#Not a lot to say bout this one besides I’m pleased with the autograph stuff
kami-scribbles · 11 months
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I loved Freddy Fazbear’s, I wonder what happened to it
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actuallybarb · 4 years
The Aftermath ~ Part 9
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Summary: y/n finally goes to a safe house and lo and behold, still isn’t safe. y/n, like thor, has no regard for lawn maintenance 
Pairing: peter parker x reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, trauma
Word Count: 3744
A/N: yes i did indulge more sleepy trope, you’re welcome, but there’s a lot of angst right before it
Happy was outside of the school with a car, waiting for me, when I got out of my last class. I had to finish my chem test during lunch, but that was fine, because it was sloppy joe’s that day, and I prefer to know the kind of meat I’m putting in my body. I talked to the rest of my teachers about being gone for the week, and with Mr. Morita backing me up, none of them put up a big fuss.
“Hey, Happy.”
“Ready to go?”
“You have my stuff, right?” He nodded. “Then I’m ready.”
“Woah, you're the guy who works for Spider-Man!” Eugene stopped beside me while he was walking to his own car and his jaw dropped to the floor. “Are you taking Y/N so she can be an Avenger?”
I slapped my hand over his mouth and slowly started heating it up. “Eugene?” He looked at me. “Shut up.” I took my hand off before I could do anything more than scare him, but he looked like he was ready to piss himself. “Remember how I turned into a lava monster in London and killed a lot of people?” I whispered. “Now someone is trying to kill me for it. So I’d appreciate it if you would keep all of this to yourself, okay?” He nodded, and I took my hand off his shoulder. He hurried away. “Let’s get out of here before anyone else recognizes you, Happy.”
“Happy? Y/N?”
“Hey, Pete,” Happy called over my shoulder.
He stopped beside me. “Are you going to the compound?”
“The detectives are insisting I go to a safe house, so we compromised.” I leaned close and whispered, “One of the detectives wants Spider-Man’s autograph. Think you can make that happen?”
“I’ll practice my cursive,” he whispered back with a smile. He pulled me into a hug and said, “Take care of yourself, Y/N. I’ll see you on Friday.”
“You too, Pete.” I threw my backpack into the back seat and sat beside Happy in the front, which took him by surprise, but he just started the car and drove away.
“So, you and Peter?”
I looked over at Happy and scowled. “Nothing’s happening, no matter what Sam says otherwise.”
He just shrugged. “Hey, I haven’t heard anything. I just see the way you two look at each other.”
Despite my best efforts to keep my heart under control, it jumped at his words and the butterflies started flapping around in my stomach. Could Happy read minds? The thought had crossed my mind before, but now more than ever I thought it was true.
“Like what?”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I don’t know, Y/N, it’s just the look.” He glanced at me again, but I was actively avoiding eye contact. I knew if I did look at him I would just start crying, and I had avoided crying this whole time. But damn it, Happy was going to try. “You doing okay, kid?”
“Fucking peachy.”
“Yeah that’s what I thought.” He pulled off the road and into a five-minute parking spot, then turned and looked at me head on. “You can’t run away from this, Y/N. Try as you might, this is the real world, and it’s scaring the shit out of everyone. Why didn’t you come to Pepper after your mom disappeared?”
“I never thought to,” I admitted. “Sure, I hang out at the compound and get to pretend that I’m a superhero every other weekend, but I’ve known everyone for maybe two months? I — it just —“ I hung my head, the tears burning the corner of my eyes. “I’m just a kid, Happy. A kid that no one is especially attached to. I still had my dad, and I thought it could be handled.” I gestured at the car and him. “Clearly that isn’t the case.” I quickly wiped away the tears that had spilled over, hoping he didn’t see.
Well, he did. And he surprised me even more by pulling me across the center console into a quick hug. “You mean a lot more to everyone than you give yourself credit for, Y/N. Bucky nearly broke my arm for the keys because he wanted to be the one to pick you up. Pepper started calling private investigators the second you got off the phone last night and had FRIDAY checking cameras. Sam was ready to fly over all of Brooklyn to look for your dad. Don’t sell yourself short.” He pulled the car back onto the road and we slowly made our way to the compound, my chest a little less heavy.
Bucky practically dragged me out of the car and into a bone crushing hug the second Happy put it in park. “Thank god you’re okay.”
“It was a two hour drive, Bucky,” I said back. But I let myself completely relax in his arms. This was probably the safest I had felt in the last three days, and my body was feeling the difference. “Can we go inside?”
“‘Course.” He let go, but kept his metal arm wrapped around my shoulders. He grabbed one of my duffel bags and slowly walked with me into the compound. “Sam has a fat stack of pancakes waiting for you.”
An equally bone-crushing hug came from Captain America, and I almost broke down completely. “You’re okay, Y/N, we won’t let anything else happen to you.”
Anything else. God, the straw that broke the camel’s back. Because he knew what had already happened, but so help him if he wasn’t going to try and stop whatever happened next. “Thank you.”
“Come on, I got pancakes burning on the stove.”
Bucky put the rest of my stuff in my room, and the rest of the evening everyone watched movies and ate popcorn and tried to ignore the mounting terror that was growing in my throat.
