theonehorseman · 4 months
i completely forgot I made this meme like 4 months ago but it describes me pretty well honestly
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starlitwishes-art · 3 months
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“you are an artist, and your heart is your masterpiece” <3
i’ll keep you safe - sleeping at last
this particular song always makes me think of nastasia and o’chunks, and i can picture o’chunks saying this to nastasia!! i was playing with various watercolor brushes on medibang and wanted to give it a very sketchy/artsy feel!!
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loki-valeska · 1 year
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As I'm in the development stages of my SPM AU comic, I've been working on character designs.
For this page we've got most of Count Bleck's crew. This is where I first drew up the current designs I use for them. Here you can see my clear bias for Dimentio lmao. I drew him far more than the others. I also fiddled with his design a lot. When it comes to my favorite characters, I have trouble designing them cause I want to do them justice. Mimi is here a lot cause I just genuinely enjoy drawing her.  Count Bleck has an interesting facet to his design, where when he's Count Bleck, and has the hat on, you can't see his hair or ears. He also has a more jagged mouth, which gives him more of a creepy look.  And if you get the pose reference for the O'Chunks doodle on the bottom, then you're an MVP. Have fun with my little ship dump on the top of the canvas lol
Shadoo and King Croacus are also featured here. I honestly love them, and think they don't get enough love from the fandom. I'm really happy with both of their designs as well. Shadoo is made of white line art due to her being a shadow.  I could go on about the little details in Croacus' design that were taken from his canon model, but I won't lmao
We also have some designs for Luvbi. I wanted to lean into how Nimbi are like angels, so her arms are like an extra set of wings to reference the biblically accurate angels.  In the bottom left corner we have some Shaydes, the Spirits of the Underwhere. I wanted them to vary a bit more than just the two we see in game. Their variations also make up some of the different races we see throughout the SPM universe. We'll see more Shayde variations in the actual comic when I make it. 
Certain spots are also censored due to spolier reasons.
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caecaesclubhouse · 9 months
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Mery Cripmus, fellas. 🎄🎁
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joshithekitsune · 5 months
Ill bite for your recent post!
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I think we give her hate than we give her credit for. Even though she keeps getting captured by Bowser and the X-nauts. In actuality, she's not as vulnerable. She DID help Mario throughout the Paper Mario series. Especially in Super Princess Peach. She just prefers to keep things at peace rather than conflict, unless something is VERY wrong...
🧡: "Cackletta and Queen Bean were once a couple." I disagree with this theory 100%, (since I am a die-hard Cacktasma shipper). My headcanon is they were sisters. FawfulTheGreat64 revealed a leak of Cackletta and Queen Bean being canonically siblings, it was soon scrapped after the final product. I say it's canon.
💛: I wanted to get into Luaisy, but my brain was like "I don't want toooooo..." Reason for this is because I'm not big on mainline character ships. The non-mainline character ships I'm into are Cacktasma, O'Nassy, Kamek & Kammy.
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camprell-art · 1 year
Date night headcanon for your ships 👀
I'll include Blupani this time because I really like to imagine cute scenarios with them
So I thought about a boat trip through a lake, and sometime they'll just stay in one place and with the light of an oil lamp Blumiere would read something for Timpani, probably poetry, and they would only come back to their home when both are sleepy. And it's a warm night with a full moon and lots of stars in the sky that get reflected in the water, I imagine that the margin of the river has a lot of flowers and fireflies, so it's a very pretty view. (I might try to draw this, my imagination is working today hehe)
O'Chunks and Nastasia are a little different, I have the headcanon that O'Chunks knows how to cook a lot of good stuff, so I imagine that he would make something for them instead of going to Saffron again, and he could try and be a little extra since it's a date, being a little more formal and giving her flowers when she arrives (it's almost the opposite because I always see the woman cooking something for the dude and when he arrives he shows that he got flowers for her, so they're messing the "norm" a little hehe). However, it won't be too formal because O'Chunks isn't the best at being like ultra serious so he would make some jokes and try to make her laugh, and later they would probably watch a movie together and he would fall asleep and Nassy is like "well, can't leave now cus he's holding my hand and oh he looks kinda cute, like a big dog?"
