#Non-Muslims will not get Paradise.
aikoiya · 10 months
LoZ - Gerudo Tolerances
I don't get the insistence that the Gerudo, just by virtue of being primarily women, would somehow make them a very progressive, feminist culture. Especially the modern interpretation of feminism.
If anything, it's more likely to cause them to be very conservative. Especially in regards to homosexuality, childlessness, & transgenderism.
Because, think about it. An all-female society that still reproduces the same way as humans MEANS that in order to keep the Gerudo population from going extinct, every single Vai HAS to have an average of at least 1 child.
And that means that if even 1 Vai doesn't do this, then some other Vai has to pick up the slack by having 2.
I don't think a lot of fans are really getting just how very dire the Gerudo's situation is.
They only get 1 male a century & men are not allowed into their town, so in order to reproduce, they have to go out & search for a man to reproduce with. (And that 1 male cannot be the only stud of the Gerudo or their race would've died out long ago as a result of incest.)
That means that they could encounter monsters much more easily.
All this in a world that has things like Gleeoks & Lynels.
Which means that if every single Gerudo isn't strong enough or skilled enough as warriors, they could die without leaving someone else to take their place.
Which means in order to successfully maintain a birth rate if not above the death rate, then at least at equilibrium with it, just to account for unexpected tragedy, then these women should have, on average, at least 2 kids, if not 3 just to be safe.
Yet, you only see around 6 little Vai at most & only 2 of them are stated to be sisters.
That... is very, very bad.
So, I hate to crush ya'll's dreams of a feminist paradise, but heterosexuality & motherhood is most likely not only expected, but enforced with extreme prejudice.
Because even one Vai not having kids is likely cause for at least mild panic. 2 even more so. And I don't wanna even think about the sheer alarm that would occur if there were more than that.
Even if 10% of the Gerudo population is non-straight, it is almost guaranteed that they would opt to simply live life in the closet & seal it shut forever rather than come out of it. Because there's no telling what would happen. No telling how the other Vai would react. What they'd do.
Especially if that Vai has no sisters herself.
Please, keep in mind the fact that the Gerudo are at least partially based upon Muslim nations, where homosexuality is punishable by death.
So, yes. Of effing course, the Gerudo are gonna seem one-note & too focused on romance.
They are constantly on the brink of extinction.
If I were in their position, I'd be obsessed with finding a man too.
Hell, in their situation, it'd honestly just be more practical to have one-night stand after one-night stand until pregnant.
But that sort of habit does something to your sense of self-worth.
If anything, romance is most likely a pipe dream in most situations, but not the expected outcome.
Especially considering some of these women grow up without any male interaction. Period.
Hell! There's at least 1 Gerudo who has, apparently, never even seen a real man before! This is freaking canon! And it shows by the simple fact that this lady is unable to maintain eye-contact with Link!
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I can't even fathom the emmense amount of stress & pressure that this would cause to a young person.
Which is likely why romance is so... romanticized!
To give these girls hope that they'll find someone who they can love & be loved by in return & live happily ever after with.
Life is already stressful enough.
This would likely be debilitating without something to hope for, even if it is impractical.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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kick-a-long · 3 months
So what is the solution then? Because I feel like a military escort going in and forcibly rebuilding things would arguably be an occupation
Although admittedly I’m not certain what the standard procedure is for helping a formerly hostile country rebuild is.
(this is going to be a long long long one because it's a problem people ignore and gloss over all the time. it drives me mad. post war humanitarian management saves lives in the short term and long term but it's been so demonized that people perfer doing nothing to attempting the right thing. long rant incoming. I apologize profusely for how long this fucker is.
skip to the red paragraphs if you want to know how many successful post war countries are rebuilt with a good source to learn more about it.
it's not just your feeling, "military escort going in and forcibly rebuilding things" is 100% an occupation. An occupation that ends (an ethical occupation of sorts) is one where the army wants to leave and wants the place to be better than when they entered it. if the IDF is in Gaza, even for the express and real purpose of rebuilding and maintaining order, they will still be there as occupation forces. ANY army that goes in to rebuild Gaza will be an occupying force. Israel can't do that and end the war at the same time. there are tons of groups and gangs in Gaza besides hamas, including civilians, who will attack them day and night to leave. There is no way anyone in the world would support the IDF occupying gaza even if they do a 100% perfect job of rebuilding it as a paradise. Not even most israeli's.
it gets even more thorny when you look at what happened to the "floating aid pier" that America tried to set up outside of Gaza that lasted all of like one day before it was shelled and destroyed. Same thing with the humanitarian crossings where Gaza militants have shelled and attacked non-stop to prevent civilians and deserters from escaping Gaza and the war. you can see how other muslim/Arab countries like Iraq, now a terrible place to live under the Taliban, faired when America tried to reestablish their gov during the 20 years of fighting. the minute they left: brain drain, huge loss of rights, and a dysfunctional government. One of the huge tragedies about both Iraq and Iran is that they have long and storied cultures and legacies of scholarship, engineering, science, literature and art. both countries have been hobbled by theocratic authoritarians and violent extremists.
there are basically no countries who know how to operate safely in that area, and even fewer who want to. Egypt is the closest to being able but they wouldn't want to touch gaza with a 10 mile long pole. Egypt has pragmatic reasons for this. it is in a balancing act between normalizing relations with the western govs (EU, USA, etc) while not pissing off the rest of the middle east, which will respond by funding terrorism in Egypt like the muslim brotherhood to destabilize their gov and turn the country into another Iraq.
worse still, any aid that goes in without an occupying force overseeing it's use (food, construction material, water pipes, anything you can think of to make Gaza livable to a 21st century standard) will get stolen by one of those gangs I mentioned and either smuggled out and sold in foreign countries or used to build weapons and war infrastructure.
1. it's the best way to get money in gaza/ fund your group's fight for control of the strip since there are very limited/tightly controled opportunities to make a living and
2. countries outside of Gaza (iran, russia, aka the countries that hate the western hegemony) will pay these groups hansomely to attack israel. they need to keep Gaza dependent and poor for this to work and to maintain it as a military position (not just against israel but also as a disruption to the EU and America.)
basically any aid group that doesn't allow post-Hamas militants near total control over their operations would be killed and attacked nonstop.
there's a lot of antisemitism and racism in continuing to fund UNRWA (you don't see nearly the same level of support given to african countries's refugees or non arab refugees from the middle east for example) but it's also a situation where if any aid is given at all it will be under the near total control and disposal of Iranian (or whoever) backed terrorist cells.
it seems increasingly clear that while Gaza civilians still HATE Israel and the population are near total antisemites they also don't want their kids becoming militants. they don't want to be in a war against a military that outmatches them 100 times over either. they don't want them and their families to live in misery for the rest of their lives to prove a point. unfortunately due to their location and history, Gazan civilians don't have much choice in the matter anymore. they have no export or import of goods with the middle east because no one wants the terrorism they bring, and israel (the only country willing to give men and woman work visas so they can earn money outside of hamas controlled avenues) isn't going to let them enter for the foreseeable decades.
Oct 7th wasn't your average terror attack. it was a slaughter. those work visa's were used to case the communist die hard peace activist kibitzes in the south so Hamas basically had a census as well as house layouts when they attacked.
another fuck up is that Gazan's aren't going to be getting refugee status anywhere that has a well set up system to deal with them any time soon. Spain recognized Gaza as a country and walked it back within a day or two because they would be required to take in gazan refugees under international laws and agreements.
No one invested in ending the nearly 100 years of hostilities can go into gaza. No one invested in ending the forever war can get out. Israel (which has enough incentive to rebuild Gaza for pragmatic reasons alone let alone international reputation reasons, you know... so terrorists will stop trying to kill them every day and countries will stop boycotting them) can't be anywhere near them after the war even if they wanted to, which they certainly don't.
at this point i would assume not even Iran wants control or rebuilding in Gaza. their presumed new leader, after ol' Eli Kopter killed the last asshole, says he's more moderate. He has to deal with all the domestic unrest in Iran aka women getting kidnapped, raped, and murdered by the morality police and internal assassination threats. He has a tough job ahead. Either changing the morality police or ramping their activity up secretly, and keeping the people who already have power in Iran happy. Either way he isn't going to be making any friends by throwing cash at Gaza. lots of Iranian civilians support Israel (kinda sorta, it's complicated) and a lot of economic forces are pushing towards strenghening export and import (which is hard if you are under sanctions and if everyone thinks you are just transporting weapons. Aka storing weapons for hezbolla at the Lebanon airport. you know, Lebanon? the country where a Russian container ship filled with AMFO fertilizer was left docked for several years because of gov incompetence? the tanker that blew up most of Beirut in the most destructive explosion ever durring peace time.)
when I say I believe the situation is FUCKED, this is what I'm talking about. there is no exit strategy. there is no avoiding the famine and disease that will decimate Gaza a year from now with no soft end date. and the people it will fuck over the most? Gazans and Israelis. the whole world is at fault in my opinion for letting it get this bad through inaction and malicious intent. Israelis were the only ones trying to deescalate this and now they have absolutely no reason to think it helped in the first place. in fact all their work towards peace just made it worse.
anyway... it's just totally fucked. The news won't report on israel and gaza in three years, but it's only going to get worse.
famine and broken infrastructure kill far more civilians in the aftermath of war. occupying forces are stationed in defeated countries in part to prevent the worst of it. because if you don't you get rearming and piles of dead. positive examples are in japan and germany after WW2, south korea after the Korean war. negative examples are Germany after WW1, Cambodia killing fields, Ukraine's capture by Stalin.
if you want to know how countries in the past were successfully rebuilt start here:
the standard way to rebuild a country (read or watch interveiws with Sara Paine. She's a military historian with a focus on the humanitarian and pragmatic reasons for going to war, conducting wars, and rebuilding countries after a war has been fought. why both sides have a pragmatic reason to "play fair" and help the loser rebuild.) is very hit or miss. it basically starts when the war starts.
during the war you can't be so brutal to the population (combatants or civilians) that they really hate your guts. kind of a "fight fair" approach. you can't be too nice/condescending either or they won't respect that you won. basically they will think they have a shot to rearm and that's not good. you can't put them on "death ground" meaning you can't make losing the war equivalent to their total destruction/ slavery. you have to win totally but not rub their noses in it. no rape. no looting. no targeting women and children. no kidnapping children. no torture. no humiliation for fun or psychological warfare. no human experimentation (looking at you japan and germany.) you can try to create good relationships with the population but you have to back that up by defending the people who will work with you from reprisals.
