#Non Penta Kill
cherryblogss · 3 months
estou vindo nesse blog me humilhar pra vc e implorar por mais uma one do enzo possessivo rico e mais velho. não estou bem, acho que você me matou. por favor, escrever mais sobre o enzo. vc tem que alimentar suas fãs.
já dei penta kill segundo as divas do tumblr 🫂
assim mores, eu comecei a ter essa ideia antes de publicar o primeiro do pipe mas não gostei mt do desenvolvimento, aí dei outra chance e mudei pra chefe do namorado (a primeira ideia era eles se conhecendo um hotel e afins mas ficou um lixo e super sem graça🤟) non ironicamente quase não publiquei essa
pq realmente esse fritou minha cabeça e não sabia como encaixar as coisas do jeito que eu queria. então vem o plot twist☝️☝️⚠️⚠️⚠️ eu poderia tentar fazer uma antologia da segunda vez que eles 🔞🔞😺😺😺💥💥💥 ou outra parte sla
por enquanto não tenho realmente outra ideia dele velho rico👤 se quiserem mandar alguma coisa aí👋👋👋
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snugglebuddyhan · 9 months
Currently making builds for all the weapons in Warframe, since I have nothing else to do
This is a note to myself for which weapons I enjoyed playing the most for future reference.
Tested without the use of rivens or any other outside factors, except weapon arcanes
(Biggest r.i.p to me as an Ash main)
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My favorite primary weapons:
Acceltra Prime (Already one of my mains)
Alternox (Have always liked it. Fun to shoot. Plus, it's huge and looks really cool. It's flashy and has one of the best designs in the game. It's reload animation is also fun)
Amprex (Long time favorite)
Astilla Prime (Might main it. Edit: definitely maining it)
Basmu (Stronger than I thought)
Baza Prime
Boar Prime
Boltor Prime
Cedo (Used for a utility for melee priming, but realized it's primary mode is just as strong when you prime the enemies with it first. Eats through steel path enemies)
Convectrix (Fun to shoot)
Dera Vandal
Exergis (Can one shot level 200 heavy gunners without a single headshot, so might main)
Fulmin Prime
Glaxion Vandal (Fun to shoot)
Gotva Prime
Hema (The heartbeat effect on reload is neat)
Nagantaka Prime (Didn't like at first until I discovered its alt mode)
Naturak (I mean, I think?? I like it?)
Phage (Move over, Astilla)
Phantasma Prime (Good steel path weapon)
Proboscis Cernos (It's fun watching enemies get snatched up. I mostly use it for a little crowd control)
Sancti Tigris (Was my most played weapon for years)
Scourge Prime
Sobek (Was also a weapon I used for years)
Soma Prime (Another long timer)
Steflos (I'm in love with its reload animation. It's also fun to shoot, which I haven't been able to say about a lot of the weapons so far, even the ones I like)
Strun Prime
Tenora Prime
Tigris Prime
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Total amount of formas used: 561
Finished. Not listing Kuva and Tenet weapons until I re-farm them all with the proper elements. Same with incarnon weapon forms
The primary weapons I absolutely hated:
Attica (Okay, it's not THAT bad)
Carmine Penta (Any variant)
Mutalist Cernos
Sybaris (Any variant)
Quanta Vandal
Zhuge Prime
Pretty much every bow and sniper, except Daikyu or however you spell it. They aren't bad. I've made some pretty strong builds, so that's not the issue. I just don't care for them.....in this game
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My top 10 most used primaries based on my overall profile stats:
Tenet Arca Plasmor (Haven't touched it in ages)
Ignis Wraith (I remember being called a noob in the squad chat by a legendary 1 player a few years ago for using this weapon and now as a legendary 4 I still use it. I don't get the superiority people hold above themselves, bc they don't participate in whatever the current meta is. It's never that serious. The weapon is good and it gets shit done. Of course I'm going to use it)
Sancti Tigris
Acceltra (Non prime version)
Cedo (Used for priming)
Soma Prime
Sobek (Patiently waiting for a kuva varient. Edit: my prayers have been answered)
Phantasma Prime (Mostly used to kill eximus in steel path)
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My favorite secondary weapons:
Acrid (Corpus killer)
Afuris Prime (Saw a popular build on overframe say this weapon isn't worth it and is just mastery fodder and I have to respectfully disagree. It's extremely powerful. Can even shred steel path enemies, so.......)
Akarius Prime
Akjagara Prime (Really like this one. 10's across the board)
Aksomati Prime
Akstiletto Prime
Akvasto Prime
Arca Scisco
Athodai (Was worth doing railjack for)
Catabolyst (I love it. I know it's early, but I'm thinking about maining it. Edit: Nope, my dumbass keeps forgetting I have to manually reload it. Just going around shooting nothing)
Epitaph (Perfect for disruption or slowing things in general)
Hikou (Knew I was going to like it before I even finished modding it)
Kompressa (Really fun. My equivalent to the Alternox and Steflos and how fun it is to shoot. Edit: It's the goat, actually. One of the strongest secondaries I've ever played with)
Lex Prime (My second most used secondary)
Magnus Prime
Prisma Angstrum
Prisma Twin Gremlins
Secura Dual Cestra (Been using the heck out of these bad boys)
Spira Prime
Synoid Gammocor
Twin Kohmak
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Total amount of formas used: 348
Finished. Just like the primaries, I'm not listing Kuva and Tenet weapons until I re-farm them all with the proper elements. Same with incarnon weapon forms
The secondary weapons I absolutely hated:
Castanas (Sold them for credits immediately)
Knell Prime (Yes, even despite how strong it is)
Sancti Castanas (Joined his cousin)
Sonicor (Could be used for crowd control, but can't be bothered. Will probably sell it)
Stug (What the hell is that)
Twin Viper Wraith
Vaykor Marelok
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My top 10 most used secondaries based on my overall profile stats:
Kuva Nukor (Used it for priming when I first got into steel path. Haven't touched it since. Plus, if I want to prime I'll use the cedo now)
Synoid Gammacor (Used it for years. Was my all time favorite weapon. Haven't used it in ages though)
Lex Prime (Was mostly used back when we didn't have exalted weapons we could mod separately, so I picked this weapon for Mesa's peacemaker ability)
Staticor (Obsessed with the way it shoots. It's charged mode is also cool)
Twin Grakatas (Don't remember using this tbh)
Akarius Prime
Tenet Cyrcon
Afuris Prime
Sporelacer (Okay, so this is actually my most played secondary. For some reason it's played percentage has been stuck on 1.3% usage for the past 2 years and won't budge. Really wish DE would do something about this, so my profile is actually accurate)
Pox (I like this weapon, but it's only here, bc it was the weapon I picked for an elite archimedea rotation that I kept going back into, so I could help people get the hidden sumdali. I didn't like my primary weapon rolls and I don't care too much for melee weapons, so I used this for my primary source of damage)
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Favorite melee weapons so far. I'm not really a fan of swinging things around, but I'll try to make the most of it:
Argo & Vel
Arum Spinosa
Broken War (Got me through steel path. Haven't really used it much since then)
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appri-dot · 4 years
(Well, Cake’s Biological parents are MIA. Their adopted parent I will make no promises for.) *They nod excitedly at Penta’s words, clapping. Their tail even wags a bit.* - Cake Anon (yeah they got a tail. I got a drawing I did of them if you want to see it. I could send my username in another ask if you want to see it-)
*The small Pentagon excitedly talks to her sibling, meanwhile, someone is observing and learning*
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*The green mer below the docks is quite interested in their doppelganger*
NO KILLING OF PARENTS!! NON! FXBJXGGDHHFS Cake can just hang out with the pirate gang! They don't have to be adopted by em
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ranty-ramblestein · 4 years
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(captions~) Me, upon seeing Weezing’s moveset: AAAA Big Bomb!