And Dimentio and Mimi... An amusement park or carnival (yeah yeah, really generic akjd), I don't know if the first is open at night but if it was, of course they would go to the Ferris wheel, but that's for last because I imagine that both Dimentio and Mimi like adrenaline, so they would 100% go to the crazy rides that spin and make you stay upside down and all the roller coasters too, also don't forget about the bumper cars, because bumper cars create like, a rivalry or something like that (Hitting the person you're going in with is almost the best part of that ride asjkdg). And lastly, in the Ferris wheel, it would make both of them think about kissing, but since they're cowards they wouldn't do a thing uwu
That's it I guess :b I'm actually not really good at imagining dates so that's why it's nothing out of the ordinary hehe
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 2 years
Okay thezzzzz
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in case you didn't know..
sadly i cant log into amino because phone said no :(
But okay the oczzz
he's very smart, And into biology and has everyones chromosome number memorized, He's very sweet and polite too, Also blu is short for Blumiere Jr!
She's sweet and loves animals, Also very kind and shy, and wants to be a writer
He's the strong and kind, He loves and cares about his family so much, He's also semi blind, but that doesn't discourage him because like his mother, he uses echolocation... *shrieks*
🦢Dephilila 🦢(Dimimi)
she's a graceful ballerina, She's also a mischievous soicopath threat to soicety just like her father! (Lol)
🎭Domino and Dominick🎭(Dimimi)
There the two twins, There mischievous and absolutely inseparable, The white one is domino and the black one is Dominick
and know older pictures of them because why not
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paperpeachy · 2 years
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cosmosogler · 2 months
hmmm, 2 for the ask meme? >:3
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
for my main active fandom right now (spm) i'd say o'nassy probably. they're just- they're so good as bros you know? neither of them is in a very good place during the game and the dynamic is really unbalanced as a kind of supervisor/lackey thing which wouldn't work well as a romance, and i can see nastasia trying to reverse those roles in the postgame early on when she's floundering for purpose. but as friends, supporting each other the best they can? or even a one-sided crush that manifests as a close friendship? i like it a lot.
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zooterchet · 3 days
Services Performed (National Security Office)
Van Raaltan: The removal of fraud of State Police Ball, the farmer's market; defrauded in United States, by tax loans, film foundations, and compulsory insurance.
Bush: The arrest of Keanu Reeves, for performing an act of coitus considered homosexual; scheisse.
Meir: Shutdown of Colella's Supermarket, wholesale share of Canada through ATF.
McDade: The election of Governor Charlie Baker, to remove privately held homes for jurisdiction and jurisprudence of American courts.
Hayes: The direct breach of the FDA, into the Mayo Clinic.
Tomasic: The shortfall of German armored stocks, of nursing materials, for freedom of Germans in America.
Holmes: The Warrera Party, a Japan for video game designers; protocol programming, for kids, to escape crime.
Lennox: Dual banking ampersand, the downfall of Gotti.
Gast: The placement of five sets of kills, as Bond movies, to investigate double agents in MI-6; EON, called in as a contract cleaner, the IDF.
Brown: The murder of A-E-C organization liquor sales, proving worker's abuses through temporary agencies.
Lange: The print of FOX's "Gotham", the downsizing of Israeli technologies as having failed Halliburton, in original number, Roosevelt Trust.
Page: Placement of Hollywood spectacles, on heroism cults of the people; the old Belgium, returned; "Joker", "Pennyworth", "Penguin".
O'Nassis: The print of "The Crow", the paperwork against Rohypnol usage. Own story, alongside Bernice Lamb, "The Huntress"; Taft Lodge.
