toad-in-a-trenchcoat · 7 months
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The princes get caught in a storm
Been sick for over a week now and wanted characters to share in my misery
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mountedeverest · 4 months
7x10 Coda | BuckTommy date + Bobby call | T
Starts cute and then I rip your heart out 🙃😘 sorryyyyy
NP tags 💖 @tizniz @hippolotamus
“Not to be a U-Haul lesbian but if you keep cooking like that every time, I’m gonna have to ask you to move in.” Tommy said, bringing the glass of wine to his lips once more.
Buck almost choked on his own wine as he ducked his head and laughed nervously. “Don’t tempt me ‘cause I’ll say yes.”
Buck lifted his eyes to reach Tommy’s, half hopeful in spite of him. They both knew it would be too soon, but Buck’s emotional baggage and fear of abandonment still rang a clear ‘what if’ in his head. Though they may have been joking, Evan’s eyes betrayed him, as if to say ‘I’m serious. If you ask me now, I’ll say yes.’
“Interesting.” Tommy answered, gaze lingering. His eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth curled upwards slowly, tightly from atop his wine glass, a shield between them. His eyes said something as well, ‘Not now, but soon.’
The air now hung heavy, promise being held back by the fear of spooking the other, overshadowed by immense desire and suffocating devotion. Buck was so giddy he could burst.
“Be-besides, many lasagnas were sacrificed for this skill. The cooking, I mean.”
“Aaah so that was the smell here the other night.” Tommy laughed. His nose scrunched up and Buck could melt. Just like that, the tension was gone. Buck squirmed in his seat all the same, like his skin was too tight, except he loved it. With Tommy, Buck felt exposed in the best way, like every nerve was a string on an instrument, every touch a new note in a new melody. It made him feel so alive.
They ate, and they talked, kicked their feet under the table. Fingers lingered upon fingers, pinkies touching in a whisper of a touch only to momentarily satisfy the itch of being apart. Their chairs pulled closer as they leaned in further in their conversation, and their wine glasses emptied and filled up, and emptied and filled up. Every moment they inched closer without noticing, knuckles now brushing against the side of a thigh, or fingers idly tracing up a forearm.
Soon, they were so close they could feel each other’s air. Buck broke first, a small satisfied groan escaping him when he finally closed the distance between Tommy and him.
It wasn’t long before Tommy pulled Buck into his lap, the chair wincing slightly in protest. Hands soon found purchase everywhere they could: hair, neck, shoulder blade, ass cheek. Dirty dinner plates and near empty wine glasses were now abandoned for desert. Perfectly sweet and with just enough bite, Tommy tasted exquisite.
Things heated up fast, becoming sloppy and needy and everything Buck needed to be right now. He felt the burning shape of Tommy’s massive hands under his shirt, dipping into the back of his pants, gripping at hard flesh. Every slight rock of their bodies together punched little gasps out of Buck, like he’d forgotten how to breathe properly.
“I can’t fuck you in this chair.” Tommy grunted between two biting kisses, sounding lost. His eyes were swimming in Buck’s, pupils blown wide.
“Yeah, yeah, let’s go up to my bed.” Buck dove in for another deep kiss, tongue rolling and swirling against Tommy’s own, and then another, and another. They were unable to tear away from each other, even as they made their way to the stairs and up the loft. They’d reached the top when Buck’s phone started to ring from where he’d left it on the kitchen island.
They let it ring until it stopped, hands going to buttons and belts. Then, Tommy’s phone started ringing, which gave them pause for the first time that night.
“Whoever’s trying to reach you seems adamant. I better answer.”
Reluctantly, Buck let Tommy trot back down the stairs to pick up his offending phone.
“Go for Kinard.”
Buck made his way down the stairs and plastered himself softly behind Tommy, hugging him loosely as his fingers toyed with the hem of Tommy’s shirt.
“Okay. Yeah. Which one?” Tommy placed his free hand on top of Buck’s, soothing and stopping him at the same time. “Okay. We’re on our way.”
Buck froze then. Something was wrong. Tommy sighed and hung his head. From the back, Buck couldn’t see his expression, but he felt the tensing in his back, like hackles raising.
“W-what’s wrong?”
“That was Hen. Bobby… something happened, he and Athena are in the hospital. She’s fine but Bobby, it’s… it’s not good.”
If Buck were made of glass, there would be a very apparent crack going through him head to toe right about now. Gears started turning in his head, but with absolutely no coordination. Usually in a crisis, he could tell the order of things, which questions to ask and when. Now, he felt like a mess of Christmas lights, unable to see the beginning or the end of the cable for the tangle in between.
“Hey, hey hey stay with me Evan, don’t go there yet.” Tommy took hold of Buck’s shoulder, searching for his gaze in eyes that now stared at nothing. “I’m taking you to the hospital, I’m driving. I’ll grab you a coat, just put your shoes on I’ll take care of the rest.”
