#Not accurate atlas moth wing
im-not-dead-yet · 11 months
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Risetober day 20: mutant
I am going to finish risetober even though its not October
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haunted-house-heart · 11 months
i really wish i could draw so i could draw my real form but i can't so i'ma try my best to describe it <3
there's more than one, actually. the first is just a little cartoony sheet ghost with stripey socks and big boots. fairly simple, i could prolly draw that one
then my cryptid form, which is complicated. there's a humanoid form and a beast form, bc i shapeshift between the two
the humanoid one is very fae - too tall, pointed ears, fangs. otherwise looks like my human body mostly - but with one purple eye and one gold. deer antlers and atlas moth wings, and a calico cat's tail and ears.
the beast form is more monstrous. a deer shaped body, but far too much leg to be normal, and too many gold eyes where eyes don't belong. long antlers and atlas moth wings, and the cat ears and tail instead of a normal deers. mushrooms and moss growing over my body. sort of shadowy - black, iridescent wisps coming off in places, and you can't quite look directly at me. you feel nauseous when you try.
you're driving down a long, dark, empty road with forest on either side. the road is clear. you think you see something moving in the trees along the road, but when you turn to look, there's nothing there. you turn back to the road, and there's. something. at first glance it's a deer, but when it turns it's sharp, unnatural grin towards you, you realize it's anything but. you don't know whether to slam the brakes or the gas. before you can decide, it disappears in a puff off thick black smoke. you lock your doors and punch the gas.
n e way. that's me :)
edit i FORGOR the the wings are like. a BUNCH like biblically accurate angel style but instead of angel wings they're atlas moth wings.
edit 2 electric boogaloo also there aren't really hooves. the long deer legs just sorta fade into that same black rainbow wispy shadow
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raishical · 1 year
Last ref for artfight, Atlas (they/them) wemt for a more biblically accurate angel motif! The eyes on the back of their wings are similar to the “eye marks” of a moth or butterfly, they are meant to serve as a form of intimidation.
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Atlas is a character who was cast from Mothers “paradise” after showing too much sympathy towards the others of their kind who were cast to Earth for such minor acts as questioning their past lives. Atlas is banished to the planet Earth, tasked to defeat evil beings until they have proven their worth. But this punishment proves counterintuitive, as Atlas gradually learns about their past, how they died, and how to feel as any human would.
Their descent to Earth cost them their wings of flight, yet they still command the winds in battle, and know their way around various magical objects, such as their spear, recovered from their supposed grave.
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stevolteon · 1 year
So with Lego doing their own bugs set I felt moved to dig up my own efforts, in this case done for a series of dioramas.
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An Atlas moth rather than a blue morpho. There was a display of a dozen or so moths and butterflies but this was probably the most intricate and successful. The wings are SNOTwork to get the patterning. Far from perfect, but you can hopefully see what the aim was. Theoretically life sized (I believe Lego's is a bit bigger than the real thing).
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Giant rainforest mantis. If Lego's is even faintly accurate in size then my research screwed up somewhere, because in order to make life sized bugs feasible I went for the biggest examples I could find. An exercise in compromise, it became known as the extreme sports mantis since its wing cases are surf boards and the thorax is a skateboard!
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Hercules beetle. Still pretty happy with this, have to say; although the Lego version is amazing, especially with the option of spread wings. The string of battle droid arms on the pincer represent a mane of little hairs which Lego didn't even try for. Might have been for the best, it's probably the weakest part of mine.
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firstginger · 2 years
I’ve been taking and retaking your test for a while now however I never feel satisfied or I do until I want to change it.
I’ve wanted to ask for an analysis for but too scared to, I don’t even know if your still doing them but if you are can you do mine please? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.
Based on what I’ve read this is how it works.
INFP or INTP, Aries Sun and Pisces moon, I’m a Slyyherin or Ravenclaw (I’m Autistic so every personality quiz is a mess).
hi! of course, sorry for the delay on this! :)
based on the personality traits you mentioned, it sounds like you really relate to Ne/Si: the enthusiasm when you're exposed to new situations and ideas, the tendency towards self-expression and creativity, the development of your own perspective through firsthand experience. the aries sun/pisces moon supports this too, as the strong aries moon dampened by the artistic pisces creates someone who's passionate and emotional, though sometimes paralyzed by their own imagination and doubtful that they can be vulnerable. you seem like you thrive in the depth of the moment. hopefully this sounds accurate!