It was around midnight when I walked into my own room, too tired to turn the light on. I kicked off my shoes and crawled into bed, jeans and all, but I felt something wet and sticky when I laid down completely. This wouldn’t have been the first prank pulled between myself and the Star Spangled Man with a Plan, but this felt different.
“FRIDAY, turn the lights on.”
I almost threw up. The sheets of my bed were covered in blood. I could feel it seeping into my clothes and hair. Who the hell got into the compound? Who the hell knew I was coming?
I started screaming — a perfectly natural response to the situation — and Wanda burst into my room. Her eyes were gleaming red and her magic was dancing on her hands. “Y/N, what the hell?”
I sat up completely and tried (and failed) to keep my voice from quivering as I said, “Wanda, can you call nine-one-one and get the officer from the patrol car in here, please?” She ran away quickly, already shouting out to FRIDAY.
I had seen enough cop shows to know not to move, because even my hair became evidence the second I laid down. “FRIDAY?”
“Yes, Ms. Y/L/N?”
“Y/N, what the hell, Wanda just told us —“ Sam and Bucky came crashing in, but stopped short at the sight of me covered in blood.
“Can one of you grab my phone and call ‘Detective Peralta?’”
Sam stepped forward and put the phone to his ear. “Yeah, this is Y/N Y/L/N’s phone. She has a couple things she wants to tell you.“ He put the call on speaker and held it close.
At this point, I was moving from my unbelievably-terrified phase to unbelievably-frantic phase. That didn’t make my urge to cry any less potent, but it at least helped me get through the next conversation. “Jake? Can I call you Jake? I feel like you’ve seen so much into my life in the last few days that I’ve earned the right to call you by your first name. Anyways, if you knew who you had just talked to on the phone you’d piss yourself. You’ll never —“
“Breathe, Y/N. Just shut up for a second and breathe.” I inhaled sharply, which was a bad call, because now all I could smell and taste was blood, which almost made me throw up all over again. “Okay, what did you call me about?”
“I’m laying in a pool of blood and I need you and the Nine-Nine to get here and do your fucking jobs because I’m freaking out.”
“Are you still at the safe house?”
“Yeah, and I don’t know where your patrol car officer is, but shouldn’t they be out here protecting me?” I would’ve kept chewing him and his precinct out, but Sam took the phone from my hand and gave Jake the ‘OK’ to come to the compound.
Wanda ran back with the officer behind her, both breathing heavy. “I brought. The officer.”
“About fucking time,” I muttered.
You’re acting like a bitch, Y/N.
Yeah, well, you unknowingly lay down in a pool of blood and tell me how pleasant you’re feeling afterward. ‘Frantic’ had left the building and ‘pissed as hell’ had taken full residence in my attitude. And the brunt of it was directed at the undeserving.
“Can you take some goddamn pictures already so I can get out of these clothes?”
“I, uh, should really wait for forensics.”
I groaned and looked at Bucky. “Do me a favor and give me something to throw.” He just stepped forward and held out his metal arm.
“How ‘bout something to hold onto.”
I ended up getting blood between the grooves of his plating, but Bucky assured me it was easy to clean. It took over an hour — even with all of their sirens — for the Nine-Nine to get to the compound, and another half hour on top of that for all of their pictures to be taken before I could shower and change clothes. Do you know how humiliating it is for a teenage girl to have to change and leave behind blood-soaked clothes for an entire forensics team to investigate and study? I hope you never have to know for yourself, because nothing made me want to claw my own eyes out and burn myself alive more than that.
I used Wanda’s shower, because her room was just across the hall, but I refused to sleep in a closed room anymore. I refused to even close my eyes, because it seemed that every time I blinked some other sort of shit hit the fan.
I was so fucking tired of hearing the sound of my own name.
“What’s the message this time, Jake?”
He didn’t bother sugar-coating it. He handed his phone over and I was too tired to stop the panic I felt in my throat as I looked at the barely-legible letters.
I will always find you.
“They are really milking this whole ‘five word message’ thing.” I handed his phone back to him. “It’s my blood, isn’t it?”
“You’re way better at this than you let on. Yeah, it’s your blood. Hopefully we can get something from the video footage, but given all of the connecting evidence, I’m thinking whoever is responsible will reach out in some way.” This was the part where he sighed heavily and looked disappointed in himself. “Unfortunately, because of the current state of the investigation, the FBI is going to be taking over this case. They’re already on their way to start their own investigation.”
“Of fucking course.” I stood up and started pacing, and before I knew it I was throwing pillows across the room. I reached for his glass of water and was ready to throw, but someone came up behind me and pulled my fingers away before I could cause any real damage. “Hey —“
Jess stood behind me and set the glass on the table. “Don’t start pulling that shit, Y/N. You haven’t thrown stuff since you were twelve.” Jake awkwardly stepped out of the living room, but it didn’t matter; you could’ve heard our conversation no matter where you were in the compound
I wiped at the tears on my cheeks. “Well I was twelve last time my parents left me, so, old habits.”
“Don’t go back to that, you’ve come too far.”
“Of course I’m acting like a twelve year old, that’s how I feel!” I groaned and grabbed another pillow, but this time I threw it at her. “I lost both of my parents in less than three days just when we were getting back to a good place! And all I want to do is scream and cry and burst into flame, but I have to be the adult and keep it all together when I feel like I’m dying!”
