#OC đŸ‘€: Melinda Renelle
djfatchip · 4 years
DJFatChip Was Tagged!
Character Aesthetics
Bold the aesthetic that applies to your muse. Italicize what can sometimes apply to your muse.    
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Melinda Gillian Renelle art by the every lovely @erubadhriell​ <3
Tired eyes. Coffee stains on the table. Listening to the bustle of the city. Unmade beds. Ponytails. Sunlight seeping through the curtains. Chapped lips. Walking barefoot across the floorboards. Dusty dictionaries. Black and white reruns. Huge sweaters. The ticking of the clock. Hearing birds in the morning. Fireplaces. Falling asleep during class.
Freckles. The sun rising. Watching the sea. Taking shots of the city. Historical museums. Bright eyes. Looking up at the clouds. Walls covered in artworks. Drawing in the middle of lessons. Tracing your fingers on the sand. Painting for hours. Staying in uncrowded coffee-shops. Worn paperbacks. Messy braids. Going to bed with your knee socks on.
Dark hair. A little sophisticated. Always observing the world around you. Intricate designs. High ceilings. Extravagant musical pieces. Dim lights. Colorless photographs. Fancy furniture. Pale skin. Hearing soft footfalls coming from outside the room. Mischievous looks. Bitten nails. Candlelight dinners. Dark shades of lipstick.
Chandeliers. The clinking of a teacup mug. Laced clothing. Modern architecture. Light hair. Watching the view from the terrace. Hidden birthmarks. Drinking tea in the morning. Wandering about in an empty building. Botanical gardens. Old films. Ancient marble sculptures. Expensive perfume. Breakfasts in bed. Reading stories about mythology.
Compassion. Short writings on scraps of paper. Blushed cheeks. A bouquet of roses. Reading collections of poetry late at night. Loose hair. Carpeted floors. Attending operas. Faint music playing in the background. Staying under the covers until midday. The night sky. Streetlights. Picking flowers. Dancing around in silk dresses. Scented candles.
Thank you so much for tagging me @erubadhriell​ you’re awesome dear! <3 I tag: @dracoangel​, @arideya​, @guidethisonekalahira​, @thatonecurlygurl​, @leysendris​ @ratchsellsfornax​ @badwolf626​ @lovetoomuchstuff​ and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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djfatchip · 4 years
Tagged by the lovely @badwolf626​ thank you lovely! <3
I tag: @leysendris​ @erubadhriell​ @dracoangel​ @arideya​ @guidethisonekalahira​ @vorchagirl​ @slothssassin​ @cactuarkitty​ @thatonecurlygurl​ and anyone else who want’s to do it, is tagged <3 :)
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arms crossed on chest / crossing legs / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / karate chops / stiffening of shoulders / tense posture / curling of lip / baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures / head tilted / stroking chin / peering over glasses / taking glasses off; cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / pipe smoker gestures / putting hand to bridge of nose / pursed lips / knitted brow
arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / brows raising / lips pressing into a thin line / strict, unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / narrowed eyes
hands behind back / hands on lapels of coat / steepled hands / baring teeth in a grin / rolling shoulders / tipping head back but maintaining eye contact / chest puffed up / shoulders back / arms folded just above navel / wide eyes / standing akimbo
chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting fingernails / biting lips / hands in pockets / elbow bent / closed gestures / clearing throat / “whew” sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking / poor eye contact / tugging pants whilst seated / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair / swaying / playing with pointer; marker; cane / smacking lips / sighing / rocking on balls of feet / flexing or cracking fingers sporadically / pacing
short breaths / “tsk” sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / rubbing hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eye glowers / notable tension in brow / shoulders back, head up; defensive posturing / clenching of jaw / grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales / swearing
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djfatchip · 4 years
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OC’s Using PiCrew
First Row: Celestine Claire Shepard, Bryant Leon Shepard, Emilia Loren - Gat. Middle Row: Vivianna Amell, Lilyann Leandra Hawke, Gissella Trevelyan. Last Row: Melinda Gillian Renelle, Mathilde Aeducan, Catheryne Avila.