Me, upon seeing Metroid’s Penta-Boost Icon: Get Fucked, Sonny!
Oh, and uh... he really really loved using Protect...
Anyway, read the rest of the battle under the cut!
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“Get dunked on!!” Petal shouted as his Psychic Aura grew.  In fact, he grew a level, to 46! “Yeah, you got this, Petal!” Jimmy shouted.  The rivals-to-friends trope is v cute with these two, lol.
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“OH COME ON!” Petal shouted.
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With each kill Petal seemed to be affecting more of the area around him.
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But every hit against Protect seemed to shrink it.
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And eventually the battle was over, Petal’s aura twice as big as usual.  Even Wingdings felt Petal undeniable victorious-excitement affecting his head.
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Samus and Metroid celebrated as usual upon getting the badge, of course.  And the audience reacted as negatively as ever before clearing out.
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“That’s surprising, because Cersei, my Nidoqueen actually had it for a while.  We recently found a Poison Jab TM, though.  Much more useful,” Samus smiled. Koga frowned at that, but refrained from saying anything.
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“Oh, the walls are gone now!” Cersei said, surprised.  She tested it on a few walls she remembered, but nothing.
“Uh, C-can we get Sakiko out, maybe?  Or Trunks, the Drowzee?” Wingdings asked, bringing everyone’s attention back to Petal who was starting to look a bit sickly.
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“Uh, definitely, yeah!” Samus muttered back as she rushed to the Center with the Butterfree.
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After talking with her other Psychic Pokemon, as well as the Nurse, Samus learned about Psychic Sickness.
"Non-Psychic Pokemon tend to get poisoned by their Psychic Aura with repeated use of Psychic.  It can affect them with weaker Psychic moves as well, but not to this extent,” Nurse Joy explained.
“Great, so now I have to be careful with Psychic,” Petal huffed. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, Petal,” Wingdings smiled, cuddling with the Butterfree. (however that works, lol)
(BTW I don’t think I’ll ever bring this up again, lol.  ADHD will forget it.)
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And there’s Koga’s Menu pose!
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And next post will probably start with me finishing this route (not that I do many images when I’m just clearing out a route of trainers), then maybe exploring Cinnabar and getting a Mansion encounter before going to Silph Co.? (I’ll leave the Pallet-Cinnabar trainers for afterwards, if I need more grind for Gym Leaders.)
...Oh, I forgot to mention I can’t get any new encounters on water routes! Well, there’s Lapras, but it’s the hyper-rare Water-Chansey, and that’s in Silph Co.!
I don’t wanna do Kantonian Dupes Clause, which is when Dupes Clause can only activate when there’s a new Pokemon in the route. I named it directly after this region, but yeah...
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Mirror Barrayar
I’m not writing this fic, but I wrote out a bunch of world-building/bios for a Barryar Mirror Universe while I was trying to write something else that ended up being too dubcon to fit into canon, and instead went sideways into this.
The concept of Mirror Barrayar is basically like the Star Trek version. The main difference is that the Terran Empire in Star Trek is inherently atomized and selfish; everyone is murdering/sleeping their way to the top on their own, with no personal or community ties except to The State. Mirror Barrayar still has the feudal aspect to it, so it’s different, in that you do have some residual notions of Family, Honor, and Loyalty (especially loyalty), but there’s a great deal of F You I Got Mine, as well. 
Generally, the Vor see an obligation to their proles and liegemen, but its the same way you might see an obligation to a pet. It’s reprehensible to, say, chain them outside with no food, or beat them for personal entertainment, or abandon them. But it’s also reprehensible to just let them do what they want, because they’re animals; if they snap, it’s because they’re poorly trained, and if they’re obese, it’s because you overfed them. You have absolute authority over their lives, so you need to step up and exercise that authority responsibly. But you don’t go through the motions of making sure your terrier wants you to pet it, that’s ridiculous. If it doesn’t growl, it’s fine - and if it does growl, obviously it needs more training. Keep them well-fed and happy, but never make the mistake of offering them respect.
Bios behind the cut because Long.
Emperor Gregor is recognizable, but much more Ezar-like; sharper, less concerned with ethics and more concerned with keeping power. Vordrozda was a much more conscious ploy to smoke out any actual disloyalty of Aral’s; he knew what Vordrozda was doing, and he played both sides against the middle. He didn’t want to execute Miles, but he would have done it without an existential crisis; he’d rather keep the campstool than his cousin. Not only is the position of Emperor intrinsically valuable, but it’s the only way he stays alive. Ride the tiger, however many of your friends it eats. 
He’s still depressed (neurotransmitters are a bitch), but his saving grace is duty, which he knows he can do better than anyone else - he took a swan dive on Komarr primarily because he was temporarily convinced otherwise. He wants to avoid civil war, because that needlessly endangers proles and civilians, but he’s not remotely above strategic assassination. He found Cavilo entirely attractive, and very Vor, but he didn’t really want to sign up for a marriage where he’d always have to watch his back. He doesn’t really want a partner, either; feudalism doesn’t understand the concept. Sorry, Laisa; you (and his conception of Kareen) are more like chivalrously-accommodated pets. It’s less male/female than political combatant/civilian, but the distinction is definitely there. He respects and relies on Alys, but he watches her like a hawk because he knows she has ambition. He almost wishes Ivan were a woman, because he’d hate to have to execute his favorite social General for treasonously plotting his replacement. Maybe they can come to some arrangement anyway...
Aral Vorkosigan really is loyal, because he recognizes Vorbarra authority as legitimate and therefore voluntarily submits to it. However, he’s more apt to seize power himself as a “last” resort if he feels Gregor couldn’t keep it in his own right; better, in his version of honor and duty to Ezar, to have Gregor as a puppet than a corpse. He’ll be glad to step down as Main Power Broker in Gregor’s favor, but mostly because that shit is exhausting and he’d rather retire than die. The post to Sergyar is less a compassionate sinecure and more a board-clearing move on Gregor’s part, that happily also allows him to avoid killing them (he really does like Aral and Cordelia, but you can’t make compromises on power). On a personal level, Aral is the “switch” he sort of is in canon, except he’s not remotely that self-aware, and just chalks it up to Authority Moving As It Should, i.e. Sempai Is Always On Top - which is also why he and Ges were so explosive. Technically Aral, as a Count’s heir, outranked Ges, but they weren’t in each other’s chain of command, feudally or militarily, so they had to continually fight about it. That’s what made their affair so transgressive, not the m/m aspect.
