#Nux x reader
Slit x Reader
Madmax Fury Road (Slit X Fem Reader)
This is my first time writing something it will be absolute shit.
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After a long day out on the wastelands, you finally returned to the Citadel. Your whole body hurt as bruises were appearing everywhere and dirt began to fill your cuts and wounds.
Going up the secret passageway guarded by warboys, they let you in. You were always let in because you were considered a Wargirl. You weren't full blood as Immortian Joe wasn't your father but you were an asset to the clan. Entering the main compound, the sounds of gears turning and the buzzing of welds filled your ears as well as the smell of "guzzoline" and sweat. The smells burned your nose as you walked fiercely to your quarters planning to fall down and sleep. You didn't want to see Slit since he got into a fight with you.
Slit and you have been dating for about a week now and he still hasnt gotten used to the whole boyfriend thing. You two first met at the quarters when you were assigned bunks together. He had been put there for being too rough with the others and you had been put there for a stationary sitting to rest until Furiosa was back so you two could share a room.
Plopping down on the bed, you sighed and tried to relax. "The fuck?" You heard someone say. "Slit?" you said in an annoyed voice. "Yup!" he responded. "I thought you were going on the scavenge hunt?" You asked. "Nux got hurt and I brought him back. They're fixin' him up now.." Nux and him were best buds. They were inseparable even though slit acted like he was annoyed with Nux all the time. Trying to get some rest, you laid your head down and tried to drift off into sleep. Thats when you heard Slit climb down and you felt a strong force on top of you. "Slit......Im tired." You said. You heard ruffling and looked back to see Slits chiseled body. A shock ran through your body.
"Like what ya see? he said in a gruff voice. He then pushed your head down and laid on top of you. "Slit baby, please I need to rest." you managed to muffle out. "You don't need to rest. You need me." He said with a smirk. You felt excited yet exhausted as he pulled your top off of you. holding you down with his one hand, the other hand began unbuckling his belt. Slit wrapped his belt around your neck and pulled towards him, making you face upwards. He sat on your thighs, knowing he's making you wet. Slit began taking off his jeans and grabbed a rubber.
Once he got you two fully unclothed, He flipped you on your back and began fingering you. A soft moan escaped your lips as he twirled and tossed his fingers inside of you. "You like that?" He said in a deep voice. All you could respond with was a moan. Arching your back, you could feel an orgasm rising inside of you. Slit saw and watched as you crumbled underneath him, making him hard. He watched you buck your hips as he curled his fingers inside of you but pulled out. "I don't think you need this right now..." Slit said with a smirk. "P-please. I need it." you said desperately. He loved teasing you, especially when you couldn't do anything because you were under his control. After watching you plead and beg for him, he crawled on top of you once again.
Scanning your body, he lightly grazed your nipples with his teeth, making you whine. Sucking on your tits and placing his hands around your neck squeezing a little bit, he let off and moved one hand farther down towards your clit. Tracing his fingers around your entrance and lightly choking your neck, he shoved two fingers inside of you. after pumping for a while and watching you squirm, he put the rubber (condom) on his erect dick. The size and girth always made you wince in pain at first, but later on will make your body rise with a sharp orgasm.
Sliding the tip in, slit looked into your eyes with deep black pupils.
"Slit..!" you moaned. "Quiet girly, don't wanna get caught." He said lightly. after sliding in and out very slowly, making sure to leave you begging for more.You felt like you were about to scream from the slow and piercing pleasure you were receiving. Slit noticed this and placed his hand over your mouth firmly. Sex between warriors was not permitted so although Slit wanted to fuck you so hard and rough right then and there, he couldn't risk getting caught or you two would be separated. After a couple more slow strokes, you felt a heat growing in your stomach and you could hear Slit's breathing jumping all over the place.
Shortly, you came with juices leaking down your thighs. Slit couldn't hold himself together when he noticed you spilling underneath him and came as well. Slit collapsed on you, muscles relaxed and limp. You wrapped your arms around him and rested for a while. After a while, he stuck his finger inside of your leaking entrance and shoved his finger in to your mouth "Taste yourself baby." Slit said with a smirk. Shoving his fingers violently down your throat in an instant, you began to gag, making Slit slightly hard again.
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robin-the-enby · 4 years
Treasure of all war boys p.2
Pairing: Nux x oc
Summary: A girl is allowed to join the war boys after catching Immortan Joe's attention. After taking the time to get to know who they really are, she makes it her goal to make their lives at least a bit better.
Warnings: suggestive talk, gore (there's a dead body), depressive thoughts (just a tiny bit), argument
A/N: I don't know if anything I wrote about is cannon, I just wrote it how I interpreted it. With the help of the game and my favourite fanfic ^^. If I didn't separate this, it would be too long I think. So here's part 2!
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Gifs found on Google
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Weasel stuck by Nux after that night. Partly because she felt like she owed him for saving her life and partly because he was like an endless well full of information.
She realized that all this time she was so occupied with her thoughts, that she couldn't see, truly see, those around her. Luckily for her, Nux was very sociable and knew a lot about the war boy hierarchy.
She traded affection for information without him ever realizing and before they knew it, a beautiful friendship bloomed between them.
They were there for each other at all times. He held her close and whispered encouragements in her ear. She was there for him when he discovered his tumors, which he named Larry and Barry. Many nights she spent the whole night wiping sweat from his face when night fevers hit him. On those nights, she let him play with her hands and examine her scars, just to distract him from the pain he was in. He comforted her when others made fun of her third eye, reassured her that it doesn't make her any less fierce or intimidating. "If anything," he said "it makes you even more chrome."
When she felt ready and educated enough, she put her plan to action.
She started off easy, with the youngest pups. Some of them were barely three years old, scared and unknowing, just like she once was. She made sure to be kind to them, play with them, give them affection and sometimes sneak some leftover food for them. Soon, she had her own little army of little pups following her every step, learning everything from her.
This, in the end, helped everyone in the hierarchy. With the youngest cared for, the older, more important war boys, had one worry less.
She also made sure to spar with her peers, learn their names and exchange tips and advice on eachother's techniques, while the youngest observed from the sidelines.
At that point, the war boys acknowledged her existence and didn't put so much work on her, seeing as she became the selftitled mother hen.
But in the end, she always came back to Nux. During the day, when she'd focus on her goal, he spent his time with blackfingers, learning about cars and other machines.
And at night, they would hold eachother close and confess their dreams as well as their fears. They were so proud of one another and they often made it known.
And so they grew. Both of them became war boys and got their markings. Nux had markings on his lips, vertical lines that made him look more like a skeleton, to appear more intimidating and a whole V8 engine on his chest, to show his devotion to cars, machines and drivers, who he had become.
Weasel's markings were simpler. Two canines on her lower lip to represent her name and some details around her third eye, a fake eyebrow and some details on the eyelids, because everybody saw her as the one who watches over all, like a mother and like a friend.
That night, Weasel and Nux laid facing eachother, caressing their new marks with ghostly touches. It was at that moment something in their gazes changed, and even though they felt it, they didn't think much of it.
Now that Weasel was a war boy, she needed to up her game a bit. She still took care of the pups, but mainly teaching the older ones how to take care of the youngest, sometimes training with them in her spare time.
When she wasn't raiding, she challenged other war boys to friendly fights, befriending them in the process. She knew pretty much everyone and soon became a very strong and skilled fighter, often using her quick wit as an advantage and gained respect among young and old alike.
However, she often visited her friends in the Organic mechanic's shop and helped them from boredom or with their treatment.
All of this took a lot of her energy, but even so she still listened to Nux rambling about his day every night, lulled to sleep by his voice.
He didn't mind it at all. She told him what she was trying to do and when he thought about it, she was the only one to treat them like actual living beings. Not even they treated eachother like that. And maybe that's why everyone liked her so much.
Despite her daily activities, Weasel's official position in the army, the war boy hierarchy, was a lancer.
When on a raid, she stood on her perch behind the seats and did things the driver didn't have the time for, like looking out for enemies or protecting the car and the driver in it.
Although she and Nux were in the same pack, she wasn't his lancer. Nux found another friend, a war boy, strong and ambitious, it was no wonder Nux was drawn to him. His name was Slit.
Slit was Nux's lancer. However, unlike other drivers and lancers, these two almost always kept eachother company outside of raids. Some would say they could even be called friends. But Weasel had a knack that Slit would immediately disagree with that statement.
He was an interesting character to her and she liked observing the strange relationship Slit and her dear Nux had together. Slit wanted to be noticed by the Immortan himself, much like every other war boy, but Slit's desire rooted deeper than the rest's. And Nux admired that.
Something inside their souls linked them, creating a strong bond and even after all the years spent as their friend, Weasel found herself completely clueless as to where their bond originated, at times creating a massive tension between the two males.
Perhaps it was the thrill of challenging one another, because both of them were so unpredictable, searching in the other's eyes for their next move.
At the end of the day however, no matter how many times Slit said friendship was for weaklings, he didn't have anyone, and so they welcomed him every night onto their cuddle pile, with Nux holding Weasel and Slit laying haphazardly over them, war pups serving as a good blanket.
The silence in the desert, that used to be an ocean, was interrupted by the majestic roar of V8 engines, red dust thrown into every direction by spiked wheels.
Excited cheers of young war boys filled with bloodlust were just a tad quieter than the singing of their war vehicles. Their pack had been assigned this part of the Great white to be scavenged for parts and other useful items and they took their orders seriously. Well, as seriously as a bunch of young adults can.
So far, it was pretty mediocre. The pack haven't encountered any enemies, but no treasures were found either. For now, they just playfully raced eachother, trying to be faster than everyone else, to be the leader.
Their game was interrupted by the victorious yelling of a lancer on the currently leading car, announcing smoke on the horizon. And there it was, black like the night, signaling a possible car wreck. The drivers willed their machines to go faster and cheers errupted once again as they took off, speeding to their destination.
It seemed that no one got to the wreckage, because it didn't look taken apart. It couldn't have happened too long ago, the two cars that must've collided were emitting black smoke, one of the cars was even aflame.
The war boys knew they had to act quickly, a treasure such as this was bound to attract attention and so they got to work. Most of the pack started throwing sand at the burning car, while others, including Nux, Weasel and Slit, went to search through the other car. Slit went to see the engine, Nux climbed under the car and Weasel pulled open the damaged door to search the inside.
