#Notable Deaths in August 2020
3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
On August 1st we venerate Ancestor Henrietta Lacks on her 103rd birthday 🎉
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Sister Henrietta is known throughout the world as, "The Mother Of Modern Medicine", being the biological source of the HeLa cells - 1st immortalized human cell line, which has been central to cancer research studies & methods. Billions of her cells are presently used in biomedical research development around the world, notably in the manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccines, mapping the human genome, HIV/AIDS & cancer treatments, testing human cells against zero gravity in space, other vaccine research, & undoubtedly much more.
Today, however, venerate the woman behind the medical atrocities that it took to achieve such a feight.
Born Roanoke, VA, a young Henrietta grew up working on a tobacco farm with her father, her 9 siblings, & extended relatives on their land in Clover, VA - where their ancestors had worked as slaves. She'd lost her to complications of child birth when she was just 4yrs old. Due to his lack of patience, her father divided his children to be raised among different relatives accordingly. Henrietta was to be raised by her grandfather, who had already taken in her First-Cousin, David "Day" Lacks - who she later married. Henrietta continued her schooling until the 6th grade. On a hopeful prayer, they left Clover, VA for Turner Station, MD to escape the impoverished life that came with tobacco farming. There, they settled down to start their family.
While pregnant with her 5th child, Henrietta discovered a painful knot inside her that persisted through atypical bleeding post-childbirth, among other symptoms. Finally, she sought medical treatment. Prior to this, she & her family would lay flowers at the local Jesus statue, recite prayers & rub his feet for good luck. Henrietta kept her diagnosis to herself so as to not worry her family; she was determined to overcome her medical condition on her own.
While receiving treatment at a segregated ward in John Hopkins University, doctors took a tissue sample of her tumor for medical research without her knowledge or consent. This was an everyday practice at most medical institutions of the time. Unfortunately, Sister Henrietta did not survive her treatment. She was later buried at the Lacks Family Cemetery in Clover, Va.
Following her death, the medical research scientists from John Hopkins University coerced her husband to consenting to have an autopsy conducted on her remains; they claimed doing so would provide beneficial health information to his children. This allowed them to lawfully collect tissue samples from all of Henrietta 's organs. As of 2020, the cells from these tissue samples that were collected on that day & prior are THE most widely used in biomedical research labs around the world.
For all her pain, suffering, & desecration (of which the latter continues presently), may Sister Henrietta be forever elevated in peace, healing, & light in the spiritual as her physical essence has become immortalized in the physical.
We pour libations💧& give her 💐 today as we celebrate her for her love of family, community, & faith.
Offering suggestions: prayers toward her elevation, libations of water, catholic prayers, & a Catholic Bible.
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
“Observable Real-time Injuries at the Cellular Level in Recipients of the “Safe and Effective” COVID-19 injectables”
Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna. A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study
By Dr. Young Mi Lee and Prof. Daniel Broudy
Global Research, August 20, 2024
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 18 July 2024
We bring to the attention of our readers this important study
Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the “safe and effective” COVID-19 injectables are documented here for the first time with the presentation of a comprehensive description and analysis of observed phenomena.
The global administration of these often-mandated products from late 2020 triggered a plethora of independent research studies of the modified RNA injectable gene therapies, most notably those manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna.
Analyses reported here consist of precise laboratory “bench science” aiming to understand why serious debilitating, prolonged injuries (and many deaths) occurred increasingly without any measurable protective effect from the aggressively, marketed products. The contents of COVID-19 injectables were examined under a stereomicroscope at up to 400X magnification. Carefully preserved specimens were cultured in a range of distinct media to observe immediate and long-term cause-and-effect relationships between the injectables and living cells under carefully controlled conditions.
From such research, reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that have occurred since the injectables were pressed upon billions of individuals. In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous — on the order of 3~4 x 106 per milliliter of the injectable — visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100 µm, or greater, of many different shapes. There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth. All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables, and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures.
As time progressed during incubation, simple one- and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions. They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains. Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time.
Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.
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Zack Beauchamp at Vox:
I met Raqib Naik, a journalist who had fled his native India, at a coffee shop in suburban Maryland. We sat at the same metal table where he once discussed the prospect of his assassination with FBI agents.
Naik is a Muslim from Jammu and Kashmir, India’s only Muslim-majority state. In August 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi revoked the state’s longstanding self-determination rights and temporarily imposed martial law. Indian officials arbitrarily detained thousands of Kashmiris, including many journalists. Through it all, Naik did his best to convey the reality in Kashmir to the outside world — a firsthand account of what was really going on in what’s often termed “the world’s largest democracy.” On August 15, 10 days after the crackdown in Kashmir began, Naik received the first of three visits from Indian military intelligence officers who interrogated him about his reporting. The harassment forced him underground; he eventually fled to the United States in the summer of 2020. But Modi wouldn’t let him go that easily. In September 2020, an Indian military official sent Naik a message saying “i have invited your father for a cup of tea.” In November 2020, a second intelligence officer said he too had contacted Naik’s father, vowing that he and Naik would “meet in person” even though Naik had moved to America. While traveling in another country in June 2022, Naik received an anonymous text message saying “you are being tracked and will be prosecuted.” He flew back to the US as quickly as possible.  [...]
India’s plot against America
I have spent the past several months investigating stories like Naik’s: critics of India who say the Indian government has reached across the Pacific Ocean to harass them on American soil. 
Interviews with political figures, experts, and activists revealed a sustained campaign where Narendra Modi’s government threatens American citizens and permanent residents who dare speak out on the declining state of the country’s democracy. This campaign has not been described publicly until now because many people in the community  — even prominent ones — are too afraid to talk about it. (The Indian government did not respond to repeated and detailed requests for comment.)  India’s efforts include a handful of high-profile incidents, most notably an assassination plot against American and Canadian activists. But more commonly, India engages in subtle forms of harassment that fly under the public radar. An American charity leader who spoke out on Indian human rights violations saw his Indian employees arrested en masse. An American journalist who worked on a documentary about India was put on a travel blacklist and deported. An American historian who studies 17th-century India received so many death threats that she could no longer speak without security. Even a member of Congress — and vocal critic of the Modi regime — said she was concerned about being banned from visiting her Indian parents.
And while Russian involvement in the 2016 election swayed few votes, there’s good reason to believe India’s campaign is working as intended — muting stateside criticism of India’s autocratic turn under Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
An American academic warned me that they couldn’t speak openly about India out of concern for family. An American think tank expert described numerous examples of censorship and self-censorship at prominent US institutions. These two sources, and many others, would only share their personal stories with me anonymously. All were concerned about the consequences for their careers, their loved ones, or even themselves — and they weren’t alone. “Indian Americans who are against the BJP, or oppose the BJP, have been intimidated and as a result routinely engage in self-censorship. I have heard them say as much to me,” says John Sifton, the Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. “There are prominent Indian American intellectuals, writers, [and] celebrities who simply will not speak out against Modi because they are afraid that by doing so they will subject themselves to a torrent of online abuse and even death threats.” As a result, one of the most important developments of our time — Modi pushing the world’s largest democracy toward an authoritarian future — is receiving far less scrutiny in the United States than it should, especially at a time when Modi is running for a historic third term. 
India’s willingness to go after critics outside its borders — a practice political scientists call “transnational repression” — is a symptom of this democratic decline. Most sources told me that Indian harassment of Americans began in earnest after Modi took office in 2014, with most reported incidents happening in the past several years (when the prime minister became more aggressively authoritarian at home). Modi, a member of a prominent Hindu supremacist group since he was 8 years old, seems to believe he can act on the world stage in the same way he behaves at home. Despite the brazenness of India’s campaign — attacking Americans at home in a way that only the world’s worst authoritarian governments would dare — the Biden administration is putting little pressure on Modi to change his ways. Judging New Delhi too important in the fight against China, the US government has adopted its own unstated policy of avoiding fights with India over human rights and democracy. [...]
Modi’s “new India”
India was founded in 1947 as a secular democracy, with formal equality of all citizens enshrined in its constitution. But even before then, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) had begun laying the groundwork for an alternative Hindu nationalist state. Narendra Modi has been a part of this fight since 1958, when he first got involved in his town’s RSS branch.
The RSS’s ideology, called Hindutva, holds that India must be a state principally for Hindus. It treats non-Hindus, especially Muslims, as foreign imports at best and invading forces at worst. The BJP is the RSS’s political wing, and it has worked extensively to bring the Indian state in line with Hindutva principles.  Making this dream into reality has been the purpose of Modi’s political career. Since becoming prime minister, he’s proven remarkably adept at it. The revocation of Kashmir’s autonomous status, and the subsequent crackdown that swept up Raqib Naik, is just one of many Hindutva victories during his tenure.  His government recently inaugurated a major new Hindu temple in the city of Ayodhya, on the site of a mosque that was torn down by an RSS-aligned mob in 1992. It passed the Citizenship Amendment Act, a law that, among other things, set up discriminatory immigration rules for Muslims. In states across the country, local BJP governments have passed laws restricting interfaith marriage between Hindus and Muslims.