Tommy stopped, looked back eyes wide at his boyfriend. Buck looked so small, his eyes rimmed red and threatening to spill with tears.
“Bobby’s not just my captain, y’know?” Buck’s voice sounded strangled, like wrestled from deep within. “He’s pretty much my dad, I-I can’t lose him.” He looked so scared.
Tommy’s eyes softened and filled with sadness as he grabbed Buck into a big hug, squeezing him tight and bringing Buck’s face into his chest.
“You won’t, baby. You won’t.” Tommy murmured softly as he held Buck, promising that also to himself, hoping that luck once again favoured them tonight and that Bobby would be okay, that Buck would be okay.
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hippolotamus · 6 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
tagged by the lovely and talented @loveyouanyway @wildlife4life @monsterrae1 @spotsandsocks @diazsdimples @tizniz @daffi-990 @wikiangela @bidisasterbuckdiaz go check all their snips if you haven’t 💖
cheating a bit with the yet to be titled bi buck fic. i posted this through snippets of asks but, honestly, i'm so proud of it i'm showing it off here. in full. enjoy
It’s not that he’s ashamed, it’s just… new. A shiny fresh layer of his identity. While he’s very sure he likes kissing men – and extremely sure he loves kissing Tommy – claiming the bisexual label for himself takes longer. Hen, Karen, Tommy and others all tell him he doesn’t need a label if he doesn’t want one, but this feels right. It makes him feel settled.  Lucy and Ravi suggest that he practice saying it out loud, as a step forward when he’s alone. While the idea sounds easy enough, he finds it’s anything but. Especially the first time.  Buck shifts into park, pulls the parking brake and kills the engine. For a few moments he stares into the middle distance, not really seeing anything. His brain is a swirling, chaotic mess of thoughts as he taps out a shaky rhythm against the center console. Thumb, index, middle, ring, pinkie. Pinkie, ring, middle, index, thumb. Over and over while he tries to tame the way his heart beats wildly in his chest. They’re just words. Consonants and vowels strung together and assigned meaning. And yet they’re so much more than that. They are a means to take a concept and make it real. To say that he, Evan Buckley, reformed player who solely dated women is– His eyes flutter closed as he inhales deeply. He pictures Tommy’s face, smiling warmly at him. Soft and assuring him it’s okay. That there’s no timeline to meet. It allows the noise to quiet and mute to something more manageable. He opens his eyes again and focuses his gaze on the rearview mirror. The way the visor creates a shadow, cutting across his forehead. How his eyelashes fan out, and the way his pupils make constant micro adjustments to the incoming light.  His lips part and his tongue touches the backs of his lower teeth, ready to shape and curl around what he wants to say. No sound comes out. Not even a strangled, anguished, frustrated breath. Buck shakes his head and tries again. He furrows his brows together, determined to make some progress. Maybe he can just think it instead.  I’m–  That’s where his conscious brain stops him. A flashing caution sign, a guardrail to prevent him from going too far. A muzzle crafted by years of conditioning. Frustrated, he slams his hand against the steering wheel before grabbing his work bag and slamming the Jeep closed behind him. Drive after drive, each and every time Buck encountered a mirror, he continued to push himself. Sometimes, even after making progress, his attempts were no less frustrating than the very first one. A patient, or family member, would say something that shook his confidence, making him want to curl in on himself. Not that it was any of their business to know who their emergency responders loved or crawled into bed with at night.
np tagging @stereopticons @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @actuallyitsellie @filet-o-feelings @queerbuckleys @bi-buckrights @chaosandwolves @elvensorceress @epicbuddieficrecs @eowon @fortheloveofbuddie @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @saybiwithme @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @jesuisici33 @thekristen999 @ladydorian05 @lemonzestywrites @loserdiaz @spaceprincessem @statueinthestone @the-likesofus @theotherbuckley @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @your-catfish-friend @shipperqueen6 and anyone else who wants to 😘
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milla-frenchy · 5 months
Wip wednesday thursday
Thank you for the tag @aurorawritestoescape @mermaidgirl30 🙏❤️
Here's a snippet for the next part of Smack my b*tch up
The guard led you to a house you had never been in and knocked on the door. You heard Joel shoot “come in”. The man closed the door behind you, and Joel told you to go upstairs. He was lying on a bed, in jeans and a blue denim shirt. “Is it…?” you started to ask. “My bedroom, yeah.” You looked around. The furniture, the way the room was organized. Everything was clean and tidy. You looked at the window, illuminated by a nearby lamp. Pink, blue and purple paper butterflies were hanging there, moving with the breeze that brushed against them. Everything was minimalist in his room, and this childish touch of color stood out from everything else. You turned to him with a confused expression and he took a moment before responding. “A reminder of my daughter.” A veil formed over his eyes. Your heart sank when you heard this confession. With those words, you suddenly realized what a part of you had already known: you had a special place for him. You didn't know why or how, but it was there. Even if he was capable of acting like an asshole, to fuck you with three other guys or to throw you out to all his men. Or to cut your fucking pinkie. But he decided to tell you that, and your heart was racing. His constant hot and cold behavior was driving you crazy. “How’s your finger?” “Great, for a cut finger.” It made him smile. You, not so much.
