“Pots is with him.” Finn brought him close, and shame burbled up at the way Logan clutched him all too tight. They shouldn’t be doing this with Remus right there. “Cap’s got a lot of good people looking out for him right now. Nobody better. And I have you, and we’ve got Knutty, and we’re just going to take a minute for everyone to calm down.”
Finn was using his storybook voice. Hills and valleys, nearly singsong. It set some part of Logan’s brain mute with old comfort. “I need—I need to help.” His throat scraped when he breathed. “I need to get up or I’m going to stay here for a really long time.”
“I know.” Of course he did. Finn always knew what Logan wanted before Logan did. Drinks, food, kisses. This. He was already braced against Logan to boost him up, for Christ’s sake.
If Logan gave him double that love in return, it still wouldn’t be enough. Not for Finn, who deserved all and more. He wanted to pack him up in softness and seal it with a kiss, keep him somewhere safe and kind forever. They stood together—only a little wobble before he righted himself. Leo had pushed a sandwich into Thomas’ hands and was trying to shepherd the others into it as well. He didn’t like the tension creeping up the back of Leo’s neck.
Remus was still staring at the door as if he’d seen a ghost. Logan didn’t want to go in there. He caused damage. He was shit at fixing it.
He really wanted to be angry at this.
“Please eat.” Leo’s voice was tight and pitched at the start, forced into his measured baritone. His nailbed was white where it pressed into thin wax paper; Logan made a silent note to get him some water from the fountain down the hall.
“Hmm?” Dumo blinked a few times, then startled, as if he hadn’t seen Leo there. His gaze slid from Leo’s face to the sandwich, and he took it with a wan smile. “Ah. Merci.”
He picked at the sticker sealing it, but that was all. Logan had spent too much time around the man day in and day out to be fooled into thinking he was anywhere on this plane right now. Distant eyes and tight wrists. A rigid back, like when they thought Marc broke a rib at hockey practice. Logan wondered if Remus could hear his mind whirring from the adjacent chair.
Thick gray sleeves sheltered his mouth from view.
Without the vibrant red letters, the lack of color washed him out. Thomas’ deep blue shirt was harsh next to Remus’ grayscale.
“Re,” Thomas tried again, nudging him ever so gently. Remus made a faint noise. “Hey, you want a sandwich?”
“Not hungry.”
Leo’s brows pitched in the middle—Logan wanted to smooth it away, to kiss it into the ether. Distress was a difficult thing to watch on Leo’s round face. “You need to eat,” Thomas said. He took the proffered sandwich with a quick squeeze of Leo’s forearm, and slid it into the space between Remus’ thighs and body. “Whenever you’re ready, just…we’re here.”
“You should go,” Remus murmured into his forearms.
“He’s awake. Not much to do now.”
“I don’t—” His voice caught and Logan felt his stomach plummet. Not now, not now. “There’s not a lot to do here. The nurses’ll take care of him.”
“We’re here to take care of you, too,” Thomas said quietly.
Remus closed his eyes.
“Ouais,” Logan managed. Finn’s arm pulsed around his waist; he cleared his throat, willing the clamminess from his palms. “Both of you—yeah, whatever you need.”
It had been such a fucking fight during those first terrible hours. Nearly midnight, and still no answers. Adrenaline and exhaustion, scraps of illness battling with the raging fire inside him while every door slammed in his face with a no, no, family only, I’m sorry. Watching them roll Sirius to a scan room. Leaving Remus and his shaky, feeble smile under the scathing fluorescents. Come back tomorrow. I’m sure someone will call you with an update. It didn’t matter that Sirius would have wanted him there.
Well—that was debatable. Sirius probably would have preferred to pass out in some quiet, dark corner and pick himself up without anyone knowing. But Logan had never let him do that before, and he wasn’t about to start now. Goddamn martyr. If it wasn’t for Leo’s quaking grip on his hand, he would have bulldozed past every too-bright white coat in the place and planted himself at Sirius’ bedside just like Remus had been allowed to. He was always there for Sirius. It wasn’t fair to keep him away because of a silly thing like blood relation.
Leo tucked his phone into his back pocket. “Visiting hours start in twenty minutes.”
A silent request filled with bare-rock hope. Logan took the empty chair and cupped his hand over the back of Leo’s. “I’d like to see him,” he offered. He hoped his meaning came through—I’m here. I love you. I’m here because I love you.
The hand beneath his own turned over and twined their fingers, pale and straight against his own fucked-up knuckles. His hands looked so blunt when they were together. Let alone when Finn, all willowy strength, toyed with his fingers. It was like comparing a sledgehammer to a harpist.
Twenty minutes was a long time to ask Finn to sit still. He may have been more staid than usual, but that didn’t stop him from popping up and down no less than four times for water, trash runs, and to check in with the nurses.
More than once, it was clear he was moving just to move. Logan couldn’t blame him. He needed stillness and silence to process, but the flowing magnitude of Finn’s heart wasn’t meant to sit quietly. He had always hated that part of his concussions the most: more than being benched, more than fear, more than the blinding pain Logan had dampened with his shirtsleeve too many times. If his body couldn’t move, his brain had to, and he was denied both in those dark rooms. Logan had always done his best to ease the strain in whatever way he could. He’d pour himself to drought if it would cool the fire under Finn’s skin.
Leo had scooted closer on his chair, mere inches from sitting in Logan’s lap. He wouldn’t mind that. Closeness sounded good right now. Logan smoothed the ladder of his knuckles. “Quoi?”
“I…” Leo broke off with a slow exhale through his nose. “I don’t know how to do this.”
Was he looking for a lie? The truth? Was he looking for don’t worry, I know what I’m doing or I keep thinking I’ll blink and find Sydney in there with her appendix gone? Logan figured he had fumbled pretty hard this morning. I’m really fucking scared. He still didn’t know how to respond to that. Maybe this could be his second chance. Leo was so good at giving those.
He shifted over and let Leo lay his head on his shoulder, resting his own against golden chick-fluff curls. Words rolled between his teeth and over his tongue for a long moment. “I don’t either,” he said haltingly. Finn probably would have sounded more confident. “This is new. C’est horrible. I’m—this is horrible. It’s so horrible.”
Remus and Thomas were making their way down the hallway to the lobby. Something about a phone call, Logan thought. To Lily, or Remus’ parents. It was just good to see them standing. Leo sniffled.
He ducked his head and let his lips rest against Leo’s forehead, right under the tuft of gray hair he twirled around his finger on long nights when sleep escaped them both. “We’re here, though. That counts for something. He’ll be glad to see us.”
“He pushed Loops.”
“He pushed Loops,” Leo repeated. “ ‘S what Dumo was saying to Finn when you got us water. Cap woke up, freaked out, and pushed Loops.”
“I keep—I mean, what if—” Leo groaned softly and sat up, scrubbing at his eyes. “God, I’m just turning it over and over in my head. I don’t want him to yell at me. Which is so fucking selfish.”
“When has Cap ever yelled at you?”
“It’s not Cap, though, that’s the problem.”
Logan tried not to flinch.
Leo shook his head. “I want to see him. I really need to, just so I stop thinking about it.”
The large clock on the wall ticked through another minute. They were technically allowed to go in now. Logan wasn’t sure his stomach could handle it just yet. Finn’s foot tapped restlessly ten paces from them while he read one of the dozens of bulletin boards, hands clasped behind his neck. “I wasn’t there from the start.”