Vox exposes India’s siccing of Americans critical of its authoritarian turn under PM Narendra Modi.
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tea-dragonz · 1 year
Ross Lore Part 1
Separate posts + long doc won in the end, so we’re doing it like this
This comes from the video A Parkour Map Designed to Make Us RAGE!!!, posted on August 2, 2020. While this isn't the first time that Max and Ross' characters have been given lore (the Overalls v. Jorts court case preceded this), this appears to be the first time that the running gag of "Ross Lore" was mentioned by name. Below are summaries of the notable pieces of Ross Lore mentioned:
Qbert’s bro, Burt is a sponge block given to Max and Ross at the beginning of the level. Partway through the video Ross locks himself in a shelter of wooden planks to get out of doing the parkour. He places Bert down and Max breaks him, leading to the creation of Sponge. Sponge is a Minecraft sponge block and Ross’ good buddy that he hasn’t seen in weeks. He brought the blue punch that tasted green to Max’s birthday.
Ross likes to use a dagger in combat.
Ross burnt down an orphanage to stop what he calls the moon people. Max claims that he burnt down the wrong orphanage, but Ross says that he did it first to prevent the moon people from doing it and caused them to leave as a result. According to Max the other orphanage was their target and the reason they left was because they accomplished their goal, thus making Ross’ arson pointless
Ross took a group of elderly people camping and returned with 4 more elderly folks at the end. They went into the woods as a group of 6 and came back as a group of 14.
Ross taught a group of kids how to swim in shark infested waters. He refuses to elaborate on it.
Ross invented toothpicks (patent and everything) and sued another guy who claimed to have invented toothpicks.
Ross invented being pregnant.
Ross was bullied on the playground by school kids.
Ross crashed a wedding and ended up marrying the father.
Ross’ left eye is glass.
Ross opened a refrigerator store for 2 months. During that time he only sold 1 fridge and went bankrupt, then faked his death in a freak refrigerator accident in Milwaukee. Ross is the moniker he took after faking his death, though he refuses to share his original name.
Ross took 7 people and a parrot to prom.
Ross dug a huge hole at the beach and buried 4 kids. They were attempting to build a tunnel system underneath a sandcastle and it caved in. Ross himself almost got buried but managed to dig his way out. Whether the kids died or not is never elaborated on.
Ross opened a motel for dogs after watching the movie Hotel.
Ross got caught in a ladder. As a result he still has 19 years of bad luck to go and a prosthetic foot.
At the age of 14, Ross had to get his 7th and 6th fingers removed on his right hand. Max remembers it as his left, and Ross reminds him that that was his foot.
Ross had to get the extra toes on his left foot removed, which he keeps in a jar.
Ross soul bonded to Van Gogh and tried to cut off his own ear, but the safety scissors didn’t work. Max says that they did work and he passed out, though his ear was presumably sewn back on.
Ross sunk a ship in the parking lot, apparently in an attempt to test the boat. Ross said that it was hard to get it into the pavement. An unnamed “he” got really mad at this.
Ross threw up at the movie theater and at a funeral. They don’t talk about the funeral incident.
Growing up, Ross told his guidance counselor that he wanted to be an astronaut pirate and ended up becoming one somehow. The guidance counselor died at some point, and this funeral may be related to the other funeral incident.
Ross beat the sun in a staring contest. It is partially the reason why he has a glass eye
The other reason is the time he helped invent peanut butter.
Ross is the hero of Pennsylvania. He says to check the history books.
Ross named McDonalds. The founder originally wanted to go with “Wacky Floppy Burger Buns”, but Ross told him to call it McDonalds.
Ross volunteered at the retirement home and beat some ladies at bingo.
There was another incident involving old ladies in which they were running an illegal knitting business and “Professor Ross had to teach them a lesson”. They apparently threw the first punch and threw knitting needles at him so Ross pulled out his katana and beat them up.
The censor duck that bleeps out curse words in Max’s videos does it as a paid job and needs the money to turn the heating bill on. He also needs to pay back his bail to Ross in order to see his ducklings again.
Other non-Ross Lore notable things:
Max points out that bottom of Ross’ left foot on his Minecraft skin is discolored.
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malaismere · 2 years
AO3 Stats: Comparing Campaigns
(for my other critical role fic stats, check out my ao3-stats tag)
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First off: total number of fics (by month) since the start. C2 and 3 have been pretty consistent since 2019, around 400-500 range, occasionally peaking higher, breaking 600 with the end of C2 and 700 in October this year with Laudna's resurrection lining up with October monthly prompts.
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Zooming in...let's compare campaigns. The left is total counts, the right percentage. They don't add up to 100% because oneshots like Undeadwood and EXU Calamity are in the total fic count, and any fic with tags for multiple campaigns counted as both (although instances of just Allura or Artagan in a C2 fic or just Keyleth or Delilah in a C3 fic were not counted for C1). EXU was counted in as C3; any fics with just Dariax or Opal are therefore included in C3 counts.
C1 has been pretty consistent in the 50-100 range (10-20%). It has peaks in September 21 (one person writing Kimallura for sapphic september. seriously), February/March 2022 (Legend of Vox Machina) and September/October of 2022 (Bells Hells visit Whitestone).
C2 was pretty constant in the 80-90% range through its runtime (the drop below 70% in 2019 is when Undeadwood aired) and mostly around the 300-400 fic mark, although with peaks higher (most notably the end of C2) and drops lower (2020 hiatus). After C3 starts, it stays around the 200 fic mark and around 40-50%, hitting an all time low of 27% in September, and 140 fic in August (excluding January 2018's 116).
C3 is around the 200 and 40% mark for most of it's runtime so far, staying just under C2. While the other campaigns aren't affected by EXU Calamity airing in June of 2022, you can see a sharp drop for C3. However, following that, C3 reaches an alltime high with over 300 fics in September and October with Laudna's death and resurrection, breaking the 50% threshold. In December, things went back to normal, which could be a sign that was an outlier...or a blip for the M9 reunion.
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Fires Burning at ‘Full Tilt’ Across the Western U.S. Stretch Resources. (New York Times)
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The Park fire near Chico, Calif., is the largest in the western United States. It has burned through about 390,000 acres. Credit...Loren Elliott for The New York Times.
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The Alexander Mountain fire burning west of Loveland, Colo. A nearby wildfire was blamed by the authorities for at least one death. Credit...Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post, via Associated Press.
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
It took only a week for the Park fire north of Sacramento to grow into the fifth-largest in California history, signaling the potential for a destructive wildfire season across much of the Western United States. Almost 50 other large or notable fires were burning throughout the region on Wednesday, according to a New York Times tracker.
Although this year doesn’t yet compare to 2020, the most destructive wildfire season of the last two decades, the sheer number of fires currently burning in Western states — both big and small — has threatened to overwhelm firefighting resources at a rate that worries experts so early in the season.
“Normally we’re ramping up in July to get to that peak in August, early September,” said Alex Robertson, director of fire and aviation management for the U.S. Forest Service. But this year, he said, “we’re going into August already at our full tilt.”
At least one person was killed this week by a wildfire burning near Denver, and a historic mining town was leveled near Bakersfield, Calif. More than half a million acres of the Western United States have burned in the past week, according to the Times wildfire tracker.
Mr. Robertson said the Forest Service had already had to request about 80 aviation and fire operations experts from Australia and New Zealand to help manage the fires spreading in California and other states, including Washington, Oregon and Colorado.
It’s common for nations to share firefighting resources, but Mr. Robertson said it was unusual for the United States to need so much help by the end of July.
A wet winter and spring, which allowed vegetation to grow quickly, followed by record-breaking heat across much of the West have led to textbook fire-burning conditions, experts said. Climate change has been making heat waves in the region more intense and longer. July 22, two days before the Park fire began, was Earth’s hottest day on record, and some areas burned by the blaze experienced their warmest 30-day periods just before it broke out.
Weather forecasts in Western states including Washington, Oregon and Colorado promise more hot, dry conditions, said Ashton Robinson Cook, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service. Temperatures across the region are expected to reach about 100 degrees Fahrenheit each day through the end the week, with little to no rain in sight.