i have a few different directions in mind, but i think a good option might be small and medium wild cats? the serval was actually the first one i thought of, they're relatively reserved and passive, naturally avoidant but ambitious people who are keenly aware of the environment and social temperature around them. they seem like they'd embody someone who's very internal yet passionate, as well as attached to their comfort zone and nervous outside of it. the european wildcat is another for someone who's very independent, private, and aware. while similarly conflict-avoidant like the serval, they tend to be more hardy and adaptable. they're very self-contained creatures who make their own rules, though they're rather pragmatic and methodical in their thinking. the asian golden cat is another option that's going to be similar in personality, tending to be fairly self-contained and more vulnerable to stress than the european wildcat, overall fairly habitual, focused, and conflict-avoidant. still, all of these species are going to be pretty independent, more fitting for an INTP who leads with Ti.
you do seem like you could fit a musteloid! for something slightly more bold, the spotted skunk is a favorite form of mine that i think could fit you. they're introverted but socially tolerant and notably the sort of people who like to take life as it comes — their sense of curiosity drives them and they have a sense of confidence that helps them dodge trouble. they're going to be much more emotionally expressive than the wild cats, as well as much more open-minded, spontaneous, and warm towards others. the crab-eating raccoon is a more introverted flavor of the typical common raccoon as they tend to be more internal, easy-going, and cautious. but like the common raccoon, they're highly aware and adventurous — flexibility is a key trait of theirs, and they prefer working smarter rather than harder. like the skunk, they're more spontaneous than inclined to plan ahead, and are eager to get their hands on things so long as it isn't too risky or will put them in the spotlight. the red panda seems a little too retiring and modest for you, though if you're someone who's more stubbornly independent and clings tightly to their unbothered peace, they might be worth a look!
i also wonder if you'd be interested in considering winged insects like moths, ladybugs, or mantises? moths such as the atlas moth or death's head moth are great forms for the internal and passive INFP, someone who values patience and simplicity, though has something of a curious and wandering heart. most moth forms are going to be similar to this, as well as tactful, polite, and willing to bluff to get out of situations rather than be assertive so they may be less suited for someone who strongly relates to an aries sun... so i think if you are interested in moths, large species like the atlas, luna, or imperial might be good ideas, or very distinct species like the death's head or the polyphemus. ladybugs are going to be less easy-going and more spontaneous, fickle, and bold, but they are still pretty cautious and conflict-avoidant. they're also going to be a bit more social though definitely not the emotionally dependent sort. and lastly mantises really give me that INxP slytherin/ravenclaw vibe as they're pretty private, observant, and patiently ambitious. they do tend to be pretty anxious and defensive as insect daemons; one could expect them to be easily stressed when circumstances are beyond their control or when they're met with the unexpected. not at all flexible but highly perceptive and cunning. the european mantis is pretty classic, but other interesting species include the orchid mantis, devils flower mantis, ghost mantis, and unicorn mantis. a species that's more widespread and adaptable to more climates might suit you better, like the european or chinese mantis.
hope this helps! :)
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thetickingmonolith · 5 years
Change Of Heart Part 5: End Of The Line
The Tower groaned, the Clockwork God stopped where it was on the table, Grey turned to the console and went to work, I felt a pulse of energy run through my mind and found my gun resting on the corner of the Table and a small box with a handle on it. Azel stood from his chair and walked over to pick up the box “What is even going on here?” “Don’t concern yourself with it, this is something I have to do” The figure in the shadows shifted, and seemed uneasy. “No Paddy you can’t just do that and not explain what’s happening” I sighed and walked over to him, taking my gun from the table with my left hand and the box from him with my right. “See these flowers?” I held up my corrupted arm. “These are not flowers but in reality an emotional parasite, they are the representation of something horrible that infests my mind and is the other god in here, the idea and it infects very specific people as it requires certain conditions in order to infect its host. These infect the world and at present can’t infect someone like you or the others. Understand these aren’t something good or bad, they are a representation of an aspect of someone’s personality and state of being and like all parasites it can entirely consume its host without the proper care”. I pulled the trigger in the handle of the box and swung it out beside me, it unfolded into a blade. I pushed forward the lock at the front of trigger and locked the blade in place with a satisfying click. I shifted it in hand grip a little and turned the dials in the hilt, the clockwork shifted and the blade elongated a little. It was a single edged long sword with a barrel of a rifle running along the other side of the blade, its firing mechanism and trigger contained in the hilt of the blade, the simple iron sights aligning with the hilt and the stock unfolding from the hilt as well, a slim hole in the body of the blade with a grip in it to allow for the rifle to be fired more accurately. My signature revolver in my left hand, the chromed body, black shock absorbent grip, the six chambers and adjusted iron sights, the second left hand side of the drum damaged ever so slightly from the synthetic discharge years ago, the hammer already cocked back and the dried blood stain on the inside of the mechanisms.
