#lip injectors near me
berlinbeautynj · 3 months
Rejuvenating Your Appearance with Dermal Fillers
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In the pursuit of maintaining a youthful appearance, many individuals turn to various cosmetic procedures to combat the signs of aging. Among the arsenal of anti-aging treatments available, dermal fillers have emerged as a popular choice for their ability to rejuvenate the skin and restore lost volume.
From smoothing out wrinkles to enhancing facial contours, dermal fillers offer a versatile solution for achieving a refreshed and revitalized look.
Understanding Dermal Fillers
Before delving into how dermal fillers can rejuvenate your appearance, it's essential to understand what they are and how they work. Dermal fillers are injectable gels typically composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps maintain moisture and volume in the skin.
injected into targeted areas of the face, dermal fillers replenish lost volume, soften wrinkles, and enhance facial contours, resulting in a more youthful and radiant appearance.
Restoring Volume and Fullness
One of the hallmark signs of aging is the loss of volume and fullness in the face, which can lead to hollowed cheeks, sunken temples, and sagging skin. Dermal fillers offer a non-surgical solution to address these concerns by restoring volume to areas that have lost their youthful plumpness.
By strategically injecting fillers into the cheeks, temples, and under-eye area, a skilled injector can create a more lifted and rejuvenated look, effectively reversing the signs of aging.
Smoothing Out Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Another common concern that dermal fillers can address is the presence of wrinkles and fine lines. As we age, the skin gradually loses its elasticity and firmness, leading to the formation of lines and creases, particularly around the eyes, mouth, and forehead.
Dermal fillers can help smooth out these wrinkles by filling in the underlying tissue and plumping up the skin from within. Whether it's crow's feet, smile lines, or forehead furrows, dermal fillers can soften the appearance of wrinkles and restore a more youthful complexion.
Enhancing Facial Contours
In addition to volumizing and smoothing the skin, dermal fillers can also be used to enhance facial contours and proportions. Whether you're looking to define your cheekbones, sculpt your jawline, or augment your lips, dermal fillers offer a customizable solution for achieving your desired aesthetic goals.
By strategically injecting fillers into specific areas of the face, a skilled injector can create subtle yet impactful enhancements that harmonize with your natural features, resulting in a more balanced and attractive appearance.
The Treatment Process
Undergoing dermal filler treatment is a relatively quick and straightforward process that can typically be completed in a single office visit. Prior to the procedure, your injector will assess your facial anatomy, discuss your aesthetic goals, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
During the treatment, a fine needle is used to inject the filler into the targeted areas of the face, with minimal discomfort and downtime. Depending on the extent of treatment, results can be seen immediately and can last anywhere from several months to over a year, depending on the type of filler used.
In conclusion, dermal fillers offer a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to rejuvenate your appearance and turn back the hands of time. Whether you're looking to restore lost volume, smooth out wrinkles, or enhance your facial contours, dermal fillers can help you achieve a more youthful and refreshed look with natural-looking results.
If you're considering dermal filler treatment New Jersey, be sure to consult with a qualified and experienced injector who can guide you through the process and help you achieve your aesthetic goals.
With dermal fillers, age truly is just a number, and you can enjoy a more vibrant and confident version of yourself for years to come.
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not-neverland06 · 1 month
How About a Nuke?
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V
The ghoul x fem!reader A/N: I just want to thank you all for the love, support, and wonderful messages you’ve been sending me because of this series. Summary: You’ll never survive if you don’t learn to depend on yourself. But this world is harsher and crueler than you’re prepared for. Still, you can’t let that hold you back, you need to try and live without Cooper.
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He shot up at the sound of a gunshot. It echoed through the trees, closer than he was comfortable with. Instinctively, he reached out to shake her awake, prepared to tell her to grab her shit and run. His hand hit nothing but air and he sighed when he remembered the way she’d stalked off. 
He threw his bag over his shoulder and made his way towards her. He couldn’t see much until he rounded the tree, her bag was gone and so was she. Another shot rang out through the forest. He sighed and made his way back towards the fire. He grabbed a lit stick and used it to illuminate the forest floor to get a better look at the footprints around the area. 
As far as he could tell no one else had passed through here while he’d been sleeping. So where the fuck was she? Another shot went off followed by the sound of her scream. “Fuck,” he ripped the gun out of his holster and followed the tracks as best he could. 
The closer he got, the more it sounded like two wild animals fighting. She was cussing up a storm, screaming at whoever was trying to grab her. He still hadn’t managed to get a good luck at where she was. It seemed darker in this section of the forest, like it was purposefully trying to keep him from her. 
There was the thud of a body hitting the ground and then someone was running. He could hear them trampling through the undergrowth going right past him. Someone was whimpering in pain and he instantly thought of her on the ground bleeding out. Without much aim he shot in the general direction of whoever had run off, he heard a yelp but they didn’t stop. 
“You alright sweetheart?” He heard more than saw anything as she scrambled to her feet and ran off into the forest. “It’s only me!” He gave her a minute to realize she’d run from the wrong person before he figured that she knew exactly who she was running from. She must have still been pissed at him for what he'd said earlier. Rolling his eyes he tracked her limping gait through the steps in the mud. 
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“Fuck fuck fuckfuckfuck,” you whimpered, teeth digging painfully into your lip while you peeled your clothes away from the wound on your side. You slowed down, unable to stay on your feet with how quickly the blood was oozing out of the hole near your ribs. You slumped over, letting yourself fall against a tree and stripped off the top half of your clothes. 
Your fingers pressed weakly against the hole and you let out a choked sob. Dammit, hurt like a fucking bitch. With shaking hands you dug blindly through the bag at your side. You’d lost most of your supplies in the fight but you were hoping the stimpak Cooper had given you earlier was still in here. 
You weren’t sure exactly how these worked but he’d told you it would heal nearly everything. Though, he’d said if a wound was bad enough even a stimpak couldn’t bring you back from the edge. You were praying that this would work, but after the past few days you didn’t have much faith in your luck.
The injector shook in your hands and you knew if you didn’t use it soon you weren’t going to make it. Taking in a deep breath you slid the needle into the skin, as close to the wound as you could get it. You could feel holes on your back and front, you were grateful at least that you didn’t have to worry about trying to dig a bullet out. 
You pressed down and let yourself sink back against the tree as medicine rushed through you. You ripped the injector once it felt like you’d gotten everything. 
With nothing to occupy them your hands fell limply to the ground. You needed to get up, try and reorient yourself and make it to Filly. But you were so tired. You barely noticed the way the wound continued to pulse, the slow dribble of blood leaking onto your hands. All you could see were the stars, so many more than you were used to. 
With no one left to pollute them, they were boundless. You let out a weak sigh and your eyes drifted shut. You thought of Cooper before it all went black. The way he was before, the way you were before. 
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It was too dark to really track much but he was sure he was getting close. He could hear her whimpering in pain and figured she’d slow down soon enough. She shuffled around like a wounded animal, graceless and stumbling. 
He tried and justified this to himself, he needed her to deal with Ma June. Honestly, though, he knew he didn’t. He could just give up, set up camp again and wait for morning to come. She’s the one who decided she didn’t need him anymore. No fucking reason to keep going after her. She’d dug her own grave, it was time to let her lie in it. 
Still, he kept going. He ignored the nagging voice that pushed him to stop and turn back around. He pushed anything down that wasn’t useful in the moment. 
She should stop soon, she was just putting herself in more danger by continuing on like this. But, he figured she was pissed off and just didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of needing his help. She had always been stubborn to a fault, he guesses even that hasn’t changed. 
Though, if she wanted to make it out here she was going to need tougher skin. It didn’t matter if what he said was true or not. You can’t afford attachments out here.
The sooner she learned that the better. 
There was a loud cry of pain and then he heard the sound of her keeling over against a tree. He grinned, ready to pounce on the opportunity to get on her about being so fucking stupid. “See, this is why you shouldn’t run!” He called out. 
Something lit up the path ahead and he ducked behind a tree instinctively. He peered around the trunk and marked the direction the torches were coming from. They weren’t close enough to be a problem, not yet at least. If he was lucky it would just be some travelers. He might even be able to get some supplies off of them. If he wasn’t, it would be raiders. 
Seeing as she seemed to be his own personal jinx, he figured they only had a few minutes until the raiders were on them. She wouldn’t be much use to him bleeding out. He strode over to her curled up form, she had a hand wrapped around her stomach and in the dark he could barely make out the blue of her uniform. “Come on, let’s go.” He nudged her with his boot but she didn’t move. She didn’t even make a sound. “Come on,” he tried again, kicking harder this time while he watched the torchlight get closer. 
Angry, he knelt down and rolled her over. But the face staring up at him wasn’t hers, it was some fucking raider. Must have been whoever she was fighting with. Shit, that meant he’d shot her. Cooper rubbed his forehead in irritation. Nothing could ever be easy with her could it?
Footsteps sounded closer and Cooper knew his time had run out. Whoever this woman on the ground belonged to had come to collect. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
Cooper’s hand moved to his holster and he looked up at them, a grin on his face, “Gentlemen.”
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“Grab her legs. Come on, hurry up, don’t have all day!” Hands wrapped around your ankles and you jolted awake. You kicked out, eyes blind to anything but the memory of the raiders from before. The old woman at your feet jumped away from your weak attack and frowned down at you. 
“Well, shit, she’s alive.”
An old man walked out from behind you. “What the fuck are you talking about?” He crouched down, groaning as his knees cracked in protest. He leaned towards you and you flinched back, eyes wide as you watched him reach out to you. His hand hovered your face and you braced yourself for an attack. He only poked you, though, frowning when you winced away from the prodding of your bruises. “I’ll be damned, she is.”
The old woman sighed and threw a bag over her shoulders. You watched in horror as she tucked a pack of surgical tools into the pocket of her large skirt. Were these people about to carve into you?
What the fuck was wrong with this goddamn place?
The old man held out his arm and she limped over to him, taking it and walking away from you. You glanced around, still confused on what the hell was going on. “Hey!” You croaked. Your hand wrapped around your waist, prodding the wound. You were shocked to find it healed over, only a dull ache left in its place. “Hey!” You shouted again. 
The woman turned around and glared at you. “What?” She screeched and you winced at the way it echoed through the trees. 
“Where’s Filly?”
She shared a look with the old man and they both stared at you like you were crazy. “Right behind you,” they walked off without another word, seeming sorely disappointed that they hadn’t been able to dig into you. 
You groped blindly through the dirt and grass around you until your fingers felt the handle of your bag. You curled your hand into a weak fist and tugged it towards you. You felt completely drained. But you couldn’t stay here, not unless you wanted to be turned into someone’s next meal. 
You groaned and forced yourself to your feet, head swimming with pain and nausea. You zipped your suit back up and winced at how it stuck to your skin. Your blood still hadn’t dried completely, you looked down and grimaced at the crimson stains covering you. No wonder it hadn’t dried, it looked like someone had dunked a bucket of red paint over you. How the hell were you still standing? 
You’re not sure what’s worse right now, that you’re not surprised you got shot or that you can’t figure out whether he shot you on purpose or not. 
He’d made it clear what exactly you were to him. A hole to fill, as he’d so eloquently told you. And you’re pretty sure you’d made it clear that you weren’t interested in filling that role for him ever again. At least you hoped you did, last night was an adrenaline fueled blur and you weren’t positive you were remembering everything properly. 
You can barely recall that raider jumping you, you just know you’d shot your gun off and made a run for it. The bullet hole hadn’t even caught up to you until you were about half a mile away. Maybe Cooper had shot you on purpose. It’s not like you contributed much and you doubted he really needed your help in Filly. 
Made you wonder why he bothered keeping you around for as long as he did. 
You could hear it now, Filly, you’re not sure how you didn’t before. You couldn’t see it yet, but you could hear people calling out their wares and haggling about prices. You hurried as much as you could, one leg dragging behind you slightly. You’re not sure when that got hurt, but you could barely work your right hip properly. 