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djfatchip · 7 years
Hi Dear! :D Hope you are doing wonderful
I lovely! I’m doing well! I hope you are doing wonderfully too!
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Cullen x Melinda Gillian Renelle x Arthur
1. Who holds the umbrella, when it rains - 
Arthur and Cullen: I do! *glare at each other* No! I do! 
Melinda: We all do lol xD
Arthur and Cullen: We do. *sigh*
4. Who holds the ice cream cone, when they share - 
Cullen: Well, we all get our own ice cream

Arthur: Unless it’s in the big bowl. Otherwise we don’t uh, ‘share’ a cone. 
Melinda: Too messy and sticky. 
Cullen and Arthur: *wiggle eyebrows*
Melinda: *smirks* 
6. Who holds the basket, when they go shopping - 
Cullen: Arthur and I do. 
Arthur: We love to help. 
Melinda: Sure you do. *humph* You two love to help yourselves add more snacks to the baskets. Don’t think I don’t notice. v-v
Cullen and Arthur: *whistles innocently*
8. Who holds the other’s hand, most often - 
Melinda: I do. ^_^ *holds Cullen and Arthur’s hands*
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Vivianna Amell x Alistair Theirin
1. Who holds the umbrella, when it rains -
Alistair: Oh! Uh, that would be me! *grins* I don’t like my lady all wet. 
Vivianna: No. Not from the rain. *smirks*
Alistair: No
 not from
Vivianna: *laughs*
4. Who holds the ice cream cone, when they share -
Alistair: I do! 
Vivianna: He is such a romantic. One time, I tried to hold a cone but he wouldn’t let me. He almost threw a tantrum and –
Alistair: I did not! *gasp*
Vivianna: *sarcastic* of course not dear. *eye rolls* I just enjoy making stories about you. 
Alistair: Well, can you make them about me being beautiful and romantic? v-v
Vivianna: *laughs*
6. Who holds the basket, when they go shopping -
Alistair: I do but I have to actually take the basket from her. Otherwise she wont let me. 
Vivianna: Because I have two hands and I can carry a basket. Im not a princess you know. v-v
Alistair: Princess or not, let me help! 
Vivianna: *sigh* FINE! You are so stubborn! 
Alistair: And you love me as such v-v
8. Who holds the other’s hand, most often -
Vivianna and Alistair: I do! 
Vivianna: I do, Alistair. It’s my thing to do. 
Alistair: But I hold it too! 
Vivianna: Yes, after I initiate it. 
Alistair: You dont initiate it all the time, Vivianna. 
Vivianna: Oh, it got serious you all. He said my name. It’s serious now. 
Alistair: Just admit that I hold your hand the most. 
Vivianna: Uh, I do, Alistiar. I do. I do it all the time. Like right now. And you didn’t even notice. v-v
Alistair: Ok, fine. She does. But only because she is sneaky with it. v-v
Vivianna: So long as you dont call me a sneaky witch thief and I will forget this small disagreement v-v 
Alistair: *laughs* 
Thank you for asking dear! 💖 Brykeelah will be done in a separate post as I enjoyed doing prompts lol xD
Part of the SEND ME A SHIP
 ask meme.
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djfatchip · 7 years
Hi Dj Fat Chip! :D For the Spell a character's name in my askbox and I'll tell you my headcanons: Melinda ^__^
Hi Missy Venom
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Melinda Gillian Renelle 
[art by @erubadhriell] lol you
M: What is their favorite dessert?» Melinda: Uh
 anything sweet is my favorite desert really. 
E: How are they with children?» Melinda: I am fine with children. 