“When something becomes infested with the flowers it can go rampant and with the world in its new infantile state and the colony having moved and now The Garden being present throughout the tower I fear that this might be the end of the line” I cocked the rifle in the sword and turn to face Grey and nodded to her, she pulled off her coat and began undoing her blouse. Lyte looked over at her very confused “Wait the hell are you doing?” she undid the top four buttons and revealed a white water lily at the centre of her chest, right on the sternum between her breasts. She stopped and placed her left hand to the flower, a white glower growing behind it. Lyte got to her feet and put her hands to the edge of the table “It turned around” The Clockwork God was marching back toward The Tower. I looked over at Grey “We have a problem delay it” she took her hand away from her chest and the flower now twisted itself along her hand and fore arm, nowhere nearly as badly as me and the others but still there, a simple white water lily in her left hand, its vines and roots lightly wrapping itself around her arm, only a few of them, her skin still clearly visible. Azel went to the table, as did everyone else, Mark raised a hand as to conduct an orchestra and a number of tiny figures dug their way out of the ground on the table amongst the trees.
Shou turned to Lyte and nodded, they all fully understood what was happening here “Where can we find them” The tower groaned and the clockwork stalled for a moment. More figures appeared on the war table, a number of twisted shadows consumed by that same corruption, their whole bodies consumed by this corruption, figures of all shapes and sizes, humanoid, mammals, insects, birds, arachnids and so many more. I stood to attention and more of the clockwork soldiers clawed their way from the ground and set marching toward The Tower, two armies converging on us. “They are inside of The Tower, you all buy us as much time as you can, I am going to find where they are and I’m finishing this once and for all”. I turned and walked toward the doorway, Grey walked down from the console and took my side. I put my hand on the door handle and Atlas burst through the door bleeding and collapsed to the ground. I knelt down to check on him and he caught me by the collar panting out words between breaths “Rampant…Roof… Run…” He fell into unconsciousness however was still alive, his corruption writhing on his arm but not growing “Get him into his chair, he will recover, he isn’t dead”
I nodded at Grey, Azel and Shou lifted Atlas into his chair and went back to the war table, Lyte and Mark conducting the armies, Shou and Clara slightly altering tiny elements of the world to delay the approaching corruption and ease the approach of The Clockwork, Azel began arming The Clockwork in various fashions, creating newer and more varied version and editing them on the fly. I walked out the door and into the hallway a glow coming from nowhere in particular, no lights yet still perfectly visible. Grey lifted her hand and a burst of light exploded from her hand for a moment, her whole body begun to burn up ever so slightly.
I turned and her burning figure stare at me, a burning white silver erupted from within her clothes. Four huge burning silver moth wings protruded from her two above and two to her sides, a white flaming sword of that same unnatural metal that made up her Clockwork Throne in her right hand a shield ready in her left. Two eyes set into that burning silver figure, smaller versions of the Clockwork God’s eyes, identical in every respect other than size. I nodded to her and she nodded back.
It is not a very well-known that in Catholic biblical theology Angels are all made of fire or light, however in an Islamic faith the distinction between Angels and the beings known as Jinn is clearly drawn. I find that my infamous guardian angel is often quite literally a fallen angel, and burns a memory so bright this universe won’t forget it, for someone who has no religious faith I have a great deal of theological knowledge. Azel’s name is a reference to Azazel’s nature of teaching man how to fashion weapons and how to create make up and decorate one’s self to reflect their personalities. I hadn’t seen what he becomes quite yet but I could very well guess given his name sake. Burning Angels as the hands of lesser gods, marching by my side in search of a Rampant thought.
Several of the corrupted figures appeared in our path as we made our way through the hallways and rooms all of them humanoid, the groan of the clockwork and creak of the plants and trees. Each of the figures hissed at us and ran forward, only to stop and hold back at a certain distance, at the edge of the light the Grey was giving out. A number of them overcame the light and lunged once from their positon and were instantly cut down by Grey. Many more stayed in the shadows or just out of view, stalking us.
