#Not sure if any of my responses were actually violent or not... but yeah. XD
tori-artemis · 1 year
Thank you, @iamanartichoke for the asks! Writing this all out kind of made my day. 💜💜💜
Alright, so here we go:
9. Worst part of canon:
The fact that nothing ever is fully explored, omg! Like we see Loki being shocked and repulsed when he learns about his heritage, right, we see him almost physically recoil at the sight of his arm turning blue, we see him hesitate right when he's about to reach for Odin, bc he's afraid his touch will hurt him. So we know he has issues with this fact about himself, he's bothered by the fact that he's Jotun, and then several films later and... nothing. This is never really touched on again. Which is a shame, bc there's so much angst and character potential here!
And it keeps happening, like we see Loki fall into the void, we see he's still alive but seemingly roughed up at the end Thor 1, we see him in Avengers looking near-feral and clearly not well, but then those experiences of his are never explored, never even fully acknowledged, and IDK, it just bugs me.
(Also this isn't even necessarily about Ragnarok solely, bc I kinda include The Dark World here too. As much as Tom Hiddleston acted the hell out of his scenes, and he certainly had these things in mind during his performance, and as decent as the writing was overall, the fact that this was never mentioned, or brought up, or Thor never bothered to ask or they never had an argument where this info just spilled out... it just frustrates me, y'know. Like I would've actually enjoyed Dark World a lot more if these things had been explored in a meaningful way, or even just at all, but yeah. I'm not hating on the film, it's not the worst but I'd be lying if I said that I loved, or even really liked it, bc... well yeah.)
10. Worst part of fanon:
That Loki is the liarist liar ever, who ever liared his way into lying? Or that he's Stabby McBackstabber, or Traitor McGee or whatever. Mr "Power Hungry for a Throne" wants his power fixation and is fucking shit up bc he can - and bc he's apparently turned into goddamn Littlefinger from Game of Thrones and he's just climbing that chaos ladder, I guess. Tbf this is more the MCU/marvel fanon/misinterpretation of him, verses Loki fandom fanon in general, but I still see it and it's annoying. I guess if I had to pick fanon from the fandom tho... maybe it's less the fanon and more the extremism of certain fanons? Like - Loki's a good person at heart, he's loyal, he deeply loves and cares for his family (and his people/realm), we all know this, but then when that's the only thing that ever gets applied to his decision making, when you take away his more "unsavory" qualities (particularly his envy and resentment of Thor - understandable as those feelings may be, they're still, well, pretty dark emotions y'know), then you just strip a character of all his nuance and turn him into a one note saint, and those are never fun. He's basically reduced to being just as shallow as Traitor McGee over there, just from an opposite viewpoint. I love him more when he's human and flawed, he doesn't have to be a perfect saint for me to love him as a character.
(Like yes - Loki is perfect, but in that he's perfectly imperfect, if that makes any sense.)
22. Part of canon that you love that everyone else ignores:
I'm not sure tbh? I'm like the last person to give these great meta-insightful answers bc I kinda just get all my information from other meta writers. Like I never actually analyzed any of the Thor films - or any MCU film for that matter, I kinda just watch and enjoy the ride, and it wasn't until I started reading all this great Loki meta on Tumblr that I started to actually think about any of this stuff at all. But I guess if I had to pick something... um something I really liked, in Ragnarok of all things, was how Loki seemed to joke about the more difficult/upsetting aspects of his past (ex: his suicide attempt, and to a lesser degree his Jotun heritage bc I do think he has a lot of unresolved issues when it comes to that). Which is strange bc a lot of fans actually have said they hated that, but for a character known for putting a front and wearing masks I honestly found it pretty in character for him. Like I do think Loki uses humor to downplay his own pain/angst/struggles in general. The comment he says about Frigga (after she was recently murdered mind you) when Thor says "She wouldn't want us to fight" (voice full of pain) and Loki just - tearfully, yet lightheartedly quips back "well she wouldn't exactly be shocked" - it's things like that. And granted, I know those two scenes were very different, and he was with Thor in the latter scene, which also changes everything on how he responds/presents himself etc., but I can't help but see it as another example of Loki using humor to lighten up a conversation/bad memory. (There are probably better examples out there, but I'm too tired to search for any).
Just basically: if anyone would make a sarcastic joke about their own suicide attempt and shrug it off as no big deal... it'd be Loki.
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calpalsworld · 3 years
Not "autistic anon," but also autistic, (being called maybe ableist made me want to put this out there before go to bed) i thought Zane was depicted that way purposefully by the writers. He has stereotypical traits like taking things literally, and has an actual humor switch. The writers have done things with Zane before like have him lose bodily autonomy (during that one Wu's teas short) and did something with his voice be it making him unable to be understood or talking too loud and the forced pirate voice by Jay. (what you're doing isn't too different from that, right?) I thought it was just a little iffy to distort his body and memory bc that could be interpreted as something not that I'm sure what exactly, it's some kind of disability. I dunno. I'm not good with putting this to words. I hope this makes sense.
Sorry I went to bed but now I’m awake 😭
Also I ended up totally spilling all my thoughts here rather than only specifically replying to you please forgive me context: my scary zane concept design, & my ninjago rewrite i refer to a lot 
Im a little confused but I think I get what you're saying? You're saying the Ninjago writers absolutely DON'T write Zane well (you listed examples of this) and you don't want me to fall into the same trap?
I had the opposite logic earlier. I thought: If Ninjago writers made Zane have stereotypical autisitic traits while also being a dehumanized robot, I may as well embrace it, say he is autistic blatantly, while also making him do funny/cool non-human robot things, so its clear as possible the two aspects of his character are literal and separate and not a metaphor for each other. But you're right! I do have a choice and I dont have to embrace things! :)
Like there were a couple ways I was gonna reject the original, for example, I never wanted Zane to have a funny switch, and I hated how other characters could fuck with Zane and he didn't even care 😬. I want to change that stuff. So youre right, if I am changing shit like that, it would be counterproductive for ME to GIVE him MORE traits along that theme. 😬😬😬 I should try to feel less obligated to portray Zane like he originally is. I still like the concept of "scary zane" (for reasons i explain below the cut) but I might tone it down a bit like with the claws and weird proportions and shit. I’d def make him look more skeletal and undead. That was my original intention, but i didnt execute it as good as I could have.... idk if anyone could tell thats what he was supposed to be like...my bad! But rn I dont wanna redesign him I wanna draw other stuff like normal alive Zane. Sorry LMAO 😳. Like I said in some earlier asks I think, I think Im gonna focus rn on how I should portray season 1 normal not dead Zane so thank you and feel free to share any other Zane thoughts ^_^ SOME OTHER THOUGHTS:
Also I Wanna Argue Some Stuff But I Understand its a Weak Argument Since All of This Context was Just In My Brain (so don't take this as an argument, just as me rambling): I don't want messed up things to happen to Zane and for it to just be ignored. I think if Zane is going to have fucked up things happen to him, as all characters must, its best for it to happen during a season where he actually addresses his feelings about being a robot (learning to accept that he will always be himself, regardless if hes "human" or the "original" or whatever. (thats how I always interpreted his emotions)). But I wouldn't have the other Ninja be very phased by Zane's looks because the whole point is they already love who he is (seasons 1-3 were about getting to know Zane) and now Zane himself just has to learn the physical, robot part of him is okay. Its about person-hood rather than humanity. Because the season focuses around Zane's soul, and because he lost his original body, I feel like I could mess around with his current, temporary body and have fun and make it scary. Because that body should be irrelevant. I understand it possibly being upsetting for an autistic character to be designed like this, but other people I talked to see it the opposite way. They find it comforting for him to look so different but still be himself and be so loved. SO IM ABSOLUTELY NOT saying its wrong to be bothered or to hate it or to feel any way. Just that I personally think it would be cool for Zane to be portrayed with a little spice lol, so thats why I like scary Zane for season 4.
Another Thing I Wannna Say But Is REALLY Hypocritical: (this isnt directed at anyone I just REALLY want to say this) I know I say "this is Zane but scary, he looks like fnaf" so he's obviously dehumanized, but I always felt like "scary" is more of an objective fact. Its an instinct. But what's "not human" is subjective. I think there is a problem with saying anything different from "average" human is dehumanized because that could extend to real people. Lol I know its bad for me to compare FNAF-ass Zane to real people, but I mean he could be real. People can have exposed teeth, and people can be shaped weird. And when someone first sees a person who looks like that they'll probably think "woah those features are scary" by instinct. And that surprise doesn't make someone ableist obviously. But bring that person’s humanity into question is NOT an instinct, and is fucked to shit. This is kinda a bad point for me to make since its about the fictional FNAF Zane I drew, and I am NOT implying ANYONE was thinking like this. [especially not the original asker anon who I am totally forgetting about at this point OOPS]. But I just thought it was an opinion of mine I couldn't go without mentioning when talking about dehumanization and disabilities.
^^^ I think you (anon) understand what I mean and might’ve said the exact same thing as me if you were writing a long ass response? I think this because you started to bring physical disabilities up and you said it was "a little iffy." ^_^ So we agree, but I don't see Zane's relation to real life disabilities as "a little iffy" I see it more like "complicated"? IF THAT DIFFERENCE EVEN MAKES ANY SENSE?????? I feel like a lot of things about Zane are really just complicated and need the right context, rather than the concepts necessarily being wrong -- NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT! THATS THE WHOLE REASON I DO THIS STUPID REWRITE! XD thats why a lot of my rewrite SO FAR has been the same concepts and plot beats, but different dialogue n specifics and such. I like a lot of concepts in Ninjago but I dont think they were presented correctly.....! :( So I guess all we can do is wait and see if I make Zane offensive or not....???
Also something about the memory part - yeah i agree i was surprised no one thought that was weird to make jokes out of his memory issues..... BUT I am like 100% firm on making his memory take longer to come back because I think its stupid how quick Zane was able to recover from literally dying. Like its just dumb to me. Hate it. (also bc memory & soul mechanics is ummm kinda important in my rewrite.... for reasons). Another memory thing btw, I was going to make his original amnesia come from hitting his head in an attack against the Skulkin when they stole his dads corpse, rather than his dad fucking choosing to make him forget. (its a sweet & iconic scene, but Um, WHY?!!!?!?!?!?) He has to follow data recovery instructions he finds in his dads diary. I think in that context it makes moments of memory loss somewhat different for Zane's character? Instead of loss of autonomy associated with disability, its a literal violent loss of autonomy associated with being traumatized by physical force. Idk how to phrase it exactly but I think that makes some vibes different?
Sorry, I think I got really distracted, and I don't know if I responded well to your points. Because uhhhh I think I agree with your stance actually? If I understand correctly? Fuck Ninjago writers for making the robot lose autonomy (a stereotypical robot theme) while also making him seem clearly autistic (NOT A HAPPY THEME FOR AUTISTIC PEOPLE) and not addressing it. And also auuugh Zane with a weird body is a difficult topic - kinda sussy pretty iffy.
Lol anyway idk if this made any sense and I REALLY rambled on you. but this was nice 👉👈 more Zane criticism pls love you and i love zane. i hope u dont feel mad at me because then it would be weird that im saying that lol. if you do feel mad at me tho you can send another ask (ILL TRY TO JUST LISTEN NOT RAMBLE NEXT TIME) but assuming ur chill rn, love you thnx
Take this page, don’t mind cole’s ass.
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b-rainlet · 3 years
- the-scarecrxw
(Since you sent 4 of those emojis I'm gonna go off but I'll stick to one in this answer and make seperate posts for the others aksnsns)
I can't give you anything Jonathan centric (that isn't Tommy/Jonathan, one of my fave rarepairs) but Jerome features in lots of my AUs.
This one is one of my faves that's entirely self-indulgent and if it ever gets written it's probably gonna be the longest fic I ever published (Again: If it ever gets written):
I gotta apologize in advance, it's just a fun little AU I haven't put too much thoughts into in terms of plotting so this is gonna be A. Long, B. Messy and C. A little chaotic
- First off, you gotta understand that @nsfwitchy2 Me had some fun with a pretty nonsensical and definitely not canon-compliant AU where Jerome and Jeremiah have three Mums (Tabby, Lee and Barbara, who all date) and live with them and Barbara Lee as their little sister.
- Ecco also lives with them, she sees herself as both the twins' gf more than a genuine part of the family tho (for now)
- (Meanwhile at Wayne Manor Alfred and Jim date and are very tired parents of Bruce and his clone 514A, in this AU - and pretty much every AU - nicknamed Brook)
- (Selina kinda goes back and forth between living at Wayne Manor or at Lee's place)
- Also, everyone dates. The twins. The clones. Eccomiah, Jecco, Batcat, Valeyne, Wayleska, they're all fucking
- Which isn't THAT important for this particular AU but I figured I'd give a warning xD
- This is mostly my attempt to give Tabitha some more backstory? Just...how I personally see her character and how I could see her end up if things would've went differently after S2
- The google docs file is called 'How Tabitha started being a Mum while disregarding canon completely' lmao
- Like her current life involves having 4 kids (if you count Selina) and two wives and that's a hell of an AU and I just like to overthink things and play with the way things would have needed to have gone in canon to have her 'end up' like this
- Also I can see her struggling with having a family all if a sudden (that isn't a manipulative brother or a weird cult)
-Especially if that involves Motherhood
- So on one hand it's a 'S2 until now' fic, explaining what happened to her in my canon
- But also - mostly because I find that easier to organize in my brain - it's interwoven with a 5+1-esque fic of all her children calling her 'Mum' (and her getting emotional over that)
- So it switches back and forth between the past and the present but for rambling's sake, I'll start with the past
- She still leaves Theo behind and flees with Silver but she keeps Silver close instead of immediately sending her away
- And her and Silver get taken in by Fish after they leave Theo because they have nowhere to go and Fish loves taking care of strays
- (Fish, who probably didn't end up in Indian Hill but rather lives in hiding until she is ready to strike against Penguin)
- She refers to herself as Liza's Mother in canon, you can't tell me she wouldn't instantly adopt Tabby and call her 'Honey' and give her motherly advice while Tabby tries to be all bite but actually enjoys somebody taking care of her for once
- Selina🤝Tabby
'Trying so very hard all the time to not show how soft and insecure they are'
- Actually, I'd start diverting from Canon even sooner aksnsjd
- Well not full on changing canon, but I'd...pepper in some stuff
- Like some scenes of her back with Theo and the Maniax
- Mostly her talking to Theo about Jerome's planned murder, which, yeah, she knows it's been set in stone from the beginning but that doesn't mean that she isn't talking about alternatives where he doesn't get killed off
- And Theo's like "Don't tell me you're going soft. No one will miss him. He was just a boy. Not worthy enough to be remembered."
- And later on she betrays him and goes 'I remember him'
- Anyway, they stay with Fish for a while but Tabby doesn't wanna keep Silver in Gotham
- So she sends her back to the school she went to before coming to Gotham with Theo (but makes sure their weird cult can't get their hands on her there)
- And Silver wants her to come with but Tabby says she has some unfinished business
- Aka she just doesn't wanna leave Barbara (who is in a coma atm, if Memory serves right)
- And Tabby's reasoning is that it's not safe in Gotham but really, she thinks she can't be responsible for another person
- "She needs a mother. A Family. I can't give her that." - "You are her family."
- So Silver's out of the picture and Tabby hangs with Fish until Barbara wakes up and they get together again (and never ever seperate)
- Also there's no Butch/Tabby because that was unnecessary as fuck
- And I gotta be honest, I haven't thought more about canon because Butch/Tabby alone makes my head hurt already but somehow they start dating Lee
- Who brings Jerome into the relationship because I sure am fond of Lee being Jerome's Mother (like as in, I have several wips with that concept alone not counting this one)
- Jerome probably came back to life after S3 and Lee fought to have him not be treated like a violent criminal but rather a child who was taken advantage of and after his release from Arkham (where she visited him and made sure he got some proper treatment) it seemed natural to have him live with her
- (But also he's still a criminal aksnsjs, you can see how much I thought about this)
- (Sue me for sticking to the heartfelt scenes and avoiding the mess that is plotting)
- Tabby and Barbara already had Selina and through Jerome, Jeremiah and Ecco were added et voila! Their Family is complete
- (Why exactly Barbara Lee exists if Tabby and Barbara have been non-stop dating since S2 I can't tell you, I simply think she is neat and I like the idea of big brother Jerome)
- (This AU? Self-indulgent? Why would you ever think that?)
- In the present however she is dealing with what is mostly referred to as 'feelings'
- Mostly panic at realizing that the bunch of weird children she's been living with are seeing her as some kind of parental figure
- Because suddenly they all call her 'Mum'
- Unsurprisingly the first one to call her Mum is Jerome at breakfast
- She's reading the newspaper and there's an article about a hostage situation the twins planned and he goes 'Mum, are you done with that? Can we see?'
- And they snatch it from her and argue about how they didn't even make the front page while Tabby nearly chokes on her coffee
- And of course she breaks down talks to her wives about it later while they get ready for bed because no one ever called her 'Mum' before
- Barbara's braiding her hair, while Lee's off to the side, getting ready for bed and it's very domestic and I am very gay
- But neither see it as a big deal because both of them have been called Mum before (by Jerome at least. Like. Immediately upon meeting them)
- So she's trying to be nonchalant about it because it's only a big deal if she makes it one
- While also not being able to deny the warm feeling that spreads throughout her body when Jerome keeps calling her 'Mum'
- Miah and Selina on the other hand are both hesitant to call anyone Mum
- Miah cause of Pride, Selina cause of her Mummy Issues
- But they both do at some point
- I think I have more notes on this SOMEWHERE but I kinda wanna have Miah call her Mum while he's ill (because we all know he'd be super fussy and want attention 24/7)
- So she humours him and while he's close to falling asleep - and she's totally not carding her fingers through his hair because she isn't soft or anything - he mumbles: "Thank you Mum" and she melts
- Selina would be more angsty
- Like, maybe it's her birthday and she disappears for a while (as she tends to do) but Tabby (who's closest to her) knows how hard this day is for her (since again her Mum isn't there with here and looks for her and brings her back home but doesn't make a big fuss out of her birthday
- Just...lets her be, gives her space but also lets her curl up close to her and maybe Selina doesn't call her Mum on that exact day
- But it's the day she realizes she wouldn't mind calling Tabitha her Mother, so she hesitantly tries it out a while later (maybe days, maybe weeks, however long it takes for her to feel comfortable with it) and they share a smile
- Then there's Barbara Lee, but she barely counts because she's a toddler and calls everyone 'Mummy'
- Even her father ajsnsnsn
- The last one would be Ecco because I have a very soft spot for Tabby and Ecco being close
- Ecco's rather formal with them for the longest time (she calls Barbara, Lee and Tabby 'Ma'am' for the most part because she may like them, but she doesn't think they see her as family. She's just the token girlfriend).