Ges Vorrutyer needs no alterations. 
Neither, for that matter, do Ezar and Serg. Really, this is just a universe where Barrayar never socially progressed beyond Dorca’s Game of Thrones bullshit, except that now they have spaceships and fast penta.
Cordelia Naismith ran ALL the way out of fucks to give after Mehta, and is much more convinced that nice gets you killed. She still wants to be nice, if it’s possible, but she’ll shank you pdq if you might be a threat. Her advice that Aral execute Carl Vorhalas was on purpose, here: show them you’re ruthless enough to kill their sons, and they’ll fall in line. And if they fall in line, they won’t threaten our own children, so win-win (except for Carl; sorry Carl. But not too sorry). Aral’s “fountain of honor” is, uh, a very relative term. (And then, of course, her Carl Vorhalas ploy backfired horribly, because that sort of relentless back-stabbing is what the Mirror Universe attitude generally gets you in the end.)
Piotr Vorkosigan died much earlier on; Cordelia isn’t taking those chances with her son, and Bothari knows which way his bread is buttered, too.
Miles Vorkosigan is much more like the caricature of himself that he and Gregor feed Cavilo, except not nuts; that same scene happens here, but it’s full of a lot more barbed back-and-forth between them, with Elena watching not in incredulous giggles but in the kind of silence that means you’re storing up actionable intelligence for later use. He loves Admiral Naismith because it gives him a stage for the plots he’d be executed for in Vorbarr Sultana, and Gregor likes it because, again, he can make use of his family members without having to execute them for being themselves. Miles nearly gets executed for his Memory falsified report business, because if Gregor can’t trust him absolutely then he just has to die. He definitely sleeps with Bel; if he can’t swear it into his service personally, establishing a sexual pair-bond is the next best thing - and besides, it’s a willing subordinate and it’s hot. Likewise, the Elli/Miles relationship is much more fraught, and Miles’s involvement with other people is much more pointed in her general direction. Elli has too much non-Barrayaran self-respect to take the hint and *submit* to Miles, but she likes him enough to put up with way too much of his power-dynamic shenanigans anyway.
Elena Bothari is much more ruthless. She leaves Barrayar because she’s tired of the barriers put in place on her gender AND her class. She wants to play the game, to be a combatant and not a civilian, but on Barrayar she was born unarmed and would be trampled sharp-ish. And that’s why she wouldn’t ever marry Miles; she wants to be an officer, not a pet. And even though she has to leave the Imperium to do it, she’s still very much operating in the Barrayaran style. Baz, the poor puppy, still doesn’t quite know what hit him; but for a pardon, a Vorkosigan connection, and a kickass, gorgeous wife, he’ll do whatever she wants.
Lady Alys is the reigning domme of Vorbarr Sultana. She rules the entire social scene, and social ladder, with an iron fist, tastefully draped in very plush velvet. Marriage contracts for the High Vor go through her first, or good luck getting an invitation to any of the Residence events this year - and she absolutely insists on her version of droit de seigneur. Unlike in canon, she is very much not in a hurry to get Gregor married off, because then she’d have to step back, and fuck that noise. She may have sabotaged a few potential matches by fucking with their gene scans. If Ivan were a woman, that dynastic loop would have been closed yesterday. As it is, she’s been hinting since forever that it might be a good idea for him to cultivate a, ah, “closer” relationship with his cousin, ifyouknowwhatimean. And her relationship with Simon Illyan is equally pragmatic, though no less enjoyable for it. After all, if Gregor dies without heirs, who would be better placed to pull her son’s strings right into the campstool? “Dowager Empress” has a ring to it, don’t you think?
Simon Illyan, Negri’s student in every way, has internalized enough Barrayaran class sensibilities to accept, and even enjoy, reflexively submitting to the Vor - as long as they’re at least as competent as he is. He’s loyal to Aral, and to Gregor, as he was to Ezar before them - but in a much more “I have weighed the pros and cons and come out on your side” sort of way. Aral and Gregor both take proper care of their vassals, after all, and better to be 2IC in heaven than to scrabble for a fighting chance in hell. If Gregor died without heirs, he would have some serious problems trying to decide between Aral and Alys (i.e. Ivan), but until that happens, he is more than happy to let them both think him Their Man. If they require assurances of such in bed, he’s more than happy with that as well. 
Ivan Vorpatril still has the whole “no ambition I prefer my head thanks” vibe, but it’s more pointed this time, because this Gregor would actually execute him if he put a toe out of line. He doesn’t want to get married, not only because then he’d have to deal with a wife, but also because it would put him in the middle of his mother’s schemes and potentially at odds with Gregor, and no thank you. The Arquas’ “analysis” in CVA that he’s been kept in the capital on purpose is actually accurate here; Gregor won’t risk such a photogenic descendant of Xav anywhere he can’t see him, and/or shoot him if necessary. Definitely potential Gregor/Ivan sequel here, in case this one doesn’t have dub enough con for you. Ivan generally tries to make himself as small a target as possible on that end of things - but he also does a great deal of “swiving” of his social inferiors, because he’s the Emperor’s cousin and he can. The Vor/“high prole” young women don’t like him very much, primarily because he expects something for nothing, but it’s easier to go on a few dates than to try to refuse. The “low prole” women who end up in bed with him… don’t bother to complain.
Laisa Toscane is as ruthless as the Barrayarans - all the Komarrans are. They cut their teeth on cutthroat capitalism, after all. Adapting to the feudal structure of the Imperium has meant some sacrifices, mostly of their pride - but pride doesn’t earn shares. She’ll bend both her knees if she can win her children, and her conglomerate, advantage in the process. Gregor’s not a bad husband - and the more he underestimates her, the more she can slip by him. Her gene scan came certified from a Komarran doctor straight to the Emperor’s personal physician - no Vorpatril fuckery possible. She hasn’t yet acquired the social capital to tell Alys to fuck off, but she’ll get there; she’s one of those Toscanes.
Duv Galeni is at least as ruthless as Laisa. He left his academic post for the Imperial Service Academy, because of course he did; he knows which way the bread is buttered, and he wants as much butter as possible for himself. His father was a naive idiot; fighting an overwhelming force for “principles” gets you nothing but pain. Duv, having learned from that experience, will do what it takes, whatever it takes, to get his. Bend over for the Butcher? Why not? It works for the Vor.
