#Horace Boies
politicaldilfs · 8 months
Iowa Governor DILFs
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Belated Governor DILF entry that I started doing on the day of the caucus.
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Slughorn: You can't tell Evan and Barty what to do. I've been trying to do that since their first year. I remember when I try to separate their derks. Evan kicked me. Barty bit me. And some little punk kept saying "Leave them alone! They should get married!". Regulus: I was cute then, huh? Slughorn: Precious.
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coffeeanddimlights · 1 year
Your friendly reminder that of all the kids, Hugh canonically has the highest kill count in the books
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dragonsdendoodles · 3 months
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My boyfriend’s sister was proud of me for this one (she’s a Swiftie)
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nickstarking · 4 months
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okay okay but what if
Horace and Halt get back from skandia
and Horace asks Pauline why couriers in araluen don't wear short skirts like they do in gallica
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ashesandhackles · 1 year
'Be brave like my mother, Professor'
I have always loved the Harry-Slughorn scene in the books where Harry coerces pushes Slughorn into giving him the vital Horcrux memory, because of how strongly it parallels Tom Riddle. The quality of willingness to do whatever it takes for a larger goal.
The scene begins with Hagrid and Slughorn singing drunken songs, and Harry refilling the drink in the background (already paralleling Tom who got Hagrid to fess up Fluffy information in a bar). That already adds a coercive quality to the scene, given that Felix felicis also assures Harry that Slughorn won't remember handing over this memory tomorrow (which the films try to make consensual cos they can't have hero doing messed up things, but HJP is a lil messed up. That's why he is a great protagonist).
Anyway, in my recent re-read, I picked up something I hadn't realised before:
“No — well, I was only one when they died,” said Harry, his eyes on the flame of the candle flickering in Hagrid’s heavy snores. “But I’ve found out pretty much what happened since. My dad died first. Did you know that?” “I — I didn’t,” said Slughorn in a hushed voice. “Yeah . . . Voldemort murdered him and then stepped over his body toward my mum,” said Harry.
I have highlighted a line that Harry can't have known until the next book - until he actually sees his parents' murder through Voldemort's eyes. Until now, this is the information he has:
James' death:
Then came a new voice, a man’s voice, shouting, panicking — “Lily, take Harry and go, It’s him, Go! Run, I’ll hold him off~ The sounds of someone stumbling from a room — a door bursting open — a cackle of high-pitched laughter 
Lily's death:
“Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry,” “ Stand aside, you silly girl ... stand aside, now. ...” “ Stand aside, you silly girl ... stand aside, now. ...” “ Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead — ”
And of course, Voldemort's taunts in Philosopher's Stone, which he will reference. The detail about Voldemort stepping over his father's body towards his mum is constructed - something he may have imagined while replaying their last moments in his head in POA (which he is said to have done), and he particularly uses this line, of Voldemort casually degrading his father's body by stepping over it to really push Slughorn's buttons, to horrify him.
Respectability is important to Slughorn, and he will emotionally respond to callous details like this. Harry understands this, given what he observes about Slughorn over the course of this book.
And then Harry tells Slughorn what Voldemort said in Philosopher's Stone:
Slughorn gave a great shudder, but he did not seem able to tear his horrified gaze away from Harry’s face. “He told her to get out of the way,” said Harry remorselessly. “He told me she needn’t have died. He only wanted me. She could have run.” “Oh dear,” breathed Slughorn. “She could have ... she needn’t ... That’s awful. ...”
This is what Voldemort says:
but your mother needn’t have died ... she was trying to protect you. ... Now give me the Stone, unless you want her to have died in vain.”
Interesting how Harry uses a similar tactic on Slughorn later in the scene: "give me the memory or she would have died in vain".
Anyway, back to the scene. To make the scene even more horrifying for Slughorn, Harry infers Lily's motivations from what he has heard from his parents' last moments and says it to induce more horror:
“It is, isn’t it?” said Harry, in a voice barely more than a whisper. “But she didn’t move. Dad was already dead, but she didn’t want me to go too. She tried to plead with Voldemort ... but he just laughed. ...”
The idea that Harry replayed his parents' death over and over again back when he first heard their deaths, imagined their motivation, constructed a scene for himself is extremely sad. This is how he talks about it in POA:
D’you know what I see and hear every time a dementor gets too near me?” Ron and Hermione shook their heads, looking apprehensive. “I can hear my mum screaming and pleading with Voldemort. And if you’d heard your mum screaming like that, just about to be killed, you wouldn’t forget it in a hurry. And if you found out someone who was supposed to be a friend of hers betrayed her and sent Voldemort after her — ” “There’s nothing you can do!” said Hermione, looking stricken.
But the fact that he then uses something that is obviously a horrifying and personal memory against Slughorn is absolutely chilling.