After the war is over You first help the population establish a national identity and national pride outside of warfare. Pride and national cohesion are usually destroyed by losing a war and seeing your countrymen exploit and turn on each other as resources get thin. you never want to fight a war where you are unusually cruel during or after the war to the loser because that resentment will never go away. Germany was penalized so harshly for WW1 that it fucked their economy and national pride so bad they started WW2. Then you either rebuild institutions from the top down or the bottom up. top down is like post war japan which already had a national identity and institutions, so those just needed support. bottom up is like where you have a firmly established police force keeping the average person safe from gangs and organized crime and work from there to build the rest of the gov.
(this paragraph is mostly my own opinion. read sara paine for a more accurate take with better nuance. Bottom up is more china's thing because they like to enforce Chinese culture as well as exclusive ownership of trade/resources. China does what it does for the benefit of china, whatever and whoever is "china" is usually in flux. America likes top down (which hasn't worked since south korea) because they like keeping the original cultures and institutions intact (it's cheap and looks better to their allies) as well as semi complete trade/resource control. if they aren't in control they usually require veto power or systems in place to control who works with who. Russia does neither. they want land and any economic benefit from it is incidental. they are perfectly happy to kill a population and use the occupied area as a garbage dump. they take over places for national pride and to swing their dicks at the EU and the US. this wasn't the case for the entirety of the USSR but Putin got them right back on the historical norm of tzarist Russian dick swinging.)
The key term to rebuilding a nation is "institution building." you want to keep the institutions that work, working. you want to establish institutions that aren't there already. the order changes depending on the occupation force but the things the occupiers want (if they ever want to leave which is usually the cheaper and sustainable way) are
1. a written constitution/list of citizen's rights upheld by the new gov that is more generous to the population than the prev war time government.
2. a competent and uncorrupt police force that follows the lead of
3. an unbiased judiciary that treats citizens (even minorities) relatively equally and fairly, which follows the laws of
4. a functional law making apparatus that serves the interests of the people without fucking over any fringe group or the occupying force too bad.
5. a leader that the people support but also doesn't want to rearm and restart war efforts. this is a tricky one because they can't be a puppet of the occupiers or such an asshole that they piss off fringe groups and get assassinated when the occupiers leave.
6. favorable economic relationships to the occupying force and its' allies (favorable for the occupied country so they can generate jobs, and reliable income to pay for rebuilding the place themselves.)
A lot of rebuilding a country comes down to the population's mentality. To rebuild a country it's people need to trust that the new government has their best interests at heart. They have to believe in a future. They need to trust the currency. They need to believe that there is a road to improving their economic situation. They need to see themselves as a united people. They need to believe they can maintain their independence and culture. They need to have a desire to rebuild and actively participate if not primarily direct it. there needs to be incentives for the vital professional classes (lawyers, doctors, teachers, engineers, detectives, reporters, politicians) to stay and help shape and maintain the country.
young men need jobs that are definitely going to pay (whether that's in bonds or foreign currency so inflation/deflation of local currency doesn't screw them over.) There needs to be education and support systems for kids, orphans, widows, disabled vets, old folks. the actual market needs to be sufficient so a black market doesn't become the defacto source of goods. free food is good, creating a system where people can work to buy what they need is better. there need to be taxes collected from people who can and should pay so big money doesn't corrupt the system in it's infancy. there need to be workers, managers and bureaucrats. it's a lot of enforcement and it's a balancing act to prevent making too many enemies or the whole thing spirals into civil war and other bullshit. Some governments do this by cracking down HARD on a populace but with enough carrots to make the avoidable and predictable sticks worth putting up with. some governments foster self determination and are mainly enforcers at the direction of the new gov they support (america... which has mixed results producing some of the best and worst post war outcomes.)
but Gaza has no chance. No country wants to rebuild it. A majority of Gazan's don't want it changed and don't have the power to rebuild it into something else if they did. Palestinians have no allies that want them to change. Their national identity and economy IS war. Since the 1960s, thats for 60 years, the Palestinian identity is that of a homeless refugee population that believes the world is promised to the violent fighters who follow islamist rule. they have no non-millitary institutions to rebuild. their schools are for war, their civilian housing is for war, their hospitals are for war, their social security is for war, child birth, at least for hama's leaders, is to birth fighters or birth more wombs to produce fighters. a huge percent of, if not all, professional educated gazan workers in gaza are a part of/working with the gazan military aka hamas.
if Gaza ever did "win" and take over Israel, they would immediately go to war with themselves... or Lebanon or Egypt or Jorden because the stated goal of Hamas is effectively islamist world domination. They currently have nothing else to produce as a country. If left to it's own devices, which it will be unless some government has the moral clarity and brass balls to do it, the civilians in gaza are trapped in that national identity. The groups with the education, knowledge, guns, supplies, outside funding, and power are keeping it that way.
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uma1ra · 1 year
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Marriage is the most overwhelming time in our women’s lives, particularly when adjusting with their in-laws. There are certain cultures where women are obliged to live with In-laws, mainly in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
But is it obligatory for a woman to live and serve her in-laws in Islam? The answer is NO! It’s a huge misconception that Islam does not back; rather, it’s a cultural belief.
From the very beginning, Islam has been uplifting women. Islam gave rights to women 1400 years ago, which were considered revolutionary at that time. Despite Islam being the most liberating religion, Muslims fail to give women equal rights and oppress them. Home should be the first area where women should get their rights.
As our beloved prophet, Muhammad, said, ‘Charity begins at home.’
Women in Islam have a right to have an accommodation that befits them; they can demand to live alone with their husbands, demand independence in running their household, and there is no sin upon her. If one cannot afford a house, they must give their wife a place within the house, where she can live in privacy without any interference.
It’s even more challenging for women to live with In-laws if their brother In-law lives with them because he is not a mahram (a person with whom marriage would be considered haram)
The Quran has clarified the mahrams for a woman; brother in law is not a mahram to a woman. Living with a brother In-law can make a situation even worse because it is tough for a woman to wear a hijab all the time; she cannot dress according to how she wants, she cannot beautify herself for her husband.
Our beloved Prophet said: “Beware of entering upon the ladies,” A man from the Ansar said, “Allah’s Apostle! What about Al Hamu, the in-laws of the wife( the brothers of her husband and nephews etc.)? The prophet (SAW) replied,” The in-laws of the wife are death itself. [Sahih al Bukhari 5232]
It means evils and corruption of heart should be expected more from them than other non-mahram, and women should fear them more.
Some Misinterpreted Hadiths regarding Women
Allah’s Apostle(PBUH)said, “Shall I inform you of the biggest of the great sins?” They said, “Yes, O Allah’s Apostle!” He said, “To join partners in worship with Allah and to be undutiful to one’s parents. [Sahih al Bukhari 6273]
Being dutiful to your parents doesn’t mean forcing your spouse to serve them. A son should look after his parents’ needs and do his best to provide them comfort and serve them. Similarly, a daughter should also obey her parents and care for their needs. No one should force a woman to cook, clean and do daily chores to please her in-laws. Men should emotionally and physically refrain from forcing their wives to serve their Parents as Islam does not mandate it.
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If a woman prays her five prayers, fasts her month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, and obeys her husband, she will enter Paradise from any gate she wishes. [Musnad Ahmad 1664]
Many Muslim folks misinterpret this hadeeth and use it to oppress their women by forcing them to take care of the house inhabited by their parents. Being a servant to in-laws is oppression, not obedience to the husband.
Our beloved prophet said, “Oppression will be a darkness on the Day of Resurrection.” [Sahih bukhari]
Allah’s Messenger said, “Be afraid, of the curse of the oppressed as there is no screen between his invocation and Allah.” [Sahih Bukhari]
A woman is not a bad daughter-in-law just because she refused to serve her in-laws. Islam provides women with the freedom to live their lives as they desire, as long as they adhere to the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.
Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: “The most wicked among the people in the eye of Allah on the Day of judgement is the man who goes to his wife, and she comes to him, and then he divulges her secret. [Sahih Muslim 1437]
It is not permissible for a husband to tell anything private that happened between him and his wife or disclose his wife’s secrets. In-laws cannot interfere with the private matters of husband and wife.
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phantaloon · 7 months
listen its 4:40 am and ive slept like an hour and a half and im still studying for my pharm midterm and im tired and mad and hungry so it doesn't help any matters when it comes to my ranting but
literally why the fuck do christians try so hard to convince everybody who's not a christian that their religion is the only way to salvation?? i have never been told by a jew or a muslim or a buddhist or a polytheist or someone from any other religion that if i want a chance at paradise or whatever i should join their religion, like genuinely what is wrong with christians??
they will shove their christianity in my face every chance they get, they try to make me turn christian, they indoctrinate children into following their beliefs, they try to tell people (especially women) how to dress, they share violent, racist, misogynist and just all around bigot messages all the time, and somehow they are the ones who are always in the right path, doing the right thing, vouching for the children and protecting life and what not??
