#Non-surgical skin lifting
ganitsoni · 3 months
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New Anti Aging Treatments hyderabad
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bindalclinic · 2 months
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trucareclinic123 · 4 months
Best Skin Care Clinic in Dubai for Unparalleled Skin Wellness
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Discover unparalleled skin wellness at the best skin care clinic in Dubai. Radiant beauty awaits with our advanced treatments and personalized care. Elevate your skin care journey with expert solutions tailored to your unique needs. Trust us for a radiant, healthy glow and experience the pinnacle of skin care in Dubai.
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laserclearclinic · 8 months
Pigmentation Reduction with Laser Treatment
Our specialty is Cosmetic laser treatments for a range of skin concerns, including:
- Pigmentation
- Redness, rosacea, and broken vessels
- Uneven skin texture
- Unwanted hair
- Brow tattooing
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truelaserspanewyork · 11 months
Non-Surgical Face Lifting in Queens
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If you're looking to rejuvenate your appearance without going under the knife, non-surgical face lifting in Queens might be the perfect solution for you. Thanks to advancements in cosmetic procedures, achieving a youthful, radiant look is now possible without the need for invasive surgeries. One popular and effective option for non-surgical face lifting is Botox. Reclaim your confidence and put your best face forward with the power of Botox!
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vivifaceblog · 1 year
While searching for non-surgical facelift in Newcastle, I came across Viva Face and I must say that the team was incredibly professional and made me feel at ease throughout the process. The results were amazing and lasted for months. I highly recommend Viva Face for anyone looking for a safe and effective non-surgical facelift.
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thedailyaesthetics · 2 years
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Evolve body contouring is a non-surgical way to lose weight, tighten skin, and sculpt your body. The Evolve hands-free gadget uses radiofrequency to heat the skin, target fat, and tighten the skin in the belly, arms, hips, waist, and thighs. Click here https://bit.ly/3xcgGtZ to read more Call us 301 798 5502 immediately or request an online https://bit.ly/39KgrOq reservation for a Evolve body contouring.
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hottpinkpenguin · 1 year
Joel Miller X Fem!Reader - Last of Us - Part 8
A/N: read part 1 ! read part 2 ! read part 3 ! read part 4! read part 5! read part 6! read part 7! Taglist: @midgetpottermills @casssiopeia @flyingmushroomss @amethystwonders11 @hiphopdancer101universe @kiszkawagnerwhore @littleshadow17 @rh1nestonecowg1rl @alm0501 @ch4rcuterie @lodeddiperrodrick @amandalove1355 @laurathefahrradsattel @moshpot24x @middleof-thenight @kettlechips3 @happymakercollectorsworld @alainabooks143 @mikariell95 @superbreadsoull @twd-rocks-blog @livmadsen11 @sage-bunn @emmy626 @somenerdyuserr @vitavenio @yjnicks @littleshadow17 @honeybunzzzz @thenovelcarnival @shypositivitywritinghorse @kik51199
Warnings: dark themes; substance abuse; post-apocalyptic dystopia; death of reader's minor child; probably a lot of non-canon details since I've never played the game; not proofread; spoilers if you haven't seen the show/played the game Word Count: 3279 Abbreviations: QZ = quarantine zone; FDRA "Fedra" = Federal Disaster Response Agency
Your awareness was in and out, consciousness restricted to your five senses only. You could feel someone carrying you, your weight jostling uncomfortably on a rugged shoulder. You could hear someone talking to you; a voice you knew, a voice that stirred the edges of your memory, but a voice you couldn’t place. You caught freeze framed images of the ground moving beneath the feet of your rescuer, their dark camo pants and black combat boots. You could still taste blood in your mouth, feel it dripping in thick ropes from your lips. You could smell the stench of days old sweat and the damp, musty odor that was common to the open city. 
Time was fractured. Unable to grasp onto any consistent lucidity, you didn’t experience time in a continuous chronology. Just flashes, frozen moments snapping by you like strobe lights. 
At one point, you felt cool water slide down your throat. You gagged on it, the water buttery from all the blood in your mouth. 
A cool compress on your forehead. 
Other voices, hushed and concerned. 
Someone cleaning your hand, a burning sensation as they stitched the ragged flesh together and doused the gash in alcohol. 
A prick in your thigh. 
Pulling up your eyelids, a too-bright light shining into your rolled-back pupils. 