Little houses were popping up around you. They were sparse and resembled shacks more than anything, but it was just another sign that you’re one step closer to not having to worry about getting shot at every five minutes. 
In front of one of the nicer homes was a clothesline. You slowly approached, eyes on the clean clothes that were beckoning you closer. You kept your hand on the handle of your gun just in case the owner of the home spotted you. What you really didn’t need was getting killed over a shirt. 
You glanced around, not seeing anyone watching you. Your gaze went back to the clothes and you frowned. If there was one thing Cooper taught you it was that no one asked in this world, they took. You ripped the clothes off the line and ducked behind a tree to change. 
Even with the blood still caked onto your skin, you felt cleaner than you had the whole time you’d been up here. Getting rid of that ridiculous suit was good for a few things. You’d blend in better with the people here in a tank top and ratty old brown pants. And you almost felt like you were getting rid of the memories attached to that suit.
It was as close as you could get without grating your skin off at least. 
You dumped your old outfit behind the house and near their clothesline. A transaction of sorts. They could have your blood soaked clothes and you could have their clean ones. Not a fair trade, but better than anything else they’d find up here. 
It didn’t take long to find the entrance to Filly, once you did you found yourself nearly cowering at the sight of all the people bustling through. Sure, it wasn’t a lot compared to California. But you’d been traveling with no one but Cooper for the past week through a barren desert. Not counting the raiders as human, you’d almost forgotten that other people existed. 
A man jumped at you and shoved a skewer of meat in your face. “Dogmeat, get your dogmeat!” You grimaced and backed away from him. So, not as civilized as you’d hoped, but you’d take what you could get. 
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The biggest one nodded towards him, “Grab him.”
He grinned and shook his head, “I wouldn’t.”
The boy on the far left had his head blown off before he could even try and charge at him. He ripped the shotgun off his back and shot the other two in quick succession. He didn’t bother with them, seeing if they lived or died. He kicked at the woman at his feet again and she winced in pain. 
“The woman you fought. Where is she?”
She shook her head and curled further into herself. He sighed and grabbed her chin, wrenching it up to his and letting her get a good look at his disfigured face. She tried to shrink away from him but he tsked and shook her so hard he could hear what few remaining teeth she had rattle. 
“I don’t know,” she cried out, batting uselessly at his hands. 
“I really think you do.”
He reached down, groping over her torso and digging his fingers into the bullet hole on her side. She cried out in agony, writhing like an animal caught in a snare. “Filly, she was heading for Filly!”
He grinned and dropped her to the ground, her head thudding loudly against the large tree root. “Thank you kindly, ma’am.”
She looked up at him in fear, “You’ll let me go?”
He tilted his head, looking her over and taking in the sight of blood on her clothes. “Well, you did attack my friend,” he lifted his gun and she cowered away from him. “I don’t take well to others damaging what’s mine.”
Her brain splattered against the trunk and he stepped over her twitching body to follow the light he noticed further down the forest. He didn’t often find himself exploring these woods at night, he figured he was close enough to Filly but he needed her to confirm it. 
For a moment he lets himself doubt that she was really abandoning him in the middle of the night. Maybe she’d gotten up for a piss and been caught off guard. He dismisses the idea when he remembers that she’d taken her bag with her when she’d gone. 
He doesn’t let himself linger on it too long, pissed off that it’s bothering him at all. 
He’d seen the hope starting to form in her eyes when she’d look at him. She was getting a little loose with what she was calling him too. A little while longer together and he’s sure he’d be hearing his name again. Saying what he had was a favor to them both. Better to cut that off before anything came of it. 
Stupid fucking girl, he shouldn’t even be thinking about this anymore. He shouldn’t be looking for her, either. The confirmation that she’d left him was enough. Their time together was done, it should have ended a long time ago. He’s pretty sure he liked it better when he just thought she was a two-timing slut. 
Hate was easier than whatever the fuck this was. 
He spotted smoke through the trees and then the raiders camp. They were laughing at something and ripping into a roast that looked suspiciously like a human leg. He pulled his gun out and snuck behind them. He just needed a distraction, he’d be over this once he helped himself to their meals and their bedrolls. 
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“Caps,” the girl’s voice was distorted by whatever metal oddity she had connected to her throat. She glanced at you, completely uninterested once she’d realized you didn’t have any payment for her. Not that you really understood the payment required. 
Who’d decided bottle caps were a good currency? 
“Well, do you know where I could get them?” She nodded towards a building adjacent to her stall and you frowned. 
The store she pointed to you clearly advertised, WE BUY TEETH. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“Or,” you glanced at her with hope, “you go to that alley over there and get on your knees. You could probably get five caps off someone if you suck good enough.”
You glared at her and started walking away from her stall in anger. “I’d get more for my fucking teeth!” You shouted over your shoulder. She shrugged and went back to fiddling with the metal tools on her table. 
You stood in the middle of the marketplace, desperately trying to figure out where you should go. You almost missed Cooper right now, he might be a dick but at least he understood how this place worked. 
You felt an intense ache of betrayal and longing and immediately dismissed any thoughts of Cooper. He could go and get himself shot for all you cared. You loved him, and would have loved him no matter how he looked. It didn’t matter that he was changed, disfigured, you didn’t give a shit about any of that. You just wanted him. And all he cared about was having a pretty body warming his bed. 
You would do this without him. 
You glared against the bright sunlight, scanning each storefront and trying to find something that could help you. You’d already tried to talk to Ma June but she hadn’t been as pleasant as you had been hoping. She wasn’t looking for workers and apparently not charity cases either. 
You didn’t think you were a charity case but apparently having all your fingers and teeth made you an outsider here. You needed to get out of this sun, you didn’t want these clothes to start stinking with sweat so soon. You were trying to keep them as clean as possible for as long as you could. 
You spotted the bar and decided to try your luck there. Maybe you could be a waitress or something. If they still had whores they had to at least have servers here. 
Maybe you were a fucking charity case. You shook off the thought and ducked inside. You were never going to get far on your own if you kept doubting yourself. You might be a bit naive to how this world works but you’re a fast learner, you’ll catch on soon enough. 
You still wished someone was here to help you. 
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He sat down on a log, ripping a piece of meat off the skewer and sinking back into his seat. He ate his food and picked at his teeth, bored while he surveyed the damage he’d done to the camp. She wasn’t exactly a heavy conversationalist, but at least she was something. 
It was startling just how quiet and still the night felt without her sitting across the fire with him. He loathed to admit it, but her company had at least provided him with some entertainment if nothing else. Now everything felt too quiet, too lonely. 
He sighed and shook his head, this was stupid. Two hundred years he’s been on his own. A few nights with her wasn’t going to change who he was. It wasn’t going to fix him and magically turn him into her Prince Charming again. 
Unbidden he thought of her face when he’d grabbed her from those raiders in the old neighborhood. It’s the first time anyone’s ever looked relieved to see him since he’d changed. He’d had to pry her off of him and even then she seemed like she barely wanted to let him go. 
He hadn’t made anyone feel safe in a very long time and he worried a bit for her sanity if she thought he was trustworthy. He was only doing more harm trying to go after her. But something in him couldn’t let go. It was like the love you used to share had been warped alongside him. 
He didn’t like the idea of anyone else getting their hands on her. She was his to fuck with and torment, anyone else would push too much. He felt confident, despite tonight’s incident, that he knew how to poke her without going too far. 
Once he was full he shoved a freshly killed raider off their bedroll and settled down to sleep. He figured he’d have better luck recognizing where he was once the sun came up. 
The next morning he went through the raiders’ pockets and bags, lucky enough to find some Radaway among their junk. Maybe he was right, maybe she was a bad luck charm. Maybe he was being stupid last night, thinking about what they used to be. There’s no point in dwelling in the past, he can never go back to that and neither can she. 
Still, he could leave her alone. Give her a chance to make it on her own without him there to torment her. 
He considered it for about two seconds before he dismissed the thought. You’d both had a deal and she had rescinded on that deal. He didn’t take to kindly to people screwing him over, he’d just have to teach her not to fuck with him. 
He tossed his bag over his shoulder and made his way out of the raider’s camp. He had a better idea of where he was now. It wouldn’t be much further until he reached Filly and found her again. He was intent on making sure she stayed with him this time. 
He’d leash her if he had to. 
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“There’s nothing I could do for a few caps?”
“I could think of something darlin’,” a man hollered at you from across the makeshift bar. The building was in pretty good shape, though the alcohol looked questionable. The owner seemed nice enough, a wrinkled old man whose hands shook too hard for him to pour a drink without spilling it. 
“Don’t need any help.” The old man muttered under his breath, tottering over to the other side of the room to pour another cup. He ended up knocking it into the man’s lap and cussing as the alcohol poured across the floor. 
“Right,” you muttered. You let your head fall in your hands, rubbing your face in frustration while you tried to think of what to do. You’d made a deal with yourself that if you couldn’t find work by the end of the day, you would sell your teeth. 
You were hoping it wouldn’t come to that, but with the way your stomach was rumbling and how everyone seemed to keep turning you away it was seeming more and more likely. You slumped over the bar, trying to think of a solution or another idea. 
You’d been propositioned by enough men to know you could make plenty of caps in the back alley behind the bar. But everytime you even remotely considered it, you felt yourself shrinking up. Your adrenaline would spike like you were readying yourself for a fight. 
You figured it would be a while before you could even safely consider that. “You seem a might rundown, hun.”
You didn’t bother lifting your head. You knew it was the man who’d been staring at you since you walked in. You could smell him even with your head down. You did your best to ignore him but he didn’t seem to take too kindly to that. 
“Hey,” he shoved at your shoulder and the impact was enough to force your head up. “Are you fucking deaf?”
”No,” you muttered through gritted teeth. Your hand hovered behind your back, itching for the gun tucked in your pants. “I’m not fucking interested.”
He lifted his hand and muttered, “Bitch,” a loud smack followed and echoed through the bar. Your head whipped to the side so hard you worried it might fly off. You clutched your cheek, spitting blood onto the wood of the counter. 
Your hand was already on your gun when you heard the sound of a hammer being pulled back. “Oh,” you turned, shocked to find Cooper standing behind the man. His gun was leveled with the man’s face and he shook his head in disappointment. “I really wish you hadn’t done that.”
Men stood up from their tables and drew their guns, pointing all of them at Cooper. You’d seen the signs with the anti-ghoul symbols but you didn’t think they’d really follow through. Apparently it was the only law they obeyed around here. 
Cooper smiled as the men cocked their guns, eyes alight with a challenge. Then they landed on you and he frowned again. He raised his hands in surrender and tucked his gun back in his holster. He darted forward and grabbed you. He yanked you into his chest and you stumbled over your feet, scowling at him. He leaned next to your ear, gravelly voice sending chills down your back, “We’re leaving.”
He didn’t leave you much choice, dragging you despite the way you tried to fight against him. “The lady stays,” the man who’d hit you ordered. His friends took a step forward, blocking Cooper from the exit. He chuckled and glanced over at the man. 
“That was a mistake, friend.” Before you knew what was happening he was shoving you to the ground and shots were going off. Not willing to get shot again, you crawled on all fours towards the door. The sound of bullets whizzing over your head had you ducking every now and again, trying to protect yourself as much as you could. 
You could hear Cooper taunting them, and after every remark another body would hit the floor. You yelped and jumped back when one fell in front of you. A bullet embedded itself in the floor beside you, the wood splintering and exploding upward, just barely missing your face. 
You crawled over the dead bodies and threw yourself out the door, trying to outrun the sound of gunfire. But it was too late. The rest of Filly had heard the fight and those that were stupid enough to stay were starting to draw the fight out into the marketplace.
It was almost like a game, ducking under bullets and the spray of blood. Whatever Cooper was shooting them with was making them light up like the Fourth of July. By the time you’d managed to hide yourself behind a building, you looked like you’d been hosed down with blood. So much for keeping the clothes clean. 