L: What is their favorite board game?» Melinda: Oh! Chess! *grins*
I: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do they love themselves?» Melinda: If you haven’t guessed it already its a 10! *grins*
N: What do they usually eat for breakfast?» Melinda: Oof, that depends on my mood. Some days I have a pit of a stomach and eat like I'm a fucking dragon! Other days I barely eat. But what do I usually eat
 the usual in breakfast. *shrug*
D: How they react to being flirted with?» Melinda: I flirt back. *laughs* Its fun when they least expect it. *wink*
A: What are/were this character’s best subjects in school? » Melinda: Anything involving magic. I always excelled in that subject. I am a mage after all. *grins*
Thank you for asking lovely! 💖 I miss my super AU mage! 
 ask meme.
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djfatchip · 7 years
Hi again! ok, I will send you a fluffy one too for the "more sentence starters": 15. “If I could, I would kiss away all of your scars.” :D
Thank you for sending me this lovely. I enjoyed this one.
OC’s: Melinda Gillian RenelleParing: Human Mage x Cullen S. RutherfordPrompt: “If I could, I would kiss away all of your scars.”Words: 293Universe: Dragon Age: InquisitionNote: Happy Valentines Day! ^_^ This one is super short. :D but I really like the way it came out! :D 
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Melinda heard whimpers calling for her eyes to open. She blinked several times as her eyes adjusted to the dark room. The moon high above the room that belonged to Cullen. The whimpers, now more prominent, made her turned around softly sighing as she found Cullen turning his head, murmuring things to himself.
She placed her marked hand on his cheek and turned his face towards her, kissing his forehead.
“If I could, I would kiss away all of your scars,” she murmured against his skin.
Magic erupted from her hand as she closed her eyes trying to think of calm, soothing things for him to dream about. She felt him relax, a relieved sigh escaped his lips. The corner’s upturning into a soft smile. With another sigh she let the magic fade and positioned herself higher on the bed. One arm going under his head and the other reached over him to bring him to her.
“I have you my knight,” she whispered into his golden curls. “I always will.”
He sighed opening his eyes softly, feeling her warmth. He looked up into soft emerald eyes.
“Hey,” he greeted. “Did I wake you?” he asked suddenly alarmed.
She held him tight for him not to move. She shook her head and placed a kiss to his forehead.
“I am here, my Cullen,” she answered instead.
Cullen blushed.
“I am always here for you,” she repeated with a soft smile.
“I–” Cullen had no words for that.
“I love you,” she whispered as she placed her chin on his head, softly rubbing his back.
“I love you too,” Cullen murmured with a smile and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight.
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djfatchip · 7 years
OC asks For Melinda: 14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?
Sorry it’s a little late lovely. Thank you for asking about my little demon.
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14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?» Anything that her father doesn’t make. LOL. He is a terrible cook hahaha! But her favorite are pies. Meat pies, fruit pies. veggie pies. Just pies! :D)
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:D) PIES! xD
Thank you for asking lovely! 💖
Part of the OC Asks meme. 
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djfatchip · 7 years
Hi Dear! I will send you ★★★ for two characters of your choice and 💕 for the Badass Mole x Leliana and Melinda x Arthur x Cullen. :D
Hi lovely! Thank you for the ask! :D)
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Mathilde Aeducan aka The Badass Mole
★ The Badass Mole doesn’t like Denerim. It’s too noisy and over crowded.★ The Badass Mole can actually wield every weapon but she prefers a maul. ★ The Badass Mole has absolutely no regrets. She is proud of everything she has done. And yes that also includes killing her brothers. 
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Alexis Adaar
★ Alexis hates being called the Herald.★ Alexis is a spy for the Qun. ★ Alexis was born under the Qun but struggles to find purpose to go back to Par Vollen. 
