#Npc muses
phoenix-of-jade · 10 months
Team Phoenix
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OOC: I seem to mention quite a lot the people in Xuan's past and life and since they played quite an important role in his upbringing and development as a character, I decided to finally make an assembly of Team Phoenix: First off, on the top left corner we have of course Xuan himself, the protagonist of the blog, the beautiful cunning 'green phoenix' of jade; next up, on the top right we have the lovable, kind hearted Xia, the 'red phoenix' (if he would've still been alive), a selfless man with a heart of gold full of compassion and love; third, on the bottom left, we have the unpredictable Cheng, 'the blue phoenix', a beautiful angelic looking fury with a personality of a thunderstorm; and finally, last but not least, on the bottom right we have their teacher, Mr. Zhao, a man with a strong will and spirit and the strongest member of Team Cheetah, who served as an important role model for Xuan in terms of wisdom and willpower (not to mention the fact that he was the one who turned him into the killing machine he is today by teaching Xuan everything he knew martial arts wise). There you have it guys, Xuan's 'family' in terms of his upbringing (excluding his step dad, Long Feng, and his adorable auntie, Mrs Wang, for whom I haven't found yet suitable face claims).
Xia, Cheng and Zhao might not be playable Muses and only serve as cameos for potential threads, but they served an important role into shaping who Xuan is as a man and that's why I think they deserved their very own shoutout of recognition on the blog. uwu
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fctedivided · 9 months
Hmm, I might considering to bring these test muses from my previous blogs, them being in a role as members of witch hunters, which it is a thing in my muses' world.
Take note that the three links are from my old blog so there will be some changes.
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Natasha Wildow. Former noblewoman.
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Kiyo Syouki. Former village spy.
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Theodore Perres. Former son of a royal family.
And I'm considering to add some more, of course when I can get to them.
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
Npc/ other characters you're welcome to interact with/send asks to-
Nikolaos and Maria: Tim's Mother and Father
Nikolaos is a Doctor and Maria works as a seamstress. [Main / Modern Verse]
Cyrus: Tim's grandfather - not very nice fellow [Main / Modern Verse]
Levi: Tim's "Brother" (Lab experiment 2 Created using methods and information gathered from Tim's experiment/creation)
He's an asshole, cruel manipulative and loves messing with people (Any Verse)
Iris: One of Tim's old Music teachers, she was fond of the boy but struggled in teaching him (Main verse / Modern Verse)
Alec/ Alexander: Tim's littler brother - dead during most threads. He's 8
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redemptivexheroics · 2 years
Harper Campbell [NPC]
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Harper is the thirteen year old daughter of Ares, born in 2009 to Ashlyn Campbell. Ares was honest with her from the start, once she was old enough to understand her parent’s situation, Ares told her who he was and what she was, revealing he was a god and she was a demigod. At first Harper didn’t know what to believe until her father was able to prove to her his claims. She even discovered that she has a older half brother, who she annoys to no end but she loves him dearly. Harper happens to look up to the heroine, Wonder Woman but it has not been revealed that her favorite superhero is her aunt. Full of energy and has a bright look on the world. Unfortunately her mother was killed in the battle against Cronus, so she now stays with Ares full time and when not with him is under her brother, Blake’s watchful eye. 
Gods Among Us Verse: She remains the same as she does in her main verse, the youngest child of Ares and younger sister to Blake. She’s well aware of her father being a god and that she’s a demigod. She’s very energetic and life loving. She looks up to her aunt, Athena. 
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barilleon · 1 year
One thing that I've noticed about Baldur's Gate 3 is that sometimes it really does feel like your companions are being piloted by other players. Sure, there's the standard approval system that most CRPGs have nowadays, but there is an even more powerful mechanic at play here: giving the player the option to shut the fuck up.
There are tons of moments when your companions are forced to confront parts of their past they can't shake. You always have the option to speak up for them if you like, but most times you also have the option to say nothing (sometimes the prompt is literally "say nothing," sometimes it's "let [character] handle this."
And this is such an important tactic of playing at the table: turning the spotlight onto to another player and letting them handle it. Because the story isn't just about your player character, it's about all of you.
When you do choose that option, I've noticed more often than not that the character approves of you letting them take the wheel. When you try to speak up for them, they may not express disapproval, but it comes up in the fiction. I tried to defend Astarion once and an NPC was like, "You're letting swine speak for you now?" and Astarion shouted, "I don't need anyone to speak for me!" He's right! This is his moment! Why did I say anything?