Your head thudded against the side of the building and you clenched your eyes shut, breathing heavily through your open mouth. You could feel your heart pounding against your chest. But you didn’t feel like you were going to have a heart attack this time, maybe you were starting to adapt to all this. 
Feet scrambled across the sand and someone threw themselves down next to you. You tensed and opened your eyes, you didn’t relax much when you realized it was Cooper. He grinned at you and glanced over his shoulder, checking no one had seen him. 
The other’s didn’t seem to care that the man that had started the fight was no longer a part of it. You’re pretty sure they just needed an excuse to shoot each other. Cooper popped his gun open and reloaded the chamber. 
He glanced at your blood soaked form and scoffed, “You look like you’re doing well.”
You refused to look at him, “Yeah, no thanks to you.”
He didn’t take well to the way you were avoiding him. He darted forward, fingers digging into your chin and forcing you to look at him. “Sweetheart, who left who?”
You ripped your face out of his hand and glared at him. “Don’t try and pretend like you didn’t leave me a long time before I woke up. You wrote me off copper. You assumed the worst about me and you gave up.”
He opened his mouth like he was going to say something when a noise behind you interrupted him. He gave you a long look and got to his feet. “If you’re not here when I come back, I’ll shoot you. Understand me?”
You looked at him for a long moment, body tensed with rage before you nodded your head. “Understood.”
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SERIES TAGLIST: @pixelatedprofilepic @o0mellowdramatic0o @bisasterbisexual @julianmarie @v3nix @coolrobloxkid28 @sunnexaltation @fiftyshadesofokay @ktdragonborn @ambivertdreamer @one-of-thewalkingdead @hellolettuce444 @ghcstvibess @qardasngan @foreverwing223 @leo4242564 @1-800shootmeplease @awkwardly-bucky @fallout-girl219 @the-faceless-bride @milk-ducts @dramaticpandabear @ladiadia @rockerchick05 @raviolisenpai @cupid-club @alastorsw1f3 @sarapaprikas-blog @sgt-barnesveins @weakling-grace
end. — I do not own the characters or the game/show Fallout, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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roxnpens · 1 year
My dearest Roxy,
I request 2 and 13 for Silco pretty please. The details are up to you! Thank you 💜
Dear Kels, thank you for your request <3 I enjoyed writing it a lot.
It also made me think about Silco: Would he be melancholic about his partner? Would be able to trust or love again after his trust was so viciously broken? I think “yes” - because it shows how he treats Jinx and how much he cares for her… so why wouldn’t he trust someone who’s been there for him all the time - from when it happened with Vander?
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A walk in the Clouds
TW: [Silco x fem!Reader], [Established relationship], [Melancholic Silco], [Mention of Pain], [Comforting], [Soft Silco]
Tumblr prompt for @ilikemymendarkandfictional :)
For a long time it as been just you and Silco. You and him against the world. But the ‘Eye of Zaun’ is not always as ruthless and dangerous as he wants everybody to believe - he has a soft side… especially with you…
The Lanes were overcast by shadows and clouds, a thunderstorm beginningto draw near from Piltover’s coast. But you were safe from it. Safe inside the Last Drop, on the lap of your longtime lover.
Silcos mismatched eyes are on you, drinking in the sight that you make: straddling his lap, your hands on his shoulder to keep yourself steady, his hands on your hip - kneading small circles into them. Lovingly you stare into his eyes… you’ve been there for him so long, he couldn't imagine his life without you anymore. Especially now… when his medication was due… when he needs to be injected with shimmer… when his pain is almost unbearable. But both of you always take your time when his medication is due.
You always calm him down first, let your hands roam his body, massage his scalp, kiss him all over his face, kiss his scarred lips with an unfathomable softness - that it almost breaks his heart every time. It’s incomprehensible for him how you could love a monster, a lusus naturae like him. He loves it - your little ritual. He loves the intimacy between you and him, how he can let loose of the world, of his problems, of his pain…
“Why did you choose me?”, you suddenly ask, your gaze never waivers its love. Silco had his good eye closed - so just a questioning huff left his lips.
“Why did you choose me, all those years ago?”, you extend the question.
He opens his good eye and now the hot and icy gaze is on you.
“Because it’s you, it's always been you.”, he whispers, every syllable contains his whole heart.
His lips softly press against yours and a tender silence falls over the two of you, occasionally interrupted by the wet sounds of your meeting lips. It's the wonderful stillness between you two that he so passionately indulges in.
After a few more moments you break this kiss which Silco comments with a groan. You grab the injector from behind you.
“Silco… it’s time.”, you say softly, an understanding smile on your lips.
Silco exhales heavily. “I know… I know…”
You put a hand on his cheek and carefully overstretch his neck. You place the injector over his eye.
With a snap the needle rushes down, penetrates the eye and pumps the purple fluid into his eye.
It hurts…
It always hurts…
But today… today it burns… it burns like the day Vander cut his face and the polluted waters disfigured his face… the day he came to you for the first time…
Silco clutches at your hips with a force that could break bones, his head first snaps back and then forwards toward your shoulder. You knew he was in a lot of pain before he groaned the first time. One of your hands immediately cradles the back of his head and the other finds its way to his back and strokes it soothingly.
The next minute Silco groans, breathes heavily and keeps holding himself on your body, while the waves of pain roll over his body.
You caress him throughout the pain the whole time, never leave his side. You softly rub the tense out of his back and shoulders. Massaged his scalp - your nails scratching his scalp with just the right pressure. When he relaxes a little - you kiss his head and whenever possible his lips.
After a while he relaxes slowly and his head keeps being buried in your neck. You notice that his pain episode ended by how he started drawing circles on your waist again. Yet he doesn’t look up to you, like he always does afterwards and you start to worry.
“Silco…?”,you ask carefully, “Is something else wrong?”
"Nothing's wrong, my eye. I just…”, he finally looks up to you - directly into your eyes. You could see a tear gathering in his seafoam eye.
“… I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
His words are so full of love - it almost makes your heart burst. You have been together for such a long time - he let you know that he loves you from time to time, always bought you what you wanted and let everyone pay dearly, if they did you wrong. But this gaze of uttermost true love in his eyes was the ultimate love confession in all these years.
He continues. “You’ve been there for me from the beginning. From the day Vander betrayed me - over the day I avenged my dream by killing this snake…until now…” He gently strokes your cheek and you lean into his touch. Outside a thunder growls in the sky.
“Thank you, my eye… thank you for being my most trusted friend… for being the love of my life…”
He leans forward and takes your lips by storm - just as it begins to rain outside…
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starqueensthings · 3 months
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WARNINGS: elusions to a traumatic past and an accompanying verbalized dislike for the opposite sex (June). Medical anxiety (Howzer). Moderately graphic descriptions of medical injuries, corrective procedures (incl what a cauterization might look/smell like), needles, the beginnings of an anxiety attack (June). RATING: 16+ for mature themes, mild to moderate whump, mild angst (and a heavy dash of fluff because why the heck not lol). WC: 3500ish. (This chapter and the previous were never intended to be separated but they accumulated to nearly 8k words, and snipping certain aspects of this encounter in the name of brevity would only do a disservice to the story, so I apologize for how abruptly this chapter transitions from the last). PLEASE ENSURE YOU’VE READ THE FOREWORD BEFORE PROCEEDING FOR AN IN-DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF WHAT DEGREE OF CONTENT YOU CAN EXPECT THROUGHOUT THIS STORY.
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Foreword | Prev | Next
Howzer’s eyes had thankfully done away with that ablaze and piercing stare in her temporary absence, though for how much of the intensity they’d lost, that twinkling set of amber had retained all of the warmth they seemed unable to entirely shed.
“Don’t know if I like the look of those,” he jested, though the way his eyes darted between her purple hands grossly betrayed the relentless facade of that feigned poise.
“Doesn’t warm them up, unfortunately, but at least you won’t catch my cooties,” June chuckled, hoping a dash of humour and a quirky wiggle of the fingers might soften the emotional toll she knew would accompany her next assertion. “Captain… I need to give you a pain injection.”
The sfotness of his expression hardened near-instantly, jaw tensing and forcing his lips into a frown that nowhere near-suited him as well as its round cheeked counterpart, and June could only grimace apologetically as he cocked an embittered eyebrow at her.
“We can’t use topical numbant on broken skin,” she beseeched in response to his silent disapproval. “The risk of trapping bacteria in the bloodstream is too high when the wound is as… open… as yours is. We can rawdog this if that’s really what you want, but you’ll have to try and sit still while I'm working. Or you can let me give you an in—”
“I can sit still,” he argued instantly, offering a shrug of the shoulders that was simply too passive for him to have understood the severity of the imminent procedure. “I’m great at sitting still.”
“While someone burns your skin back together with a kriffing hot needle?!”
Watching her words disintegrate that iron-clad intransigence would have been near-comical had his eyes not widened to something that too-closely resembled a trauma response, and despite knowing her brutal honesty was likely the quickest method to ensuring the full comprehension she needed from him before proceeding, her heart sank to lay with her stomach as she watched her words initiate an arrant downturn in his demeanour.
“Well geez, doc,” he grumbled, shirking from her pleading gaze by hanging his chin to his chest. “Why don’t you just give it to me straight…”
“I’m sorry,” she spoke quietly after swallowing the snort that near-followed his unexpected sardonicism. “Would it maybe help if I showed you the injector? You can see how it works and how tiny it actually is?”
“Maybe.” His response was near-silent, eyes flickering upward to hers only long enough to betray the decorum to which he still ardently clung.
Finally acceding to that inexplicable need to comfort him, and forsaking her better professional judgment, June clambered backward onto the bed beside him, that hovering cot momentarily swaying under the addition of her weight as she shimmied backward until they sat shoulder to shoulder.
“This is the actual USI tool,” she advised him, pulling the Universal Serum Injector from the previously collected pile of tools behind her and a small, orange-capped, crystal vial from her breast pocket. “And this lil guy is the Nociceptor Blocking Agent, or NBA serum. The vial clicks into the injector like this—” she snapped that tiny clear tube into place and pulled a small trigger to eject the cap, “—and the little orange top protecting the needle just kinda pops off. After that, it's as simple as poking it gently into the supraclavicular space right here at the base of your neck and waiting a moment for it to work.”
“And that’s it?” he asked, jaw shifting under the duress of how aggressively he continued to grind those teeth while his eyes remained affixed on the dinky little pin that would allegedly bring forth an excruciating death. “That’s all?”
“I promise.”
“Alright,” he finally conceded, shifting his attention upward to her eyes. “I trust you.”
Her stomach lurched at the way his gaze bore into hers, softly… acceptingly… unassertively… granting her the gifts of both his agency in that moment, and the degree of trust to which these always-suspecting soldiers notoriously only offered each other. Bottom lip nestling itself between her teeth to bridle the atypically bashful smile threatening to emerge, she simply nodded her gratitude and turned away from him.
“I’ll count down from three,” she cautioned, sneakers slapping atop the steel floor as she leaped somewhat ungracefully from the bed and oriented herself in front of him. “Three—” she kept the injector hidden at her side. “Two—” a gentle hand placed on his shoulder to brace his skin for impact. “One.”
The span of a tense blink over those amber eyes saw her expertly plunge the tiny needle home and release the entire vial of that magical serum. By the time his gaze returned to hers, one eye at a time, she’d deftly retracted the empty container and chucked it into the “sharps” bin beside the bed.
“Are you kidding me?” he demanded, the grin peeling across his lips surprising her enough to still her hands as they reached for the bottle of disinfectant. “That’s all?!”
“That’s all,” she answered with a small shrug.
“Maker, I am going to murder Gauge when I see him.”
“Who?” June asked, as she unscrewed the lid and peeled back the sanitary foil sticker put in place over the mouth of the bottle to prevent any unwanted microbes from contaminating its contents.
“Gauge. He’s my medic,” Howzer explained with eyes crinkled to near-closed, shoulders shaking beneath each huff of his amusement. “He’s in for it, now. Kriffing sadist jabs that thing into us like it's a spoon.”