I didn’t care about how badly I was crying. I didn’t care about much of anything. I just wanted to finally have something as tangible and damaging in front of me as I did inside of me.
“Don’t tell me that I’m moving backwards, because I’m doing everything I can just to stand up straight.” I left her and ran through the front door, all the way to the edge of the property.
In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Iroh says lightning can only be handled by someone who is in balance. Well, that’s not necessarily true. Creating it, sure. But harnessing it from a different source? That’s a lot of emotion that has to be channeled into draining the power from one source and using it for yourself.
And boy did I have plenty of emotion.
I pulled the energy straight out of the sky. (Thor who?) It probably wasn’t the best idea, considering the sprinklers made everything in sight slightly damp, but I didn’t care; I couldn’t get fried, and anyone else stupid enough to follow me out here would soon learn a very important lesson.
My hands were glowing white with electricity. And I just kept pulling more and more of it out of the sky until all I could see was white.
And then I let it all go.
I screamed until my throat was raw. I screamed until I saw red. I screamed until there was nothing left in me, and then I kept screaming. The ground around me caved in and the blackened grass started smoldering and I still screamed.
And then I sobbed. I knelt on the grass and sobbed.
I was determined to just sleep outside that night, but the adult-ier adults had a different idea. It was Bucky who finally braved coming outside and getting me. “C’mon, Y/N, let’s get you in bed.” He ended up just carrying me back to the compound, but instead of going to Wanda’s room — where I thought he was headed — he skipped that hallway completely and chose the next one.
The one with Peter’s room.
He lightly kicked open the door and gently put me on the bed, but someone sat beside me on the bed. My eyes flew open, ready to attack, but when they adjusted to the darkness, I just gasped and jumped into his arms.
“Take care of her,” was all I heard Bucky say, and I felt Peter nod, but I didn’t dare look up. For a girl who’s barely known him for a year, I’ve become strongly attached to Peter Parker, and I was realizing now that he was a constant in my life that I sorely depended on (not so good in the long run, but I could worry about that later).
“How did you get here so fast?” A part of me wanted to look at his face and know it was Peter, but I kept my head in the crook of his neck, listening to his steady heartbeat and reassuring myself that was all I needed.
“Doctor Strange. Sam called him after you ran outside.”
I did finally look up at him, and tears I didn’t even know I had left decided to make an appearance. “Yeah, you never would’ve made it past the police line.”
He smiled softly (I would never get over that smile) and then leaned back. “Get some sleep, Y/N.”
He immediately felt the affect his words had on me. My heart jumped and started racing, my breathing picked up, my fists clenched. “Hey, hey, hey.” But one reassuring hand on my neck and jaw and I calmed down. Slightly. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good,” I choked out, “because I can’t lose anyone else I care about.”
I don’t remember falling asleep. I only remember a tangle of legs and Peter’s heartbeat under my ear.
Quentin Beck was holding me by the throat. “You couldn’t stop me from killing all of those people. You couldn’t stop me from hurting Peter. And now you can’t stop me from taking your parents.” MJ and Ned and Flash and Betty and Peter and Mom and Dad all formed out of the rubble and then disappeared before I could save them. Beck squeezed my neck tighter and tighter —
I gasped awake. I couldn’t breathe deeply enough, my lungs refused to fill completely, and it was still dark enough outside that I couldn’t see anything around me. “It wasn’t real, it wasn’t real, it wasn’t real.” I rubbed my hands over my eyes, trying to erase the nightmare, but it wouldn’t go away; Beck’s hands around my throat were still there, like a phantom pain.
Then a hand gently grabbed my leg and I heard a yelp as I blew a gust of air at whoever it was.
Peter landed on the ground with a thud.
I crawled to the edge and let my adjusted eyes focus on his outline. “Shit, Peter, I’m so sorry.”
He rubbed his elbow for a second but then looked up at me. “Are you okay?”
“I just airbended you off the bed and you’re asking me if I’m okay?”
He stood up and sat beside me, his hand finding mine. “You weren’t breathing, Y/N. You were choking on air and it was scaring the hell out of me.”
“It-“ I wrapped my fingers around his and took a shaky breath, finally feeling like I had enough air. “It was just a nightmare.”
��Okay.” He glanced around and his eyes landed on the alarm clock. 5:13. “Want to go train?”
I was fucking exhausted. But at this point, I was taking Jake’s word and waiting for the next move. So maybe training would do some good. “Yeah, okay.”
We trained well after the sun came up. Peter kept to the higher alcoves of the gym, while I liked to stay on the ground. But we did a couple ‘blindfold rounds’ until we could easily pick each other out amongst the ‘noise.’
“One more blindfold round,” he said through his teeth. One of the bots clipped him in the side and he was leaning heavily, but he insisted. “As hard as you’ve got, FRIDAY.”
We tied our blindfolds around our eyes one more time and took our stances. At this point, we weren’t just practicing our gifts; we were (at least I was) letting go of our inhibitions toward each other. My attention was on him and the bots and nothing else. (If I wasn’t sure how head over heels I was for this guy, I was pretty positive about it now.)
I wiggled my fingers in anticipation.
