#OC: Ikina Marks-Zavros
rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Viridana Revarre Dragoi
Darth Viridana; Viri. Canon Sith Warrior; Commander of the Eternal Alliance; Empire's Wrath (former)
Age: 40 as of 3629 BBY Height: 6'2" Sexuality: Heavily favors women; demisexual Partner: Lana Beniko (Force bonded; wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries
Viri has her own page because it’s all about her here. Major supporting team: 
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Suvia Kallig
Canon Sith Inquisitor. Darth Nox. Sith Assassin; Dark Council member; Force Lore and Archives Director, Eternal Alliance
Age: 34 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'1" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Jaesa Willsaam Western Zodiac would be: Leo
During the Eternal Empire’s assault on Darth Marr’s coalition, Darth Nox was captured and thrown into carbonite. She was found and thawed seven years later by Viri and her Alliance. She now works for the Eternal Alliance as the Director of Force Lore and Artifacts.
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Taran Walrez
Canon bounty hunter. Great Hunter (unaffiliated; refused to join Mandalorians)
Age: 44 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'11" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Lucinda Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries
After her work with Darth Tormen, Taran continued working as a bounty hunter, renowned for her talent and skill. While mentoring a contestant in the Great Hunt, she and her wife, Lucinda, rescued Lana Beniko and HK-55 from an untimely demise on Altair 3. After repairing Lana’s hand, they directed her to the shadow port of Asylum. Taran has continued to be a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance. She recently retired from hunting and now lives on Odessen with her wife, who is a surgeon in the Alliance hospital. Supporting: 
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Jenari Ashaa
Canon Jedi Consular. Former Barsen'thor; ex-Jedi; member of the Eternal Alliance; First Assistant, Department of Force Lore and Artifacts
Age: 37 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Nadia Grell (after Ossus) Western Zodiac would be: Aquarius
Jenari’s parents gave her a name that meant “Sith Victory” in Sith because they were very upset about having to turn her over to the Jedi. Jenari left the Jedi Order after the class story. She eventually ended up in Somminick Timmns’ sanctuary for Force users on  Nar Shaddaa and then in the Eternal Alliance, where she works with Force artifacts and lore, expanding her knowledge and working tirelessly for peace and common ground.
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Ikina Marks-Zavros
Expert slicer Height: 5'9" Age: 35 as of 3629 BBY Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Ashara Zavros Daughter: Tomi Western Zodiac would be: Virgo
Ikina is not in the class stories. She left her home planet when the Eternal Empire attacked, eventually finding sanctuary on Nar Shaddaa. Her talents as a slicer and information broker brought her to the attention of Ashara Zavros, who hired her to help search for the missing Darth Nox. Though their search was unsuccessful, Ikina and Ashara fell in love and married. They settled on Voss, where they run a tea house in the alien enclave of Voss-Ka.
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Keilla Gray
Canon Trooper. Former CO of Havoc Squad; Director, Tion Security Force
Height: 6'0" Age: 45 as of 3629 BBY Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Aries
After coordinating the evacuation of Makeb and encountering Eclipse Squad, Keilla left Havoc Squad and defected to the Tion Hegemony. She never returns to fight for the Republic, Empire or Alliance. Keilla is dedicated to keeping people safe in her new role in the Tion Security Force, but she is determined never to return to combat. Her main focus on Tion is coordinating T.H.O.R.N. and Alliance volunteers to counter the outbreaks of rakghoul plague still occurring throughout the Hegemony. 
Lucinda Walrez
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Chief Surgeon, Alliance Medcenter
Age: 46 as of 3629 BBY
Height: 5'6" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Taran Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Taurus
Lucinda is a gifted microsurgeon trained on Corellia. Her sister, Judah, works as an accountant in the Hutt Nem’ro’s palace on Hutta. Lucinda, however, avoided any contact with the underworld until Judah introduced her to a champion bounty hunter, Taran. Lucinda and Taran hit it off, and Lucinda eventually began traveling with Taran as part of her bounty  hunting crew, tending to her team’s injuries. Taran and Lucinda later married. During the Eternal Empire’s reign over the galaxy, Lucinda was responsible for treating a badly injured Lana Beniko and saving her hand in microsurgery. She and Taran continued to work with the Alliance from a distance for years, until Taran was hired for a bounty hunting contract by the Alliance Commander. Lucinda and Taran decided to join the Alliance full-time when Taran retired from bounty hunting. They now live on Odessen, where Lucinda is the chief surgeon in the Alliance’s Medcenter. 