np: @corazondebeskar @covetyou @janaispunk @mountainsandmayhem @ozarkthedog
@pedge-page @bonezone44 @morallyinept @iamasaddie
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queersrus · 11 months
Npd/Narcissus theme
[npd/narcissus theme]
including narcissus from greek myth as well as anything related to the narcissus flower and npd.
tagging @clusterrune, @narcissist-hoarding
narc, narci, narcis/narciss, narcisse, narcissa/narcisa, narcisso/narciso, narcet/narcett/narcette, narcetta, narcetto, narcel/narcell/narcelle, narcella, narcello, narcin/narcine, narcina, narcino, narcissus, narcissi, narcissist, narcissisa, narca, narcisset/narcissett/narcissette, narcissetta, narcissetto, narcissel/narcissell/narcisselle, narcissella, narcissello, narcissin/narcissine, narcissina, narcissino, narcissisti, narcissista, NP, ND, nargis, narkissos, narciso, narcyz, narkas, nargiza, narges, narcaf, narcas, narce, narcel, narcie, narcia, narciz, narco, narzy mirror, mirra/miraa/mira, mirrora, mirrorer, Major reflect, reflector, reflecta, reflection, Royal daf/daff, daffy/daffi/daffie, daffo, daffodil jon/john, jonqui, jonquil po/poe, poet, poeti, poetic, poeticus, phea, phae, pheasant, pink, pinki/pinkie/pinky, pinks, pinkster, Prince, Princess, Princex, Prinze eye fin/finn, find, finder, findern lil, lili/lilli/lily/lilly/lillie/lilie, Liriope taz, taze, tazet/tazett/tazette, tazeta/tazetta, thespiae King Cephissus queen, queeny/queenie
Narcisse, Narcissa, Narcissi/Narcisi, Narcissist, Narcett, Narcissisa, Narciso/Narcizo, Narci, Narca, Narcis, Narcy Myrror/Mirror, Mirrored Reflector/Reflecter Daffodil Jonquil Poet, Poeticus, Pheasant, Pink, Pinkster Eye(s) Find/Finde, Finder, Findern Lily, Liriope Tazetta Cephissus
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ni/nar/narci/narcine/narcself ni/narc/narcs/narcself ni/nar/nargi/nargine/nargisself mi/mirr/mirro/mirrine/mirrorself ri/re/reflec/reflectine/reflectionself di/daff/daffi/daffine/daffodilself ji/jo/jon/jonquine/jonquilself pi/poe/poet/poetine/poetself phi/phea/pheas/pheasine/pheasantself pi/pink/pinks/pinkine/pinkself eye/ee/ey/eyine/eyeself fi/fe/find/fine/findself li/lil/lily/liline/lilyself ti/taz/tazets/tazine/tazettaself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
no/narc/narcs/narcself no/nar/nargis/nargiself mo/mirror/mirrors/mirrorself ro/reflector/reflectors/reflectorself do/daffor/daffors/daffodilself jo/jonquir/jonquirs/jonquirself po/poeter/poeters/poeterself pho/pheasar/pheasars/pheasantself po/pinkster/pinksters/pinksterself eyo/eyer/eyers/eyerself fo/finder/finders/findernself lo/liler/lilers/lilyself to/tazer/tazers/tazerself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
narc/narcs, np/npd, npd/npds, np/d, n/pd, narc/narcissist, narcissist/narcissists, narcissist/narcissistic, narci/ssist, narci/ssistic, narcissus/poeticus, nar/nargis, narg/nargis, nargi/nargis, nargis/nargis', narcissus/tazetta, narcissus/jonquil mir/mirror, mirr/or, mir/ror, mirror/mirrors, mirror/mirrored, mirror/mirroring reflect/reflects, reflect/reflection, reflect/reflector, reflect/reflected, reflect/reflecting, re/flect daff/daffodil, daffodil/daffodils, daffo/dil jon/quil, jon/jonquil, jonquil/jonquils po/et, poet/poets, poeti/cus, poet/poeticus, poeticus/poeticus, phea/sant, pheasant/pheasants, pheasant/eye, pink/ster, pink/pinkster, pink/pinks, pinkster/pinksters, pinkster/lily fi/findern, find/ern, finder/findern, findern/findernself, findern/flower lil/lily, lily/lilys, lil/y, li/ly taz/tazetta, taze/tazetta, tazetta/tazettas, taz/etta
the narc, the narcissist, the narcissistic, the one with npd, the npd haver, the one who adores themself/their reflection, the mirror gazer, the one who gazes into the mirror/their reflection, the self-admirer, the flower, the daffodil, the jonquil, the poet, the peots daffodil, the poets jonquil, the poets narcissus, the nargis, the pheasant, the pheasants eye, the findern, the findern(s) flower, the pinkster, the pinkster(s) lily, the lily, the tazetta, the narcissus tazetta, the narcissus jonquil, the (x) of Cephissus, the (x) of Liriope
(prn) who is narcissistic, (prn) who has npd, (prn) who has grandiose delusions/delusions of grandeur, (prn) who loves their reflection, (prn) who loves daffodils, (prn) who loves jonquils, (prn) who loves the nargis, (prn) who loves the pheasants eye, (prn) who loves the findern flower, (prn) who loves the pinkster lily, (prn) who was born to Cephissus, (prn) who was born to Liriope
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ausetkmt · 2 months
Famous stories of passing - Google Search
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Yes it's exactly what it says. so go take a good look and see how this works.