There weren't many useful things inside, a canister of guzzoline and last few drops of water in a flask, which she hid in her pants' pocket to share with her friends back at the Citadel, and a body of a dead man. With nothing better to do, she pulled him out of the wreck and looked him over.
He didn't have any ammo or weapons on him, but he sure as hell had nice clothes. A cool leather jacket, but Weasel didn't want it, it was too hot for that, she wasn't in need of new pants either...
Her eyes fell on the man's firm, brown boots. Weasel smirked to herself, she was going to look so chrome in those. Before she could even reach for the man's legs, a voice suddenly spoke over her shoulder "What'chu got there?" Nux asked, looking at the corpse with interest. "Nothing. 'S just a corpse." Weasel shrugged "But it has a cool jacket, if you want it."
But Nux's attention was on the same boots Weasel wanted, his thoughts not at all different from hers. He crouched down next to the deceased man's legs and undid the laces, before Weasel slapped his hands off, roughly pulling the boots off and cradling them to her chest "Hey, I saw them first! They're mine!" she barked out.
Nux only smirked to himself. Of course she'd want the boots too, they were very chrome after all and he didn't mind fighting a bit for them. "Oh really?" he cocked his head to the side, the smirk still present "Well, I'm a driver, so I deserve them more." and he reached towards her chest.
"And what would you need them for? Pushing pedals? Please, without lancers, you drivers would be dead! I at least need good boots to hold my ground!" Weasel retorted, jumping away from his prying hands.
At that point, everyone turned from whatever they were doing to watch the fight unfold.
Every time Nux tried to grab the boots, Weasel managed to jump away, which left him to chase her around the wrecks to everyone's amusement.
After a few attempts he finally managed to trip her. After she fell onto her stomach, boots still cradled to her chest and the wind knocked out of her lungs, he straddled her lower back, like all those years ago. Then he flipped her onto her back and slid lower so that he was straddling her hips.
Weasel knew that she was practically screwed and if she wanted to keep the boots, she had to stop Nux wrestling them out of her grasp. Her eyes locked to his own, which were set on the boots, sparkling with determination. His eyes were the prettiest blue she's ever seen, playful and deep down even kind. He was grinning at her from above and she found herself drawn to it, to his face, to him.
As if on instinct, her body sprung upwards, stopping centimeters away from his face. Nux felt it more than saw it, the wet sensation that made the time slow as she licked his cheek. Startled, he immediately jumped away from her, one hand placed over his cheek.
Weasel, too, stood up, looking at her friend worriedly. It seemed like she broke him and for a moment she wondered if she went too far. She internally shook her head. No, she just did what she had to, Nux would understand.
With one last and sort of apologetic look towards her confused friend, Weasel took off to her perch to hide.
After a moment of silence, chuckles sounded throughout the pack, increasing in volume, until every last war boy was laughing. Nux felt his cheeks redden and couldn't do anything but stand there like a rock. A heavy pat fell on his shoulder "Careful, before you get a stiffy." Slit smirked at him and slowly, still chuckling, everyone made their way to their vehicles.
Nux didn't join his pack in victorious cheers on the way back to the Citadel, instead he frowned the whole time.
On one hand, he was angry at Weasel. He thought they were just playing around with those boots, she didn't have to embarass him in front of the whole pack. That was not chrome at all.
But on the other hand, when he thought about the feeling that bloomed inside of him when she licked his cheek, he shuddered. But not with disgust, no, more with...longing. He didn't understand it, she made him look weak, why did he want it to happen again??
Weasel felt immense guilt swirl in her gut when they came back and Nux didn't even look at her, instead passing her like she wasn't there, with a frown on his face. Perhaps she did take it too far.
Her feelings even doubled after finding out that the boots were too big for her feet. From that moment she tried to search for him, to apologise, to make up, anything, because frankly, she missed him.
From that raid she rarely ever saw him anymore. During the day he was in the blackfinger's cave, but whenever she went there to visit him, it was as if he was never there.
He even stopped coming to the cuddle pile, spending his nights elsewhere. It worried Weasel. The thought of him suffering through the night fevers alone or worse, with someone else, scared her.
Of course, she couldn't just stop doing her job, so she went through her days, but with a heavy heart and dark thoughts of failure clouding her mind.
It seemed like this fight between the two affected the whole hierarchy. The mood in the caves wasn't busy and cheery like always, instead everyone felt gloomy and under the weather.
After maybe a week, everyone was so fed up, their only wish was for Nux and Weasel to just talk, or fight, it out, for they couldn't stand the tension in the air for a second longer. And so the older war boys made a plan.
Two of them went into Organic mechanic's shop, where Weasel was currently helping tend to wounded and grabbed her by the armpits, while two others did the same to Nux. Nobody interfered, on the contrary, an internal finally crossed everyone's tired minds.
The two of them were thrown into an empty garage, emptied specifically for this mission. Once they were both in the same place, the older war boys left with an accomplised feeling.
The two stared at eachother for a moment, before Nux got up and went for the exit, but Weasel grabbed his wrist. He whirled around, fury and frustration in his movements.
However, he immediately stilled and his eyes went wide when he saw the expression on his dear Weasel's face.
Her eyes held deep guilt, sorrow and desperation, lined with little drops of tears. The way she clung to him, as if she'd lose him if she'd let go, made him week at the knees and he cursed her for it.
But for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to be really angry with her. It was just something about seeing her face again that put him at ease, despite what he believed he should be feeling.
"Please don't go." she whispered, afraid of angering him even further. But Nux's anger was long gone now. "Don't cry." he tried to gently wipe the tears away, but all this was so new for them both, he didn't really know how to be gentle. But as his palm smeared the liquid around her eyes, more than dried them, little giggles escaped her mouth and he knew he did it right.
"I'm sorry." Weasel looked down after smiling at him, her apology raw and sincere. "You should be sorry. That was so mediocre of you." Nux frowned, but only jokingly. She nodded her head and whispered 'I know' in a barely there voice.
Seeing that she was still feeling down, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed her flush against him.
They both froze, not only because they haven't held eachother for so long, but because of the new feeling it awoke in them.
There wasn't just the warmth, physical and emotional, they were used to, but a strange desire as well. As if something inside of them wanted to be closer together, closer than ever before, closer than what was even possible.
If Nux had to be honest, it was the same feeling he felt when she licked his cheek. He thought that maybe by distancing himself he'll get rid of those debilitating feelings, but no. The exact opposite happened, they grew and grew, but now they felt like they were multiplied and Nux just couldn't hold himself back anymore.
Pushing Weasel to the stone ground, he pressed his body on top of hers, legs tangled, hips pressed tightly against hers, pinning her into place, his hands grabbed her wrists and wouldn't let go. Not that she wanted him to.
None of them knew what they were doing, but they both wanted it more than anything in their whole half lives.
He pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes on her lips, parted, and he could hear her shallow breaths through them."You're gonna pay." he whispered and their lips collided in a hungry kiss.
Maybe they would've understood better if only someone would told them about love.
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hxnmas · 3 years
scummy step bro keigo with piercings or soft dom sweet step daddy keigo with tattoos 🤔
I literally just came home when you send this in Nuxe KANSKSNSNS
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Tw: stepcest, use of good girl & daddy, oral (receiving), soft dom, punishments, mention of exhibitionism, edging, overstimulation
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Scummy step bro Keigo with piercings is good and all but soft dom step daddy Keigo makes my pussy throbs, he would take any chance given to add up to your tally.
He’s more of a life style dom so whenever you’ve done something good and should be proud of, you know damn well you’re in for a treat that night. Letting his innocent sweet step daughter ride his face and pierced tongue until she can just feel her legs, “That’s a good girl… Shh… you’re okay, let daddy clean you up yea?” When you brat at Keigo he doesn’t gets ‘mad’ or angry, he would just chuckle because he knows you understand what it means when you tests him. Keigo may be a soft dom but rules are still in place, he won’t go as hard as making your ass go red and burns until you can sit the next morning but he sure will make sure you learnt your lessons.
Some of the punishments he like to do includes having you wear around a vib plug all day, it’s wireless and he controls it through his phone. No taking it out, just have to endure it. Another one that he likes to do is fucking you in your room when your mother is in the house, fucking you so hard that he needs to shove his fingers into your drooling mouth to keep your noises down. Or he’d just edge you, over and over again through the week, five times a day. So close yet so far, every time you’re about to cum he would just pull away before reminding you why you’re in this position to begin with.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
Request: What about one where reader is Poki's friend and corpse celebrity crush and brought her to play with them and corpse gets all awkward because he thinks she’s really pretty. I'm bad at English, I'm sorry.
I didn’t exactly make the reader a “celebrity”, I made the reader a Youtuber like him to try and have some sense of similarity, but I hope you like it all the same nonny. 🥺❤
Those Nervous Words || Corpse x Reader
Warnings: fluff, nervousness, fluff
Word Count: 833
When you had answered the call from Poki the last thing you had expected was that it would be an invite to play a game. You had figured it would have been an invite to dinner or even just a video chat with her, but the words that came from her mouth made you hesitate. Did she really want you to get onto a game with a bunch of experienced players when you had never played once before?
“Come on, please. I know it’ll make at least one person’s day in my game if you do. One of the players is a huge fan of yours. They’ve been watching your videos for years and try to catch all your livestreams.”
You laughed a little at her persistence. As an anime youtuber you always made videos on the newest chapters of manga that came out or different fan theories, and your live streams would consist of watching an anime with your viewers, but who in her friend group liked anime?
You thought hard about who it could be and when your curiosity got the best of you, you finally agreed to play. “Fine, I’ll try it. I’ve never played before Poki. They’re not going to be too rough on me, are they?”
Poki let out an amused sound before answering you. “I’ll make sure to have them all promise not to before I even introduce you guys.”
So you added yourself to the discord group they had for Among Us and added yourself to the voice chat, letting Poki take the reigns. 
Her small voice rang out above the rest as she tried to get everyone to be quiet. There was a voice you recognized, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. It was deep and raspy and it caught your attention almost instantly, but it was replaced by hers a second later. “I have our tenth. I told you guys that I’d be able to get someone in here with us.”
Everyone went silent until the familiar accent of Sean rang out above the rest. “Who do you have, Poki? Is it anyone that we know?”
