lamisshat · 23 hours
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Con algunas amigas @yinplay y @garygitz
✨ Cada comentario es una moneda 🪙 para sacarlos del instituto de la perfección xD ✨
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hana-san · 3 months
Just some silly things for a day
(Its my tik tok btw you can check it out)
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breadrukaaaaaa · 12 days
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I love me a man who can cook 😋
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jazminetoad · 6 months
Make a playlist for your ship
A song that plays over when they first see/meet each other
A song that reminds them of each other
A song that represents when they're dreaming of the other
A song that represents their happiest moment together
A song that represents their mutual struggle in life
A song they'd dance to together
A song that represents their uncertainty
A song when they're stuck in a room with the other
A song that represents (one of) their confessions
A song when they see the other's dark/secret side
A song that plays at their wedding
A song that would play over when one of them is near death or dies
A song they'd put on to comfort each other
Inspired by @more-oc-questions OC playlist template post
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oncomingnight · 11 months
yandere! Scientist
Hello everyone, thank you so much for all of your support on my previous stories. I was extremely excited about writing this specific piece because it's sort of based on movie that's set to come out real soon. I hope you enjoy and feel free to send requests/speak to me in my ask box.
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You met Seán while you were both freshmen in highschool. you noticed he was relatively quieter than everybody else in the classroom. He was the most knowledgeable student in that damned classroom, he was just stealthy about it. The two of you really got to know each other when you were selected as partners, selected based on the similarity of your scores, percentages and your ability to learn certain subjects.
Even after the project was finished and graded, the two of you still kept speaking to each other. The reason for that was because he was absolutely and undeniably in love with you. It took awhile for it to click into your head that he was attracted to you, but when you finally realized, you couldn't be more ecstatic.
He confessed to you at the beginning of your sophomore year. Whilst you were putting some of your belongings into your locker, he showed up behind you with blood red roses in his hand, along with a comically large basket of gifts. A tea-stained letter was nestled into the folds of one of the roses, inside of it was him expressing just how happy you've made him for the past year. How he wants your love reserved for him and him alone.
"Hello, Y/n, I'm sorry to have caught you off guard. You don't have to say anything until after I'm done talking but I have to tell you now because it'll do no good to either of us to just have this rot within me. You've been the subject of my love and utter adoration for...oh, dear...it's been so long I've now forgotten. But, I'll have you believe that I have never and will never forget how sublime you make me feel. Every time I think of you, I can't help but smile and think of our potential future together. Y/n, I wish so desperately to take care of you, touch you, kiss you, to hear my name on your lips for the rest of time, only if you'll let me. Now I'm ready, what do you think?"
You were absolutely stunned to hear such profound declarations of love fall from his lips, even more so when the declarations were about you.
You stood there with your bouquet of prickly roses, woven basket full of all you took joy in. You opened your dry mouth and said, "I can't believe you said all that about me. All of this is so beautiful, Seán. So, what do I think? I'm not sure what I think but I know I want to be your girlfriend."
After high school, he immediately got down on one knee to ask you if you'd be forever his woman. His wife. Of course, your answer was a tearful 'yes' as you blubbered about how much you loved him and about how so happy you were.
Highschool sweethearts!
You've always known about his appreciation for science and his interest to pursue a career in that topic. You can only imagine just how thrilled he was when he got a position in a government facility with the job he's always fought for. He picked you up and swirled you around, causing you to become temporarily dizzy as you giggled at his enthusiasm. Seán doused your hot and flustered cheeks with kisses as he smiled at your precious laugh.
He was so glad he'd managed to get a PhD and job in something that would make him enough money to take care of the both of you, but, mostly you. He was so appreciative to you for staying with him for all these years, always his perfect girl, always so supportive, always giving him beyond helpful ideas + advice. You were perfect.
Eventually, the world was struck with a variety of struggles, mainly caused by powerful political figures that simply did not agree with each other. Many people were caught in the crossfire, protests began being organized, riots ensuing right outside of government buildings. What followed all of these events? Well, the only reasonable answer. War.
Because of this, your husband was called into office and put into a group of other physics scientists. They claimed they needed a defense weapon in case of everyone being put into a harmful and treacherous situation. Seán was made the head man of the project.