and god forbid you speak up against them (especially if you use their words against them), they will always find a way to justify their shit
anyway its 2024 please for the love of god stop trying to convince people (both violently and non violently) to turn into your religion
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dhaaruni · 2 years
it is beyond disgusting to see self identified leftists and feminists defend the most regressive and misogynistic shit ever just because it comes from a marginalized community. like women from conservative religious communities are forced into religious dress through violence, abuse, r*pe, threats of ostracism, fear of abandonment, the potential loss of any communication with their family, and financial ruin. the whole “hijabs/tichels are a choice” thing is so gross, like even if your community isn’t as extreme as others, a lifetime of patriarchal indoctrination is absolutely a form of coercion. if we can (correctly) recognize that a women’s decision to wear makeup, dress in a way that is sexually appealing to men, get plastic surgery, remove body hair, diet, ect. does not exist in a vacuum free from patriarchal conditioning, then we should be able to recognize that a muslim woman wearing a hijab, or an orthodox jewish woman shaving her head and wearing a wig and a head covering, cannot be fucking separated from the fact that these women have been told for their entire fucking lives that their bodies are inherently sinful and dirty and tempting to men and that they need to cover up to “honor god”. like my fucking god, even if your community isn’t as extreme as most, and your not going to be r*ped, murdered, beat up, or abandoned for expressing any agency of your own, you’ve still had it drilled into your head from birth that you’re an evil dirty sinful whore if you show any skin or hair, like that’s not a fucking “choice”! it’s not! is a choice really a choice if you’ve been told your entire life that the wrong choice is a sin against the creator of the universe (and in some religions that the wrong choice sends you to hell for all eternity)? jesus fucking christ it’s so hypocritical when feminists (rightly) criticize the liberal feminist “i do it for myself” mentality when it comes to women wearing makeup and shaving and then turn around and are like “religious women choose to cover themselves from head to toe, it’s THEIR CHOICE!!! and if you say that they’re being oppressed by patriarchy you’re a racist white feminist akshuallly sweaty :) :) :)”. anyways all religion apologists can choke, i don’t care what their political affiliation is.
cont. honestly like patriarchy predates the very concept of whiteness!!! it existed in pre colonial times, all over the world. obviously fuck europe forever, but europe did not invent the concept of hating women, sorry. idk leftists acting like the non-europe parts of the world were some progressive gender paradise before white people invaded everything is very strange and plays into a lot of racist “noble savage” stereotypes. also it’s weird to see people on the left claiming to care about woc, but not caring about any the oppression woc experience from their own communities. like i understand that right wingers will point to patriarchy in non white communities to deflect from white patriarchy, and to justify violence against non white people, but i don’t think the answer to this is to act like misogyny outside of whiteness doesn’t exist. men of all races hate women and we need to fight against all of them.
I have nothing to add, and I agree with everything.
Exactly @onceuponawhine
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aiwithhamza · 2 months
What will happen After The Dajjal?
The death of the Dajjal (the Antichrist) is a pivotal moment in Islamic eschatology. It signifies a significant turning point in the events leading up to the Day of Judgment. Following the Dajjal’s death, several important events will unfold, shaping the final period before the end of the world. Here is a look at what will happen after the Dajjal dies according to Islamic teachings.
1. The Return of Isa (Jesus):
Role of Isa (AS):
After the death of the Dajjal, Isa (Jesus) will descend from the heavens to restore justice and lead the believers. His return is a major sign of the end times and his role is crucial in defeating the Dajjal and establishing truth (Hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim).
Actions of Isa (AS):
Isa (AS) will break the cross, kill the swine, and abolish the jizya (tax on non-Muslims), emphasizing the unity of the Muslim Ummah and the finality of Islam (Sunan Abu Dawood).
2. Era of Peace and Justice:
Rule of Isa (AS):
Following the defeat of the Dajjal, Isa (AS) will rule the earth for a period of time, establishing a reign of peace and justice. This era will be marked by prosperity and adherence to Islamic principles.
Hadith Reference:
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “There is no prophet between me and him (Isa), and he will descend. When you see him, recognize him. He is a man of medium height, with a reddish-white complexion, wearing two light yellow garments, and looking as if drops of water are falling from his head” (Sahih al-Bukhari).
3. The Spread of Righteousness:
Unification of Believers:
Isa (AS) will work to unite the believers, guiding them to live in accordance with Islamic teachings. The message of Islam will spread widely, and people will embrace righteousness and piety.
End of Major Trials:
The major trials of the Dajjal and the chaos caused by his presence will come to an end, and the focus will shift to building a society based on justice and faith.
4. The Emergence of Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog):
Release of Ya’juj and Ma’juj:
After Isa’s (AS) reign, the tribes of Ya’juj and Ma’juj will emerge from behind the barrier built by Dhul-Qarnayn. Their appearance will bring great chaos and destruction (Surah Al-Kahf, 18:94–98).
Divine Intervention:
Their destruction will come through divine intervention. Allah will send a punishment that will eliminate Ya’juj and Ma’juj, and their presence will be a sign of the final stages leading up to the Day of Judgment (Hadith in Sahih Muslim).
5. The Final Days and the Day of Judgment:
Signs Leading to the End:
The final signs before the Day of Judgment will unfold, including the appearance of the beast of the earth (Dabbat al-ard), the sun rising from the west, and other major events described in Islamic eschatology.
Day of Judgment:
After these signs, the Day of Judgment will commence. All individuals will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds. The righteous will be rewarded with eternal paradise, while the wicked will face punishment.
The death of the Dajjal is a crucial event in Islamic eschatology, marking the beginning of a period of peace and justice under the leadership of Isa (AS). Following the Dajjal’s death, the emergence of Ya’juj and Ma’juj, the final trials, and the eventual Day of Judgment will shape the end of the world. These events underscore the importance of faith, righteousness, and preparedness for the final reckoning.
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alakhsiyad · 3 months
Shall I not show you a woman of paradise?!” Reminder for our noble sisters, particularly during summer
In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.
Ataa Bin Abee Rabah [may Allah have mercy upon him] narrated: Ibn Abbas [may Allah be pleased with him and his father] said to me, “Shall I show you a woman of the people of Paradise?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “This black lady came to the Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] and said, ‘I get attacks of epilepsy and my body becomes uncovered; please invoke Allah for me.’ The Prophet said (to her), ‘If you wish, be patient and you will have Paradise; and if you wish, I will invoke Allah to cure you.’ She said, ‘I will remain patient,’ and added, ‘but I become uncovered, so please invoke Allah for me that I may not become uncovered.’ So he invoked Allah for her.” [Sahih Al-Bukhaari 5652 & Sahih Muslim 2576]
Let us ponder this remarkable woman’s narrative [may Allah be pleased with her]. She possessed faith, integrity, sincerity, purity, devotion, and humility. Despite facing the challenging ordeal of epilepsy, which caused her distress, anxiety, and restlessness, she approached the Prophet [peace and blessings be upon him] seeking his supplication to alleviate the affliction and calamity she was enduring. The Prophet guided her towards a greater thing than what she initially desired. He advised her to maintain patience in the face of hardship, trial, and tribulation, assuring her that the outcome would be Paradise. Consequently, she chose the virtuous ending and a blissful abode- to become one of the inhabitants of Paradise, with the assurance of Allah’s Messenger [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] if she remained patient. Despite her decision to remain patient, she couldn’t help but feel anxious about the accidental exposure of certain body parts during an epileptic seizure. Even though she was excused due to her uncontrollable illness, her deep sense of modesty, unwavering faith, and pure heart caused her the most concern regarding this exposure. She decided to have patience to achieve Paradise, yet she informed the Prophet, “I become uncovered (during the epileptic fit)” – indicating that she could not bear this situation even though it was beyond her control. The Prophet supplicated for her, and as a result, she continued to experience epileptic fits but never became uncovered due to his supplication.
The narrative of this remarkable woman is conveyed through discussions on noble conduct, beautiful traits, good values, the beauty of modesty, and the purity of a heart. She said, “But I become uncovered, so please invoke Allah for me that I may not become uncovered”. This unveiling, which happened involuntarily and without consent, does not hold her accountable in such circumstances, yet it continued to trouble and worry her. This was her situation – a truly dignified situation, so what about a woman who willingly and openly showcases her beauty to non-Mahrams, flaunting her charms without any hesitation or regard, showing no modesty or concern for this aspect of her faith?! Despite hearing the verses of the Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet, as well as the severe consequences of unveiling, she remains indifferent and unmoved by any of it. As for that lady, who hails from the inhabitants of Paradise, she was pardoned due to her epilepsy and she strongly disliked exposing herself.
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ghumindiaghum · 3 months
India’s Easiest Travel Guide for First-Timers
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A Beginner’s Guide to India
India, a land of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, is an experience like no other. It’s a place that will surprise, challenge, and delight you in ways you never imagined. This India Travel Guide for First-Timers is designed to help you navigate the vibrant chaos and embrace the adventure that is India. We would always suggest you to get in touch with the best tour and travel operator in India for a smooth journey. Let’s dive in and get you ready for an unforgettable journey!
Best Places To Visit in India
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Delhi: The capital city is a blend of history and modernity. Visit the Red Fort, Qutub Minar, India Gate, and Humayun’s Tomb. Don’t miss the busy bazaars of Chandni Chowk.
Agra: Home to the magnificent Taj Mahal, Agra is a city steeped in history. Explore the Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri to get a glimpse of the Mughal era.
Jaipur: Known as the Pink City, Jaipur is famous for its palaces and forts. Amber Fort, City Palace, and Hawa Mahal are architectural marvels.
Varanasi: One of the oldest cities in the world, Varanasi is the spiritual heart of India. Witness the Ganga Aarti and explore the ghats along the holy river.
Kerala: Known as God’s Own Country, Kerala offers serene backwaters, lush green landscapes, and pristine beaches. Visit Alleppey, Munnar, and Kochi for a taste of paradise.
Goa: Famous for its beaches, nightlife, and Portuguese heritage, Goa is the perfect place to unwind and have fun.
Rajasthan: The land of kings, Rajasthan, is home to majestic forts, palaces, and the Thar Desert. Udaipur, Jodhpur, and Jaisalmer are must-visit cities.
Himachal Pradesh: For those who love the mountains, Himachal Pradesh offers stunning landscapes, adventure sports, and serene hill stations. Manali, Shimla, and Dharamshala are popular choices.
India Travel Guide for First-Timers: When to Visit
India is a land of diverse climates, so choosing the right time to visit is crucial.
Winter (October to March): This is the best time to visit most parts of India, with pleasant weather and clear skies. Ideal for exploring cities, beaches, and deserts.
Summer (April to June): Summers can be scorching, especially in the northern plains and central India. However, this is the best time to visit the Himalayan region.
Monsoon (July to September): Monsoon brings heavy rainfall, making travel challenging in some areas. However, it’s a beautiful time to visit Rajasthan, Madhyapradesh, Maharashtra, etc. Check out our recommendations here.
Your Quick Guide to the Colorful Religions of India
India is a melting pot of religions, each adding to the country’s rich cultural tapestry. Here’s a quick guide to some of the major religions you’ll encounter:
1. Hindu
Hinduism is the predominant religion in India, characterized by a variety of practices and beliefs. Temples, festivals, and rituals are integral to Hindu culture.
