#Nursing Breast Pads Trends
redheddebeauty · 4 years
Thoughts on breastfeeding, as I was asked to write a discussion post on it for my medical anthropology class. (This is the prompt I was asked to answer: What are the factors leading into both suppression as well as promotion of breastfeeding infants? Given the enormous benefits of breastfeeding, what do you think are the prospects of returning to this being the primary form of infant nutrition in modern industrial countries? What factors go, and should go, into decisions about weaning, and why is weaning such an important matter?) Mind, I was breastfed but have never breastfed, as I do not have children. Assuming I do have children naturally at some point, I do currently intend to breastfeed them unless something unforeseen happens.
Capitalism and misogyny are both major parts of why the breastfeeding of infants is suppressed. Ironically, capitalism and misogyny can also be a part of why it is promoted. A better reason that also contributes to the  promotion of breastfeeding is that breastmilk is typically better for infants, as well as significantly more accessible than formula in most cases.
In terms of the suppression of breastfeeding, there are two main ways in which capitalism suppresses breastfeeding: 1) actively, by discouraging breastfeeding in favor of formula (because by selling formula, and in many cases also water for the formula, directly makes companies money), and 2) passively, by not giving women enough time to be with their babies in order to properly breastfeed (through very little or no maternity leave and no or very few accommodations for working mothers so they can take care of their children). The suppression of breastfeeding in favor of formula across the board has been particularly harmful in areas where it is difficult to get clean water, and has resulted in a significant number of infant deaths. Breastfeeding is also suppressed through misogyny and classism, such as through the idea that breastfeeding will ruin the shape of a woman’s breasts and therefore if she doesn’t have to (if she is of a high enough social status/has the resources), she shouldn’t breastfeed, whether because she uses formula (nowadays) or she gets a wetnurse (formerly popular). This trend of whether or not wealthy women should breastfeed goes in and out of vogue.
In terms of the promotion of breastfeeding, misogynistic arguments include that women have to breastfeed because we can (and since women are all meant to reproduce). The capitalist promotion of breastfeeding is done in order to sell products – breastpumps, storage bottles, breastfeeding pillows, nursing pads, nursing bras, nursing tops, nursing covers, whether for a woman’s personal sense of modesty or comfort or so that nobody is offended by the sight of a woman feeding her infant child (because misogyny and capitalism often work in tandem), and so on and so forth. That’s not to say that none of these products genuinely help women, but they are overly promoted and constantly updated or changed or redesigned in order to sell products and make money.
The good promotion of breastfeeding is because breastmilk is genuinely better for infants, as the popular WHO slogan “breast is best” states. That’s not to shame women who struggle with breastfeeding for various reasons, or who don’t breastfeed at all, but the data makes it very clear that babies that exclusively breastfeed are at a significant advantage to babies that drink formula, especially babies that drink exclusively formula. The WHO says that, “Babies who are exclusively breastfed are 14 times less likely to die than babies who are not breastfed. However, today, only 41% of infants 0–6 months old are exclusively breastfed, a rate WHO Member States have committed to increasing to at least 50% by 2025.” (1) Additionally, babies that breastfeed have better immune systems, fewer allergies, and better brain development, and are less likely to die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). (2, 3, 4, 5)  Breastfeeding may also be better for mothers. (3) In addition to breastfeeding being better for the infant than formula, it is also more accessible. It doesn’t require formula, which is very expensive, and it doesn’t require clean water to be mixed in it, which can be a significant barrier for some women.
I think that returning to breastfeeding (for the right reasons) is possible, but I think it would take some major cultural shifts. Women would need more protections in the workplace, as well as having those workplaces made more accessible, women would need to be given better maternity leave (and by that I do mean I think women should get at least a year/year and a half of paid maternity leave, and without repercussions for taking it), women need to not be shamed for breastfeeding in public, women need to not be shamed for breastfeeding or for not breastfeeding (and doctors and nurses (as well as schools) do need to properly educate women about breastfeeding, why it’s good, and how to do it properly and get babies to latch), and doctors and nurses to be more considerate and respectful of women and less aggressive to women when they are promoting breastfeeding. It is a common occurrence for women to struggle with breastfeeding, with getting babies to latch, and to not receive education or support from anyone, including medical professionals, and/or for a woman to be traumatized in the delivery room by overzealous nurses who ignore the woman’s comfort and needs in favor of making the baby breastfeed.
1: https://www.who.int/news/item/27-05-2020-countries-failing-to-stop-harmful-marketing-of-breast-milk-substitutes-warn-who-and-unicef
2: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/01/210114111912.htm
3: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/15274-the-benefits-of-breastfeeding-for-baby--for-mom
4: http://www.bakerchiropractic.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/ImmuneSystem.pdf
5: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/breastfeeding-your-baby/breast-milk-is-the-best-milk
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mysuittailor · 4 years
The Evolution of Men’s Suits
Men’s suits weren’t always what they are, today.
To give you an insight, we decided to have you accompany us on a trip down memory lane. From the 1600s-1800s on to the late 2010s-and-now, we hope to illustrate how this piece of clothing has evolved over the seasons (and years) –
The 1600s: Paying Ode to Royal Court 
Being a traditional form of men’s formal wear in the West, the first suits ever worn were in the manner of elaborately crafted ‘Royal Court’ garments (the suit consisted of a wig, long coat and waistcoat, cravat, knee-length breeches and a hat). Bright colors were employed traditionally. (Mr. Willy Wonka’s attire was not too far placed from this era.)
The 1800s: The Victorian Era
The Regency Period saw suits being tailored simply – well-cut and paired with neckties; the colors of the materials were somber, as was not so, previously. Upper-class clothing for day wear consisted of tight-fitting, dark-coloured tailcoats worn with a white shirt, cravat and tall boots.
The ‘frock coat’ became a preferred piece during the Victorian era (worn with top hats and fancy walking sticks).
The 1900s: The Edwardian Era
The lounge coat replaced the frock coat in this period; this style was worn in informal and recreational settings, alike. 
The 1910s: The Industrial Age
The 1910s paved the way for the lounge suit to come with a shorter jacket; making it functional as everyday clothing.