This worried you to the fullest extent, maybe you were being dramatic but your husband's position in the project could make him a direct target. When you shared your thoughts with him he couldn't help but give you a small endearing smile.
"you've always been a worrisome woman, haven't you? Nothing will happen to you or to us. I'll make sure of it, I'm benefiting them by building this damned thing, they wouldn't dare let anything disrupt our life, m'kay?"
"Seán, I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you. Yes, you're benefiting them which is exactly why you'd be in danger."
"I can take care of myself, mo mhuirnín dílis. You've witnessed it, no? Don't worry yourself any longer."
Now, you may be wondering what he's talkin' about. Well, don't worry I'll tell you.
Seán had taken you with him to visit the small fishing town he had grown up in. After eating a delicious meal with your in-laws, Seán was invited by some old friends to go out and drink at an old and creaky pub. They have been asking to meet you and this was a chance for him to show you off to everyone in town, so, he accepted.
The night remained still and calm, despite the occasional roar of laughter that would occur at the table. It was fun, you were so glad Seán took you out to see where he was gifted with life.
But then
As you headed towards the friendly barmaid to make an order of crisps for everyone seated at the table. As you waited to be handed your order, a ragged young man that looked incredibly haggard for his age due to all of the alcohol approached you. You were sure he was just going to request assistance in catching a cab as he looked far too intoxicated to do it on his own. But no. He just wanted some action.
He pushed himself onto you with his flirtatious words but after you rejected him, you had angered him to an extreme point. He gripped your arm hard enough to bruise and spoke into your face with a horrid stench on his tongue.
"Now why won't you just shut your little mouth and please a man, hm?" He grinned maliciously.
Suddenly, you saw a quick flash of a fist show in your vision, not expecting it to be Seán punching the man with all the force he had in his slim yet firm body. All it took was one hit for the man to be on the ground, passed out. Yet, Seán didn't stop there and he wouldn't have stopped if his friend hadn't yanked him off the man. He was slamming his knuckles onto the man's pale face until it was almost fully covered in a crimson red.
You'd never seen him act in such a rabid way but you weren't angry at him. He was just protecting you. In an extremely visceral and self incriminating way. He didn't care, he's done far worse in defense of you but those were things he'd done in secret.
You were already far aware of how protective he could get and how emotional he was when it came to you. Someone could say something harmful about you and he'd mutter under his breath in anger, digging his nails into the palm of his hands, and eventually kiss your forehead before leaving the house to go do what he knew needed to be done.
When the two of you were intimate he'd cry at times while expressing his incredibly deep affection for you. He loved seeing you like this, furrowed brows, flushed cheeks, your huffs and puffs when he teased you. "I'd kill for you, y-you know that, yeah? Oh, A mhuirnín, I'd do anything for you. Absolutely anything."
There comes a lot of stress with his job, at times he'd return from work and burrow his head into your tummy, wrapping his firm arms around your waist. No matter how many times he messages you during work, no matter how many times he re-reads the letter you left him in his lunch, no matter how many times he calls you, he'll always yearn for your touch.
You lift his face from your stomach and remove his glasses, ruffling his dark curls after doing so. Your thumb gently swipes over his cheek, before leaning in and giving him a deep kiss. He melts into your touch and gives you a love-drunk smile.
His perfect girl.
The both of you would go on the loveliest getaway trips when he was able to take a break from work. You'd go to a restaurant and he'd hold your chin as he gently fed you pieces from the pasta you'd ordered, giving you time to chew and swallow.
When in clothing stores, he'd wait outside of the changing room on a cushioned seat, waiting to see his wife's lovely face and figure. He would never let you look at the price tags as that would discourage you from buying what you'd like, he didn't want that.
Seán has a habit of overworking himself to sketch out the building plans for the project he was assigned, he needed it to be perfect. This could change the future and if there even was a possibility that there'd be a future. You'd walk into his office, seeing his hooked nose being beautifully lit by the candle on his desk. He took a sip of his Bushmills whiskey before turning to look at you with eyes full of admiration. "You have to eat something, surely you know that. Plus, I made it so you have to eat it or else I'll get upset."
He's obviously very well known in the science world, I mean, his creation will determine the outcome of society. He's bound to get some recognition. People have come to be obsessed with the relationship the two of you have and the story of your love. Every photograph people see of the two of you, Seán is turned towards you with the most love sick look of them all. In photographs where he's alone, he may as well be the most stoic man in the world.