She thought about it for a second. Would any of her other friends know who you were? After thinking pretty hard about it she answered. “I think the only one that might know her, other than her biggest fan in here, is Charlie.”
Charlie pondered on it and finally answered. “Someone I would know? Why do you think I would know her?”
You recognized the voice of Charlie very quickly, you had friends that played Among Us with him in other lobbies that were anime youtubers like yourself, Nux Taku being one of them. You finally took your turn and ignored Poki’s attempts to shush you. “Charlie, it’s Y/n. I know you because of Nux.” 
The whole lobby erupted as they recognized your voice, the only voice that you weren’t hearing anymore was the deep one that had pulled you in. 
Poki noticed that the man had stopped talking and called him out. “Corpse,” The second you heard the name you had realized who she was talking about. He was the guy who had just gone viral because of his music. You were disappointed in yourself for not noticing right away. “I know you’re a fan of hers, you’ve told us that before. You’ve told us that you watch her videos and catch her livestreams.”
His nervous laughter filled your headset as you listened to him speak. “Come on, don’t do me like that Poki.”
You hated to admit how much you liked to hear how nervous he grew. It was kind of adorable. “It’s alright Corpse. I’ve listened to a ton of your videos, we’re even. They’re my favorite thing to listen to when I clean.”
Corpse’s nervous laughter got even louder as he tried to keep his cool. He hadn’t realized how hard it would be to talk to you. “I just-” He stopped and took a deep breath. “She’s right. I’m a huge fan. I’ve watched many anime with you on your livestreams.”
You smiled and Poki and Rae both made a happy sound as they listened to the two of you. “Well I’m glad that we’ve watched so much together. Now let’s kill this whole Among Us thing together next?���
Every person in the lobby knew Corpse very well and every single one of them could hear the anxiety in his voice as he tried his hardest to speak to you. They had all heard him talk about you and about how much he had crushed on you all this time. “I’m so ready.”
You loaded yourself into the ship and waited for the round to start. You couldn’t help but tease him, you loved to hear his nervous voice, and you could tell that he secretly loved the attention. “Be my bodyguard Corpsie?”
The whole lobby burst into laughter as they heard the raspy “Uhhhhh,” come from him. But when he finally got the will to speak further it shocked them all. “I’ll be your bodyguard Y/n. Stick with me and I’ll make sure you’re always safe.” 
Taglist: @monic00l @strangeinternetwasteland @rowley-with-ackerman @caothicsimptown @screechingtacobananaperson @mrsdexmeow @yashinosakura @viruakarandomthingsilike @leikarinn @thatbandchick39 @targaryens-blog @chimchimsugakookies @deepsleepysheep @to-move-on-means-to-grow @punkrainbows @ecwashburn1129 @taliyahvermillion @crapimahuman
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fairy-writes · 3 years
Hi !! Hope you're having a great day !! I don't know if you take this kind of request but could you do a platonic relationship with Fred from moriarty the patriot ?? The reader is an apothecary (who provides poison and other things they need) and they become friends ?
Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Requester: Anonymous
Fandom: Moriarty the Patriot
Pairing: Fred Porlock x Gender Neutral!Reader
Request: Could you do a platonic relationship with Fred from Moriarty the patriot ?? The reader is an apothecary (who provides poison and other things they need), and they become friends?
Also, this poison technique is taken directly from the book “The Lost Apothecary” by Sarah Penner. It’s an excellent book and one I highly recommend!
The bell above the door jingled as it was opened and closed. Glancing up from your herbs, you watched down the hallway as the figure shed their coat and hung it by the crackling fire that was going in your fireplace. Then, there was the clumping of boots as the person in question stamped the snow from the bottoms of their shoes and padded down the hallway.
Looking up as the figure came around the corner, a smile split your face as your eyes lit on the client’s face, and you recognized him.
Fred Porlock.
“Mr. Porlock!” You greeted, and the 19-year-old young man froze briefly before giving you a nod in greeting. He never said much, but that was okay with you.
You led Fred down the hall to your little shop and to a wall where you grasped a small hidden lever under one of the floorboards and pulled. The section of the wall slid out and revealed another secret room.
Inside was warm and dry, the way it needed to be for your herbs to stay in good condition. The walls were lined with shelves of different liquids, tinctures, tonics, and herbal remedies of the highly deadly sort. Finally, you grasped the letter Fred handed you and read the neat cursive that you now recognized as Mr. William James Moriarty.
“For Eric Manfred; nobleman, with his breakfast. Daybreak, the 14th of April.”
Looking up from the letter, you met Fred’s gaze briefly before turning away to your shelves. You ran a finger along the many jars before selecting one containing two large brown chicken eggs. Handing the jar to Fred, you studied the letter again.
“What poison is it this time?” He asked, and you looked at the jar,
“Nux Vomica. Rat poison. The eggs are the perfect place to hide the crushed seeds because the cool and viscous yolk preserves it.” You explained, and Fred nodded, absorbing the information.
“How’d you get it in the egg?” He asked, and at this, you tapped a single finger against the glass of the jar,
“You can’t see it, but there’s a hole at the top of the egg covered with a matching wax. I inserted the poison with a needle just yesterday. Be sure to serve the eggs as hot as possible—perhaps with hot gravy or pepper—so the nobleman thinks he only burned his tongue. It won’t take long for the poison to take effect. Within seconds he will complain of a burning of the tongue. Afterward, he will feel nauseous and will most certainly want to lie down. Soon after, he will be dead.” You elaborated on the exact specifics of the poison you were giving the young man.
You didn’t know the specifics of who was receiving it beyond a name, but William had said it was for the best. He said it was best for you not to be involved as much as possible for fear the police caught them with their poisoning endeavors. So all you ever received was a name and a letter detailing how William wished to poison the noblemen and noblewomen of choice.
Fred followed you to the door of your little shop, and you held the jar containing the eggs while he put his coat and scarf on. He deftly slid the jar into his coat pocket and drew up his hood. Then, approaching the door, he paused before turning back.
“Thank you.” He said, and you stepped forward into his opened arms for a warm hug. His coat was still warm from drying in front of the fire, and his hands were strong at your back. He got like this at times, when it had been forever since he had last seen you.
“Goodbye Fred, be safe.” You whispered and felt him nod, his hair tickling your cheek as he drew back and adjusted his coat before sweeping out in a flurry of fabric, deftly disappearing into the mist.
Leaving the door and heading back to the secret room—burning the letter from William along the way—you pulled out your large leather-bound register and took up your pen, finding the next available entry and penning in neat cursive:
“Mr. Eric Manfred. Eggs prepped with Nux Vomica. 14th of April, 1879. On account of Mr. William James Moriarty and Fred Porlock.”
85 notes · View notes
jack-morrison · 4 years
The world needs more Immortan Joe x Reader smut fics. You write many smuts, and they are quite good. Mad Max deserves some love. Please consider Joe x Reader or Joe x Nux.
I will beat you to death, Callie. The world needs more Immortan Joe x Me smut. Where's my smut, Cal? Where is it????
17 notes · View notes
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sustainpunch · 6 years
Guitar Loop Pedals | Top 10 Best Looper Pedals for Guitar
In this article, we’re going to be discussing the … best guitar loop pedals that you can purchase in 2018. As always at Sustain Punch, we will firstly explain the function of a loop pedal, also known as a repeater pedal, and why you may want one to place on your guitar effects pedalboard.
What are Guitar Loop Pedals?
Guitar Loop Pedals are simply guitar effects processors that work to loop, or repeat, the input signal provided. In other words, it plays the same musical signal over and over again, until specified not to.
You may be asking, well how does it know what part you wish to loop, or how long you want to loop it for? And to answer these two questions, all of these controls are provided on the front of the pedal, on the user interface.
How does a Guitar Loop Pedal actually work?
A guitar looper pedal will normally have a clear user interface in which the guitarist has access to a footswitch (to engage and disengage the looping effect), and looper timing and even frequency adjustment knobs. In turn, this allows a guitarist to active the looper effect in real-time and control all of the timing parameters surrounding its operation. Ok, so that’s a little bit about the processor itself. Let’s talk more about specific looper pedals that you may be interested in.
Due to the fact that all of the pedals in this list vary quite significantly in price, we’ve ordered them based on this, although you can see editor’s recommendations in the list below, and the conclusion, so if price is not a determining factor and you’re looking for a specific feature, you’ll find it highlighted here.
So without further ado, here are the 10 top guitar loop pedals in 2018…
Top 10 Best Guitar Loop Pedals in 2018
Rowin Tiny Guitar Looper Processor – $39.98 – Buy on Amazon
Donner LOOPER Tiny Guitar Looper Pedal – $45.00 – Buy on Amazon
Electro-Harmonix 360 Nano Looper Pedal – $91.00 – Buy on Amazon
Nux Loop Core Guitar Looper Processor – $99.00 – Buy on Amazon
TC Electronics Ditto Guitar Looper Pedal – $99.99 – Buy on Amazon
Boss RC-1 Guitar Loop Pedal Station Bundle – $99.99 – Buy on Amazon
Nux Loop Core Delux Guitar Loop Pedal – $149.00 – Buy on Amazon
Electro-Harmonix 720 Stereo Guitar Looper – $152.00 – Buy on Amazon
Boss RC-3 Guitar Loop Pedal Station Bundle – $179.99 – Buy on Amazon
Boss RC-30 Guitar Phrase Looper Unit Bundle – $299.99 – Buy on Amazon
  Rowin Tiny Guitar Looper Processor – $39.98
Designed & Built by Rowin
Budget-Priced Guitar Looper
Built to last with Zinc alloy chassis
Very simple to use
Capable of 10 minutes of recording loops
Monophonic Input
Unlimited loop layering/overdubbing
USB Connectivity for uploading & downloading loops
Interface controls (Left to right) include:
Level: Controls the output dB level of the processor
LED that lights when the pedal is engaged
Technical Specifications
24-bit Conversion at 48kHz Sample Rate
1 x 1/4″ jack input
1 x 1/4″ jack output
USB Connectivity
9v Power adapter is needed for operation. This is sold separately (Boss SYB-5 9v power adapter – Buy on Amazon)
Weight : 0.13 kg
Dimensions : 3.0″ x 1.4″ x 1.0″ inches
Customer Review Rating
The Rowin Tiny Looper pedal has received an average rating of 3.5* out of 5 stars from over 65 Amazon customer reviews – Read these reviews here.