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Rorjhana (Ror)
Canon Jedi Knight. Hero of Tython; ex-Jedi Knight; member of the Eternal Alliance Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'8" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: @vespertine-legacy​ ’s Zuvi Western Zodiac would be: Leo
Disillusioned, angry and disgusted with the Republic and Jedi Order, Ror unsteadily tried to fulfill her role as the "Hero of Tython" while steadily slipping away from the Order. It was only through the efforts of Satele Shan and the Barsen'thor that Ror was kept out of a prison cell on Belsavis for her proclivity for the Dark Side. Ror disappeared into Wild Space after her victory against Vitiate, and only surfaced years later, when Somminick Timmns recruited her into his Force enclave. She joined the Eternal Alliance along with Timmns and his other students, and finally feels at home. She has no plans to leave.
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Jiani Jiaasjen (Jia)
Darth Imperius. Sith Assassin; Security team, Eternal Alliance
Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Darth Hexid Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio
Jia was working as a lightsaber trainer on Korriban when the Eternal Empire attacked. She and Darth Hexid helped each other survive the assault. She went on to join the Eternal Alliance, where she and Hexid work as saber and combat instructors. Jia’s entire large family was wiped out by the Eternal Empire, which has led to her having a deep hatred for Zakuul. She is an excellent teacher and also is very persuasive when negotiating.
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Shatsokun Ashaa (Shasi)
Sith Inquisitor, Darth Occlus, member, Eternal Alliance Age: 33 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10″ Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Virgo
Shasi is the younger sister of Jenari Ashaa. After Jenari’s parents were forced to give her to the Jedi, they were upset enough to leave Republic space. They settled on Nar Shaddaa, and when Shasi was born, they gave her a Sith name that meant “Passion Victory” (they didn’t speak Sith!). When she was found to be Force sensitive they ensured she went to Sith training and not the Jedi. Shasi did not meet her sister until she joined the Eternal Alliance after Nathema. Other Fun Characters Out in the Galaxy
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Amedria Bjornus
Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance
Age: 42 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'9" Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius
Amedria is a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance’s underworld network.
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Canon smuggler. Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Age: 41 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'6" Sexuality: Pansexual Partner: Risha Drayen Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio
Marlena is a valued ally in the Eternal Alliance’s underworld network.
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Auyrini  Mercenary and smuggler Age: 42 as of 3629 BBY Height: 6′1″  Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Aquarius Auyrini is a smuggler and mercenary working in Wild Space. She is a valued ally in the Eternal Alliance’s network. 
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Brynn (alias)
Canon Imperial Agent; Cipher Nine
Little is known about the agent known as Cipher Nine. Her existence is an urban legend; there are no records about her in either Sith Intelligence or the SIS’s files. If her name is typed into any computer database, it instantly disappears. Those who worked at Imperial Intelligence insist that Cipher Nine was a real person who vanished without a trace after defeating the Star Cabal, but there is no way to know for certain.
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
Sith!Ikina is my fifth toon going through the Inquisitor story. She's the first toon where I've noticed that one of the standard, lower-level Inquisitor gear sets that drops in the story progression is actually the one the Revanites on Dromund Kaas wear. It's also pretty much the Voss attire, albeit with different colors. Why no, you won't stand out at all if you wear this, Inquisitor. Nobody will know you've been inducted as a Revanite. Promise. I do really like the way the hood drapes on this a lot better than some of the others,
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
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Ikina (slicer, not Sith) is running the Mek-Sha tradehouse missions. Of course she takes Smiley along (in headcanon, Ikina and her family have a nexu, and her daughter Tomi decided his name was Smiley). I love doing macrobinoculars missions with Smiley along. He's always right there looking ever so cheerful. :D
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
Saturday Fashion Show
Ikina-as-Inquisitor was created strictly so that I could get Ikina and her wife (Ashara) running around together - it's definitely not her story. I'm thinking now that Ikina actually is Force sensitive, but only marginally - maybe enough to play sabacc well or check on her daughter or wife if they are close by, but not enough even to be picked up by people who meet her. Certainly not enough to train as any sort of Force user. Just enough to give her an intuitive edge with her slicing and information brokering. I'm trying to find "I'm just an everyday expert slicer" clothes for Ikina so she's certainly not kitted out like an Inquisitor, overall.
This was a random drop and is really pretty on her.
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These pieces are among the earliest drops in the game for Sith Inquisitors, and i really like them, especially dyed.