The 1920s: Of Oxford Bags and Single-breasted Suits
This decade marked the wearing of wide, straight-legged trousers with suits; trousers worn by youths were wider-legged called Oxford Bags. It should be noted that these trousers were worn very high. The 1920s were a time when single-breasted suits were the rage; the lapels on these garments were wide and exaggerated in their detailing.
The 1930s: Lights! Cinema! Action!
A mark of all things cinema, this decade gave men exaggerated silhouettes as was inspired by actors like Clark Gable; he wore loose-fitting coats with trousers that tapered towards the ankles.
The 1940s: Fawning over Flannel
Superfluous fabrics like gray flannel were popular in the forties; this era saw the rise of straight-fit jackets.
The 1950s: The Charismatic Age
For suits to lend a form of mobility to the wearer (especially while dancing), wider pleated front trousers came into being. This was paired with velvet collars and longer jackets. 
The 1960s: Of Popular Culture and Pomp
This decade brought with it a love for emulating icons of popular culture, namely – The Beatles. Skinny-fit suits with drainpipe trousers (cropped or cut short at the ankles) and collarless jackets (like the ‘Nehru Jacket’) were in vogue, then. 
The 1970s: Dawn of the Disco
Brought on by John Travolta à la Saturday Night Fever and Italian influences, the suit got a flamboyant upgrade in the form of brightly colored fabrics, exaggerated lapels, flared trousers and single-button fastenings.
The 1980s: Delving into Deconstruction
Waistcoats, shoulder-pads and jacket lining were removed to make the material of a suit more fluid. Slouchy fabrics like linen were employed during this time (thank you, Giorgio Armani) to make pyjama-soft trousers.
The 1990s: Masters of Minimalism
This decade focused on ‘matte blacks’ and slim-fit suits (skinny trousers, white shirts and slim black ties) as was observed in western movies at the time. Wearing Mandarin suits or Nehru jackets (both styles worn without neckties) were also popular during the nineties.
The 2000s: The Flamboyant and the Metrosexual
Suits were given a flamboyant (and feminine) flair with the assistance of colored fabrics, embroidered details, paisley motifs, velvet panels, etc.
The 2010s: Aging Like Fine Wine
Having surpassed the changing trends in the fashion industry – men’s suits are more classic in the appeal now. The fitted styles will make you think of the heroes of today; clear-cut, masculine, Scotch-nursing, sure yet progressive.
2020: The Future
Well, the future is now.
What ‘will be’ is based on what works or doesn’t in the present; we foresee classic pairings fused with solid metals in soft, silky accents. We anticipate a rise in the ‘hipster’ wearing of suit separates (bow-ties, elbow patches etc.)
You can always learn to dress well, but not always to be elegant. Check out the new trendy Men’s Suits at My Suit Tailor
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curious-minx · 4 years
October 2010s Music Deep Dive!
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A mock up poster for the only possible music festival line-up I would be willing to risk my life attending. Tony Allen’s passing has caused the entire Octoberfest to be cancelled indefinitely, but all proceeds from ticks will be given back to the community. 
Hope all of you special nobodies and overblown somebodies reading this right now are having a smashing start your first o November. All last month I had taken it upon myself to listen to as many albums and fragments of albums released sometime during the month of October spanning the entire 10’s decade, 2010 through 2019. This is all probably a result of drinking too much dead water, Quarantine brain, undiagnosed Autism, magical thinking and the death of boredom. I have created a Spotify playlist sporting 25 hours and 4 minutes worth of music with an arbitrary amount of albums getting multiple songs, but largely one song/album. This project did create a sense of madness because of the volume of music that gets cranked out. How can we expect anyone to properly criticize music when it is nearly impossible to keep up with it all? I largely culled these albums from Allmusic’s Editorial Choice section, but I did have to use Rateyourmusic to fill out the hip-hop and R&B gaps. In gathering up all of this music I am attempting to see if spooky music was relegated to the October season and any other possible trends. Even though October has been laid to rest her swelling calendar breast still contains a treasure trove of music worth discussing. Grab your broom, sharpen your heels and get the cobwebs out of your ears because we’re going on a Deep Dive! 
The 2010s Old Souls and Musical Auteurs 
I consider any musician or band that endures more than a decade worthy of this veteran label. Music biz lifers seem found solace in the October release schedule. A trend that has carried onto the new decade with October 2020 offering revitalized releases by Elvis Costello and Bruce Springsteen reunited with the E Street Band. All three main members of Sonic Youth, Moore, Gordon and Renaldo are still harnessing that spooky Bad Moon Rising energy and carrying it over into their solo releases. 
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The first truly proper solo album by Kim Gordon following up her pretty good noise rock releases under the Body/Head moniker with Bill Nace. No Record Home towers over Thurston Moore and Lee Renaldo’s mostly okay solo releases because of how truly experimental and refreshingly modern sounding No Record Home is. This album sounds like it could easily have come out from a young Pacific Northwest Trip-Angle (RIP) label upstart. Instead, Gordon is defiantly aging gracefully and remains an all around important feminist voice in experimental rock music. No Record Home did not pop up on a lot of “Best of the Year” lists in 2019, nor did Gordon embark on any kind of touring for the release. I am hoping that more people will eventually discover this great album and realize that Gordon was truly the best, most truly experimental aspect of Sonic Youth. Her vocals on this album are the best she’s ever sounded because she built these songs and sounds with the intergral collaborator, producer Justin Raisen. A glimpse at Raisen’s Wikipedia page is a who’s who of great artists of the past decade: Yves Tumor, Charli XCX, and Sky Ferreira. The collaboration occurred at an AirBnB shared between Gordon and Raisen and birthed the first single of the project “Air BnB.” A song that completely sets the tone of the album and features one of those amazing music videos in the same line us Young Thug’s “Wyclef Jean. “
Björk - Biophilia
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Can you name the last album the rolled out with its own app? Nine years have come and gone and I certainly can’t think of another album with such wholesome ambitions. Björk was getting passionate about ecological concerns in her native Icelandic home with Sigur Ros and using her sphere of influence to try to good. 2014 the app has found a permanent home in the MOMA, but outside of this curio status the album itself is still a worthwhile addition to the Björk canon. Biophilia finds Björk in musical scientist mode using sounds captured from a Tesla coil and making a whole musical universe onto herself. The rest of the 2010s found Björk going for bigger and more ambitious projects that continue to frustrate those who wish she would go back to her poppier roots. She remains one of those most consistent solo artists around and someone no one will be able to predict what she does next. The only thing is certain is that it will be visionary and will probably include a wildly ambitious rollout and a new piece of physical art like Biophilia’s $800 tuning forks.