People would post slideshows of the two of you together and caption it with something along the lines of:
'me and him'
Others in the comments would practically point and laugh at the person with responses of:
'you wish.' 'y'all aren't that important ' 'try again' 'interesting 🧐.' 'Can you be serious...?'
This man is the most serious man in the entire universe when he's at work and surrounded with his partners. But, when he's alone with you? He's nuzzling his cheek into your chest, kissing all over you, kissing your hand, hugging you from behind, THE WHOLE NINE YARDS.
Seán is the type of husband to pick up your coffee + bakery order to wake you up with, leaves you gifts and notes to find around the house, takes you to the most wonderful places anyone could ever go to.
He's so glad he made someone like you his wife.
Forever :).
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poppyflower-22 · 5 days
His Girl.
Part 1
Summary: Lando loves his rich, girl boss, girl. Though he doesn't really know what she really does underneath. Until he does.
In which Lando finds out his girlfriend is not who she said she was.
Side note: I'm using names for reader, and spelling and grammar errors. I've had this in my head for a while and while I write on Wattpad normally, I'm taking a brake because of some nasty things said to me about my writing.
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Lando was on another high from another podium that weekend in Australia. He was at the bar ordering another drink, when he looked across the bar, he saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life.
She was wearing a short black dress. Her makeup and hair were just right, and she was wearing a silver chain necklace. She was sipping a Vodka Cruiser. Not a care in the world.
He thanks the bartender and makes his way over to her. He sat down bedside her. She didn't even give him a glance.
"Not interested." She spoke. And God Lando fell in love her voice. It was British. But her voice was so soft.
Lando clocked an eyebrow, "I didn't even say anything." He chuckled.
She sighed and turned to look at him. "You were going to hit on me and hoped I would end up in your bed by the end of the night. No?" She bluntly spoke with her eye raised.
Lando just stared at her in aww. Because maybe that was the case but not now. He could tell she was interesting person already. There was a spark in her eyes, of mystery and fun. She interested him very much. "Okay maybe your right." He smirked at her. "But how about I just buy you another drink?" He asked.
She wouldn't say it out loud, but he was handsome. "Fine." She sighed and Lando flagged down the bartender. The bartender gave her a nod as he left to get her drink.
"So, what's your name, love?" He asked turning his seat to face her.
She copied him. He was interesting. Mostly when she said no, the guy would walk away or start being aggressive. But not him. "Bonnie." She smiled.
"No last name?" He asked with a curious look. He watched as she brushed her black hair out her face and smiled at him.
"Salvatore." She reposed with a small smile. "Yours mystery man?" She asked taking a sip of her drink.
"Lando. Lando Norris." He spoke. He watched as she studied him.
"The formal one race driver?" She asked, already knowing the answer.
Lando nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Did you watch the race?" he couldn't but ask.
Bonnie shook her head, "Oh no, my father loved F1." She smiled. She loved her father and talking about wasn't a sad thing. Despite the life they lived.
"Oh sorry."
"No, it's okay. It was a long time ago." She reassured him with a hand on his hand. "But he was a Ferrari fan." She teased knowing he is a McLaren driver.
"Oh." He teased placing his hand on his heart. "Not Ferrari." They both laughed. Bonnie's hand was till on his and Lando started cresting without knowing. "Who's your favorite team?" He couldn't help but ask.
Bonnie smirked, "Red Bull." She told and watched with a beaming smile as he fakes a hurt look.
"Now that hurts. Right here." He spoke in fake sadness as he pointed to his heart. They both giggled with each other. "I'll get you to change your team at the end of the night." He boldly told her.
Bonnie shook her head with a smile. "Tell me something about you. No race talk. I can tell you don't want to talk about it." She said to him.
Lando chuckled, that was right he didn't want to talk about his driving right now. He wanted to know this girl right in front of him.
"I hate sea food." He told her and couldn't help but wrinklie his noes up at the thought of it.
Bonnie chuckled. She liked it. Not her favorite but she could have in curtain things. "Really. Why?" She rested her elbow on the bar and her chin rested in her hand to look at him.
Lando shook his head, "Just don't. Don't like the texture." He explained. "Do you?"
