#OC trade
fanaticsnail · 16 days
You are more important
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 2,500+
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Synopsis: Myers Blythe is on her way to the graduation ceremony to receive her new commissioning as a lieutenant. Unfortunately, a small collision with a higher up halts her fussing over her uniform. Glancing up, she has no choice but to watch her superior officer take a tumble down a flight of stairs: the superior officer she had fallen in love with, Donquixote Rosinante. 
Themes: Donquixote Rosinante x Myers Blythe, canon x oc, set in the past, Rosinante is a marine, Blythe is a marine, fluff, silliness, almost confessions, almost kisses, fantasizing, angst.
Notes: This is my half of a trade for @queenmimi2817 who drew me my OC in the OC Discord Chat. I love Blythe, and I love Ultear, and I love Canidae. I hope you enjoy this little one! Divider by @/firefly-graphics
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Smoothing down her uniformed dress-jacket with one of her gloved hands, and reaching the other to realign one of her golden brass buttons, Myers Blythe readied herself for another meeting with a few more of the favored marines for presentation of a higher rank. She was an easy pick: her upbeat and pleasant attitude paired with a logia devil-fruit ability was a deadly combination for someone to lead others. Each step she took towards the pale, marble steps of the Marine Headquarters, she fixed another aspect of her persons that she deemed out of place. 
While fussing about her uniform and fixing her gold, fluffy hair, she was wholeheartedly unfocussed on the approach of another who seemed to be doing the same. Of similar heights, ages, and lanky stature: another body nervously puffed at his cigarette while muttering incomprehensible gibberish. Whatever it was he was speaking halted the minute he sensed another person within his vicinity. Although he was aware of an approach, he had little to no reaction time to catch himself, far too focused on ensuring he was presentable for the selection ceremony.
Without much further warning, a collision between a bundle of lanky limbs and flailing hands made contact in a firm ‘whack.’ Blythe moved backwards, steadying herself on her boot heels and bracing her body by bending at the knees and squaring her arms. The other body was not nearly as fortunate. Everything happened in a slowed pace, first: recognition, second: reaching out, third: having no choice but to stand back and watch as those two aspects made no difference to the outcome of the clash. 
Donquixote Rosinante reached out to collect one of Blythe’s braced arms, his hands slipping twice as his eyes grew wide and panicked. Falling back onto his ankle appeared to do no good, as the ground grew unstable due to the large, marbled staircase. Swiping at air, Rosinante tumbled and fell down an entire flight of stairs with his cigarette flicking sparks of flint onto his dress-uniform jacket. Igniting the material in a light blaze, Rosinante focused on the fire as opposed to cushioning his rough landing.
Blythe stood for a few moments, eyes wide with shock as she gasped at the unfortunate sight unfolding before her eyes. After taking a moment to adjust to the scene, she shook it off and sprung into action: chasing after him as he continued to roll down the stairs. 
Landing on his back with a heavy thump, the wind was taken from his lungs upon impact. Winded and embarrassed, Rosinante’s hazel eyes sought out Blythe’s pale blue orbs as she approached him. While his body recovered slowly, he almost begged to the gods for some semblance of leniency. It was one thing to bump into something: Rosinante was a practiced clutz, and it was almost expected at this stage. It was another thing entirely for his dress uniform to catch on fire and trip down several flights of stairs, land, ass up with his legs over his head, in front of an underling. 
It was a worse thing that, that particular underling, was Myers Blythe. The person who he had become infatuated with the longer they spent training together. 
Friendships had been far thrown from Rosinante’s mind as a cadet: further still when he revealed to a few of his origins as a celestial dragon. None had managed to form meaningful friendships with the tall, lanky man, until another of similar happenstances joined the ranks as a recruit. And Blythe was spectacular. Rosinante fell first, and he fell hard. He attempted to hold his emotions at bay, thrusting them down in his chest to withhold them until he was done with his upcoming mission.
What he needed to do was easy, he had a plan. Accept a promotion as commander, slip quietly from the Marine headquarters, infiltrate the Donquixote Pirates, take down his older brother and his unhinged empire, return to the marines, pray to the gods that Blythe was still available, pray harder that she felt the same way for him, begin a short courtship, settle down with her as two marines and lovers, adopt a gaggle of children, and live off grid after retiring from their commands. It was simple, in his eyes. Foolproof. Even for a fool such as Rosinante. 