Peter’s shoes rubbed against the floor.
Don’t ask me how the tech worked. I still have no idea how they managed to create simulations that were actually tangible, but I was really grateful, because it meant Peter and I got accurate practice. I rolled forward, a shot barely edging above me, while Peter immediately went for the high ground, dodging the bots that tried to keep up.
I didn’t just try to feel them while they were on the ground, I honed in on the metal surrounding them and the electricity coursing through them. I ripped the bots to shreds and made them collapse in on themselves and caused sparks to flash across the room when I doused others with water.
Peter jumped on top of different bots and used his taser webs to take most of them down, but he threw some my way, and vice versa. The whole point of the training session was to build trust, and we were trying our best to be successful.
I couldn’t feel any more bots with electricity in the room, and Peter came down to the ground, but before either of us took our blindfolds off, I felt someone else step onto the mat. Someone I didn’t recognize.
I formed a water whip and wrapped it around the foreign person, then I ripped off my blindfold, only to see my water whip attached to thin air. Or —
“Who the hell are you?”
They were invisible. But I knew without a doubt that a person was on the other end of my whip. I walked closer and froze the rest of the water around their body with jagged edges leading to their head — at least what I assumed was their head.
“I said,” I reached my hands out and tried to find some purchase, “who the hell are you?” My fingers wrapped around what I assumed was their throat and I squeezed.
His facade gave out quickly. I didn’t recognize him, but that didn’t matter; FRIDAY was always monitoring.
“Hey,” Peter said quietly and put a hand on my shoulder, but I didn’t relent.
“Answer the goddamn question, or you’ll have more to worry about than some slight freezer burn.”
“It doesn’t matter who I am. They’re coming for you, Y/N, and they won’t stop until you’ve paid for what you’ve done.”
My grip lessened, just a bit. “When?”
“Soon.” A haggard cough escaped his lips. “You really shouldn’t have left your friends so vulnerable.”
My eyes went wide, and just as my grip slackened some more, Wanda and Sam barged into the room. Her red magic kept him trapped, and Sam put duct tape over his mouth. “FBI is already on their way. How did you know he was here?”
“I just did.” I let go completely and let the water thaw to a puddle. “How fast can we get to the city?”
Sam’s eyebrows creased. “Strange could have you there in seconds, why?”
“Something else is going to happen, and it’s going to happen there.”
tags: @eridanuswave​ @vampirestrawberries​ @yougottalovefandoms​
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spnrelatedurl · 7 years
Con-Blue’s - Chapter 1
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A/N: Hey, I’ll put another A/N at the end of this chapter, but I wanted to say thank you to everyone who’s liked and commented on my stories so far. this is a Jensen!daughter fic, and the daughter’s gonna be a little different to everyone else. It plays a major role and it’s something I live with, and always will. People think Autism hinders you, but in reality it is you. I love my autism. I hope people will think I write mine with justice. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this story and want more of it. Please like, comment, and talk to me. I love my followers! (and constructive criticism is always welcome to. I’m always looking to better myself.)
Trigger Warnings: Autism, Long Lost Family, Depression, Anxiety, Abandonment.
Summary: Veronica “Ronnie” Lockhart found something in her life that she never needed nor wanted. She never asked him for a damn thing. That is until her mother kicked her out. Now Ronnie needs the help of her father, Jensen Ackles. She’s a girl with autism, and she hates change. But maybe this one will be the change she’s always needed to feel at home with herself. With the help of the Supernatural cast and families, as well as her best friend Alex, will her life finally stabilize?
Word count: 3001
Tag List:  @winchesters-favorite-girl  @winchester-writes  @storyofawinchester  @rosie-winchester  @bea789 (Anyone can be added. Just ask!)
“Are you sure you want to do this, Ronnie?” My best friend, Alex asked for the trillionth time today. And to think, this all started a month ago at school.
Mrs Newbury was, as per usual, droning on and on about something scientific. I’ll be completely honest with you, I’m terrible at science. I keep failing it, and nothing even motivates me to try and pass my classes. I’m not all that academic. Besides English and Performing Arts, I don’t really do well at school. Not that it’s a massive problem for the school board. They blag it off as us being special needs students. Which we are, but I feel like that’s all the school thinks of us. But I’m starting to drone on about school, and let’s face it, nobody deserves to be that bored, so let me tell you the relevant points about that day.
We were told to do a family tree for homework, which didn’t initially scare me because I figured they’d give me just my mother’s side to do.
Mrs Newbury is very traditional, so I had to do my father’s side as well.
I had no clue who my father was at that point.
I dreaded going home to ask my mum about my dad’s side of the family.
Mrs Newbury has had it in for me ever since I burned her sheets on a Bunsen burner one lesson.
And that school day wasn’t even the worst I’d had in my life. It’s what happened once I came home.
You see, I’ve asked my mum about my dad about three times in my life. Once when I was really little and started learning that everyone has a dad. The second time was when I was a bit older and went to the doctors. They asked my mum if there was any history of hereditary illnesses, so I asked if dad had. And the third time, I did it to piss her off. She’s always hated the mention of the man, and whenever my grandma mentions my father, she doesn’t speak to her for a month. So asking her about it for school makes me feel like being sick.