Byerly Vorrutyer only has one hand of cards, for the moment, but he plays it really, really well. He’ll suck anyone off for the social capital - and then promptly sell their pillow talk to ImpSec for extra points. Fuck you, pay me - twice, if possible. He may not be a high-level player yet, but give him a decade and a metric ton of blackmail material acquired along the way, and then we’ll see. Loyal to Dono, and to Gregor, to the extent Gregor can spare the attention; he’d gladly serve his Emperor in any sense of the word his Emperor wanted. Byerly’s attracted to power - in other people. What he wants for himself is security. His ideal endgame is to level up out of the game entirely, and just be someone’s pet - but he’s having difficulty finding anyone who would keep him in the style to which he would like to become accustomed. Dono doesn’t count - they both have had it up to here with the Vorrutyer penchant for incest, thanks. His second choice is to acquire enough cards to be untouchable in Vorbarr Sultana. Failing those, his contingency plan is to retire to the District on Dono’s pension and play court jester, but they both hope it doesn’t come to that.
Oliver Jole, bless his heart, is a junior prole officer whose competence is more military than social. He still has enough stars in his eyes to be dazzled by Vor authority, and he hasn’t been spoiled by having to serve a bad boss. On both a personal and a professional level, he’s completely in love with the idea of submission to the Vor - but whereas Simon is doing the same thing in self-awareness and as Part Of This Complete Strategy, young Oliver actually considers it some combination of personal choice and cultural obligation. It’s a good thing he’s pretty, and that Cordelia takes him in later, because the ingenue never quite grows up in that regard.
Admiral Kanzian, as a likely irrelevant-to-the-hypothetical-fic side note, is an absolute dragon of a superior officer. He got his position on the General Staff through both merit and social savvy (and, in his younger years, a bit of, uh, “personal competence”), and he’s not giving it up this side of the apocalypse. Junior Vor members of his office staff reportedly have to suck his dick before they start work, just to get them in the properly subservient frame of mind, for once. Rank hath its privileges - especially on Mirror!Barrayar.
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omegatheunknown · 5 years
AEW Fyter Fest
AEW keeps the momentum going with a card that was a little less prestigious, but a little more chaotic, but overall entertaining and plenty filling.
- What’s the draw of the ‘Buy-In’ pre-card, especially when the whole show is free? Obviously don’t give away your best offerings for nothing, but if the point is bringing eyes to the product and having them follow-up by buying the event... these pre-cards are not going to do that. - I sort of love the introduction of JR with entrance music as a ‘and now the real show is beginning’ signifier. JR’s really got some of his passion back, and the combination with Excalibur continues to be a surprisingly satisfying one. May Alex Marvez stay out of the both indefinitely. - Camera cuts have calmed down. I think this event was at .5 Dunns for unnecessary cuts, which is still far too many, but at least they stopped stacking cut/cut/cut and opted for more of those lovely crane shots. Entrance music should be way louder, the pyro was fun, the dumb fyre fest gag at least allowed for a colourful set design and AFAIK no legendary Canadian grapplers fell off the stage trying to head straight back up the tunnel. So that’s a big win.  *Pre-Card Best Friends v SCU v Private Party (**) - Three way tag-team matches with only two active teams is always an odd stipulation and as fun as that match was to get the party started, the format leads to any finish getting a bit dusty as a result. Really enjoying Marq Quen and his Wesley Snipes-in-Demoltion Man fit. Allie v Leva Bates (dud) - The Librarians are an intentionally awful gimmick with plenty of winking going on, which is fun on BTE for thirty seconds a week but the live crowd seems to be beyond done with Bates and Avalon and the shushing. I will admit it took too for long it to click for me to realize the heelish potential in wrestlers attempting to keep the crowd as quiet as possible, but as fun as that meta-irony is, it meant this slow moving match which should’ve hyped up the crowd on the debuting Allie (The Bunny alive and well after being killed to death by Su Yung on Impact, Cherrybomb’s current whereabouts unknown.) looked worse than it was and was the worst thing on the card. Michael Nakazawa v Jebailey (**) - I have heard the name enough by now that I know that Jebailey is ‘the’ CEO guy but I don’t really know what that means or what he does in everyday life but he’s certainly a non-wrestler and yet he showed a decent grasp of the fundamentals and Nakazawa ran him through what was a DDT-esque comedy match with some funny spots and a nice turn for Bryce Remsburg as wrestling’s most committed comic referee.  *Main Card CIMA v Christopher Daniels (**1/2) - Daniels has never felt like a bigger deal than he does now, on the edge of fifty. Hard not to root for a guy with 25+ years experience trusted to have an explosive curtain jerker and get the crowd into the evening. CIMA’s an excellent foil, the pair are so smooth and deft at building a match I only wish there was more at stake between them, which is maybe the through-line of the whole evening barring some exceptions. They’re putting in groundwork elsewhere for the fall, but before AEW gets to TNT they’re going to do some more of these exhibition style affairs. Riho v Nyla Rose v Yuka Sakazaki (***) - A pox on B/R live or my friend’s wifi for stalling and so we missed Yuka’s amazing theme song, but AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA aside, this was a really nice match with a bit of sloppiness that nevertheless made up for the kneecapping of Nyla via Awesome Kong last month. Nyla looked every bit the powerhouse, pulled off a couple really nice high-energy maneuvers (knee drop from the top rope to the rope-hung Riho was nuts.) Conversely, there were definitely moments early on where it looked too much like a two-on-one match, though it did ultimately build to a satisfying bit of anguish for poor Yuka. Hangman Adam Page v Jimmy Havoc v Jungle Boy v MJF (***) - Prayers up for the audience-cutaway victim of MJF’s savage (rote but knocked out of the park) promo. Salt of the Earth. - Wondered what Havoc was bringing to the match until I realized it’s nice to show him in a more conventional competition and it doesn't harm him in the least to eat a pin. A good showing, though I miss the AFI. - Jungle Boy is going to be great. Got in some really bananas aerial stuff, and like... not to put too fine a point on it, but he looks like Luke Perry. - Adam Page is money. I don’t remember exactly but how is it he was more or less randomly assigned to Bullet Club-RoH as ‘just a guy,’ just three years ago? Sure, he was 24 years old and still finding his pace in the ring, but everyday there is less and less doubt that he’s a top guy, he’s your big beautiful babyface hero. Match was as good as one could reasonably expect from a four-way. Cody v Darby Allin (****) - A lot of the cards for All In, DoN and Fyter Fest have been exhibition matches for skill and style. Cody, probably recognizing where his strengths as a wrestler lie, has been the big exception -- nothing at All In had the emotional resonance of Cody winning the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, nothing at Double or Nothing (or most of wrestling in 2019) could touch the intensity of the Rhodes vs Rhodes match, and last night Cody delivered another of the best version of himself and helped Darby Allin make himself a big fucking deal. The kid is nuts, though I have to assume some skateboard bumps put falling on mats to absolute shame. Maybe my friends and I are nuts, but we were all pretty sure that the controversial post-match chair shot was largely taken on the shoulder with some accidental (and sharp) contact to the head. Also is it really a Cody match if he doesn’t gig? Apparently there have been some subsequent developments suggesting they really did intend for one (1) unprotected chair shot for the love of the sport, to which I say, again, Cody is his father’s son.  