But when he looked up in those beautiful, blue, crystalline orbs, he was lost to them. 
“Are you alright, sir?” Blythe gasped, her voice and face knitting with concern. She stooped down beside him, dropping then to her knees and palming the cinders on his arm. The pale material darkened with the tint of ash, her face contorting with a soft sigh while she swipes at the cotton pattern. 
Rosinante’s eyes never left hers, his stupor silencing him without utilizing his devil fruit ability. Each motion of her hands meeting his jacket had him swooning. His heart rammed in his chest and breath caught in his lungs the more she lingered in attempting to pry the marks from his jacket. Her lips were moving, pouring strings of apologies through her lips and blaming herself for his tumble. 
He could barely feel the bruising, the scorches, or the grazes his skin picked up on his quick drop down the stairs. All he could feel was her, and he was hopelessly in love. While she fussed over his coat, all he wanted to do was reach up, hook his arm behind her neck, pull her against him, and show her how much he loved her with a long and time-stopping kiss. He yearned to press his lips to hers, tug her clumsily into his lap, and hold her securely against him. 
Hearing his title drew him out of his fantasy, looking between her eyes and down to her lips as he attempted to process her question. 
“Sorry, officer, I was miles away,” he managed to recover himself, giving her a broad smile and beaming his hazel eyes up at her, “Would you mind repeating your question?” 
“Lieutenant Donquixote, sir,” she again repeated, reaching up and unbuttoning her jacket and hastily peeling it from her shoulders, “Just take it. I know this lineup is for choosing the next stations in upscaling ranks. You are a lieutenant, I am an officer. Just-,” Blythe hastily places her jacket on her knees, reaching up and beginning to unfasten Rosinante’s hastily, “-Just take mine, sir. Your promotion is of far greater importance than mine.” 
Rosinate’s startle was written on his widened eyes, which softened the longer the chipper woman spoke with him. He was too distracted by the way her hands moved over his broad chest, hastily ridding him of his marred uniform jacket with care for his skin. Rolling over his forearm in her gloved hands, she searched for any damage to his skin from the fire. Her hands lingering on his skin had Rosinante internally cooing and preening up at her, thoroughly enjoying each moment she gave him her undivided attention.
Until he realized what she was doing. 
“Officer! Officer Myers, stop,” he stumbled over his words, drawing up his hands and collecting her wrists within his grip. His face was serious, stern, and without compromise. Looking to his bare shoulders and to hers, he shook his head and attempted to stop her from giving him the shirt off her back. 
“Sir,” she uttered firmly, breaking away her hands from his and placing them over her kneeling lap, “You need to be presentable for the ceremony. I can skip this one. I can hide in the back and stand proud, supporting you while you’re promoted-.”
Hearing her name caused her to hastily suck a breath through her teeth. Gazing down at the man who held her heart, she blinked rapidly to recover from her frozen stature. Rosinante was everything to her: not just her superior. He was so similar in their shared history as severed links to the celestial dragons, defecting to serve as a marine to suit a higher purpose. While she would never admit her heritage to him, or anyone, just her knowing how alike her and Rosinante were was enough to give her the energy she needed to rise up through the ranks. 
Rosinante was important to her. She wanted him to succeed. He was her friend first, her respect for him only multiplying as he continued to showcase his abilities and prowess through basic training and afterhours treats. Blythe was not a drinker, and Rosinante respected that choice by joining her for sweets rather than alcohol. Sampling baked goods together, paying the patrons their respect alongside their berry: few shopkeepers assumed they were dating due to the sheer number of times they had been seen together. 
“Rosinante,” she spoke firmly, returning to her former display of fussing over him. Drawing up her jacket onto his shoulders, she dragged him by the collar to a sitting position. Making quick work with every button, she thumbed over the blunt surfaces to ensure they shone brightly, all while chastising him. 
“You are more important, sir,” she gulped back her sentiment, hardening her resolve, and dressing him firmly. “You are important to me. I want to see you succeed,” she tugged down the dress jacket, using her hands to smooth over his stomach of creases, “I want to be in the grandstand, cheering you on as a freshly decorated commander. I want to be there to support you, and if that means giving you my dress jacket right now, so be it. So just sit there, look pretty, and take it, you hear?” 