2. Jain
Jainism emphasizes non-violence and asceticism. Jain temples are known for their intricate architecture and serene atmosphere.
3. Muslim
Islam is practiced widely across India, with magnificent mosques and vibrant markets. Visit cities like Delhi, Agra, and Hyderabad for a rich Islamic heritage.
4. Buddhist
Buddhism, which originated in India, has a significant presence in states like Bihar and Sikkim. Bodh Gaya, where Buddha attained enlightenment, is a major pilgrimage site.
5. Parsi
Parsis, followers of Zoroastrianism, are a small yet influential community. Mumbai is home to many Parsi heritage sites, including the fire temples and the Tower of Silence.
6. Sikh
Sikhism originated in Punjab, and the Golden Temple in Amritsar is its holiest shrine. Sikhs are known for their hospitality and community service.
A Brief History | India Travel Guide for First-Timers
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India’s history is a tapestry of ancient civilizations, empires, and colonial rule. The Indus Valley Civilization, one of the world’s oldest, flourished here. The Maurya and Gupta empires saw significant advancements in art, science, and philosophy. The Mughal Empire brought architectural marvels like the Taj Mahal. British colonial rule left a lasting impact, culminating in India’s independence in 1947. Today, India is a vibrant democracy with a rich cultural heritage.
What to Expect on Your First Visit to India
India can be overwhelming for first-timers, but knowing what to expect can help you navigate it better:
Crowds: India is densely populated, so expect crowds, especially in cities.
Traffic: Traffic can be chaotic, with honking horns and unpredictable driving.
Culture Shock: The sights, sounds, and smells can be intense, but embrace them as part of the experience.
Hospitality: Indians are known for their hospitality. Don’t be surprised if strangers go out of their way to help you.
Diverse Landscapes: From bustling cities to serene mountains, India offers a wide range of landscapes.
Cost of Travel in India
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Accommodation: Budget hotels and hostels can cost as little as $30 per night, while luxury hotels can go up to $500 or more.
Food: Street food is cheap and delicious, with meals costing as little as $1. Dining at mid-range restaurants might cost around $15-$25 per person.
Transportation: Trains and buses are cost-effective ways to travel. Flights between major cities are also reasonably priced.
Paying for Things in India
While credit and debit cards are widely accepted in cities, cash is still king in many rural areas and small towns. ATMs are plentiful, but it’s a good idea to carry some cash, especially for small purchases and transportation.
Avoiding Scams in India
India is generally safe for tourists, but like any other destination, it’s essential to be aware of common scams:
1. Child Beggars and Other Vagrants
Avoid giving money to child beggars, as it often supports a larger network. Instead, consider donating to reputable charities.
2. The Taxi That Wants You Is Not The Taxi You Want
Always use pre-paid taxi services or ride-sharing apps like Ola and Uber to avoid overcharging.
3. Tour Guides (or Anything Else for That Matter) Are Rarely Ever Free
If someone offers to guide you or show you something, be prepared to pay for their services.
4. Priests of Pushkar
In Pushkar, priests may offer blessings and then demand a hefty donation. Politely decline their services.
5. Purchase All Your Own Transportation Tickets
Book your tickets for trains, buses, and flights directly through official websites or authorized agents like Ghum India Ghum to avoid being scammed.
What to Prepare Before Your First Trip to India
1. Travel Insurance is Recommended
Travel insurance can provide peace of mind and cover unexpected expenses, including medical emergencies and trip cancellations.
2. Seasons in India Matter
Pack accordingly based on the season and region you are visiting. Lightweight cotton clothes are ideal for summer, while warm layers are necessary for winter in the north.
3. You Need a Visa in Advance to Visit India
Most nationalities require a visa to enter India. Apply for an e-visa online, which is valid for 30 days to one year, depending on your nationality.
4. Drones are Mostly Not Allowed in India
Using drones is heavily regulated in India. It’s best to avoid bringing them unless you have prior approval from the authorities.
Apps You Need to Download for India
Google Maps: Essential for navigation.
Ola and Uber: For ride-sharing services.
UPI or Google Pay: For digital payments.
Zomato and Swiggy: For food delivery and restaurant reviews.
IRCTC: For booking train tickets.
MakeMyTrip: For booking flights, hotels, and more.
Quick Packing List for Any Trip to India
Lightweight clothing: Cotton clothes for hot weather.
Warm clothing: Layers for colder regions.
Comfortable shoes: For walking and exploring.
Sunscreen and hat: To protect from the sun.
Reusable water bottle: Stay hydrated.
Basic toiletries: Toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.
Travel adapter: For your electronic devices.
Handy Everyday Packing List for India
Passport and visa: Keep copies in case of loss.
Cash and cards: For payments.
Phone and charger: Stay connected.
Hand sanitizer and wet wipes: For hygiene.
Snacks: For long journeys.
Medicines: Any prescription meds you need.
Guidebook: For reference.
Is India Safe for Solo Female Travelers?
India is generally safe for solo female travelers, but it’s essential to take precautions:
Dress modestly: To respect local customs.
Stay aware: Be mindful of your surroundings.
Avoid isolated areas: Especially at night.
Use reliable transport: Stick to reputable services.
Dress Code in India for Women
Modesty is key. Wear clothes
that cover your shoulders and knees. In religious places, additional covering like scarves might be required.
Getting a SIM Card in India
Getting a local SIM card is easy. You’ll need a copy of your passport, visa, and a passport-sized photo. Major providers include Airtel, Jio, and Vodafone. SIM cards can be purchased at airports, major stores, or authorized dealers.
How to Avoid the Crowds in India
Travel during the off-season: Less crowded and often cheaper.
Visit less popular destinations: Explore hidden gems.
Start early: Beat the crowds to major attractions.
Your Beginner’s Guide to India: Hotels
India offers a wide range of accommodations, from budget hostels to luxury hotels.
Quick Tips for Finding Good Places to Stay in India
Book in advance: Especially during peak seasons.
Read reviews: Check online reviews for honest opinions.
Location matters: Stay close to major attractions or transport hubs.
Your Beginner’s Guide to India: Eating
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Indian cuisine is diverse and flavorful. Don’t miss the chance to try local dishes.
Quick Tips For Eating in India
Eat where the locals eat: It’s often a sign of good food.
Stay hydrated: Drink bottled or filtered water.
Go vegetarian: Indian vegetarian food is delicious and widely available.
Nervous About Street Food? But Still Want To Try It.
Street food is a significant part of Indian culture. Here are some safe bets:
Delhi: Chandni Chowk
Try the famous chaat, parathas, and jalebis.
Mumbai: Bombay Express
Vada pav, pav bhaji, and bhel puri are must-tries.
Kolkata: Bengali Nights
Indulge in puchkas, kathi rolls, and rasgulla.
India Travel Guide for First-Timers: Getting Around
India has a vast and varied transport network.
Transportation Options in India
Driving Yourself
Not recommended for first-timers due to chaotic traffic.
Hiring a Private Driver
A convenient and comfortable option for getting around.
Auto-rickshaws are a fun and affordable way to travel short distances.
Trains vs. Buses: Which is Best?
The Argument for Buses in India: Buses are cheap and reach remote areas.
The Argument for Trains in India: Trains are comfortable and scenic for long journeys.
Booking Buses in India
Use apps like RedBus or MakeMyTrip to book bus tickets online.
Booking Trains in India
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Book through the IRCTC website or app. Be aware of different classes and train types.
Here are Some Things You Should Be Aware of When it Comes to Booking Trains…
Plan ahead: Tickets can sell out fast.
Choose the right class: Sleeper class is budget-friendly, while AC classes offer more comfort.
Indian Customs from the Eyes of a Traveler
1. Yelling is Permitted
Indians can be loud and expressive. Don’t take it personally.
2. The Scams Aren’t As Bad as Elsewhere in the World
Stay alert, but don’t be overly paranoid. Most people are genuinely helpful.
3. The Hospitality is Unrivaled
Expect to be welcomed warmly and treated like family.
4. Budget Travelers Should Expect the Bare Minimum
Basic accommodations and amenities might be less than what you’re used to, but they add to the adventure.
4 Random Tips to Keep You Sane | India Travel Guide for First-Timers
1. Mid-day Naps
Beat the heat and recharge by taking a mid-day break.
2. Understand that Everything Takes Far Longer in India
Patience is key. Embrace the slower pace.
3. Couchsurfing Can Be the Best Way to See India
Stay with locals to experience authentic Indian hospitality.
4. Selfies + Stares
Be prepared for people asking for selfies and curious stares. It’s usually harmless.
Finally: The Dreaded Delhi Belly + Hospital Tips
To Avoid Tummy Troubles…
Stick to bottled or filtered water.
Eat freshly cooked food.
Avoid raw salads and cut fruits.
Once You Fall Ill…
Stay hydrated with oral rehydration salts.
Rest and eat light, bland food.
Still Not Better? It’s Hospital Time.
Visit a hospital if symptoms persist. Major cities have excellent medical facilities.
Save This India Travel Guide for First-Timers For Later!
India is a land of contrasts, beauty, and endless adventures. With this guide, you’re well-prepared to embark on your first journey to this incredible country. Enjoy every moment, embrace the chaos, and let India’s magic captivate you.
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pooma-islam · 5 months
DHIKR தமிழ்
◽Ashhadu Alla Ilaha Illallah
▫️The phrase “ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadarrasulullah” is known as the shahada (testament to faith) and is has a significant importance in Islam.
▫️It is a represents a fundamental concept of Islam being one of the five pillars, it’s also recited by Muslims daily during the five obligatory prayers, it is a necessary statement that must be said and understood by people who convert to Islam, and it is a form of prayer (dhikr) which should be said during ablution (wudu).
▫️The meaning of ashadualla ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadarrasulullah is “I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”.
◽These are two testaments or professions to one’s faith:
▫️la ilaha illa llah
There is no deity but Allah.