Then, sleep. Deep and dark and peaceful. You slept for a long, long time…
When you finally woke up, it felt like breaking the water’s surface after holding your breath for too long. Your brain shook off the heavy, feverish fog like a weighted blanket. Your mind wove together your disjointed memories, the timeline beginning to take shape.
Someone had found you, in the stairwell. You must have been hallucinating - you remembered calling out for Gabriel. They’d carried you - literally carried you - back to the QZ. You knew you were in the QZ because you could hear vehicles driving past outside. Gingerly moving your neck - stiff with disuse - you noted you were in a windowless room. Something about the cinder block walls and darkness made you think it was a basement. 
You lifted your hand, examining the inflamed gash now cleaned and closed up with neat, black stitches. Someone with medical training had done that. The sewing was too regular to be anything but a professional. The thick Carhart jacket you normally wore on open city runs was gone, and you were stripped down to a clean, dark gray t-shirt. Not your t-shirt, though. In fact, none of the clothes you were wearing were yours. Underneath the t-shirt, you could feel where someone had carefully padded your broken ribs with cold packs, holding them to your skin with wrapped gauze.
You were lying on a bed, a cot. There was a tall cabinet next to you, its doors ajar. You could see medical supplies inside: a huge assortment of differently sized pill bottles, boxes of sterile gowns and masks, loops of see-through tubing, blood pressure cuffs, blankets, sterilized packs of surgical tools, medical-grade needles of all different gauges. Seeing the needles reminded you of the pricking sensation from your leg. An antibiotic, you realized; something to combat the obvious infection you’d been battling from the cut on your hand. 
The room you were in was lit by the soft light of a bedside lamp on a small table next to your head. There was a glass with water and three pills next to the bed. Moving carefully, testing your body, you swung your feet over the side of the bed and sat up on the edge. As you did, you felt a painful throb in your lip. You tested it with soft fingers, instantly recoiling at the numb pain. Your bottom lip was swollen to twice its normal size, you realized, and you felt the rough edges of stitches there too. 
“You bit through your lip.”
Marlene’s voice startled you; you hadn’t realized anyone else was there. When she spoke, you finally caught sight of her leaning against a dimly lit doorway at the opposite end of the room. 
“Marlene, my God. What the hell happened out there?”
“Where’s Ellie?”
The sound of Ellie’s name squeezed your heart like a vice. Ellie. You’d left her. A scared, sixteen-year-old girl, and you’d fucking left her.
“I… I - fuck, Marlene…”
The gravity of what you’d done crashed down on you like a pallet of bricks. 
“Where is she?”
Marlene’s voice was cold. You could hear the exhaustion woven into her words. The light barely reached her, but you thought you could see that one of her eyes was blacked. She looked like she was still wearing the same clothes she’d been in the last time you’d seen her. 
“I left her. I couldn’t keep up. I was slowing her down, I thought I was going to die-”
You didn’t realize how true those words were until you spoke them. 
Marlene held up a hand to silence you, moving forward into the dim halo of light the bedside lamp cast into the room. 
“Where. Is. She.” 
Marlene’s words cut like ice, but you saw something more than anger in her eyes. It was fear. She was afraid of losing Ellie. And you knew why. Ellie was the key, the only opportunity any of you had ever known to see an end to the way the world had become. As far as you knew, Ellie might be the only way out. And you had let her wander around the open city.
You hung your head in self-loathing and despair. Hot tears burned the corners of your eyes. 
“I- I don’t know. I told her to go on without me. She left me in that stairwell.”
Marlene nodded; she clearly knew enough of wherever you’d been found to recognize it. Your mind jumped, the sudden realization that someone had found you galvanizing your thoughts. That voice had been so god damn familiar…
“You better fucking hope we find her. Not just for your sake… for all our sakes.”
Marlene turned away from you and strode out of the room. You didn’t miss the noticeable hitch in her step, the way she seemed to favor one leg above the other. It seemed you weren’t the only one who’d been lucky to make it back alive from that ill-fated rendezvous in the open city. 
With Marlene gone, you had nothing but your own regret over leaving Ellie and the dull aches peppered all over your body like freckles to keep you company. Sliding off the cot, bracing yourself on the tall cabinet to ensure you didn’t faint, you moved towards the doorway. The sound of a man’s voice calling your name in that stairwell played over and over in your head, the nagging sense of familiarity driving you insane. You had to figure out who it was. 