The Rowin Tiny Looper pedal is the cheapest processor on our list, and we’ve included it not only for this reason, because we simply like to accommodate for every reader and the unique budget that they have… but also because it has some good aspects and provides great value for money, from a pedal that costs less than $50.
Before we go into depth about the pedal’s key features, let’s first talk a little bit more about Rowin. The brand itself has been around for several years and mainly creates very affordable music equipment… Their music equipment is often very basic, but does the job!
Ok, so let’s talk more about their ‘Tiny Looper Pedal’… Well as the name suggests, it’s certainly small in size, and therefore would be suitable for the guitarist with a minimal amount of space on their pedalboard.
The pedal is capable of providing up to 10 minutes of loop recording time, and it can be operated by simply setting the level knob to a suitable output, and engaging the footswitch… Simple!
Surprisingly, this device also has USB integration, so that you can import/export loop samples, for further editing and refinement in your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). Although Rowin does not go into detail as to how this can be done, we imagine the process is fairly simple.
We were also very impressed by the technical specifications of this unit’s recording capability, using 24-bit conversion at a sample rate of 48kHz.
What would we improve?
Hmm, well we would have personally liked to see the unit provide more looping parameter controls & effects. However, considering the price-tag we really don’t expect that to happen, as it would directly affect the price! And this unit’s price is it’s USP.
Who is this pedal for?
This looper/repeater pedal is suitable for any guitarist who requires an ultra-low-cost pedal, which is small, light, simple to use, doesn’t provide a lot of additional looping features but also have USB integration.
For anyone else who has a large budget of say $100, we would advise that you choose the Nux Loop Core instead, which we’ve reviewed below. Otherwise, look at the Donner pedals below, which feature some additional looping functions, and are priced around $50.
None-the-less, take a look at the video demonstration of the Rowin Looper in action below:
  Donner LOOPER Tiny Guitar Looper Pedal – $45.00
Designed & Built by Donner
Budget-Priced Guitar Looper
Built to last with Zinc alloy chassis
Very simple to use
Three main looping modes:
Capable of 10 minutes of recording loops
Monophonic Input
Unlimited loop layering/overdubbing
USB Connectivity for uploading & downloading loops
Interface controls (Left to right) include:
Level: Controls the output dB level of the processor
LED that lights when the pedal is engaged
Technical Specifications
24-bit Conversion at 44.1 kHz Sample Rate
1 x 1/4″ jack input
1 x 1/4″ jack output
USB Connectivity
9v Power adapter is needed for operation. This is sold separately (Boss SYB-5 9v power adapter – Buy on Amazon)
Weight : 0.13 kg
Dimensions : 3.0″ x 1.4″ x 1.0″ inches
Customer Review Rating
The Rowin Tiny Looper pedal has received an average rating of 3.5* out of 5 stars from over 150 Amazon customer reviews – Read these reviews here.
The Rowin Tiny Looper pedal is the cheapest processor on our list, and we’ve included it not only for this reason, because we simply like to accommodate for every reader and the unique budget that they have… but also because it has some good aspects and provides great value for money, from a pedal that costs less than $50.
Before we go into depth about the pedal’s key features, let’s first talk a little bit more about Rowin. The brand itself has been around for several years and mainly creates very affordable music equipment… Their music equipment is often very basic, but does the job!
Ok, so let’s talk more about their ‘Tiny Looper Pedal’… Well as the name suggests, it’s certainly small in size, and therefore would be suitable for the guitarist with a minimal amount of space on their pedalboard.
The Rowin Tiny Looper unit has three modes, this includes Half Speed Mode, Normal Speed Mode and Reverse Mode. All of this functionality is rather impressive considering that this unit is only $45 … *Take a look at the video demonstration below to see these modes in action.
The pedal is capable of providing up to 10 minutes of loop recording time, and it can be operated by simply setting the level knob to a suitable output, and engaging the footswitch… Simple!
Surprisingly, this device also has USB integration, so that you can import/export loop samples, for further editing and refinement in your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). And yes, this USB import/export feature can be used on both Mac and PC.
We were also very impressed by the technical specifications of this unit’s recording capability, using 24-bit conversion at a sample rate of 48kHz.
What would we improve?
Hmm, there really isn’t much that we would consider improving, as it would directly affect the price! And this unit’s price is it’s USP.
Who is this pedal for?
This looper/repeater pedal is suitable for any guitarist who requires an ultra-low-cost pedal, which is small, light, simple to use, doesn’t provide a lot of additional looping features but also have USB integration.
For anyone else who has a large budget of say $100, we would advise that you choose the Nux Loop Core instead, which we’ve reviewed below.
None-the-less, take a look at the video demonstration of the Rowin Looper in action below:
  Electro-Harmonix 360 Nano Looper Pedal – $91.00
Designed & Built by the iconic brand ‘Electro-Harmonix
Guitar Looper Pedal
Built to last
Capable of 6 minutes of recording loops
Monophonic Input
Unlimited loop layering/overdubbing
Interface controls (Left to right) include:
Level: Controls the output dB level of the processor
Loop: Choose between 11 different loop types
Bright LEDs that light when the pedal is engaged
Technical Specifications
24-bit Conversion at 44.1kHz Sample Rate
1 x 1/4″ jack input
1 x 1/4″ jack output
Optional 9v battery-powered, AC adaptor is sold separately (Boss SYB-5 9v power adapter – Buy on Amazon)
Weight : 0.45 kg
Dimensions : 2.25″ x 4.0″ x 4.75″ inches
Customer Review Rating
The Electro-Harmonix 720 has received an average rating of 4.0* out of 5 stars from over 53 Amazon customer reviews – Read these reviews here.
The Electro-Harmonix 360 Nano is the ‘younger brother’ in this series to the ‘Electro-Harmonix 720’ pedal. The 360 Nano is more compact in size and has some fantastic features.
Firstly, for those who aren’t aware of who Electro-Harmonix are. Let’s firstly talk about the brand, who they are and how the two loop pedals within this series really differ.
Ok, so Electro-Harmonix is an extremely large audio equipment manufacturer based in the USA. They were founded in 1968 and have specialized in becoming experts in the field of guitar effects pedals. Therefore, if you get the chance to play one, you’ll notice that all of the aspects from it’s sound to operation ‘just work!’… Simply a result of over 50-years worth of improvement and progression.
Now, let’s talk more about the Electro-Harmonix 360.
The 360 Nano is an extremely compact looper processor, which is housed in a die-cast metal chassis. It provides up to 6 minutes of loop recording time and has 11 loop types that can easily be referred to from a single knob that is located on the front of the interface.
What would we improve?
Where the Electro-Harmonix lacks is simply in the difference between ‘it’ and it’s older brother, the 720 version. Therefore we know that improving specifications on the 360 Nano would merely compete with the 720, and wouldn’t be even worthwhile considering.
However, for the price of around $100, we prefer the Nux Loopcore (reviewed below), as it provides more personalization options including PC/Mac connectivity for the purpose to import/export loops to a DAW for further refinement. It has many more features that you’ll probably want to check out!
Who is this pedal for?
Whilst we are big fans of the brand Electro-Harmonix, and as you can see from the video demonstration, they provide high quality sounding equipment, we simply cannot recommend it… As we prefer the Nux Loopcore.
None-the-less, take a look at the video demonstration of the Electro-Harmonix Nano 360 in action below:
Nux Loop Core Guitar Looper Processor – $99.00
Guitar Loop pedal by Nux
16-bit sample rate processing
High-Quality Build with solid footswitch
Comes with additional dual footswitch, for immediate memory bank referral
Upgraded hardware from the Nux Loop Core (Original)
Record up to 6 hours worth of loop phases
Change playback tempo of recorded loops, without changing the pitch/key
Unlimited loop layers
99 saved memory banks
PC/Mac integration with Mini-B USB connectivity
Import/Export loop phases (to edit and backup)
Automatic Tempo Detection
Drum machine accompaniment with 40 different drum rhythms
3 different stop-modes
Normal Mode: Double tap for an instant stop
Finish Mode: Plays until the end of the last measure
Fade-Out Mode: Includes a 10-second fade out
Frequency Compensation (with accompaniment) and Cabinet Simulation settings
Bright LED light when the pedal is engaged
Runs on 9v battery (Included), or 9v power supply (not included)
True Bypass
Technical Specifications
1 x 1/4″ jack input (Monophonic Input)
Aux In (Stereo Input)
2 x 1/4″ jack output (Amplifier Out & Mixer Out)
Optional 9v battery-powered, AC adaptor is sold separately (Boss SYB-5 9v power adapter – Buy on Amazon)
Weight : 0.27 kg
Dimensions : 4.8″ x 2.8″ x 1.8″ inches
Customer Review Rating
The Nux Loop Core Pedal has received an average rating of 3.9* out of 5 stars from over 72 Amazon customer reviews – Read these reviews here.
The Nux Loop Core Pedal is Nux’s original flagship guitar looper and has received a wide range of positive reviews considering the clear effort and time put into the pedal’s development.
Let’s firstly talk about the company Nux before we dive into more about the specific Loop Core Pedal.
Nux has been developing all kinds of recording equipment, including guitar effects, amplifiers and audio interfaces since 2005. Their main goal has been to provide musicians with high-quality audio equipment at an affordable cost.
Ok, now let’s talk more about the Loop Core Series Pedal. The pedal itself is priced at $99, and believe us when we say, for $99, you won’t get much more in a compact pedal than this!
Some of the product highlights for us include the 6-hour recording time maximum capacity, 99-savable, editable, importable and exportable preset banks, the USB integration in order to connect to your MAC/PC, automated tempo detection, loop tempo change without changing the pitch/key, alongside the 40+ different accompaniment drum rhythms that you can choose from… Wow! That was a lot to go through!
And we’ve not even talked about the cabinet simulation and frequency compensation settings. Essentially, these settings allow for your accompaniment to not drown out the sound of your loops.
Additionally, the pedal allows you to create as many loop layers as possible.. So your audience will be left in utter amazement. Also, the main functioning of the pedal is rather simple, with it either starting when you click the footswitch (manual mode) or when you play the guitar (auto-start mode).