- So there's a scene where they connect, possibly over Tabby's hand and Ecco's head since I hc that Ecco gets headaches and migraines a lot (considering that she still gets shot in the head by Miah, like I said, this AU isn't necessarily the most bullet proof in terms of linear timelines)
- But so is Gotham so-
- So there's possibly a scene where Ecco's headache is getting super bad and no one's around (especially not Miah to dote on her) and Tabby awkwardly tries to bond by telling her about her hand and how she can't feel much (is a little clumsy with it) and Ecco immediately imprints on her like a duckling
- Maybe it's even the first time anyone reached out to Ecco in a way that feels genuine, especially without the twins or any of her (various) other partners being present so now she's willing to die for Tabby
- Which ends in her also calling her 'Mum' (while she keeps calling Lee and Barbara 'Ma'am' and Lee's so mad ajsnsjdj she was trying so hard to bond with this kid but couldn't quite get it right and you're telling her her socially pretty clumsy - but still wonderful of course - wife managed with just one conversation?? Slander
- And of course because I can't stop myself, there would be even more tidbits here and there of Tabby overcoming her previous way of living (as in, thinking caring or showing emotions is weakness) by having her reminisce a LOT about Theo
- For example by having Jerome climb into bed with her while Barbara's sleeping and Tabby is waiting for Lee to come home
- Lee works as a doc in the narrows which may be a little illegal, but the people didn't just stop needing help after her Queen of the Narrows arc was over, so I vote she keeps at it (and is held in very high regard for it by pretty much everyone)
- Tabby always stays up until everyone is home because she likes knowing where everyone is and that they're safe while Jerome has frequent nightmares and wanders around the house, so this isn't a rare occurrence
- And sometimes, they talk Theo
- "You miss him?" - "Don't know."
- "I wish he was still alive so I could kill him." - "....Me too." - "Which one?" - "...Both."
- (ajajsbssj this is all just copy pasted and cleaned up a lil', leave me and my pretentious way of writing dialogue alone)
- Tabby also has a lot of interludes where she thinks about what growing up with Theo was like/her childhood in general
- How she always protected him from other children bullying him and how they swore to have each other's back but how in hindsight, she was the one doing all the dirty work for him, helping him fulfill his dream and enact his revenge
- Realizing that he probably never cared for her, not like she cared for him
- There's also allusions to them having sex because you cannot tell me they did NOT have sex
- And it ends with Tabby realizing that she is quite happy with how she ended up, even if it's neither how she thought she would ever live nor what her old self would've even wanted, possibly seeing too many attachments as 'weak' judging by the way she canonly used Butch for convenience sake at first
- And yeah, maybe now she can provide the family - the Mother - somebody else desperately needs
- So she brings Silver home
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paradife-loft · 4 years
wh.. when did wwx make his enemies eat their own flesh and fight the reanimated bodies of their loved ones ?? in the novel ?
Aaahhhh, anon, I hope you’ll forgive me for saying that, even knowing what this ask is in response to, seeing it pop up in my inbox did make me laugh XD Not in a bad way! It was simply very unexpected, and also very specific. So thank you for brightening my day! <3
(For context, for everyone else watching along at home - mentions of WWX doing those things came up in this thread, re: MDZS’s general moral greyness.)
But, okay, getting to the point, yes, those events are details taken from the novel! Specifically, I would say they’re things that were... pretty heavily implied, or are reasonable conclusions to draw based on the surrounding context, rather than being literally explicitly stated in the novel? But still.
The bit about making people fight the reanimated dead bodies of people they knew and cared about, I believe is a reference to the battle at the Pledge Conference at Nightless City, and perhaps also the Sunshot campaign in general. I looked to see if I could find an exact quote detailing this, but I was unsuccessful going through the most immediately relevant chapters I can think of, so I’m not sure if the topic is directly addressed ever in the book? (If anybody has a textual source for this part, lmk and I’ll edit to add it in!)
But in any case, even if it’s not stated directly in the text, I’d say it’s at least a reasonable-supposition-become-fanon due to a couple reasons. First, the fact that at the Pledge Conference battle, Wei Wuxian raises a bunch of corpses straight from the ground the other sects are all standing on - as this was the site of the last major Sunshot Campaign battle just a few years ago, presumably some portion of those dead would be members of the non-Wen sects who the present Pledge Conference attendees would have known. Second, I think people tend to figure that, since he’s fighting during both the Pledge Conference and the Sunshot campaign by raising and directing armies of reanimated corpses, it would make plenty of sense tactically for him to add the people immediately killed in any one battle into the ranks of his forces as well - leading to his enemies having to fight against members of their own sect who’d only just been cut down a few moments ago.
(Admittedly, until/unless someone points me to a specifically contradictory part of the text on this bit, I do think it’s fair if you don’t necessarily buy either of those explanations, for logistical reasons, emotional preferences, whatever, and don’t include that as a part of your interpretation of events &/or the character. YMMV! MXTX is certainly not very detailed when it comes to descriptions of what’s actually happening during battles, so I think there’s for sure room for different headcanons.)
That aside, the other piece, “making his enemies eat their own flesh,” does actually have much stronger specific textual support - it’s pretty heavily implied as part of how Wei Wuxian was torturing Wen Chao after he left the Burial Mounds for his bloody revenge rampage! (Relevant quotes from the book under the cut for length and gore.)
From chapter 61 (ExR translation):
After Wen ZhuLiu finished applying the ointment, he took out a few buns from his lapel and put one in his hand, “Eat. We’ll continue after you finish.”
With shaking hands, Wen Chao cupped it in his hands and took a bite out of it. Seeing this, Jiang Cheng remembered what a plight he and Wei WuXian were in the day when they fled. The didn’t even have any food. Such a situation was karma indeed!
Heart filled with joy, the corners of his curled lifted and he broke into mad but soundless laughter.
Suddenly, Wen Chao looked as if he had bitten something that caused him react with such a petrified expression. He threw the bun away and screamed, “I’m not eating meat! I’m not! I’m not! I’m not eating meat!”
Wen ZhuLiu passed him another one, “This one isn’t meat.”
Wen Chao, “I’m not eating it! Take it away! Get lost! I want to find my dad. When can we get back to my dad?!”
And then a bit later, in chapter 62:
He walked a few steps nearer and kicked into a white object by his foot. He looked down. It was the meat bun that Wen Chao had tossed away.
Wei WuXian raised a brow, “What, you’re a picky eater?”
Wen Chao fell from his stool, screeching, “I’m not eating it! I’m not eating it! I’m not eating it!”
As he bawled, he crawled on the ground with his finger-less hands. The long black cape slid down the lower half of his body, revealing his legs. The two legs dangled from his torso as if they were burdensome accessories. Even wrapped within bandages, they were still unusually thin. Due to his violent movements, the bandages stretched out to form gaps. Inside were ghastly white bones, crimson blood and strands of flesh still hanging from them.
All of the flesh on his legs had been sliced off, piece by piece. And, likely… all of the flesh had been eaten by himself!
Wen Chao’s sharp screams echoed within the empty courier station. Wei WuXian looked as though he didn’t hear anything. Lifting up the hem of his robe, he sat down at another table.
So yeah. If we’re quibbling, it’s also not stated directly that Wei Wuxian forced him to do this, but like.... the snark on WWX’s part, combined with the scant likelihood of Wen Chao eating his own flayed flesh for some reason that didn’t involve force/mind control/etc..... it seems fairly clear to me what conclusion we’re supposed to draw.
...Though also I think fairly clearly, this is not something that we’re supposed to take Wei Wuxian as doing on the regular, or even more than once, for that matter. It’s a pretty special Wen Chao Fuck You Specifically deal.
So yeah! A general theme of MDZS the novel, especially compared to The Untamed: Has A Lot More Visceral Body-Related Horror Going On, Especially Where Wei Wuxian Is Concerned. Thanks for the ask! :D
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greensaplinggrace · 4 years
Hi! I really liked your other Cloud whump fic and I was wondering if you could do more hurt/comfort! With a claustrophobic!Cloud & maybe a bit of Clarret? Thanks in advance! :)
Barret goes *hard* in this fic, and I’m so sorry for that XD. I actually think he’s the softest character in the whole game, but I kind of wanted to hit their dynamic with a sledge hammer, instead of the delicate chisel and saw I usually prefer. Hopefully it’s still as in character as possible for being thrown into an extreme scenario (that also happens to take place in the beginning of the game when he’s a *lot* more suspic). I hope you like it! :)
*TW for panic attacks and ptsd flashbacks
-If you want to send in a prompt, the guidelines are here!
“It’s just down this hall, right?”
“Third door on the left!”
“Yeah, got it. How’s our rear guard looking?”
“Oh he’s looking real fine.”
“Enough with the gossiping!” Barret snaps, racing to catch up with Jessie and Biggs. Behind him the sounds of a fight ring on, but he’s more worried about securing their escape than checking out the merc’s flowing blonde locks. As his own damn team should be, too. “Can we get this door open or not?”
Biggs shakes his head, still working the lock slowly. “It’s seeming less and less likely.”
“Then how the hell are we gettin’ out of here?!”
Biggs curses, yanking his hands away from the door, and stands roughly. He’s quick to pocket his tools, glancing around desperately for another escape. 
“The intel said this was the right way out!” Jessie huffs.
“Well, clearly we got double crossed!” 
“I don’t know, Barret. If we got double crossed, the entire security system would be down on us. Right now it’s just the monsters we picked up outside.”
“Yeah, but-!”
“We’ll discuss this later!” Barret interrupts, trying frantically to think up a fallback plan. They hadn’t been provided with the actual layout of the building. Just some vague instructions with some shady details, and he’s beginning to suspect there’s a lot more going on here than they’re prepared for.
“Well how are we getting out, then?!” Jessie demands, leaning forward with her hands on her hips. She’s got a scowl in place, hair bouncing wildly as she pulls back and whips her head around to look at the door again. “I could blow it up, I suppose-”
“No bombs, Jessie!”
Barret snorts. “If the security ain’t on our asses now it would definitely be up in arms once we blow a hole in the wall.”
“Has everybody forgotten that we’re fifty stories up?! Blow out the wall and the ladder goes too!”
“So we kick the door down!” Now that is an idea Barret can get behind. “No explosions and no destruction! We could just-”
As soon as the voice comes out from behind him, Barret realizes the sounds of fighting have stopped, and he knows exactly who Biggs and Jessie are smiling at. He scowls, turning to see the merc standing next to them as if he’d been there all along, expression blank as ever.
“What?” Barret snaps aggressively. He glares for equal measure, but the merc is entirely unfazed. Freakish as always, face cold and distant. It sends shivers down Barret’s spine.
This is a man that can’t be trusted, he knows. Someone who doesn’t care for anything. No emotions or fears, throwing himself into life or death situations like it’s a job - like it’s a game. Instead of an ongoing fight for their planet’s very survival.
“Kicking the door will trigger the alarms as well,” he says, and Barret snorts in response.
“And how would you know that?” Maybe he’s the damn double crosser. Playing at the friendly mercenary while sucking innocent people in need dry of money. Hell, maybe he still works for Shinra.
Maybe Tifa was wrong.
The merc blinks at him for a moment, expression fluttering strangely, and it makes a different kind of uncomfortable feeling settle in Barret’s gut.
Just like he said: shifty. Shifty as all hell.
But Barret trusts Tifa’s judgement. Trusts that she’s got Avalanche’s best interests at heart, despite her doubts, so he pushes the feelings aside and greets his teeth against the surge of wounded pride.
“Then how the hell else are we gettin’ out of here, Mr. Expert?” Though he can’t quite keep the mocking tone from his voice. Hell, it’s not like the merc gives a shit anyway.
“The elevators.”
“The elevators?”
The arrogant little shit gives him a look like he’s lost a few brain cells just being in the same vicinity, and Barret has never been hit harder with the urge to punch a smug look right off someone’s smarmy face. Luckily for the merc, Jessie speaks before he can follow through with it.
“This building doesn’t have any working elevators,” she says, “our inside man told us they were all down due to-”
“He lied.”
“Oh come on!” Biggs explodes, “So we really did get double crossed!”
“I’m telling you if he’d betrayed us he would have triggered the alarms!”
“Hey!” Gaia, sometimes Barret feels like the dad of the world’s oldest teenagers, “Enough, we’ll talk about this later, okay? When we ain’t seconds away from getting caught with our pants down.”
“He wasn’t double crossing you, he was lying,” the merc points out unhelpfully, and he’s got Jessie up in arms again just like that.
Barret cuts an irritated hand through the air to silence them, then looks pointedly at the merc. “Where are these elevators?” He asks calmly. Because he’s got a team to keep safe, and if Jessie and Biggs are able to can it about their double crossing inside man, then Barret can sure as hell take the merc’s lead for a few minutes until they’re all out of harm’s way.
The merc gives a sharp nod that practically screams military before turning to backtrack down the hallway. They follow him over fallen monster bodies and the charred remains of some beast, struggling to keep up as the blonde basically dances over the corpses he’d cut down. For someone so small the kid sure moves fast, and he’s turning abruptly down another hallway before they can do anything about it, disappearing from view.
There’s a beat as Barret turns the corner where he thinks - knows - that this is it. This is the moment of betrayal. The merc will be waiting around the corner with a raised sword or a group of Shinra soldiers, ready to end it all.
But then they do turn around the corner, and all he sees is another long, empty hallway with two elevators at the end. Cloud is standing in front of one of them, looking it up and down with a pinched expression, and as Barret finally gets close enough to get a good look at it he knows exactly why.
“Hm,” the merc grumps, and Barret is hard pressed to agree with him, “I thought they’d be bigger.”
He hears Biggs bark a laugh out from behind them, Jessie springing to their side at the same time. She grins lasciviously and gives the merc the type of once over that should never stray from the pages of a porn magazine, and Barret almost has a mind to reprimand her about sexual harassment in the workplace before he remembers who the hell he’s dealing with.
“There’s no way we’ll all fit,” she crows delightedly.
Barret sighs. “Well we’re going to have to make it work.”
“No way,” Biggs laughs, “we’re splitting up-” he raises his hands defensively against Barret’s look of reproach, stepping towards the elevator furthest from him with an apologetic wince, “-no offense man but I’m not keen on dying squeezed between your 700 pounds of pure muscle and Jessie’s knife elbows.”
Barret opens his mouth to argue, but before he can Jessie jumps over to the same elevator, babbling a mile a minute. “If we split it evenly we won’t be in any danger, alright? We’ll protect each other. Biggs and I are both average sized, so we’ll go together, and you can go with Cloud! Since you’re big and he’s tiny.”
Barret doesn’t even have to look at the merc to know he’s burning holes in them at the words, but he barely manages a cut off “you can’t-” before they’re both piling into their elevator and waving smug, cheery goodbyes through the quickly narrowing doorway.
And then they’re gone.
Barret scowls at the descending elevator, but the short, irritated breath released next to him has his eyes shifting to the merc. He looks stoic as always, only slightly more tense than usual, but Barret swears he heard the guy sigh.
“Let’s go, then,” he says, stepping into the small space of the second elevator.
“I’m the one calling the shots here, merc.”
“Whatever. Just get in, we don’t have all day.”
Barret’s lips thin angrily, but he refrains from responding. Instead he shoves himself into the elevator, jostling the other man roughly in the process, and slams a fist against the button for the lower floors. 
“I’d better get my money this time.”
Barret grits his teeth, breathing out slowly as he focuses on the doors sliding closed in front of him. “You’ll get your damn money, merc,” he hisses, “now shut the hell up.”
The merc doesn’t even flinch at his tone. He steps further back into the elevator, away from Barret’s bulk, and crosses his arms in front of his chest. He lowers his head, too, and Barret is reminded of the time he’d fallen asleep during their first mission not too long ago. 
He scowls. “You’re a damn freak, you know that?”
The merc just ignores him. Probably already conked out, despite the rattling, rickety descent.
Barret snorts at him and shifts to lean against the wall. “Some super soldier,” he grumbles to himself, watching the numbers tick down excruciatingly slowly.
It’s about when they reach level fifteen that the merc actually opens his eyes again, looking up at the numbers with a slight frown.
“What, this ride goin’ too slow for you, Shinra?”
He turns to Barret with narrowed eyes, opening his mouth to say something, and is almost immediately cut off with a jarring click of the teeth as the elevator slams to a stop. He staggers, eyes widening in alarm, but Barret doesn’t see much more before he’s sliding gracelessly to the elevator floor.
“Shit!” Barret bellows, slamming a fist against the worthless thing as it rattles violently, knocking his sideways, before finally calming down again.
He huffs, hauling himself to his feet, and stares at the elevator doors incredulously. “What the hell was that?!”
There’s no answer from his current companion, but Barret could care less at this point. This is not a good place to be trapped, he knows. They’ve essentially put themselves in a kill box and served themselves up to the police, who could literally be arriving at any moment.
“We’ve got to get the hell out of here,” he grunts, squeezing his fingers between the doors and attempting to pull them open. They screech as they part, grinding against a solid concrete wall, and he kicks at it experimentally. “Shit.”
So much for that plan, he supposes.
He hovers by the door for a second, trying to formulate a solid backup strategy, and for the first time notices the merc’s glaring silence. He hasn’t said anything since they stopped. He hadn’t even moved to help open the doors, and Barret’s earlier suspicions come flying back with the force of a freight train
He tries to keep them at bay. Tries to remind himself that he doesn’t have to like the guy - that Tifa recommended him - but that’s hard to do when it was the merc who led them here and allowed them to get trapped. Who now stands silent and unhelpful behind him, mako eyes glinting in the dim, flickering lighting, like a statue dedicated to everything wrong with the world.
He whirls around, fist clenched and gun raised, ready to tear the traitor apart, only to see wide, vivid blue eyes instead of narrowed challenging ones. A chill, closed off expression and slack lips.
“What the hell?” 
Barret hesitates uneasily, then steps forward and lowers his gun a fraction. The merc doesn’t even blink at the heavy weaponry pointed straight at him.
“Hey merc,” he snaps out, huffing as he still gets no response, “if this is some kind of twisted prank or trap, you’re gonna have hell to pay.”
Still nothing. Barret swallows roughly, gun lowering even further.
“This some kind of weird SOLDIER ritual that I don’t know about?” He asks, but this time the words are weak.
Those are not the eyes of someone planning a betrayal. They look startlingly similar to the eyes of someone having an episode.
He lowers his gun completely, feeling foolish for having raised it in the first place. Even if the merc had been a traitor, bullets in an enclosed metal space wouldn’t have done anyone any favors, least of all him.
He closes his eyes for a second, calming the sting of anger he can still feel in his heart, and opens them again with a clearer mind. Then, for the first time since they’d entered the elevator, Barret takes a good look at the merc. Actually looks at him, like he would one of his own instead of the enemy, and realizes with dawning horror that the kid’s terrified. Fingers white with the pressure of squeezing stark bruises into his arms, eyes wide and shoulders taut like a bowstring. His whole body is screaming discomfort.
How had he missed this?
“Damnit!” Barret curses loudly, and it’s only because he’s looking so closely that he catches the minute twitch of the merc’s fingers at his outburst. The subtle way he leans back, lips parting with short, heavy breaths as the rise and fall of his shoulders becomes harsher.
It’s looking a lot like a panic attack to Barret, but it’s hard to tell with such innocuous cues. The merc would appear frozen in place to anybody who didn’t know better. Hell, he’d probably just appear stoically uninterested.
And he’s completely out of commission. Barret doesn’t think the kid’s even capable of speaking right now, with how tight his muscles are, throat working soundlessly.
“Gaia, you’ve got it bad, kid.”
Barret intentionally softens his stance as he approaches, steps light but telegraphed. Open, easy movements that get him halfway across the elevator before the merc’s gaze snaps to him. There’s a hesitance in the flash of expressions across his face, as if he isn’t quite sure what mask to put on, that leaves a strange sort of vulnerability in the sheen of his eyes.
Confusion. Blank, empty confusion.
Shit. This is worse than he’d thought. 