He felt Leo look at him. “What do you mean?”
“When Cap was a rookie.” He had heard stories. Seen pictures. It looked bad enough to make him grateful for Harvard, just for some distance in time. He watched Finn worry at the full curve of his lower lip. “But…you know, he was still pretty frozen over when I got here. It wasn’t until Loops that he opened up. Even when they weren’t out. There was only a few months you were here where he was quiet.”
“I don’t remember that.”
“You were new.” Logan shrugged one shoulder. “I don’t know. He was a lot of things, but he was never mean. Never yelled.” He glanced back at Leo and tried for a smile. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about, soleil.”
“Excuse me?” They both turned at the sound of a new voice. Sneakers creaked on the waxed floors. A dark-haired woman smiled at them, flipping a page on her clipboard. “Dr. Manuel asked me to let you know that visiting hours will run from now until eight o’clock. No more than four people at a time, please.”
She seemed awfully calm. Logan wondered if she had been told about Sirius’ condition. Now that he thought about it, had any doctors come and gone since they arrived?
“Fantastic,” he said. A win was a win was a blessing in this mess. “Thank you.”
He could feel his hand shaking in Leo’s when they stood.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. “We both lived with him. I’m—” This is wrong. “We’re close. You and me.”
Sirius studied him with a wariness that made Logan want to curl up under one of the hall chairs and never come out. His next breath would be pure smoke from the flaming wreckage of hope inside him, he was sure of it. “Parles-tu français?”
Stop talking like that, stop it, why do you sound like that? “Ouais.”
He looked small in the bed. How could he look so small? Where did he learn that, and how fast could Logan run to get away from it? “Tu t’appelles Logan? Un nom Quebecois?”
Leo’s hand must be hurting from how tight he gripped it. Do not let me go. Sirius had always teased him for his fantaisie bon français drilled into him by his grandmother in Nice but this was not right, not right, not right, from the way Sirius’ voice folded in around his words to the lower, softer timbre just barely letting them free. No, Logan thought, he didn’t like this at all. “Ouais. Je viens de Rimouski.”
“Ah. Montréal, pour moi.” His smile was tentative, almost apologetic. Three days ago, Logan had teased him for this very conversation.
“Je sais,” he managed.                                                                                            
A faint humming noise answered him. He had already seen Sirius’ eyes dart over the three of them, clever and quick even when he was concussed. A subtle jerk of the chin made his mouth parch. “Qui sont-ils?”
“Mes copains.”
Logan didn’t have words for the complicated expression that flitted across Sirius’ face. “Les deux?”
“Oui.” He tried for a wry smile, for anything that could quell the riot of too much inside him. “Tu les appelles Bambi et Fleur. Tu m’appelles Thumper, espèce de connard.”
And almost—almost—that got him a grin. It was almost—almost—enough to make up for the ice-water panic filling his lungs with each passing breath. He didn’t like the smell of this place. Remus’ backpack by the chair, where he had been using it as a pillow. The plastic cups that were never stiff enough for a patient to drink from on their own. His mother had helped Sydney drink for three hours after her surgery, while her hands were still too weak not to spill on herself. And when Finn—
Logan felt Leo slump into him with a shaky breath. “Yeah. Sorry. Yeah, that’s—you call me that.”
There was a whining in his ears. A mosquito, or a siren. The sheets were too crisp. They would make his hands itch. Leo’s hand slipped from his own as he wrapped them around himself and fuck it all sideways, Logan couldn’t even comfort his boyfriend properly. He wanted to put an arm around his waist. His shoulder refused to unlock.
Sirius’ gaze dragged over him before sliding to Finn, brighter than before. “He calls you names in French.”
Oh, you piece of shit, Logan thought with startling clarity. “Sirius!”
“It’s true.” Sirius had been stoic for the first part of Logan’s rookie year, fresh off the rush of a disappointing not quite in the second round of the playoffs for the second year in a row. Logan would never forget the relief of nights when Sirius visited the Dumais house, putting aside the professionalism for a dinner that was close enough to home to ease his aching. Sirius had never asked him about Finn, either, content with the simple knowledge that they used to play together at Harvard and still tore it up on the ice.
“Finn,” Finn was saying. “Or Harzy, doesn’t matter much.”
“So you’re on the team, too?”
Logan had needed that presence when he arrived. And the…separation. The wound had been too raw for him to survive someone asking about Finn without the excuse of not knowing what words to use. “All three,” he said now. Sirius smiled, just slightly. His heart gave an unsteady thud-thud-thud. “What, you thought you were the only gay NHL player?”
The smile vanished. Too much. It slammed into Logan like a rogue wave and he bit hard on the side of his tongue. Leo was apologizing now. Apologizing for him. He would never learn, never had. Either he never tried or he pushed so hard a chance shattered in his hands. He could see it on Sirius’ face, all that confusion and fear mixed in with abrupt, sincere concern when James stood with a touch to his shoulder.
A tear slipped down James’ nose when he brushed past them. The whining turned to muddled clangs. What could he even say? I’m not gay? That wouldn’t help. The conversation had moved on; Leo had moved on, leading him forward to the plastic chairs by the bedside.
If he sat, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get up fast enough when the feeling tiptoeing up behind him finally grabbed on. The world tipped a degree off its axis and he clenched the back of Leo’s chair in both hands. Remus’ backpack was a lonely black lump by the thin blanket someone had brought for him. Itchy. Everything in these places was itchy. It clung to Logan’s skin for days. He knew how it would feel to pillow his head with rough polyester. White caught his eye—a tag? Remus Lupin, #10, Varsity Hockey Harvard University.
Just a zipper. Tiny Nike logo.
Stitching on the front Tremblay #10—
A patch. Clumsy hand-sewn stitches reinforced on the equipment room machine by an exasperated Molly. Remus loved that backpack.
Sirius was looking straight at him. “Il y a des morceaux.”
How could pieces be all that was left of three and a half years?
A pale face blurred with freckles and Logan blinked rapidly to shake them away. Leo needed this. Leo needed him to keep it together. He could do this.
He moved one hand over, until his fingertips brushed Finn’s sweater.
“You and I run plays after practice sometimes, if I’ve been having a tough time of things,” Leo said. His voice was significantly steadier than before. It was working. Logan could do this. He could help. “I don’t think you and Harzy hang out a lot one-on-one, but Lo’s usually your go-to for video games ‘n shit. We have dinner sometimes with you and—”
The air went stale fast enough to make him choke on it. Finn shifted in his chair.
Genuine puzzlement creased Sirius’ face. “I cook?”
He couldn’t do this.
“I can’t do this.”
The door was a million miles away. He was gripping the handle in four steps. The dam was breaking, knocking the sight from his eyes. He braced both hands on cold cream paint, praying, praying that Remus was nowhere near.
Tears were a funny thing. He had never really figured out how to do them right—or at least, how to do them loudly, like when Noelle skinned her knee on the deck and screamed loud enough to make the neighbors come running. For Logan, it felt more like Leo’s beat-to-hell watering can, if the duct tape holding it together ever gave up. Everything kept in, and then everything rushing out at once. Breath and water and salt alike. Rarely noise, but he still pressed his elbow over his mouth and dug his hand into the frame of the bulletin board. Always, always, rawness to the marrow of his bones.
“Lo, oh my god.”
“I’m sorry.” A guttural sound died in his chest. “I tried.”