The Elite v Lucha Brothers & Laredo Kid (****) - 100% exhibition, 100% spot fest, despite the pseudo-feud going between the Young Bucks and Los Hermanos de Lucha, this was bound to be one of those pure sprint ‘show me what you’ve got’ type of matches. Emotions, strife and storytelling are integral to the wrestling theatre, but so is the actual wrestling. The Young Bucks and their perfect opponents -- Penta & Fenix, also the Motor City Machine Guns, also SCU, also the Briscoes -- are the finest purveyors of tag team wrestling in form of the free-flowing, spot-to-spot-to-spot kinesis that they’ve made their name on and this was no different from the ‘usual’ mind-bending and entertaining spectacle possible when The Elite are in the ring. That Laredo Kid came out and hung tough with 5 of the best wrestlers in the world is astounding and marks him as one to watch. - Of special note, as usual, is Fenix, who is better and crazier every time I see him, like he’s in the process of a Hiromu Takahashi-esque supernova. Legitimately might be the best talent to appear in the ring for AEW.  Jon Moxley v Joey Janela (***1/2) - Loved the work Justin Roberts did to introduce this match. Such gravitas. So silly. - Moxley’s back in his element, and I’m suddenly a huge mark, though I am way more excited about what he’s been doing in New Japan, up to and including his choices in ring gear. Though at least he’s out of jeans and wife beaters. Match was well-paced for a deathmatch style, no doubt owing to both party’s absurd enthusiasm for this sort of utter nonsense.  - Joey Janela has way too much of a Mick Foley (for the fans, for the love of pain) in him and I don’t think any amount of beatings will beat it out of him. Though Moxley seemed game to try. - Barefoot thumbtacks is decently fucked up, I think. The level of mayhem was balanced nicely between sadism (tacks, barbed wire boards,) wrestling nonsense (barbed wire wrapped chair) and satisfying spots (Joey’s big elbow drop.) - Kenny getting his revenge was necessary but seemed a bit half-hearted, almost? I’m plenty excited for their match as is, all he needed to do was assault Mox in the ring and peace out, but I guess tit-for-tat is the law of the jungle.
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a-lucha-brother · 2 years
Oh shit!! It’s All Out night babyyyyy And here’s my predictions:
Firstly I want to say, I am holy fuck hyped for All Out 2022, BUT I feel like the build is so very hit and miss, which is becoming a prevailing problem within AEW. On the one hand ALL of the grudge matches (ironically all non-title go figure) have super builds behind them as does the triple tag team title match (literally years of story-telling colliding), but pretty much ALL of the title matches, especially the main event, have sweet FA leading into them - don’t come at me saying Mox/Punk has good build, it has WWE circa 2014 build, aka really lazy and boring rinse and repeat.
But anyways, starting with the Zero Hour pre-show:
Tomohiro Ishii vs Eddie Kingston 2
Now let me tell you something brother!! I love me a bit of the Stone Pitbull, but Eddie’s taking this no doubt about it. You love to see it!
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AEW All-Atlantic Championship Pac © vs Kip Sabian
Well fuck me silly and dress me up cute! Two of Britains greatest exports going to slap meat together, you know this is going to be a barn burner and a half! I know Kip is being built back, but this title was made for THE BASTARD. My man is going for the win come on y’know!
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FTW Championship Hook © vs Angelo Parker
Now, I love the JSA because of course I do, and I love Cool Hand Ange, but sweetheart, you know Hook is killing him faster than you can say BAH GAWD.
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I care so little about Sammy right now I’m not even bothering with his match, how’s about a go fuck yourself on that one. Can’t wait to hear the crowd booing like crazy.
AND NOW for the main card of All Out 2022:
Casino Ladder match Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, Andrade El Idolo, Rush, Rey Fenix, Penta El Zero M, Dante Martin and the ‘Joker'
Oooooooh yeeeeah, brother let me tell ya WOO this is going to blow all of our balls off like there’s no tomorrow. My head says that Andrade will win, but I personally want my main man Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeyyyyyyy Fenix to win it all, you know you fucking want it, he’s a crazy son of a bitch!
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AEW Interim Women's World Championship Toni Storm vs Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs Jamie Hayter vs Hikaru Shida
Now again, this is going to be a mental match brother! And again, my head says Toni Storm is walking away with the title, but screw that I’m going for MY LASSIE Jamie Hayter here we go!! Also I’m totally in love with her so I’ll be hyping her ass up like you wouldn’t believe brother!!
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Jungle Boy vs Christian Cage
Ayooo Christian Cage is MY GUY y’know, me and him go waaaaay back. But I gotta go with my main man Jack Perry brother. He’s gonna beat Cage black and blue brother, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if they find a way for Cage to win so we can keep this hype train going. Still going for Jungle Jack though.
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Ricky Starks vs Powerhouse Hobbs YES MY GOD YES I cannot wait for this so much, it’s honestly going to be such a wild match and the crowd are going to be WILD for Ricky Stahks (as JR calls him). This is a beautiful time to be a fan of Ricky Starks because we’re finally seeing him become a MEGA STAR. Whether Hobbs wins or not is irrelevant because the rocket is firmly up Ricky’s ass rn. Also I want him to win if that wasn’t clear.
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AEW World Tag Team Championship Swerve In Our Glory vs The Acclaimed
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TBS Championship Jade Cargill vs Athena
AYOOO brother! I think it’s finally time to get the title off Jade and give it to someone fresh.....like Athena.
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Bryan Danielson vs Chris Jericho
To quote JR, this is going to be the match of the year I don’t care what anyone says. And I honestly can’t call who’s going to win that’s how damn good and how many moving parts there are to this. So here’s a gif of Daddy Magic!
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Trios Match FTR & Wardlow vs Jay Lethal & Impact Wrestling's MCMG
Need I even say anything...
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Trios Match House of Black vs Darby Allin, Sting & Miro Oh my fucking god good god almighty this is going to be INSANE, blood will be spilled and bones will be shattered, and souls will be redeemed, so sayeth The Druid, so shall be the will of The Redeemer.
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AEW World Trios Championship Tournament Final Kenneth BY GOD Omega & Young Bucks vs Hangman Page & Dark Order I can’t even, I just have no words to express any sense of what’s going to go down here. All I can say is that we better strap our asses down as securely as possible. The Elite were always going to win this though no doubt at all.
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Bro, don’t even question it, Jon Moxley is going to fucking KILL CM Punk yet again, you love to see it! So sayeth The Druid, and so shall it be! And there ain’t fucking NOTHING you can do about it!! Jon Moxley IS PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING.