You stepped out into the hallway - more gray cinder blocks with bare light bulbs beckoning you to a door at the far end - and practically bumped into him. You smiled, recognizing your rescuer instantly, the sound of his voice matching with his face. He smiled back, and for the first time since you could remember, you felt something akin to happiness.
Hunger pains pulled Ellie out of a fitful, dreamless sleep. Her eyes snapped open, adrenaline at waking up in an unfamiliar place jolting her into hypervigilance. The tension in her shoulders eased somewhat as she recognized the inside of the guard shack that she’d crawled into just past dawn earlier that day. Judging by the angle of the light and the pink stains on the fragmented clouds above her, it was close to sunset now. She was grateful that she’d managed to pass the entire day sleeping: not only did she need it, but it was much easier than trying to keep herself amused for hours. 
She stretched, careful not to lift her arms directly overhead so that any part of her would be visible above the guard shack windows. She knew she was a decent distance back from the QZ wall, but she couldn’t resist detection. If she fell into FDRA custody, Ellie was almost completely certain that she’d be executed under the pretense of being infected before she had a chance to explain. As if in agreement, the years-old scar on her forearm ached. It always did before a rainstorm. 
Rain wouldn’t be a bad thing, she thought to herself as she rummaged through her backpack, digging out a half-eaten granola bar. The more cover, the better. 
Ellie knew tonight would be a make-or-break moment for her. She needed to find a way into the QZ that circumvented FDRA. Ideally, she’d find one of the Firefly routes, which would probably expedite her reunion with Marlene (if she’d survived). Worst case scenario, Ellie would have to risk climbing the wall. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to; and even if she could, she wasn’t sure she’d have enough luck to get up and down two sides of a four-story wall without being spotted. Even though non-gated sections of the wall weren’t patrolled as heavily as the major routes in and out of the QZ, Ellie knew better than to bank on security being lax enough to give her time to climb up the wall, weave her way through the braided chicken wire (which was probably electrified anyways - yet another complication), and down the other side. 
Ellie hoped and prayed it wouldn’t come to that. With any luck, she’d be able to find herself a decent vantage point and see someone coming in or out of the QZ. If she could just lay eyes on it, Ellie had enough common sense to figure out a way in. Spotting it would be the kicker. 
She greedily ate the granola bar, chasing it with what little remained in her canteen. The light around her had deepened to shades of dark purple. A few more minutes and it’d be dark enough for her to set out. In the meantime, she fished out the pocketknife her mother had left her, tossing it up in the air and catching it by the handle. The glint of the blade rotating in the air was mesmerizing, and it lent her mind some much needed peace. She watched the knife rise in the air, slow until its momentum wasn’t enough to fight gravity’s pull, then descend, all the while turning end over end in languid, smooth circles. Ellie felt her breathing slow to match the rhythm of her knife throws. In and out, up and down, in and out, until she was meditating.
Minutes slid by. Darkness fell, and finally Ellie caught the knife, flicking the blade to sheath it against the handle instead of tossing it back up. It was time.
With a deep inhale, Ellie stood and quietly pushed the door of the guard shack open, slipping out into the dim late evening air. A distant rumble of thunder confirmed the ache in her forearm was right: rain was on its way. 
Moving quietly, Ellie picked her way through the rubble of the blast zone back towards the front gate. The bright floodlights made it impossible to miss, hovering in the darkness right above the top of the wall like enormous golden eyes. They swept their gaze back and forth over the terrain in the same sweeping arcs they’d made the night before, when she’d first found her way to the wall. The night before that, she’d nearly been blown up. The night before that, she’d slept in an abandoned gas station surrounded by surly-looking men who didn’t know anything about her except that she was precious enough to need armed escorts through the network of Firefly outposts to the Boston QZ. Ellie had expected to be in Firefly HQ now, her blood being drawn and analyzed to hopefully produce a vaccine. Instead, she was slinking around, a soft cold rain beginning to soak the hood of her sweatshirt, hoping to see someone using a secret entrance she didn’t even know existed in the dead of night. Although she wasn’t any good at it, Ellie threw up a quiet prayer for luck and safety to whoever was listening to the scared, sixteen-year-old girl with the potential to save the world hiding in the bombed out ruins of north Boston… 
“Where the fuck is Joel?” Tessa’s voice cut through the raucous card game between four of the men she employed as part of her smuggling ring. They shrugged, indifferent to the note of raw rage in her voice.