▫️Muhammadur Rasulullah
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
◽The Shahada in Arabic text,
أشهدُ أنْ لا إلهَ إلاَّ اللهُ وأشهدُ أنَّ محمّداً رسولُ الله
▫️Pronounced: Ash-hadu alla ilaha illallah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadar-Rasulullah
▫️To join the Muslim Ummah you would recite the shahada and have 2 witnesses present. Now, having witnesses are not strictly required to convert — Allah knows all things, so a Shahada said alone, with conviction, would make you a Muslim. To become legally recognized in your local mosque and get acquainted with those in your community, you generally must make your Shahada in front of witnesses—two Muslims or an Imam. A complete understanding of the Shahada must be understood and said sincerely in order for the conversion to be taken seriously. Tricking other non-muslims to recite this phrase in a joking manner does not establish them a Muslim.
▫️During salat before the taslim (concluding portion of prayer where you recite salam) you would recite attahiyat. This dua also contains the testament of faith while you raise the index finger signifying the Tawhid or the oneness of Allah.
▫️At-Tahiy-yatu lil-lahi was-salawatu wat-tay yibatu, As-Salamy ‘alika ay-yuhan-nabiy-yu wa rahma tullahi wa barakatu, As salamu ‘alayna wa ‘ala ‘ibadil-la his-saliheen ashadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadan rasulu llah.
▫️It is the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad to recite Shahada during Wudu.
▫️It was narrated that ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab said:
◽“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Whoever performs Wudu’ and does it well, then says: “Ashhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah was ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh (I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his slave and Messenger),” eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him, and he may enter through whichever one he wishes.'”
Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)
Sunan An Nasai (632) and Sunan Ibn Majah (470)
▫️To a devout and practicing Muslim this one phrase would be said and heard multiple times a day as remembrance of Allah Azzawajal and his messenger.
▫️“Verily, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is He Who deceives them. And when they stand up for As-Salat (the prayer), they stand with laziness and to be seen of men, and they do not remember Allah but little” An-Nisa ayat142
▫️Let us not get lazy and understand the meaning of what we are saying and not just pay lip service to these words.
“Take on only as much as you can do of good deeds, for the best of deeds is that which is done consistently, even if it is little.”
– Sunan Ibn Majah 4240
_"அஷ்ஹது அல்லா இலாஹா இல்லல்லாஹ்"
◽அஷ்ஹது அல்லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ்
▫️“அஷ்ஹது அல்லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ் வ அஷ்ஹது அன்ன முஹம்மதர்ரஸுலுல்லாஹ்” என்ற சொற்றொடர் ஷஹாதா (நம்பிக்கைக்கான சான்று) என்று அறியப்படுகிறது மற்றும் இஸ்லாத்தில் குறிப்பிடத்தக்க முக்கியத்துவம் வாய்ந்தது.
▫️இது இஸ்லாம் ஐந்து தூண்களில் ஒன்றாகும் என்பதற்கான அடிப்படைக் கருத்தைப் பிரதிபலிக்கிறது, இது ஐந்து கட்டாயத் தொழுகைகளின் போது தினசரி முஸ்லிம்களால் ஓதப்படுகிறது, இது இஸ்லாத்திற்கு மாறிய மக்களால் சொல்லப்பட்டு புரிந்துகொள்ளப்பட வேண்டிய அவசியமான அறிக்கையாகும், மேலும் இது தொழுகையின் ஒரு வடிவம் (திக்ர்), இது கழுவுதலின் போது (வுடு) கூறப்பட வேண்டும்.
◽அஷ்ஹது அல்லா இலாஹா இல்லல்லாஹ் என்றால் சரியாக என்ன அர்த்தம்?
▫️அஷாதுஅல்லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ் வ அஷ்ஹது அன்ன முஹம்மதர்ரஸுலுல்லாஹ் என்பதன் பொருள் என்னவென்றால், "அல்லாஹ் (உண்மையில் வணக்கத்திற்குரியவன்) இல்லை என்று நான் சாட்சி கூறுகிறேன், மேலும் முஹம்மது அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் என்று சாட்சி கூறுகிறேன்".
◽இவை ஒருவரின் நம்பிக்கைக்கு இரண்டு சான்றுகள் அல்லது தொழில்கள்:
▫️லா இலாஹா இல்லல்லாஹ்
அல்லாஹ்வைத் தவிர வேறு தெய்வம் இல்லை.
▫️முஹம்மதுர் ரசூலுல்லாஹ்
முஹம்மது அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர்.
◽அரபு உரையில் ஷஹாதா,
أشهد أنۡ لا إلهَ إلاَّ اللهُ وأشهدُ أنَّ محمّداً رسولُ الله
▫️உச்சரிப்பு: அஷ்-ஹது அல்லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ், வ அஷ்-ஹது அன்ன முஹம்மதர்-ரசூலுல்லாஹ்
◽முஸ்லிம் ஆக வேண்டும் என்றால்
▫️முஸ்லிம் உம்மாவில் சேர நீங்கள் ஷஹாதாவை ஓத வேண்டும் மற்றும் 2 சாட்சிகள் இருக்க வேண்டும். இப்போது, ​​மதம் மாறுவதற்கு சாட்சிகள் இருப்பது கண்டிப்பாகத் தேவையில்லை - அல்லாஹ் எல்லாவற்றையும் அறிந்தவன், எனவே ஒரு ஷஹாதா மட்டும், உறுதியுடன் சொன்னால், அது உன்னை முஸ்லிமாக மாற்றும். உங்கள் உள்ளூர் மசூதியில் சட்டப்பூர்வமாக அங்கீகரிக்கப்படுவதற்கும், உங்கள் சமூகத்தில் உள்ளவர்களுடன் பழகுவதற்கும், நீங்கள் பொதுவாக இரண்டு முஸ்லிம்கள் அல்லது ஒரு இமாம் சாட்சிகளுக்கு முன்னால் உங்கள் ஷஹாதாவைச் செய்ய வேண்டும். ஷஹாதாவைப் பற்றிய முழுமையான புரிதல் புரிந்து கொள்ளப்பட வேண்டும் மற்றும் மனமாற்றம் தீவிரமாக எடுத்துக் கொள்ளப்பட வேண்டும். மற்ற முஸ்லிமல்லாதவர்களை ஏமாற்றி இந்த சொற்றொடரை நகைச்சுவையாகக் கூறுவது அவர்களை முஸ்லிமாக நிலைநிறுத்தாது.
◽தொழுகையின் போது கூறப்பட்ட வேண்டும் (ஸலாத்)
▫️தஸ்லிமுக்கு முன் தொழுகையின் போது (தொழுகையின் இறுதிப் பகுதி, அங்கு நீங்கள் சலாம் கூறுங்கள்) நீங்கள் அத்தஹியாத்தை ஓதுவீர்கள். நீங்கள் ஆள்காட்டி விரலை உயர்த்தும்போது இந்த துவாவில் நம்பிக்கையின் சான்றையும் கொண்டுள்ளது, இது தவ்ஹீத் அல்லது அல்லாஹ்வின் ஒருமையைக் குறிக்கிறது.
▫️அத்-தஹிய்-யது லில்-லாஹி வஸ்-சலவது வாட்-டை யிபது, அஸ்-சலாமி 'அலிகா அய்-யுஹான்-நபி-யு வ ரஹ்மா துல்லாஹி வ பரகாது, அஸ் சலாமு 'அலைனா வ'அலா'இபாதில்-லா ஹிஸ்-சாலிஹீன் அஷாது அன் லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ் வ அஷ்ஹது அன்ன முஹம்மதன் ரசூலுல்லாஹ்.
◽உடுவின் போது ஓத வேண்டும்
▫️உளூவின் போது ஷஹாதாவை ஓதுவது முஹம்மது நபியின் சுன்னாவாகும்.
▫️உமர் பின் அல்-கத்தாப் கூறியதாக அறிவிக்கப்பட்டது:
◽“அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் (ஸல்) அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள்: 'வூது' செய்து அதைச் சிறப்பாகச் செய்பவர், பின்னர் கூறுகிறார்: "அஷ்ஹது அன் லா இலாஹ இல்லல்லாஹ் அஷ்ஹது அன்ன முஹம்மதின் அப்துஹு வ ரசூலுஹ் (இதற்குத் தகுதியானவர் யாரும் இல்லை என்று நான் சாட்சி கூறுகிறேன். அல்லாஹ்வைத் தவிர வழிபடுங்கள், மேலும் முஹம்மது அவருடைய அடிமை மற்றும் தூதர் என்று நான் சாட்சி கூறுகிறேன்)"" அவருக்கு சொர்க்கத்தின் எட்டு வாயில்கள் திறக்கப்படும், மேலும் அவர் விரும்பிய வழியாக நுழையலாம்.
தரம்: சாஹிஹ் (தாருஸ்ஸலாம்)
சுனன் அன் நசாய் (632) மற்றும் சுனன் இப்னு மாஜா (470)
▫️அல்லாஹ் அஸ்ஸவஜல் மற்றும் அவனது தூதரின் நினைவாக இந்த ஒரு வாக்கியத்தை ஒரு நாளுக்கு பல முறை கூறுவதும், கேட்பதுமான ஒரு பக்தி மற்றும் நடைமுறை முஸ்லீம்களுக்கு.
▫️“நிச்சயமாக, நயவஞ்சகர்கள் அல்லாஹ்வை ஏமாற்ற முற்படுகிறார்கள், ஆனால் அவன்தான் அவர்களை ஏமாற்றுகிறான். அவர்கள் அஸ்ஸலாத்துக்காக (தொழுகைக்காக) நிற்கும் போது, ​​அவர்கள் சோம்பேறித்தனத்துடனும், மனிதர்களின் பார்வைக்காகவும் நிற்கிறார்கள், மேலும் அவர்கள் அல்லாஹ்வை சிறிதளவே நினைப்பதில்லை” அன்னிஸா அயத்142
▫️நாம் சோம்பேறியாகி விடாமல், நாம் சொல்வதன் அர்த்தத்தைப் புரிந்துகொள்வோம், இந்த வார்த்தைகளுக்கு உதட்டளவில் பணம் செலுத்தாமல் இருப்போம்.
"நற்செயல்களில் உங்களால் எவ்வளவு முடியுமோ அதை மட்டும் எடுத்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள், ஏனென்றால் சிறியதாக இருந்தாலும் தொடர்ந்து செய்வதே சிறந்த செயல்."