Baldur's Gate doesn't have to do this! There's no actual person piloting your companions. And in games a lot of people will say it's usually best practice to keep the spotlight on the players. But BG3 is a video game based on a tabletop game, and I think this is one of the main differences between the two. Maybe it's a tiny detail, but giving the player the option to relinquish the spotlight (and oftentimes encouraging and rewarding it) is such an incredible detail, and faithful to the medium the game is trying to emulate.
It's also a great lesson for everyone who wants to be a good player at the table: if it's not your scene, consider shutting up and letting the spotlit player handle it.
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returnflame · 3 months
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Here's my full piece for Memento Mori: A Curse of Strahd Fanzine! Ireena and the spectre of her former life, Tatyana, in the mists.
It was a great experience being part of this zine - everyone's work is stunning! Check out the full at @mementomoristrahdzine!
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lennons-ghost · 2 months
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. . . single-muse template (for side characters)
i. please don't remove credit
i. click the link in the title
ii. select "file" in the toolbar, then "make a copy"
iii. edit images by right-clicking on them and selecting "replace image"
iv. feel free to edit as you please!
author's note: just a small template designed as a short bio for minor/side characters or npcs. thank you to @hahlouser for the idea!
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randomnameless · 1 month
I really want to get into Unicorn Overlord because that prologue slaps and it sounds like an interesting gameplay experience
the designs are just...
Camel toes, battle thongs and bouncing boobies that would straight up be from some of the worst FEH alts, furry baits (forget the sniddies, we have foxtits and... owl boobs...) and leg art that would make Duo!Doro look tame in comparaison.
What to do...
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selinswonderland · 2 months
Status: open to all Location: The Odyssey
Selin felt disoriented, as her eyes fluttered open, though still squinting from the harsh sunlight. Not knowing where she was, how she got here-- where even was 'here'? This beautiful beach was completely foreign to her, and last thing she remembered was going out to karaoke with her friends. Did she even make it there? No way she got so black out drunk she ended up here? The worst she did after too many drinks was start singing the same Disney song repeatedly, loudly, and off key.
The thing that made sense to her was to try and find some help. Once she got herself upright and steady, she began to wander, noting the strange, heavy bracelet on her wrist, and this cruise ship that was on a slant. This was all too weird to think about because she had no answers to any of her questions, she needed to find anyone who might be able to help.
The first person she found however, was barely conscious it seemed, and that brought Selin's protective mother mode to the forefront of her mind. She moved quickly towards them and gently shook them to get their attention. "Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt? Can you tell me your name?" she shot off, rapid fire in an attempt to rouse this person from their stupor.
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changeling-fae · 1 year
You know, I think Raphael is a switch actually and not a bottom. And before people start coming at me with pitchforks, my reasoning is that his fantasy is having Haarlep play as him if he were the Archduke (or duchess when feeling adventurous) Supreme of the Nine Hells, and that means his idolized/fantasy self is the one who tops. So he’s bottoming for himself who is also topping. So I think switch.
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mary34blog · 1 year
Kazui and Shidou having such pretty (possibly) dead wives is so fucking funny to me because contrast that with Mahiru’s dead boyfriend who looks like a procedurally generated NPC
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guhamun · 4 days
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HMMMM. After 10 yrs of thinking about it, the h.sr muses I'm going to put on the test muse page is: J.ing Yuan, H.uoHuo (surprising), and Natasha. Tempted to add Y.ukong or M.oze (or both), but we'll see about that in the future after I get past my indecisiveness about muses still fsdfsdfss.
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fctedivided · 10 days
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send me 👤 and I'll tell you about an npc in my muses life using the template below! - @adventurersdelight sent:
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Name: Penelope Dumar
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
FC: Jade (Hon.kai Sta.r Ra.il)
Connection with my muse: Trie's former leader from his previous organization. The relationship between the two was without tension, and she found him untrustworthy due him having utter selfish intentions, lack of respect and cooperation, and laziness. And her hunches were proved to be correct as Trie deserted them without a trace, stealing important resources as part of the mission he was given. While her organization is still operational, in the meanwhile, she keeps searching for his whereabouts when opportunities would arise.