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undevil96-blog · 5 years
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Ieri non sono riuscito a postare la miniatura del video uscito! 15 Kill in Grattacielo!! Hope you enjoy! Ecco il link: https://youtu.be/NBoPc9sQxQk . . . . . . . . . . #game #gaming #videogame #rainbowsixsiege #rainbowsix #r6s #r6 #r6sclips #r6clips #rainbowclips #rainbowsixclips #rainbowsixsiegeclips #ace #4k #headshot #1v5 #1v4 #1v3 #1v2 #maciejay #alucc #gabbodsq #godly #noob #pro #league #beaulo #penta #kill #pengu #marley #fortnite #victory #royale #ninja #editing #graphic #video #youtube #live #twitch #undevil #undevil96 #ita #italiano #ps4 #psn https://www.instagram.com/p/B2g4MHPoAHZ/?igshid=1azzzuvimntvg
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➶ : Opinion on killing
Nessuno a questo monno c’ha il diritto de mette bocca sulla vita de nessun altro, manco d’i più pezzi demmerda che girano. Nun è affar nostro giudicà sta gente se non pe’ quanto c’è possibile. Ciò non toje che io abbia fatto cose del genere e che me ne penta tutt’ora e tanto. Vorrei dì che erano antri tempi ma me sa che nun reggerebbe tanto vè?
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Ukraine’s first-ever martial law comes into effect | Russia News
Kiev, Ukraine – Thirty days of martial regulation has taken impact in 10 of Ukraine’s 27 areas on Wednesday with President Petro Poroshenko saying it goals to stop an all-out Russian invasion.
The measure that impacts areas closest to Russia’s navy bases – the primary ever martial regulation within the nation’s historical past – was authorized by parliament on Monday, a day after a conflict between Ukraine and Russian forces within the Sea of Azov.
However the largely symbolic laws was activated on Wednesday morning after Andriy Parubiy, the chairman of Verkhovna Rada – the Ukrainian parliament signed it and revealed within the authorities newspaper Uryadovy Courier. 
The Kremlin has condemned the event saying martial regulation will escalate the battle that noticed Moscow seize three Ukrainian ships and seize 24 crew members off the coast of the Russian-annexed Crimean peninsula.
A court docket in Crimea ordered 12 of the Ukrainian sailors to be held for 2 months, the TASS information company reported on Tuesday.
Volodymyr Fesenko, director of the centre for political research Penta, instructed Al Jazeera martial regulation was “for now extra like a safety measure”.
However in case of any “manifestations of the Russian aggression”, Ukraine would have the ability to reply militarily,  he mentioned.
“It is not going to have an effect on the day-to-day lifetime of strange folks,” mentioned Fesenko. 
Why now?
Poroshenko, who critics allege initiated martial regulation to postpone Ukraine’s March 31 presidential elections, mentioned on a neighborhood TV station on Tuesday that Kiev needed to resort to it to save lots of the nation.
“Ukraine is going through a risk of a full-scale warfare with the Russian Federation,” he mentioned.
Requested why Kiev didn’t impose martial regulation when Crimea was annexed by Moscow in 2015 and the Russian-backed rebels seized components of Donetsk and Luhansk areas, Fesenko instructed Al Jazeera “it was onerous to say”.
“At the moment, the regulation enforcement companies and majority of the federal government have been merely disorganised and demoralised,” he mentioned. “Additionally Ukraine’s worldwide companions suggested Kiev towards it.”
Fesenko rejected the pro-Russian idea that Ukraine may need provoked the newest flare-up and exaggerated it with martial regulation to stop the Russia-backed violence that killed greater than 10,000 folks within the nation since 2014.
The Sea of Azov battle on Sunday that noticed Russia briefly shut the Kerch Strait got here two months after Poroshenko introduced the creation of a brand new naval base within the space between Crimea and Russia.
He made the transfer after two Ukrainian warships – the search and rescue ship A500 Donbas and the seagoing tug A830 Korets – on September 23 handed by means of the strait for the primary time with out incident. The vessels was a part of the nation’s Black Sea fleet.
The nation misplaced a lot of its navy after the annexation of Crimea when Russia seized Ukraine’s ships.
Financial hit
The developments of the previous couple of days have affected the Ukrainian foreign money as markets reacted to the strain.
Hryvnia misplaced 5 % of its worth, however the state of affairs is non permanent, in line with Pavlo Kukhta, deputy chairman of Strategic Advisory Group on the Cupboard of Ministers of Ukraine.
“It’s typical for a state of affairs like this. Psychological reactions occur when dangers are increased, but it surely does not likely have an effect on the financial system in a serious manner,” he instructed Al Jazeera.
Kukhta additionally mentioned since Russia has already reopened the Kerch Strait for business shipments, the impact of the battle can also be anticipated to be restricted within the Mariupol area’s port from the place Ukraine exports one-quarter of its metals.
Ukraine’s financial system suffered a serious blow when it misplaced management over Crimea and components of Luhansk and Donetsk as many industrial factories are based mostly within the territory. However the nation has weathered its worst days, in line with Kukhta, with financial development at a mean European price of three.5 % this yr.
Observe Al Jazeera’s Tamila Varshalomidze on Twitter: @tamila87v
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from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/ukraines-first-ever-martial-law-comes-into-effect-russia-news/
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gardeninghowto-blog · 5 years
Tips to make butterfly garden
You’ve planted things with the word “butterfly” in the name: butterfly bush, butterfly weed, and the pincushion flower ‘Butterfly Blue.' A few butterflies do seem to flit by, but what if your garden is still more of a stopover than a destination? By learning more about butterflies, the plants that attract them, and their survival needs, you can increase your garden’s butterfly allure considerably.
Plant Butterfly Friendly Flowers
The flowers you choose to install in your butterfly garden are likely to be classics that your parents or grandparents grew. Growing these heirlooms preserves genetic diversity, honors old-fashioned garden style, and connects you to your ancestors. It also allows you to propagate your garden by saving seed. How to Revive An Air Plant https://www.justhomegardening.com/how-to-revive-an-air-plant
Traditional flowers that you will see repeatedly in butterfly gardens include brightly colored plants with shallow blossoms that allow easy nectar access. Popular butterfly perennials include milkweed, coneflowers, hyssop, asters, and liatris. Shrubs add a structure to the landscape while nourishing butterflies, so include some viburnum, sweetspire, and elderberry. These plants and shrubs all thrive in full sun, which butterflies need to maintain their metabolism.
Use a mix of annuals and perennials to prolong blooming time. Flowering containers allow you to exchange plantings during low-blooming lulls in the garden, like late spring and late summer. Use a combination of window boxes, patio containers, and hanging baskets to help create staggered blooming heights in the butterfly garden. Stick to nectar-rich flowers like pentas, cosmos, lantana, petunias, and zinnias instead of sterile hybrid flowers to ensure a steady supply of nectar.