We made our way up the winding stair cases and through corridors, making our way to higher and higher up the tower. The clockwork becoming more and more tangled in roots and vines, the corrupted figures becoming more and more common, more and more aggressive. I turned a corner and was tackled to the ground my one without warning, I put my gun in its snarling mouth and unloaded a round into it. It quickly began to with and die, it was sent snarling away from me and lay on the ground like an apple rotting, drying up and disintegrating all in a matter of seconds. Grey simply walked around the corner and there was a flash of light from around it. I got to my feet and peered around the corner and found the whole hallways entirely devoid of life, everything had been burned to cinders. She stood there, leaning on her sword for a moment “We are getting closer”. She nodded and swung her sword onto her shoulder and held her shield at the ready.
I walked behind her and kept my sword at the ready and listened out for any signs of life, we were approaching the stairway to the roof, or rather the top of the tower, to get out onto the roof is nearly impossible but the roof does have a room inside of it so I expected to find her there. We reached the door to the stairs and were forced to stop, vines had entirely entangled the door, keeping it shut. The Tower shook, an explosion, the sound of The Clockwork God, the vibrations running through the Tower as it approached. Grey put her hand to the door and there was a flash of light, it disintegrated to ashes, several of the figures launched themselves from the other side and disintegrated on contact with her. A horde of them came around the corner from where we had arrived and rapidly closed the distance. “Grey we’ve got company.” She turned and lifted her shield, kneeling and blocking the doorway. Her voice like thunder came from a mouth I could not see and did not seem to move, came words that I could not understand and hurt every fibre of me to hear. One word I managed to make out in the midst of the thunder “BURN” She took several steps forward, slammed her sword against her shield with each step and then threw her arms out on either side of her. There was a flash of light and the corridor was engulfed not in fire but light for an instant.
She slumped forwards and the fire died down a little in her. Another stream of them came around the corner more wary this time. She lifted her head and they slowed their advance slightly, still twenty feet or so away from her. She waited for a few seconds till they could nearly touch her again and there came another flash of light and ashes and burns stained the walls, ceiling and floor. Once again she slumped forward and kept herself upright this time with her sword, the flames dying a little more. I ran forward and stood behind her, those four burning wings providing protection from the advancing horde. I put my pistol aside and lifted my sword in both hands, aiming down the sights, firing into the maw of figures, the bullets passing through one and he ones behind each of them, a hail of bullets cutting through them all like a hot knife through butter.
Their onslaught stopped, they all simply stopped and took the bullets where they stood, more rounded the corner and simply stopped at the edge of the light Grey was giving out. Snarling at us but refusing to advance, as one fell another took its place. I backed up, still facing them, Grey in front of me, she stood now, her sword out to one side and shield held tight against her chest. I turned from the horde of corrupted figures, the vast majority of them humanoid but occasional variants, husks of people, of ideas and discarded thoughts, warped into this onslaught of monsters. I turned and made my way toward the staircase, the clink of Grey’s sword and shield close behind me, her glow lighting the path. We quickly ascended the stairs and made our way onto the roof.
A huge hole in the actual tiled roof on one side, torn open during the battle long ago between two alien gods. The corruption here as well, none of the original walls were visible now, just walls of flowers, stems, vines, thorns and roots. She sat there, up her throne of flowers. It was her for certain, in every way it was her, entirely consumed by the corruption now, but it looked exactly like her none the less, a twisted abomination entirely consumed by whatever it is that gives us this connection, whatever that trait is that we all share.
I took a step forward and the vines instantly wrapped themselves around my ankles. She was still connected to the chair, physically entangled with it now. She smiled at me, not a smile of happiness or anything of the sort but rather a smile that hurt, a smile of hurt. I lifted my rifle in both hands and fired. It very nearly hit her but then was stopped by a branch of the chair blocking it. The bullet connected with the branch, it partially exploded into a hail of splinters and the bullet simply dropped to the floor. I fired again and again a branch collided with the path and exploded, and the bullet hit the ground. “I cannot allow this to continue” I snapped my fingers and there was a flash of burning light I felt the pressure around my feet release as the vines withered and died as they lost their connection to their host. I stumbled forward and felt perfectly fine as the pain passed. Grey stood in front of me, she hadn’t hit me with the light but instead fired it at Bella.
The bark of the chair burned on the outside, it had been scorched but the fires quickly went out. The branches had protected their host and now retracted from the shell they had quickly formed. I pulled my pistol from where I had fastened it to my belt and fired a round aligned straight for her head. A branch went to block it, however upon colliding with it, it did explode but this time entirely, the bullet passed through with ease and the host was forced to move. It collided with her shoulder this time and there was an ear splitting scream. Grey strode forward, figures forming all around us and advancing quickly on our positions. The Host began to reform, creating a protective shell, gathering more and more branches and taking shape. Grey continued to cut down the advancing figures, many of them burning up as they approached her, she still continued to cut down more and more to buy me time.
