#OC 👤: Bryant Shepard
djfatchip ¡ 4 years
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I got it
OC Couples shipped with Best Friends @erubadhriell and @leysendris: Gustine - Gustav Bertrand x Celestine Claire Shepard Brykeelah - Bryant Leon Shepard x Akeelah Madaki Rianna - Rikko x Vivianna Amell
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djfatchip ¡ 4 years
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My OC Instagram Edition ↳ Bryant Leon Shepard - “Beauty is whatever gives joy.”
DA OC’s: Ravyn | Gissella | Lilyann | Mathilde | Vivianna ME OC’s: Celestine Instagram Template by Ivnderbrwn
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djfatchip ¡ 4 years
OC Face Claims
I was tagged by the lovely @badwolf626�� to post face claims of my OC’s. Thank you so much for the tag dear! <3 You’re awesome! <3 :D I tag: @leysendris​ @erubadhriell​ @slothssassin​ @eluari​ @dracoangel​ @arideya​ and @guidethisonekalahira​! :D
Vivianna Amell (Dragon Age Origins) - Maria Zhgenti:
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Lyliann Leandra Hawke (Dragon Age II) - Candice Swanepoel :
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Celestine Claire Shepard (Mass Effect Trilogy) - Cassie Ventura:
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Bryant Leon Shepard (Mass Effect Trilogy) - Juan Alfonso Baptista:
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I have many OC’s but these are the top ones I have face claims for. The others I will have someday I suppose xD
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djfatchip ¡ 4 years
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OC’s Using PiCrew
First Row: Celestine Claire Shepard, Bryant Leon Shepard, Emilia Loren - Gat. Middle Row: Vivianna Amell, Lilyann Leandra Hawke, Gissella Trevelyan. Last Row: Melinda Gillian Renelle, Mathilde Aeducan, Catheryne Avila.
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djfatchip ¡ 4 years
Your favourite Shepard oc + playlist ask 6! ☘️
You’re wonderful Accio thank you again for popping into my ask box and asking!
I haven’t talked about my OC’s in… well a long while haha! For this number i’ll talk about Bryant Leon Shepard as he’s the easiest when it comes to answering fun things. 
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6: your character’s happy song?
Bryant’s happy song is not really a song but a Genre? Anything Salsa he will dance to and be happy again. The current song I can tell you that has been on repeat and always reminds me of Bryant is Chantaje by Shakira ft. Maluma. But yeah, song wise there isn’t one specific. Salsa is just something that he keeps dear to him and alive so it makes him happy to hear it. :D 
Thank you so much for asking lovely! You’re the best!
Part of the OC Playlist meme
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djfatchip ¡ 5 years
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“Jump in that water, be free”
Akeelah Madaki belongs to @leysendris Bryant Leon Shepard belongs to Me.
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djfatchip ¡ 6 years
Writing Prompts! 29. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” :D
Special for Yesterday as it’s Akleelah’s Birthday! And of course I gotta start with the funny and mean kind of things when it comes to Akeelah and Bryant haha! xD
Game: Mass Effect 2Words: 4,151 Rating: E for everyone or SFW (Safe for Work) OC’s involved belong to both @leysendris & @erubadhriell. Part of the WRITING PROMPTS
There it was again. That noise that had her all distracted from her current task, for the 3rd time, as she looked up from her datapad to identify the small huffs and whispered words now lost to the air filters. Ingenious emerald eyes found the nusenced source. Even if she doesn’t mean to pry, she was always so curious about people. Things people think about. Mutter to themselves.
“My. If I didn’t look up, I would have sworn it was Gus muttering to himself and huffing this much,” Jessica spoke up with a hand to her hip and the other leaning on the table, with her datapad under her palm.
The object of her curiosity jumped in alarm and looked at her in slight panic. “Ah. Perdóname, Jessica,” Bryant apologized with a rub to his neck as he acknowledged she was still in the armory. “I didn’t mean to bother you. I’ll try my best to keep quiet…” he sighed and went back to his table, his shoulders slumping and picking up the amps that both of them were working on.
