#Norman A. Erbe
politicaldilfs · 8 months
Iowa Governor DILFs
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Belated Governor DILF entry that I started doing on the day of the caucus.
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Ideas for future episodes of “Epic Rap Battles of History”:
1) Dante Alighieri vs. Devil May Cry’s Dante (theme: Dante against Dante)
2) James Corden vs. Ed Sullivan (theme: battle of the famous television hosts)
3) The Broadway Composers Battle Royale (Andrew Lloyd Webber vs. Lin-Manuel Miranda vs. Stephen Sondheim vs. George Gershwin vs. Oscar Hammerstein II)
4) Milton S. Hershey vs. Domingo Ghirardelli (theme: battle of the chocolate company founders / Hersheys against Ghirardelli)
5) Elvira vs. Morticia Addams vs. Vampira (theme: battle of the mistresses of the dark)
6) Norman Nordstrom vs. Daredevil vs. Toph Beifong (theme: battle of the blind fighters who use vibrations and their other senses to “see” the world)
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molemanninethousand · 5 years
Being, if I’m not mistaken, my first battle since a certain very early and very shitty one for which ALL the rapping roles were recorded through online correspondence, I feel that this, as an audio track, turned out exceptionally well: both with Skeep Tieel, who appears in my series for the third time here and rather naturally so with him being a “professional” of this genre, and with Timothy Brandolino, an unknown hired through Reddit who proved highly successful in fulfilling what is probably the most substantial role I’ve solicited through said website to date.
The thing about the latter’s performance here is that, while the voice during “Mother’s” major verses is really all over the place as far as characteristics and quality go, he sounds quite adequately distinct between two modes of speaking during the specific moments of the battle where Norman talks to himself, which obviously is where the gimmick of a split personality is most relevant for a rapping role.
Relatedly, this is my longest one-on-one battle ever, and to that end I believe it very well might furthermore be the longest such battle that anyone has ever composed. I’m highly curious about this, and the sharing of any relevant knowledge that can confirm or deny this distinction would be appreciated here.
Noting what I personally feel is a particular highlight here, Pink Steven’s “Don’t call it a comeback!” may quite possibly be one of my favorite vocalized moments, in regards both to the line/reference itself as written and given context and to how Skeep says it.
Conversely, if there’s one self-criticism I have for the battle at this stage, based on how it stands as a complete audio piece with no video, it’s that the ending (that is, both characters’ final verses, starting from the aforementioned favorite line mentioned above) feels pretty rushed, at least by the standards of this battle’s long-windedness (which it of course shares with many if not most others of mine); I probably could have made Norman verbally struggle with himself for at least a few more lines during that sequence. Come to think of it, I also missed a similar, but more creative, opportunity to potentially end with a character to “battle themselves” in the composition immediately following this one as its counterpart (#45-2), but in that case, there was/will be (the audio should be finished and posted within the next two weeks, and possibly within a single week if things go particularly well) a different and probably superior form of substantial climax fully realized instead.
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sciatu · 3 years
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BIANCHI DI SICLIA  - La prima foto è di una vita di Inzolia che è capace di nascere e crescere anche sulla sabbia della spiaggia. Zibibbo messo ad appassire per acquistare in dolcezza. Grappolo di Zibibbo, acini tondi, dolcissimi. Filari di Grecanico. Grappoli di Malvasia. Grappoli di Carricante (2 foto). Un grappolo di  Cattaratto. Vigneto di Grillo. Grappoli di Grillo.
Vi sono donne che della vita ti donano la necessaria forza, la stimolante passione, l’appagante intensità, riempiono la tua anima, ne sottolineano il senso e sono come un giorno o una notte d’estate, un’avvolgente ed esaudiente compagna, che porta consiglio e toglie dall’anima le spine del giorno. Questi sono i vini rossi. Vi sono poi donne che donano il senso dei fiori, che celebrano la leggerezza della primavera, la vitale ebrezza di un amore e di cui sai di poterti nutrire senza paura, per la semplicità che hanno, la devozione che portano e la luce di cui sono fatte. Sono come una giornata di primavera, trasparenti e dal sentore di fiori, piene di allegria e di generoso, brillante amore. Questi sono i vini bianchi. Ed è questa la bellezza dei vini e l’abilità degli enologi: creare personalità diverse che possono saziare ogni parte della tua. Io mi avvicino ai rossi con rispetto ed ai bianchi con allegria. Amo quest’ultimi come si ama un arcobaleno o un albero in fiore, sia che siano dei più rinomati, sia che siano quei bianchi umili e poveri che ti servono come vino della casa nelle piccole trattorie fuorimano. Inizio a parlare delle uve bianche siciliane partendo dal mitico ed antichissimo Zibibbo, la dolce uva che da piccolo per me era il bacio degli dei, tanto era dolce e forte. Non che io bevessi vino (mio nonno mi riempì mezzo bicchiere solo quando avevo vent’anni), ma il vino dolcissimo di Zibibbo rientrava in molte ricette di dolci e il suo solo profumo apriva il cuore. Il Grillo fu una scoperta inaspettata. Fino a pochi anni fa era miscelato con  le più famose uve di Inzolia, Catarratto e Damaschino per produrre Marsala. Quando lo scoprii in una piccola trattoria in riva al mare il suo gusto fruttato esaltava il pesce e brillava in bocca mentre scendeva leggero in gola a rinfrescare dalla calda giornata. Amo molto l’Inzolia, l’uva portata dai normanni, anche lei usata a dare leggerezza ed aromi al Marsala o ad altri vini. Da solo però appare semplice ma conquista la sua vellutata freschezza, il suo sapore di erbe e nocciola, la sua intensità fruttata. Del Catarratto non ho memoria perché è un’uva usata per consolidare altri grandi vini della Sicilia orientale e dell’Etna, ma ne rafforza il corpo e ne accende il profumo. Il Carricante è stata una piacevole sorpresa perché avevo sempre pensato i vini dell’Etna come intensamente rossi e con un corpo spesso e pesante. Invece con quest’uva si produce anche un ottimo Brut metodo Champagne. La sua natura vulcanica si capisce dalla sua salinità ma l’aroma floreale ed il gusto di mela e di anice stupiscono e allietano. Il Grecanico è un vino di famiglia. Cerco di averne sempre una bottiglia in frigo perché si beve facilmente arricchendo il gusto con qualsiasi piatto. Il Moscato Bianco è un'altra uva preziosa con cui si produce il Moscato di Noto DOC, vino da dessert armonico e raffinato, troppo nobile forse per la nostra tavola. La Malvasia Bianca è un'altra uva il cui vino è sempre piaciuto moltissimo agli inglesi da Shakespeare che lo cita nelle sue opere, all’ammiraglio Nelson che ne riempiva le sue navi. Ultimamente molti altri vini non autoctoni si stanno diffondendo per creare vini sempre più raffinati. Tra di essi appare l’eccellenza dei vitigni come lo Chardonnay, il Fiano, il Müller-Thurgau e il Viognier sono forse i più diffusi. Il Sauvignon Blanc e il Reislings stanno iniziando a diffondersi anch’essi per produrre vini di ottima qualità che presto si uniranno a tutti quelli che già appartengono all’Olimpo dei Vini.