It was all he had. It would have to be enough. He just—he didn’t do head injuries. Broken fingers and busted ribs and jammed joints, fine, but he couldn’t fucking stand sitting and watching. There was only so much reading he could do. Only so many articles he could struggle through.
“I’m sorry.”
Looking was a mistake. Finn’s face fell. “Hey, baby—”
“I’m sorry.” Logan sucked in a breath and dug the heels of his hands into his eyes to force the tears back. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I can’t.”
Finn’s hand brushed between his shoulder blades and he flinched, turning away. The tears were fighting him now—fighting him so hard it made his throat ache. He could feel his pulse behind his eyes and ground his teeth. “No, no, no, no.”
“It’s okay.” Finn’s voice had gone soft and unsure and Logan hated himself. “Baby, it’s okay.”
He shook his head. It was never okay. Not like this.
“It’s okay.” He felt Finn move closer, but he didn’t try to touch again. “He’s awake now. He’s making sense.”
A jagged sound punctured Logan’s lung. “It doesn’t.”
“No, I…” Finn faltered. “He’ll be okay, baby. Come on, come sit down.”
Logan’s stomach fell to the floor. “No.”
“Can you—please give me something to work with, Logan, this isn’t—”
“I can’t sit down,” he said thickly. The light blinded him when he tilted his head back for a few harsh breaths. He wanted to cover his face, but his hands shook too bad to be any use. “I can’t just wait here, I’ve done that, I can’t do it again, I won’t.”
He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t sit and wait, forbidden from crossing the threshold because he wasn’t family, even though nobody loved Finn like he did and nobody could take care of him like he could—
A shudder rattled through Logan and he sealed a palm over his mouth. The waves howled and clawed at every one of his hairline cracks.
“What’s going on?” Finn sounded sad. Not worry-sad, but different-sad. Confusion-and-guilt-sad.
Muck clogged Logan’s throat. He took a few hitching breaths to clear a path. “It’s Sirius,” he said. “And he’s hurt, and every time I fucking blink I see your face instead and I still can’t do a goddamn thing, Finn, I can’t…”
He leaned into Finn’s hovering hand and fell against his chest with a low noise, pulling at his arms until he was safe.
Finn was here in his sweater and his jeans and Logan was safe.
He couldn’t stop the hurricane. The throbbing and the drenching, out of control. He had let it run its course in Remus’ office, in his basement bedroom, and now here. With Finn. Finn who was safe and whole. Something ugly muffled itself in the broad chevrons across Finn’s neckline, but there was no flinch to meet him.
“Let it out.”
God, it hurt so bad.
“You’re doing great, baby.”
This wasn’t a cry-solution. This had to be a Heather-solution. Logan wasn’t looking forward to that.
Finn’s nose was cold where it dovetailed against Logan’s cheek. “Love you so much,” he whispered. “So, so much.”
The compression of his arms outstripped any weighted blanket by a landslide. Logan flattened his palm against the back of Finn’s neck. There was no energy left in him to keep down a whimper when he felt Finn stroke through the back of his hair and leave a kiss on his cheekbone.
“I’m—” Logan gulped down a fragile attempt at a breath. “I love—fuck shit—”
“Shh, shh, stop.”
“I tried.”
Finn’s gentle scritch to his nape silenced him. How long had they been swaying? Finn had a funny way of coaxing him into a dance before he even knew what was happening. “I’m so sorry,” he murmured, voice breaking. “Jesus, Lo, I can’t even imagine.”
“It’s—it was Syd, and then it was you, and now it’s Sirius—” His breathing hitched on each name, as if unwilling to let him speak, but he was so tired of the silence. “—and what if I lost you, what if you forgot me, how could he forget us? Pieces, Finn, he said pieces.”
If he tried, he could probably stop. The duct tape could be slapped back on. Not perfectly, but he’d manage.
He didn’t really want to.
A gross, clogged sniffle made him feel a tiny bit better. “I’m always so fucking useless here.”
Finn was quiet for long enough that Logan could match their breathing. That, too, gentled the storm. The individual floor tiles were starting to reappear. “You helped me drink water for days,” Finn finally said. “You cooled me down. You slept next to me in a twin XL for—what, a week? You read every assignment, out loud, for two. You made Cap smile.” A sigh gusted over the back of his neck. “You’re not a doctor or anything, but I don’t think anyone can call you useless.”
“I can.”
“I’ve never been a fan of the way you talk to yourself, sweetheart.”
A problem for another day. “Leo?”
“They’re chilling. He’s just glad to be there, I think.”
Distance made him stress. Logan was familiar with the feeling. “You should go with him.”
“No, really. I’m feeling better.”
“Are you—are you okay?”
Finn took a big breath, let it go in an unsteady huff. “This is just…sad. And weird. And sad. I don’t know.”
Baby steps. One at a time. Finn was here and safe, Leo was right where he wanted to be, and Sirius wasn’t going anywhere fast. Let it out, Finn had said. God knew he was trying. He pried his hands off the back of Finn’s sweater and flexed them, pulled his elbows in until he could hold Finn’s waist. A three-count to lift his head, then a foiled attempt to dry his face before Finn got there. His sleeve took the salt and water before Logan could so much as raise a hand. Despite himself, he laughed.
“Let me take care of you,” Finn said through falsely-gritted teeth, planting an aggressive kiss to Logan’s forehead. He surveyed him for a few seconds, head tilted, before his lower lip slid out. “Aw, baby.”
“I know,” Logan said thickly. “Not everyone can be a pretty crier like Knutty.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I don’t love you because you’re a pretty crier.”
“Good, ‘cause I’m not.”
“Yeah, dipshit, I know.” Finn cuffed the outside of his shoulder and Logan dipped his chin against a smile. “I’m aw, baby-ing because you’re sad and I wanna go take you home and wrap you in a blanket.”
Logan sighed. His head fell forward to bump Finn’s collarbone. “I feel like an asshole.”
“Left you all in there.”
“Not sure anyone can blame you.”
“I can.”
“You don’t count.”
“Is Sirius mad at me?”
“Honest to god—and this is really fucking morbid, so like, mea culpa—I don’t think Sirius remembers enough to be mad at us.”
Logan’s lip quavered. “I got him sick.”
“Everybody got sick. You don’t know that it was you.”
Lo’s usually your go-to. “I spend the most time with him.”
“…pretty sure that’s Loops, actually.”
“Okay, well—”
“You’re not winning this one,” Finn interrupted. “Literally everyone on the team was sick at some point, and we saw each other every single day. You want to point fingers? Blame coach for playing Cap’s line that long.”
It was so hard to come up with a defense when Finn was always right. “Okay.”
“Here’s the plan.” Finn gave a little oof as he helped Logan straighten up and squished his shoulders. There was fine tension around his eyes and mouth that gave way when Logan ran his thumbs over it.  “I’m going back inside. You’re going to go find a bagel place for Dumo and Remus. I’ll text you when Knutty and I are done, we’ll figure out bagel dropoff, and then we’re going home and sleeping.” He must have seen Logan’s hesitation, because one auburn brow arched. “Cap’s awake. He’s not perfect, but he’s awake. There’s nothing else we can do.”
“I hate this.”
“Oh, yeah, this is terrible from every angle. Hence going home and sleeping.”
Logan nodded, then tipped his head toward the door. “Go see Le.”
Finn kissed him sweetly, a hand on his jaw, and obliged.