With a curt nod down at his jacket, she returned her blue eyes up to meet his below her. Rosinante’s cheeks were tinted with the softest shade of pink. His widened, brown eyes peered up through his lengthy, blonde eyelashes, as he nodded in silent, hypnotized, agreement. 
“Good,” Blythe nodded with a grin, rocking back on her knees before standing up on her feet. Extending her gloved hand out to him, she nodded for him to take it. Reaching up, he clasped his grip around her wrist, her automatically doing the same to his, and walking backwards to aid him to his feet. As he rose to stand, he towered over her frame by a measly four inches. 
Taking a moment in the silence, Rosinante looked down at Blythe and offered her a rare, soft smile. Releasing her wrist from his grip, he slid his digits down and gently caressed her gloved hands with a soft and delicate touch. 
“So,” Rosinante straightened his black and retracted his hand completely, “How do I look?” Gesturing down to his body, a few tufts of his soft, blonde hair fluffed up into coiled curls off to the side. Blythe hums, taking him in before stepping closer and smoothing down the unruly mops that hastily flopped back into place beneath her ministrations. 
“You look,” she desperately wanted to finish her sentence with, ‘like the man I fell in love with’, but she instead chose, “Ready to become a brilliant commander, sir. I will follow your orders, and look forward to them thoroughly.”
Rosinante chuckled at her, shaking his head and placing his hands on her bare shoulders. Gently reaching up, he dipped his index finger beneath her chin and held her gaze beneath his. In lieu of finally saying those three words that were made to be spoken, that simple confession of ‘I love you’ on the tip of his tongue, Rosinante expressed them with his eyes while he uttered a completely new set of three words instead. 
“Thank you, Blythe.” 
“You’re welcome, Rosinante.”
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Thumbing over the singed uniform arm in her wardrobe, Commodore Myers Blythe hummed thoughtfully at the memory of the man she adored in her youth. She never received that promotion all those years ago, but she did as she suggested she would do: stood in the stadium and cheered Rosinante on when he was christened beneath the fresh title of Commander. 
Removing the material from the coat hanger, Blythe placed it over her shoulders as she hunched over her writing desk. The scent of stale smoke still lingered with Rosinante's cologne in the collar, a fragrance that seemed to last on the jacket no matter how long she kept it with her. Opening her specialist stationary, she unfolded a blank page and began to articulate all of the thoughts she so desperately wanted to share with the man who still ruled her heart even in his death. Her corazon. 
“Thought of you today,” she began, smiling down at the page and neatly curling her lettering in a way she knew he would like, “Saw the boy and let him off the hook. Even supplied him with some rations when I caught his bow-wearing underling attempting to steal some from my ship.” Blythe continued, her lettering becoming more stretched and more firmly pressed against the page. 
“He’s grown into a man you would’ve been proud of, Rosinante,” Blythe spoke aloud alongside articulating her calligraphy. “A pirate, but his heart is as large as yours was. He honors your memory, and I have been proud to call him an acquaintance through all these years.” Lifting her pen, she noticed a few drops of water appearing to leak onto the page. 
Blythe cocks her head hastily to the side, assuming she'd accidentally activated her mizu-mizu no mi fruit and blotched the page with her ability. Placing down her ink-pen, she rose from her desk and briskly walked over to her bathroom to peer into the mirror. 
Expecting to see her hair or ears dripping again, she was stunned to find her eyes leaking with heavy tears. Standing in silence, Commodore Blythe hardened her expression and gazed darkly at her reflection. Blue eyes now swollen with a puffy, red waterline, she took a long, shaky breath in and rose her wrist up to rid the drops from her cheeks. 
“I should’ve told you then,” she shook her head as she scolded herself, “I should’ve held you longer, gone with you - hells, I should’ve kissed you.” She chuckled without humor, tucking the jacket firmly around her shoulders and engulfing her body beneath its hefty shroud. 
In another life, a better life, a life where Donquixote Rosinante was successful in his mission, he would’ve returned to her. He would've asked her to be his, bending the knee and asking for her hand. They would have settled down in an island and make it their home, supporting the young Trafalgar Law to follow in their footsteps as a marine, likely. More likely, the young boy would be a pirate in any life, and they would have no choice but to hide him from the law as high ranking marines while laughing about it.