She hummed. "I can have it in curtain things, But not all the time." She told him and took a sip of her drink.
"Tell me something about yourself." Lando spoke as he watched her.
"I can speak Five languages." She smirked and watched his eyes widen.
"Wow. What are they?'
"Dunch, French, Russian, Latin and Japanese." She smiled
Lando leaned back in aww. "Wow I can't even learn a new language. Never mind five." He spoke impressed. She kept getting better to him.
She was everything he ever wanted in a girl. And not in a cocky way. in a more, he has found the one for him way. She was witty and he could just tell that she would be fun to have around.
Bonnie shrugged, "I was a homeschooled kid. My father was traveling everywhere, and I guess I just picked it up." She told him.
"You might need to come with me to my racers, you can be my spokesperson." He teased. Bonnie chuckled.
"Let's not get ahead of our self-Mr. Norris." She teased with a smirk. Their hands were still together.
Lando giggled with her. He watched in aww as she giggled. "Your very beautiful." He couldn't help but blurt out.
Bonnie blushed. She never blushed. She looked down and when she looked up Lando was smiling at her. Not smirking at her, like he was happy with his comment. No, he smiles like he was admiring her and her beauty.
And he was.
"You're not bad." She shot back with a smile. And it widened as she saw him blush.
They both sat there with blushing cheeks. That night they talked all night. They had found themselves at ease with each other. It was easy to just talk and not be judged.
Bonnie couldn't help but be attracted to him. And not just by his looks but by how he talked about his family. His hobbies and generally. He was the life of the party but deep inside there was a whole different side to him.
Lando was in love by the end of the night. He had found she was a businesswoman, running her own company and traveled for work. He had found her easy to talk to. He had found she had a poodle dog and loved him more than anything.
That night they had formed a connection that would make and break them. For better and for worse.
But no matter the outcome maybe love can overcome it all. After all, if you love someone you love all of them or not at all.
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This is going to be a short series. You can request other things as well.
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sunflawyer · 1 month
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flowers for the sweetheart 🌻🧡
hi everyone!! hiii!! im finally back!! who cheered!!! \⁠(⁠๑⁠╹⁠◡⁠╹⁠๑⁠)⁠ノ⁠♬ of course i had to draw sunflawyer with sunflowers ♡ jimmy absolutely loves giving her flowers... he's such a romantic ෆ
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i finally got the time to be back here after some days off ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠`⁠ʔ im feeling much better!! ✿⁠ i drew this while i was still mourning, but they genuinely helped me to smile and be happy again! sunflawyer happiness (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
@eternally-smitten @caelums-fate @wisp-herr @gideongrovel @glory-steadygo @goldenshrine @dmclr @tidekissed @pippin-squeaks @xxmellochii @literally-just-there @tyrianludaship @pinkdinkydoon @gogolsbf @gandalfyaoi @meowkid1000 @jayyships @moon-roam @fae-koon @frozenhi-chews @idsmiile @bizarrescribblez @aprillilypegasi @puppy-baby-doll @kylars-princess @radagastyaoi @carnival-of-love @retrojem @m0uschi @knightfallships @kurolumiis @dreamwinged @k6ivies @puppysynonym @hamms-uwu-12 @beechu-beechu @connorships @bobmckenzie @stoneshipper @mutareadastra @hypocriticaltypwriter @frankenbridez @charkittykelly @atarifront @puff4pals @dalvs-wife @bunbunsheart @bioexorcizm @miahearts @plutoselfships
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url0calweirdo · 2 months
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Ashari and her one and only
I love drawing fluff so much u don't understand
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cilekixxes · 7 months
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F##k it, shipping my character with gangle. Idc how cringe it is, I LOVE HER 🥺🥺🥺
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ohhyperbola · 5 days
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waiter, waiter! more yaoi please !!
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creamieyume · 7 months
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Don’t be mad at him. He's just a big puppy.🥺💖💖💦
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hana-san · 4 months
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ertzbay · 5 months
I Hate To Admit That I Like Your Charm..💜💚
[Oc X Canon] Violet💜 X Velvet💚
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plasmabull · 2 months
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Little dude is one of Ta'kaul's kids. His name is Ataal, and he loves blood oranges 😌🫶🏻
Also gave Eric a new look 😌😋
(It might look blurry, so if it is, just click on it, it'll fix its self 😔😔)
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oncomingnight · 9 months
Yandere! Slasher x Fem Reader₊˚⊹♡
These Boots Are Made For Breakin' Teeth..!