Jessica however, was always good at sensing when something was amiss. She left her datapad on her table and straighten out, walking to Bryant. She repeated her pose she had earlier on her own table and tilted her head to look into Bryant’s eyes to get his attention. “It’s not like you to say that,” she smiled warmly at him. “You know you can talk to me, right?”
Bryant sighed, stopped what he was doing and looked at the metallic wall, contemplating to tell her. It only took 10 seconds for him to shake his head and pick up what he was working on. She watched with a raised eyebrow as he gritted his teeth in agitation and place the object back down and lift it back up. Back down. Back up. What made him stop completely was her delicate pale hand on his to stop him from raising the object he was sure going to destroy it sooner or later. Bryant moved his hand away from hers and took a step back from her, something that was completely out of character for him to do. Her anxiety rising now, as something was definitely wrong with him.
“Would you like me to call Cele–” Jessica began to suggest.
“NO!” Bryant shouted in a gasp of horror as he looked at her.
It made Jessica slightly jump. Her body tensed at his raised voice. It wasn’t uncommon for Bryant to be loud. What was uncommon was him shouting in a very tense and alarmed way. He was afraid. And that’s what had her all anxious. More than usual. She placed her arms up in surrender and slowly approached him. Eyes now alert.
“Bryant. What’s wrong? Talk to me. Please…” she whispered the plead to make him talk. If he was in trouble, she could help him. Maybe he didn’t want Celestine to know. Because of what she would do. The stories that he would tell… they were painful to listen to. Especially knowing her so differently than what he used to describe her to do. Or to be. “Are you in some kind of deep trouble?” she slowly asked, her arms still up in surrender.
Bryant shook his head and placed his hands behind his head. He looked up and moaned, “it’s nothing so drastic. I assure you. It’s…” he looked down and blushed. “It’s… I…” he looked at her, his blush deepen.
Jessica’s hands fell to her sides. Her head tilted up, eyes narrowing, scrutinizing him.
Bryant sighed in defeat, dropped his arms, slumped forward and moaned in sadness. “I need help with a pick up line.”
Jessica froze in disbelief. “W-Wait,” she shook her head and her hands, trying to understand what just happened. “You just flared my anxiety to the highest of fucking levels, because you are trying to come up with a pick up line?!” Her voice cracked at the end.
Bryant’s blush spread to his ears, turning hotter by the second and his eyes downcast in an apologetic matter. Jessica couldn’t handle just standing there and grabbed his ear, pulling hard.
“OW! JESS! OW OW OW OW!” Bryant cried out in pain.
“You are an asshole, Bryant Leon Shepard!” she hissed and continued to pull down his ear to the point of twisting it for good measure.
Bryant fell to his knees, hands on hers to let go of his ear. “Jade! Please, please! For all that is holy, LET GO OF MY EAR!!!” he yelled in pain.
And she did let go, with a pull so hard that her fingers slid right off of his ear. He was on the floor literally in tears for a few seconds and then getting up, holding his injured ear with one hand while the other helped push him up to stand. He made sure to keep his distance from her, using the middle long table in the armory as a barrier between her and him.
“I can’t believe you made me worry!” she folded her arms and cocked her hip to the side, giving him a glare that had cold spreading through his veins.
“You insisted!” Bryant sniffed, drying his tears. “That’s why I shook my head!”
“You could have just said so. You have a mouth do you not? It’s used for speaking your mind! In case you didn’t read the instruction manual you came with,” her sarcasm dripping.
Bryant scowled at her, “I don’t need to tell you. Aren’t you the one who can ‘pick up things in the air?’ Well, that shaking my head, was a N.O. Fuck… that hurt!” he whined as he tried to rub his ear gently only to wince and glare at Jessica.
“Don’t give me that look. I am the one that is mad, not you,” she huffed. “Now what is this idiotic thing that has you so out of fucking character and almost gave me a damn heart attack,” she lightly snapped at him.
“As I said, I can’t come up with a fucking pick up line. But it’s my problem. Not yours,” he huffed angrily.