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Featuring production duties for the second time from Four Tet (who also pops up in the October playlist with his 2013 album Beautiful Rewind). Broken Politics in Cherry’s words, “is about feeling broken, disappointed, and sad, but having perseverance. It’s a fight against the extinction of free thought and spirit.” The music video for single “Natural Skin Deep” was filmed in Beirut, a backdrop made even more painful given 2020’s Explosion. Cherry is an artist with deep spiritual and blood connections with artists central to jazz’s history. Broken Politics also features songs built around Ornette Coleman samples. This is all to say that Neneh Cherry is always going to be someone tapping into a creative cosmic vein that spans generations, and with that comes a hard wisdom. Two years later we’re still dealing with the same god damn guts and guns of history. 
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(Cat Power - The Wanderer; John Cale - Shifty Adventures in Nookie Wood; Tony Allen - Film of Life ; Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Psychedelic Pill ;Bryan Ferry - Olympia; Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Ghosteen ;Yoko Ono - Warzone; Vashti Bunyan - Heartleap; Elvis Costello & The Imposters - Look Now; The Chills - Silver Bullets; Weezer - Everything Will Be Alright In The End;Laurie Anderson - Heart of A Dog;Janet Jackson - Unbrekable;The Mercury Rev - Light In You;  Rocketship - Thanks To You; Van Dyke Parks & Gaby Moreno - Spangled; Donald Fagen - Sunken Condos; Prefab Sprout - Crimson Red; Pere Ubu - 20 Years in a Montana Missile Silo; Negativland - True False )
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Three last albums released by three titans of 20th century songwriting. Two of them follow the trajectory of an older artist getting rejuvenated by a younger backing band. Lulu is beyond a meme at this point and is considered one of the most confounding flops since Metallic Music. Like Metallic Music, Lulu will get a reappraisal and find its audience. Mr. Blackstar himself Bowie considered  Lulu one of his favorite releases. “Junior Dad” alone makes this album a worthy addition in Lou Reed’s discography. Scott Walker invited some similarly hairy and intense younger rock studs into his private castle and pulls off a far more natural combination. Soused fits like a velvet glove on a elegant corpse hand swirling thick slabs of guitar and demonic percussion. Scott Walker effortlessly orchestrates between elegance and moribundity whereas Lulu wallows and thrashes against  the ugly riffage. 
No riffs or oozing wall of sound are  anywhere to be found on the sparse and pointedly elegiac You Want it Darker. Leonard Cohen never went full on sleazy I’m Your Man ever again but he didn’t become adult contemporary either. You Want It Darker finds Leonard and his son Adam Cohen. When Leonard passed away he was the only one to get a full David Bowie like museum tribute, Lou Reed only got a corner of a library. Cohen is far and away the most accessible mystical Jewish Buddhist monk with a penchant for fedoras and having a masked man with a leather belt beat him in the recording booth [citation needed]. You Want It Darker is the only one of these mortality laden kiss offs to win a Grammy. I do wonder if Cohen would have ever allowed a more adventurous production to touch his staid and timeless old fashioned sound. Tom Scharpling divides Leonard Cohen into his Pre-Fedora and Post-Fedora days. If you are being literal about that demarcation that still gives you a pretty vast body of music I just want sad bloated blurry black and white Leonard Cohen with a banana or the smiling cad on Songs of Love and Hate. Even the floppy fedora era has worthwhile albums and he sounds like if Serge Gainsbourgh was a muppet Gargoyle, he’s reliable. I will always beat myself for not buying that official Leonard Cohen raincoat at the Jewish Museum Leonard Cohen exhibit, but I hope someone has and they are finding comfort with Cohen’s music. A lot of his latter day period is comforting in a sardonic sexy mind bending nursing home sort of way. 
I am glad that these men were ultimately spared from having to deal with Covid times and even someone as tasteless as Brian Wilson’s Ghost can acknowledge that it’s more important than ever to keep your elderly loved ones locked away in a well ventilated pod. 
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For a few sticky sweet select few artists the month of October proved to be a suitable release launch pad for more than one album. The Mountain Goats and clipping. have just joined the October two-timer club this year. The reigning queen of October releases is Taylor Swift and Adrianne Lenker. In chronological order swift released Speak Now, Red and 1989 probably Swift’s biggest run in terms of critical and commercial success. None of these albums have a particularly big place in my heart, in fact speaking on behalf of Brian Wilson’s Ghost Ltd. I’m not the biggest fan of America’s Sweetheart, Sweet Tea Poet Laureate.  All three of these albums all came out in the latter part of October and based on the Target brand synergy roll-out felt as inevitable as pumpkin spice. Haunted. Sad Beautiful Tragic. Out of the Woods. These are either song titles taken from these three albums are the names of the under utilized Romantic Halloween Horror Comedy genre. Lady Gaga might have been spooking it up on American Horror Story, but Swift gives a far more chilling performance in Tom Hooper’s midnight madness of Cats and I could envision Swift excelling really well as a horror film actor. Especially in a role like Scarlett Johansson’s Under the Skin. 
You cannot get more polar opposite from Swift than Adrianne Lenker. Who released her first solo album abysskiss   and the second Big Thief album of 2019 Two Hands. Lenker will have also gone on to make her third October release this year with her second solo album songs & instrumentals. Striking that such a ghostly autumnal band would have only released one album in October, but autumnal feeling albums are not beholden to release calendars. The song “Not” from the Big Thief album Two Hands is a watershed breakthrough moment for the band and put Lenker and her band on the map. In 2019 Big Thief became a band that could get booked onto a Goodmorning American performance slot and more or less made Big Thief one of the rare 2010s indie bands to become more or less a household name. 