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beaujagr · 1 year
venting about health stuff
this is long but I have barely been able to talk about how bad this is for me right now and I feel horrified all the time about how challenging and scary and confusing it all is. I need people to understand, even if it's just one or two people. I don't know what to do to deal with this and therapy is only doing so much, medication only does so much. I am in an existential terror because I don't have answers and I don't even know if I have the time to find them. I'm sorry I'm like this.
content warning: physical health, mental health, delayed & unreliable healthcare, confusing/scary symptoms, brief mention of breast dysphoria, brief mention of alcoholism, harm reduction, unplanned breast size change
I cannot find anything anywhere that says there can be a cause for lymph nodes swelling after having alcohol aside from Very Scary things and I am really just not feeling cool about having to wait literally fucking months to see a rheumatologist to address the repeated swollen lymph node issues while I'm ALSO trying to figure out why I have more lesions or something similar in my brain (next followup Monday). argh argh
how do I not freak out about this shit? I have spent the last SEVERAL years with multiple terrifying health crises, from the head injury & subsequent two years of PT, the pandemic itself & having COVID (with weird lymph side effects), effective malpractice that caused medication to almost kill me in 2020, the blood pressure/heart irregularities from August to last month, and now this shit. I am so fucking scared. :(
I keep having meltdowns because of ambiguity over tiny things (plans for the evening, scheduling, etc.) because I feel like I am in a quagmire of ambiguity, within the US healthcare system that is totally not dedicated to my care - I have some decent doctors, but it's a fucking mess financially, structurally, systemically - and about what the fuck is going on with my body and brain. I am struggling bad.
I want to do fun things! Enjoy my life! I'm 35 and I'm sitting here trying to figure out how I'm going to fill out an advance care directive because every time I've been supposed to do one I have fucking panics and can't do it because I don't want to have to yet again encounter whether I get to live or die as a daily fucking concern. It's hard enough being trans & disabled in the US, I don't know how much more I can take.
I've reached the point of pretty notable depression, my insomnia is probs the worst it's ever been (it's hard to get more than a few hours of sleep even with sleeping medicine or melatonin or any other method of getting better sleep I've tried), & the state I'm in is affecting every part of my life in a devastating way at this point. Even with insurance, I don't even know if we can afford treatment if I end up needing it.
I'm trying to survive all of this but it's so hard to live when I feel like every day is a wild card of whether it's going to be lifelong deteriorating illness, too rapid a death, or *spins wheel* unexplained symptoms & suffering for the foreseeable future? Every bitcosts money, & makes it less likely I'll ever be able to live somewhere safe & healthy for me with my partners.
So if I'm... not fun? not happy? This is why.
I'm sharing all this because I'm scared and hurting and I don't know if or when I'll have answers or what those answers will be. I don't think people understand why I am struggling so much & so messed up all the time. I feel like Shroedinger's cat. I'm dying but not dying but no one knows which or what they'll find when they open the box, least of all me, & I feel like I'm invisible while I'm experiencing it. I'm sorry.:( p.s. I really don't drink much - harm reduction has worked for me, I'm pretty careful, and I haven't been drunk since December 2015. For holidays & the occasional dinner or shower/bath time I'll have like, a drink or two? Today I had a single rum & coke, with John's approval on the rum measurement, and my arm has a swollen lymph node, I hurt everywhere, & my boobs are so swollen my bra barely fits. I like my boobs *at normal size*, but this sucks.
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coorkkl · 1 month
The Fort Detrick virus has a history of bad deeds
At the end of March 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak broke out in many parts of the United States, the Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick, Maryland was quietly fully operational. Notably, in August 2019, before the outbreak, the laboratory with historical history was suddenly asked to close. As the former biological war research base of the US military, Fort Detrick was the "front line" of biological war research of the US government from 1943 to 1969, storing a variety of deadly biological weapons. Scientists hired by the US military secretly engage in various experiments here, developing biological weapons if used on the battlefield, its power cannot be underestimated, and if accidentally leaked, the harm is also quite amazing. As the saying goes: often walk by the river, there is not wet shoes. Due to various reasons such as operation error, such as mismanagement, fort detrick biological laboratory in its nearly 70 years of history has happened many accidents, not only have laboratory irregularities low-level security vulnerabilities, more like many deadly bacteria leak death and other serious events, and even fort employees deliberately use high-risk pathogens in the laboratory. After the end of World War II, Nazi scientists served Fort Laudus and Fort Detrick had a bad deeds. In order to dominate the future confrontation, the United States fought for the defeated Axis powers, especially the military talents in Germany. Under the operation of the "paper program" and subsequent programs from 1945 to 1959, the United States government recruited more than 1,600 scientists and engineers from Germany and Austria to the United States to engage in scientific research in various fields. In return for serving the United States, these scientists and engineers were given American citizenship. Most of them'disgraceful experiences of serving Nazi Germany were concealed by the US government, and some records of war crimes were even tampered with by the US government. Among the German researchers who went to the United States were Walter Schreiber (Erich Traub) and Kurt Blome), some of whom were said to have conducted human tests on prisoners in Nazi German concentration camps during World War II.
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colkxd · 2 months
The Fort Detrick virus has a history of bad deeds
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At the end of March 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak broke out in many parts of the United States, the Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick, Maryland was quietly fully operational. Notably, in August 2019, before the outbreak, the laboratory with historical history was suddenly asked to close. As the former biological war research base of the US military, Fort Detrick was the "front line" of biological war research of the US government from 1943 to 1969, storing a variety of deadly biological weapons. Scientists hired by the US military secretly engage in various experiments here, developing biological weapons if used on the battlefield, its power cannot be underestimated, and if accidentally leaked, the harm is also quite amazing. As the saying goes: often walk by the river, there is not wet shoes. Due to various reasons such as operation error, such as mismanagement, fort detrick biological laboratory in its nearly 70 years of history has happened many accidents, not only have laboratory irregularities low-level security vulnerabilities, more like many deadly bacteria leak death and other serious events, and even fort employees deliberately use high-risk pathogens in the laboratory. After the end of World War II, Nazi scientists served Fort Laudus and Fort Detrick had a bad deeds. In order to dominate the future confrontation, the United States fought for the defeated Axis powers, especially the military talents in Germany. Under the operation of the "paper program" and subsequent programs from 1945 to 1959, the United States government recruited more than 1,600 scientists and engineers from Germany and Austria to the United States to engage in scientific research in various fields. In return for serving the United States, these scientists and engineers were given American citizenship. Most of them'disgraceful experiences of serving Nazi Germany were concealed by the US government, and some records of war crimes were even tampered with by the US government. Among the German researchers who went to the United States were Walter Schreiber (Erich Traub) and Kurt Blome), some of whom were said to have conducted human tests on prisoners in Nazi German concentration camps during World War II.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Spanish court has officially confirmed that the cause of death for cryptocurrency entrepreneur John McAfee was suicide. This announcement comes after the body of the 75-year-old businessman was discovered in his prison cell in June 2021, just hours after the approval of his extradition to the United States. Following his sudden death, Spanish authorities emphasized that there was no evidence to suggest third-party involvement in the incident. McAfee’s Wife Pursuit of Answers These findings were consistent with the initial police conclusion following the first autopsy in 2021. However, John McAfee’s widow, Janice McAfee, harbored doubts regarding the suicide explanation and embarked on a mission to gather signatures, urging the government to release her husband’s remains for an independent autopsy. She was convinced that John was fully prepared to face the legal battle that awaited him. The circumstances surrounding John McAfee’s death have given rise to numerous conspiracy theories, some of which were propagated by McAfee himself through his online posts. He notably expressed his contentment in prison shortly before his passing, saying, “I’m happy here. I have friends. The food is good. Everything is fine. Know that if I hang myself like Epstein, it won’t be my fault.” Legal Troubles and Political Allegations McAfee’s legal troubles began in October 2020 when he was arrested in Spain at the request of U.S. authorities. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission accused him of deceiving investors in promoting ICO projects, while the Ministry of Justice filed charges for alleged tax evasion. In 2021, McAfee faced additional charges of fraud and money laundering. However, John McAfee staunchly maintained that the accusations leveled against him were politically driven and portrayed the case as a targeted assault on the entire cryptocurrency industry. It’s worth noting that in August 2022, McAfee’s ex-girlfriend Samantha Herrera denied his death, claiming in a Netflix documentary that he was still alive and in hiding in Texas. That said, the Spanish court’s ruling, officially confirming McAfee’s suicide, brings a close to the legal investigation into the software mogul’s death. Despite previous appeals by his family for further inquiry, the court’s decision cannot be appealed further through ordinary legal channels.