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The Badass Mole x Leliana 
💕 DO NOT MESS WITH HER WIFE! YOU WILL REGRET IT WITH YOUR LIFE! *clears through* that is all. :D)
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Cullen Rutherford x Melinda G. Renelle x Arthur Pendragon
💕 Cullen loves to engage Melinda in sparing with her Magic as he cannot dispel her magic with his templar powers. Arthur helps Cullen defeat Melinda but to no avail i’m afraid. xD Melinda barely breaks a sweat as she just casually flicks her wrist to throw magic while Cullen and Arthur are whining and groaning about how much stronger she is. LOL! xD
Thank you for asking lovely! 💖 This was fun to put together! :D)
Leliana face on picture belongs to @dracoangelz modDA - Merry Band of Misfits
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djfatchip · 7 years
Hey lovely :D FĂŒr the sleep ask: 1, 4, 7, 13, 16 and 18 :D
YAY! I love this ask! :D
1. How does your oc get ready for bed?» Vivianna: She checks her bedroll for any insects and stuff and takes off her armor and sleeps. :D
» Lilyann: She bathes before going to bed. She loves to smell nice :D
» Gissella: She enjoys reading a book before going to bed and eating a healthy snack. :D
» Mathilde: She just throws herself on her bed with armor and all. xD
»Ravyn: Oils and wraps her body in bandage where her scales are so when she sleeps with silk, they don’t move with her and causes the material to tear.
» Melinda: She stretches out before going to bed. She sleeps oddly sometimes so if she is found in an awkward position at least she wont feel stiff. 
» Celestine: She showers before going to bed and combs her hair and braids it and writes in her journal her deep thoughts and does a little of meditating before going to bed. 
» Bryant: He showers, combs his hair, oils it and goes to whatever side is closest to him and sleeps. :D
4. Which oc sleeps with stuffed animals?» Melinda: In her other universe she had many stuffed animals xD
7. Which oc snores?» Mathilde, Melinda and sometimes Vivianna would snore. :D
13. Is your oc more likely to have a good dream or a nightmare?» Vivianna, Lilyann, Ravyn, Melinda and Celestine are more prone to nightmares. 
» Gissella, Mathilde and Bryant are more prone for having a good dream. 
16. Which oc sleep talks?» Vivianna, Lilyann, Gissella, Melinda, Celestine and Bryant have known to talk in their sleep. 
18. Which oc can naturally run on less than 5 hours of sleep a night?» Ravyn and Celestine. Everyone else needs a good 6-8 hours of sleep. xD
Thank you for asking lovely!💖 I had fun with this one! xD
Part of the OC QUESTIONS: SLEEP EDITION ask meme. 
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djfatchip · 7 years
Event: OC Kiss Week 2017 - Day 5: Fluffy Kiss OC’s: Melinda Gillian Renelle Words: 227 Universe: Dragon Age Inquisition Note: Rayne Sydney Rutherford belongs to @dracoangelz
I hope you like this mini short story...
Rayne sat crossed legged by a patch of grass. The tree in which she reclined, added a nice shade for her to stare at the parchment in her hand.
Her ears perked up as she heard a faint sound. She paused in her current task, smiling as she guessed who was nearby.
“You can come out now, Melinda,” she sing-songed as she scanned her paper and went back to whatever it was that held her attention.
“Aww man!” Melinda giggled as she jumped from the tree nearby. “What gave it away?” she whined.
“You suck at keeping quiet,” Rayne laughed.
Melinda pouted and went to see what she was working on. She hovered over Rayne as she paused for a moment for Melinda to see.
“Is that?”
Melinda excited, took the parchment, even if it wasn’t done, from Rayne’s hands.
It was a portrait of Melinda looking like she was daydreaming.
“Rayne this is so amazing! Your drawings are glorious!” Melinda gushed.
Rayne nodded with her hand reaching for the paper. Melinda gave it back to her reluctantly. She wanted to keep it.
“It’s not finished.”
Melinda smiled and sat next to Rayne. With a kiss on her cheek she placed her head on her shoulder.
“You are an amazing friend.”
Rayne hummed in response as she continued to draw, Melinda watching silently in awe.
"By the way, Cullen was looking for you,” Melinda informed. 
“What for?” Rayne asked as she paused. 
Melinda raised her head from Rayne’s shoulder and got up, dusting herself off. 
“He just said it was very important. He was out and about this morning when I barely left my chambers. He was very worried.”
