#OC: Clemmie
rosie-lav-art · 8 months
OC Showcase #7 - Queen Clemmie
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Clemmie is only 8 years old, yet so much rests on her little shoulders. Her mother passed away from sickness seven years ago, and her father recently passed from the same illness, leaving no one but Clemmie to rule the Orange Kingdom. Despite her young age, she does quite well, leaning heavily on the teachings of her father, her mentor, and her protector, three people who taught and continue to teach her valuable life lessons.
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Clemmie loves to play games, especially with the Royal Guard, as they aren't legally allowed to deny her her fun. She loves to toss around her favorite ball, which she has lovingly named Orenji.
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Through the power of magic, and imagination, Clemmie is able to travel to the Real World, where folks like JL live. Her and JL are fast friends, and while he views her as the little sister he never had, she views JL as one of her subjects (despite him not existing in the Orange Kingdom)... And of course as a friend.
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Please look forward to Clemmie's little adventures in JL and The Mall, my upcoming comic :>
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rosielav · 1 year
Almost finished with the ROY G BIV theme for my 100 Days of OCs challenge!!!!!
Just have the twins - Beauregard and Violet - and then it's on to the next theme (fun composition)!!!!!
Please enjoy OCs #8-12 R O Y G and B :))
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Jeramy Leramy - works at The Mall, which has been closed for 25 years. His paychecks keep coming in, and that money keeps spending, so he keeps coming in for his shift at CD-Romania. He agrees it's a bad pun.
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Queen Clemmie - Queen of De Land (Florida). Clemmie is 9 years old and her favorite thing is playing games with her friends and the royal guards. She's highly intelligent, but also quite silly, so it balances out.
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Bobby Yayane - Orange Knights are the direct protectors of the royal family, which means nowadays the direct protector of Clemmie. Orange Knights, for some reason, have a fairly low lifespan. Bobby is the oldest known Orange Knight, which is clear when you know that the orange fades the older the knights get. He loves Clemmie like his own daughter.
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Grunhilda - Witch of the Woods. Royal medic, advisor, and overall That Person in the kingdom. If something is going wrong, everyone looks to Grunhilda, because she either caused the trouble, or knows how to fix it. Clemmie adores Grunhilda, and vice versa. The path to her cottage in The Woods is well worn, with many budding flowers and fruits along the way; signifiers of Clemmie's many trips. Bobby and Grunnie don't always see eye to eye, but they always do what's best for Clemmie.
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Bluebell - baby's first cowgirl!!! I have very limited experience drawing animal folks, or even people with animal characteristics. I'm not sure how Bluebell fits into the OC Universe yet, as I have to decide if the Orange Kingdom has anthro animals or not. Regardless, she is welcomed into the family with open arms :)
Bluebell loves to sing and dance, especially outside with friends. Handmade music is like magic to her, and she's able to turn that into real life actual magic through her songs. Flowers bloom, food tastes better, wounds heal... Everything gets a lil better when Bluebell sings her songs.
I hope yall enjoyed this post :) If you'd like to see OCs #1-7, or want more info on any of these (or my other) OCs, please ask!!!!!!!
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rozeliyawashereyall · 3 months
Clemmy, but they're a merfolk
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Was very much inspired by @lightdragon789 ver of their own merfolk!Clemmy. Go check it out!
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katt-astrophiic · 3 months
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Oh she’s being rotted (literally)
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meekmedea · 20 days
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freaquin · 5 months
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fellas..... are they.. you know
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ochrebones · 2 months
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My Meadowlark ocs! Sawyer and his Harker, The Wanderer, are delighted to meet you all :)
Featuring Clémentine!
Closeups under cut!
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littlesiren79 · 4 months
*kicks the door open* hello my little lovelies and today I'll be asking the Clemmy nevy a few questions
1. What was your Clemmy reaction when they saw Lauren for the first time
2.favorite food
3. They're reaction when they find her laying face first on the floor because she's having one of her silent metal break downs
4. Favorite fish
5. Birth stone and birth flower
@rozeliyawashereyall @lightdragon789 @willowve01 @piffany666 @littlesiren79 @tiefling-chaos @wilderrorcard @idontevenknow7878 @aspenm00n @astralbulldragon13 @fangsshadow @strayharmony943
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hellishgayliath · 8 months
What are their biggest fears (rational & irrational if they have both)?
Are they more uneasy fears or straight up phobias?