Other notable artists to have released more than one album on October 2010s:
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Less notable artists to have multiple October releases: James Blunt Korn
Calvin Harris 
Kings of Leon
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These are October releases from artists that once felt like whenever they put out an album a wider array of outlets and publications seemed to care more and would spill more digital ink over them. The big three artists that had the biggest drop off in attention and acclaim that stick out to me the most are Titus Andronicus,  Justice and Why? All three artists debuted with strong starts back in the aughts, but according to critical reception more or less crashed and burned. Titus Andronicus’ Local Business was one of the last times Titus Andronicus would get positive marks from Pitchfork. Local Business a fun and shaggy follow-up to one of the most self-serious concept albums of the 2010s. 
Justice’s Audio, Video, Disco similarly is a follow up to a highly acclaimed album that set the bar high enough to doom Justice into never living up to the hype. Justice’s 2007 s/t heralded them as the next Daft Punk, but unlike those soulful and thoughtful robots Justice mainly wanted to make big ridiculous unfashionable synth prog rock. Audio, Video, Disco is simply cheesy fun and even though we live in a world better off without parties and gatherings this album helps you feel like you are in high-def IMAX monster mash on the moon. 
The leaves us with Why?’s Mump’s Etc. an album that already had the job of following up an already divisive follow up record Eskimo Snow. Why’s Alopecia is a really important 2008 indie blog rap album that helped thrust the online indie blogs into the hip-hop genre hybrid experimentalism. Why? would never make another universally beloved album again and with Mump’s Etc. ended up permanently in Pitchfork’s hate pit. In the original release review the Pitchfork writer essentially deems this album an act of “career suicide.” The whole review is essentially an assignation of Why?’s figurehead Yoni Wolf and taking him to task for all of his awkward lyrical blunders and the fact he is narcissistic enough to be a musician writing about his career in a meta fashion. Yet when I listen to Mump’s Etc. I am more or less enjoying Yoni Wolf’s personality and find the whole thing to be pretty charming. A perfectly serviceable 3.5/5 release that a media outlet like Pitchfork turns into a flexing opportunity to show how that they have the power to make or break a career. 
A.C. Newman, an artist who appears on this playlist with his terrific 2012 Shut Down The Streets took to Twitter to scoff at the idea that a good Pitchfork review has done anything for his career. Shut Down The Streets currently remains the last solo album Newman has released under his name choosing to focus on his main gig with the New Pornographers. The Internet based hype machine is even more ADHD addled and twitchier by the day. The joy of doing this deep dive allowed me to revisit a lot of these artists and acts that I had fallen out of touch with. I had completely forgotten about King of Convenience’s Erlend Øye who released the album Legao in 2014. I rediscovered a good deal of bands like the Editors, The Dodos, Kisses, Black Milk, Crocodiles, Empire of the Sun, Juana Molina, Jagwar Ma, Here We Go Magic, Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr., YACHT, Peaking Lights, The Twilight Sad, Elf Power, Swet Shop Boys, Radio Dept, Allo’ Darlin, Foxes In Fiction, and HOMESHAKE are all bands not trying to change the world or challenge listeners with avant garde experimentation. Instead I feel like I maintaining relationships with old friends on the edge of obscurity. 
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A tradition stretching back as far as 2014 not October’s Idina Menzel’s Holiday Wishes, but Seth McFarland’s Holiday For Swing sweatily released on CD, digital, and vinyl on September 30, 2014.  2015 then brings us a Chris Tomlin and Ru Paul Christmas albums because every force of Neo-liberal good must be balanced with evangelical contemporary Christian music *shutters.* 2016 finds the Christmas in October era reaching a complete and utter nadir with R. Kelly’s final official LP 12 Nights of Christmas and A Pentatonix Christmas, but also buffered by Kacey Musgrave’s Christmas. 2017 only had time for Gwen Stefani’s You Make It Feel Like Christmas and no one else could evoke this feeling in October. On 2018, Michelle and Barack Obama’s combined one and only Christmas wish comes true, no not cancelling those drone strikes, but getting John Legend to join the October release jamboree; Eric Clapton claps open his guitar’s butt cheeks and hatefully squats out a half assed Xmas album defiantly opening the album with “White Christmas” [eyeroll emoji]; and finally 2018 found the Pentatonix announcing in October that Christmas Is Here. I apologize for all of that crude butt talk about the hateful racist Eric Clapton, but(t) I have festive gluteus Maximus on the mind, because in 2019 Norah Jones got her alternative country gal trio back together to remind us to shake our Christmas butts. Eat shit commercial shit, today’s Santa’s birthday! That’s the magic of the October release schedule! 
The hallowed Christmas in October tradition continues on in 2020 with Dolly I-Beg-Thee-Pardon  releasing A Holly Dolly Christmas right on time on October 2, 2020 (Carrie Underwood missed the memo and unwraps her unwanted My Gift in September 2020). Meghan Trainor, Goo Goo Dolls, and Tori Kelly released Christmas albums. Can you believe Seth MacFarlane comes up twice in this article, because his sleazy J. Michigan Frog croon is processed and grated like Parmesan cheese snow flakes all over a rendition of White Christmas.  What a time to be alive! 
A Brief Case For Class Actress’s Rapproacher
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Among my October music travels I encountered one artist that really impressed me with her proper LP debut Rapprocher. The trio fronted by Elizabeth Vanessa Harper is essentially peddling the kind of competent moody 80’s inspired synth pop that belongs on a lost Donnie Darko sequel. Harper’s vocals are striking and expressive and they are melded with constantly propulsive bed of shiny synths and glossy barely-there gated percussion. Outside of an 2015  EP called Movies featuring exciting production contributions from Italo-disco icon Giorgio Moroder there has been nothing else from Class Actress. Highly recommend you check them out especially if you want to find the sweet spot between Chromatics and Kylie Minogue. 
