#Not but i will win because im the specialest boy)
surpriserose · 1 month
Just saw a post about a cishet romance book described as found family if it wasnt time to pack it up before it definitely is now
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blorbocedes · 11 months
suppose checo does get booted. what rbr teammate pairing would work then 🫣 im expecting a word doc chicago style. a title page and footnotes and a full bibliography
hear the rbr teammate pairing I want is to see lando get chewed up like a dog toy and I regularly harass you with my vision of their dynamic in my head 🤭
HOWEVER... yknow who would be a delicious second rbr seat... Oscar Piastri 😈
hear me out: lando's gotten used to the taste of being mclaren's first driver, their specialest boy, a strategy that favours him. papa zak has crooned in his ears about that first win, and after p2 podium it feels closer than ever. his ass is locked and loaded to that team. but oscar? he's young. he can accept being second driver (for now), especially in a better seat. the best seat. we've seen him be far closer to lando than DR ever was which gives hope to all his generational claims, and what better way to test it the rookie sacrificial lamb ritual of redbull. he doesn't need to beat max, given how young he is he can be allowed a few years to cook IF he can be better than checo at keeping up with max. secure the constructors.
a reason lestappen teammates doesn't work is because to max, bringing another driver who is first driver calibre is basically betraying him. it's showing the team is willing to test whose better between them, a massive breach to the golden boy dynamic. but bringing in a much younger driver? that's not a threat. inadvertently places max in a mentor position, should he wish to play into it. when max is ready to retire, they can groom oscar for first driver position.
and finally. mark webber -- who still maintains ties with redbull -- gets to create his own sebastian vettel, that he can mold with his own hands and shape his career. 😈😈😈
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asexualstellar · 2 months
go feral
lemme just copy paste a message I sent into discord last night bc good lord -
Im so mentally ill and in love Tim drake he’s such an underrated freak that boy has an IQ higher than Batman (who’s smarter than Einstein) at the age of 14. He’s the only person to ever successfully take down two people Batman couldn’t with ease (superman and shiva) and has earned the title of Detective from Ra’s Al Ghul, who only ever called batman by that name. Ra’s is so impressed by tim’s passion and intelligence that he said he’d rather Tim as an heir than his own grandson Damian, the blood son of Batman. Everyone knows that while Tim may be one of the weaker in combat, he gives 0 care for rules, can and WILL throw illegal moves into battle no matter what to ensure he wins. He doesn’t play fair and that scares villains. Joker hates him so personally it’s almost funny (tim’s so smart he would bust joker before Batman could arrive and joker HATES him for that) and everyone respects and fears Tim for his hard determination and lack of empathy. He nearly drove himself to insanity and lost literal organs to bring Bruce back from when he was lost in the timeline, and even broke Bruce’s no killing rule to do so. He doesn’t care. He’s a freak, and I love him for that. Tim drake my specialest scary guy who doesn’t look like he could accomplish much but has single handedly taken down all of the batfamily in battles one on one in a future timeline because he’s mastered multiple martial arts and hand to hand skills with many different masters over the years and is too smart for his own good. There’s a lot of different spin off timelines where Tim turns evil and absolutely dominates the villain field even in the versions of him turned insane by the joker. Hell, he KILLED the joker- something Batman could never be able to accomplish, and that was under the joker’s influence after brainwashing Tim into joker junior. Even if in the main Red Robin timelines he’s good, his paranoid streak and tendency towards darkness make him one possible enemy they would all have serious trouble defeating. (slay queen) Given the right motivation, Tim Drake could absolutely destroy his family and make him maybe even impossible to ever truly defeat. He knows too much; strategizes too well; and I love him for that 💖💖💖 sorry I’m so abnormal about this freak erm
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spooksier · 1 year
hello i saw ur post abt osgood the loml and the worldbuilding (WHICH I LOOOOOVE TO BITS BTW ITS SO GREATEST SO GOOD..) and you mentioned the concept of beholding actually talking to jon as an inspo for it and i thought about that shit all evening its been haunting me. i would love to hear ur thoughts abt it if u dont mind ofc no pressure:-)!!!!!!!!! osgood win all the time
you never have to be nervous about asking me to explain why i think beholding has a massive fucking crush on jon. i will always say yes.