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Taran: The Mythran Hunter set you can earn by doing Galactic Seasons as a subscriber looks nice on her when dyed red.
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
WIP Whenever
Thank you so much for the tag @tishinada! Tagging, um, @actualanxiousswampwitch @sleepswithvillains No pressure! The post about Tomi and Ikina came up because that's what I'm writing right now; Lana and Viri's return to Voss for The Galaxy's Wrath. Of course, that involves Ikina, Ashara and their daughter, since they're right there. *** “I can get that for you,” Tomi says cheerfully. A teapot floats over to the table, followed by several teacups and the sugar bowl. Tomi beams as the items come to rest on the table, jumping up and down with glee. ”Well done,” Viri smiles encouragingly. “You brought everything over.” ”I can’t pour yet,” Tomi says apologetically. “I keep spilling.” ”Imagine you’re actually holding the handle. Think of an imaginary hand,” Viri suggests. ‘Want to give it a try?” Tomi looks to her mother, and Ikina shrugs. “You do need to practice, lark.”
Tomi narrows her eyes and picks up the teapot with her mind, guiding it to one of the cups. Liquid sloshes onto the table as the teapot tilts, but Tomi quickly corrects the error and fills the cup before putting the teapot down again.
“Look at that! Great job. High five,” Viri says, extending her hand.
“I love the Force,” Tomi sings, high-fiving her enthusiastically. ”All right, little showoff,” Ikina smiles indulgently. “As long as we’re talking about the Force - would you mind getting your mama? She’s in the sparring room.” ”I’ve got that,” Tomi says, tearing off through the teahouse. Ikina watches her until she vanishes through the door, and then turns to Lana and Viri. ”I hope I can trust you to keep…Tomi’s talents…to yourselves,” Ikina says, taking a shaky sip of tea. “Ashara says we can trust you. But that’s my baby. I need to confirm it for myself.” ”We won’t say a word,” Lana says seriously. ”You have my promise,” Viri agrees, sipping her tea. “I would never endanger your child.” ”She’s learning from Ashara,” Ikina says, visible relief etched across her face. “We have no desire for her to join any of the orders.” ”I can understand why,” Lana says quietly. “On Voss, nobody will pressure you to do that.” ”No, they won’t,” Ikina says with a smile. “I'm not deluding myself. The way she makes things fly around the room, I’m sure some will notice. But on Voss, trying to interfere with her or conscript her would bring down the wrath of the Three, and nobody would risk it. Not now. Especially since we’re under protection of the Mystics. The Mystics have some lessons for Force sensitive children. We are taking her to those. But she will not be joining the Mystics, either. We want her to just…be herself, without any expectations, until she’s old enough to figure it out on her own.” ”I would likely feel similar, if I were caring for a child,” Lana nods.   ”Why don’t you have any?” Ikina says, curious. “Not to overstep, I’m sorry, it’s none of my business.” ”It’s fine,” Viri shrugs. “Parenthood is just not for me. I’ve always know that..” ”I feel that way too,” Lana nods. “I’ve nothing against it. It’s just not my path.”
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
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So Ikina and Ashara's daughter, Tomi, is Force sensitive. She's being raised on Voss and both of her mothers have said a hearty "Oh HELL no" to having her sent away somewhere to train or join one of the Force orders. So Ashara's teaching her, with the more eclectic style she's learned for herself. Since they're on Voss, she might eventually learn from the Mystics but again, her mothers will HELL NO any potentially fatal trials. Are they overprotective? This is their baby, and considering with what Ikina and Ashara have both endured, they don't mind being called overprotective. I wanted to see if I could get a good idea of Tomi's appearance by taking Ikina and switching around her features and BT in the appearance modifier (I did NOT actually do this to her!). I think this is a pretty good rendering of what a 8-10 year old Tomi might look like.
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
In the name of complete boredom I decided to see how some of my characters would look with dark side corruption enabled. Most of them are Dark V. That is overall NOT because of the decisions they make but because you have to choose one side of the toggle or the other, and if you're doing content outside the story it slides to the extreme eventually. When I had to keep Shasi in neutral territory for the Darth Occlus title it took conscious effort on my part. I do have some that are Light V, but for the most part I choose the DS toggle with them. The clothes you can buy from the LS/DS vendor are better, like the Dark Disciple robe. Anyway the DS corruption in the game is creepy as fuck and I don't understand what they were doing with the mouth. I suppose for Halloween you could have them run around like this and pretend they are all coplaying vampires and zombies, but otherwise yeeeaaaaah not so much.