“How should we know, Tess? You know Joel doesn’t fucking bother with us.” 
Tessa knew they were right, although that fact didn’t make her any less angry. Joel had been almost irritatingly consistent in staying with her every night that they weren’t making a run into the open city for the last four months. Why the change of heart, Tessa didn’t know, and truthfully she was afraid of scaring him away to ask. She’d always wanted all of Joel’s attention, but she’d settled for whatever bone he threw at her. She saw the vacancy in the back of his eyes, even when they were tangled up together in bed, but having his body was better than nothing. 
But tonight, Joel wasn’t anywhere to be found. He wasn’t at his workbench, he wasn’t slumped over drunk in the stairwell of Tessa’s apartment building (where she could count on finding him at least once a week), and he wasn’t playing cards with the only people either of them knew personally. Not that she’d expected him to be. 
“Where’s the last place you saw him?”
Trevor threw his cards down on the table in irritation, helping himself to a swig from his beer.
“God damnit Tessa, I may not give a piss for Joel, but you should really loosen the leash on the poor fucking guy. The last thing a man wants to stick his prick into is a clingy fucking nanny.” 
Trevor was crass, and if Tessa hadn’t been so singularly focused on finding Joel, she probably would have risked breaking her fingers on his square jaw just to see the look of surprise on his face when he realized she’d punched him. Instead, Tessa ground her teeth together and tried to ignore the jab. 
“Trevor’s right, Tess, just leave it.” 
Bobby was as close to Tessa’s number two as she’d let anyone be. He was a soft spoken, shrewd ex-marine who still wore his dog tags and spoke with a gentle, Virginia-southern accent. Tessa trusted him, maybe more than she trusted Joel. She knew she should listen to him. But something in the way Bobby avoided her gaze felt like a challenge.
“Bobby… Bobby, tell me where the fuck Joel is.” 
Her voice dropped low, the accusation clear. Bobby continued to study the cards in his hands, studiously avoiding her gaze.
“I told you, Tess, drop it. He’s his own man. Just let him be.”
Tessa’s nostrils flared. Bobby was chiding her like a small child, and it fucking infuriated her. 
“Bobby, you piece of shit, you owe me one. I’m calling it in, asshole.” 
Trust or no trust, Tessa refused to be denied like she was a nosy little sister. It was true, Bobby did owe her one. Tessa had never expected to call in the favor she’d earned by sneaking in Bobby’s wife Tricia past the wall so he could have a proper goodbye before he shot her clean through the temple. Tricia had been infected, bit on the arm. Normally, Tessa’s policy was to drop anyone who got bit on the spot. It was an understood rule in Tessa’s ring: a bite gets you a bullet. It wasn’t personal, and it wasn’t cruel. It was just business.
But Tricia and Bobby were different. Back when Tessa had been capable of feeling things like loyalty and affection, she’d called them friends. So, when Tricia had a bad run in with a clicker and took a chomp to the bicep, Tessa had broken her own code and snuck her back through the tunnels so Bobby could see her. It had only given Bobby maybe twenty minutes before Tricia had started convulsing, her eyes rolling back in her head, the fungus crawling its way up the side of her neck. Tessa had let Bobby end it for Tricia, a final courtesy she’d extended him. And for it, he’d sworn her an I-owe-you. Tessa hadn’t ever felt like she’d done much worthy of a favor - it simply felt like the right thing to do, at the time. But now, Tessa was a different person. Shit like friendship and morality didn’t matter as much as the transaction: what you needed from others, and what they charged you for it. If this was the price Tessa paid to find Joel, she’d gladly make that trade.
Bobby finally turned to look at her, his expression profoundly disappointed. Tessa hated that she saw pity in his eyes. 
“Don’t fucking give me that look Bobby. Just tell me where the hell Joel is.” 
The room had fallen into a tense silence. Tessa could hear the faint simmer of Bobby’s cigarette as he took a deep drag on it. He turned away from her, shuffling through his cards again.
“He went to see Marlene’s crew. Tracking down some woman Marlene lost on a run a few nights back. Left out one of the subway tunnels looking for her in the open city. That’s all I know.” 