(this is mostly s5 stuff so spoilers ahead teehee, and its long because its me, tyler spooksier, writing it)
so in s5 its made super clear that beholding definitely, absolutely likes jon the most and favors him as its pupil. like it tries to keep them happy in the cabin, it keeps martin safe to the point where jon literally points out that the eye is fond of him, it just listens to jon when he wants to do something (like it just LETS HIM MAKE A NEW AVATAR???),, which out of line with what we were told about the entities (especially beholding) being very hands off with their avatars. it literally knows that jon's goal is to kill it but it never tries to stop him! the entire city of london turns into beholding going "everybody look at my specialest boy!!!!!!!" (the eye-drones that swarm jon when he's outside the panopticon my beloved). like there is something about being the archivist that makes ur connection to the eye most personal.........
anyways my whole idea about beholding "talking" to jon came from this scene in 194:
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im absolutely obsessed with the sorta-confirmation that beholding speaks to jon through the statements it gives him (which btw adds a whole new layer to s5, a season that already kicks my ass) and this + the running aspect of s5 where jon is referred to as holy or with other religious-ish phrases made me think about the idea of like a god and its high priest being able to talk to each other. because obviously beholding wants to talk to jon and wants jon's little ass so bad. idk it just made me wonder what its like in jon's head to have a god in there that loves him so bad that it wants to eat him whole
tl;dr: beholding gay for jarchivist
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white-boy-bracket · 1 year
tbh I unfollowed this blog after Artemis lost and now I see the Team Lit vs Percy post in the af tags so I go to the blog and it's like returning to a building to find it completely renovated. What the hell happened? I'm assuming it's Artemis's fault
It is Artemis's fault. Have you seen someone in the notes of all of the polls across the site screaming about Artemis Sweep? That person is me. I am his tireless cheerleader, watching him lose again and again and again, in every poll. Slowly growing wary.
I made this tournament because Artemis is one pale ass motherfucker. He is the reason why this tournament is here. I love him. And when he lost in his first round? Of my own tournament? I held a nepotism poll and stuck him with Firestar. A strong ally to be certain. Anyone who beats the onceler is not to be trifled with.
They won the Nepo poll, and then eeked out a win against the Beatles and Qifrey.
I held a second Nepo poll because i thought it would be funny if Bruce Wayne and Batman were on the same team. But my Team Blatant Nepotism SWEPT the tournament- Nico, Jason, and Spencer Reid.
So i combined them with Team Lit. They are now called Team Lit (and spencer). they're currently going up against Percy. A strong opponent. A strong... Ally?
If Percy loses, he is not out of the tournament, he joins Team Lit (and spencer). I put this fact in the poll. Team Lit (and spencer) are eeking out a win as win against Percy.
They will need him if they are to defeat Garfield (probably) next round.
Does this sound like a villain monologue? It is.
Artemis is my specialest boy. I'm not rigging the tournament- as is im not overturning results- but i am trying to give Artemis all the help he can get.
You unfollowed when Artemis lost. Fool. I'm too biased for him to die in round 2! Its round 4 now!
People are annoyed with me. Other people find it funny. But I'll be damned if Artemis doesn't AT LEAST get to the semi finals. At least.
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bitegore · 2 years
ok im back to thinking about motormaster and drag strip and their awful messy thing again
in a theoretical universe where motormaster finally got some kink ed and finally got to hear like, oh, yeah, plenty of people also like to feel like they fought their partner and won, that's not actually unusual at all, and your problem is not actually that obviously sex has a winner and a loser and you want to win or whatever is going through your head on this front but actually that you can't communicate for shit and no one else is on the same page as you and also actually raping people makes them not like you very much after so they have to also want to fight and lose if you want to fight and win.
i got like less basis for going 'and also drag strip is a brat' but i think he should be, i think it would be hot if he were. thats my justification really is that i think it would be hot. and i think he could work this out if motormaster would give him like room to breathe and shit regardless of if motormaster worked his shit out
you'd think this would mean that i think they can actually have fulfilling consensual fightsex then, but i don't think that they could work that out. there's too much history, i don't think either of them can keep it from getting too real halfway through. even if they were both trying which i like.
see that i could see. everything else aside i think motormaster is genuinely into his disaster teammates, and i think drag strip has this attitude where he can't just be bad at things. if he can talk himself up it's one thing but if he just gets banned from ever having sex with motormaster ever again i think he'd go 'well fuck you now i am doing it' and then make himself miserable over and over because fuck you he's not going to just not be able to do it, he's drag strip, he can do anything he wants because he's the bestest and the most specialest boy ever.
i'm not sure where i'm going with this but i also think that drag strip and motormaster would have the most turbulent relationship anyway, like the rest of them have no interest in trying to take motormaster's position and breakdown and dead end have both figured out "keep your head down and you get in less trouble" whereas drag strip can't like wrap his head around that one. so i think drag strip is really the only one who like cannot basically ever fuck motormaster without it turning into a whole event in the first place, and consequently he's also the only one who like, in the hypothetical good-ending au where motormaster sorts his shit out before he dies drag strip is also the only one who still really can't get to fuck motormaster
....well, until motormaster finally is willing to own up to being a big sub and let drag strip tie him up but i'm gonna need to do a LOT more mental prodding to get him to let that out of its box ever....