With a close to her sketch book, Rayne reluctantly got up. 
“And he didn’t think to find me in the gardens?”
Melinda shrugged, “I was too much in my own world to really ask why he didn’t.”
Rayne sighed, “And I was having a nice morning too.”
Melinda laughed, “he just called you in to see your beautiful face. I see you two. You two make me want to throw up rainbows.” 
Rayne laughed shaking her head as they both entered Skyhold’s castle.
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djfatchip · 7 years
Hi Dj Fat Chip! :D Hope you are doing well today ^__^ Ok I will send the ★★★ for Bryant, Celestine and Melinda (because I'm terrible at thinking of a free question, once I think of one, I will ask you too).
Hi lovely! 💖 I am having a very nice morning! :D) It’s going to be sunny! ^_^ And Sunny days make me happy! :D) How are you this morning?
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Bryant Leon Shepard
★ He has a crescent moon scar between his right eyebrow and eye. He doesn’t know where it came from or how he got it.
★ Bryant doesn’t like the color pink. It hurts his eyes to see it. :P
★ Whenever they are at a planet Bryant’s 1st place to go is a store that carries magazines about hair and styling hair.
Celestine Claire Shepard
★ Celestine’s favorite color is navy blue.
★ Her favorite past time is to play her violin.
★ When she was little, she dreamed of being in the grand stage playing her violin with Bryant as a duet as he played the piano. 
Melinda Gillian Renelle
★ She loves to prank Merlin.
★ She is not ready to be queen of a nation. That aspect terrifies her. 
★ She loves holding Cullen when he is sleeping instead of the other way around. He is her bear. 
Thank you for the ask lovely. And no worries! 💖 I struggle to ask too! :D) That’s why I did this so I answer with random stuff! :D) Makes it easier on the both of us! xD
[Art of Bryant and Celestine by @ethanscribbles]💖[Art of Melinda by @azahara]💖
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djfatchip · 7 years
Hi, lovely! For the '30 Mundane Things Your Characters Are Bad At' (if they haven't been asked yet): 2., 15., 16., 23. (mainly cos I'm so weird and hate when the spines break!) :D
Hi love! I hope you are having a lovely morning and/or day. 💖
2.Climbing fences
Vivianna Amell - I laughed out loud xD
Mathilde Aeducan aka The Badass Mole - She smol!
Gissella Trevelyan - She never had to attempt it.
Bryant Leon Shepard - It takes him a moment but lmao!
15.Cutting straight lines
Melinda Gillian Renelle - She gets creative lmao! 
16.Wrapping presents
Melinda Gillian Renelle - Doesn’t have the patience for it.
23.Opening books without breaking the spine
I hate when the spines break too. >.
Mathilde Aeducan - She don’t care for books much. 
Thanks for asking love! This was awesome to answer! LMAO! xD 
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djfatchip · 8 years
For the Holiday prompt: Ugly matching Christmas sweaters!! I give you the freedom to pick any of your pairings or do all of your pairings! ^_^
Ok I had fun with this. Sorry it’s a tad late. :D)
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Prompt: Ugly matching Christmas sweaters Words: 862Rating: SFW, funny.OC’s: Melinda Gillian RenelleParings: Melinda Gillian Renelle x Arthur PendragonUniverse: Nanatsu no Taizai/The Seven Deadly Sins.Summary: It’s finally winter and Melinda has a surprise for everyone!
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Melinda skipped down the dirt road, humming a holiday tune.
“Morning!” she greeted as people were putting up their stalls to make their sales for the day.
People greeted her happily. Always happy to see her around. She brightened their day with that cheerful smile. Just like her father.
She halted at the huge metal gates, waiting for them to open.
“OPEN THE GATES!” Yelled a holy knight nearby.
“Thank you!” she waved with a laugh as she picked up the pace and did a small jog into the road the led to the castle.
“Welcome back, lady Renelle,” bowed the holy knight guarding the main door to the castle.