I walked in through the front door and smiled nervously at her. I mentioned Mrs Newbury gave us a project and I needed my birth certificate. She froze in her place for about five seconds before going absolutely ballistic. “If you want your birth certificate so much, you should leave this house!” Were her exact words. I was so angry at that point. Why was she so defensive? Well, I found out as soon as she threw the crumpled piece of paper at me.
Turns out my dad is Jensen Ackles, star of my favourite TV show, Supernatural. So I’ve been looking up to this guy for ages, and been going on about him and his co-stars to her, and whatever happened, it ended badly. So after a week of meticulous planning, I got in touch with my American pen pal, Alex Gateley. He’s so funny and we’ve been speaking for years. Since we bonded over a band online. And then we came up with a plan.
“If only I had the money. Then I’d buy a plane ticket, find him at a convention in America, and then the rest will be history.” I said to him.
“Veronica, you do realise I can help you?” Alex replied.
His family isn’t wealthy, but they have enough money to burn it a bit. I shook my head and told him I couldn’t do that.
“My parents love you. They’ve always wanted to meet you. And as we’ve been speaking I’ve found out that they have a con in Los Angeles in three weeks. That’s a thirty-minute drive from where I live. So you can stay at our place. And then when it’s con time I can drive us there. Sound good?” He asked.
I kept saying it was too much for him to do, but he kept insisting and I eventually gave in. And skip ahead a few weeks, and we’re outside the con.
“It’s something I have to do, Alex. Whether I’m sure or not.” I told him. He didn’t know what to say to that, so he just scratched the back of his neck.
“Got the birth certificate?” He asked. I nodded my head.
I smoothed over it’s folds with my thumb. It was now the single most important possession of mine. I kept it zipped up in my pocket. We left and locked the car then made our way into the con. Even from outside you could feel the excitement in the atmosphere. I must’ve been the only person there who was tense as hell. Apart from maybe Alex, but he was tense for different reasons. He was stressed for me, and making sure everything ended up okay. I was tense to do it though. But I knew I had to. We went to the counter and got checked in.
“You guys don’t have any photo ops or autographs? I guess it’s fun just to be in the hall anyway.” One of the workers said for chatter. The hall is where it would have to happen, I guess.
“When’s the first Q+A for Jensen?” Alex asked with a smile on his face. He always was a bit of a charmer.
“That’s starting in…” She began, checking the timetable. “Five minutes. I guess you should go. Have fun!” She said with a kind smile on her face. Her bubbly attitude was kind of grating at the moment. But usually I’d be just as bubbly. Maybe even hyper. I don’t know. I guess I haven’t been myself since this whole thing started. I blame Mrs. Newbury.
We walked into the hall and took our seats – hoping and praying I’d get a chance to talk to him. I knew I wouldn’t get too many chances at this. He was only here for the weekend and doing two Q+A’s in total. Everyone in the room was buzzing for him to come on stage. Well, him and Jared – his co-star and best friend. When they finally did it was like the room exploded into cheers and applause of star struck delight.
“Hey guys!” Jared greeted with a wave. Jensen just waved with him with a huge grin on his face. You could tell how much they love doing this. And here I am, possibly about to ruin one of their lives. I sat down along with everyone else in the room.
“So, who has questions for us?” Jensen asked. We made a plan earlier to both raise both our hands so we get an even bigger chance, but right now I didn’t think I could. I guess my heart was ignoring my head as my arm raised gradually. And what am I even going to say to him if I get picked to speak? “Oh yeah, just wanted to say I think I’m your daughter. I mean, why would my mum lie, right?!” Nah, that’s way too casual. And it wouldn’t accurately express everything anyway. Besides, I’d probably get kicked out of the con and I’d never know.
“Well, we rarely get guys asking questions. How ‘bout you?” Jared asked, pointing at Alex. A microphone was passed to him, and it was then that I realised, I didn’t have a lot of time to figure out what I was going to say. I guess I’ll just have to improvise. But how could I improvise what was essentially a make or break moment of my life.
“Uh-“ Alex said, nervous as hell. I couldn’t blame him. He hates being centre of attention. If it were up to him he’d be a hermit crab. Besides, what he was about to start was the furthest thing from a hermit’s chosen lifestyle. “I actually came here with someone who has a really important question to ask you. Is it okay if I just pass you on to her?” He asked, gulping. Jensen smiled and nodded his head.
Suddenly the microphone was handed to me, and I felt everyone’s eyes on me. Alex sat down straight away, leaving me to stand up. I used my free hand to unzip my pocket and put my hand in it. The certificate was still there. I scrunched my eyes shut tight. Then I opened them.
“Hey. I’m Veronica Lockhart – daughter of Brynn Lockhart.” I added. Jensen’s eyes widened slightly as everyone else in the room seemed to giggle.
“Thank you for stating your ancestor’s name. Are all Brits like this?” Jared jested. Not out of nastiness. Just because he’s like that. At least from what I’ve gathered from interviews and stuff.
“My question is for Jensen.” I said, noticing Jensen already getting emotional. “Do you remember her? At all? Because if you don’t that’s fine. But if you do, I think you can gather who I might be.” I said. The whole room turned into a state of confusion. Apart from the three in the know. Me, Alex, and Jensen.