“Humph, I cannot believe that the womanizer of the century can’t come up with a pick up line,” she shook her head, rolled her eyes and went to her table.
“Womanizer is such a vulgar word. I don’t use women,” he corrected her. Offense in his voice by the remark.
She rolled her eyes again, “I didn’t mean it in that way and you know it.” She turned around, her face contorted in agitation. “You know, sometimes it feels as though you don’t know me at all.”
Bryant looked down and sighed, “it’s not like that. I understood it in the matter you’ve said it. I am just… not in the mood to joke around, even if my reason to be in this mood is absolutely idiotic. I just…” tears pricked his eyes suddenly and he closed his eyes looking away from her in slight shame. “I just can’t seem to do anything right…”
Jessica’s anger left her at the way he put himself down. Replaced by empathy and walked to the other side of the table. She held his face gently in her hands. Staring deep into his sky blue eyes. “Bryant. Don’t say things like that. You know I dislike it when you talk like that. Don’t do that,” she spoke softly and tenderly to him. Wiping away his tears with her thumbs. She managed to smile at him.
It always struck Bryant in awe at how, for a lack of a better term, motherly she could be with him and with the crew. Even if she was having the worst day, she always prioritized others. Just a few moments ago, she was angry and now, she was as calm and warm as, well, a mother would be.
“I’m sorry,” he sniffed and stepped away from her and wiped his tears. His ear now numb but still hot. He felt it pulsing but at it was numb from the pain.
“Just, don’t say those things,” she turned to the table and jumped, sitting on it. Hands on her thighs, her head tilted to look at him. Her wavy hair, up in a high ponytail, spilled over her shoulder as she waited for him to tell her his troubles. “Now, what of this pick up line and whom is it for?”
“Akeelah,” he answered as he leaned on the edge of the table, elbows on the cold metal surface and hands on his hot cheeks.
“Akeelah huh?” Jessica smiled. “What is so hard of coming up with a pick up line for Akeelah?”
“Well… you see…” Bryant turned his head to look at her as he placed his hands neatly on the table. “The last time I used one… it… it didn’t go so well…” he grimaced at the memory.
“What happened?” Jessica now asked skeptical if she truly wanted to know.
“Well… okay, it started with Akeelah finally agreeing with going to lunch–” he began to recall.
“This was when we were last at the Citadel?” Jessica asked to make sure she was following.
“Yes. So—”
Bryant had it all planned out. She finally agreed to go on a date with him.
“It’s not a date if she only said ‘sure’ because she was hungry,” his sister told him.
“How do you know?” Bryant asked her with a know it all grin.
“In that case, I have gone on dates with everyone,” she smiled in amusement.
“No. It isn’t!” he rebutted alarmed that Akeelah went on a date with his sister before he could. Worry etched in his face and it caused Celestine to laugh.
“Relax. It’s just a friendly lunch. You know what that means right?” 
Bryant rolled his eyes, “lunch with a friend.” 
Bryant looked at Akeelah as they weaved their way around the crowds of the Citadel. To him, she somehow stood out through the sea of people. The way she walked with confidence. Her stare alert and yet she was calm. Enjoying the view around her and listening to people’s conversations as they passed them by.
“How about here?” he asked her as they stopped by the noodle kiosk, in Zakera Ward.
“If that’s what you want to eat,” she shrugged. She didn’t mind at all what she was going to eat. She just knew that she was hungry and Bryant was willing to pay her meal. So, why not take him up on the offer?
They both saw a lone figure away from the rest of the people sitting at the place and one Bryant recognized right away. He sighed softly as he hoped no one else from the ship would be around. Bryant followed Akeelah as she approached the Lone figure. 
“Hi, Gus. Mind if we join you?” Akeelah asked him politely before she sat down next to him.
Gustav slurped the remaining noodles into his mouth and looked up at her. “Hello. No,” he answered and turned back to his meal.
Akeelah sat down next to him and looked at Bryant. “Well? Aren’t you going to sit?” she raised an eyebrow as he stood there staring at the back of Gustav’s black sweater.