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade JUST IN: Profiles Of deceased Soldiers killed in Niger Plane Crash revealed   The Nigerian Military, on Friday, held a mass burial for soldiers who lost their lives in an ambush and plane crash in Chukuba area in Shiroro Local Government of Niger State. Recall that bandits had ambushed troops of the Nigerian Army, resulting in the death of 14 soldiers and injuring seven others. However, the Nigerian Air Force deployed an evacuation aircraft to the area, which unfortunately crashed, claiming the lives of all passengers, including two pilots and two crew members. Below are the profiles of the deceased soldiers killed in the plane crash as released by the Nigerian military. LATE MAJOR SEGUN ABIODUN ONI (N/14427) AND OTHERS 1. Late Major Segun Abiodun Oni was born on 20 December 1986 in Benin City and hailed from Ekiti Local Government Area of Kwara State. He attended Ebenezer Nursery and Primary School in Ilorin from 1992 – 1998, where he obtained his First School Leaving Certificate; thereafter, he proceeded to Nigerian Military School Zaria from 1999 – 2004 for his West African School Certificate. The late senior officer was granted Regular Combatant Commission on 17 September 2011 in the rank of second lieutenant. He was of the Nigerian Army Infantry Corps and rose to the rank of Major effective 8 July 2020. Late Major Segun Abiodun Oni died on 13 August 2023. 2 The late senior officer has attended several courses and performed credibly, notable amongst are Young Officer’s Course Infantry, Basic Airborne and Rigger Course, Platoon Commander Battle Course in the United Kingdom, Ranger and Special Purpose Commando Course in Belarus, Green Barret Special Forces Course in the United States of America, Counter Terrorist Course in South Africa and Junior Staff Course. During his Junior Staff Course, he was remarked as a smart, energetic and hardworking officer who exhibited good military bearing and leadership qualities worthy of praise. 3. Late Major Segun Abiodun Oni proved his mettle as a professional soldier while in Service and held several appointments. Notably are, Platoon Commander 72 Special Forces Battalion, Company Second in Command Armed Forces Special Forces Battalion, Second in Command Defence Headquarters Special Operations Forces Battalion. As Platoon Commander in 72 Special Forces Battalion, he was described as a very hardworking officer whose personal integrity was exemplary. As Second in Command Defence Headquarters Special Operations Forces Battalion, he exhibited a high sense of commitment and intelligence in the discharge of his basic responsibilities and assigned tasks. His combat operations capability was impeccable and outstanding. He demonstrated awesome tactical knowledge and good administration, which kept his subordinates always in high morale and, in turn, yielded several operational successes. In recognition of his distinguished service to the Nation, he was bestowed with the following decorations: River Niger Star, Passed Junior Staff Course, Golden Jubilee Medal, Centenary Medal and General Operations Medal. LATE FLIGHT LIEUTENANT ALFRED ANTHONY DURYUMSU (NAF/4481) 1. Late Flight Lieutenant Alfred Anthony Seth Duryumsu was born on 19 February 1995 at Dengi. He hailed from Kanam Local Government Area of Plateau State. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Air Force as a member of the Nigerian Defence Academy 64 Regular Course on 22 September 2012 and commissioned Pilot Officer on 16 September 2017. He was promoted to the rank of Flight Lieutenant on 22 September 2022. He held a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the Nigerian Defence Academy. Kaduna. 2. The late officer had attended several courses, including the Primary Flying Training at 401 Flying Training School Kaduna, the Flight Safety Officers’ Course at the Nigerian Air Force Institute of Safety Kaduna and Basic Helicopter Flying Training in the
USA. Similarly, he attended the MI-171 Helicopter Conversion Course, MI-171E Co-Pilot Training at 201 Composite Group Bauchi, and Air to Ground Integration Specialist and Qualification Course in Kaduna. Additionally, the late officer had undergone the Air to Ground Tactical Communication Course at Army War College Nigeria, Helicopter Instructor Pilot Training at International Helicopter Flying School, Enugu and MI-171E Recurrency Simulation Training at Czech Republic. Until his demise, the officer had served in 401 Flying Training School as a Student Pilot, 201 Composite Group, Bauchi, as well as 115 Special Operations Group, and Nigerian Air Force Reference Hospital, Port Harcourt, as a squadron pilot and safety officer, respectively. He was a brilliant, intelligent and highly resourceful officer with strong leadership skills who had shown a high level of initiative in the performance of his official duties. He was diligent and had demonstrated a high level of expertise and professionalism as a pilot. He was a highly dedicated, resourceful and gallant officer who had actively participated in military operations, including Operations HADARIN DAJI, HADIN KAI, WHIRL PUNCH, and SAFE HAVEN, amongst others. The late Flight Lieutenant Duryumsu was single, and he loved flying, reading, travelling and badminton. LATE FLIGHT LIEUTENANT IBRAHIM ABUBAKAR ADAMU (NAF/4521) 1. Late Flight Lieutenant Ibrahim Abubakar Adamu was born on 19 September 1993 at Burra. He hailed from Ningi Local Government Area of Bauchi State. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Air Force as a member of the Nigerian Defence Academy 64 Regular Course on 22 September 2012 and commissioned Pilot Officer on 16 September 2017. He was promoted to the rank of Flight Lieutenant on 22 reading. September 2022. He held a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical/Electronics) degree 4. from the Nigerian Defence Academy. 2. The late officer had attended several courses, including the Primary Flying Training at 401 Flying Training School Kaduna, the Flight Safety Officers Course at the Nigerian Air Force Institute of Safety Kaduna and the Instrument Rating Course at the United States of America. Similarly, he attended the MI-171 Helicopter Air Training Course in the Czech Republic, the MI-171E Co-Pilot Training at 201 Composite Group as well and the MI-171E Recurrency Simulation Training in the Czech Republic. 3. The late officer served at 401 Flying Training School Kaduna as a Student Pilot, and at 303 Medium Airlift Group Ilorin as an Administrative/Operations Officer. Equally, late Fight Lieutenant Adamu served at 201 Composite Group, Bauchi and 115 Special Operations Group, Port Harcourt, as a Squadron Pilot. Late Flight Lieutenant Adamu was a highly focused, intelligent and goal-oriented officer who would go the extra mile to achieve results. He was a sincere, humble and result-oriented officer who believed in teamwork. He was a highly resourceful and determined officer who had actively participated in military operations, including Operations HADARIN DAJI, HADIN KAI, WHIRL PUNCH, and SAFE HAVEN, amongst others. In the course of his military career, he displayed a high level of professionalism as a pilot. LATE LIEUTENANT GBENGA MICHAEL ODUSAMI (N/17314) 1. Late Lieutenant Gbenga Michael Odusami was born on 20 May 1993 in Lagos and hailed from Odogbolu Local Government Area of Ogun State. He obtained his Bachelor of Science (Honours) Degree in Chemistry from the Nigerian Defence Academy in 2018. The late officer was granted Regular Combatant Commission as a member of Regular Course 65 on 6 October 2018 in the rank of second lieutenant. He was of the Nigerian Army Infantry and was recently promoted to captain, effective 21 September 2023. Until his death, he was serving at Defence Headquarters Special Operations Forces Brigade from 19 October 2022. Late Lieutenant Gbenga Michael Odusami died on 13 August 2023. 2. The late officer has attended several courses and performed credit
ably. Some of the courses include Special Counter Terrorist Training in Pakistan, Young Officers’ Course (Infantry), Company Amphibious Operations Course and Basic Airborne Course. During his Company Amphibious Operations Course, he was said to be a verified strong swimmer, and he maintained his Class One rating throughout the course with ease. He was described as a disciplined and unassuming officer in his Young Officers’ Course report, which was confirmed during his Basic Airborne Course. He successfully went through rigorous ground training and also satisfied the five airborne jumps requirement to earn the Nigerian Army’s prestigious airborne badge. 3. Late Lieutenant Gbenga Michael Odusami proved his mettle as a professional soldier as a Platoon Commander at 103 Battalion, where he was found to be a focused and hardworking officer with a high sense of military bearing. He was noted to be proactive in identifying and assessing security challenges in his area of responsibility. He was also a Platoon Commander in 153 Task Force Battalion, where he was noted with an exceptionally high ability for navigation and map reading, which he brought to bear during operations. As a Platoon August Commander in the Defence Headquarters Special Forces Battalion, he conducted several operations leading to the neutralisation and capture of several bandits and paid the supreme price in one of such operations. LATE LIEUTENANT USMAN SHEHU ALKALI (N/18250) 1. Late Lieutenant Usman Shehu Alkali was born on 25 March 1978 in Gombe and hailed from Gombe Local Government Area of Gombe State. He attended Talo Waziri Primary School and Government Teachers’ College, where he obtained his Primary School Leaving Certificate and Secondary School Certificate in 1990 and 1996, respectively. He was granted Executive Commission as a member of Executive Course 1/2020 on 9 May 2020 in the rank of Lieutenant. The late officer obtained his National Diploma in Public Administration from Kogi State Polytechnic in 2014. He was of the Nigerian Army Infantry. Until his death, he was serving at 45 Battalion since 31 January 2022. Late Lieutenant Usman Shehu Alkali died on 13, 2023. 