Nux have been so methodical in this pedal’s development that they have also included different ‘stop’ modes. With a double-tap stopping the loop immediately, whilst in ‘finish-mode’ the pedal will play to the end of the current phrase, and finally in ‘fade-out mode’… Well, you can guess right? It begins a 10-second fade out.
What would we improve?
Ok, so for the price of $99 you’re simply getting a high-quality, 16-bit, compact looping unit that has a mind-blowing number of looping functions and settings. In our opinion, there is simply nothing you can improve with regards to the pedal without it directly affecting the price.
Who is this pedal for?
The Nux Loop Core pedal is definitely for the guitarist who doesn’t want to spend more than around $100, but needs a highly compact unit that is well-built, features a whole bunch of looping functions and will stand the test of time, whether or not you are just recording in-studio or in turn playing live shows.
It even has a stereo aux input, for those who require this.
Otherwise, if you like the sound of all these features, but you potentially want more recording time and a higher recording sample rate, take a look at the ‘big brother’… The Nux Loop Core Deluxe, we’ve featured a review of it further down!, p
Take a look at the video demonstration of the Nux Loop Core Pedal in action:
    TC Electronics Ditto Guitar Looper Pedal – $99.99
Designed & Built by TC Electronic
Engineered in Denmark
Sturdy die-cast metal chassis
Incredibly easy-to-use looping pedal
Extremely simple to use
One knob on the unit, to control the output level
5 Minute looping functionality
Internal memory retains loops (even when power is off)
Unlimited overdubs and undo/redo functionality
Runs on battery power, or 9v power supply (not included)
True Bypass
3-Year Manufacturers Warranty
Technical Specifications
24-bit uncompressed audio
1 x 1/4″ jack input
1 x 1/4″ jack output
Optional battery-powered, AC adaptor is sold separately (Boss SYB-5 9v power adapter – Buy on Amazon)
Weight : 0.45 kg
Dimensions : 2.9″ x 5.0″ x 2.3″ inches
Customer Review Rating
The TC Electronic Ditto Looper has received an average rating of 4.5* out of 5 stars from over 108 Amazon customer reviews – Read these reviews here.
The Ditto Looper is a looper pedal built by the incredibly brand, TC Electronics.
For those that don’t know much about TC Electronics, they’ve been around since the early days! Yes, we’re talking about the very early 1970’s. They’ve been active in designing and building all kinds of music equipment, including guitar effects, vocal effects pedals, audio interfaces and home recording studio equipment. This has given them a tremendous amount of experience in creating high-quality audio equipment at an affordable cost for the likes of you and me.
Ok, so that’s a little about the company itself. Let’s talk more about the Ditto Looper pedal itself.
Well, the Ditto Guitar Loop Pedal is undoubtedly one of the more simpler pedals to operate from this extensive list of the best guitar loopers. However, with that being said, don’t mistake its simplicity for a limit of the sound quality… After all, this device supports 24-bit sample rate audio… Meaning that it provides high-quality audio looping.
However, for us personally, we would like to see more parameter controls, to adjust looping frequency and other things such as timing controls.
What would we improve?
As we just pointed out, this pedal lacks the functionality to really personalize your looping sound when comparing it to other pedals around the same $100 price-point, that we’ve featured in our list. An example of one of these pedals that allows for further refinement of your sound is the Nux Loop Core guitar processor, which also provides rhythm accompaniment, 99 user programmable memory patches and even MAC/PC integration via USB connectivity… All in all, we would prefer the Nux Loop Core pedal over the TC Electronics Ditto Looper.
Who is this pedal for?
Ok, so although we think there is a better option, as mentioned above. The TC Electronics Ditto Looper pedal is ideal for the guitarist who wants an incredibly easy-to-use looper processing unit, that just so happens to be very compact with a sturdy build.
Take a look at the video demonstration of the TC Electronics Ditto Looper
      Boss RC-1 Guitar Loop Pedal Station Bundle – $99.99
Designed & Built by Boss (Roland Corporation)
Loop Pedal for Guitar
Built to last
Extremely simple to use
Multiple Editions of this product series, being a result of lots of improvements.
Single Footpedal & Single Track Looper with True Stereo Input & Output
Looping Time: Up to 12 minutes of stereo recording
Interface controls (Left to right) include:
Level: Controls the output db level of the processor
Footswitch (1): Controls the engagement and recording of the guitar input signal
Bright LED light when the pedal is engaged
USB 2.0 Connectivity for WAV Audio Input/Export
Accompanying Rhythmic Drum Loops
Runs on battery power, or 9v power supply (not included)
True Bypass
5-Year Boss Manufacturers Warranty
Official Specifications – Boss Website https://ift.tt/2cZQpGv
Technical Specifications
2 x 1/4″ jack input (Optional Stereo Input)
2 x 1/4″ jack output (Optional Stereo Output)
1 x 1/8″ mini AUX input
Optional battery-powered, AC adaptor is sold separately (Boss SYB-5 9v power adapter – Buy on Amazon)
Weight : 0.45 kg
Dimensions : 2.9″ x 5.0″ x 2.3″ inches
Customer Review Rating
The Boss RC-1 Guitar Loop Station has received an average rating of 4.5* out of 5 stars from over 126 Amazon customer reviews – Read these reviews here.
The RC-3 is a Guitar Looper Pedal created by none other than Boss. For those who aren’t too familiar with Boss (Not many of you I can imagine), the company started in the early 1970’s and quickly became synonymously linked to the term guitar effects pedals. Over the following decades, they have refined all of the products in their different usage series, with their hands in a number of pies, including guitar tuner pedals, guitar synth pedals and many more.
Because of Boss’s sheer wealth of experience, and the fact that their products have truly stood the test of time, you can be 100% sure that customer/user satisfaction is not an issue. After all, in most cases, they’ve had 30+ years of improvements for each product series, so you can imagine there’s not much left to improve.
As for the Boss RC-1, it’s one of the more basic RC models within the series, only requiring the footswitch and output level to operate the looper function.
The unit itself provides both monophonic and optional stereo input/output, which means that it’s suitable for guitarists who want that optional stereo functionality, which is fantastic value for money, considering it is priced at $99.
Oh and we almost forgot! It comes with an incredible 5-Year Product Manufacturers Warranty.
What would we improve?
The Boss RC-1 is a very simple to use guitar looping processor. Where it lacks against it’s two older brothers (RC-3 & RC-30) is in looping time, multi-track looping, onboard programmable memory patches, USB integration with WAV editing and additional connectivity features, such as AUX and XLR input.
However, if these features are not so important to you, this is certainly a looper pedal that cannot be easily improved, as, alongside the product features, it also comes with fantastic build-quality and that 5-year manufacturer’s warranty… Not to mention a string of positive customer reviews.
Who is this pedal for?
The Boss RC-1 is for the guitarist who wants a solidly designed looping processor, built by one of the most well-known, trustworthy guitar effects pedal brands in the world.
This is definitely for someone looking at a more mid-range priced unit, that simply provides looping without all the bells and whistles.
Take a look at the video demonstration of the Boss RC-1 in action [Skip to 2.15, when the demonstration actually starts]
      Nux Loop Core Delux Guitar Loop Pedal – $149.00
Guitar Loop pedal by Nux
24-bit sample rate processing (Upgrade from the original 16-bit version)
High-Quality Build with solid footswitch
Comes with additional dual footswitch, for immediate memory bank referral
Upgraded hardware from the Nux Loop Core (Original)
Record up to 8 hours worth of loop phases
Change playback tempo of recorded loops, without changing the pitch/key
Unlimited loop layers
99 saved memory banks
PC/Mac integration with Mini-B USB connectivity
Import/Export loop phases (to edit and backup)
Automatic Tempo Detection
Drum machine accompaniment with 40 different drum rhythms
3 different stop-modes
Normal Mode: Double tap for an instant stop
Finish Mode: Plays until the end of the last measure
Fade-Out Mode: Includes a 10-second fade out
Frequency Compensation (with accompaniment) and Cabinet Simulation settings
Bright LED light when the pedal is engaged
Runs on 9v battery, or 9v power supply (not included)
True Bypass
Technical Specifications
1 x 1/4″ jack input (Monophonic Input)
2 x 1/4″ jack output (Amplifier Out & Mixer Out)
Optional 9v battery-powered, AC adaptor is sold separately (Boss SYB-5 9v power adapter – Buy on Amazon)
Weight : 0.27 kg
Dimensions : 4.8″ x 2.8″ x 1.8″ inches
Customer Review Rating
The Nux Loop Core Deluxe Pedal has received an average rating of 4.4* out of 5 stars from over 4 Amazon customer reviews – Read these reviews here.
The Nux Loop Core Pedal Deluxe is Nux’s Premium-Model guitar looper and has received a wide range of positive reviews considering the clear effort and time put into the pedal’s development.
Let’s firstly talk about the company Nux before we dive into more about the specific Loop Core Pedal Deluxe.
Nux has been developing all kinds of recording equipment, including guitar effects, amplifiers and audio interfaces since 2005. Their main goal has been to provide musicians with high-quality audio equipment at an affordable cost.
Ok, now let’s talk more about the Loop Core Series Pedal. The pedal itself is priced at $99, and believe us when we say, for $99, you won’t get much more in a compact pedal than this!
Some of the product highlights for us include the 6-hour recording time maximum capacity, 99-savable, editable, importable and exportable preset banks, the USB integration in order to connect to your MAC/PC, automated tempo detection, loop tempo change without changing the pitch/key, alongside the 40+ different accompaniment drum rhythms that you can choose from… Wow! That was a lot to go through!
And we’ve not even talked about the cabinet simulation and frequency compensation settings. Essentially, these settings allow for your accompaniment to not drown out the sound of your loops.
Additionally, the pedal allows you to create as many loop layers as possible.. So your audience will be left in utter amazement. Also, the main functioning of the pedal is rather simple, with it either starting when you click the footswitch (manual mode) or when you play the guitar (auto-start mode).
Nux have been so methodical in this pedal’s development that they have also included different ‘stop’ modes. With a double-tap stopping the loop immediately, whilst in ‘finish-mode’ the pedal will play to the end of the current phrase, and finally in ‘fade-out mode’… Well you can guess right? It begins a 10-second fade out.
What would we improve?