Pico: His biggest fear is the risk of losing his family. That's always gonna be at the top of his list. His dad almost got eaten by a pig monster, kidnapped by crazy dentist poachers and left behind in some part of the yokai world in a net trap when the whole dark armor thing was happening (which im sure splints and april forgot about the b team being there). So yeah he's gonna be quite overbearing and clingy sometimes cuz he's afraid of the inevitable, especially now that one of his lil siblings got mutated.
Another thing is he absolutely hates bear traps, does not like hearing about them, looking at them, or even being near one since he was caught in one before when he was a regular opossum. It was a near death experience for him and he'd rather not be reminded of it, so hearing loud metal clanging sounds from Donnie's robots don't really help with the anxiety.
Bao: Is not a fan of squid or octopi, they kinda freak him out cuz of how slimy they are (a big texture thing). He also hates being judged on first appearance without someone taking the chance to get to know him, they just assume how he is as a person cuz of the history surrounding Tanuki and the like. Hates confrontation but will come down to it as a last resort( which happens a lot being in the hidden city).
Vera: Has the fear of falling in love and intimacy, she thought she caught it once with Big Momma (after Lou Jitsu was out of the picture). Wine dates, ball dances, late night chats about their professions and anything, but she later turns to find out Big Momma only strung her around to seek out info about Vera's clients and oppositions. So she decides to cut romance out of her life and just focus on her career (still questioning whether or not any of it did mean something to Big Mom). Some trust issues are def gonna be present there.
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theseusmcalt · 2 months
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clemmi my love
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rosie-lav-art · 6 months
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Another Letter Number Color challenge
(Q 13 ptalo green)
Queen Clemmie is who I immediately thought of. She's 8, but I thought a bit of an age up owukd be fun. Her mentor is a Green Witch, so it would make sense that Clemmie learns nature magics. Age 13 seems to be a good an age as any for those powers to manifest.
Honestly, had more green in my head. One day when I'm better at drawing I wanna redraw this, but closer and more dynamic!!
Im not in love with the art style, but it was fun!! And that's what I gotta focus on, not the fact that I'm not entirely happy with it.
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rosielav · 1 year
Since I'm finally 10% done, here is one drawing(or set) for each of my new OCs so far :D
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In order, with themes:
OC 1-7 Friendship Week - asked 7 friends for an OC they wanted to see me draw
Biff Chuffley
Flapjack the Rucksack Mimic
Ricardo the sentient corn
Zoid the catterbee
A friend's OC from dnd
The blue water dragoon (based on a friend's url)
The Man Eating Serpent
OC 8-14 - ROY G BIV (ROY complete)
Jeramy Laramy
Queen Clemmie
Bobby Yayane, Orange Knight (fading to yellow)
Let me know what you guys think :) who is your favorite? What are you looking forward to? Still 90 new OCs to meet, and I'm excited to share them all with you!! Let me know if there's a theme you want to see as well, as my next one is Cool Composition (action shots, references sheets, 3-5 poses/scenes on one page, etc) but after that idk!
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katt-astrophiic · 2 months
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I love delusional, one sided, parasocial, toxic oc x canon yuri
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meekmedea · 2 months
Magnus vs Maximinius
I found out yesterday that President Ravinstill has an actual first name in the movie and now I'm just side-eyeing the name I've been using before that.
Now the question is ... do I commit to the bit or do I change?
@felixravinstills sent a comic in the chat yesterday about Pompey and the names 'Magnus' and 'Maximus'. I got me thinking, maybe I can sort of use both names?
Based on Abyssal's findings with figuring out Maximinius' name, I think we're going with it meaning 'the best'.
And if Magnus means 'the Great'... I've been thinking, what if I did this: Set his real name as Maximinius and have Magnus as the nickname that Hector used.
The nickname is coined for the silliest reason ever - in their school days, Max is a bit too arrogant about getting good grades.
And when their marks from their latest science test come back, guess who has the higher grade? Hector.
You're great, but not the best. Maybe we should you call you 'Magnus' instead - Hector.
For the rest of the year, Hector consistently beat him out in marks in science class. Then the nickname just sort of stuck.
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lightdragon789 · 4 months
Other inserts backstory/facts Pt 1. Peyton Cooper
So, I’ve decided to give facts and a bit of backstory about my other insert characters, cause I had fun making one for Nash. Breaking it into parts cause I got like… 9 others to talk about (not counting Nash cause he’s already got his fact sheet.)
So, here we go!
Starting with my sea loving tall boi, Peyton!