If Finn had been looking for a way to keep Logan occupied, tasking him with finding appropriate late-lunch/ early-dinner bagels was the way to do it. Gryff had dozens—half were closed by this hour, and the other half had to undergo rigorous inspection before Logan would even consider bringing them back to his Manhattan bagel hound of a boyfriend. Remus and Dumo would want coffee, too, even if they didn’t say it. Their respective husband and son was a previously-comatose amnesiac. He couldn’t bring them shitty coffee.
Finally, he found a promising option. Warm interior, short line, music quiet enough to tune out if he needed to. Display cases that were picked over (many customers), but not too empty (still some variety). A clean half-dozen should do.
The barista smiled when he approached the register, despite Logan’s certainly-red eyes and general crustiness. “Welcome in! What can I get started for you?”
“A half-dozen bagels, please. And two medium coffees, light cream, light sugar.”
“What kind of bagels?”
He hadn’t prepared for questions. Why hadn’t he prepared for questions? “Which ones are good?”
“What’s the occasion?”
“My—” Motherfucker. The tears snuck up on him, rushing to the front until he had to tip his head back with a frustrated breath. The barista’s hand hovered over the computer screen. Questions. He should have prepared for questions. There was a reason Finn always ordered for them. A strained, embarrassed smile was all he had to offer. “Desolé. My brother’s in the hospital.” His torso squeezed. “That’s the occasion.”
The barista seemed to freeze for a moment. “I’m…really sorry,” they finally said. “God. Wow. My bad.”
“It’s fine.” Logan shook his head. “Two plain, one sesame, one cheese, and two of the sandwich things, please.”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course.” The barista started to turn, then faced him again, lowering their voice to soft concern. “Do you have someone with you? I just—my cousin was sick, and it was hard to be there alone. If you needed help.”
“He’s awake,” Logan assured them. The next person in line had stepped back a half-meter, looking pointedly at their phone. It was a kindness he hadn’t expected. He watched the barista wrap the two plain bagels before he felt he could trust his voice again. “He’ll be okay.” It felt funny to say aloud. Different than reassuring Leo or Finn. More confident. “We’ve got family around. Friends. We’ll be fine.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” they said with sincerity he hadn’t prepared for, either. Each bagel was carefully placed in a paper bag; a large sticker held the edge down. The sides were warm when Logan pulled it to himself, and the coffee steamed in two balanced cups.
“How much do I owe you?”
They waved him off. “Please, don’t worry about it. Just…have a good day. Be with your brother.”
He sighed through his nose. “You can’t stop me from tipping you.”
He stuffed two twenties in the painted mason jar by the register and stepped back immediately, tossing a half-smile to the barista. “Have a nice afternoon.”
I need to go. I really need to do this.
Logan hadn’t fought him on it. He was tired of fighting. And not against Leo—never against Leo. Finn knew New York best; the safest winter roads, the quickest routes. Logan was content to play homemaker and listen to their back-and-forth. He simply fixed two sandwiches and a baggie of snacks for the ride while they talked it out on the couch.
The roads’ll be dark.
I can drive in the dark, it’s not a problem.
I topped off the tank yesterday, but you should refill outside the city if you need to. There are more when you’re out of Manhattan. They’re easier to get to.
Thanks, sweetheart.
You’re going to be okay? Finn’s voice had been tight with worry. Logan wasn’t sure it was entirely about Leo driving. You’re—you know, you should stay here for tonight, we can all go pick him up early tomorrow.
The sound of their soft kiss made the house warm. I won’t be sleeping, Leo had said. I’ll keep you both up. He’s been texting all day and I don’t want to make him get on a train right now.
Logan had managed to tempt him to the couch with a cup of tea and an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Finn wasn’t far behind, and Leo dozed on his chest for the show’s second half. Thirty minutes could satisfy his worry if he stretched it. The adrenaline shakes had stopped an hour prior.
I don’t like this. Finn’s arms were tight around him while they watched Leo turn his headlights on and wave goodbye with a blown kiss. I don’t like this at all.
He’s a good driver.
I keep thinking…
I know. Did Logan ever. But it’s not us. So we’re here, and we’re helping.
Finn’s nose pushed into the crook of his neck; a deep breath made his stomach hurt.
We’re here, he had repeated, tangling a hand in the back of Finn’s hair. We’re safe. Je t’aime. I have a bagel place I want to show you in the morning.
“Hi.” Logan winced at the scratchiness of his own throat and glanced back down the hall, where Katie was just skipping back into Sirius’ room with Regulus in tow. “Hey, hi. What are you up to?”
“Um…folding my laundry, at the moment.” Silence fell over the phone. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. And you’re—you’re okay?”
“Wishing I didn’t have to do my laundry, but yes,” Sydney laughed.
His heart eased. “Bon. Good, okay.”
The sole of his shoe was starting to peel away from the toe. “What’s going on?” Sydney asked, quieter.
He shook his head before remembering she couldn’t see him. “Nothing, just wanted to talk.”
“Did something happen with Finn and Leo?”
“Non, we’re fine.” His stomach was shivery, like he’d gone too long without eating despite the sesame bagel lingering on his tongue. “Figured I’d call.”
“Black is still in the hospital, right?”
“He’s awake?”
I remember you. Not everything, but I know you. “Up and talking. Making sense.”
Sydney hummed. He heard the light thump of a folded sock hitting her drawer. “He’ll be fine, petit. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“I miss you,” he said quickly, before his mouth could force it all back. “I just—I miss you and I wanted to call.”
“Aw, LoLo.” Her sigh crackled in the hospital’s sketchy wifi. “I miss you, too. Christmas feels far this year.”
“You want me to get the girls on FaceTime?”
As if he could handle that right now. All three of them, scattered across a continent instead of safe in a pillow fort. “Non, it’s alright. I might…call, or something. I don’t know.”
This was stupid. He shouldn’t have interrupted her evening. But he so desperately needed to hear her voice after catching a sideways glimpse of Sirius’ dark hair from the open door.
“Take your time,” Sydney said easily. “I’m here all night, doing nothing. Have you heard from Obbie lately?”
“No, why?”
“She’s doing some sort of award gallery thing. Sounded neat. I’ll text you the link.”
“D’accord.” He could see her when he closed his eyes. Two loose braids to her shoulders, their father’s sharp jaw. Practiced hands flipping socks around each other, deft from gloving pucks. She had always poked and prodded and teased him more than the other two—a function of their close years—but had never once flaked when he reached out. He wasn’t sure how to thank her for that. He cleared his throat and heard it echo back to him. “You’ll call me, right? If you need things.”
“What would I need?”
“Just. I don’t know. Things.”
Her laugh was light, fond. “Yes, LoLo, I’ll call if I need things. Check your messages for the link.”
“I will.” He started to lower the phone, then brought it back to his ear. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
“Be safe.”
“I will.”
“See you at Christmas.” His lips felt shaky. “Or—whenever. If you’re around, or anything.”
“Goodbye, Logan,” she said slowly, though he could hear her smiling. “I’ll see you in two weeks. Take care. Give your boys my love.”
“I will.”
It was another five-count before either of them hung up.
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achliegh · 2 years
The Major League
TW: making out, breaking up, being drunk, dramatic reactions, Swedish, vaping, gay stuggle, if there is anything else just let me know :)
Baseball Boys meeting and falling in Love
What could go wrong… ;)
Beta: @punkkkkboi
Most Characters belong to: @lumosinlovelove
Chapter 14
Feathered Hotel, 2020
Sirius was just about to head down to breakfast when a knock on his door stopped him. Who would be here at 6am the morning before the final games of the tournament? He opens his door with a hair tie in his mouth while one hand holds the ponytail he so carefully crafted before this intruder came to visit. 