“A sadist combat medic?” June snorted, screwing the cap back into place. “That’s a very worrying combination. You better try and stay on his good side.”
“He better stay on mine,” Howzer asserted, shaking his head.
The all-consuming (and mouth watering) recognition of his partial nudity did not make an appearance in her awareness until she sat back on her heels, eyes quickly scanning the position she’d meticulously positioned him in after climbing onto the cot beside him. By leaning him on an incline away from her and resting his arm innocuously atop his head, she’d unknowingly provided herself with both optimal wound access, and an unobstructed view of his remarkable physique. The only thing darker than the smattering of hair south of his navel was the brown of nipples near-perfectly perched on either side of the most divinely-crafted chest she’d ever seen. And rivaling every ridge, every contour of that muscular torso, were arms so immaculately sculpted that the only fight she could wage against the heat boiling below her skin was to strip off her now smothering labcoat and toss it onto the chair next to his armour.
And though she continued to cling to that necessary professionalism as fervently as he’d initially clung to his own stubborn refusal for pain control, there was absolutely no preventing her eyes from hungrily roaming atop the ripples of his ribcage as she scooched into position behind him, and attempting to stay focused as she squeezed that plastic bottle of saline overtop his wound was near impossible as those defined ridges of muscles continued to revolt against every drop of cold liquid trickling down his abdomen.
Something near relief pulled a sigh from her lips when that bottle finally emptied. Patting the wound dry with clean gauze in her right hand, she deftly pulled the medscanner from her pocket with her left and spun the dial on the front to reach the Hematology menu. Once that tiny infrared beam had confirmed there were no lingering signs of any foreign cells or bacteria, she stowed that invaluable tool on the bed beside her and reached, instead, for the cauterizing pen now emitting tiny puffs of white smoke.
“So what happened to you?” she probed moments later, ensuring Howzer’s eyes had deviated from that smoking needle before carefully touching it to his skin. “Get in a fight with a vibroblade wielding droid?”
“I wish,” he snorted. “It was… well, pretty stupid. The guys and I were transferring possession of our base to the relieving battalion. I gave the okay for the gunships to take off and then got distracted catching up with a buddy I haven’t seen since graduating. One of my men saw me getting left behind and decided shooting a grappling hook at me would be the best way to get me on board.”
“Maker have mercy,” she scoffed, brows furrowing in concentration as methodically guided the white hot tool atop that separated skin. “That’s idiotic.”
“Might have been cool if it worked,” Howzer answered. “Geo’s a smart guy, but doesn’t always think things through before he acts. He’s on my list after Gauge for the next time I feel— what's that smell?!”
She barely had time to disengage that red hot pin before every muscle in his abdomen contracted under the urgent and desperate effort of sitting up.
“Don’t look!” she snapped at him as he hastened to peer under his arm in her direction. Clamping one gloved hand atop that crisp and darkened line of fused skin she knew would likely make his stomach turn, she attempted to block his view with the palm of the other. “Trust me, it’s a sore sight right now, especially if you’re squeamish.”
She peeked around her palm, lips pursing to keep from smiling at the sight of him perched up on his free elbow, nose scrunched in utter repugnance as the putrid smell of burnt flesh continued to waft upward into his nose.
“Is… is that the smell of—?”
“Sure is,” she answered curtly. “And it smells as crispy as it looks so while you’re working on not looking, maybe try not breathing too.”
“‘Try not breathing…’” he repeated in little more than a whisper, dropping carefully back onto his side, and June was relieved to hear a chuckle supporting his words. “I know you’re the doctor, but I feel like breathing might be helpful here…”
“My boss would absolutely lay an egg if he heard me offer such heinous medical advice.” Her eyes narrowed under the embrace of genuine amusement as laughter poured from her lips, the image of Challa’s newly introduced perma-scowl forming as clearly in her mind's eye as if he’d been standing at her elbow. “That and the daily reminder of all the cold-hand complaints he has to field from my patients…”
Flooded with a wave of foreboding, June remembered the meeting Challa had requested in his office upon completion of this procedure, and the implications of what his request undoubtedly meant had her eyes near-rolling and the smile yanked from her lips. Challa didn’t often demand a private audience… at least, not with her. The last adventure into the intimidating confines of his windowless space had included a harsh castigation for the excessive overtime she’d shouldered over the last few weeks, and to request that she start walking around between surgeries with her hands nestled into her armpits so he could get through a day without having to apologize on behalf of her poor circulation.
After permitting a sigh laden with repressed dread to pass through now frowning lips, she sat back and peered down at the result of her handiwork. Despite having to battle the distraction of the dimples teasing her from the base of his back, she’d managed to complete a remarkably clean repair job; the cauterized edges of what used to be that oozing laceration were both crisp and dark, indicating the ideal clinical end point for such a procedure. After powering off that trusty tool and placing it back beside the computer, she retrieved the tub of burn salve perched only inches from her hip.
“Can I tell you something now?” Howzer spoke suddenly as she uncapped that pot of that sulfur-smelling ointment.
“Sure,” she answered while scooping a generous amount of the orange paste from its container and beginning to smear it carefully atop his side.
“Your fingers are freakishly cold… but anyone who complains about the hands that saved their lives, maybe doesn’t deserve to have been saved in the first place.”
Whatever distant presumption she’d formulated in that microsecond between granting him that unnecessary permission and hearing his opinion voiced, it was nowhere-near matched the unexpectedly profound admonition that left those now-smiling lips.
She paused, hands stilling in their motion of reaffixing the lid back on the tub as she fought to wrangle the dozen or so fundamental reasons why she did not agree with him… and the one reason she did.
“Doesn’t everyone deserve to be saved?” she settled on asking, collecting one of the several bacta patches she’d grabbed earlier.
“Do you actually believe that? Or is that something they tell you to believe?”
His challenge came so simply… so earnestly, it was as if she’d somehow offered him the exact response that he’d expected, and despite the bold nature of his rebuttal, there was no sign of regret lingering in those charmingly superficial lines around his eyes; his gaze did not shift to timidly follow the movements of her hands as they proceeded to tear off the paper backing from that patch but, instead, remained intently searching her eyes for the truth.
”Well, there’s an exception to every rule,” June explained, feeling her cheeks begin to flush under the duress of the vulnerability he had suddenly requested from her. “But surely everyone deserves the same chance at life?”
He offered only a contemplative hum in response, watching her lower that clear polymer patch onto his skin, and ensuring its complete adhesion by pressing firmly around its perimeter.
“Who’s your exception?”
She’d barely begun to crumple the backing paper when he spoke again, pushing himself back to a seated position so quickly that his return to such close proximity nearly froze the breath in her lungs. Yet, more paralyzing in that moment was the audacious probes into her personal beliefs; his brazen yet polite demands for clues as to who she was beyond this already untraditional doctor-patient exchange. And as her gaze flickered upwards from her rubbish laden hand, attempting to find even a glimpse of derision or contempt between those dark, relaxed brows was a feat near impossible, as those honeyed eyes had upheld much of the same twinkle that had already proven held the power to dismantle her.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she answered atop an artificial chuckle.
It was the most she could offer on the small waft of breath her lungs had managed to thaw, and how close she’d come to conceding his tacit request… to actually uttering her truth… to divulging that forbidden secret… unsettled her more thoroughly than any inexplicable degree of attraction had since stepping into 18-S.
“Yes. I would.”
He leaned ever closer, eyes dancing across her features, each lagging blink wordlessly communicating that he’d sit there for eternity if it promised him even a glimmer of her being behind the guise she upheld with a labcoat; that there was some unidentifiable quality about her that he found equally as enamoring; that perhaps if he poked carefully enough at certain spots in this facade of hers, he may actually truly see her.
“Another time, Captain,” she whispered, wrenching her eyes from his and climbing hurriedly off the bed.
“Will there be one?” he asked before she’d even taken a step.
She looked downward to her shoes and the floor firmly beneath them, eyes unfocussing, heart thumping heavily in her ears, lip twitching beneath the sudden urge to hide itself between her teeth lest she say more. She swallowed.
“Keep trying to grapple your way into a gunship and there might be.”
She didn’t turn to watch that grin peel across his lips, instead making a direct line for the Cleanser Tube to retrieve his long-forgotten shirt. Unable to meet his eyes again, she simply tossed it in his direction, muttering a “you can get dressed,” before hurrying to the safety of her near-hidden perch behind the holocomputer and jabbing it back to life.
A prickle erupted atop her skin entirely different from the series of others that had accompanied each bashful smile since the beginning of this somewhat atypical encounter. She was suddenly uncomfortable; suddenly sweating as if she’d just been thrown center stage and was attempting to hide from the beaming spotlight that she’d never asked to be in; suddenly yearning to have her labcoat back on; suddenly and horrifyingly unable to refute the fortuitous connection to this person that she had once tried to label as mere pity, and suddenly desperate to escape it.
Most dismaying was the nearly irrepressible urge to allow him. To tell him. To share. To accept. Blind and potent attraction to someone was one thing; pity was another… but this superseded all other aspects of this precariously flirtatious conversation despite having not been flirtatious in nature at all, and for the first time in a long time, she felt unequipped… unprepared…
‘You hate men,’ she reminded herself, hoping that long-chanted mantra may hold the power to simply erase Howzer from both this room and her awareness.
“Layer two subdermal laceration–” she typed near frantically as he stood to redress. “–Located quadrant 6... 18.4 cm in length… full thickness separation. Hematology shows no evidence of infection or foreign cells. Patient may experience slight hypertrophic scarring. Treated in situ with precision cauterization, Nifuran burn cream, and bacta patch. Escharotomy is not required at this time. Aftercare discussed. Patient discharged forthwith. Care to be continued by CM.”
Piece by piece, his armour clicked back into place, years of practicing those repetitive yet crucial motions had evidently rendered him a near-master at recladding that broad frame in record time, and chancing even the most fleeting glance in his direction saw her increasingly disappointed in herself; the image of his semi naked form now utterly eradicated by the sheer majesty of seeing his tall figure encompassed in that dominating kit.
She could delay no longer, and feigning ignorant of his perch by the door where he stood patiently waiting with her labcoat draped atop the cleanest section of his arm, dwindled in credibility with every extended second she took to type and retype those same treatment notes.
“There in one sec,” she told him without offering him the respect of eye contact, powering off the computer and stalking back toward the storage cupboard to collect a series of other necessities.
He smiled as she approached moments later, eyeing the assortment of supplies she’d clamped somewhat awkwardly in her still purple hands.
“These are for you,” she told him, the desperation to leave his presence and seek the respite of her office intensifying with every second that he cast a smile in her direction. “This little tub is burn cream— it smells like rotten eggs but it’ll help exacerbate the healing process. That patch needs changing every 24 hours, and sooner if the area gets wet so here’s a bunch more. Twist a corner to rip the paper on the back, and then press hard around the edges to activate the adhesive. It’s in a bit of an odd spot, so Gauge may have to help you. He can access my treatment notes using any MedBay computer if he needs them.”
He took each product with a nod of understanding, turning each over in his hands briefly before pocketing them in a cargo pouch nestled on his lower back. Unable to withstand another moment with the undulation in her stomach, she offered Howzer one last smile before turning toward the door.
“Don’t forget this,” he said as she prodded a button on the control panel to free her.
“Oh, right,” she scoffed, collecting her lab coat from his arm with her lip between her teeth and pulling it back over her shoulders.
“Uh– doc?” Howzer probed as she pivoted to enter the chaos awaiting her across the threshold.
“Yeah, Captain.”
“Er… thank you for– you know. It was really nice to meet you. And— and I’m happy you’re not a droid.”
Though his hands uselessly shifted that battered helmet tucked below his arm, he upheld the integrity of his gaze as she peered over her shoulder at him.
“It’s June.” She answered without thinking, the confession swinging a right hook in the direction of both her professional and personal judgment. “My name’s June.”