He should have known - hadn’t even considered -
“Hey,” Barret tries, tone low, and the eyes find his lips like moths to flame, but it’s obvious the merc’s not seeing them.
“Can you hear me, Cloud?” 
Still nothing.
“Can you see me?”
Cloud actually blinks once at that, brows furrowing, and a fraction of the fear fades for a moment, something like recognition entering his eyes. Barret grasps at the opportunity.
“Do you know who I am?”
“Tifa’s friend. It’s - Barret,” he gasps, voice raspy, and Barrett reels a bit at the sound of his name on Cloud’s lips.
“Right, that’s me. Do you remember-” and Barret realizes that was the wrong thing to say as soon as Cloud expression changes, entire body snapping to face the solid concrete wall blocking their exit.
His breathing picks up again. Nails digging crimsons crescents into his skin as he staggers away from the walls, spinning in the center of the enclosed space and sucking in air like he’s drowning.
Barrett moves without thinking, reaching out to steady him, but Cloud whirls around with wide, panicked eyes and lashes out. His forearm connects with Barret’s chest in a savage thud, knocking him clean to the other side of the elevator.
“Don’t touch me!” Cloud yells. “Don’t-“ he curls inwards, heaving, and presses himself to the opposite wall.
“Okay.” Barret steadies himself, then raises his hand and gun as a show of peace. “Okay, I won’t touch you. I’m just right over here, and I’m staying perfectly still.”
Cloud shakes his head frantically. “There-there has to be another way out. You- the, the roof-”
“Roof wouldn’t be a good idea.” Especially not with Cloud incapacitated the way he is. And Barret definitely isn’t fitting up there, that’s for damn sure.
“So…so we’re trapped?”
“For now, but it’s probably a simple power outage. We just have to wait.” He leaves it at that, even though it’s almost physically painful to do so.
Nothing he says is going to reassure Cloud at this point, so he just lets the guy tense up against the wall, breathing shakily. He looks an absolute wreck, face wet with tears and hair matted in sweat. Paler than the moon and trembling like a leaf, he appears such a stark contrast to the usual Cloud that Barret almost has a hard time believing it’s the same person.
Except Barret more than anybody knows what PTSD can do to people, and he hates the damn group with a burning passion, but he can acknowledge that any SOLDIER worth a damn has probably got some traumatizing memories locked away.
Maybe Cloud isn’t so unfeeling as Barret had assumed.
But claustrophobia?! It’s a hell of a thing, and Barret would be furious that the kid hadn’t told him if he didn’t know the exact reason why. A leader is supposed to be someone you can turn to - somebody you can trust to always have your best interests at heart - and he’s failed miserably in that department, former enemy or not.
Cloud had been subtle about it, too. Good enough at hiding his reaction that Barret had taken minutes to notice. That’s not even counting the first elevator ride, even though he absolutely should. Nobody sane sleeps like that in an elevator unless they’ve got issues with it, and he damn well should have noticed something was up right then and there.
He’d been purposefully obtuse; willfully ignorant about the truth right in front of him again, and it had nearly cost him a second time.
Of course, the fact that Cloud had been so good at hiding it is a bit concerning, and Barret is beginning to get the sneaking, sickening suspicion that Cloud has been having a lot more of these episodes in his presence than he should be.
And he’s never bothered to help with a single one.
Tifa’s going to have his head for this.
She’s the one who recommended Cloud for the jobs, but Barret doubts she knows a thing about this.
Does anyone?
Barret looks up when he hears Cloud shift, watching on with dread as the other slides numbly to the floor. The look in his eyes is enough to make Barret feel as if he’s been doused in ice water, and the panting is only getting louder, more panicked and sharp. Interspersed with small, terrified whimpers that push at every single protective instinct Barret has. The ones that tell him to keep his family close and to never let them suffer. The ones that usually include Jessie and Biggs and Wedge and Tifa and now, apparently, Cloud.
Gaia, not this damn brat.
He can’t think about this right now, though. Not while one of his team is lying prone on the floor of a kill box that could start running again at any moment, no matter which particular member of his party that person is. So he pushes it all from his mind and focuses on the problem at hand.
He can deal with this later.
“Cloud, hey,” he soothes instead, voice almost a whisper, “I need you to breathe.”
Cloud chokes. Claws at his chest and kicks at the floor, head shaking wildly. “I can’t-!”
“You can.”
“It’s-it’s too small. There’s no air. I-!”
“There is air!” Mako eyes flick to him in surprise, latching on desperately, and Barret continues on in a calmer tone. “I need you to listen to me. There is air in here, but you have to breathe.”
“I can’t-”
“In,” Barret interrupts, waiting patiently through Cloud’s startled, bleary pause for the strangled breath he sucks in afterward. “Count for four seconds and hold...then out again.”
He slides forward a bit on Cloud’s ragged exhale, and pushes even further when Cloud doesn’t protest the movement. He’s watching Barret like a hawk, but Barret has the feeling he’s not seeing much.
“In,” Barret repeats, “and out.”
Cloud struggles to follow the instructions as Barret finally manages to sit directly in front of him.
There’s not a single doubt in Barret’s mind as he grabs Cloud’s hand, guiding it to his chest.
“Breath with me.” He locks eyes with Cloud. Watches fear turn to confusion and distrust, powering right on through it. “In and out,” he instructs, sucking in a long, deep breath to show that there’s air. When he exhales, he watches Cloud do the same, eyes drifting to their overlapping fingers.
It goes on like that for a while, the elevator still remaining stubbornly in place. Cloud’s fear doesn’t seem to fade, but he slowly, methodically works away the panic, breathing in rhythm with Barret until his whole body doesn’t shake on every exhale. Until he’s almost relaxed again, eyes beginning to droop.
The way they sit is almost casual, now. As if they’re chilling on a weeklong vacation and not recovering from being trapped fifteen floors above the ground. With the press of silence between them, the urgency of the moment wearing away, Barret finds himself struck again by the absurdity of the situation.
Cloud Strife. SOLDIER. Ex-Soldier. Mercenary. It doesn’t matter. 
If he told the Barret of even ten minutes ago what they’re doing right now, he’d be laughed right out of the room.
He sighs, ready to pull them back to their feet and forget this ever happened, for the sake of both their pride, and looks over to see that Cloud is shaking. Then he’s gasping, shoulders heaving, and Barret has a brief, panicked second to think Cloud is having another attack before he realizes the other is crying. Actual, tearing sobs that wrack his entire frame as he crumples in on himself like a marionette with its strings cut.
That heated, protective surge of anger that he’s only ever felt for his team instantly comes back in full force, and Barret doesn’t even think before he’s pulling Cloud against him. Wrapping his arm around the smaller figure and pressing Cloud’s face to his shoulder, carding his fingers through soft, downy hair.
Cloud shakes against him, fisting desperately at his shirt and burrowing violently against him like the touch is too little. Not enough. And Barret tries to hold him tighter; to contain it all as it all comes spilling out of him. Loud, reckless weeping and the desperate need for comfort.
And as they sit there, Cloud cradled in his arm, Barret gets the feeling that they may never recover from this, after all. But damn the pride and the image and the stupid, ridiculous facade. Like hell is he going to let another one of his family suffer for any longer than they have to. Even Cloud. Especially Cloud.
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seyaryminamoto · 5 years
I feel like i'm gonna regret asking this but what is hiby
Oh. Ohohoho, oh. I recently answered this to someone else (not on this blog), I suppose there are so many newcomers in this fandom lately that HIBY has become slightly less known than it used to be.
HIBY stands for How I Became Yours, the most polemic and catastrophic fancomic in the history of the Avatar franchise. If you thought any of the official comics were problematic in any sense, woah boy, they’re goddamn flawless masterpieces compared to this thing.
Every possible angle of HIBY is problematic. Spot-on accusations of tracing were the main reason why Deviantart took down Jackie Diaz’s profile and comic from their platform. I heard Nickelodeon also got involved legally, not 100% sure on that front, but if true, they cracked down on her because she attempted to profit off this clunky mess of an inconsistent story by claiming it was somehow an official sequel to ATLA. To clarify, this last thing is something I was told, I can’t find actual sources to confirm it… so maybe I heard an exaggerated account of the tale of HIBY and it never went that far. Nevertheless, this comic didn’t need to escalate into a legal problem to be absolutely abhorrent.
In regards of art, HIBY somehow keeps discarding the asian-inspired setting seen throughout ATLA and instead favors showing the characters in European castles and outfits that don’t fit anywhere within ATLA’s world at all:
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Katara is basically wearing a red version of Belle’s dress from Beauty and the Beast, if I’m not mistaken. The architecture of the place they’re at is so European it’s baffling (if I’m not mistaken, this is supposed to be Toph’s family’s house :’D). Also, it’s blatantly obvious that the background is a photograph, so she could’ve just as easily looked for photos of asian locations instead, but she picked european architecture because yes. Yet more blows against the possible artistic merits someone could offer this comic (if there’s any).
Now, though, the BIGGEST problem in HIBY is, of course, the story:
To recap: ATLA ends with Aang and Katara kissing at Ba Sing Se. Whatever problems someone may have with their relationship, or Mai and Zuko’s, or Sokka and Suki’s, it’s unquestionable that those three ships were canon by the end of the show.
Jackie Diaz’s SEQUEL COMIC doesn’t acknowledge this finale: somehow, Aang is in love with Toph but they’re not together despite there’s literally NOTHING in their way, since Aang and Katara weren’t together at all, according to Diaz. And Katara? Oh, she’s pining endlessly over Zuko, who somehow married Mai…
… Despite wanting Katara too.
… Despite he literally knocked up Katara back when the war was ending, which resulted in a miscarriage because of Mai’s wicked schemes~~!!
Can someone please explain to me in what world does it make sense for Zuko, FIRE LORD ZUKO, to be in a relationship with someone he doesn’t want, when the person he does want is RIGHT THERE, AVAILABLE, when there’s no real political consequences to ANYTHING that happens in this comic? You could say “oh no the Fire Nation people wouldn’t accept a Water Tribe woman…” … but then Zuko ends up with Katara anyways and the only problem is that Mai wants to kill them for that :’) so… no excuse works.
Basically there’s no real plot, the whole thing boils down to “I want these ships to happen and I need them to face hardships even if they don’t make sense”. The main hardship is that Mai doesn’t want her HUSBAND to carry out an affair with Katara. Zuko’s response to Mai’s obvious and reasonable complaint about their illicit relationship is to TURN VIOLENT WITH HER. And he’s the good guy :’)
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Mai has a non-existent older brother Sho, who looks like a BLEACH character with Ozai’s hairstyle, and together they will try to kill Katara because, welp, someone has to give them trouble, I guess. In all fairness, the only character with a relatively logical flow of thought in this damn trainwreck is Mai. I mean, “my piece of shit husband married me for political clout, got his mistress pregnant, I didn’t want the kid to be a problem for me so I induced a miscarriage in Katara by poisoning her, probs just wanted Katara dead altogether but whatever, I only got the kid. Then Zuko threw me away despite I’m his legal wife and I’m really pissed about it so I want Katara dead” is the smartest writing in this entire comic. And no, that’s not a compliment, it’s still stupid as fuck but that’s how much more stupid everything else is. 
So, the happy couples are, like I said, Zuko and Katara, who get together despite Zuko is married to Mai, Aang and Toph, who somehow weren’t together despite there’s nothing in the way, AAAND… 
… Sokka and fake!Azula. Because I refuse to acknowledge that thing as the Princess we all love and adore.
Frankly, I consider it a miracle that HIBY didn’t destroy our ship completely when it was posted online, seeing as it was amongst the most talked-about fanmade content in Avatar’s fandom at the time. If people no longer associate Sokkla with HIBY immediately, we’ve definitely done a good job saving our poor ship’s face and showing it’s got a fuckton of potential compared to the shitfest that comic portrayed.
Why is Sokkla so problematic in HIBY? Because of fake!Azula, of course. Why is she fake!Azula? Because she’s got plot-convenient amnesia! Turns out that, for some reason, Azula forgot all the events from ATLA (let’s be real, so did Jackie Diaz so it’s not just her) and she shows up in this comic as a completely different character, so much that, upon hearing about the TERRIBLE THINGS SHE DID AND WAS, her reaction is…:
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Fascinating, am I right? :’D She’s nice, sweet, shy and as good as brain-dead. And as she’s so sweet and cute now, somehow that becomes absolutely appealing for Sokka. And he falls for her, she falls for him, they bang dramatically, and so on and so forth…
Eventually Azula sacrifices herself in the final battle when Mai and her brother try to kill everyone and oh no! Sokka’s love interest dies again! Such a shocker, however, that Sokka goes to the Spirit World to save her, and unlike Iroh he succeeds… but what does Azula look like post-Spirit World shenanigans?
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… Yeah, okay, fake!Azula calling anyone her “little angels” is just proof of how IC she is, if you had any doubts still.
But isn’t it FUNNY. Isn’t it HILARIOUS. That Azula not only undergoes an atom-deep brainwipe that turns her into a flat non-character, but that after dying she’s revived with WHITE HAIR, dressed in blue clothes and whatnot…?
My interpretation, and honestly, I don’t know if there’s any other possible interpretation… Jackie Diaz wanted Sokka to be with Yue :’) She fucking wrecked Azula’s character to turn her into a fake!Azula, who would eventually turn into fake!Yue after being resurrected because oh that’s just perfect to close off Sokka’s storyline, isn’t it? Only, he’s not with Yue nor with Azula because it’s neither of them. Just as it isn’t really Sokka either, or Katara, or Zuko or Aang or Toph.
Now, revisiting this trainwreck, there is a throwaway line where Ty Lee, in her (I think) only appearance in the story tells Katara that Suki and Sokka broke up. So um, Suki does exist, officially, in this comic, and she did date Sokka but it ended, and she’s back in Kyoshi Island with her team. 
Which elicits the question… why the fuck is she Mai’s maid?
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I assure you, if you decide to delve deeper into this mess, you’ll absolutely find a lot more things to laugh about, to be outraged about, and to facepalm about while you wonder how on earth would someone, ANYONE, create something like this and not die of cringe looking at the finished product. It’s baffling to me.
At any rate, if you’d like to torture your own eyeballs reading this comic for yourself, there’s a Tumblr blog that gathered HIBY perfectly neatly for all curious eyes eager to torture themselves with this OOC fest. If you want more details than I care to remember about this catastrophic mess of a story, there’s always the TV Tropes page, which I think illustrates everything rather well. 
So… that’s HIBY. While I don’t think it should be sentenced to oblivion (we had best never forget the lowest lows the fandom has reached, else someone might be tempted to outdo them), this particular fanwork is quite the trainwreck in just about every regard. I really don’t think there’s anything worth salvaging in it. So, if you wanna read the whole thing (I’d be surprised if you would xD), knock yourself out in the blog link I posted up there. Otherwise, have a nice day if you still can after reading my answer to your ask :’D
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tracybirds · 4 years
IRRelief for @tsarinatorment for your prompt “Teenage Scott getting a insignificant wound and any younger brother(s) jumping at the chance to play doctor” - you’ve written soooo many good responses for prompts, thank you!! I hope you enjoy this!!
@gumnut-logic as always thank you for organising these fun events :D
Scott has been given a slackline for his birthday :D Why? Silly question - why NOT? :D (ngl.... I’ve always wanted to try one that was my only motivation) They’re all small, but Alan is two and uh..... sorry to anyone who actually knows what is appropriate development for a two year old bc I do not and I have read so many child development articles that the google ads think I’m pregnant and for all that I’m still unsure of how I wrote him XD Toddlers man....
“Should you have moved it up so high?” asked Virgil, as he checked over the ratchet holding the slackline in place one last time.
Scott scoffed as he climbed on a chair at the other end of the line.
“It’ll be fine, Virg, it’s barely four feet off the ground. You saw how easy it was, even Alan could do it.”
“Yeah, when it was six inches off the ground and you held him by the armpit the entire time.”
“Fine, Gordon then.”
Virgil shook his head and stepped back, remembering the guideline that Gordon had held tightly to as he’d walked the length of slackline between the two trees. Scott had taken it down as soon as their younger brothers had lost interest in the new birthday present and wandered inside in search for more cake. The two were now left alone, daring each other to move the line higher and higher with each successful balancing trick.
Scott took a deep breath and placed his foot firmly on the line. His leg wobbled violently, his body unable to stop the instinctive over corrections as it tried to find its centre of gravity. In a smooth, practiced motion, Scott shifted his weight to his shaking leg and stood as quickly as he could, flinging his arms out on either side. The chair was now far below him.
He didn’t dare look down at the ground.
One breath. Two. Tension mounted as the elastic bearing his weight skated beneath his hips.
Three breaths and he let it go, falling back to the safety of the chair.
“What was that?” scoffed Virgil, his arms folded across his chest. “That was barely a second.”
“It was at least five,” said Scott. He gritted his teeth, glaring at the slackline.
Another deep breath and he tried again.
The fabric was rough beneath his feet, drawing him down in a connection that linked him to every shift in the slackline’s position. He could feel his muscles working together correctly, knew that this time he would stabilise his balance.
His grin widened. He would stay mounted.
Below him, he could hear Virgil’s quiet encouragement.
Scott stared ahead at the tree trunk only fifteen feet in front of him, eyes gleaming. He’d done this before. Twenty steps. That’s all it would take.
He swung his left leg forward, carefully feeling for the right position before moving his weight forwards. He paid no mind to the jostling beneath his feet, allowing his knees and hips to absorb the motion and redirect it.
Feel. Steady. Shift. Let go. Repeat.
The movements were becoming more natural and Scott grinned as the bouncing line propelled him forwards, no longer an obstacle to overcome.
“Go Scott!”
Gordon was jumping up and down by the kitchen door, John and Alan watching with bright eyes and wide grins next to him.
Scott stumbled, just barely catching his balance as his front foot skidded from its mark. He tried to shift his weight back over the line, only for it to move in the opposite direction in a maddening game of chase.
 “You can do it!”
He breathed in deep, trying to lift his gaze from the shaking elastic that was now reverberating through his entire body as his joints locked up.
Four feet up was a lot higher when looking down from nearly six feet of extra height.
He was getting dizzy watching his feet swaying back and forth. He leaned forward, bringing his free leg back to the slickline and took another step.
The cheers of his younger brothers distracted him for the barest millisecond, his eyes flitting downwards as he lost sight of the anchor steadying him.
A millisecond was all it took.
His foot slipped. His stomach dropped. The line snapped up and Scott yelped at the sharp slap against his thigh, while pulling his arms up to protect his head as he fell.
A resounding thud and dull aching pain, pulsing from every inch of his right side.
Scott’s groans mixed with a cacophony of sound that erupted the moment the world had turned sideways.
A faint ringing in his ears wasn’t enough to drown out Gordon, putting his lungs to good use for a change, or the high, nervous chatter of his other brothers surrounding him.
“Scott, look at me!”
Virgil held his shoulders still, looking worriedly into his eyes. Scott could almost hear the first aid checklist they’d been taught in Scouts running through his brother’s mind.
“I’m fine,” he said, moving to sit up. Virgil held him down.
“Did you hit your head at all?”
“Any sharp or shooting pains?”
“What hurts the most?”
Automatically, he moved his hand to his right hip and leg which had taken the brunt of the fall. Above him, he could feel Virgil relax.
“Okay, you’ll be fine.”
“Thanks for the prognosis, doc.”