Bryant didn’t answer and instead sat down beside her, waving the man over to take their order.
“Irasshaimase! What can I get you?” he asked as he passed out the menu to the both of them.
“I want whatever he is eating with gusto,” Akeelah ordered as she handed the man back the menu without looking at it.
“You didn’t even look at the menu for other things…” Bryant said begrudgingly as he opened his menu.
“You ever had ramen? It’s a delicacy back on Earth,” said the man with a wink to Akeelah.
“True,” commented Bryant. “Maybe one day you can come to Earth and try some. Among other things that the Citadel doesn’t have…” Bryant sighed softly as he tried to find something to eat on the menu. 
“Like a really good pizza…” whispered Gustav softly to himself. 
“Or a burger…” Bryant chuckled. “With horseradish.” 
“That’s a  good one too…” commented Gustav becoming more hungry than before. 
Akeelah wasn’t born on Earth. So knowing more about the blue planet that Bryant and Gustav came from, was always interesting. 
“Give me the chef’s special,” Bryant decided and closed the menu, giving it back to the man.
“You got it!”
They didn’t have to wait very long for their bowls of soups. Once it was placed before them, Akeelah watched Bryant grab his fork, one of the limes and drag it up and down the fork.
“Why are you doing that?” asked Akeelah confused.
“Celestine says that there are germs on the utensils and that lemon and/or lime destroys them,” answered Bryant.
“Is… Celestine a germaphobic person?” asked Akeelah with intrigue.
“I categorize her more of a mysophobe,” answered Bryant. “Fear of uncleanness. Not that something like cleaning a chair or desk, but more of something she is going to put in her mouth or eyes or ears. Seeing her do it a million times whenever we go out, I ended up picking up the habit,” he answered her question and began to eat. 
“Oh. I see,” Akeelah too began to eat. 
There was a moment of silence between them both. It was odd really that Bryant wasn’t that bad of a person to be around. Provided that he was quiet. He was a very calm quiet. Akeelah could scarcely believe Jessica, Garrus, Joker, Tali and Celestine’s stories of how quiet he used to be aboard the SR-1. And yet, proof was right there next to her. If only for a moment as he broke the silence with his voice. It wasn’t unpleasant to listen to. His hispanic accent was sexy. She couldn’t deny that. What was unpleasant was what he talked about.
“So…” he cut the silence. “Are you religious?”
Akeelah paused in her eating and turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. He looked so serious. A question she didn’t really have to answer. But then again, perhaps maybe they could have something in common to talk about. Without breaking into an argument. And she was a bit curious of his use of ‘Spirits’ as if he was Turian, instead of saying  ‘god,’ or ‘oh my god’ when emphasizing something. She inhaled a breath and was ready to answer when it all went to hell with his next sentence.
“‘Cause you are the answer to all my prayers,” he smirked at her. Doing his ‘sexy smirk’ as Celestine described it. And she wasn’t lying. Bryant did have a sexy smile. What wasn’t sexy, was the stupid line he just used on her.
Bryant replayed the exact same facial features that he was doing the day of the lunch with Akeelah. It was so comical, Jessica was beside herself. She rolled on the table, face on the surface as she laughed so hard she was wheezing.
“Yes, yes. Laugh away,” Bryant sighed in defeat. But he couldn’t deny the smile that tugged at the corner of his lips to hear Jessica laughing. “And that isn’t even the best part. She glared at me after I said that… If looks could kill, I would be dead!”
Akeelah glared at him. Enough to know that he should stop talking. She turned back to her meal and began to eat again. A bit faster than before. It didn’t go unnoticed to her how Gustav shook his head. Whether in amusement or also disappointment, Akeelah couldn’t say. Silence befell them all again. And Gustav was just about to be done with his meal, Akeelah was half way finished with hers when Bryant spoke up again.
“Seriously. Did it hurt?” Bryant asked her. His voice soft and serious.
Akeelah sighed as she let go of her fork, hearing it clatter on the edge of her bowl and turned her head to look at him in slight agitation. “What hurt?”