But in this life, she is Commodore Myers Blythe: a logia fruit user, who locks her heart away in letters to her departed love who was never hers. Her heart would only ever be his, and she was happy to live with that. She would write to him, love him eternally, and continue to make his memory proud.
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cinnabon0 · 5 months
Art trade with @escapgold !
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And also this HEHEHEHEHE
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blauwu · 5 months
Long Post Warning.
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A bit of a redesign of the oc I adopted from @anonymous123maybe :)
I’m so happy I adopted her, she is my new baby- I love characters with something covering their eyes, it’s just so cute she’s like a lil sheep- lil fish sheep, a… fisheep?
Anyway, here’s some lore no one asked for:
The underwater world that Lulu lives in is separated by the deep and the shallow sea regions, basically light and dark. Both merfolk have gills, but can breathe on land for up to around 24 hours, depending on their strength. The record was 36 hours.
The deep sea merfolk usually have darker skin and bioluminescent scales & fins to help attract prey. Despite them seeming to not have eyes, they actually have many little microscopic eyes along their face, so they can see. Don’t test them on this. While most deep sea merfolk can be reserved and quiet, they have extremely sharp teeth and detachable jaws (like a snake) so that they can swallow bigger prey. Every morsel of food counts in the depths, so they have to try and get as much as they can in one bite.
The shallow sea merfolk are your run-of-the mill merfolk: lighter skin and usually patternless since they don’t need the bioluminescence. They have normal, human eyes and normal human mouths. They usually just eat fish and crabs and whatever other seafood they find. Most are much louder and rowdier, though that doesn’t always mean stronger. The shallow sea merfolk can also shift between their mer-forms and human forms to blend in with the land dwellers, who they are much closer to since they are on the surface and all.
Both merspecies used to get along and live together in harmony before a savage war broke out between the two. Any hybrid / mixed merfolk were almost instantly outcast. A small group of them formed a 3rd society in the barren parts of the ocean, where they live off of basic supplies, almost like wild creatures.
One day, Lulu is attracted by an unusually bright light, nothing like the bioluminescence of a fellow deep sea merfolk. She swims away from her family, who is currently too occupied amongst themselves to notice her quietly slink away. She soon discovers that the bright light was actually the headlamps of a couple of researchers, and she quickly gets captured.
As the researchers make their ascent back to the surface, now with an unconscious Lulu in their grasp, they attract the attention of a shallow sea merman: Neifion. He immediately swims to land, transforming into his human form to try and perhaps save Lulu. With his impromptu plan, he approaches the researchers with all the charm he can muster and offers to buy Lulu from their arms. Being the stupid little dumb dumb greedy bastards they are, they happily hand Lulu over for a couple of coins, a shiny ocean crystal and a button.
A bit of backstory about Neifion: he’s quite wealthy in both of his lives, his mer-life and his human life. He’s the prince of the shallow sea merfolk and owns quite a big house on land, a borderline mansion, somewhere along the coast. He’s the stereotypical young prince, that is to say a cocky little narc who thinks he’s already the King because a few gold digging mermaids fawn over his good looks.
Back to the story: Neifion knows he can’t simply throw Lulu back into the sea, and gets her back to his ‘humble abode’ as fast as he can. He quickly gets her in the bath, making sure she has enough water so she doesn’t dry out or suffocate. Needless to say, Lulu is in a right state of panic once she wakes up from all of this.
Neifion doesn’t exactly know what to do to calm Lulu down, and resorts to the only thing he knows how to do: flirt. This earns him an outraged slap, right across the cheek, from Lulu. Neifion quickly comes down from his high seahorse and explains the full situation to Lulu, who is defintley shocked at this point.
Lulu was a deep sea mermaid, meaning she lived thousands and thousands of metres below the surface. Both parties here knew that it would be basically impossible to reunite her with her family, let alone even get her back down to the depths safely. Once a deep sea merfolk left the depths, there was almost certainly no return. Lulu is obviously upset by this, and Neifion actually tries to do his best to console her by offering to get her some fish.
Lulu hasn’t ever actually had a proper shallow sea fish, only ever eating microscopic creatures and whatever waddled into her mouth down in the depths. She quickly agreed, finding that her stomach was empty from all of the stress and that she needed a distraction from such. Neifion and Lulu have some quality bonding time together, all with Neifion in his (ever so fascinating to Lulu) sitting in his human form, awkwardly talking to the deep sea mermaid in his bath.