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Sebastian was the son of an incredibly well known movie mogul, whom of which helped ignite his adoration for a very specific genre of film, horror. Due to the success of his father's career, he was raised in an environment surrounded with money and awaiting opportunities.
Sebastian was part of a friend group filled with stereotypical personalities, the rich girl, the nerd with glasses, the jock, the quiet girl and the peaceful pacifist. He'd been friends with them all the way from elementary to currently, high school.
His style consists of flannel, woolen jackets, darkly colored long sleeved tops, tank tops, slightly unbuttoned shirts, rolled up sleeves.
Despite his almost permanently unimpressed expression, he'd be, undeniably, the sweetest man you were to ever meet. You wouldn't even have to be struggling with a task for him to swoop in and take care of it himself, the favor always being followed with a slightly teasing remark.
"Looking to get yourself hurt, y/n?" "No, really, I'll take care of it. Go on and relax with the others, wouldn't want you worrying your pretty little head about this."
Sebastian has never murdered anyone without a realistic reason, but everyone has different interpretations of what is necessary and what is not. He's a smart guy so he'll always wear a mask when he's about to go into the night, searching for his target. Many of the people that he has left for dead are people who have caused you or his family emotional distress. He finds anyone that isn't 'overly' protective of their close ones as useless and a waste of air.
Who is he but your protector?
He is the best gift giver that there is, it's almost frightening how able he is to know exactly what you want. His gifts are always color coordinated, accompanied with photographs he's taken of the two of you together.
He's the type to form his fingers into 'bunny ears' when the two of you are posing for a photo and placing them behind your head.
Don't be surprised to find him beside your bed with your favorite beverage, food, snacks and movie dvd when you aren't feeling like yourself.
He's a highschool senior that's got enough money to last him several life times, of course he's going to attend as many parties as he can. But, he's never going to go without you or if they purposefully only invite him. Sebastian keeps a hawkseye on you whenever the two of you attend a social outing together, making sure no one is being a bother or approaching you with malice.
Sebastian would do absolutely anything to see you show that smile he loves so much. Whether that means taking you to an early screening of a movie you've talked about wanting to see, taking you on a road trip surrounded by country roads as Lord Huron's 'The Moon Doesn't Mind' plays, purchasing concert tickets for you to see your favorite artists live, booking a trip to the countryside of a European country whilst staying in a secluded cabin or just going on a simple coffee run.
He has a wooden box that is filled with photographs, letters and trinkets related to you. Yes, he has a necklace of yours that he had swiped and carefully placed into his box of memories.
He hopes you don't mind!
As I've said before, his tough exterior doesn't mean a thing when it comes to the soft center he's got on him.
He has a Pinterest board dedicated to how he'd like your wedding & honeymoon to look, based on everything he knows you'll enjoy.
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bleedingredridinghood · 5 months
(CW: dirty talk, uh degradation???, sex???? P->V???, VERY ROUGH, Katsuki's good at sex😳, I am bad at content warnings (I accidentally deleted my whole blog, I've been scrounging for my back ups), other things?????, please someone help), fem!reader, usage of "little one" and "little girl", aftercare, fluffy emotions, Bakugou is so in love it's almost nauseating.)
"Yeah, you like that, huh?" He growls as he pulls himself all the way out just to slam himself back into you.
Clenching hard around him, you gasp as he grips the fat of your hips tighter, trying to cry out something that sort of resembles his name.
"Fuck," He hisses, his movements becoming faster as the head of his cock slides back into you, glossing over your g-spot and prodding at your cervix. He moves out again, angling his hips so he can really drag himself across that spongy area again as slowly as he feels his own coiling arousal will allow him to.
You cry out, whimpering for him. "Ah, you're.." You gasp as he rams his hips back against yours, moving one of his hands to land a harsh slap onto the side of your ass. "Y-you're s-s-so mean!"