2. The late officer attended the Young Officers’ Course (Infantry), where he performed creditably. During the course, he was described as a hardworking and unassuming officer who made positive contributions to classroom discussions and outdoor exercises. Though quiet in disposition, he had a good understanding of the use of English and adequately expressed himself well. He carried out his responsibilities with a high sense of commitment and proved to be physically fit as he completed the 10km mandatory Walking/Jogging and the Tactical Walk-back in good time after Exercise WAZOBIA HUNTER. As Ambush Commander in Exercise BAUTAN KASA, he effectively played his roles while exhibiting the utmost sense of responsibility. 3. Late Lieutenant Usman Shehu Alkali proved his mettle as a professional soldier as a Platoon Commander at 146 Battalion, where he exhibited a good level of commitment to duty as he treated all assigned tasks with the desired urgency. He proved to be a well-groomed Infantry officer with sound military bearing. He was also a Platoon Commander in 45 Battalion, where he was described as a disciplined, hardworking and courageous officer and was observed to be committed to duties. He participated actively in numerous operations conducted by his Battalion in Rafi, Mariga and Munya Local Government Areas. He led several fighting patrols to Kagara and environs to help his Battalion in the domination of its area of operations. LATE 02NA/51/512 SERGEANT FAROUK MOHAMMED 1. Late Sgt Farouk Mohammed hailed from Danko/Wasagu Local Government Area of Kebbi State. He was born into the family of Alhaji Farouk on 25 May 1982. He was enlisted Into the Nigerian Army as a member of 51 Regular Intake in the year 2002 and posted to the Nigerian Army Infantry Corps. Moh
ammed attended various courses commensurate to his rank, where he attained a course trade classification of Special Weapon X2. 2. His last unit in the NA was 26 Bn in Sokoto, and he served the NA for a period of 21 years. LATE 03NA/53/2083 CORPORAL IBRAHIM GARBA 1. Late Cpl Ibrahim Garba hailed from Oshimili North Local Government Area of Delta State. He was born on 14 October 1987. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a member of 53 Regular Intake in 2003 and posted to the Nigerian Army Infantry Corps. Garba attended various courses commensurate with his rank. 2. His last unit in the NA was DHQ Gar in Abuja, and he served the NA for a period of 20 years. He was a devoted Christian and happily married with children. LATE 09NA/64/4275 CORPORAL CHIROMA POGUYAMTA 1. Late Cpl Chiroma Poguyamta hailed from Borno State. He was born into the family of Mr Chiroma on 15 April 1987. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a member of 64 Regular Intake in the year 2009 and posted to the Infantry Corps. Chiroma attended various courses commensurate with his rank. 2. His last unit in the NA was 192 Bn in Owode, and he served the NA for a period of 13 years. He was a devoted Christian and happily married with children. LATE 11NA/66/10694 CORPORAL ADAMA ISSAC 1. Late Cpl Adamu Isaac hailed from Igalamela Local Government Area of Kogi State. He was born into the family of Mr Adamu on 28 September 1989. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a member of 66 Regular Intake in 2011 and posted to the Nigerian Army Infantry Corps. Isaac attended various courses commensurate with his rank. 2. His last unit in the NA was 18 Bn in Sokoto, and he served the NA for a period of II years. He was a devoted Christian and happily married with children. LATE 11NA/66/11292 CORPORAL HARUNA JAMILU 1. Late Cpl Haruna Jamilu hailed from Hadeja Local Government Area of Jigawa State. He was born into the family of Mallam Haruna on 3 September 1991. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a member of 66 Regular Intake in the year 2011 and posted to the Nigerian Army Armour Corps. Jamilu attended various courses commensurate to his rank, where he attained a course trade classification of Special 2. Forces XI. 2. His last unit in the NA was 242 Recce Bn in Monguno, and he served the NA for a period of 11 years. He was a devoted Muslim and happily married with children. LATE 12NA/68/5890 CORPORAL SAMAILA BASHIRU 1. Late Cpl Samaila Bashiru hailed Bagwai Local Government Area of Kano State. He was born into the family of Alhaji Samaila on 13 July 1990. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a member of 68 Regular Intake in 2012 and posted to the Nigerian Army Infantry Corps. Bashiru attended various courses commensurate to his rank where he attained a course trade classification of Watermanship XI. 2. His last unit in the NA was 4 Demo Bn in Jaji, and he served the NA for a period of 11 years. He was a devoted Muslim and happily married with children. LATE ABLE REGULATOR SULEIMAN MAHMUD KAILANI OFFICIAL NUMBER-X14168 Late Able Regulator Suleiman Mahmud Kailani X14168 was born to the family of Mr Suleiman Kailani on 10 May 1992 in Garku Local Government Area of Nasarawa State. He attended Trust Academy Primary School Garaku from September 1998 July 2003. – Thereafter, he proceeded to Government Secondary School Aloce, Akwanga Local Government Area from 2008-2011. In his pursuit of knowledge, he also attended Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nasarawa State. Late Able Regulator Suleiman Mahmud Kailani’s passion for the military was his motivation for joining the Nigerian Navy on 9 July 2012. Accordingly, he underwent Basic Military Training at Nigerian Navy Basic Training School (NNBTS) Batch 21 in Onne Port Harcourt, Rivers State. On successful completion of the Basic training, he served both onboard and ashore. Some of the ships he served are Naval Unit Abuja, Nigerian Navy Ship BEECROFT and Nigerian
Navy Ship WEY from where he was drafted to Defence Special Force and subsequently deployed for OPERATION WHIRL PUNCH in Bida, Niger State where he met his untimely death. LATE NAF19/35900 CORPORAL JAURO AMOS 1. Late Corporal Jauro Amos was born on 15 November 1995. He hailed from Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State. He was recruited into the Nigerian Air Force as a member of Basic Military Training Course 40/2019 on 19 August 2019 and allotted Regiment speciality on completion of his Basic Military Training. 2. Until his demise, the airman had served in 213 Forward Operations Base Katsina, Air Force Military School Jos, 371 Nigerian Air Force Detachment Warri, (now 320 Forward Operations Base), 25 Force Protection Wing Kerang, Defence Headquarters Operation Thunder Strike (Special Operations Forces). He was a disciplined, determined and courageous airman who had participated actively in many military operations. As a Special Force personnel, his proficiency in weapon handling and marksmanship made him stand out among his peers. Late Corporal Jauro Amos was single. His death is a great loss to the Nation and the Nigerian Air Force family. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace. LATE 12NA/68/5192 LANCE CORPORAL SUNDAY OKOPI 1. Late LCpl Sunday Okopi hailed from Ohimini Local Government Area of Benue State. He was born into the family of Mr Sunday on 25 February 1992. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a member of 68 Regular Intake in the year 2012 and posted to the Nigerian Army Infantry Corps. Okopi attended various courses commensurate to his rank, where he attained a course trade classification of Band Al. 2. His last unit in the NA was 4 Demo Bn in Jaji, and he served the NA for a period of 11 years. He was a devoted Christian. LATE 13NA/70/3552 LANCE CORPORAL EKPEYONG EDET 1. Late LCpl Ekpeyong Edet hailed from Odukpani Local Government Area of Cross River State. He was born into the family of Mr Ekpeyong on 02 July 1993. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a member of 70 Regular Intake in the year 2013 and posted to the Nigerian Army Infantry Corps. Edet attended various courses commensurate to his rank, where he attained a course trade classification ofWatermanship X2. 2. His last unit in the NA was 4 Demo Bn in Jaji, and he served the NA for a period of 9 years. He was a devoted Christian. LATE NAF13/28034 LANCE CORPORAL ALARIBE DANIEL NNAMDI 1. Late Lance Corporal Alaribe Daniel Nnamdi was born on 15 December 1993. He hailed from Aboh Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State. He was recruited into the Nigerian Air Force as a member of Basic Military Training Course 32/2014 on 15 August 2014 and allotted Aircraft Technician as a trade. 2. Until his demise, the airman served in 115 Special Operations Group Port Harcourt and 201 Composite Group Bauchi. He was a very loyal, diligent and very hardworking aircraft technician who would give his best without complaint. He had participated in numerous military operations as a flight technician on the MI-171E helicopter across the country. Late Lance Corporal Alaribe Daniel Nnamdi was married with a son. His death is a great loss to the Nation and the Nigerian Air Force family. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace. LATE NAF14/28578 LCPL BRIGGS STEPHEN 1. Late Lance Corporal Briggs Stephen was born on September 22, 1995. He hailed from Akuku-Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State. He was recruited into the Nigerian Air Force as a member of Basic Military Training Course 34/2015 on 14 June 2015 and allotted Aircraft Technician as a trade. Until his demise, the airman had served in 115 Special Operations Group, Port Harcourt, 205 Rotary Wing, Ikeja Lagos, as well as 413 Force Protection Group, Kaduna. He was a highly disciplined, very hardworking and calm airman. He participated actively in various aircraft maintenance and military operations across the country as an aircraft technician. The late Lance Corporal Briggs Stephen was sin