There are women who give you the necessary strength in life, the stimulating passion, the satisfying intensity, fill your soul, underline its meaning and are like a summer day or night, an enveloping and satisfying companion, who brings counsel and removes the thorns of the day from the soul. These are the red wines. Then there are women who give the meaning of flowers, who celebrate the lightness of spring, the vital thrill of a love and which you know you can feed without fear, for the simplicity they have, the devotion they bring and the light they are. They are like a spring day, transparent and with a scent of flowers, full of joy and generous, brilliant love. These are the white wines. And this is the beauty of wines and the skill of winemakers: to create different personalities that can satiate every part of yours. I approach the reds with respect and the whites with joy. I love the white wine as you love a rainbow or a tree in bloom, whether they are the most renowned, or those humble and poor whites that you serve as house wine in small off-the-beaten-path restaurants. I begin to talk about Sicilian white grapes starting from the mythical and ancient Zibibbo, the sweet grape that as a child was the kiss of the gods for me, it was so sweet and strong. Not that I drank wine (my grandfather filled me half a glass only when I was twenty), but Zibibbo's sweet wine was part of many dessert recipes and its scent alone opened my heart. The Grillo was an unexpected discovery. Until a few years ago it was blended with the most famous grapes of Inzolia, Catarratto and Damaschino to produce Marsala. When I discovered it in a small restaurant close to the sea, its fruity taste enhanced the fish and sparkled in the mouth as it descended lightly in the throat to cool off from the hot day. I really love Inzolia, the grape brought by the Normans, also used to give lightness and aromas to Marsala or other wines. On its own, however, it appears simple but conquers its velvety freshness, its flavor of herbs and hazelnuts, its fruity intensity. I have no memory of Catarratto because it is a grape used to consolidate other great wines of eastern Sicily and Etna, but it strengthens the body and lights up its aroma. The Carricante was a pleasant surprise because I had always thought of Etna wines as intensely red and with a thick and heavy body. On the other hand, an excellent Champagne Brut method is also produced with this grape. Its volcanic nature can be understood from its salinity but the floral aroma and the taste of apple and anise amaze and cheer. Grecanico is a family wine. I always try to have a bottle in the fridge because it is easy to drink, enriching the taste with any dish. Moscato Bianco is another precious grape with which Moscato di Noto DOC is produced, a harmonious and refined dessert wine, perhaps too noble for our table. Malvasia Bianca is another grape whose wine has always been very popular with the English from Shakespeare who mentions it in his works, to Admiral Nelson who filled his ships with it. Lately many other non-native wines are spreading to create more and more refined wines. Among them appears the excellence of the grape varieties such as Chardonnay, Fiano, Müller-Thurgau and Viognier are perhaps the most widespread: Sauvignon Blanc and Reislings are also starting to spread to produce wines of excellent quality that will soon join all those that already belong to the Olympus of Wines.
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So as an ERB fan...