Melinda waved in dismissal of the formal title.
“We have been over this, Garm. Call me M-E-L-I-N-D-A,” she pronounced with a smile.
Garm shook his head.
“I will try, Lady Melinda.”
Melinda groaned in annoyance as Garm opened the door for her. She sighed as she walked in, the door slowly slamming shut as she looked around. The hallways were bustling with maids and holy knights all over. She tried to contain the giggle but it was quite comical how they all had to make sure everything matched for the season.
“What are you giggling about?”
Melinda turned around. A full grin on her lips as she saw her king.
“Arthur!” she squealed and ran to him, tackling him with kisses on his cheek. She was always delighted to see him.
Arthur returned the kisses in kind until their lips locked in a chaste kiss.
“Arthur,” Melinda whined.
Arthur sighed. His eyes darting quickly around them before giving her a better kiss. Lips locked in passion until she moaned in delight.
“Is that better?” he asked huskily as he pulled away slowly from her.
“Better,” she winked.
“What brings you here today my princess?”
Melinda blushed at the title. She was a princess after all. Being engaged to the king of Camelot and all.
“It’s winter, and well, I thought I would come and give you an early present.”
That’s when Arthur looked at her hands. She carried a sweater, folded neatly. She unfolded and gave it a quick shake.
 what is –”
“A sweater I made silly!”
Arthur sweat dropped at her grin. The sweater was, well
 very unpleasant to the eye. It was red and green with white sleeves and had the words ‘Shut up and sin.’
“You don’t like it right?” Melinda pouted as she turned the sweater over to see for herself.
“N-No no! It’s fine! I love it! Thank you!” Arthur amended quickly, taking the sweater from her and placing it on his chest, showing her how nice it would look.
“Great! You are wearing that tonight when you go to the Boar Hat!” Melinda cheered.
Arthur smiled at her nervously.
“Sure, love.”
Melinda could only grin in delight.
‘Stupid sweater. Stop itching!’
Arthur scratched parts of his arms and stomach as the sweater was becoming too much to bear. He wanted to take it off but he didn’t want to hurt Melinda’s feelings. He took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. Putting on his best happy smile as he walked into the tavern.
The tavern’s bell on the door rang alerting Meliodas, Ban and King to the newcomer.
“Woah. What’s with the ugly sweater?” asked Meliodas as he raised an eyebrow.
A gasp was heard up the stairs, prompting the four men to look up. Melinda was on the brink of tears as she ran back to her room, Elizabeth glaring at Meliodas as she went after her.
“What did I say?” Meliodas asked as he scratched his head.
“Dumbass, your daughter created the sweater,” laughed Ban.
Meliodas did a double take as Arthur smiled nervously, nodding.
“Ah shit.”
Meliodas vaulted over the bar and had a foot on the stairs, ready to run to her room. But he didn’t need to as his eyes looked at Melinda who had a grin that made him feel uneasy.
“Don’t worry father. I made one for everyone.”
Meliodas swallowed hard and backed away from the stairs as she came bouncing down the stairs with a few sweaters, followed by Elizabeth wearing the one made for her.
“I am not wearing –” Meliodas began.
Too late! Everyone in the tavern now wore the ugly sweaters. She made sure to put a spell on the sweaters so they could be worn and not taken off until she said so.
Later that night the tavern was filled with laughter from the patrons as they made fun of the entire Seven Deadly Sins.
“I guess we are all wearing matching sweaters,” Elizabeth laughed nervously.
“She is grounded for a month,” Meliodas grumbled, scratching his wrist.
“It’s worth it to see you squirm a bit,” Melinda grinned handing him her spell books, already knowing what was coming. “And this is payback for that prank you all took part in for my birthday.”
Ban spew his drink on King as everyone else gasped.
“How did you –”
“I just did,” she laughed.
Everyone glared at Meliodas. It was an obvious trap for him to tell her who were involved.
“Oh you clever little –”
Melinda gave her father a kiss on his cheek.