This continues over the span of a week or so while Lulu recovers from the sudden shift in environment, the stress and the physical wounds from being manhandled by those good for nothing researchers. Neifion and Lulu are besties by this point, even after only a week. Eventually, Neifion suggests going down to the beach and testing out the waters, since Lulu was going a bit stir-crazy in the bath.
Lulu was happily carried down to the beach, where Neifion transformed into his mer-form for the first time. Lulu is just happy to be back in the sea, being able to breathe fresh sea water instead of the musty land air and the crusty bath water. Lulu eventually adjusts to her new life in the shallow waters, where she is happily accepted into Neifion’s family as sort of a sister to him.
The mixed merfolk I mentioned earlier are also accepted back and everyone is happi living together : )
And so they lived happily ever after.
Hope y’all enjoyed my rant, I made 99% of it up on the spot and I know it’s super cheesy, but who doesn’t love a bit of cheese?
Me. That’s who. I don’t like cheese. (Seriously though I love these two lil fishies, I genuinely do like just a cliche cutesy little bestie friendship that doesn’t turn out to be sappy romance in the end <3)
I’ll design Neifion a bit later…
Merry Christmas!
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voided-peach · 3 months
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Traded an oc with a friend from work, this is Bex and is owned by Val @thoughtlesswater on insta. Really fun making this guy!
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r0ttingsystem · 1 year
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I just found this and WHAT.
I want to piss people like this off so who wants to oc trade/hj
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maggyoutthere · 7 months
Friend @arcademoss and I did a trade where we both designed ocs for eachother!! They made this lovely addison for me and I HAD to draw them!!
Theirs is the art on the right ^^'
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+ the one I made for them!
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arcadiken · 3 months
Hello all!!
I am currently making adoptables. I am selling them for robux [via digital giftcard or gamepass], ocs, and [maybe] commissions.
I would like your help in promoting this because i really want to get these things. i want to get others ocs because i want to expand my catalogue as far as character design and concept go, as well as promote the artists who made them.
As for robux, i collect robux occasionally for gamepasses, however my main priority is commissioning smaller artists who have those commissions. the more i get, the more comms i am able to recieve.
It would be wildly appreciated if you checked out the adoptables in stock, or reblogged this so that more people can see this!
Remember, likes do not help expand reach. Reblogs are the proper way to share a post.
Toyhouse link!!!
If you have a friend who is interested in oc trade or buying adoptables, share this to them!! itd really help!!
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mintyscuriocabinet · 6 months
Squirrel and Hedgehog Adopts (Trade to Adopt)
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Yup, they're finally here folks! These are trade to adopt so I'll be trading them for other OCs. I accept anthros/furries, ponies and other Squirrel and Hedgehog OCs. Feel free to DM me or comment if you're interested!
Veteran Squirrel - Claimed
Femme Fetale Wolf - Unclaimed
More coming soon!
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mimir97477906 · 8 months
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oc i designed for my friend 🙏💯💯💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥
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apyrrambles · 2 months
characters ? For trade maybe
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hi uh I no longer want any of these designs cause I have not used them like ever so if anyone wants to trade or buy them they're up for grabs
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somerandomdog511 · 5 months
Oc Trades Open
Fandom OCs aren't really wanted but I may accept
No NSFW based OCs
More than one OCs can be traded
You can ask me to make an OC with x,y,z characteristic traits if mine aren't what you're looking for
OC redesigns can also be submitted at this time
Gore OCs can be traded, however please ask me before you submit
Animal and furry Ocs can be also be submitted
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Ref sheet
Silly doodles/sticker designs
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If interested you can submit through my asks or dm me personally
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deletedaccd · 4 months
Guys i really wanna do an art trade cause i want someone to draw mike n tk draw someone elses oc
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qiekz · 2 years
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Doggy. idk how i feel abt him tbh. accepting offers (trades, art, moneys, etc) :3 EDIT - he has found a new owner :D
[plz reblog]
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midnightfluters · 5 months
Oc art traded.
What they got
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(Unmarked of course)
And what I got
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(The tiefling comes for a eure tiefling picrew and the dog is made and/or came from TheFunnyA on toyhouse)
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creatureschaos · 5 months
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Cherry Bomb
Willing to sell or trade this character if anyone is interested.
Posted using PostyBirb
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