Viri. Yeah, no. SO no.
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Lucinda. She looks...kind of like I caught her in the middle of a vampire cosplay. Maybe that's her thing. I don't know. Definitely not what I think of for Dr. Lucinda, though.
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Ror. Not the best look for her.
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Jenari. Sure, she's the Barsen'thor, why?
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Auyrini actually looks mostly all right. I think the tattoos cover most of it.
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Keilla. Holy shit what. I don't know how this possibly looks so much worse on her than any of the others, but...
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
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I made an Ikina clone who is a Sith Inquisitor Sorc. Ikina in headcanon is not even Force sensitive and has no part whatsoever in ANY of the eight class stories, so this is way off for her - but this way she can eventually run around with her wife, Ashara. And the basic robes you get on Korriban look damn good on her and dye really well.
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
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I recreated Ikina as a Sith Inquisitor (for game purposes only!) so she could run around with Ashara. I finally finished Taris and here they are together, as happy as can be.
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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I feel like I named Ikina’s nexu years ago but if I can’t remember it it obviously didn’t stick.  So new headcanon is that Ikina and Ashara’s young daughter, Tomi, named the Nexu. And because they’d promised her that they would use her name, the scary big cat with razor sharp teeth and fangs is now called Smiley. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
Updated OC Sheet
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Viridana Revarre Dragoi Darth Viridana; Viri Canon Sith Warrior; Commander of the Eternal Alliance Sith Juggernaut; Empire’s Wrath, Sith Empire; Commander and Galactic Peacekeeper, Eternal Alliance; Ceremonial Empress, Zakuul Weapon: Single lightsaber; Force adept; precognitive  Age: 40 as of 3629 BBY Height: 6'2" Sexuality: Bisexual (very heavily sapphic); demisexual Partner: Lana Beniko (Force bonded; wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries Viri has her own page because it's all about her here.
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Suvia Kallig Canon Sith Inquisitor Darth Nox Sith Assassin; Dark Council member; Force Lore Advisor, Eternal Alliance Weapon: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 34 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'1" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Jaesa Willsaam Western Zodiac would be: Leo During the Eternal Empire's assault on Darth Marr's coalition, Darth Nox was captured and thrown into carbonite. She was found and thawed seven years later by Viri and her Alliance. She now works for the Eternal Alliance as the Director of Force Lore and Artifacts.
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Taran Walrez Canon bounty hunter Great Hunter (unaffiliated; refused to join Mandalorians) Weapons: Blasters; grenades; poison Age: 44 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'11" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Lucinda Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries After her work with Darth Tormen, Taran continued working as a bounty hunter, renown for her talent and skill. While mentoring a contestant in the Great Hunt, she and her wife, Lucinda, rescued Lana Beniko and HK-55 from an untimely demise on Altair 3. After repairing Lana's hand, they directed her to the shadow port of Asylum. Taran has continued to be a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance. She recently retired from hunting and now lives on Odessen with her wife, who is a surgeon in the Alliance hospital.
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Jiani Jiaasjen (Jia) Darth Imperius Sith Assassin; Security team, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Darth Hexid Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio Jia was working as a lightsaber trainer on Korriban when the Eternal Empire attacked. She and Darth Hexid helped each other survive the assault. She went on to join the Eternal Alliance, where she and Hexid work as saber and combat instructors. Jia's entire large family was wiped out by the Eternal Empire, which has led to her having a deep hatred for Zakuul. She is an excellent teacher and also is very persuasive when negotiating. 
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Jenari Ashaa Canon Jedi Consular Former Barsen'thor; ex-Jedi; member of the Eternal Alliance; First Assistant, Department of Force Lore and Artifacts Weapon: Polesaber; healing; Force adept Age: 37 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Nadia Grell Western Zodiac would be: Aquarius Jenari left the Jedi Order after the class story. She eventually ended up in Somminick Timmns' sanctuary for Force users on  Nar Shaddaa and then in the Eternal Alliance, where she works with Force artifacts and lore. Jenari’s parents gave her a name that meant “Sith Victory” in Sith because they were very upset about having to turn her over to the Jedi. After that, they left Republic space. When their second daughter was found to be Force sensitive, they ensured that she ended up Sith. 