He accepted the proffered hand and stood slowly, gingerly extending the injured limb. Virgil waited patiently and they walked together, Scott leaning heavily on his brother’s shoulder as he hobbled up the steps that lead to the small deck.
“That was some fall,” said John, fumbling with the child-proof gate. “Alan, no.”
Alan had torn his little hand from John’s and toddled forwards and grabbed Scott, clinging to his injured leg.
“Ow, Alan, let go,” said Scott with a grunt, collapsing onto the nearest bench.
“Yes Alan, owie.”
Gently, John pulled Alan away.
“Scott’s hurt, Allie,” said Virgil, crouching down next to their baby brother. “He got an owie, but he’ll be okay soon.”
Alan’s large eyes flitted between Virgil and Scott. He looked uncertain, his small face scrunched up as he looked closely at the exposed knee, a purplish colour growing steadily across it.
“I fix owies,” he said proudly.
John and Virgil exchanged amused looks.
“Are you a doctor, Allie?”
“Yes,” said Alan, nodding vigorously. “Doc fix owies.”
“How does the doctor fix an owie then?”
Alan leaned forward and gently kissed the bruise. He patted it carefully and looked up at Scott beaming.
“All better!”
Scott laughed and picked him up, bouncing him up and down with his uninjured leg.
“All better,” he agreed. “Doctor Alan fixed me up.”
“Scott?! Gordon said you fell? Are you alright? Do you need arnica?”
Scott looked sheepishly up at the worried eyes of their mother.
“I’m all good, Mom. Just a tumble.”
“I helped!”
Scott laughed again. “Sure did, squirt. You sure did.”
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Drabble 1
(Warning: this is lowkey sad, and there’s a lot of talk pertaining to suicide stay safe!)
It didn’t take long for the rain to start soaking through his coat, weighing it down on his shoulders-- almost as heavy as his spirits. 
He didn’t know why it’d been such a shitty day. It objectively wasn’t, actually. He’d gotten up on time, gotten to work in time to eat his breakfast, and as usual he got to do the type of work he loved everyday nonetheless.
Still, the feeling seeped in. Slowly, a weight growing on top of his shoulders until he could feel a lump in his throat. This all was, of course, before it had started raining.  
The rain had always been something for him to enjoy. However, walking home with this cold, dark, and empty pit in his stomach made it hard to enjoy the simpler things life had given him. 
The jacket he wore was an example of one of those simpler things. In fact, it was an almost painful reminder of the simpler times. Y’know, those times when you didn’t have to pay the bills yourself? Those times where your only concern would be your next sleepover, as opposed to your next meal. 
Never had Remus been one to miss things. He wasn’t the biggest ‘feelings’ person, either. Sure, he felt emotions-- that much was obvious. He was normally quick to move on from them, though. Hanging onto things was also something he’d had never really liked part-taking in. 
Maybe that’s why this jacket weighed down on him so heavily. It was a reminder of those he’d loved-- those he’d lost. It was something sitting upon his shoulder, becoming a literal weight as pain became a frequent visitor.  He wouldn’t know. 
This ever growing leather weight had been given to him by a friend who was now long gone from this world. It was one of the last things he’d ever received from him, in fact. 
Yeah, one of those things. 
Remus’s fists clenched tighter. That empty feeling in his chest turned into an angry hum. A spark of frustration that would be dangerous to anyone crossing him. His arms were crossed before he even knew it. He gripped the sleeves to his jacket violently, almost wishing he could just pull and tear them apart. 
He didn’t. He wouldn’t he couldn’t. 
But the thought was there, where it would stay. 
Remus usually liked rainy days. Some of his housemates did too. His brother didn’t, but he didn’t count. 
His friend used to like rain too. 
When Remus got back to his house, he found it was surprisingly quiet. Surprisingly empty. Dark shadow covered their cheerfully colored walls. The sound of rain echoed quietly throughout the space, mixed with a soft whistle coming from the window that rose and diminished with the ways of the wind. 
Needless to say, Remus did not like it. 
There was a pause. A moment where he thought about what he should do next. What could he do, leave? What good would that do? 
The next moment Remus was hanging his house keys on the hook his jacket would usually go on. He didn’t take his jacket off. He didn’t know if he was staying yet. 
At one point he thought about calling out. He wanted to know if anyone was home. Maybe they were all asleep already? Then again, Logan usually waited up for him. He’d always use the time to read or something. Nerd stuff, y’know. 
But there was no one. No sound could be heard. Not even Roman’s dumb snoring. God, Virgil used to snore sometimes too. He’d always try to say he didn’t, though. He’d get all cute and defensive and blushy about it. 
Remus gripped the end of his jacket’s sleeves, entering his home as quietly as he could. He wasn’t home that late was he? Ever since... ever since Virgil he’d try to be home earlier. 
The living room was empty. No TV, or sign of any life, really. Usually he could find someone. Yet here he was, alone again. 
“Hey, Re, when do you think you’ll be home?” He’d asked shakily. 
“Maybe a little past 1:30. You good?” Looking back, it was a dumb response. He could have said literally anything else... And he’d chosen that. 
“Yeah yeah, just, uhm, anxious. Y’know? No one else is home yet.” Remus should have been there. 
“Oh, well I’ll keep my ringer on then. Feel free to call if you need anything~” He winked so obviously that Virgil could hear it from his side of the phone, which earned him a small chuckle. 
“Will do, Re.”
There was a pause.
“And, uh, hey. I love you dude. I hope you know that.” Remus didn’t get to respond before Virgil hung up. 
The encounter still fucked with Remus to this day. He couldn’t get it out of his head. The blood, the crying... 
He didn’t notice the fact that he was crying. He didn’t know what else to do either, though. Really, what was he going to do? Yell at himself? Beat himself up over something that wasn’t his fault?
That was when the pair of arms wrapped carefully around him from behind. 
He flinched, at first. He thought about struggling and fighting back. There wasn’t much to struggle against anyway. The pair of arms were gentle, though. Familiar, somehow. 
“Virgil?” The way his voice cracked made him wince. 
“No, Remus.” Janus’s smoothe voice wobbled. “But I wish I were, truly.” An exhaled laugh lead to a sad smile. “I miss him too.”
Remus let go of his jacket sleeves, instead choosing to halfheartedly grip onto Janus’s arms as they draped over him. He wanted to give up. He wanted to tear Virgil’s shit sister to shreds. He wanted to see his housemates. There were so many things he wanted to do... 
“Do you think he was scared?” Remus finally asked. 
Janus’s response was delayed, but only for a moment. “As scared as anyone, I supposed.” He tried. “It’s not an easy thing to do, take your own life.” 
Footsteps were heard descending the stairs. Remus knew it was Logan. He’d know those methodical-yet-confident strides anywhere. 
“Remus?” Logan turned on the light, only to turn it off once Remus shook his head. “Are you alright?”
“Oh Logie, why wouldn’t I be okay carrying around a dead man’s message?” It was supposed to be a joke, but they all knew. Remus had Virgil’s note. They’d never found out where, but they knew he had it, and that he’d never let them read it. 
“I see.” Logan clearly did not. How could he, when he wasn’t fucking responsible?! “I suggest you sleep, Remus. We can sort through and discuss your feelings in the morning after some coffee?” 
A sniff was all the reply he would get. 
“Would you like to share a bed with janus and I? We would love to have you.” 
Remus huffed, “What, is that an invitation for sex or something?”
“I would say it’s more about emotional comfort, but if you would like to discuss such things when you’re in a better state of mind, I would not be opposed.” Logan shrugged, offering a hand. 
And, despite every instinct telling him not to, Remus took that hand. He slept well, too. Who knew Janus was such a cuddlebug. 
He didn’t feel the best in the morning, and he would never get over what had happened. Talking about it, though... It helped. He didn’t feel better about it right away, but the more he talked about it, the more he learned. 
Years later, and he was still struggling, but there was a new normal. 
Yes, the rainy days would come, but there was always hot tea and cocoa waiting for him. He would always have home. 
You’ll always have home. 
I made myself cry, I hope you didn’t cry... I know the ending is pretty bad, but I wanted to try and make it at least a little positive,,so (lmao can you tell that happy things are not something I’m good at xD)
Anyways yeah enjoy this sorta AU no one asked for :,)
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devintrinidad · 4 years
Well I’m never going to write this.  But I do enjoy talking about this au. I think this AD au captures the characters in great way.
Oohh, I like that Macrophage Scientist even better. It helps explain why Macrophage took them in and how they even escaped. Macrophage set off the explosion and made it look like they all died in the process. Macrophage then had them all become Akudama and live in the slums of society to hide better. It would fit even more because I had this idea that 3803, as she got older, sometimes experienced biological issues. She’s perfectly healthy, but her body sometimes might stop working or she gets incredibly cold or hot or something. Maybe even goes temporarily blind. Thankfully 3803 always sees the warning signs a few days before happen so she can manage to work around job offers. Macrophage theorizes as 3803 grows, some stuff the older scientists did to her body went unfinished and her body is trying to deal with the changes as it griws and settles. Macrophage has made medicine to help 3803 (that she has to take daily, different doses depending on how she feels). But she still worries because she wasn’t one if the main scientists who experimented on them (because of her age at the time, Macrophage was more if a assistant in some experiments and caretaker of the subjects. She didn’t have access to everything). But it’s still concerning and they wonder if Platelet will experience them too or if she’s sage since she hadn’t been put through the last few experiments like 3803 had. 3803 also wonders if Cancer had gone through the same process and if she’s becoming a monster or something inhuman or she she can even die from this (3803 has a lot of stress behind her smiles). 
Cue 1146 being a overprotective worry wart whenever she gets like this. In fact before he became loyal to her, the one time as a Executioner he almost arrested her after he had had a bad day with a lot of nasty Akudama who had acted nice but deceived a lot of innocent people into their ruin. He even lost a comrade or two in the ruckus. He found her and impulsively grabbed her to ask her why she of all people is a Akudama! Instead of answering, 3803 goes limp and gets a blank look in her eyes like she’s a silent doll. He immediately panics and carries her to his living quarters. He fishes through her clothes until he finds what looks to be medicine. He can’t risk taking her to a doctor because she’s a akudama and he doesn’t know her friends yet. He takes the risk and follows the handwritten directions on the bottle to give her the right amount. Since she’s unresponsive he has to give her the medicine mouth to mouth (he only ever had one lesson so he hopes he doesn’t screw it up. He’s just thankful it’s liquid). After doing this two days, she finally acts responsive and thanks him because she was aware the whole time. She just couldn’t move. He gets down to business and asks her for her story. The implication he’s at a tipping point and he could grant her freedom or be 100% Executioner (being less then before us what got his comrades killed). She understands he’s at the edge and not the normal nice guy she’s been used to so she spills her whole story. She omits Macrophage and Platelet so they’ll stay safe either way but she figures she has no choice but to tell him about Cancer, the corruption and how she had to become a Akudama. He listens and surprises her greatly when he believes her. There are things he’s thought about for a long time and researched that don’t make sense to him. Everything she said fits in line. Plus he has wondered how she can heal so fast. He tucks her in his bed and tells her she can go in the morning. It still takes a few more weeks for 1146 to really leave the Executioners. Despite confirming the truth of the world. He still was attached to his life as a Executioner and all his friends there. He also thought about fighting the corruption inside the system because that’s what a good person would do. It was only when his mentor found out about 3803 from 1146 telling him about her in hopes he get some guidance that things changed. His mentor revealed he was in cahoots with Cancer and was now going to deliver her to him. Before he does though, Mentor makes absolute certainty that it’s her by brutalizing her to the point she should be dead but can’t die. 1146 is horrified by this and kills his Mentor to save 3803 and keep her secret.  With those actions, 1146 fully turns his back on the Executioners and loses all hope in the organization with the one person he looked up to most for guidance betrayed him. 
Luckily for him, he later meets Basophil Senpai who is a Akudama named, Philosopher. He’s a smooth talker who can discover the truth in any situation and can be quietly intimidating. He can also figure out how to disguise any lie if you need a new life. All for a price. He puts up with 1146’s idolization after they end up on the same mission (1146 is protecting a mob goon who’s having Basophil assist him in figuring which mafia gang killed his brother and lied about it. Then needs Basophil to fake his death after he kills them. Which Basophil does by cutting one of his hands off). 
There’s just something funny and tragic about 1146’s friends getting ready apprehend the legendary Deliverer who bewitched the equally legendary 1146 into abandoning them. Only to see she’s this tiny defenseless (normally she has a gun. But it’s gone now) cute woman glaring at them while protecting a sobbing child begging them to leave them alone. They’d be like, we were not trained for this. °_°;;;; After it’s all said and done, 4989 would try the hardest to make up with 3803 and Platelet for scaring them so much and arresting 3803 and 1146. Luckily they forgive him pretty easily after he saved 1146 and 3803. 
I like those pairs! How tragic though if 2001 is the one who stays behind? He believes 1146 and helps him. But he can’t be a Akudama. He stays behind to do what he can from there. Maybe try to make sure no one brainwashed Band Cell. Of course he’ll most likely die later. Maybe he still follows orders to fight 1146 like a good soldier would. But when 1146 delivers a fatal blow, 2001 gives him his blessing to go on and commends him for being a better man then him. 1146is understandably grateful for the blessing, but devastated that 2001 thought of himself as a coward. 
Yeah I think when it comes to Killer T and NK it’s a lot like in canon. They know they have the jurisdiction and duty to kill other cells if they need to. NK even gloating she can kill any cell she wants to without consequence. In AD verse, I can see them both knowing they have to do horrible things for their job. But they accept it because their world view deems it nessecary for order to not fall into anarchy. NK is known to be a lot smarter then the others so she probably figured out how warped the world is long before Killer T and 1146 did. But unlike 1146, both NK and Killer T don’t have the ideals to think they can have another life or do better. This is their mission and they believe 1146 is selfish and weak minded for turning his back on it. 
Yeah I could see Killer T eventually walking away from the Executioners. But again, he doesn’t have 1146’s ideals so he goes down a darker road. One 1146 disapproves of a lot. NK I could see sadly sticking to being a Executioner to the end. Maybe of 1146 doesn’t kill 2001, then she does when she figures out he’s still a little loyal to 1146. 
Boy every time I try to give Cancer and 3803 a platonic relationship you just want to throw Abnormalities spin on it. XD Okay. The way I see them is this. Cancer often visited the lab to check up on the progress. He called the subjects his children and eventually picked his favorites who he showed more affection for. Not coincidently those subjects were always the ones who showed the most potential to be successful candidates. 3803 was one of them. 3803 had spent her whole life in the lab. Her knowledge from the outside world came from stories from Macrophage and older kids and adults who were captured. The stories validated her fear of Cancer because she knows there’s something wrong with him and what he does. It gets worse as as she begins to lose friends along the way, like 4201 and 5100 or other kids who pass away. Cancer began treating her like his actual daughter when it was confirmed she was showing signs of being like him. He called her his princess. Often carried her around by balancing her on his hip with one arm around her while he checked up on everything. Kissed her forehead and cheeks. Took naps with her as told her bedtime stories. When she’s older, Platelet was introduced and thanks to all the successful experiments 3803 had undergone. The scientists performed the exact same ones on Platelet to find out she had the same potential. Cancer, to a lesser extent, also began showing his other ‘daughter’ favor. Despite this affection. Both girls are terrified of him because of how easy it is for him to become indifferent and even violent with those he claims to care for. Also despite claiming he loves them, he easily discards them and shows how indifferent he is when they die. He’s very two faced. 
Years later when Cancer discovers both of them survived. He uploads his consciences into mechanical animals or even hacking into their phones to spy on them. He sees 3803 has become a women and displays more signs of immortality then anyone else (besides him) he’s seen. He’s then like, my princess has become a queen. Then he starts getting both amused and jealous over 1146’s romantic feelings for her. During a actual confrontation between them, Cancer makes it clear he’s going to marry her himself and won’t share. 
I like the idea that, like in canon, Cancer can and will pretend to be a ordinary person just to observe or move things along. He can use technology to alter his voice and appearance. He’ll pretend to be one if his underlings underling, like a secretelary or a driver to get a good read on everything. He even developed a friendship with 1146 before 1146 left. Seeing 1146’s potential, he even recommended his inner circle to monitor and mold 1146 into some one who could be trusted. Maybe he even pretends to be a client to 3803. He, acting like a citizen, requests she bring him a package through a very dangerous area. When she arrives and delivers her package. He opens it to reveal it’s empty. She’s shocked and apologizes, wondering if she got it wrong. But he silences her by giving her a deep kiss on the mouth. He reveals what he wanted was to lock lips with the legendary Deliverer as if they were lovers. Before she recovers from her shock, he hands her a ton of money and dissapears. 1146 is not happy when he hears about this.
 Yes. 1146 is a big flippin deal to the Executioners. He was a prodigy from day one. A role model and well respected by everyone. He was already being groomed to be head Executioner one day. Him leaving the organization was a huge blow to morale and strength that they try to downplay and kept it secret from most lower rank Executioners that he’s a Akudama now for as long as they can. If possibly they do want him back. If they have to force him into it by messing with his brain by inserting control chip or threatening what he holds dear and put a bomb collar on him to keep up appearences. They will. 
Regulatory T would be a great Executioner. I could also see Helper T, Dendretic and many other immune cells being Executioners. Afterall they probably just can’t believe things can be different or think about whether it should be. They just do what they think they should because Cancer keeps everyone in so much darkness. 
3803 is a awesome gun user. It always surprises people because she usually just drives her motorcycle and acts more defensive then offensive. But if it came down to it, don’t think she’s unwilling to protect herself or someone else. She has nerves of steel and she’s seen things most couldn’t imagine.
The Executioners and Akudama they deal with quickly learn messing with 3803 is the fastest way to die by 1146’s brutal hand. He can’t imagine living without her. 
Geeez, I’m getting so into this, I might as well do it. (Hahahaha, I joke, but who knows?)
OOoofff, so many feels for 3803 here. Macrophage definitely feels guilty and tries to make sure that both Platelet and 3803 have a somewhat normal lifestyle outside of the experimental facilities, but there are times where she feels like she’s not trying hard enough. Even more so because 3803 and Platelet have become Akudamas and are at risk of becoming Executed. 
Macrophage not being one of the main scientists is also a good take on this character. 
Oooooohhhh, love how you put in a little backstory as to how 3803 and 1146 met. Of course 1146 would be reckless and impulsive enough to ask. I bet it was during this interrogation he was starting to have doubts about the Executioner’s role in society and how Akudamas weren’t all what they seemed. Awww, and 3803 does everything that she can to protect her loved ones! It really fits he character and I love it. 
Hmmm, who is 1146’s mentor here? You never quite mentioned here? Could it be U-1117 (if I remember correctly, this is the original white blood cell from the original pilot… or what about the Neutrophil teacher during his childhood in that one chapter from CAW canon?). It would be tragic considering that both of these characters are actually quite kind from the original source material. 
OH MY GOSH. BASOPHIL AS A PHILOSOPHER???? IT FITS SO NICELY!!! Hehehe, the whole time you’re talking about Basophil reminds me of this comedy sketch. 
Yup, the WBC squad are definitely trying to figure out how to deescalate the situation when they realize that 3803 and Platelet are definitely Akudama, but are they truly that bad? 