“Y…You mean…?” He asked, with a quavering voice.
“I don’t know for sure, but I have my birth certificate.” I said. I took the paper out of my pocket. It’s so weird. I wouldn’t expect to have a piece of paper become so significant in my life. “I would’ve spoken to you privately, but there was no money left from my flight. My mum kicked me out. There was no way mum would give me a clue about how to find you. And I couldn’t get a photo op or an autograph. My whole life my mum has been evading the whole discussion of my father. But I think you’re it.” I said, with tears in my eyes. Everyone around me seemed to be in shock, but I was hyper-focussed on trying to figure out what Jensen was thinking. I could barely see him. He was such a blurry figure through the tears. Even Alex stroking my hand with his thumb felt numb.
“J?” Jared said in the mic, trying to get Jensen’s attention. I was hysterically crying. I never wanted it, and now it’s here it’s like it’s not how I wanted it at all. There was no way this could make me happy.
“I’m sorry.” I said. I ran out of the convention with Alex hot on my tail.
I covered my mouth with my hand and let out these guttural sobs, then as they turned into hiccupping cries, my hand lowered to my stomach. Alex caught up with me and put his hand on my shoulder.
“It’ll be okay.” He said, pulling me into a hug. I sniffed.
“No. It won’t. I’ve basically just ruined his life.” I said through my choky moans. “Can we just drive somewhere?” I asked.
“I wouldn’t go anywhere if I were you.” A voice said from behind me, and I turned around to see the owner.
A large man with huge muscles came forward. He had a lot of tattoos, a bald head, a greying beard and sunglasses. He came closer.
“Leave her alone, man. She’s had a rough day.” Alex stood up for me. He kind of separated me from him. Sort of ironic considering Alex’s skinny stature and timid presentation.
“I know that, I promise I’m not here to hurt either of you. I’m here to help. I’m Jensen’s body guard.” He said.
“How can we be sure?” Alex asked. He had a point. I mean, apart from having all the right looks of a body guard, we had no definitive proof he was who he said he was.
“My name’s Clif Kosterman. One f. You can look me up online, I swear I’m here on his behalf.” He said. Even from that I could tell he was genuine, but Alex looked him up just to be sure. I looked at the screen as he typed. Pictures of him with the guys came up. It was true.
“Well, if you’re here to tell me to never see him again, you don’t have to worry. I’m sure he wouldn’t want me after I ruined his career and family anyway.” I said with finality in my voice.
“He wants to talk. He sent me to run after you. He doesn’t want the situation to escalate for your sake.” He said. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. Alex let out a breath of laughter.
“Bit late for that, don’t ya think?” He said, getting angry on my behalf.
“It’s okay, Alex.” I said, not wanting him to get in any trouble. Besides, if we should get angry at anyone, it should be my mum.
“No. No it’s not okay. You deserve better.” Alex said. I shook my head.
“I don’t deserve anything. Okay? I expect nothing and I still get less. I don’t even get a family. I can guess how this conversation’s gonna go. Let’s just get it over with.” I said. Clif shifted awkwardly, then led us to the green room. Basically the room for the stars to unwind and take a break. We went through the back of the convention and entered the room. It was empty apart from one man. Jensen.
He looked how I always imagined him to look in person. Skinny, yet muscly. Tall, but not overwhelmingly so. He had sandy blonde hair, green eyes, a slightly different shade than mine, but the same shape. He had freckles, heavy stubble. Everything about him looked how I imagined him. Everything apart from the bags under his eyes. He must be taking this hard. Not that I’m exactly easy to handle.
“Wh- um… How long have you known?” He asked.
“About a month.” I answered. We all walked further into the room and Clif closed the door. Everyone was sitting down, but I stayed standing. I knew I wouldn’t be here for long. I just needed to handle it. To rip it off like a plaster. He smiled slightly.
“How old are you?” He asked.
“Eighteen… just.” I answered.
“Finishing school soon then?” He asked, attempting small talk.
“Jensen, I’m sorry. Okay? I’m sorry I dropped that bomb on you. It wasn’t fair. But I had no other way of finding out if it was true, and even now I have no way of knowing it is.” I said.
“What are you talking about? Of course…” He began rather quickly, then he cleared his throat, looked at the coffee he was swirling around in his paper cup, then looked back up at me with a slight smile. “Of course you’re mine.”
“What? So that’s all you’re gonna say? How do you know?” Alex pressed.
“Well, we can do a paternity test. I think we both need confirmation, but I think… No, I’m sure of what the results will be. It’s just – she lied. She completely lied to me. After everything…” He said, being vague about everything he was saying.
“Even if we do a paternity test, what then? What will your family say? I’m sure I’m not wanted by them, and I’ve ruined your life enough.”
“You think you’ve ruined my life?” He asked, sounding sad.
“You don’t exactly seem impressed by my presence.” I pointed out.
“I am. Believe me, I am. It’s just… I don’t know. A shock, I guess? I’m gonna do right by you. I promise. It’s a lot to get my head around.” He said to me. I calmed down a bit then. I walked slowly to the nearest chair and then sat down.
“What have your family said?” Alex asked.
“Well, I’ve just texted Danneel. She’s still writing back. It’s a lot to process for both of us.” He said. “How do you two know each other?”