“Hey, I left my-whoa!” Sirius pulls Remus into the room by the front of his yellow eagles shirt. Slapping his hair up in a way more messy than intended he regrabs that soft shirt, using his other hand to grab the back of the slightly taller man's head and bring him into a searing kiss. Remus makes a noise of surprise and throws his hands up for a second before relaxing. Resting his hands on Sirius’ shoulder blades he kisses back. “I was not expecting this.” He mumbles on Sirius’ lips making him smile. 
“I like surprises.” Sirius moves the hand holding onto the fabric so the crook of his elbow is at the side of the other’s neck. They both laugh a bit. Remus loses his balance for a second and they stumble back a couple steps. Pulling away they just look at each other before snickering. “Yellow is a good color on you.” 
“Thanks, it’s my team color.”  Remus kisses him again, running his tongue along Sirius’ bottom lip. Opening his mouth he feels a hand on his side, he flinches because it tickles. Remus hums a laugh and moves his hand to the small of his back instead. 
They make out for what seems like hours but was really only a few minutes because one of the twenty alarms Sirius has set on his phone goes off. It was the one he hit snooze on just before starting his hair. Five minute snooze. He steps back just a smidge to pull his phone out of his back pocket but when he reaches for it, it isn’t there and the alarm has stopped. 
“Right here hotshot.” Remus waves his phone in his face, smirking. 
“How did you…?” Remus chuckles at Sirius’ face and reaches around to slide his phone into the very pocket it came from. Giving it a little pat before stepping back and walking over to the dresser. He picks up the mysterious charging cord that Sirius found when he woke up. 
“I have a lot more tricks up my sleeve, Black. You just gotta be around me enough to figure out what they are.” Stuffing the cord in his shorts pocket he struts back over to the highly confused man and gives him a soft lingering kiss. “I’ll see you at the stadium.” With that he winks and walks out the door. Leaving Sirius floundering for words. 
Just like he was promised, he saw Remus at the stadium. Very up close and personal… in the family bathroom. He was snatched from the hallway when he stopped to check his phone. At this moment, Remus was sitting on the counter with his ankles hooked behind Sirius’ back and his hands on his cheek and neck. Sirius had his hands pressed against the weirdly warm countertop. He didn’t know what time it was and frankly he didn’t care. Their tongues run across each other smoothly, taking turns sucking on the others bottom lip, Sirius always ends up biting down playfully on Remus’ making him laugh and turn more pink than he already is. 
“You should probably go.” Remus says but he doesn’t let go or pull away. He couldn’t bear to. He just wanted this to be never ending. But air was in short supply. He pulls away only to let Sirius breath. Kissing down his neck, he smirks a bit before lightly nipping at his pulse point making Sirius jolt a bit. 
“What are you a vampire?” Remus lifts his head and smiles at just how red those tan cheeks are. Reaching up he tightens the pony tale that has started to slip. Resting his hands on top of Sirius’ that are on the counter. 
“Maybe I am, I bet it was your dream in highschool to be a vampire. I could see you as a twilight fan.” Remus smiles when he hears Sirius start laughing, leaning forward he puts the tips of his fingers under Sirius’ chin and kisses him, gently. “Better get moving, you have a game to win.”  He unhooks his legs from behind Sirius’ back and pushes him away with his feet on his thighs. Once Sirius was far enough away he swung his legs and waves. 
Sirius walks out of the bathroom, picking up his bag from the floor by the wall where it fell when he was so aggressively yanked. Hurrying to the locker room he gets inside and can’t wipe the smile off his face. It’s hurting his cheeks at this point. Getting dressed he just keeps playing those moments with Remus over and over and over again in his head. Ignoring anyone who tried to talk to him. 
He played one of the best games of the season that morning. God, he felt great. He could run a hundred miles if he wanted to. He was so excited to see Remus again, whenever that would be. It’s crazy how just a single thing can change the entire way you look at someone. But, did he think differently? Was this just something he hoped for, deep down he knew this was wrong and that he should stop. Walking in the empty halls of this maze-like stadium gave him time to think. Actually think about what he’s been doing. 
He wanted Remus in a physical way, he was strong and handsome and was more of a man than Sirius ever saw himself. His fluffy brown hair and killer glare always made his stomach do turns but he always thought it was because he hated him so much it made him sick to his stomach. Should he call things off? Go back to hating him because that was more widely accepted? He couldn’t have luxuries in his life like Remus… there was too much at stake. So, he made up his mind. He was going to call it off, or at least he thought he would. 
Familiar hands grab his shoulder from behind and lips that smelled like mango whispered in his ear. 
“Wanna make out?”
“Since when do you ask?” 
“Since this time it’s gonna take some finesse.” He felt himself getting led away down a dead end hall with a locked broom closet at the end. Remus stopped in front of the door and squatted down so he was eye level with the doorknob. He pulls out two hair pins and suddenly the door is unlocked. Pushing it open with the slightest touch of his fingers. 
“Where did you learn that!?” He blindly follows the other into the pitch black room. He lets out a little noise when he feels a hand on his chest and his back to the now closed door. He flinches when he feels a smirk touch his lips. 
“You seem to forget,” Remu’s pressed his whole body up against Sirius’ own, his breath caught in his lungs as he realizes just how trapped he is… it was wonderful. “I’m a criminal.” Lips meet again for what feels like the millionth time. It was frantic and rushed even if they had more time now than they did either of the other two times they smashed faces. 
Sirius threw his arms around Remus’s neck and lifted one of his legs to rest at Remus’ hip. He felt that strong hand grip his thigh pulling it higher, and Sirius just tried to pull him even closer. One of Remus’ forearms was against the door beside his head, the other hand was squeezing his thigh with every intense kiss they shared. Pulling away so the back of his head rested against the surface behind him, he was panting trying to catch his breath. 
“Did you really learn how to do that in school?” He groans quietly when he feels sloppy kisses leading up from his collar bone up to his jaw. 
“I never said in school, I just reminded you that I’m a bad guy.” A kiss. “A troublemaker.” Another. “Someone who people usually avoid.” A very intense kiss that makes him feel like his eyes are crossing and his leg tightens around Remus’ hip. “Fuck, you’re so good at this.” 
“Did you expect me not to be?” 
“I always thought you were kinda a prude so I didn’t have high hopes.” Sirius might not be able to see with just how dark it is but he knows that signature grin is on the other face right now. 
“I see where Leo learned it from.”
“That look.” 
“You can’t even see me!” 
“I just know.” Remus laughs and kisses him again, moving his arm from by Sirius’ head to his other thigh and tugging at him. Sirius pulls away and grabs Remus’ shoulders. 
“You can not pick me up!” 
“Why not? You seem like the type who likes to be held.” Sirius fills his cheeks with air and feels his face start to burn. Thank god there isn’t light in this room. At least not one that's on. 
“I mean! We are basically the same size, you can’t just pick me up!” The hand on his raised thigh leaves and the body pressed so firm against his own leans back. He hears a little jingle before a click and suddenly the sun is burning his retinas. Once his eyes adjust to the dull bulb he realizes he is staring into two very determined brown ones. “What?” 