Ok, so for the price of $149 you’re simply getting a high-quality, 24-bit, compact looping unit that has a mind-blowing number of looping functions and settings. In our opinion, there is simply nothing you can improve with regards to the pedal without it directly affecting the price.
Who is this pedal for?
The Nux Loop Core pedal is definitely for the guitarist who doesn’t want to spend more than around $100, but needs a highly compact unit that is well-built, features a whole bunch of looping functions and will stand the test of time, whether or not you are just recording in-studio or in turn playing live shows.
It even has a stereo aux input, for those who require this.
Otherwise, if you like the sound of all of these features, but simply the price is a little too steep, take a look at the pedal’s ‘baby brother’ which is only $99. The main difference is the fact that it has 16-bit sample rate and only 6-hours worth of recording time…
Take a look at the video demonstration of the Boss RC-1 in action
  Electro-Harmonix 720 Stereo Guitar Looper – $152.00
Designed & Built by the iconic brand ‘Electro-Harmonix
Guitar Looper Pedal
Built to last
Capable of 12 minutes of stereo recording loops
Stereo Input and Output
Undo/Redo, Reverse, Half-Speed effects at the touch of a button
Unlimited loop layering/overdubbing
Ability to loop 2 instruments at once
Dual footswitch usage, for hands-free operation
Loop Fadeouts in Trials mode
Interface controls (Left to right) include:
Level: Controls the output dB level of the processor
Push Mode: Choose between 10 different loop types
Reverse: Ability to reverse the loop signal
1/2 Speed: Ability to slow down the loop to half-time
Bright LEDs that light when the pedal is engaged
Technical Specifications
24-bit Conversion at 44.1kHz Sample Rate
2 x 1/4″ jack input (Optional Stereo Input)
1 x 1/4″ (External Footswitch Input)
2 x 1/4″ jack output (Optional Stereo Output)
1 x 1/8″ mini AUX input
Optional 9v battery-powered, AC adaptor is sold separately (Boss SYB-5 9v power adapter – Buy on Amazon)
Weight : 0.45 kg
Dimensions : 2.25″ x 4.0″ x 4.75″ inches
Owners Manual: Electro Harmonix 720 Owners Manual
Customer Review Rating
The Electro-Harmonix 720 has received an average rating of 4.3* out of 5 stars from over 42 Amazon customer reviews – Read these reviews here.
The Electro-Harmonix 720 is the ‘older brother’ in this series, with the ‘Electro-Harmonix 360 Nano’ being the more compact, slightly cheaper version.
However, for those who haven’t read the ‘Electro-Harmonix 360 Nano’ review, and potentially aren’t aware of who Electro-Harmonix are. Let’s firstly talk about the brand, who they are and how the two loop pedals within this series really differ.
Ok, so Electro-Harmonix is an extremely large audio equipment manufacturer based in the USA. They were founded in 1968 and have specialized in becoming experts in the field of guitar effects pedals. Therefore, if you get the chance to play one, you’ll notice that all of the aspects from it’s sound to operation ‘just work!’… Simply a result of over 50-years worth of improvement and progression.
Now, let’s talk more about the Electro-Harmonix 360.
The 360 Nano is an extremely compact looper processor, which is housed in a die-cast metal chassis. It provides up to 12 minutes of loop recording time (6 minutes more than the Nano 360  version) and has 10 loop types that can easily be referred to from a single knob that is located on the front of the interface.
What would we improve?
The amount of loop customization is simply limited when compared to other pedals within the same price range, such as the Nux Loopcore Delux.
The Nux Loopcore Delux provides more personalization options including PC/Mac connectivity for the purpose to import/export loops to a DAW for further refinement. It has many more features that you’ll probably want to check out!
What would we improve?
Whilst we are big fans of the brand Electro-Harmonix, and as you can see from the video demonstration, they provide high quality sounding equipment, we simply cannot recommend it… As we prefer the Nux Loopcore Deluxe.
None-the-less, take a look at the video demonstration of the Electro-Harmonix Nano 720 in action below:
Boss RC-3 Guitar Loop Pedal Station Bundle – $179.99
Designed & Built by Boss (Roland Corporation)
Loop Pedal for Guitar
Built to last
Multiple Editions of this product series, being a result of lots of improvements.
Single Footpedal & Single Track Looper with True Stereo Input & Output
Looping Time: Up to 3 Hours
Internal Memory: 99 onboard user programmable memory phrases
Interface controls (Left to right) include:
Loop FX: Select the Looper Effect
Track Selection: Choose between 2 track looping, which can be played simultaneously
Memory: Choose the memory patch (user programmable)
Rhythm: Controls the accompanying rhythm type and functionality
Mic: Adjusts the output db level of the pedal
Footswitch (1): Controls the engagement and recording of the guitar input signal
Bright LED light when pedal is engaged
USB 2.0 Connectivity for WAV Audio Input/Export
Accompanying Rhythmic Drum Loops
Runs on battery power, or 9v power supply (not included)
True Bypass
5-Year Boss Manufacturers Warranty
Official Specifications – Boss Website https://ift.tt/2cZQpGv
Technical Specifications
2 x 1/4″ jack input (Optional Stereo Input)
2 x 1/4″ jack output (Optional Stereo Output)
1 x 1/8″ mini AUX input
Optional battery-powered, AC adaptor is sold separately (Boss SYB-5 9v power adapter – Buy on Amazon)
Weight : 0.45 kg
Dimensions : 2.9″ x 5.0″ x 2.3″ inches
Customer Review Rating
The Boss RC-3 Guitar Loop Station has received an average rating of 4.5* out of 5 stars from over 126 Amazon customer reviews – Read these reviews here.
The RC-3 is a Guitar Looper Pedal created by none other than Boss. For those who aren’t too familiar with Boss (Not many of you I can imagine), the company started in the early 1970’s and quickly became synonymously linked to the term guitar effects pedals. Over the following decades, they have refined all of the products in their different usage series, with their hands in a number of pies, including guitar tuner pedals, guitar synth pedals and many more.
Because of Boss’s sheer wealth of experience, and the fact that their products have truly stood the test of time, you can be 100% sure that customer/user satisfaction is not an issue. After all, in most cases, they’ve had 30+ years of improvements for each product series, so you can imagine there’s not much left to improve.
As for the Boss RC-3, this is the second most expensive looper unit that we’ve featured within our list, but not nearly as expensive as it’s older brother, the Boss RC-30.
The main difference between the Boss RC-3 and RC-30 is that the RC-30 has multi-track looping capabilities, an XLR input and has 2 physical foot pedals, compared to the RC-1 having 1.
Other than that, The RC-3 simply has everything! With up to 3-hours worth of looping time, 99 programmable looping presets, Stereo input/output, USB import/export capability and not to mention the rhymical accompaniment facilities, there isn’t much else that you could need from a guitar looper.
An advantage of the RC-3 unit over other cheaper guitar looper units is that it can be powered through either battery or using a 9v power supply. According to Boss’s website, the unit can remain functioning for approximately 7.5 hours using Alkaline Batteries and 1.5 hours using Carbon-Zinc Batteries.
Oh and we almost forgot! It comes with an incredible 5-Year Product Manufacturers Warranty.
What would we improve?
The Boss RC-3 is a fantastic looping processor, and we honestly cannot see any downsides to the unit itself. Yes, it’s a little pricey, but you’re paying for the 40+ years of experience that Boss have, and all of the fantastic looping features in this processor! Not to mention the 5-year manufacturer’s warranty again!
Who is this pedal for?
The Boss RC-3 is for the guitarist who wants a premium-quality looper pedal, made by a company known for the reliability of their products.
It’s for the professional musician who wants all of the features of the RC-30, without the steep price, and excluding the XLR input, two footswitches and multi-track looping. Definitely, a pedal to consider!
Take a look at the video demonstration of the Boss RC-3 in action [Skip to 2.15, when the demonstration actually starts]
    Boss RC-30 Guitar Phrase Looper Unit – $299.99
Designed & Built by Boss (Roland Corporation)
Loop Pedal for Guitar
Built to last
Multiple Editions of this product series, being a result of lots of improvements.
Twin Footpedal & Multi-Track Looper with True Stereo Input & Output
Looping Time: Up to 3 Hours
Internal Memory: 99 onboard user programmable memory phrases
Interface controls (Left to right) include:
Loop FX: Select the Looper Effect
Track Selection: Choose between 2 track looping, which can be played simultaneously
Memory: Choose the memory patch (user programmable)
Rhythm: Controls the accompanying rhythm type and functionality
Mic: Adjusts the output db level of the pedal
Footswitch (2): Controls the engagement and recording of the guitar input signal
Bright LED light when pedal is engaged
USB 2.0 Connectivity for WAV Audio Input/Export
Accompanying Rhythmic Drum Loops
Runs on battery power, or 9v power supply (not included)
True Bypass
5-Year Boss Manufacturers Warranty
Official Specifications – Boss Website https://ift.tt/2cZQpGv
Technical Specifications
2 x 1/4″ jack input (Optional Stereo Input)
2 x 1/4″ jack output (Optional Stereo Output)
1 x 1/8″ mini AUX input
1 x XLR (with 48V Phantom power) input
Optional battery-powered, AC adaptor is sold separately (Boss SYB-5 9v power adapter – Buy on Amazon)
Weight : 1.2 kg
Dimensions : 6.9″ x 6.3″ x 2.3″ inches
Customer Review Rating
The Boss RC-30 Guitar Loop Station has received an average rating of 4.5* out of 5 stars from over 126 Amazon customer reviews – Read these reviews here.
The RC-30 is a Guitar Looper Pedal created by none other than Boss. For those who aren’t too familiar with Boss (Not many of you I can imagine), the company started in the early 1970’s and quickly became synonymously linked to the term guitar effects pedals. Over the following decades, they have refined all of the products in their different usage series, with their hands in a number of pies, including guitar tuner pedals, guitar synth pedals and many more.
Because of Boss’s sheer wealth of experience, and the fact that their products have truly stood the test of time, you can be 100% sure that customer/user satisfaction is not an issue. After all, in most cases, they’ve had 30+ years of improvements for each product series, so you can imagine there’s not much left to improve.
As for the Boss RC-30, this is the most expensive looper unit that we’ve featured within our list, and that’s simply because it’s got awesome feedback, and we like to accommodate for every reader’s budget.