– சுனன் இப்னு மாஜா 4240
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world-traveller · 6 months
Emirati Cultural Experience in Dubai: Top 7 Ways to Learn about Emirati Culture in Dubai
A trip to Dubai is usually envisioned with visits to the numerous amazing tourist spots that the city offers. The world class architecture, the glamorous shopping malls, the one-of-a-kind tourist attractions, the adventurous activities, and the amazing fine dining experiences are what most people anticipate when planning a holiday in Dubai. While these are some of the major things that make Dubai what it is, they cannot be the complete definition of the city. Before the city was transformed into the glitzy paradise it is today, Dubai was a modest fishing village with a unique culture. The best part is that the city has preserved its deep-rooted culture even today. The Emirati culture is a combination of Arabian, Persian, and Islamic influences with a touch of Indian and East African cultures. Trying to learn about this unique culture will add more depth and meaning to your Dubai holiday. Here are 7 interesting ways to experience Emirati culture in Dubai.
1. Enjoy a Traditional Emirati Meal
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The food is one of the main reflections of a region’s culture, and the Emirati cuisine is a blend of flavors and textures of the region. Most people’s knowledge of Emirati cuisine is limited to Shawarma and hummus. But the cusine of the region offers much more than this. The Emirati cuisine is a combination of Middle Eastern and Asian cuisines, and there are several dishes you need to try here. Some of the most popular dishes from the Emirati cuisine are Balaleet, Kabsa, Khabees, Machboos, Quzi, Maqluba, Tharid, etc. Camel milk, camel meat, dates, etc., are also an integral part of the cuisine.
While there are several top restaurants in Dubai that offer authentic Emirati cuisine, it is best to enjoy an Emirati meal at the SMCCU (Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding). Here you can choose to have an Emirati breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Along with the meal, you will get to know more about the cuisine and enjoy Emirati hospitality.
2. Explore the Jumeirah Mosque
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The culture of the Emiratis is deeply rooted in Islam. Although Dubai is an ultra-modern city, the Islamic traditions and heritage are still preserved by the Emiratis. Hence, visiting a mosque is one of the best cultural things to do in Dubai. You will not find many mosques in Dubai that welcome non-Muslims. But there are a few, and the Jumeirah Mosque is the most popular. Located on Jumeirah Beach Road, Jumeirah Mosque is one of the most photographed structures in Dubai. While exploring the mosque, you will get to admire the intricacies and beautiful elements of the Fatimid architectural style. However, if you want to know more about Islam and the importance of the mosque in the religion, you must go for the tour of the mosque.
The SMCCU organizes mosque tours in Jumeirah Mosque every day (except on Fridays). The tour that runs for almost 75 minutes takes you deeper into the history and culture of Islam. You will also get to know about Islamic rituals, customs, traditions, holidays, and cuisines during this tour. A detailed discussion on the architecture of the mosque is also included in this tour. Light snacks including dates, Arabic coffee, and a variety of Emirati snacks are also a part of the Jumeirah Mosque tour. It is important to wear modest clothing while touring the mosque. Women must cover their head with scarves.
3. Have Fun at the Overnight Desert Safari
Long before the tribes in the Arab world discovered oil, they lived in the desert. Although rare, desert tribes and dwellings still exist. If you want a taste of the desert life, going on an overnight desert safari is a must. Most people equate desert safari to desert adventures and activities. This is the reason it is considered one of the best attractions in Dubai. But you can also learn about desert life here. During the desert safari, you can get your hands painted with henna, smoke a shisha, and even wear traditional Arabic clothes. At night, you will get to enjoy a bonfire in the traditional Majlis. The highlight of spending a night in the desert is that you can lie in the sand and admire a starlit sky. Some desert safaris also have a professional astronomer who will guide you through a star gazing session.
A walk around the desert camp may also give you the chance to see some nocturnal desert animals. While you have the option of spending the entire night at the majlis, you can also retire into a Bedouin-style tent where cozy sleeping beds await you. The morning starts with a beautiful desert sunrise followed by a freshly cooked, authentic Emirati breakfast served with Arabic coffee. Some desert safaris also offer hot air balloon rides to make your desert safari experience truly special.
4. Visit the Dubai Museum
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Museums are places that preserve the history, culture, and heritage of nations. Dubai is home to many museums, each highlighting different aspects of the city and the country. But if you want to go to the roots of the city, you must visit the Dubai Museum. What makes Dubai Museum truly special is that it is located inside the oldest building that exists in Dubai today, i.e., the Al Fahidi Fort. The fort has been restored to ensure that it remains intact in the future too.
A visit to the Dubai Museum will give you a chance to see how the city looked before the oil boom. Homes, markets, mosques, and souks have been recreated to give you a glimpse of how the Emiratis lived in the past. You will also get to see weapons, coins, pottery, jewelry, clothing, coins, musical instruments, and artifacts that people in the region used in the past. Several tours are conducted every day at the museum for those who want to know about the history and culture of the city. Dubai Museum also hosts music performances, storytelling sessions, traditional dances, and art workshops for those interested.
5. Enjoy a Falconry Experience
Falcons are an integral part of Dubai or UAE’s history and culture. These birds of prey are the fastest animals in the world. The desert dwelling Arabs used them for hunting during the yesteryears for their speed, agility, and power. Although they are no longer required or used for hunting, the falcons are deeply respected and cared by the Emiratis. This is also the reason why falconry still exists as a sport in Dubai.
There are desert safaris or experiences in Dubai where you can see and learn about falconry. You will get to know about the history of falconry, see demonstrations of falconers training the falcons, and the birds live in action as well. These places also give you the opportunity to see the falcons up-close. You will also get to take them in your hands to get some pictures clicked. If you are really interested in knowing more about falcons, Dubai’s Falcon and Heritage Sports Centre is a place you must visit. Here you will get to know about falcons and falconry directly from the expert falconers.
6. Attend UAE National Day Celebrations in Dubai
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The best way to enjoy and experience the culture and heritage of Dubai or UAE is to visit the city during the UAE National Day celebrations. The UAE National Day falls on December 2 and marks the union of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates. Just like all the other emirates, Dubai also comes alive during this time. The entire city is decorated in the colors of the UAE national flag. Moreover, you will also get to see colorful parades that demonstrate the culture and heritage of the country. You will also get to enjoy traditional performances named Ayala and Yola during this time of the year. Apart from all these, fireworks happen at some of the important landmarks and places in Dubai to commemorate the national day celebrations.
7. Go on a Dubai Heritage Express Tour
One of the best cultural experiences in Dubai is going on a Dubai Heritage Express tour. Several tour packages are available, and you can choose one as per your interests. But whichever package you choose, you will get to enjoy visiting some of the most important historical and cultural attractions in the city. Most of the heritage tours include a visit to Al Fahidi Historical Neighborhood, Dubai Museum, Etihad Museum, Jumeirah Mosque, etc. All the Heritage Express Tours are guided tours where an experienced guide will accompany you to tell you about the places you see as well as about the Emirati culture. Some of these tours also include visiting a tribal village and meeting an Emirati who will answer all your questions about Emirati culture and lifestyle. Many of these tours also include an authentic Emirati meal.
Knowing the Emirati culture is important if you want to know and understand the real essence of Dubai or UAE. If you are looking for things to do in Dubai in April, May, June, or any other month of the year, you will come across a plethora of popular options. But do include one or all these experiences to your itinerary to add more significance to your Dubai holiday.
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dubaivisasolutions · 7 months
Eid Extravaganza- Dubai's Cultural Festivities Awaits
Eid in Dubai gets as grandiose as it can. During this much-awaited festival, Dubai springs to life organizing grand processions, city-wide events, live music, firework displays, traditional dance performances and much more. Eid is an important festival that is celebrated by Muslims for marking the close of Ramadan, the month of spiritual reflection and fasting. It personifies unity and togetherness in the true sense. In Dubai, Eid brings about a different level of excitement altogether. The people in Dubai leave no stone unturned to celebrate it with pomp and grandeur. This year in 2024, Eid will be celebrated on 9th and 10th of April.
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Eid al-Fitr- Its Significance
This festival holds a special place in the heart of every Muslim. For the Muslim community it holds a profound significance as this marks the cessation of Ramadan, a complete month of fasting. During Ramadan, the Muslims keep fast from sunrise up to sunset, and break the daily fast by sharing meals with friends and family. Iftar is the meal for breaking the fast during Ramadan while suhoor is a pre-dawn meal for the day.
Eid is celebrated for conveying gratitude to God following a complete month of spiritual devotion and reflection. Families gather that acts as a reminder for being obliged for God’s blessings and sharing with people that are less opportune.
Dubai’s Cultural Events on Eid-An Insight
With Eid knocking at the door, Dubai is once again gearing up to celebrate it at its best. From colorful performances to gala feasts, the city every year offers myriads of cultural experiences for Dubai tourist and residents alike to let them immerse themselves in the spirit of this festivity. Let’s get an insight into the list of cultural events that take place on Eid in the City of Gold,
Prayers-The festivity begins with a prayer session that marks the culmination of the month long fasting of Ramadan. The Muslim community assembles in open spaces and mosques in different parts of Dubai for offering prayers, engaging in communal festivities, and exchanging greetings. Unity and joy galore as people unite for the celebration.
Brunches and Dinners-Dubai as we all know is a food lover’s paradise and this becomes more evident during the festival of Eid. Leading restaurants and hotels in Dubai provide special brunches and dinners including a gamut of international and traditional cuisines alike. No matter one is looking for an intimate dining experience or a lavish buffet, Dubai restaurants ensure to cater to every distinct preference and palate. Some also offer discounts on certain festive meals such as koshari, mandhi, and biryani. Traditional Emirati breakfast comprising of dates, balaleet, khabeesa, and harees are generally served to families and in communal areas where lesser fortunate people unite for breaking their fast. As most of these cuisines are elaborate demanding ample time, they are made in advance. Not to forget, popular desserts too are served mainly baklava, lugaimat, and maamoul.
Bazaars and Markets-During Eid, the bazaars and markets in Dubai come to life complemented with lively music, attractive displays, and fresh aroma of spices spreading in the air. Tourists can check from assorted options ranging from handicrafts, jewelry, clothing, accessories, and feasts, thus making it an idyllic chance for shopping lovely gifts and souvenirs for Eid.