Bryant looked at her with a smile. He tried so hard not to grin, “when you fell from heaven.” His smiled turned sheepish.
For the first time though, instead of rolling her eyes or walking away in annoyance or even starting an argument, she smiled in return and leaned towards him. Her allure caught Bryant off guard and he couldn’t help it as he too leaned towards her as well, thinking that his pick up line worked. At least this time.
“It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” Her voice was low and her words cold. She could see that as she watched Bryant’s smile vanish. She moved away from him and turned back to her food. 
“Oh. My. God!” Jessica’s lips were parted in shock. “Pardon what I am about to say, Bryant, but that was savage! Ha!” she clapped twice. “Damn!” she laughed lightly. 
“You are telling me. That hurt me to my core!” Bryant whined with a groan. Hands covering his eyes.
“Poor dear,” Jessica tried to console Bryant with a rub to his back.
Bryant leaned towards her with a fake sniff. “Can I cry on you?” he asked with puppy eyes and all as he tilted his head to look at her.
Jessica laughed and shook her head, “this is a brand new jacket. No tears on it.”
Bryant pouted, “meanie.”
The doors to the armory opened and both looked to see Akeelah walking into the armory, her face expressionless. Bryant straighten out, her presence always commanding. 
“What can I do for you, Akeelah?” asked Jessica as she got down from the table and looked at her. 
“I need to speak to Bryant. In private,” Akeelah addressed as she didn’t look at him only at Jessica. 
“Sure. I will leave you two to it then,” Jessica nodded and grabbed her datapad as she walked out into the CIC. Before the doors closed she turned around quickly and mouthed to him to breathe. 
Bryant slightly nodded at Jessica’s suggestion from the door. Once the doors closed, the room suddenly turned to one of dread. He couldn’t tell what Akeelah was thinking and that had his anxiety rising a mile a minute. 
“Are you okay?” Akeelah spoke, breaking the dreaded silence. 
“Me? Oh… yes. Yeah I am okay,” Bryant was slightly surprised at her question. 
Akeelah nodded, “good. I was worried after the way you left very quietly after what I said to you… Look I–” 
“If you came to apologize, don’t,” Bryant cut her off. Akeelah closed her lips and stared at him. “You don’t need to. I am the one who should be apologizing to you. So… I’m sorry. That was idiotic of me and–” 
“It was,” Akeelah interjected. Bryant downcast his eyes not seeing Akeelah slight smile. “Just… be direct with me. You don’t need jokes. I really would like to get to know you Bryant. Just… can you leave those kinds of jokes out of conversations?” She asked him gently as she approached him. 
Bryant, surprised at her request, looked at her. A smile spreading across his face as he saw her smiling at him. 
“I would like that. And I can definitely do that,” he agreed with a nod. 
“Good. So, how about we have dinner down in the mess hall? After our duties that is,” Akeelah suggested, hands going to her back. 
“S-Sure!” Bryant agreed. 
“See you then,” Akeelah gave him one last look into his eyes to make sure he was okay. After that day, it had been a week since he would even approach her, let alone been seen. If it wasn’t for Celestine to tell her that Bryant was out of his room and working with Jessica in the armory, she didn’t know if she would ever be able to say she was sorry for hurting his feelings. 
Bryant only watched as she did an about face and left out of the Armory, leaving him alone to smile and look forward to their dinner later in the day. 
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djfatchip ¡ 6 years
Hey Dear :D Happy N7 Day! For the Mass Effect Ask: 7. Your favourite Renegade interrupt? 15. Who should’ve been a romance option? 22. Citadel, Illium or Omega? 32. Is there a choice/action you regret doing in the games?
Hi Lovely! Happy N7 Day! :D 
7. Your favorite Renegade interrupt? 
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Celestine: *does a poor imitation of the bad guy* “Captain Anyala blah-blah-blah! *mumbles to herself* Like the bitch had a chance. *rolls her eyes*
15. Who should’ve been a romance option? 
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The best damn Pilot in the Alliance Fleet! 
22. Citadel, Illium or Omega? 
Illium and Omega can never top the feeling that the Trilogy has when first entering: 
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The Citadel. 