seems a bit strange by some of the pics but then again with all the quilting we'd have to have dna to even try to understand
America in all it's hues
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“Passing” Reflected in Three Films
December 3, 2021  |  African American Movie Memorabilia, African Americana, Black History
The Netflex film Passing deals with the African American topic that has come to be known as “Passing” when a person classified as a member of a racial group is accepted or perceived (“passes”) as a member of another. Historically, the term has been used primarily in the United States to describe a person of color or of multiracial ancestry who assimilated into the white majority to escape the legal and social conventions of racial segregation and discrimination.”
These three films, Imitation of Life (1934), Pinky (1949) and Passing (2021) each deal with a Black woman, who, because of her light skin, passes for white and the ramifications that occur when that reality becomes a significant factor in her life.
The above poster: Np: Realart Pictures, 1949. Vintage original 41 x 27″ (104 x 69 cm.) one sheet poster. Conserved on linen, with minor touch ups at old fold lines, near fine.
The first of these film was a landmark film of the 1930s. Directed by John M. Stahl with a screenplay by William Hurlbut and eight additional writers, is based on Fannie Hurst’s 1933 novel of the same name. The film stared Claudette Colbert, Louise Beavers, Warren William, Rochelle Hudson, and Fredi Washington. The film was originally released by Universal Pictures and later re-issued in 1936. A 1959 remake with the same title was directed by Douglas Sirk.
Two young women, one black, one white, both widowed with young daughters, come to live together and start a pancake business which eventually makes them wealthy. The young black girl, who is light-skinned, repeatedly tries to disappear into the while world, with tragic consequences.
This is the only Hollywood film of the 1930s which attempts to deal with the issues of race and racism: “The one film of the Depression to suggest that a contemporary race problem existed in America. It was also an unintentional comment on the exploitation of its African American character Delilah.” (Bogle, Hollywood Black, p. 40)
The themes of the film, to the modern eye, deal with very important issues—passing, the role of skin color in the black community and tensions between its light-skinned and dark-skinned members, the role of black servants in white families, and maternal affection.
In 2005, Imitation of Life was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry being deemed “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”. It was also named by Time in 2007 as one of “The 25 Most Important Films on Race”. The film was nominated for Best Picture, Best Assistant Director and Best Sound Recording, at the 7th Academy Awards.
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Pinky Is a 1949 American drama film directed by Elia Kazan and produced by Darryl F. Zanuck, from a screenplay by Philip Dunne and Dudley Nichols, based on Cid Ricketts Sumner’s 1946 novel Quality. It stars Jeanne Crain as the title character, a young light-skinned black woman who passes for white. It also stars Ethel Barrymore, Ethel Waters and William Lundigan.
Pinky is a black woman so fair-skinned she was able to pose as white throughout nursing school. Newly graduated, she flees south to visit her grandmother after a doctor, unaware of her true ancestry, proposes to her. 
Unsure how to react, she looks to her grandmother, who warns her that only trouble will come of an interracial marriage. Pinky agrees and instead stays to help her grandmother care for an elderly, rich, and fatally ill white woman, who dies and, to the horror of the white community, leaves her stately home and property to Pinky. Rejecting the entreaty of the doctor who proposed to her, she remains in the community and establishes “Miss Em’s Clinic and Nursery School”  
Pinky was released theatrically in the United States on September 29, 1949 by 20th Century-Fox. It generated considerable controversy due to its subject of race relations and its casting of Crain to play a black woman. It was nonetheless a critical and commercial success, and earned Crain, Barrymore and Waters Academy Award nominations.