The RC-30 simply has everything! With up to 3-hours worth of looping time, 99 programmable looping presets, Stereo input/output, USB import/export capability and not to mention the rhymical accompaniment facilities, there isn’t much else that you could need from a guitar looper.
An advantage of the RC-30 unit over other cheaper guitar looper units is that it can be powered through either battery or using a 9v power supply. According to Boss’s website, the unit can remain functioning for approximately 7.5 hours using Alkaline Batteries and 1.5 hours using Carbon-Zinc Batteries.
Oh and we almost forgot! It comes with an incredible 5-Year Product Manufacturers Warranty.
What would we improve?
We are large fans of Boss, and when considering all of the factors such as the price, functionality and warranty, we don’t honestly think there is much that can be improved. Some may say that the unit is simply a little large, or a little ‘clunky’, and although that may be true, for the sheer number of features you’re getting, and to ensure that the internal circuitry is protected, I’d prefer to have the additional size and ‘clunkiness’.
Who is this pedal for?
The Boss RC-30 is the ultimate looper toolkit, and therefore it’s for the guitarist who wants to have a reliable unit that provides a vast amount of looping functions, that can be programmed, edited and customized for your own style. We imagine this kind of processor would attract a gigging/touring musician who relies on looping in his/her set, and therefore wants to buy a high-quality piece of equipment, regardless of the premium price.
Take a look at the video demonstration of the Boss RC-30 in action [Skip to 2.15, when the demonstration actually starts]
  Conclusion: What Guitar Loop Pedal do we recommend?
As always with our recommendations, we like to accommodate for all of our readers. And therefore we’ve made the following recommendations based on multiple factors that we think will be important to our readers, such as price, functionality, size, etc. However, if you have time, please take a look at the specific pedal reviews, as we’ve featured video demonstrations, showing how the looper actually operates and sounds. Let’s get to it then! We hope that you find it useful!
For the Guitarist on a budget who wants a guitar looper pedal with USB Connectivity for less than $50 – Check out the Donner LOOPER Tiny Guitar Looper Pedal – $45.00 – Buy on Amazon
For the Guitarist who wants a Mid-Priced guitar loop processor, with over 6 hours worth of recording loops, USB Connectivity and 99+ user programmable memory banks – Check out the Nux Loop Core Guitar Looper Processor – $99.00 – Buy on Amazon
For the Guitarist who wants a looper providing stereo input & output and a 5-year manufacturers warranty – Check out the Boss RC3 – $179.99 (Buy on Amazon) or the Boss RC-30 (Buy on Amazon)
For the Guitarist who wants a Premium-Priced guitar loop processor, with over 6 hours worth of recording loops, USB Connectivity and 99+ user programmable memory banks – Check out the Nux Loop Core Deluxe Pedal – Buy on Amazon
The post Guitar Loop Pedals | Top 10 Best Looper Pedals for Guitar appeared first on .
source https://www.sustainpunch.com/guitar-loop-pedals/
0 notes
robin-the-enby · 4 years
Treasure of all War boys p.1
Pairing: Nux x OC
Summary: A girl is allowed to join the war boys after catching Immortan Joe's attention. After taking the time to get to know who they really are, she makes it her goal to make their lives at least a bit better.
Warnings: injury description, suicidal intentions
A/N: I'm just wondering why haven't I watched it sooner, I'm probably the only person active in this dead fandom (please guys out there, I need to know I'm not alone) So, this is basically just a backstory for my OC and her relationship with Nux. He deserved better, let's face it.
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Gifs found on Google
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She didn't know her name, where she was, how long she had been here. She didn't remember her parents, who they were, what they looked like or their names. It was all useless information, because they weren't here now and so they couldn't help her with her only goal. Survival.
Making a life for oneself in the desert was not at all easy. But luck was on her side it seemed.
After wandering mindlessly through the desert for many nights, she found a wreck, of what, she didn't know. It wasn't a big wreck, but it would provide shelter from the storms. Nothing was worse than storms. Tornados, flying sand, strong wind, thunder and lightning, death and destruction everywhere, accompanied by great noise. She decided to make it her hideout, over time she improved it bit by bit, she brought in an old, moldy mattress and found herself a rusty old knife that she stole from a corpse.
Her hideout was near a road, so she waited for cars to appear and as foolish as it was, she tried to stop them and trade water for a place to sleep. Luck was on her side again, because nobody had ever tried to harm her and often felt sorry enough for her to give her a few gulps of the fresh liquid. But never ever had anyone taken up her offer of a roof above their head.
She knew why, but didn't mind it much herself. Being surrounded by two-headed lizards her whole life, or rather what she remembered from it, her mutation felt almost normal to her. Even though she could see why a third eye would throw someone off.
Most of the time, she didn't even know it was there, It's not like it was a functional eye. It was just an eyeball, no pupil, eyelashes or eyebrow and it was completely numb to pain. She wasn't even sure it blinked.
Times were becoming hard, harder than before, hard like times before she found her precious hideout.
No cars have passed this part of the road and she was becoming weaker and weaker. Her body, in an attempt to save itself, shut down as many functions as possible, just to keep the heart beating.
But she knew it wasn't enough.
After a particularly harsh storm, which nearly scared the life out of her and which made quite a few holes in her hideout, the roar of car engines could be heard. Her heart skipped a beat, both from fright and excitement. Cars meant people, people meant water.
But people could also mean danger.
And that was something she couldn't risk in her weak state. So she gathered all her strength, gripped her rusty knife and crawled through one of the holes out of her hideout and quickly hid behind it. She planned on observing the situation and then acting.
The first warning sign was all the battle gear and weapons that basically made those cars. The second was that they pulled up by her hideout, she felt her chest tighten and adrenaline start pumping through her. And the third, final part that told her, screamed at her the word DANGER, was their appearance.
After what could have been seconds, her precious hideout was swarmed by young men and older boys. They looked very intimidating to her, white skin with dark patterns, bald heads, covered in scars with feral eyes and scruffy voices, they couldn't mean anything but danger.
On the other hand, food has been scarce, water non existent, she needed to get out of here and this might be her only chance.
Her mind, so young and naive, came up with a seemingly great idea. Stealthily, careful not to make any sound, she climbed under on of their armored cars. Luckily for her, there were places she could squeeze her her feet into and tubes she could hold onto. They would give her a ride, they just wouldn't know about it. And when she'd decide she wants to get off, she'll just let go.
Yeah, because that would work.
The moment they gained speed, she realized she was screwed. Panic settled in, but not only for this reason. The longer they went, the hotter the tubes she was holding were.
The pain was quickly becoming unbearable. She wanted to scream, but the fear of being found was stronger, so she could only cry silently.
It seemed like eternity before they stopped. Tho whole ride she had her eyes closed and teeth gritted, barely keeping quiet. Her feet and palms felt like she was on fire. Never in her life has she felt greater agony.
She opened her eyes, just a little bit, as if it would aid her in not being seen. The light seemed brighter than in her hideout. The car was on some sort of metal ramp, waiting for something. Thousands of people surrounded the ramp, trying to get on, but were held back by the ghost looking men.
With a jerk, the ramp started rising, much to her surprise. From her view, she saw heavy boots of the scary men and dirty mutated hands of the people trying to climb on. The heavy boots stomped on the hands, everyone was yelling, it was becoming too much and she was getting lightheaded.
The journey up wasn't really long, but the sudden change in light that came right after made her disoriented. It seemed like all the light suddenly dissapeared and darkness swallowed the world around her.
Her mind was in overdrive. It felt like all the pain had transfered from her limbs to her head, making her dizzy. Because of all the pain, she couldn't keep track of where the car was going. She was weak, panicking, lightheaded and disoriented, only a few steps before fainting.
A quiet gasp could be heard and she whipped her head in the direction of it. A small, bald head, with wide eyes was staring at her with shock written all over its face. A small boy, very similar to the older ghostly boys, was peeking under the car.
For a very awkward while, they just stared at each other, until the boy jerked. He was probably just scolded, because he dissapeared from her vision in a lightning speed. That didn't last long, because in no time, there wasn't just one, but two heads looking under the car.
It was in that moment that she felt something new, something different. All of a sudden, she felt energized, her body screamed at her what are you waiting for? Go!
With one mighty tug, in which she put a force so great she never knew where she had gotten in that moment, she ripped her limbs from the car a bolted from under it.
She didn't know where she was running. She just was. She didn't have the strength to think rationally, or at all. Her body focused everything on survival, like so many times before and shut her mind into a dark cell of adrenaline.
The only thing she could see were possible paths between the sea of white skinned, bald boys and the only thing she could hear were the yells and rapid footsteps of those chasing after her, which only resulted in her body producing more adrenaline.
For a while she thought she might even succeed, but just as she was getting her hopes up, she tripped.
One of the war boys not involved in the chase stuck his foot out and successfully tripped the little girl. She fell to the ground and the only thing she managed to do before blacking out was to roll on her back and with hooded gaze take one look at numerous people crouched down all around her.
Nobody ever told her how long was she out, she just woke up in a strange place. It was a cave and it was full of war boys, but unlike the other place she's seen here, these boys were sitting or laying down on stone benches, connected to people hanging upside down from the ceiling.
Her hands and feet were covered in bandages and she felt exhausted. Later on she found out the place was called the Organic mechanic's shop, it was a place where sick war boys that couldn't do war were being healed by a person called Organic mechanic, a strange man that creeped her out a little. He was a bit rough and it seemed like his mouth didn't have any filter, for he said everything that came to his mind, but she never had any problems with him.
It took a while and a lot of a strange cream the Organic mechanic made for her, but her palms and feet scarred without any complications and she was oficially healed. Before she even had the time to ask what was going to happen to her now, two war boys came over, hooked their arms under her armpits and started dragging her somewhere.
For a while she tried to struggle, but nothing happened, so she listened to her survival instinct and focused on where they were going and tried to remember the way.
They dragged her into a room, where there were three men waiting already. The first was a disgusting man, old and worn down by illnesses and the two behind him weren't any better, one couldn't breathe without a mask, much like the blonde one, and the other looked like a bearded baby.
She didn't understand at first, but the older she got, the more she realized how important meeting Immortan Joe and his sons was to her. But it went well, he was intrigued by her quick wit, and fortunately her third eye prevented her from becoming a wife. But the Immortan knew that casting her out would be a loss and so he let her stay, not that she tried to achieve that, but she was to become a war boy.