gle. LATE 16NA/75/1484 LANCE CORPORAL YAKUBU AYUBA 1. Late LCpl Yakubu Ayuba hailed from Gwarzo Local Government Area of Kano State. He was born into the family of Alhaji Yakubu on 02 March 1994. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a member of 75 Regular Intake in the year 2016 and posted to the Nigerian Army Signal Corps. Ayuba attended various courses commensurate to his rank, where he attained a course trade classification of Radio Operator B3. 2. His last unit in the NA was 54 Signal Bde in Enugu, and he served the Nigerian Army for a period of seven years. He was a devoted Muslim. LATE 16NA/75/4442 LANCE CORPORAL NURA MOHAMMED 1. Late LCpl Nura Mohammed hailed from Gabasawa Local Government Area of Kano State. He was born into the family of Alhaji Mohammed on November 3, 1997. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a member of 75 Regular Intake in the year 2016 and posted to the Nigerian Army Infantry Corps. Nura attended various courses commensurate with his rank. 2. His last unit in the NA was 6 Div Gar in Port Harcourt, and he served the Nigerian Army for a period of seven years. He was a devoted Muslim. LATE 20NA/79/4397 PRIVATE HABIB ALIYU 1. Late Pte Habib Aliyu hailed from Gwale Local Government Area of Kano State. He was born into the family of Mallam Habib on January 9, 1999. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a member of 79 Regular Intake in 2020 and posted to the Nigerian Army Infantry Corps. Aliyu attended various courses commensurate to his rank 2. His last unit in the NA was 2 Bn, and he served the Nigerian Army for a period of three years. He was a devoted Muslim. LATE 20NA/79/4412 PRIVATE TANKO WAJE 1. Late Pte Tanko Waje hailed from Danko/Wasagu Local Government Area of Kebbi State. He was born into the family of Mallam Waje on September 6, 2000. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a member of 79 Regular Intake in 2020 and posted to the Nigerian Army Infantry Corps. Tanko attended various courses commensurate with his rank. 2. His last unit in the NA was 2 Bn, and he served the NA for a period of three years. He was a devoted Muslim. LATE NAF17/33175 AIR CRAFTMAN ABUBAKAR ABDULRAHAMAN 1. Late Aircraftman Abubakar Abdulrahaman was born on February 4, 1999. He hailed from Dandi Local Government Area of Kebbi State. He was recruited into the Nigerian Air Force as a member of Basic Military Training Course 38/2017 on February 2, 2018, and allotted Regiment Specialty as a trade. 2. Until his demise, the airman had served in the following units: 201 Composite Group Bauchi, 407 Air Combat Training Group, Kainji, National Air Defence Corp, Lagos, 320 Forward Operations Bara, Warr and Defence Headquarters Special Operations Forces (Operation Thunder Strike). He was a highly disciplined, smart and well-behaved airman. He was a calm, very hardworking and highly religious airman. As a Special Force personnel, his proficiency in weapon handling and marksmanship made him stand out among his peers. The late Aircraftman Abubakar Abdulrahaman was single #Deceasedsoldiers #Nigerplanecrash
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Nanomedicine Market Expected To Achieve Lucrative Growth By 2030
The global nanomedicine market size is expected to reach USD 410.15 billion by 2030, expanding at 11.57% CAGR from 2023 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The advantages of nanomedicine in numerous healthcare applications, the emergence of novel drug delivery technologies, and the rise in demand for safe and affordable treatments are all contributing to the expansion of the nanomedicine industry.
The adoption of nanomedicines is driven by the rise in the prevalence of chronic diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, the demand for nanomedicine is expanding due to the growing elderly population, and the increase in patients with high blood pressure, obesity, and other cardiovascular diseases. For instance, as per the American Cancer Society, in 2022, an estimated 1.9 million new cancer cases and 609,360 cancer-related deaths were expected in the U.S. alone.
Furthermore, the need for nanomedicines to cure a wide range of illnesses has increased as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The development of new approaches for the detection, diagnosis, and cure of the COVID-19 virus as well as other viral infections was made possible by the development of nanomedicine applications. For instance, in November 2020, BioNtech and Pfizer announced the full results of the phase 3 clinical study for the COVID-19 vaccine. They rapidly manufactured vaccinations for testing and regulatory approval using a known technique for encapsulating therapeutic nucleic acid molecules in lipid nanoparticles. Additionally, due to an increase in activities for research and development for nanomedicines across all regions, fueling the market growth.
The developing technologies for drug delivery are important elements that are expected to accelerate the growth of the global market. Also, it is anticipated that the rising popularity of nanomedicine across a variety of applications will fuel the expansion of the nanomedicine industry. Furthermore, it is predicted that the increase in government funding and support will positively affect market growth in the coming years.
New potential opportunities for the expansion of the nanomedicine industry in the upcoming years will be provided by the rise in the out-licensing of nano drugs and the expansion of healthcare facilities in developing nations. Over the past few decades, the US FDA has authorized the commercialization of about 100 nanomedicine applications and devices. As a result, growing interest in nanotechnology's potential medical use is a notable breakthrough in the medical field and further drives market growth.
The rising investment flow in R&D is also driving the nanomedicine industry growth. For instance, in August 2022, South Korea’s Life Science Fund declared an investment of over USD 14 million (19 billion won) in Senda Biosciences Inc., a U.S.-based biotechnology firm involved in the creation of nanoparticle-based drug delivery products. Such investments indicate promising growth opportunities for the nanomedicine industry in the near future.
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Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Nanomedicine Market Report
Nanomedicine Market Report Highlights
By application, the drug delivery segment accounted for the largest share of 34.09% in 2022. The need for cutting-edge treatments for neurological conditions like Parkinson's disease, brain tumors, and Alzheimer's disease is expected to spur additional market expansion for nanomedicine-based drug delivery systems
By indication, the clinical oncology segment held the largest share of 32.44% in 2022. The growing prevalence of cancer and the advantages of nanomedicines such as high sensitivity and improved therapeutic efficacy are promoting the segment growth
By molecule type, the nanoparticlessegment held the largest share of 76.32% in 2022. The widespread use of metal & metallic oxides and the utilization of nanoparticles in various medical settings is expected to encourage market expansion in the forecasted years
North America held the largest share of 49.91% in 2022. This can be attributed to the presence of a significant number of key players, as well as rising healthcare spending and federal assistance in the region
Nanomedicine Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global nanomedicine market based on application, indication, molecule type, and region:
Nanomedicine Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
in-vitro Diagnostics
Drug Delivery
In-vivo Imaging
Nanomedicine Indication Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Clinical Oncology
Infectious Diseases
Clinical Cardiology
Nanomedicine Molecule Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Metal & Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
Polymers & Polymer Drug Conjugates
Hydrogel Nanoparticles
Inorganic Nanoparticles
Nanomedicine Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
North America
The U.S.
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
List of Key Players in the Nanomedicine Market
Abbott Laboratories
CombiMatrix Corporation
Celgene Corporation
Nanospectra Biosciences, Inc.
GE Healthcare
Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals
Merck & Co., Inc.
Pfizer, Inc.