So many tragedies… 2001, in my opinion, is definitely the type of person who is loyal to their life’s calling to the very end, despite how corrupt or bad it may be. He promised to lay down his life as an Executioner and he’s going to stick to it. I imagine 1146 and 2001’s final confrontation might be similar to that Brawler and Master’s fight, except both are wielding sabers and are more focused on strategy over muscle. 
Totally agree with you on Killer T and NK. NK would definitely commend 2001 for his continued stay on the Executioner’s side. Like 2001, she would definitely try to change things on their side, but at the end of the day, orders are orders. There are definitely things she has done that she regrets doing, but to be honest, it’s the system’s fault, right? She’s cynical, but she understands that the Executioners are somewhat at fault for what’s happening.
Killer T would definitely be an Akudama and he would be called… I don’t know? Brawler has a nice ring to it, but I suppose if you wanted a new name, he could be called the Lone Wolf? Or Loner? After becoming disillusioned with the Executioners, he works on his own terms. Oooohhh, another one, Vigilante. He executes Akudama and Executioners he deems to have crossed the lines into illegal territory. 
Okay, to be fair, I was only suggesting a bit of a twisted relationship, hahaha. I’m not the one writing the creepy stuff in great detail. But, in all seriousness, I love the gradual descent into madness Cancer has with 3803. And his jealousy regarding 1146? He would definitely taunt him and tease him about the whole “Husband” thing that Macrophage has been talking about. 
Ooooh, and that last part with Cancer tricking 3803 into kissing him? That is so twisted and diabolical. 
I approve. XD
Anyways, yeah the entirety of the immune system are definitely Excutioners. XD It’s basically in their character descriptions, hahaha. 
As for 3803 being a great gunman? I was kind of entertaining the idea that she’s a pacifist and that throughout her career as the Deliverer, she has never outright killed someone. Injured, yes, but never killed. She would be the type of person to misaim on purpose so that they have another chance at life. The only reason she missed is because she did it on purpose.
(Have you watched Trigun? I’m kind of modeling her after Vash the Stampede, haha! Love. And. Peace!)
Anyway, at this rate, we might as well be writing season 2 for AD. Seriously, Kodaka where you at?
Thanks for the submission and I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
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selemina · 4 years
(Play with your npcs more! Tell me about your favorite npcS IN first casters and what makes you like them so much and what's most fun to play about them? :D)
... Oh my god you should not enable me so much, friend. XD There’s nothing I love more than to rent about universes and characters, be ready for an absolute WALL of text! XD
So first, let’s tackle Damien!
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Damien is a street kid : he’s been growing up in the poor district. His parents are an unfortunate couple : abusing mother with a foul temper, spineless soft dad too afraid to defend himself, and a sister that eventually turned maniac and tried to kill their mom. As a result, for most of his life, Damien has been the only one keeping the house standing : standing up to his mother on the rare occasions that she came home, and trying to responsibilize his father despite the fact that he’s terrified of Damien. Because of his history of abuse victim, his father struggles to get close to him, flinching at the slightest raise in voice, and well... Damien is a passionate kid. He also has no problem beating up people he doesn’t like, like a young vigilante, to the point where people in the poor district know him by name... but more as a violent, rabid dog than as a noble crime-fighter. Damien’s fights are usually messy... His only friend is Alexia, that has befriended him one pastry at a time, until he would literally die for her. And then, after the magic started waking up, one day he just.... turned into a tiefling!
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Since tieflings are new in this world (and look like devils), of course he couldn’t show himself, so instead they managed to make him a ring enchanted with an Alter Self spell that he can wear at work.
Why I like playing him : ever dreamed of charging a group of thugs from a dark alley and having them actually panick? :D No but more seriously, Damien is just learning to have more friends, and actually be wanted and included after having been alone most of his life. He’s also being teased without fear, and shown endless kindness, and he’s slowly opening up. Seeing him be begrudgingly positive and agressively supportive is a joy! :D He has yet to go absolutely feral but I’d love to see that! ;) Also it’s always fun to be able to play a character that can go from screaming to reluctant silence with just one donut being handed to him. XD
May I talk to you about Lord Peter of the Blackwoods? :3c
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Originally from the other world, Mira, Peter is another unfortunate soul. Drafted for a war he had no stake in, he was left for dead on a battlefield. At the time, those bloodbaths were so prolific that vampires in the area were growing complacent and fat, so creating more was a luxury many afforded. He was turned and introduced to the delicately balanced and measured world of the children of the night along with a few others. But then, the war stopped... No more battlefield to scour for food. So his flight headed further inland, looking for more thralls and more food. Unfortunately, in the wake of the war, a terrible plague had found the nearby cities... and with horror, they discovered that it could jump to vampires. Around this time, he guided his weakening flight to a necromancer who promised to help... But soon enough, they realized said necromancer was actually experimenting on them during the day when they were out cold, looking for the secret to their immortality instead of finding a solution against the plague. Peter struck him down, and once again moved with his remaining brothers and sisters, further inland... After the vampire infestation from the war, hunters had multiplicated, and soon his entire flight was recorded and hunted down, vampires scattering in search of safety. Left alone, he holed up in an abandonned mansion deep in the Blackwoods, wanting for nothing more than to be left undisturbed. Taking the occasional suicidal people that came to find him in the hopes of ending their lives, and those looking for immortality, he gathered a small following of thralls to come visit him occasionaly for food, but that he insisted must have a normal life away from him most of the time. Eventually though, the thrall presence in the area alerted the hunters, and they rallied the nearby towns to go walk on the mansion, setting it ablaze, and killing Peter inside. While he should have gone back to his coffin to reform and recover, Peter... drifted, and woke up on Earth instead. Seeing this as an oportunity to start over and reclaim some of his lost humanity, he has made a very strict point to not harm anyone, not make any thralls or any other vampire. He kept Courtney from bleeding out after a robbery gone wrong, and has been found by the group and protected ever since, keeping a low profile.
Why I enjoy playing Peter : Suave motherfucker! A noble trying to stop his tendency to be extra, because he’s not in any vampiric court anymore. Very proper and crafty, he has repressed his power-play tendencies A LOT.. And recently got to stretch a bit and flexe on Dylan, and that was SO satisfying! XD He could demand attention and worship if he felt like it, and force people into serving him, but... First, he wants to change, truly wants to go back to being an equal to humans, and second... Ivan would backhand him and put him back in his place immediately. XD And he’s not ready for the emotional whiplash of being told to sit down by a man shorter than him. ;) Although I hope I can show soon how truly, deeply dangerous Peter can be...
Oh hey, speaking of people that got flexed on, it’s Special Agent Dylan Ross! :D
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Dangerous organisations? Underground cults? Mafia? Organized crime? Those are Dylan’s usual scene. Get in, gather information, relay his finds with a precise plan of action, and let his general take care of taking the initiative and getting all of the glory for it. Dylan is the kind of man to light a cigarette while walking away from a building on fire. However... magic? ...Sure, why the fuck not, there are actual videos of a group of kids forcing a walking tree back into a forest, and others of a gigantic wolf and two pups in astreet, from multiple people. Reports of cult activity, too, that turns out to have been... actual animated scarecrows, that kidnapped people? Alright. Sure. ....And now people are growing horns. What the fuck is happening in this place? Put all of that shit on lockdown! Blame it... blame it on Covid-19, the medias won’t mind! (My players groaned at me when they heard about it being used as a plot point, it was great! XD contemporary world, after all!) And now, to investigate. Seems the local police, after a bit of pressure, admitted hiring... kids? Magic users, for things they couldn’t handle on their own. Following the trail, he went after a few of them, not fast enough as they skipped town... But not everybody went, so eventually he managed to get a hold of Alexia, and later Ivan. Expecting a LOT of bullshit and secrets, he found both to be fairly forthcoming with informations? Even helpful? Huh. that’s new in his line of work... A few tests and unethical trials later, he had to recognize he was unprepared for whatever THIS was... For fuck’s sake, the vampire he met put his entire backup team of highly trained soldiers to sleep before talking to him! And then read his entire health situation just from a drop of blood! And now his mind keeps coming back to him, again and again, it’s distracting. There’s also this Archeon guy, his best hope of finding a scientific way to measure magic, scolding him every time he’s a little abrasive. And now the well-behave Alexia revealed that she is linked to a “patron”, the founder of her school, trapped in the school’s statue? Yeah, sure! ....Until the statue animates and points it’s cane straight at his face! ....dylan might actually need help on this one.
Why I like to play Dylan : MY PLAYERS HATE HIM! XD He is a sassy, venomous, unpleasant man, with just enough humanity to keep people from truly doing anything about him. It’s really fun for me, who is usually a nice person, to be able to be unbashedly rude as a tired, sleep-deprived special agent in over his head! XD He is also a perceptive, crafty bastard : he threatened Alexia with an entire firing squad just to see what her immediate response would be, fight or flight! Everything he does is dangerous, and he can tell when people are bullshitting him from a mile away! And he fully knows that he’s a bastard, he owns up to it : someone has to be the bastard and get shit done. Might as well be an efficient bastard, and get on everybody’s nerves! And yet, he can listen to reason. He’s able to cooperate to get to his goal, listen to advices, and take good decisions. He is very fun to play! :D (Also I can hear the groans from my players when he shows up, voluntary or not, and I live for their visceral reactions. XD)
We’ve talked about Oni quite a bit already, but.. yeah, Oni. XD
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Originaly from the north of France, his thunder demon ancestry came to him after the magic had started reappearing, showing that the event is not limited to the area around Paris... With his Ancestor pushing him to carve himself a place in the world, he went on to find “the strongest caster” and duel her one on one. Let me tell you, this whole session was incredible... XD It was the first time I was introducing a villain MEANT to be a villain and not to be reasoned with. Buuut, well... He got beat fair and square. XD Then failed to escape. Then was executed, and his body was melted and burried. ...Then later that night, Ivan came around with a diamound and resurrected him, because nobody wanted to actually be murderers. And that’s how Oni realized he had been messing with the wrong crowd : he was here to hurt, when they were here to KILL. Needless to say, that put him in his place, and gave him time to think. With his life dept to Ivan, he can’t really run away and try to rebuild himself ; his family has thrown him out after his fugue, and now he lives at the Standon household as an unofficial adopted son. XD He tries to be useful around the house, but wishes he had more reasons to fight... Why I love to play Oni : A RESURRECTED VILLAIN IN DND IS JUST SO UNEXPECTED! XD How does one cope with that? Oni is still struggling to find his place, but at least now he’s open to the idea of helping to defend the town instead of just running in head first and crushing everything on his path! I enjoy his ancestor’s code of honor : Essentially, BE BIG. Either make this territory yours and be feared and respected, or recognize those that defeated you and serve them with all your might. Sometimes, being the biggest around doesn’t mean killing : if you keep an army from assaulting a town just because you are sitting at it’s gate, it is also a victory! Be a force to be reckoned with, either for yourself if you’re strongest, or for those above you if you are not. Be invaluable, be reliable, be fearsome. Sucess is when men throw down their arms the moment they see you. Oni is trying to reach this level of strength... but he is also the only man alive to have been resurrected, when nobody else has. People more worthy than him could have been brought back, but no, this miracle fell on him. And he’s uncertain how to feel, having had such an impossible gift offered to him, a humbled nobody, of all people. The weight on his shoulders is heavier than one might know.
Oh hey it’s Master Kavoleg! :D
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(seen here with his assistant and Earth-discoverer, Salin! :D) High level mage, high level mage, high lev- XD I LOVE Master Kavoleg! He’s a bit of a hermit, but always ready to help, curious, clever, his has very nice maners, he’s prone to throwing spells in the air when he’s frustrated at a bunch of bickering diplomats... His tower/library, the White Tower, is built right over a place of power, and is a hub for a lot of free wizards, students and experts, coming to do quiet research. Although business has been slow lately, it gives him the opportunity to meet the Earthlings and both learn and teach once more. As an influent person of interest, he is well placed to influence Mira’s approach to Earth in a favorable way, and to give advice on how to handle the surge of magic energy in the other world. People talk about him with reverance, and he is an approachable if imposing figure... as long as you’re not wasting his time.
Why I love to play Kavoleg : *slaps tiefling* “This Wizard can fit so many secrets! :D” I am SO excited to have the team discover a few of them, but... in due time. In due time. XD He is a soft, elegant man, with a certain disregard for people’s misplaced pride. He has a note of mischief to him (giving literal translations of places’ names to the Earthlings, underlining how SIMPLE they sound when not in the different languages, like they’re usually presented) that I love playing, and his relationship to Salin and his new assistant Elias is wonderful to play out! He is a tranquil force, powerful and wise but comfortable. He is very... Well, very comfortable for me to play! XD
And there we have it! :D I hope this was complete enough. There’s so much in there! XD
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mychemicalficrecs · 5 years
hi ! whats some of yer fav fics rn ?
Oh, Nonnie, please don't make me choose :'D
I went through my bookmarks and picked the ones that spontaneously spoke to me xDAll of these should already be on this blog or at least in the AO3 collection, actually.
Current Faves (January '20)
boys, boys, it's a sweet thing by inlovewithnight, Gerard/Mikey, 3k, Mature. An excerpted month from Gerard's Internet life as a sex blogger.
Kiss it Better by Sena, Frank/Mikey, 8k, Explicit. Mikey's not a violent guy, but Frank makes him want to punch a fucking wall.
Heart Wrapped in Clover by Sena, Frank/Mikey, 19k, Explicit. Everbody's got their not-so-secret secrets on tour. When you live out of a van, you just can't help but notice things that you shouldn't talk about if you don't want to embarrass your friends or start a fight. Frank wishes sometimes they talked about things, though, because he's dying to ask if anybody else has noticed that sometimes, Mikey wears panties.
By Now I'm Sure You Know by jjtaylor, Frank/Gerard, 3k, Mature. While on the World Contamination Tour, Frank watches Gerard pop the balloons during Planetary. He never realized he had a knife kink until he saw the very competent way Gerard handles the knife.
What Are You Made Of? (What Do You Dress It Up In?) by stoplightglow, Frank/Gerard, 2k, Teens And Up Audiences. “How’d you learn this?” Frank hears himself saying, words spilling out just to distract himself. God, it’s so fucking itchy, and Gerard is taking forever. “What, makeup?” Gerard says, not really a question. “Do you mean, like, how I got the techniques, or how I started wearing it in the first place? Because technique-wise, I mostly just stole my mom’s magazines and did whatever they said was right.” “How you started wearing it in the first place, then.” The pencil freezes, and then Gerard takes half a step back so Frank can see his eyes. “I haven’t told a lot of people that story.”
Dem Dry Bones by desfinado, Gerard/Mikey, 2k, Explicit. A kiss on his right knee, then the left.
just think happy thoughts? by Trojie, Frank/Gerard/Mikey, 6k, Explicit. In which Frank Iero grows wings, because apparently that kind of shit just happens on Warped Tour.
Sharpest Lives by MistressKat, Gerard/Mikey, 1k, Explicit. It couldn’t be wrong if Mikey liked it too.
Ray Guns Are Not Just the Future by ragingrainbow, Frank/Mikey, 1k, Mature. “Zap.” Mikey leans in close, trapping Frank against the wall as he mouths the word against Frank’s ear.
Hero or a Grinder by rivers_bend, Gerard/Mikey, Frank/Gerard/Mikey, 13k, Explicit. Gerard and Mikey are his friends, and they’re good guys. Some of the best he’s known, ever, and it’s stressful as hell on the road sometimes. If they need a little comfort, Frank’s not gonna judge.
shut up and drive by Trojie, uglowian, Patrick/Mikey/Pete, 139k, Teens And Up Audiences. Pete Wentz is the grid girl, Andy Hurley loves him (not like that), and Jared Leto is the bad guy. A.K.A.: the bandom The Fast and the Furious AU that literally no one asked for.
L For Lucky (M for Mine) by orphan_account, Ray/Mikey, 42k, Explicit. “Yeah, look.” Mikey turns his head to peer at the crowd over his shoulder. “This is going to seem weird, but.” He stares behind him and seems, for a moment, at a loss for words. “Well, there’s no tasteful way to say it.” Mikey looks Ray in the eye and just shrugs. “This is a highly organized sexual gathering for very specifically kinky people.” Ray feels a bit of spittle lodge in his throat and tries his best not to sputter when he disagrees, “That’s actually a pretty tasteful description of an orgy.”
Unholyverse by Bexless, Frank/Gerard, 187k, Mature, Explicit and General Audiences. Religion! Horror! Exorcisms! Piercings! And Gerard is a priest.
Pleathermouth Vegan Cafe by jedusaur, Frank/Gerard, 6k, Mature and Teen And Up Audiences. Pleathermouth Vegan Cafe, says the sign in front of the next place on Gerard's job-seeking list, and he decides that it may be prudent to finish his cheeseburger before entering.
All That Shit Seems To Disappear When I'm With You by gala_apples, Frank/Patrick/Mikey/Pete, 26k, Explicit. Frank’s been attracted to Mikey for awhile, a feeling that he’s kept carefully to himself. Other people don’t have the same compulsion for secrecy. On the first day of school there’s a short angry boy standing at Frank’s locker, condemning him for making Pete’s life hard. September quickly turns into a month of bad decision making as Frank, Pete, and Patrick deal with Mikey not feeling the same way they do. Except, that’s not true. After all, none of them have actually asked Mikey his side of things.
the ghost of you by Trojie, Frank/Gerard/Mikey, 52k, Explicit. The Ghost of You video throws Mikey, but he was already off his game.
publicity stunts by Trojie, Frank/Gerard, 6k, Teen And Up Audiences. The record company thinks a few plausibly-deniable rumours about Gerard and Frank dating would be good PR, but of course, they're not contractually obligated to sleep together or anything. Ahahah.
Gerard Way's (Vampire) Detective Agency by jjtaylor, Pennyplainknits, Frank/Gerard (and more), 164k, Mature, General Audiences and Teen And Up Audiences. Pete, in Decaydance Mansion, with a yarrow stake. Frank and Gerard, in the greenhouse, with a plant of questionable origin. Bob, everywhere you look, with a gang of assassins for justice. Vampires, valets, pamphlets, haunted furniture, dub-thrall, disembodied voices, zombie couriers, and sinister rituals.
Blueprints For Building Better Boys by dear_monday, Frank/Gerard, Frank/Ray/Mikey, 7k, Explicit. "Eight years ago," Amanda begins, "Dr. Monae and myself began work on the ArchAndroid project. By the time they were ready, we'd designed and tested everything, right down to the cybernetics and the synthetic organs. Two months ago, we switched them on for the first time." Frank, Gerard, Ray, and Mikey are the ArchAndroids. Frank's got a faulty personality circuit, Gerard's primary memory chip is kind of temperamental, there's a bug somewhere in Mikey's speech protocol, and Ray's anger response lags like a motherfucker. They're also the world's most potty-mouthed robots, although with any luck there won't be any occasion for the world's press to find out about that.
I Could Feel You Floating In Me by Jiksa, Frank/Gerard, 5k, Explicit. Poppers (n.): a slang term for a group of chemicals (especially amyl nitrite) used recreationally by queer men since the 1970s for their relaxation effect on involuntary smooth muscles, such as those in the throat and anus, as well as the warmth and head rush they provide to users. "What do you want?" Gerard asks, like he does everytime Frank asks him for this. “Open-handed impact play. Poppers. Fuck me. Plug me. Fist me. Come all over me.”