Include not only a variety of colors, but plants of differing heights to attract more butterflies. A short row of flowering bedding plants may look attractive to homeowners, but it doesn’t satisfy the needs of some butterflies. In nature, butterflies fill specific feeding niches by focusing on flowers at certain heights. By including flowers that grow at a range of heights, you can not only achieve a professional-looking border, you will attract a greater variety of butterflies. For example, Tiger Swallowtails seek tall flowers like Joe Pye weed and honeysuckle vines. The Least Skipper and Little Yellow butterflies prefer flowers closer to the ground, like lavender, dianthus, and asters. How To Get Rid Of Bugs In Houseplants Soil https://www.justhomegardening.com/how-to-get-rid-of-bugs-in-houseplants-soil
Add Plants for Butterfly Caterpillars
Many butterflies are very specific about which host plant they will lay their eggs on. Sometimes they seek out plants in a particular family, and sometimes their caterpillars will dine on one plant and one plant only. If you intermingle attractive host plants with nectar rich plants in your flower garden, you may find yourself fostering one butterfly generation after the next. Don’t worry about extensive caterpillar damage on your host plants; unlike some caterpillars that are voracious garden pests, butterfly caterpillar feeding rarely causes death or stunted growth on healthy host plants.
Aster flowers are an important source of nectar for migrating butterflies in the fall, but before that, the larvae of the pearl crescent butterfly feed on its foliage. Monarchs depend on butterfly weed and other plants in the milkweed family to provide them with the toxins that make them unpalatable to birds and other predators. The showy zebra butterfly, a Florida and Texas resident, feeds its babies exclusively on the foliage of the passionflower. If you reside in the Eastern half of the United States, you may attract the iridescent Eastern tailed-blue to your garden with a host planting of sweet peas. Gardening Tool Set for Mom https://www.justhomegardening.com/best-gardening-tool-set-for-mom-delightful-gift-for-mom-gardener
Include Butterfly Shelter Areas
Butterfly houses look like wooden blocks punctuated with tall, narrow slots, presumably to shelter butterflies from predators and bad weather. Have you ever seen a photo or video of swarm of butterflies emerging from this butterfly apartment house in the morning? Probably not. Unfortunately, a prefab butterfly house is more likely to become the future home of a paper wasp colony than it is to shelter butterflies. Butterflies do need shelter from wind and rain, but you don’t need a fancy shingled house to protect them. Take your cue from nature, and provide them with a simple log pile in a corner of the yard. Butterflies will use this natural shelter to roost at night, or even to hibernate over the winter. In addition to the spaces between logs, small butterflies can creep between gaps in the bark. If you wish to make the shelter more cozy than a rustic log pile, you can cover the pile with a tarp, which will help the insects stay dry during downpours.
Offer Alternative Butterfly Foods
In spite of your best efforts to maintain a garden that blooms from spring until frost, there will inevitably be some times when a butterfly’s favorite flowers are scarce. You can continue to draw butterflies to your garden during this time by focusing on species that spend little time seeking nectar. Hackberry butterflies in particular relish overripe fruit, so you can attract them with dishes of peaches, pears, and bananas that are past their prime.
Fermented beer or molasses can act as the condiment on the fruit main dish, proving irresistible to species like the Question Mark and Red-Spotted Purple. Replace the fruit frequently to discourage wasps and ants from taking over the buffet. You can also cover the fruit with a window screen, which butterflies can bypass with their proboscis but will block wasps.
Provide Butterfly Puddling Stations
Butterflies seek shallow puddles in the garden not only as a source of drinking water, but also as a way to obtain vital minerals. In fact, the Cloudless Sulphur and the Sleepy Orange butterfly may congregate en masse in muddy areas or bog gardens. Look for this puddling behavior in the hottest part of the day, and keep your soil free of chemicals that can harm sensitive butterflies. A shallow dish filled with pebbles or sand and water can act as a valuable drinking station on hot days. dr pye's scanmask https://www.justhomegardening.com/how-to-get-rid-of-bugs-in-houseplants-soil
Avoid Pesticides That Harm Butterflies
When it comes to pest control, butterfly gardeners must tread lightly. Most pesticides will harm or kill butterflies (as well as other beneficial pollinators like bees and parasitic wasps). Even organic pest control options like insect soap or neem oil can kill butterflies or disrupt their feeding and mating habits. However, this doesn't mean you have to hand your flowers over to the aphids. Minimize pesticide effects by shielding flowers from sprays and powders. Only use pesticides to treat insect outbreaks, not as a preventative treatment. Finally, try non-pesticide insect controls, like floating row covers, jets of water to blast away small insects, and hand-picking for large insects like beetles.
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global-times-blog · 7 years
Florida Forest Service
A modern and technologically advanced lawn various can add worth to any dwelling that is being reworked. I worked within the Dept of the Air Force for over 20 years and government/military service for an additional 10 and I saw all kinds of effectiveness and ineffectiveness; my specific workplace, which tried to keep our major suppliers trustworthy, was pretty http://www.getjealous.com/world-articles/journal/5761724/state-of-oregon.html effective till price range cuts wiped us out. Some of the procurement applications we monitored were ineffective and at least one was dishonest; but by-and-massive each civil servant I dealt with was attempting to do a very good job inside the means offered. Selecting vegetation for backyard: After understanding the soil kind, you might want to decide the kinds of plant you wish to develop. If you love flowers to beautify your garden then you may go for perennials. Plants like Garden phlox, Blue Lobelia, Virginia Blue Bells are few excellent perennials to grow in gardens You can even grow greens in your garden to make it more helpful in your kitchen. It is best begin with easy to harvest vegetable crops like tomato, carrot, beans, radish, and few extra salad greens like Lettuce. Planting drought-resistant plants or using drought-resistant grasses can considerably scale back your watering wants throughout the warmer months of the 12 months. In addition they require much less upkeep in subsequent months. Furthermore, it's best to plant flowers and shrubs in strategic positions to cut back run-off so that you won't waste water throughout spring lawn care. Use pure substances when you may to regulate each ailments and pests, as organic garden care practices may increase your lawn's longevity, and should even affect your watering needs. Use native plants in your landscape design. One of the crucial efficient things you are able to do to ensure a superb-looking yard is to utilize native plants. Discover out what crops develop finest in your area, and what crops are indigenous to the area. This manner you'll already be forward, in that you understand that the plants you choose are tailored to the climate. You will not need to wrestle in opposition to pure inclinations to keep your panorama trying beautiful. If you happen to due use non-native plants, guarantee yourself that they arrive from a place that shares a climate similar to the one through which you reside. To be able to obtain this, Himmler set up an occult analysis bureau underneath the management of the SS, often known as the Ahnenerbe”. (translated to English that means Ancestral heritage) This was instructed to show German racial superiority by linking them to the legendary http://malt-orden.info/userinfo.php?uid=169641 race of ancient Aryans. By so doing it additionally hoped to re-uncover misplaced spiritual magical artefacts such because the Holy Grail and the Spear of Future. This, you'll keep in mind, was the Roman spear used to kill Jesus as he held on the cross. Make your backyard come alive with crops that appeal to these elegant winged creatures. Start with a favourite resembling butterfly bush with stunning flowers that both you and the butterflies will enjoy. Strive a firebush (Hamelia patens). Although it is native to South Florida, firebush does nicely in North Florida also, returning every spring after winter freezes to a top of about 5 feet with an nearly equal spread. Butterflies additionally love pentas, peregrinas (Jatropha integerrima), zinnias, cosmos, Cape plumbagos, verbenas , and hibiscus. Add dill , parsley, fennel, citrus , and milkweed (Asclepias sp.) as host plants for butterfly larvae to feed on. Create a place for butterflies to acquire moisture and minerals by sinking a shallow pan in the soil, filling it with coarse sand, and conserving it moist with a soaker hose or drip emitter. Finally, put a flat stone in a spot the place they'll bask in the sunshine when not visiting your flowers. Since these standards are relatively new and will not be universally utilized to all jurisdictions, most are left with pointless lengthy-time period upkeep bills. Wholesale renovation of existing landscapes troubled by shallow soil issues can be successful, however expensive. If the problem is left alone, most landscape contractors treat the symptoms of the issue (poor plant well being, plant mortality, and drainage issues) perpetually. To forestall this, associate with the landscape contractor to treat the cause. Establishing the checklist of mutations present in a person's genome is subsequently not enough to have the ability to predict that person's future health In reality, in many instances, it's unattainable to measure the consequences of genetic mutations in an remoted approach, without considering the context, that means the remainder of the genome as well as the atmosphere, each of which modify the effect this mutation has on the individual's health, and therefore the danger of developing a given illness.