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(Robyn - Honey, Big K.R.I.T. - 4eva is a Mighty Long Time  ,Miguel -  Kaleidoscope Dream, Crying - Beyond The Fleeting Gale , M83 Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming ,SRSQ - Unreality, Sufjan Stevens - age of adz, Joanna Newsom - divers, VV Brown Samson and Delilah, Kelela - tear me apart , Neon Indian - VEGA Intl., Fever Ray - Plunge , Antony and The Johnsons - Swanlights (goodbye album) , Caroline Polachek - Pang , Sky Ferreira - Night Time, My Time . Bat For Lashes  Haunted Man, James Ferraro - Far Side Virtual , Grouper -  Ruins , Kero Kero Bonito -Bonito Generation , DJ Rashad - Double Cup)
Maybe if I surround this VV Brown album with more well known artists she’ll finally get some more clicks? I should also mention that Joanna Newsom’s Divers is nowhere on my Spotify October Music playlist because Joanna Newsom thinks Spotify is bananas, and she hates bananas. I know I should also mention Kendrick Lamar’s good kid, m.A.A.d city and Tame Impala’s Lonerism. That’s the maddening thing about October music that just when you think you covered all your ground you find another hidden hump underneath the carpet.  I feel remiss without mentioning striking debut and instant hidden gem Tinashe’s Aquarius, which did you know has a new album art on Spotify. Death Grip’s No Love Deep Web. T_T I didn’t even get around to making a big verbal mosaic to Thom Yorke’s witchy Suspiria soundtrack.Corpus Christi! I forgot to highlight The Orb album in the collage with my other veteran artists!  As you can see this project nearly ruined me. I did not necessarily listen to all of these albums from front to back, but I did listen all of the songs on the playlist and chose them from the immense collection of October releases. I am pretty sure this is the kind of content for no one in particular but I really needed to get it out of my system. Let’s meet back up October 2030!!!!!
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(Thank you to my beloved partner, best friend and Spotify provider Maddie Johnson XD)
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chetanare · 4 years
Global Nursing Breast Pads Market Vendor Landscape with SWOT Analysis 2020 to 2026
Global Nursing Breast Pads Market Vendor Landscape with SWOT Analysis 2020 to 2026
The recent report titled “Nursing Breast Pads Market” and forecast to 2026 published by KandJ Market Research is a focused study encompassing the market segmentation primarily based on type and application. The report investigates the key drivers leading to the growth of the Nursing Breast Pads market during the forecast period and analyzes the factors that may hamper the market growth in the…
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bunnyroy · 7 years
Nursing Breast Pads Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2018 – 2022
Nursing Breast Pads Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2018 – 2022
MarketResearchNest.com adds “Global Nursing Breast Pads Market 2018-2022”new report to its research database. The report spread across 137 pages with table and figures in it.   About Nursing Breast Pads Nursing breast pads are breast milk absorbent pads, which can be slipped inside a bra, to keep the area dry and prevent leakages from discharge through bras and other outer garments. They come in…
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kicksaddictny · 2 years
Adidas x Stella Maternity Bold Collection
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According to Adidas
The Fall / Winter ’22 Maternity Collection has been crafted with comfort at the core, featuring soft and stretchy fabrics designed to adapt with the body through each stage of pregnancy and support range of sports including yoga and running
In an adidas by Stella McCartney first, the collection features a practical, high-performance nursing bra to help improve accessibility to sport for new mothers
The new capsule redefines maternity workout style through fusing performance design with striking tonal animal prints
Today, adidas by Stella McCartney reveals its first capsule for new and expecting mothers with the launch of the Fall / Winter ‘22 Maternity Collection. Designed to support athletes during pregnancy and postpartum, the capsule fuses signature adidas by Stella McCartney animal print with soft and stretchy performance fabrics designed to adapt with the body through each stage of the motherhood journey. Created for ultimate versatility, the collection supports a range of sports including yoga and running.
In homage to the new wave of expressive maternity style, this collection redefines what supportive and on-trend workout wear looks like for new and expecting mothers. Each piece in the capsule has been consciously crafted with materials and methods that are designed to offer both comfort and practicality during movement.
Providing the perfect blend of innovation and versatility, the Maternity Collection features adidas’ first ever Performance Nursing Bra. Crafted with fabrics that feel like a second skin, the bra incorporates an easy to open clip solution to support with breast feeding, alongside adjustable straps and removable pads for added comfort. The 3-in-1 Jacket is a functional fleece designed with a ‘Carry Me’ insert to provide mothers room to carry their baby close.
Speaking about the campaign and collection, Stella McCartney said:
More than ever, we need to ensure sport is an inclusive space, which means innovating and catering to the specific needs of our community. Too often, maternity performance wear is muted and pared back and we’re so proud to be introducing our first ever collection that reimagines pregnancy workout style. Each piece is designed for comfort first, but with technical details and bold colours that allow new and expectant mothers to express themselves. It has been hugely exciting to create the collection during a time when women no longer need to choose between their pregnancy wardrobe and remaining true to themselves.
Key pieces from the drop include:
Performance Nursing Bra: A first of its kind for adidas, this Performance Nursing Bra is the perfect blend of innovation and versatility. Helping athletes to stay comfortable and active during and post pregnancy, the bra provides ultimate adaptability with easy-to-open clip solution and adjustable straps, ideal for nursing. Crafted with peach-soft fabric, the bra is also made in part with recycled materials, including 79% recycled polyester.
Maternity Tank: With its sleek fit and bold animal print design, this training tank combines style and comfort with super-stretchy interlock fabric. The racer-back provides added support for low impact movement, and has been made in part with recycled materials, including yarn containing 50% Parley Ocean Plastic.
Maternity Tight: This sports-luxe tight, crafted from soft, interlock fabric is perfect for low impact workouts. The belly insert has been designed with comfort and support in mind, with the stretchy material seamlessly adapting through each stage of pregnancy. The tight is made in part with recycled materials, including yarn containing 50% Parley Ocean Plastic.
Maternity 3-in-1 Jacket: This versatile 3-in-1 Jacket has been designed for practicality, with a ‘carry-me’ insert that offers room for new mothers to carry their babies close. The insert is removable offering added functionality and has been made in part with recycled materials, including 70% organic cotton and 30% recycled polyester.
Maternity Pant: The Pant has a relaxed and flattering silhouette with a bungee cord adjustable waist, zipped side pockets and ribbed cuffs. The belly insert is made from peach-soft interlock fabric that adapts with the body to provide maximum comfort. The Maternity Pant has been made in part with recycled materials, including 70% organic cotton and 30% recycled polyester.
Through this debut Maternity collection, adidas by Stella McCartney hopes to create greater accessibility for mothers in sport .
The Maternity Collection is available from July 28 via the adidas app.