“Happy first winter, father.”
Meliodas could only smile at that.
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💝Hope you like it lovely! Thank you for the prompt! *hugs*💝
Likes and Reblogs are love ♄ Thank you for reading!
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djfatchip · 8 years
#3, 4 and 15 for the winter asks, for whoever you'd like(or everyone!) :)
HI JESSICA! How are you? Its very nice of you to pop in! AHHH! 💖💖💖 I hope you are doing well! 💖 
3.Who’s family hosts a bigger holiday gathering? What’s the gathering like for your OTP?» Mathilde x Leliana: Leliana always brings their companions to Orzammar to celebrate the holidays. They make a huge party with a huge banquet and dancing! It’s fun for Leliana to see Mathilde loosen up a bit. 
» Melinda x Arthur x Cullen: Due to the way I wrote this otp, for every holiday, Melinda’s family (The seven deadly sins) and Arthur, always go to the Dragon Age universe so that Cullen can spend time with his family. And since the three are together, they spend it together and it’s better to keep her universe a secret. They always change clothes to what the people of Ferelden wear so it does not look suspicious or look out of place. They always have nice gatherings. Playing with the children, telling stories, bbq’s by the fire at night. And of course, lots of ale. :D)
» Celestine x Garrus and Bryant x Tali:The Normandy crew always gets together and everyone brings something they cooked or bought at the store so they have like a potluck sort of thing and use the conference room in the second floor as a dinner table. :D)
4.How would your OTP react to having a snow day? » Mathilde x Leliana: Since these are the times Leliana visits and stays in Orzammar, they can’t tell if its a snow day. They just cuddle and drink hot chocolate, talk strategy, read books, Leliana tells Mathilde a story. All under the coziness of inside a mountain. :D)
» Melinda x Arthur x Cullen: Cullen and Arthur hate it. LMAO! xD They SOO hate snow days. But they love it when they get to cuddle with Melinda. And not go anywhere. Stay in bed just enjoying the fire and each other. 
» Celestine x Garrus: Garrus doesn’t like the cold. A snow day is very bad for him. Celestine laughs at this, so to entertain him she gets his blood pumping by doing various cardio exercises while making it sorta into a competition.
 » Bryant x Tali: Snow day is awesome for the both of them! That means they aint going nowhere and can cuddle, watch movies, fangirl about stuff they talk about, do arts and crafts, talk engineering or science and math. Tinker with the system on her suit to be better and stronger. :D)
15. Which one gets more excited over the first snow of winter?» Mathilde x Leliana: Leliana. Because she gets to see Mathilde, since they are always busy throughout the year. 
» Melinda x Arthur x Cullen: Even though Arthur doesn’t like the winter season, he does get excited because its a time to get together and snuggle! :D) Cullen couldnt agree more and Melinda just gets excited for all the food and fun activities they can do! With family and alone *wiggles eyebrows* ;D)
» Celestine x Garrus: Neither of them. xD
» Bryant x Tali: Bryant always gets excited which prompts Tali to become excited! :D)
💖Thank you for asking lovely! It’s nice to see you pop in! *hugs*💖
UPDATE: Answered number 4. Thank you @jessicapendragon for explaining it. I hope I answered it right. :D) 💖
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djfatchip · 8 years
Hi dear! How are you today? Hope you are doing well
Hi lovely! OH SNAP! :O This is going to be FUN! :D)
1.Who makes the other hot chocolate?» Mathilde x Leliana: Leliana makes the hot chocolate all the time. Unless, Mathilde is not busy or Leliana is sick, then Mathilde will give her wife hot chocolate. :D)
» Melinda x Arthur x Cullen: Melinda makes it her job to make them hot chocolate because the last time Cullen asked to make hot chocolate, Arthur wanted to do it and it blew into an argument and into a snowball fight that Melinda had to break up so now she makes it so there are no fights. Besides, she likes to help her two big guys. ;D)
7.Does your OTP ever have snowball fights?» Mathilde x Leliana: They make it a competition! The more the merrier! Always on opposite sides until The Badass Mole wins. LOL. xD