She left 18-S without another word, without lingering to digest his reaction, without bothering to offer the proper valediction that she should have. She needed her office, she needed to breathe air that wasn’t polluted with the undeniable connection to this random man, and she needed it now.
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zaunrising · 13 hours
For Jinx: ❛ everything i’ve done.. every horrible atrocity, it’s been for you. ❜
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Sometimes, Jinx had her moments of insecurity. Moments in which she wasn’t sure just how much Silco cared. Those times often led to echoing feelings of possessiveness, jealousy, a need for more of Silco’s time. A need that couldn’t always be fulfilled as he was after all a busy man, but those feelings had to come out one way or another. Jinx being Jinx it was just as likely she’d spend time trying to make Silco happy, and proud of her to earn that attention, as it was she’d simply stalk him. In this case, she’d gone for stalking. Rooftops, alleyways, hidden passages no one else knew. A multitude of hiding spots, and despite her blue hair and alabaster skin, it was near impossible for anyone to notice her. Not when she was in a mood like this, a mood to shift from shadow to shadow and to be a ghost traveling through Zaun. Eyes drifting across Silco from time to time, she’d never quite completely focused on him, even as she followed. Not until she decided to drop down close by him. Boots landing with a dull thud announcing her presence, Jinx was in a crouch, tilting her head as she stared up at Silco for a moment. Slowly standing, her eyes flickered around to see whatever, or whoever, had been holding his attention before she joined him. “You’ve been busy. We haven’t even had our hot cocoa or anything lately.” It sounded like a whiny, pouting child’s complaint. At least in words. Particularly with her next absent-minded comment.
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“Why? What’s been so important? Why has it been so important?” Easy, really, to assume it just the casual disgruntled question of a teenager. Unless you heard the sharp note underneath the casualness. Until you noticed her eyes, unblinking, and oddly intense. An assumption that would likely slide away from most people’s minds as she moved slowly forward. The smoothness of a hunting hound trying to decide if there was prey nearby for it to lunge for hidden within her steps. Not that she’d hurt Silco, of course not, but this was Zaun. She could always find someone else to hurt. Blue eyes catching Silco’s, Jinx did not care in the slightest what she was interrupting. She needed to hear his voice. Needed that soothing note before the static in her mind grew, and erupted to fill her ears.
He knew just what to say, of course he did, it was Silco. Her shoulders relaxing ever so slightly, lips pulling into the faintest smile, that intense gaze not loosing its intensity but gaining a certain warmth to it. Jinx stepped forward, moving ever so close to him. “Every atrocity? For me?” Voice sweet, young, loving, devoted, her head tilted to look up at him. A moment later, her fingertips rested on the back of his hand. A movement echoing that same touch she offered when taking his injector from him, when it was time to give him his medicine. Her next comment was inevitable.
“Let me help? Let me help. There’s nothing you can show me that would ever change my mind about you.” Nothing that would ever change her feelings about him. She was devoted to him, and she was Important to him. Jinx wasn’t convinced she was the most important thing to him, after all, there was Zaun. However, she could be content with being the second most important thing. She’d never come first, not truly, not for Vi or Vander anyone.
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“I want to help.” Voice getting an odd almost purring note to it, she couldn’t help the smirk flickering across her face. “All those horrible atrocities. Just think though…” Eyes on his, her attention fully on him, nothing and no one else more important.
“How much more they could be with both of us. The art we could create together.”
All she ever wanted was to help him, and to make him proud. To ensure no one else could ever take her place in his life. To make him need her there, just as she needed him.
To guarantee he wouldn’t toss her aside. Like she had.
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Bradenton residents who are interested in Botox are frequent visitors to our Lakewood Ranch location. Please stop by anytime it's convenient for you. If you want to feel younger and more invigorated than ever, try one of our various revitalizing treatments. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with our knowledgeable experts if you have any inquiries about skin care. Purchasing Botox from a reputable supplier is crucial. LifeStream Aesthetics is the best place to get Botox in Bradenton, Florida. Our professionals' exceptional training and knowledge make them unmatched in the sector. If everything is scheduled ahead of time, everyone can be on time for their appointments.
Visit LifeStream Aesthetics if you're looking for top-notch Botox treatments near Bradenton, Florida. The search function for "Botox near me" has been eliminated. When it comes to helping clients achieve their ideal appearance and boost their self-esteem, our team of experts is unmatched. Are you trying to find a calm and beautiful place to start your cosmetic journey? Visit our Bradenton Botox clinic. At LifeStream Aesthetics, we all care about your whole health, both physical and mental. In Bradenton, we provide the best Botox services available. Bid farewell to drooping skin and welcome to a younger, healthier you.
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pascalslick-author · 3 months
New Knight, New Terrors
Batman loomed over Gotham like the shadow of a cloud. The doom that had so often hung over the city was starting to clear up after the end of the first Knight's reign of terror. But some shades still roam the streets, bringing horror to all who walk them after dark. A voice came over his radio.
"You've got to see this." The voice had its positive tones as always, but Bludhaven's defender was scared. His phone pinged as he received a text with a link. He opened it and saw a live stream of someone wearing the old Scarecrow costume.
Why does it seem like all the old guys have come out to play? Batman thought as the camera blurred the Scarecrow and focused on the victim bound to the chair. He had an Roman nose and seemed absolutely terrified, but not drug-induced fear.
"What are you, my pet?" came a distorted voice from the villain.
The man in the chair cocked his head and jerked it to look at him.
"A crow of course! And what do scarecrows do to crows?"
The man's eyes widened and he made a cawing noise nervously.
"That's right!" Scarecrow raised his hand, which was revealed to be covered with vials and needles extending down the fingers, and jabbed it into the man's neck. The movements of his fingers triggered the plungers to push a dose of fear toxin into the man who began cawing frantically. "This is real therapy!" the scarecrow growled, his blurred mask filling the camera.
"I assume you have a location?" Batman asked over the radio.
"Would I have called you if I didn't?" Another ping on his phone.
"Thank you Nightwing. You've did good."
"Not going to get used to Batman's praise." Nightwing chuckled.
Batman crashed through the skylight in front of the chair the victim was bound to. Without pausing, he cut the binds and released him. "Wouldn't be so quick to do that," came a voice. It was a girl's voice. Couldn't have belonged to someone older than seventeen. Just a little younger than...
"Has he gotten you too?" Batman called to the voice.
"What? Not the voice you were expecting to hear? You should know better than to assume every villain is a he. But I guess your voice is a little smoother than your predecessor's too."
"I'm not trying to prove something." Batman kept turning on point to try and locate the Scarecrow.
"I am, though. See that man you freed?" The man was curled into a ball, chewing on his fingertips until they bled. "He's hardly worth saving. Thinks he's a bird. I had hoped that fear would reintroduce him to humanity, but alas, he has failed my therapy."
"He failed you, huh?" Batman was starting to get a read on her. "That's how you want to word that?"
"The therapy works, though! My father was obsessed with fear. He caused fear in others, and they became their authentic selves. And when he was lost, the Batman came and reintroduced him to the fear to which he had become desensitized. It made him human again. When I was afraid he'd come home not himself, or that the Bat would come and get me, he gave me his fear therapy, and I built up walls to keep them out. Fear works!"
"That's what Bruce thought." Batman grappled up and swung to the catwalk where Scarecrow was standing, engulfing her in his cape and sliding back to the ground. "But no one is themself when they are scared!" Batman grabbed the Scarecrow hood and yanked it off. The girl underneath had a slim, sheet-white face with pale lips, and wiry red hair. She leapt back, landing near the victim. She covered her face and bent toward the ground.
"Don't look!" she cried, giving way to sobs.
"Hey, I'm not here to hurt you or scare you. Here, let me see those green eyes."
The girl looked up slowly, tears streaming down her red, freckled face. The red stood out dramatically against the almost corpse-like complexion of the rest of the face.
"I want to help you, but first we need to make sure you and I are safe, yeah? Can you take off the injector glove?"
As if she suddenly realized how close she had just come to jabbing an eye out, she unhooked it from her wrist and set it on the ground.
"Thank you. Now what can I do to help you right now?"
"I..." her breathing was rapid and shallow, but she was regaining control, "I want to wear the hood."
Batman picked up the hood and tossed it back to Scarecrow. "Can I ask your name?"
"I'm Scarecrow." She seemed to have regained some confidence having put the mask back on.
"Okay. Did you pick that out, or did your parents give you that name?"
"My dad called me his bird. 'More a like a bat,' he said when he was angry. I don't think I want to be a bird or a bat or a scarecrow, though..."
"Who would you like to be?" Batman asked.
"I think I'd like to be a girl. Can you think of a good girl's name?"
"One of my dad's friends knew a lot of strong women with Greek names. Something like Athena or Hera. Aphrodite could be a bit finicky, but she definitely made her own way. Or there's Helena who was so beautiful she started wars."
"Those names are ancient; many of them, divine. Dad said gods aren't real."
"Some people called the men my dad ran with gods, though only some of them were. This woman was a goddess, and she knew many goddesses, though the gods were less fond of her. Can you think of a name?"
"Maybe I can be Morgan, like the Morrigan, a different goddess."
"That's a great name. Morgan, what do you think of Arkham Ward?"
"My dad went to Arkham many times. Before he became obsessed with fear, he worked there."
"It's a different place than it was then. They used to use it like a prison or place of punishment, but now it's more like the hospital it always should have been. What do you think of going there?"
"Will you go with me?"
"I can take you there in the Batmobile, and I can visit you sometimes. Do you think your dad will visit?"
"I hope not."
"I'll ensure he doesn't then. Is there a mother in the picture?"
"She might be there already. Dad tested a lot of drugs on her."
Batman nodded solemnly, heat coming his eyes. "If you can help me get this man into the back, I'll let you ride shotgun."
Morgan and Batman loaded the first victim into the backseat and strapped him in. Batman went to the driver's seat, and Morgan sat next to him. "Your voice does sound different, though. It sounds... strained? Like you're trying to make it sound different than it normally does?"
"I'd like it to be deeper. I exercise my vocal cords to try make them longer and thicker."
At the hospital, Batman saw to making sure Morgan and the other patient were admitted safely and that the information was correct. "I'll be visiting her sometimes." Batman told the front desk. "And if her father shows up, have someone call this number," he set a folded slip of paper on the table, "and stall for as long as you can."
"I'm not sure how long we'd be able to stall someone--"
"Reformed or not, you're a hospital. Hospitals have rarely had trouble slowing people down."
With that, Batman turned and left the building. He let the Batmobile drive itself back to the 'Cave. Police arrived at the building where Scarecrow had been and found the chair, some loose bonds, and shards of broken glass. When they looked at the skylight, there was a note attached to an AC unit by a batarang that read simply, "Bill damages to Wayne Enterprises."
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newumedspa32819 · 10 months
Med Spa Services
When looking for a medical spa near you, it’s important to consider the location and facility. We are located in the Dr. Phillips area of Orlando, which is a convenient and centrally located spot for many people in the Orlando area.
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New U Med Spa is the Premier Medical Spa. We offer a wide range of services to help you look and feel your best. Whether it’s Lip Augmentation, Body Contouring, Facial Rejuvenation, Anti-Aging, Hair Restoration, Sexual Wellness, or any other service we offer, our team of experts will provide you with high-quality care that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
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gentledentalservice · 2 years
Facial Botox and dermal Filler - How does Gentle dental help?
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facial botox
botox near me
As we age, our skin loses elasticity and produces less collagen, resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin. Facial Botox and dermal fillers can help to reverse these signs of aging by plumping up the skin and smoothing out wrinkles.
Botox is a neuromodulator that works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles that cause wrinkles. It is most commonly used to treat Crow's feet, forehead lines, and the lines between the eyebrows.
Dermal fillers are injectable gels that fill in wrinkles and add volume to the face. They can be used to treat a variety of concerns, including smile lines, marionette lines, and lip lines.
Both Botox and dermal fillers are safe and effective treatments that can take years off of your appearance. If you're interested in rejuvenating your appearance, contact a reputable injector in your area to learn more. Facial filler near me?