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Breastfeeding Supplies Market Analysis by Manufacturers, Competitive Landscape, Future Growth, Strategy and Forecast
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"Breastfeeding Supplies Market size by product breast milk bottles, breast milk storage bags, sore nipple cream, nursing pads, cleaning products, nipple shields, breast shells), COVID-19 impact analysis, regional outlook, application potential, price trends, competitive market share & forecast. 
The feeding bottles are made to resemble the natural shape of a mother's breast while also reducing the risk of bottle rejection. For example, in June 2017, the Nest Attachment Parenting Hub released 'Comotomo,' which aids in the transition from breastfeeding to bottle feeding while also preventing bottle rejection. These bottles are made of 100% medical-grade silicone and are soft enough for babies to squish while being fed.
Read more @ https://creativeedge16.blogspot.com/2022/04/breastfeeding-supplies-market-size.html
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wiseguyreport1222 · 3 years
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Prostate-Specific Antigen Market Share, Industry Growth, Trend, Drivers, Challenges, Key Companies by 2027
The Global Prostate-Specific Antigen  Market research report published by Reports and Data offers a comprehensive evaluation of the Prostate-Specific Antigen  market on the global scale and sheds light on the growth opportunities, prospects, and enables the readers to formulate strategic plans. The report also provides insightful data about the market capacities, technological advancements, R&D developments, and other key features influencing market growth. The report offers an in-depth analysis of the value chain, upstream and downstream factors, sales network and distribution channels, growth trends, driving and restraining factors, developments, production and consumption pattern, end-users, and regional segmentation. The report also offers relevant and useful information to help the new entrants and established companies strengthen their market position.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/105
The report provides extensive coverage of the supply chain, key players of the industry, consumer base, company profiles, production and consumption rate, primary applications, and other relevant data. It provides an in-depth assessment of the key companies operating in the market along with their company profiles, business overview, production and manufacturing capacity, product portfolio, financial standing, global position, and business expansion plans. It also studies recent mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, product launches, partnerships, collaborations, and agreements among other. The report also provides insights into new entrants and their strategic alliances to gain a robust footing in the market.
Key Manufacturers in the Global Prostate-Specific Antigen  Market:
Siemens Healthcare
Beckman Coulter
Mediwatch (LABORIE)
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
GE Healthcare
Anixa Biosciences
Ortho Clinical
Pharmacia Delfia
Request a discount on the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/105
The report also provides an extensive regional segmentation to offer the readers key insights into the spread of the market over key geographical regions. It covers production and consumption patterns, import/export, supply and demand, consumer demand and behavior, key trends, and presence of key players in each region. The report also offer a country-wise analysis to impart a better understanding of the revenue growth of the market in each region.
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
By Types (Revenue, USD Million; 2017–2027)
CLIA Method
ELISA Method
By Applications (Revenue, USD Million; 2017–2027)
Post-treatment monitoring
To know more about the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/prostate-specific-antigen-psa-testing-market
Key Questions Addressed in the Report:
What is the market size the global Prostate-Specific Antigen  market is expected to reach over the forecast period? What is the expected CAGR?
What are the key segments of the market?
What are the key products and applications of the Prostate-Specific Antigen  market?
What factors are expected to drive and restrain market growth over the forecast period?
What are the key outcomes of SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis?
Request a customization of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/request-customization-form/105
Thank you for reading our report. The report can be customized based on regional segmentation and competitive landscape. Kindly get in touch with us to know more and our team will ensure the report is well suited to meet your requirements.
Browse More Details:
Sepsis Therapeutics Market: https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/sepsis-therapeutics-market Canine Influenza Vaccine Market: https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/canine-influenza-vaccine-market
Medical Aesthetics Market: https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/medical-aesthetics-market
Disposable Nursing Pad Market: https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/disposable-nursing-pad-market
Breast Pump Market: https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/breast-pump-market
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linhgd9 · 4 years
Global Nursing Breast Pads Market – How the Market has witnessed Substantial Growth in recent years?
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UpMarketResearch has recently updated the Nursing Breast Pads Market report which now also includes the COVID-19 impact on the market during the forecast period 2020-2027. The report offers a comprehensive assessment of the future market scenario, drivers, challenges, restraints, and opportunities that are going to shape the market.
Although the coronavirus pandemic has upheaval the picture of the market, it had persuaded the industry players to adopt creative strategies that helped them to sustain the difficult times while some of them created remunerative opportunities and expanded their market share. The market research report provides top-winning strategies and an in-depth analysis of the top competitors that succored them to outperform the market performance.
Request Free Exclusive Sample on Nursing Breast Pads Market Report @ https://www.upmarketresearch.com/home/requested_sample/6963
The global market research report acknowledges you about the market developments, technological advancements, supply & demand scenario, pricing factors, and emerging trends that are going to influence the growth of the market. This research report also provides the details on the revenue drivers, product innovations, government regulations & policies that act as a game-changer in the market growth.
Our dedicated research analyst team has gathered the information from reputable databases & journals and conducted interviews with the industry experts to get insights about the market. Along with this, analysts have included Porter’s 5 force analysis, SWOT analysis, predictive analysis, and drafted the information in an insightful yet concise manner. The curated information and figures are represented in the tables, uncomplicated graphs, and infographics to save time for the esteemed reader.
Nursing Breast Pads Market Segment Insights
The in-house team at UMR has meticulously dissected the market segments and has done analysis in a detailed manner. The report is just not going to provide you insights on the segments that are expected to drive the market but also that are going to possibly face challenges in the market.
For any queries on this report: https://www.upmarketresearch.com/home/enquiry_before_buying/6963
The Nursing Breast Pads market is segmented on the basis of:
By Products:
Reusable Disposable Silicone Hydrogel
The research report offers information on the products available in the market, their market performance, pricing trends, innovation & advancements that were witnessed in recent years. Moreover, the potential new products are expected to open new market avenues and create ample opportunities for industry players in the forecast period.
By Applications:
Hopsital Home
The global Nursing Breast Pads market report provides a comprehensive analysis of the applications for the forecast period. This market segment section lays down information on the application segment that is going to dominate, exhibit high CAGR, and perform in a sluggish manner. UMR is just not going to provide you insights on the segments that are expected to drive the market but also that are going to face challenges in the market.