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pinktatertots99 · 6 years
Hello!It’s me again!Can I ask for a small Rokuriki x Hitoshi fic?I know I have a weird crack ship XD
huh, never heard of this ship before (closest was youriki x hitoshi haha) ah but yeah ok. (featuring a store I SO wanted to show off in an old fic series I wanted to do but lost steam for.) also uh…sorry for the length haha, my brain decided to take over.
“come on, come on! the sale’ll end soon.”
“we got three hours left y'know?”
hitoshi puffed out his cheeks. “see, this is why I’m a VERY important asset to the art of shopping.”
rokuriki rolled his eyes playfully at the blonde as he continued. “it may be three hours left TO YOU. but we could be losing valuable sales with each second that passes. now move your booty!” he exclaimed, pushing the other’s butt forward.
“okay okay just don’t do that!” he replied flustered.
honestly he expected this kind of behavior from mitsuba but he supposed anyone could be a well educated fashionista he supposed as they scurried to one shop that hitoshi went into frivolously while rokuriki stood for a second looking at it.
Fumatata shoW’s men’s department. one of the few he knew thanks to kokoriki and his constant online shopping for it but also knowing due to it’s popularity at nanba. it was one of the few departments, well maybe the only one since he didn’t really know any other, that sold more…feminine outfits for men. actual legitimate outfits to fit any guy, which explains certain outfits in and out of nanba.
walking in he felt so, out of place. despite the fact this place was supposed to be anything but. maybe he was just that out of the whole fashion interest is why. or that he wasn’t exactly…dressed for the place. wandering in he instantly found hitoshi rushing all over the place looking for outfits. it seemed he was rather friendly with the staff.
as he started to dwindle a bit at the racks a loud echo of yelling resounded catching his attention. towards the register hitoshi was at was some brute yelling at them, hitoshi seeming to be more firm towards him. oh this wasn’t good.
“ ‘scuse me.” he said, catching them both look to him. “what’s going on?”
“what'dya think?!” the stranger screamed at him. rokuriki had a feeling he knew what exactly was going on, but decided to play dumb just a bit. it was how he was trained to do to get answers after all. “quiet frankly I’m not so sure.”
the stranger pointed in hitoshi’s direction. “you SERIOUSLY don’t see the fucking problem here?!”
“I see the problem but your not pointing at it!” hitoshi exclaimed suddenly, pointing at him. without warning he grabbed the blonde’s wrist in response. “DON’T YOU POINT THAT MAMBI PAMBI THING AT ME YA FREAK!”
oh…oh now rokuriki’s patience was being tested as he put a hand over the guy’s hand. “don’t.” he stated coldly, trying to keep his cool in check. “lets keep this civil.”
without hesitation he let go of hitoshi’s wrist and pushed it back towards him. the blonde had nothing but rage on his face throughout it and the daisen knew he had to keep this from getting too violent. “anyways, looks like the only problem I’M seeing is you being jealous.”
an odd silence filled the room. “…huh?”
“I mean, either that or really there’s no other reason at all is there?” he interrogated. “because otherwise you don’t really have any other reason to be mad at this place right? unless you got cheated out of a discount or some poor service then I don’t see the problem. so? unless YOU wanna explain it.”
at this point the intruder was sweating up a storm, confused and uncertain as he looked between him and the others there. with a click of his tongue he left grumbling to himself.
watching him leave the premise hitoshi sighed. “man, I was so close to showing him my badge.”
“yeah but I’m pretty certain that would’ve been worse.” rokuriki replied as he watched the other checkout his outfits. “so, find what you needed?”
hitoshi nodded his head as the checkout women thanked them graciously.
once back home rokuriki sighed as he collapsed onto the couch. he then felt hitoshi tug him up. “c'mon! come with me for a second.”
“five minutes.”
“rikiiii! c'moooon. it’s super quick!”
he groaned as he got up and followed the other to the bedroom, eyeing some of the outfits he bought from earlier. “I thought you said I was bad at complimenting your outfits?”
“you are but that’s not why your here silly.” he stated bluntly, holding a shirt out for him. “put this on.”
“cause it’s your size.”
“why did you get something in my-” he trailed off as he realized what he did. even the baby blue shirt complimented his looks in some way. “…why did you buy me clothes?”
“cause I wanted to see you try em on.”
“why not just let me try them on in the changing rooms?”
hitoshi sighed loudly. “because, your too shy at clothing stores to do it. not to mention, it’s a gift of sorts.”
“for earlier and…uhm…” he trailed off as his face turned pinker then usual. “…just…be-because. just because. now put it on!” he replied flustered as he pushed the outfit on him. rokuriki complied, starting to take his clothes off only to feel somewhat embarrassed. “uhm…do you mind-” he started till he looked to see hitoshi covering his face with his hands cutely. “…thanks.”
the outfit he put on was an off the shoulder pastel blue sweater shirt and long cherry red skirt. despite his fit physique they fit so well, even the sweater looked loose on him like it did on any other customer. it really was some sort of miracle how that place could make fashionable outfits.
a bit flushed he looked to see hitoshi’s eyes sparkling and silently squealing at him. “it’s…peeerfeeeect.” he whispered hoarsely, trying not to raise it so high. it honestly felt like rokuriki’s face was close to exploding with how red it felt. “I-it’s…not bad…” he mumbled out embarrassingly.
he stumbled aback as hitoshi hugged him suddenly. “I’M SO HAPPY!” he exclaimed looking up at him sparkling. “hey hey, will you wear it next time we go out?! please?! pretty please?!”
he could feel his face get redder at the thought of wearing this outside. even though the idea of pissing some asshole off sounded fun, and it was kinda cute and god he couldn’t say no to that face, but this new shift was just so sudden he couldn’t reply properly.
it seemed the younger got the gist however as he let go and went back to his bag. “actually, I got something that maybe you’d be more comfortable wearing out?”
he raised a brow curiously.
“welcome back.” both youriki and kokoriki replied lazily. kokoriki was on his phone on the couch when he felt something drop on him. before he could muster up a complaint he looked to see it was a new issue of fumatata shoW’s fashion line.
“oh hey thanks.” he replied before slowly realizing something. “…waaaaiiiit. mail comes in next week.” he looked over the couch glaring suspiciously at rokuriki. “big bro…”
“what?” he asked looking towards them. the two stared wide eyed in response. rokuriki had on his face mint eye shadow that complimented his red eye liner, dark red diamond duds in his ears and minor pastel hair accessories in his hair along with little brightly colored beaded bracelets on his wrists and a pearly white choke collar.
“…that’s…” kokoriki trailed off before jumping over the couch towards him. “THAT’S A FUMATATA SHOW’S ACCESSORIES!”
“I may be a casual shopper but I know enough to know that THIS is from their accessory line up!”
“you shop there now?”
“THAT’S NOT FAIR! you go there and leave ME home?!”
“uh…well…uhm…” now the middle child was at a loss on how to respond.
“you BETTER not be stealing my stores now big bro!” kokoriki threatened pointing a finger to him. there was silence for a bit.
“…so…does it look good?”
“I mean…” youriki jumped in. “pastel’s not your color but otherwise it’s alright.”
“the pastel blues yellows and pinks make your hair look like an Easter basket and like you got the bracelets from an Easter party, but the more subtle stuff fits.” kokoriki continued. at this point rokuriki couldn’t bear to tell them they were personal gifts from hitoshi that made him think of him. he’d probably just wear them occasionally by now till he found an outfit that’d fit them. “and beaded bracelets don’t match you well. I got some gold ones that’ll fit em though. and I can’t BELIEVE you actually look good in a choke collar.” he huffed and puffed as he left for his room leaving the two eldest alone.
youriki seemed to be shuffling in place, making the other nervous. “…so…does this mean I should try going there sometime or…I mean, I’m the only one left so…”
“eheh…we’ll, we’ll see big brother.” he replied embarrassingly, swinging the bag with his new outfit in it. despite the craziness of today…it was a pretty good day and date he considered.
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musical-chick-13 · 4 years
Ser Davos too XD
YAY ONION DAD I LOVE HIM (also, sorry these are so late, grad work is...how you say...a Bitch™)
Send me a character and I’ll tell you the following:
• Did they live up to their potential? / In what ways was their potential unachieved?
-Obviously I’m talking show here because. Again. The books aren’t finished. Lmao. I’m not completely sure how to answer this one. Because, as I mentioned in the Melisandre ask, there was never any kind of...actual wrap up to his conflict with her? She just...laid down and died. Mainly I’m kind of sad that he was kind of reduced to a Jon Snow hype man in the later seasons. There were some tiny threads of his continued fight for doing what he considered to be the right thing, through his outburst at Melisandre after finding out about Shireen and trying to prevent Grey Worm from executing the prisoners in season 8, but he really kind of stopped having his own arcs after Stannis died. And...Stannis was also involved in Shireen’s death? That was never addressed, and considering Davos’s actual, mostly consistently decent moral compass, the conflict between honoring the memory of a much-loved friend and holding that friend responsible for the death of, essentially Davos’s surrogate child, was something that we needed to see for a satisfying through-line of his characterization. The narrative ignoring that was a crime, honestly.
• How they negatively and positively affected the story.
-The thing about Davos is that he injects (most of the time) a sense of realistic good into the story. He’s not perfect, but he does earnestly try to do the right thing and stick to his morals and save people, even if he has to anger people he cares about or respects in the process. It’s a much-needed relief from all of the duplicitous power plays and extreme violence almost everyone else engages in. His goodness isn’t bound to honor like Ned (and Jon tbh), or to absolute justice like Stannis, or to gaining the respect of/lessening the ostricization from his peers (like Jaime sort of attempts to do sometimes), or to The Greater Good™ as a whole (like show Varys or like Melisandre tries to do). He simply does what he feels is right, and this provides a touchstone of hope and groundedness to the story.
-As I mentioned above, in-show he kind of...existed later on primarily to support Jon, and I never really understood why? I didn’t see anything that provided proof of some sort of unbreakable bond or deep friendship, and I felt like there was no real catalyst for him attaching himself to Jon in anything other than a mutually beneficial allyship? This in and of itself isn’t something I’m going to quibble over a great deal, but it didn’t help in regard to the at times overdramatic, heavy-handed painting of Jon as The Savior of the World Who Is Always Right Always. Which, in my opinion, any work is going to suffer from building up any character in that manner.
• What my favorite arc for them is.
OH no question about this one at all, it’s when he blames Melisandre for the failure at Blackwater, gets thrown in jail for trying to assassinate her, later gets released for giving sound advice to Stannis (while bonding with Shireen 😊), and then RISKS HIS NEWLY-FOUND FREEDOM AND POSITION AS HAND (THE MAN. JUST. GOT OUT OF JAIL. BY WAY OF “EVERY ACT MUST HAVE A JUST™ RETRIBUTION BECAUSE RULES” STANNIS) TO SMUGGLE OUT EDRIC STORM (Gendry in the show). In either case, he rescues a bastard child, a class of people most dismiss as worthless and embarrassing, because it’s the right thing to do. He gives into violence (granted, he is doing what he sees as eliminating a dangerous threat) with his attempt on Mel’s life, and then directly disobeys his best friend, king, and person he loves and respects to stop further violence from entering the world. Which is especially poignant after witnessing Mel’s shadow assassin baby and seeing the violence that wrought. After everything done to him and his giving into violent impulse, he could have completely lost himself and gone full Dark™, but he doesn’t. He pulls himself back and saves a young man’s life, even at great risk to himself, because that person’s death would be unfair. And, for once in this miserable setting, he isn’t killed off for it. He provides valuable information to Stannis about the White Walkers through his newfound literacy, (which, in the show-can’t remember if it was mentioned in the books or not, it’s been awhile-is further corroborated by Melisandre, gaining her support) and is allowed to live. GOD that line where Stannis asks what is the worth of a bastard’s life against a kingdom and Davos answers, “Everything”???!!!! IT GETS ME!!! EVERY TIME!!!!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• What I think of their ending.
-I would have loved more introspection: how does he deal with not being able to bring Melisandre to justice? How does he feel about all the things Stannis did in the name of claiming his so-called rightful title? How does he cope with losing another authority figure he can no longer serve now that Jon has been exiled? Ultimately, I’m happy for him. I think his general sense of morality (including disputing authority figures for the sake of saving lives) will serve Bran’s small council well, and considering his smuggling background and resultant expertise with ships, rebuilding the fleet is a fitting end for him.
• When I wish they had died. / If I think they should’ve died.
I think it’s good that he didn’t die. One, I would be sad. Two, there would not have been any narrative reason for him to do so. I remember getting to the Red Wedding, and I went, “Yeah, I can see why GRRM wrote this in order to move the story along.” No such plot furtherance would have resulted from killing off Davos. It would have just been for shock value (like Shireen, which you KNOW how I feel about that...). And third, it’s good that basic decency gets a win. Brienne is very morally good, but is left heartbroken by Jaime. Dany was made out to be good (though I myself will dispute that idea), but went off the deep end and ended up posing a bigger threat to Westeros than anyone else. Jon felt forced to do the unthinkable and got exiled for it, which has to dampen Sansa’s victory at least a little bit. And plenty of good characters have already been killed off. Many of season 8′s survivors emotionally ended up in a worse place than they started, but Davos had already been at an emotional low. His ending served to lift him up to a higher place than he had been before. And for a show as bleak as this, it needed that glimmer of hope, that doing the right thing can give you an untempered victory and keep you alive.
0 notes
Hi there! Read your post, and GOD! After years of reading fanfiction about any fandom but The Hollies, you are like a dream come true! But sadly, I'm the least creative person, and I wouldn't know what to ask! Yep, my fav is Tony, and I love the second and third lineup (Tony, Allan and Bobby with Bern, Graham or Terry). If I imagine some smut, it would be some angry sex between Tony and Graham, even though they never clashed that much in RL. (1/2)
Hiii! I’ve seen your blog before and can I just say how much I love it
Anyways, I am totally digging that Tony/Graham hate fuck, so I wrote a little (6000 word) fic about them. I kinda got carried away, sorry XD So yeah, I haven’t read over it and I’ve never really written all that much about Tony before, so I just keep that in mine. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy; 
“Did you just,” Graham laughed, turning to look at the other boys in the studio as though for back up despite being well aware before even regarding their disapproving expressions that he was looking to the wrong people for help. Really, these comments were only to make light of the situation for himself, “Did you just see that? My god.” He turned back to where he’d just watched one of his bandmates storm out and sighed. “Tony Hicks. Who knew?”
Well, it seemed they all knew. They knew from the moment Tony started raising his voice, a odd spectacle for such a quiet young man, that he was capable of as much of a dramatic and aggressive exit as any one of the boys had managed before. Just because he stayed out of fights, stayed away from drama, didn’t mean he was totally incapable of getting involved. And the thing was, this wasn’t his fault. He hadn’t got into a fight, he didn’t instigate it. If anything, he was being patient for a good time longer than the other boys could. And when he did eventually snap, everyone agreed that he was totally valid in doing so.
Even the guy who started it, the very man who marvelled at the reaction in its aftermath. Graham had to admit he kind of went over the top on that one. He didn’t mean to start an argument. He just seemed to spark them by accident, and he wasn’t the type to back down on anything, even if it was better off if he did for his own benefit.
Still, he’d fucked up, what could he do now?
He shrugged off the negativity in the atmosphere and turned his attentions to finding his guitar. Where had he put it down?
“Guys, have you seen my pick?”
Not a peep sounded from his remaining bandmates. Casually, the rhythm guitarist looked up. He’d practically forgotten the fight in about two seconds of distraction. Apparently, it wasn’t so easy for the others, mostly because they had no interest in forgetting.
“What was all that about?” Allan was first to speak. He’d clashed with Graham many a time throughout the years, so wasn’t afraid to do so now. In fact, he felt inclined to do so to defend his mate and let his discontent be known to the perpetrator.
“What? Oh, the thing… nothing.” Graham muttered. He was outnumbered. Even he wasn’t on his own side about this. That was why he was so quick to try and ignore it. He’d done wrong. Something pretty fucking wrong. There was no reason to go off of Tony like that, yet he’d done it and… well… the not backing down thing, the trait that would get him killed if he wasn’t careful. He could see the headlines ‘English musician mauled by bandmates.’ What a way to go.
“Sure sounded like nothing.”
“Well, it was. He overreacted.” Ok, he didn’t even believe what he was saying, never mind whether Allan did, or Bobby or Bern. Basically, he was losing a war he’d inadvertently started with that minor battle, and that was pissing him off.
“Yeah?” Allan stepped forward, challengingly.
Graham ground his teeth, standing up to the challenge, “Well what do you want me to do about it now? Hu? Go and kiss him and make up so we can play some shit on another record we didn’t write. Oh sure.”
Apparently, kissing was a bit too much, but making up was exactly what Allan wanted. Graham sighed, frustrated as he turned to the door. He felt like a kid being told off by his parents, made to go and apologise to an annoying brother for aggravating him. Since when had Allan been so damn uptight? Oh yeah, since forever. Since he’d settled down with Jen. Even before that, in fact. He was suddenly so worried about what kind of music the band should be making or how much work they were all putting in or bullshit like that. Making music often isn’t something you can plan. It should be fun and exciting and…
…this had nothing to do with the argument. It seemed like Tony wasn’t the only one with a lot of pent up frustration. Graham rationalised that perhaps the guitarist should be thanking him. After all, it's not good for people to keep things bottled up without letting it out once in a while. And Tony constantly seemed so cool and calm, either he was getting it all out with some great sex every night, or he wasn’t getting it out at all. If the former was true, at least he was saving Tony’s chick from having a right good fucking tonight.
Actually, that was regrettable, depending on how you look at it. And as Graham wandered down the corridors, trying to find his bandmate, he found himself considering it from every angle. If he was Tony’s girl, he’d be a bit put out if she wasn’t getting anything out of him. He was handsome guy. It was the eyes, the slightly hooded, striking blue eyes. That was the first thing Graham thought of when he thought of Tony, the first thing he could imagine girls noticed. It was the first thing he noticed when he met the boy way back when. Though he may’ve grown into his ever youthful looks, his ears now were the right size for the rest of his face- or at least covered by a thick mass of fair hair curling down his neck- and he’d ditched the overly skinny look for a little more filled out and muscular, his eyes remained very much the same, as stunning and bright as they always had been.
What was Graham doing thinking like this of his mate? He laughed at himself, shaking the thought from his mind. He only had to apologize to the guy to get him back in the studio so they could finish a recording, not flatter him with complements of his eyes. Not only would that be really weird, but it wouldn’t work. Either Tony would think Graham was taking the piss or he’d get all shy. It was strange that such a handsome, sought-after boy like Tony was not used to receiving compliments.
He was doing it again, thinking about him like that. It would make it damned hard for him to face the boy if his mind was in other places.
Well not too hard. As soon as he caught sight of Tony in the loos, a cheekiness came over him, the same one that had persuaded him to go over the top on the little disagreement not ten minutes ago. He sauntered into the room and leant up against the wall by the door, arms crossed over his chest, one foot balancing on its toes beside the other, an expectant smile gazing at the guitarist who was washing his hands quite quietly. There was a bit of aggression in his actions. Graham didn’t think he’d ever seen Tony quite like this, letting something bother him to the point that his actions were affected. He wrung his hands beneath the water hard enough to turn his slightly tanned skin red and pressed the soap dispenser violently, causing the clear liquid to shot out and spray half on his cupped palm, half on the sink beside him. He then, after rinsing, pulled way too much tissue from the dispenser and threw the scrunched up, soggy ball in the bin with such force it popped back out, settling on the floor.