Anyway, here is Harry taking the leaf out of Voldemort's book:
"But you won’t help her son,” said Harry. “She gave me her life, but you won’t give me a memory.” Harry looked steadily into Slughorn’s tear-filled eyes. The Potions master seemed unable to look away.
After which, Harry takes ownership of being the 'Chosen One' out loud to another person. That is, of course, important in context of next chapter because it also deals with statement and interrogates it.
It is only at the end of the scene that Harry offers mercy for Slughorn's guilt: "You'd cancel out anything you did by giving me that memory. It would be a very brave and noble thing to do."
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ardentinwoe · 4 months
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The one who walks with Fiends
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im holding horace somnusson so gently like fucking imagine you're twelve and get assigned the horrific prophetic nightmare superpower that makes monsters want to eat your eyes then everyone calls you a coward for being scared all the time of your prophetic nightmares or the monsters that want to eat your eyes
Full background below cut:
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chibimationss · 8 months
2021 - 2023 salad fingers art!!
realized recently that i've never actually posted any of this anywhere publicly, i usually would only share it in discord servers (david firth's server) or with small groups. so, without further ado... enjoy mr fingers and his friends!!
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and this isn't all of it, so brace yourself for the posts to come >:3
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mphfpcincorrectquotes · 4 months
After Miss P gets taken
Horace, to the others: 'Now, let's calmly recap.'
Horace, not calm: 'Miss Peregrine is dead! Miss Avocet is dead! We're trapped inside with the hollowgast and we're all gonna die!'
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houseofmouselove100 · 8 months
Here Peter Pan sings the song You Can't Fly in the House of Mouse version and teaches Donald to fly thanks to Tinker Bell's fairy dust
Guests were impressed
Donald was happy and after flying Tinkerbell kissed his cheek
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rowenas-my-fave-child · 7 months
Enoch and Horace modern outfits (ignore me not coloring Enoch’s skin I got lazy)
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dragonsdendoodles · 6 months
hello! do you have any enorace hcs youd like to share?
Off the top of my head (because it is midnight where I am and also I don’t want to make this the longest list I’ve ever made):
They both crushed on each other for multiple decades, but neither of them said anything because they didn’t want to mess up their friendship, internalized homophobia, and they didn’t think the other liked boys anyway
Horace is gay (duh) and Enoch doesn’t necessarily care about gender other than he just doesn’t like girls. For a while he was pretty insecure about this and if I may ever so slightly tweak canon, those “ymbryne crushes” were an attempt to tell the others he was definitely straight guys I promise (because read them and tell me I’m wrong.)
When they finally stopped being scared of each other and actually started dating, they told nobody. They tried to avoid anyone finding out for as long as possible (not because of any homophobia, just because they knew they’d get teased beyond belief about it) but they weren’t exactly subtle, so everyone else found out pretty quickly anyway.
Pretty much nothing changed between them when they got together except now they can do things like cuddle on the couch and kiss and stuff. They are best friends and boyfriends and they always have been and forever will be absolute menaces to society together.
Enoch isn’t overtly affectionate in front of other people but he will absolutely grab his boyfriend and kiss him while you watch to prove a point and call someone out for being a dick. Horace’s opinion on PDA of any kind is “excuse you, no, go away, this is MY thing. You can’t watch. Get out.”
In Hollow City they were absolutely not “too proud to snuggle”, they were gay panicking and didn’t want anyone (especially the other) to know it. Fight me.
Whenever they want to talk privately and just focus on each other, they sit with their foreheads together and whisper to each other. Horace really likes the nuzzling.
When they hold hands, their demeanors completely swap. Horace becomes calm and carefree, anything that was bothering him just kinda stops mattering, and Enoch is in full gay panic mode. The others think this is hilarious.
Enoch is one of the two people in Miss Peregrine’s house known for giving the best hugs because he does it so rarely, so the fact that Enoch hugs are something Horace gets regularly when they start dating is one of his favorite things ever.
While he absolutely still messes with and makes fun of Horace for everything under the sun, Enoch is surprisingly gentle when it comes to his boyfriend. He tells Horace every time it comes to his mind how much he loves him, and how proud he is of him for everything he does, and how he still doesn’t understand how on earth he managed to be with him but that he wouldn’t trade it for his life if he had to.
When Horace has a nightmare, Enoch’s the first at his side to comfort him. If he wakes up from it before it wakes anyone else, he goes straight to the basement for cuddles until morning. Protecting Horace from his nightmares is the only way you will ever find Enoch sleeping in his actual bed.
They are chaotic as always, and they still bicker like there’s no tomorrow, but they know they have each other. They’re in love, and that’s really all they need. 🖤💜
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peculiarlunatic · 6 months
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saw this and immediately thought of enorace
original tweet:
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fairytaleswithelsa · 7 months
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Part 1 of tiny-and-underrated-book-moments
Hugh and Fiona "snogging each other's face off" and being caught by Emma.
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