32. Is there a choice/action you regret doing in the games?
Bryant: “… she pressed the renegade interrupt to punch Khalisah and she regrets it every since.” 
Celestine: *raises her forearm* lol, and I didn’t punch her. 
Listen. I wanted to know what would happen if I reversed their actions a bit and after I punched her with Bryant, I felt so HORRIBLE! He doesn’t hurt people like that and she was only doing her job but I just had to find out how he would feel and needless to say the BOTH OF US were crying. LOL xD
How are you making me do things?! D: What sorcery is this?! LOL I haven’t had the urge to do anything at all and suddenly, you make me do things. Writing and now edits?! LOL Whatever it is, thank you! ♡ xD
Thank you so much for asking dearest!♡
Part of the Mass Effect asks meme!
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djfatchip ¡ 6 years
Hi Lovely :) For the oc asks that reveal more than you think: 3, 7, 13, 20 aaand 30 :D
Hi my love! :D Thank you so much for this ask! You are so wonderful! T^T 
It’s always fun to do the OC ones and I decided to do 4 of them :D Please welcome to the front stage: Vivianna Amell, The Badass Mole, Bryant Shepard and Celestine Shepard! :D 
Vivianna: Hello! :)
Mathilde: I have soldiers to train so let’s get this over with! 
Bryant: Hey! :D
Celestine: *lights up a cigarette* 
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
Vivianna: My love interest is a dork with a heart of gold. :)
Mathilde: Ruby is strong, smart, independent and knows well how to tell the most bloodiest and brutal stories. >:)
Bryant: Hard working, independent, intelligent, compassionate, decisive, a leader. Can’t think of anything else. :)
Celestine: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themselves in three words.
Vivianna in three words: Hard-Working, Compassionate, Graceful. 
Vivianna: I am Studious, A Leader, Open-Minded.
Mathilde in three words: Temperamental, Violent, Cunning.
Mathilde: I am a Queen, A Paragon and Strong. 
Bryant in three words: Brilliant, Dramatic, Loud.
Bryant: I am Goal-Oriented, Diplomatic and Cheerful. 
Celestine in three words: Realistic, Brutal, Funny.
Celestine: Innovative, Meticulous and Honest. 
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
Vivianna: How to behave like a Lady. 
Mathilde: How to defend myself.
Bryant: How to be responsible. 
Celestine: Kill. 
20. What do they like that nobody else does?
Vivianna: “I like Oghren. He also has fun stories but not many can tolerate him.” 
Mathilde: “I like my tattoo and piercings, but my brothers hated it. Especially Trian. More reason why I love them.” >:)
Bryant: “I like to be bubbly and loud but it can be annoying to others.” 
30. What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
Vivianna: “I would be relieved and strive to be better and do better.” 
Mathilde: “I could care less if I would be forgiven or not for whatever I did but when it comes to Ruby, if I hurt her and she forgave me, I don’t know what I would think but I do know that I would feel very blessed to have someone like her at my side and tolerates me, takes me as I am.”
Bryant: “I would be relieved and feel as though a great void has been lifted from my conscious. I know I am an asshole and at times I do cross a line that I shouldn’t but I never mean to harm anyone with what I say and/or do.” 
Celestine: “I don’t know…” *looks at her cigarette* “They say that when you are forgiven, you feel this sense of… relief wash over you. The guilt that eats away at you just vanishes. I was… forgiven and yet… I don’t feel relief. I feel the void just grow and grow and the distance just as grand as well… There is no forgiveness for someone like me. For the things I’ve done and said.” *smokes her cigarette in sad deep thought* 
And there you have it dear! :D Thank you so much for asking!♡
Part of the OC asks that reveal more than you think ask meme!
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djfatchip ¡ 6 years
Three OC Songs
I was tagged by the ever lovely @dracoangel! Thank you dearest! ♡
I tag: @erubadhriell @leysendris @arideya @guidethisonekalahira @vorchagirl @thatonecurlygurl @samfishers and anyone else who wants to do this, you are tagged! :D And to those I tagged, no pressure. ♡
Rules: Share three (3) songs that remind you of your OC.