So as an ERB fan there are some battles I would love to see happen such as: 1) Audie Murphy ( one of the most honored soldiers in history ) V.S. Captain America. 2) Joseph Smith ( Founder of Mormonism ) V.S. L. Ron Hubbard ( Founder of Scientology ) with a Guest Run-In of Jim Jones ( Johns Town Cult Leader ) or David Koresh ( Waco Cult Leader ) 3) Buffy the Vampire Slayer V.S. Abraham Van Hellsing with Guest Run-In of Sam and Dean Winchester or Ash Williams ( Evil Dead ) 4) Captain Picard V.S. Captain Nemo 5) Bram Stoker ( Author of Dracula ) V.S. Stephenie Myers ( Author of Twilight ) with a Guest Run-In of Marry Shelly ( Author of Frankenstein ) 6) Patrick Bateman ( American Psycho ) V.S. Jeffery Dahmer with a possible Guest Run-In of Norman Bates. 7) The Phantom of the Opera V.S. Liberace with Guest Run-In of Little Richard 8) The Shadow V.S. Zorro with a Guest Run-In of Robin Hood 9) Frasier Crane V.S. D.R. Loomis ( from Halloween ) 10) Barnabus Collins ( From Dark Shadows ) V.S. Edward Cullen ( Twilight ) 11) The Three Musketeers V.S. The Three Stooges 12) Heinrich Himmler V.S. Dick Cheney 13) Peter Pan V.S. Alice Liddell  14) Cortana V.S. Skynet 15) J.M. Berrie ( Author of Peter Pan ) V.S. J.K. Rowling ( Author of Harry Potter )
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hintergrundrauschen · 5 years
An den surrealistisch-postmodernen Subkulturtheoretiker Norman O. Brown richtet Marcuse […] in den späten 60ern Jahren die Frage: »die große Vereinigung und Verschmelzung der Gegensätze, die Aufhebung jeglicher Trennung zwischen männlich und weiblich, zwischen Selbst und Außenwelt, dein und mein, Leib und Geist – enthält diese letzte Versöhnung der Gegensätze den Gedanken der Befreiung?« Marcuses Antwort ist eindeutig und in diesem Punkt von jeder Ambivalenz frei: »Und innerhalb des historischen Universums (des einzigen, das in irgendeinem bedeutungsvollen Sinn jemals das Universum von Freiheit und Erfüllung sein kann) gibt es Teilungen und Grenzen, die real sind und sogar dann noch bestehen bleiben werden, wenn Freiheit und Erfüllung erlangt worden sind, denn alle Lust und alles Glück und alle Menschlichkeit hat darin ihren Ursprung und lebt in und mit diesen Teilungen und Grenzen. Man kann der Spannung ihre Aggressivität, ihre Zerstörungskraft nehmen, sie kann jedoch nie abgeschafft werden, denn ihre Abschaffung – Freud wußte dies wohl – wäre Tod, und zwar nicht in einem symbolischen, sondern in einem sehr realen Sinn. Und wir wollen immer noch leben, innerhalb unserer Grenzen und Teilungen, und wir wollen sie zu unseren eigenen machen, anstatt ihre Bestimmungen unseren Vätern und Führern und Vertretern zu überlassen. Es gibt sogar etwas wie Eigentum, und es ist ein Faktor und ein Bestandteil wahrer Freiheit – Marx wußte dies wohl: es ist das, was mit Recht mein ist, da ich von dir verschieden bin und mit dir und für dich nur in dieser Verschiedenheit sein kann. Und es gibt andere, Fremde, die Fremde bleiben müssen, die meinen oder deinen Bereich nicht betreten dürfen, da es keine im Voraus festgesetzte Harmonie gibt, und ihr Anderssein beruht nicht auf irgendeiner wirtschaftlichen Position, noch auf sozialem Status, auf rassischem oder nationalem Erbe, sondern auf ihrem eigenen Selbst und ihrem eigenen Körper, die ihre eigene Dynamik, ihre eigenen Freuden und Leiden haben.
Herbert Marcuse zit. nach: Brunkhorst, Hauke (1992): Kritik der modernen Rationalität, in: Institut für Sozialforschung (Hg.): Kritik und Utopie im Werk von Herbert Marcuse, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt a. M., S. 152f.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“Weston Man Accused of Baseball Bat Slaying of Mother,” Windsor Star. February 9, 1942. Page 7. ---- Aged Uncle Also Beaten ---- Says Nephew Attacked Him After Charging Sister Killed ---- TORONTO. Feb. 9. - Norman Redmond, 28, of nearby Weston, Sunday was charged with murder after he allegedly attacked and beat his 62-year- old mother to death with a baseball bat and then battered an uncle, Edward Redmond, 69, with a bread board. 
MET BY SISTER POLICE said the tragedy occurred after a family gathering at the home of the widowed mother Saturday night. Shortly after 6 p.m. two daughters, Helen Redmond and Mrs. Kay Barnes, with Dick Barnes, the daughter's husband, left the house, leaving Norman and his mother alone. 
Another daughter, Gladys, told police she was returning home from Fork a short time later, and met Norman on the street. She asked him where he was going but he did not answer. When she arrived home she found her mother lying dead on the kitchen floor. 
Meanwhile, Norman Is alleged to have walked to the home of his uncle half a mile away. 
TELLS OF ATTACK "He came walking tn the door with his overcoat on, and I asked him to take it off," Edward Redmond told police. “He just looked at me and then said 'You killed Rita.’ She is his older sister who works as a domestic servant but I haven't seen her for years. ‘You killed Rita and she's dead in your woodshed’.”   Redmond took his nephew to the woodshed and showed him there was no one there. On their return to the house, Norman said he was going to lie down on a couch but as his uncle turned his back, Norman picked up a breadboard and struck him over the head with it, Redmond said. 
"I was knocked to the floor, but I got up and yelled murder, the uncle said. “I tried to get out the front door, but it was locked. He came after me again and broke the board over my head. I got my foot on it so he couldn’t pick it up, and then he started into me with his fists. He floored me and left me nearly unconscious.”
ATTACKS POLICEMEN Norman was found by Dick Barnes and a brother. Alfred Redmond, as he returned home from his uncles house. They took him home in Barnes’ car. 
Police said Norman at first denied any knowledge of his mother's death or having met his sister, Gladys, as he left the house but later made a statement to Chief J. E. Holley, of Weston police. 
When taken into custody, he was reported to have been calm at first but later lashed out with his fists at Chief Holley and kicked and scratched an accompanying policeman. 
Dr. I. H. Erb, pathologist, who performed an autopsy on the slain woman on Sunday, reported death resulted from a fractured skull and brain concussion. There was evidence of repeated blows.