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Passing, the novel, is by American author Nella Larsen, first published in 1929. Set primarily in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City in the 1920s, the story centers on the reunion of two childhood friends—Clare Kendry and Irene Redfield—and their increasing fascination with each other’s lives. The title refers to the practice of “racial passing,” and is a key element of the novel. Clare Kendry’s attempt to pass as white for her husband, John (Jack) Bellew, is a significant depiction in the novel and a catalyst for the tragic events.
Passsing, the film is a 2021 black-and-white drama film written, produced, and directed by Rebecca Hall in her feature directorial debut. … The film stars Tessa Thompson, Ruth Negga, André Holland, Bill Camp, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Antoinette Crowe-Legacy, and Alexander Skarsgård. 
The film follows the book’s storyline: Mixed-race childhood friends reunite in middle class adulthood and become increasingly involved in each other’s lives and insecurities. While Irene identifies as African-American and is married to a Black doctor, Clare “passes” as white and has married a prejudiced, wealthy white man. This renewed acquaintance ignites a mutual obsession that threatens both of their carefully constructed realities.
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trudnadusza14 · 1 year
Podsumowując te dni do czwartku było jeszcze w porzo
Zmieniłam włosy na różowe
Tak o. Nie planowałam tego. Tak nagle mi wpadł ten pomysł w poniedziałek i zrealizowałam go we wtorek
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Teraz już mogę o sobie mówić Pinkie Pie 🤣
Jak przyszłam w miejsce gdzie mam terapię było sporo osób w moim wieku i ja się wtedy wystraszyłam
Nie wiem czemu ale do dziś mam lęk przed osobami w moim wieku
I ludzie. Czemu zawsze jak ja zmieniam włosy to dietetyk też zmienia xD
No naprawdę ona mnie chyba naśladuje xd
Na terapi byłam naprawdę rozgadana. Opowiadałam jej o szpitalu itd
A później na inne zajęcia gdzie nieźle zapieprzałam z czymś takim diamentowym. Nie wiem jak to się nazywa
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Tak. Czachy xD
Jednak lubię ten symbol jak tak pomyśle
No i dostałam od kolegi własnoręcznie zrobioną branzoletkę
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Według wszystkich bardzo do mnie pasuje
Ponadto dzwonił do mnie lekarz że mam do odebrania wyniki. Pytałam się czy coś nowego jest,to ten jak z automatu mówił co mówił już wcześniej
A czwartek to było jeb na maksa
Miałam nastawienie pozytywne ale dupa z tego wszystkiego xD
Poszlam po wyniki na odbiór do szpitala i tu jeb...
Okazało się że tak. Mam guzy na wątrobie,żołądku,nerkach i kościach
No i ten na tarczycy
Ale skąd się kuźwa wzięła cała reszta
Wiecie no. Ja najbardziej się boje tego z nerki bo moja babcia na to zmarła. Zaczęło się od guza który się rozlał na cały organizm i nieziemsko cierpiała i zmarła
Ja w czwartek od 11 do 17 przeklinałam cały czas xd
Poszłam potem w miejsce gdzie mamy terapię licząc że ktoś będzie i jak na złość nikogo nie było. Tylko terapeutka była i pogadałyśmy. Powiedziała że się pomodli za mnie bo jest wierząca
Przytuliła mnie 🥺
Poleciła mi też seriale twierdząc że podobne do mojego zycia. Są na netflixie który jeden w sumie zaczęłam oglądać. Na razie fajny.
Wyrażę opinie jak skończy się
Próbowałam malować ale coś nie miałam siły
Tak samo było w piątek na malarstwie
Jakby pędzel był za ciężki mimo że głowa pełna pomysłów
Boże i te pytania terapeutki czy coś jadłam a ja mówię że np jedną rzecz i ma obawę czy mi nie wraca jadłowstręt bo naprawdę tracę chęci na jedzenie mimo że ostatnio apetyt miałam spory
Teraz to się powoli odwraca
Dostałam też zioła co są niby przeciwrakowe. Szkoda że zapomniałam nazwy ale szczerze smakowało mi
Planuje w poniedziałek przyjść na relaksację. Ciekawe czy mi się uda odprężyć xd
To będzie moja kolejna próba z relaksacją. Może też to będzie pierwsza udana ?