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dr-cll-emlon · 4 years
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Just a dump of the majority of stuff I’ve made so far after becoming obsessed with SPM (And dang at a convenient time too! It’s 13th anniversary was yesterday) As you can see most of the drawings are of Nastasia (Cause I freaking love her, she’s cute/hot as hell) SO yeah, probably will draw some more of them ^^ 
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theonehorseman · 3 months
so uhhh i recovered from art block
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loki-valeska · 1 year
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Here's some of my Super Paper Mario ships I started this one months ago, so I have more ships now but these are the main ones This is also my last piece using the old style I think, so from here on out it's gonna just be the new stuff probably You can probably tell this took months to complete cause the quality goes up quite a bit by the time I did Dimimi Blumiere and Timpani is the top tier of my OTPs. I love them so much O'Nassy is adorable and Nastasia deserves to be happy after all she's been through I just find Mimi x Nastasia cute. They've got some of that Grumpy x Sunshine vibes. Dimimi is OTP #2. Idk why I love this pairing so much, but reading fics for it makes me feral/positive
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spmcomic · 5 years
o'nassy owo?
oh boy… where do i even start with this one… 
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i feel like in the game o’chunks and nastasia fall really easily into a “brain and brawn” sort of combination, but i don’t think that’s a healthy way for either of them to look at themselves. we see nastasia is just, she’s awful at showing care for others (her various “punishments” for o’chunks that probably really hurt his self esteem, her inability to talk about her feelings for the count without bringing timpani up and upsetting him). the care is there, obviously, there’s no reason she would ask someone like o’chunks to write a thousand-page essay about how much he sucks unless it was specifically to keep him out of mario’s way. a sad o’chunks is better than a dead o’chunks. but it obviously backfires, because o’chunks fights mario the most out of any of the minions, partly because he stops valuing himself at all! she picked one of the worst avenues to keep the man busy. nastasia tends to be very cruel to people she’s trying to protect. that will give her a mountain of trouble in any relationship where she feels she has to be protective.
meanwhile o’chunks is a lot of bluster and noise covering a genuine ability to be emotionally supportive. in flipside, in the postgame, he seems really concerned about nas! and i think his plan to cheer her up (keep her company, get her to eat that kind of thing) would probably really help her feel more stable. but the main obstacle with him is that the minute he feels like a failure, he impulsively gives up out of shame. o’chunks clearly holds nassy in high regard, to the point where it’s really easy to call it a crush, so he cares about her opinion of him. if he sat and thought about why she would be mean to him, he might be fine, but taking it at face value, that initial kneejerk is always to put himself down. 
as usual, i think these two would have too much trouble even starting a relationship until the postgame. all of these characters are kind of at their worst with the threat of impending obliteration haha, and o’chunks doesn’t seem to emotionally thrive in a setting where he’s expected to fight and protect. he’s much better at supporting people and cheering them up. i think once things calmed down, if o’chunks could work up the gumption to tell nastasia how he feels, they would have a chance to have a fulfilling relationship, but the “roles” the game puts them in would cause them both personal problems that would cause friction in the relationship. nastasia is also grieving the loss of her love in the postgame, and the stability of having a clear job, so they would have to be careful that chunky doesn’t become nastasia’s “job,” whatever that entails.
i can digress a bit into “filling the void” here, since we’ve been watching them interact for a while in the story. it’s been a long process of them coming to understand and trust each other, and on that front nastasia still has a long way to go especially in the “trust” category. my o’chunks is a little more outwardly mature so these two do have a lot of frank conversations, about philosophy and feelings, but they both still have some serious self esteem issues. and chunky knows how nas already feels about blue anyway, so he never figures telling her how he feels (once he starts feeling that way) would do anything but stress her out. they will fall more into that “manager / lackey” dynamic later but it’s more of a deterioration on o’chunks’ part than a building relationship. but they will always be bros, and they always make the most competent and stable team out of the five. i always think of them as “teammates” before “partners.” it’s a close relationship with a lot of care and love, but not a very romantic one.
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The full Prince/Princess series of the Bleck Minions and Timpani!~
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