» Melinda x Arthur x Cullen: Melinda and Arthur start the snowball fight and literally plan a scheme to make Cullen play along with them without him knowing that he is playing because “he has no time for such things.” :D)
8.What gifts would they get each other for the holidays?» Mathilde x Leliana: Mathilde always make it a habit to give her wife the very fine silks, shoes, weapons, etc. Leliana loves it but sometimes Mathilde kinda goes overboard lol. Leliana always gives her Badass Mole the finest Mauls because Mathilde loves mauls. To hear the crunch of a skull is music to her ears. >:D)
» Melinda x Arthur x Cullen: Arthur and Cullen give Melinda anything personally made by them. She only wants handmade gifts from people she cares and loves because it shows how much love they have for her by taking the time to create something that took them a while to do. Be it a sweater, art, weapons. So long as its by hand. Cullen has given her small daggers which she always carries and jewelry that she likes to wear with her outfits. Arthur has given her jewelry and shirts. She wears the shirts to sleep. The gifts Melinda gives her boys things that are a necessity. Armor, weapons and sometimes a necklace or ring that have enhancements of healing or something of the sort to protect them while she isn’t around. She also has given them her sketches. She loves to draw as well. 
12.Who initiates the New Year’s kiss?» Mathilde x Leliana: Mathilde does grumply because it’s in front of people. xD
» Melinda x Arthur x Cullen: Melinda gets them together and makes a kiss triangle! :D) Super cute. And then she kisses them individually which then heats up and soon they are in a place where they shouldn’t be *cough* did it get hot in here suddenly? *fans self* :D)
💝Thank you for asking lovely!💝 
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djfatchip · 8 years
Hi Dj Fat Chip! Hope you are doing well. :) For the Describe your oc ask meme: 2, 4, 11, 12, 18 for Melinda and Bryant. :D
HI MISSY VENOM! HOW ARE YOU DOING?! *FIERCE HUG* I’m doing well. A little stressed out but meh, a bubble bath and I shall be fine. :D)
2.their smile» Melinda: Melinda’s smile is bright and mischievous. It makes the room brighter and fun to be in. Everyone loves it when she smiles. 
» Bryant: Bryant’s smile can light up an entire house! He has this excited fun jubilant smile that makes everyone around him gitty and laugh and have a great time. 
4.their insecurities» Melinda: Probably going to sound odd because she is 500+ year old woman but, Melinda’s has this insecurity where, she feels the older she gets, she isn’t getting anywhere. Living for 500+ years she sometimes wonders what she has accomplished with her life. Yeah she was part of an awesome team who saves the world time and time again and she was an inquisitor and saved the world, but there is something that she feels she should have done for her to be proud of doing. Saving the world is cool and her children one day might love those stories but is that all she is? Just a hero? is that all she will ever be? What more can she be and or do? That is her biggest insecurity.
» Bryant: One that I did mention was his age. Uh, another insecurity he has is filling the shoes of his father and failing. His father is a big figure in regards to his family’s name. He upholds that name very high and there isn’t anyone who wont know the “Shepard” last name. His death, now put’s Bryant in a position to see to it that that name continues to be well known and put in very high regards. Bryant doesn’t know what to do and is a bit lost on where to start. Not only is he in the military and serves his people but he also has to monitor and invest time into the Shepard business. He is afraid to squander the name and also being made a failure and never being able to fill the shoes his father left behind. 
12.their romantic life» Melinda: Melinda is such a romantic. She would buy Cullen and Arthur flowers, balloons, chocolates anything that just sings romance. 
» Bryant: Bryant does the same as Melinda. xD
18.how they sleep» Melinda: She snores and is known as a crazy sleeper. :D)
» Bryant: Bryant is a light sleeper that stays sleeping in the same spot and won’t move. 
Thank you for always asking love. 💝💝💝
Part of the Describe Your OC ask meme.
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