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Ikina Marks-Zavros Expert slicer Weapon: Sniper rifle Height: 5'9" Age: 35 as of 3629 BBY Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Ashara Zavros Daughter: Tomi Western Zodiac would be: Virgo Ikina is not in the class stories. She left her home planet when the Eternal Empire attacked, eventually finding sanctuary on Nar Shaddaa. Her talents as a slicer and information broker brought her to the attention of Ashara Zavros, who hired her to help search for the missing Darth Nox. Though their search was unsuccessful, Ikina and Ashara fell in love and married. They settled on Voss, where they run a tea house in the alien enclave of Voss-Ka.
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Keilla Canon Trooper Former CO of Havoc Squad; Director, Tion Security Force Weapon: Sniper rifle; grenades Height: 6'0" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Aries After the class story, Keilla left Havoc Squad and defected to the Tion Hegemony. She never returns to fight for the Republic, Empire or Alliance.
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Rorjhana Canon Jedi Knight Hero of Tython; ex-Jedi Knight; member of the Eternal Alliance Weapon: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'8" Sexuality: Lesbian Western Zodiac would be: Leo Ror disappeared into Wild Space after helping evacuate Makeb and only surfaced years later, when Somminick Timmns recruited her into his Force enclave. She is a member of the Eternal Alliance with no plans to leave. 
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Amedria Bjornus Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Blaster; shotgun; grenades Age: 42 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'9" Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius Amedria is a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance's underworld network.
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Marlena Canon smuggler Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Blasters; grenades Age: 41 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'6" Sexuality: Pansexual Partner: Risha Drayen Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio Marlena is a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance's underworld network.
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Shatsokun Ashaa (Shasi) Sith Inquisitor, Darth Occulus, member, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Polesaber Age: 33 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10″ Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Virgo Shasi is the younger sister of Jenari Ashaa. After Jenari’s parents were forced to give her to the Jedi, they were upset enough to leave Republic space. They settled on Nar Shaddaa, and when Shasi was born, they gave her a Sith name that meant “Passion Victory” (they didn’t speak Sith!). When she was found to be Force sensitive they ensured she went to Sith training and not the Jedi. Shasi did not meet her sister until she joined the Eternal Alliance after Nathema. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
For the reblog and tag with your oc names: Ikina!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)Ikina is one of my OCs who exists outside canon class stories. She’s an IA sniper in the game. Outside of the game, in head canon and Viri’s world, she is an expert slicer and data broker much like Mako, and never had any interaction with the class stories. She has a daughter, Tomi, who is 6 years old as of 3629 BBY. She and her wife, Ashara, run a teahouse in Voss-Ka. 
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Full Name: Ikina Marks-Zavros Gender and Sexuality: Female; pansexual Pronouns: She/her Ethnicity/Species: Mirialan Birthplace and Birthdate: Mirial, 3664 BBY (35 as of Onslaught) Guilty Pleasures: Chocolate; long bubble baths; hours surfing the HoloNet for complete nonsense. Phobias: Anything happening to her daughter; large bodies of water; bombing sounds What They Would Be Famous For: Slicing the Imperial Citadel and the Galactic Senate’s databases. Shhhh, they don’t know she did it. What They Would Get Arrested For: The above. OC You Ship Them With: None. She is married to Ashara Zavros. OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Suvia (Darth Nox) - Ashara’s ex. She wouldn’t, but she isn’t fond of Ikina at all.  Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Horror! The scarier the better. Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Everyone being saved by the dashing (male) hero. Talents and/or Powers: Expert sniper; extremely gifted slicer.  Why Someone Might Love Them: Ikina is extremely sweet natured, quiet and kind. She tries to see the best in everyone and wants nothing more than to nurture those around her. One of the reasons she runs a tea house is because tea is comforting. Why Someone Might Hate Them: Any of the above. When Ikina is working, there’s almost no computer she cannot slice, so if you’re on the receiving end of that treatment, your data is hers. How They Change: Ikina is forced to leave her home when she is pregnant because of an attack from the Eternal Empire. It causes her to develop a very hard outer shell and learn to defend herself. That shell only cracks when she is hired by Ashara Zavros to search for the missing Darth Nox. When it’s clear that they will not be able to find Nox, Ikina helps Ashara learn to grieve and falls in love with her. They settle on Voss, a place Ikina never could have imagined that she would love after life in the big city. After Vaylin’s assault on Voss, where Ashara joins the fighting and is injured, Ikina becomes even more defensive and protective of her wife and daughter. Why You Love Them: Ikina’s a sweetie. She’ll get you a cookie and a cup of tea and honestly cares.
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