“Oh, um. Online. We met on this website. Kind of a fan website of our favourite band at the time. They’re actually my favourite band still for that reason alone.” Alex said. I couldn’t help a slight smile from being plastered on my face.
“What band?” Jensen asked, trying to take an interest.
“Dust Biters.” I answered meekly.
“Cool. Um, when did you become boyfriend and girlfriend?” Jensen asked. My eyes widened and cheeks flushed a rose red.
“We’re not.” I said.
Not that I haven’t thought about it. Alex is, for a lack of better word, hot! He’s got messy, side swept brown hair, and he wears a bandana to keep it from falling over his face most of the time. He’s got dark brown eyes and an almost constant cheeky grin. His humour makes me adore him. But he’s my friend. I wouldn’t even think about becoming more than that. It’ll never happen. Alex looked as embarrassed as me.
“Oh. Sorry.” He said. For him the awkwardness was over. For me and Alex, we were still revelling in it.
Suddenly Jensen’s phone buzzed. Again and again. I guess Danneel decided to call him.
“I guess I’ll answer this.” He said, picking up his phone. Clif then tried to get my attention.
“This uncertainty will pass, kid. I promise ya.” He said. I smiled gratefully at him. Looks can be really deceiving. When I first saw him I thought he was gonna kill me. Turns out he might be about the most helpful human being in the world.
“Hey honey.” Jensen greeted over the phone. “Yeah, she’s with me… no, no… oh yeah. Of course we are. No, I totally agree. Did you tell the kids…? Right. No. No and I don’t think I should for a while. Yeah but not now. I know. Of course I love you… like five minutes. Yeah we’re getting it done as soon as possible. Okay. I’ll call you after. Love you too. Bye.” He said before switching off his phone.
“Is… is she okay with this?” I asked. Jensen turned to look at me. For the first time today, I couldn’t read him at all.
A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you liked this chapter! So, mainly I just wanted to say that Alex Gaskarth is who I envision to play Alex in the story, so if the gifs I add seem off because of different people playing different roles, just know that it’s because I see different people who have never met (to my knowledge) merging together and being the people in this fic. As well as this, I want to say about the tags: Of course everyone’s welcome to be on the list, whether it be for this story or every story I write. However, I also want to say that if your url changes could you please notify me? It’d help heaps. And if you don’t want to be in my tag list anymore, please don’t hesitate to tell me. You don’t have to say why, and I won’t judge. These fics are only for fun and to get to know you all better. But I digress. If there’s anything at all you want to talk to me about - be it about the fic or otherwise, my ask box is always open! See you around! :D
(This is not a Danneel hate fic. She’s a good’un in this fic, as I’m sure she is in real life. Any hate for ANY of the IRL actors portrayed in this fic will NOT be tolerated.)
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akillerconundrum · 7 years
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Alright so, time for My Amazing San Diego Comic Con Adventure. AKA:
A Story of How Amazingly Nice Nerds Can Be: Gotham Edition.
And how I got to meet Cory. 
It’s long, so read more under the cut:
Let’s start this by saying I’ve always known that to not be totally overwhelmed by SDCC, you need to make a game plan and goals. I had narrowed down the stuff I wanted to do to 3 things, really, but was terrified of what it would take to do any of them. What line do you get in, since you’ll probably only have time for only so many... or maybe only one.  How do you even do that?? I’ve done hourish long waits for offsite adventures, given up on lines at all and just Cosplayed my Heart Out to keep myself occupied and have a blast in the past, but with a quieter Cosplay this year I had the opportunity to at least try for something more daring... 
That was when the Fantastic @mr-lucius-fox​ came to my rescue. YOU HAD YOUR GUSH MOMENT HERE’S MINE. Ok, so, when we both realized we were going we had to meet up and hang out and nerd out together, but my goodness is this the most wonderful person like uggg ok. They’re a veteran of the Line Game, and if they hadn’t been there to hold my hand for the process and keep me going the whole time I would never have had the patience and determination to make it through. They let me know they were going to camp out in the WB autograph ticket line over night and I was welcome to join them. I had another engagement I had tickets for (another Kindness story involving the TAZ fandom and a lot of paying-it-forward along the way,) and it wasn’t until almost 3am before I fumbled in very unflattering ways across a river of unconscious fellow line-waiters and nearly lost my bowler cap along the way to join Foxy. Just a couple hours later, shit was moving. Please also note, for all of this I had been cosplaying Nygma. I slept on a borrowed camping mat my other friend had brought for emergencies like this, using my blazer as a blanket, and shielding my eyes with my bowler.
I do not understand how some people manage to do more than one of these crazy over-night lines, I was only kept coherent by nerding-out with Foxy and bouts of compulsive dancing and trying to subdue my delirious desire to start a fisticuffs battle with someone or possibly pass out. I’m pretty sure some people have died in these lines, and Comic Con just keeps it hush hush and hides the bodies.
Somehow, mostly through team-work and mutual encouragement, we survived, and after a horrible miscommunication via the line-direction staff, accidentally were shuffled back about 50 people in place, which sucked, but by 9ish, we were there at the wristband-raffle-booth. The various autograph-groups were running out quickly, and Gotham had held out strong for us, but we were getting nervous. You can get up there and pick the raffle ticket, and then have a 50/50 chance of getting the wristband... or not. Foxy immediately mentioned if they managed to get one, and I didn’t, they’d give me their’s. I said I hoped we both got them cause shit, man. 