The name of her organization is Nightshade.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
ya know, i think this is the first time i've heard of fpreg in a mcrp server
in all fairness, this is actually the second instance of fpreg on the qsmp (jaiden was a trendsetter) but other than that. yeah. yeah no fair enough
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demcnsinmymind · 7 months
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@shellcrack liked for a starter! | SC still open
For the first time in forever, this almost feels like a good day. Slowly but surely, he's gotten used to Miriam's presence, her quirks and all that strangeness. Finds it fairly fitting actually, for he knows that he himself has quite a few quirks now, must seem just as strange to your day to day passerby. It fits and slowly but surely, he's started letting his guard down a bit whenever she's around.
Chatting, almost casually so, while they wait for something to eat in yet another random place in the middle of nowhere. And it's exactly that nowhere that has managed to lull him into a fake sense of security for quite a while now. One that dies just as quickly as his smile when he catches sight of the man who just entered the diner. Hands tugged into his pockets, dark, fucking creepy eyes scanning the location until they fall on...him. Their eyes meeting across the room and bringing with them a change that is instantaneous in both men. While Lance's face falls, cycles right over to outright terror, the other man's eyes light right up. A huge smile forming on his face as he walks straight over to them, has the fucking audacity to wave too.
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It takes him about 4 seconds to cross the small space between them, and Lance uses every last one of those running through all his options almost frantically. Run. Fucking run. His first natural instinct of course. But where? Through the window, he can see that the guy still has that car. Fucking fancy one too. Expensive. Fast. Reliable. Unlike the rust bucket he stole. If he leaves now? He'll follow. Hide. The next option. Hide where? The bathroom? That's out in the back. Away from prying eyes. And who knows. Maybe he's brought her along too. Smart bitch that she is. Probably waiting for him to do either of those two options. Run. Hide. Run. Hide. In the end, Lance remains right where he is. Sitting right next to Miriam, face ashen, jaw tight as steel, his entire figure as stiff as stone. "Sean! There you are, buddy. Man, we were worried about you for quite a bit there!" the other says, placing a hand right on Lance's back, starts petting it, making him flinch and jerk away almost immediately. But he remains seated, doesn't say a word, doesn't even look at anyone. Smiling man, all giddy and touchy feely, proceeds to extend his other hand in the meantime, offers it to Miriam.
"Sorry for interrupting your conversation there, m'am. I'm Matt. How you doing" he introduces himself with that big, ever so charming smile and at last, that name tickles a reaction out of Lance.
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"Don't" is all he says, and truth be told, even he doesn't know whom it is aimed at. Her, or Matt, a guy who has no fucking right to have that name, shouldn't even get to put it in his mouth.
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yeonban · 2 months
Since my dash brought up the idea of dual promos for intertwined blogs... you know what else we should bring back. Verses made with other people's portrayals in mind in which the other person's muse is mentioned or alluded to in asks/threads/narration/etc no matter whose blog you interact with since that person's portrayal is deeply intertwined with yours & became canon to your muse's verse (ex: a Pacific Rim verse where your muse is a pilot and the other person's muse is their copilot & because drift compatibility is so rare they're a staple in each other's verses so they're brought up in threads even with unrelated muns when it contextually makes sense to talk about them; or a Psycho Pass verse where your muse is an inspector/enforcer and the other muse is their designated enforcer/inspector who gets mentioned in your verse bio/page and sometimes even in ic conversations/narrations ETC ETC ETC)!
Relationships that expand even outside of the og 2 people's interactions & become 'canon' to a verse even while interacting with third parties are just SOSOSO nice to write and experience!! I already have this going on for my romances since I'm singleship so the romantic r/s are canon across all verses, but I think we should expand this to even more types of dynamics. Friendships! (Found) Families! Coworkers! Enemies! I want my muses and you guys' muses (<-ofc, where applicable) to talk about each other even outside of our own interactions! (ex. My Shuusei sometimes talks/thinks about Red's Seven during threads because they're childhood best friends and you can't separate them entirely. My Ezekiel has Kaya's Chihiro as his 'canon' younger sister and regularly mentions her in various threads. My Aha 'canonly' chose Blu's Mya as their Emanator and if an interaction ever asks them about their Emanators, she will get a mention no matter what. My Langris and Kim's Kimiko are 'canon' coworkers who can't stand each other and he will talk about her in interactions where the Golden Dawn squad is mentioned. So on and so forth!!)
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