He laughs out harshly at this, but inhales sharply as you tighten. "Fucking whore," He grinds out between clenched teeth, but there's still a smile in his voice. "God, you are such a fucking slut, getting turned on just because I laugh at your bitching?" It sounds vaguely like a question, but as his pace picks up again, his thrusts harsher now, you know it isn't one. He leans forward, grabbing your breasts in his huge hands, pinching your nipples between his thick fingers as he presses your back against his chest. "So good fr'me, though..." he husks, his breath trailing up your neck as he fondles you. "Such a pretty little whore," he snarls before nipping at your earlobe. He grins cruelly against your jaw when he hears the way you whine for him. "Wanna make you feel good," He coos, he can feel your arousal dripping out and onto him now, the noises coming from between you two becoming loud and wet. "C'mon pretty girl, tell me what you want..."
You try to speak but only whimper, and he slams into you harder, releasing his hold on your breasts to push you back into the bed, tugging on your hair. You gasp, and he growls low in his chest.
"I said tell me what you want, little slut!" He mocks you, snapping his teeth close enough to the skin on the side of your neck that you can almost feel the heat of his saliva.
"You!" You cry out. "Please, you! I want you to fill me up! Please!" You beg, moving your ass back against him.
"Is that right?" He teases darkly, as he slows his pumping.
"Yes!" You cry out. "Please! Fill me up, cum inside me!" You whine desperately. "Cum all over my insides!!"
Despite having slowed his thrusts, his hips now stutter in response. He stops, pausing completely before growling viciously, desperately. He flips you over so you're facing him, and he picks up again.
"Fuck," He snarls. "Fuck, you are so fucking beautiful," He kisses your neck. "So perfect." He kisses your lips, your cheeks, your forehead. "I need you, I need you so bad..."
You pant for air as he thrusts into you, slamming into your body in quick succession. You can feel yourself getting hotter with each thrust, tears starting to form in your eyes when you whimper, but he's quick to kiss them away.
"I need to see you, need to see those pretty eyes when you cum on my cock," He mutters like a crazed man, like he might just cry if he doesn't get his way.
You look at him, those deep, vermillion eyes, and you're just too overwhelmed to say anything other than his name. It starts as a whisper, but you begin to cry out, feeling yourself growing taut around him. He grunts as he begins to pump harder, grunting louder as he pushes you closer to the edge.
"Cum for me, little one. Please, I need you to cum for me," He instructs you with gentle words that don't remotely match the feral desperation of his hips slamming into you.
You gasp, letting out a soft groan as he hits the spot, the pressure of being filled driving you wild, your thighs trembling.
"Cum for me, baby," He breathes, grinding hard into you. "Let me take care of you."
You start to writhe more emphatically beneath him, arching up to meet his hips, wanting nothing more than to give him what he wants. "Please! Take me!" You sob as your nails rake down his back as he continues to pound into you.
He grabs your chin roughly, tilting your face up towards him as he continues slamming into you. "I'm taking you, little girl. I'm taking you and never letting you go." He snarls like he's swearing an oath. "You're mine, and you'll always be mine."
"Yes!" You cry, tightening around him harder. "Please, Katsuki, I love you-" You get cut off as your body arches off of the bed as you come undone. His hips jerk harshly against your core as you clench around him and let out a shriek.
"I love you," he moans breathlessly, your shriek causing his eyes to roll upwards before he's slamming into you once more. He holds you close to him, his entire body shaking as he shudders, and cums.
He pants heavily against you as he cums, his grip around you even tighter than before. After he finishes with a couple reflexive thrusts, grinding the last few spurts of his seed up into you, he rolls onto his back, pulling you with him as he looks up at you with tender crimson irises. Your lips part as you watch him closely, studying his almost artistically structured facial features.
"... Did I hurt you?" He whispers as his body relaxes with a wistful sigh. "Are you okay? Did I fuck you too hard?" He questions, his eyebrows furrowing just enough to cause a slight crease between them.
Yes, he was handsome and strong and gruff and brash-- But he was also so, so beautiful. So sweet and so attentive-- God, it made your heart squeeze.
You shake your head emphatically and wrap your arms tightly around him, your cheek pressed to his chest. "It was wonderful," you gush softly, nuzzling against his chest.
"Good," He kisses the top of your head, holding you tighter. "That's all I ever want." He breathes into your hair. He traces his calloused fingertips up and down your spine. "I love you, little one." His voice is barely audible. "Always, always, always."
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