They ran out of Gotham wristbands about 20 people ahead of us. 
Of course we were outraged, I had at least nabbed a couple hours of sleep and Foxy had even less, but besides mentioning as politely as possible the mix-up in the line that made a big difference in the outcome of this and not wanting that to happen to anyone else in the future, we tried to play it cool. You weren’t allowed to just leave the line, but I did very loudly announce when I got to the front “Eeeh, I’m Gotham or Bust, I don’t want to take away a chance from someone waiting who’s a fan of the stuff that’s left. Peace out.” A mess of people in line behind me hissed heartfelt “thank you!!”s, and a woman working there asked us to step over and tell her what happened. Privately. Over here. Behind this curtain. Where she said “I want you to look Cory in the eyes and tell him how much you like his work” and put her own personal Gotham wristband on me.
I kind of went a bit numb at that moment if only to not freak the hell out as Foxy helped guide me to a safe place to hyperventilate.
They were off to scope out where the Gotham Panel would be (We heard the lines for the Indigo Ballroom the day before had been horrendous, but thankfully they were nice and non-existent all Saturday, I don’t know if I could have taken another line,) and I had an hour to wash out the overnight-funk in my suit and freshen up, re-pomaid my hair, and head over to the signings a half hour early (via Foxy’s recommendation), where I was one of the first to arrive and charmed the Security with riddles until more people showed up, so I never gave them the answers, and I hope it plagues them to this day... or at least until they google them. 
Drew (Butch) was a total sweetheart and apparently a friend of mine knows him, and I passed along a hello and I hope they met up (He seemed excited to know this friend was at the con!) Jessica (Tabitha) is gorgeous and a delight, and my “Maze” pin on my lapel got Erin (Barbara) and I nerding out about Westworld for a moment before she grabbed Cory (Ed) and said ‘Get a load of this girl!’ which I tipped my hat to him, and made a hair joke, and he seemed delighted and mentioned Ed was going to have a change of hairdo in the next season, which I retorted with “Frosted Tips? ;D” and he acted outraged at the sheer idea of it and shook my hand and we all had a good laugh, and he signed my poster and shook my hand again, and then the wacky happened.
We were not allowed photos past the stanchion ropes. They were very adamant and clear about this.
Apparently that rule did not apply to Cory, who, upon seeing my outfit and after our exchange, immediately whipped out his own phone to take the pic seen above, passing it off to one of the people nearby, and was quickly followed by the WB camera crew. 
I have no idea how someone managed to find the photo, but the moment I told some of you out there this happened you guys managed to find it. HOW. MY MIND IS BLOWN. THERE IT IS ALL OVER THE CARPET.
After the photo, we had one more handshake, which, moving on delirious autopilot at that point probably lasted a little too long. I was like are we going in for a hug? Do I kiss his knuckles and tip my hat and say ‘m’lady?’ no no abort abort move along and don’t panic.
Anyway, I had taken so much time with Cory and held up the line, my main regret is I didn’t chat more with Robin (Oswald) who was so fantastically adorable, but I did have a fun moment with Ben (Jim) who once I stepped up to him he said “I can tell by how you’re dressed I’m your favorite character.” Thankfully, I had my GCPD badge clipped to my inside coat pocket and swung it open to grin and say “Hey, GCPD Represent! But we really need to talk about the mustache situation. When will we see the mustache.” He was like “WHEN THE SHOW JUMPS FORWARD FAR INTO THE FUTURE... really you don’t don’t want me with a mustache” and looked like he wanted to bury his face in his hands, the poor guy. I said “So, Season 10?” and he lit up and was like “That sounds about right!”
I plan on holding him to it. 
Camren (Selena) was so adorable and reminded me of my cousins around her age as we laughed about fake glasses when you need real glasses and aren’t wearing contacts. Alexander (Ra’s) was so handsome and I told him how excited I was to see what he had in store, and when I finally got to Sean (Alfred) he had juuuust finished using hand sanitizer and looked apologetic as he offered out his elbow instead and was so sorry his ‘hands were wet’ and I laughed happily gave him an elbow-to-elbow bump and said “Thank you for being the best Dad on TV!” What’s funny is ‘elbow bumps’ are a dumb thing I do with my own dad often enough, but that didn’t even occur to me until I was writing this. Pfft.
It was a fantastic and surreal moment and I was so blessed by the kindness of so many people to make this meeting possible. I was on autopilot and shock until I managed to find my friends and Foxy again when we all congregated at the Indigo Ballroom to wait for the Gotham panel. This wouldn’t have been possible without Foxy’s help and encouragement, seriously. I owe you one big time >:I <33
That doesn’t mean I’m not going to make you suffer in future threads, though.
I’m still defragging from what a fantastic time we had. Ugggg.
And I’m so super pumped to see what shenanigans this show has in store.
Anyway, I got drunk on frozen Rumchatas that night, see last pic. That was before D.Va stole my bowler and Riddler and Nightwing did some dirty dancing for the amusement of our friends, but these are just Comic Con things. 
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