If you are looking for a facial filler near you, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you want to make sure that the office you choose is clean and professional. You also want to make that the staff is friendly and knowledgeable. Finally, you want to make sure that the prices are fair.
When it comes to finding a dermal filler near me? there are a few different options. One option is to search online. You can also ask your friends or family if they know of any good options. Another option is to check with your insurance company to see if they have any recommendations.
Once you have found a few different options, you can start to compare them. You want to look at things like price, location, and reviews. Once you have narrowed down your options, you can schedule a consultation with the office to see if it is the right fit for you.
Botox Near Me?
If you're looking for facial botox near you, there are a few options. You can either go to a med spa, a plastic surgeon, or a dermatologist. Each option has its own set of pros and cons.
Med spas are usually less expensive than going to a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. However, they may not have the same level of experience or training.
Plastic surgeons and dermatologists usually have more experience than med spas. They may be more expensive, but you may get better results.
When choosing a provider, it's important t
o do your research and make sure they are reputable and have a good track record. You should also make sure they are using FDA-approved products.
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berlinbeautynj · 18 days
Enhancing Your Natural Beauty: The Power Of Lip Augmentation
Welcome to "Enhancing Your Natural Beauty: The Power of Lip Augmentation," where we explore the world of cosmetic enhancements to help you achieve fuller, more defined lips. Join us as we delve into various lip augmentation procedures, discuss their benefits, and hear from experts in the field. Whether you're considering lip augmentation or simply curious about the process, this podcast offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you embrace your natural beauty with confidence.
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halcyon-writings · 2 years
in which Silco talks to himself and has a time.
note/warning: lmao it’s angst, TLDR, Silco isn’t actually talking to himself (delusions? If that is an ick but I will tag it as “tw hallucinations/tw delusion” (caused by shimmer don’t do drugs kids) if u wanna block the tag) silco “I see dead ppl” from arcane, some spoilers from later acts, envy due to his issues, canonical character death uhhh ask to tag the rest ig
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Finn’s body had long since been removed, Sevika having ordered said removal before she left Silco’s office.
And yet, Silco remains seated behind his desk, eyes on the drying pool of blood that stained the carpet.
He can nearly picture Finn’a lifeless body lying there, and as much as the bitter victory feels good enough, Silco did not look forward to the work of finding a replacement for him (and if Renni’s shaky loyalties proved anything, he may have had to look for a replacement for her too).
Silco should’ve spit on his corpse before they took it away.
A low whistle from behind him catches silco off guard. (he doesn’t jump or course).
His chair swivels and there you are, perched near the window sill with an eyebrow raised and arms crossed in front of your chest.
His wounded eye begins to twitch.
“That was rather cold of you, but you certainly made your point.”
Silco would roll his eyes, but doesn’t want to give you the satisfaction that you no doubt were looking for.
“What are you doing here?”
Your nose crinkles, and your smile is all teeth, Silco can’t look away.
“I’m here to see you of course! Why else would I be here? You want me here don’t you?” A light hop and you slowly make your way to his seat, his hands grip the arms, knuckles white.
“But again, I’m not surprised, you were always the coldest out of us three.”
“If you’re going to say the name I know you are, I will make sure it’s you bleeding on the floor next,” He all but snarls. You laugh.
“But Sil, you can’t be mad at the truth. Even Van knew when to let you do your thing. At least, until he tried to drown you in that lake.”
He stands, fists clenched. Mismatched eyes meeting yours as they narrow into a glare. “Enough.”
You lean against the back of the chair, using your arm as a buffer while your fingers unconsciously move towards the strings of its torn fabric from Sevika’s attack on Finn.
“Ah, I hit a sore spot, sorry.” From your tone you weren’t apologetic in the slightest. 
You beckon him over with a small wave, still using his chair as an arm rest, “C’mon, sit, you’ve had a hard day.”
And like the fool he thought he no longer was, he listens. Sitting down and leaning back as your hands cup his face from behind.
“You just want what’s best for Zaun,” you murmur, tone far more understanding and kind.
“I do,” he answers quietly, “but it seems as though everything is just, falling apart.” His frustration is evident, but much more subdued, Silco, after all, is a man who prides himself on such a thing.
Moving down to his shoulders, he exhales as you give them a gentle squeeze, “It was a mistake to trust a scum bag like Finn anyway,” and he can hear you mumble something else about the former chem baron too.
You use his desk as a chair, sitting in front of Silco with your hands folded on your lap with a familiar injector next to you.
Silco exhales, one eye closed while the one that glows dimly with shimmer remains on your form. He must’ve faltered, as his apprehensive gaze makes you narrow your eyes; boring into his.
“What? Don’t you trust me, Sil?”
Now you stand before him, injector in one hand while the other grabs his chin, leaning forward but his hand grabs your wrist.
“After all, you did this to me.” Is a cold whisper.
“No, you betrayed me, by siding with Vander,” he spits, “When he was the one who did this.” His eye starts to burn.
“You mean like you weren’t jealous, because it was him I decided to stay with?” Your lips curl into a sneer, “Or because everyone and not just me liked him more? I remember everyone hating you. And hey, you proved them right! Stepping over everyone to get to the top and now here you are!” Your laughter is cruel.
“And don’t get me started on the girl you took in, truly, was it in the goodness of your heart or did you just want a weapon that was easy to mold?”
“Poor poor Silco,” you console, now guiding his hand towards the injector and placing it in his grip.
“But it’s surely okay now, you have everything you deserve.” You steady his hand, and he pulls the trigger, feeling the shimmer course through him, as he grips the armrest in a white knuckled hold.
Your lips have a crimson color to them, the crimson is dripping past your mouth and onto your no-longer pristine clothing, he notices, were they always that way? You smile crookedly.
Silco closes his eyes for but a moment, cracking his neck as he adjusts to the shimmer, but when he opens them again, you’re gone. His eye continues to burn.
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antipelargy · 3 years
And They Were Hers
Pink Diamond meets her Rose Quartzes for the first time.
(What's this? A fanfiction by me? The first one I've posted in two years? Yup! This idea has been living in my head for a while, and I had to write it down. It's short, but I'm proud of it.)
Pink Diamond was so excited, it took all of her willpower to keep herself from jumping up and down and flapping her hands. Today was the day that her first Rose Quartzes were scheduled to come out of the ground! She stood in the Gamma Kindergarten, staring at the sheer rock wall where her Quartzes incubated, ready to burst out. Pink forced herself to stand still and bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from grinning, but a small smile peeked through. She wished she could freely express herself, but she knew she would get in trouble with Blue Diamond, who towered next to her. Pink had begged Blue and Yellow to come see the Rose Quartzes with her, to see the product of her hard work. Only Blue agreed to come, but she warned Pink that she had to be on her best behavior.
Several other Gems stood around Pink, including her Pearl, Blue's Pearl, and the caretakers of the Kindergarten. She had talked the caretakers a few times before to plan where the Kindergarten would be and where to place the Injectors. The Peridots in charge of the Injectors, and the Agates in charge of them, stood in a line off to the side of the Diamonds.
Pink was ecstatic about the Quartzes because she designed them herself. These were her first Gems designed by her! Well, not completely by her, since Quartzes already existed in a large variety of sub types, and as such had a predetermined mold. But Pink created the Rose Quartz sub type, and she customized them in what little ways she could. She modeled them after the Quartz disguise Pearl had imagined for her, with a couple added traits inspired by humans. She named them after a beautiful Earth flower, the rose.
Pink’s eyes were glued on the sheer rock wall where the Rose Quartzes would emerge. She gasped when a spot at the base of the rock began to crack. The cracks spread to make a vague outline of a Gem. Then the rock burst apart and rained to the ground, creating a hole from which bright white light spilled out. The light faded away to reveal a Rose Quartz. She stepped out of her hole, blinking in the sunlight.
She was perfect.
Everything about her was large, round, and soft. Her face was pudgy, her limbs were thick, and her chest and stomach protruded out. Her lips were full, glossy, and several shades darker than the rest of her pink skin. Her thick wavy hair cascaded down her back. Her big droopy eyes featured near-black irises. The table facet of her gem had five equal sides, and the five facets of the crown were shaped into a perfect circle. Her gem rested on the center of her stomach, just like her Diamond's.
For the first few moments, Pink Diamond could only stare at her Rose Quartz in absolute awe. Then Pink's excitement burst out of her like a giant bubble. She squealed with joy, pumped her hands up and down, and bounced on her toes. Then she ran to her Rose Quartz, leaning down to land in a hug. Pink squeezed tight, feeling the soft squish of the new Gem's form, as well as her sturdiness.
The Rose Quartz froze in surprise, eyes wide with shock. "My Diamond?" she said hesitantly.
Pink leaned back to look the Rose Quartz in the face. "Yes, I am your Diamond," she said, "and you are my Rose Quartz! Welcome to Earth."
The Rose Quartz stared back blankly for a moment, then grinned with glee. She wrapped her arms around her Diamond and pressed her face against her stomach. "My Diamond," she said again with reverence. "Thank you."
"Ahem," said a voice from behind Pink. She turned around to see Blue Diamond glaring at her. "Pink," said Blue with a sharp edge to her voice.
Pink let go of the Rose Quartz and shrunk back. She should have known better than to show a display of affection to a lesser Gem in front of Blue. She would probably get a lecture about it in private later.
Blue leaned down get a close look at the Rose Quartz. She hummed in thought, taking in the Gem's form.
"What do you think?" Pink asked nervously.
"She looks in good form," Blue said, "though a bit... soft. But she seems sturdy. I think she will make a good solider." She gave Pink a small smile. "Well done, Pink."
Pink couldn't stop herself from grinning, though she managed to keep her body still. "Thank you, Blue."
Blue stood back up. "Blah blah blah," she says.
"You're leaving?" Pink said.
"I have important work to do."
"But what about the rest of the Rose Quartzes? Don't you want to see them?"
"When you've seen one Quartz, you've seen them all."
"Oh," Pink said quietly, deflating. "Well, I'm going to stay."
"Suit yourself," Blue said with a wave of her hand. "But I expect you to control yourself, understand?"
"Yes, Blue."
Blue and her Pearl walked to the warp pad in the center of the Kindergarten. "Goodbye, Pink," said Blue.
"Goodbye, Blue Diamond," the Rose Quartz piped up.
Blue stopped short and looked at the Rose Quartz quizzically. "Keep control of your Gems too," she tells Pink.
"Yes, Blue."
Blue and her Pearl warped away. Pink breathed a sigh of relief. She turned back to the Rose Quartz, who looked confused by Blue's comment.
"Don't worry about Blue," Pink said. "You're my Gem, not hers."
"Uh, okay," Rose Quartz said.
"Let's wait for the rest of the Rose Quartzes together," Pink said. "Also, what is your cut? I want to be able to refer to you directly."
"Cut 2R9."
"2R9, wonderful."
Pink and 2R9 face the rock where the other Rose Quartzes would emerge. As they waited, Pink whispered to Pearl, "So what do you think? Isn't she wonderful?"
"Well, she looks as we expected, so that's good," Peal whispered back. "I know you worked hard to make the Rose Quartzes just how you wanted."
"We worked hard," Pink said. "Thank you for your help, especially for their design."
"O-of course," Pearl stammered with a blush to her cheeks. "It was nothing really."
"Don't be so modest, Pearl."
Their conversation is interrupted by another set of cracks in the rock wall. The rock burst apart, creating a hole from which another Rose Quartz emerged. She peeked out of her hole and looked around, then her eyes landed on Pink. She hopped down from her high vantage point, walked to Pink, and saluted.
"Hello, my Diamond," she said.
"Hello, my Rose Quartz," Pink said. "What is your cut?"
"Welcome to Earth, 3R6. I'm so glad you're here."
3R6 smiled. “Thank you. I’m glad I’m here, too.”
"Hi 3R6, I'm 2R9," chirped 2R9. "It's good to meet you."