“You really don’t think I can lift my body weight?” The sass in that question let Sirius know that he said the wrong thing, but the smirk on Remus’ face let him know that it wasn’t a bad wrong. Grabbing his thighs again Remus pulls them out from under him at the sametime. Sirius feels himself fall and he grabs whatever part of Remus he could. Which so happened to be his hair. Remus huffs and puts his knee under his ass. “Maybe put your arms around my neck instead of trying to rip my hair out. I quite like my hair.” 
“Sorry.” He does as Remus suggests and the grip on his thighs turns into a grip on his ass, lifting up so they were eye level with each other now. “Cool.” Sirius kicks his legs a bit and smiles. 
“Thought you would like it.” Voices down the hall catch their attention, swiftly the light is turned off and a hand is put over Sirius’ mouth because he starts to verbally panic. The voices get closer and more familiar. 
“You’re sure no one is down here?” That was definitely Finn. 
“Why would they be?” And Clay. They were so screwed. The door handle turns and a push is felt. Remus just pushes harder against Sirius who tries his best not to make a noise. “Hmm, something is in front of the door.” Another push in and another push back. 
“There's another one two halls down. Wanna go there?” 
“Yeah, why not.” The voices of their friends dissipate as they scurry off, laughing and talking. Remus puts him down and once he knows for sure it's clear he starts laughing. 
“Let's get out of here.” 
He was drunk, his mind was racing and his emotions were dictating his actions. Standing in front of Remus’ room door he knew what he was doing was stupid and about to ruin everything he could ever want but it needed to be done. He couldn’t keep doing this. The fear of someone finding out, even worse his parents finding out, made him feel physically ill. He needed to end this no matter how much he actually wanted this. He couldn’t have it. He knocks, waiting for a while no one answers the door. He knocks again. Still no answer. He was getting frustrated. Maybe it would be easier just to start ignoring Remus all together. Never talking to him again. Avoiding being in the same space as him as much as possible. 
He knocked one more time. Waiting as long as he could with his heart beating out of his chest. No answer again, so he turned around and walked towards the stairs. Opening the door he felt it hit something. 
“OW! What the hell!” 
“Remus?” He sets into the stairwell and sees Remus rubbing his forehead. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were there.” 
“Don’t worry about it, I was just resetting my brain before heading to bed.” He smiles and reaches over Sirius’ shoulders to tighten his ponytail, a sentiment that was slowly becoming the norm for them. “Why were you on our floor anyway? Aren’t you up one?” He removed his hands from his hair and rested his elbows on Sirius’ shoulders, making the distance between them minute. His heart was fighting his ribcage again. 
“Y-yeah I am… Remus?” 
“Hmm?” He hummed, closing his eyes and resting his forehead to Sirius’. His cheeks were getting warm and he was starting to lose all train of thought besides the want to kiss the beauty in front of him. He clenches his fists and takes a deep breath. 
“We-MM!” Remus did it. He kisses him, just like he wanted. Sirius couldn’t help himself; he kissed back knowing this was the last time they would ever do this. The last time Sirius would allow himself to do this. He gripped Remus’s waist tightly, he didn’t want him to move away. Their lips move against each other with a rhythm so easy and relaxed that it could have made him cry. Their smacking was loud, ringing in his ears, with every passing moment he felt the anxiety in his stomach churn. 
He steps back, holding Remus arms length away from him. Panting while looking at the ground. Remus was going to hate him, never speak to him again. Tell James and Lily about everything they did and then they would leave him too. Fuck, he felt his eyes burn with salty tears, he’s never getting drunk again. 
“We can’t do this.” He felt Remus stiffen. He couldn’t look up. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Remus we can’t be together, we can’t keep sneaking around. We can’t.” Remus smacks his hands off his shoulders and Sirius looks up. 
“Hold on, wait. You started this shit. Then one day of us having a good time and getting along you fucking cut it off! Are you serious?! Don’t you dare make that fucking joke right now because I’m actually angry.” He wasn’t lying, Remus looked furious, his eyes were angry but also hurt, his arms were tense, his cheeks were red from the alcohol and his heightened emotions. He was so beautiful. 
“I didn’t mean to start it in the first place!”
“Then why did you go along with this!? You obviously want something!” 
“No Re-”
“Don’t say you don’t want it. I see the way you’ve changed around me, I know what you want but you’re too stubborn and scared to admit it! What is stopping you? Huh? What is it? Tell me!” Remus backed him up against the wall as he walked forward with every sentence. Making him feel trapped. Not in a good way this time. Sirius puts his hands on the angry man’s chest, just to keep distance between them because he knows if he gets too close he will fall into his desire again. 
“It’s wrong!” 
“Wrong? I thought you supported our friends.” 
“It’s not wrong to be gay… it's wrong for us to be together! We hate each other. All we do is fight and when we don’t it’s because we are trying to keep the peace around James and Lily! Remus, I don’t want this. I don’t want… you.” Sirius knew what he said hurt, it hurt him too. He watched that face he learned to enjoy so much fall. Remus backs up away from him. His hands fall from the other's chest to his side. 
Then he was gone. 
Feathered Hotel, 2020
Clay was sitting on his brother's bed, tossing a baseball up towards the ceiling and catching it while Leo got ready for bed. They were just talking about their schedules with school now that baseball was over. 
“Kan vi studera på onsdagskvällar? Det är de enda dagar då Reg och jag inte har kvällslektioner.” 
“Ja, vilken kväll som helst skulle fungera förutom torsdag. Min ryska lektion är på torsdagskvällar.” Leo is brushing his teeth so his voice was all gurgly. 
“Tar du examen i förtid? Som tre år i stället för två?” He and Reg were both aiming for that but his brother really liked school so he didn’t know if he wanted to keep going or not. 
“Ja, jag-” THe door bursts open making both of them jump. Clay drops the ball on the ground and Leo chokes on his toothpaste. Remus storms in, throws himself on the bed and lets out a very distressed scream into his pillow. Leo comes out of the bathroom to lean against the doorway. “Remus?” 
He just screams again, the brothers share a look. Clay picks up his baseball and moves to sit on the edge of the bed facing the screamer while Leo goes to rinse out his mouth. 
“Remus, what's going on.” 
“I HATE THEM! I FUCKING HATE THEM!” Remus’ muffled yelling is very intense. Leo comes out of the bathroom, he sits down next to Remus and rubs his back. 
“Who do you hate?” It's silent for a moment before Remus sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed just about kicking Leo in the face as he does so. His hair is sticking up like a mad scientist with how staticky he is. 
“I was maybe possibly starting a relationship with a-a-a… girl?” 
“You don’t seem so certain.” 
“Shut the fuck up! Anyway, I was starting a relationship with this girl and I was having a great time sneaking around with her today. Yesterday she kissed me for the first time and even if it was a fucking shitty pathetic kiss I was so happy. I was so. Fucking. Happy!” Remus stands up and starts pacing between the beds. Clay and Leo watch him pace getting more and more confused by the second. 
“What happened?” Clay asks knowing that Remus needed to get it off his chest. This just reminded him of when Cam found out that the girl he fell in love with at first sight was actually just using him for money. He was a mess and is still affected by that today. So, he knew that Remus needed to talk about this.
“I don’t know what I did wrong but…she said we couldn’t keep doing that.”
“After one day?” 