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Bryant Leon Shepard
24K Magic by Bruno Mars
Rie Y Llora by Celia Cruz
Mi Gente by Hector Lavoe
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Yesenia SalomĂŠ Shepard
SalomĂŠ by Chayanne
Mi Tierra by Gloria Estefan
Pelo Suelto by Gloria Trevi
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Paragon Queen Mathilde Aeducan aka The Badass Mole 
The Game by MotĂśrhead
King of Kings by MotĂśrhead
Bad Reputation by Joan Jett
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Emilia Loren-Gat aka Emma
Power by Kanye West
Money on My Mind by Quake City Mobsters
Get Back by Ludacris
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djfatchip ¡ 6 years
Anderson: How are you feeling?
Celestine: I have this headache that comes and goes.
Bryant, entering the room: Hey! :D
Celestine: There it is.
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djfatchip ¡ 6 years
Hey Dear :D For the i made an oc questionnaire: 11, 15, 22, 42 for Celestine and Bryant :D
HI LOVELY! :D My response is late, I know. SORRY! :D
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11: Favorite kind of alcohol?
Bryant: I don’t drink alcohol. :P
Celestine: Except this one time, Bryant took one small sip of a Margarita, he actually got drunk over that one sip. And somehow he ended up falling asleep in the back seat of the car that was not his. Needless to say, that person learned not to steal people’s things and I placed Bryant back on his bed later that evening. 
Bryant: LOL I had thought you forgotten that. 
Celestine: I never forget funny ass shit like this. If you think I am a mess when drunk, you would be surprised at how ridiculous this man is when drunk. My favorite is Whiskey. 
15: Most visited website(s)?
Bryant: Search Engine. I research a lot.
Celestine: I do as well. 
Bryant: And I am always looking at my social media accounts. I put too many selfies there. *winks*
Celestine: Ugh. Social Media. 
22: What’s the password they use for everything?
Bryant: If I told you it was Akeelah, would you believe me? 
Celestine: Seriously? Akeelah? *talks to herself* Talk about, creepy. As for me, take a wild guess. 
Bryant: I heard that and it’s not creepy. Some people do it and it’s cute. I don’t know, Fucking Password? 
Celestine: Wow. Since when are you good at guessing? 
Bryant: Wait. Legit? For real? 
42: Most used emoji?
Bryant: 😎
Celestine: The middle finger one. 
Thank you so much for asking love! 💖 LOL I loved their responses. xD
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djfatchip ¡ 6 years
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In Joey Tribbiani voice: “How you doin?” 
I commissioned the lovely and wonderful gem @xla-hainex for a handsome portrait of Bryant and OH EM GEE! I couldn’t be more than happy about this! I am ecstatic! Look at how sexy he is! You are incredible, Maria! Thank you for bringing my vision to life in such a breathtaking way! Your art is remarkable! I’m so in love!
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djfatchip ¡ 6 years
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Everyone say Normandy. “Normandy!”
I commissioned the lovely @xandrassketchbook for a group portrait of @leysendris, @erubadhriell and my OC’s together! I am in absolute awe! Look at them! They are so STUNNING! Xandra you brought this to life in such a gorgeous way! I am still blown away! Thank you for bringing my dream to life, you are a wonderful gem. ♡ Click on pictures to see details and names!
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djfatchip ¡ 6 years
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Family is: A little bit of crazy.  A little bit of loud.  And a whole lot of love.  Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.
I commissioned the lovely gem LeeJun35 in DA for a portrait of my Shepard siblings and I am floored! And just in time for their birthday! Happy Birthday to them as they both have the same Birth date! They are step-siblings but they don’t like to be identified that way. They are family and always will be. ♡
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djfatchip ¡ 7 years
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*sings* “It's the most... wonderful time... of the year!”
I commissioned the lovely @choco-minto for a holiday portrait of my Shepard Siblings and OMG look how cute they look! Thank you so much Choco! I’m in love!
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