And so the process continued. The Rose Quartzes emerged, and Pink Diamond greeted every one. The Rose Quartzes met their Diamond with warmth and wonder, and quickly bonded with their fellow Gems. The Peridots and Agates running the Kindergarten greeted them as well, but not with nearly as much enthusiasm. They checked in and catalogued them without fanfare.
Within the hour, each of the 100 Rose Quartzes emerged without problem. Every one was in fine condition with no visible flaws. Pink was immensely proud of them. She glowed at their adoration of her, and she adored them just as much. Such wonderful Gems, and they were hers. All hers.
Pink could have stayed in the Kindergarten with her Gems forever, but they had to go to their posts, and she had work to do. She and Pearl reluctantly walked to the warp pad to leave. The Rose Quartzes crowded around the warp to say goodbye, all waving and saluting and calling farewells.
"Goodbye, my Diamond!"
"See you later, my Diamond!"
"You'll come see us, right, my Diamond?"
"So long, my Rose Quartzes," Pink said. "I'll see you all again soon. Be good, okay?"
"We will!"
"Of course!"
As Pink warped away, she thought that she couldn't be happier.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Do You Believe In Life After Love? PT. 1
Arkham Knight!Jason Todd x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 2.4 Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Violence and Death
Author's Note: I have edited this story so it's nicer. Love me for this, please because I fought the cringe for y'all. Enjoy! -Thorne
Gotham looked bleak in the wake of the militia’s arrival. Even the thugs that were rioting in the street seemed to avoid the armored tanks and patrols as they passed, and GCPD had withdrawn most of their officers to stay at the precinct. He’d never claim he couldn’t do it on his own. He had to keep going. He had to save Gotham. He had to—
“You know, it wouldn’t kill you to ask for help once in a while.” He didn’t have to look over his shoulder to know who was speaking. She walked up beside him, leaning on the ledge he was perched on.
He didn’t look at her when he spoke, his eyes still trained on the city before him. “You should still be resting. Your ribs aren’t fully healed yet.”
She chuckled and turned, looking out at the spotlights shining. “They’re healed enough.” She side-eyed him. “Besides, this is becoming a lot more than you can handle.”
He shook his head. “It’s fine. I can handle thi—” He looked down when he felt a hand curl around his wrist, then he looked back up, seeing the solemn stare in her gaze.
“Dad. You almost died at the ACE plant,” she interjected with a shake of her head. “We’ve got this ‘Arkham Knight’ teaming up with Scarecrow, and you’ve got Tim locked in the theater synthesizing a cure.” She squeezed his wrist lightly.
“Ican handle the smaller things, while you handle the militia and Scarecrow.”
He stared at his daughter for a moment, wanting to argue, but he knew it was pointless. Finally, he nodded, pulling away and pushing a few buttons on his wrist screen. “I need someone to help Dick with Penguin, and I need to handle the Man-Bat flying around.”
She nodded as she glanced at her screen, taking in the information he’d sent. “Do you know where it came from?”
“The DNA matches that of Doctor Kirk Langstrom,” he said. “He owns a lab on Bleake Island. Here’s the coordinates.”
Humming, she slid a wave-marker into the cowl’s visor to give her direction before stepping up on the ledge. “I’ll go to the lab, then help out Dick.” He stared at her as she turned to face him, her feet nearing the edge. “Be careful, dad…I don’t want to lose you.” She didn’t give him time to respond, falling backwards over the ledge.
A few seconds later, she was gliding through the sky; a faint smile came to his lips as he watched her, then he turned, heading in the direction of the other island.
When she finally found the lab, she was alarmed to see what had happened. Her eyes focused on the screen, replaying the last moments of the experiment, then she put a finger to her ear. “Dad? Can you hear me?”
A few moments later, his voice came over the line. “What happened at the lab?”
She grimaced as she looked at the body of Francine Langstrom. “Apparently Langstrom was trying to find a cure to his deafness by mixing in vampire bat DNA with his. Something went horribly wrong, and he mutated into the giant bat thingy flying around Gotham.” She paused, her voice mournful. “His wife’s dead.”
There was a slight pause from her father then he murmured, “Can you get to a computer to synthesize a cure?”
She glanced around, trying to find a working computer amongst the shattered screens. When she found one, she moved to it, typing away at it.
After a few moments, she pulled the cure out and put it into the injector she carried. “Alright. I’ve got the cure. Do you know where he is?”
“He’s on Bleake now. Find him in the skies.”
She nodded, moving to the door. “Will do.”
When she arrived back in the city, she climbed up the clocktower and waited. Once she saw him darting across the sky in a hulking mass of gray flesh and black talons, she acted, kicking off the ledge to glide across the sky until she was above him; she dove, tackling him to the ground and injecting him, but he fought her, viciously slicing at her with his claws until she rolled away. He screeched at her and flew off.
She grunted as she clambered to her feet, dusting off the dirt they’d rolled in and a voice came over the comm. “Did you find him?”
A huff escaped her, and she explained, “I did…but he wrestled with me and took off the second I injected him.” She looked down at the injector, still holding the remaining cure. “We’re gonna have to go another round.”
“Watch the skies then. In the meantime, go find Dick. He’s somewhere on Miagani.”
She took a moment to catch her breath before pulling out her grapple and aiming it towards the roof of an adjacent building. “Alright. Will do.”
The crinkle of her father’s communicator faded out and she pulled the trigger, letting her body go weightless as she shot up towards the ledge. Holstering the grapple gun, she climbed over the ledge and paused, glancing down at her screen as she stood on the roof. A few moments had passed, and she looked at the city, seeing the chaos that had enveloped it within the few hours that had gone by. Riots littered the boulevards and the militia had begun putting mines in the roads as they started barricading the avenues and main streets. Something akin to hopelessness rose in her chest, but she shoved it down, reminding herself that with her, Dick, Tim, and her dad, they could save Gotham. It was just going to take some more time.
“Are you thinking about how Batman let the city go to hell?”
She couldn’t fight the gasp that escaped her as she spun around, taking in the image of the Arkham Knight before her. His stance was nonthreatening, in fact it was almost curious, but she stood on her guard anyway, her voice and eyes cold.
“There’s only two people to blame for this city going to hell. Scarecrow…” She pointed at him, her voice frosty. “And you.” He gave her no reaction, other than taking a step towards her, heavy metaled boot making a thump against the concrete roof.
Reaching down, she pulled the Ka-Bar from her thigh and warned, “I’d be careful how close you come, pal. I’m one person you don’t wanna tango with.”
He stopped and stared at her. “Look around you, Batgirl. This is what Gotham City truly is. Chaotic and beyond saving.”
She tipped her head back, her tone becoming challenging. “Is that what you’ve been conditioned to believe? Or did Scarecrow just feed you something to change your mind.”
That seemed to irritate him because he snapped harshly, “You have no idea what I’ve been conditioned to believe.”
“I know you’ve got a petty grudge against Batman, and you believe that inciting chaos amongst people is the best way to deal with it.”
His anger seemed to cool as his voice turned to ice, and she almost shivered at how the temperature seemed to chill around them a few degrees. “My grudge with Batman is more than petty.” He pointed at her, the holographs on his mask shifting with every word. “He deserves to die.”
She flipped the knife into the air and caught it, raising it defensively as she reached out with the other out and beckoned him. “You want Batman?” she challenged. “Then you come through me.”
The Arkham Knight didn’t move until she jerked forward, stabbing out with the knife. He dodged her easily enough, sliding beside her and she twisted, following him with a well-rounded kick aimed for his torso. Instead of evading, he grabbed her foot and yanked her. Hard. Her breath caught in her throat as she was hauled forward and cursing inwardly, she brought the knife down, hoping to catch him as she fell. His gauntleted hand shot out and caught hers, and when she reached out with the other, he caught it too. Not wasting any time, he kicked her feet out from beneath her and dropped them to the ground, putting all his weight onto her hips to stop her from moving as he slammed her hands beside her head against the rooftop.
Her eyes widened in shock at how quickly everything had happened. No one had ever been able to take her down that fast, and the reality that she might meet her end caught up with her. She began to squirm, trying to rise up enough to catch him with a shoulder but with her wrists in his grip it wasn’t likely, and with all his weight on her legs, she couldn’t kick out or try to flip him off.
“Stop moving,” he suddenly commanded, but it didn’t sound as harsh as his earlier words.
She glared at him and spat, “You wanna kill me, go ahead. But he’s still gonna take you down.”
There was a pause, then he shifted her hands until he held them both in one hand, and he reached towards her face. She reacted like anyone would subdued by an enemy, emitting a warning in her throat as she tried to avoid the oncoming touch. When his hand came into contact with her cheek, she flinched at the chill of the titanium, but his touch was…kind and gentle.
“I’m not going to kill you, (Y/N),” he promised softly. “The last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt you.”
She stilled at the mention of her name, shock etching across her features. His fingers brushed her cheek once more, this time a loving caress, his thumb brushing over her lips.
“How…how do you know my name?” (Y/N) questioned and his hand halted, then he reached up and pressed a button below his jaw.
She watched the mask rise and when his face came into view, she felt her heart stop and she blinked, breathing, “…Jason?”
At the mention of his name and the recognition, he let go of her hands and reached down, removing the gloves from his hands. He reached back down to cup her cheeks, thumbs stroking over her cheekbones then to her eyebrows, like he was trying to remember how her skin felt underneath his calloused hands.
She could see the long-withheld emotions fighting inside him as choked, “God, I’ve wanted to see you for so long.” His hands felt warm against her face, and she reached up to touch him, but stopped as she saw the “J” burned onto his face. He must’ve realized she was staring at it, because he pulled one of his hands away and covered it, muttering, “The Joker…he did it.”
Whatever reaction he was expecting, anger, fury, disgust, it wasn’t the one she gave him, as she let out a sob and jerked forward, wrapping her arms around his neck. His entire body went rigid, then slowly, his arms wound around her waist, pulling her to him until there was no space between them, and even then, he tried to pull her closer, squeezing with all his strength. She began to shake in his arms, and he quietly shushed her.
After a few moments, she pulled back and took off her cowl, staring at him with red-rimmed eyes; she swallowed thickly before murmuring, “…We thought you were dead, Jason.”
His expression turned dark as he muttered, “Joker kept me locked in the asylum all that time.”
(Y/N) had no idea what to say. What could she? She figured she could apologize for not looking in the asylum. Or that she failed him. Instead, she said nothing and took his face in her hands, pressing her forehead to his. He shut his eyes and a shuddering breath left him as he gently grasped her forearms, trying to ground himself. Some time had passed before he pulled away and helped her to her feet. (Y/N) stared into the eyes of her lover and readied herself for what she was about to say.
She took a deep breath and bent over, picking up the knife to put it back in its sheath. “I…I can’t even begin to imagine what happened to you, Jason,” she said as she gazed at him. “And I’m sorry it did…I’m sorry I didn’t try harder to find you.”
Grasping the cowl, she pulled it back on then clenched her jaw and said, “You can go this time…but if I see you again…I will stop you.”
His eyes widened in shock for a split second, then they narrowed, and he tipped his head up, questioning, “So, this is how it’s going to be?”
She nodded despite the grief welling in her chest. “This is how it has to be.” (Y/N) explained as she turned away from him. “You’re trying to kill my dad and destroy Gotham…I can’t let you do that.”
“You don’t care that he left me to die?”
She spun back around, her voice wrought with disbelief and resentment of the accusation. “That’s not what happened, and you know it!” she condemned. “You turned you comm and tracker off then went off on your own! We searched everywhere for you! None of us let you die!” She reached out and curled her fingers in the straps at his side. “We saw you die Jason! I watched my father fall into the deepest pit of depression I’ve ever witnessed!”
She let him go, her hands falling limply to her sides. “Don’t you dare say that he didn’t care that you died…it haunts him.” (Y/N)’s eyes met his and she lamented, “It haunts me.” He said nothing, and she shook her head, turning back around. “I don’t know what you expected from me. To help you destroy Gotham? To kill my father and everything he stands for?”