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realtime1960s · 2 years
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June 19, 1962 - Marching bands, 119 loud and strong, took over Mason City, Iowa, today to the accompaniment of cheers and applause from a crowd estimated at 75,000. The occasion was the parade launching an all-day celebration that included the 24th annual North Iowa Band Festival, a national high school marching band contest, and the press premiere of the film version of “The Music Man,” the musical by Meredith Willson (pictured). Mason City is Mr. Willson’s hometown and the “River City” of his musical. A silver baton in hand, he led the Mason City High School band. The band played “76 Trombones,” and the crowd clapped to the beat of the big bass drum. Stars of the movie, including Robert Preston and Shirley Jones, and Gov. Norman Erbe and U.S. Senator Jack Miller of Iowa were on the reviewing stand as the kaleidoscope of colorfully costumed bands marched by.
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dermontag · 2 years
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Vom Liebling zur Reizfigur Der Absturz von Golf-Superstar Phil Mickelson 19.05.2022, 20:31 Uhr Die Diskussionen um die Abwesenheit des in Ungnade gefallenen Golf-Superstars Phil Mickelson überlagern den Start der PGA Championship. "Lefty" ist abgetaucht, aus dem Publikumsliebling eine Reizfigur geworden, der Ruf ruiniert. Es geht in der Debatte vor allem um Saudi-Arabien. Selbst Tiger Woods musste irgendwann den Elefanten im Raum ansprechen. Natürlich sei es "immer enttäuschend", kritisierte der Golf-Superstar vor dem Start der PGA Championship, "wenn der Titelverteidiger nicht hier ist". Gemeint war Phil Mickelson, der seit Wochen beharrlich schweigt. Und doch dreht sich in diesen Tagen alles um den in Ungnade gefallenen Ausnahmekönner. Es ist nur ein Jahr her, da war Mickelson noch der gefeierte Held. Als ältester Majorsieger begeisterte er die Fans. Doch inzwischen ist "Lefty" abgetaucht, aus dem Publikumsliebling eine Reizfigur geworden, der Ruf ruiniert. Seine Absage als Vorjahressieger für das Turnier in Tulsa polarisiert, vor allem geht es in der hitzigen Diskussion aber um viel Geld aus Saudi-Arabien. Eine neue milliardenschwere Turnierserie, finanziert vom saudischen Staatsfonds, spaltet die Golfwelt. Aussagen wie die von Organisator Greg Norman, mit denen er den Mord am Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi im saudischen Konsulat in Istanbul zuletzt heruntergespielt hatte ("Jeder von uns macht mal Fehler"), sorgten für Kopfschütteln. Dass die PGA Tour ihren Profis die Teilnahme an der Konkurrenz-Serie quasi verbietet, zeigt die verhärteten Fronten ganz deutlich. Herbe Kritik von Tiger Woods Und Mickelson? Der soll eine der zentralen Figuren der neuen Tour werden - und sicher nicht nur weil der exzessive Zocker in den vergangenen Jahren angeblich 40 Millionen Dollar verspielt haben soll. Seit er sich aber vor einigen Wochen im Gespräch mit einem Biografen über die Saudis an sich ("scary motherfuckers") und die PGA ("manipulativ") um Kopf und Kragen geredet hatte, ist es vorerst still geworden. Kritischen Fragen kann der sechsmalige Majorchampion so aus dem Weg gehen, stattdessen wird aber über ihn gesprochen. Mehr zum Thema "Phil hat einige Dinge gesagt, gegen die sich viele von uns, die sich der Tour und dem Erbe der Tour verpflichtet fühlen, gewehrt haben", betonte Woods. Es gebe da draußen "viel Geld", aber es sei "wie bei jedem anderen Sport auch. Man muss da rausgehen und es sich verdienen." Mickelson habe seine Meinung, "wohin sich das Golfspiel entwickeln wird. Ich habe meine." Anders als etwa der deutsche Golfprofi Martin Kaymer, der ebenfalls mit der Saudi-Tour in Verbindung gebracht wird, aber zunächst im Southern Hills Country Club am Start ist, stehen Woods und zahlreiche andere Stars zur US-Tour. Die Debatte überlagert den Beginn des zweiten Majors in diesem Jahr. Wo Mickelson das Turnier verfolgt, ist nicht bekannt.
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paradisehq · 4 years
Can I see a list of soulmates? I'd love to apply for a pair!
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Here’s the list !
Erik Erb (Michael B. Jordan fc) is looking for their soulmate who looks like any female fc. Their soulmate marking is a tiger.
Rosalie Song (Gemma Chan fc) is looking for their soulmate who looks like Chris Evans, Can Yaman, or 30+ male fc. Their soulmate marking is a crescent moon.
Roxxi Harrington (Margot Robbie fc) is looking for their soulmate who looks like Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, or any older male actor. Their soulmate marking is a sun.
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molemanninethousand · 4 years
Special thanks again to Fruzmig; without her artwork, realizing this video would have been very much infeasible. Likewise to Skeep Tieel, and I would say the same for Timothy Brandolino as well, but he sadly seems for whatever reason to have dropped off the face of the internet sometime shortly after he recorded this, which is a shame as he certainly did a serviceable job of “talking to himself” on this track.
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tellusepisode · 4 years
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
Animation, Adventure, Comedy |
The Princess and the Frog is a American animated musical fantasy comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The 49th Disney animated feature film, the film is loosely based on the novel The Frog Princess by E. D. Baker, which is in turn based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “The Frog Prince”. Written and directed by Ron Clements and John Musker.
Set in 1926 New Orleans, the film tells the story of a hardworking waitress named Tiana who dreams of opening her own restaurant. After kissing a prince who has been turned into a frog by an evil voodoo sorcerer, Tiana becomes a frog herself and must find a way to turn back into a human before it is too late.