There came the sound of The Clockwork God and the shaking became more intense. I fired my remaining four bullets toward the forming shell and threw the gun aside. “I’m tired of this over dramatic bullshit” I strode forward and past Grey, cutting down any of the figures with a single swing or thrust of the sword. I felt a fire run through me, an anger and tiredness of this fight. “Enough this ends now” a large branch detached itself from the shell and swung itself at me, I took one swing and it shattered into a thousand splinters, another branch, and another, each being dealt with in the same fashion. “You dictate nothing anymore, your place here is forfeit now shut up and die” I approached the shell and lifted my sword, taking one swing and as it connected the branches all swung open and left the throne exposed sending me skidding backward. I slowly got to my feet, I marched forward, unloading the remainder of the rounds toward her. The branches blocked each of them. I reloaded and continued walking forward, burning through two more magazines before I reached the throne, a bullet had slipped through here and there, she was bleeding and was hurt. The Host wouldn’t let her go, she just sat there smiling at me. I didn’t say a word, she didn’t want to hear it, I walked forward and without breaking my stride took one swing and removed her head from her shoulders. The host screamed, she didn’t do anything. The host just screamed and began to wither.
Grey cut through the remaining figures, I turned on my heel and walked away. “We are done here, burn it all, I want nothing left” There was a flash of white light and I walked through the doorway back along the corridors and back into the War Room. They all turned to look at me as I entered Azel asked the question they all wanted to ask “Why do it yourself? Why not let Grey just burn it out?” “Because I had to do it myself, I had to make that judgement call, I made that choice and I had to be the one to put it into effect, because I wanted to feel something, I wanted to know if I would hesitate, I wanted to know if I could do it. I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t have to think twice. I had to do it for myself” “You’re going insane” “No this is just some lucid dream, this feels real, this is nothing more than a dream but it’s a continuation of it all. I can come here when I am awake and day dream here, this is my head, everything has a meaning and some kind of reasoning for being here…I wanted to feel something…see if it was something hard to do…it wasn’t…” I found my chair between the table and the console, and sat into it.
I sat there watching the table return to normal, the Clockwork God stood some distance away still. Turning and once again returning to its resting place. The Clockwork Soldiers all returned to their posts and buried themselves. I sat there and let out a sigh. The water still falling from the ceiling. I closed my eyes and felt a fatigue wash over me “End Of The Line”…
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firstginger · 4 years
Hi! Confused XNFP anon again! I had no idea there was so much more detail to MBTI types! I will say it's very difficult for me to resonate completely with one or the other, but I thought I'd give you some feedback on what sounded right. First off, I'm not super familiar with the enneagram test. I think I'm a peacemaker (9?) and that's all I know. In terms of your suggestions, the lesser kudu sounded pretty accurate! The atlas moth felt accurate as well. (1/2)
I have one more tidbit that might be less important. I was surprised most of the animal suggestions were Ravenclaw types, I've only ever really thought of myself as a Hufflepuff. Or even a Gryffinpuff. I suspect that some of the personality qualifiers are less reliable? Like the alignment for example? (2/2)
aa that makes so much sense in light of your enneagram, xNFP 9 is such a lovely combo. if you liked the kudu but aren’t big on the form, here’s a few others i can throw out that are more hufflepuffy—
dove species, like the mourning dove, white-winged dove, or turtledove come to mind. they’re going to have the compassionate and peaceful reputation like the kudu, with less emphasis on the competitive drive and more on being perfectionists who are willing to work. definitely anxious people who get down on themselves a lot though.
the hedgehog, an introvert who’s going to be choosy about their inner circle and doesn’t feel the need to find new friends often. very similar to the above forms in their conflict-avoidance and willingness to put in work, but also anxious people like the doves. loyal friends but hard to get to know.
for the HP houses, honestly i think there’s just a lot of subjectivity to the houses and relying on stereotypes! same thing with the alignments, it’s so variable to situation... which i think HP house can be as well. like everyone feels like they can associate to a certain degree with a certain house, how they’re written in the books. if it’s something you’re interested in and you haven’t already, i’d recommend checking out the sortinghatchats method, which i think is the most rigorous sorting method. the people writing these analyses are just going off of their opinions and best guesses too, so i wouldn’t take it too much to heart!
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