W sobotę zdecydowałam się że pojadę z grupą na wycieczkę statkiem
Mimo że było fajnie jakoś nie umiałam się tym szczerze cieszyć
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I namówiono mnie na deser lodowy xdd
Myślałam sobie że raz się żyje
Ale wgl w moim mieście było ciepło a nad morzem lodownia. Na zachód słońca nie trafiliśmy przez mgłę
Ale fale były ogromniaste
Jak wracaliśmy to do nosa mi mucha wleciała xD no serio nie miała gdzie wlecieć ? XD
A później wracałam pieszo z koleżanką i rozmawiałyśmy. Okazało się że mieszka blisko mnie
Niedziela przespana. I wieczorem oglądałam serial
Ale noc okropna. Dostałam ataku gorączki i teraz jak trochę opadła to męczy mnie ból brzucha
I nie idzie zasnąć. Więc albo puzzle,tiktok,serial albo leżenie i gapienie się w sufit
Mam dziś lekarza więc ciekawe co powie
Trzymajcie się do zobaczenia 💜
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kevinandbernice · 2 years
Tuesday 27th Sept
Well our third and last day in Yellowstone as we head towards Gran Teton NP. I think we are both getting a bit bison’d, geyser’s and hot springs’d out but that’s what you get at Yellowstone. Our first port of call for the day was Lower Geyser Basin and just before we got there the landscape filled with lots of steam spouts going into the sky. It was probably the most we’d seen in one confined place so I thought a picture was called for. Oh no there’s a herd of bison in the foreground and I promised you yesterday no more pinkies of bison, so please ignore the bison, the subject of the photo is the steam rising from the ground. It turns out the steam was from Lower Geyser Basin, so for your enjoyment some photos of geysers - or you can skip to the next post
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Grown-up birdies
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Also thanks to @feralwaff1e for the idea of Jacana Cake. It;s perfect on so many levels
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lil-str33t-br4t · 5 months
First meeting
"Uhh... Hello, name's Michael! Aand I'm the superest graffiti artist that you ever met!... Why do you keep staring at me? I said my line! Now's your turn."
"Hi (Trailblazer)! Wanna play tag? Hehe... not that I'm bragging, but it's very difficult to overtake me! I bet I'm waaay faster than you! ...Tag, you're it!"
"... But please, don't tell anyone that you saw me! ... Uh- I- I won't tell you why of course! Just... Pinky-promise me that you won't tell that you saw... 'homeless' kid, okay?"
About self: Parents
"I... Don't like talking about it, but... My parents were always strict to me. They kept telling me that I have to do the best to have the best. And... They usually punished me if I did something wrong... It was so unfair..."
About self: Pixel
"Aw, Pixel? He's my best BEST friend! Even though he's a dog, he means everything to me. You could say he's my only family right now... But I don't mind at all!"
Chat: Spying
"Sometimes out of boredom I just spy on people to, for example, know who is safe to talk to or who'll be willing to give me some credits. But don't tell anyone about this, okay...?"
Chat: Graffiti
"Hm? Wanna talk about graffiti? Well, I'm not good in talking- I mean the communication thing... But I can share some tips in making one or recommend the best places~"
"I love love love doing graffiti! It's so fun!... But why other people dislike it?... Um maybe I'm aware of it, maybe I'm not, heehee~"
"People keep asking me things like: 'Where's your home?', 'Are you lost?', 'Where are your parents?'. Ughh, just leave me alone! I live well enough on my own! I don't need anyone!!... Except Pixel, of course!"
Something to share
"I... Often skipped school so... I'm not good at those... 'Nerdy' or talk things, okay...?"
"Don't talk to strange people... I- It's not like I care about anyone or something. Just... Be aware that some people can just... Kin... Kid... Np... Uh, yea, kidnap. You. Not like I'm worried or something!
About Gallagher
"Oh, that tall, brown haired guy? Well... If I have to be honest... I'm scared to even walk past him... He has a scary aura around him... Don't. Ask."
About Robin
"I think she's the nicest person I've met so far. She's so nice and cool and she's a singer. I think I heard one of her songs!"
About Aventurine
"... Uhhh you mean that blonde guy? He seems rich. And rich people are usually selfish. So I guess he won't give me any money if I tried to ask..."
About Dr. Ratio
"He's a total nerd... But why does he wear that stone-looking thingy on his head? I don't get it. Weirdo..."
About Black Swan
"Uhh the purple lady? I don't like the way she talk. I feel so uncomfortable while talking to her... And her name is weird."
About Sparkle
"She's weird. I just dunno what to say about her. Sometimes I see her but then she just disappears. I don't get those people."
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buttercupagere · 1 year
Hi! If you haven't yet can you please do a pinkie pie caregiver moodboard please? Thank you! :3
sure! posted! :D np!
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clulessmess · 2 years
tbh i still love both versions as comfort shows, they're really fun!!
so 2000s ss had only 2 adults and they were antagonists. The Peculiar Purple Pie Man of Porcupine Peak, and his sister Sour Grapes. Pie man is a ridiculous villain and Sour Grapes reluctantly helps him with his schemes, just wanting to get it over with
one ep, one of my favorites when I was little, their new scheme involved setting up a dance studio for the girls to attend to distract them so pie man could steal their berrries (this is always his goal). sour grapes is the teacher, and actually becomes fond of them, we find out she really enjoys dance and wants to see them happy! she helps them stop pie man and after this episode, she's often treated more like a friend (pie man does not know this)
istg this show never had any continuity because it didn't matter except like 2 things and that includes her becoming nice lmao
And abt your tags, yeah!! that's how I reasoned it when I was little, that the 2010s grapes were her kids..