In 1912 New Orleans, a girl named Tiana and her friend Charlotte La Bouff listen to Tiana’s mother read the story of The Frog Prince. Charlotte, being a believer of true love, finds the story to be romantic, while Tiana proclaims she will never kiss a frog. In 1926, Tiana has grown into an aspiring young chef who works as a waitress for two local diners, so she can save enough money to start her own restaurant, a dream she shared with her father, who is implied to have died in World War I.
Prince Naveen of Maldonia arrives in New Orleans to better his financial situation. After being cut off by his parents for being a philanderer and spendthrift, Naveen intends to marry a rich Southern belle, and Charlotte is the perfect candidate. Eli “Big Daddy” La Bouff, a rich sugar baron and Charlotte’s father, is hosting a masquerade ball in Naveen’s honor.
Directors: Ron Clements, John Musker
Writers: Ron Clements, John Musker, Greg Erb, Jason Oremland, Rob Edwards
Stars: Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos, Michael-Leon Wooley, Jim Cummings, Jennifer Cody, John Goodman, Keith David, Peter Bartlett, Jenifer Lewis, Oprah Winfrey
Anika Noni Rose…Tiana (voice)Bruno Campos…Prince Naveen (voice)Keith David…Dr. Facilier (voice)Michael-Leon Wooley…Louis (voice)Jennifer Cody…Charlotte La Bouff (voice)Jim Cummings…Ray (voice)Peter Bartlett…Lawrence (voice)Jenifer Lewis…Mama Odie (voice)Oprah Winfrey…Eudora (voice)Terrence Howard…James (voice)John Goodman…‘Big Daddy’ La Bouff (voice)Elizabeth Dampier…Young Tiana (voice)Breanna Brooks…Young Charlotte (voice)Ritchie Montgomery…Reggie (voice)Don Hall…Darnell (voice)Paul Briggs…Two Fingers (voice)Jerry Kernion…Mr. Henry Fenner (voice)Corey Burton…Mr. Harvey Fenner (voice)Michael Colyar…Buford (voice)Emeril Lagasse…Marlon the Gator (voice)Kevin Michael Richardson…Ian the Gator (voice)Randy Newman…Cousin Randy (voice)Terence Blanchard…(credit only)Danielle Moné Truitt…Georgia (voice)Keith Anthony…(voice)Kwesi Boakye…Newspaper Boy (voice)Roger Aaron Brown…(voice)June Christopher…(voice)David Cowgill…(voice)Peter Del Vecho…(voice)Terri Douglas…(voice)Jeff Draheim…(voice)Rob Edwards…(voice)Eddie Frierson…(voice)Al Hebron…(voice)Bridget Hoffman…(voice)Kelly Hoover…(voice) (as Kellie Hoover)Rif Hutton…(voice)Wolfgang Wesley Hutton…(voice)Margaret Johnson-Holzendorf…(voice)John Kassir…(voice)Jennifer Kilger…Swooning Girl (voice)Mona Marshall…(voice)John Musker…(voice)Allison Norman…(voice)Phil Proctor…Cajun Firefly (voice)Peter Renaday…(voice)Lynwood Robinson…(voice)Kimberly Russell…(voice)Lorry Ann Shea…(voice)Bruce W. Smith…(voice)Elissa Sussman…(voice)Fred Tatasciore…(voice)Claudette Wells…(voice)Marlon West…(voice)Joe Whyte…(voice)Seth R. Williamson…Prince Ralphie (voice)Shanda M. Williamson…(voice)Shane R. Williamson…(voice)Mick Wingert…Travis (voice)
Sources: imdb & wikipedia
The post The Princess and the Frog (2009) first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
from WordPress https://www.tellusepisode.net/the-princess-and-the-frog-2009.html
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aspumoni · 4 years
How is James Buchanan (1772-1851), Her Majesty’s British Consul to New York, related to -~-~ Joseph Seagram (1841-1919), founder of Seagram distillers?
James Buchanan                                          
Elizabeth Clarke                                                        
William Buchanan                                                        
Mary Crysler
James Buchanan                                                  Joseph Seagram
 1849-1944                                                                 1841-1919
           +                                                                              +
Emmelina Morrison                                                  Stephanie Erbs
 1855-1935                                                                 1847-1909
           |                                                                                   |
Gladys Buchanan                              +                  Norman Seagram
 1883-1977                                                                  1879-1963
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Sensor Sweep: 10/14/2019
Comic Books (13th Dimension): “Nearly 50 years after he first brought the Cimmerian to the pages of Marvel Comics, the incredible ROY THOMAS returns to script the SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN! Teamed with the legendary ALAN DAVIS, get ready for an unforgettable chapter in the saga of Conan, as the barbarian leads a mysterious band of adventurers into the Himelian Mountains in search of a lost comrade. But Conan may get more than he bargained for as the startling truth behind the quest is uncovered!”
Art (DMR Books): ERB’s Amtor and Barsoom. Moorcock’s “Old Mars.” Norman’s Gor. Ken Bulmer’s Kregen/Antares. Artist Richard Hescox—who turns 70 today—has painted them all over the course of five decades, making him one of the preeminent living artists in the Sword and Planet field. Richard made his first professional sales to Marvel Comics after Neal Adams gave him a recommendation, doing several covers for Marvel’s black-and-white magazine line.