And that's how the torture began.
The war boys hierarchy was tough and climbing to the top hard. She started as a war pup. First they took her to a war boy, who shaved her head and caked a mixture of white clay and water on her skin. Then he dipped his fingers in what looked like motor oil and grease and smudged it around all her eyes. Then they took what little clothing she had and gave her shorts made from a rough fabric and bandaged her chest to cover her still underdeveloped breasts. Lastly, she was given a name. For her speed, quick thinking and wit they named her Weasle.
War pups, on the very bottom of the hierarchy, were taught to become war boys. The hard way. There was no teaching theory and then practice. You had to learn while working, because the war boys had to be ready at all times and there were loads and loads of work to do. From learning to fight, fixing cars, to helping tend to the sick or injured war boys and helping pulling up vehicles back from raiding and scavenging.
For any mistake they were bullied and beaten, so they wouldn't do it again. It was cruel, but it worked and Weasel was lucky that she was a quick learner.
The only time she got to rest was night. In the evening they all went to one big cave, war boys and pups alike, and slept there, huddled cuddled together to prevent the cold from reaching them. It was at times like these Weasel got to think about her life.
She wasn't happy. She ached all the time and the pain never stopped. Sometimes she thought that being dead would be much better than this. She worked hard for becoming a war boy, but what would it bring her? War boys bullied each other the same as they bullied the pups. Everybody, even they themselves knew that they were all very ill and would die much sooner than full lives. And nobody took them seriously, nobody ever treated her like her life mattered. She was sick of it all.
Tonight would be the night she'd end it all, she decided. She found a small window some time ago, big enough to climb through it. If she jumped from there nobody would care, she was just a face in the crowd. Just a number, a small wheel in the big machine that was Citadel. Yes, a machine. Human slaves producing, producing children, producing milk, producing warriors and god forbid if somebody didn't produce as much as they were supposed to.
Her small feet pattered through the nearly pitch black hallways, so silent were they that her footsteps sounded to her like thunder during the mighty storms. She shuddered at the memory. Storms were still the scariest thing, scarier than any war boy or pup. And nobody offered comfort when they came, because nobody probably even knew the word comfort.
Another pair of footsteps could be heard, created by feet similar to hers, they were running, running towards her and before she could even blink, she felt her body being tackled down.
She fell harshly on her stomach, hitting her chin on the hard stone. The other pup, because who else could it be, straddled her back and she could feel his smug grin as he watched her feeble attempts at getting from under him.
"And where do you think you're sneaking off to, huh?" he asked cockily. He flipped her on her back, his eyes going wide and his jaw dropping when he saw who exactly he caught. "It's none of your business!" Weasel snarled at him and thrashed wildly in his hold, so wildly in fact, he had trouble to keep her under him.
"You're...You're The Weasel!" he exclaimed, in awe. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, but stilled "Yeah, so?" "You're the one who sneaked in under one of the cars!" he jumped off her and grabbed one of her arms to take a look at the burn scars on her palms.
Watching this kid inspect the reminder of her injury with sparkling eyes ignited something warm inside her. Her eyes softened and she let him silently marvel over her scars.
After a few minutes, she broke her arm out of his hold "Right, I have places to be." and got up to walk away. He watched her for a few seconds, but quickly got up too and soon he caught up to her.
"What places?" he turned his head cutely to the side. She pondered quietly on how to answer him. "To see the stars." she decided and he didn't press the subject, content with the answer he got.
The rest of the way they walked silently, side by side. Coming to the window, first to climb out was Weasel, the pup right after her.
Turns out there's a small ledge outside, wide just enough to sit on. They sat, side by side, Weasel looking at the stars and the pup looking at Weasel. "Y'know, I never got your name." she said without taking her gaze away from the night sky. "It's Nux." the boy said, turning his head upwards, mimicking Weasel.
"What was it like?" he asked quietly "Riding a car." "It hurt. I haven't felt a pain greater than that." she whispered, bowing her head to look at her scars and he whipped his head to her with a shocked expression and a near silent wow escaping his lips.
They sat for another few minutes, when she felt another wave of hopelesness wash over her and she knew it was time.
she stood up,
Nux's gaze following her. "Be careful or you'll fall." he warned her softly. "I want to." she told him, tired of fighting and trying to forget how everything hurt.
Nux looked shocked, once again "What, why?" he asked with an unbelievable tone. Weasel shrugged "Everything hurts. I don't have a reason to live." she told him simply.
He frowned "That's stupid." Before she could get mad at him, Nux continued "How are you going to get to Valhalla then?"
Now it was her turn to be shocked "The what?" she asked, quirking her eyebrow, looking straight into his beautiful blue eyes. "Did nobody tell you?" At this she shook her head, confused.
Nux took a deep breath "The older war boys told me. We fight for the Immortan, because we are half lives. If we die historic on the Fury road, we spray chrome on our mouth, so we can enter Valhalla, where our half life is cured and we can live happily forever in the afterlife." he told her in one go.
Weasel frowned. She didn't want to die for old Joe. He didn't look like a saviour, she didn't trust him, why would she when he treated everyone the way he did? Nux caught her frown and asked "You don't want to get to Valhalla?"
"I don't want to die for Joe." Weasel said firmly. "Why?? Have you seen him? He's Immortan, the man who grabbed the sun!" Nux praised him, making a triangle from his hands. "Yes, I've seen him!" Weasel snapoed at him. The pup's eyes lit up like two little explosions "Really?? What's he like?" he asked excitedly.
"Illness ridden and he stinks." the girl said and stuck her tongue out at Nux. He giggled, thinking it was a joke "You're funny Weasel."
As the seconds ticked by, she realized something. Even though she didn't understand half the things Nux said about Valhalla, he called himself and everyone else a half life. She knew what that meant and he must've known too.
That could only mean he knew he was going to die, that they trained him to die. But Valhalla gave him comfort, just like to all war boys. And that was sad.
Just then, she didn't feel hatred towards war boys and war pups anymore, but sympathy. They craved the same thing she did- hope.
In that moment, she decided she wants to help them. If everyone wanted to treat them like they meant nothing, she wasn't going to. She was going to show them that their lives mattered, that they were the ones who Citadel stood on. That without them, everything would turn to ashes.
"Right, you convinced me." she told Nux and turned to climb back inside, the boy following closely behind.
As they walked back to the big cave to sleep again, she asked him "How did you know who I am?" Nux snickered "Everyone knows who you are. Being the only girl 'n all. Well, 'cept for Furiosa." and shrugged.
Furiosa was the only other girl that Weasel knew joined the war boys. She tried to befriend her, but seeing the look of disgust she sent Weasel's way made her want to throw up. So she just nodded and continued to walk silently.
At the entrance of the cave she grabbed Nux's hand, the first tiny part of her big plan already in action. "Can I stay with you?" she asked shyly, expecting to get kicked or punched for being soft, but he only nodded with a smile "At least we won't be cold."
49 notes · View notes
robin-the-enby · 4 years
So, I watched Mad Max yesterday (because It's 1:57am at the time of writing. Oops).
And it was a rollercoaster of emotions. Happiness, sadness, awe, anxiety, it had it all baby.
And I realized how much I adore Nux and other war boys (but Nux is my Valhalla ^^), so expect a fic coming your way, 'cause ya girl made an OC!
Also, you could go support these two fanfics for Nux, they're great!
7 notes · View notes
robin-the-enby · 4 years
Rules and fandoms
My requests are currently closed! Here are some rules and fadoms I’m in (I might add them over time) My masterlist
First of all, fandoms and characters I write for:
Marvel (Bucky, Loki, Yondu Udonta, Eddie Brock/Venom, maybe others)
Slashers - Psycho, The boy, Scream 1, House of wax, Texas chainsaw massacre, Saw 1, The black Christmas (Norman Bates, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Brahms Heelshire, the Sinclair brothers, Nubbins Sawyer, Chop Top Sawyer, Bubba Sawyer, John Kramer, Billy Lenz)
Hellboy (Abe Sapien, maybe others)
Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of fleet street (Sweeney Todd)
Silence of the lambs, Hannibal (Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, maybe others)
Mad Max 2015 (Nux, maybe others)
Good omens (Aziraphale, Crowley, maybe others)
Hobbit/Lord of the rings (Thorin, Legolas, Dwalin, Bofur, Elrond, maybe others)
Clone high (Joan, Gandhi, Vincent, maybe others)
Big mouth (Judd Birch)
The Addams family (Gomez, Morticia, maybe others)
Detroit become human (Connor, Hank Anderson, Ralph, maybe others)
Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji (Ciel Phantomhive - platonic, Grell Suttclif, Undertaker, maybe others)
Diabolik lovers (Kanato Sakamaki, Azusa Mukami, maybe others)
Ikemen vampire (all suitors released in the English version + MC)
My hero academia/Boku no hero academia (Fumikage Tokoyami, Shouta Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, Toshinori Yagi, maybe others)
Tokyo ghoul (Uta, Nishio Nishki, maybe others)
M*A*S*H (Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce, maybe others)
Resident evil 4 + village (Leon Kennedy, Luis Serra, Karl Heisenberg, maybe others)
Hazbin hotel (Alastor, Lucifer, maybe others)
Now the rules:
Please read if and which requests are or aren't open, thank you <3
If I am uncomfortble with writing a request, I won't write it (but I will let you know, dw)
mlm, wlw and other queer oriented requests are welcome (including polyamory)
I won't, however, write only character x character, or requests including your OCs (but I would love to hear about them <3)
reader will be written as gender neutral, unless asked otherwise
I can do anything - matchups (currently closed), headcanons, imagines, actual oneshots, please specify what you want in your ask
Finishing requests takes me a lot of time (depending on the type of ask though of course), life gets in the way more often than not and I am prone to writer's block
Toxicity and hateful comments and asks will not be tolerated (but any constructive feedback is welcome)
I won't write yandere, sorry. On that note, I will try to not romanticise dark themes, but I love morally grey characters, so let's see how it goes
I'm ace and sex repulsed, full on smut is off the table (themes around sexuality and alluring to future sexual activity are fine though)
My inbox is always open for chatting, whether it's about my works, your troubles, OCs or characters from different fandoms!
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