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stcantarella · 17 hours
CATS WON THE CUP YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!! TAKE THAT CM97. matthew tkachuk this will win your dad's approval 100% I love this narrative for cm97 welcome to the special boys who are lauded and discarded when the next shiny toy comes around club (this time also called connor!) we are soooo back i was praying for this solely because I did not want to go a whole summer listening to everyone talk about how cm97 is the specialest boy in the world (im mad the nhl discarded MY special boy)
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paging-possum · 7 months
Coming live to you all from finals season! It hasn’t actually been that bad thus far, just very long and tedious on account of the fact that I’m an art major. The pro is that most of my finals will be done before actual finals week meaning that I get to rest while my STEM friends suffer! The con is that I’m ALSO a science major so I’ll have to suffer a little with them. The third, more sinister (positive) thing is that my only science class this semester is human bio and I learned half that stuff last year anyways so I won’t actually be struggling LMAO. Anyways. My comic. 
Got another very big burst of motivation this week because of my 3D class actually! I’ve been coming to the realization that I spend so much time meticulously planning things that it scares me out of just. Going and getting them done. The solution? Just jump right into it without worrying about it! So, instead of trying to power through the script before letting myself draw anything (which is the main thing I really want to get to right now), I’ve started thumbnailing the first scene since it’s the most solid part of the story so far and least subject to major changes! I recently edited it to fix up Lyssa’s conversation with Terry and cut out a couple characters who I didn’t think were necessary to the story, so it should be pretty smooth sailing to actually make those pages. It’s a much more exciting thing to work on in addition to working out some of the later plot threads- and it gives me a better idea of how long the comic will be in total. I was hoping to keep this one under 100 pages and it’s looking bleak given that the first scene is 25 pages (I AM TRYING TO CUT IT DOWN AND YET IT STILL LOOKS BLEAK) (I might just be underestimating how much I can fit on one page so we'll see) thumbnails
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There are MANY other projects happening this week. I have finals for 3 of my classes! All of them are art classes! My 2D final is a puppet about rabies so that feels pertinent to this comic! I also did some secret santa work (hi CAPE crew)(also applied to the dndads winter exchange just for funsies) and finished a hat, and somehow managed to get the wrong knitting needles three times and then send the right set of knitting needles to my house instead of my college address so the future of this sweater is a little in the balance but I’m also gods specialest little boy and capable of anything I put my mind to and also JUST realized that I can make incredibly strong instant coffee in the microwave in my dorm instead of having to go out and spend money on it which is financially saving me but forever dooming my body. I did that at 7pm. mistake .I think Im’ doing other stuff but its 3am and i cannot for the life of me remember. 
I REMEMBEREDB my friend who i mentioned in the first one of these PUBLISHED THE GAME SHE WAS WORKING ON!! AND YOU CAN PLAY IT NOW!!!! AND YOU SHOULD!!! https://fish-games.itch.io/value 
Things We Lost in the Fire by Bastille
Angus, the Prize-Winning Hog by The Toxhards
Spider Dance by Toby Fox
Spiderwebs by No Doubt
Running with the Wolves by AURORA
The Poppy Wars by R.F Kuang (not a song, but a very good audiobook! Enjoying it so far!)
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romulanfucker · 2 years
9 and 40
9. favorite background character
40. favorite couple/pairing this is an evil and cruel question to ask me. im such a sappy little bitch. i'm picking like 7.
ok i feel like i should say something about spirk because theyre like. thee couple. thee pairing. they do it all. but im honestly not all that compelled by like spock/kirk as a Ship TM its more like. well whatever the hell they had going on in the 60s changed the face of sci fi and possibly the earth. its spirks world we're just living in it.
in terms of genuine romances that compel me (canon or not): i gotta give the winning spot to trip/t'pol bc trip is my specialest boy in the whole universe but runners up include: the worfzia-troiker polycule that exists in my mind (or either of those pairings seperately but theyre better together); lwaxana/odo; janeway/chakotay. (i really like it when star trek het baits me.) oh and daforge :D
ships that if you called me a ____ shipper i'd shoot you but i think theyre so funny and cant stop staring at them: quodo; garashir; bev/picard (divorce ending)
bonus points to lenara/jadzia and mariner/jennifer for being wlw ships which i 👀🥺🥰 but neither of them have enough screentime (yet) for me to consider them Faves ya know.
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