“After one day! Not even a full fucking day. I don’t know what happened, we were laughing and talking and just being nice to each other for once when we would sneak off but, I guess I fucked up somewhere along the line. I knew she was selfish and stubborn and a fucking idiot. But I didn’t think she would be such an asshole! A fucking jerk.” Remus was panting as he walked, his face was red with anger and his eyes were full of hot tears threatening to fall. Eventually he stopped pacing and sat on the end of his bed with his back facing them. 
“She must have been someone you really liked for you to be this worked up over a one day thing.” 
“That's the thing, I don’t even like them! I hate them! I’ve hated their guts forever! So why does this hurt so much…” He sounded so sad all the sudden. 
“Who is she?” Leo moves down the bed to place a comforting arm on his friend's shoulder. “Anyone we know?” 
“...No, you wouldn’t know her.”
“Describe her, we might.” Clay says as he gets up and sits on the other side of Remus who is just looking at his hands. Looking like he was calculating. 
“Really long curly hair, light blue eyes a shade or two darker than Leo’s, tall but not taller than me, stubborn, athletic, snobby, a prude.” He sighs and puts his hand on his face. 
“She sounds like a real winner.” Clay says sarcastically, Remus cracks a smile when he flops his hands back down on his legs. 
“Yeah, but I guess I wasn't the prize.” They all sit there for a moment before Remus stands again. “I’m gonna go shower, wash those memories away. They don’t matter now.” Remus walks off to the bathroom, closing the door gently. 
“Han är verkligen inte okej.” Clay looks at Leo who nods. 
“Låt honom få tid för sig själv, jag följer med dig till ditt rum.” They get up, Clay grabs his phone off Leo’s bed along with his vape and they walk down the hall, up the stairs and down another hall the other way to Clay’s room. In silence. Clay sighs and smiles a little at his brother. 
“He will be okay, we can make him sweets when we get home. Something to make him feel better.” They part ways, Clay going into his room where Reg is laying on his bed looking at something on his phone with his vape hanging out of his mouth and his leg hanging off the side of the bed. 
“Sup.” Clay says walking over to his own bed and flopping down on his back before turning on his side to look at his best friend. “When we get home tomorrow are we deep cleaning the apartment?”
“Probably should, I might go over to Sirius’ though. Something happened with some girl and he was texting me nonsense a few minutes ago.”
“Remus also got heartbroken today. I didn’t even know he was dating someone.” 
“I didn’t know my brother was either. I wonder if maybe….” They both look at each other having formed the same idea. Speaking at the sametime. 
“They were going after the same girl.” They collectively sigh. Reg flops his arms out to his sides so his phone is in his fingers over the edge of the bed. Clay picks at the loose string on the decorative blanket of the bed. 
“They always compete with everything, why did they have to compete over a pair of tits?” Reg sits up and groans frustrated. “You know when Sirius was drafted he completely cut me off? Then when I was drafted I went to his apartment and yelled at him. It ended up with us talking about how he hates Remus for like three hours. So fucking annoying!” Reg gets up and starts changing into his sleep clothes. Clay just hummed. 
“Do they only hate each other because of how the media twists them? Because I have witnessed them being friendly to each other and I don’t see why they can’t get along.” 
“James and Lily have asked them to be friends because they are expecting a mini version of them. So, yeah they are starting to be more friendly but Sirius still just fucking complains and its so exhusting.” Reg gets under his blankets after turning off the one light in the room and turns on the lamp. Clay scoots under his blankets as well, cringing at how his leg hair is sticking to the blankets from the static. 
“Oh, did you hear that Crouch and Riddle got into an argument!” Clay plugs his phone in and puts it under his pillow. “No one knows what it was about but apparently it was a huge argument.” 
“When doesn’t Tom cause drama?” 
“I mean, true but usually it's never with a coach.” 
“You sure about that?” 
“I thought so, him and Igor are like best friends.” 
“Igor just sucks Tom off because Tom is scary and a great player.” 
“I like Igor, he’s nice to me.” 
“He’s a good coach but a lot of people don’t like him because on the surface he seems so cruel but he’s a nice guy.” 
“Helped me meet my best friend.” 
“Awww that’s so gross, don’t ever say that again.” Clay just starts laughing at what Reg said and he can see Reg trying to hide his own smile. “Also, if Thomas and Noelle are going to keep randomly showing up to the house drunk to find you I’m going to ban them from coming over.” 
“They don’t mean any harm, you know that.” 
“I like them but I’m also tired of them stumbling in and stealing you away for you to return hours later with bags of stuff they bought for you.” 
“I mean they just feel like they owe me stuff because I got them together… I think.” 
They were laying in the yard of the hotel, looking at the stars and also at the rooms of the hotel turning off their lights. Thomas was a bit more drunk than Noelle was, holding her hand in the grass between them with his other hand behind his head. She had her free arm just stretched out above her head picking at the grass. 
“I appreciate you meeting my family, I know they can be a bit much.” Thomas watches as another hotel room light goes out on the third floor. 
“I liked your family, they were fun. Your grandma sure is a character.” Noelle pops her gum that she has been chewing for hours and really has no flavor anymore. 
“Yeah, she has always been nosey when it comes to relationships. Wants us all to be like her and Pawpaw Jer.” 
“It’s sweet, she just wants to share a good experience she had. But if she were to literally share it with you that would be disgusting.” They both chuckle a bit. 
“She is determined that one of us ended up like her, and I was always told to ignore her when she starts suggesting I try polyamory. My parents always thought it was a bit weird.” 
“I’ve heard of it but I never really looked into it, I always thought it was kind of shady. Like a way to cheat but not label it as cheating. A way to make people have like orgys and stuff. I don’t know, it’s just kind of weird. I don’t know how you can have a healthy relationship while having multiple relationships.” 
“When Nana talks about it she always looks like she is looking back at the fondest memories she has ever had. Her and Pawpaw were in a relationship with another couple for… I don’t know, years maybe. But Pawpaw died and she lost touch with the other couple.” 
“That's really sad. I see why she wants her family to experience that. It’s a lot of love she lost.” 
“You think they all loved each other? I always thought it was just for sex.”
“Well, doesn’t a relationship need love? Whether it’s a couple or a poly relationship?” 
“It's called a polycule and I guess you’re right.” 
“If you were ever in a polycule, who would it be with?” 
“You obviously.” Noelle laughs at him. “What? It’s true! Who would you?” 
“Well, you for one. But if it's a poly thing then we would need at the very least another person.” Thomas looks at her and raises an eyebrow telling her to go on. “I think Remus would be nice. He’s good looking and funny.” 
“Seriously, my team captain?” Noelle laughs and lets go of his hand to roll over and rest her head on his chest, tracing her finger up and down his chest. 
“Well, who would you want?” She asks, looking up at him to see him still staring at the hotel windows. 
“Clay.” They are quiet for a minute before Thomas realizes what he said. “Wait no! I mean umm a-”
“Thomas, it’s okay.”
“But I’m not gay!” 
“You can like a man and not be gay, I mean you’re obsessed with Micheal B. Jordan.” 
“Hey, I admire him. I don’t have a crush on him.” 
“Yeah sure, and I totally don’t have a crush on Kristen Stewart.” 
“I mean, I don’t have feelings for Clay. He just gets along with us really well.” 
“Whatever you say Muffin Man.”
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blingywitch · 3 years
Good Feelings - Chapter III
Was I expecting to get this done today? No, no I was not. But it’s here so yay.