Art (The Silver Key): But up on the sunlit third floor gallery Tom’s paintings were vibrant and powerful. Tom walked me through pictures of knights in renaissance armor, burning spacecraft, beautiful enchantresses, and scenes from Arizona where he lived for a short stretch in the 1980s. An image of King Lear brooding over his life as he looks into a rapidly fading sunset. Tom also showed me several conceptual pieces which I found particularly arresting, including this one (above, left) of a soul embracing and thus breaking free of the fear of death which looms over all our collective shoulders.
Tolkien (Notion Club Papers): One of the loveliest, most skilful and poignant passages of Lord of the Rings is easily skimmed-over; coming on the journey of Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli; as they ride between Fangorn Forest and the Golden Hall of King Theoden in Rohan. Here Tolkien shows what Fantasy Fiction can do, because the Rohirrim are ‘us’, the readers – especially if we are English; since Rohan does not just represent a version of our Anglo Saxon past; but is also the race of beings from-which modern Men have mostly descended.
RPG (Matthew J. Constantine): If you’re a Keeper for Call of Cthulhu, and you’re thinking about setting your game in Arkham, you should almost certainly get a copy of this.  Keith Herber (without any Sasquatch) gives a nice, info-packed guide to the storied city where so many of Lovecraft’s tales of horror were centered.
It starts with a brief history of the city, exploring some of its founding fathers, and the religions and political reasons for them setting up shop on the ‘ol Miskatonic River.
D&D (Brain Leakage): As I mentioned in this post a couple of months back, I’ve always played the game by cobbling rules together from various editions. But I’m going to give Demilich Jim a big hat-tip here for borrowing the perfect term for it from the model-building community. Demilich Jim also wrote an awesome thread about a month ago, one that’s well worth a read for anyone with plans to do some D&D kitbashing.
Cartoons (Entertainment Weekly): “Years ago, it started off as a kids 6-11 show about this little caveman and he has a little dinosaur friend and they have adventures together,” Tartakovsky tells EW. “Then, as my tastes started to grow and I felt like I’m not sure where I’m heading with this, it organically started to develop into something more mature.” The biggest turning point for Primal, shifting away from that kids concept to what it is today, came when Tartakovsky read Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian stories, first published in the 1930s.
Fiction (Gardner F. Fox): By the telling of Mr. Fox’s version of Jean du Dunois’s life, he was a bastard and made a few of them himself along the way. The first chapter has Jean climbing into the room of the man, Raoul D’Anquetonville, that had his father assassinated, only to run into Raoul’s wife. So instead of killing her, he gives her a child, knowing the whole world knows the old Raoul is too old to sire a child, their reputation would be dragged into the dirt. Not a bad way to seek revenge and start a story.
Art & History (Adams Planes): Alex Raymond made a famous mark for himself when he created Flash Gordon in 1934.  His groundbreaking use of color and attention to detail are widely recognized as setting new standards in the comic art form.  His career was cut short, at age 46, by an auto accident in 1956 but by then he had created three other cartoon strips that also became popular … ‘Secret Agent X-9’, ‘Rip Kirby’ and ‘Jungle Jim’.
T.V. (Closer Weekly): “If there wasn’t a Man From Atlantis, I wouldn’t have
been on Dallas,” Patrick exclusively told Closer Weekly at Nostalgiacon. “For starters, the producer of Dallas, when he was creating the original show, was filming a different one, right next door to me on Man From Atlantis. He requested me to play the part of Bobby; I never auditioned for it. Had he not been there, next door to where I was doing Atlantis, that opportunity may never have presented itself to me. So Atlantis is very important in my career.”
RPG (Matthew J. Constantine): Cyberpunk is a subgenre that’s always appealed to me, for reasons that are often beyond me.  I’m not into computers, never was. I’m not much of a tech person at all, really. But there’s something about the aesthetic, the attitude, etc. that’s made me a lifelong fan.  From early movies like “Bladerunner” to tertiary works like the TV miniseries “Wild Palms,” or blockbusters as far flung as “The Matrix” and “Mad Max: Fury Road,” and low budget crap like “Cyborg” and “Nemesis.”
Art (Paperback Palette): Beginning in August, 1978, and ending in May, 1982, Bantam, under the guidance of their legendary art director Leonard P. Leone Sr., began issuing a series of non-Robert E. Howard material continuing and supplementing the much earlier Lancer/Ace Conan paperback series. Bantam numbered their paperback volumes in order of intended publication and only on the spine, but in the event volume 5 was issued after volume 6, and volume 7 was issued without numbering.
Amateur Press (Howard History): If you’re reading this blog, you may be aware of the Robert E. Howard United Press Association or REHupa (pronounced “ray-hoop-uh”), an amateur press association that is focused on Howard and his writing. If you’re not, REHupa is a bunch of people who occasionally send in 35 or so copies of a fanzine that they have produced to an “editor.” The editor combines all the ‘zines into mailings and sends them back out to the members so that everyone gets a copy of everyone else’s work.
Sword & Sorcery (DMR Books): “I guess heavy metal means different things to different people. To me, one of these elements is living one’s life as a free and wild entity and casting off the chains of oppression. Just going beyond the threshold, in general. This is one of the reasons people get into black magick and some of the philosophies dealing with the Left-Hand-Path.”
Sensor Sweep: 10/14/2019 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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italianaradio · 5 years
Spider-Man: 10 villain che vorremmo vedere nel nuovo film
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/spider-man-10-villain-che-vorremmo-vedere-nel-nuovo-film/
Spider-Man: 10 villain che vorremmo vedere nel nuovo film
Spider-Man: 10 villain che vorremmo vedere nel nuovo film
Spider-Man: 10 villain che vorremmo vedere nel nuovo film
L’universo cinematografico inaugurato dalla Sony con Venom ha aperto le porte ad un franchise che vedrà protagonisti alcuni villain della ricca galleria dei fumetti su Spider-Man, ma ora che Peter Parker è tornato nelle mani dello studio dopo la fine dell’accordo con la Disney, ci sono molte possibilità di vedere al cinema lo scontro tra il supereroe e uno di questi personaggi.