Also I may be wrong abt this but I think that sweet grapes had the same voice as fluttershy from mlp, not just voice actor but voice? might be wrong but there were 2 pinkie pies (2000s was orange blossom and 2010s/FIM was lemon merengue) and rainbow dash was the purple one (i forget her name rip) so I think they just used lemon's va again for her
well thank you for the opportunity to finally infodump on this useless tv information I have kept in my head for way too many years 😂
ohh so the OG sour grapes actually had a sweet, soft center? Thats so nice also np strawberry anon!
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tribus-semitae · 4 years
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Of course, she was well built being someone who often has to work with heavy machinery. Still at times if she was not working, a bit of exercise could never hurt! Just as she was finishing some stretching she looks up to the bear-man....offering wide grin. “Ya on time mistah! Was bout to do some weight liftin and I could use a partner in case ya know....I get weak and have weights fallin on me “
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Okay actual serious question… so what’s stopping the withered animatronics from using parts of other animatronics to fix themselves… like are the parts like blood to where you absolutely ‘need’ a certain part, or is it just out of common courtesy, and in that case what if someone who has none of those curtesies takes a piece from another animatronic type, like a nightmare taking a normal version of themselves pinky… would that work? (sorry for long ask I’m just really curious) 😂
Np! I guess with little adjustment that would work... if only spare parts weren't limited. The withered animatronics would rather let others have better parts (and thus, more durability) than fix themselves
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laurenairay · 3 years
ooos just saw #2 was taken, how about #9 with np!
9 – “We’ll regret this.” – Nolan Patrick
569 words
I haven’t written about Nolan in ages and I’ve missed it – I hope you enjoyed this little fun one!
The summer Winnipeg breeze brushed across your arm, sun shining beautiful and bright on what could only be described as a perfect July day. Today was a day that had been coming for over 8 years now, and the more you thought about it, the crazier it seemed. But Nolan seemed completely at ease, one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting casually on the gear stick, sunglasses on the bridge of his nose without a care in the world – just the two of you, driving along the streets you’d grown up in, on your way to do something stupid.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
Nolan flashed a rare grin across the car at you, and shook his head fondly.
“We have been saying we’d do this since we were 15,” he pointed out, eyes returning to the road.
He had a point but still. This was huge.
“That was when I was scared of losing you to hockey,” you shot back, sticking your tongue out at him.
“You couldn’t lose me if you tried,” Nolan snorted.
Even though you knew his words were true, it still sent a warm rush of butterflies through you whenever he confirmed the sentiment. Nolan was your best friend, and always had been, but you were surprised that it was now that he insisted on carrying out the Best Friend Clause the two of you had pinky-sworn on as teenagers.
You knew this year had been tough on him, moving cities, moving teams, but you could only hope that this was him trying to regain some control and some normality over his life, to get back to the Nolan you knew and loved. And if he was serious, well…there was no way you were going back on your word now.
The motion of Nolan putting the car to a stop pulled you out of your thoughts, and you quickly looked over at him as he hmmed.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, you know,” he said softly, “I would never make you do anything that you didn’t want.”
You knew that, you’d always known that. And you could tell by his expression that he still meant it - but the hope in his eyes made you smile softly.
“We’ll regret this,” you warned, smile still teasing at your lips.
But Nolan laughed, that sweet quiet laugh that so few people ever got to see. “It’s not like we’re getting married. There’s no way I’d ever regret getting tattoos with you,” he smirked.
And there it was.
A matching tattoo pact. Well, the two designs that you’d decided on were co-ordinating rather than matching identically, but the plan was that Nolan would get an outline of a cartoon T-Rex dinosaur on his thigh, while you would be getting a stegosaurus in the same style on your hip. It was silly and random and a little cutesy, but it was yours.
Yours and Nolan’s.
Yeah he was right. There was no way you’d regret getting a tattoo with him to symbolise your friendship – ever. It was something that you would carry with you for the rest of your life, something that no-one could ever take away from you, and it was something that only you and Nolan would have. No-one else.
“Let’s do this,” you said firmly.
Nolan’s answering grin let you know you’d made the right decision.
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(Tattoo image found on Google search)
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milfingo · 2 years
Hello hello I hope you don't mind answering but what sort of shenanigans these different versions of Ingo would get into? How would Emmet handle all of them in a hypothetical scenario?