I literally have nothing else to say... I hope you like it tho :)
Full Masterlist & Good feelings Masterlist
Characters belong to the lovely, @lumosinlove
CW: food and drink
“You do realize that practice starts in ten minutes right?” Leo asked as he and Finn got out of their car and started walking into the coffee shop.
“Yeah I know, but I wanted coffee.” Finn replied.
“We literally could have made it before we left the house.” His boyfriend deadpanned.
“Let me rephrase, I wanted coffee from here.”
It had been about a week since the couple’s first trip to Tremblay’s and it was definitely safe to say that they had become regulars. Leo and Finn loved it here— because they had amazing coffee of course, nothing else.
Loved it so much in fact, that Finn was willing to risk being late for practice. The hockey season started in no less than two days and the team’s first stop was Florida. They were going to be there for a week, playing two games against the Lightning and they had to prepare.
“Okay I can understand that but just a warning, if we’re late and show up with coffee then we’ll be running extra drills for a week.”
“It’ll be worth it.”
Leo couldn’t do anything but nod and agree.
“Bonjour, boys!” Finn and Leo passed Noelle on their way to the front counter, they’d be ordering to go this morning.
“Noelle.” Finn called back with a smile.
They were then met with green eyes and brown curls.
“Bon matin, Finn, Leo.” Logan greeted before shaking his head. “Sorry, I keep speaking French and you probably don’t even know what I’m saying.”
“Oh I know what you’re saying!” Leo spoke up. “I’m from New Orleans, we speak French there. Good morning.” He smiled
Logan looked surprised. “New Orleans, huh? Well that explains your accent.” His eyes widened when he realized what he said. “I- I mean your accent. It’s noticeable. Y’know?” It’s not like I spend hours a day thinking about it. Sighing, Logan finally said, “I’m from Quebec.”
“Yeah,” Leo said. “I figured.” So they’d made the same mistake. Both boys were now blushing down to their necks.
Finn noticed their discomfort and spoke up, to try and fix the awkward situation. “I, for one, did not have a single clue what you just said.”
Logan looked at him, “Non?”
Finn furrowed his eyebrows and both his boyfriend and Logan chuckled. “Getting this one to learn French will be the last thing you do.” Leo pointed a thumb at Finn.
Finn elbowed Leo in the ribs lightly, making the taller boy groan and glare at him, though he was still smiling. Finn put his attention back on Logan, “What did you say? When we walked over I mean.” He asked.
“Good morning, Finn.” Logan answered, teasing grin on his face. “Now,” he paused, finally getting to the reason they were here. “the usual?”
They both nodded. “And to go please!” Leo said.
“Yeah, I kinda made us late for practice.” Admitted Finn.
“Practice?” Logan questioned.
“Oh! I guess that hadn’t come up before!” The redhead perked up. “We’re professional hockey players!” Finn had a look of pride on his face.
Logan’s eyebrows just about went up to his hair line. “Wha- oh. Well I guess we’ll have to talk about that next time we see each other, non?” He asked, not waiting for a response he continued. “I’ll be back with your coffees.”
“Professional hockey players....” Logan grumbled to himself while making Finn and Leo’s coffee. “Could they get any hotter?!”
And at that exact moment Sydney decided to show up next to him. “What was that?” She asked.
“Nothing.” Logan answered her, still mumbling under his breath. His sister did nothing but give him a knowing look and carry on.
“Bonjour.” Noelle joined the two, bringing in some dishes to put in the sink to be washed. After being greeted she spoke up again, “Hey, do either of you remember when Audrey said the new girl is starting?”
The Tremblay siblings loved working here; just the four of them. It was nice, reminded them of home. Memories of taking orders and washing dishes whenever their parents would let them come in on a work day. Learning how to cook or the difference between a cappuccino and a macchiato. Eventually working there for real and getting their first pay checks. But their parents were back in Quebec and as Tremblay’s grew in popularity here in Gryffindor they all collectively decided that they needed extra hands.
So they went on a hunt to find someone for the job, eventually they did. And today was her first day.
“Yeah.” Sydney answered. “She should be here later actually.”
“Do we know anything about her?” Putting the covers on the now made coffees Logan stuck around to here the answer before returning to Finn and Leo.
“Audrey does, but of course she’s not here today.”
“Sydney, she has a cold.”
“So?! She’s not here, that means I’m in charge. I don’t like being in charge.”
Logan playfully rolled his eyes at his sisters antics and left the two there, leaving the kitchen.
“Okay, here you go!”
“Thanks, Logan. We gotta get going.” Leo said, accepting his drink from the shorter boy.
“Pas de problème! On se reverra.” He nodded at them, waving a final goodbye as they walked out. Just before they did though, he heard Finn whisper a “What did he say?” and Leo laugh after him. Logan couldn’t help the adoring smile that crossed his features, those boys were going to be the death of him.
It wasn’t a busy day at Tremblay’s. It had been about an hour since Finn and Leo left and since then only a couple of people had come and gone. It was days like these where Logan liked to relax, turn the record player up a little more than normal and let lose. He was around, cleaning tables, tidying chairs and quietly singing to the tunes when the familiar ding of the shop’s door opening caught his attention.
He stopped in tracks, a little embarrassed of how vulnerable he’d been and sought out the person who had walked in. 
He’d found them. It was a girl, maybe a couple inches shorter than Logan. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a dutch braid and sunglasses sat on the top of her head. Logan figured it was just another costumer so he smoothed out his apron and was about to tell them to take a seat and he’ll be right there; Sydney however, had beat him to it. She was at the girl’s side but the more he looked the more Logan noticed that it didn’t look like this girl was here for a coffee. His sister was shaking hands and making conversation with her, leading her to the back—through the staff door.
This was the girl they hired.
“Everything you need should be here. I’ll go get you an apron and you’ll be all set!” Logan heard his sister telling Tremblay’s new barista when he followed after them. Upon walking into the back room he passed Noelle who was about to start her shift. And then Sydney who, as she said, was going to get an apron. She gave him a smile as she passed, one that said, be nice.
“First day, huh?” Logan had rounded the kitchen island and was now leaning against the counter next to the girl, arms crossed and friendly smile adorning his face.
A bright smile overtook the girls features, Logan noticed how her soft brown eyes crinkled ever so slightly. “Yup! First day.”
Her voice was strong, unwavering, unlike his had been on his first day—for a couple reasons he wasn’t allowing himself to think about right now— the point was, Logan liked her attitude. She seemed confident, like she knew what she was doing and if she didn’t, you bet she’d figure it out.
Logan liked this girl and he could already tell he’d be friends with her. He held his hand out. “Logan Tremblay.”
She took it, grip strong and smile still on her face. “Natalie Darcy.”
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aghostband · 3 years
Okay! I HAVE A AU IDEA! if anyone wants to write this do it and tag me or let me know when posted, but:
Narnia! but like somewhere from what would be like Prince Caspian to Dawn Treader.
The Tremblay Siblings as the The Pevensie Siblings. I’ve not quite figured out who’s who, but just the gist. They get called back to Narnia! Finn & Alex would take the spot of Caspian and Leo would be a star! Omg I’m just imagining Leo as a Star. (I’m sure o’darwin could be squeezed in too.)
Or you could do Coops where Sirius is the star, Remus and Jules in the place of Caspian, and Marc, Katie, Adele and Louis are the Pevensies.
That’s the Idea!
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toastedclownery · 3 years
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I really need to stop relying on drawing on whiteboards for my art. But I don’t want to
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