Tessa’s insides felt like they’d turned to sand. Hearing it hurt more than she’d imagined. She’d always wondered if that was why she didn’t see anything in Joel’s eyes except the shadow of a love she knew wasn’t for her. She always wondered who Joel dreamt about at night, whose face he seemed to search for in everyone he saw, whose voice he wanted to hear whispering his name. Now, Bobby had as much as confirmed it. Joel Miller, the man who didn’t care about anything or anyone - not even the woman who’d gladly burn the world just to keep him warm - had made his choice. And it wasn’t her. 
She backed out of the room, unable to feel anything except the crush of hope suffocating under the echo of Bobby’s words.
Moving on autopilot, Tessa was halfway down to the old sewage aqueduct before her mind caught up with her feet. Marlene and her crew favored the T tunnels, but Tessa liked the sewer pipes. They were deeper than the T tunnels, harder for the infected to get to from the surface, and there were more of them. Tessa had no idea how to find Joel, or where he’d gone. If she’d been thinking rationally, she probably would have started with trying to track down the Fireflies, see if she could speak to whoever had sent Joel out into the open city and get a sense of where he’d gone. But Tessa’s decisions were all instinct, bitterness and spite. She didn’t much care if she found Joel, or when. All that mattered now was getting out of the QZ. The walls felt like they were pressing in on her, the weight of her own foiled expectations threatening to drown her like quicksand. She just needed to get out, needed some fucking space. If she found Joel, maybe she’d shoot him. Maybe she’d find you instead, and shoot you too. Or maybe she wouldn’t find anyone at all. 
At the end of the day, Tessa didn’t give a shit what she found, as long as she could put some distance between her and the memory of who she’d let herself believe Joel Miller was.
read part 9 here
**let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters! ty to everyone showing this series so much love! <;33
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bindalclinic · 2 months
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painonthebrain · 7 months
To strip back the flesh
CWs: Lab whump, experiment whumpee, clinical/detached whumper, surgical procedure/operation, vivisection, drugging/sedation (whumpee is conscious for the procedure though), non-con body modification (past), non-con touch, bodily fluids, body horror
Saul wakes up to an unfamiliar experience … being dissected alive. After all, there’s more than meets the eye with his body now.
Everything feels… floaty. Too light to be real. Dizzy and fuzzy and… and…
Saul shudders, lifting a heavy hand to his face. …What’s happening again?
He can hear someone’s voice, someone who reassures him, tells him it’ll be fine, but he doesn’t really believe that, not as the world sways and blurs. Another voice tells the first to leave, and he can feel something take his wrist and set it back at his side. He protests, murmuring something too muddled to understand; slurring the words into a mush of butchered gibberish.
The second voice has a face, blue and purple and orange, and honestly, that’s just too many colors, he thinks — she reminds him of ice; her sharp gaze trained on his body.
V… She’s V. He remembers. …He thinks. Val…
Val reaches for something he can’t see. He asks what she’s doing — but she obviously can’t understand.
“Enunciate,” she says, holding a… an object, something he can’t name… to his skin.
He tries. “..Dunno your… ff,,fancy words, V.”
“Hm.” She says, her voice noncommittal to anything he says. She busies herself in feeling up his chest area, tracing the outline of the… thing in his body. He gasps.
“Wha- at —”
He now realizes he’s not wearing a shirt.
“Shh.” Val checks the accuracy of her tool’s placement, then takes the instrument and cuts through the blackened, thin membrane of the core. Fluid leaks out, and Saul can feel the ugly, wet mess trickle onto him, spilling over his sides.
He can’t speak. The only sound that comes out of his mouth is a choked-back gag.
Val eases her fingers into the gap, pulling the skin back and pinning it down.
Another kind of fluid drips down Saul’s cheeks.
“No.. no- o, stop…” He begs.
Val doesn’t pay any mind to him. She plunges her hands deep into the gaping hole she’s created, probing his innards, the sensation of her gloved hands on his organs so oddly clinical, yet sickeningly intimate.
He swears his insides are literally twisting in disgust; but maybe that’s just Val pulling his intestines out of the gap and examining them, spreading more ooze and viscera across the trembling expanse of his flesh.
She makes notes on his condition, writing as if there isn’t a living, breathing person next to her, cut open and wailing, writhing — Val checks boxes and makes tick marks, filling in something that he doesn’t care about but means so much more to her than his pain.