Fireworks Displays-With the dipping of the sun on Eid, Dubai skies light up with glittering fireworks displays in every nook and corner. The special landmarks to witness the exquisite beauty of lights and colors are Burj Khalifa and Palm Jumeirah. This is a truly magical moment that pulls people together to make the most of the joyous event of Eid.
Cultural Learning, Performances, and Entertainment- The truth is, Islam culture is really interesting but less known to Non-Muslims. Dubai during Eid paves the way for non-Muslims to familiarize about Islam culture. Considering this, places such as Sheikh Mohammed Center for Cultural Understanding and Jumeirah Mosque provides the route to learn more about ritualistic and religious intellects in Islam. Besides, Dubai also hosts an array of cultural entertainment and performances to let people immerse themselves in the deep cultural tapestry with the medium of diverse forms of entertainment and performances during the holy festival of Eid. Cultural activities in Dubai on Eid abound including yet not restricted to art exhibitions, theatrical productions, dance performances, traditional music amid others. Dubai’s cultural scene has been meticulously crafted to cater every interest. Besides, Hagg AI-Layla is celebrated by Emirati children where they visit neighbors dressed at their best for reciting poems and songs. The neighbors in exchange reward the little ones with nuts and sweets that they add in the traditional cloth bag.
Give and Receive Gifts-Exchange of gifts is an imperative constituent of the Eid festival. Kids especially look forward to receive Eidi. To put simply, Eidi is cash given to kids by elders. The ritual of exchanging gifts amid friends and family also takes place.
Family-Friendly Activities-In Dubai Eid is a time where families unite to weave cherished memories. Most cultural attractions, entertainment centers and parks organize events and activities revolving the Eid-theme for everyone to take pleasure in. Fun-filled activities are available in plenty for every age group including craft workshops, storytelling sessions, games, carnival rides, to name a few.
Charitable Initiatives-The festival of Eid is an opportune time to return to the community and aid the needy. Various community groups and charitable organizations all across Dubai organize diverse initiatives for supporting the poor on the holy festival of Eid in the likes of fundraising events, cloth donations, food drives, and more. Such initiatives personify the spirit of generosity and compassion which perfectly defines the real essence of Eid.
Dubai comes alive in Eid with its array of activities and events to keep all happy and entertained. From feasts, carnivals, cultural events to bustling markets they offer it all and much more. Eid here is a festivity of cultural diversity, joy, and unity. The people in Dubai celebrate it with much fervor. To accommodate this, authorities, attractions, restaurants and hotels prep themselves meticulously in advance. So what is stopping you, apply for your Dubai visa likewise to join the festivities as well as experience Eid in this cosmopolitan and dynamic city. Dubai calling!!!
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plutotravels · 1 year
Unveiling Dubai's Hidden Gems: The Ultimate Guide to the Best City Tour Packages
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Discover the enchanting city of Dubai like never before with our ultimate guide to the best city tour packages. While Dubai is renowned for its iconic skyscrapers and luxurious resorts, there is a captivating world of hidden gems waiting to be explored. Step off the beaten path and delve into the vibrant local culture, ancient traditions, and awe-inspiring landscapes that make Dubai a truly unique destination.
Our handpicked city tour packages offer an immersive experience, taking you on a journey through the city's rich history, modern marvels, and hidden treasures. From exploring the atmospheric alleyways of the historic Bastakiya district to marveling at the stunning architecture of the Burj Khalifa, our expertly curated tours showcase the best of Dubai, ensuring an unforgettable adventure for every traveler. Get ready to unravel the secrets of this dynamic city and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Why choose city tour packages in Dubai?
Dubai is a city that offers an abundance of attractions and activities, making it a dream destination for travelers. However, navigating through the city and discovering its hidden gems can be a daunting task. This is where city tour packages come in handy. By opting for a city tour package, you can sit back, relax, and let the experts guide you through the wonders of Dubai.
One of the main reasons to choose city tour packages in Dubai offered by best travel agency in Dubai is convenience. These packages are designed to offer a hassle-free experience, with transportation, accommodation, and itinerary planning taken care of. This allows you to make the most of your time in the city without worrying about the logistics.
Moreover, city tour packages often include the services of knowledgeable guides who are well-versed in the history, culture, and traditions of Dubai. They can provide valuable insights and information, making your tour not only informative but also engaging and entertaining.
Top attractions included in city tour packages
Dubai is home to a wide array of attractions, and Dubai city tour packages are designed to showcase the best of what the city has to offer. Here are some of the top attractions that are often included in these packages:
1. Burj Khalifa: No visit to Dubai would be complete without a trip to the world's tallest building. The Burj Khalifa offers breathtaking views of the city skyline, and city tour packages often include a visit to the observation deck on the 124th floor.
2. Dubai Creek: This historic waterway divides the city into two parts, Deira and Bur Dubai. A city tour package may include a traditional abra boat ride along the creek, allowing you to take in the stunning views of the city's skyline while immersing yourself in Dubai's rich maritime history.
3. Dubai Museum: Located in the Al Fahidi Fort, the Dubai Museum offers a fascinating glimpse into the city's past. City tour packages often include a visit to this museum, where you can learn about Dubai's transformation from a humble fishing village to a global metropolis.
4. Jumeirah Mosque: As one of the few mosques in Dubai open to non-Muslims, the Jumeirah Mosque is a must-visit attraction. Its stunning architecture and intricate details make it a photographer's paradise. Some city tour packages may include guided tours of the mosque, allowing you to learn about Islamic culture and traditions.
5. Bastakiya District: Step back in time as you wander through the narrow alleyways of the Bastakiya district. This historic neighborhood is filled with traditional wind-tower houses, art galleries, and charming cafes. City tour packages often include a visit to this district, providing a glimpse into Dubai's past.
6. The Palm Jumeirah: This man-made island in the shape of a palm tree is a testament to Dubai's engineering marvels. City tour packages often include a drive along the Palm Jumeirah, allowing you to marvel at the luxurious resorts, stunning villas, and pristine beaches.
These are just a few examples of the top attractions that can be included in city tour packages. Each package may vary, so it's important to choose one that aligns with your interests and preferences.
Insider tips for getting the most out of your city tour
To truly get the most out of your city tour in Dubai, it's important to keep a few insider tips in mind. Here are some suggestions to enhance your experience:
1. Dress modestly: When visiting religious sites such as mosques or certain areas of the city, it is important to dress modestly out of respect for the local culture. Women should cover their shoulders and knees, and men should avoid wearing shorts.
2. Stay hydrated: Dubai is known for its hot and dry climate, so it's important to stay hydrated throughout your city tour. Carry a water bottle with you and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
3. Plan your visit during non-peak hours: To avoid crowds and long queues, consider visiting popular attractions such as the Burj Khalifa or the Dubai Museum during non-peak hours. Early mornings or late afternoons are usually less crowded, allowing you to enjoy a more relaxed experience.
4. Embrace the local cuisine: Dubai is a melting pot of different cultures, and its cuisine reflects this diversity. Don't miss the opportunity to try traditional Emirati dishes such as shawarma, falafel, and camel meat. City tour packages often include food tastings or visits to local restaurants, allowing you to savor the flavors of Dubai.
5. Capture the moments: Dubai is a city of stunning architecture and breathtaking landscapes, so be sure to bring your camera along to capture the memories. From the glittering lights of the city at night to the golden sands of the desert, there are countless photo opportunities waiting to be discovered.
By keeping these insider tips in mind, you can make the most of your city tour in Dubai and create lasting memories.
Choosing the best city tour package for your preferences
With a plethora of Dubai tour packages, choosing the best one for your preferences can be overwhelming. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a city tour package:
1. Duration: Decide how long you want your city tour to be. Some packages offer half-day tours, while others span multiple days. Consider the amount of time you have available and choose a package that fits your schedule.
2. Itinerary: Look at the itinerary of each package and determine which attractions and activities are included. If there are specific places you want to visit or experiences you want to have, make sure they are included in the package you choose.
3. Group size: Consider the size of the tour group. Some people prefer smaller, more intimate tours, while others enjoy the energy and dynamics of larger groups. Choose a package that aligns with your preferences.
4. Price: Compare the prices of different city tour packages and determine which one offers the best value for your money. Keep in mind that cheaper packages may not include as many attractions or activities, so consider what is important to you when making your decision.
5. Reviews and recommendations: Read reviews and recommendations from other travelers who have taken the city tour packages you are considering. Their experiences can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision.
By considering these factors, you can choose the best city tour package that caters to your preferences and ensures an unforgettable experience in Dubai.
Additional activities to consider during your visit to Dubai
While city tour packages offer a comprehensive exploration of Dubai, there are additional activities you may want to consider during your visit. Here are some suggestions:
1. Desert safari: Experience the thrill of dune bashing, camel riding, and sandboarding with a desert safari. This popular activity allows you to explore the vast desert landscapes surrounding Dubai and witness a mesmerizing sunset over the dunes.
2. Dhow cruise: Embark on a traditional dhow boat and cruise along Dubai's stunning coastline. Enjoy a delicious dinner while taking in the panoramic views of the city's skyline illuminated at night.
3. Shopping in souks: Dubai is known for its vibrant souks, or traditional markets, where you can find everything from spices and textiles to gold and perfumes. Explore the bustling lanes of the Gold Souk, Spice Souk, and Textile Souk, and indulge in some retail therapy.
4. Visit the Dubai Miracle Garden: Immerse yourself in a floral paradise at the Dubai Miracle Garden, home to over 50 million blooming flowers. Wander through the various themed gardens and marvel at the stunning displays.
5. Explore the Dubai Marina: Take a leisurely stroll along the Dubai Marina promenade, lined with trendy cafes, upscale restaurants, and luxurious yachts. Enjoy the vibrant atmosphere and take in the stunning views of the marina.
Conclusion: Unveiling the hidden gems of Dubai
Dubai is a city that never fails to impress. Beyond its iconic skyscrapers and luxurious resorts, there is a world of hidden gems waiting to be explored. By choosing a city tour package, you can uncover the secrets of this dynamic city, from its rich history and ancient traditions to its modern marvels and breathtaking landscapes.