Quali sono i nostri favoriti? Leggete qui sotto:
Carnage è stato annunciato nel sequel di Venom e ad interpretarlo sarà Woody Harrelson, ma trattandosi di un personaggio così iconico per la storia a fumetti di Spider-Man è impossibile non pensare che la Sony abbia in serbo dei piani riguardo lo scontro tra il villain e Peter Parker. Ovviamente dovremmo aspettare l’esito di Venom 2, e c’è chi sostiene che saranno proprio Spidey e Eddie Brock – come un team – ad affrontarlo nel prossimo film…
Norman Osborn
Dopo Thanos, un altro villain arriverà sul grande schermo ribaltando tutti gli equilibri, e quale miglior candidato di Norman Osborn potrebbe animare l’universo Sony? I fan dei fumetti sanno che Osborn è l’alter ego di uno dei più famosi nemici di Spider-Man, Green Goblin, ma anche molto più di questo: è un genio criminale capace di diventare perfino capo dello S.H.I.E.L.D. e leader dei Dark Avengers. Ha denaro, potere e sufficiente influenza per conquistare il mondo ed è abbastanza folle per riuscirci.
Black Cat
Pochi personaggi dei fumetti di Spider-Man hanno attraversato così tanti cambiamenti come Felicia Hardy, alias Black Cat. Prima inizia nei panni di una criminale, poi passa dalla parte di Spider-Man e diventa un’anti-eroina e amante occasionale di Spidey, mentre più tardi – quando Octopus prende il posto di Peter Parker trasformandosi nell’Uomo Ragno Superiore – viene attaccata dal suo ex alleato, e ciò la spinge a diventare un super criminale a tutti gli effetti. Sappiamo inoltre che la Sony sta progettando di portare il personaggio al cinema nel suo universo cinematografico…
Daredevil resta l’unica serie di Netflix, insieme a Jessica Jones, abbastanza forte da sopravvivere alle critiche, e il successo di questo progetto è dovuto in gran parte al ritratto impeccabile di Vincent D’Onofrio di Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, capo della società criminale di Hell’s Kitchen che nei fumetti cerca di controllare tutta New York. Le sue scellerate imprese lo hanno costantemente messo in disaccordo con Spider-Man, quindi non è forse arrivato il momento di fargli fare il salto sul grande schermo dove potrebbe finalmente combattere contro Peter Parker?
Il nuovo film su Spidey sembra il momento perfetto per introdurre uno degli antagonisti più rognosi per lo SHIELD, ovvero Camaleonte (alter-ego di Dmitri Smerdyakov). Si tratta di una super-spia e maestro del travestimento, che sfoggia le sue doti di attore per commettere i suoi crimini; può impersonare perfettamente quasi chiunque ed è un membro prezioso dell’ HYDRA, del KGB e dei Sinistri Sei, nonostante non abbia poteri sovraumani.
Abbiamo visto Prowler lo scorso anno in Spider-Man: Un Nuovo Universo e quella versione del personaggio è stata davvero eccezionale, ma nulla toglie che un altro adattamento venga portato al cinema in live action. In Spider-Man: Homecoming c’era già Aaron Davis interpretato da Donald Glover, quindi chi dice che non tornerà in azione nell’universo Sony?
Le riprese di Morbius, secondo spin-off targato Sony dopo Venom, si sono concluse pochi mesi fa con Jared Leto di nuovo nei panni di un antieroe (dopo il Joker di Suicide Squad), e stavolta proveniente dall’universo di Spider-Man: si tratta infatti di Michael Morbius, meglio conosciuto dai lettori dei fumetti come “il vampiro vivente”, un brillante scienziato affetto da leucemia a cui viene iniettato il sangue di un pipistrello per sopravvivere. Che sia lui il prossimo avversario di Peter?
Doctor Octopus
Alfred Molina ci ha già offerto una eccezionale versione cinematografica del Dottor Otto Octavius (aka Doctor Octopus) in Spider-Man 2 di Sam Raimi, ma i fan vogliono vedere ancora il personaggio in azione interpretato da un altro attore e trattandosi di uno dei villain più iconici dei fumetti è lecito aspettarsi il suo ritorno nel franchise.
Un altro desiderio dei fan è vedere nel nuovo percorso cinematografico di Peter Parker Sergei Kravinoff, ovvero Kraven, che nei fumetti abbraccia un’unica missione di vita: catturare Spider-Man e dimostrare che è il più grande cacciatore del mondo intero. Per farlo usa varie erbe della giungla per migliorare i suoi sensi e portarli ad un livello quasi sovrumano, spesso preferendo le sue mani alle armi.
Concludiamo con l’ipotesi più ovvia ma anche più entusiasmante: Venom ha inaugurato l’universo della Sony con Tom Hardy nei panni di Eddie Brock, e nei fumetti il simbionte odia Peter Parker perché l’unica persona esistente in grado di resistere al fascino degli alieni. I due hanno raggiunto una tregua un paio di volte nei fumetti, ma sarebbe bello vederli scontarsi al cinema in un epico faccia a faccia…
Leggi anche – Spider-Man: i 10 progetti mai realizzati di SONY
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Spider-Man: 10 villain che vorremmo vedere nel nuovo film
L’universo cinematografico inaugurato dalla Sony con Venom ha aperto le porte ad un franchise che vedrà protagonisti alcuni villain della ricca galleria dei fumetti su Spider-Man, ma ora che Peter Parker è tornato nelle mani dello studio dopo la fine dell’accordo con la Disney, ci sono molte possibilità di vedere al cinema lo scontro tra […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Cecilia Strazza
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swipestream · 6 years
Sensor Sweep: Joe Jusko, Witch World, Battlefleet
Illustration (Scoop): Beginning in September, Joe Jusko, in conjunction with ERB, Inc. will be creating brand new cover art and frontispieces for every Edgar Rice Burroughs novel (over 80, in total), forming the first completely unified Burroughs library by one artist. 