He doesn’t even hurt that much, he’s too far away, but still too close — or maybe she’s too close, hands on his organs, pulling them out… revealing more organs, more lungs and heart and tangled up meat, hidden bones jutting through the cavity Val made that become revealed with every unwelcome touch.
Saul begs her, pleads for her to stop, drowning in a haze of confusion and inner turmoil, panic rising with every breath he takes. The intrusion of Val’s hands on his entrails is like an infection, crawling into every crevice there ever was in his body, squirming under his skin and becoming like a living thing, a parasite —
“He really does live on inside of you,” she remarks, and Saul doesn’t try to parse the meaning of her sentiment. He doesn’t want to know.
“He hasn’t woken up yet, however…” She continues. “Shame.
“There’s not much of a timeframe for this.” Val offers, as if to comfort him for being a late bloomer instead of an artificially made monstrosity.
“…But I can accelerate the process.”
- - - -
He wakes up, a gap in his mind, and he’s still fuzzy but he knows something happened, and his body is sealed together again and…
This body…
It’s not his.
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berlinbeautynj · 3 months
Rejuvenating Your Appearance with Dermal Fillers
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In the pursuit of maintaining a youthful appearance, many individuals turn to various cosmetic procedures to combat the signs of aging. Among the arsenal of anti-aging treatments available, dermal fillers have emerged as a popular choice for their ability to rejuvenate the skin and restore lost volume.
From smoothing out wrinkles to enhancing facial contours, dermal fillers offer a versatile solution for achieving a refreshed and revitalized look.
Understanding Dermal Fillers
Before delving into how dermal fillers can rejuvenate your appearance, it's essential to understand what they are and how they work. Dermal fillers are injectable gels typically composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps maintain moisture and volume in the skin.
injected into targeted areas of the face, dermal fillers replenish lost volume, soften wrinkles, and enhance facial contours, resulting in a more youthful and radiant appearance.
Restoring Volume and Fullness
One of the hallmark signs of aging is the loss of volume and fullness in the face, which can lead to hollowed cheeks, sunken temples, and sagging skin. Dermal fillers offer a non-surgical solution to address these concerns by restoring volume to areas that have lost their youthful plumpness.
By strategically injecting fillers into the cheeks, temples, and under-eye area, a skilled injector can create a more lifted and rejuvenated look, effectively reversing the signs of aging.
Smoothing Out Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Another common concern that dermal fillers can address is the presence of wrinkles and fine lines. As we age, the skin gradually loses its elasticity and firmness, leading to the formation of lines and creases, particularly around the eyes, mouth, and forehead.
Dermal fillers can help smooth out these wrinkles by filling in the underlying tissue and plumping up the skin from within. Whether it's crow's feet, smile lines, or forehead furrows, dermal fillers can soften the appearance of wrinkles and restore a more youthful complexion.
Enhancing Facial Contours
In addition to volumizing and smoothing the skin, dermal fillers can also be used to enhance facial contours and proportions. Whether you're looking to define your cheekbones, sculpt your jawline, or augment your lips, dermal fillers offer a customizable solution for achieving your desired aesthetic goals.
By strategically injecting fillers into specific areas of the face, a skilled injector can create subtle yet impactful enhancements that harmonize with your natural features, resulting in a more balanced and attractive appearance.
The Treatment Process
Undergoing dermal filler treatment is a relatively quick and straightforward process that can typically be completed in a single office visit. Prior to the procedure, your injector will assess your facial anatomy, discuss your aesthetic goals, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
During the treatment, a fine needle is used to inject the filler into the targeted areas of the face, with minimal discomfort and downtime. Depending on the extent of treatment, results can be seen immediately and can last anywhere from several months to over a year, depending on the type of filler used.
In conclusion, dermal fillers offer a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to rejuvenate your appearance and turn back the hands of time. Whether you're looking to restore lost volume, smooth out wrinkles, or enhance your facial contours, dermal fillers can help you achieve a more youthful and refreshed look with natural-looking results.
If you're considering dermal filler treatment New Jersey, be sure to consult with a qualified and experienced injector who can guide you through the process and help you achieve your aesthetic goals.
With dermal fillers, age truly is just a number, and you can enjoy a more vibrant and confident version of yourself for years to come.