Whether you're exploring the atmospheric alleyways of the Bastakiya district, marveling at the stunning architecture of the Burj Khalifa, or cruising along the Dubai Creek, our ultimate guide to the best city tour packages ensures that you don't miss out on any of Dubai's treasures.
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abc-deen · 1 year
We keep hearing this questions from Muslim youth and from non-Muslims who are interested in Islam. However, this is not a new question and it was answered by many prominent Muslim scholars.
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emiratesviisa · 2 years
Dubai in January 2023: Best Places to Visit, Things to Do
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The world's most beautiful city, Dubai is undoubtedly a traveler's heaven. In the land of sand dunes, Dubai is another term for modern development, architecture, and the arts. Travelers have been drawn to Dubai as a result of its quick transformation from a desolate, parched desert to the pinnacle of contemporary infrastructure. The tallest building in the world, the most opulent hotel in the world, the biggest mall, opulent restaurants, snow parks, amusement parks, a desert safari, and many other attractions are all located there. Therefore, Dubai is a traveler's paradise for all the right reasons.Dubai experiences extremely hot summers from April to June, although January is a nice time to visit. As a result, it becomes the tourist destination of choice and one can apply for an emirates visa.
Some of the Top 6 Places to Visit in Dubai in January are as follows:
1. Burj Khalifa
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The tallest building in the world, measuring 2,772 feet in height, is a mega-stall skyscraper, one of its kind in the entire globe. If you do not enter the building, which is an architectural wonder, your trip to Dubai will be lacking. With the desert on one side and the azure ocean on the other, the observation deck offers magnificent bird's-eye views of the city. To avoid lengthy lines, it is recommended to purchase tickets for the "at the top" version in advance.
2. Palm Jumeirah
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The smallest of Dubai's three proposed islands is the artificial archipelago in the form of a tree. The finest hotels, residential towers, and restaurants can be found on the island. One can engage in a variety of outdoor sports here, and the sunset scene is worth a visit. The island's nightlife is spectacular, and this location's sunset view will enchant you. The best places to visit in Dubai during the winter are the beach clubs with spas and infinity pools since they provide the best places to party with exciting DJ evenings by getting an emirates visa online. 
3. Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum House
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The ancient Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum House served as the former ruler of Dubai's house. The Dubai Museum of Historical Photographs and Documents, however, operates out of it now and offers rich insight into Dubai's past. The museum's distinctive architecture makes a trip there worthwhile.
4. Jumeirah Mosque
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Another location where vacationers might find comfort is in the cool month of January. The mosque's ability to host non-Muslim visitors is both its strongest and most distinctive quality. The organization's motto and program, "Open doors, open minds," give visitors access to information about the cultural and religious traditions of Dubai.
5. Dubai Parks and Resorts
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The world's most popular parks and resorts may be found in Dubai, which has some of the most amazing and distinctive ones. The parks and resorts in Dubai are some of the greatest, and since the weather is favorable in the winter, one may spend the entire day there.
In Dubai, there are numerous theme parks, not just one. Bollywood theme parks, which draw their inspiration from Indian cinema, are a popular draw. All of your childish dreams will come true at Legoland, transporting you back to your younger years and providing an experience like no other.
6. Dubai Mall
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During the winter, tourists frequently visit Dubai Mall, which serves as a one-stop entertainment hub for guests. The mall offers a retreat to the Burj Khalifa, making it hard to ignore. You can ski and have a tonne of fun on an ice rink.
The best selection of games is available in these gaming areas. The mall hosts ongoing live music performances that keep the patrons entertained. During the winter, it is the location in Dubai with the highest activity.
Best Things to do in Dubai in January:
1. Witness the Dubai fountain shows
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Watching the fountain display is the nicest thing to do in Dubai in the winter. The second-largest choreographed fountain in the world can be seen when you board an Arba and cruise over the Burj lake. The most enticing sight in Dubai is the Dubai Fountain, which has a height of 900 feet and constantly sprays 22000 gallons of water.
It plays music from various genres to calm the visitors and has more than 6600 lights and 50 colored projectors. The entire sight is made more lively by the fountain dancing to Arabic music.
2. Experience skiing in a desert at Ski Dubai
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Everyone may be drawn to the experience of skiing in the desert. Skiing on the 22500 meters of ski terrain, which is open all year round for both skiing and snowboarding, is a lot of fun in January. The Mall of Emirates is home to the first indoor ski resort established in the Middle East. During the winter, the mall offers some of the best indoor activities.
3. Race at the Dubai Autodrome
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At the Dubai Autodrome, the most daring sports activities are waiting for you. Drive your selected vehicle through the three most thrilling laps while experiencing the thrill of an F1 race in the UAE. One should go there in the winter to warm up and get an adrenaline boost while driving.
4. Shop at Dubai Mall
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It's time to update your home and outfit for the new year. Dubai has a reputation for holding the most lavish retail events. As you browse in the malls, Dubai's winter months become even more memorable.
There, you may find the top brands at the best prices. There are some of the top restaurants there, so you can have delicious meals in addition to shopping.
In Dubai, there is a lot to do in January. Travel to Dubai for the most memorable experience to experience the most exotic locations at the height of their beauty. You are invited to enjoy the beauty and allure of the entire desert region after getting an emirates visa UK.
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shaykhpod-blog · 2 years
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I had a thought which I wanted to share. I was pondering over the following verse of the Holy Quran: Chapter 41 Fussilat, verse 53:
 “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth…”
 All muslims have faith in Islam but the strength of their faith varies from person to person. For example, the one who follows the teachings of Islam because their family told them to is not the same as the one who believes in it through evidence. A person who has heard about something will not believe in it in the same way as the one who has witnessed the thing with their own eyes. As confirmed in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 224, gaining useful knowledge is a duty on all muslims. One of the reasons for this is that it is best way a muslim can strengthen their faith in Islam. This is important to pursue as the stronger one’s certainty of faith gets the greater the chance they will remain steadfast on the correct path, especially when facing difficulties. In addition, having certainty of faith has been described as one of the best things one can possess in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 3849.  This knowledge should be obtained by studying the Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, through a reliable source.
 Allah, the Exalted, did not only declare a truth in the Holy Quran but He also provided evidence for it through examples. Not only examples which are to be found in the past nations but examples which have been placed in one's very own life. For example, in the Holy Quran Allah, the Exalted, advises that sometimes a person loves a thing even though it will cause them trouble if they obtained it. Similarly, they might hate a thing while there is much hidden good in it for them. Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 216:
 “…But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not.”
 There are many examples of this truth in history such as the Pact of Hudaiba. Some muslims believed this pact, which was made with the non-muslims of Mecca, would completely favour the latter group. Yet, history clearly shows that it favoured Islam and the muslims. This event is discussed in Hadiths found in Sahih Bukhari, numbers 2731 and 2732.
 If one reflects on their own life they will find many examples when they believed something was good when it was actually bad for them and vice versa. These examples prove the authenticity of this verse and help one's faith strengthen.
 Another example is found in chapter 79 An Naziat, verse 46:
“It will be, on the Day they see it (Judgement Day) as though they had not remained [in the world] except for an afternoon or a morning thereof.”
 If one turns the pages of history they will clearly observe how great empires came and went. But when they left they passed away in such a way as if they were only on Earth for a moment. All but a few of their signs have faded away as if they were never present on Earth in the first place.
Similarly, when one reflects on their own life they will realise that no matter how old they are and no matter how slow certain days might have felt overall their life so far has passed in a flash. Understanding the truthfulness of this verse strengthens one's certainty of faith and this inspires them to prepare for the hereafter before their time runs out.
 The Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, are full of such examples. Therefore, one should strive to learn and act on these divine teachings so that they adopt certainty of faith. The one who achieves this will not be shaken by any difficulty they face and will remain steadfast on the path which leads to the gates of Paradise.
 @shaykhpodpics​ - Infographics on Good Character
@shaykhpod-blog​ - Short Blogs on Good Character
  PodThought: Certainty of Faith: https://youtu.be/O_MdVTF3jzU
PodThought: Certainty of Faith: https://fb.watch/3YAxIpjzOk/
     #Allah #ShaykhPod #Islam  #Quran  #Hadith #Yaqeen  #Prophet #Muhammad  #Sunnah #Certainty   #Faith   #Iman
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thesoftaids · 2 years
Zakat for Building a mosque
Generally, Islamic charity refers to zakat al Fitr and sadaqah jariya in our awareness. MATW can construct a mosque together with your donation and will let you have high-quality sadaqah jariya indeed.
Build a mosque or assist Dawah If you need to assist Dawah, MATW Canada stands close to you to accumulate your donation. As a working or non-working Muslim, you have to worship Allah SWT. Our corporation offers you a risk to construct a mosque thru this Islamic charity. We are extraordinarily aware of Muslim peace and comfort, and perform our paintings on the premise of priority. There are numerous reverted Muslims around the arena who want instructional establishments to research and recite the holy Quran. We need to construct a masjid with the useful resource of our first-rate donors in which needed.
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MATW Islamic Projects- construct a mosque Allah SWT guarantees to present a domestic in paradise who enables construct a mosque in Duniya. Every non secular and newly reverted Muslim expects a prayers domestic close by. However, there are loss of close by mosques in West Africa and lots of different places. Let's make almighty Allah best to us via way of means of fixing the crisis.
Small Masjid – West Africa Do you have $ten thousand for donation to our Muslim charity? If yes, then you may get a lovely sadaqah jariya. We will construct a small mosque in West Africa containing multiple hundred humans at a time.
Community Masjid – West Africa $15000 is ideal sufficient to construct a network masjid in West Africa. Around a hundred and fifty humans can pray there at a time because it could be 150sqm.
Large Masjid – West Africa The extra you growth your donation, the larger mosque could be. $20,000 will allow us to supply a 200sqm constructing to the disadvantaged Muslims.
Grand Masjid – West Africa If you need to assist extra humans with Quran training and Jumua prayer, $25,000 will allow us to construct a 250sqm mosque that could accommodate extra than 250 humans
Islamic Dawah Support Our crew is decided to unfold messages of the Quran the world over especially in faraway areas. $a hundred and fifty could be a terrific quantity for the crew management.
Donate a Quran $10 will allow us to present a Quran to a Muslim and deliver him/her a risk to research and study Allah’s message.
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