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henrytcasey · 7 years
Watch This Wrestling 16  (4/20 – 26)
Indie Wrestling Twitter freaked out over Trevor Lee vs. Chip Day from CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide 102 practically the second it hit YouTube, and for good reason. It's a blast. Unfortunately, it had a big moment that killed the vibe for me.
At some point midway or late in the match, Day gets what seems like too much offense in for Lee to kick out. And yet, he did. But seriously, check out that match, linked below.
As always, a list of what I watched for this week's edition and what I'm planning to watch next week. If I'm missing anything that can be accessed without too much trouble, @ me on twitter: henrytcasey.
What I Watched:
T1W & Battle Club Pro: "The One Who Knocks", 4/22
EVOLVE 82, 4/22
Tier 1 Wrestling Presents: "True Will", 4/23
EVOLVE 83, 4/23
Monday Night Raw, 4/24
ROH Wrestling, 4/24
SmackDown Live, 4/25
205 Live, 4/25
Talking Smack Live, 4/25
NXT, 4/26
CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide 102, 4/26
Upcoming Watch List
Progress Wrestling, Ch.47: Complicated Simplicity, hit VOD on 4/29
NJPW: Wrestling Toyo Province 2017, 4/29
WWE Payback, 4/30
Monday Night Raw, 5/1
ROH Wrestling, 5/1
SmackDown Live, 5/2
205 Live, 5/2
Talking Smack Live, 5/2
NXT, 5/3
NJPW: Wrestling Dontaku, 5/3
Non-WWE Match of The Week:
Keith Lee vs Kyle O'Reilly
EVOLVE 82, 4/22
EVOLVE continued its hot streak at 82 & 83, the two New York shows it put on last week. And how did it rebound from losing Drew Galloway (now McIntyre) to WWE? By adding Kyle O'Reilly. And if you thought you'd seen Kyle's best during his recent Ring of Honor, run, I suggest you check his re-debut match in EVOLVE (which was against Keith Lee) out.
Not only does Keith Lee just not have bad matches, but the booking here plays nicely with the problem inherent in the match. Sure, the crowd almost turned on the show, but Lee's charisma and O'Reilly's intense violence helped bring everything home.
EVOLVE 82 is available via FloSlam.
Honorable Mentions:
Matt Riddle vs Timothy Thatcher, EVOLVE 82, 4/22
[EXTREME VIOLENCE WARNING] Darby Allin vs Ethan Page, EVOLVE 82, 4/22
Matt Riddle vs Penta OM, Tier 1 Wrestling, True Will, 4/23
Zack Sabre Jr. vs Lio Rush, EVOLVE 83, 4/23
Fred Yehi vs Kyle O'Reilly, EVOLVE 83, 4/23
Trevor Lee vs. Chip Day, CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide 102, 4/26
Non-WWE Segment of the Week:
Stokely Hathaway's Big News
EVOLVE 83, 4/23
And it's come to this. Stokley Hathaway, the Paul Heyman of EVOLVE now manages ... well, you'll see.
I love this for more than a few reasons, and what it'll do to Yehi & Williams are paramount among them. It’s one of those solid show-opening promos that sets a ton of plates spinning to make for some excellent business.
WWE Match of The Week:
Drew McIntyre vs Andrade "Cien" Almas
NXT, 4/26
Again, I liked this as much for the work and their in-ring chemistry as I do for what it accomplishes. Further establishing Drew's beastly force and Almas tranquilo chill made for good story telling beats in the build to NXT TakeOver: Chicago, which will be here before we know it.
Honorable Mentions:
Tyler Bate (c) vs Jack Gallagher for the UK Championship, NXT, 4/26
WWE Segment of the Week:
Table For 3: Common Bonds: Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, and AJ Styles
Table For 3, 4/24
The worst kept secret in WWE is that the shows right before a PPV (known as the Go-Home events, as in: send them home ready to pay more) now suck eggs.
Therefore, my favorite thing on WWE this week was the latest episode of Table For 3 on the WWE Network. Not only did Nash, Michaels and Styles get to shoot the shit, but they get to let HBK tell his side of why he doesn't want to un-retire to face Styles.
Honorable Mentions:
Nikki Cross Calls Ruby Riot Out, NXT, 4/26
Who is Roderick Strong? Part 1, NXT, 4/26
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undevil96-blog · 5 years
Clio giornaliera che torna ai round con almeno 4 kill! Premessa: non so sparare con le pistole! Conseguenza: smiro tantissimo! Però: ne faccio 4 con la pistola di cui un'interrogazione! Hope you enjoy! . . . . . . #game #gaming #videogame #rainbowsixsiege #rainbowsix #r6s #r6 #r6sclips #r6clips #rainbowclips #rainbowsixclips #rainbowsixsiegeclips #ace #4k #headshot #1v5 #1v4 #1v3 #1v2 #maciejay #alucc #gabbodsq #godly #noob #pro #league #beaulo #penta #kill #pengu #marley #fortnite #victory #royale #ninja #editing #graphic #video #youtube #live #twitch #undevil #undevil96 #ita #italiano #ps4 #psn https://www.instagram.com/p/B2bk8Ignzjl/?igshid=ml5dfkeek9qe
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