Peyton grew up with parents who were already marine biologists and he wanted to be like them. Going out to the beach with them and picking up trash and collecting sea shells. He even tried to save an injured baby turtle when he was 7. Thinking if he could save it, he could be a great marine biologist like his parents. Which didn’t go over well as the turtle's fin kept getting worse. It led to Peyton telling his parents and thinking they'd be mad at him. However, his dad tells him that while he's upset for Peyton not telling them. He is proud that he had the courage to come to them for help. Making Peyton promise to never be afraid to ask or help others in need as it's always hard for most people to do. Peyton promised and made sure to keep it.
As he grew up, his career choice never changed and he studied hard in school. Soon his aunt and uncle had his cousin, Jackie and he loved her ever since he held her as a baby. Promising to be the best cousin in the world to her. The two becoming best friends as they grew up. But when Jay turned 5, her mother abandoned the family to "find herself" and left Jay heartbroken. Peyton made sure to be there for his cousin and being there when he needed him. Helping to sing him to sleep as well as to comfort her when she thought they would leave her too.
He got accepted into a college to continue his study in marine biology. Wanting his degree and interning at his parent's marina. However, things went south as his dad was going through liver failure. He was getting more frail and weaker by the day and Peyton spent as much time as he could with him. Working on essays and other school work with him. His dad told Peyton that he had a gift for him when he graduated and if he didn't live long enough to see it. That he'd open it once he got his diploma.
Peyton kept that promise as his dad passed away a few days before his graduation. He kept his head held high as he got it and once he and his family got home. He opened his father's gift which was a pocket knife. On it was a turtle with an X over its fin and on the back was the words "Never forget" on it. Peyton cried a lot once he saw it and was comforted by his mom, uncle and cousin.
Peyton soon moved to a different marina after his father’s passing as it didn’t feel right to work there without him. He moved to another state and worked under his boss Mr. Wood, who he doesn't get along with. Despite Peyton's effort to try and be civil, the two just never got along.
Peyton is a nonchalant guy who does things his way. Which can lead to people seeing him as lazy but he’s very hard-working just super chill about it. He'd also (once all his tasks were done) go out to the beach in order to continue picking up garbage and helped beached animals. Mr. Wood has tried to get him written up for this but Peyton wasn't breaking any rules. So, he couldn't really be written up for anything.
He became good friends with everyone, especially with Dr. Erick Evander. The two hanged out a lot, to the point where people thought they were dating. But they'd both stated that they didn't like each other in that way, but it didn't stop everyone's teasing words.
He also got to rehabilitate a black tip reef shark who he named, Mina and Peyton was the only one she trusted. As she always scared off other employees. So, Wood told Peyton to stop his "lazing around" going to the beach and focus on his actual work. Peyton then decided that day to take his journey to the beach on his lunch break. He also left his phone with his friend as it was dead, ignoring how he had to carry it in case he spotted something unusual. Wanting to spite Mr. Wood.
To which, he meet an unexpected friend and began a wild journey.
Peyton is 33 years old, is 6’4 and goes by (He/They) pronouns.
Starting off with a silly fact. Seven of my inserts were made via my dnd dice. Three of them Jay, Matthew and Peyton were made up on the spot or inspired. Everyone one else was a dice roll, which helped me experiment with different character designs.
Peyton loves using nicknames for himself and others. It’s his love language in a sense. Which I headcannon that Peyton never says his name out loud during the Merfolk series. Just goes by Clemmy and whatever other nickname. (Examples: for Mr. Wood, he calls him Big B, for Jay, he calls him Jay-B and he has a lot of nicknames from others.)
Jay and Peyton are cousins, who are very close and see each other as siblings. Due to their upbringing.
He often times (when he’s done with caring to sea life and writing reports) goes outside to the beach to see if any sea life needs his aid. Also, does it to spite Mr. Wood.
He’s a vegetarian, as he has some meat allergies.
He also has a bit of a hero complex, though he always denies it.
He has shark bite scars (on his side and thigh) from trying to wrangle a dolphin out of netting and they attacked smelling some blood off the dolphin.
When talking to Zef and Sera in Merfolk form. Peyton always sits down or lays down. Knowing he’s already quite tall and wanting to be at their level.
He is bisexual, Greyromantic and Non-Binary. (He/They)
Next I’ll do either Avery or Matthew!
Hope you guys like this ^^
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nebulousboops · 2 years
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Hey what if
What if @mortallychaotickingdom‘s Artemis in my apprentice Clive au (don’t worry I checked with them to ask if it was ok to draw this lol)
Anyway enjoy Artemis making fun of Emmy for her bad taste in men
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