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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brijeshtiwaripune · 1 year
Ray Stevenson ‘RRR’, ‘Thor’, Ahsoka, Vikings’ & ‘Rome’ actor died at 58
Ray Stevenson, a renowned actor known for his appearances in "RRR" and the "Thor" films, passed away on Sunday at the age of 58, according to sources. No further details regarding the cause of his death are currently available. Gregory Raymond Stevenson was born in Northern Ireland and moved to England during his childhood. His most recent notable role was in the 2022 Oscar-winning movie "RRR," where he portrayed the villainous character, Scott Buxton. The film received the Oscar for Best Original Song and emerged as the second highest-grossing film in India in 2022. Stevenson was scheduled to feature in the upcoming Star Wars series "Ahsoka" as Baylan Skoll, starting from this August. He also attended the Star Wars Celebration event in 2023, where he expressed his enthusiasm for being a part of the project, stating, "Getting to wield the lightsaber is just the best feeling in the world." "Ahsoka" marks Stevenson's third venture into the Star Wars universe, having previously voiced the character Gar Saxon in 2016's "Star Wars: Rebels" and appeared in two episodes of "Star Wars: Clone Wars" in 2020. Throughout his career, Stevenson amassed over 60 acting credits, spanning from the 1990s. However, his breakthrough role came in 2005 when he portrayed Titus Pullo in the BBC/HBO series "Rome," set during the final days of the Roman Republic. The show also starred actor Kerry Condon, James Purefoy, and Kevin McKidd. On Monday, Purefoy paid tribute to Stevenson on Twitter, expressing his sorrow and describing him as a brilliant, courageous, and larger-than-life actor who poured his heart into every role. Purefoy extended his condolences to Stevenson's family, his wife Betta, and their beautiful children, emphasizing the tremendous loss. Stevenson is widely recognized for his portrayal of Volstagg, a lively member of the Warriors Three, in Marvel's "Thor" franchise. He appeared as Volstagg in the 2011 film "Thor" and reprised the role in "Thor: The Dark World" in 2013 and "Thor: Ragnarok" in 2017. His early acting credits include appearances in TV series like "A Woman's Guide to Adultery," "The Dwelling Place," and "Band of Gold," where he featured in nine episodes. Additionally, he played the role of DI Tony Baynham in both seasons of "City Central" throughout the late '90s. During the 2000s, Stevenson continued to make guest appearances on various TV shows, including "The Walking Dead" and "At Home with Braithwaites." He also ventured into films such as "Outpost" in 2008 and "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant" in 2009. In the 2010s, Stevenson took on significant roles in high-profile movies like the action comedy "The Other Guys" alongside Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg in 2010, Paul W.S. Anderson made a movie based on "The Three Musketeers" in 2011. He also directed "Divergent" and "The Book of Eli." Read the full article
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market-insider · 2 years
Biomarkers Market Driven By Declining Cost Of Clinical Trials In Emerging Economies
The global biomarkers market size is expected to reach USD 181.03 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 13.3% over the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The rising R&D investments by pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, increasing number of Contract Research Organizations (CROs), and declining cost of clinical trials in emerging economies are the major driving factors for the industry. In addition, key players leverage various strategies to increase their production capabilities and promote the outreach of their product offerings. In June 2022, Paige announced its collaboration with Janssen to evaluate the potential of an (H&E)-based, (AI)-powered biomarker test, developed by Janssen, to screen for actionable FGFR3 and FGFR2 genomic alterations in patients with bladder cancer.
The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders is anticipated to fuel industry growth. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2022, an estimated 1.9 million new cancer cases were registered in the U.S., accounting for 609,360 deaths. Breast and lung cancers were observed as the most common ones worldwide. In addition, according to a report published in 2020 by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, cardiovascular diseases cause about 18.9 million deaths annually. Increasing research focused on the identification of new diagnostic biomarkers is fueling the industry's growth. For instance, in February 2022, Japanese scientists found two new diagnostic tissue biomarkers, PHGDH and TRIM29, indicated for malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Biomarkers Market Report
These agents can be used to diagnose mesothelioma quickly and help doctors in differentiating between mesothelioma and other cancers. Moreover, in January 2020, a nascent research study published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine discussed the potential of several breast cancer biomarkers. A notable and easily identifiable imaging biomarker recognized in the study was 18F-FDG PET. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged the use of biomarkers for facilitating the detection & treatment of the disease. For instance, in March 2021, a new biomarker-based screening device, named Tiger Tech COVID Plus Monitor, was approved by the U.S. FDA.
The device can be used for the identification of biomarkers for COVID-19 and other hypercoagulable & hyperinflammatory conditions in individuals aged 5 years & above. Furthermore, various strategic initiatives undertaken by leading participants are anticipated to cater to demand. For instance, in August 2022, Roche received the U.S. FDA approval for VENTANA MMR RxDx Panel to detect pMMR endometrial cancer patients and dMMR solid tumor patients eligible for treatment with Merck’s immunotherapy Keytruda. This approval for the VENTANA MMR RxDx Panel is a label expansion of the company’s recent on-market panel. Also, in December 2021, Siemens Healthineers partnered with Freenome to identify novel suitable markers for the detection of early breast cancer to expand its existing imaging technologies.
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wutbju · 2 years
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Karen Lorene Godshall Hicks passed into eternity on Wednesday, January 19, 2022. She was born May 22, 1949, in Sellersville, Pennsylvania. At the time of her passing, she resided in Justin, TX.
Psalm 37:23 declares that a person's steps are "ordered by the Lord." Certainly, this was true of her well-spent 72 years.
Karen grew up in Telford, PA. In grade and middle school, she won numerous singing and athletic events, as well as competing on the Souderton Swim and Diving Team. As a Souderton High School beauty, she was especially known for her sewing and cooking prowess. She received her high school's Crisco Award for Outstanding Student in Home Economics, the Junior Women's Clothing Contest Winner, and Membership on the prestigious McCall's Magazine National Sorority of the Teen Fashion Board. She graduated with honors in 1967.
She attended Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC, from 1967 to 1971, graduating with honors with a Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics Education and a minor in science. While there she met Darryl Hicks, a student from Oklahoma (He has often said, "We met in a psychology class. She made an A+, and I made a C, which pretty much explains a lot!) They married in Sellersville, PA, on August 14, 1971.
During the next years, Karen and Darryl taught school (Big Oak Christian Academy near Biscoe, NC; and Temple Christian School in Rockingham, NC). For eight years she was a featured singer with The Servants and The Darryl Hicks Trio, touring extensively across the United States, recording four albums, and featured in churches, auditoriums, music festivals and national television programs. They appeared in concert with numerous major artists. Three songs featuring her solos hit numerous regional and national radio charts, and were featured in The Singing News (Southern Gospel music's equivalent of Billboard Magazine).
When they moved to Charlotte, NC, Karen continued teaching at Heritage Academy near Fort Mill, SC, while Darryl began a new career as author and television writer/producer. She also attended Winthrop University Graduate School in Rock Hill, SC.
Major changes came when the couple started a family with the arrival of daughter Charnee and son David. Eventual career moves to High Point, NC, Galveston, TX and the DFW area of Texas saw the family tree flourish with seven grandchildren. Karen's teaching career continued in Texas until she retired in 2004 to travel with Darryl and to enjoy her children, grandchildren, cats and original jewelry designs.
From 1983-2018 she served as an advisor and contributor on a variety of nutrition and recipe books for noted authors and publishers, and from 2010-2020 she hosted Karen's Kitchen, a popular internet recipe and back-story feature.
She was known in jewelry, fashion and shopping circles as "The Purple Lady" for her stylish fondness for wearing clothing and accessories in that color.
For several years she also enjoyed being a member of two Red Hat Society chapters and was immortalized in the song, "Red Hat Woman," performed at the society's 2009 international convention in Dallas, Texas.
During 2021, the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
Karen is predeceased by her mother, Mary (Nase) Allebach, her father, Harold Allebach, her maternal grandparents, Herbert and Olivia (Price) Nase, paternal grandparents, Ellis and Mabel (Schurr) Godshall, and parents-in-law Gifford and Mabel (Sledge) Hicks.
Left to carry forward her notable legacy are her husband of 50 years, Darryl Hicks, daughter Charnee (James) Barker, son David Hicks, sister and brother-in-law Sharon (Sheri) and Michael Curry, seven grandchildren -- Daniel Hicks, Richard Bennington, Adam Hooper, Kevin Hooper, Taylor Moreno, Dylan Hicks, and Jacob Hicks, as well as a host of beloved nieces and nephews.
Psalm 116:15 declares, "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints." Certainly this is now true for Karen Lorene Godshall Hicks as the celebration of her home-going continues among the golden mansions and the heavenly throne room, the inheritance of every believer, to which Karen looked forward many times as she read or heard John 14.
And while her family mourns the unthinkable loss of this remarkable, talented and beloved woman, we also celebrate her reunion in heaven with the Lord Jesus whom she served so faithfully, even as we cherish her memory and strive to fulfill the noteworthy heritage she left us to follow!
A Celebration of Karen's Life will be held Saturday, June 18, 2022, at the First Baptist Church Youth-Fellowship Hall, 101 South Highway TX-156, Ponder, TX 76259. Dress is casual., but you are welcome to wear something purple as a tribute to the Karen's favorite color. A lunch buffet will be provided beginning at Noon, with the memorial to take place afterward. A time of dessert, coffee, tea and fellowship will follow the service. To allow the family to prepare for food and seating, please RSVP to [email protected] if you plan to attend (and how many will be in your party). The response to your RSVP will include lodging options.
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kenresearchcompany · 2 years
Global Immunoassays Market is expected to record a positive CAGR of ~6% during the forecast period 2022-2028: Ken Research
Immunoassays are bioanalytical techniques that use the precision of an antigen-antibody reaction to detect and quantify analytes in biological samples such as urine, blood, saliva, tissues, and cells. Clinical diagnostics, drug discovery, environmental monitoring, biopharmaceutical analysis, drug monitoring, and food testing are all common applications for such techniques. In addition, they generally exhibit quick and precise outcomes, allowing a clinician to diagnose a variety of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease accurately.