I'm sorry I took so long to answer ahhh! Mostly I just didn't know what to say and also I wanted to finish the ficlet before I said anymore about the other versions of Ingo in the au >.< But these boys are a handful and Emmet is but one master. If he managed to summon all of them oof. Rip his mana. But since I took so long I figured I'd write something for all of the different versions and one with all of them together. Maximum shenanigans.
Gonna make the one with them altogether separate though cause man. I feel bad for taking forever DX
Imagine if you will it is a snowy day in Johto. Emmet and his servant are out doing recon and the enemy they are spying on happens to have a caster who specializes in ice. She is known as the Cheerful Snow Fairy, and her master is a no name mage who seems too old and cranky to be participating in a GW. Anyways, things go smoothly until they run into one of her alarms which triggers a series of traps that make a clean escape difficult. Forced to fight, they are at a disadvantage as this is her home turf. Even worse when she opts to unleash her NP that summons something akin to a massive Abomasnow. Due to being unprepared, Emmet doesn’t have the mana reserves needed to power Rider’s NP to escape. In a desperate bid Rider attempts to draw mana from his surroundings. Not something he should technically be able to do but if his caster form can, then so can he! IT WORKS! Only the outcome is something no one expects. Casters always strive to make their workshops atop powerful leylines, however this is also where more than just the mana of the world converges. So do spirits and the leftovers from a time before. And in the case of dear Rider, without the innate class skill to be able to filter what he is absorbing for energy he gets a nice surprise! As the energy surrounding them seeps into him it mixes with his spirit origin and augments it juuuust that tiny bit. And when the resulting energy explosion settles, he is wearing a familiar looking hat, carrying a familiar looking sack and sporting some even weirder hair that remind Emmet of a certain generous bird pokemon. To which Rider promptly reaches into his bag and lobs a fair few presents at his opponent. Unlike the familiar bird pokemon these are all deadly and it quickly puts an end to the fight as caster retreats and Emmet is left stating at his very much santa-fied servant. How the heck is he gonna fix this??? Caster
Emmet needs to get use to his big bother being so much older than him now. Not physically, not the throne took care of that. But more so just everything else. He’s lived a long life and seems to forget his now more youthful form a fair but. This time however its Emmet who forgets he isn’t just an old man as Caster drags him to the beach. He’s heard about the surfing being good this time of year and wants to give it a spin.
Poor Emmet, since its a bit impromptu given the whole GW he hasn’t got anything packed. No problem, his brother has just the fix for it! With a snap they’re both decked out for a perfect summer day! Despite how much Emmet doesn’t want to he can’t say no to his brother! So off to the beach they go.
The instant they hit the beach all bets are off, Caster tosses aside his top layers and oh god he is getting Attention. Attention that he is very happy to have. Emmet can only watch in awe as his once mildy awkward brother now has the beach goes wrapped around his pinky. Free drinks from the bar, people hanging off his every word. What the hell happened in Hisui!?!?
Its ok Emmet, you don’t need to know.
But oh, that is not the worst part. The worst part is when his brother finally hits the water and its like something collective breaks in the minds of the people around him. He can feel the UST the air.
When Caster returns from his at this point showboating he makes a mention to head home without him. He’s going out to eat. That confuses the other. Until something dawned on him. His brother was likely low on mana. And they never bothered to do mana transfer because that would be too awkward and his hear CANNOT handle that PLEASE NO just where in the world was he getting his mana from??? Seeing the other’s confused look Caster just looks to the crowd with a smirk and licks his lip. Emmet takes a whole minute to reboot and leave. Nope. Not going to think about it.
Assassin is the most unexpected way Emmet would have ever thought the throne would screw him over. She was not like him at all. Any yet the moments she was. They were too often. It made him ache and added fuel to his desire to obtain the grail. And yet on days like this. She terrified him in ways only she could.
It was Valentines Day. And she had declared that since he was hopeless, she would give him chocolates. Nevermind that, that was not a custom of Unova. Either way she has raided his kitchen. He prays she is actually able to cook. Because prior to their separation, neither could cook without the other.
It turns out. As she lectures him, making poison is similar to cooking (it isn’t) with some added chemistry (which at this point is baking but don’t tell her that). He is forced to sit and watch her craft his gift. It is a process as she demands his favorite foods, flavors, colors, even if he is allergic to anything. Which they had covered days ago. And with each question answered she seemed to pull thing out of her magical basket. She even pulled out what looked to be a live person before shoving them back inside. “Ignore the weird cat thing. I think it’s cute.” Despite watching the whole process, by the end he cannot help but feel like she is trying to poison him. She is after all not unlike the poison princess whose touch guaranteed death. She was glaring at him. He takes a bite. It is another 3 hours until he wakes up and she is looking at him smugly. “Bet you feel like a million bucks now.” “Holy shit. You’re right...”
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