By Regions
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Latin America
The research market report provides an in-depth analysis of the product performance in the afore-mentioned regions. This report lays down the information on the generated volume sales and revenue in recent years and the anticipated market performance in the region during the forecast period. UMR’s dedicated research team has monitored the product performance and has gathered information on the potential new market avenues and opportunities in the region.
Note: Country of the choice can be added to the report.
Competitive Landscape
UMR has profiled the prominent companies of the Nursing Breast Pads market. The market report includes information on the mergers, acquisitions, expansions strategies, and partnerships that top players have carried out in recent years. Along with this, it also provides details on the technologies they have adopted to leverage themselves in the market.
Here Below Are The Top Players’ Names:
Amed Koninklijke Philips Lansinoh Medela NUK Pigeon
Note: Company of the choice can be profiled in the report.
Purchase a copy of this report at: https://www.upmarketresearch.com/buy/nursing-breast-pads-market
The global market report can be customized on the basis of your requirements. If you have any query about the report, get in contact with our analyst now.
About Us:
UpMarketResearch is a leading publisher of market research report. With more than 800+ global clients, our motto is to help our clients with the most accurate, easy to understand and actionable market research reports.
Accuracy, prompt response, and aftermarket client consulting forms the basis of our business model. We have a large repository of market reports belonging to various verticals such as healthcare, chemicals and energy, consumer goods, automotive, IT & Telecom, food & beverages and further more.
Leveraging your business decision with accuracy and timeliness coupled with insight on market trends, size and demand are some major highlights of our research and market studies.
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sanlorenzoshop · 4 years
Elephant I Had My Patience Tested I'm Negative T-Shirt
Breastfeeding can be a Elephant I Had My Patience Tested I'm Negative T-Shirt wonderful and sometimes challenging experience going into it feeling prepared can help make the whole process a whole lot easier for you and your baby especially when you re first getting the hang of it here are 15 things nursing mamas need 1 patience go easy on yourself it won t always be perfect but what you re doing is amazing and so worth it 2 prenatal vitamins continuing to take your honest prenatal vitamins while breastfeeding can help to make sure you’re getting nutrients that you may be lacking from diet alone 3 nursing pillow using a nursing pillow will help you properly position your baby and take some physical stress off your body when feeding 4 nursing bra a nursing bra provides comfort support and convenience 5 netflix a newborn will usually nurse for 20 45 minutes or longer per feeding so it s the perfect time to catch up on some of your favorite shows 6 nursing pads prevent leaking through your tops by having nursing pads handy to absorb any milk leaks and unintentional let down 7 water staying hydrated while breastfeeding is crucial so it s smart to up your daily water intake try a keeping reusable water bottle where you nurse to help you remember to drink it 8 support the first few months of breastfeeding can be physically mentally and emotionally challenging lean on your partner mama friends and loved ones for support 9 lactation supplement honest postnatal lactation plus can help support healthy lactation and breast milk production 10 nursing friendly clothes comfy clothing will allow for easier access especially when feeding on the go 11 nipple balm soothe and nourish nursing nipples with honest organic nipple balm this product is designed for breastfeeding so there s no need to wipe off before nursing 12 breast pain relief using hot or cold packs can help relieve some of the soreness associated with breastfeeding you don t need a fancy product a simple warm wash cloth or ice pack will do the trick 13 nursing scarf if you ll be nursing in public some moms like to have a nursing scarf for for more discreet feedings 14 an app breastfeeding there s an app for that some of our favorites help you track feedings locate public places to nurse or even put you in instant contact with an expert check out latchme baby breastfeeding tracker or lactmed just to name a few and see what suits you best 15 help never be afraid to get help grab a trusted book for tips stop by a breastfeeding support center like the pump station or reach out to a lactation consultant who can help identify and solve any issues you may be having these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration these products are not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease. Meet bruce on october 17 in london presented by waterstones tickets on sale tomorrow at 8pm bst more info at. Face narsskin luminous moisture cream eyes dark angel velvet shadow stick for darker skin tones use flibuste velvet shadow stick solomon islands eye paint outremer single eyeshadow audacious mascara lips mambo eyeliner pencil damned velvet matte lip pencil 413 blkr lipstick Elephant I Had My Patience Tested I'm Negative T-Shirt
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Kat wildish presents contemporary ballet workshop with special guest diego funes starting feb 13 2017 limited spaces register now come explore new horizons immerse yourself in contemporary ballet with diego funes one of new york’s leading contemporary dance instructors and choreographers a Elephant I Had My Patience Tested I'm Negative T-Shirt new piece will be set on dancers in the workshop culminating in two optional performances on march 26 2017 at the the salvatore capezio theater at peridance workshop details weekday evenings 9 10pm convenient location in manhattan dates february 13 20 27 march 6 13 20 22 optional performances march 26 men women welcome ages 12 180 for rehearsals and 2 performances no additional fees register now biography diego funes diego funes is one of new york s leading contemporary dance instructors and choreographers his choreographic style which he terms contemporary lyrical has graced world stages influenced by his ballet gymnastics and worldwide dancing career he worked for ten years to create a style that involves kinetic exciting and unconventional solo and group pieces that challenge and inspire his dancers and students he has taught and choreographed worldwide in countries including london italy argentina and brazil and throughout the us in cities including new york city los angeles boston saint louis kansas city fort lauderdale and miami his credits as a dancer choreographer include major works in dance theatre musical theatre film and television trained in gymnastics from the age of four diego s choreographic style is highly athletic with strong elements of classical dance and contemporary movement and expression that categorize both his work with students and with the de funes dance company the corps he founded in 2006 as a teenager he studied at the prestigious school of american ballet prior to dancing with cincinnati ballet the new york city opera the metropolitan opera teatro dell opera di roma and baletto del sud he went on tour throughout europe later returning to the united states to break into musical theatre his musical credits as a dancer include cats hello dolly riverdance anything goes a chorus line and the radio city music hall christmas spectacular during his musical theatre career he also choreographed acclaimed stagings of beauty and the beast hello dolly and the world goes round zorba leader of the pack the first new york revival of subways are for sleeping and shows for tokyo disney he danced in numerous videos for mtv and with headlining music artists such as liza minnelli whitney houston and will smith in 2007 he choreographed the major motion picture p s I love you directed by richard lagravenese and starring gerard butler and academy award winner hilary swank diego lives in new york city where he is on faculty at peridance capezio center ballet arts at new york city center and manhattan movement arts center check out diego funes webiste www defunesdance com contemporaryballet peridance manhattanmovementarts ballet