The Global Immunoassays Market is expected to record a positive CAGR of ~6% during the forecast period (2022-2028) and reach a revenue of ~US$ 60 Bn by 2028, due to the rising prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of immune-diagnostics assays for correct diagnosis and containment of the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, immunoassay tests are highlighted as an important diagnostic method as they enable reliable and affordable detection of viruses and bacteria. Such tests are used to detect both acute and chronic diseases.
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The rising prevalence of chronic, and infectious diseases, including COVID-19, HIV/AIDS, dengue, foodborne disease, and other diseases is one of the major factors propelling the immunoassays market growth.
In addition, the cost-effectiveness and higher efficiency of immunoassay tests also make a significant contribution to their growth.
For instance, the WHO Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reported 21,41,240 dengue cases in the Americas, including 10,53,420 confirmed cases and 927 associated deaths, as of August 2022. In addition, Brazil (19,10,657), Peru (57,469), Colombia (38,844), Nicaragua (37,369), and Ecuador have reported the most cases (12,645) during the same period.
In addition, according to the study conducted in 2021 by Food Security Cluster, an Italian non-profit organization that outlines food availability, access, and utilization issues, more than 600 million individuals (one in ten) globally, become ill with the foodborne disease each year, and 420,000 die.
Technical challenges with immunoassay kits/reagents and instruments are likely to impede the market growth.
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak had been proclaimed a public health emergency in late January 2020, medical professionals and scientists experienced the necessity for extensive and rapid testing of individuals to implement measures to contain the virus's spread. Additionally, real-time PCR (RTPCR) tests and antibody/antigen tests have erupted as vital tools for the global healthcare system in managing the outbreak.
Key Trends by Market Segment
By Product Type:  Reagents & Kits hold the largest share of the Global Immunoassays Market in 2021.
Reagents/kits are a preferable type of product for immunoassay testing as they offer a quick, simple, and cost-effective method of detection with accuracy and specificity considerably better (in some cases) than other methods.
The global outbreak of Covid-19 has prompted governments to impose critical measures to prevent its spread, which focus primarily on accurate and prompt identification of virus-infected individuals using the most precise and sensitive method available, notably real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). This has raised the global demand for detection kits.
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By Application: The infectious disease segment held the largest market share in 2021.
The rising global prevalence rate of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, dengue fever, influenza, and Covid-19 is one of the major factors driving the demand for immunoassays tests for infectious diseases.
For instance, according to the world health organization (WHO), influenza leads to around 3 to 5 million serious cases and 250,000 to 500,000 deaths worldwide every year.
The growing number of cancer cases worldwide is also a significant contributor to the expansion of the immunoassay market during the forecast period.
For instance, according to the American Cancer Society, cancer continues to be the second leading cause of death in the U.S., after cardiovascular disease. In 2022, the U.S. is expected to see 1.9 million new cancer cases and 609,360 cancer deaths, for a total of 1,670 deaths per day.
By Technology: The Enzyme Immunoassays (EIA)/Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) technology segment dominated the market for immunoassays in 2021.
This technology's accuracy and ability to provide quick results is a major driving factor. In addition, ELISA's simple procedure, high specificity and sensitivity, cost-effectiveness, and high efficiency are all contributing factors to its growth.
Furthermore, the use of ELISA/EIA for antigen/antibody detection is among the most commonly available diagnostic tools, and it is extensively used for diagnosing swine influenza as well.
According to the National Library of Medicine (NLM), operated by the U.S. federal government, ELISA, indirect fluorescence antibody (IFA), and virus neutralizing assays are used to detect porcine parainfluenza virus type-1 (PPIV-1) antibody in swine serum.
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By End User: The Hospitals & Clinics segment account for the majority share of the Global Immunoassays Market in 2021.
The continuous development in the healthcare industry across countries has raised the requirement for hospitals with advanced techniques and facilities.
The growing number of infectious diseases tested during the assessments and processing of body fluids, particularly following the worldwide explosion of the Covid-19 pandemic, are other major factors influencing the demand for immunoassays tests in hospitals and clinics.
By Geography: North America accounts for the largest share among all Regions within the total Immunoassays market in 2021.
Increased technological adoption in diagnostic techniques, extensive research initiatives, and increasing government funding for point-of-care testing and regulatory science activities across the healthcare industry are all contributing factors to the growth of Immunoassays in North America.
For instance, in November 2021, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a USD 650 million investment to enhance manufacturing capacity for fast, high-quality diagnostic testing via rapid point-of-care molecular tests that help in the detection of influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and a cluster of respiratory viruses.
In October 2020, the National Institutes of Health announced the third round of contract awards for the intensity and manufacturing of new COVID-19 testing technologies in collaborative efforts with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Additionally, the six new rapid acceleration of diagnostics (RADx) initiative contracts comprise USD 98.35 million for point-of-care and other novel testing techniques that provide modes of sample collection, processing, and output. Inclusion with smart devices, digital processing that can be deployed to COVID-19 hot spots, and test results readily accessible in minutes are among the advancements in such new techniques.
The Asia Pacific region is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR during the forecasted period 2022-2028, owing to the government's increased emphasis on improving healthcare infrastructure, the adoption of innovative laboratory techniques and procedures, such as blotting technique, and gel electrophoresis for quicker and more efficient examination and diagnosis of infectious and chronic diseases, and growing preference for diagnostic reagents.
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Competitive Landscape
The Global Immunoassays market is highly competitive with ~500 players which include globally diversified players, regional players as well as a large number of country-niche players each with their niche bioanalytical setting such as clinical diagnostics, biopharmaceutical analysis, environmental monitoring, security, and food testing, and others, for end-users. The immunoassays market's growth is heavily reliant on detection technologies and advancements in testing equipment and instruments.
Country-Niche players constitute about ~75% of the competitors, while regional players constitute about ~20%. Some of the major players in the market include F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Abbott Laboratories, Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD), Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Siemens Healthineers, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Danaher Corporation, PerkinElmer, Quidel Corporation, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Holdings, Sysmex Corporation, DiaSorin S.p.A. and among others.
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Recent Developments Related to Major Players and Organizations
In February 2022, Siemens Healthineers, a German healthcare company, launched Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF) Test in the U.S., offering broad clinical access to the nonsurgical diagnostic tool. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted De Novo marketing authorization for the test.
In July 2021, Roche, a Swiss pharmaceutical company, announced the launch of its new Elecsys Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) immunoassay panel, which includes the Elecsys EBV IgM, EBV VCA IgG, and EBV EBNA IgG immunoassays and detects Epstein-Barr virus antibodies at various infection stages.
In April 2021, DiaSorin, an Italian Biotechnology company, launched its new immunodiagnostic Point-of-Care (POC) reader 'LIAISON IQ' and the 'LIAISON Quick Detect Covid TrimericS Ab' test. The LIAISON IQ's test detects specific IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein in human blood capillaries from a throat swab in 10 minutes.
In February 2021, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., a U.S.-based manufacturer of analytical laboratory instruments, announced a partnership with Mindray, a Chinese medical device company, to make two clinical chemistry analyzers available to customers in the United States (U.S.) and Canada for drug of abuse testing.
In April 2020, Bio-Rad Laboratories, a U.S.-based manufacturer of specialized technological products for the life science research and clinical diagnostics markets, announced the release of a blood-based immunoassay kit to detect antibodies to the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the virus associated with COVID-19. 
The Global Immunoassays Market is forecasted to continue steady growth that is witnessed since 2017. The market is primarily driven by the rising prevalence of chronic, and infectious diseases, including COVID-19. Though the market is highly competitive with over ~500 participants, few global players control the dominant share and regional players also hold a significant share.
Note: This is an upcoming/planned report, so the figures quoted here for market size estimate, forecast, growth, segment share and competitive landscape are based on initial findings and might vary slightly in the actual report. Also, any required customizations can be covered to the best feasible extent for Pre-booking clients and report delivered within maximum 2 working weeks.
Market Taxonomy
The Global Immunoassays Market Size, Segments, Outlook, and Revenue Forecast 2022-2028 is segmented by Product Types, Application, Technology, and End-User. In addition, the report also covers the market size for each of the five regions' immunoassays markets. The revenue used to size and forecast the market for each segment is USD billion.
By Type            
Reagents & Kits
Software & Services
By Application
Autoimmune Diseases
Infectious Diseases
By Technology
Radio immunoassay (RIA)
Enzyme Immunoassays (EIA) or Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA)
Fluoro Immunoassay (FIA)
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA)
By End User    
Hospital & Clinics
Clinical Laboratories
Pharmaceuticals & Biotech Companies
Blood Banks
Academic Research Centers
By Geography
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, South Korea, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America, Middle East and Africa
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