“Didn’t your mum ever tell you you should pick up after yourself?” Graham laughed, gesturing to the bin as Tony pivoted on his heels. He did not seem at all startled by the rhythm guitarist’s presence. In fact, perhaps he did already know that he was in there, hence the aggression in his actions and the casual way he regarded Graham as he leant back against the sink, his lips pressed into a hard, white line. He didn’t even bother to acknowledge Graham’s little comment. He just stood there, glaring.
“Come on, are you really going to be mad at me over this?” Graham sighed, bored of this already. He was also really starting to get bored of the silence treatment. It grated on him. He waited for a reply. None came.
His voice took a more impatient tone when he opened his mouth again.  “Look, I’m meant to apologise to you, so let’s just forget about this shit so we can keep recording and you can hate me afterwards, ok?”
The expression on Tony’s face changed, which Graham saw as a positive. At the very least it might be an indication that he might start talking and he was right.. It just wasn’t the response Graham had been hoping for.
“No, fuck you. You always seem to just bypass apologising, like you’ve done nothing wrong.”
Graham swore he didn’t mean to, but habitually rolled his eyes, which Tony obviously didn’t take well. He didn’t get angrier as such. He, if anything, looked disappointed. He had that ‘why do I bother’ look in his eyes, while which, in turn, irritated Graham to the point that had he been considering a proper apology, it was now definitely off the table.
“Mate, are you serious? All I did was disagree with you.” He said, any friendly tone now dropped completely.
“You fucking disagree with everyone.” Tony retorted.
“So you shouldn’t be taking it so fucking personally.”
“I’m not. I’m mad for everyone. I don’t know what the hell has got into you, whether it's fame or something, but you’re bloody unbearable at the moment, and the other guys can sit back and take it, but I’m not going to.”
“No?” Graham was now laughing at the younger man, amused by the determination to stand up to him. He thought it cute, and knew that would annoy Tony.
That, coupled with patronising him, and Graham knew he was heading to a breaking point. He wanted to see how far he could push his mate, since he was already in so deep.
“What are you going to do?”
Tony glared at his so-called friend intensely. His blood boiled in his veins, mostly those in his clenched fists that longed to slug the rhythm guitarist in the jaw. Oh, but he couldn’t, could he? It would make for bad press, unease in the group, which was the last thing they needed. Then again, there was a chance the fight would be settled with that one swing. Graham would know not to mess with Tony, he might learn a lesson or two about irritating the rest of the band and Tony would get out all the anger on his bandmate. When he thought like that, it was just too damn tempting. Not to mention that Graham, as he looked down and saw Tony’s skilled fingers curled into fists, practically asked for it.
“Are you going to punch me? Oh that I have to see!”
Well, he didn’t want to disappoint. Allowing all the anger he usually let go of build up, he jolted violently up, stalked towards the older man standing by the door and let the knuckles of his powerful right hand make contact with Graham’s cheek. Immediately, the rhythm guitarist stumbled sideways, one hand reaching to stop himself from falling, the other grasping his bruised cheekbone. When he steadied, he shot a wild look up at Tony, planning his revenge.
While Tony did feel pretty sorry, he wasn’t going to say it. It wasn’t he who owed an apology. The only reason he was considering it in that moment was because he didn’t really want to get into a fist fight, which seemed the way this was going, judging by the look in Graham’s pale blue eyes. Still, he stood his ground, waiting for Graham’s move.
Which turned out to be an attack, heading straight for the boy’s wrists. He wasn’t interested in hurting Tony. No, he was going to pin him down, make him beg for an apology. Once he had hold of one of Tony’s wrists, he spun him around, bending the arm up his back, applying enough pressure to have him totally under his control, then guided him to the sink area where he bent the kid over. A short hiss escaped Tony’s mouth as he pushed against Graham, writhed under his control. Graham wasn’t that much stronger than him, he just had the upper hand at that moment, in a position that made it near enough impossible to fight against.
This was also quite a compromising position. Even Graham had to admit he didn’t really want to be caught by anyone like this. For all the strength he possessed in that moment, his crotch was pressed against Tony’s butt, he had the boy literally bent over under him. No wonder why Tony struggled. But Graham was not going to let him up, not for anything.
He laughed evilly, “What’s the matter down there?”
“Get off!!! Graham, get the fuck off me!!!”
God, this gave Graham such a rush of power. He ignored how weird the moment looked in favour of bending right over and hovering his lips over Tony’s ear.
He caught a quick glimpse of himself in the mirror above the sinks. The oddest feeling waved through him that he refused to address. He shook his mind clean for a moment to say, “Is there something you want?”
“Get the fuck off me!!!” Tony yelled. It echoed around the room, followed by a low chuckle from Graham’s throat that had the younger boy struggling once more in anger.
“I thought you wanted an apology.” Graham teased, “You can’t be greedy and have both.���
Tony lifted his head slightly, enough to also see the mirror. He looked so stupidly helpless under the weight of his friend, now baring down on his back. He met Graham’s gaze, gave him a filthy look until he noticed something. He saw a flicker of something in his pale blue irises. He’d seen it a few times before, most notably the time they’d all gone to that club with that belly dancer, the one they all had a crush on. Well, a crush was putting it nicely. They all wanted to fuck her. Graham was looking at him with a glare that would’ve been quite threatening and annoying- due to the cheeky smile on his lips- had he not also got that sparkle, that wanting gaze.
Did Graham want to fuck him?
“Oh my god…” Tony chuckled, turning his head downwards towards the space between sinks that thankfully wasn’t wet or dirty. Graham had been kind in where he’d pinned him down.
“What?” Graham demanded. He didn’t much like the feeling of loss of power that Tony’s laughter provided him.
Still giggling, Tony peered up a little.
“Are you turned on right now?”
“The fuck? Of course not!”
“I think you are, you fucking creep.”
Graham felt his cheeks flush. No way he was turned on. No way. Not even if he’d already kind of seen the excitement when he’d glimpsed the mirror. Nope. He’d deny it. He’d keep on denying it.
And he certainly wasn’t going to let Tony see the sudden colour in his cheeks. When the guitarist attempted to look in the mirror again, Graham snaked his fingers around his neck and twisted his head back to one side, resting on the surface.
“Listen, you’re the creep for even thinking that. Now, you wanted something, didn’t you?” He tried to regain the atmosphere from before. Both the boys were mad, and Graham was in control. He had Tony right where he wanted him and… ok so it might’ve turned him on a little bit, but at least in that moment Tony didn’t know.
He heard Tony make a breathy gasp. The position for him was awkward, but he was in no way screaming for oxygen. He barely even fought anymore. The smile on his lips, though, had faded in favour of a more frustrated expression.
“Yeah,” The boy said through gritted teeth, “I wanted you to get the fuck up, because you’re enjoying yourself too much.”
Graham ignored the indication of his pleasure in the position.
“Why don’t you ask me nicely?” He suggested.
Tony hid a smirk.
“And here I was thinking you were going to make me beg for it.”
Something, the same thing that had lit Graham’s eyes and coloured his cheeks, stirred within him again. He stared down at Tony, wondering what his next move should be.
He decided not to give the boy the satisfaction of knowing he was right. Or at least, he wasn’t going to get defensive. He wasn’t going to deny anything anymore, not outright.
“Alright, that seems like a good idea. Beg for me to get off you.”
Oh yes. That had Tony hesitating. It was a moment before he piped up.
“Are you serious?” He laughed.
In a low voice, Graham replied, “Deadly.”
“Fuck off.”
“I don’t hear any begging. I guess you like this, you like being bent over, do you?”
Fuck! Tony struggled once more, annoyed that Graham had somehow flipped this situation on its head, yet again. Not only did he have full power over his body, keeping him firmly against the sink, but he also had power because there was no way Tony was going to beg. He wasn’t a dog or a child and he certainly did not take orders from someone like Graham.
But what choice did he have?
“You can’t be fucking serious!”
“I told you, I am.” Graham chuckled. He decided he was going to have all the fun he wanted in that moment, letting loose a lodged phrase he’d been wanting to say as he waited for Tony to retort. “And since I am actually enjoying this, I might as well take advantage of it.”
Tony... didn’t get it. He was totally confused, thrown off by Graham’s admission. He really didn’t know how to reply. He really didn’t know how he felt about the whole situation anymore. He just knew that his neck was starting to hurt like this.
He tried to arch it away from the sink, only to have Graham push him back down, smothering him further into the countertop.
“Plea-“ Tony gasped. For a moment, he was about to beg. And in that moment, after hearing a small chuckle escape Graham’s lips, the fingers around his neck loosened. He was given a little leeway to move. Humiliated, he shut his eyes. Could he really do this? Could he really beg his friend for anything, a guy who he was still mad at, who he would happily kick in the balls if his legs weren’t pressed up against the back of his thighs? No, no he couldn’t.
Graham was beginning to enjoy the power again. Perhaps a little too much. But he’d half admitted as much, so he didn’t really care. He ignored the distinct feeling of swelling down south- he didn’t press himself too hard into Tony in case he could feel it- and instead directed his energies to thinking of something to say next, something evil, something that would really piss Tony off. Because it got him off, for some reason. Just the idea of the kid so helpless under him, conflicted as to whether he should humiliate himself or not, allow the older man to manipulate him or not.
He leant down again, hovering his mouth over Tony’s ear, the soft, fair hairs whispering against the curve of cartilage tickling his lips. Tony could feel his hot breath hit his skin. He cringed as he felt Graham laugh.
“What was that?”
“I didn’t say anything.” Tony muttered.
“I think you did.” Graham laughed, “Go on, you can do it and I’ll let you up.”
Not a peep escaped Tony’s throat for a whole minute as they stood in that position, so Graham decided to make it worse for him.
Since he’d first bent down and whispered in the guitarist’s ear, he’d got the urge to do it. The back of his ear looked so enticing. It was stupid and weird, but it wasn’t the only thing in the situation that fitted that description. There was a small sensation of this being a step further, but Graham had lost the ability to really stop himself, just as he had in the argument. He succumbed to the temptation and stuck out his tongue.
Tony felt a more humid breath against his skin, following a wet slap that sounded almost like a kiss being broken. Having no idea what was going on, his mind drew blanks until he felt it; Graham’s tongue dragged against the back of his ear, right at the tip of it.
And Tony found himself sighing involuntarily. He caught himself, eyes shooting open, body tensing, but the damage was done, Graham had heard it. If he could not tell by the way the rhythm guitarist abruptly paused, then he could by the chuckle rumbling low in Graham’s chest.
The older man, after his hesitation, completed the lick before closing his mouth and reopening it again. Suddenly, he had plenty of things to say.
“Now, if I didn’t know any better, I would say you enjoyed that.”
Tony had no reply.
“And you called me the creep.”
The younger man let his jaw fall slack, ready to reply, but the older man beat him to it.
“You’re a very bad boy, Tony Hicks.”
“Don’t say things like that!” He snapped back. His vigour, however, was beaten by the chuckles vibrating through his bandmate’s body. Did he ever stop laughing? Boy did Graham know how to piss people off. Tony wouldn’t be surprised to learn if that was the first thing Graham looked for when he met people, a way to really get right on their nerves.
“Well, you shouldn’t have moaned.” Graham warned, letting his lips fall a little closer to Tony’s skin, rather than his tongue this time, “Would you like me to do it again?”
And this time, even though given an option, Tony could not think up an answer. He should’ve said a definitive ‘no.’
That is, if that was what he wanted.
Suddenly, the conflict in the boy’s mind was still fixated on whether he should submit to his bandmate, only in a very different way, and with a very different answer he found himself reaching.
Without a reply, which Graham found annoying- he really hated being ignored- he let his lips close around Tony’s ear, kissing him this time before running his tongue over the flesh. Tony tried really hard not to enjoy it, but it’s pretty hard when such an act coaxed feelings like the pleasurable shiver rushing directly to his spine. His body tensed, though this time not out of discomfort. It was due to the beginnings of a tight pleasure pooling below his stomach. It seemed that, inside him, his boiling blood and flashes of red behind his eyes were starting to convert into a different kind of frustration than he’d felt previously towards Graham. Instead of the desperate want to punch him in the face, he really wanted to pin him down on the floor and have his way with him.
He’d never thought such a thing about a guy before, but in that moment, gender wasn’t a concern of his, certainly not to the part of his body responsible for his thinking.
Graham seemed to be taken over by the same appendage, as he began kissing down Tony’s neck, moving his hand out the way, and Tony’s hair, to reach the hot, slender parts of his skin. His hands, now free, ran down the boy’s torso until they reached his hips, which they grabbed with considerable force. He dug his nails in tight to the thick layers of fabric Tony was clad in, in hope of feeling his skin, his flesh, his bones beneath.
“Are you sure you want me to get up?” He giggled lightly between kisses. He was not going to give up teasing his bandmate for anything, and that was a fact. He’d gotten off on irritating him, he’d relished his humiliation, why stop now when things were just getting interesting.
Of course, Tony saw it as an annoyance, but that was exactly what Graham wanted it to be.
“Will you just shut up for a minute?”
“Oh, of course not!” He breathed, “I want it known that you got off on me bending you over and…”
Tony realised that Graham had gotten complacent in his pleasure. Despite the grasp he had on Tony’s hips, he no longer had the good positioning that gave him all his strength. In one swift movement, Tony twisted around under him and pushed him towards the wall. As Graham attempted to recover, Tony lurched at him and pushed his whole body up against him. His hands sought out Graham’s, pinning them to the wall either side of his head. Now he could see the light in the older man’s eyes, the desire he’d only glimpsed, the damaged he’d actually done to the left side of his face. It was already bruising. Hmm, they’d have to explain that to the media, those that saw them as good, clean boys, not the types who got into fights.
Tony doubted they’d see them as the types who liked other boys either, so perhaps a black eye was the least of their worries. He suddenly thought of the unlocked bathroom door, the studio that lay beyond it, and the one room where three friends, no doubt concerned about them, were and may not remain. There was any number of people who could walk in at the worst moment and see what they really shouldn’t.
But… if he went to lock the door, he’d lose his power over Graham, and boy had he been waiting pretty much the whole day- if not since he’d met the guy- for a chance like this.
He looked Graham in the twinkling eyes. The rhythm guitarist was waiting, waiting for a next move, aching for it. His stare was challenging, encouraging Tony to do something, anything, so the boy decided to risk everything to keep his position. He glared at Graham, thinking ‘you’ve no idea what we’re risking for this.’
His move, he decided, was to slide both his hands up, with Graham’s in their grasp, and hold them over Graham’s head. He found a way to keep both wrists pinned to the wall in just one hand, so the other could travel down his bandmate’s aching torso, down experimentally towards the waistband of his trousers. He looked so unsure. Graham did too, but his mind was now set on this moment. He needed this, he needed a release for his frustration and believed Tony could benefit from it too.
“I want this.” He whispered encouragingly. Never before had he ever so explicitly given consent, never had he previously had to, but it felt right in this situation, one neither he nor his friend had been in before. It struck a little confidence into Tony, evidenced by the quickening of his movements. He spread his hand over Graham’s hardness and lightly applied pressure. Graham gasped, to which Tony wanted to administer a little of Graham’s own medicine to him. He chuckled.
“Enjoying this, are we?”
Graham’s eyes met his.
“Now you can’t deny that you’re not.”
The younger boy shrugged, slowly removing his hand, much to Graham’s displeasure.
“I’m going to enjoy it a lot more in a minute.”
Curious, the older man watched. He wasn’t sure what part of his friend he should keep his eyes on; his face, his wandering hands, his torso, his… trousers. Eventually, though, the most interesting part was his hands, the one that lingered between both their crotches before turning upwards towards it’s owner’s waistband and those skilled, guitar-playing fingers hooked around the zipper of his trousers. He watched as Tony pulled down his fly and palmed himself through his boxers, straining handsomely against a thick bulge within them. He watched as Tony got off, pleasured himself, leaving Graham practically totally untouched, straining himself under far too many layers of clothing. The older man whimpered.
“This isn’t fair.”
With half shut eyes and a blissful smile on his face, Tony asked, “What isn’t?”
“I was winning. You’re a fucking dick. I had you…”
“Oh, but you wanted me so bad, you just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
Graham recognised his own tactics. Oh, they were cruel. He smirked to himself, almost as a pat on the back for being so goddamned smart. If only he could just work out a way to tip the tables again in his favour.
In fact, he didn’t care much about being in power, he just wanted not to be left out. He wanted to be touched. He’d happily beg, though he’d never say as much voluntarily.
“Fuck, look at you!” Tony continued. Graham could see more bliss, more pleasure building up tight within the guitarist. It was quite a sight, a view that cause want to simmer below his stomach. He recognised the pleasure that Tony was affording himself and wanted some for himself. “Quiet for the first time today. If it wasn’t so illegal, I’d do this everyday to shut you up.”
Graham’s voice came out as a half strangled moan when he tried to speak.
However, he did managed to say, “You’d do it because you fucking love me, admit it.”
“I love it when you’re not pissing everyone else off.”
“You love me when I’m not pissing everyone off.”
“I like the peace and quiet.”
“I…” He gasped loudly, “…really just want to come. Tony, come on!”
Tony grinned. He stared at Graham, making his own pleasure more obvious with rolls of his blue eyes and bites of his kissable lips. He even took it to the next step, pulling himself totally out of the boxers hanging loose on his hips and tugged hard, in full view of his friend. If a high level of adrenaline, caused by frustration and desire, had not been coursing through his veins, he probably would’ve felt more than a bit embarrassed and self-conscious under Graham’s watchful gaze, but his levels of confidence were soaring. He was coaxed on by Graham’s words too, as humiliating and embarrassing as getting your dick out in front of a mate was.
“Don’t… come on, I’m aching. Tony…”
“If you don’t beg,” Tony wickedly said, “You don’t get.”
To his surprise, it seemed a lot easier for Graham to stoop to that level of indignity than it had been for him.
“Ok, please Tony will you touch me. Or let me touch myself. I don’t fucking care anymore.”
“No?” Tony gasped, now unable to control his tone, “That’s disappointing, I thought you loved me. I though you wanted me.”
“Alright, alright, I want you, you fucker. Please, I want you to touch me.”
“If I move my hand, are you going to overpower me?”
Graham was not lying when he replied, “No.” And Tony could tell. It was probably the most genuine thing he’d said all day. So, if a little gingerly, the guitarist removed his hand from Graham’s wrists and feathered it down his body. Helpfully, Graham’s shot down to his fly and ripped it open. He groaned as Tony’s hand wrapped around him.
Oh, it was way better to have someone else do that rather than his own hand, Graham decided. Just the unfamiliar touch was enough to improve it, but there was so much more going on. Namely, the fact that Tony had an idea of what he was doing. Graham was sure he could make many a joke about that, like that Tony wasn’t really so much of a ladies’ man as he was a ‘right hand’ man, but he wouldn’t dare ruin the mood, by cracking some awful, distasteful and mocking joke unless, like the jokes about loving one another, both of them would know they were merely in good fun. There was also the forbidden aspect that made it all the more exciting. It had not slipped Graham’s mind that the bathroom door was open and he was well aware of all the shit they could get into, least of all the prison sentences they could receive should something like this get out. But, instead of scaring them shitless enough to do something about it or stop, it enticed at least Graham to continue.
And he knew it would not take long. He’d been aching at the most innocent of acts. By the time Tony had his hand pumping at his dick, he was further than half way close to climax.