katwildish diegofunes contemporydance workshop intensive movement bdc broadwaydancecenter newyork newyorkcity boydancer nyc maximumeffort balleteveryday masterballetacademy choreography moscow командамигеля тнт танцы3сезон катярешетникова tapdance jazz moderndance dancers acting. The classic french motif covered fabric known as toile de jouy was a key reference in the dior men summer 2019 collection kim jones men’s artistic director employed it in a multitude of new ways one of the most extraordinary required the wondrous savoir faire of paris’ atelier janaïna milheiro where through a laborious process of hand cutting and application the motif was recreated in feathers to trace an airy tulle shirt more on dior com men summer19. I placed an order saturday afternoon in that order I added two jackets to my cart by mistake and realized it as soon as a submitted the order I called immediately after and was told nothing could be done despite the order was received a few minutes earlier on a saturday afternoon I was told I would have to return the item today I received the order and the slip below was what I received again I immediately called and was told I would have to print a return slip this will be my last purchase from this company this company’s customer service is horrible
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marcazoshop · 4 years
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Meet bonner bolton after breaking his c 2 vertebra in a Vikings No One Loves A Warrior Until The Enemy Is At The Gate T-Shirt riding accident this world champion professional bull rider revealed his true fighting spirit overcoming paralysis against all odds ican. Breastfeeding can be a wonderful and sometimes challenging experience going into it feeling prepared can help make the whole process a whole lot easier for you and your baby especially when you re first getting the hang of it here are 15 things nursing mamas need 1 patience go easy on yourself it won t always be perfect but what you re doing is amazing and so worth it 2 prenatal vitamins continuing to take your honest prenatal vitamins while breastfeeding can help to make sure you’re getting nutrients that you may be lacking from diet alone 3 nursing pillow using a nursing pillow will help you properly position your baby and take some physical stress off your body when feeding 4 nursing bra a nursing bra provides comfort support and convenience 5 netflix a newborn will usually nurse for 20 45 minutes or longer per feeding so it s the perfect time to catch up on some of your favorite shows 6 nursing pads prevent leaking through your tops by having nursing pads handy to absorb any milk leaks and unintentional let down 7 water staying hydrated while breastfeeding is crucial so it s smart to up your daily water intake try a keeping reusable water bottle where you nurse to help you remember to drink it 8 support the first few months of breastfeeding can be physically mentally and emotionally challenging lean on your partner mama friends and loved ones for support 9 lactation supplement honest postnatal lactation plus can help support healthy lactation and breast milk production 10 nursing friendly clothes comfy clothing will allow for easier access especially when feeding on the go 11 nipple balm soothe and nourish nursing nipples with honest organic nipple balm this product is designed for breastfeeding so there s no need to wipe off before nursing 12 breast pain relief using hot or cold packs can help relieve some of the soreness associated with breastfeeding you don t need a fancy product a simple warm wash cloth or ice pack will do the trick 13 nursing scarf if you ll be nursing in public some moms like to have a nursing scarf for for more discreet feedings 14 an app breastfeeding there s an app for that some of our favorites help you track feedings locate public places to nurse or even put you in instant contact with an expert check out latchme baby breastfeeding tracker or lactmed just to name a few and see what suits you best 15 help never be afraid to get help grab a trusted book for tips stop by a breastfeeding support center like the pump station or reach out to a lactation consultant who can help identify and solve any issues you may be having these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration these products are not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease. Coming to the show in las vegas tonight add your video photos tweets to our live coverage using u2eitour not going to the show follow it all here
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Botox Market Share, Industry Growth, Trend, Drivers, Challenges, Key Companies by 2027
The Global Botox  Market research report published by Reports and Data offers a comprehensive evaluation of the Botox  market on the global scale and sheds light on the growth opportunities, prospects, and enables the readers to formulate strategic plans. The report also provides insightful data about the market capacities, technological advancements, R&D developments, and other key features influencing market growth. The report offers an in-depth analysis of the value chain, upstream and downstream factors, sales network and distribution channels, growth trends, driving and restraining factors, developments, production and consumption pattern, end-users, and regional segmentation. The report also offers relevant and useful information to help the new entrants and established companies strengthen their market position.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/31
The report provides extensive coverage of the supply chain, key players of the industry, consumer base, company profiles, production and consumption rate, primary applications, and other relevant data. It provides an in-depth assessment of the key companies operating in the market along with their company profiles, business overview, production and manufacturing capacity, product portfolio, financial standing, global position, and business expansion plans. It also studies recent mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, product launches, partnerships, collaborations, and agreements among other. The report also provides insights into new entrants and their strategic alliances to gain a robust footing in the market.
Key Manufacturers in the Global Botox  Market:
US World Meds
Request a discount on the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/31
The report also provides an extensive regional segmentation to offer the readers key insights into the spread of the market over key geographical regions. It covers production and consumption patterns, import/export, supply and demand, consumer demand and behavior, key trends, and presence of key players in each region. The report also offer a country-wise analysis to impart a better understanding of the revenue growth of the market in each region.
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
By Type (Revenue, USD Million; Volume in Tons, 2017–2027)
By Application Type (Revenue, USD Million; Volume in Tons, 2017–2027)
To know more about the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/botox-market
Key Questions Addressed in the Report:
What is the market size the global Botox  market is expected to reach over the forecast period? What is the expected CAGR?
What are the key segments of the market?
What are the key products and applications of the Botox  market?
What factors are expected to drive and restrain market growth over the forecast period?
What are the key outcomes of SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis?
Request a customization of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/request-customization-form/31
Thank you for reading our report. The report can be customized based on regional segmentation and competitive landscape. Kindly get in touch with us to know more and our team will ensure the report is well suited to meet your requirements.
About Reports and Data
Reports and Data is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries and help client’s make a smarter business decision. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a multiple industries including Healthcare, Technology, Chemicals, Power and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware about the latest trends existent in the market. Reports and Data has a strong base of experienced analysts from varied areas of expertise.
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