She paused, then admitted, “I love you, Jason. More than anything…but you’re dead wrong if you think I’d be on your side with this.”
The sound of mechanized armor echoed in her ears and his sarcastic laugh turned robotic as he ridiculed, “Guess there is life after love, huh?”
(Y/N) gave him no response, and a moment later, she was standing alone on the rooftop. A feeling of overwhelming numbness seeping out from her heart to her limbs as her lungs began to tighten.
“Yes…I guess there is.”
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magalidragon · 3 years
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killing time | a Jonerys drabble
This is for the Anon who suggested we revisit the racing beans from that one fic I wrote where they were racecar drivers and it ended up far angstier than intended 🤣 Also uses prompt from @youwerenevermine “you’re an idiot”/“yes but I’m your idiot.” Ooooh and it is smutty 🤭
"I can't believe you think this is going to work."
"It will work. Because I'm a genius."
That was a little much, Dany thought, hoisting herself onto the tool bench in the garage, swinging her feet back and forth, watching the handsome specimen of her husband bent in half in the engine of the Direwolf, his fine, tight ass wiggling in his grease-stained coveralls, which should have made him look like he was wearing a potato sack, but were pulling in all the right places. He'd tied the arms around his hips, his white t-shirt underneath stained with grease, sweat, motor oil, and if she was not mistaken-- a large swipe of chocolate from the cake their daughter had been eating before he put her to bed for her naptime.
He moved some more, shifting on his feet and she bit her lower lip, checking the clock hanging askew on the wall. They had a meeting in about two hours, and were killing time just lounging around the garage. It made her think of when they were teenagers, spending all their time in and around the garage, making messes and letting someone else clean it up.
Now they cleaned things up themselves. He also cleaned up nicely himself. He wiggled again and she wondered if he was doing this on purpose. She shifted uncomfortably on the bench, sitting on her hands instead of doing anything that might get her in trouble. He was <i>working</i>, as he liked to stress. He didn’t want distractions when he was working.
Although working wasn’t an apt enough word for what he was doing. Fucking up a perfectly good vehicle. That’s what he was doing.
Now he was adding some sort of extra filter which he claimed would give the Direwolf extra air flow, boosting its acceleration. It made no sense to her. Plus, he'd screwed with the fins on the back, which was <i>not</i> his job, that was Gendry's as their aerodynamics expert, but Jon knew better, always, he said.
Except for her.
She wrinkled her nose, when he pulled out from the engine and then spun around, dropping down onto the other side to scoot underneath the vehicle. Exasperated, she groaned. "What are you doing now?"
"Checking the fuel pump, I think it’s jacked."
"You're making shit up." He hummed underneath and kicked his feet around. After a few minutes of clanking around, she couldn't stand it any longer and climbed down, peering into the engine, disgusted at the wires he had crisscrossing everywhere. It made no sense. It was like the inside of his head. She scowled at him, when he emerged, swatting her ass lightly with the dirty rag in his hands. She rolled her eyes. "You're an idiot."
"Ah, but I'm your idiot."
Be that as it may, he was screwing up a perfectly good working engine because he couldn't just leave things alone. "That's not getting you anywhere, give me that." She swiped the wrench from him and crawled up onto the Direwolf's fender, small and spry enough to really get into the engine cavity. She made sure to wiggle her butt, in her tight jeans, just enough to tease him, while also kicking up her foot.
The mess he’d created was atrocious. She could not believe this chaos of an engine. Disgusted, she made a derisive snort. “I take it back, you aren’t an idiot.”
“Aye.” She climbed out and threw one of the fuel injectors she had just removed at him, as he scowled. She tilted her face up to his, smirking. “You’re a moron.”
“Is that not the same?”
“Moron is worse to me. Idiot implies you have some sense of awareness of what you did, you just did it stupidly.”
He wagged the fuel injector at her. “This is perfectly fine!”
“It’s corroded!”
The fuel injector flew over his shoulder, after he tossed it and he grabbed her hips, hoisting her up onto the car’s side, tilting her back over the fiberglass to the roof, growling. “You’re impossible.”
She snapped her teeth on his bottom lip, groaning. “You are.”
“No you.”
The next thing she knew they were over each other, his mouth hot on her sweaty neck, pulse racing against his tongue. She moaned for more, needy, grinding her hips up into his and scratched her nails down his shoulders, pushing them under his t-shirt sleeves to get to his bare skin.
“Jon,” she groaned, his palms under her arse to lift her higher against the car, while she furiously pulled at his coveralls. He kissed her, silencing her protests, tongue spearing into her mouth and she nipped at him, her fingers easing into his briefs to free him and thumb at his cock, fondling the thick, velvet length, hardening to steel in her hands.
He pulled away, whining impatiently. “What time is it?” he panted, flicking the tab at her jeans, leaning sideways to keep her upright against the envie with his body while he worked the denim and her lace bikinis over her hip.
Doesn’t matter, she thought, busying herself with kissing him again. She loved him, loved him so much, it was hard to wrap her mind around how they had been willing to go their separate ways for so long before coming together again.
She gasped when he pulled away and latched his mouth over her nipple through her tank’s thin cotton, the competing sensations blinding her. She lifted higher and he thrust into her hand. She was drenched, cunt pulsing, and she lined him up, sliding her cunt along his cock, the head bumping her clit. She moaned softly and knocked her head against the car hood behind her.
He pushed into her easily, filling and stretching, smothering her with his body and mouth. She canted her hips, encouraging him to move, and clutched his arms. He found her hand with his and squeezed, joining them at her thigh, which was hiked up over his hip, the coveralls slapping against their thighs, zipper clanking and her jeans awkwardly bunched near her knees, the stretch denim stretching to its limits.
They had done this more times than she could count, fucking in garages and in and on cars and gods she loved it. She moaned his name and tore her nails at his arm while squeezing his hand. He grunted into her shoulder, name a breath on his lips and then she was coming, encouraging him with her until they were shattering, her cry strangled and her name a shout on his lips.
“Jon,” she sighed, feet falling to the floor, loose and limber. She hummed into his neck, kissing his pulse.
He tilted his face down and kissed her, slowly, reverently. She smiled lazily. It was so nice and comfortable afterward. She met his gaze, loving and sleepy, gray eyes blown out to black. “You’re still an idiot,” she murmured.
Jon laughed and arched his brow, about to reply when they froze, hearing a door banging from somewhere near. “Uh…”
“Jon! Dany! Where are you? We have that sponsorship meeting today and I don’t want to go can I stay with Laena?” It was Arya, bellowing through the house.
They cursed, hurriedly righting themselves as best as they could. Dany winced, squeezing her legs together uncomfortably. “Arya? What are you doing here?”
“We have that thing!” She pushed open the door and stepped in, scowling immediately. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” they said at the same time.
Arya made a face. “Ew you both are gross. Were you fucking?” She didn’t wait and gagged. “Nevermind don’t tell me…” she trailed off distracted at the engine. She bowled, leaping for it. “Jon! What did you do!?”
At the same time, from the monitor on the table beside her, Laena began babbling, awake from her nap. Dany sighed, patting Jon’s cheek. “My idiot,” she murmured and kissed him, before skirting away to leave him to argue with Arya over what he’d done to the car.
All she knew was when it was ready to drive, it would be ready and she’d trust whatever he did. Even if it made zero sense. She winked at him when he caught her gaze across the garage and he made a face.
She laughed, skipping off to get their daughter and clean up. They had a race to go prep for.
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rejuvinaids · 2 months
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 3 years
I believe that Red Daughter was wasted in S4 (like Lex literally told her '1 day you'll have to think like her (Kara), act like her, etc' but then NOTHING), so my prompt is this: After Lex takes over the White House, Lena receives the invitation to visit, but it comes with a little incentive. A broken pair of familiar black glasses. So of course Lena GOES. Cue the deliciously tense Luthor scenes w Lex using Red Daughter as Kara to keep Lena in line. Bonus if real Supergirl shows up 2 rescue Lena
Red Daughter knows her role. Her role is to keep Lena Luthor pliable. Posing as her best friend is the simplest and most efficient way to do so. She tells herself the clamminess of her palms was a weakness, but none of her internal scolding holds up when the door opens to reveal Lena herself. She pastes on a nervous smile she didn’t have to fake, but Lena doesn’t pause to study her. Lena wraps her arms around her and holds her close.
It takes her by surprise, for all her preparation. She stiffens in reaction, unfamiliar with the physicality, the affection that pours from Lena in the embrace. But then her arms come up of their own volition, echoing the embrace that only deepens as Lena’s arms tighten around her.
Red Daughter wonders if Lena can feel her heart pounding in her chest. The ease of the embrace shocks her, nearly outs her before her brain reactivates and she can think to close her arms around Lena in return. The warmth of Lena’s body spreads through her own, melting the icy nerves that had kept her fidgeting since the moment Alex told her what her role would be.
The warmth of Lena’s body against her own confuses Red Daughter. It goes against what Alex has told her about his sister: that she is selfish, and cares only for herself. Red Daughter swallows her confusion, and simply savors the embrace she’d been craving since their brief encounter in the L-Corp elevator. The moment Lena’s fingers had brushed her hand, she had wanted more: more of the gentle contact Alex seemed incapable, more of the touch that sent shivers down her spine.
It doesn’t last long enough. Lena pulls back, bracing her at arms length to give her friend a once-over. Red Daughter recognizes the glint in Lena’s eyes-- the same one her brother has. She expects Lena to declare that she will fix this, that she will protect her friend at all costs. But that isn’t what spills from Lena’s lips.
“Are you all right?”
Her concern radiates in waves, and in that moment Red Daughter realizes the glint is not that of victory already won, or a sure upper hand-- it’s one of intent focus, and at this moment every ounce of Lena’s focus is on her. Something in her chest shifts.
“Fine,” she gulps. “He didn’t hurt me.”
“Of course,” Eve drawls, striding into the room, “whether she stays that way depends entirely on you.”
Lena’s features cool, and the shift seems to chill the entire room. She turns to face Eve-- and Otis, who follows on Eve’s heel like a dog. Red Daughter moves to stand beside Lena, but Lena’s hand reaches blindly behind her and connects gently with her hip, keeping her exactly where she is.
For a moment, confusion overtakes all, until she remembers that Lena does not know her friend is bulletproof. The reminder sends a flood of anger coursing hot through her veins. Is this where Kara Danvers is content to stay? Hidden behind her human friend?
Over Lena’s shoulder, Eve smirks at the two of them, stalking towards them until she stands dangerously close.
“You could be everything your brother is, Lena, and more. But you surround yourself with people who make you weak.” Her sneer shifts to disgust. “Pathetic.”
Lena’s fist slams into Eve’s face without warning, so fast even Red Daughter doesn’t see the muscles coil before she strikes. Eve drops with a cry, and Otis moves in to restrain Lena, though she makes no move to attack further.
“Who’s pathetic now?”
Otis wrenches Lena’s arms behind her with one arm, and wraps his other around her neck, hugging her to his chest. Lena doesn’t resist; she simply sneers as Eve struggles to her feet, one hand lifting to staunch the blood oozing from her nose. Too late, Red Daughter sees the injector clasped in her other hand.
Eve stabs the needle into Lena’s bicep, earning a hiss of pain as the drugs enter her system. In the next moment her legs give out. Otis shifts his grip to support Lena as she swiftly loses consciousness.
Red Daughter glares at Eve, seething. “This was not part of the plan,” she snaps.
Eve rolls her eyes. “Take her to the bunker,” she tells Otis. He sweeps Lena into his arms, and strides out of the room with an amiable grin.
Red Daughter moves to intercept him, only to be arrested by Eve stepping into her path. Red Daughter glares at her, only for Eve to roll her eyes. “Did you really think he’d let the one person capable of stopping him anywhere near his plan?” she asks. “Lex doesn’t need Lena: he needs her out of the way.”
Eve smirks at Red Daughter.
“And thanks to you, she is.”
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