So, it came of no surprise to him that he was first to come. He spilled over Tony’s hand, moaning with his head tossed back against the wall. He thrust up into Tony’s hand until the shockwaves of pleasure ceased. Then he looked down at the younger man, simpering.
Tony gave him a dirty look back.
“It’s not a fucking race.” He breathlessly snapped, “It’s not good that you were first.”
Graham nodded, “I know. I was actually glad, because now I can do this.”
He reached out and clasped his own, capable fingers around the base of Tony’s dick and followed the boy’s movements until he let him do it on his own. It seemed Tony had the same thought as Graham; it really was better done by someone else. A fact he well knew from all the chicks he’d had, but when directly compared to himself, and faced with someone who knew what they were doing, oh it was perfect. A few short minutes later and he’d dirtied Graham’s hands. Thankfully, as both the boys did check, they’d managed not to get anything on their clothes, save perhaps for some water from the counter and the sinks.
Breathlessly, the two boys regarded one another. They grinned stupidly, disbelievingly, not knowing what to say next. What was the protocol here? There wasn’t even one. All they could do was go back to how they always were. Nothing had changed.
“So…” Tony’s voice echoed around the room. After all that noise, the sudden lull in that bathroom was both too much for the boys, and not enough. They wanted to talk, to fill the empty space, but really didn’t, because it would mean addressing what had just happened.
Graham decided to go about that in an indirect manner by, once he’d tucked himself back into his trousers and zipped himself back up, nipping across the room to the tissue dispenser. He brought two bundles of tissues back with him, one for himself, the other for Tony. With that minor distraction, they found their voices.
“We always were.” Graham replied, “I know I’m pretty overbearing and all…”
“You can say that again.”
“Fuck off. I’m trying to… apologise.”
“Does that mean we have to go back and record a song now?”
They both looked pretty helplessly towards the door, nodding as though to answer the question for themselves.
“So…” Tony repeated, “Do you want to go first… or… or I can…”
“Nah,” Graham waved that idea away, “We’re mates again. We go back together.”
Neither made a start to the door for a moment. Tony pretended he was making sure there was no more evidence of their ‘time’ in the bathroom, while Graham chuckled to himself to get over the whole situation. Then, as though they’d agreed, they strode together out of the bathroom, into the corridor of the studio, which remained quiet. They silently made for their studio, keeping their eyes forward, their hands in their pockets, undistinguishable expressions on their slightly flushed faces.
They then walked into the room where their three friends were sitting almost in wait of them. Allan stood up immediately, waiting for a verdict as to whether they’d made up or not.
Tony opened his mouth, “He’s a fucking dick.” He announced, though that was not news to anyone. What was a slight surprise, though, was the smile on his face as he walked off to grab his guitar, and the one stretching Graham’s lips as his watched him.
“Yeah, but you all love me.” He insisted.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Hi, Ben!  Glad you’re still feeling better, and congratulations on getting so much of your story done!  I’m very curious to see what all tags end up on this one, given some of the previews (also really hoping some of the bad stuff doesn’t kick in right away, my anxiety is through the roof already right now…)
‘Cause, yeah, it’s Election Day, and I’ve been fighting off panic most of the day, and avoiding as many news sources and social media as I can.  It’s been a day of frenetic bursts of cleaning in between re-reading the stories I’ve posted to remind myself that I did like them and hopefully encourage myself to work on my own WIP some more (I did add a few hundred words last night!)
Also, since I don’t have a way to post little snippets without a tumblr, if you’re curious, here’s a preview of said WIP.  It has no title yet.  Basically, it happened because I realized there was no fake dating fic for Peter/Noah, and decided that needed to be fixed.  When no one who knew what they were doing stepped up, I decided to attempt it myself.  Enjoy?:
(Peter has just invited himself along via Noah’s Skype call)
“Always a pleasure talking to you, Ruthie,” Noah said, reaching out quickly to end the call. The sturdy shoulders beneath Peter’s arms seemed to almost melt with the release of tension. He realized he should probably let go and brace himself for the fallout. But Noah’s hand was still around his wrist, and yanking away suddenly might be a bit rude even for him. Before he had a chance to come to a decision, the expected response came from a very unexpected direction.
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK?!” Stiles stood in the doorway looking not unlike a deer in the proverbial headlights. Derek was visible just past him, face set in the studiously blank expression that Peter knew meant he was laughing hysterically on the inside.
“Hey! Language!” Noah finally let go of him to point sternly in his son’s direction.
“Okay, first off, I’m 18 now and can say what I want. Secondly, no really, what the fucking fuck? Did you really just imply to Aunt Ruth that you’re going to be bringing Peter along as your boyfriend? Is that really what just happened?”
“It certainly sounded that way to me,” Derek chimed in, amusement lacing his tone and a smirk starting to curl the edges of his mouth despite his best efforts. “I’d say her expression of appalled dismay suggests she thought the same, though to be fair that may have just been a general reaction to Peter.”
Peter finished straightening up from where he’d been draped over Noah, spinning to lean one hand on the back of his chair and shooting his nephew a highly unimpressed look. Stiles flailed his hands to re-draw focus.
“A reasonable point, but one which still doesn’t answer my question. Because that was most definitely the impression you two were going for, don’t even try to pretend otherwise. Seriously, where the hell did that come from?”
“I’ve been rather wondering that myself. Care to enlighten us, Peter?” Noah twisted to glance up at him, eyebrows raised in determined inquiry. The problem was Peter still didn’t quite know what had motivated his actions. Eventually he just shrugged with as much indifference as he could muster.
“It seemed like a good idea at the time.” The other three men all rolled their eyes in an admittedly impressive display of synchronization. He glanced down at his unwitting partner in mischief. “You didn’t have to go along with it, you know. What’s your excuse?”
Noah held his gaze for a moment, the stormy blue-gray eyes giving nothing away. Finally he calmly shrugged and repeated back to him in a deliberately identical tone; “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Derek was looking more amused by the second, while Stiles was just looking a thousand percent done. “You do realize you’re now going to have to go through with this nonsense? She’s going to tell anyone and everyone she talks to. There will be no backing out. You’ll have to do it, and be convincing about it. How the hell do you plan to manage that? Dad, you don’t even like Peter!”
Peter shot a glare his direction because, while true, that was still rude, and opened his mouth to leap to his own defense. However, he never got the chance.
“I like Peter just fine, despite the violent tendencies and somewhat questionable taste in sports teams. The former has mostly tapered off, anyway, and the latter I can overlook for one weekend.”
That brought Peter up short on several fronts for a moment. He finally managed a very strangled, “Excuse me?!” that got lost beneath Stiles’ cry of “Oh, my God!” as the boy quite literally facepalmed. Really, and Peter got accused of being the dramatic one?
So, uh, yeah.  There is so much self-indulgent, trope-tastic, fluffy nonsense in this fic so far.  In addition to the fake dating, you can also expect eventual pining, and if they ever get on the goddamn road, there will definitely be only one bed when they get there (there’s already been a fashion show, too).  One day I will also narrow down a song for a slow dance, too (every time I think I’ve picked I think of another one.)  I keep thinking I’m making progress, then I think of more things I want to work in.  (Oh god, what have I started?!?)
Anyway, that snippet was a little longer than I realized, so.  Glad things are continuing to improve!  Lots of good vibes for all your stories, and I’m (cautiously) looking forward to seeing what happens with your newest one.  I’m going to go try and eat something, particularly in case I break out the other bottle of wine. ’>.>  Take care!  *Hugs!*
I was just about to answer the other ask you send when I got this one XD
In any case, I broke out my wine because the first chapter is dark. Very dark. But that’s also pretty much where the darkness stops and things get a whole lot calmer from that point. It’s like, the worst thing happens and from that point it’s a story of healing. And a story of rekindled love and (found) family. 
To save you some anxiety I can spoil it a little (also because it will be in the tags and in the first author note.) But the first chapter will contain attempted murder and attempted child murder. It is dark, and it pretty creepy. I think it might be some of the darkest things I’ve written so far. It is fucked up but not super graphic. 
But yeah, I needed the wine after I finished the first 5 K.
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And yeah man, I can’t even imagine the stress you guys must be under. I currently have one tab open for the election results so I can check them as soon as I wake up.  I’ve got my fingers crossed but also mentally preparing for the worst. I’ll be sending as many good vibes as I can, that’s for sure though.
And omg that preview is amazing XD
Maybe it’s the buzz from the wine or just the fantastic writing but I just laughed my balls off and scared the crap out of Mo.
Beautiful. I can picture Derek’s face, Stiles’s flailing and the “Oh my god!” 
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God I love those boys. And I love this little story you created! It’s really well written <3
Thank you for sharing some. ^^
And omg I know that feeling of what have I done XD. OMG omg THEY WERE ROOMMATES
I just got that one, jesus this is why I don’t drink XD
Anyway, I do hope you’re taking good care of yourself tonight. Honestly you guys earned it and if you need to take a break from Tumblr or stories or whatever. That’s totally okay. As long as you’re okay and taking care <3
I’m still kicking over here and Mo’s napping away.
Hope you’re safe and sound tonight <3
Big hugs B!
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goron-king-darunia · 4 years
Tagged (by vague gesture of “if you wanna do it, TAG!”) by @biophilie like, 2 years ago, so I’m finally doing it. Rules: Choose any three fandoms and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
My Three Fandoms: Legend of Zelda, Tales of Symphonia DotNW, and One Piece since those 3 have taken up big chunks of my attention over the years. Would do Darkwood since it’s a current interest but since there are so few characters, it would make the meme here harder so... Darkwood will have to wait.
The first character you loved: LoZ: I was a slut for Link as a kid, TBF I liked most protagonists, but I liked Link a LOT. DotNW: I actually liked Ratatosk a lot at first because he was cool and mysterious and tough! My first impulse was really liking Richter’s design but the first character I loved/really liked based on gameplay and actual characterization was Ratatosk. One Piece: I really liked Red Haired Shanks and was sad when he didn’t really show up again for a LONG time.
The character you never expected to love so much: Loz: There’s a few so I’m gonna cheat a bit. In OoT and MM, Ruto and Skull Kid were just kind of characters that existed but I didn’t like much. Didn’t actively dislike them but didn’t really bother taking an interest in them. But I like them a lot more now, especially with how they’re characterized in “non-canon” material like the Manga and Hyrule Warriors. The only other character I can recall from the game series that I was surprised that I liked was Peatrice from Skyward Sword. At first it was just like “Oh, yeah, she’s just the girl who stores your items, whatever. She’s neat I guess.” But then she started changing. She got more cheerful when Link came around more and showed an interest in him and when she asked if he liked her I just couldn’t say no! And then she just became so obnoxiously bubbly and happy about it and I LOVED THAT SO MUCH. Unironically I ship Peatrice and SS Link because, like, Link and Zelda are great friends but they don’t interact much since Link has to try to save her and Zelda has goddess things to worry about. Peatrice is just always there and unlike Zelda who already has a good rapport with Link at the start of the game, you get to SEE Peatrice warming up to him and I am SO soft for that! SO SOFT! Actually, one more also from SS. Groose. He’s an obnoxious, selfish, gloating bastard man, but by the end of the game with all the changes he went through, he totally grew on me as a cool dude. Especially with how he and Impa got along.  DotNW: Slight cheat here too since the character didn’t debut in the game but... Colette. I honestly didn’t like her that much in Symphonia. I just kind of viewed her as an object that motivated Lloyd for a while and the impetus for everything happening in the game and it wasn’t until the end of Symphonia that I really started thinking of her as more than just a ditz that Lloyd happens to like. I’m not really sure when it happened but I started really appreciating her after DotNW, and not really because of anything she did. I guess I just eventually noticed a lot of her finer points and all the ways she contributed and how her kindness is actually super refreshing and hopeful and how soft that is considering what she’d gone through. See also my next point on Nami because hooo boy I was kind of a shitlord kid and needed to get through some things... One Piece: Nami. I HAAAATED her when I was young. Partially because of internalized sexism (probably shit I learned from sexist media, my dad, and just the lack of trust I had for any girl that wasn’t my friend because of massive bullying as a kid, but I digress.) and partially because one of the biggest parts of Nami’s arc early on was her utter betrayal of the crew. Like, we find out WHY later, and obviously I TOTALLY get where she was coming from now and all but as a kid that was just UNCALLED FOR. I also HEAVILY viewed her as the “no fun allowed” type that was actively impeding my new fave, Luffy, from having all the fun he could want because that shit costs money and the money is HERS. As a broke Millenial, I now 10000000% get where Nami is coming from and her financial responsibility is honestly hella impressive because she absolutely DOES NOT withhold the treasure from the rest of the crew, she fucking BUDGETS it. In general, I tended to dislike a lot of leading females for being catty or killjoys or a lot of other things when honestly, they were just being completely normal humans. Glad I grew out of that shit because while Nami still isn’t my fave, she’s fucking amazing.
The character you relate to the most: Loz: It’s changed over the years. I relate to Ruto a lot more now because yo, I would also just fuck off into the gut of my people’s patron Deity if my dad was being a pain and trying to marry me off (okay, so this is Manga exclusive, sue me) and 10/10 would give a precious family heirloom to a cute boy that rescued me. But more than that, IDK, she’s just... a lil’ spoiled but in a cute way, a lil’ tomboyish, but overall, for a Princess, she’s just kind of doing her thing, she’s responsible when it matters. But for OoT, y’all KNOW Darunia is my patronus because DAYUM. Chunky but strong (I’m a wuss but shut up), Grumpy butt but cares about his people, actually totes a fun dude when he’s not stressed about a food crisis, says “fuck you” directly to a fucking evil asshole despite the consequences, treats a fucking 11 year old kid like a full human being (I do not agree with leveraging a kid to fucking fight a dragon but... Link could handle it so...) names his own kid after Link because why the fuck not, befriends anyone that does him a favor and treats them like family. Dude’s just got chill old man vibes and I dig that shit. 10/10 relate to just being a fat dude that is grumpy but also wants to befriend everyone. HOWEVER, I think my top tier relatable character is Midna from Twilight Princess because that bitch is just me. Cursed to be a hot bitch trapped in a cute chunky body (I am working on myself. XD) 10/10 spoiled and bitchy as fuck, cheeky lil’ asshole who’s actually very sweet, think’s Link is dumb but also cute, cares about her world but ALSO cares about Link’s world, a lil’ selfish but also HELLA selfless because she cared more about Link and Zelda than her own life and cared more about her people than her own safety because she just fucking WENT TO FIX THAT SHIT when Zant started causing trouble, even though she didn’t have to. She’s everything I am or aspire to be. 10/10 one of the best Zelda characters. DotNW: Hard to say. I identify a lot with aspects of Richter, Aster, and Emil. I don’t have a lot of self confidence and am a bit of a shy bean, lil’ grumpy, but also a complete goober and an idealist, 10/10 would walk into hell for someone I love without thinking twice and would make deals with demons to try to save someone I care about because I am a dumbass. I love the DotNW boys because the DotNW boys are me. One Piece: Chopper. I just really fucking vibe with the whole “nobody likes me EXCEPT HOLY SHIT SOME PEOPLE SOMEHOW LIKE ME, WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO DESERVE THAT?” thing he has going on, as well as the whole glutton for praise but telling people to shut up when they praise me thing he has. I for real wanted to be a doctor when I was younger BECAUSE of Chopper. I’m just a weird little bean that doesn’t fit in anywhere very well while also being a slut for praise and wanting to take care of others and help them because other people have cared for me. Low key also vibe with Usopp because dude absolutely gels with kids, is a huge fucking wuss but deals with it anyway, will literally fight someone over petty shit and then come back and fight side by side with his bud’s again.
The character you’d slap: LoZ: Mmmmm. Hard to say. Like, obvs the villains but IDK who else I’d really want to slap? Does it count if I want to slap Anjuu/the Cucco Lady but, like... gentle and on the butt and in a sexy way? IDK, man. I’d feel bad but maybe Slap Mido? He looks like a kid so I’d feel REALLY bad for it, but aren’t Kokiri literally just kids forever? Asshole could be 100 years old, man... Either way he’s kinda a brat. 10/10 would slap early-game Groose from Skyward Sword also, but I’d feel bad about it because he ends up being a decen guy later. Also would slap Ghirahim for being both sexy and evil. DotNW: Alice for deciding that “never being weak again” means treating everyone else like garbage, even though I 1000% get where she’s coming from. Richter for being a fucking dumbass and not asking for help and deciding that demons were a good option and manipulating a child older dude with a magic core was a great idea even though I would do the exact same thing in his shoes. Ratatosk for being a murderous prick and starting the whole thing even though I absolutely understand where he’s coming from and I would also probably accidentally smite someone if I was a fucking spirit and in a shit mood because the only thing I really cared about was fucking ripped away from me. Honestly, mostly just me slapping people that remind me of me for doing exactly what I would do. Sensible me slapping actual me because actual me is a fucking dumbass emotional bitch with violent tendencies. One Piece: The fucking villains, obviously, Dr. Hililuck/Hiriluck for being a fucking bastard in the manga, holy shit was he an asshole! And also FUCKING SANJI. Jesus fuck, I am not over the pervy shit he does, what a creep.
Three favourite characters (in order of preference): LoZ: This is gonna be REAL hard because I love a lot of characters so... Midna, Link, and Darunia? It’s hard man. I love a lot of characters SO MUCH and it’s really hard to pick faves! DotNW: Richter, Emil, Aster. Emil and Aster share the same level of favoritism, but Richter is my number one. One Piece: Chopper, Zoro, Luffy. I used to like Luffy way more than I do now, but he’s still a fucking dork and I still like him tons.
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore: LoZ: I can’t really think of any, but I guess the character I waffle on a bit is Malon. Sometimes she’s like “Heck yeah! FAVE!” and sometimes I’m like “Eh, she exists...” IDK, I really like most of the characters. DotNW: I used to like Zelos a lot, but not anymore. Yeah this is kinda cheating since he ALSO didn’t debut in DotNW, but he’s in it so... TBF I like him in DotNW BETTER than in the first Symphonia, but not as much as I used to like him overall. One Piece: Fucking Sanji. I used to like him before the creepy factor set in. What really hit home for me was the Thriller Bark arc where he outright says he wanted the power of invisibility to creep on girls. Fucking nasty. The womanizing thing was just a quirk before that. I don’t think I’m ever gonna be over it. So gross and creepy now knowing he actively thought about creeping on girls using a special power. I know guys say this is a common thing and just how dudes are but no. That’s fucking sick. It’s one thing to say “yeah, I want to oggle women because tiddies are sexy” or whatever. It’s another thing to say “I WANT TO SPY ON WOMEN WITHOUT THEM KNOWING SO I CAN SEE TIDDY.” and it’s a third thing to say that IN A WORLD WHERE IT IS PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE TO BE INVISIBLE that you WOULD USE THAT POWER TO STARE AT WOMEN WITHOUT THEM KNOWING.
Three otps: LoZ: Link and basically everyone, but let’s narrow that. Link and Zelda is a classic, Link and Ruto is a guilty pleasure, Link and Peatrice is the underdog ship that I dig a lot. DotNW: Every combo of Richter, Emil, and Aster, enough said. One Piece: Luffy and food because he’s Ace, just let him fucking eat. Zoro and whoever he ends up liking. Tashigi maybe. Chopper and Milky.
Tagging: Anyone that wants to do it~
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