The pantheon of incredible talent who have loaned their vision to cover ERB’s works over the years is a veritable Who’s Who of high fantasy art, including J. Allen St. John, Frank Frazetta, Roy Krenkel, Michael Whelan, Neal Adams, and Boris Vallejo, and many others. While several, like Frazetta, have produced an incredible wealth of imagery over many series, no one artist has illustrated every single volume. 
  Fiction (Every Day Should be Tuesday): Annnnd it’s a wrap!  Thank you for joining me for Tolkien 101 this summer.  Counting the announcement post and this one, Tolkien 101 stretched for 19 posts.  I covered The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, all nine movies based on Tolkien’s work, one computer game, Tolkien’s essay On Fairy Stories, and five nonfiction books.
  Fiction (Bushi SF/F): One book I’ve been looking forward to getting to is Witch World, by Andre Norton. I’ve already read several of her short stories and came away impressed with the quality and range of her writing. Apparently one of the tales takes place in the same setting as her signature work – the Witch World series.
This one has been on my radar for a while now and ties into my exploration of Appendix N – the list of authors and stories that contributed to the development of Dungeons and Dragons. Turns out Witch World has inspired other games, too.
      RPG (Sword Sorcery Blog Spot): For the first time in over three decades I played a session of D&D. Not only did I play with my eleven year old nephew and his friend and my wife, I also played with Densel E., the man who introduced me to the game, as well as another friend from my old gaming days.
I stopped playing D&D around 1983 in favor of other games; first DragonQuest, then Rolemaster, and finally the Hero System. First, a group of us had decided we wanted a system where armor made you harder to hurt but easier to hit. Secondly, we wanted one that awarded experience for cleverness and roleplaying and not just killing things.
    Pulps (Pulp Flakes): I thought that my species, the pulp writers of the Twenties and Thirties, had become extinct long ago. You can look in vain for the pulp paper magazines that were our habitat—Western Story Magazine, Triple-X, Ranch Romances, Battle Stories, All Detective, Adventure, All Story, Love Story, Amazing Stories, Black Mask, Air Stories, Wings, Battle Aces, Doc Savage, The Shadow, Spicy Stories and all those others.
      Cinema (Frontier Partisans): The trailer for Netflix’s Outlaw King (November 9) has just dropped. I’m in. All the way.
To my eyes, the tale of The Bruce and The Black Douglas and all them is a medieval frontier tale. Forests and fortresses; murder, mayhem and madness on the Celtic fringe (yes I know Bruce was of Norman descent). I mean, come on — in his most famous single combat, The Bruce tomahawked Henry De Bohun. Badass.
Fiction (Storyhack): The last story I read for the pre-Tolkien challenge was the luridly-named Temptress of the Tower of Torture and Sin by Robert E. Howard. I’d never even heard of this one until I was combing through archive.org’s pulp scans for this challenge. The version I found was a reprint in Avon Fantasy Reader. In my search, I also found another as-yet-unknown-to-me story called The Blonde Goddess of Bal-Sagoth, which I’ll certainly be reading soon.
The story itself is a lost civilization tale, and includes pretty much every appropriate trope you can toss into 17 pages. However, it’s woven in that way only Howard could weave, and it still works, even if it won’t top my favorites list.
RPG (Jeffro’s Space Gaming Blog): The question is asked, “What are your favorite ways of coming up with an engaging campaign plot line for role playing games?”
My answer to this is that it’s an inherently wrongheaded question: If your campaign has a plot line, you are not just doing it wrong. You have repudiated the very concept of fantasy role-playing games!
Publishing (Walker’s Retreat): P. Alexander appeared on Geek Gab yesterday. He’s the man behind Cirsova Magazine, and on the wake of a successful crowdfunding campaign he appears to talk about the fiction that drives the magazine as well as mentioning a new submissions window for October. If you’re out to get something into the upcoming issues, then this is your time well spent; have your notepads ready to jot down what he’s looking for to enhance your odds of getting accepted.
Gaming (Niche Gamer): Focus Home Interactive and developer Tindalos Interactive have announced a delay for Battlefleet: Gothic Armada 2.
The space-faring Warhammer 40,000-based real-time strategy game will forgo its planned 2018 release for one sometime in January of next year. Once released, the game will be available for Windows PC, via Steam.
Tindalos noted they wanted extra time to improve the game and polish it up further. What’s more, the extra dev time will let the team focus on expanding the planned cooperative play support into a whopping three story campaigns.
RPG (Mixed GM): I figured I would skip the “Equipment” chapter in the playtest document. After all, surely the equipment section would just be the usual list of tables with weapons, armor, and miscellaneous objects, along with their assorted prices. It’s important for a game to have this information.
But then, I saw this.
Gaming (Kairos): Admittedly, I didn’t know what to expect when I launched my Indiegogo campaign for Combat Frame XSeed. I certainly didn’t expect the initial funding goal to be met on the first day, let alone in fourteen hours. But that’s just what my generous backers did.
Sensor Sweep: Joe Jusko, Witch World, Battlefleet published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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