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fittopfactory-sandy · 5 months
Which is better microcurrent or radio frequency
When it comes to facial contouring and skin therapy, there are many different treatments and technologies available. Two popular options are microcurrent and radio frequency. Both of these treatments claim to improve the appearance of the skin and provide anti-aging benefits. But which one is better? In this article, we will compare microcurrent and radio frequency and determine which one is the superior choice for facial contouring and skin therapy.
What is Microcurrent?
Microcurrent is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-level electrical currents to stimulate the muscles and tissues in the face. These electrical currents mimic the body's natural electrical signals, which helps to improve muscle tone and tighten the skin. Microcurrent is often called a "natural facelift" because it can provide similar results to a surgical facelift without the pain or downtime.
How Does Microcurrent Work?
During a microcurrent treatment, two metal probes are placed on the skin and deliver low-level electrical currents. These currents stimulate the muscles and tissues in the face, causing them to contract and relax. This helps to improve muscle tone and tighten the skin, resulting in a more lifted and contoured appearance.
Microcurrent also increases blood flow and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential for maintaining youthful-looking skin. The increased blood flow helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the skin, while the production of collagen and elastin helps to improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Benefits of Microcurrent
Improves muscle tone and tightens the skin
Increases blood flow and stimulates collagen and elastin production
Non-invasive and painless
No downtime
Can provide similar results to a surgical facelift
What is Radio Frequency?
Radiofrequency is a non-invasive treatment that uses energy waves to heat the deeper layers of the skin. This heat stimulates collagen and elastin production, which helps tighten and firm the skin. Radiofrequency is often used for skin tightening and contouring, as well as reducing the appearance of wrinkles and cellulite.
How Does Radio Frequency Work?
During a radio frequency treatment, a handheld device is used to deliver energy waves to the skin. These waves penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, causing the tissues to heat up. This heat stimulates collagen and elastin production, which helps tighten and firm the skin.
Radiofrequency also helps to break down fat cells and improve lymphatic drainage, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite. The heat from the treatment also helps to improve blood flow, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the skin for a more youthful appearance.
Benefits of Radio Frequency
Tightens and firms the skin
Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and cellulite
Improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage
Non-invasive and painless
No downtime
Microcurrent vs. Radio Frequency: Which is Better?
Both microcurrent and radio frequency have their unique benefits and can provide excellent results for facial contouring and skin therapy. However, there are a few key differences between the two treatments that may make one better suited for your specific needs.
Targeted Areas
Microcurrent is best for targeting specific areas of the face, such as the jawline, cheeks, and forehead. The electrical currents can be adjusted to target specific muscles and provide a more customized treatment. Radiofrequency, on the other hand, is better for larger areas of the face and body, such as the neck, arms, and thighs.
Both microcurrent and radio frequency can provide noticeable results, but they work in different ways. Microcurrent primarily focuses on improving muscle tone and tightening the skin, while radio frequency targets collagen and elastin production. Depending on your specific concerns, one treatment may be more effective than the other.
Pain and Downtime
Both microcurrent and radio frequency are non-invasive and painless treatments. However, microcurrent is often described as a relaxing and soothing experience, while radio frequency can feel slightly warm or hot on the skin. Additionally, there is no downtime with either treatment so you can resume your daily activities immediately after a session.
Microcurrent and Radio Frequency: Can They Be Used Together?
While microcurrent and radio frequency are both effective treatments on their own, they can also be used together for even better results. Some clinics offer combination treatments that use both microcurrent and radio frequency to target different layers of the skin and provide a more comprehensive treatment.
Using both treatments together can help to improve muscle tone, tighten the skin, and stimulate collagen and elastin production for a more youthful and contoured appearance.
When it comes to facial contouring and skin therapy, both microcurrent and radio frequency are excellent options. They both provide non-invasive and painless treatments that can improve the appearance of the skin and provide anti-aging benefits. However, depending on your specific concerns and goals, one treatment may be more effective than the other.
If you are looking to target specific areas of the face and improve muscle tone, microcurrent may be the better choice. If you are looking for overall skin tightening and collagen production, radio frequency may be the better option. For the best results, consider combining both treatments for a comprehensive and effective facial contouring and skin therapy experience.
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vivifaceblog · 1 year
As we age, our skin naturally loses its elasticity, which can result in fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging. While some people turn to injections and surgeries to combat these signs of aging, there are non-invasive options that can be just as effective without the risk of needles or downtime.
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